HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 082801 Approved as submitted September 11,2001 no no MINUTES 1918 4 11 9 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, August 28, 2001 7:00 P.M. City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue, 4t" Floor Atascadero, California REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:30 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT - CLOSED SESSION Terrill Graham, 6205 Conejo, stated that he appreciates the fact that the Council does evaluate the performance of the City Manager. CLOSED SESSION: A. Call to Order 1) Performance Review: City Manager(Govt. Code § 54957.6) 2) Conference with labor negotiator(Govt. Code Sec. 54957.6) Agency Negotiator: Mayor Mike Arrambide Position: City Manager B. Adjourn to Regular Session CLOSED SESSION REPORT Mayor Arrambide announced the Council would continue the Closed Session to the end of the Council meeting. CC 08/28/01 Page i REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: Mayor Arrambide called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. and Council Member Johnson led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Clay, Johnson, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Arrambide Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson and City Treasurer David Graham Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Brady Cherry, Community Development Director Lori Parcells, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Community Services Manager Geoff English, Planning Services Manager Warren Frace, Police Lt. John Couch, Fire Captain Fred Motlo, and City Attorney Roy Hanley. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mayor Arrambide proposed moving Public Hearing Item#13-3 ahead of Item#B-2. Mayor Arrambide also announced that he is now the Chief Executive Officer of one of the agencies to be considered for the Human Services Grant and will be stepping down from Item #B- 3. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve the Agenda with the revised order of Items #B-2 and #B-3 as proposed. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. COMMUNITY FORUM: Eric Greening, 7365Valle, asked who is representing the City at the California Transportation Plan Forum. Richard Rue, 4200 Portola Road, expressed his concern for the activity of dirt bike riding in his neighborhood. In particular, he is unhappy with the dirt bike tracks on private property and the noise they create and would like to see restrictions on their noise level within the City limits. Terrill Graham, 6205 Conejo Road, stated he thinks Mayor Arrambide and Council Member Johnson should step down from voting on the General Plan update. Alan Thomas 9520 Marchant Way, asked if there would be public comment on the General Plan Update item. Mayor Arrambide responded that the public comment period was closed at the last meeting and there is no public comment period scheduled tonight. Mr. Thomas expressed his CC 08/28/01 Page 2 concern that the public not be allowed to comment as the staff report for tonight's meeting contains new information. He asked the Council, in a prepared statement, to consider allowing the public to speak on this issue tonight. Mayor Arrambide indicated that the build out estimate referred to by Mr. Thomas in his comments is unrelated to the broad policies for the General Plan Update to be considered at tonight's meeting and which the public had opportunity to comment on at the last meeting. The issues to be considered at this meeting are the broad parameters and policy statements under consideration for the environmental impact. There will be more time for public comment as staff forms more specific recommendations. (Attachment A) Becky Pacas, 4305 San Benito Road, expressed her concerns over the speed with which the Council is approving staff's policy recommendations for the General Plan Update. She is specifically concerned with Policy Option No. 9., which eases parking requirements for the downtown. Dorothy McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista, stated that the newspaper had reported that the public would be able to speak on the General Plan Update at tonight's meeting. Ms. McNeil read from a prepared statement expressing her concerns with build-out figures in the staff report and what she perceives as explosive growth in Atascadero. She felt the public should be able to respond to the new information presented in tonight's staff report on the General Plan Update. (Attachment B) Mayor Arrambide asked the City Attorney to state his opinion about the public comment issue. City Attorney Roy Hanley stated that the Brown Act requires that public comment be allowed before the Council's consideration of an item. Public comment was allowed at the last City Council meeting and when all public speakers were accommodated the item was continued to this Council meeting. It is therefore proper to disallow further public comment. The only circumstance under which the Council would be required to take further public comment is if the agenda item had been substantially changed. Betty Scanlin, 6390 Flores Road, stated the staff report concerning the General Plan is an entirely new report and for this reason the public should be permitted to comment. She feels the report is another rationalization for scrapping the current General Plan. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, stated that since the City has told many people that there would not be an opportunity to speak the issue could be easily dealt with by continuing the General Plan Update item to the next noticed meeting. Julie Gorman, 5560 San Benito Road, read from a petition outlining the signers' concern regarding public health and safety issues and the need for better public notification of the changes to be made in the proposed General Plan Update. (Attachment C) Carmen Barnett, submitted petitions opposing the General Plan update. (Attachment D) City Attorney Roy Hanley stated that legally the Council is not approving any of the proposed land use amendments tonight, the Council can only propose the scope of the EIR and then the EIR will study all of the impacts on not only the individual projects but also the cumulative impacts of all the projects to be included in the report. When the report is completed, and when the draft General Plan document has gone through extensive public review, approval or CC 08/28/01 Page 3 disapproval of any or all of the items will come back before the Council and only at that time will the proposed land use amendments be considered. Gary Pellett, 4355 San Benito Road, stated that in his opinion a decision of this magnitude should not be decided by the Council, but rather placed on the ballot for a vote of the people. Henry Skibo, Traffic Way, thanked the Council and the Planning Department staff for their efforts and stated that there are many people in Atascadero who agree that the town needs a shot in the arm, more housing and who support the General Plan Update. Robert Nimmo, 7375 Bella Vista Road, stated that by the end of September it would be 3 years since the City stopped accepting General Plan amendment applications for the purpose of giving the Planning Staff and Council time to develop an updated general plan. He feels it is time to close public comment and get on with the update process. Beth Dodson, commended the Council for their patience. She stated this City needs affordable housing and the Council needs to provide for it. Livia Kellerman, 5463 Honda, stated her concerns with the property across Atascadero Ave. from the library which she would like to see become a park. Alan Thomas, 9520 Marchant Way, asked if an EIR would cover the policy option changes as suggested. City Attorney Hanley responded, yes. Mr. Thomas also stated he supports the creation of affordable housing, such as town homes. Jerry Johnson, Traffic Way, is concerned with the price of housing and property in Atascadero and would like to see the update move forward at a faster pace. Becky Pacas, 4305 San Benito Road, stated that in her opinion the people supporting the update are those who will make a profit from it. She feels those opposed to the update are looking out for the best interests of Atascadero. Mayor Arrambide stated that there would be no more public comment on the General Plan Update during this meeting. Bonita Borgeson, 4780 Del Rio Road, stated elected officials have a duty to their community to allow it to catch up with the anticipated growth and she would like to see the process slowed down. Mike Wasley, San Benito Road, thanked the Council for their hard work and took exception to the false comments directed toward himself, the Council and staff regarding the General Plan Update process. Geraldine Brasher, Monterey Road, said that she commends those who appear before the Council to express their concerns regarding their community. Mayor Arrambide closed the Community Forum period. CC 08/28/01 Page 4 COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Public Works Director Steve Kahn introduced the new Associate Civil Engineer Jeff van den Eikhof. Mayor Arrambide and the Council wished Police Chief Dennis Hegwood a happy birthday. Mayor Pro Tem Scalise shared with those present that everyone at Camp San Luis (Cadets, Officers, State and Federal representatives), from the Air National Guard, all took the time to thank her for being there and representing Atascadero. A resolution was presented on behalf of the City. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call 1. City Council Minutes—July 24, 2001 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the City Council minutes of July 24, 2001. [City Clerk] 2. City Treasurgr's Agenda Report- April, May and June 2001 ■ City Treasurer recommendation: Council review and accept the April, May and June 2001 Treasurer's Report. [City Treasurer] 3. July 2001 - Accounts Payable and Pamoll ■ Fiscal Impact: $1,115,010.76 ■ Staff recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for July 2001. [Administrative Services] 4. Police Vehicle Purchase ■ Fiscal Impact: $72,950.46 (in FY 2001-02 budget) ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the purchase of three police cars from Wondries Fleet Group. [Police] 5. Memorandums of Understandina - for Local 620 Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Atascadero Firefighters Bargaining Unit, Atascadero Police Association, Mid Management/Professional Employees, and Resolution for Non-Represented Professional and Management Workers and Confidential Employees ■ Fiscal Impact: Total increased costs for the units is approximately 5% of salary for this fiscal year. These costs are contained within the Annual Operating Budget. ■ Staff recommendation: Council approve: 1. Memorandums of Understanding and draft Resolution, authorizing salaries and benefits for the above-named employee groups; and 2. The Salary Schedule, effective July 1, 2001. [City Manager] The City Clerk pulled Item#A-1, Mayor Pro Tem Scalise pulled Item#A-2 and Council Member Luna pulled Item#A-5. MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Luna to accept Consebt Calendar Items No. 3. and 4. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. CC 08/28/01 Page 5 ITEM A-1: City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson pointed out that pages 66 - 73 should be removed as they are duplicate attachments. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Johnson to approve Consent Calendar Item#A-l. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. ITEM #A-2: Mayor Pro Tem Scalise thanked the City Treasurer for his report and requested Treasurer's reports monthly as well as a tracking report to reflect the total yield earned per month. MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Johnson to approve Consent Calendar Item #A-2. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. ITEM #A-5: Council Member Luna stated his concern with the current financial atmosphere and asked if there were a plan in place in case of a financial downturn in the City. City Manager Wade McKinney indicated that the City is financially solvent and the City has considered a potential downturn in the economy in its future projections. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Johnson to approve Consent Calendar Item No. 5. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (SEIU Contract No. 2001-025, AFBU Contract No. 2001-026, APA Contract No. 2001-027, Mid- Management Professional Employees Contract No. 2001-028, Non- Represented Employees Resolution No. 2001-030.) B. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Ensenada Ave. Traffic Volumes and Speed ■ Fiscal Impact: $6,000 plus 3 days of Public Works maintenance crew and equipment. These funds are available in the Capital Projects Budget under Miscellaneous Road Repairs Account. ■ Staff recommendations: Council approve the following actions: 1. Closure of Ensenada Avenue, west of Via Avenue Bridge; and 2. Installation of a barricade, turn around improvements, and the necessary signage for the closure; and 3. Installation of 5-way stop signs at the intersection of Ensenada Ave., Capistrano Ave., Mercedes Ave., and Cabrillo Ave. [Public Works] Public Works Director Steve Kahn gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. Council Member Luna stated his support for this proposal using overhead documents. (Attachment E) PUBLIC COMMENT Yolanda Buchanan, 5425 Ensenada Ave., stated the neighborhood has expressed overwhelming support for this proposal. She asked the Council to approve this action. CC 08/28/01 Page 6 Mike Jackson, 5502 Ensenada Ave., felt that the public should be made aware of the penalties for speeding in the Capistrano Avenue area. Steve Allan, 5330 Ensenada Ave., urged the Council to approve this proposal and direct staff to make these changes as soon as possible before another child is injured. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. Mayor Pro Tem Scalise commended Police Chief Dennis Hegwood and Public Works Director Steve Kahn for the speed with which they responded to the Ensenada Avenue residents' concerns. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to close Ensenada Avenue, west of Via Avenue Bridge, and install a barricade, turn around improvements and the five-way stop sign at the intersection of Ensenada Ave., Capistrano Ave., Mercedes Ave., and Cabrillo Ave. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 2. Human Services Grants ■ Fiscal Impact: $20,000 (in FY 2001-02 budget) ■ Staff recommendation: Council approve Human Services Grants to the Agency's and in the amounts recommended by the Finance Committee in Attachment A. [City Manager] Mayor Arrambide stated that he would like the Council to consider the funding for Creative Alternative for Learning and Living (C.A.L.L.) separately from the balance of the applicants as he is now the Chief Executive Officer of C.A.L.L. and would need to step down on that decision. There was consensus of the Council to consider the funding for C.A.L.L. separately from the balance of the applicants. Mayor Arrambide announced that he will disqualify himself from consideration of funds for C.A.L.L. MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve the recommended amount of$1,700 to C.A.L.L. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote. (Arrambide abstained) City Manager Wade McKinney provided the staff report and answered questions of the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Eileen Allan, Executive Director North County Women's Resource Center, thanked staff for recommending funding for the Center and thanked the Council for increasing the amount of funds available. Pearl Munak, 3850 Ramada Drive, Paso Robles, President of the Homeless Housing Project, expressed appreciation for staff's recommendation of funds for the Project. She requested that Council increase the amount recommended. CC 08/28/01 Page 7 Frank Farkschneider, 7600 Santa Ynez, spoke on behalf of Atascadero Loaves and Fishes and thanked the Council for the amount of funding that was being recommended. Jody Smith, Supervisor/Case Manager for EOC Homeless Services, 5411 El Camino Real, thanked the Council for their past support. Lana Adams, Mentor Services Program—EOC Mentor Alliance, expressed her appreciation of the Council's consideration for funding of the Alliance through a prepared statement read by Jody Smith. Geraldine Brasher asked if the list of Human Services Grant recipients represents all of the organizations that requested funding. Mayor Arrambide responded, yes. Terrill Graham, 6205 Conejo Road, expressed his disappointment that North County Connection was not recommended for funding. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Luna to approve the Human Services Grants to the agencies and in the amounts as recommended by the Finance Committee. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Mayor Arrambide called for a recess at 8:54 p.m. Mayor Arrambide reopened the Council Meeting at 9:08 p.m. 3. GPA 2000-0001 General Plan Update - Review of Draft Land Use Plan (CONTINUED FROM JULY 24, 2001 MEETING) ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Planning Commission recommendations: 1. Council adopt the draft Resolution, thereby endorsing the Draft Land Use Plan as the Preferred Plan for use in the Draft General Plan policy document and Draft Environmental Impact Report; and 2. Council direct staff to incorporate Policy Issues I through 10 into the Draft General Plan. [Community Development] Mayor Arrambide announced that after reviewing the City's public notice for tonight's City Council Meeting it was determined that the notice gives the impression that there will be a continued public hearing in which public comment would be permitted. In order to accommodate those from the public who may have been misinformed about issues to be considered at tonight's meeting, it was decided that a Special Meeting would be held on Wednesday, September 5, 2001. City Manager Wade McKinney stated that staff hopes to collect Council's comments with respect to the questions raised and the General Plan Options outlined in the staff report. Due to the confusion in the noticing of the meeting, a special meeting on September 5th would be held to hear only the General Plan issue. CC 08/28/01 Page 8 Council Member Luna made suggestions to staff concerning the proposed policies and EIR. Specifically, he explained his concerns with population growth, second unit housing, zoning inconsistencies, parkland, open space, affordable housing, and creek setbacks. (Attachment F) Council Member Johnson suggested that the PD-7 overlay be structured with tightly controlled rules as to where and how it would work. Mayor Arrambide stated that he would like to see pedestrian, equestrian and bike pathways at a reasonable distance from the creek as well as having these incorporated into new planned developments. Council Member Clay expressed his concern with the lack of affordable housing in the community and the long-term effects of this problem. Additionally, he felt the SFR-X zone did not need to be included in the PD process while the SFR-Z should be included into the PD process. The SSF zone should be included within the Urban Service Line. He would like to see staff work with the owner of lot number 283 to reach a compromise wherein half of it would become a park and the other half a PD project. Mayor Pro Tem Scalise asked staff to look at including the SFR-X, Y and Z zones into the PD overlay process covered in Policy Option #8—Lot Size Inconsistencies. Additionally, under Policy Option #9, she requested staff to include language regarding allowing off-site parking in the downtown. Council Member Johnson strongly stated that he accepts the fact that as an elected official, the public can make negative comments about you but he takes offense when the public attacks staff as they have at the last meeting and this one tonight. City Manager asked the Council to re-consider the date of the Special Meeting, as with the suggestions of Council, Staff will need additional time to prepare the report. He asked for the Special Meeting to be scheduled for Monday, September 17, 2001. There was Council consensus to continue this item to a Special Meeting on September 17, 2001. 4. Information Bulletin a. Atascadero Lake Park Master Plan Update b. Parks and Recreation Commission Action C. Lewis Ave. Bridge C. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Confirming the Cost of Vegetative Growth and/or Refuse Abatement ■ Fiscal Impact: $15,018 - cost of contractor. $30,036 - to be recovered through assessments placed on property tax bills ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt draft Resolution, confirming the cost of vegetative growth (weeds) and/or refuse (rubbish) abatement. [Fire] City Manager Wade McKinney gave the staff report. CC 08/28/01 Page 9 PUBLIC COMMENT -None MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Johnson to adopt the draft Resolution, confirming the cost of vegetative growth and rubbish abatement. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (Resolution No. 2001-031) 2. Zone Change 2001-0011 / Conditional Use Permit 2001-0041 / Tentative Tract Map 2001-0005 (Tract 2417) - 9351-9353 Musselman Drive (Shannon/Roberts Engineering) ■ Fiscal Impact: Negligible ■ Planning Commission recommendations: Council: 1. Adopt the draft Resolution certifying the proposed Negative Declaration 2001- 0020; and 2. Introduce for first reading by title only the draft Ordinance approving Zone Change 2001-0011; and 3. Adopt the draft Resolution approving the Master Plan of Development for PD-7 (CUP 2001-0041) subject to findings and conditions of approval; and 4. Adopt the draft Resolution approving Tentative Tract Map 2001-0005 subject to findings and conditions of approval. [Community Development] Planning Services Manager Warren Frace gave the staff report, Public Works Director Steve Kahn gave his report, and both Mr. Frace and Mr. Kahn answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT Richard Shannon, 5070 San Benito Road, thanked staff for the time and effort they have spent on this project. He asked the Council to approve the Planning Commission's recommendations. He explained that staff has added language that he does not agree with. In particular, he does not think it is fair for him to be required to pay off-site improvements. Joan O'Keefe, 9950 Old Morro Road East, said that Mr. Shannon brings up some good points. She stated she feels the issue of who fixes what is a policy decision. She indicated her concerns with the lack of sidewalks,traffic and parking issues. Richard Shannon, answered questions of Council. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. Council Member Luna expressed his concern with the deletion of conditions that place the burden of improvements on the taxpayers. He would like to see projects conditioned so that they pay for themselves. CC 08/28/01 Page 10 MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Johnson to: 1. Adopt the draft Resolution certifying the proposed Negative Declaration 2001-0020; and 2. Introduce for first reading by title only the draft Ordinance approving Zone Change 2001-0011; and 3. Adopt the draft Resolution approving the Master Plan of Development for PD-7 (CUP 2001-0041) subject to findings and conditions of approval and adding a condition requiring the developer do the safety fix on the two front parcels, deducting the cost from his development fees, and that the City Engineer will do the engineering work for the project, and deleting Condition 8.C. on page 307. Motion failed 1:4 by a roll-call vote. (Council Members Johnson, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Arrambide opposed) MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Scalise to adopt the draft Resolution certifying the proposed Negative Declaration 2001-0020. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (Resolution No. 2001-032) MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Scalise to introduce for first reading by title only the draft Ordinance approving Zone Change 2001-0011. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Council Member Luna opposed) MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Mayor Pro-Tem Scalise to adopt the draft Resolution approving the Master Plan of Development for PD-7 (CUP 2001-0041) subject to findings and conditions of approval. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Council Member Luna opposed) (Resolution No. 2001-033) MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Scalise to adopt draft Resolution approving Tentative Tract Map 2001-0005 subject to findings and the following amendment to the Conditions of Approval: Deletion of Condition #8 c. on page 307; and add language to the file that the City does the off-site improvements. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Council Member Luna opposed) (Resolution No. 2001-034) D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Mayor Pro Tem Scalise 1. Atascadero State Hospital Advisory Board: Recently attended a joint meeting with the CMC Advisory Board,transportation issues were discussed. CC 08/28/01 Page 11 Council Member Luna 1. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA): Received a diversion rate for last year of 52%. Council Member Johnson 1. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC): Will be attending the League of Cities meeting. Corporation members spoke with 81 different businesses in July. Council Member Clay 1. Air Pollution Control District (APCD): Will continue to support burns on a limited basis. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Council Council Member Clay indicated that there have been letters in support of the Council and their work on the General Plan update. City Clerk The City Clerk announced that Kim Jeanes has resigned from the Planning Commission and requested direction from the Council regarding advertising for the vacancy. The Council directed the City Clerk to advertise for the'vacancy and schedule interviews. F. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Arrambide adjourned the meeting at 11:32 p.m. to the Closed Session. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Cler Attachment A—Alan Thomas 9520 Marchant Way Attachment B—Dorothy F. McNeil Attachment C—Julie Gorman, 5560 San Benito Road(Petition) Attachment D—Carmen Barnett(Petition) Attachment E—Council Member Luna(Overheads) Attachment F—Council Member Luna(Overheads) CC 08/28/01 Page 12 Page 1 of 1 Attachment: A Atascadero City Council Alan Thomas August 28, 2001 From: Alan Thomas<ajt2002@pacbell.net> To: ' Jerry Clay<JClay@atascadero.org>; Ray Johnson <Rjohnson@fix.net>; George Luna <gluna@calpoly.edu>; Mike Arrambide<marrambide@thegrid.net>; Wendy Scalise <wscalise@atascadero.org> Cc: Wade McKinney<wmckinney@cityhall.atascadero.org> Sent: Tuesday,August 28, 2001 2:50 PM Subject: Need for additional public comment on proposed policy changes The questions and answers that are in the updated staff report for this evenings city council meeting (page 171-181) provide some very good information about the General Plan re-write and related land use policy issues. Some of this information is new and has not been seen or heard by the public before(such as the additional population projections, explanation of the PD expansion approach to handling lot inconsistencies, new proposed park land, etc). Therefore, I think it would be appropriate to allow additional public comment on these items at tonight's meeting. The policy changes being considered will have a major impact on the future of Atascadero. In terms of population growth and density, they will probably have even more long term impact than the changes in the Land Use Map. As such, they deserve a thorough and complete discussion and public debate. Unfortunately, the many proposed changes are complex, hard to understand in terms of impact, and have not been communicated to the public very well, if at all. I suggest that each of the 10 proposed policy changes be presented one at a time,explained by staff with questions by the council, and a public comment period allowed. It will take a little while, but will provide a much more focused and complete hearing on these extremely important changes in which the public needs a chance to participate. Up to now, there have been no workshops or public meetings about these proposed policy changes. They have never been posted at City Hall. Not many people have any idea what they are about. Please make sure you don't short change the public on something this important. Open the floor to additional public comment. Thank you, Alan Thomas 9520 Marchant Way 462-8444 013 8/28/2001 Attachment: B Atascadero City Council August 28, 2001 - August 28, 2001 To: Atascadero City Council From: Dorothy F. McNeil Mr. Mayor and Councilmembers : How can the Council possibly vote on policies the public has never seen? A public hearing means the public has knowledge of what Council is proposing. You conducted a hearing July 24th, 2001, allowed public comment and questions, then closed the hearing. Now you have come up with some answers to some of the questions that were asked, but these answers have not been available to the public. I knout because I tried to get the answers and am probably one of two or three people who have obtained them. The answers show that your maps are meaningless. The so-called grey or Outside Study areas are affected,as is the entire city by these policies you are not exposing. Second units, lot splits everywhere to make all lots "consistent" with the smallest lots in the area, and changing multifamily from 16 bedrooms to 22 units which could have several bedrooms. In this new information you admit to adding about 1 ,600 people , but that is a false figure because you are guessing that only 20% of the residents will split or add a second unit. You always say the build-out figure is a theoretical nmmber -that assumes all land with- in the city is built to its highest and best use . Where does that 20;61 figure fit into such a statement? Why should we trust your maps, slides, staff reports and now these "answers" when nothing seems to ring true? Everything seems to be slyly planned to accomodate developer friends. For the first time I am reading a John D, MacDonald novel. (There are about 35 million of them in print . )The hero, Travis McGee, cries out against the exploitation of his beloved Florida. His customary targets are"greedhead developers, crooked politicians, chamber of commerce flacks, and the cold-hearted stammers who flock like buzzards to the SunsIgine State . " To the author, John MacDonald, these are not just fictional villians--they are the villians of real life. The only solution I see to protect this precious town and to keep it growing gently, not explosively, is to remove the current council majority(and its city manager)when election time rolls around. orothy F. McNeil 014 Attachment: C Atascadero City Council August 28, .2001 We the residents listed below would like the foliowing'to be taken into account by the Atascadero City Council. It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Plan which we are opposed to for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, and changing the Commercial properties'to include High Density Multi-Family Housing. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a*few while having an adverse effect on the maiorV of Atascadero residents. 3. if the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals-and they have not been. � ` /� o/ Print Name Signature Date -��7o Ste' ��.V�O �r� �Z '/Address 6 Telephone Optional ot Ci L'I /(11' Print Name`'� Signa re 1 rr 1 Date . V � c O GI �S C� L(L ' 'Ic Address Telephone Optional TO k k) —"j k e.'o ( Print Name Signature Date S� '100 ��- Address Telephone p Optional Pria Sig a Date n 4 LA Address Telephone Optional 015 Print Name Signature Date ell Address Telephone Optional Print Name `� Signa Date R' 16 f 1' /3.2 -� 1+ 4-SC"FJ4a oG 8- Address Telephone Optional' �Pidi;Name ig ature AddressTele hone p Optional Print Name i natu Date Address ;7 Telephone Optional c � Q ot���ceds -lf�Ol Print Name Sl nature ` Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name ignature " Date oh Address Telephone Optional 8-( a-cif CIC.-l L �vin M e, Print Name Signature Date SY.SS _S C_ a--� Address Telephone Optional Ce t qXhxWIl, f, 2 0 , 2001 Print Name Signature Date 3oo , A Sod, G 34s-i Address Telephone p Optional T• Q ir /v,50N Print Name Signature Date 3-5 Address Telephone Optional Print Name SignatureDate 4Adress- Telephone Optional Printam _ e igna Date -A-A- Address t,A���� � �� Telephone Optional 6vA�—i int - _ Print Name Signature Date 9 42 Address Telephone p Optional . L _ - ( • l Print Name Signature ^� Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Printam s S' nature Date Address Telephone p Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional 01 Page 1 of 1 Attachment: A Atascadero City Council Alan Thomas August 28, 2001 From: Alan Thomas<ajt2002@pacbell.net> To: Jerry Clay<JCiay@atascadero.org>;Ray Johnson <Rjohnson@fix.net>; George Luna <gluna@calpoly.edu>; Mike Arrambide<marrambide@thegrid.net>; Wendy Scalise <wscalise@atascadero.org> Cc: Wade McKinney<wmckinney@cityhall.atascadero.org> Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 20012:50 PM Subject: Need for additional public comment on proposed policy changes The questions and answers that are in the updated staff report for this evenings city council meeting (page 171-181) provide some very good information about the General Plan re-write and related land use policy issues. Some of this information is new and has not been seen or heard by the public before(such as the additional population projections, explanation of the PD expansion approach to handling lot inconsistencies, new proposed park land, etc). Therefore, I think it would be appropriate to allow additional public comment on these items at tonights meeting. The policy changes being considered will have a major impact on the future of Atascadero. In terms of population growth and density, they will probably have even more long term impact than the changes in the Land Use Map. As such, they deserve a thorough and complete discussion and public debate. Unfortunately, the many proposed changes are complex, hard to understand in terms of impact, and have not been communicated to the public very well, if at all. I suggest that each of the 10 proposed policy changes be presented one at a time,explained by staff with questions by the council,and a public comment period allowed. It will take a little while, but will provide a much more focused and complete hearing on these extremely important changes in which the public needs a chance to participate. Up to now, there have been no workshops or public meetings about these proposed policy changes. They have never been posted at City Hall. Not many people have any idea what they are about. Please make sure you don't short change the public on something this important. Open the floor to additional public comment. Thank you, Alan Thomas 9520 Marchant Way 462-8444 013 Attachment: B Atascadero City Council Au-ust 28, 2001 August 28, 2001 To : xtascadero City Council Frog:: Doroth- F. :,:c`?eil Nr. Mayor and Councilmembers : =ion,► can the Council nossiblyl vote on policies the ;public _aS never seer.? A public hearing means the pu::-lic has knot:Ylea,:: of what Co-..,ncil is pr000sinr7. `:ou conducted a hears ns daly 24th, 20C1, allowed public comment- and questions, then closed t, .e '_.ear ns.. *ow you hsave CO'.T'ie up with some answers to some of the questions that were as .ea, but these ans•:•:ers have not been available to tine rublic . I knol., because I tried to `et the answers and am probably one of t..jo or three Deo-)le :•,ho nave obtained them. The ans-o,,-ers shout that your mans are meanin ,less. The so-called `reg or Outside Study areas are aT erected,as is the entire city by these policies you are not exposing. 'Second units, lot splits everywhere to �:.ake all lots "consistent" with the smallest lots in the area, and chanl-inc multifamily from 1S be rooms to 22 units could have several bedrooms. In this new in-ormation you admit to adding, about 1 ,600 people , but that is a false figure because you are guessing, that only 20:.0' of th.e re...iuents :till solit or add a second unit . You always say the build-out fi:Ture is a theoretical number that assumes all la-ad with- in t_.e city is built to its his'aest and best use. '; zere does that 20 fi..-ure fit into sucIa a statement; . ;;� s : �:: r.1 e trust your a�s, slides, staff reports and now oul ttans .ers when nothin` seems to '_'� n ; true? :.v- uliin: see%is to be slyly T.lanneu to accomodate developer friends. For ti,e fist time I am readi:_ a D 7`� acDonald novel . (T:iere are about :pillion of them it hero, Travis cCee, cries Out a-ainst the exploitation of 'pis beloved Florida . .:is customary tar:=:ets are"s;reedhead developers , croo'ced -politicians, cha:rb _ e_ of commerce flat'.-:s, and the col::-._.,arted scemr,aer.s w.ao to l li_-- buzzards �o the Sunshine ��..�e . to „_ie aat..or, John i`.acDonald , . these are hot just fict'- oral villians--uhey are tae villians of real life . The only solution I see to ;protect �_ is precious town and to 1.eep it fro.;-in- gently, not explosively-, is to remove the current council majority(and its city manager)when election time rolls arounci. orot-h„ F, i:c :eil 2 � 014 Attachment: C Atascadero City Council August 28, 2001 We the residents listed below would like the following to be taken into account by the Atascadero City Council. It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Plan which we are oD oD sed to for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Mufti-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, and changing the Commercial properties*to include High Density Multi-Family Housing. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a*few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. If the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been. Print Name Signature Date -5�5770 sem' 7-7 %v�06z Address Telephone Optional I MIC ?- /�Print Name 'v 1 1 Signature r DWe l l b J' til �c h ; 1 o �GI :� C'S CPL Address Telephone P Optional 0 TO k 0 a ; /F-0 ( Print Name Signature Date SNoo CA)4r-A)Ad Address - Telephone p Optlonal Pt4 Ae Sig a Date Address Telephone ep Optlonal 015 Print Name Signature Date SAS �r�Lj,� R� Address Telephone Optional S7/e,vr: T -Print NameJ- Ag��g Sign Date 104a '60"43 Aa`�-SC/ F./�a 19/d 6 oc 8- Address Telephone Optional Ll Pri Name ig ature Date 3a AT Address Telephone p Optional Print Namenatu Date 8165 „r s.�. Address Telephone Optional c i 4 Gt��tErS -lr�Ol Print Name Signature Date --A54,51- 41 Address Telephone Optional Prins Name A0 A Zre, Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date SYss 5 .. C �,: R�� l �sC-� C i4 Address Tei hone eP Optional Ce Print Name Signature Date 3 oo.-, Address Telephone p option! Ur /m, vis - eo16se'✓ Print Name Signature Date 35 ' -� -76 Address Telephone Optional v �2/EJ�o/3�A/ D_ d / Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone ep Optional U&az. Print Mime ign Date Address dd ^ �� ^ Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date .5-4�57 �>I/ f3 ire Address Telephone Optional Print S. nature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional • Attachment: D ,,es Atascadero City Council August 28, 2001 We the residents listed below would like the following to be taken into account by the Atascadero City Council. It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Plan, which we are opposed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing suburban Residential areas to High Density Residential, changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing, and changing Public Properties such as Southern Pacific Rail Road easements to accommodate housing. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. If the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been. Print Name Signature D to 40c'< DCL ►u (2 ) , Cry Address Telephone Optional r I� Print Name I Signature Date Address Telephone Optional ZsQk I rs . cs 19' ') 0 1 Print Namenn Signature Dale It 51� Address Telephone Optional Print Name < Signa,W.0 Date A8dress Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date —��—,4rertn Address Telephone Optional A, Print Name e ignature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date p a'l't' SVit' 1�Jt::� c Address Telephone Optional - Print Name Si iiatifire-- Date ,e 1'(.,A.r-el 0--, Wt(w Address __i Telephone Op ional Print Name Signature �7 y C�(Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name — Sig Lure Date Address Telephone Optional FL 1 T/ Print ame Signature D eI LAI N) --D i Address Telephone Optional i� fa Print Name Signature ate Address Telephone Optional M q A i i L IZG�-I�=- ' '—2c....�t._t,��K� ,rte•' G �/ Print Name Si atu ate 17 Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signatt re ; / Date � r=.) jai' /��'•;- .�/;.:��i �. .•��',� Address - Telephone Optional..: 6SU'y Print Name Signature Date 112 Address Telephone Optional bA. U�, Print Name Signature 110, Da(e Address Telephone Optional Print Name Vg"nature Date c 12 Lc Address --J Telephone Optional On ` � t Print Name Si nature Date GYM Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Ln7 Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date w5s: Address Telephone Optlona n9i"1 j 0 OAK- Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional L, Print Name Signature Date 17) Address l Telephone Opti al Pri ame Signature Date / � H 0 1) --Ra Address Telephone p Optional 6 11)V Ilf/l/ Print Name Signature V Date Address Telephone Optional _ L t •i. o _ 1. s L Print Name f Signature date Address - Telephone Optional Print Name -, Signature ' Date Address -Telephone Optional �'' u� �l •GZZLf�`..�-•• Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional \ Print Name •' +(� �` Signature Date Z�� 7 � A 1) -4 Cot 3 1 Address Telephone Optional • tl h i 6�.�CLd_` �� osJ l• 7 Print Nam 38 r ate Address Telephone Optional letPe&,,e, Print Name Signature date Address Telephone Optional LI Printf Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional - � I1 k� CiG1 00//-7C Print Name ^l ( Signature Date VI Address Telephone Optional T P Print Name L. Signa ure Date ,?��•7C�� ��' /1_!i•-•` `,/li?t7� t_. �,?�� /►. i n�t./r•�>;'%-r1 �/;:�/ C�,� Address - Telephone Optional I Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Sig re ate 4'1ct r E��YL'. ��zfr (',f Address Telephone Optional tr: hC C► o N ' lerxo Print Name c Sign ture Date _•�/r2Q�' E'G �/o /C- c, b 1716 Address Telephone Optional R PE t- Print Name Signature Date L 6i ;c7/ Address Telephone Optional Print Name ignature Date Address Telephone Optional J9-11 Print Name r— Signature Date 1(3 Address 1 Telephone Optional Printame Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name 11 gnature / •7 � �� Date Address Z�GZ- Telephone Optional ' W >t?1<,. L W1D0 t Name c Prin �('I ,� f Signature Date �-� 1 1 S `.y,..,,,,,��-•.:�•.� IIZ.�n . Cox�,� c' Address Telephone Optional M Acs N- OD taPrint Name Signaturete <A AJ L ut Address Telephone Optional G23 Print Name ig ture Date (5f2e3i?- aa- v,;5i,., AV�� a,- a Address Telephone Optional Print Name y� Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Ila Lu �jP� s y�i--��v 7 Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date I Address - Tel p one Optional Print Name Signa ure Date Address T one Optional as Print Name ig iur Date 9 ' av%*-1 C cAaC Address Telephone Optional rem C; Print Nam Si ature Date 57 Address Telephone Optional 024 t Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name ignature Date Address ` ' ^ 1 Telephone Options Print Nam \ \ i)' � • r' \. -`�Signature Date! Address Telephone Optional Print Nam �� D (l � � �t •'� Signature Date Y,r( Address Telephone Optional LLVfPrint Name PL- Signature Date Address Telephone Optional III A Print Name S gnature Date Address Telephone Option i ---------------------- Print Name Signatur Date Addr SCJ�� /C�• �`���.., ��� l� 7'�t%'/'���G' (ll? �a ��r1t��� � t Telephone Optional Print Name Sina re " (� g Date Address Telephone Optional o25 Print Name Signature ate Address Telephone Optional tz Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional U c Print Name Signal:u Date I l o Address Telephone Optional - Liar , n ,Ale- 1, 11 0/2 �' �) iirin(Nam'e -- Signature Date Address Telephone Optional . i L 'l� ✓. Print Name Signature Date T() C501\ C2 Address _ Telephone Optional Print NameSignat re Date Atum Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature l Date r Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date - 17 Addresh' Tele hon p e phonal 0,11.16 We the residents listed below would like the following to be taken Into account by the Atascadero City Council. It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned Into a rewrite of our General Plan which we are opposed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes . include but are not limited to: changing suburban Residential areas to High Density . Residential, changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing, and changing Public Properties such as Southern Pacific Rail Road easements to accommodate housing. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. If the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better_notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been. �r Print Name' �^ nature j Date Address - Telephone Optional Lrl Marne Signature Date C. �tR/� Ic_ � Address Telephone Optional Print Name _ Signature Date Address Telephone Optional K' Print Name Signature Date �•�� f'�°.E,�v �Q7c?1�,Z. _/ i'✓� fit' - �'l • of-i�'a.�• �1 J�- Addrt,ss Telephone Optional q)I Print Name Sig ature Date Zo Address Telephone Optional Print Name /Z/w-,Siignature'23 i Date Address Telephone Optional Z,V Paint Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional - --��,.. �- -t.c. . .. ��-� •�. .. . 4; 11 c�� Print Name Com__ Signature, _......__ Date - ( v RD Address Telephone Optional L Print Nam}�,e r Sig ature Date 6 u U Address - Telephone Optional r Print Name Signature Date 35- 70 q V() -6)5.� Address Telephone Optional JAK Print Name Signature Date Address Teleplione Optional C Print Name ignature Date Address V Telephone Optional _vlvow Print Name _ Signature D e Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Ob . 25.jb --I raAan Prin Nam Sign re Date Address Telephone Optional Print Na e �, Signa e Date H 6 v Address Telephone Optional tic �• �w � �, � � Print Na Sign ture Date Address _ Telepho a Optional VINL_� e/,�7 int me Signature Date AAf. yec) t � G o - _ Address� � / �-� Tom- ( Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Da Address Telephone Optional X, Print Name/— §kfnafure Date Address Telephone Optional ��J L 1 C 1 a. UYC v.) rt Print Name Signature Date // C,-ro -Y 1 I o �d ('� QScJP_ra 'cl3t129 �/bC) `//crs',J� Address Telephone Optional � r Print Name r� Signature Date Address Telephone Optional V// I1 G Print la amSignatoe ate Address Telephone Optional -tel DARD jt� D�. Print Name ignature Date Address Telephone Optional 511s0n boj.)k —— /_.. .` S a Print Name Signature Date --�3� ZOs 6�& V . Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date � � D Address Telephone Optional PrinName i ature D to JU& Al Ez_ 1�cs{z c Address Telephone Optional 4na e Signatur ate Address Telephone Optional 030 . we the residents listed below would like the following to be taken into account by the Atascadero City Council. It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Plan, which we are opposed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing, and changing Public Properties such as Southern Pacific Rail Road easements to accommodate housing. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. if the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been. Zx A/ Prin�Np(n Si ur r Date' 9 Address Teliephone Optional FlAnt Name Signature Date' re ' �_,��� lCrscr�c�� Z� iEI Cly/ Add Telephone Optional L LLY "Print Name Signature - Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional 031 ,�,•�--��_�'4_�'•f,c-!1 ,�Q�, .1S,17 Wry .�1�/-�7�1.•7.�+L�L i' /V j , Print Name itignaiure ,Date Address Telephone Optional -c- Print N me igna4ire D to, Address i Telephone Optional _11.�1��1= I��17 "7 �����%;�•_`�.Jt� J � '41 `�C•l:�-c>''� ODD'ate/PrintName Sig ure• 1 •� � 7 1 , � - , n fR f Address � T Cup Of Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional - . Print Name pp ��( LSignat�r ` c `/ ate' V�%�1 1°rS[��f��L J f�b VS) T Z —U .S �2. Address _ Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional ` ' ,�L� .•iC/ I �(�[f '!l.I. � (moi- O t � _— Signature _ D t _.... Address ` Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional _ 032 we the residents listed below would like the following to,be taken into account by the Atascadero City Council It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Pian which we are opposed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, and changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. If the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been. .. -Let CeL� �.4 41 1�' f Print NarneI Signature ate Address Telephone Optional o / P t Name ' ature Date Address Telephone Optio al M ) 0?0n Print Name signature Date A TA S ( -- i di Address Telephone Optional PEitName Signature Date Address quo- Telephone Optional 033 f--I4jL � 1 Print Name Signature bate 7Z37 Ilu!/e Ave— Address Telephone Optional Print NameI �— gn t re Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name i Slgn�urer Date t"Jiz. Ma Address Telephone Optional Print Name E Signature Date :26T-T) Las_AvIv Ct, 1 ,c 1wels 614c I t c 0 Address _ Telephone Optional �- � elf, La � rine Name Signa re Date Address Tele one'Optional rint NameSi nature Date C'i�Z a� :- Z •� r,,� ri Address Telephone Optional /I W, Print Name Signature Date 1 Address Telephone Optional 034 Print N6e ' XSlaljp-� IA Date A.4 Address T Telephone Optional S� 31�c, a i Print Name Signature Date 67 a os ,�_ . AAA. 2-:f2---- Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date ( -I JV Ah-S 64-40 Ate- A 145 e4 4(A yy3`fy L Lf 6 d ',,?yY4- Address Telephone Optional P"Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional ' Print Name Sig t ire Date AflaresS 17 Yelephone Optional (/D,4 C/ JJ 91,4fle.4 nCP -5-276-01 Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional R/A/ .-AffWffd ylr,�I(J 7 int Name Signature Dat Atz Address Telephone Optional lel Print ame ignature Da 00 Address Telephone Optional 035 Print Sign at re ate Address Telephone Optional Print Nam Sig ture Date _ Ad ess T lephone Optional 00 Print Name Signature L"( ��... g ature Date ao Address Telephone Optional ri Nam Sig a u Date ddress Telephone Optional ��Ltrs�lti� 4� Print Name f� �. S� nature Date /Avc, Address —J •CI� L _ Telephone Optional c-N i (� Le.V FU-15 � r Print Name cc Signature �� U !V Address Telephone Optional 7 • Print►vame Signature 7-5-8.O N /uo T Date Address J Telephone Optional rint Name d 1 Signature Date Address r C 4 N-7 Telephone Optional 036 y�AIe v2 5,�/�t�s.res We the residents listed below would like the following to be taken into account by the Atascadero City Council It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Plan, which we are opposed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safe1/ issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, and changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. If the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been. Print Name Signature Date 5"ter:4 N�--,�,�- �}v,= Address Telephone Optional Print NAme Sighfiture Date (7? 2v vim .,-��:- Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature bate Address Telephone Optional v t Print Name _f G Signature VDate Address CLZ3.2 ,� Telephone Optional 037 �' �'�/`I �N E S ,1 Print Name Signature Date 1(ll&s C C7,a M/,s, rl (IFA Address Telephone Optional °1 �' 1 I O Print Name t Signature Date ` G 16 '; s 1u. 1 7•� Address Telephone Optional Print Named Signal a Date iL `.aiz.GyLO ( � A [ Yc' Address r Telephone Optional 1 bf) L T 0 lV/ Print Name SignatureDate e es Address Telephone Optional r Print Name Signature /✓ Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name gign"atufe / Date Address Telephone Optional .� Print ame Signature Date address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature _ 1 r•r Date �Teleph0p�rlonal Address 033 r —JUS f� J/z-LA ,Z,4 Print Name ` Signature Date Address Telephone Optional I Print Name SignatOre Date Address Telephone Optional ,C—L i211 Print Name skfnature Date 4 Z/,e. —�.y/D 7-- Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature 44 Date Address _ Telephone Optional Print Namel c� Signature Date Address ' Telephone Optional QL Print Name Signature Date l-)C) s 1 �� �a -6cac, Address Telephone Optional 1 2 --vl Print Name Signature Date A &z.1cadevo /* Address Telephone Optional 039 P Print Name Signature Date I% IZ t L, Address Telephone Optional Print Name , Signature �+ J Date Address Telephone Optional Print Nam/eSi nature Date Address Telephone Optional C _�-�� �.�.cam ��-• C� �a�L.. ��x?(.l�•C L � � �L��. g,.-�., .� 1 Pri►rt Name Signature Date --T;a co C P (,VA L Iii Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature I Date Co ty.S.S �J Esc c Z.e c` 1 q Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signa Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date 1014-1, �:/�r�4 ot.G� ,�;�•� .-mss o e C�-- 4CG/-���� Address elephone Optional ah J.� Nei T1s L Print Name Linure Date Address 411A LZ7-1 Telephone Optional 040 ayes -7 We the residents listed below would like the following to be taken into account by the Atascadero City Council. It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Plan which we are opposed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, and changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. If the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been. �yLl� �LS�T1r /d7 O/ Print Name ignature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Sign 16re Date A dress Telephone Optional Print Name Signature �- T-- Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional 041 0 A tzz-) /-Print Name vSig ature Date A dress Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional AIL,, �mACCo 6vIz, Print Name iigna ure Date J0( �' c G� Ad cess Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Dale Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address - Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional 042 We the residents listed below would like the following to be taken into account b the Atascadero City Council. Y It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of o r General Plan which we are oonosed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safejy issues are not bei n taken into ccount. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility _ and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Communi Goals of our Generai Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes Include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, and changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing. _. 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to onl while having an adverse effect on the ma'ori of Atascade o residentsy a few 3. if the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the change' bein proposed we somehow missed it. Better notificati n of th Public needs to take lace. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the ci of the proposals and they have not been. tY CrQ� 1.Di rt ' Print Name Si nature 66W -�a �v� ate Address Telephone Optional Print Name gnature — rZ Date Address -::6 , 31 Telephone Optional rint me Sign ure Date Address o 3 Te ephorie Optional fiwc Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional 043 V, 8l � Print Name Signature Date A;6/- a q70 Address Telephone Optional A. Print Name Signature Date syYf Say 3 C,17 -1�0 Address Telephone Optional /?GL Print Name Signature Date S fS Sart lie rl 4-0 cc e)o Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print NameSignature Date `((0( 1 Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date . Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date � Address Telephone Optional n .i d We the residents listed below would like the following to be taken into account by the Atascadero City Council. It is our opinion that what may have started as an update of our General Plan has turned into a rewrite of our General Plan, which we are opposed to, for the following reasons: 1. Public Health and Safety issues are not being taken into account. The proposed plan will create traffic problems, and stress on our sewer treatment facility and water supply that the city is not addressing. 2. The land use changes proposed appear to directly undermine the Basic Community Goals of our General Plan. Some examples of those proposed changes include but are not limited to: changing Recreation and Suburban Residential Land to High Density Multi-Family Housing; changing the Multi-Family housing from 10 and 16 Bedrooms per acre to Units per acre, or even 16 and 22 housing units per acre, and changing the Commercial properties to include High Density Multi-Family Housing. _ 4. Changes being proposed appear to provide a financial benefit to only a few while having an adverse effect on the majority of Atascadero residents. 3. If the city has made an effort to inform us residents of the changes being proposed we somehow missed it. Better notification of the Public needs to take place. Residents in and around areas being impacted should have been notified by the city of the proposals and they have not been. Print Name , i nature ate Address _ Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date c� Address Telephone Optional /� Z' Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name /1 Signature Date Address Telephone Optional 045 Print Name / Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Si nature Date Address Telephone Optional rint Name *natdre Date SA.L) -U e p 7 Address Telephone Optional rint Name nature Date Ukld"�k, ([ Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional Print Name Signature Date Address Telephone Optional 046 Attachment: E Atascadero City Council August 28, 2001 0 a� U U V Cd W 0 0 ti 0 o 8 > M 0 0 0 0 PROW o � o Ed a•� � 30 U V ,0 p ;d Obp cid rO 0 .. 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N ¢ N ~ � 0 > " 0 Q. N 0 :_. O Q EU (' cu > L 052 i �L i , i , I i e AGENDA 1918 , 11 8 ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 7:00 P.M. City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue, 4t" Floor Atascadero, California REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:30 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT - CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION: 1) Conference with labor negotiator(Govt. Code Sec. 54957.6) Agency Negotiator: Mayor Mike Arrambide Position: City Manager CLOSED SESSION REPORT REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Luna ROLL CALL: Mayor Arrambide Mayor Pro Tem Scalise Council Member Clay Council Member Johnson Council Member Luna APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call PRESENTATIONS: 1. Employee Service Awards COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to five minutes. Please state your name and address for the record before making your presentation. The Council may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda.) COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken.) 1. City Council Minutes—August 28, 2001 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the City Council minutes of August 28, 2001. [City Clerk] 2. Zone Change 2001-0011 9351-9353 Musselman Drive (Shannon/Roberts Engineering) ■ Fiscal Impact: Negligible ■ Planning Commission recommendations: Council introduce for second reading by title only, and adopt the draft Ordinance approving Zone Change 2001-0011 [Community Development] 3. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 2000-0013 / AT 00-225 - 4580 Potrero (Beckwith / Cannon) ■ Fiscallmpact: None ■ Staff recommendations: Council. 1. Accept the Final Parcel Map 2000-0013 (AT 00-225); and 2. Reject without prejudice, the public utility easement (P.U.E.) shown on Final Parcel Map 2000-0013. [Community Development] 4. Sewer Extension Reimbursement Agreement -Home Depot ■ FiscalImpact.- $257,400 (in FY 2002-03 Budget) ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor to execute a Sewer Extension Reimbursement Agreement with Home Depot U.S.A., Atascadero 101 Associates and the City of Atascadero [Public Works] 2 5. Award Wastewater Pump Project ■ Fiscal Impact: $40,763.85 (in FY 2001-02 budget) ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize a Public Works Project for the purchase of one Fairbanks Morse 10" VTSH, 50 Horsepower Pump for Wastewater Pumping Station No. 5,from Flo Systems Inc. and installation of the same. [Public Works] 6. Azucena Avenue Drainage Improvements - Bid No. 2001-003 ■ Fiscal Impact: $155,040.10 (in FY 2001-02 Budget) ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Arthurs Contracting, Inc. in the amount of$124,032.10 for construction of the Azucena Avenue Drainage Improvements Project. [Public Works] 7. Traffic Way Storm Drain Project ■ Fiscal Impact: $85,000.00 (in FY 2001-02 Budget) ■ Staff recommendation: Council: 1. Approve the Change Order for $91,289.22 with Souza Construction, Inc. for the Traffic Way Storm Drain Project; and 2. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to allocate $85,000.00 from the Drainage Impact Fee Fund for this project. [Public Works[ B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Purchasing Policy Fiscal Impact: None. The proposed policy is expected to generate a savings of staff time. ■ Staff recommendation: Council: 1. Introduce for first reading by title only, Ordinance No. 386, amending sections 2- 3.01, 2-3.04, and 2-3.05 of the Atascadero Municipal Code and deleting Sections 2-3.08 and 2-3.09, and Section 2-3A.01 through 2-3A.09, inclusive of the Atascadero Municipal Code; and 2. Approve the draft Resolution adopting a Citywide Purchasing Policy. [Administrative Services] C. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): Mayor Arrambide 1. S.L.O. Council of Governments(SLOCOG)/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority(SLORTA) 2. Water Committees 3. County Mayor's Round Table Mayor Pro Tem Scalise 1. Finance Committee 2. City/ Schools Committee 3. Economic Opportunity Commission(EOC) 4. Atascadero State Hospital Advisory Board 3 Council Member Luna 1. Finance Committee 2. Integrated Waste Management Authority(IWMA) 3. North County Homeless Coalition Council Member Johnson 1. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) 2. Local Agency Formation Commissions (LAFCO) Council Member Clay 1. Air Pollution Control District(APCD) 2. City/ Schools Committee D. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Attorney 3. City Clerk 4. City Treasurer E. ADJOURNMENT: Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. 1, Marcia McClure Torgerson, the City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the September 11, 2001 Regular Session of the Atascadero City Council was posted on September 5, 2001 at Atascadero City Hall, 6500 Palma Ave., Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review in the City Clerk's office at that location. Signed this 5h day of September, 2001 at Atascadero, California. Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk City of Atascadero 4