HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2003-045 RESOLUTION NO. 2003-045 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SP 2003-0001 FOR THE SP-1 ZONING DISTRICT OF APN 045-311-001, 045-401-0159 045-401-0169 045-411-0019 045-412-001 (Woodlands Specific Plan, Halcon Road/R.W. Hertel & Sons, Inc) WHEREAS, an application has been received from R.W. Hertel & Sons, Inc. (5200 Telegraph Road, Ventura, CA, 93003) Applicant and Gordon Davis Land Co. (7405 Bella Vista, Atascadero, CA 93422) Property Owner to consider a project consisting of a zone change from RS (Residential Suburban) to SP-1 (Specific Plan#1) on a 220-acre site located at Halcon Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 (APN 045-311-001, 045-401-015, 045-401-016, 045-411-001, 045-412- 001); and WHEREAS, the site's General Plan Designation is (SFR-X) Single-Family Residential- X, (SFR-Y) Single-Family Residential-Y, (HDR) High Density Residential, (GC) General Commercial, (OS)Open Space; and, WHEREAS, the site's current zoning district is RS (Residential Suburban); and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended that a site be rezoned to include a SP-1 zoning district which requires the adoption of the Woodlands Specific Plan document and appendix; and, WHEREAS, the laws and regulations relating to the preparation and public notice of environmental documents, as set forth in the State and local guidelines for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)have been adhered to; and, WHEREAS, a timely and properly noticed Public Hearing upon the subject Zone Change application was held by the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero at which hearing evidence, oral and documentary, was admitted on behalf of said Woodlands Specific Plan;and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Atascadero, at a duly noticed Public Hearing held on Tuesday, August 19, 2003, studied and considered the Specific Plan documentation, after first studying and considering the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project, and WHEREAS, the Atascadero City Council, at a Public Hearing held on September 23, 2003, studied and considered the Specific Plan documentation, after first studying and considering the Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project, and City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 2 of 34 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: SECTION 1. Findings for Recommendation of Approval of Master Plan of Development. The City Council finds as follows: 1. The proposed project or use is consistent with the General Plan; and, 2. The proposed project or use satisfies all applicable provisions of the Title (Zoning Ordinance)including the SP-1 Ordinance; and, 3. The establishment, and subsequent operation or conduct of the use will not, because of the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the general public or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or injurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the use; and, 4. The proposed project or use will not be inconsistent with the character or the immediate neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development; and, 5. The Specific Plan development standards or processing requirements is warranted to promote orderly and harmonious development; and 6. That the proposed use or project will not generate a volume of traffic beyond the safe capacity of all roads providing access to the project, either existing or to be improved in conjunction with the project, or beyond the normal traffic volume of the surrounding neighborhood that would result from full development in accordance with the Land Use Element; and 7. The Specific Plan standards or processing requirements will enhance the opportunity to best utilize special characteristics of an area and will have a beneficial effect on the area; and 8. Benefits derived from the Specific Plan #1 zone cannot be reasonably achieved through existing development standards or processing requirements; and 9. The proposed project offers certain redeeming features to compensate for the requested zone change; and 10. The proposed 135 multi-family units within the Specific Plan area will be of exceptional design quality. SECTION 2.Findings for Tree Removal. The City Council finds as follows: 1. The tree is dead, diseased or injured beyond reclamation, as certified by a tree condition report from an Arborist; 2. The tree is obstructing proposed improvements that cannot be reasonably designed to avoid the need for tree removal, as certified by a report from the Site Planner and determined by the Community Development Department based on the following factors: City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 3 of 34 • Early consultation with the City; • Consideration of practical design alternatives; • Provision of cost comparisons (from applicant) for practical design alternatives; • If saving tree eliminates all reasonable uses of the property; or • If saving the tree requires the removal of more desirable trees. SECTION 3. Approval. The Atascadero City Council, in a regular session assembled on September 23, 2003, resolved to approve the Woodlands Specific Plan SP-1 and tree removals subject to the following: EXHIBIT A: Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring EXHIBIT B: Woodlands Specific Plan, June 30, 2003 EXHIBIT C: Statistical Summary EXHIBIT D: Conceptual Amenities Site Plan EXHIBIT E: Conceptual Architectural Elevations EXHIBIT F: Affordable Housing Plan On motion by Council Member Luna, and seconded by Council Member O'Malley, the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Luna, O'Malley, Pacas, Scalise and Mayor Clay NOES: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: September 23, 2003 CITY OF ATASCA) RO By: erry L lay, Sr., Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C., Cyty Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: I�— .32 7 t0A Roy A.I ley, City Attorne City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 4 of 34 EXHIBIT A:Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program SP-1 The Woodlands Specific Plan(ZCH 2003-0062,ZCH 2003-0041) Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL Business Wense BS:Building Services The Woodlands Specific Plan GP:Grading Permit FD:Fire Depadrnent BP:Building Permit PD:PDke Depadment SP-1 Specific Plan FI:Final Inspection CE:City Engineer T0:Temporary 0oaupancy WW:Wastewater ZCH 2003-00622CH 2003-0041 /SP 2003-0001 FO:Final Occupancy CnCiyaaomey Planning Services 1. The approval of this zone change shall become final and On-going PS effective following City Council approval. 2. Precise design standards and guidelines for the On-going PS development of land are contained within the Woodlands Specific Plan and supersede the City's existing zoning code, public works standards,and other regulations. Where this plan is silent,city codes effective upon the date of adoption of the Specific Plan shall apply. 3. Approval of this Specific Plan shall be valid concurrently with On-going PS the life of Tentative Tract Map 2003-0027 and then indefinitely following final map. The Specific Plan approval shall expire and become null and void unless a final map is recorded consistent with the Specific Plan,dated 6/30/03 and Appendix(Exhibits A-F),as conditioned. 4. Any subsequent condition of approval amending the Specific Plan or Appendix shall be incorporated into the final Specific Plan document. 5. The Woodlands Specific Plan#1 and Appendix documents On-going PS (Exhibits A—F)shall be adopted by resolution. Changes to the Specific Plan shall be approved by the City Council without requiring second readings and codification of the Specific Plan Document. 6. The Community Development Department shall have the On-going PS,CE authority to approve the following minor changes to the project the(1)modify the site plan project by less than 10%, (2)result in a superior site design or appearance,and/or(3) address a construction design issue that is not substantive to the Specific Plan. The Planning Commission shall have the final authority to approve any other changes to the Specific Plan and any associated Tentative Maps. 7. All subsequent Tentative Tract Map and construction GP,BP PS,CE permits shall be consistent with the Specific Plan contained herein. 8. The proposal to construct a non-potable water line that PS,CE would replace the potable water currently being used for irrigation at Paloma Creek Park and for irrigation on the project site shall be deleted from the Specific Plan and maps. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 5 of 34 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business License BS:Building Servbes The Woodlands Specific Plan GR Grading Pemdt FD:Re Department BP:Building Permit PD:Polbe Deperdnent SP-1 Specific Plan Fl:Finallnspectbn CE:CilyEngineer TO:Temporary Occupancy M wastewaler ZCH 2003-0062/ZCH 2003.0041 /SP 2003-0001 FO:FinalOccupanry CA CityAttomey 9. The SFR-1, SFR-2, and SFR-3 street-facing residential BP PS elevations shall be designed and constructed with the following architectural elements and materials appropriate to the selected architectural design: ■ Usable front yard porches, porticos, or courtyards (minimum 6-foot depth); ■ High quality architectural grade wood style or similar sectional garage doors; ■ Window shutters and/or decorative window trim; ■ Variety of siding (i.e. masonry, hand-toweled stucco, wood); ■ Masonry building base, chimney, column materials (i.e. stone, brick, pre-cast concrete trim or banding). This treatment shall return along side elevations to a logical terminus point such as a side yard fence, chimney or doorway; ■ Variety of roofing materials (i.e. flat, curved, S-style, barrel tile,shingles); • Decorative vents; ■ Decorative iron treatment(Mediterranean only); ■ Ornamental lighting; ■ Minimum of two body colors per house with a third accent color;and ■ Any painted garage door colors shall match the body color. 10. The architectural styles in the residential areas of the plan BP PS shall have a minimum of 3(three) different elevations each, including: Rural Traditional, Monterey and California Ranch,as is consistent with the Specific Plan. 11. The applicant shall work with staff on selection of BP PS building colors and roofing materials that provide a variety of earth-tone color and texture with accent colors that blend with the natural oak woodlands surroundings and provide a high quality residential neighborhood appearance, consistent with the intent of the Specific Plan development standards for the SFR-1, SFR-2, SFR- 3, and Multi-family residences, selections subject to staff approval. 12. The developer shall install SFR-1 and SFR-2 front yard BP PS landscaping and landscaping of all slopes exceeding five 5 feet in height, prior to occupancy of the units. 13. The pad grading; slope re-vegetation; collector street SP PS frontage, parkway planter and median landscaping; sewer and storm drain system; and construction of at least 36 of the most westerly units in the MFR shall be in the first phase of development. The remaining units may be completed in as many as three additional phases, in locations to be determined by the developer. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 6 of 34 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business License BS:Building Services The Wood/ands Specific Plan BGR P:Gra a PFD:Fire laient r iDe Der SP-1 Specific Plan Fl:Final lrrspectbn ci=_:city Engineer TO:TempM Occupancy WW:Wastewater ZCH 2003-00622CH 2003-0041 /SP 2003-0001 FO:Fmal Ompancy ca cily Wlomey 14.SFR-3 second units are to be as follows: BP PS ■ One second unit per lot, subject to development standards contained within the Woodlands Specific Plan; ■ Lots with a second units shall contain a deed restriction requiring at least one of the units be owner occupied; ■ Second units and homes shall be sited within building envelopes identified on the project tract map. 15. SFR-3 lots 138 through 142 shall contain a 22-foot height BP PS restriction to minimize view intrusions within the ridgeline. 16. SFR-3 area shall include: • Common area landscaping, entry landscaping features,and fencing to be installed by the developer; • No main or individual lot entry gates;and • Up to two 15 gallon (or approved equivalent), double staked street trees shall be installed by each lot owner at the time of individual lot development,with type and locations subject to staff approval 17. Future development of the SC-1 site shall include: BP PS • Planning Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit and Master Plan of Development prior to building permits; • Compatible landscaping along Halcon Road and the railroad compatible with the existing pastoral oak woodlands surroundings; • Solid high-quality screening be applied to any storage yard;and • Architectural theme be compatible with the rural appearance of the surrounding properties and rail line. 18. Future development of the MFR site shall include: • Planning Commission approval of a Conditional Use Permit and Master Plan of Development prior to building permits; • Architectural style consistent with Conceptual Architectural Elevations, Exhibit E;and • Architectural elements consistent with those identified in Condition#9; • Tot lot to include different variations of commercial- grade swing set, slide, climbing apparatus or similar equipment; • Site Amenities Plan(Exhibit D);and • Density bonus approval. 19. All site development shall be consistent with the maximum BP PS,BS intensities described in the statistical project summary as shown on Exhibit C. 20. All site work, grading and site improvements shall be BP PS,BS,CE consistent with the Specific Plan and as shown in the site amenities plan(Exhibit D)and tentative tract map. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 7 of 34 Conditions of Approval/ Timing Responsibility Mitigation Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure PS:Planning Services BL:Business license BS:Building Services The Woodlands Specific Plan GP:Grading Pemwl FD:Fire Department BP:Building Pernik PD:P*e Depeitrnent SPA Specific Plan Fl:Final lnspe*n CE:City Engineer TO:Temporary Occupancy WW:Wastewater ZCH 2003-0062/ZCH 2003-0041 /SP 2003-0001 FO:Final Occupancy CA,City wtomey 21. The project shall comply with the City of Atascadero native BP PS,BS Tree Ordinance with payment into the native tree fund of $155,350 and replanting of up to 1,321 five-gallon size (or approved equivalent) native trees, or a combination of five- gallon (or approved equivalent) and larger size trees credited per the native tree ordinance. The fund payment and number of trees planted may vary but shall be compliant with the tree preservation ordinance. 22.A final landscape,irrigation plan,and native tree replacement BP PS,BS plan shall be approved as part of the subdivision tract site improvement plan consistent with the site amenities plan (Exhibit D). Typical landscape and irrigation plans shall be approved prior to building permits,including the following: • All exterior meters,air conditioning units and mechanical equipment shall be screened with landscape material. Trash/recycle container areas shall be screened with fencing or landscape. • All front yard areas (except SFR-3 area) within the project site shall be landscaped by the developer; ■ All on-site street frontages (except SFR-3 street), and common open space areas shall be landscaped by the developer; ■ Street, yard and ornamental (non-native) hillside trees shall be minimum 15-gallon size(or approved equivalent) and double staked. • Natural revegetated slope areas are calculated to be 5- gallon size(or approved equivalent) but may be an equivalent combination of 5 gallon(or approved equivalent) and larger container sizes and credited per the native tree ordinance. 23. Project fencing shall be installed consistent with the Specific GP PS Plan. Any new or replacement perimeter or site entry BP fencing shall be of rural post and wire or wood post and wood rail(unfinished or stained),subject to staff approval. 24. Retaining wall design & material shall match or compliment GP PS the texture and color of the existing or proposed landscape. BP 25. The project entrance shall be designed to accommodate a GP CE future intersection with Paloma Creek Park, and BP pedestrian/bicycle connection and creek crossing between the project site and Paloma Creek Park. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 8 of 34 26. Affordable residential units shall be reserved as deed BP PS,CE restricted affordable units for a 30-year period as identified in Specific Plan Appendix F. Affordable unit phasing schedule shall be approved by the City Council 27. Workforce Housing In the SFR-1,SFR-2 and MFR districts, Prior to recordation of final map,the applicant shall enter into a legal agreement with the City to reserve 1/2 of the units for sale to residents or workers within the City of Atascadero, including the affordable units. The agreement shall include the following provisions: ■ The units shall be offered for sale to residents or workers within the City of Atascadero for a minimum of 60-days. During this time period offers may only be accepted from Atascadero residents or workers; ■ The applicant shall provide reasonable proof to the City that at least one of the qualified buyers is a resident or worker within the City Limits of Atascadero; ■ The Atascadero resident or worker restriction shall apply to the initial sale only; ■ The applicant shall identify which units will be reserved; and The City Attorney shall approve the final form of the agreement. 28. Project Road Maintenance and Emergency Services PS,CE Funding: (Referenced from Mitigation Measure 14) The emergency services and road maintenance costs of the project shall be 100% funded by the project in perpetuity. The service and maintenance cost may be funded through a benefit assessment district or other mechanism established by the developer subject to City approval. The funding mechanism must be in place prior to or concurrently with acceptance of any final maps. The funding mechanism shall be approved by the City Attorney, City Engineer and Administrative Services Director prior to acceptance of any final map. The administration of the above mentioned funds and the coordination and performance of maintenance activities shall be by the City. a) All streets, sidewalks, streetlights, street signs, roads, emergency access roads, emergency access gates, and sewer mains within the project. b All Atascadero Police Department service costs to City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 9 of 34 the project. c) All Atascadero Fire Department service costs to the project. 29. Project Landscape Maintenance Requirement: (Referenced from Mitigation Measure 14) The following landscape maintenance items shall be 100% funded by the project in perpetuity. An engineer's report quantifying the maintenance costs shall be prepared. The service and maintenance cost may be funded through an assessment district, benefit assessment district, landscaping and lighting district, or other funding mechanism established by the developer to fund short and long term maintenance. The funding mechanism must be in place prior to or concurrently with acceptance of any final maps. The funding mechanism must be approved by the City Attorney, City Engineer and Administrative Services Director prior to acceptance of any final map. The administration of the above mentioned funds and the coordination and performance of maintenance activities shall be by the City. a) All parks, trails, recreational facilities and like facilities. b)All open space and native tree preservation areas. c) All drainage facilities and detention basins. d) All common landscaping areas, street trees, medians, parkway planters, manufactured slopes outside private yards,and other similar facilities. Fire Marshal 30. Plans and tract map shall identify existing and proposed BP BS fire hydrants. 31. Applicant shall provide a letter from the Atascadero BP BS Mutual Water Company stating the minimum expected water available to the site. Amount available must meet min. requirement specified in the California Fire Code. 32. Note approved address signage is to be provided. BP BS 33. Note on plans that fire lanes shall be delineated in certain BP BS areas to restrict parking as required by the Fire Authority. City Engineer Standard Conditions 34. In the event that the applicant bonds for the public GP,BP CE improvements required as a condition of this map, the applicant shall enter into a Subdivision Improvement Agreement with the City Council. 35. An engineer's estimate of probable cost shall be GP,BP CE submitted for review and approval by the City Engineer to City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 10 of 34 determine the amount of the bond. 36. The Subdivision Improvement Agreement shall record GP,BP CE concurrently with the Final Map. 37. The applicant shall enter into a Plan Check/Inspection GP,BP CE agreement with the City. 38. A six (6) foot Public Utility Easement (PUE) shall be GP,BP CE provided contiguous to the property frontage. 39. The applicant shall acquire title interest in any off-site GP,BP CE land that may be required to allow for the construction of the improvements. The applicant shall bear all costs associated with the necessary acquisitions. The applicant shall also gain concurrence from all adjacent property owners whose ingress and egress is affected by these improvements. If, after all reasonable attempts and diligent efforts, the Applicant is still unable to gain a landowner's consent to any required acquisitions, offers of dedication,easements, rights of way and/or rights of entry, the City shall lend the Power of Eminent Domain, or take other action, as a final solution. 40. Slope easements shall be obtained by the applicant as GP,BP CE needed to accommodate cut or fill slopes. 41. Drainage easements shall be obtained by the applicant as GP,BP CE needed to accommodate both public and private drainage facilities. 42. A preliminary subdivision guarantee shall be submitted for GP,BP CE review in conjunction with the processing of the tract map. 43. The final map shall be signed by the City Engineer prior to GP,BP CE the map being placed on the agenda for City Council acceptance. 44. Prior to recording the tract map,the applicant shall pay all GP,BP CE outstanding plan check/inspection fees. 45. Prior to recording the map, the applicant shall bond for or GP,BP CE complete all improvements required by these conditions of approval'roval. 46. Prior to recording the tract map, the applicant shall bond GP,BP CE for or set monuments at all new property corners." A registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor shall indicate by certificate on the parcel map, that corners have been set or shall be set by a date specific and that they will be sufficient to enable the survey to be retraced. 47. Prior to recording the tract map,the applicant shall submit GP,BP CE a map drawn in substantial conformance with the approved tentative map and in compliance with all conditions set forth herein.The map shall be submitted for review and approval by the City in accordance with the Subdivision Map Act and the City's Subdivision Ordinance. 48. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or GP,BP CE other easements are to be shown on the final/parcel map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the final/parcel map. The applicant shall show all access restrictions on the final/parcel map. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 11 of 34 49. Prior to recording the tract map, the applicant shall have GP,BP CE the map reviewed by all applicable public and private utility companies (cable, telephone, gas, electric, Atascadero Mutual Water Company). The applicant shall obtain a letter from each utility company indicating their review of the map. The letter shall identify any new easements that may be required by the utility company. A copy of the letter shall be submitted to the City. New easements shall be shown on the parcel map. 50. Prior to the issuance of building permits the applicant shall GP,BP CE submit plans and supporting calculations/reports including street improvements, underground utilities, composite utilities, and grading/drainage plans prepared by a registered civil engineer for review and approval by the City Engineer. City Engineer Site Specific Conditions Drainage: GP,BP CE 51. Submit calculations to support the design of any structures or pipes. Closed conduits shall be designed to convey the 10-year flow with gravity flow,the 25-year flow with head, and provide safe conveyance for the 100-year overflow. 52. Provide for the detention and metering out of developed GP,BP CE storm runoff so that it is equal to or less than undeveloped storm runoff. 53. Drainage basins shall be designed to desilt, detain and GP,BP CE meter storm flows as well as release them to natural runoff locations. 54. The drainage basins shall be landscaped with native GP,BP CE plantings. 55. A mechanism for funding and maintenance of the storm GP,BP CE drain facilities shall be provided. 56. Show the method of dispersal at all pipe outlets. Include GP,BP CE specifications for size&type. 57. Show method of conduct to approved off-site drainage GP,BP CE facilities. 58. Concentrated drainage from off-site areas shall be GP,BP CE conveyed across the project site in drainage easements. Acquire drainage easements where needed. Drainage shall cross lot lines only where a drainage easement has been provided. If drainage easement cannot be obtained the storm water release must follow the exact historic path, rate and velocity as prior to the subdivision. 59. Applicant shall submit erosion control plans and a Storm GP,BP CE Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The Regional Water Quality Control Board shall approve the SWPPP. General: 60. Prior to final map recordation,the applicant shall provide a GP,BP CE detailed cost analysis and breakdown of all maintenance required and the amount to be billed to each property annually. The analysis shall include scheduled maintenance including slurry seals, overlays, etc. The analysis shall include administrative fees. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 12 of 34 61. Prior to final map recordation, CC&R's shall be recorded GP,BP CE for the SFR-3 district,including appearance review. 62. The applicant shall enter a Subdivision Improvement GP,BP CE Agreement with the City of Atascadero prior to recording the final map. Traffic Mitigation: 63. The following off-site traffic mitigations shall be the GP,BP CE responsibility of the project: A. Santa Barbara Road/El Camino Real: Install Traffic Signal/Widen Intersection This is required to be installed prior to occupancy of the first unit. The design and construction costs for the signal, widening, and any and all other improvements to this intersection and surrounding area, will be counted as credit toward the Traffic Impact Fee. B. Viejo Camino/EI Camino Real: Install Traffic Signal The City Engineer is requiring this improvement. This is a`T" intersection and the left turn movement off of Via Camino is a low volume movement. This improvement was not identified as a need improvement in the City of Atascadero Circulation Element. Applicant shall only be responsible for the project's eighteen point four percent (18.4%) fair share of the estimated cost of this work as indicated by the Traffic Study. C. Halcon Road/Via Camino: dedicated westbound right and left turn lanes This is required to be installed prior to the occupancy of the first unit. The improvement is the sole responsibility of this development. D. Santa Barbara Road/US 101 Interchange The study found that the following improvements are required for the interchange.Also listed is the percent "fair share" that this project is responsible for the improvement. ■ Santa Barbara Road/US 101 SB Ramps: Install Traffic Signal(25.8%) ■ Santa Barbara Road/US 101 NB Ramps: Install Traffic Signal(27.5%) ■ Santa Barbara Road/San Antonio Road: Install Traffic Signal (26.2%) E. Provide 3-way stop at Halcon Road/Project Entrance F. These interchange improvements that are not identified as needed improvements in the City of Atascadero Circulation Element and the Growth City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 13 of 34 Mitigation Program. Therefore, the growth mitigation fee does not cover the improvements. The developer is required to submit engineers estimate for the cost of construction of the improvements. The developer shall pay the percent "fair share" of the engineer's estimates. These funds will be placed in an account for the Santa Barbara Interchange and the Viejo Camino/EI Camino Real intersection. The developer may pay the amount incrementally with each building permit. Public Improvements 64. The route for the project entrance down Halcon Road, 'GP,BP CE south bound on Via Camino to Santa Barbara Road, west bound on Santa Barbara Road to El Camino Real shall be improved as follows: ■ Widen, stripe and improve the route to Engineering Standard 403 Type A "Rural Collector". ■ Repair and overlay the road surface with a minimum of two inch of asphalt surface. • Existing AC paving and base sections may remain in place except for isolated, specific, localized repairs. 65. All public improvements shall be constructed in GP,BP CE conformance with the City of Atascadero Engineering Department Standard Specifications and Drawings or as directed by the City Engineer 66. The intersection of EI Camino Real and Santa Barbara GP,BP CE shall be fully improved to include a traffic signal.This work shall be 100%Traffic Impact Fee credit eligible. 67. Pedestrian facilities shall be constructed to connect the GP,BP CE project to Paloma Park. This shall include a safe pedestrian crossing, a paved path and pedestrian bridge across Paloma Creek. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 14 of 34 68. A Class II bike path shall be installed to connect the GP,BP CE project to EI Camino Real. The bike path may consist of a Class I bike path through Paloma Park. 69. A mechanism to provide for the funding of maintenance GP,BP CE for lighting, street improvements, special paving surfaces, sewer,storm drain,common area landscape,open space, and hardsca a shall be provided. 70. Pedestrian sidewalk shall be consistent with Specific Plan GP,BP CE and Tentative Tract Map: none on the SFR-3 rural-local streets,one side only and attached on the SFR-1 &SFR-2 local streets, and one side only and detached on the on- site collector street. 71. All on-site collectors shall be improved to City Standards and shall include standard curb and gutter. The minor arterial street Halcon Road shall be improved to a 403 Type A (no curb and gutter) from the on-site collector to Viejo Camino. 72. All on-site residential streets shall be improved consistent GP,BP CE with the Specific Plan and Tentative Tract Map: rolled curb and gutter for the rural-local and local streets, and standard(square)curb and gutter on the collector. Wastewater 73. No sewer system currently exists in proposed project GP,BP CE area. Should Atascadero Woodlands be the first development to require connection to the new sewer system mainline extension, the developer of the Woodlands will be responsible for the financing and construction of the mainline from the treatment plant to the Woodland's point of connection. 74. The mainline shall be built with sufficient capacity to GP,BP CE accommodate the flow from City Wastewater Pumping Station # 12, development within the Paloma Creek Sanitary Sewer Service Basin bordered by State Highway 101 to the west,the Southern Pacific Railroad to the east, Santa Barbara Road to the south and San Diego Way, Viejo Camino and Halcon Road to the North West plus enough reserve capacity for anticipated future development. 75. The City, upon diverting flow from Wastewater Pumping GP,BP CE Station #12 and landowners within the Paloma Creek Sanitary Sewer Service Basin that are allowed to or required to connect to this extension within fifteen (15) years,shall be responsible for reimbursing the Woodlands developer proportionate to their rate of use. The City's reimbursement total shall be adjusted by the amount the Wastewater Fund has previously expended on the Paloma Creek sanitary sewer service basin project and may be in the form of Wastewater Fee Credits. 76. A mechanism must be provided to fund the maintenance GP,BP CE of all sewer mains throughout the project area. The developer shall establish a benefit maintenance assessment district, or similar funding mechanism, approved by the City, to provide sufficient funds, on an annual basis, to pay for the City's maintenance activities on the sewer mainline and related facilities within the project area. The administration of the above mentioned funds and the coordination and performance of maintenance activities shall be by the City. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 15 of 34 77. thru 81. Residences that cannot be served by a GP,BP CE conventional gravity sewer shall be served by a Low Pressure Sewer(LPS). LPS Wastewater shall be collected and stored in individual storage tanks at each residence then pumped via an individual grinder pump into a pressure main network. Each homeowner will own and be responsible for maintaining their wastewater collection and pumping system to the pressure main. Atascadero Mutual Water Company 82. The applicant shall submit plans to AMWC for the GP,BP CE water distribution facilities needed to serve the subdivision. AMWC shall review and approve the plans before recordation of the final map. All new water distribution facilities shall be constructed in conformance with AMWC Standards and Details and the California Waterworks Standards (Code of Regulations Title 22, Division 4, Chapter 16). All cross-connection devices shall conform to AWWA and California Department of Health Services standards. 83. Before recordation of the final map, the applicant GP,BP CE shall grant AMWC the water rights and related easements needed to complete annexation of the property into the AMWC service area. The grant of water rights and related easements is required before AMWC can provide water service to the property. 84. Before the start of construction, the applicant shall GP,BP CE pay all installation and connection fees required by AMWC. Subject to the approval of AMWC, the applicant may enter in to a "deferred connection" agreement. 85. Before issuance of building permits, the applicant GP,BP CE shall obtain a "Will Serve" letter from AMWC for the newly created lots. 86. The applicant shall provide easements to AMWC on GP,BP CE the 3.5-acre service commercial(SC)parcel for future development of water wells and a treatment building. The applicant and AMWC shall mutually agree upon the location of the easements. The applicant shall not unreasonably withhold its approval of the well and treatment building sites chosen by AMWC. The applicant shall enter an agreement with AMWC that allows for exploratory borings by AMWC to determine the viability of a community well site on the SC parcel. AMWC may waive the requirement to provide easements for water wells and a treatment building if, in the opinion of AMWC, there are no viable community well sites on the SC parcel 87. The water system improvements required to serve the GP,BP CE subdivision shall be laid out in a grid or looped pattern and shall connect to the existing AMWC system on Alondra and Halcon Roads 88. Landscaping for common areas shall be drought- GP,BP CE tolerant. The landscaping for common areas shall conform to the mitigation measures noted in Table 11- 7, Hydrology and Water Quality, of the General Plan 2025. Use of turf grass in common area landscaping and in other areas shall be kept to a minimum City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 16 of 34 89. The applicant shall provide AMWC with reasonable GP,BP CE on-site easements for those water facilities proposed for operation and maintenance by AMWC that are constructed outside of publicly maintained right-of- ways. AMWC shall review the form and content of the easements before recordation. Applicant shall not be responsible for any off-site easements required for water facilities. Mitigation Measures AESTHETICS: BP PS,BS,CE 1.c.1 Mitigation Measure 1.c.1: The following landscape mitigations shall apply: ■ Landscaping shall be provided to reduce visual impacts and enhance neighborhood design. Where feasible, existing native vegetation shall be left undisturbed. Impacts to the natural landscape, including open space, oak woodlands, and naturalized grasslands, shall be minimized and revegetated with native species. ■ The project shall include landscaping of all common areas, including slopes, streetscapes, residential front yards, and street trees. • The project shall include entryway feature landscaping, median and parkway landscaping, multi-family common area landscaping,and trail staging area. ■ The proposed development shall provide a range of architectural styles consistent with the existing semi-rural character of Atascadero. ■ Approximately 54 acres of open space, which includes oak woodland, preserve, natural grassy areas,trail system, and native revegetated slopes and detention basins shall be preserved and maintained by the applicant with establishment of long-term maintenance agreement by the home-owners association, public facilities maintenance assessment district,or other city-approved mechanism. • Street trees shall be 15-gallon size, double-staked and installed prior to occupancy of each unit. Street trees shall be selected to provide shade over paved areas and pedestrian pathways, reduce urban heat buildup, improve air quality,and provide visual unity to the streetsca e. Mitigation Measure i.c.2: The proposed development shall BP PS,BS,CE 1.c.2 include the use of earth-tone paint and roof colors designed to blend with the surrounding neighborhood and reduce the potential for reflected light and glare. Mitigation Measure 1.c.3: If the proposed project entry feature BP PS,BS,CE 1.c.3 is constructed, it shall include an externally illuminated natural stone-faced masonry wall with individual metal lettering and native planting at the base of the wall. Street lighting shall be low level, earth toned, and located in accordance with the site amenities plan. Mitigation Measure 1.c.4: Within the SFR-1 and SFR-2 Zoning BP PS,BS,CE 1.c.4 District, landscaping shall be included for private front yards as well as private rear yards with slopes exceeding ten (10) feet in height. Front yard landscaping shall be installed prior to occupancy of the units. In order to minimize the visual impact City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 17 of 34 of fencing up and across tall uphill sloping rear yards, semi- transparent hillside fencing shall be installed consistent with the Specific Plan Hillside Fencing Standards. Mitigation Measure 1.c.5: Common area landscaping and BP PS,BS,CE 1.c.5 gate/entry landscaping features in the SFR-3 zoning district shall include natural stone-faced masonry material and individual metal lettering if signage is required, and native entry planting. Entry trees shall be selected to provide shade over paved areas and pedestrian pathways, reduce urban heat buildup, improve air quality, and provide visual unity to the streetsca e. Mitigation Measure 1.c.6: Site development standards include BP PS,BS,CE 1.c.6 landscaping and fencing improvements for the SC-1 zoning district shall be compatible with the same underlying esthetic principles of the residential development and as follows: ■ Development shall avoid removal of existing native oak trees. ■ Development shall avoid impact to native oak trees, as feasible. ■ Grading into the hillside shall be minimized in order to reduce aesthetic impacts and native tree impacts. ■ Site development shall include a minimum 10-foot wide native landscape planter between Halcon Road and any required perimeter fencing or wall parallel to Halcon Road. On-site native landscape screening shall also be provided parallel to the adjacent railroad tracks. • Any proposed perimeter fence or wall shall be of high quality design and of a material compatible with the design intent of the project Specific Plan. ■ Exterior lighting shall be minimal as described in condition 1.d.1. ■ Identification signage shall be incorporated into the project entry landscape in style and compatibility with the proposed project. Any sign lighting shall be low-level external lighting. Mitigation Measure 1.c.7: The Specific plan includes a range BP PS,BS 1.c.7 of architectural styles consistent with the existing semi-rural character of Atascadero. The architectural styles of the plan shall include Craftsman, Traditional, Monterey Ranch, California and Bungalow as conceptually illustrated within the Plan. AIR QUALITY: BP,GP PS,BS,CE 3.b Mitigation Measure 3.b: Each development phase shall be conditioned to comply with all applicable District regulations pertaining to the control of fugitive dust (PM-10) as contained in sections 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 of the April 2003 Air Quality Handbook. Section 6.3: Construction Equipment ■ Maintain all construction equipment in proper tune according to manufacturer's specifications. ■ Fuel all off-road and portable diesel powered equipment, including but not limited to bulldozers, graders, cranes, loaders, scrapers, backhoes, generator sets, compressors, auxiliary power units, with ARB certified motor vehicle diesel fuel (Non-taxed version suitable for use off-road). ■ Maximize to the extent feasible, the use of diesel construction equipment meeting the ARB's 1996 or newer certification standard for off-road heavy-duty diesel engines. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 18 of 34 ■ Install diesel oxidation catalysts (DOC), catalyzed diesels particulate filters (CDPF) or other District approved emission reduction retrofit services (Required for projects grading more than 4.0 acres of continuously worked area). Section 6.4: Activity Management Techniques ■ Develop a comprehensive construction activity management plan designed to minimize the amount of large construction equipment operating during any given time period. ■ Schedule construction truck trips during non-peak hours to reduce peak hour emissions. ■ Limit the length of the construction workday period, if necessary. ■ Phase construction activities, if appropriate. Section 6.5: Fugitive PM10 BP,GP PS,BS,CE 3.b All of the following measures shall be included on grading, demolition and building plan notes: A. Reduce the amount of the disturbed area where possible. B. Use of water trucks or sprinkler systems in sufficient quantities to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. Increased watering frequency would be required whenever wind speeds exceed 15 mph. Reclaimed (non- potable)water should be used whenever possible. C. All dirt stockpile areas should be sprayed daily as needed. D. Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved project re-vegetation and landscape plans should be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities. E. Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading should be sown with a fast-germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is established. F. All disturbed soil areas not subject to re-vegetation should be stabilized using approved chemical soil binder, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the APCD. G. All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc, to be paved should be complete as soon as possible. In addition, building pads should be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used. H. Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site. I. All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least two feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer)in accordance with CVC Section 23114. J. Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto streets, or wash off trucks and equipment before leaving the site. K. Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible. L. The contractor or builder shall designate a person or persons to monitor the dust control program and to order increased watering, as necessary, to prevent transport of dust off site. The name and telephone number of such persons shall be provided to the APCD prior to land use clearance for map recordation and land use clearance for finish grading of any structure. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 19 of 34 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES: BP,GP PS,BS 4.a.1 Mitigation Measure: 4.a.1: The applicant shall employ a qualified wildlife biologist to conduct on-site focused surveys for the burrowing owl immediately prior to site disturbance. Results shall be submitted to the City of Atascadero and CDFG if necessary. If this species is found during the survey, site work shall not proceed without specific direction from the CDFG. If the burrowing owl is noted to be present within proposed development areas during the above-mentioned survey, the CDFG may not allow construction/site disturbance to proceed until the owl(s)have vacated the burrow. Mitigation Measure: 4.a.2: To avoid a take of active raptor BP,GP PS,BS 4.a.2 nests, all necessary tree removals should be conducted between mid-September and mid-February, outside of the typical breeding season. If tree removals are determined to be necessary during the typical breeding season, a qualified biologist prior to proposed development activities should conduct a raptor nest survey. The results of the raptor nest survey should then be submitted to CDFG, via a letter report. If the biologist determines that a tree slated for removal is being used for nesting at that time, disturbance should be avoided until after the young have fledged from the nest and achieved independence. If no nesting is found to occur, necessary tree removal could then proceed. Mitigation Measure: 4.a.3: To the extent feasible, avoid all BP,GP PS,BS 4.a.3 ground disturbance activities within woodland and grassland habitats during the typical breeding and nesting period for Loggerhead shrike. Breeding and nesting of this species may commence as early as March, and extends into July and August. If construction activities cannot be avoided during the typical breeding season, retain a qualified biologist to conduct a pre-construction survey to determine presence/absence of nesting loggerhead shrike, and other special-status species with potential to nest in the various habitats of the Woodland property. If no breeding or nesting activities are detected near the proposed work areas, construction activities may proceed. If active nests are found within proposed work areas, construction should be avoided until after the young have fledged from the nest and achieved independence, or upon approval from CDFG. Mitigation Measure: 4.a.4: To avoid direct disturbance of BP,GP PS,BS 4.a.4 individual Pallid Bats, retain a qualified wildlife biologist to inspect larger trees for the bats as well as other bat species, prior to tree removal. If a specific tree is found to occupy bats, the planned tree removal shall not proceed without direction from the CDFG. Tree removal should only be conducted after the bats have dispersed and under the supervision of a qualified wildlife biologist. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 20 of 34 Mitigation Measure: 4.a.5: The applicant shall employ a BP,GP PS,BS 4.a.5 qualified wildlife biologist to conduct on-site focused surreys for American badger immediately prior to site disturbance. Results of the survey shall immediately be submitted to the City Of Atascadero,and CDFG as necessary. If active burrows of this species are found within proposed development areas during the survey,site work shall not proceed without direction from CDFG. If American badger is noted to be present within proposed development areas during the above-mentioned survey,construction/site disturbance should not proceed until the animal has vacated the identified burrow. Mitigation Measure: 4.b.1: Prior to final design,the precise BP,GP PS,BS 4.b.1 locations of the ephemeral drainages should be surveyed to determine the extent to which these drainages will be disturbed by proposed construction. Mitigation Measure: 4.b.2: To minimize the potential for GP PS,BS,CE 4.b.2 indirect disturbances of drainages located both on-site and off- site,implement appropriate erosion control measures during construction and limit ground disturbance activities to dry weather to avoid increased surface water runoff and erosion on site,and sedimentation in nearby drainages. Install appropriate erosion control devices down-slope of each construction zone and areas experiencing disturbance of the ground surface. Erosion control devices should be checked on a daily basis to ensure proper function. Mitigation Measure 4.e.1: The 54 acres of proposed opens GP PS,BS 4.e.1 space shall be dedicated to permanent open space with uses restricted to recreation as identified in the Specific Plan, including tot lot location, interpretive trails,trail staging, fencing,and required management/maintenance for fire prevention,public health and safety,and pedestrian trail access. Mitigation Measure 4.e.2: All native trees removed(currently GP PS,BS 4.e.2 estimated at 1,321)shall be replaced and maintained to establishment by planting trees from the arborist's approved list on a one to one ratio. In addition to the replacement trees, the applicant shall plant a minimum of 20 Foothill Pine trees in appropriate open space locations. Replanting plans shall be art of the subdivision tract improvements. Mitigation Measure 4.e.3: The project shall comply with the GP PS,BS 4.e.3 City of Atascadero native Tree Ordinance with payment into the native tree fund of$155,350 and replanting of 1,321 five- gallon size native trees,or a combination of five-gallon and larger size trees credited per the native tree ordinance. The fund payment and number of trees planted may vary but shall be compliant with the tree preservation ordinance. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 21 of 34 Mitigation Measure 4.e.4: The developer shall contract with a BP,GP FO,BP,GP, 4.e.4 certified arborist during all phases of project implementation. Ft The certified arborists shall be responsible for monitoring the project during all phases of construction through project completion,as follows: (a) A written agreement between the arborist and the developer outlining a arborist monitoring schedule for each construction phase through final inspection shall be submitted to and approved by planning staff prior to the issuance of building/grading permits. (b) Arborist shall schedule a pre-construction meeting with engineering/planning staff,grading equipment operators, and the project superintendent to review the project conditions and requirements prior to any grubbing or earth work for any portion of the project site. All tree protection fencing and trunk protection shall be installed for inspection during the meeting. Tree protection fencing shall be installed at the line of encroachment into the tree's root zone area. The root zone equals 1-foot radius for every 1 inch of tree trunk diameter. For any trees requiring tree trunk protection,2"x 4"x 8 foot boards shall be wired together and placed around the tree trunk. (c) As specified by the arborist report and City staff: ■ Prune all trees in active development areas to be saved for structural strength and crown cleaning by a licensed and certified arborist; ■ Remove all debris and spoils from the lot cleaning and tree pruning. • In locations where paving is to occur within the tree canopy,grub only and do not grade nor compact. Install porous pavers over a three-inch bed of 3/4 inch granite covered with one-inch pea gravel for screeding. If curbs are required,use pegged curbs to secure the porous pavers. Pegged curbs are reinforced six to eight curbs poured at grade with a one-foot by one-foot pothole every four to six linear feet. ■ All trenching or grading within the protected root zone area,outside of the tree protection fence shall require hand trenching or preserve and protect roots that are larger than 2 inches in diameter. ■ No grading or trenching is allowed within the fenced protected area. • Any roots that are 4 inches in diameter or larger are not to be cut until inspected and approved by the on- site arborist. (d) Upon project completion and prior to final occupancy of any development phase a final status report shall be prepared by the project arborist certifying that the tree protection plan was implemented,the trees designated for protection were protected during construction, and the construction-related tree protection measures are no longer required for tree protection. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 22 of 34 Mitigation Measure 4.e.5: The building permit site plan shall BP,GP PS,BS 4.e.5 identify all protection and enhancement measures recommended by the Certified Arborist in the Tree Protection Plan,dated 2/27/03.Tree protection fencing shall be installed at the locations called out in the Tree Protection Plan and/or as recommended by the project arborist. Mitigation Measure 4.e.6: The following cut&fill slope BP,GP PS,BS 4.e.6 restoration is required: ■ Refer to tree protection plan dated 2/27/03 for planting specifications,sequence and procedures. • Temporary plant irrigation shall be installed to adequately water plantings for a period of not less than three years. ■ All cut and fill slopes shall be hydro mulched with a California native blend of flowers and grasses,subject to City approval. ■ Tree species shall include: Quercus agrifolia,Quercus douglasii,Quercus lobata, Umbellularia californica, Platnus racemosa,and Pinus sabiniana. ■ Shrub species shall include Heteromeles arbutifloia, Rhamnus californica, ■ Prunus ilicifolia,and Ceanothus`Dark Star'. CULTURAL RESOURCES: GP BS 5.b.1 Mitigation Measure 5.b.1: Should any cultural resources be unearthed during site development work,the provisions of CEQA-Section 15064.5,will be followed to reduce impacts to a non-significant level. GEOLOGY AND SOILS: GP PS,BS,CE 6.b.1 Mitigation Measure 6.b.1: The project shall incorporate the recommendations contained within the Geo Solutions soils report dated 11/3/02. GP PS,SS,CE 6.b.2 Mitigation Measure 6.b.2: The Building Permit Application plans shall include erosion control measures to prevent soil, dirt,and debris from entering the storm drain system during and after construction. A separate plan shall be submitted for this purpose and shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer at the time of Building Permit application. Mitigation Measure 6.b.3: All cut and fill slopes shall be GP PS,BS,CE 6.b.3 treated with an appropriate erosion control method(erosion control blanket,hydro-mulch,or straw mulch appropriately anchored)immediately after completion of earthwork between the months of October 15 through April 15. All disturbed slopes shall have appropriate erosion control methods in place. Duration of the project: The contractor will be responsible for the clean up of any mud or debris that is tracked onto public streets by construction vehicles. Mitigation Measure 6.c.d: A site-specific soils report shall be BP,GP PS,BS,CE 6.c.d required to be submitted with future building permits for each development phase by the building department.The building plans will be required to follow the recommendations of the soils report to assure safety for occupants and buildings. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 23 of 34 HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: TO,FI PS,BS,FD 7.h Mitigation Measure 7.h: Due to the site location within an oak woodland area,the project shall include an ongoing maintenance program that will clear combustible debris and vegetation from structures within any public or private open space areas per the City of Atascadero Fire Department standards. The project applicant,shall provide the initial maintenance,and the ongoing maintenance responsibility shall be incorporated into the establishment of a long-term maintenance agreement by the homeowners association, CC&R's,public facilities maintenance assessment district,or other citv-approved mechanism. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY: GP PS,SS,CE 8e.f.1 Mitigation Measure 8e.f.1: A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)/Erosion Control Plan shall be submitted by the applicant and approved by the RWQCB and the City Engineer prior to the issuance of the building permit. The plan shall include storm water measures for the operation and maintenance of the project for the review and approval of the City Engineer. The Building Permit application plans shall identify Best Management Practices(BMPs)appropriate to the uses conducted on site that effectively prohibit the entry of pollutants into storm water runoff. Mitigation Measure 8.e.f.2: The developer is responsible for GP PS,BS,CE 8.e.f.2 ensuring that all contractors are aware of all storm water quality measures and that such measures are implemented. Failure to comply with the approved construction Best Management Practices will result in the issuance of correction notices,citations,or stop orders. Mitigation Measure 8.e: The proposed storm drain system, GP,BP BS,CE 8.e including the on-site drainage basins,shall be designed per the City of Atascadero Engineering standards,subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. LAND USE: BP PS 9 Mitigation Measure 9: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit with a Master Plan of Development shall be required for the multi-family development with a finding for exceptionally high design and construction quality prior to application for the nine multi-family bonus units. NOISE: GP,BP PS,SS,CE 11.a.b.1 Mitigation Measure 11.a.b.1: The dwelling units shall be oriented so that the building construction may act as a noise barrier on the east side of the proposed Woodlands development,specifically for lots 124-143,in order to intercept transportation noise from Union Pacific Railroad,as feasible. Mitigation Measure 11.a.b.2: Soffit vents,eave vents,dormer BP PS,BS,CE _11.a.b.2 vents and other wall and roof penetrations shall be located on the walls and roofs facing away from the noise source wherever possible. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 24 of 34 Mitigation Measure 11.a.b.3:The walls of critical living spaces, BP PS,BS,CE 11.a.b.3 such as living rooms, lounges,bedrooms,dens,and habitable spaces on second floors of dwelling units nearest the noise source shall have wall construction with an S.T.C. (Sound Transmission Class) rating of 30 or greater. Common acoustic leaks,such as electrical outlets,pipes, vents,ducts,flues and other breaks in the integrity of the wall, ceiling or roof construction on the side of the dwellings nearest transportation noise sources shall receive special attention during construction. All construction openings and joints on the walls on the noise facing side of the site shall be insulated, sealed and caulked with a resilient, non-hardening caulking material. All such openings and joints shall be airtight to maintain sound isolation. Mitigation Measure 11.a.b.4:To meet the interior LDN 45 DBA BP PS,SS,CE 11.a.b.4 requirements,windows for critical habitable spaces and for habitable spaces in a second floor of affected units facing the noise source shall be a double-glazed construction with one light of laminated glass,and installed in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. The windows shall be fully gasketed,with an S.T.C. rating of 30 or better,as determined in testing by an accredited acoustical laboratory. Mitigation Measure 11.a.b.5: All construction activities shall BP,GP PS,BS,CE 11.a.b.5 comply with the City of Atascadero Noise Ordinance for hours of operation. Failure to comply with the noise ordinance may result in withholding of inspections and possible construction prohibitions,subject to the review and approval of the Community Development Director,and in addition to penalties identified in the Ordinance. PUBLIC SERVICES: (Refer to Conditions 27 and 28) PS 13 Mitigation Measure 13: A draft Fiscal Impact Report and fiscal impact recommendations to reduce any fiscal impacts to an insignificant level related to the proposed project is being prepared in consultation with City staff and shall be available for public review prior to consideration at both the Planning Commission and City Council public hearings. Recommendations shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission and finalized in precise terms by the City Council to assure all project-related impacts are identified and mitigated prior to project approval. RECREATION: BP PS,BS 14 Mitigation Measure 14: The project shall include an additional tot lot within the proposed multi-family zoning designation. Both the staging area and multi-family tot lots shall at a minimum include different variations of commercial-grade swing set,slide,climbing apparatus or similar equipment on a soft surface surrounded by decorative theme fencing designed for the safety and enjoyment of young children. The tot lots shall include pedestrian connection from nearby sidewalks and/or housing areas and shall include durable seating arrangements for adults and children. Tot lots shall be landscaped and include shade trees be planted within and around each tot lot. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 25 of 34 TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC: BP,CE PS,CE 15.1 Mitigation Measure 15.1: Prior to Planning Commission and City Council formal public hearing for the proposed project: 1. City Engineer shall review and approve project circulation impacts recommended mitigation measures(as recommended by Omni-Means traffic study and the City Engineer)and equitable share. No turning restrictions shall be applied to the San Antonio/Santa Barbara intersection as project-specific mitigation. Refer to project Condition #63 or TTM#49 for specific measures. 2. Project mitigation measures and phasing schedule for the construction of the improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. Mitigation Measure 15.2: Per the Atascadero Municipal Code BP,CE PS,CE 15.2 9.4160(a)(Streets),`The project shall also provide well-paved city standard access roads from a collector or arterial to the subdivision and repair existing under-paved or poor-condition interior or frontage roads". The General Plan Circulation Element lists the route of Halcon Road/Viejo Camino/Santa Barbara Road to EI Camino Real as a circulation improvement needed. Based on these sections of the municipal code and the General Plan,this project shall be required to perform the following improvements on the route from the project entrance to EI Camino Real: ■ Widen,stripe,and improve the route to Engineering Standard 403"Rural Collector". ■ Overlay the route with two-inch minimum asphalt surface. Mitigation Measure 15.3: The project shall provide a Class II BP,CE PS,CE 15.3 bicycle lane to connect the development to the existing bicycle routes at EI Camino Real/Viejo Camino. UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS: BP,GP PS,BS,CE, 16.1 CA Mitigation Measure 16.1: Development with the project site area shall require connection to the City's future sewer system mainline extension included in the City's Sewer Master Plan. The applicant shall design and install the on-site mainline. For reimbursement and maintenance, refer to the project Specific Plan implementation section. The extension will run from the sewer treatment plant south to Halcon Road. The mainline shall be designed and built with capacity to accommodate development with the proposed project as well as new development in the area and existing uses as identified by the City of Atascadero. The proposed line serving development along the easterly project site will require a private on-site wastewater(duplex pumps)pumping station. Provisions for the repair and maintenance of the pump station shall be included in the project CC&R's,subject to the City Engineer and City Attorney approval. Design criteria for the sewer collection system shall conform to the City of Atascadero Standards City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 26 of 34 Mitigation Measure 16.2: Per the implementation section of BP,GP PS,BS,CE 16.2 the project Specific Plan,the applicant shall be required to: ■ Pay for the backbone infrastructure and community facilities that are required to serve the project site. ■ The developer shall pay school fees prior to certificate occupancy. ■ A project area Public Facilities Maintenance Assessment District shall be formed for the collection of assessment fees to finance the maintenance of all public facilities in the project area. Funds will be collected by the County Tax Collector and distributed to the City biannually. The City shall administer the funds and provide or contract for all maintenance activities. Mitigation Measure 16.3: Development within the proposed BP,GP PS,BS,CE 16.3 project shall conform to all existing City of Atascadero standards set forth in the City's General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, Municipal Code, and Public Works Standards unless otherwise specified in the Specific Plan. Each phase of project development shall pay all required fees established by the City, including permit, school, plan check and impact fees, to mitigate all off site facilities impacts anticipated under the General Plan. A fiscal impact report is being prepared by David Taussig & Associates to evaluate the proposed project impacts on City services and shall be available prior to Planning Commission and City Council formal public hearing and project consideration or approval. Recommendations shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission and finalized in precise terms by the City Council to assure all project-related impacts are identified and mitigated prior to project approval. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 27 of 34 EXHIBIT B:Woodlands Specific Plan,June 30,2003,RRM Design Group The Woodlands Specific Plan is available for review in the City Clerk's office. City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 28 of 34 EXHIBIT C:Project Summary (Specific Plan Appendix A) Proposed Project Summary t3S OS OS Nature Trails 54.4 45.3% NIA FI .X' SFR F '» 'SmIl Loi 5.9 4.99k: 4,500 2843 SFR SFR-X! SFR' SFR-2 Standard Lot .I 20.19k 6,500 L 3.99 SFR Subtotal 84.4 122 1..44 - 1+#k-Y: SFR SFR,-3 Estate Lot 20.3 . 16.9% '23,000 211.0 SFR DR HDR NIFR Multi-Family 9.0 7.5 OloNIA 135 15 Apartments GC GC SC-1 See 3.5 2:996NIA NIA N/A Development Standardsi Streets2.$ NIA N/A NfA Total, ,4 u 1 278, Estate Lot Single-.Family land use dosignatiow is subjept tQ.add tional regulations as set forth in the Conditions,;Covenants and Restrictions(CC&Rs)attached hereto and made part o€the Appendix. Proiect Statistics p F x ' Minimum Lot Pie�r�c�nt of Zoning U n ite v S Mz a (S-f-) Acreage Total SFR 1 X28 i 4,5 4.9% SFR'2 X94 fy, 00 _.�24 T � 20 1 °!u' SFR--3 t2l 123,000 120.3 1,6.90/0 IUI'FR- 35 WA §9 7.5%, OS N/A N/A !;&U4 A '46.30% Streets* €N/A N/A 12.8:1 :W2.3% Tota 121$ *M 2@ 1 o0".O°! *Street area outside development zones City of Atascadero Woodlands Specific !I! City of Ataseadero i .. 1'• # Prepared for: The City of Atascadero at the request of R.W. Hertel & Sons, Inc. Prepared by: III RRM Design Group 3765 S. Higuera, Suite 102 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805-543-1794 In conjunction with: C.A. Singer & Associates, Inc. David Lord, Noise Consultant GeoSolutlons, Inc. Jack Brazeal's Tree Consulting Lira, Chang, Rohling & Associates Morro Group, Inc. Ramseyer & Associates Vaughan Surveys ACKNOWLEDGMENTS City Council Jerry Clay Sr., Mayor George Luna, Mayor Pro Tem Wendy Scalise, Council Member Tota O'Malley, Council Member Becky Pacas, Council Member Planning Commission Roberta Fonzi, Chairperson Bob Kelley, Vice Chairperson David Bentz, Commissioner Robert Jones, Commissioner Ellen Beraud, Commissioner Greg Porter, Commissioner Joan O'Keefe, Commissioner City Staff Wade McKinney, City Manager Warren Frace, Community Development Director Steve Mc Harris, Planning Manager Steve Kahn, City Engineer/Public Works Director Kurt Stone, Fire Chief Brady Cherry, Parks & Recreation Director Mark Markwort, Wastewater Division Chief 2� TABLE OF CONTENTS page �. Introduction.......................................................................................................... I-1 A. Pian Summary. ....................... .................. ................................................. I-2 1. Plan Sponsors & Project Team.............................................................. I-2 2. Plan Area Setting................................................................................... I-2 B. Project Description...................................................................................... I-7 C. Existing Conditions &Constraints Summary .......... .1.11.1 ......................... I-11 1. Existing Neighborhoods........................................................................ I-11 2. Existing Street System.......................................................................... I-11 3. Topography........................................................................................... I-11 4. Biological Resources............................................................................. I-11 5. Easements............................................................................................. I-12 6. Public Facilities & Services.................................................................. I-12 D. Specific Plan Requirements..................................................1111.................. 1-15 1. Specific Plan Regulation & Adoption ................................................... I-15 2. Environmental Review.......................................................................... 1-16 3. Plan Consistency................................................................................... I-16 4. Severability Clause................................................................................ 1-17 E. General Plan Consistency........................................................................... I-17 I111. Specific Plan Regulations......................................................................................... II -I A. Land Use Element.........................................................1111.......................... II -2 1. Land Use Designations.......................................................................... II -3 2. Zoning Districts..................................................................................... II -3 3. Affordable Housing Standards.............................................................. II -9 4. Development Standards......................................................................... 11-9 B. Circulation Element.................................................................................... II -21 1. On -Site Circulation System................................................................... II -23 2. Off -Site Circulation System.................................................................. II -24 IV. C. Infrastructure Element............................................................................... II -31 1. Water Supply System............................................................................ 11-33 2. Non -Potable Water Irrigation System ................................................... 11-33 3. Sanitary Sewer Collection, Treatment & Disposal ............................... I1-33 4. Storm Drainage System......................................................................... 11-34 D. Public Facilities & Services Element......................................................... 11-43 1. Public Schools....................................................................................... 11-45 2. Fire Protection Services........................................................................ 11-45 3. Police Services...................................................................................... I1-45 4. Solid Waste Pick-up & Recycling......................................................... 11-45 5. Energy & Communication Facilities..................................................... 11-45 E. Open Space Element................................................................................... 1I-46 I . Parkland Requirements......................................................................... 11-47 2. Open Space Facilities............................................................................ II -47 3. Oak Tree Preservation........................................................................... 11-48 F. Neighborhood Design Element................................................................... I1-51 1. Streetscape Design................................................................................ 11-53 2. Landscape & Fence Design................................................................... I1-54 3. Architectural Style................................................................................ 11-55 Implementation..................................................................................................... 111-1 A. Public Facilities............................................................................................ 111-2 1, Facilities Service Standards.................................................................. 111-3 2. Phasing Plan.......................................................................................... III -3 3, Facility Funding & Maintenance........................................................... 111-3 4. Public Safety Facilities.......................................................................... III -6 B. Development Review & Approval Process ................................................ I11-6 1. Subdivision Process.............................................................................. I11-7 2, Appearance Review Process................................................................. 111-8 3. Conditional Use Permit / Master Plan of Development Process........... 11I-9 AmendmentProcess ... _ ........................................................................................ IV -1 A. Specific Plan Amendment Process............................................................. fV-2 I . Specific Details of Amendment............................................................ iV-2 2. Presentation of Need for Amendment ................................................... IV -2 3. Submittal of Supplemental Studies....................................................... IV -2 4. Supplemental Environmental Analysis ................................................. IV -2 5. City Staff Analysis................................................................................ IV -3 6. Public Hearings..................................................................................... IV -3 FIST OF EXHIBITS Pale Exhibit1: Context Map........................................................................................................ I-5 Exhibit2: Site Map.............................................................................................................. I-9 Exhibit 3: Existing Conditions & Constraints Map............................................................. I-13 Exhibit 4: General Plan Land Use Map............................................................................... I1-5 Exhibit 5: Zoning Districts Map.......................................................................................... II -7 Exhibit 6: Architectural Projections..................................................................................... II -19 Exhibit7: Circulation Map.................................................................................................. II -25 Exhibit 8: Street Sections — Collector & Local.................................................................... I1-27 Exhibit 9. Street Sections — Private...................................................................................... II -29 Exhibit10: Phasing Plan........................................................................................................ II -35 Exhibit 11: Water Supply System ........................................................................... . Exhibit 12: Sanitary Sewer Collection System...................................................................... I1-39 Exhibit 13: Storm Drainage System....................................................................................... I1-41 Exhibit 14: Typical Nature Trail Cross Section..................................................................... I1-49 Exhibit 15: Hillside Fencing Standards.................................................................................. 11-57 Exhibit 16: Inclusionary Affordable Housing Plan................................................................ II -59 DIST OF TABLES Page Table1: Density Bonus.................................................................................................. 1-7 Table 2: Public Service Providers.................................................................................. 1-12 Table 3: General Plan Consistency................................................................................. 1-17 Table 4: Smart Growth. Principle Consistency Statement .............................................. 1-18 Table 5: Plan Land Use Summary.................................................................................. 11-3 Table 6: SFR -1 Development Standards........................................................................ 11-12 Table 7: SFR -2 Development Standards........................................................................ 11-14 Table 8: SFR -3 Development Standards........................................................................ 11-16 Table 9: SC -1 Development Standards.......................................................................... 11-18 Table 10: Street Classifications........................................................................................ 11-23 Table11: Tree Species List.............................................................................................. 11-54 Table 12: Amendment Procedure..................................................................................... Iv -3 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: City of Atascadero General Plan Land Use Map ........................... See Appendix Appendix B: City of Atascadero Municipal Code Sections ................................See Appendix Appendix C: Preliminary Title Report................................................................. See Appendix Appendix D: Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions (CC&Rs) ...........................See Appendix Appendix E: Site Amenities Plan........................................................................See Appendix Appendix F: Architectural Style.........................................................................See Appendix Appendix G: Engineering Geology Investigation ................................................See Appendix Appendix H: Cultural Resources Survey & Impact Assessment ......................... See Appendix Appendix I: Tree Survey....................................................................................See Appendix Appendix 7: Tree Protection, Preservation, & Mitigation Plan ..........................See Appendix Appendix K: Biological Assessment................................................................... See Appendix Appendix L: Botanical Survey............................................................................See Appendix Appendix M: Noise Study ......................... I .............. ...................... ........ .............. See Appendix Appendix N: Hydrology Analysis.......................................................................See Appendix Appendix O: Traffic Study..................................................................................See Appendix Appendix P: Visual Analysis..............................................................................See Appendix Appendix Q: Fiscal Impact Report......................................................................See Appendix Appendix R: Tentative Tract Map....................................................................... See Appendix Appendix S: Site Sections...................................................................................See Appendix Appendix T: Ordinances and Resolutions........................................................... See Appendix S'T'ATUS CHART :DATE OF ADOPTION 151 Reading September 23, 2003 2 d Reading October 14, 2003 PLAN VERSION Effective Date November 14, 2003 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENTS NIA CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION AND ORDINANCE NUMBERS Ordinance #429 Establishing Specific Plan #1 (Zone Change 2003-0062) Ordinance #430 Approving Zone Change 2003-0041 Resolution 2003-045 Approving Specific Plan #1 Resolution 2003-046 Approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2003-0027 ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT Resolution 2003-044 Certifying Mitigated Negative Declaration 2003-026 INTRODUCTION Section I of the Woodlands Specific Plan ("the Plan" or "Specific Plan") provides a summary of the Plan, a detailed project description, a description of the existing conditions and constraints, the relationship of the Plan to applicable legislation, and a discussion regarding consistency of the Plan with the City of Atascadero General Plan. This section also includes a comparison of the Plan to the adopted Smart Growth Principles as set forth in the General Plan. Section 1 is oranized into thefollowing subsections: A. Plan Summary B. Project Description C. Existing Conditions & Constraints Summary D. Specific Plan Requirements E. General Plan Consistency CITY OF ATASCADERO I-1 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN INTRODUCTION A. PLAN SUMMARY This Specific Plan is a regulatory document, adopted by an ordinance, which rezones the project area site to SP -1 (Specific Plan). As a component of the General Plan, the Specific Plan is a legislative document that is controlled by the City of Atascadero. The Specific Plan implements the General Plan, as well as the City's Principles for Smart Growth, interpreting broad goals and policies into specific regulations and guidelines that control the orderly development of land. Key features of this Plan include the perpetual preservation of a significant amount of open space (approximately 43.7% of the site), preservation and protection of existing oak trees and woodland, a walking nature trail network, a consistent architectural theme, and a mix of residential housing types. 1. Plan Sponsors & Project Team The Plan Area's property owner and developer, R.W. Hertel & Sons, Inc., initiated the Plan. RRM Design Group prepared the Plan in conjunction with. Ramseyer & Associates, Inc. and Lim, Chang, Rohling & Associates. C.A. Singer & Associates, Inc., GeoSolutions, Inc., Jack Brazeal's Tree Consulting, Morro Group, Inc., Vaughan Surveys, and David Lord Noise Consultant, prepared the technical studies attached hereto and made part of the Appendix. 2. Plan Area Setting a. Site Location The Plan Area is comprised of approximately 120 acres located on the southeastern end of the City of Atascadero as depicted in Exhibit 1 — Context Map. Halcon Road and the Southern Pacific Railroad bound the northwestern and northeastern portions of the property, respectively. Rural residential uses occur to the southwest, south and southeast. The Salinas River occurs just outside of the eastern property boundary and Paloma Creek Park occurs to the west across Halcon Road. The site is approximately 112 mile east of Highway 101 with access from the Santa Barbara Road and San Diego Road interchanges. b. Site Features The Plan Area consists of vacant, undeveloped land. The site's topography is comprised of rolling hills, with steeper slopes located to the southwest, northwest, and northeast. Elevations range between 880 and 1,020 feet above mean sea level. CITY OF ATASCADERO 1-2 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Site vegetation can be characterized primarily as oak woodland and oak savanna, with areas of open annual grassland. Fairly dense oak woodland occurs in the southwestern and northernmost portions of the site. The site generally drains to the west toward Halcon Road, and to the east toward the Southern Pacific Railroad and Salinas River corridor. Several small drainages occur in the eastern and western portions of the site. CITY OF ATASCADERO I-3 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN "PHIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCADERO I-4 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PIAN Context :map B. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Woodlands is envisioned as a unique neighborhood designed to reflect the City's Smart Growth Principles. The Plan Area encompasses approximately 120 acres and offers 278 units including 28 small lot single-family (SFR -1.), 94 standard lot single- family (SFR -2), 21 estate lot single-family (SFR -3), and 1.35 multi -family residential units (MFR) with ample open space, oak woodland preserve, and nature trails as depicted in Exhibit 2 — Site Map. The Plan consists primarily of low density, single-family residential dwelling units with minimum lot sizes starting at 4,500 square feet (SFR -1), 6,500 square feet (SFR - 2), and 23,000 square feet (SFR -3). The Plan also includes multi -family residential dwelling units (MFR) with densities of approximately 15 dwelling units per acre. Residential land uses occupy approximately 61.3 acres of the Plan Area. The Plan yields approximately 278 dwelling units. Three and a half (3.5) acres near the northern plan boundary are zoned Service Commercial (SC -1). Approximately 52.4 acres, or 43.7%, of the Plan Area is to remain as open space, oak woodland preserve, and nature trails. The Multi -Family Residential. (MFR) area, as currently configured, contains 135 multi -family units. This includes the 126 units allowed under the current General Plan plus an additional 9 units (7%) allowed under the City of Atascadero's quality housing density bonus provision. The Woodlands will incorporate an Inclusionary Affordable Housing Plan and a Work Force Housing Availability Program. A further discussion of these housing programs is provided in Section II: Specific Plan Regulations, Section Ili: Implementation, and Exhibit 16. Table 1: Densitv Bonus Multi -Family Units 126 135 9 units (or 7%) A variety of entitlements are needed to implement the Plan. These include a Rezone to Specific Plan, a Tentative Tract Map to subdivide the property, and a Conditional Use Permit/Master Plan of Development for the Multi -Family Residential and Service Commercial areas. Appearance review is also required for single-family products within the SFR. -1, SFR. -2, and SFR -3 Zoning Districts. These entitlements are discussed in more detail in Section III.: Implementation. CITY OF ATASCADERO 1-7 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN INTRODUCTION THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCADERO I-8 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN 0 I INTRODUCTION C. EXISTING CONDITIONS & CONSTRAINTS SUMMARY Consideration for the Plan Area's existing conditions and constraints played an important role in the design of the site. These conditions and constraints are summarized below and are depicted in Exhibit 3 — Existing Conditions & Constraints Map. 1. Existing Neighborhoods Rural residential neighborhoods exist to the southwest, south and southeast of the Plan Area. These neighborhoods consist primarily of low density, single- family homes with lot sizes ranging from two (2) to six (6) acres. Paloma Creek Park is located west of the Plan Area between Halcon Road and Viejo Camino. Immediately adjacent to the west of Paloma Creek Park are higher density single-family units and large, high- density multi -family projects. The El Camino Real and Highway 101 corridors, located approximately 1/4 and '/z ;Wile west, respectively, support a variety of highway commercial and neighborhood commercial uses. 2. Existing Street System. Halcon Road provides primary access to the site. Alondra Road, located east of the site, will provide secondary access for emergency vehicles and emergency only egress. Access to Highway 101 is provided at Santa Barbara Road (full interchange) and San Diego Road. El Camino Real provides access into town running parallel to Highway 101. 3. Topography The site is comprised of rolling hills, with steeper slopes located to the southwest and northeast. Elevations range between 880 and 1,020 feet above mean sea level. 4. Biological Resources The land within the Plan Area has historically been vacant, undeveloped, and used for grazing. Three major habitat types cover the majority of the site including Annual Grassland, Oak Woodland, and Foothill Pine — Oak Woodland. No sensitive riparian habitat or plant communities have been identified on the site. The biological and botanical surveys of the Plan Area conducted by Morro Group, Inc. are attached hereto and .Wade part of the Appendix. CITY OF ATASCADER® 1-11 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN INTRODUCTION 5. Easements Easements applying to the Plan Area are as indicated on the Preliminary Title Report attached hereto and made part of the Appendix. Any conflicting easements will be abandoned or re -dedicated as needed on the Final Map. 6. Public Facilities & Services Public facilities and services are provided to the Plan Area by a variety of Service Providers. The City of Ataseadero provides services including public schools, building inspection, storm drainage, flood control, police and fire protection, parks, recreation services, and sewage disposal. Atascadero Mutual Water Company supplies and distributes water to the Plan Area. San Luis Obispo County operates the Atascadero Branch Library. Garbage collection and disposal is provided by Atascadero Waste Alternatives, Table 2 below outlines the services currently available as well as their respective Service Providers. I able 2: Public Service Providers Service Service Provider School Atascadero Unified School District Library San Luis Obispo County Police Protection City of Atascadero Fire Protection City of Atascadero Water Atascadero Mutual Water Compan Sanitary Sewer City of Atascadero Electricity PG&E Gas Southern California Gas Company Garbage Atascadero Waste Alternatives Telephone Pacific Bell Cable Charter Communications CITY OF ATASCADERO 1-12 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN fs: ai -adeer r 'Wiaodlwtds EmyAng Cop.ditol:1s aj'rE. -AA.�- Map / r - INTRODUCTION THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCADERO 1-14 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN INTRODUCTION D. SPECIFIC PLAN Rr(2UI.REMENTS Consistent with California Government Code and the State General Plan Guidelines prepared by the State Office of Planning and Research, this Plan is a regulatory document that implements the General Plan and its policies/programs as well as establishes the standards by which development shall occur within the Plan Area. Precise design standards and guidelines for the development of land are provided in this Plan and supersede the City's existing Zoning Code, Public Works Standards, and other applicable regulations. Where this Plan is silent, City Codes effective upon the date of adoption of this Plan shall apply. This Plan shall be adopted by the City Council as a resolution. 1. Specific Plan Regulation & Adoption Specific Plans must be consistent with the applicable elements of the General Plan. The following excerpt identifies the content requirements for Specific Plans defined in State Law (§65451 (a)). §65451 (a) A Specific Plant shall include a text and a diagram or diagrams that specify all of the following in detail: (1) The distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land, including open space, within the area covered by the plan. (2) The proposed distribution, location, and extent and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy, and other essential facilitates proposed to be located within the area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described in the plan. (3) Standards and criteria by which development will proceed, and standards for the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, where applicable. (4) A program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects, and financing measures necessary to carry out paragraphs 1), 2), and 3). (b) The Specific Plan shall include a statement of the relationship of the Specific Plan to the General Plan. CITY OF ATASCA,DERO 1-15 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN INTRODUCTION Furthermore, the California Government Code §65453 and §65454 prepared by the State Office of Planning and Research state that: §65453 (a) A Specific Plan shall be prepared, adopted, and amended in the same manner as a General Plan, except that a Specific Plan may be adopted by resolution or by ordinance and may be amended as often as deemed necessary by the legislative body. (b) A Specific Plan may be repealed in the same manner as it is required to be amended. §65454 No Specific Plan may be adopted or amended unless the proposed plan or amendment is consistent with the General Plan. This Plan has been prepared pursuant to State Law and complies with all requirements. 2. Environmental Review This Plan initially adopted September 23, 2003 by Mitigated Negative Declaration (MNB 2003-0026), tiers off the Final Envirorim. ental Impact Report State Clearinghouse #2001121027 prepared by Crawford Multari & Clark in conjunction with the City of Atascadero's General Plan 2025 Update. 1.n accordance with §65457(a) of California Government Code, any residential development project, including a subdivision. or any zoning change that is undertaken to implement, and is consistent with, this Plan is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and requires no further environmental review (see CEQA Guidelines §15181 & §15182). Upon filing of land use applications, the City shall make a Specific Plan consistency determination. Applications determined to be consistent with this Plan shall be exempt from or limited in additional environmental review. Where an application is deemed to be inconsistent with this Plan, subsequent environmental review and Plan amendment may be required. 3. Plan Consistency All applications approved within the Plan Area, including zone changes, tentative and vesting tentative subdivision maps, building and grading permits, public works projects, and other discretionary actions shall be consistent with this Plan. CITY OF ATASCADERO 1-16 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN INTRODUCTION 4. Severability Clause in the event that a California or Federal Court of competent jurisdiction holds any regulation, condition, program, or portion of this Plan invalid or unconstitutional, such portions shall be deemed separate, distinct, and independent provisions, and the invalidity of such provisions shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions thereof. E. GENERAL; PLAN CONSISTENCY The General Plan has designated the Plan Area as an area requiring a comprehensive master plan in order to minimize environmental impacts and maximize community compatibility. The General Plan also requires the area to be developed with a mix of residential uses (143 single-family units and 126 multi -family units), up to a maximum of 269 residential dwelling units with a minimum of 40% of the total site left in open space. Consistent with the land uses set forth in the General Plan, this Plan proposes a mix of residential uses, served by a collector street system and open space areas. Housing types include 143 single-family residential units, and 135 multi -family units. Nine (9) of the 135 multi -family units, have been included under the City of Atascadero's quality design density bonus provision. A portion of the multi -family units may be developed as for -sale townhomes. Table 3 below demonstrates this Plan's consistency with the General Plan. lrohlo 2• C-Pnnral Plan C'nncicte.ncv F 143 Units 143 Units 0 Single Family —Residential Multi -Family 126 Units *135 Units 9 Units Commercial 2 Acres 3.5 Acres 1.5 Acres Open Space 40% 44% 5% (48 Acres) (52 Acres) (4 Acres) * This Plan proposes an addrtaonat 1 rnuiti-ianuiy unats unaer use k uy Vl iALMa UdUt xW 6 quanty design density bonus provision. Table 4 demonstrates this Plan's consistency with the Smart Growth Principles of the General Plan. The result is a tree -lined, mixed-use neighborhood., surrounded by open space and a nature trail system that provides for the perpetual preservation of a large portion of the City's oak woodlands. CITY OF ATASCADERO 1-17 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN IN'T'RODUCTION trail system, park access, and 'other es. Tha Plan will. pay itsi:air:share of and.othe. impact`:fees to accommodate ducation : facilities. The commercial component of the Pian will enhance economic development ;i" the City. by. opportunities for additional and diverse t occupations and. job skips. CITY OF ATASCADERO I-18 'WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN CITE' OF ATASCADERO 1.19 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN INTRODUCTION THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCADERO I-20 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS 11. SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS Section lI of this Plan provides the goals, policies, regulations, and guidelines for development in the Plan Area. The language in this section controls the extent and intensity of development and improvements within the Plan Area. The standards and. regulations herein supersede and enhance the existing City Zoning Ordinance and Public Works Standards to allow for a more precise and creative approach to creating a neighborhood. Section I1 is organized into the following subsections: A. Land Use Element B. Circulation Element C. Infrastructure Element D. Public Facilities & Services Element E. Open Space Element F. Neighborhood Design Element CITY OF ATASCADERO II -1 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS A. LAND USE ELEMENT The Land Use Element is consistent with the City of Atascadero's adopted General Plan 2025 Update Land Use Diagram that is attached hereto and made part of the Appendix. The Plan's land use policies shape the character of development within the Plan Area. The Woodlands Development Standards control development in the Plan Area as per City General Plan policy. The following Land Use Goals and Policies establish the implementation framework for Land Use in the Plan Area. Goal To create a new residential neighborhood that responds to the principles set forth in the City's General Plan. Policies LU -1 All development shall be consistent with the City's General Plan Land Use Diagram. LU -2 All development shall be consistent with the Plan's Zoning Districts and applicable Development Standards. LU -3 All development approvals shall be consistent with the Development Standards established in the Specific Plan. LU -4 Proposed development shall include a mix of residential uses including single and multi -family uses up to a maximum of 269 residential dwelling units; this does not include additional units available through the City's density bonus provision. LU -5 Wooded and sensitive habitat areas shall comprise no less than 40% of the property and shall be retained as permanent Open Space and oak woodland preserve. CITY OF ATASCADERO H-2 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS 1. Land Use Designations The General Plan Land Use designations have been adopted and incorporated into the Plan as shown in Table 5 below and depicted on Exhibit 4. All development projects shall be consistent with the densities established in Table 5 --Plan Land Use Summary. 2. Zoning Districts The Plan's Zoning Districts have been established consistent with the City's Land Use Designations. These districts are regulated by the Plan's Development Standards and are as depicted in Exhibit 5 — Zoning Districts Map. Table 5: Plan Land Use Summary * Estate Lot Single -Family land use designation is subject to aaaitional regutatxons as set torte in me Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) attached hereto and made part of the Appendix. CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-3 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN . .. '.i..... OS OS OS Nature Trails 52.4 43.7% N/A NIA NIA SFR-% SFR SFR -1 Small Lot 5.9 4.9% 4,500 28 4.7 SFR SFR -X SFR SFR -2 Standard Lot 24.1 20,1% 6,500 94 3.9 SFR Subtotal 82.4 122 1.48 *SFR -Y SFR SFR -3 Estate Lot 22.3 169% 23,000 21 .94 SFR HDR HDR MFR Multi -Family 9.0 7.5`/o NIA 135 15 Apartments GC GC SC -1 See 3.5 2.9% NIA NIA NIA Development Standards Streets 2.8 2.3% NIA NIA NIA Total 120 100% -- 278 -- * Estate Lot Single -Family land use designation is subject to aaaitional regutatxons as set torte in me Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) attached hereto and made part of the Appendix. CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-3 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCADERO I1-4 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PIAN �a• e1 OS PUB GC /! PUB ,PUB e ✓`� RBC OS ° UNINCORPORATED i HO f� ,� � HDR SFR-Y `� o � os`, / REC ro Os / SFR-X SE % SE f iii J MU ] GC j .-'i ce NIN60RPO�R�TELS :z GC i - Legend City Limit Line General Plan unci Use Designations SE - Suburban Estates Zoning Boundary SFR -Y -Single Family Residential (1.0 ac lot min.) Woodlands Specific Plan Boundary SFR -X - Single Family Residential (0.5 acre lot min,) MDR - Medium Denisty Residential (10 units/ac) HDR - High Density Residential (16 units/ac) GC - General Commercial MU - Mixed Use REC - Public Recreation OS - Open Space PUB - Public Facilities General Plan. Land Use Designations Exhibit 4 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCADERO II -6 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Sc- ••® f P •� R -16 OS,. (FH� MFR d C .. (F ) SFR -3 a-� OS SFR -1 m F c Y f 16 OS o � RS ;.a� RS A SFR -2 ,w pS CPK PD (FH) t a �• CN CN Legend City Limit Line City of Atascadero Zoning Categories Woodlands Specific Plan Zoning Districts P - Public SFR -1 - Single Family Residential Zoning Boundary (Small lot) O5 -Open Space Woodlands Specific C - Commercial Neighborhood SFR -2 - Single Family Residential Plan Boundary(Standard Lot) CP -K -Commercial Park SFR -3 - Single Family Residential RS - Residential Suburban (Estate Lot) FH - Flood Hazard Overlay MFR - Multi -Family Residential PD7 - Planned Development Overlay OS - Open Space RMF - Residential Multi -Family SC -1 - Service Commercial Zoning Districts Map Exhibit 5 SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCADERO II -8 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS 3. Affordable Housing Standards The Affordable Housing Standards established under this Plan are adopted by resolution and provide requirements establishing the provision of inclusionary affordable housing and workforce housing within the Plan Area. a. Inclusionary Affordable Housing Plan The Woodlands will incorporate an Inclusionary Affordable Housing Plan which will comply with the intent of current City of Atascadero Inclusionary Housing policies. A. further discussion of Inclusionary Affordable Housing requirements is provided in Exhibit 16. b. Workforce Housing Availability Program The Woodlands is required to enter into a legal agreement with the City of Atascadero to reserve half of the dwelling units for sale in the SFR - 1, SFR -2, and MFR zones for residents or workers within the City of Ataseadero. A further discussion of the Workforce Housing Availability Program is provided in Section III: Implementation. 4. Development Standards The Development Standards established under this Plan are adopted by ordinance and provide development regulations that control the subdivision and improvement of land within the Plan Area. These standards include regulations for land use, lot size, lot coverage, building setbacks, off-street parking, and height. All building setback requirements are measured from the property line unless otherwise indicated. a. SFR -1 Zoning District - Single Family Residential Small Lot The SFR -1 District encompasses 5.9 acres and accommodates twenty- eight (28) single-family dwelling units. Fully detached single-family homes are permitted in the SFR -1 District. The standards established for the SFRA District are as depicted in Table 6 — SFR -1 Development Standards. b. SFR -2 Zoning District - Single Family Residential Standard Lot The SFR -2 District encompasses 24.1 acres and accommodates ninety- four (94) single-family dwelling units. Fully detached single-family homes are permitted in the SFR -2 District. The standards established for the SFR -2 District are as depicted in Table 7 — SFR -2 Development Standards. CITE' OF ATASCADERO II -9 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS C. SFR -3 Zoning District - Single Family Residential Estate Lot The SFR -3 District encompasses 22.3 acres and accommodates twenty- one (21) estate single-family dwelling units. pully detached single- family homes are permitted in the SFR -3 District with secondary dwelling units on lots of 1 acre or more. The secondary dwelling unit may be attached or detached and may have a separate entry with independent kitchen and bath facilities. Either the primary or secondary dwelling unit must be owner -occupied. Construction of both the primary and secondary dwelling units must occur within the designated building envelopes of each lot as indicated on the Tentative Tract Map. Modifications to the building envelopes require Conditional Use Permit review and approval by the Planning Commission, The standards established for the SFR -3 District are as depicted in Table 8 — SFR -3 Development Standards. Separate Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) have also been established for this Zoning District. The CC&Rs are attached hereto and made a part of the Appendix. d. MFR Zoning District — Multi -Family Residential Units The MFR District encompasses 9 acres and accommodates one hundred thirty-five (135) multi -family dwelling units with a density of approximately 15 dwelling units per acre. A portion of the multi -family units may be developed as for -sale town homes. Development within the MFR is subject to a separate Conditional Use Permit/Master Plan of Development to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission. e. SC -1 Zoning District — Service Commercial Zone The SC -1 District encompasses three and a half (3.5) acres and accommodates the following uses; (1) Wholesaling and distribution; (2) Light repair services; (3) Storage yards; (4) Animal hospitals; (5) Contract construction services; (6) Warehousing; (7) Electronic and scientific instruments, where areas of use exceed five thousand (5,000) square feet; (8) Furniture and fixtures, where areas of use exceed five thousand (5,000) square feet; CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-10 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN � mm SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS (9) Glass products manufacturing; (10) Pipelines; (11) Churches; (12) Outdoor Storage Yards; and (13) Other Similar Uses per Planning Director's Approval. Development within the SC -1 Zone is subject to a separate Conditional Use Permit/Master Plan of Development to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission.. The standards established for the SC -1. District are as depicted in. Table 9 — SC -1 Development Standards. #: OS Zoning District - Open Space Zone The OS District encompasses 52.4 acres of native oak and foothill pine woodland, hillsides and ridges, natural ephemeral drainage areas, revegetated detention basins, overlooks, manufactured slopes, and other natural resource areas. This entire district is to remain free of structures. It may be developed with nature trails, interpretative signs, and native revegetation landscaping. CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-11 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS Table 6 - SFR -1 Development Standards All numbers are minimums unless otherwise noted. For regulations not covered in this code refer to the City of Atascadero Municipal Code Title 9. This Development Code shall prevail where it conflicts with the City of Atascadero Municipal Code. Property Development Standards Lot Area 4,500 SF Minimum Lot Area. Interior Lot Width 50' Minimum Interior Lot Width at Minimum Front Yard Setback. Corner Lot Width 55' Minimum Corner Lot Width at Minimum Front Yard Setback. Cul-de-sac Street 35' Minimum Cul-de-sac Frontage Street Frontage. Lot Depth 90' Minimum Lot Depth. Lot Coverage 60% Maximum Lot Coverage. Applies to roofed areas including porches, garages, and accessory buildings. Setback Requirements Front Yard Stmt ROW Dwelling Unit 15' Minimum Front Yard Setback Measured from Property Line. Garage 18' Minimum Front Yard Garage Setback Measured from Property Line. Side Yard I Interior 51 Minimum Side Yard interior Setback Measured from I 51 � SPrC 9 1 5� Property Line. Street Side 10' Minimum Street Side Yard Setback Measured from I Property Line. Rear Yard 15' Minimum Rear Yard Setback f Measured from Property Line. I I CD imax'liMax{I i 'Ic fl a� a� Lot Coverage I Stmt ROW t I j i I I 7� I t5 SPR -t: 1S' S6ti i I 51 � SPrC 9 1 5� I I i = I f Off -Street Parking Requirements Primary Use 2 Covered Spaces must be enclosed by garage. Spaces CITY OF ATASCADERO II -12 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS Table 6 - SFR -1 Development Standards All numbers are minimums unless otherwise noted. For regulations not covered in this code refer to the City of Atascadero Municipal Code Title 9. This Development Code shall prevail where it conflicts with the City of Atascadero Municipal Code. Building Massing Height 30' Maximum Building Height from Average Grade, Floor Area 1,000 SF Minimum Floor Area. Second floor shall not exceed 75% of gross first floor area, including garage, Fencing '. Within Setbacks 3' Maximum Height of Fencing Within Front or Street Side Setbacks. Behind Setbacks 6' Maximum Height of Fencing Behind Front or Street Side Setbacks. Hillside Standards (See Exhibit 15 - Hillside Fencing Standards) Landscaping Trees shall be planted approximately 30' on center. (on slopes 5' high & Shrubs and groundcover on slopes shall provide 80% greater) coverage in two (2) years. Fencing Along or Across 6' Must be View Fencing. Slopes of 5' high & greater Primary Unit street ROW 3'height ! i � 1 ^! (i A t Architectural Projections (See Exhibit 6) • Eaves: May project up to 30" into any Setback. • Porch Covers, Patio Covers, Overhead Trellises & Deck Covers: May project into Rear Setbacks provided that a minimum of 5' is maintained between the projection and the rear property line and that a height of 10' is not exceeded. May project into Front Setbacks a maximum of 5' provided the porch is a minimum depth of 8' and width of 10.' • Chimneys, Bay Windows, Architectural Projections & Similar Features: May project up to 24" into any Setback. r Decks, Planters, Patios & Similar Features (less than 30" above grade): May project into any Setback. Uncovered Decks, Uncovered Balconies, & Uncovered Porches (greater than 30" above grade): May project up to % of the minimum required rear yard. CITY OF A.TASCADERO 11-13 WOODLANIDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS Table 7 - SI=R -2 Development Standards All numbers are minimums unless otherwise noted. For regulations not covered in this code refer to the City of Atascadero Municipal Code Title 9. This Development Code shall prevait where it conflicts with the City of Atascadero Municipal Code. Development Standards Lot Area 6,500 sq. ft. Minimum Lot Area. Interior Lot Width 65' Minimum Interior Lot Width at Minimum Front Yard Setback. Corner Lot Width 70' Minimum Corner Lot Width at Minimum Front Yard Setback. Cul-de-sac Street 35' Minimum Cul-de-sac Street Frontage Frontage. Lot Depth 100' Minimum Lot Depth. Lot Coverage 60% Maximum Lot Coverage. Applies to roofed structures including porches, garages, and accessory buildings. Excludes eave overhangs, patios, driveways, walks, and other impervious surfaces. 1/t I 70' 6, Ca GQ°10 � I i HiQ°/n ' { max: I ` may a Ali ' I � v m Lot Coverage Setback Requirements Front Yard I E � Dwelling Unit 15' Minimum Front Yard suri ka4M Garage Side -on Garage Side Yard interior Street Side Rear Yard Setback Measured from Property Line. 20' Minimum Front Yard Garage Setback Measured from Property Line. 15' 5' 10' 20' Off -Street Parking Requirements Primary Use 2 Covered Spaces Minimum Side Yard U_ InteriorSetback Measured from Property Line, Minimum Street Side Yard Setback Measured from Property Line. Minimum Rear Yard Setback Measured from Property Line. ii I ice, iii I d; �i� I I I I Yesr»t Lpl linkriariMt"< 5 ",=,moi Wil:;; i I I CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-14 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN 't 'k �c, — SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS Table 7 - SFR -2 Development Standards All numbers are minimums unless otherwise noted. For regulations not covered in this code refer to the City of Atascadero Municipal Code Title 9. This Development Code shall prevail where it conflicts with the City of Atascadero Municipal Code, Building Massing Height 30' Maximum Height. Im Floor Area 1,500 SF Minimum Floor Area. Second floor shall not exceed 75% of gross first floor area, including garage. Fencing Within Setbacks 3' Maximum Height of Fencing Within Setbacks. Behind Setbacks 6' Maximum Height of Fencing Behind Setbacks. Hillside Standards (See Exhibit - Hillside Fencing Standards) Primary Unit street Rata Landscaping Trees shall be planted approximately 30' on center. (on slopes 5' high & Shrubs and groundcover on slopes shall provide 80% coverage in two (2) years. greater) Fencing Along or Across 6' Must be View Fencing. Slopes of 5' high & greater Architectural Pr!2ctions (See Exhibit 6) • Eaves: May project up to 30" into any Setback. • Porch Covers, Patio Covers, Overhead Trellises & Deck Covers: May project into Rear Setbacks. Only provided that a minimum of 5' is maintained between the projection and the rear property line and that a height of 10' is not exceeded. May project into Front Setbacks a maximum of 5' provided the porch is a minimum depth of 8' and width of 10.' • Chimneys, Bay Windows, Architectural Projections & Similar Features: May project up to 24" into any Setback. • Decks, Planters, Patios & Similar Features (less than 30" above grade): May project into any Setback. e Uncovered Decks, Uncovered Balconies, & Uncovered Porches (greater than 30" above grade): May project up to %_ of the minimum required rear yard. CITY OF ATASCADERO - 1I-15 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PIAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS Table 8 - SFR -3 Development Standards All numbers are minimums unless otherwise noted. For regulations not covered in this code refer to the Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions (CC&Rs). This Development Code shall prevail where it conflicts with the City of Atascadero Municipal Code. Development Standards Lot Area 23,000 sq. ft. Minimum Lot Area. ...................... .................. ....... Interior Lot Width 80' Minimum Interior Lot Width at Minimum Front Yard Setback. Cul-de-sac Street Frontage Lot Depth Lot Coverage Secondary Dwelling Units 35' 100' 50% l EQ, min...... Minimum Cul-de-sac Street Frontage. d ,IM F'E Minimum Lot Depth. s Maximum Lot Coverage for all structures or as dictated by building envelope as indicated on Tentative Tract Map, .... whichever is more restrictivP Applies to roofed structures including porches, garages, and accessory buildings. Excludes eave overhangs, patios, driveways, walks, and other impervious surfaces. 1 acre Minimum lot size allowing secondary units Setback Requirements Front Yard Dwelling Unit/ 15` Minimum Front Yard Second knit Setback Measured from Property Line or edge of asphalt on private drive, 50% max - coverage whichever is greater. Garage 20' Minimum Front Yard Garage Setback a 2P Measured from �7 Property Line or edge of asphalt on private drive; whichever is greater. Side Yard Interior 15' Minimum Side Yard interior Setback Measured from Property Line. Street Side 15' Minimum Street Side Yard Setback Measured from Property Line or edge of asphalt on private drive; whichever is greater. Rear Yard 20' Minimum Rear Yard Setback Measured from Property Line, 50% max - coverage CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-16 "WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Mir. a 2P �7 F � CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-16 "WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Table S - SI=R -3 Development Standards All numbers are minimums unless otherwise noted. For regulations not covered in this code refer to the Conditions, Covenants & Restrictions (CC&Rs). This Development Code shall prevail where it conflicts with the City of Atascadero Municipal Code, Off -Street Parking Requirements Primary Unit 2 Covered Spaces Secondary Unit 1 Covered Space Building Massing Height Ridge -top Lots Primary Unit & 22' Applies to lots 138-142. Secondary Unit Maximum Height. Non -Ridge -top Lots Primary Unit & 36' Applies to Lots 123-137 & 143. �W Secondary Unit Maximum Height.. Primary Unit Floor Area 1,500 SF Minimum Floor Area. Secondary Unit Floor 800 SF Maximum Floor Area. Area Fencing Within Setbacks 3' Maximum Height of Fencing Within Setbacks. Behind Setbacks 6' Maximum Height of Fencing Behind Setbacks. J Architectural Projections (See Exhibit 6) Eaves: May project up to 30" into any Setback. Porch Covers, Patio Covers, Overhead 'trellises & Deck Covers: May project into Rear Setbacks. Only provided that a minimum of 5' is maintained between the projection and the rear property line and that a height of 10' is not exceeded, e Chimneys, Bay Windows, Architectural Projections & Similar Features: May project up to 24" into any Setback. Decks, Planters, Patios & Similar Features (less than 30" above grade): May project into any Setback. Uncovered Decks, uncovered Balconies, & Uncovered Porches (greater than 30" above grade): May project up to'/� of the minimum required rear yard. CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-17 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS Table 9 - SC -1 Development Standards All numbers are minimums unless otherwise noted. For regulations not covered in this code refer to the City of Atascadero Municipal Code Title 9. This Development Code shall prevail where it conflicts with the City of Atascadero Municipal Code. Development Standards Lot Area 10,000 sf Minimum Lot Area. Lot Coverage 65% Maximum Lot Coverage. Setback Requirements Front (Halcon Road) 20' Side (Railroad) 5' Rear 5' Off -Street Parking Requirements Consistent with Title 9. No parking allowed within front setback on Halcon Road, Building Massing Height 45' Fencing Within Setbacks 3' Maximum Height of Fencing Within Front or Street Side Setbacks. Behind Setbacks 8' Maximum Height of Fencing Behind Front or Street Side Setbacks. Landscape Screening To be provided within setbacks adjacent to Halcon Road and Southern Pacific Railroad. CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-18 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Rear Yard Projections �/O 3011 max.. Property Line 4 max, max. Minimum required yard Front Yard Projections minimum garage setback of 18'!20' Minimum front setback Of 16' oo Property Line % Maximum allowed projection: Qne-half of the minimum Minimum required rear yard required rIV yard porch must be a minimum depth of 8' and width of 10' Minimum porch sok of l0 Line Note: Minimum setback of garage is 18' for SFR -1 and 20' for SFR -2 Architectural Pr® cctions Exhibit 6 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLAND CITY OF ATASCADERO II -20 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS B. CIRCULATION ELEMENT The Plan's circulation system is designed to provide a functional and efficient transportation network for automobiles, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The street system is comprised of a network of collector and local residential streets designed to accommodate traffic generated by Plan residents. All streets are public, Exhibit 7 — Circulation Map, has been incorporated into this Plan consistent with §65451(x)(2) of the State Government Code. The following Circulation Goal and Policies establish the implementation framework for the Plan's Circulation Diagram. Goal Provide a safe and convenient circulation system that accommodates automobiles, bicyclists, and pedestrians on a tree - lined system of streets and nature trails. C-1 All streets and circulation routes shall be consistent with the Circulation Diagram. C-2 Street widths shall be consistent with the street sections indicated in Exhibits S and 9 - Street Sections. C-3 All streets shall be financed and installed by the developer of the subdivision. C-4 All improved public streets shall be dedicated to the City of Atascadero; the City shall assume responsibility for maintenance and repair of all street facilities with funding from the Atascadero Woodlands Public Facilities Maintenance Assessment District (AWPFMAD). C-5 The emergency gate at Aiondra Road shalt be designed to City standards and subject to the approval of the City of Atascadero Fire Department. C-6 Funding for maintenance of lighting, street improvements, special paving surfaces, sewer, storm drain, common area landscape, open space, and hardscape shall be provided through the Atascadero Woodlands Public Facilities Maintenance Assessment District (AWPFMAD) or comparable maintenance assessment district. C-7 A soft path, nature trail system shall be located within the Open Space and oak woodland preserve area. CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-21 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS C-8 Pedestrian sidewalks shall be provided on all public streets, except in the SFR -3 Zone, C-9 All turning radii shall be subject to the standards of the Fire Department. CITY OF A.TASCADERO 1I-22 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN 1. ®n -Site Circulation System The Circulation Map provides the location and classification of both vehicular and non -vehicular circulation routes within the Plan Area. Street sections are depicted in Exhibits 8 and 9 — Street Sections and described below in Table 10 —Street Classifications. m .a.i in c+ 4 i`10ceirif atianc a f , et t�r� r�,. tau Cuxb.Wilt StireCass�cn. ~ '.. Collector Street 63' 46' Local Street 43' 34' [Rural Local Street 32' 26' a. Collector Streets Collector Streets provide linkages between local residential streets and minor arterials. Collectors are designed to handle a larger volume of traffic. Under this Plan, a collector street provides access to the Plan Area from Halcon Road to the first intersection of the Plan. Area. The collector street has two travel lanes, center median, square curbs, no parking, a detached sidewalk with parkway, Class II Bikeways, and street trees as depicted in Section A of Exhibit 8 — Street Sections. b. Local Residential Streets Local Residential Streets provide access and circulation to individual lots within a residential subdivision. Under this Plan, Local. Streets serving the SFR -1 and SFR -2 Zoning Districts have two travel lanes, rolled curbs, Class III Bikeways, sidewalks on one side, and on -street parking. The Local Residential Streets are depicted in Section B of Exhibit 8 -- Street Sections. C. :Dural Local Streets The street within the SFR -3 Zoning District has two travel lanes and does not include sidewalks. The Rural Local Street is depicted as Section C of Exhibit 9 --- Street Sections. CITY OF ATASCADER® II -23 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC FLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS d. Pedestrian & Bicycle Facilities Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation provide excellent opportunities for leisure and recreation as well as an alternative means of transportation. Pedestrian sidewalks and bike access are provided on all public streets except within the SFR -3 area. The Plan's soft path nature trail system, which can be accessed at key locations by the public sidewalks, provides connections and walking access to open space. 2. Off -Site Circulation System off-site circulation to the Plan Area vicinity includes Halcon Road, Alondra Road, Camino Viejo, El Camino Real, Santa Barbara Road, San Diego Road, and Highway 101. Halcon Road will provide primary access to the site. Alondra Road, located east of the site, will provide secondary, gated emergency access for emergency vehicles and emergency only egress. Access to Highway 101 is provided at Santa Barbara Road (full interchange) and San Diego Road. El Camino Real provides access into town running parallel to Highway 101. The Plan Area will install certain off-site street improvements and intersection upgrades with signalization per City standard as required in the Traffic Study attached hereto and made part of the Appendix. These include improvements on Halcon Road from the Plan Area limits to Viejo Camino, Viejo Camino to Santa Barbara, and Santa Barbara to El Camino. Reimbursements for offsite improvements shall be as required by the Implementation Section. Pending future access improvements at Paloma Creek Park, the intersection of the Plan Area and Halcon Road will include a safe pedestrian crossing and pedestrian bridge to Paloma Creek Park. - CITY OF ATASCADERO II -24 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN F.2 c Pedestrian Connection to Park A Section C Section B 9 Section B- t,: Section B Emergency Access Road Section B ,tF See Typical Trail Cross Section (Exhibit 1 4) r 10 Circulation Ma Exhibit 7 Legend Minor Arteria! Future Collector Connection Sidewalk to De Anxa Trail " ooe Trail (approximate location) AnwAs See Section Detail 0--o Gate Section C Section B 9 Section B- t,: Section B Emergency Access Road Section B ,tF See Typical Trail Cross Section (Exhibit 1 4) r 10 Circulation Ma Exhibit 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCADERO 1I-26 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PIAN is' P.U,E. I Side— sante Bike Travel Lane Median Travel Lane Bike P.U.E. walk Lane Lane 6' 2 . 5' 6' , 5' 12' 12' 12_ 5' 4' $' Collector Street Section Section A Not to Scale P.U.E. Side— Travel Lane Travel Lane P.U.E. walk 6' 5' 17' 17 ,2 6' Local Residential Street Section Section B Not to Scale �--` "Typical Street Sections Exhibit 8 SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCADERO II -28 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN P.U.E.Travel Lane Travel Lane P.U.E. 6' , 3� . 13' 1 13'# 3' 6' Rural Local Residential Street Section Section C Not to scale Typical Street Sections Exhibit 9 SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-30 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS C. INFRASTRUCTURE ELEMENT The provision of adequate infrastructure to serve the Plan Area is a primary element of the Plan. The Plan Area will be served by an extension to the City of Atascadero's existing infrastructure consistent with the provisions of the General Plan. This element describes at a conceptual level how and where services will be extended to serve the Plan Area. All infrastructure improvements to serve the Plan Area shall be financed and installed by the developer consistent with this element and Exhibit 10 — Phasing Plan, Exhibit 11 — Water Supply System, Exhibit 12 — Sanitary Sewer Collection System and Exhibit 13 — Storm Drainage System which provide a schematic plan for the routing and location of facilities within the Plan Area. Improvement Plans will determine the exact sizing and location of facilities. The following Infrastructure Goal and Policies establish the implementation framework for the Plan's infrastructure. Goal Provide the necessary infrastructure to adequately serve the entire Plan Area at build out. Nater Su � .1 S stems Polieles 1-1 Water shall be provided by Atascadero Mutual Water Company. 1-2 The water supply system shall be consistent with Exhibit 11 - Water Supply System as well as the standards of Ataseadero Mutual mater Company. 1-3 The water supply system may be phased in accordance with Exhibit 10 - Phasing flan. 1-4 System configuration, sizing, connections and location of fire hydrants shall be consistent with the standards of Atascadero Mutual Water Company. CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-31 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Vl SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS Sanity Sewer Policies 1-5 Sanitary sewer services shall be provided by the City of Atascadero. 1:-6 The sanitary sewer collection system shall be consistent with Exhibit 12 - Sanitary Sewer Collection System as well as the standards of the City of Atascadero. 1-7 The sanitary sewer system may be phased in accordance with Exhibit 10 - Phasing Plan. Sibri b ainage System Policies 1-8 All storm drainage flows shall be accommodated in detention basins on site and the storm drainage system shall be consistent with Exhibit 13 - Storm Drainage System. 1-9 All storm drain facilities shall conform to City of Atascadero Standards. 1-10 The storm drainage system may be phased in accordance with Exhibit 10 - Phasing Plan. 1-11 The detention basins shall be designed to desilt, detain and meter storm flows as well as release them to natural runoff locations. 1-12 The detention basins shall be landscaped with native plantings in accordance with the Site Amenities Plan attached hereto and made a part of the Appendix. 1-13 Storm drainage maintenance services shall be funded by the Atascadero Woodlands Public Facilities Maintenance Assessment District (AWPFMAD) and provided by the City of Atascadero. 1-14 Construction and grading activities shall comply with Best Management Practices and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan policies per applicable controls, standards and Regional Water Quality Control Board. CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-32 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS l . Water Supply System Atascadero Mutual Water Company supplies water to the Plan Area. The company owns wells along the Salinas River that receive groundwater from the Paso Robles Groundwater Basin. Historically, the City has had good water quality. The Plan Area will utilize two existing water mains as its points of connection to the existing Atascadero Mutual Water Company system. The primary point of connection will be at an existing 12" waterline at the southwest corner of the Plan Area in Halcon Road. The secondary point of connection will be at an existing 6" waterline at the southeast corner of the Plan Area in Alondra Road. A new Atascadero Mutual Water Company well site is proposed on a portion of the SC -1 site for the installation of a new well and related facilities. Exploratory borings are needed to determine whether a community well. on the site is viable and determine an exact location. An easement on a portion of the SC -1 site will be provided to Atascadero Mutual Water Company for future development of water wells. Water system design criteria shall conform to the Atascadero Mutual Water Company Standards as depicted in Exhibit 11 — Water Supply System. 2. Sanitary Sever Collection, Treatment, & Disposal The City of Atascadero provides sanitary sewer services including collection, transmission, and treatment for the Plan Area. Development within the Plan Area will require connection to the City's future sewer system mainline extension included in the City's Sewer Master Plan. The Plan requires the Plan Area developer to design and install the on-site and the offsite mainline. For reimbursement and maintenance, refer to the Implementation section. The mainline will be built with sufficient capacity to accommodate development within the Plan Area, the mixed use development at Dove Creek, other future development in the adjacent area, and existing uses. The extension will run from the sewer treatment plant south to Halcon Road and the El Camino Real and Santa Barbara Road area. Design criteria for the sewer collection system shall conform to the City of Atascadero Standards as depicted in Exhibit 12 — Sanitary Sewer Collection System. 3. Storm Drainage System The City of Atascadero provides storm drainage services including collection and disposal. Drainage will be collected in two on-site basins, one near the site entrance and the other at the rear of the site. Storm drainage detention basins will be landscaped with native plant species as shown in the Site Amenities Plan. Design criteria for the storm drainage system shall. conform to the City of Atascadero Standards as depicted in Exhibit 13 — Storm Drainage System. CITY OF ATASCADER® 1I-33 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT FLANK CI'T'Y OF AI'ASCADFRO II -34 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PIAN € Boundary L I SC -1 Phasing Notes: 1. The apartments (MFR), estate lots (SFR -3), and commercial (SC -1) may be developed independently of the single family lots (SFR -1&2) 2. Phase 1 of the single family lots shall be the first developed on the entire site, and will include all SFR -1 lots and 28 SFR -2 lots. The remaining 66 lots of SFR -2 will be constructed in phase 2. 3. All phases may be graded at once. a e 4. There shall not be a delay of more than 180 days between the completion of grading and .,......._.._.._ . the beginning of construction in the MFR zone. �- Phasing Plan Exhibit 10 SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCAIIERO II -36 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN L Legend --- Water Supply Lines ® Connection Point to Existing Water Line Water Su Stem Exhibit 11 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCADERO II -38 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN To wastewater Legend treatment plant Sanitary Sewer Line B` _ moi,,.., Al..,,,. i- Sanita Sewer Collection System Exhibit 12 SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITE' OF ATASCADERO II -40 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Histori Nature Outfb Locati( W Legend --n- Storm Drain Line ^^°�'� Flow direction Storm Drainag stem Exhibit 13 SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCADERO II -42 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN D. PUBLIC FACILITIES & SERVICES ELEMENT The provision of adequate public facilities and services to serve the Plan Area is a primary element of the Plan. The Plan Area is served by an extension of the City of Atascadero's existing public facilities and public safety services consistent with the provisions of the General Plan. This element describes at a conceptual level how and where services shall be extended to serve the Plan Area. Goal Provide the necessary public facilities and services to adequately serve the Plan Area and maintain existing levels of service. Public Se' hools..Policies PF -1 Public school services shall be provided by Atascadero Unified School District. PF -2 Prior to the issuance of any certificates of occupancy for the Plan Area, the applicant shall pay school impact fees. Fire Ti6tectiO Services Policies PF -3 Fire protection services shall be provided to the Plan Area by the City of Atascadero Fire Department. PF -4 Fire hydrants shall be located in accordance with City of Atascadero standards. PF -5 Emergency fire access shall be provided via the main entrance at Ilalcon Road as well as the gated emergency access at Alondra Road as depicted in Exhibit 7 - Circulation Map. PF -5 The emergency access gate at Alondra Road shall be designed to City standards and subject to the approval of the City of Atascadero Fire Department. PF -7 Streets shall be designed to City of Atascadero Fire Department standards including fire hydrants, turn -outs and cul-de-sac radii. PF -8 Dwelling units within the SFR -3 Zoning District In excess of 5,000 square feet shall be sprin1dered per City of Atascadero Fire Department standards. CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-43 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PIAN REGULATIONS Police Prntectian Services Policies PF -9 Police Protection services shall be provided to the Plan Area by the City of Atascadero. PF -10 Adequate lighting, visual corridors, and vehicle access shall be provided along streets and nature trails to the extent feasible. PF -11 All landscaping features and plant materials shall be selected and maintained to minimize hiding spaces and other indefensible spaces. PF -12 Walls, fences and other publicly accessible flat surfaces shall be landscaped, designed or protected to minimize areas that attract graffiti. Solid Waste Pic4-uE & lkecycling Policies PF -13 Solid waste pick-up and curbside recycling shall be provided by Atascadero Waste Alternatives or by another private vendor under the provision of franchise agreements with the City. PF -14 Each house and the multi -family apartments shall have an area for trash and recycling dumpster storage located behind the front yard fence. Ener & Communtcahon Facilities Policies PF -15 The City shall ensure that energy and communications services are provided, either through direct city provision, contract, or franchise. PF -16 Electrical services shall be provided by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) or other authorized service providers. PF -17 Southern California Gas Company shall provide natural gas service or other authorized service providers. PF -18 Telephone service shall be provided by Pacific Bell or other authorized service providers. PF -19 Cable television shall be provided by Charter Communications or other authorized service providers. PF -20 All utilities shall be installed underground. PF -21 No roof mounted or aerial antennas or receiver dishes shall be installed that are visible from beyond a parcel's property lines. CITY OF ATASCADERO 1I-44 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN ��� Ua. SPECIFIC PIAN REGULATIONS 1. Public Schools Public school services for the Plan Area are provided by Atascadero Unified School District. The nearest public schools are Santa Rosa Elementary School, Atascadero Junior High School, and Atascadero High School; located within approximately 5 miles of the Plan Area. No school facilities are provided within the Plan Area area. The developer shall be responsible for payment of school impact fees prior to certificate of occupancy. 2. Fire Protection Services The City of Atascadero Fire Department provides fire protection services to the Plan Area. Emergency fire access is provided via the main entrance at Halcon Road as well as the gated emergency access at Alondra Road; both of which are depicted in Exhibit 7 --- Circulation Map. The connection to Alondra Road will have an automatic emergency -access -only gate. Emergency personnel will be able to remotely activate the gate for emergency access. Fire hydrants shall be provided and spaced per City of Atascadero Fire Department standards. Dwelling units within the SFR -3 Zoning District in excess of 5,000 square feet shall be sprinklered per City of Atascadero Fire Department standards. No fire protection facilities are provided within the Plan Area. 3. Police Services The City of Atascadero Police Department provides police services to the Plan Area. Emergency access is provided via the main entrance at Halcon Road as well as the emergency access at Alondra Road; both of which are depicted in Exhibit 7 — Circulation Map. The connection to Alondra Road will have an automatic emergency access only gate. Emergency personnel will be able to remotely activate the gate for emergency access. No police facilities are provided within the Plan area. 4. Solid Waste Pick-up & Recycling Ataseadero Waste Alternatives shall provide solid waste pick-up and curbside recycling service to the Plan Area. 5. Energy & Communication Facilities The service providers currently authorized to serve the City of Atascadero shall provide energy and communication facilities. However, this should not preclude additional providers from competing within the Plan Area as these services are deregulated. CITY OF ATASCADERO I1-45 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS E. OPEN SPACE ELEMENT The Plan offers the perpetual preservation of approximately 52.4 acres of open space and oak woodland preserve, as well as a nature trail system. The dedication of the open space protects heavily wooded areas, highly visible slopes, natural drainages, and native revegetated detention basin areas from development, traffic and construction impacts. Goal To provide open space and a system of walking nature trails, protect sensitive oak woodlands, and create a unique rural neighborhood character. Policies OS -1 Open space and oak woodland preserve areas shall be made accessible via nature trails. Nature trail connections shall be provided consistent with the design depicted in Exhibit 7 - Circulation Map. OS -2 The on-site storm water detention basins shall be improved as a passive open space feature and planted with native plants. OS -3 Manufactured slopes and other graded common areas shall be revegetated with native plants for use as passive open space. OS -4 Oak trees near construction areas that are to remain shall be protected as per the '.free Preservation, Protection, and Mitigation Plan made a part of the Appendix. OS -5 Oak tree removal will be mitigated by the preservation of the open space and oak woodland preserve, through payment into the tree mitigation fund, and with replanting per the Tree Mitigation Plan attached hereto and made a part of the Appendix. OS -6 Prior to the issuance of any certificates of occupancy for the Plan Area, the applicant shall pay park in -lieu fees. OS -7 Nature trails shall be constructed consistent with the design depicted in Exhibit 14 — Typical Nature Trail Cross Section. OS -8 Open Space areas shall include a 50 -foot defensible space from street frontages and 100 -foot defensible space from residential buildings. CITY OF ATASCADERO II -46 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS 1. Parkland Requirements The City of Atascadcro requires the dedication of S acres of parkland for every 1,000 residents. Due to its proximity to Paloma Creek Park and the open space and nature trail; no new parkland will be built within the Plan Area. The Plan will complete its parkland requirement through payment of an in -lieu fee to be paid prior to certificate of occupancy. There will be some park -in -lieu fee credits granted in return for the dedication of the open space, nature trail system, pedestrian bridge and street crossing providing access to Paloma Creek Park, and on-site tot lot, pocket park, staging area. 2. Open Space Facilities The Plan provides a nature trail system and staging area amongst native grasslands and oak woodlands taking advantage of the Plan Area's scenic views and sensitive resources. Maintenance of Open Space areas are the responsibility of the City who will provide for or contract for maintenance activities in these areas, including defensible space features as described in the Implementation Section. a. Nature Trail The nature trail system will be designed to serve the residents of the Plan and the public in general. The trail system will be constructed to be an environmentally friendly, natural footpath with little impact on the native setting. The narrow, meandering trail will provide walking access to open space and natural resource areas. The trail slope and width will respond to the natural terrain as well as areas of existing vegetation. Nature trails shall be constructed with the design depicted in Exhibit 14 -- Typical Nature Trail Cross Section. h. Pocket Park/Trail Staging Area The pocket park/trail staging area shall consist of a concrete bench, picnic table, tot lot, barbeque, wooden directional fence, interpretive exhibit and natural landscaping as depicted in the Site Amenities Plan made part of the Appendix. c. Dative Revegetated Slopes & Detention Basins Cut slopes, fill slopes, and detention basins within the Plan Area shall be revegetated with native plants as depicted in the Site Amenities Plan attached hereto and made part of the Appendix. CITY OF ATASCAIDERO II -47 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS O d. Off-site Facilities Pending future access improvements at Paloma Creek Park, the intersection of the Plan Area and Halcon Road will include a safe pedestrian crossing and pedestrian bridge providing access to Paloma Creek Park. 3. Oafs Tree Preservation To preserve the beauty and rural identity of the community, development within the Plan shall seek to preserve native woodlands and oak trees and control their removal. Oak trees shall not be trimmed, destroyed or removed without a permit or the approval of the City. The removal of oak trees shall be mitigated by the preservation of the open space and oak woodland preserve areas through payment into the tree mitigation fund, and with replanting per the Certified Arborist's recommendation. Tree mitigation fund payment is estimated at $167.60 per tree removed or approximately $221,400.00. Avoided oak trees shall be protected and preserved per the Tree Protection and Preservation Plan attached hereto and made part of the Appendix. CI'T'Y OF ATASCADERO II -48 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN NOT TO SCALE "Frail Notes: 1. Trail width to vary depending on topography and location. 2. Trail alignment shall be near parallel with topographical contours to minirnize impacts on slopes. / :,�/i 1r -t -. x c l :l •=-- Typical Nature Trail Cross Section Exhibit 14 SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLAND CITY OF ATASCADERO II -50 WOODLANDS SPECI.FIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS F. NEIGHBOR1I00I3 DESIGN ELEMENT Effective Landscape and Streetscape Design are crucial to creating a unique, cohesive and attractive neighborhood. Features such as landscaping, fencing, street trees, street lighting, and sidewalks have been included in this Plan to collectively add to the quality of the streets. Similarly, a consistent architectural style provides for a unified streetscape and neighborhood design. Goal To create a unique, cohesive and attractive neighborhood through effective landscape and streetscape design. Streetsca a Policies ND -1 Street trees should be planted consistent with 'fable 11 - Trees Species Fist. ND -2 Streets shall be planted with a single -tree species in a regularly spaced pattern and irrigation installed at time of planting. ND -3 'frees shall be in place prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy of the unit. ND -4 Streetlights shall be low level and of unified earth tone color and design. ND -5 Sidewalks shall be provided consistent with the standards set forth in the Circulation Element and as depicted in Exhibits S and 9 - Street Sections. Landsc'e Na cies NTD -6 All manufactured or manipulated slopes shall be hydroseeded after grading. ND -7 Private rear yards with slopes exceeding five (5) feet in height shall be landscaped and drip irrigated with an automatic controller for each lot. Trees shall be planted approximately thirty (30) feet on center on all slopes over five (5) feet in height. This landscaping shall be in place prior to certificate of occupancy of the unit; planting shall be designed to provide 80% ground coverage at 24 months. ND -8 Automatic, underground irrigation shall be provided for all front yards. Front yard landscaping shall be installed prior to certificate of occupancy of the unit. Each front yard shall include a minimum of one (1) street tree on interior lots, and two (2) street trees on corner lots, with an average thirty (30) feet on center spacing. CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-51 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLNN REGULA"T"IONS ND -9 All disturbed open space, detention areas, and manufactured slopes in common areas shall be planted with native species and irrigated with temporary drip irrigation until established. Fencing Policies' ND -10 View fencing shall be installed on slopes as identified in Exhibit 15 - Hillside Fencing Standards. ND -11 Solid fencing shall not be constructed on slopes over five (5) feet in height as measured from above the lower building pad. Architectural St le Policies ND -12 Housing products shall conform to the development standards set forth in their respective Zoning Districts and shall be consistent with the elevations shown in the Architectural Style attached hereto and made part of the Appendix. CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-52 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULA'T'IONS 1. Streetseape Design Effective street tree and streetscape design is crucial to a cohesive and attractive neighborhood. The Plan's street system has been designed with consideration for aesthetics and includes a site entry, sidewalks, streetlights, and street trees that enhance the quality of the neighborhood streets. a. Sidewalks Sidewalks are provided on all public streets to complete the pedestrian circulation network and provide connections to the nature trail system. b. Street Lights Street lighting shall be low level, earth toned, and placed in accordance with the Site Amenities Plan attached hereto and made part of the Appendix. C. Street Trees Street trees are an important feature of the neighborhood's aesthetics. They offer shade to pedestrians, reduce urban heat buildup, improve air quality, and provide visual unity to the streetscape. To further enhance the streetscape, street trees shall be installed prior to occupancy of the units. Street tree selection shall be consistent with Table 1.1 --Tree Species List as well as the Site Amenities Plan attached hereto as part of the Appendix. CITY OF ATASCADERO 11:-53 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PIAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS Arbutus menziesii Celtis sinensis Fraxinus latifolia Platanus raceosa Pinus sabiniana Quercus agrifolia Quercus douglasii Quercus lobata Quercus rubra Quercus suber Quercus wislizenii Umbellularia californica Zelkova serrata Table 11: Tree Species List Madrone Chinese Hackberry Oregon Ash California Sycamore California Grey Pine Coast Live Oak H&A Blue Oak Nee Valley Red Oak. Cork Oak Desert Oak California Bay Laurel Javanese Zelkova d. Site Entry The Plan's site entry feature shall include an externally illuminated stone -faced masonry wall with lettering, accent planting with a variety of texture and color at the base of the wall, and trees. 2. Landscape & Fence Design Due to the site's topography and geographic location, the development may be visible from certain locations throughout Atascadero. Drought tolerant landscaping shall be provided to soften visual impacts and enhance neighborhood design. Where feasible, existing native vegetation shall be left undisturbed. Impacts to the natural landscape, including open space, oak woodlands, and native grasslands, will be minimized and revegetated with native species where impacts are unavoidable. Drought tolerant landscaping for common areas shall be provided; including entryway feature landscaping, median and parkway landscaping, and multi- family common area landscaping. Street trees shall be provided consistent with the species listed herein. Natural landscaping shall be provided within the pocket park/trail staging area. CITY OF ATASCADERO 11-54 WOODLANDS SPECII IC PLAN Within the SFR -1 and SFR -2 Zoning Districts, landscaping shall be provided for private front yards as well as private rear yards with slopes exceeding five (5) feet in height. To further enhance the streetscape, front yard landscaping shall be installed prior to occupancy of the units. In order to minimize the visual impact of fencing up and across tall uphill sloping rear yards, and in order for uphill lots to see distant vistas, hillside fencing should be installed consistent with. Exhibit 15 — Hillside Fencing Standards. Drought tolerant common area landscaping and gate/entry landscaping features will be provided in the SFR -3 Zoning District. Landscaping and fencing -1 Zoning District will be provided by the site ilnpraverrients for the SC developer consistent with the Development Standards contained herein. 3. Architectural Style The Plan provides a range of architectural styles consistent with the existing rural character of Atascadero. The architectural styles of the Plan include Rural Traditional, Monterey, California Ranch. Housing products shall be provided consistent with the elevations shown in the Architectural Style attached hereto and made part of the Appendix. CITY OF ATASCADERO II -55 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCADERO II -56 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Solid Fence I a Property, y line 0 I a View Fence I �°- Solid Fence j� �L L 3r Slope bank — i View Fence I �— Property I line Fence ,dotes: Drip irrigation should be provided on slopes exceeding 10' in height Trees in slope area should be planted approx. 30' on center --- - - , Hillside Fencing Standards Exhibit 15 SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCADERO TI -58 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN AFFORDABILITY BY DESIGN inciusiona Units: Market Rate Units: For -Rent very -low- low- moderate- For -Sale: moderate- In -Lieu number of Economically more- Tiered less- Base SFR -3 Tiers Product income income income income units used available expensive larger -lot inclusionary inclusionary inclusionary inclusionary to calculate market -rate market -rate market -rate for -rent units for -rent units for -rent units for -sale units indieu fees for -rent units for -sale units for -sale units Inclusionary Housing Units: 1) MFR Apartments very -€ow 2 2) Apartments low _ 5 _MFR MFR Apartmentsf 3) moderate t3 SFR -3 secondary dwelling Q} units _ 13— S) V — MFR Townhome g 6) SFR -1 Small -Lot Homes_ 4 Multi -Family Area In -Leu Units 5 Single -Family Area In -Lieu _ Units 7 — Resigned tiers of� W economic availability: 7J MFR Apartments B} MFR Townhomes — 25 9) SFR -1 Small Lot Homes _ _. 24 10) SFR -2 Standard Lot Homes 94 11) SFR -3 Estate Lots wl largo _ homes 21 The Atascadero Woodlands has been designed to provide multiple tiers of economic availability. This was done in purposeful compliance with the General Plan, and prior to the adoption of the Interim Inclusionary Policy. At the time of adoption of the Woodlands Specific Plan, a formal inclusionary housing ordinance was not yet adopted. Relevant General Plan policies include Goal HOS 2, Policy 2.1.1; Goal HOS 2, Policy 2.1.3; and Goal HOS 2, Policy 2.2.2. The interim policy required 20% Inclusionary Housing. The Woodlands proposal provides a total of 20% inclusionary Units, by providing approximately 15% on site and 5% payment of In -Lieu fees. This levet of affordability is fully compliant with the General Plan and the intent of the later adopted Interim Policy. inclusionary Affordable Housing Plan Exhibit 16 INCLUSIONARY AFFORDABLE HOUSING PLAN: analysis: inclusionary distribution estimated estimated Number of as a by typical unit overall estimated Zone Category Type Income Level of Incusionary % of income level, building in -lieu in-fieu Provided Units Units overall type or permit valuation fees units in -lieu valuation figure MULTI-FAMLYAREA MFR a artmeMs : MFR For -Rent Apt, Very -low 2 2.0% of 101 9.911K of 20% of 101 101 Low 5 5.0% of 101 24.8% of 20% of 101 units @ Moderate 8 7.9% of 101 39.6% of 20% of 101 $120,000 Provided subtotal 15 14.9% of 101 74.3% of 20% of 101 In -lieu Units 5.2 5,1% of 101 25.7% of 20% of 101 $78,000 $303,000 Area subtotal 20.2 20.0% of 101 100.0% of 20%" of 101 SINGLE-FAMILY AREA SFR -1, SFR -2 and SFR -3 zones, and MFR townhomes : MFR For -Sale Townhome Moderate 9 5.1% of 177 25.4% of 20% of 177 34 units @ SFR -1 For -Sale S.F. Det. Moderate 4 2.3% of 177 11.3% of 20% of 177 $130,000 28 SFR -3 For -Rent Secondary Unit Moderate 13 7.3% of 177 36.7% of 20% of 177 units @ $160,000 Provided subtotal 26 14.7% of 177 73.4% of 20% of 177 94 units @ $800,950 In -Lieu Units 9.4 5.3% of 177 26.6% of 20% of 177 $197,000 $212,682 21 Area subtotai 35.4 20.0% of 177 100.0% of 20% of 177 units @ $220,000 PROSECT: For -Rent subtotal 28 1 10A% of 278 50.4% of 20' of 278 For -Sale subtotal 13 4.7% of 278 23.4% of 20% of 278 Provided subtotal 41 14.7% of 278 73.7% of 20% of 278 In -Lieu subtotal 14.6 5.3% of 278 26.3% of 20% of 278 $158,842 $1,103,950 $290,682 55.6 1 20.0% of 278 Total Notes: a. The number of bedrooms of any of the inclusionary units provided may vary, and the inclusionary prices and rents would vary proportionately. b. The inclusionary units will have an equivalent exterior appearance as the market rate units in the same zone. c. The inclusionary units may have a different interior size, configuration and finish than the market rate units. d. The inclusionary units wilt be distributed evenly in location throughout the zones in which they are placed. e. All inclusionary units shall be deed restricted for a period of 30 years. f. The for -sale inclusionary units will be placed in the SFR -1 and MFR zones. Townhomes can count for Multi -Family or Single -Family Areas, per City Staff. g. In -Lieu Fees will be calculated as: (per City Staff) "the sum of all building permit valuations, times 2.5%9, times the percentage of in -lieu units" For example: for the Multi -Family Area, typical units have estimated building permit valuations averaging approx. $120,000. This average valuation, multiplied by the overall unit count of 101 units, gives the sum of all building permit valuations. This sum times 2.6% gives the "overall in -lieu valuation figure" of $303,000. Thi; overall figure, multiplied by the percent of inclusionary units which are in -lieu (not -provided), gives: $303,000 X 25.7% = $78,000, the estimated In -lieu fee for this Area. Likewise, for the Single -Family Area: average typical unit building permit valuation times 177 units, times 2.5%, times the in -lieu percentage of 26.6%, gives the estimated in -lieu fee of $212,682 for the Area. Estimated in -lieu fee for the entire project is: $78,000 + $212,682 = $290,682. Inclusionary Affordable Housing Plan Exhibit 16 IMPLEMENTATION IIT. IMPLEMENTATION Section III of the flan responds to the requirements of §65451(x)(4) of the Government Code by providing public facilities and development review programs necessary to implement the regulations and design guidelines set forth in Section 11. Section III is or anized into the following subsections: A. Public Facilities B. Development Review & Approval Process CITY OF ATASCADERO 111-1 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION A. PUBLIC FACILITIES Development of the public facilities required to accommodate growth in the Plan will occur in several ways. The general requirements for infrastructure and facilities, and the likely method of funding, are described in the following subsections. Ptxblc ac>lt Pol�.cips. F-1 The property developer of the Plan Area shall be required to pay for the backbone infrastructure and community facilities that are required to serve the Plan Area. F-2 The developer shall pay school fees prior to certificate of occupancy. F-3 The Atascadero Woodlands Public Facilities Maintenance Assessment District (AWPFMAD) shall be formed for the collection of assessment fees to finance the maintenance of all public facilities in the Plan Area. Funds will be collected by the County Tax Collector and distributed to the City biannually. The City shall administer the funds and provide or contract for all maintenance activities. CITY OF ATASCADERQ 111-2 . WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION 1. Facilities Service Standards Development within the Plan shall conforrn to all existing City of Ataseadero standards set forth. in the City's General Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Public Works Standards unless otherwise specified in this Plan. Individual projects developed in the Plan Area shall pay all required fees established by the City, including penuit, school, plan. check and impact fees, to mitigate all off site facilities impacts anticipated under the General Plan. A fiscal impact report is being prepared to evaluate the proposed Plan Area impacts on City services. 2. Phasing Plan The Plan establishes the framework for infrastructure improvements required within the Plan Area. Certain elements of the overall infrastructure network (i.e. location of sewer trunks, storm drainage, collector street access) act as constraints in the phasing of the Plan Area. The Phasing Plan provides for development to begin from the northwest corner of the Plan Area consistent with Exhibit 10 — Phasing Plan. Alternative phasing shall be permitted subject to the provision of the necessary infrastructure and public facilities to support the level of development. Construction of Phase II shall not be contingent upon completion of Phase 1. 3. Facility Funding & Maintenance Unless otherwise indicated, the Ataseadero Woodlands Public Facilities Maintenance Assessment District (AWPFMAD) shall be created to collect fees assessed on the owners of property within the Plan Area and provide for the funding maintenance of all public facilities. Annual fees will include maintenance costs required to maintain all public facilities within the Plan Area for one year, plus a reserve amount for replacement costs, annual repairs, and administrative fees. Fees will be assessed upon each single-family lot, the multi -family site, and the commercial site based on the relative impact/benefit of each use on the facilities. Funds will be collected by the County Tax Collector with property taxes and distributed to the City biannually. The City shall administer the funds and provide or contract for all maintenance activities. a. On -Site Streets Construction of streets shall be the responsibility of the developer of the Plan. Public street improvements will be offered for dedication to the City; maintenance will be provided by funds collected by Atascadero Woodlands Public Facilities Maintenance Assessment District (AWPFMAD). Public facilities to be maintained by the City using AWPFMAD funds include public streets, curb/gutter/sidewalk, - signage, striping, sewer system, storm drain system, functional parts of the detention basins, and the emergency egress gate at Alondra Road. CITY OF ATASCADERO IIT -3 WOODLANDS ,SPECIFIC PLAN h. Off -Site Streets A Traffic Study has been prepared to investigate the impacts of existing users, the Atascadero Woodlands and other current and anticipated development on surrounding roads. This Traffic Study indicates the level of road improvements needed as well as each user's proportionate responsibility. The Woodlands will install certain off-site street improvements and intersection upgrades with signalization in accordance with the Traffic Study, Tentative Tract Map and Circulation Element contained herein. Class 11 bicycle facilities shall be provided from the Woodlands development to Paloma Creek Park with Class 11 connections to the existing bicycle facilities at El Camino Real. Should Atascadero Woodlands be the first development to provide street improvements, the developer of the Woodlands will be responsible for the financing and construction of the improvements. The improvements will be built with sufficient capacity to accommodate development within the Plan Area. As necessary, new development in the region and existing uses will also be accommodated. A Reimbursement Agreement shall be created providing that subsequent development using the improvements reimburse the Woodlands developer proportionate to their rate of use. C. Open Space & Landscaping Open space, including the oak woodland preserve, natural grassy areas, nature trails, native revegetated slopes, and non-functional areas of the detention basins shall be dedicated for preservation and continued public access. Open Space maintenance, including defensible space features and trash cleanup, shall be provided using AWPFMAD funds, administered by the City, or be provided under separate contract administered by the City. The Atascadero Woodlands developer will be required to maintain replanted native trees and native revegetated areas for a period of two (2) years or until established. The trailhead, trail staging areas, and pocket park area shall be dedicated to the City and maintained by funds collected through the AWPI~MAD. These funds will be collected by the County Tax Collector and distributed to the City biannually. The City shall administer the funds and provide or contract for all maintenance activities. Street trees and fencing on private lots shall be maintained by the lot owners. The developer of the SC -1 site shall be responsible for the maintenance of landscaping and fencing improvements. CITY OF ATASCADERO 111-4 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC FLAN d. Utilities Construction of all utilities infrastructure shall proceed in conjunction with development within the Plan Area consistent with the Phasing Plan depicted in Exhibit 10. The need for the utility systems within the Plan will be triggered by the approval of the tentative map for the residential subdivisions. Prior to the recording of final maps, detailed improvement plans, and funding mechanisms consistent with the general design described in this Plan shall be prepared and approved by the City. The developer will design and install all needed infrastructure; impact fee credits and reimbursements shall apply as is appropriate. The City shall assume maintenance responsibilities for all water, sanitary sewer and storm drainage facilities using funds from the AWPFMAD. Water System The developer will finance, design and install all on-site water system improvements, from the point of connections described above in the Infrastructure Element to each individual service location including mains, valves, blow -offs, service laterals and meter boxes. There are no required off-site or infrastructure improvements needed upstream of the said points of connection. The developer will provide an easement to Atascadero Mutual Water Company on a portion of the SC -1 parcel for the future development of a water well and related facilities. Atascadero Mutual Water Company may test for, design and install the well and any related facilities, needed to comrect to Atascadero Mutual Water Company's existing infrastructure. Sanitary Sewer System Should Atascadero Woodlands be the first development to require connection to the new sewer system mainline extension, the developer of the Woodlands will be responsible for the financing and construction of the mainline from the treatment plant to the Woodland's point of connection. The mainline will be built with sufficient capacity to accommodate development within the Plan Area as well as new development in the area and existing uses. Development using the sewer extension, within fifteen (15) years, will be responsible for reimbursing the Woodlands developer proportionate to their rate of use. The City shall assume maintenance responsibilities. CITY of ArASCADER® 111-5 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC.' PIAN IMPLEMENTATION B-1 , r_yr IA1 Storm Drainage System The developer will design and install all on-site storm drainage facilities. Irrigation and landscape maintenance will be provided by the developer for a period of two (2) years after installation. Maintenance of the storm drain system and the functioning elements of the basins will be provided by the City of Atascadero using AWPFMAD funds. e. Lighting Streetlights shall be installed along all collector and local residential streets. Street lighting shall be funded as part of street improvements. Maintenance of all lighting shall be the responsibility of the City using funds from the AWPFM.AD. 4. Public Safety Facilities Public safety services and facilities shall be funded through the City of Atascadero. All new developments shall be charged a fee prior to certificate of occupancy. Development within the Plan Area shall be required to mitigate their impact on the City school system. No school sites or facilities are included in the Plan consistent with the General Plan. A School Facilities Impact Fee and payment schedule shall be negotiated with Atascadero Unified School District prior to certificate of occupancy. DEVELOPMENT REVIEW & APPROVAL PROCESS All development within the Plan Area must be consistent with the goals, policies, standards, and guidelines of this Plan as well as the City's General Plan. Should inconsistencies arise, the standards and regulations set forth in this Plan shall prevail. 1. Subdivision Process The subdivision process within the Plan shall be governed by the City of Atascadero's Subdivision Ordinance and Municipal Code, as well as the State Subdivision Map Act (California Government Code Sections 66410 et. seq.). Processing procedures, submittal requirements, and findings required by the City's Subdivision Ordinance will be enforced as set forth therein. In addition to the findings required by the Atascadero Subdivision Ordinance, all tentative map and vesting tentative reap approvals will require adoption of the following findings. CITE' OF ATASCADERO III -6 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Fata�i�n ''s a. The Tentative Map conforms to the requirements of this Plan. b. The Tentative Map is consistent with any relevant/required mitigation measures adopted by the Mitigated Negative Declaration, as certified by the City Council. C. The Tentative Map is consistent with this Plan as adopted and therefore, additional environmental review under CEQA is not required (CEQA Guidelines Section 15182, Public Resources Code 21083, California Government Codes 65453). d. The Woodlands will incorporate an Inclusionary Affordable Housing Plan which will comply with the intent of current City of Atascadero Inclusionary housing policies. A further discussion of Inclusionary Affordable Housing requirements is provided in Exhibit 16. e. As a condition of the Tentative Map approval, prior to final map recordation the applicant shall enter into a legal agreement with the City to reserve half of the for -sale dwelling units in the SFR -1, SFR -2, and MFR districts for sale to residents or workers within the City of Atascadero. The agreement shall be subject to approval by the City attorney and is proposed to include the following provisions; (1) The units shall be offered for sale to residents or workers within the City of Atascadero for a minimum of 60 -days. ]During this time period offers may only be accepted from Atascadero residents or workers. (2) The applicant shall provide reasonable proof to the City that at least one of the qualified buyers is a resident or worker within the City Limits of Atascadero. (3) The Atascadero resident or worker restriction shall apply to the initial sale only. (4) The applicant shall identify which units will be reserved. f. As a condition of the Tentative Map approval, prior to final map recordation, the applicant shall provide a detailed cost analysis and breakdown of all maintenance required and the amount to be billed to each property annually. The analysis shall include scheduled maintenance including slurry seals, overlays, etc. The analysis shall include administrative fees. CITY OF AFASCADERO III -7 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION 2. Appearance Review Process The Appearance Review Process within the Plan applies to any proposed multi- or single-family product and commercial development and shall vary depending on. the type of project proposed. Processing procedures, submittal requirements, and findings required by the City will be enforced consistent with the findings set forth below. a. Single Family Residential 1, 2, and 3 (SFR-1/SFR-2/SFR-3) Under the Appearance Review Process, all single-family residential products require staff level Appearance Review and approval. All Appearance Review approvals within these Zoning Districts will require adoption of the following findings. Findings. a. The product conforms to the requirements of this Plan. b. The product is consistent with any relevant/required mitigation measures adopted by the Mitigated Negative Declaration, as certified by the City Council. C. The product is consistent with the standards and requirements of this Plan as adopted and therefore, additional environmental review under CEQA is not required (CEQA Guidelines Section 15182, Public Resources Code 21083, California Government Codes 65453). d. The product is consistent with the architectural style and standards attached hereto and made part of the Appendix. e. Colors and materials shall focus on the use of earth tomes and natural materials. b. Single Family Residential 3 (SFR -3) Under the Appearance Review Process, single-family residential products within the Single -Family Residential 3 (SFR -3) Zoning District require staff level Appearance Review and approval. All Appearance Review approvals within this Zoning District will require adoption of the following findings. CITU OF ATASCADERO 111-8 WOODLANDS SPLCII*IC PLAN 3 \rac�x!<.x t. IMPLEMENTATION Fndin s a. The product conforms to the requirements of this Plan. b. The product is consistent with any relevant/required mitigation measures adopted by the Mitigated Negative Declaration, as certified by the City Council. C. The product is consistent with the standards and requirements of this Plan as adopted and therefore, additional environmental review under CEQA is not required (CEQA Guidelines Section 151.82, Public Resources Code 21083, California Government Codes 65453). d. The product is consistent with the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs) attached hereto and made a part of Appendix. e. Colors and materials shall focus on the use of earth tones and natural materials consistent with the Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions (CC&Rs). 3. Conditional Use Permit/baster Plan of Development Process The Conditional Use Permit/Master Plan of Development Process within the Plan applies to any proposed multi -family or commercial product. Processing procedures, submittal requirements, and findings required by the City will be enforced consistent with the findings set forth below. a. Single Family Residential 3 (SFR -3) Under the Development Review Process, single-family residential products within the Single -Family Residential 3 (SFR -3) Zoning District with modifications to the building envelopes require Conditional Use Permit review and approval by the Planning Commission and adoption of the following findings. CITY OF ATASCADERo I11-9 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION indipgs a. Conformance with the findings set forth in the Appearance Review Process for Single Fancily Residential 3 (SFR -3). b. Requested modification does not result in any additional adverse visual impacts. C. Requested modification does not result in the removal of any additional oak trees 6" diameter at breast height (dbh) or greater and the overall tree canopy is not reduced by more than 20%. d. Oak tree removal is mitigated by replanting the species removed at a two -to -one ratio. b. Multi -Family Residential (MFR) Under the Development Review Process, multi -family residential products within the Multi Family Residential (MFR) Zoning District require Conditional Use Permit/Master Plan of Development review and approval by the Planning Commission. All Conditional Use Permit/Master Plan of Development approvals within the Multi Family Residential Zoning District will require adoption of the following findings. F��chngs a. The product conforms to the requirements and intent of this Plan. b. The product is consistent with any relevant/required mitigation measures adopted by the Mitigated Negative Declaration, as certified by the City Council. C. The product is consistent with the standards and requirements of this Plan as adopted and therefore, additional environmental review ander CEQA is not required (CEQA Guidelines Section 15182, Public Resources Code 21083, California Government Cedes 65453). d. The product is consistent with the architectural style and standards attached hereto and made part of the Appendix. CITY OF ATASCADERO III -10 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC" PLAN c. Service Commercial -1 (SC -1) Under the Development Review Process, commercial development within the Service Commercial - 1 (SC -1) Zoning District requires Conditional Use Permit/Master Plan of Development review and approval by the Planning Commission. All Conditional Use Permit/Master Plan of Development approvals within the Service Commercial - 1 (SC -1) Zoning District will require adoption of the following findings. rindin 's a. The product conforms to the requirements and intent of this Plan. b. The product is consistent with any relevant/required mitigation measures adopted by the Mitigated Negative Declaration, as certified by the City Council. C. The product is consistent with the standards and requirements of this Plan as adopted and therefore, additional environmental review under CEQA is not required (CEQA Guidelines Section 15182, Public Resources Code 21083, California Government Codes 65453). d. All future development shall protect existing trees and hillsides in accordance with current City Standards. e. All future development shall provide adequate landscape screening in order to mitigate adverse visual impacts from Halcon Road and the adjacent Railroad. CITY OF A.TASCADERO III -11 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC TAN IMPLEMENTATION THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CITY OF ATASCADERO III -12 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS Over time, various sections of this Plan may need to be revised to respond to changing technical, economic, or political conditions. Section IV of this Plan addresses the process for amending the Plan. The policies presented in this Plan contain some degree of flexibility, but any amendments must be judged by relatively fixed criteria. Section IV is organized into the followin2 subsections: A. Specific Plan Amendment Process B. Development Review & Approval Process CITY OF ATASCADERO IV -1 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN A. SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS The following process trust be followed in reviewing any proposed Plan amendments. 1. Specific details of Amendment Proposals to amend this Plan trust be accompanied by detailed information to document the change requested. This information should include revised text (or excerpt therefrom) and revised Land Use Diagram, where relevant, depicting the amendment requested. 2. Presentation of Deed for Amendment Since a significant amount of forethought and resources has been invested in the preparation of this plan, any proposals to amend the Plan must document the need for such changes. The applicant should indicate the economic, social, or technical issues that generate the need for amendment. 3. Submittal of Supplemental Studies Any proposal to amend this Plan must be accompanied by reports or studies that analyze the amendment's effects, compared to the adopted Plan., on the following issues. Platt Aiaaeni�ment Re �rernerits 1. Conformance with the Plan's Goals, Policies, Standards and Intent. 2. Consistency with the Comprehensive Regulations presented in Section II of the Plan. 3. Compatibility with any approved development that will be affected by the Plan amendment. 4. Compatibility with existing and planned land uses surrounding the proposed Plan Amendment, as indicated by the adopted Plan. 5. Analysis of traffic impacts. 6. Consistency with the adopted environmental document. 4. Supplemental Environmental Analysis The applicant must provide an analysis of the amendment's impacts relative to the adopted Environmental Document. Depending on the nature of the amendment, supplemental environmental analysis may be necessary, according to the Califomi.a Environmental Quality Act (Section 1.5162). CITY OF ATASCADERO IV -2 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS Iti� f 7-' 5. City Staff Analysis City staff shall review all of the above -submitted material and provide a staff report for presentation to the Planning Commission and City Council. Staff may also request further clarification of the above studies, if necessary. The staff report will analyze whether the proposed Plan. Amendment is consistent with the General Plan and whether the need to amend this Plan can be supported by the conclusions of the supplemental studies. The Planning Director shall have the authority to determine whether a proposed change is major or minor. Examples of Major and Minor Amendments are indicated in Table 10 —Amendment Procedures. With appropriate findings of consistency, the Director or Planning Commission may authorize a minor change. A major change must be processed as a full Specific Plan Amendment. 5. Public Hearings Both the Planning Commission and City Council must hold Public Hearings on any flan Amendment that constitutes a major change, in accordance with §65453 of the State Government Code. T%hh- 12- Amendment Procedure CITY OF ATASCFiIDERO IV -3 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PIAN Update Architectural Styles, floor Plan or Staff Details (Minor) Text clarifications (Minor) Staff New Product Type or Architectural Style Planning Commission inconsistent with Appendix (Minor) Change in Text that affect standards or policies Planning Commission (Major) Revised lotting layout or change in unit mix City Council (Major) CITY OF ATASCFiIDERO IV -3 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PIAN AMENDMENT PROCESS THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLAND CITY OF ATASCAI)ER0 rV-4 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 29 of 34 EXHIBIT D:Conceptual Site Amenities Plan (Specific Plan Appendix B) M I HIM HIM "0 tr, Fl a CO R if (fill K J, fl 41 • ' I Z 6 g tib r. o 0 fit ° 0 t A C r� 'f • k p RV 11i If i M CO a °q" C, VAA ��•� i. _ _� v �F rV. �• � n n c T E:Conceptual Rendered Architectural Elevations with Design Notations (Specific Plan Appendix C) �4 a� KIWI 113G7 a � � nil i `���j``re ,-■, 1,�/�/.a'� I��1 tl"'��_.Cyd u�aBa-a aFr.dr_ _ 1 ti •� �� �i�fi�t ;�a�1�` J� IP I -.ry•4RB73i7 I IrI■!I_� �eC.artl;.lean o .y■ . ., ,e■a■,;iaro, � vim� 1 � � r � City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 31 of 34 EXHIBIT E:Conceptual Rendered Architectural Elevations with Design Notations (Specific Plan Appendix C) z � • `� � ®®mss H ' i ®moms p I` Jill t f� City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 32 of 34 EXHIBIT E:Conceptual Rendered Architectural Elevations with Design Notations (Specific Plan Appendix C) . . �' P 10 O ICA l __�-- '� IIU I�i i i� t Eri'I u I ,.�! E iii► 'r�I�jt �I I �� If11i11111111dfE ' I�`+�_ 1. - IBH1Hi I j b�— ,f i 1 I I LnHhe 111111 Im But AM : III' ' IHIS" IIIA �i flluliill', r,n .o: I r,���. mm�,; �af111H1� WWI - 7 WI -1111 1� iii • IINlllllp i Ir II I I 1111( (�IIII;ILI I I"" 141'ir► 11111 r■in 21 - I I irrri; 'JI4 114 ��unnu I Y r 1 4 City of Atascadero Resolution No.2003-045 Page 34 of 34 EXHIBIT F:Affordable Housing Plan (Specific Plan Appendix D) Affordable Housing Plan 8/21/03 Table 8.21.03 Inclusionary Housing Council Policy Proposed Difference In-Lieu Fee MFR Units 101 units 20%Affordable 20.2 units ave.bldg.prmt.valuation $120,000 in-lieu calculation percent 2.5% in-lieu valuation figure $303,000 (ave.building permit valuation X#of units X 2.5%) Affordable Distribution 20%Very Low 4.0 units 2.0 apartment units 2.0 units 50.5% 37%Low 7.5 units 5.0 apartment units 2.5 units 33.1% 43%Moderate 8.7 units 8.0 apartment units 0.7 units 7.9% 20.2 units 15.0 units 5.2 units 25.7% $78,000 $772 per unit Inclusionary Housing Council Policy Proposed Difference In-Lieu Fee SFR Units 177 units 20%Affordable 35.4 units ave.bldg.prmt.valuation $181,006 in-lieu calculation percent 2.5% in-lieu valuation figure $800,952 (ave.building permit valuation X#of units X 2.5%) Affordable Distribution 100%Moderate 35.4 units 13.0 secondary units 9.0 townhome units 4.0 SFR-1 units 35.4 units 26.0 units 9.4 units 26.6% $212,682 $1,202 per unit Inclusionary Housing Council Policy Proposed Difference In-Lieu Fee Total Project Units 278 units 20%Affordable 55.6 units ave.bldg.prmt.valuation $158,842 in-lieu calculation percent 2.5% in-lieu valuation figure $1,103,952 (ave.building permit valuation X#of units X 2.5%) Project affordable totals: 55.6 units 41.0 units 14.6 units 26.3% $290,682 $1,046 per unit