HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 032503 Approved April 22,2003 M-8 ■ i e CITY OF ATASCADERO CADS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, March 25, 2003 7:00 P.M. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:30 P.M. COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: (Immediately following Redevelopment Agency Meeting) Council Member O'Malley announced that he would be stepping down on Item #2 a) 1., due to a financial interest. 1. PUBLIC COMMENT - CLOSED SESSION 2. Call to Order a) Conference with legal counsel - Existing litigation (Govt. Code Sec. 54956.9 (a)) 1. Environmental Center of SLO v. City of Atascadero 2. Creekside Associates v. City of Atascadero b) Conference with negotiator over real property. (Govt. Code 54956.8) Negotiator: City Manager Wade McKinney Property: APN #028-092-009, #056-322-010, and #056-322-011. Negotiations will include price and/or terms of payment. 3. Adjourn 4. CLOSED SESSION REPORT City Attorney Roy Hanley announced there was no reportable action taken. CC 03/25/03 Page 1 Approved April 22,2003 REGULAR SESSION: 7:00 P.M. Mayor Clay called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Council Member Scalise introduced Boy Scout Chase Wagstaff who led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Pacas, O'Malley, Scalise, Luna and Mayor Clay Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Planning Services Manager Steve McHarris, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Fire Chief Kurt Stone and City Attorney Roy Hanley. COMMUNITY FORUM: Pastor Tom Gaddis led the attendees in a prayer. Raymond Jansen, read the second part of a three-part series of letters he has written to the editor of the Atascadero News. Leon Korba, Santa Ana Road, reminded the Council that he had requested information on the issue of placing the election of Mayor on the next ballot. Barbie Butz, 3370 San Fernando Road, representative of the Atascadero Youth Task Force, explained what they offer and what their highest priorities are. She distributed to the Council their Executive Summary and Priorities for 2003. (Exhibit A) Jerry Bunin, Home Builders Association and representative of Celebration for Community Housing, invited the Council to a housing tour and explained they want to show there can be nicely designed, higher density projects within the City that would create more affordable housing. He distributed information regarding housing. (Exhibit B) Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, expressed his opinion that density alone is not the whole picture of smart growth. He felt density must be achieved in such a way that surrounding open space is preserved rather than providing a new nucleus for surrounding sprawl, and that serious steps must be taken toward modal shift in transportation. Mayor Clay closed the Community Forum period. CC 03/25/03 Page 2 Approved April 22,2003 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Council Member Pacas requested a change in the Public Hearings reversing their order. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Luna and seconded by Council Member O'Malley to approve the agenda as amended. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Proclamation declaring April 2003 "Month of the Child" Council Member Pacas read the proclamation and Mayor Clay presented it to Susan Riojas of Head Start. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Mayor Pro Tem Luna asked for clarification concerning a property on Traffic Way zoned for public recreation and questioned the Planning Commissions' recent approval of a Conditional Use Permit for two membership organization facilities and 1.4 acre public park. Community Development Director Warren Frace explained the project and its conformance with the new General Plan designation for the site. The City Attorney explained that there is no inconsistency in the intended use and the General Plan designation, which included this type of use. He stated that Council does have the authority to interpret the meaning of the General Plan and can have this brought back for further discussion. Council Member Luna asked for consensus to put this issue on a future Council agenda. There was not Council consensus. Mayor Clay spoke about the community barbeque last Sunday at Camp Roberts for the troops. Council Member O'Malley asked the Council to agree to have staff come back to the Council with a report on the possibility of Atascadero becoming a Charter City. There was Council consensus to have staff place the issue of a City Charter on a future agenda. Mayor Clay stated the Hill family would like to have their code enforcement case placed on a future Council agenda. There was not Council consensus. 1. Participation as an Amicus Supporter of the Petition to the U.S. Supreme Court Seeking to Overturn Rubin v. Burbank Concerning Invocations at City Council Meetings — Discussion and Direction ■ Item comes before City Council at its own direction for discussion, without specific recommendation either for or against the policy. CC 03/25/03 Page 3 Approved April 22,2003 City Attorney Roy Hanley gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. Council Member Luna expressed his opinion against having prayer at Council meetings by reading the Seventh Day Adventist's Declaration of Principles concerning religious liberty. (Exhibit C) PUBLIC COMMENT Becca Carsel, 7370 Valle Avenue, stated that as a Jewish resident of Atascadero she is appalled that the Council would begin their meetings with Christian prayer. She feels this is not a local rights issue, but rather a church versus state issue and feels this is alienating to those who do not believe that a prayer should be in the name of Jesus. Marie Gaines stated that the court case prohibits only sectarian prayer in City Council meetings, and does prohibit prayer or an invocation. Eric Greening agreed with previous speakers and feels it is not a public service to join in this case. He stated his concern that having an official prayer opening to a meeting would divide the community by excluding some members of the community. Curtis Clark, local attorney, reviewed the court's decision and expressed his support for the proposal of the City Attorney. Joyce Zimmerman, 6225 Lomitas Road, stated she is an advocate for the separation of church and state. (Exhibit D) Leon Korba, Santa Ana Road, discouraged the Council from participating as a friend of the court in Rubin v. Burbank. (Exhibit E) Don Hughes, 7005 Lomitas Road, referred to several religious organizations and their stands on separation of church and state. David Broadwater, 6604 Portola Road, told the Council they should not participate in the friend of the court brief. He felt if the Council does not want sectarian prayer there is no reason to participate in the brief. Bill Bright, 11875 Santa Lucia, stated he agrees with the previous speakers and urged the Council to keep church and state separate. Joan O'Keefe, 9985 Old Morro Road East, stated she agrees with the previous speakers and expressed her opposition to prayer at Council meetings. She urged the Council to decline participation in the friend of the court brief. Curtis Clark gave some background on the individual who brought the initial lawsuit against the City of Burbank and his attorney. David Broadwater, referring to the previous speaker, felt it was inappropriate to use character assassination as an argument in favor of joining the brief. CC 03/25/03 Page 4 Approved April 22,2003 Leon Korba made a distinction between the individual who brought the initial suit and the issues involved. Eric Greening stated that the issue of individual rights is very important in this setting, as there are those who attend Council meetings who may not want to participate in a sectarian presentation. Bill Bright indicated that for him the issue is sectarian prayer, and he would be happy to listen to a non-sectarian City sponsored invocation. Mayor Clay closed the Public Comment period. Mr. Hanley clarified some specific points concerning this issue. There was Council discussion on this issue. MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Mayor Clay to have the City of Atascadero join with the rest of the cities that are going to participate in the declaration of support. Motion passed 3.2 by a roll-call vote. (Pacas, Luna opposed) 2. EI Pomar / Estrella Area Plan Update — San Luis Obispo County Supervisor Mike Ryan Supervisor Mike Ryan gave a presentation and answered questions of Council concerning the EI Pomar/ Estrella Area Plan update. PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening, member of the EI Pomar / Estrella Area Plan Update Committee commented on the following issues: 1) fees owed, 2) lack of parkland in the planning area and after the rezoning, no recreation zoned land, and 3) HCD numbers. He expressed concern about the actual outcome during the lifetime of the plan because of the way the state is now involved. Supervisor Ryan responded to several issues raised by Mr. Greening. Mayor Clay closed the Public Comment period. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Minutes — March 11, 2003 ■ City Clerk recommendation: City Council approve the City Council minutes of March 11, 2003. [City Clerk] CC 03/25/03 Page 5 Approved April 22,2003 2. February Disbursements — February 2003 Accounts Payable & Payroll ■ Fiscal impact: $1,514,205.46. ■ Staff recommendation: City Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for February 2003. [Administrative Services] 3. Award Contract for Breathing Air Machine ■ Fiscal impact: $44,743.78 (in FY 2002-2003 budget) ■ Staff recommendation: Council award contract to Bauer Compressors for the purchase of a Breathing Air Machine at a cost of $44,743.78, and authorize the City Manager to execute the appropriate agreement. [Fire Department] 4. 2002-2003 Annual Overlay Program — R. Burke Construction ■ Fiscal impact: $1,282,200 (in FY 2002-2003 budget) ■ Staff recommendation: Council: 1. Accept R. Burke Construction, Inc.'s work as complete. 2. Authorize the City Manager to sign and file the Notice of Completion. [Public Works] 5. Santa Ysabel Avenue Rehabilitation Project— Bid No. 2002-01 ■ Fiscal impact: $260,000.00 (appropriated from the Local Transportation Fund) ■ Staff recommendations: Council: 1. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate an additional $260,000 from the Local Transportation Fund for this project. 2. Authorize the City Manager to sign change orders up to $190,000.00 with Souza Construction, Inc. [Public Works] 6. Final Map 2002-0048 (Parcel Map AT 02-0253) 3300 Traffic Way - (TPM 2002-0030) - (Johnson/Dotson) ■ Fiscal impact: None. ■ Staff recommendation: Council accept Final Parcel Map 2002-0048 (Parcel Map AT 02-0253) [Public Works] Item #A-5: Council Member Luna asked if there were a method by which the City could be reimbursed by the utility companies for their failure to comply with good engineering practices. City Attorney Roy Hanley stated he would look at this issue and get back to Council with an off-agenda analysis of the potential. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Luna and seconded by Council Member Scalise to approve Items #A-1 through 6. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (Pacas abstain on #A-6) (Item #A-3 Contract No. 2003-007) Council Member Pacas stated that she had abstained from Item #A-6 to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Mayor Clay recessed the hearing at 9:18 p.m. Mayor Clay called the meeting back to order at 9:27 p.m. CC 03/25/03 Page 6 Approved April 22,2003 B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. General Plan Amendment 2003-0003, Zone Change 2003-0038 — Conversion of existing 1,925 square foot building from office use to single-family residence (7905 Curbaril Avenue/ Black) ■ Fiscal impact: The project would likely have a slight negative impact on City revenues. As a general rule, single-family dwellings require services that exceed the revenue generated by the dwelling. ■ Staff recommendation: 1. Adopt Resolution A certifying Negative Declaration 2003-0005; and, 2. Adopt Resolution B approving General Plan Amendment 2003-0003 based on findings; and, 3. Introduce for first reading, by title only, Ordinance A approving Zone Change 2003-0038 based on findings. [Community Development] Community Development Director Warren Frace gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. Bruce Black, applicant, stated he supported staff's recommendations, however, regarding removal of one-half of the blacktop on the property, he felt it would be helpful to his landscaping plans to leave it as is. PUBLIC COMMENT - None Mayor Clay stated he did not agree with the condition for removal of the blacktop. He felt at some point there would be other units there and it is unnecessary for the applicant to be required to remove the blacktop from the back of the house. MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member O'Malley to adopt Resolution A certifying Negative declaration 2003-0005. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Mayor Clay opposed) (Resolution No. 20003-017) MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member O'Malley to Adopt Resolution B approving General Plan Amendment 2003-0003 based on findings. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Mayor Clay opposed) (Resolution No. 2003-018) MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member O'Malley to introduce for first reading, by title only, Ordinance A approving Zone Change 2003-0038 based on findings. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Mayor Clay opposed) CC 03/25/03 Page 7 Approved April 22,2003 2. General Plan Amendment 2003-0004, Zone Change 2003-0033 — Road Abandonment 2002-0011; Zone Change 2002-0032; Master Plan of Development (CUP 2002-0074); Tentative Tract Map 2002-0021; The Villas at Montecito — 28-unit Multi-Family Planned Development & 6,400 SF Office Building (9500 Las Lomas Ave/ Hendrix) ■ Fiscal impact: The project would likely have a slight negative impact on City revenues. As a general rule, multi-family dwellings and office use require services that exceed the revenue generated by the proposed uses. ■ Planning Commission recommendation: 1. Adopt Resolution A, certifying Mitigated Negative Declaration 2002-0038; and, 2. Adopt Resolution B, approving General Plan Amendment 2003-0024 based on findings; and, 3. Introduce for first reading only Ordinance A, establishing Planned Development #18 (Zone Change 2003-0033) based on findings; and, 4. Adopt Resolution C, approving Road Abandonment 2002-0011 based on findings; and, 5. Introduce for first reading only Ordinance B, approving Zone Change 2002-0032 based on findings;and, 6. Adopt Resolution D, approving the Master Plan of Development (CUP 2002- 0074) based on findings and subject to Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring; and, 7. Adopt Resolution E, approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2002-0021, based on findings and subject to Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring. [Community Development] Community Development Director Warren Frace gave the staff report and answered questions of Council Rex Hendrix, applicant, submitted a letter from Dr. Schechter stating that all animals are kept indoors and they create no noise. He also asked that the requirement of pavers be removed. Mr. Hendrix also questioned the condition of deed restricting 2 homes as affordable. In answer to a question by Mayor Clay, Mr. Hendrix stated that he had no problem with designating a portion of the houses as workforce housing. (Exhibit F) PUBLIC COMMENT Kim Malone, 9275 Pino Solo, listed her concerns with the proposed project, especially the entrance into the site. Gail Gresham stated she thinks this project is beautiful but she expressed her concern with the increased traffic and safety. Larry Bell, 9025 Pino Solo, stated that he hoped the Council has had a chance to review the letter he sent in last week. He expressed his concern with the location of the entrance of the project. Bob Tomaszensky, applicant's representative, explained the location of the entrance was chosen based on topography and to avoid the removal of trees. Mayor Clay closed the Public Comment period. CC 03/25/03 Page 8 Approved April 22,2003 There was Council discussion regarding issues raised by the applicant and public. MOTION: By Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Luna to accept the Planning Commission recommendations to: 1. Adopt Resolution A, certifying Mitigated Negative Declaration 2002-0038; and 2. Adopt Resolution B, approving General Plan Amendment 2003-0024 based on findings; and, 3. Introduce for first reading by title only Ordinance A, establishing Planned Development #18 (Zone Change 2003- 0033) based on findings; and, 4. Adopt Resolution C, approving Road Abandonment 2002- 0011 based on findings; and, 5. Introduce for first reading by title only Ordinance B, approving Zone Change 2002-0032 based on findings; and, 6. Adopt Resolution D, approving the Master Plan of Development (CUP 2002-0074) based on findings and subject to Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring dropping Condition of Approval #9 and amending Condition of Approval #16 specifying 15 years for the deed restricted period, and inserting a condition for workforce housing as appropriate; and, 7. Adopt Resolution E, approving Vesting Tentative Tract Map 2002-0021, based on findings and subject to Conditions of Approval and Mitigation Monitoring dropping Condition of Approval #9 and amending Condition of Approval #16 specifying 15 years for the deed restricted period, and inserting a condition for workforce housing as appropriate. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Pacas opposed) (Resolution Nos. 2003-012, 2003-013, 2003-014, 2003-015, 2003- 016) Council Member Pacas explained that she voted in opposition because at the last Council meeting a precedent was set to ask for 20% affordable or middle class housing and she does not see that percentage with this project, which is high-density housing. Mayor Clay recessed the hearing at 10:45 p.m. Mayor Clay called the meeting back to order at 10:55 p.m. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Luna and seconded by Council Member O'Malley to continue the meeting past 11:00 p.m. Motion passed 3:2 by a roll-call vote. (Pacas and Scalise opposed) CC 03/25/03 Page 9 Approved April 22,2003 3. Mixed Use Code Text Amendment—Zone Change 2003-0042 ■ Fiscal impact: None directly associated with amending the Zoning Code. ■ Planning Commission recommendation: City Council adopt draft Ordinance A, adopting the proposed mixed-use code text amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. [Community Development] Community Development Director Warren Frace gave the staff report and answered questions of Council There was Council discussion and recommendations for this proposed text amendment. PUBLIC COMMENT Larry Thibeault, 7400 Balboa, stated his concerns with the proposed text amendment. He also distributed his concerns in detail to the Council in a written submission. (Exhibit G) Ursula Luna, resident of Atascadero, expressed her concerns with widespread construction of 3-story buildings and feels the use of such buildings should start in the downtown and move out slowly from there. Mayor Clay closed the Public Comment period. There was Council consensus to send this item back to staff with Council's suggested amendments. C. ATTORNEY REPORTS: 1. Urgency Ordinance — Definition of Auto Dealer — Introduction of Permanent Ordinance to Same Effect ■ City Attorney recommendation: City Council: 1. Adopt, by a 4/5 vote, Urgency Ordinance No. 413 amending the definition of "auto dealer' in the Atascadero Municipal Code. 2. Introduce for first reading, by title only, draft Ordinance amending the definition of "auto dealer' in the Atascadero Municipal Code. [City Attorney] City Attorney Roy Hanley gave the staff report. PUBLIC COMMENT— None MOTION: By Council Member O'Malley and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Luna to adopt Urgency Ordinance amending the definition of "auto dealer" in the Atascadero Municipal Code, and introduce for first reading, by title only, draft Ordinance amending the definition of"auto dealer" in the Atascadero Municipal Code. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. CC 03/25/03 Page 10 Approved April 22,2003 D. COMMITTEE & LIAISON REPORTS: Council Member Scalise 1. Local Agency Formation Commissions (LAFCO): Beginning the Nipomo area sphere of influence study. 2. S.L.O. Council of Governments (SLOCOG)/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA): Working vigorously to suspend the regional housing needs allocation process. D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Council Mayor Clay referred to the discussion on affordable housing and asked about what will be coming forward on this item in the future. City Manager McKinney and City Attorney Hanley addressed this issue. There was Council discussion about how to proceed on projects already in the pipeline and work toward an inclusionary housing ordinance. The Mayor directed staff to come up with a strategy on how to handle both current projects and the zone change amendments that are necessary to implement the new General Plan. City Clerk Three applications have been received for the Parks and Recreation Commission. At the April 8t" meeting the appointments will be announced and Council will then vote on the appointments. E. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Clay adjourned the meeting at 12:10 a.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting on April 8, 2003. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk ' The following exhibits are available for review in the City Clerk's office: Exhibit A — Barbie Butz, Atascadero Youth Task Force Executive Summary and Priorities for 2003. Exhibit B — Jerry Bunin, Home Builders Association, information regarding housing. Exhibit C - Mayor Pro Tem Luna, PowerPoint document Exhibit D —Joyce Zimmerman, prepared statement Exhibit E — Leon Korba, prepared statement Exhibit F — Rex Hendrix, letter from Dr. Schechter Exhibit G — Larry Thibeault, list of objections CC 03/25/03 Page 11