HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 091701 - Special Mtng Approved October 9,2001 MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING SPECIAL MEETING Monday, September 17, 2001 7:00 p.m. GENERAL PLAN UPDATE Mayor Arrambide called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Clay, Johnson, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Arrambide Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Brady Cherry, Community Development Director Lori Parcells, Planning Services Manager Warren Frace, Police Lt. John Couch, and City Attorney Roy Hanley. Mayor Arrambide welcomed everyone to the meeting and explained the format the Council was going to follow. He suggested allowing the public to speak on each policy discussed, but limiting their time of speaking to two minutes. There was Council discussion with various suggestions. Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 Pagel Approved October 9,2001 1. General Plan Update- Review of Draft Land Use Plan (CONTINUED FROM AUGUST 28, 2001 MEETING) ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Planning Commission recommendations: 1. Council adopt the draft Resolution, thereby endorsing the Draft Land Use Plan as the Preferred Plan for use in the Draft General Plan policy document and Draft Environmental Impact Report; and 2. Council direct staff to incorporate Policy Issues I through 10 into the Draft General Plan. [Community Development] Planning Services Manager Warren Frace gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. Mayor Arrambide announced that since there was not Council consensus on public comment, he would allow each speaker to speak for five minutes on the first policy, then two minutes for each subsequent time they spoke. MOTION: By Council Member Luna to open the hearing for public comment, allowing people to speak, and then go to the Policy Options. Motion failed for lack of a second. Policy Option#2: Land Use Designation Mr. Frace gave the report for Policy Option#2 and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Joanne Main, 8940 San Gabriel Road, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that the Chamber supports the condensing and clarification of the designations as outlined in the General Plan Update. Ellen Burow, 7000 Los Arboles Avenue, stated her support of land use designations concerning recreation zoning, in particular the triangular property across from the library, which she would like to see become a park. Alan Thomas, 9520 Marchant Way, stated that the EIR and the draft document being presented together seems problematic. Concerning land use designations, he is in favor of adding open space but questions the new designations for residential as he finds them more confusing. Mr. Thomas expressed concern with combining Commercial designations. Livia Kellerman, 5463 Honda, indicated her concerns with the impacts of future development on the rural character of Atascadero. Eric Greening, recommended to the Council that these suggested land use designations be evaluated with an economic analysis. He would like to see a mixed use commercial option Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 Page 2 Approved October 9,2001 restricted solely to the downtown area to permit residential occupancy of otherwise unused space. Mayor Arrambide stated that it is the Chair's ruling that public remarks will be limited to three minutes, and asked if there was a Motion to overrule the Chair. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Clay to overrule the Chair and continue to allow the public to speak for 5 minutes on each Policy Option. Motion failed 1:4 by a voice vote. (Council Member Luna voted in favor) MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Luna to allow the public five minutes for public comment the first time, and thereafter an amount of time determined by the Chair. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Mayor Arrambide opposed) Carmen Barnett, 6780 Atascadero Avenue, read from a prepared statement regarding her opposition to development on lot 283. (Attachment A) Ms. Barnett submitted a petition from residents stating their reasons for opposing the General Plan Update. (Attachment B) Ruth Rentschler, 6004 San Palo Road, expressed her opposition to the update of the existing General Plan in a prepared statement read by Mary Hickey. (Attachment C) Rosemarie Handy, 8240 Larga Avenue, read from a prepared statement regarding her concerns with smart growth and the new infrastructure that will be required to accommodate that growth. (Attachment D) Marge Mackey, Tunitas, gave suggestions to the Council regarding her ideas for updating the General Plan. Raymond Jansen, 7777 San Gregorio Road, asked the Council in a prepared statement, why they disregard the public comment they receive. (Attachment E) Bonita Borgeson, 4780 Del Rio Road, expressed her concerns with the potential effects of an update of the General Plan. Pam Marshall Heatherington, Ysal Avenue, read from a prepared statement expressing her concern that reports effecting the General Plan Update should be produced by independent consultants and not by City staff. (Attachment F) Anita Rouse, 5703 Carrizo Road, in a prepared statement read by Dorothy McNeil, expressed her belief that now is the time to tighten up on all spending and not bring about changes that will create additional taxes for Atascadero residents. (Attachment G) Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 Page 3 Approved October 9,2001 Dorothy McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista, stated her opposition to the proposed update of the General Plan in a prepared statement. (Attachment H) Gary Pellett, 4255 San Benito, asked for clarification on some details of the recommendations. James Thomas, 10695 Vista Road, read from a prepared statement expressing his concerns for the proposed changes to the General Plan. (Attachment I) Dorothy Bench, expressed her opposition to requiring creek setbacks in a statement read by Tom Bench. Tom Bench stated his opinion that creek setbacks are unnecessary as the City has a creekway riparian corridor, which is the responsibility of the City to protect. Lillian Judd, Los Osos, representing the Economic Opportunity Commission, asked the Council to use this General Plan Update to improve affordable housing in Atascadero. Mike Jackson, 5502 Ensenada, commended the Council for their hard work for the community. He inquired whether it was a State mandate that the City provide a certain amount of housing for its residents, and stated that he felt additional housing is necessary in Atascadero. Jerry Johnson, stated he supports the proposed General Plan Update. Eric Peterson, 4500 Del Rio Road, stated this process is confusing to him. He questioned why several items are still being proposed even when they have received overwhelming opposition from the public attending these meetings. Mr. Peterson reading from a prepared statement and expressed his opposition with the update. (Attachment J) Beth Dotson, 3300 Traffic Way, encouraged the Council to focus on affordable housing. Henry Engen, 9575 Lakeview, suggested labeling the residential densities with the minimum lot size rather than a letter designation. He expressed opposition to the General Commercial zoning. Robert Femester, 7109 San Gregorio Road, stated he is aware a consultant was hired by the City to update the General Plan, but he hasn't seen or heard any report from this consultant. Regarding creek setbacks, he feels they are important and would like to see a riparian corridor left along Graves Creek. Henry Skibo, Traffic Way, stated he supports the update of the General Plan and he commends the Council on their efforts. Mike Zappas, 8189 San Dimas Lane, urged the Council to include plans for open space. Betty Scanlan, 6390 Flores Road, stated her opposition to the proposed update of the General Plan. (Attachment K) Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 Page 4 Approved October 9,2001 Jean Stafford, in a written statement read by Ariat Madison, expressed her support for providing more affordable housing. (Attachment L) Ariat Madison expressed her concern that development is taking away the rural character of Atascadero. Becky Pacas, 4305 San Benito Road, stated if the Council increases the density in Atascadero it will be even harder to comply with affordable housing requirements. Steve LaSalle, indicated in a prepared statement, that he is opposed to creating affordable housing by increasing density; he feels this will sacrifice the rural character of Atascadero. (Attachment M) Elnora Garcia, 1700 San Ramon Road, expressed her opposition to the General Plan update in a prepared statement read by Geraldine Brasher. (Attachment N) Geraldine Brasher, 3202 Monterey Road, stated her concerns with updating the General Plan and its impact on population density. (Attachment O) Mary Pellett, 4320 Del Rio Road, stated he feels the Council is ignoring the desires of many residents who oppose the General Plan Update. He feels allowing second units in certain areas is against the wishes of the residents who live in those areas. Gail Sweasy, stated she is opposed to more development and second unit housing. She feels there are many commercial buildings sitting vacant that should be utilized before more development occurs. Jim Sweasy, 9735 Laurel Road, urged the Council to take the steps necessary to insure creation of jobs with adequate salaries for those residents who will eventually take advantage of the proposed affordable housing. Mary Hickey, Santa Rosa Road, expressed her concern regarding potential increases in traffic that may occur on the west side of Atascadero with the proposed General Plan Update. Shari Pellett, 4255 San Benito Road, admonished the Council for what she perceives is their lack of attention to the wishes of the people of Atascadero. She feels the Council is only supportive of developers. Ms. Pellett stated that she is tired of her family being threatened by the City, and stated to the Council, "Bring it on, and you'd better bring a body bag." Alan Thomas, asked for clarification of some of the proposed land use designations. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. Mayor Arrambide called a recess at 9:24 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 9:40 p.m Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 Page 5 Approved October 9,2001 Council Member Johnson responded to the comments regarding the Council not representing the majority of Atascadero citizens. He said that he feels the majority of the citizens voted for this Council. Additionally, he stated that the Council has encouraged tight control on the use of eminent domain. There were Council questions of staff and Council discussion on this policy. Council Member Luna stated that he couldn't support these designations because "multi-family" has been removed from the residential designations. Also, he is concerned with the impact of the General Commercial zoning on the tax base. He would like to see an Administrative Draft General Plan that the Council can review and analyze as to its economic implications rather than having it all come back with an Environmental Impact Report. MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay to direct the recommended Land Use Designations in Policy Option #2 to the consultant for review (Attachment P). Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Council Member Luna opposed) Recommended Option: 1. Recommend incorporation of the new Land Use Designations in Updated General Plan. (Attachment P) Policy Option #6: Service Commercial Locations Planning Services Manager Warren Frace provided the report on Policy Option #6. There were Council questions of staff and Council discussion on this policy. PUBLIC COMMENT Joanne Main, Chamber of Commerce, stated she has almost 100 letters from Chamber members supporting the Council's update of the General Plan. (Attachment Q) Alan Thomas, asked if there is a property owner in this area asking for a change. City Manager Wade McKinney responded no, these changes are a result of public input at previous meetings. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Policy Option #6 as recommended with the addition, "City will notice property owners in areas affected." Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Recommended Option: 1. Re-designate Service Commercial land uses on the east side of El Camino Real. Ci1y will notice nrouerty owners in areas affected. Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 Page 6 Approved October 9,2001 Policy #7: Unincorporated Areas Planning Services Manager Warren Frace provided the report on Policy Option #7. There were Council questions of staff and Council discussion on this policy. PUBLIC COMMENT John Knight, RRM Design Group, representing the Smith Hopson family, asked the Council to take the first step to create policies that would place the Eagle Ranch property within the City limits of Atascadero. This policy would allow a change in configuration to provide for open space, preservation of creeks, etc. Eric Greening, inquired how many of the lots under consideration would meet the current City slope tests, and what would be the cost of constructing the Colony roads. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. Mayor Arrambide suggested the southern area of the Eagle Ranch be included in this study. John Knight, RRM Design Group, clarified the area he would like to see considered for annexation. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to recommend from Policy Option #7 to the consultant that areas A and D be adopted into the annexation process for the City of Atascadero and include in area D the southern portion of Eagle Ranch-notched white area (see Attachment R). Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Policy Option#1: Urban Services Line Planning Services Manager Warren Frace provided the report on Policy Option #1. There were Council questions of staff and Council discussion on this policy. PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening, asked if the property owners in these areas have been notified that they are being considered to be included in the Urban Service Line. Becky Pacas, stated she lives in the effected area and was not asked if she wanted to be included. She requested that when the evaluation is done, all homes within the USL built on a quarter acre or a third acre that currently have priority, be analyzed as to their need for sewer service. Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 Page 7 Approved October 9,2001 Alan Thomas, asked for clarification of what services are included in the USL. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. Mr. Frace responded that the USL does include other services such as fire and police services, library, park services, etc. Council Member Luna expressed his concern regarding second units and sewer considerations. MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay to include those areas in the Urban Services Line as recommended in Policy Option #1. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Council Member Luna opposed) Recommended Options: 1. Recommend adoption of the revised Urban Service Line as shown. (See Attachment S) 2. Develop a policy that not all lots within the Urban Service Line are required to be served by sewer. Policy#4: Creek Setbacks Planning Services Manager Warren Frace provided the report on Policy Option 94. There were Council questions of staff and Council discussion on this policy. PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening, urged the Council to stay with 50-foot setbacks for Atascadero creeks. Steve LaSalle, stated he agrees with creek setbacks. Alan Thomas, agreed with the previous speakers in his support of creek setbacks with the exception of the downtown area. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Johnson to approve Policy Option #4 with the deletion of the word "tiered." Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Recommended Option: 1. Recommend that tier-ed setback standards for each area be developed to protect blueline creeks with special Downtown Master Plan consideration. Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 Page 8 Approved October 9,2001 MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to continue the meeting past 11:00 p.m. Council Member Luna stated that he was opposed to continuing past 11:00 p.m. Council Member Clay asked for clarification on when the Council would meet again to consider the final Policy Options. Council Member Luna indicated that if the meeting is continued that the public should be made aware that the Council will be considering the options that remain and public comment will be limited to two minutes per option with no general comment period. Mayor Pro Tem Scalise withdrew her motion. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Scalise to continue the special meeting to Monday, September 24, 7:00 p.m. and continue from where the meeting left off with the public being allowed to speak on each option for a time determined by the Mayor. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Council Member Clay asked that the public notice of the continued special meeting be as explicit as possible. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Arrambide adjourned the meeting at 11:08 p.m. to the next Special Meeting of the City Council on Monday, September 24,2001. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure T'orgerson, City Clerk Attachment A-Carmen Barnett, 6780 Atascadero Avenue Attachment B—Resident Petition Attachment C—Ruth Rentschler, 6004 San Palo Road Attachment D—Rosemarie Handy, 8240 Larga Avenue Attachment E-Ray Jansen, 7777 San Gregorio Attachment F—Pam Marshall Heatherington,Atascadero Attachment G—Anita Rouse,5703 Carrizo Road Attachment H—Dorothy F. McNeil Attachment I—James E. Thomas, 10695 Vista Road Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 Page 9 Approved October 9,2001 Attachment J—Eric Peterson, 4500 Del Rio Road Attachment K—Betty Scanlon, 6390 Flores Road Attachment L—Jean Stafford Attachment M—Stephen P. LaSalle Attachment N—Elnora B. Garcia, 1700 San Ramon Road Attachment O—Gerladine Brasher, 3202 Monterey Road Attachmant P -Policy Option#2: Recommended Land Use Designations Attachment Q—Letter Packet provided by Joanne Main Attachment R- Policy Option#7: Unincorporated Areas Attachment S -Policy Option#1: Urban Service Line (USL)Map Attachment T—Sally Thomson(Letter not read into Minutes) Atascadero City Council Special Meeting 09/17/01 Page 10 Attachment : A Special City Council Mtg. 9-17-01 Carmen Barnett 6780 Atascadero Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 16. September, 2001 Planning Commission City of Atascadero, CA I wish to have these comments read into the record: I oppose the proposed development of thirty two (32) units on lot 283, which consists of one point nine (1.9) acres. This property is surrounded by San Andres and Navajoa Streets, and Atascadero Avenue. I am submitting to you a petition of signatures from residents of Atascadero objecting to this proposed development. Among the objections are public health and safety issues and changing the general character of our neighborhood. Si erely, Carmen Barnett Attachment : B Special City Council Mtg. 9-17-01 We the residents listed below would like the following to be taken into account by the Atascadero City Council. It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Plan, which.we are opposed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Communi!y Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, and changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. If the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been, e Print Name Signature bate rf2� U�t .Z_ Address Telephone Optional o / P Name ature Date ! Cc/ Address Telephone Optio al 1 Print Name Signature Date .Sso -,4 r 4 S. 6 -- I Address Telephone Optional t.� l P nt Name Signature Date �� Address Telephone Optional � /2zo Print Name Signature ate Address Telephone Optional Print Name gn t re Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date -7.3-5 J R::-10 Q-oqOGr, ZD C.1-2, f7l&6 -o S-2 C' Address Telephone Optional 1 Print Name SWAM, Date g312 /0, Cit. �-,z Address Telephone Optional E � Print Name Signature Date :2 G ,v Lis ���� �u /�-ctS c��Cc z-- 2 ---�)20 Address Telephone Optional k/::2 Tint Name ` Signa re Date 77 L Address Tele one Optional 13 0 Print Name Signature Date tb'I'11 G-a1LCv b2 D,. ��� aY' ��Z /�� Q✓�� Address Telephone Optional A/ A/ L Print Name / Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print N e S a i 'IV 16 Date c �d�-04ac�O Address Telephone Optional S'tt, Black c,� ?12— Print 2-Print Name Signature Date 676)0 Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date -4-1sv j4h3tuAyo AKGsew�A s3yyL g6a Address Telephone Optional Priinntt Name ` Signature Date 6/L,! 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Ad ess T lephone Optional -- Print Name Signature Date c Address Telephone Optional P,�,",-),M 6�,-f*(00 ( Pri"amb Sigu Date IF P CX.C/UC. e r n^ ddress Telephone Optional cjq Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Le-\,l ELLIJ5 6 f Print Name Signature Da e O :SAS Ni ( �-- Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date 7S8'o NitJO Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date tp G 2-0 &I-r-5 C/fit D&YL0pkv C— 5 C�f 4 �� Lt --t S{'_ Address Telephone Optional We the residents listed below would like the following to be taken into account by the Atascadero City Council. It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Plan, which we are opposed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, and changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. If the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been. 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It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Plan, which we are opposed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, and changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. If the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been. 7 0/ Print Name ignature Date b5 Address Telephone Optional k/1 �QIA 0"t I Print Name ign ure Date l Address' Telephone Optional L,Pv-h R A G S6 Au Print Name Signature Date 8 Address Telephone Optional F)L-L, r Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional u s e Prinf Name Sig ture Date —AcMress Telephone Optional Print Name Signature /`, / Dattel 7 Address Telephone Optional Print Namef= igna ure Date C d -" Ad ess Telephone Optional 1 Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional We the residents listed below would like the following to be taken into account by the Atascadero City Council. It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Plan, which we are opposed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, and changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. If the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been. �r�c D.n � In Print Name r nature Date 66ZO Adis«clero Ave- - Address Telephone Optional Print Name gnature Date --6-9 3 Address Telephone Optional Print N me Signal6re Date Address Te ephone Optional Print Name sv Signature Date (Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date 1,*165 JQ, 6gsy/Na �CE,4G A/ , &U-4 5GaO/f/O '47�6/- 0470 Address Telephone Optional cc�or A Print Name Signature Date 0 Address Telephone Optional Act �a crjZ �10,0 rO Print Name Signature Date SSS S�n lie n -�� (r�dP .�S ccr ego G 74 Address Telephone Optional PrintN e Signature Date _�01SBo -,�761 Address Telephone Optional r Print Name Signature Date 6-'s-se-I Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date_ . Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional 09/17/2001 14:28 8054661520 RUTH RENTSCHLER PAGE 02 i Attachment : C Page 1 01.1 Special City Council Mtg . 9-17-01 Main Identity MM From: "RUTH RENTSCHLER"<kikipool@thsgdd.net> To: <mtorgerson(Mcityhall.atascadern.org> Sent: Sunday,September 16,20017:48 PM Subject: GENERAL PLAN PUBLIC HEARING, SEPTEMBER 17,2001 r ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL C/O MARCIA TORGERSON 6500 PALMA ATASCADERO, CA. 93422 GENTLEMEN: I AM VERY DISTURBED BY THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE GENERAL PLAN. OUR CURRENT PLAN IS A WELL WRITTEN AND THOUGHT OUT DOCUMENT. IT REPRESENTS THE WISHES OF THE RESIDENT. WHO CAME HERE TO ENJOY THE RURAL ATMOSPHERE AND SMALL TOWN CHARACTER. WHAT IS PROPOSED NOW, SECOND UNITS ON RESIDENTIAL LOTS; SMALLER LOTS, INCREASE OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS OVERALL AND A DECREASE IN COMMERCIAL USES SOUNDS LUDICROUS TO ME. IT WILL OVERWHELM OUR INTERSTRUCTURE WHILE NOT CONTRIBUTING ONE.IOTA TO"AFFORDABLE"HOUSING. THE ONLY THING TO BE ADDRESSED SHOULD BE THE RENOVATION OF DOWNTOWN, SOME "AFFORDABLE" HOUSING AND PERHAPS AN AREA ACCOMMODATING LIGHT,CLEAN INDUSTRY. WHAT I SEE IN THE CURRENT PROPOSALS ARE ADDITIONAL ASSAULTS ON OUR ALREADY OVER- BURDENED SEWER SYSTEM,STREETS,SCHOOLS,TRAFFIC AND WATER. PLEASE RECONSIDER YOUR CURRENT PROPOSED CHANGES AND LISTEN TO WHAT CITIZENS TOLD ' YOU IN PRIOR MEETINGS. WE LIKE A CITY WITH LARGE LOTS, RURAL ATMOSPHERE, SMALL SHOPS AND FRIENDLY PEOPLE. RUTH RENTSCHLER 6004 SAN PALO RD(P O BOX 411) ATASCADERO,CA 93422 PLEASE READ THESE REMARKS AT TONIGHTS MEETING AND MAKE THEM PART OF THE RECORD. I AM UNABLE TO ATTEND THE MEETING BECAUSE OF PRIOR COMMITMENTS. THANK YOU. 9/16/0:: 09/17/2001 14:28 8054661520 RVTH RENTSCHLER PAGE 01 DEAR URSULA, I'VE TRIED TO E-MAIL THIS TO MARCIA,THE PLANNING DEPT AND CITY HAIL IN GENERAL. EVERYONE WAS RETURNED AS UNDELIVERABLE, WHAT IS GOING ON? DID THEY'TURN EVERYTHING OFF...$O WE HAVE NO ACCESS? WOULD APPRECIATE IF SOMEONE COULD READ THIS INTO THE RECORD OR AT LEAST HAND IT TO MARCIA.. THANK YOU URSULA, RUTH Attachment : D Special City Council M'tg 9-17-01 September 17, 2001 Dear Members of the City Council; The latest buzzword of staff and council majority are "Smart Growth"and"infill". The real test for"Smart Growth" is:does it require new infrastructure, such as new or widened roads, utility lines, sewer expansion, new water sources, and new fire station? Does it really provide infill building close to the core of town,reducing transportation and traffic problems? The staff claims that building along El Camino and Morro Rd. and putting residential into commercial areas is smart growth. How does staff explain the extensive and intensive proposed building of multi family and single family at the extreme north and south ends of town? How does it explain rental units in all areas of town,including remote areas in hilly terrain, on narrow, winding roads and without sewe* This is not"Smart Growth" or"infill". It is "Stupid Growth". The rewrite proposals flunk the "Smart Growth"test. � 2 � v Attachment : E Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 7o¢ the Recoad: Remaaks to City Cournc.ii on 9/17/01, 7:00 12m By Raymond K. lanzen, 7777 San gtegotio Road. Konoaa&.ie flayoz and Zel low Nemgeas oZ the Counc.ii: I would i ike to a sk a ,eew quezt.ion s this evening. blhy .iz 12ugiic .inl2ut .so cons.istent$y d.iaaegaaded? Ohy do cezta.irz /2o.intz which ate aegeatediy /2aezentec!l�zovoke zo much .indict/eaence on you¢ /2aat? Wea.e those 12ugi is �Pozumz, whe zell wa s u zged to &,z ing zuggezt.ion s, jurt a pugs is zeiat.ion s gimmick oa exe2c.ize? Can .it ge denied that the att.itud+e.ing demonztaated gy a ma jo z it y o f the Counc.i-9 -ins one which zeemz to .say, "Don' t con- /uze uz with -t'a i s Because out minds ate made u12. ' F2equentiy, a .Pot of money ha s gone to .so-caned "ex/2e¢t s" /aom out oZ town. Please 2ememge4, exgezta may have a .tot o,,' ,eact s, gut 12eol2ie have the judgement. Ag,zaham L.incoin nevea .boat touch with the 12eogie. He once aa.id aometh.ing -eike th.ia: "God muat .love the oadinaay 12eogie, gecauae he made ao many o,,P them. All I think he aizo aa.id, "you can Zooi come o/ the 12el2ie aii the time, and aii o,,E the 12eogie aomk V the time; gut you cannot )eooi aii oZ the 12eol2ie aLe. the time. 7hank you /oz -Oiaten.ing. Attachment : F Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 Honorable Council members, City Manager Wade McKinney tells us in the Chamber Newsletter that staff has been developing a series of alternatives that would be studied with the General Plan and the Environmental Impact Report. The Council is now reviewing the work and will decide what will be reviewed in the General Plan text and the EIR. All this time, about 2 years, has been spent on one element only -- the Land Use Element which was NOT up for review. This has produced only a bunch of maps and a list of vague and confusing policy statements. The public has no input on other elements such as circulation, open space, safety, noise, fiscal, etc. Now we learn from McKinney thit staff is doing a Master Sewer Plan and a community-wide traffic study and a computer model (of what?). Can you guess why our very own staff is doing these in-house studies"? Since outside independent consultants will not produce these reports, as is done in normal cities, we can be sure these in- house studies will support all the growth McKinney, staff and council majority are proposing. A city with little credibility is doing all the background studies which should be done by impartial, professional and independent consultants. Since McKinney has hired enough people to do all this work, we have a right to expect that staff will be reduced by at least half when these studies are completed. Please remember, fellow Atascaderans, the real purpose of producing these reports in-house is to make sure they support all of the proposed growth. Gr' Attachment : G Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 Mr.Mayor & Councilmembers, The recommended changes to the General Plan seem to be leaning strongly to additional residential housing, with no assurance of what percentage of that will be true "affordable housing", if there is still such a thing nowdays. In light of last weeks events, any changes that will be an additional financial burden on both the City Government and the Citizens of this town should be considered long and hard. We may all find ourselves in a position of needing to tighten up on all spend- ing, present and future. Now does not seem like a time we should be looking at changes that will impact all areas of City services and additional taxes for our residents. Thank you, Anita Rouse 5703 Carrizo Roar} Atascadero Attachment H Septemner 17, 2001 Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 Honorable Mayor and other council members : After this city incorporated in 1979, the first General Plan, was openly discussed in 1980. There was a written document available to residents and council. At intermission time at one hearing George Highland took his copy with changes made to let my husband compare it to his copy. There was full and open debate . The 1980 Peoples ' Plan remained intact until 1992. Former Planning Director Henry Engen said recently, "In a normal California city a Draft General Plan document would be tentatively accepted by council and then the Draft would be subject to an EIR. " That was the procedure used in both 1980 and 1992. Not so with this Rewrite. If there is a Draft document for this Rewrite proposal, it is for council majority eyes only. Oh yes, there have been neighborhood and council meetings and two surveys all of which have been shams because the peoples ' priorities have been ignored. All we have seen is a vague and confusing list of "policies" and a bunch of maps which prove to be false. i Residents have not asked for any of the following: 1 . Massive density increases like the one behind Julie Gorman' s single family home on San Benito. She will have 66 families on the lot behind her if this outrageous gift to developers is passed.. Building high density at the extreme north and south ends of town, creating transportation and traffic problems, is dismally poor planning. 2 . Changing commercial and office zoning to residential. 3. All lots in the city chopped down to the smallest lot size in each nei--hborhood is another gift to developers. 4. Second units for rentals in every single family neighborhood including outlying areas which according: to the maps are out- side the study area. The maps lie . 5. Council and staff' s failure to heed the 1992 warning that we need to seek more water sources for our current buildout figure. Staff' s theoretical buildout figures for this Re�!rite lie as do the maps. 6. Changing multifamily to 22 homes per acre . What residents did ask for:. 1. Fix the roads. 2. Get the Mainstreet Pro-ram going to save our downtown. 3 . Keep the rural atmosphere. McNeil P. 2 When Mike Arrambide ran for council in 1998, hepromised 2000 new jobs by year 2000. New jobs have gone down? and the only focus of this Rewrite is residential building. It does not even try to provide new well-paying jobs . Where will new residents work to pay for these homes? Freeways_ will be clogged as they seek out of town jobs. Also Arrambide said, "It ' s not the General Plan that needs changing. What needs to change in our community is leadership that allows lopsided implementation of the Plan." I absolutely agree. I remind Arrambide that since 1979 every council has been controlled by the sd-called pro business faction. (Interpreted that means pro land speculator and developer. ) So if there has been "lopsided imtolementation of the Plan" , it has come from Arrambide ' s buddies and now from Mike himself. What Atascadero really needs is a new council majority without conflicts of interest which will represent all the people, not just those who profit by their votes . Next year let ' s elect an honest-to-goodness peoples ' council . Doro F. McNeil Attachment : I Special City Council °Mtg 9-17-01 September 17, 2001 Atascadero City Council, My name is James Thomas and I have resided at 10695 Vista Road since 1985. In general, I would like to express my concern about proposed changes to our General Plan, which would greatly encourage residential growth, lead to increased density, and exacerbate problems with roads, traffic, schools, fire and crime pro- tection, and the availability of water. Of particular concern to me is learning of the Planning Commission's and City Staff's plan to eventually allow second rental units in zones other than SFR-Y or even a continuance of so-called " guest houses" city-wide. I believe this to be extremely ill-conceived, and that it would open a veritable "Pandora's Box" of problems in my neighborhood, beginning with increased traffic on our substandard "Colony" roads and our poorly -maintained city streets, and creating even higher fire and evacuation risks in an area which already lives with a greater threat. Further, from the viewpoint of a professional educator, I have seen first-hand the ramifications of ill-thought-out city growth policies in Paso Robles. Thus, I am doubly concerned regarding the impact of city-wide rentals on city schools. In conclusion, I sincerely request that these and any future changes to the current General Plan be subjected to a general public referendum so that the citizens of Atascadero, and not vested interests, can choose the future direction of our city. 11 ames E. Thomas 10695 Vista Rd., Atas. Attachment : J Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 September 17, 2001 My name is Eric Peterson and I live at 4500 Del Rio Road. I find this process of re-writing the General Plan all very confusing and full of conflicting concepts. For example, the majority Council insists they are listening to public input. If that is so, why are many of the items the public has overwhelmingly objected to still included in the revisions that will be addressed in the General Plan and the EIR. If Council was truly listening,then why are these items still under consideration?Elimination of these items would reduce the cost and work of whoever is assigned the preparation of the Plan text and EIR. Another example is the idea of preparing the EIR before the final General Plan text is approved. This implies that Council considers the changes as submitted are a"done deal" and there would be no revision to the EIR required. If changes are required after public review of the"draft"text, additional time and expense will be expended for revisions. This does not seem to me to be a prudent use of City funds. There has been discussion in these meetings regarding the infrastructure cost of single family residential construction exceeding the income to the city generated by these units. This means that nearly every single family residence constructed will increase the tax liability of Atascadero residents. I am told the exception being houses costing somewhere in the million dollar range which are not common. Yet, many of the General Plan changes proposed to date increase single family residences. Where will the money come from to support these additional residences without raising taxes or reducing services in other areas? There has been much discussion regarding"affordable housing." It appears the assumption has been made that reducing lot size will automatically generate affordable housing. Taking any large lot, splitting it and building houses on it may produce housing for people who can afford large down payments but it will not help our local labor force. It will take dedication and additional mechanisms to provide truly affordable housing for Atascadero residents. These mechanisms are not present in the current General Plan rewrite. When does Council intend to generate a realistic approach to the concept of truly affordable housing? There are portions of the policy changes presented that I would support,however, it seems to me the entire package is being crammed down my throat in an"all or nothing" package. This is Council's package and I have seen no indication that there is any intention of vetoing any portion of the presented policy changes, even though the public does not want them. (page 1 of 2) These items just show the tip of the iceberg in my mind. I hope Council will answer my questions. In closing, I would like to remind Mr.Nimmo that"this great country is what it is because dedicated people stood up time and again to fight for what they believed in. I don't believe we are any different. Please enter my comments into the public record. Thank you f r yo time. CAqO -Rover Attachment : 'K Special City CouncilMtg 9-17-01 Jr. of to" s. a,S d o4iw uU�e�.e K ar be. �4 d uxio %vt;a�- 4-U-L Q M Attachment : L Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 �2� .. __ f -''Yr�-k � � �� - _ __ . _. __ _ __ -- _!�___ _. .� , r-- �'� ���� ��.-�� r � � _tet r._ C��' C� �' .���s _ __.f a ,�' -- ♦_ i �� `� � � � � y�--- L���.--moi _ / � _ i L-(.,.-/ '� "��--�-�._.-_. � _ �C.-�Z-�'�^`�! - __ �--��/ (( �� _. _ _ ___ __ _____ _ _ __ __ _ ___----_ ___.__ ____ tt// 7 ,- ___ __ _ .�...GGr1�. . G __ _ _--- --- _ - _ _ __ �_ -- -__ ___ - . � � - - f-- - --- —. - _ � _ _,_ _ _ 1 .z - --- - - - ----- _ _,- -- - -- - - ------------ --- _ -- --- - 7 Attachment : M Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 September 17,2001 City Council Members: I have been listening very carefully for the last several months to the ongoing debate concerning the General Plan update. The over whelming majority of citizens' input has been to keep the General Plan with a rural feeling for our city. The City Council majority and the city staff have not listened. The current City Council majority and city staff are trying to sell us a concept which everybody wants,affordable housing as an excuse to wreck our town. Some well-intended citizens have bought their pitch. The way to hell is paved with good intentions. If you really think about it,houses sell for whatever the market will bear. Put more kindly,why shouldn't someone sell their home(which they may have lived in for ten years)for as much as they can get? After all in most cases it is their major financial asset. The only way houses will not sell at the maximum price is through some type of governmental intervention, more governmental programs. Rental property follows the same basic approach;prices are set by whatever the market will bare. Government programs such as Section 8 are an attempt to assist with affordable rental housing. Most of us are skeptical about government programs interfering with near sacred free market approaches. The present City Council majority's answer to the affordable housing is to increase density. By cutting down on Atascadero's lot sizes and thereby increasing the supply of houses,prices will somehow become affordable. New York's Manhattan Island has one of the highest housing densities on earth,it is not cheap. Our sister city to the south, Shell Beach,has microscopic lots,selling well above Atascadero's prices. It is not cheap. In Silicon Valley one bedroom homes were selling for$600,000 plus. Small size and high density does not ensure affordability,it is a myth. How can you argue with someone who is right for the wrong reasons? The present City Council and staff will indeed create affordable housing by increasing density along the lines they propose,they will sacrifice Atascadero's major virtue our rural character,thereby,making us undesirable and therefore cheap. I'm not buying it! /o/di Stephen P.LaSalle Attachment : N Special City Council Mtg . 9-17-01 To: Atascadero City Council I remember the drought years. Where will all the water come from for the increased population? What does affordable housing mean? Who will build it? Why will they build such units if they can build units which will give them more of a return on their investment? Why is staff allowing guest houses to be used as rental units when the ordinance prohibits it? I do not want the General Plan rewritten. Elnora B. Garcia 1700 San Ramon Road Atascadero CA 93422 466-5002 -� Attachment : 0 Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 Sept. 17, 2001 To: Atascadero City Council From: Geraldine Brasher Mr. Mayor and members of the Council, I will be very brief, but it is my belief that you would make a serious mistake if you elect to increase the population density as proposed in the Land Use Element rewrite of the General Plan without first dealing with the problems inherent with a population density increase. These problems include increasing demands upon our water supply and system of delivery, increasing demands upon our sewer system, increasing demands upon our streets' carrying capacity, and increasing vehicular travel that will cause more Tapid deterioration of existing streets. Since increased residential building does not result in a compensatory increase in our tax base, we will fall even further behind in providing adequate services to the citizens of our city. Therefore, I urge you to continue working with and under the existing General Plan. Geraldine Brasher 3202 Monterey Rd. Atascadero, CA Attachment : P Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 Policy Option #2: Land Use Designations Planning Commission Recommended Option 1. Recommend incorporation of the following new Land Use Designations in Updated General Plan BdstbV Umd Uses LotbdUndgses MD CMEWAdar AG Agialtue AG A#UUe 0. C6 OpenSpm Residential RR Fdaal Rgddertd RR Baal Ftskbtal SW Sire,je Fa*Sbuien(25-10 aae Ict nin) RE farm Estates(25-10a3e Ict nin)[a.Wc a USIJ Q SE SJxaban Estates(25-10 aae Id min)fn§de USQ 0. I.136F LwDai*SrxjeFarily -MZ SrdeFa'MfyFb§dertal(1.5-25axeldnin) Q MOT Nbdun D3i*Sr4e Fanly SHW Srde FarflyF;?edd3td(1.0 we k t Mn) 1. Ha F HqhDaily Sr4e Farrity SMX Srge FanilyF add3td(Q5 aae Id nin) 4. LMF Lav DensityMlti-Fanny(10bedwm/ac) NM WdunDa-aity%ddertd(10dis/ad) 10. HLMF Hgt qty Mtt+bMIy(16 bBft=/ac) HER Hgh Dermty Redd3tal(22 Ws/ac) 22 OwTraraal — W I b jtat KW Q mT-erdal Carbine Wth GC _ FC Pedl OmTrerdal GC Geral Carrrerdal 16. SC Se-ke Carrrnadd SC SaNce O mnne dd TC Tams Cbmrerdll Cmb r*Wth GC D Davtw D Dwta+n 16 O_Cffice OmtineWth GC _ CPK Ccmretdal F'ak CPK 03nTlErdd Pais NC Magid Use Camreical 16. Ind zbW lnist d IND Indst W IPK Irdstrial F'ark Om biraWth IPD _ RbIIc/QLesI4:Wic P Rdc Fadlitites PUB R&ic Fadlibes Q FEC Fbaeeticn FEC Rdc Fbaeabai Q CFEC OmTreical Fbaeaficn 1Q Attachment : Q Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 AUG 2 7 2001 CITY OF ATA- `'AD !_AO LI:Y�LER_.IE . . Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an;important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, 1 Sa AUG 2 7 2001 CITYOFATA- '"HD 'AO Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 CRY OF ATA Y J' 10, LtzH Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, L' AUG 2 7 2001 Cn OFATA "r,U ',to Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 Cn. OF Al H 'AO".10 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, ,.� , AUG 2 7 2001 Cr Y OF.ATA ' PO 10 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, �l "("1 �` ►r- AUG 2 7 2001 CRY OF.ATA•. " AD­10 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feed a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 Cir OF.ATA- "AO 30 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincefely, rhv. lr AUG 2 7 2001 Cr ry OF ATA Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 ?111" CT(Y of Pj p Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an,important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, l .� AUG 2 7 2001 Cl ry 7F.ATA 27P.0'710 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is ark important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 -,!OF 4Ta -AW".10 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is art important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, ��7 AUG 2 7 2001 yr,v OF ATA Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 U!N0F.4 i A 'A.U'"..10 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, �''~ AUG 2 7 2001 k'ry OF.ATA ��. ;O _ _ Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is ark important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, STINCHFIELD FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. J ,a '+�=+ ,�- AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a'1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing- Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sin r , J. Borba, Jr. P e ident 7350 El Camino Real, Suite 101 • Atascadero, California 93422 805/466-0111 AUG 2 7 2001 Cif"Y OFATA Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 CF!YOFArA 'PUA0 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feet a I-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed,not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, may.... ,i.... .% AUG 2 7 2001 v5i ? 'OFA..T4 'nq)" Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members. In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, i AUG 272001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, T i AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely,' �� Ca nnpo VG rjr AUG 2 7 2001 Ci y OF.,,T Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a I-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, o Y U j- AUG 2 7 2001 ZO1YOF4TA '110-710 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a I-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only..Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, t AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 1. Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, J AUG 2 72001 r :t0 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, o`�c�ru J n,, - --e- - AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is apositive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, �- AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, Aug 07 01 01 : 27p AMRES PASO (805) 237-2858 p. 2 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mavor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. S incerely, ��� � I`ll���f AUG 2 7 2001 - Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, FROM ATASADEROCHAMBERO FAX NO. 805 455 5218 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12PM P3 J AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and i am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, 1 FROM ATASADEROCHAMHERO FAX NO. 805 455 9218 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12PM P3 o l AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Councii, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, FROM ATA.SADEROCHAMBERO FAX NO. 805 455 0218 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12Pr'l P3 AUG 2 7 2001 1-7 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, — t FROM ATASADEROCHAMBERO FAX NO. S05 456 9213 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12PM P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan ReuTite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Fx rely, FROM ATASADEROCHAMBERO FAX NO. : 905 466 5219 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12PM P3 AUG 2 7 2001 +. = �r.'r 7 c J Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rvmi.te and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, FROM ATAGADEROCHAFIBERO FAX NO. 805 466 9218 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12PM P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, FROM ATASADEROCHAPIBERO FAX NO. 805 455 9218 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12PM. P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and 1 am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, 1 FRS N NTASHDEROCHRIBERO R;X NO. 805 466 5216 Fiuq. 24 2001 12:12Prl P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and i am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, 08/23/2001 10:03 FAX 8034683288 AOF 201 �/. 3101 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City CouYtciir I have reviewed the Chamber's reoosn=,endation for the Gcneral Plan Rewrite and I stn in full support. Please corMinue leadtng our City in a positive direction Sin=cly, 08/23/2001 10:05 FAX 8054083288 AOF 202 r AGVO AUG 2.7 2001 Dr Atescadc ro Mayor and City Ctutn % I ban reviewed die C1anbear's t* madat as far the Cenaal Plan Rzwrhm sod I am in M support. Please ooainuo g our chy to a posiav*di *Wm SinaarGlp, _ y AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few,additional comments. Affordable housing is�n important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed,not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed,not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, �\ a AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members; In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing.. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is�n important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a I-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, n . J AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, ti y AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 �. T Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, 1 1 L o,,� r, Qs AUG z Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an;important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so Iacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. ,7e,rely, 41� Y AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is ar}important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a I-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City, It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the reconunendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, n Ewe) AUG 272001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, v AUG 272001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an;important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish, and one I fully support. Sincerely, AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, AWA�u 06/07/01 13:01 FAX 8054622433 THAI-RRIFIC O1 7966 El Owr iiewi AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the Genial plan rewrite is an important underWdag for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atescadero.I agree with the seoeo:ssmeadatieae that h2ve been pest forward by thwFLw3Ymg Commission for adaption with a few additional comments. Atfbrdable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive Move to that end I feel a I-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed,not sewer only.Also, implementing a plan to bring existing grand►units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail distdots is also a positive as well as calculating emits rather than bedrooms for densities, This will provide more housing for fa nilios which are so 1 acldng in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our ftmure is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, 08-09 01 14:15 VILLAGE CAFFE 7:8054621900 P:02 N� AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and T am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, j � i FROM A/i FRX 1O. 805-466-2235 Aug. 09 2001 1i:44AM P1 • a �� f - ,,.,...., ti+ra�manzwrF�:nr . . A,A3BnDCRO.CA93921%41 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, 1 have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan. Rewrite and 3 am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, J w 08/19/01 14:47 FAX 805 544 4351 G B P & B la 001 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Alwcadem Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the futcae of Atascadero.I agree with the recommendations that have been pelt forward by the Planning commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial azea is a positive move to that end If�l a I-am parcel that cam provide septic service that is in compliance with the g code standards is the way to proceed,not sewer only.Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot am into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-:family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consotidatixig Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for out ftxtuie is an.important task for you to accomplish,and one I. My support. Sincerely, �1 08-14-2001 1b t��t�� r Ku �� �••u••. ATASCAIDERO HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT California 93422 One High School Fii11,Atamdero, "" �` Telephone(845)462-4311, Fac($05)468-837 T AUG 2 7 2001 r Dear Ataseadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time arra money well spent to plan for the future of A.tascadero.I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning CommiAon-for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an iL-nportant component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end I feel a i-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the%sy to proceed,not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so the;may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one 1 fully support. Sincerely, v,�4 Lja V%-13 Q P p o f u H41 ,{� 1 , 1�, �C's.a C_,a.> "Q , �.Q.. k.�.� `�d t•o�t� -�("^_;'"a' i TOTAL P.01 Aug. 1. 200i 2:IOPMMANGUARD LENDING 805 461 4044 No-7054 P. 1%1 LIM Vanguard www.vanguardletdlnSxom •7520 Morro Road +Atascadero,CA 43422 )tending Group,Inc. Tall Free(SM)461-4095 •(805)461-4040 *Fax(805)461.4044 AllgliS[7,?Q01 .. . AUG 272001 Mike Arrambide City of Atascadero - Dear Mr.Mayor and Honorable Couucilmembers: I am writing this letter to express my support of the General Plan Rewrite which has talon so much effort to produce. It is unfortunate that more of us in the business community cannot or do not attend public meeting to express our views. Please do not listen to the vocal opponents of positive change,they do not represent a balanced community. The city staff should be commended for a job well done. Thank you for serving our community. Sincerely, I David Garretson President tascadero Chamberorcommerce 6550 EI(amino Real•Atascadero,CA 93422•(805) 466-2044•Fax(805) 466.9218•www.atascaderochomber.org y.N— AUG272001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, = _ In my view I elieve the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and oney well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommenda 'ons that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive move to that end. I feel a 1-acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, FROM ATASADEROCHAMBERO FAX NO. 805 466 9219 Aug. 24 2001 12:12PM P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, FROM ATASADEROCHR'IBERO FAX NO. 805 465 9218 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12PN P3 N� AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and 1 am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, � 1 FROM ATASADEROCHANBERO FAX NO. 805 466 9218 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12PN P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, FROM ATASADEROCHAMBERO FAX NO. 805 456 9218 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12PN P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City, a positive direction. Sincerely, FROM ATASADEROCHAMBERO FAX NO. 805 455 9218 Aug. 24 2031 12: 12PN P3 J AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, FROM ATASADEROCHAMBERO FAX NO. 805 456 9218 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12PN P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Re,mite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, I FROM ATASADEROC HArIBERO FAX NO. : 905 466 9219 Aug. 24 2001 12: 12P1 P3 AUG 2 7 2001 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive direction. Sincerely, i Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to plan for the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial area is a positive. move to that end. I feel a 1;acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed,not sewer only. Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the.State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I fully support. Sincerely, Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Ple&se continue leading our City in a positive:direction. Sincerely, Dear Atascadero Mayor and Council Members, In my view I believe the General Plan rewrite is an important undertaking for the City. It is time and money well spent to planfor the future of Atascadero. I agree with the recommendations that have been put forward by the Planning Commission for adoption with a few additional comments. Affordable housing is an important component and a second unit trial.area is a positive. move to that end. I feel a l acre parcel that can provide septic service that is in compliance with the building code standards is the way to proceed, not sewer only.Also, implementing a plan to bring existing granny units in the pilot area into the second unit program so they may be counted towards meeting the.State standards for affordable housing. Multi-family residential in retail districts is also a positive as well as calculating units rather than bedrooms for densities. This will provide more housing for families which are so lacking in our community. Consolidating Land use designations is a positive way to attract and keep a healthy business community. Providing a safe plan for our future is an important task for you to accomplish,and one I. fully support. Sincerely, L�1 Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive'direction. Sincerely, c9'? ' Dear Atascadero Mayor and City Council, I have reviewed.the Chamber's recommendation for the General Plan Rewrite and I am in full support. Please continue leading our City in a positive"direction. Sincerely, Planning Commission Recommended Options Develop Future AnnexationPolicies Remote:Area B: County • • • County ' ll undeveloped •ts: City Control via Annexation Develop Future AnnexationPolicies • • • County • •• • • • • • •a����!ivy' . v,•;, Vol i r�. t Wffl, NIII gi 54, ��yyQi►_�,�!.�I��i�"'�vI�yR1�i�}q�r��_�./,0�, ,.s` '.':''`� ,{�J`�� ♦ .���a�! J'1'7�ga m'wtwNJi� RRA �� i b .0■� �_oa �'+ + �t'�'w s �,p�`.'•�ri;.�+��-'lt/1�,��J� j•+�-i1��`U Z ♦ n..q� ��� rt..+ YV'a.q�'d' r a�n..,.4�3�,g�P 1i >e a@dv°"�i\«3 �•�•��� � �air`^e�a<���/✓✓t��aPa ri+i(��n�:��'% aIj ems' °lQ�� �j�� •ymo�•'�ad rr As,.edro� rl��� �\i�.r Attachment : S Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 Policy Option#1: Urban Service Line (USL) Planning Commission Recommended Option 1. Recommend adoption of the revised Urban Service Line as shown . 2. Develop a policy that not all lots with the Urban Service Line are required to be served by sewer. General Plan Service Areas Cify of Atascadero 3 General Plan Update f �> May 29, 2001 ME '�'�~� r���rt������ K'�kir �` � a <✓ � � <� rG. _ ��.w.... rr cyJ *+ - �< �'r�`t c-"� ���� L � k -fir '•'� �y �' �'' � h T )� t< �"3—fi.` � 1 xY �> f i*grr .. •tE ,t ✓� . Attachment : T Special City Council Mtg 9-17-01 Mr. Mayor and other Councilmembers, Staff and the council majority-Arrambide, Clay, Johnson and Scalise-have proposed"tiered creek setbacks". If ever,there was a weasel word, "tiered" is it. Either we get a creek setback that provides the same setback for all, or we know the council will weasel its way out if a favored builder or developer comes along. Then we will hear the same old song: "no problems with this proposal." Atascadero once had a 50 foot creek setback in the General Plan which applied to all It should never have been thrown out. If we had kept it,the Bowling Alley would not be hanging over the creek bed. It was allowed only a 5 foot setback. Now the owners want to build a horrendous retaining wall to save the building. Tiered creek setbacks will not set a standard. The people of Atascadero treasure their creeks in their natural state with the plants, fish and other wildlife. We don't want our creeks to look like the Los Angeles River: all cement and a trickle of water running along the bottom. I Please restore the genuine creek setback we were once wise enough to enact. NOTICE OF A CONTINUED SPECIAL MEETING ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Monday, September 24, 2001 _ 7:00 p.m. City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue, 4t" Floor Rotunda Atascadero, California GENERAL PLAN UPDATE - CONTINUED The City Council continued this Special Meeting by unanimous vote from the September 17, 2001 Special Meeting. The City Council also determined by unanimous vote that this meeting will continue from where they left off on September 17, 2001 and in the same format: 1. Staff will review a proposed Policy. 2. Council with ask questions of Staff. 3. The public will be allowed to speak for an amount of time determined by the Mayor. 4. Council will discuss and make a determination. 1. General Plan Update -Review of Draft Land Use Plan ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Planning Commission recommendations: 1. Council adopt the draft Resolution, thereby endorsing the Draft Land Use Plan as the Preferred Plan for use in the Draft General Plan policy document and Draft Environmental Impact Report; and 2. Council direct staff to incorporate Policy Issues I through 10 into the Draft General Plan. [Community Development] ADJOURNMENT: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) CITY OF ATASCADERO ) MARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSON, being fully sworn, deposes, and says: That she is the duly elected City Clerk of the City of Atascadero and that on Wednesday,September 19,2001,she caused the above Notice to be posted on the doors of the City's Administration Building,6500 Palma Avenue in Atascadero,California. MARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSON City Clerk City of Atascadero