HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 121200 Approved January 9,2001 ®o NffiMINUTES Rita e ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2000 7:00 P.M. City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Avenue, 4th Floor Atascadero, California REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:30 P.M. CLOSED SESSION: (Immediately following Redevelopment Agency Meeting) 1) Conference with legal counsel - Existing litigation(G.C. Sec. 54956.9(a)) Name of case: Terrill Graham v. City of Atascadero City Attorney Roy Hanley announced there was no reportable action taken. REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Arrambide, Clay, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Johnson Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia Torgerson and City Treasurer David Graham Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Economic Development Director Paul Saldana, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Fire Chief Mike McCain, City Attorney Roy Hanley, Community Services Manager Geoff English, and Principal Planner Warren Frace. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Board Member Scalise and seconded by Board Member Luna to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Special Recognition for Atascadero Citizen, Cyndi Allen. Sergeant Schnars explained the circumstance in which Ms. Allen assisted the Police Department with the search for a missing child. Ms. Allen was not immediately present, but was later presented a certificate of recognition. 2. Presentation to Community& Economic Development Director Paul Saldana Mayor Johnson gave an appreciation award to Community& Economic Development Director Paul Saldana, thanking him for his service to the City of Atascadero. CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION: Mayor Johnson stated that he appreciates the City staff and all the hard work they do. He thanked in particular, the City Manager and Department Heads for their contributions to the community. He also thanked his fellow Council Members. Mayor Johnson asked the City Clerk to give the report on the Recitation of the General Municipal Election 1. Reciting the Fact of the General Municipal Election—held on November 7, 2000 (City Clerk's recommendation: Adopt Draft Resolution, reciting the fact of the General Municipal Election held on November 7, 2000, declaring the result and such other matters as provided by law.) [Marcia McClure Torgerson] City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson gave the report. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to adopt the Resolution, reciting the fact of the General Municipal Election held on November 7,2000, declaring the result and such other matters as provided by law. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. PUBLIC COMMENT David Bentz, 10275 San Marcos Road, a Council candidate, stated that he wanted to congratulate the community as 76.63% of the registered voters in Atascadero actually voted. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. CC 12/12/00 Page 2 2. Administration of Oaths of Office—Newly-elected Council Members George Luna, Jerry Clay and Wendy Scalise will be sworn in by the City Clerk City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson administered the Oath of Office to newly-elected Council Members George Luna, Jerry Clay and Wendy Scalise. 3. Council Appointment of Mao—The City Clerk will accept nominations from the Council Members Mayor Johnson asked if there was any public comment on this portion of the agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT John McGoff, 9192 Maple St., stated three former Mayors spoke at the last meeting stating the Council should not elect George Luna for Mayor. He said you only have to drive down El Camino Real or Morro Road to see the effects of their time on the Council. He expressed his support for George Luna for Mayor. David Bentz, 10275 San Marcos Road, said that the citizens have not chosen to have the community elect a mayor. He stated he feels the public should vote for Mayor. He went on to state that until we do vote for Mayor, the Council decides who is best capable of leading this City for a year at a time. He encouraged the Council to continue that process until the citizens decide through an election whether or not to directly elect a mayor. Elaine Mathews, 6925 Navarette, stated it's time to appoint George Luna for Mayor. She shared some of Council Member Luna's actions as a Council Member as her reasons for her support of George Luna. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., stated he agrees with the previous speaker. He expressed his support for George Luna for Mayor. Royce Eddings, 10700 Vista Road, stated he disagrees with the two previous speakers. He believes the Council should appoint to Mayor a member who represents the majority of the Council. Barbara Schinike, 7505 Marchant, stated she has circulated a petition that has been signed by supporters of George Luna for Mayor. She submitted the petition for the record. (see Attachment A) Becky Pacas, 4305 San Benito Road, read a prepared statement in which she recommended Jerry Clay for the position of Mayor Pro Tem. She also recommended George Luna for the position of Mayor. She stated she hoped that Atascadero would not be forced to take the selection of Mayor to the ballot box as Paso Robles did this year. (see Attachment B) John Heatherington, 7790 Yesal Ave., stated he supports George Luna for Mayor. Steve LaSalle, Atascadero, urged the Council to vote for George Luna for Mayor. CC 12/12/00 Page 3 Tami Clark, 7850 Navajo, said she's concerned about comments made stating that George Luna represents the majority of the community. She pointed out that Mr. Luna is in the minority on the Council and has not supported several recent developments in Atascadero. She stated she has an informal petition of 50 business owners who believe that our Mayor should support the majority views of our City and the majority views of the City Council that represent the majority of our population. They believe our Mayor should support the businesses of Atascadero and they would not support the appointment of George Luna. Bob Sparling, 7500 San Palo Road, expressed his support for George Luna for Mayor. George Molina, 5555 Robles St., congratulated the successful candidates. He also commended City Manager Wade McKinney on his service to Atascadero. Mr. Molina stated that George Luna has not earned the position of Mayor. He explained that if Mr. Luna would get a little more to the center, he could support him. But until then he could not. Richard Shannon, 5070 San Benito Road, stated that George Luna does not represent his views and beliefs. He feels that it does not make sense to appoint a leader who 99% of the time opposes the majority view. Bruce Bonifas, 5735 San Pedro, Atascadero, in a prepared statement read by Jim Patterson, supported George Luna for Mayor. (see Attachment C) Jim Patterson, 9312 No. Santa Margarita Road, congratulated the successful candidates on the Council. He stated that the position of Mayor is mainly ceremonial and represents the community as a whole. He expressed his support of George Luna for Mayor. Richard Mullin, 4200 Portola Road, congratulated the successful candidates on the Council. He expressed his support for George Luna. Tracy Silvi, 13550 Morro Road, congratulated the successful candidates on the Council. She stated that the community has spoken and George Luna, having received the most votes, should become Mayor. Daphne Fashing, 5105 Llano Road, expressed her support for George Luna for Mayor. She also stated she supports Jerry Clay for Mayor Pro Tem. Dennis Moresco, 3330 San Fernando Road, stated he does not feel George Luna should be Mayor. The Major is selected by the Council, and in order to get selected, you need the majority of the votes. He feels that this Council has a certain opinion which Mr. Luna understands and advertises when he says 4-1, I'm the one. The Mayor needs to reflect the majority. The majority would need to change in order for Mr. Luna to be Mayor. Geraldine Brasher, 3202 Monterey Road, congratulated the three successful candidates on the Council. She expressed her support for George Luna for Mayor. Hal Carden, 5355 San Jacinto, congratulated the successful candidates on the Council. He stated the public spoke loud and clear that they want George Luna to represent the minority view on the Council. Mr. Carden said that he feels it is unfair to have George Luna be Mayor as he represents the minority. CC 12/12/00 Page 4 Marge Mackey, Tunitas, stated that George Luna got the most votes at the election and he should be appointed to Mayor. She explained that she was Mayor twice and was in the minority and hopes that George Luna could also be Mayor. Bill Bright, 11875 Santa Lucia, stated that choosing a Mayor is an important issue, however, every week the City Council or the Planning Commission meets to conduct business which has a far greater impact on where our City is going to go than the choosing of the Mayor. He stated that only a few people come to those meetings and it would be nice if those attending tonight to choose a Mayor would come to all Council meetings on a regular basis. Dennis Moresco, San Fernando Road, stated for those who might be interested, the Supreme Court ruling was now in. The decision was 7-2, the Florida Supreme Court decision was unconstitutional, and a 5-4 vote to vacate the Florida decision. Irene Bishop, 7151 Serena Court, said she is concerned with some of the comments made by the previous speakers. She expressed her support of George Luna for Mayor. Major Johnson closed the Public Comment period. Council Member Luna thanked the public for the positive comments made by the public. He explained the duties of the Mayor in Atascadero. He used an overhead of the Atascadero Municipal Code to clarify his comments. Council Member Scalise stated that the City Manager and his staff are directed by the Council. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide thanked the public for speaking on this issue. He commended Council Member Luna but stated he does not believe that George would represent this Council. Council Member Clay expressed his concerns with George Luna as Mayor. Mayor Johnson recited some facts about the last four elections and the trends of our community. Major Johnson asked the City Clerk to accept nominations for Mayor. City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson asked for nominations for the position of Mayor. Council Member Scalise stated that our City is blessed to have an electorate that is participating actively in our local politics. She said that Atascadero had a 77%turnout at the poles. Ms. Scalise stressed that the Mayor should be committed to represent the majority. The goal is to achieve a consensus, and work to bring different ideas to a common ground. She nominated Council Member Mike Arrambide for the office of Mayor of Atascadero. Council Member Clay seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations. MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to elect Mike Arrambide for Mayor of the Atascadero City Council. Motion Passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote (Luna opposed) CC 12/12/00 Page 5 4. Council Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem—The new Mayor will accept nominations from the Council Members Mayor Arrambide asked for nominations for the position of Mayor Pro Tem. Mayor Johnson nominated Council Member Wendy Scalise. Council Member Clay nominated Council Member Ray Johnson. Council Member Luna nominated Council Member Jerry Clay. Council Members Scalise,Johnson & Arrambide voted for Council Member Scalise. Council Member Clay voted for Council Member Johnson. Council Member Luna voted for Council Member Clay. Council Member Scalise was elected Mayor Pro Tem by a roll-call vote (3:2) Mayor Arrambide declared the meeting in recess at 8:25 p.m. COMMUNITY FORUM: Frank Mecham, elected Mayor of Paso Robles, commended the City of Atascadero on the progress that has been made. He encouraged the City Council to work with the Paso Robles City Council on common issues. Kim Jeanes, 6280 San Anselmo Road, thanked the City Manager, Mayor Pro Tem Scalise, Council Member Johnson, and Mayor Arrambide for being judges in our downtown lighting contest. Eric Greening, congratulated and expressed his appreciation to Community and Economic Development Director Paul Saldana for his work with our community. Barbie Butz, 3370 San Fernando Road, asked the Council to support the Christmas distribution for Coats on December 21St at the Armory. Mayor Arrambide closed the Community Forum period. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENT AND REPORTS: Mayor Pro Tem Scalise mentioned the Main St. meeting on Saturday, how rewarding it was and how pleased she was with where we are going with our Main Street program. Council Member Luna shared the opportunity he had of speaking before a class at the Fine Arts Academy. One student asked if they would still be a child by the time the Youth Center is built. Council Member Johnson commended staff on a terrific Holiday Party on Friday night. Council Member Clay gave great praise for the Walk Around the Lake program. CC 12/12/00 Page 6 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Treasurer's Report—May 2000 ■ Fiscallmpact: None ■ City Treasurer and staff recommendation: Council review and accept report. [City Treasurer] 2. City Treasurer's Report—June 2000 ■ Fiscallmpact: None ■ City Treasurer and staff recommendation: Council review and accept report. [City Treasurer] 3. Authorization to Purchase Equipment—Turf Sweeper ■ Fiscal Impact: $20,913.75 (Funds available in FY 2000-01 Budget) ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the purchase of a turf sweeper from H.V. Carter Company, Inc. [Public Works] 4. Acceptance of Phase 1 of Final Tract Map 98013 / Tract 2317 — 3900 Traffic Way (Shores/Wilson Survey/RTC) ■ Fiscal Impact: Negligible: City already maintains Traffic Way ■ Staff recommendation: Council accept Phase I of Final Tract Map 99013 / Tract 2317 including the dedication of Traffic Way for public acceptance. [Community & Economic Development] 5. 1999 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Proa_ram ■ Fiscallmpact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Police Department to purchase specialized police supplies and equipment allocated under the 1999 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program (LLEBG). [Police] 6. 2000 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Police Department to purchase specialized police supplies and equipment allocated under the 2000 Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program (LLEBG). [Police] 7. After-School Recreation Programs for Teens—Agreement with San Luis Obispo County ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor to sign an agreement with the County of San Luis Obispo Department of Social Services to fund and expand the Recreation, Education and Community (R.E.C.) program for teens, located on the campus of Atascadero Junior High School. [Community Services] Council Member Clay pulled Item#A-7. Item #A7: Council Member Clay asked for clarification of the program. Jan Maitzen, Department of Social Services and Regional Manager for the North County, clarified the request on the agenda. CC 12/12/00 Page 7 MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Johnson to approve Item#A-7. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Items #A-1,2,3, 4, 5, and 6. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Open/Hazard Abatement Burning—Amending the City's Burning Ordinance ■ Fiscal Impact: Minimal for public education programs and inspections ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt, on first reading by title only, the draft Ordinance amending Chapter 7, Section S of the Atascadero Municipal Code relating to Backyard Burning [Fire] Fire Chief Mike McCain gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. Council Member Scalise asked for clarification of the recommendation on the allowable conditions when we do call for a burn day. The hours stated are 10:00 to 4:00. She stated that generally we burn in the wintertime and at 4:00 p.m., it is generally dark. Why not give a bigger span of time when we do burn. She recommended changing the burn time to 8:00 to 3:30. Council Member Clay asked for reasons for the 10:00 timeframe for burning and Chief McCain stated that it was the standard time the APCD felt it was warm enough, the smoke would rise and the smoke would not settle in the area. PUBLIC COMMENT Doug Lewis, Atascadero, stated he doesn't smoke or drive and he feels a car produces more air pollution than his burning of green waste. He expressed his concern with the APCD's ultimate termination of backyard burning. Larry Vasquez, Portola Road, expressed his desire to continue backyard burning. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Scalise and seconded by Council Member Johnson to approve, on first reading by title only, the draft Ordinance amending Chapter 7, Section 5 of the Atascadero Municipal Code relating to Backyard Burning with the following amendment: Section 5-7.04(a)will read, "Burning may take place only between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m." Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. CC 12/12/00 Page 8 C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. General Plan Update—2001 Work Program ■ Fiscal Impact: $18,2000.00 ■ Staff recommendation: Council: 1. Direct staff to complete the public involvement process and General Plan Update as described in Table 1; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a revised General Plan contract as described in Table 2. [Community& Economic Development] Community & Economic Development Director Paul Saldana gave the staff report. Mr. Saldana and Steve Kahn answered questions of Council. There was lengthy discussion on this issue and staff clarified the process. Council Member Luna questioned Mr. Saldana about the time delay on this update and expressed concern for allocating additional funds to this issue. PUBLIC COMMENT Doug Lewis, Atascadero, asked if the issue of a road between Atascadero and Twin Cities Hospital is being addressed. He explained there is a great deal of traffic in that area and wondered if it could be considered by SLOCOG. John McGoff, 9192 Maple St., asked for clarification on the contract. He explained that 100% of the time has passed yet the contractor has only billed 10% of the total fee. Why ask for more when $112,500 is really remaining in the Contract. He said that he is opposed to revising this contract. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. Mr. Saldana stated that the contractor has performed according to the contract. He stated that we have been the ones to slow them down in terms of their work so that we can have more public participation in the process. They have been ready to work in the timeframe that we originally outlined for them. He stated that they have done 10% of their work and have received 10% of their funds. MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Scalise to: 1. Direct staff to complete the public involvement process and General Plan Update as described in Table I of the staff report; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a revised General Plan contract as described in Table 2 of the staff report. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Luna opposed) 2. Sewer System Master Plan—Authorization to execute an agreement ■ Fiscal Impact: $99,222.00 (Funds available in FY 2000-01 Budget) ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with Brown and Caldwell to develop a Sewer System Master Plan at a maximum cost of $99,222.00 and make the necessary appropriations. [Public Works] CC 12/12/00 Page 9 Public Works Director Steve Kahn gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. There was no Public Comment. Council Member Luna stated he would vote against this item. He stated that the Staff Report says, "The lack of a comprehensive plan is leading to the piece-meal expansion of the Urban Services Line (USL) and the subsequent piece-meal development of the waste water collection system." He explained that we do have a comprehensive plan, the General Plan. The fact that it has been amended so often, he said, is the problem MOTION: By Council Member Johnson and seconded by Council Member Clay to authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with Brown and Caldwell to develop a Sewer System Master Plan at a maximum cost of$99,222.00 and make the necessary appropriations. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Luna opposed) 3. Community Code Enforcement Pilot Program—Grant Application ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt draft Resolution authorizing the submittal of a grant application for participation in the Community Code Enforcement Pilot Program. [Community& Economic Development] Community & Economic Development Director Paul Saldana gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. There was no Public Comment. Mayor Pro Tem Scalise stated that in the staff report, it states that the City has been participating in a county-wide task force to address multi jurisdictional enforcement cases. She expressed her concerns with a multi jurisdictional program. Council Member Clay stated he is opposed to this item. He explained that this process will put neighbor against neighbor and he can't support it. Council Member Johnson said that the other side of this issue is that where citizens' property values are being degraded by their neighbors lack of property values. So there is a balance in there someplace. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Johnson to adopt the draft Resolution authorizing the submittal of a grant application for participation in the Community Code Enforcement Pilot Program. Motion passed 3:2 (Scalise& Clay opposed) 4. Information Bulletin CC 12/12/00 Page 10 D. ATTORNEY REPORTS: 1. California Sportfishing Protection Alliance—and Lorraine Scarpace Request for Money ■ Fiscal Impact: Staff recommendation: None. Potential impact: $24,089.82 ■ City Attorney recommendation: Council deny requests from the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance and Lorraine Scarpace for reimbursement of costs associated with their completed efforts to challenge the State Water Resources Control Board decision extending the time for the City of San Luis Obispo to exercise its rights in the Salinas River Dam. [City Attorney] City Attorney Roy Hanley gave the report and answered questions of Council. He explained that the Council allocated $50,000 at their September 14, 1999 meeting for specific purposes. These requests were not included in the Council's action. Council Member Luna stated he feels we should send a clear message to San Luis Obispo that we are opposed to the Salinas Dam expansion. Council Member Johnson asked for clarification of what was advertised in the past and what is now being billed. Roy Hanley stated that this was a portion of the request. He stated that the request also includes $12,000 for future services. PUBLIC COMMENT Lorraine Scarpace, attorney for CSPA, explained her position and reasons for requesting funds from the City of Atascadero. She offered to reduce her request to $8,000 to avoid the problem of donation of public funds. She suggested the $8,000 should be given to the City of Paso Robles to support the anticipated litigation between CSPA and the State Water Board. Marilyn Brown, 8455 Graves Creek Road, expressed her concern with the proposed expansion of the Salinas Dam by the City of San Luis Obispo. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., explained to the Council Ms. Scarpace's efforts concerning this issue. He urged the Council to support her request. Pamela Heatherington, 7790 Yesal Avenue, expressed her support of Ms. Scarpace in a prepared statement read into the record by John Heatherington. John Heatherington, 7790 Yesal Avenue, stated he supports Ms. Scarpace. Joan O'Keefe, 9985 Old Morro Road East, stated Ms. Scarpace's actions thus far have helped Atascadero's water resource. She urged the Council to consider Ms. Scarpace's recommendation. Kate Montgomery Leonard, 8600 Santa Lucia, stated her support for Ms. Scarpace's request and urged the Council to take advantage of her offer. John Bechia., Tassajara Canyon, urged the Council to communicate with Paso Robles and work together to protect the water in the North County. Mayor Arrambide closed the Public Comment period. CC 12/12/00 Page 11 MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to continue this item to next Council meeting or special meeting. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Clay to continue Council Meeting past 11:00 p.m. Motion passed 5:0 by a voice vote. E. COMMITTEE REPORT: S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority Mayor Johnson announced they are looking at enhancing benches at various places along the bus route and also places here in Atascadero. Also mentioned in the work plan for SLOCOG is the state mandated regional housing needs assessment. Also, SLORTA is doing a short-range transit plan that will be done for Paso Robles, Atascadero, and South County Area Transit. County Mayor's Round Table Council Member Johnson reported on the Mayor's Selection Committee. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors Council Member Johnson stated they will meet on Wednesday. Economic Opportunity Commission Mayor Pro Tem Scalise stated they will meet on Thursday. North County Homeless Coalition Council Member Luna announced they went to the last ECCO meeting and are still looking for a sight. F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Council Mayor Arrambide stated the Fire Chief will make an announcement. Fire Chief Mike McCain announced his intention to retire as of the first of 2001. All Council Members commended him on his service to Atascadero. G. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Arrambide adjourned the meeting at 11:10 p.m. to the next Regular Session scheduled on January 9, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. CC 12/12/00 Page 12 MEETING RECORDED BY AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: qj� Marcia McClure Torgerson, City C rk lalrbara J. Patton, eputy City Clerk ATTACHMENTS: A—Petition submitted by Barbara Schinike, dated 12/12/00 B —Prepared statement by Becky Pacas, dated 12/12/00 C—Prepared statement by Bruce Bonifas, dated 12/12/00 CC 12/12/00 Page 13 TO: Atascadero City Council Attachment: A Atascadero City Council December 12, 2000 DATE: December 12, 2000 SUBJECT: Support of George Luna for Mayor of Atascadero We the undersigned support George Luna for the position of Mayor of Atascadero. Dr.Luna has been a member of the Atascadero City Council for over nine years and has not served as Mayor. It is time that Dr. Luna be provided the opportunity to exercise his leadership,especially since he received the largest percentage of the vote for City Council, and has the support of the majority of the people. Dr. Luna understands the concerns of the majority of the citizens of Atascadero, therefore, we request that he be considered for Mayor of Atascadero. NAME ADDRESS ,)c LyvIr �s-a� 0,qrn6r2,(- Y.fV 4141 �. C -U z' 021 TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: December 12,2000 SUBJECT: Support of George Luna for Mayor of Atascadero We the undersigned support Geerge Luna for the position of Mayor of Atascadero. Dr.Luna has been a member of the Atascadeso City Council for over nine years and has not served as Mayor. It is time that Dr.Luna be provided the opportumty to exercise his leadership,especially since he received the largest percentage of the vote for City Council,and has the support of the majority of the people. Dr.Lima understands the concerns of the majority of the citizens of Atascadero, therefore,we request that he be considered for Mayor of Atascadero. NAME ADDRESS cc PC/ r"�' 2 0 ' lli `�`?1� 5 Sa, t-r �lbYl-e a �. - a 5 S� -- gWcz1if�-l� Ply 022 TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: December 12,2000 SUBJECT: Support of George Luna for Mayor of Atascadero We the undersigned support George Luna for the position of Mayor of Atascadero. Dr.Luna has been a member of the Atascadero City Council for over nine years and has not served as Maya. It is time that Dr.Luna be provided the opportunity to exercise his leadership,especially since he received the largest percentage of the vote for City Council,and has the support of the majority of the people. Dr.Luna understands the concerns of the majority of the citizens of Aumadero, therefore,we request that he be considered for Maya of Anwadero. NAME ADDRESS ���� `7'�. moi, �Z�:- �,.Zc'o �;,-��� ,°�..,✓�;�,�� 9d.,-,w r1i/_1 rwn r ,,1 r � 7717 O fess / �vwtth- 7 �d .SA,� GiTaGvi2io r2�. a L- .4 t til s rA ins, 023 TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: December 12,2000 SUBJECT: Support of George Luna for Mayor of Atascadero We the undersigned support George Luna for the position of Mayor of Atascadero. Dr.Luna has been a member of the Atascadero City Council for over nine years and has not served as Mayor. It is time that Dr.Luna be provided the opportunity to exercise his leadership,.especially since he received the largest percentage of the vote for City Council,and has the support of the majority of the people. Dr.Luna understands the concerns of the majority of the citizens of Atascadero, therefore,we request that he be considered for Mayor of Atascadero. NAMA ADDRESS U -7735' nlAVA'3t7P, rte. ACI—A5T�Ofz 0 . 9/ G 4 � a - 05 r7l I 12 �avi /YK- j 024 TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: December 12,2000 SUBJECT: Support of George Luna for Mayor of Atascadero We the undersigned support George Luna for the position of Mayor of Atascadero. Dr.Luna has been a member of the Atascadero City Council for over nine years and has not served as Mayor. It is time that Dr.Luna be provided the opportunity to exercise his leadership,.especially since he received the largest percentage of the vote for City Council,and has the support of the majority of the people. Dr.Luna understands the concerns of the majority of the citizens of Atascadcro, therefore,we request that he be considered for Mayor of Atascadero. NAME ADDRESS off v t s 7 0 � 1 oz- .� -74 ` t 3 �-OAA 4.6 os Q ! r 025 TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: December 12, 2000 SUBJECT: Support of George Luna for Mayor of Atascadero We the undersigned support George Luna for the position of Mayor of Atascadero. Dr. Luna has been a member of the Atascadero City Council for over nine years and has not served as Mayor. It is time that Dr. Luna be provided the opportunity to exercise his leadership,especially since he received the largest percentage of the vote for City Council,and has the support of the majority of the people. Dr. Luna understands the concerns of the majority of the citizens of Atascadero, therefore,we request that he be considered for Mayor of Atascadero. NAME ADDRESS c� gO LUAKLLI ez v E72v S`I o 4> . Taco QP. SL-.(,L � /�! � BI(L S=Z I �T��SGaa�KO� c,�a rzZ (Yta.rgQr-ei S AU ,(,L 375 vF '/z thdc dlLa. pal 12e, .cl c Z / _69s"c0,O g/jo 3�z Z /`9/x/'.9.., ?_� „� C.a 3 790 c � X731 cq 9 3 y 2-Z. 6 � 8 026 TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: December 12,2000 SUBJECT: Support of George Luna for Mayor of Atascadero We the undersigned support George Luna for the position of Mayor of Atascadero. Dr.Luna has been a member of the Atascadero City Council for over nine years and has not served as Mayor. It is time that Dr.Luna be provided the opportunity to exercise his leadership,especially since he received the largest percentage of the vote for City Council,and has the support of the majority of the people. Dr.Luna understands the concerns of the majority of the citizens of Atascadero, therefore,we request that he be considered for Mayor of Atascadero. NAW ADDRESS M,A Z6 , ggadl 14� k, 6&40z'�k fl 10(o o &4f kwcos-' 027 TO: Atascadero City Council DATE: December 12, 2000 SUBJECT: Support of George Luna for Mayor of Atascadero We the undersigned support George Luna for the position of Mayor of Atascadero. Dr. Luna has been a member of the Atascadero City Council for over nine years and has not served as Mayor. It is time that Dr. Luna be provided the opportunity to exercise his leadership,especially since he received the largest percentage of the vote for City Council,and has the support of the majority of the people. Dr. Luna understands the concerns of the majority of the citizens of Atascadero, therefore,we request that he be considered for Mayor of Atascadero. NAME ADDRESS © 'eve S C o ?5 ? L) ',ti � r n-> 028 Attachment: B Atascadero City Council December 12, 2000 December 12, 2000 Dear Atascadero City Council, Congratulations to those recently elected to office. According to last Friday's Atascadero News, this evening you will be selecting our Mayor and Mayor Pro-tem. I would like to suggest that you give Councilman Jerry Clay the opportunity to serve us in the position of Mayor Pro-tem. I would site his four years of experience on the City Council, his dedication to Atascadero's future through our youth, and his many years as a resident here in Atascadero, more than twice as many as any others on the Council, I believe. For the position of Mayor, I request that you select Councilman George Luna. Councilman Luna has eight years of generous and sincere public service on the City Council. Luna's extensive education, intelligence, diplomacy, dedication, and polite manner is sorely needed in the mayoral position here in Atascadero. Luna's Fair and Honest representation, with a modern approach to City Planning, has earned him the vote of more than half of Atascadero's voters. Personally, George Luna won my support when he was the only Council Member who represented me and my neighborhood. What is the responsibility of a Councilman? He is voted into office by the residents, to represent the residents. That representation should be reflected in the votes that he casts as a member of the Council. On the issue of selection of Mayor tonight, your job is very simple, it is no mystery who the residents of Atascadero have chosen. The only question is whether you will choose to represent the majority of residents, or special interests. Tonigh�will you deny Atascadero residents the opportunity to have their favorite Councilman as Mayor? Atascadero voters deserve to have George Luna represent them as Mayor. I for one hope that Atascadero will not be forced to take the selection of Mayor to the ballot box as Paso Robles did this year. Thank You for your time. Sincerely, Becky Pacas 029 Attachment: C Atascadero City Council December 12, 2000 Honorable Council, My name is Bruce Bonifas and I live at 5735 San Pedro in Atascadero. I want to express my support for naming George Luna as the City's next mayor. Councilman Luna has consistently represented honesty, intelligence and integrity on the council. He has a keen eye on the future of Atascadero and consistently votes in favor of proper planning while protecting the quality of life within our community. He was enthusiastically reelected in November receiving the highest percentage of votes cast. The voters stated their confidence in Councilman Luna with those votes. In this time of divisive politics both nationally and locally, Councilman Luna has the integrity and wisdom to unify our community and our council and to lead Atascadero in a progressive and intelligent path of growth while protecting the qualities of life we all cherish. I encourage the Council to demonstrate the same integrity and wisdom by appointing Councilman Luna as our next mayor. Thank you. �e:cC—� "3 c—� I ?- Zoc)o 030