HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 081302 Approved September 10,2002 CITY OF A TASCA DERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, 2002 7:00 P.M. Mayor Arrambide called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Clay, Johnson, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Arrambide Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney INTERVIEW SESSION: 6:00 P.M. 1. Citizens' Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) a. Interview and consider candidates b. Select, by ballot, one citizen for appointment The Council interviewed the two candidates and appointed Terrence Hobson to the Atascadero delegate position on CTAC. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:30 P.M. CC 08/13/02 Page 1 Approved September 10,2002 CLOSED SESSION: 1 . PUBLIC COMMENT - CLOSED SESSION 2. Call to Order a.) Conference with legal counsel - Existing litigation (Govt. Code Sec.54956.9 (a)) Environmental Center of SLO v. City of Atascadero 3. Adjourn 4. CLOSED SESSION REPORT City Attorney Roy Hanley announced that no reportable action was taken. REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: Mayor Arrambide called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and Council Member Clay led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Clay, Johnson, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Arrambide Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson and City Treasurer David Graham Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Deputy Executive Director John Jansons, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Deputy Community Services Director Geoff English, Technology Director Andrew Fruin, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, Police Lt. John Couch and City Attorney Roy Hanley. CC 08/13/02 Page 2 Approved September 10,2002 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Johnson to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. COMMUNITY FORUM: Lyne Bloomfield, 8200 San Gabriel Road, speaking on behalf of the PTA, read from a prepared statement requesting a traffic light at the corner of San Gabriel Road and Morro Road. (Exhibit A) Kimberly Mott, 12600 Santa Lucia, expressed her concern for the traffic problem at San Gabriel and Morro Roads and related an instance where she and her children witnessed a motor vehicle accident as they were attempting to cross Highway 41 on San Gabriel Road on the way to school. She asked Council to support, help facilitate and be proactive on the issue of a traffic light for this corner. Barbie Butz, 3370 San Fernando Road, stated she supports the previous speakers. Brian Carney, 8020 Azucena, stated that he has used the intersection of Morro Road and San Gabriel for many years while taking his grandson to school. He is pleased to see the PTA taking action on the issue, however, he feels it is not necessary to limit the solution to a traffic signal, and other possibilities such as an overpass, underpass, etc. would be just as effective in achieving a safe crossing for this intersection. There was Council consensus to have staff come back to the Council with a report on options for this intersection. Nicole Johnson, San Gabriel Road, expressed her support for a traffic signal at San Gabriel Road and Morro Road stating it would benefit the community as well as the students. Mike Clark, Principal of San Gabriel Road Elementary School, thanked the City of Atascadero for providing an excellent walking route for the school. He is concerned however that this route stops at the corner of San Gabriel and Morro Roads forcing the children to cross at a dangerous intersection. Carl Billings, 8775 Junipero, Pastor of Hope Lutheran Church, stated they are building a new church on San Gabriel Road, which will increase the traffic at this intersection. He is supportive of a signal or other traffic control at Morro Road and San Gabriel. CC 08/13/02 Page 3 Approved September 10,2002 Mayor Arrambide closed the Community Forum period. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Council Member Clay stated that September 1 11h is coming up and he suggested the City hold some sort of ceremony to recognize the event as well as to honor the police, fire and emergency service personnel for the City of Atascadero. He encouraged staff to include the Chamber of Commerce, Main Street, VFW, clergy, etc., in the preparation of such an event. City Manager Wade McKinney indicated that the City is in the process of planning an event for September 11 t" Mayor Arrambide announced the City Council had selected Terrence Hobson to represent Atascadero on the Citizens' Advisory Transportation Committee. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. Conflict of Interest Code - Biennial Review ■ Fiscal impact: None ■ City Clerk recommendation: City Council adopt the Draft Resolution, updating and amending the Conflict of Interest Code for the City of Atascadero. [City Clerk] 2. City Treasurer's Report - May 2002 ■ Fiscal impact: None ■ City Treasurer recommendation: City Council approve the City Treasurer's report for May 2002. [City Treasurer] 3. 2002-2003 Annual Spending Limit ■ Fiscal impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: City Council adopt the Draft Resolution establishing the annual spending limit for fiscal year 2002-2003. [Administrative Services] 4. Teen After-School Program - Agreement with San Luis Obispo County ■ Fiscal impact: $40,000.00 Revenue for FY 2002/2003 ■ Staff recommendation: City Council authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo Department of Social Services to fund the Recreation, Education and Community (R.E.C.) program for fiscal year 2002-2003. [Community Services] 5. California State Agency for Surplus Property - Authorization to Acquire Federal Surplus ■ Fiscal impact: Savings in acquiring desired equipment at a surplus cost. ■ Staff recommendation: City Council adopt draft Resolution renewing the City's eligibility in the federal Surplus Property Program and authorizing specific employees to acquire surplus property from the California State Agency for Surplus Property. [Fire] CC 08/13/02 Page 4 Approved September 10,2002 6. EI Camino Real - Gravity Sewer Main Extension - Award of Contract for Construction ■ Fiscal impact: $1,442,497.00 with Budget Adjustment of $632,570.95 to be funded from the Wastewater Capital Projects Account (in FY 2001-03 Budget) ■ Staff recommendation: City Council 1. Adopt the Draft Resolution amending the Wastewater Capital Projects Budget for Fiscal Year 2002-2003. 2. Authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with Specialty Construction, Inc. to construct the EI Camino Real — Gravity Sewer Main Extension at a maximum cost of $1,442,497.00. [Public Works] 7. 2002-2003 Annual Overlay Program - Bid No. 2002-007 ■ Fiscal impact: $1,734,380 in Total Project Expenditures (with Budget Adjustment of $52,580) ■ Staff recommendation: City Council 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with R. Burke Corporation in the amount of $1,355,321.00 for construction of the 2002-2003 annual Overlay Program. 2. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate an additional $12,580 from the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund and an additional $40,000 from the Local Transportation Fund for the 2002-2003 Annual Overlay Program. 3. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to make any budget transfers necessary to come into compliance with AB2928 and any transfers necessary between the 2002-2003 Overlay Program Projects. [Public Works] 8. Community Development Block Grant Program - Fiscal Years 2003 through 2005 ■ Fiscal impact: Continued availability of approximately $245,000 annually during the next three years for CDBG-eligible programs ■ Staff recommendation: City Council adopt the draft Resolution approving a cooperative agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo for participation in the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program for Fiscal Years 2003 through 2005. [Public Works] 9. Final Parcel Map 2001-0019 (Parcel Map AT 01-342) [TPM 2001-00241 - 9635/9637 Santa Lucia Ave. ( Bissonnette/Wilson ) ■ Fiscal impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: City Council accept Final Parcel Map 2001-0019 (Parcel Map AT 01-342). [Public Works] 10. Final Tract Map 2002-0027 (Tract Map 2329) [TTM 990081- 8605 El Centro ( Charnley ) ■ Fiscal impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: City Council 1. Accept Final Tract Map 2002-0027 (Tract Map 2329); and, 2. Reject offer of dedication for Cascada Court and public utility easement without prejudice. 3. Accept 5-foot offer of dedication on EI Centro Road 4. Authorize City Manager to execute Subdivision Improvement Agreement. [Public Works] CC 08/13/02 Page 5 Approved September 10,2002 Council Member Luna pulled Item #A-7 and John McGoff requested Items #A-6 and A-10 be pulled. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Johnson to approve Consent Calendar Items #A-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, and 9. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (Item #A-1 Resolution No. 2002-033, Item #A-3 Resolution No. 2002-034, Item #A4 Contract No. 2002-016, Item #A-5 Resolution No. 2002-035, Item #A-8 Resolution No. 2002-037) Item #A-6: John McGoff, Atascadero, addressed the issue of payment of prevailing wage rates by contractors awarded contracts by the City of Atascadero on Public Works projects. He would like to see prevailing wage requirements clearly spelled out under the terms and conditions for which the contractor is responsible. City Attorney Roy Hanley indicated that the City has developed standard form contracts worded in such a way that they can be used even where prevailing wage laws don't apply. He added that City staff is completely aware of the changes in the prevailing wage laws and there have been no problems with enforcement. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Consent Calendar Item #A-6. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (Resolution No. 2002- 036, Contract No. 2002-017) Item #A-7: Council Member Luna expressed his concern that two roads (Portola Road from San Marcos Road to Morro Road and San Gabriel Road from midway between San Marcos and Santa Lucia), which were in the five-year capital improvement project have been dropped from consideration in this overlay program. Two other roads, Santa Rosa and Ensenada have been added and he requested an explanation of why this was done. Public Works Director Steve Kahn stated that during the initial design of the project, construction costs were estimated, but once the projects were designed a new estimate of the project proved higher than the amount available to expend. Staff then went through the project list and added in the projects they felt were most needed at this time. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Johnson to approve Consent Calendar Item #A-7. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (Contract No. 2002-015) CC 08/13/02 Page 6 Approved September 10,2002 Item #A-10: John McGoff gave a brief history of this project and asked for clarification on the following issues: 1) mitigation of drainage concerns on EI Central and La Linia, 2) is the $15,000 offered during the October 1999 hearing incorporated into this agreement, and 3) does the General Plan Update change the zoning on this parcel? (Exhibit B). Community Development Director Warren Frace explained that there were no changes to the General Plan or zoning designations on this parcel that happened as a result of the 2002 General Plan Update process. There haven't been any changes to the parcel since the 1999 approval. Public Works Director Kahn addressed the drainage issue and stated that throughout the project there has been a drainage problem. He outlined the steps the developer is taking to mitigate this issue. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Scalise and seconded by Council Member Johnson to approve Consent Calendar Item #A-10. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (Contract No. 2002-018) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1 . Road Abandonment #2001-0008 - Summary Vacation of an Unimproved Portion of Atascadero Avenue Colony Right-of-Way ( Dwayne Burbach / Wilson Land Surveys ) ■ Fiscal impact: None ■ Planning Commission recommendation: Council adopt draft Resolution, thereby summarily vacating a portion of colony right-of-way near Atascadero Avenue and San Andres, as conditioned and subject to the appropriate findings. [Community Development] Community Development Director Warren Frace gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT - None MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay to adopt the draft Resolution, thereby summarily vacating a portion of colony right-of-way near Atascadero Avenue and San Andres, as conditioned and subject to the appropriate findings. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (Resolution No. 2002- 038) CC 08/13/02 Page 7 Approved September 10,2002 2. Confirming the Cost of Vegetative Growth and/or Refuse Abatement ■ Fiscal impact: No direct fiscal impact. Contractor costs for abatement are recovered through assessments placed on property tax bills. ■ Staff recommendation: City Council adopt the draft Resolution, confirming the cost of vegetative growth (weed) and/or refuse (rubbish) abatement. [Fire] Fire Chief Kurt Stone gave the staff report to the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT - None MOTION: BY Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Clay to adopt the draft Resolution, confirming the cost of vegetative growth and/or refuse abatement. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (Resolution No. 2002- 039) C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. City Council Meeting Minutes ■ Fiscal impact: Small cost savings in staff time and permanent record paper ■ Staff recommendation: City Council direct the City Clerk to list in the minutes all documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement, and file all the listed documents in the City Clerk's office. [City Clerk] City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson gave the report to Council and answered their questions. Council Member Luna felt the disclaimer at the end of the Agenda should be rewritten so there is specific explanation of what would be done with the statements given to the City Clerk. PUBLIC COMMENT - None MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay to direct the City Clerk to list in the minutes all documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement, and file all the listed documents in the City Clerk's office and to have it indicated on the Agenda what the City Clerk will do with the statements. Motion passed 5.0 by a voice vote. CC 08/13/02 Page 8 Approved September 10,2002 Mayor Arrambide recessed the hearing at 8:05 p.m. Mayor Arrambide called the meeting back to order at 8. 1513.m. 2. Atascadero Road Program ■ Fiscal impact: $50,000.00 to pave River Gardens and $6,000.00 to repair a hole in Amapoa Avenue (in Public Works Street Maintenance Operating Supplies and Contract Services accounts). ■ Staff recommendation: City Council 1. Receive an updated report on the Atascadero Road Program 2. Direct Staff to use the "Worst First Approach" on Local Road Rehabilitation Projects and to start on the roads of River Gardens and Amapoa Ave. [Public Works] Public Works Director Steve Kahn gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT - None Council Member Clay raised the issue of bike lanes on Santa Cruz. A discussion ensued regarding this issue. MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay to direct Staff to use the "Worst First Approach" on local Road Rehabilitation Projects and to start on the roads of River Gardens and Amapoa Ave. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. There was Council consensus to have staff return to the Council with options for bike lanes on Santa Cruz. Council Member Johnson stated it is important to see a cost analysis, as it is essential that Council' make fiscally responsible decisions. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Mayor Arrambide 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments (SLOCOG)/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA): SLOCOG is reshuffling in an attempt to get the most favorable funding, and the pedestrian bridge where the Curbaril Bridge was, is scheduled to go to bid in October. 2. County Mayor's Round Table: Discussion centered on the State mandate for affordable housing. CC 08/13/02 Page 9 Approved September 10,2002 Council Member Luna 1. North County Homeless Coalition: Council Member Luna reported he had participated in an ECHO sleepover and recommended all members of the Council similarly participate. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1 . City Council Council Member Johnson announced that he would be out of state for the next Council meeting. Council Member Clay asked Deputy Community Services Director Geoff English to share with the Council the progress on the new Recreation Center. Mr. English reported that the summer drop-in program for teens at the new Recreation Center has been very successful. There has been an average of over 250 kids per week utilizing the Center. 2. City Clerk a. Designation of Voting Delegate — League of California Cities' Annual Conference ■ Fiscal impact: None ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council designate a voting representative and an alternate who will be present at the Annual Business Meeting of the League of California Cities' Annual Conference in October 2002 and direct the City Clerk to inform the League of the designation. City Clerk Marcia Torgerson gave a brief report and answered questions of Council. There was Council consensus to designate Council Member Clay as voting delegate to the League of California Cities' Annual Conference. 3. City Treasurer David Graham reported that today the FOMC left rates unchanged, however they did change their bias to a negative bias toward the economy at the present time, leaving the possibility that somewhere between September and November there would be a quarter point cut. CC 08/13/02 Page 10 Approved September 10,2002 4. City Attorney Roy Hanley announced that the Judge has signed the Consent Decree in the Diamond suit against the City of Atascadero. 5. City Manager Mr. McKinney stated that the Customer Service Center would be open the first week in September. On September 3rd there will be an opening ceremony. Many business issues with the City can be transacted at this center. F. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Arrambide adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting on September 10, 2002. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: � j,�._ 12 Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clk The following exhibits may be reviewed in the City Clerk's office: Exhibit A - Lyne Boomfield, 8200 San Gabriel Road Exhibit B — John McGoff, Atascadero CC 08/13/02 Page 11