HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 111303 Special Approved: December 9,2003 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING au C"' ° CITY COUNCIL / PLANNING COMMISSION THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2003 6:00 p.m. PROPOSED MIXED USE ZONE CODE TEXT AMENDMENT STUDY SESSION MINUTES CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Clay called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members O'Malley, Pacas, Scalise, Mayor Pro Tem Luna and Mayor Clay Commissioners Bentz, Beraud, Jones, O'Keefe, Porter and Vice Chairperson Kelley Absent: Chairperson Fonzi Staff Present: Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Information Technology Director Andrew Fruin, Planning Services Manager Steve McHarris, Associate Planner Kelly Gleason, Associate Planner Kerry Margason, Assistant Planner Lisa Williamson, Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Attorney Roy Hanley and Recording Secretary Grace Pucci. Chairperson Fonzi joined the meeting at 6:08 p.m. STUDY SESSION STAFF REPORTS 1. Proposed Mixed Use Zone Text Amendment Community Development Director Warren Frace gave an overview of Mixed Use and answered questions of Council and Commission. A Visual Preference Survey was given and Council and Commission rated each slide; the survey results were then scored. PUBLIC COMMENT Maury Fromin, President of Rotman Fromin Communities in Santa Barbara, stated his company has been exploring the possibility of a mixed-use project on El Camino Real near Del Rio Road. He discussed his project, the advantages to this type of development and urged the City to give as much flexibility as possible to the mix of residential and commercial density within the Mixed Use Land Zone. John Knight, Planner with RRM Design Group, made several comments on the mixed use issue including: 1) it encourages redevelopment of existing sites, 2) good way to maximize the potential of land, 3) vertical development may not be appropriate for outlying areas, but is appropriate for the downtown, and 4) encouraged the use of horizontal development which creates an ownership benefit. Greg Rivat, local resident and architect, discussed his experiences with mixed use and explained the mixed-use projects he is currently developing. Richard Shannon, 5070 San Benito, real estate broker, encouraged flexibility in the mixed-use zones. He stated that providing for mixed use would allow underdeveloped land to be utilized. Barbara Combs shared her experience with mixed-use issues in the downtown and expressed concern,especially given noise issues, about increasing residential mixed use in the downtown. Carol Florence, land use planner with Oasis Associates in San Luis Obispo, shared, through the use of a PowerPoint presentation, some of the mixed-use projects her group has developed. (Exhibit A) Joel Clay, 6905 Lomitas Road, spoke on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce and expressed their concern with the loss of commercially zoned property in Atascadero. Bruce Buckingham, 12650 San Cayetano, stressed the need for flexibility within the mixed-use zones. He discouraged rigid standards for this zone. Mayor Clay closed the Public Comment period. CC/PC Mixed Use Study Session 11/13/03 Page 2 of 4 Director Frace presented the results of the Visual Preference Survey and elicited comments from Council and Commission. A summary of the comments and issues to be considered in mixed-use applications are as follows: 1) Streetscapes are important to soften facades. 2) Appropriate placement of parking 3) Livability 4) Pedestrian friendly 5) Green space should be incorporated 6) Public accessibility 7) Use of tiered construction on hillsides 8) Decrease the use of stucco on buildings 9) Disliked the design that resembled a row-house 10) Disabled access 11) Elevated facades to accommodate underground parking was objectionable 12) Important to keep upper and lower stories in the same architectural style 13) When a mixed use building is attached to an adjoining building, the styles should be appropriate to one another 14) Encourage the use of quality materials 15) Stay away from modern designs 16) Disliked flat roofs 17) There should be flexibility in price ranges 18) Must be careful when mixing commercial and residential uses and consider issues such as noise, hours of operation, etc. 19) The building should have a sense of being a residence as well as a business 20) Should there be height limits in commercial zones? 21) Tiered designs appear to be conducive to senior housing for security reasons. 22) Architectural enhancements are important with the use of a variety of embellishments 23) Incorporate public open space areas 24) Important to stay away from the strip mall look with parking in front 25) How many parking spaces will be required per unit? 26) Signage issues will be important 27) Scale of landscaping should be in proportion with the building. 28) Standards should not be set that cannot be met economically. 29) Create a buffer between residential and commercial. 30) Public/private partnerships should be looked at. 31) Staff look into how the capital improvement program could be used to enhance mixed- use particularly through street frontage, landscaping, parking, etc. PUBLIC COMMENT Kelly Gearhart stated that mixed use is a good idea, but new rules for fire, handicap access as well as insurance issues, make it financially unviable. He suggested that every project should stand on its own and it is important to speed up the processing time. CC/PC Mixed Use Study Session 11/13/03 Page 3 of 4 Richard Shannon gave his opinion that there should be two standards for mixed use, one for the downtown with small lots where vertical development would be appropriate and another for the outlying areas where horizontal makes more sense. Mayor Clay closed the Public Comment period. There was additional discussion by Council and the Commission. Any additional suggestions have been included in the list above. Council Member Pacas expressed several concerns regarding mixed use and offered several recommendations. She submitted these in a prepared document. (Exhibit B) ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Clay adjourned the meeting at 8:18 p.m. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Gr ce Pucci, Recording Secretary The following exhibits are available for review in the City Clerk's office: Exhibit A—Carol Florence, PowerPoint presentation Exhibit B —Council Member Pacas,Mixed Use Concerns CC/PC Mixed Use Study Session 11/13/03 Page 4 of 4