HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 092501 Approved October 23,2001 a " " MINUTES INS 19-39 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2001 7:00 P.M. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:30 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT - CLOSED SESSION None CLOSED SESSION: 1) Conference with labor negotiator(Govt. Code Sec. 54957.6) Agency Negotiator: Mayor Mike Arrambide Position: City Manager CLOSED SESSION REPORT Mayor Arrambide announced that the City Council has met, reviewed and approved a contract for City Manager Wade McKinney. Council has agreed that his compensation is per the City's wage scale at Range 60 Step E. Information on this item is available in the agenda packet for tonight's meeting. REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: Mayor Arrambide called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and Council Member Luna led the Pledge of Allegiance. CC 09/25/01 Page 1 ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Clay, Johnson, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Arrambide. Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson and Treasurer David Graham Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Brady Cherry, Community Development Director Lori Parcells, Planning Services Manager Warren Frace, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, Technology Director Andrew Fruin and City Attorney Roy Hanley. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mayor Arrambide, under the provision for the addition of an emergency agenda item, added an item for Atascadero State Hospital Community Concerns, and placed this issue under Public Hearings as Item#B-1. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Scalise and seconded by Council Member Johnson to approve the Agenda with the addition of the Atascadero State Hospital Report as Public Hearing Item#B-1. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Proclamation declaring October 7-13, 2001, "Fire Prevention Week." Mayor Arrambide read the proclamation and presented it to Fire Chief Kurt Stone. Chief Stone thanked the Council and stated that the Fire Department looks forward to this week every year. Throughout the week they canvas all of the schools bringing the message of fire prevention to the students; their target audience is pre-school through fourth grade. Chief Stone gave a report on the fundraiser the Department has established for the New York City fallen emergency personnel. To date $41,000 has been collected, and donations can be made at any branch of Mid State Bank. Police Chief Dennis Hegwood and Fire Chief Kurt Stone read from a prepared joint statement for media release regarding the tragic events of September 11, 2001 and the preparedness of the Atascadero Fire and Police Departments. Police Officer Robert Eckrote, President of the Atascadero Police Association, recognized City Manager Wade McKinney, for his support of the Police Department, and for his CC 09/25/01 Page 2 accomplishments for the City of Atascadero and its employees. Mr. McKinney thanked the Police Association for the recognition. COMMUNITY FORUM: Lanny Dugar, told the Council that he cannot enjoy a meal in The Outlaws Bar and Grill because of people in the restaurant that are smoking. He stated that he has complained to County Tobacco Control, and they stated that they have forwarded many similar complaints regarding this restaurant to the Atascadero Police Department. To his knowledge at this time no one at the restaurant has been sited. Mr. Dugar has been in contact with a State of California agency called BREATH who has informed him that today they had a telecommunications conference with the County of San Luis Obispo and they will be taking action against the City of Atascadero and the Outlaws Bar and Grill in an attempt to move them to enforce the smoking ordinance. Mayor Arrambide closed the Community Forum period. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: None A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Minutes— September 11, 2001 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the City Council minutes of September 11, 2001. [City Clerk] 2. City Treasurer's Agenda Report- July 2001 ■ City Treasurer recommendation: Council review and accept the July 2001 Treasurer's Report. [City Treasurer] 3. August 2001 -Accounts Payable and Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact: $1,835,846 77 ■ Staff recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for August 2001. [Administrative Services] 4. Purchasing Pglicy- Adoption of Ordinance ■ Fiscal Impact: None. The proposed policy is expected to generate a savings of staff time. ■ Staff recommendation: Council: 1. Introduce for second reading by title only, and adopt Ordinance No. 386, amending sections 2-3.01, 2-3.04, and 2-3.05 of the Atascadero Municipal Code and deleting Sections 2-3.08 and 2-3.09, and Section 2-3A.01 through 2-3A.09, inclusive of the Atascadero Municipal Code [Administrative Services] CC 09/25/01 Page 3 5. Public Safety Communication Center- Dispatch Console ■ FiscalImpact.• $159,002.97 (in FY 2001-02 Budget) ■ Staff recommendations: Council: 1. Designate 2001 Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund (SLESF) monies for use in Public Safety Technology improvements; and 2. Authorize purchase of the Orbacom Radio system and work stations from Durham Communications. [Police] 6. City Manager Employment Agreement ■ Fiscal Impact: Contract enhancements provide an additional cost of $1,200.00 annually, the elimination of the incentive program provides a potential savings of $5,000.00 resulting in an overall savings of$3,800.00. ■ Staff recommendation: Council approve Employment Agreement with the City Manager and authorize the Mayor to sign. [City Manager] 7. Authorization to Execute Master Agreement, Administering Agency - State Agreement for Funded Projects Program Supplements -Agreement No. 000421 ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt the draft Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute Administering Agency - State Agreement No. 000421 Program Supplements. [Public Works] Mayor Pro Tem Scalise requested that Consent Calendar Item#A-2 be pulled. MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Consent Calendar Items #A-1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (Item #A-6 Contract No. 2001- 033,Item #A-7 Resolution No. 2001-037.) Mayor Pro Tem Scalise stated that she pulled Consent Calendar Item #A-2 with the intent of thanking the City Treasurer for providing the Council with the yield information that was requested at the last reporting. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Scalise and seconded by Council Member Johnson to approve Consent Calendar Item#A-2. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Atascadero State Hospital - Community Concerns City Manager Wade McKinney gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. CC 09/25/01 Page 4 PUBLIC COMMENT Lanny Dugar, stated to the Council that the Atascadero Police Department handed out a flyer to the residents surrounding the Atascadero State Hospital with an outdated photo of the escapee. He stressed the importance of handing out accurate information to the community. Barrie Hafler, Public Relations Officer, Atascadero State Hospital, explained that the Hospital became aware of the absent prisoner at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday and the Atascadero Police were present at the Hospital by 6:00 p.m. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. The Council expressed their concerns and discussed the issue. MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Johnson to direct a letter to the State Hospital regarding City Council concerns with facility operations, security and escape procedures, and requesting a response back from the Hospital regarding their corrective action. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Johnson to write a letter to Senator O'Connell and Assemblyman Maldonado, to include constructive suggestions for legislation to cure some of the problems identified in the staff report and also to express Council's concern regarding updating the Megan's Law data base. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 2. Appeal - Planning Commission Resolutions PC 2001-040, PC 2001-035, and Tentative Tract Map 2000-0002 - 8300 Santa Rosa Road - Yellow Rose Ranch (David Graves) [Community Development] Alan Thomas, Appellant, gave his report to the Council expressing his concerns with this project regarding water quality and drainage. He asked the Council to require an Environmental Impact Report(EIR) on this project. (Attachment A) Planning Services Manager Warren Frace gave the staff report to Council. Russ Thompson, R. Thompson Consulting, project civil engineer, explained to the Council that they have done extensive studies to mitigate the difficult issues on this site and asked the Council to support the Planning Commission's decision. He offered to answer any Council questions. Robert Eilimiller, Sierra Delta Corporation, explained the drainage plans for this project and answered questions of Council. CC 09/25/01 Page 5 Mayor Arrambide called a recess at 9:02 p.m. Mayor Arrambide called the meeting back to order at 9:13 p.m. Mr. Frace and City Attorney Roy Hanley answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Lanny Dugar, asked the Council to consider him an expert witness, as he has been a general contractor for 30 years. He explained that he built the house next door to this project and he found alluvial soil 15 feet deep. Mr. Dugar warned the Council against approving a subdivision with unstable soils. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, stated that an EIR would tie up the loose ends of this project. He expressed his concerns with this project and proposed a focused EIR. Frank Kock, 9545 Lakeview Drive, thanked the Council for listening to all sides of this issue as he felt the Planning Commission had not given suitable attention to the differing opinions on this project. He addressed his comments to the erosion issue and drainage on the property. John Nowak, 8605 San Gabriel Road, expressed, in a prepared statement read by Bruce Bonifas, his opposition to the approval of this project without an EIR. (Attachment B) Henry Engen, 9575 Lakeview Drive, stated his opposition of approving this project without an EIR. (Attachment C) Steven Good, 8830 San Gabriel Road, urged the Council to protect Atascadero Lake by reducing the development of this site to a maximum of two homes. Cindy Mewthur, 8895 San Gabriel Road, has lived near this project since 1977. She gave a brief history of rain events and their results as she has witnessed them and expressed her concerns with the proposed drainage mitigation measures. Russ James, 9470 Marchant Way, stated to the Council that he lives in the same drainage area and he has had drainage problems for many years. He encouraged the Council to require a focused EIR prior to the beginning of development on the property and to ensure that the builder follows the plans as originally presented and approved. Ron Bell, 8800 San Gabriel Road, explained to the Council that the blue line creek that passes through this property is the main waterway to Atascadero Lake. He stated by approving this project without an EIR the City could be creating many serious problems for Atascadero Lake Frank Kock, gave the Council handouts showing the proposed parcels and adjacent parcels and their acreage. He stated his handout shows the proposed parcels are significantly smaller than the surrounding parcels. Mr. Kock also suggested that the creek be allowed to follow its natural route to the lake to avoid additional flooding issues. CC 09/25/01 Page 6 Alan Thomas, 9520 Marchant Way, asked the Council to protect the Atascadero Lake and expressed his conviction that an EIR would provide needed alternatives to reducing potential impacts. Frank Kock, referred to a property adjacent to this project and the homeowner's request over a year ago to enlarge their house. He directed Council's attention to the staff report for that request and to staff's statement at that time that "The 100 year inundation limit shall be preserved as a flood plain protection easement and that no above ground structures or additional driveways shall be constructed within this easement area." Russ Thompson, answered some of the questions asked by the public. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. Council asked additional questions of staff and discussed the issue thoroughly. Council Member Johnson stated that he shares the concern expressed that the lake not be impacted by any action taken on this project. After listening to the facts and asking many questions, he feels that the City has done a thorough study of the major issues brought forward by Mr. Thomas and that those issues have been mitigated. He encouraged staff to ensure that all stated mitigation measures are carried through. Council Member Luna indicated that he feels this is an important watershed area for Atascadero Lake and he does not believe that a sufficient cumulative impact analysis on this project has been done. He stated he can vote to support the appeal and that the project needs an Environmental Impact Report. Council Member Scalise felt that a decision on this must be based on the facts and not speculation. She feels that the issues raised by the appeal have all been mitigated by expert opinion and documentation, and she will vote to deny the appeal. MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Scalise to deny the appeal of Planning Commission Resolutions PC 2001-040, PC 2001-035 and Tentative Tract Map 2000-0002 at 8300 Santa Rosa Road —Yellow Rose Ranch, and adding to the Conditions of Approval of the subdivision, a Condition, No. 69, requiring the project applicant to indemnify the City for the cost of any actions brought to set aside a Council decision to approve the project. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Luna opposed) 3. Appeal - Conditional Use Permit 2000-0019 (Condition #4) - Sprint PCS Telecommunication Facility - Chalk Mountain - (Sprint PCS / 9230 Vista Bonita) [Community Development] CC 09/25/01 Page 7 Gordon Bell, Bell & Associates, representative for Sprint, explained the reason he is appealing the Planning Commission's condition concerning the color of the cabinets; the painting of the cabinet will void the warranty. He listed in detail the steps that will be taken to ensure the protection of the view shed on Chalk Mountain. Mr. Bell answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT -None MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Luna to uphold the appeal of Conditional Use Permit 2000-0019 (Condition #4). Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. There was Council direction to staff to expedite the permit so the landscaping can be done in a timely manner. C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Atascadero Road Program III ■ Fiscal Impact: Trench Repair Program - There will be some administration costs in setting up the program. Once the program is set up the parties requesting the Trench Cut would pay for all costs. Assessment Districts - There would be costs to the City. This would depend on how many Assessment Districts were requested and how many were approved. ■ Staff recommendations: Council: 1) Receive the update on the Atascadero Public Works Department Actions; and 2) Introduce for first reading by title only, the draft Ordinance amending Chapter 15, of the Atascadero Municipal Code, relating to trench cuts; and 3) Approve the Assessment District Program. [Public Works] City Manager McKinney asked that Item #C-1 will be continued to a future meeting due to the lateness of the hour. There was Council consensus to continue Item #C-1 to the next Council meeting. CC 09/25/01 Page 8 2. 2002 State Transportation Improvement Program(STIP) Project Funding ■ Fiscal Impact: $270,000.00 ■ Staff recommendation: Council accept the projects nominated for 2002 STIP funding, and authorize the Administrative Services Director to appropriate funds for the nominated 2002 STIP projects if they are approved by San Luis Obispo Council of Governments for funding. [Public Works] Public Works Director Steve Kahn provided a report on Item #C-2 and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT -None MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Luna to accept the projects nominated for 2002 STIP funding, and authorize the Administrative Services Director to appropriate funds for the nominated 2002 STIP projects if they are approved by San Luis Obispo Council of Governments for funding. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: None E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Council Council Member Luna stated that it was excellent that staff permitted the public to utilize the Power Point presentations. Council Member Johnson also commended staff for a good job with the presentations. City Clerk Reported the receipt of four applications for the vacant position on the Planning Commission. The interviews are tentatively planned for the next meeting on October 9d', however it might be preferable to move it to the October 23rd meeting, as the Road Program will be on the agenda of the 9t'. There was Council consensus to conduct the interviews on October 91n City Treasurer Reported that two-year Treasuries are currently under 2.5, however he feels that the City's portfolio will hold up well. CC 09/25/01 Page 9 F. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Arrambide adjourned the meeting at 11:06 p.m. to the next regularly scheduled meeting on October 9, 2001. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: tLAk-OAA--� mq'k� Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk[ Attachment A-Alan Thomas, 9520 Marchant Way Attachment B —John Nowak, 8605 San Gabriel Road Attachment C—Henry Engen, 9575 Lake View Drive CC 09/25/01 Page 10 Attachment: A Atascadero City Council Mtg . 9-25-01 STATEMENT BY: Alan Thomas 9520 Marchatnt Way Members of the City Council and city staff. Thank you for hearing this appeal. This is an aerial photo the Yellow Rose Ranch,which is the large green pasture area covered with grass just south of Atascadero Lake. This picture gives us a good perspective. Because it's the unique location of this property that brings us here tonight amd has so many people concerned. And let me say before we get into the details,we would like to see a win-win outcome with this project. We are not challenging the rights of the developer to complete a project on this property. He will come out a winner at the end of the day. What we are asking is that you,as the public's representatives,take additional steps to safeguard Atascadero Lake so the public also comes out a winner. And I'll go through what we're asking you to do in a couple of minutes. SLIDE Here's a closer look at the ranch and you can see that about 90%of the property is covered with grass. Until recently,this was irrigated year round to maintain a small number of cattle. And here's the key point--a large portion of the property is a creekway that functions as the primary watershed for Atascadero Lake. SLIDE Literally millions of gallons of water flow through the creekway each year during the rainy season in a wide sheeting action. That's why about 2/3 rds of the property is considered a floodplain. And i should point out that this creek is a registered blue line creek on USGS maps. But it isn't an ordinary creek, like you tend to think of a ditch SLIDE As you can see here,the creekwater spreads all across the property,not just along the edge of the property as it states in the project description. When it's been raining for a few days,that whole swale is flooded. The creekway also acts a final water collection point from a massive watershed area that goes back hundreds of acres up to Eagle ranch. According to a horticulturist we talked to,the grass provides important water filtration and erosion control. That's why a distinct ditch has never formed on the property. The grass is keeping everything in place. As you know,the proposed project will completely remove this grass,bring in 7,000 cubic yards of new dirt fill for homesites and a new road,and install a new water channel along the edges of the property. Now we're not saying Mr.Graves doesn't have good intentions to do a good job with all this. But theotp ential for a negative impact on Atascadero Lake from this development is clear depending on what exactly is done,and how and when it's done. SLIDE Recommended Action Suspend proiect approval pending: • Completion of a Full EIR • Detailed plans for moving and restoring the creek approved by impartial experts • Detailed plans for sedimentation control and creek irrigation approved by impartial experts • Detailed construction sequence and timing (creek restoration completed first) • Enforceable creek maintenance agreement with future homeowners So to make sure everyone knows exactly what's going to happen upfront, rather than debate it endlessly as the project proceeds,we are recommending that you take the following action: SLIDE Suspend the project approval pending the completion of several items: SLIDE •The completion of a Full EIR SLIDE •Detailed plans or specifications for moving and restoring the creek approved by impartial experts SLIDE •Detailed plans or specifications for sedimentation control and creek irrigation approved by impartial experts SLIDE •A detailed construction sequence and timing(creek restoration completed first) SLIDE •Enforceable creek maintenance agreement with future homeowners The plans we saw tonight are a good start. But we think these specific requests are reasonable given the sensitive location and complexity of this project. SLIDE r-- S Why an EIR? The Mitigated Nee Dec lacks key information: • No specifications for necessary creek vegetation and sedimentation control • No specifications for homesite erosion control • No alternatives that would reduce impacts • No scientific analysis of water content • No construction sequence specified • No requirements for creek maintenance Why an EIR? SLIDE The Mitigated Neg Dec lacks key information. For example, let me give you a comparison. When it comes to air quality,to Neg Dec specifies more than a dozen procedures to follow in regard hauling dirt,excavation,grading,etc.. And that's good. But when it comes to moving and restoring the blue line creek SLIDE There Are: • No specifications for creek vegetation and sedimentation control SLIDE • No specifications for erosion control on the new building pads SLIDE • No alternatives for reducing environmental impact SLIDE • No scientific analysis of water content SLIDE • No construction and timing sequence specified SLIDE • No requirements are given for long term creek maintenance,other than that the future homeowners will take care of it While the Neg Dec requests many of these thing,requests for mitigation are not mitigation! We need to see the plans,or specifications for the plans. Asking that they be developed by a certified landscape architect is not enough. SLIDE Atascadero General Plan ... proposals which are identified as having the potential for significant adverse effects on the environment shall be required to have environmental impact reports prepared prior to their consideration." (Section S.0 Environmental Review) Atascadero General Plan "...proposals which are identified as having the potential for significant adverse effects on the environment shall be required to have environmental impact reports prepared prior to their consideration." SLIDE (Section 5.0 Environmental Review) California Environmental Quality Act "Whenever the Environmental Coordinator determines that there is substantial evidence that any.aspect of a project, either individually or cumulatively, may cause a significant effect on the environment,regardless of whether the overall effect of the project is adverse or beneficial,the Environmental Coordinator shall notify the project applicant and request that the applicant agree to an EIR pursuant to these guidelines." (Section 8.0 CEQA guidelines adopter!by City ofAtascadero in 1998) California Environmental Quality Act "Whenever the Environmental Coordinator determines that there is substantial evidence that any aspect of a project,either individually or cumulatively,may cause a significant effect on the environment,regardless of whether the overall effect of the project is adverse or beneficial,the Environmental Coordinator shall notify the project applicant and request that the applicant agree to an EIR pursuant to these guidelines." SLIDE (Section 8.0 CEQA guidelines adopted by City of Atascadero in 1 998) 1 ' To summarize,we respectully request that the project approval for the tentative tract map at 8300 Santa Rosa Road be suspended pending completion of a Full EIR and the plans,or specifications I mentioned before. In the long run,we believe this will help the developer by letting him know ahead of time exactly what he will be required to do AND it will also let the public be confident that the lake is being protected throughout the development process. That's a win-win solution. That's all we want. Attachment : B Atascadero City Council Mtg. 9-25-01 Public Comment, Atascadero City Council 25 September 2001 Good evening. My name is John Nowak of 8605 San Gabriel Rd., Atascadero. I cannot be here tonight because of a previous commitment, but I request that my statement be part of the public record of this meeting. I am a 1984 graduate of Cal Poly with a degree in horticulture and I've owned my own landscape construction and maintenance business in San Luis Obispo County since 1986. Since 1990, i have used an Environmental Impact Report,to maintain and revegetate portions of Sweet Springs Nature Preserve, a wetland near the bay in Los Osos, in conjunction with the Audubon Society. I am opposed to the Planning Commission's recent decision for a Negative Declaration that the proposed project of Mr. Graves near Atascadero Lake does not need an Environmental Impact Report. I believe that an EIR should be required to ensure the implementation of a proper planting plan. A portion of the property is a seasonal wetland as defined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the remaining acreage is sometimes flooded by overflow from the lake. Over the last four years that I have lived in Atascadero I have observed that this property floods several times each winter. I believe that an EIR for Mr. Graves' project would assure nearby residents and future property owners in the vicinity that potential silting from drainage swale run-off will be carefully controlled to protect the wetland and the lake's sensitive habitat.*An EIR will also provide a revegetation plan that includes a specific list of California native plants with an appropriate irrigation plan. Even though a detailed landscape plan is a condition of approval, I'm still concerned that the proper native plants and perennial grasses will not be used if Mr. Graves is allowed to proceed without an EIR. Perhaps a focused EIR could be an alternative that could be utilized to address certain aspects of this project in a more detailed manner. Furthermore the implementation of an EIR would also help protect the developer and the city from any future litigation involving the drainage swale. ZD-7t -77 Thank you for your attention. (Copies of this statement are available to Council members.) I Attachment : C Atascadero City Council Mtg . 9-25-01 9-25-01 Proposed Yellow Rose Ranch Subdivision , .. Henry Engen and I live at 9575 Lake View Drive. ,,the,fact that= them nw an a n scenic headwater _to , Lake.,., The-oftnal ers,,, ;art. Beth= jaf. figods and shouldn't be subd Ided. ,, Ancil astood. and; an easement was recordecL. .Buuently the new owner, David. Graves,, found a.loophole im the open space easement condition and has applied to s,ubdivi'deµ Ow property from the current 2 lots into, 5 parcels ,,. ,. l' nd° rnnder 3rnt £,taw, a number ofAadinqw must be made with thelftfeWWO,", being that the proposed subdivision must be in conformance with the General Plan. p t;ideas C et}thws I cope.with the, f looding issue tbe.,appUcaat,,.wouId, nm arsengineered ditch d the and>north .of to two" loft, .,r ate 3 logia. byp. utting, in. artifices tom„ wu , abcwwthe,food pla AIJew, a to:,, mphrwa thr e, General Plan po9 ies ;ate would, be violated if this pprojeCt,is,approved as,drawn: Basic Community Goals " Atascadero should retain its overall character and rural atmosphere with the long-term protection of the environment as a . primary guiding criteria for public policy decisions." "Protect and preserve the rural atm-osphere, byy asstrMg "elbow room" for residents, by means of-maintenance of laW,lot. sues which increase in proportion, , to Wince beyond the urban core" "Preserve the contours.:. of the hills. s bit on tillsWea, zshat conform to the topographW, using the Jape of the lana as the basis for the design of the structure." Single-Family Residential: Low Density I « DetermInationx of appy , e-1 ..,s be based ffa ...Low density residential areas k are appropriate for areas within the Urban Service Line where topography is relatively steep and where scenic or sensitive characteristics of the land should be protected through lighter density urban residential designation." Open Space Policies "Scenic and sensitive lands including creeks, riparian corridors, wetlands and other areas of significant habitat value shall be protected from destruction, 2 overuse, and misuse by the use of zoning, tax incentives, easements, or fee acquisitions." tic-ate:prate,.deel A*n,.c i r a ch. Ian& sly be, , ,ly evaluated,,, §fieggic _sib . lands - ins - eek ipsewvatton.% wooded areas, flood p ; .■ . proI l sheds a ' "Scenic and open space easements, parklands and open space dedications shall be obtained through the subdivision and development review process, including but not limited to: flood plains, creek reservations, wooded areas, scenic backdrops, sensitive areas, historic sites and similar suitable areas." "The city shall ca tty= varluate--bot-hipublic and.p�rate projects to encourage preservation of trees, rsAhed •.. IY Sig, gsf : other antes from Y a natural abuse and destruction." « .,sPI , .shall be thoroughly evaluated and be i Aft anoek with commni ,., gjric-l-Ries in order, to retain, the desired natural churcter. of - the COMMUnity." if r wy �' Ce c. . ` s skew and concrete channelization of creeks shall be prohibited. Any alterations required for public safety will be guided by this policy." Implementation: Environmental Review is The long term PFOWCUM,oft1m,e v er .been, ;rporaked-as a centre goal in the Atascadwo,%,General aed is not thW' g,,h "t to be in conte the 000MI ^. V'&-end, : a* ,,py e s ' g neW. amendment al poems tulch are, identified> as.. �havi a the,..P hal f■ ' adverse, on..the ien nmentt" cif II JOWred thave env ro ty •f help—oft prepared prior to their consideration. Further, the policies of the conservation and open space elements in particular shall be adhered to in reviewing both public and private development proposals." rna � oo fill, Ma ' tion; wouid s�� to. � pig .with: the CAtitorniaEnvironmental Quality het. we ba%%& ..red �igas4fro� people:,who.` � r p . PWAice:owl a fud.E9� oto p �,n En r ��, 4 Impact-R es daf40K-obtain ea rose.. .an i apartilat third, pare, professio .to view the issues raised this. evening,,a ,.,., w i r.at lternabve. di n bd vis,; b b N ,= ;dew *Won, of the, Gwerai,::Pian. TUm GenexaL.Pl bed arm. be, ptec s ,mal ' ,.in a oatat.,. - reouis.a ,FJR,for this type of pr ' ,,. au:wib, a ad WmA,a,, fain arestedUd pwty too evai r ■ uu7 ' Awl xep ,b