HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 101403 Approved: November 25,2003 � is e CITY OF A TASCA DERO C '�°" CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2003 REGULAR SESSION: Mayor Clay called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.p. and Council Member Scalise led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Pacas, O'Malley, Scalise, Luna and Mayor Clay Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Treasurer Joseph Modica Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Brady Cherry, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Redevelopment Specialist John Jansons, Information Technology Director Andrew Fruin, Planning Services Manager Steve McHarris, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Fire Chief Kurt Stone and City Attorney Roy Hanley. COMMUNITY FORUM: Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, announced that Project Cuesta Grade is officially completed with the ribbon cutting, which was held today. Additionally, much of the extra transit service had been funded by Cal Trans as part of the traffic mitigation process for the grade project and now those funds will no longer be available. Rescheduling of services such as Route 9 is being studied with the help of the riding public and there will be a meeting to this effect next Thursday in Room 103 of the Atascadero City Hall building, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. Mr. Greening discussed the issue of the California Car Tax increase and the possible effect if it is eliminated. Mayor Clay closed the Community Forum period. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Luna to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Employee Recognition - Service Awards City Manager McKinney presented awards to City employees for five, ten, fifteen and twenty years of service to the City of Atascadero. 2. Proclamation declaring October 12-18, 2003 "Colony Days" Council Member O'Malley read the proclamation and presented it to Eileen Allen, Chairperson of Colony Days. Council Member O'Malley officially recognized other members of the community instrumental in organizing the Colony Days celebration. 3. Proclamation recognizing Disability Achievement Month, October 2003 Council Member Pacas read the proclamation and presented it to Mary Ellen Felten, member of the Board of UCP. Ms. Felten presented Marty Memeck with a Disability Achievement Award from the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors and United Cerebral Palsy. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Council Member O'Malley spoke about the Main Street Mixer held earlier in the evening and discussed the planning that went into this year's Colony Days celebration. Council Member Scalise referred to the State STIP funds received by the City that is earmarked for the roads program. SLOCOG staff is recommending that this money be pooled causing competition between cities for the funds. Council Member Scalise asked the Council to consider adding this item to their agenda before the end of the year. There was Council consensus to place this item on the November 25, 2003 agenda. CC 10/14/03 Page 2 of 11 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Closed Session Minutes —August 22, 2003 ■ City Clerk recommendation: City Council approve the City Council minutes of the closed session meeting of August 22, 2003. [City Clerk] 2. City Council Strategic Planning Workshop Minutes — August 23, 2003 ■ City Clerk recommendation: City Council approve the City Council minutes of the Strategic Planning Workshop of August 23, 2003. [City Clerk] 3. City Treasurer's Report - July 2003 ■ Fiscal impact: None. ■ City Treasurer recommendation: City Council approve the City Treasurer's report for July 2003. [City Treasurer] 4. City Treasurer's Report - August 2003 ■ Fiscal impact: None. ■ City Treasurer recommendation: City Council approve the City Treasurer's report for August 2003. [City Treasurer] 5. July Disbursements —July 2003 Accounts Payable & Payroll ■ Fiscal impact: $1,848,122.89 ■ Staff recommendation: City Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for July 2003. [Administrative Services] 6. August Disbursements — August 2003 Accounts Payable & Payroll ■ Fiscal impact: $1,419,387.05 ■ Staff recommendation: City Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for August 2003. [Administrative Services] 7. Revising Procedures for Imposition of Business License Taxes ■ Fiscal impact: None has been identified, although there is some saving in staff time contemplated. ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt on second reading, by title only, the draft ordinance revising procedures for imposition of business license taxes in the City of Atascadero. [City Attorney] 8. Ordinance Revising Definition of Auto Dealer ■ Fiscal impact: None. ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt on second reading, by title only, the draft ordinance revising the definition of auto dealer in the Municipal Code of the City of Atascadero. [City Attorney] CC 10/14/03 Page 3 of 11 9. Adoption of Records Retention Schedule ■ Fiscal impact: The establishment of clear retention periods for City records will allow the City of Atascadero to realize significant savings in labor and storage costs, free filing cabinet and office space, and improve office efficiencies. ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt draft Resolution establishing the City's Records Retention Schedule and authorizing destruction of certain City records. [City Manager] 10. Single Family Planned Development Zone Change 2003-0040 - 5460 Mariquita Avenue (Jorgensen) ■ Fiscal impact: The project would be fiscally neutral and have no impacts on City revenues. As a general rule, residential planned development overlay zones do not require services beyond that which would be permitted within an underlying residential zoning district. ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt on second reading, by title only, the attached Draft Ordinance, enacting Zone Change 2003-0040 adding the PD-7 zoning overlay district to an RMF-10 site. [Community Development] 11. Zone Change 2003-0062; Establishing Specific Plan #1 - The Woodlands Specific Plan (Halcon Road/ R.W. Hertel & Sons, Inc.) ■ Fiscal impact: The project would likely have a slight negative impact on City revenues. As a general rule, single-family dwellings require services that exceed the revenue generated by the proposed uses. The project is conditioned to fund the maintenance of all streets and landscaping to minimize the fiscal impacts to the City. ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt on second reading, by title only, the draft Ordinance, enacting Zone Change 2003-0062 establishing an SP-1 zoning overlay district. [Community Development] 12. Zone Change 2003-0041; The Woodlands Specific Plan #1 - (Halcon Road / R.W. Hertel & Sons, Inc) ■ Fiscal impact: The project would likely have a slight negative impact on City revenues. As a general rule, single-family dwellings require services that exceed the revenue generated by the proposed uses. The project is conditioned to fund the maintenance of all streets and landscaping to minimize the fiscal impacts to the City. ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt on second reading, by title only, the draft Ordinance, enacting Zone Change 2003-0041 adding the SP-1 zoning overlay district to subject site. [Community Development] CC 10/14/03 Page 4 of 11 13. Proposition 40 Bond Act ■ Fiscal impact: Approval of this resolution will allow the City Manager to apply for $220,000.00 from the Per Capita Program under Proposition 40, the Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood, Parks and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2002. ■ Staff recommendation: Council approve the draft Resolution authorizing the City Manager to apply for grant funds from the Per Capita Program under Proposition 40. [Community Services] 14. Request to Place Memorial Benches at Atascadero Lake Park ■ Fiscal impact: None. All costs related to the purchase and installation of memorial benches are covered by the requesting family. ■ Staff recommendation: Council: 1. Approve a request by John and Jacquie Paulsen to place a Memorial Bench at Atascadero Lake Park. 2. Approve a request by Mary Johnson to place a Memorial Bench at Atascadero Lake Park. 3. Approve a request by Frank and Kathy Kock to place a Memorial Bench at Atascadero Lake Park. [Community Services] 15. Enhanced 9-1-1 Dispatch Equipment Replacement ■ Fiscal impact: None. The cost of the SBC Pacific Bell Enhanced 9-1-1 (E911) telephone system is $128,292.47. The funds are paid by the State of California directly to the vendor and have no impact on the General Fund. Maintenance of the system is included in the price of purchase. ■ Staff recommendation: Council approve purchase of SBC Pacific Bell Enhanced 9-1-1 (E911) telephone system for the Public Safety Communications Center. [Police Department] 16. Acceptance of Final Map 2003-0049 - Tract 2454 Phase II (TTM 2002- 0014) Ferrocarril Road (Gearhart/Wilson) ■ Fiscal impact: None. ■ Staff recommendation: Council: 1. Accept Final Map 2003-0049 (Trace 2454 Phase II); and, 2. Reject offer of dedication for emergency access easement without prejudice to future acceptance; and 3. Authorize City Manager to execute Subdivision Improvement Agreement [Public Works] 17. Acceptance of Final Map 2003-0059 - Parcel Map ATAL 01-089 (LLA 2001-0026) Pueblo/ Esperanza (Gearhart/Wilson) ■ Fiscal impact: None. ■ Staff recommendation: Council: 1. Accept Final Map 2003-0059 (Parcel Map ATAL 01-089); and, CC 10/14/03 Page 5 of 11 2. Reject offers of dedication for public utility easement and pedestrian access easement without prejudice to future acceptance. [Public Works] 18. Acceptance of Final Map 2003-0057 - Tract 2512 (TPM 2002-0024) 6205 San Gabriel Road (Rancho de Paraiso) ■ Fiscal impact: None. ■ Staff recommendation: Council: 1. Accept Final Map 2003-0057 (Tract 2512); and, 2. Reject offers of dedication for the public utility easement and emergency access easement without prejudice to future acceptance. [Public Works] 19. Acceptance of Dedication - Easement for Public Road ■ Fiscal impact: None. ■ Staff recommendation: Council approve draft Resolution recognizing that Council accepted an offer of dedication of an easement for public road purposes on February 26, 2002. [Public Works] 20. Telephone System Purchase ■ Fiscal impact: $125,000 of budgeted 2003-2004 Technology Funds. ■ Staff recommendation: Council approve the purchase of the IP 400 phone system from Avaya Communications for $125,000.00. [Information Technology] MOTION: By Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Luna to approve Items #A-1 through 20. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (Item #A-4 Ordinance No. 426, Item #A-8 Ordinance No. 427, Item #A-9 Resolution No. 2003-047, Item #A-10 Ordinance No. 428, Item #A-11 Ordinance #429, Item #A-12 Ordinance No. 430, Item #A-13 Resolution No. 2003-048, Item #A-19 Resolution No. 2003-049) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Planned Development Zone Code Text 2003-0083, Multi-Family Planned Development Zone Change 2002-0027 - Master Plan of Development (CUP 2002-0064), Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2002-0018 - 1200 La Costa Court (Charnley) ■ Fiscal impact: The project would likely have a slight negative impact on City revenues. As a general rule, multi-family dwellings require services that exceed the revenue generated by the proposed uses. ■ Staff recommendation: Planning Commission Recommends: 1. Adopt Resolution A, certifying Mitigated Negative Declaration 2003- 0024; and, 2. Introduce for first reading, by title only, draft Ordinance A approving Zone Change 2003-0083 establishing Planned District 20, based on findings; and, CC 10/14/03 Page 6 of 11 3. Introduce for first reading, by title only, draft Ordinance B approving Zone Change 2002-0027 based on findings; and, 4. Adopt draft Resolution B approving the Master Plan of Development (CUP 2002-0064) based on findings and subject to Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring; and, 5. Adopt draft Resolution C approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2002-0018, based on findings and subject to Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring. [Community Development] Planning Services Manager Steve McHarris gave the staff report and Community Development Director Warren Frace gave a presentation on the affordable housing component of the project. Both answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Tim Roberts, representing the applicant Andrew Charnley, answered some of the questions asked by the Council during their discussion. Eric Greening indicated that there were many good aspects to this project, but he raised several issues of concern including compatibility with the surrounding neighborhood and traffic impacts. Tim Roberts stated that there would be a center turn lane in the project and in addition the San Diego Apartments project is conditioned to realign the San Diego Road intersection, which will provide safer turning movements at that point. Mayor Clay closed the Public Comment period. There was Council discussion regarding the affordable housing component and the valuation process. Mayor Pro Tem Luna expressed concern that the in-lieu fee of $79,000 will not provide the units that would otherwise be required for this project. MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Mayor Clay to adopt Resolution A, certifying Mitigated Negative Declaration 2003-0024; and, introduce for first reading, by title only, draft Ordinance A approving Zone Change 2003-0083 establishing Planned District 20, based on findings; and, introduce for first reading, by title only draft Ordinance B approving Zone Change 2002-0027 based on findings; and, adopt draft Resolution B approving the Master Plan of Development (CUP 2002-0064) based on findings and subject to Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring and leave four parking spots at the front of the project; and, adopt draft Resolution C approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2002-0018, based on findings and subject to Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring. CC 10/14/03 Page 7 of 11 Motion failed 2:3 by a roll-call vote. (O'Malley, Pacas, Luna opposed) Council Member Pacas felt it was important to have affordable housing for the workforce and she felt that principle was being undermined with the provisions of this project. MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member O'Malley to accept the Planning Commission recommendations 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Motion passed 3.2 by a roll-call vote. (Pacas, Luna opposed) (Resolutions No. 2003-050, 2003-051 and 2003-052) Mayor Clay recessed the hearing at 8:40 p.m. Mayor Clay called the meeting back to order at 8:50 p.m. 2. Sinale-Family Planned Development Zone Change 2003-0061 - Master Plan of Development (CUP 2003-0110), Vesting Tentative Parcel Map 2003-0047 2955 Chico Road (Midland Pacific, Inc.) ■ Fiscal impact: The project would likely have a slight negative impact on City revenues. As a general rule, single-family dwellings require services that exceed the revenue generated by the proposed uses. ■ Staff recommendation: Planning Commission Recommends: 1. Introduce for first reading, by title only, draft Ordinance A approving Zone Change 2003-0061 applying PD-14 Overlay to 2955 Chico Road, based on findings; and, 2. Adopt draft Resolution B approving the Master Plan of Development (CUP 2003-0110) based on findings and subject to conditions of approval; and, 3. Adopt draft Resolution C approving Tentative Parcel Map 2003- 0047, based on findings and subject to Conditions of Approval. [Community Development] Community Development Director Warren Frace gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Ken Wilson, Representative for Midland Pacific, questioned whether the in-lieu fees had been discussed at the Planning Commission hearing. Director Frace stated that the fees were brought up after the Planning Commission hearing, and that the fees would be tacked on to the building permit fee. Mayor Clay closed the Public Comment period. CC 10/14/03 Page 8 of 11 MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Luna and seconded by Council Member Pacas to introduce for first reading, by title only, draft Ordinance A approving Zone Change 2003-0061 applying PD- 14 Overlay to 2955 Chico Road, based on findings; and, adopt draft Resolution B approving the Master Plan of Development (CUP 2003-0110) based on findings and subject to conditions of approval; and, adopt draft Resolution C approving Tentative Parcel Map 2003-0047, based on findings and subject to Conditions of Approval. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (Resolutions No. 2003- 053, 2003-054) C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Citywide Economic Development Strategy ■ Fiscal impact: There is no direct fiscal impact in reviewing and approving the proposed strategy. However, adoption and execution of a comprehensive Economic Development Strategy could have significant fiscal impact in increasing municipal revenue less program delivery costs. ■ Staff recommendation: Council review and adopt a five-year, citywide Economic Development Strategy for FY- 2003-2008. [City Manager] City Manager Wade McKinney gave the staff report and answered questions of the Council. Mayor Pro Tem Luna referred to pg. 2 and pg. 15 of the document, where the City of Atascadero is viewed as a "product that can be sold", and stated he objects to this wording and would like to see it removed from the document. On pg. 11, Table 2.3.1, he felt the City of Atascadero employment figures should reflect full time employees. Additionally, he made several specific corrections to the document. Council Member Scalise agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Luna and felt the Table on pg. 11 should be changed to reflect full-time employees for the City of Atascadero. There was Council consensus to eliminate the paragraphs referring to Atascadero as a "product that can be sold" from pages 2 and 15. PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening stated he approved of this document and made suggestions of potential changes. Mayor Clay closed the Public Comment period. MOTION. By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member O'Malley to approve a five-year, citywide Economic Development Strategy for FY-2003-2008 CC 10/14/03 Page 9 of 11 Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. D. ATTORNEY REPORTS: 1. Revisina Procedures for Appointina the Mayor and the Mayor Pro Tem ■ Fiscal impact: None has been identified. ■ Staff recommendation: City Council adopt the draft Resolution establishing a rotation system for the selection of the mayor and mayor pro tem in the City of Atascadero. [City Attorney] City Attorney Roy Hanley gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening stated he agreed with this resolution. Mayor Clay closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Mayor Clay to adopt the draft Resolution establishing a rotation system for the selection of the mayor and mayor pro tem in the city of Atascadero. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (Resolution No. 2003- 055) E. COMMITTEE & LIAISON REPORTS: Mayor Clay 1. County Mayor's Round Table: Held in Morro Bay, discussed ways each mayor and council run their meetings. Council Member Scalise 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments (SLOCOG)/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA): Discussion of State funding given the change in leadership in Sacramento. Council Member O'Malley 1. League of California Cities - Grassroots Network: Need to become more active with the League bringing the message that local revenue must be defended. 2. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC): This is a county organization and it has worked effectively within the community. CC 10/14/03 Page 10 of 11 Council Member Pacas 1. Atascadero Youth Task Force: At the last meeting the resource officer gave a presentation on her responsibilities. Last weekend the Task Force had their golf tournament. San Benito School and San Gabriel will be having program days for family resources that are available. F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Council Council Member O'Malley asked to agendize a review of the in-lieu fees. There was Council consensus to bring back the in-lieu fees for consideration. (Scalise opposed). Council Member Scalise stated she would like to see this item come back as a whole package, perhaps at the Strategic Planning Session in January. Mayor Pro Tem Luna asked for an update on the progress on the Municipal Code Review and noise ordinance. City Attorney Hanley indicated that it might be possible to discuss the noise ordinance at the next Council meeting. Regarding the Municipal Code Review, he suggested bringing the issues to Council in prioritized sections. City Clerk City Clerk Torgerson announced that Parks and Recreation Commissioner Dean Coker had resigned and she will advertise for applicants. G. ADJOURNMENT: 9:45 pm Mayor Clay adjourned the meeting at 9:45 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting on October 28, 2003. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk CC 10/14/03 Page 11 of 11