HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 011701 - Joint Mtng Approved February 13,2001 MINUTES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCIL / PLANNING COMMISSION Wednesday, January 17, 2001 7:00 p.m. TOWN HALL MEETING GENERAL PLAN UPDATE OPTIONS Mayor Arrambide called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Clay, Johnson, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Arrambide Planning Commissioners Bentz, Fonzi, Jeanes, Kelley, Norton and Vice Chairman Eddings Absent: Planning Commission Chairman Carden Others Present: City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Acting Community & Economic Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Acting Fire Chief Kurt Stone, and City Attorney Roy Hanley. INTRODUCTION: City Manager Wade McKinney welcomed the audience to this next phase of the General Plan Update. He explained the process that has brought Atascadero to this point and encouraged community input. Approved February 13,2001 1. General Plan Update Options ■ Staff recommendation: Council provide direction to staff and the consultant regarding each of the seven proposed study area options for development of General Plan land use alternatives as attached. Acting Community & Economic Development Director Warren Frace gave the staff report, explaining what the General Plan Update will encompass. He introduced Paul Crawford and Susan Clark of Crawford, Multari and Clark. Mr. Crawford explained the Framework Principles developed as a result of the eight community workshops conducted in May 2000. He also explained the existing General Plan components and offered an overview of the process of updating the General Plan. Mr. Crawford then answered questions of the Council and Commission. PUBLIC COMMENT Leo Korba, expressed his concerns with the General Plan Update. Eric Greening, stated the wildlife corridors are important to protect. He also suggested zoning Pine Mountain"Public." Geraldine Brasher, asked how the Update will affect the build-out number in our existing General Plan. She also stated that she feels Graves Creek should be protected from future development. Diane Mandala, asked for clarification of the map that shows an area being excluded at the south end of Atascadero next to the Eagle Ranch. Mr. Frace responded that the line separation is the southern city limits and east of Highway 101. Joanne Main, urged the Council to remember that jobs are important.... Ray Jansen, reminded the Council to remember the wildlife. Alan Thomas, asked if the property upstream from the Atascadero Lake will be developed and how it will affect the Lake's future. Mr. Frace explained that property is zoned to be 1 1/2 - 2/1/2 acres. He explained there is currently a proposed map of that property. Joan O'Keefe, asked if there will be more time to review and comment on this update. Mayor Arrambide responded that the seven recommendations of staff listed in the report are the only portions of this process that the Council is asking for input on tonight. Robert Nimmo, stated that he remembers the City imposed a moratorium on the General Plan zone changes but now he hears his property is now included in a study area which will add to the timeframe. He asked when his proposal will be able to be presented to the City Council. Mr. McKinney explained that there are approximately 40 requests of property owners that are being reviewed as the General Plan is being updated. As a result, these proposals should be ready for the Planning Commission by early summer. Becky Pacas, stated that it appears that some of the lot lines are missing on parcels in her neighborhood. Approved February 13,2001 Jeff Hook, suggested that the West Side of Atascadero should not be excluded, especially in the Safety Element. Livia Kellerman, asked how the building on Traffic Way, that is being built right next to the sidewalk, was allowed to be built there. Mr. Frace explained that this building was approved 3 years ago and is considered a"storefront" building as is allowed in the downtown. Leo Korba, asked if the new General Plan will address fire concerns for future subdivisions. Gretchen Gray, stated she thinks Morro Road should have set backs. Rob Phemister, asked that the proposed protected areas be listed more specifically. Ursula Luna, stated that she hopes development standards will protect the wildlife areas and tree coverage on the West Side of Atascadero. Steve LaSalle, asked what the build-out number will be with the new General Plan. Greg Smith, stated he owns property in the unincorporated area of Atascadero. He said that he supports the staff recommendations. Jim Patterson, complimented staff on their presentation tonight. He asked that Graves Creek be added to the recommendation #2 as a high priority asset. He stated that he supports the 7 recommendations listed in the staff report. Mike Zappas, asked if affordable housing is being addressed in this update. City Manager Wade McKinney explained the process of exclusion of property from the Study Area. George Highland, stated that housing is a mixed bag, affordable housing, apartments, single- family, etc. Mayor Arrambide closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. Mayor Arrambide called a recess at 8:45 p.m. Mayor Arrambide called the meeting back to order at 8:52 p.m. Mayor Arrambide asked Vice Chairman Eddings to ask his Commissioners to make any comments on this issue. Commissioner Jeanes stated she felt the redevelopment of the Downtown should be a priority. Commissioner Fonzi asked how much affect does the City have on setting policy on the unincorporated portions of Atascadero. Mr. Crawford answered the City can inform the County their preferences. Commissioner Norton stated she supported the designation of the redevelopment of the Downtown as a priority. Commissioner Kelley expressed his concerns about affordable housing. Approved February 13,2001 Commissioner Bentz stated he supports the seven staff recommendations. MOTION: By Vice Chairman Eddings and seconded by Commissioner Bentz to recommend to the City Council approval of the 7 recommendations listed in the staff report. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll-call vote. (Carden absent) Council Member Clay asked staff to bring back to the Council all possible options for affordable housing. Mayor Pro Tem Scalise asked for clarification on the recommendations. Council Member Luna stated he endorses all the staff's recommendations. MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Scalise to support the Planning Commissions recommendation to approve the seven proposed study area options for development of General Plan land use alternatives as follows (with amendments underlined): 1. Designate the Single Family Suburban Areas generally west of US 101 and Pine Mountain as protected from new intensification of density or uses as indicated in Attachment 16 and 16A. 2. Identify the Lake Park,Atascadero Creek,Downtown and Stadium Park as high priority community assets that should be protected and enhanced. 3. Designate the Public Zone along the Salinas River as the ultimate eastern urban development boundary for the City of Atascadero. 4. Limit all alternatives to the existing colony boundaries. 5. Designate the General Plan Study Area and direct staff to work with the community to develop a 20-year land use plan and map for the Study Area that utilizes Smart Growth Principles to address Revenue Base,Well-Planned Neighborhood Issues and affordable housing as indicated in Attachment 16 and 16A. 6. Identify El Camino Real,US 101, Morro Road and Traffic Way as important community image corridors that should be addressed in the General Plan as indicated in Attachment 13. Approved February 13,2001 7. Develop policies for dealing with the development of Colony "paper lots" adjacent to the City as indicated in Attachment 17. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Arrambide adjourned the City Council meeting at 9:25 p.m. to the next scheduled meeting on January 23, 2001 and the Planning Commission adjourned to it's next scheduled meeting on February 6, 2001. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: "Jul,' OL�LLt� 17? �k�- Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Cl k