HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 011100 Approved as submitted DATE: 01/25/2000 n. so • m MINUTES sirs ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2000 7:00 P.M. CLOSED SESSION: 1. Conference with legal counsel [Govt. Code §54956.9] Existing litigation: a. City of Atascadero v Atascadero Unified School District b. City of Atascadero v Kelly Gearhart City Attorney Roy Hanley announced there were no reportable actions taken. REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: Mayor Johnson called the Regular Session to order at 7:05 p.m. and Council Member Scalise led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Arrambide, Clay, Luna, Scalise and Mayor Johnson Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia Torgerson and City Treasurer David Graham Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Acting Battalion Chief Kurt Stone,Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community and Economic Development Director Paul Saldana, Chief Wastewater Operator Mark Markcort and City Attorney Roy Hanley. ITEM NUMBER: A—1 DATE: 01/25/2000 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide and seconded by Council Member Luna to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Proclamation declaring February 2, 2000, "Annual National Groundhog Job Shadow Day" Peter Smith, business teacher at Atascadero High School and school to work site facilitator, accepted the proclamation and explained the Groundhog Job Shadow program. COMMUNITY FORUM Al Clark, 9435 El Bordo, explained that he brought a few Boy Scouts with him to this meeting to witness the City Council in action. He asked the Council to consider appointing a representative to serve on the Atascadero State Hospital Advisory Board so that the community would be involved in the activities which take place at the Hospital. He asked the Council to debate this topic. Mayor Johnson responded by saying that it would be a violation of the Brown Act to debate the topic. Richard Moen, 4200 Portola Road, requested Council Member Arrambide suggest to the Air Pollution Control District to consider making some allowances for backyard burning on larger lots. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., stated he agrees with the two previous speakers. He also discussed the Salinas Dam issue. Mr. Greening asked the Council about the issue of the $50,000 to be used for the Salinas Dam efforts. He requested that a few thousand be given to the movement that was responsible for the efforts in Sacramento. He suggested this issue be a future agenda item. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. Council Member Arrambide announced that the backyard burning issue will be on the January 25, 2000, agenda and there will be a public hearing. Mayor Johnson stated that he was unsure of our ability to measure feasible burn days locally rather than regionally. CC 01/11/00 Page 2 ITEM NUMBER: A—1 DATE: 01/25/2000 COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENT AND REPORTS: Council Member Clay announced that Rush Kolemaine passed away recently. He stated that he appreciated Mr. Kolemaine's interest in our city and would miss him. CORRESPONDENCE: 1. Memo from League of California Cities entitled, "League Board Acts to Increase Legislative Effectiveness; Due will increase by 5%. " City Manager Wade McKinney explained the League of California Cities' memorandum. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. City Council Minutes—November 23, 1999 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the City Council minutes of November 23, 1999 [Marcia McClure Torgerson] 2. City Council Minutes—December 14, 1999 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the City Council minutes of December 14, 1999 [Marcia McClure Torgerson] 3. City Council Study Session Minutes—December 29, 1999 ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council approve the City Council Study Session minutes of December 29, 1999 [Marcia McClure Torgerson] 4. Public Sewer Extension Design,North El Camino Real ■ Fiscal Impact: $19,800.00 to be funded from the Wastewater Division's FY 99-00 Contingency Reserve ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with Cannon Associates to prepare plans and specifications for a gravity sewer main along El Camino Real from Del Rio to the proposed lift station north of the intersection of El Camino Real and Santa Cruz Road(PS#13), at a maximum cost of $19,800.00, and make the necessary appropriations. [Community Services Department] 5. Santa Cruz Road Slope Stabilization Project(#98-15)—Accept the completed public improvements and authorize release of the project retention. ■ Fiscal Impact: $7,298.40 in FEMA Funds (Fund 500) ■ Staff recommendation: Council accept public improvements as complete and authorize release of the project retention in the amount of$7,298.40 to Souza Construction, Inc. [Community Services Department] CC 01/11/00 Page 3 ITEM NUMBER: A—1 DATE: 01/25/2000 6. Traffic WU Storm Drain Project—Agreement with Cannon Associates at maximum cost of$14,600 for engineering design services required to prepare plans, contract documents, technical specifications and special provisions for the extension of an existing storm drain system along Traffic Way. ■ Fiscal Impact: $14,600.00 ($6,700.00-STIP, $7,900.00-Fund 700) ■ Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with Cannon Associates at maximum cost of$14,600.00for the engineering design services required to prepare plans, contract documents, technical specifications and special provisions for the extension of an existing storm drain system along Traffic Way. [Community Services Department] Eric Greening pulled Item#A-1 for a correction. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide pulled Item#A-4 for discussion. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide and seconded by Council Member Luna to approve Items #A-2,3, 5, and 6. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. RE: Item#A-l: Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Avenue, requested that on page 5 , under Item#A-4, correct the spelling of Meredith's last name to read: "Kaplan." MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Scalise. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. RE: Item#A-4: Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide stated that on page 65, under the agreement with Cannon Associates regarding the sewer extension it states that fees are subject to change without notice. He asked if we are capping that agreement at $19, 800. Staff responded that the fees are capped. Council Member Luna asked if this extension was caused by the Home Depot project. City Manager Wade McKinney stated that it was not caused by Home Depot and will not benefit them. The City chose to extend the line at the same time as the Home Depot project in order to lower expenditures. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide asked if the main will be sized and paid for by the project or will there be additional costs for us. Mr. McKinney stated that we are anticipating a potential reimbursement agreement with no cost to the City. Council Member Clay asked if the gravity feed could be extended further south. Mr. McKinney replied that it could. CC 01/11/00 Page 4 ITEM NUMBER: A-1 DATE: 01/25/2000 MOTION: By Council Member Scalise and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Item#A-4. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. General Plan Update— Scope of Work ■ Fiscal Impact: None ■ Staff recommendation: Council receive and file the attached Scope of Work for the 2000 General Plan Update. [Community Development Department] Community and Economic Development Director Paul Saldana gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. Council Member Luna stated that he had requested an itemized budget. He asked about the start of consultant tasks. Community Development and Economic Director Paul Saldana explained that they become part of the process almost immediately. Council Member Luna asked if the total cost of$125,000 included staff costs. Mr. Saldana responded that it did not include staff costs and currently they do not have an estimate. Council Member Scalise asked if we have a tentative date for the City Council Hearing: Goal Consideration under Phase I. Mr. Saldana stated that it would be the first meeting in February. Council Member Clay asked if it was possible that some savings could be made as the project moves along. Mr. Saldana responded that it is possible. Council Member Luna stated that completion date is scheduled for December 2000. He asked if the date allowed for any possible appeals times for challenging EIRs, etc. Mr. Saldana replied that the appeal process would be after the final City Council hearing. Council Member Luna asked for a description of the notification process. Mr. Saldana stated that during the neighborhood meetings notification would be direct mail. Council Member Luna asked who the responsible person is for the documents,the website, and the posting of public documents. Mr. Saldana responded that staff would be responsible. PUBLIC COMMENT John McGoff, 9192 Maple St., explained he had previously taken the Council to task for awarding this contract without competition. He stated that the City Attorney has explained to him why the City did not have to acquire additional bids for this project. He stated that he concedes that it was their right to do so. Mr. McGoff asked for clarification on the details of the contract. CC 01/11/00 Page 5 ITEM NUMBER: A—1 DATE: 01/25/2000 Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., asked for clarification on the General Plan update issue. In particular, he asked the Council to have the Safety Element updated at the same time. He suggested that the Safety Element be dealt with in a timely manner. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. Mayor Johnson noted that there is no action required on this item. 2. Information Bulletin E. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Water Committees Council Member Clay announced that they had their usual meeting on the first Thursday of the month. He reported that a presentation was given on satellite monitoring systems regarding a project that was done in 1997 and discussed the results thereof. Council Member Clay reported that a presentation of Proposition 13 will be given at the next meeting. He also stated that Paso Robles will chose a company to perform a study on the groundwater basin. He estimated that they are 2 to 2 '/a years away from completion. Integrated Waste Management Authority Council Member Luna announced that they will meet tomorrow. He stated that the Authority is going before the State in February to establish 1998 as a base year and to establish diversion on a regional-wide basis. If the State accepts,the County should be okay except for Paso Robles, who is not part of the Authority. He stated that February may be the last time for a quorum. Council Member Luna reported that worm bins provide 300 lbs. of credit to IWMA from the State. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide asked if the Authority addressed the issue of waste increase with the loss of backyard burning. Council Member Luna replied that they are working on the issue currently, and he expects that our green waste program will need to expand. Air Pollution Control District Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide reported that they will meet on January 26,2000. He stated that there is a Public Hearing scheduled at the January 25, 2000, City Council meeting. CC 01/11/00 Page 6 ITEM NUMBER: A—1 DATE: 01/25/2000 SCA-3 Steering Committee Council Member Scalise stated that the survey will be conducted between January 20 and 25, 2000. F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Attorney Mr. Hanley announced the City Clerk received the initial papers for the SOAR Initiative for the City of Atascadero. He explained that he will now do the objective drafting of the title and summary for the proponents as required by law. Council Member Luna asked the City Clerk what options the Council has when presented with the SOAR Initiative. City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson responded that the Council can vote to approve the initiative as an ordinance without it going to an election, or the Council can approve it to go on the November 2000 ballot. Mayor Johnson asked if the Council could put the initiative on the ballot without signatures. Ms. Torgerson responded that the Council could put their own initiative on the ballot which would not require voters' signatures. Cites Ms. McClure Torgerson announced that the terms of Planning Commissioners Bill Zimmerman and David Bentz will expire in February 1, 2000. She stated that interviews will be held at the beginning of the next meeting. G. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m. to the next Regular Session scheduled for January 25, 2000, at 7:00 p.m. METTING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: )44� '14 Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Cler Melanie Whaley, Deputy City C61 CC 01/11/00 Page 7