HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 061600 - Joint Mtng Approved as Submitted 08/22/00 V Ll5 MINUTES JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCILS OF so SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 2000-7:00 P.M. EMBASSY SUITES O EERQ SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was hosted by the City of San Luis Obispo. San Luis Obispo Mayor Allen Settle presided over the proceedings and called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. ROLL CALL: SAN LUIS OBISPO Present: Council Members Jan Howell Marx, Dave Romero, Vice Mayor Ken Schwartz, and Mayor Allen K. Settle Absent: Council Member John Ewan MORRO BAY Present: Council Members Bili Peirce, Dave Elliot,and Mayor Roger Anderson Absent: Council Members Colby Crotzer,Janice Peters GROVER BEACH Present: Council Members Ron Arnoidson, Peter Keith,and Mayor Pro Tem Richard Neufeld Absent: Council Member Dee Santos and Mayor David Ekbom ATASCADERO Present: Council Members Wendy Scalise, George Luna,Jerry Clay,and Mayor Ray Johnson Absent: Council Member Mike Arrambide PASO ROBLES Present: Council Members Tom Baron, Frank Mecham, and Mayor Duane Picanco Absent: Council Member Wait Macklin and Mayor Pro Tem Lee Swanson PISMO BEACH Present: Council Member Rudy Natoli, Mayor Pro Tem Marian, Mellow,and Mayor John Brown Absent: Council Members Mary Ann Reiss,Terry Henlin Joint San Luis Obispo Cities Council Meeting Page 2 Thursday, June 15, 2000.7:00 p.m. ARROYO GRANDE Present: Council Members Tony Ferrara,Jim Dickens,Thomas R. Runels, Steve Tolley,and Mayor Michael Lady Absent: None SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY Present: Supervisors Harry Ovitt and Katcho Achadilan Absent: Supervisors Michael Ryan, Shirley Bianchi, and Chairperson Peg Pinard PUBLIC COMMENT Richard D.Greek. County of San Luis Obispo Agricultural Commissioner, presented an overview of the Olive Fruit Fly infestations in the County of San Luis Obispo and reported on the measures the County is taking to monitor the pest and combat their spread. STUDY SESSION 1: Educational Revenue Augmentation Funds(ERAF). (30 minutes) San Luis Obispo Vice Mayor Ken Schwartz introduced Steven Woodside, County Counsel for Sonoma County. Mr.Woodside addressed the issue of the pending lawsuit initiated to seek reimbursement for lost ERAF funds and the role cities,counties and special districts play in taking back ERAF funds. Discussion followed. 2. Reconsidering state property tax take-always of the early 90s: Exploring alternative ways to allocate property taxes. Senate Bill 1982(Alpert)tax reallocation. (30 minutes) San Luis Obispo Vice Mayor Schwartz Introduced Dwight Stenbakken, League of California Cities Director of Legislation. Director Stenbakken provided a summary of current local government reforms In the State of California. He stated that although the state surplus is over$12,00,000(and climbing), local government is still not receiving relief. He also noted that recent polis indicate voters would be supportive of an increase in local sales tax but not increases in vehicle registration or property taxes. He urged local governments to organize and unite In seeking relief. Discussion followed. San Luis Obispo Mayor Allen Settle called a break at 8:35 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:45 p.m. 3. Senate Bill 402—Binding Arbitration. (45 minutes) San Luis Obispo Vice Mayor Ken Schwartz introduced Clancy Faria, President of the Peace Officers Research Association of California(PORAC). Mr. Faria spoke In favor of Senate Bill 402. He stated that Senate Bill 402 includes all matters relating to employment conditions and community relations and described how three-a member binding arbitration Joint San Luis Obispo Cities Council Meeting Page 4 Thursday,June 15,2000-7:00 p.m. APPROVED BY SAN LUIS OBISPO CITY COUNCIL: MGM MK:dr Joint San Luis Obispo Cities Council Meeting Page 3 Thursday,June 15,2000-7:00 p.m. committee functions. Additionally he noted that the bill has a five-year sunset. Discussion followed. San Luis Obispo Vice Mayor Schwartz introduced Rich TerBorch, Arroyo Grande Police Chief,who spoke in opposition to Senate Bill 402. Chief TerBorch asserted that this law if passed will be an unfunded mandate and recommended that the voters decide the issue of binding arbitration. Discussion followed. San Luis Obispo Vice Mayor Schwartz Introduced Alan Davis, author of Senate Bill 402 who spoke in favor of the bill. Mr. Davis pointed out that binding arbitration is not a new concept and has been in effect by many cities since the late 1960's. He noted that most large cities In northern California have binding arbitration as well as cities in Nevada, Oregon and Hawaii. Discussion followed. Public Comment Jason n Berg, President of the San Luis Obispo Police Staff Officers Association, and Tony Perry,President of the San Luis Obispo County Deputy Sheriff's Association, spoke in favor of Senate Bill 402. - 4. Assembly Bill 2838(Hertzberg)—Equalizing the development performance standards between cities and counties. (30 minutes) San Luis Obispo Vice Mayor Schwartz introduced Council Member Peter Herzog of the City of Lake Forest. Lake Forest Council Member Herzog reported that Assembly Bill 2838 changes the structure of the Local Agency Formation Commissions(LAFCO). If passed, the bili shifts funding for LAFCO by assessing a percentage of the operational budget of each city. The bill also shifts state-mandated county costs to cities. He urged each city to carefully analyze this bili. Discussion followed. San Luis Obispo Mayor Allen Settle announced that this meeting would be broadcast on local television stations as follows: Falcon Channel 6 Wednesday June 2e 9:00 p.m., Friday June 30"' 9:00 P.M. Wednesday July 9:OO P.M. Charter 6 Tuesday June 27' 7:30 p.m. Wednesday June 28"' 10:30 a.m. Sunday July 2"d 6:30 p.m. There being no further business to come before the cities,San Luis Obispo Mayor Settle adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p.m. The City Council of San Luis Obispo adjourned to Tuesday,June 20,2000 at 7:00 p.m. In the Council Chamber,990 Palm Street,San Luis Obispo. ,.fir Mary Kopec Assistant City Clerk Joint San Luis Obispo Cities Council Meeting Page 4 Thursday, June 15,2000-7:00 p.m. r APPROVED BY SAN LUIS OBISPO CITY COUNCIL: 6120100 MK:dr