HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2004-060 RESOLUTION NO. 2004-060 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES FOR CITY SERVICES WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero has conducted an extensive and exhaustive analysis of its services, the costs reasonable borne of providing those services, the beneficiaries of those services, and the revenues produced by those paying fees and charges for special services; and WHEREAS,the City wishes to comply with both the letter and the spirit of Article XII1B of the California Constitution and limit the growth of taxes; and WHEREAS, the City desires to establish a policy of recovering the full costs reasonably borne of providing special services of a voluntary and limited nature, such that general taxes are not diverted from general services of a broad nature and thereby utilized to subsidize unfairly and inequitably such special services; and WHEREAS, heretofore the City Council has adopted an Ordinance establishing its policy as to the recovery of costs and more particularly the percentage of costs reasonably borne to be recovered from users of City services and directing staff as to the Methodology for implementing said Ordinance; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 54994.1 the specific fees to be charged for services must be adopted by the City Council by Resolution, after providing notice and holding a public hearing; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing has been provided per California Government Code Section 6062(a), oral and written presentations made and received, and the required public hearing held; and WHEREAS, a schedule of fees and charges to be paid by those requesting such special services need be adopted so that the City might carry into effect its policies; and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the City Council to develop a revised schedule of fees and charges based on the City's budgeted and projected costs reasonably borne for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2004; and WHEREAS, pursuant to California Government Code Section 6062(a) a general explanation of the hereinafter contained schedule of fees and charges has been published as required; and WHEREAS, all requirements of California Government Code Section 54994.1 are hereby found to have been complied with; and WHEREAS, the City Council has previously adopted Resolution No. 2003-022 setting forth such fees, and wished to amend and restate that resolution in this one resolution to have all service fees contained in just one resolution,without rescinding said adoption. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2004-060 Page 2 of 3 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,by the City Council of the City of Atascadero SECTION 1. Fee Schedule Adoption. The following schedule of fees and charges are hereby directed to be computed by and applied by the various City departments, and to be collected by the City Administrative Services Department for the herein listed special services when provided by the City or its designated contractors. This resolution shall be interpreted as restating in their entirety Resolution No. 2003-022 such that only this resolution shall govern all service fees in the City of Atascadero. SECTION 2. Separate Fee for Each Process. All fees set forth by this resolution are for each identified process; additional fees shall be required for each additional process or service that is requested or required. Where fees are indicated on a per-unit of measurement basis the fee is for each identified unit or portion thereof within the indicated ranges of such units. A. Added Fees and Refunds. Where additional fees need to be charged and collected for completed staff work, or where a refund of excess deposited monies is due, and where such charge or refund is ten dollars ($10.00) or less, a charge or refund need not be made, pursuant to California Government Code Sections 29373.1 and 29375.1 and amendments thereto. B. Defining and Timing of Fee Schedule. Definitions regarding and the timing of the implementation of the hereinafter enumerated fee schedules shall be as stipulated in the Atascadero Municipal Code Chapter 3.32. SECTION 3. Listing of Fees. The following fees shall be charged and collected for the following enumerated services: See Exhibit A SECTION 4. Interpretations. This Resolution may be interpreted by the several City department heads in consultation with the City Manager and, should there be conflict between two fees then the lower in dollar amount of the two shall be applied. A. It is the intention of the City Council to review the fees and charges as determined and set out herein based on the City's next Annual Budget and all the City's costs reasonably borne as established at that time and, as and if warranted, to revise such fees and charges based thereon. SECTION 5. Constitutionality. If any portion of this Resolution is declared invalid or unconstitutional then it is the intention of the City Council to have passed the entire Resolution and all its component parts, and all other sections of this Resolution shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. Repealer. All resolutions and other actions of the City Council in conflict with the contents of this Resolution are hereby repealed. SECTION 7. Effective Date, This Resolution shall go into full force and effect immediately, but shall be subject to the terms and conditions of Atascadero Municipal Code Chapter 3.32. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2004-060 Page 3 of 3 On motion by Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Council Member Clay, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Clay, O'Malley, Pacas and Mayor Luna NOES: Council Member Scalise ABSENT: None ADOPTED: June 22, 2004 CIT F ATASC ERO By: r. Ge ge Luna,Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clere) APPROVED AS TO FORM: Roy A.Hanley, City Attorney Thomas R. Gibson , Interim City Attorney (as of July 1 , 2004) Draft Resolution EXHIBIT A Listing of Fees Ref# Fee Name Proposed Fee 4-001 ADMIN CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW $385 per application 4-002 MINOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW $775 per application 4-003 MAJOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REVIEW $1,480 per application 4-004 VARIANCE APPLICATION $720 per application 4-005 ADJUSTMENT $335 per application 4-.006 DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT $3,600 per application plus any legal expenses. 4-007 SPECIFIC PLAN $4,635 per application 4-008 GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT $2,960 per application 4-009 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONE CHANGE $1,480 per application 4-010 REZONING(MAP OR TEXT) $2,930 per application $4,430-Rezoning with a General Plan Amendment 4-011 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP $1,600 per application 4-012 TENTATIVE TRACT MAP $2,010 per map plus$13 per lot over 15 lots 4-013 CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION TENT.MAP $2,060 per map plus$13 per unit over 15 units 4-014 PRECISE PLAN $880 per application 4-015 RECONSIDERATION REVIEW(MAP/CUP) $500 per application 4-016 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT REVIEW 10%of contract consultant amount for City staff review 4-017 ANNEXATION $3,100 per application plus$3 per acre, 4-063 STREET/R-O-W ABANDONMENT PROC. $1,770 per application 4-018 LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT REVIEW $710 per application 4-019 LOT MERGER $500 per application 4-020 REVERSION TO ACREAGE $1,025 per application 4-021 AG.PRESERVE CANCELLATION $1,150 per application 4-022 SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE FINDING $390 per application 4-023 MINOR SIGN REVIEW $100 per application 4-024 TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY REVIEW $730 per application 4-025 ADMIN.TIME EXTENSION REVIEW $170 per application 4-026 PLAN.COMM.TIME EXTENSION REVIEW $300 per application 4-027 CONTINUANCE $185 per application 4-028 APPEAL TO PLANNING COMMISSION $460 per application 4-029 APPEAL TO CITY COUNCIL $460 per application 4-030 NATIVE TREE REMOVAL PERMIT No charge Dead/Diseased Tree -$200 per permit 2"-23"DBH $530 per permit- 24"DBH or greater 4-031 TREE PROTECTION PLAN/INSPECTION FOR $270 per application plus$20 per tree BUILDING PERMIT after the first 10 trees. (Fee includes one inspection and one re-inspection) 4-032 RE-INSPECT TREE PROTECTION $67 per inspection(Fee imposed on the third and any subsequent inspections) 4-033 ANNUAL UTILITY TREE PERMIT $880 per application A-1 Draft Resolution EXHIBIT A Listing of Fees Ref# Fee Name Proposed Fee 4-034 WOODLOT MANAGEMENT PLAN $540 per application 4-035 STREET NAME/RENAME PROC W/O MAP $500 per application 4-036 BUILDING ADDRESS PROC.W/O MAP $130 per application 4-037 BUILDING RE-ADDRESS PROCESSING $180 per application 4-038 REAL ESTATE LETTER $67 per letter 4-039 CONSTRUCTION OPERATION AFTER-HOURS $240 per application 4-047 FEE ESTIMATE CALCULATION Residential/Rough Commercial-$29 per application Full Commercial-$230 per application 4-068 GENERAL PLAN MAINTENANCE An additional 5%of all building permit fees,which include new buildings and additions. 4-117 CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY $320 per application 4-126 PLANNING REVIEW/APPROVAL $148 per application 4-040 BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE 65%of Building Permit Fee for all permits with the exception of the permits listed below: Minimum plan check fee on all issued permits requiring plan check-$74.00 Permits exempt from Plan Check Fees:-$0.00 Temporary Power Pole Temporary Job Trailer Demolition Electrical Upgrades<400 AMPS Gas Line Installations Water Line Installations Septic Tank Replacements("Only") FAU not exceeding 100,000 BTUs Wall Heaters Mobile home Continuity/Attachments Other'Over the Counter Permits'not requiring plan check as determined by Building Official Permits requiring Accessibility review OR Energy Efficiency review-75%of Building Permit Fee Permits requiring Accessibility review AND Energy Efficiency review-85%of Building Permit Fee Permits requiring outside plan check - 1.3 times the cost of an outside consultant Stock Plans-50%-100%of the calculated standard plan check fee. Actual%charged determined by Building Official based on estimated time savings. A-2 Draft Resolution EXHIBIT A Listing of Fees Ref# Fee Name Proposed Fee 4-041 BUILDING PERMIT FEE ICBO Uniform Building Code Tables with the exception of the permits listed below: Minimum permit fee on all issued permits-$86.00 ($23.50 issuance fee+$62.50 inspection fee) Re-Roof with no structural modifications: $23.50 issuance fee(if applicable)+ 0-2,500 sq feet:$ 125.00 2,501 4,000 sq feet:$ 156.50 4,001 - 10,000 sq feet:$189.00 Swimming Pools: ICBO Uniform Building Code tables would apply to a valuation of$300.00 per linear foot based on length of pool. (System fees would be added to valuation fees) Mobile Home on Permanent Foundation: ICBO Uniform Building Code fees would apply to 10%of the mobilehome valuation of$40.00 per square foot.(System fees would be added to valuation fees) Mobile Home Continuity and Attachments; $200.00 flat fee Selected Miscellaneous Permit Items: $62.50+$23.50 issuance fee(if applicable) Temporary Power Pole Temporary Job Trailer Simple Demolition Electrical Upgrades<400 AMPS Gas Line Installations Water Line Installations Water Heater Repair&Replacement Septic Tank Replacements Wall Heaters F.A.U.not exceeding 100,000 BTUs Solar Above ground spas Window repair&.replacement Stucco/siding repair&replacement Other minor permits requiring as determined Moved Structure Fee(for current site):$470.00+$23.50 issuance fee Moved Structure Fee(for new site):ICBO Uniform Building Tables would apply to a valuation of$42.00 per sq ft+applicable system fees Electrical 400 AMPS and over:$125.00+23.50 issuance fee if applicable 4-127 SITE INVESTIGATION FEE $62.50 4-048 PLAN REVISION CHECKING $23.50 base fee+$74 per hour, 1 hour minimum or 1.3 times the actual cost of contract consultant 4-049a EXTRA PLAN CHECK $74 per hour of staff time,or 1.3 times the actual cost of contract consultant. $74.00 minimum(Fee to be assessed after initial plan check and one recheck) A-3 Draft Resolution EXHIBIT A Listing of Fees Ref# Fee Name Proposed Fee 4-049b EXTRA INSPECTION OR REINSPECTION $62.50 per extra inspection 4-050 RESTAMPING OF APPROVED PLANS Residential-$45 per plan Commercial-$115 per plan 4.051 LOST INSPECTION CARD $28 per card 4-052 APPEAL TO BOARD OF APPEALS $590 per appeal 4.128 DOCUMENT IMAGING FEE $1.50 per page 4-042a FIRE CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK Residential Plan Check: $93 for all Commercial PlanChecks: $355 for 0-5,000 sq ft $365 for 5,001 -50,000 sq ft $375 for 50,000+sq ft 4-042b FIRE CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION Residential Sprinkler Inspections: $135 for all Commercial Sprinkler Inspections: $ 575 for 0-5,000 sq ft $ 580 for 5,001 50,000 sq ft $1,100 for 50,000+sq ft 4-043a FIRE ALARM/ALARM MONITORING PLAN CHECK 1.3 times the actual cost of contract consultant 4-043b FIRE ALARM/ALARM MONITORING INSPECTION $270 per plan 4-129 EXTRA FIRE PLAN CHECK $93 per plan check(Fee to be assessed after initial plan check and one re-check) 4-131 EXTRA FIRE INSPECTION CHARGE $135 per inspection(Fee to be assessed after initial inspection and one re-inspection) 4-044a NEW/MODIFIED FIRE HOOD/DUCT PLAN CHECK - $190 per plan AND INSPECTION 4-045 ON-SITE HYDRANT SYSTEM PLAN CHECK/ $240 per system INSPECTION 4-132 FIRE CODE POSITION LETTER $67 per letter 4-046 FIRE FLOW TEST $95 per test 4-130 OTHER FIRE DEPARTMENT REVIEW/APPROVAL Fully allocated hourly rate of all staff time involved. 4-053 PUBLIC WORKS PLAN CHECK Less than 50 Cubic Yard Permit: $175 Single Family Residence/Accessory: $195 Commercial: $230 plus$55 per each 5,000 sq ft after the first 5,000 sq ft Subdivision: $285 plus$27 per lot after the first 5 lots Multi-family:$755 plus$14 per unit 4-054 PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION Single Family Residence: ,$125 Commercial: $125 plus$60 per each 5,000 sq Rafter the first 5,000 sq ft Subdivision: $125 plus$30 per lot Multi Family: $125 plus$15 per unit 4-133 SEPTIC SYSTEM PLAN CHECK $140.00 4-134 SEPTIC SYSTEM INSPECTION $65.00 A-4 Draft Resolution `EXHIBIT A Listing of Fees Ref# Fee Name Proposed Fee 4-055 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT PLAN CHECK/INSPECTION $0-$50,000-5%of the Engineer's Estimate ($300 minimum) $50,001 -$100,000 $2,500 plus 4%of the Engineer's Estimate over$50,000 $100,000+-$4,500-plus 3% of the Engineer's Estimate over$100,000 4-056 OBJECT ENCROACHMENT PERMIT $90 per permit 4-057 MINOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT $130-Driveway Approach only 4-058 UTILITY ENCROACHMENT PERMIT $225-Water Patch $350-0-10'`Trench $450- 10'-50'Trench $550-50-100`Trench $710 100'+Trench 4-135 EXTRA PUBLIC WORKS PLAN CHECK $70 per hour of staff time. $70.00 minimum(Fee to be assessed after initial plan check and one recheck) 4-136 EXTRA PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTION OR $65.00 per extra inspection(Assessed on 3rd site visit REINSPECTION and every visit thereafter) 4-059 FINAL PARCEL MAP CHECK $610 per map plus$75 plus$5 per lot GIS fee plus any recording fees 4-060 FINAL TRACT MAP CHECK $865 per map+$75 GIS Fee+$ 11 per lot over 5 lots map fee+$5 per lot GIS Fee+any recording fees 4-061 CONDOMINIUM CONVERSION FINAL MAP $865 per map plus$11 per unit after the first 5 units 4-062 FINAL MAP AMENDMENT $1,600 per application 4-064 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE $435 per application 4-065 FLOOD PLAIN LETTER $57 per letter 4-137 PRE-SUBMITTAL FEE Fully allocated hourly rate of all staff time involved. (Includes staff time for all departments) 4-066 WIDE/OVERWEIGHT/OVERLONG LOAD REV. $16-Daily Permit $85-Annual Permit Fees are set by the State 4-109 SEWER TAP $175 per lateral 4-145 SEWER PROCESSING FEE $23.50 per sewer connection permit 4-110 EMERGENCY SEWAGE SPILL RESPONSE Charge the fully allocated hourly rates for all personnel involved,plus any outside or material costs. 4-070 NOISE DISTURBANCE RESPONSE CALL-BACK Full Costs of all responding personnel 4-071 POLICE FALSE ALARM RESPONSE 1 st three responses within a calendar year-No Charge Each subsequent false alarm within a calendar year- $105 per response 4-072 DUI ACCIDENT RESPONSE INVESTIGATION Charge the fully allocated hourly rate for all emergency personnel responding,not to exceed$1,000 per incident by State Law. 4-073 VEHICLE EQUIPMENT CORRECTION INSP. $20 per inspection A-5 Draft Resolution EXHIBIT A Listing of Fees Ref# Fee Name Proposed Fee 4-074 VIN VERIFICATION $20 per request 4-075 IMPOUNDED VEHICLE RELEASE $60 per vehicle 4-076 REPOSSESSED VEHICLE RELEASE $15 per vehicle This fee is set by State Law 4-077 SPECIAL BUSINESS.DOJ CHECK $75 per application plus any DOJ fees 4-078 RECORDS CHECK/CLEARANCE LETTER $1,8 per letter 4-079 FINGERPRINT PROCESSING $15 per person-community group coaches or leaders $30 per person-all others 4-080 POLICE REPORT COPY i st page-$0.50 each additional page-$0.10 4-081 POLICE PHOTO REPRODUCTION $31 plus the reproduction cost 4-082 VIDEO/AUDIO TAPE REPRODUCTION $54-Audio Tape $80-Video Tape 4-083 CIVIL SUBPOENA OF RECORDS $15 plus reproduction costs $150 per day deposit plus travel costs 4-084 DUCES TECUM SUBPOENA $15 per request plus reproduction costs Fees are set by State Law. 4-085 POLICE SPECIAL SERVICES Full costs of all personnel required,plus any actual material or equipment expenses required for the event. 4-069& CODE ENFORCEMENT Recover the full costs related to the enforcement of the 4-097 City's codes at a particular parcel if the parcel is not brought into compliance and court action is necessary. 4-086 TENT/CIRCUS PERMIT $135 per day 4-087 EVENT PERMIT $400 per permit plus$135 for each day after the first day. 4-088 CONFINED SPACE RESCUE Charge to fully allocated hourly rate for all personnel used. 4-089 UNDERGROUND TANK REMOVAL $65 per tank- 1 st inspection $45 per tank-each subsequent inspection 4-090 FIRE CODE PERMITS $55 per permit 4-091 ANNUAL ENGINE COMPANY INSPECTION 1 st 2 inspections-no charge 3rd and subsequent inspections- $135 per inspection 4-092 FIRE FALSE ALARM RESPONSE 1 st 3 responses in a calendar year-No Charge each subsequent response in a calendar year-$125 4-093 WEED ABATEMENT PROGRAM Actual costs plus 150%if lot must be cleared by the City 4-094 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RESPONSE Charge to fully allocated hourly rate for all personnel used. 4-095 NEGLIGENT FIRE SUPPRESSION Charge the fully allocated hourly rates for all personnel used. 4-096 FIRE/ARSON INVESTIGATION Charge the fully allocated hourly rates for all personnel used. A-6 DraftResolution EXHIBIT A Listing of Fees Ref# Fee Name Proposed Fee 4-098 FIRE INCIDENT REPORT COPY 1 st page-$0.50 each additional page $0.10 4-099 ADULTSPORTSAdult Softball and Basketball $430 per team+$5 per player+additional 10%if 8 or more nonresident players Adult Drop-in Volleyball-$2 per person 4.100 YOUTH SPORTS Summer Volleyball $25 per participant($5 discount for each additional family member) Spring&Fall Volleyball-$40 per participant($5 discount for each additional family member) Youth Basketball-$65 per participant T-Ball-$50 per participant 4-101 AQUATICS PROGRAMS Wading Pool: $1.00 Zoo Swim Day: $3.00 for residents $3.30 for nonresidents Water Totters $10.00 per resident R1 1.00 ner nonresident Rec Swim: $5.00 Lap Swim: $3.00 Night Swim: $3.00_ County Swim Program:,The County receives 70%of the fee and the City receives the remaining 30% 4-102 YOUTH&TEEN SERVICES REC After School Program-Grant Revenues from the County REC Summer Program: $75 per week for residents $90 per week for nonresidents $5 discount given per additional family member Skate Park Admission:no charge(sponsor funded) 4-103 CONTRACT RECREATION CLASSES The instructor receives 70%of the class fee and the City receives the remaining 30%. 4-104 CITY SPECIAL EVENTS Flea Market: $20.00 per space for residents $30.00 per space for nonresidents Cruise Night: $10.00 per car Also receive sponsorships Craft Faire: $60.00 per inside space for residents $70.00 per inside space for nonresidents $50.00 per outside space for residents $60.00 per outside space for nonresidents Outside Party Special Events: Fully allocated cost of required personnel 4-105 TRIPS AND TOURS Charge the direct cost of the trip A-7 Draft Resolution EXHIBIT A Listing of Fees Ref# Fee Name Proposed Fee 4-106 PAVILION RENTAL Non-refundable Deposit: All bookings require a 50% non-refundable deposit. Cancellations will forfeit the deposit Security Deposit: All special events require a$250 security deposit Rotary Room: Weekdays: $35.00 per hour for residents $40.00 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $30.00 per hour for non-profits Evenings and Sundays: $50.00 per hour for residents $60.00 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $30.00 Der hour for non-profits Gronstrand Room: Weekdays: $30.00 per hour for residents $35.00 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $25.00 Der hour for non-profits Evenings and Sundays: $40.00 per hour for residents $45.00 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $25.00 Der hour for non-profits Community Room: Weekdays: $25.00 per hour for residents $25.00 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $25.00 Der hour for non-profits Evenings and Sundays: $30.00 per hour for residents, $30.00 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $25.00 Der hour for non-Drofits Kitchen: Weekdays: $40.00 per hour for residents $45.00 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $30.00 Der hour for non-profits Evenings and Sundays: $50.00 per hour for residents $55.00 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $30.00 Der hour for non-Drofits A-g Draft Resolution EXHIBIT A Listing of Fees Ref# Fee Name Proposed Fee 4-106 PAVILION RENTAL(continued) Great Room: Weekdays: $65.00 per hour for residents $75.00 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $55.00 Der hour for non-profits Evenings and Sundays: $ 90.00 per hour for residents $105.00 per hour for nonresidents/commercial $ 55.00 Der hour for non-Drofits Combined:(Includes Great Room,Community Room, Kitchen and Lobby,Saturday Only) $1,850 per day+$150 cleaning fee for residents $2,350 per day+$150 cleaning fee for nonresidents/commercial $55.00 per hour, 12 hour minimum+$150 cleaning fee for non-profits Lakeside Room: $25.00 per hour 4-138 CLEANING FEE $150.00 per special event 4-139 PAVILION EQUIPMENT RENTALS Gazebo Chairs:$1.50 per person+$35 set-up fee Stage: $50.00 per day Podium: $20.00 per day TVNCR: $30.00 Der day Overhead Projector:$25.00 per day Portable Projector Screens:$15.00 Electric Projector Screens:$25.00 Ficus Trees: $20.00 each Lattice Screen: $25.00 without lights $50.00 with lights 4-140 GAZEBO RENTALS $150.00 per day 4-141 RANGER HOUSE RENTALS $25.00 per hour A-9 Draft Resolution EXHIBIT A Listing of Fees Ref# Fee Name Proposed Fee 4-107a PARK FACILITY RENTALS Barbeque Areas: $40 per day for Paloma BBQ Areas $50 per day for Lake Park BBQ Areas Lake Park Bandstand: $50 for nonprofits $75 for all others Sunken Gardens: $100per day for non-profit $200 per day for all others Lake Park Special Event: $500 per day for non-profits $750 per day for others +Fully allocated hourly rate of all City personnel required (Non-refundable deposit of 50%required on all bookings) Stadium Park: $750 per day for non-profits for a> 150 person event $1,500 per day for all others for a>150 person event $ 200 per day for non-profits for a<= 150 person event $ 500 per day for all others for a<=150 person event +Fully allocated hourly rate of all City personnel required at the event and for clean up after the event 4-107b BALLFIELD FACILITY RENTAL Ballfield and Open Fields fees: in addition to in-kind contributions $20 per hour $10 per hour-lights Tournament Fees: in addition to in-kind contributions $15 per hour per field or $500 per day for two fields+BBQ Area $750 for two days for two fields+BBQ Area +Fully allocated hourly cost of all City personnel required(including any required staff cleaning time after the event) (Non-refundable deposit of 50%required on all bookings) 4-107c SKATE PARK RENTALS $100.00 for three hour event 4-108 ZOO SERVICES Admissions: $5 General(13 and up) $4.25 Senior(65 and up) $4 Child(3-12) Stroller Rental: $2 per day-basic $3 per day-theme A-10 Draft Resolution EXHIBIT A Listing of Fees Ref# Fee Name Proposed Fee 4-108 ZOO SERVICES(continued) Educational Programs: Tours:$1 per person,plus admission T.E.A.for$2: $2 School Presentations,Camps,Special Programs: fees set by the Zoo Director(with Society input)based on market conditions and estimated variable costs of the program. Tiger Garden Rental: $200 per event $100 cleaning deposit Zoo Asset Sales: fees set by the Zoo Director,based on market conditions. Zoo Concessions,Vending&Gifts: fees set by the Zoo Director,based on market conditions and cost of items being resold. Zoo Society also contributes revenue to the zoo 4-116 NEW BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION $135-A Occupancy,H Occupancy,Hood, REV/ENFORCEMENT Sprinkler $100 All Other Occupancies $ 35-Out of Town Business or Contractor $ 50-Home Occupation 4-118 BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL $7.50 per renewal 4-119 SOLICITOR PERMIT $24 per permit plus$2 per card 4-115 DAMAGE TO CITY PROPERTY REPAIR Charge the fully allocated hourly rate for all required personnel plus any material costs. 4-120 RETURNED CHECK PROCESSING $20 per NSF check 4-121 TAPE COPY SERVICE $20 per request plus$2 per tape 4-122 DOCUMENT CERTIFICATION $16 per document 4-123 CANDIDATE/INITIATIVE FILING $25 per application Fee is set by State Law 4-124 RECORDS RESEARCH SERVICE Charge the fully allocated hourly rate for all required personnel. 4-125 DOCUMENT REPRODUCTION Black&White: $0.50 1 st page $0.10-each additional page Color Copies: $1.00 per page Contract reproduction of documents:$32.00 base fee+ actual cost of copies 4-142 GENERATION OF MAILING LABELS 0-50 Labels: $100 51-100 Labels: $150 101-150 Labels: $200 151+Labels: $250 4-143 MAILING OF NOTICES 0-50 Labels: $75 51-100 Labels: $125 101-150 Labels: $175 151+Labels: $175+$1 per item 4-144 MAP FOLDING FEE $32.00 4-067 BLUEPRINT/MAP REPRODUCTION $14.50 per sheet A-11