HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 052300 Approved as submitted June 13,2000 e ' ®O • ® ; MINUTES leis ® ia7e rAno�. ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MAY 239 2000 7:00 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSION INTERVIEWS: 5:15 P.M. Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 5:20 p.m. All Council Members were present. The Council interviewed the six candidates and unanimously appointed Jonelle Norton to the Planning Commission. Mayor Johnson adjourned the interview session at 6:58 p.m. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY: 6:30 P.M. REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: Mayor Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was performed during the Redevelopment Agency meeting. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Arrambide, Clay, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Johnson Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson and City Treasurer David Graham Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Brady Cherry, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Fire Battalion Chief Fred Motlo, Finance Director Rachelle Rickard, Public Works Director Steve Kahn, Principal Planner Warren Frace, Community Services Manager Geoff English and City Attorney Roy Hanley APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson reported that the Council interviewed six candidates for the Planning Commission vacancy and unanimously voted to appoint Jonelle Norton to the Commission. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Proclamation declaring June 12 & 13, 2000, "Special Olympics-Law Enforcement Torch Run Days." Police Officer Brian Berry accepted the proclamation and on behalf of the Atascadero Police Department and Law Enforcement Statewide. He stated that this event is a wonderful event and the enthusiasm of the participants makes supporting the event quite rewarding. 2. Proclamation declaring May 21 through May 27, 2000, "National Public Works Week." Public Works Director Steve Kahn accepted the proclamation. COMMUNITY FORUM: Ann Ketcherside, P.O. Box 941, stated that she is opposed to the City enforcing the nuisance ordinance pertaining to the storage of junk on citizen's properties. She also expressed opposition to the City keeping motorcyclists out of the Salinas River. Frank Kock, 9545 Lakeview Drive, said that he wanted to comment about the article in the Atascadero News concerning the last Planning Commission meeting. He expressed disappointment with some of the statements made by a few of the Planning Commissioners which stated that they,the Planning Commission, do not have the right to say what homes look like and it would be an abuse of power to do so. Mr. Kock disagreed and stated that the residents near the Lake do not want to see two homes that look the same to be built on the corner of Santa Rosa and Lakeview. He encouraged the Council to ask the developer to change one of the home's design. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Council Member Clay suggested we have coffee available at Council meetings again. The entire Council agreed. Council Member Luna asked about the issue Mr. Kock brought up about the homes near the Lake. Mr. Hanley stated that an appeal of a Planning Commission decision would be necessary to bring the issue before the Council. Principal Planner Warren Frace stated that because part of the issue was a request to rezone the property, it will automatically come before the Council. Council Member Luna announced the 3F Meadows neighborhood had a meeting with Charter Communications. It was agreed that Charter would take down the cable but requested that they would not have to go back to the neighborhood to reinstall. Mr. Luna reported that Charter will be coming before the Council to receive a dispensation that will not require them to reinstall. CC 05/23/00 Page 2 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Minutes—May 09, 2000 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the City Council minutes of May 09, 2000 [City Clerk] 2. Treasurer's Reports—October 1999—January 2000 ■ City Treasurer recommendation: Council review and accept the Treasurer's Reports for October 1999—January 2000[City Treasurer] 3. Transfer of Liquor License—7055 El Camino Real (Rite Aid) ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council determine that the transfer of liquor license between existing Rite Aid stores will serve public convenience [Community Development] 4. Weed Abatement—Awarding of Contractor Bid ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council award contract to Jack R. Bridwell[Fire] 5. Participation in Regional Commercial Recycling Education Program ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council adopt the draft Resolution, approving participation in the regional commercial recycling education program [Public Works] 6. Portola Road Overlay Project—Project No. 98-07 ■ Fiscal Impact: $316,491.03 ■ Staff recommendation: Council accept the Portola Road Overlay Project as complete and authorize the Administrative Services Director to release the project retention in the amount of$29,153.58 [Public Works] MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide and seconded by Council Member Luna to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. #A-4: Contract No. 2000-011. #A-5:Resolution No. 2000-017. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Weed Abatement—Hearing of Objections ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council hear and consider all objections and allow or overrule any objections. Following the hearing, it is recommended the Council authorize the Fire Chief to proceed and perform the work of abatement[Fire] Fire Battalion Chief Fred Motlo stated that June 6h is the final date for voluntary weed abatement. The Fire Department will begin inspections on June 7th. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide asked if there are going to be any more burn days. Battalion Chief Motlo responded, no. CC 05/23/00 Page 3 Battalion Chief Motlo stated that the Department does a visual inspection of all properties within the city beginning April 1St There was no Public Comment. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to authorize the Fire Chief to proceed and perform the work of abatement. Motion passed 5:0 by a voice vote. C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Atascadero Masonic Temple/Printery Building Options ■ Fiscal Impact: Undetermined saving of staff time ■ Staff recommendation: Council direct staff to prepare the necessary agreements and documents to return ownership of the Atascadero Masonic Temple/Printery Building to the Atascadero Masonic Temple Association and to initiate the process to allow retention of ownership of the George C. Beatie Skate Park [Community Services] Assistant City Manager Brady Cherry gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. Mayor Johnson asked Lon Allan, president of The Atascadero Historical Society, to explain to the Council the status of the Printery building's registration as a historical building. Lon Allan stated the Society is taking the steps to have the Printery building registered as a historical building. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide asked what usage is allowed for the building and what are the retrofit requirements. Mr. Cherry stated that the original usage intent was as a Youth Center and other miscellaneous uses, but it would probably be best if it was discussed again with the Masons. Mr. Hanley agreed with Mr. Cherry regarding the usage and stated that regarding the retrofit, it would be our responsibility. Council Member Scalise asked what the year-to-comply is for retrofit. Mr. Cherry said the deadline is based on the City's own timeframe. Council Member Luna expressed concern that we would give back the building when we do not have any solid uses for a Youth Center. He asked staff what grant opportunities we have. Mr. Cherry responded that Atascadero Recreation Center Committee (ARCC)hired a grant writer to apply for the California Youth Authority Grant; however,they were unsuccessful. The Council discussed the options available to them. PUBLIC COMMENT Bill Berry, 8325 Portola Road, representative of the Masonic Association, stated the Masons were concerned when they heard the City is considering another alternative for a Youth Center. He said that they are aware of the financial concerns the City is dealing with but would like to CC 05/23/00 Page 4 know what direction the City is heading on this matter. He expressed concern that if the building is classified as historical it may restrict their liberty with building usage. Council Member Clay asked Mr. Berry if he would approve of an ad hoc committee to provide the direction. Mr. Berry said, absolutely. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide asked how much of the second floor space the Masons use. Mr. Berry stated that they only use the lodge room. Council Member Scalise asked if prior to the agreement with the City the Masons applied to have the building registered as a historical building. Mr. Berry said, no. Bob West, 7820 Aragon, asked if the City has earthquake insurance on the Printery building. Mr. Cherry responded the City was unable to acquire earthquake insurance as no company will insure an unreinforced masonry building for earthquakes. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. There was Council consensus to direct staff to develop an ad hoc committee of service organization representatives to review alternatives for the future of the Printery building. 2. Information Bulletin A. Atascadero Community Link B. Employee Update D. ATTORNEY REPORTS: 1. Request for Authorization to Retain the Services of Deborah J. Fox, of Fox and Sohagi, LLP—for Services as Special Counsel Regarding Regulation of Adult Businesses ■ Fiscal Impact: ■ City Attorney recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor and the City Attorney to execute the letter agreement with Fox and Sohagi,for the provision of services as special counsel on issues relating to the regulation of adult businesses City Attorney Roy Hanley gave his report and answered questions of Council. There was no Public Comment. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Clay to authorize the Mayor and the City Attorney to execute the letter agreement with Fox and Sohagi, for the provision of services as special counsel on issues relating to the regulation of adult businesses. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (Contract No. 2000-012) CC 05/23/00 Page 5 D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Finance Committee Council Member Luna announced they meet on Friday to discuss the Human Resource grants. Water Committees Council Member Clay stated that the recent issue of water contamination was due to the usage of jet skis in the water. The usage of the jet skis was stopped, and a second test showed zero contamination of the water. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors Mayor Johnson stated that they meet tomorrow. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: None F. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m. to the next regular session scheduled on June 13, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. MEETING RECORDED BY AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Y� L� --_� Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk Melanie Whaley, Deputy City Clerk CC 05/23/00 Page 6