HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 030999 (2) Approved as submitted DATE: 04/13/99 MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY,MARCH 09, 1999 CLOSED SESSION, 6:30 P.M.: 1. Conference with legal counsel - Pending litigation(Govt. Code Sec. 54956.9 (a)) Name of case: Escobedo v. City of Atascadero City Attorney Roy Hanley announced there was no reportable action taken. REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: Mayor Johnson called the Regular Session to order at 7:00 p.m. and Council Member Luna led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Arrambide, Clay, Lerno, Luna and Mayor Johnson Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia Torgerson and City Treasurer David Graham Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Fire Chief Mike McCain, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community and Economic Development Director Paul Saldana, Greg Greeson, Assistant City Manager and City Attorney Roy Hanley. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call City Manager Wade McKinney asked the Council to pull Item#C-1. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to approve the agenda as amended. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Proclamation declaring Saturday, March 27th "Zoopendous Charles Paddock Zoo Day." Claudia Collier, Zoo Curator and Paul Hood, President of the Zoological Society accepted the Proclamation and asked everyone to attend the free day. 2. Proclamation declaring March 18, 1999 "Absolutely Incredible Kid Day." Marcella Davis accepted the Proclamation. She thanked the Council and asked them to send a letter to a child. 3. Proclamation declaring March 10, 1999 "Arbor Day." Cory Meyer, President of the Native Tree Association accepted the Proclamation. He also announced the annual Festival of the Oaks Celebration on April 17th at the Atascadero Lake Park. 4. Fire Chief McCain to present to Council the "1998 Training Officer of the Year", Battalion Chief Kurt Stone. Fire Chief McCain presented Battalion Chief Kurt Stone to the Council. Battalion Chief Stone thanked the Fire Chief and the City of Atascadero for their support. COMMUNITY FORUM: John McGoff, 9192 Maple St., stated that the Atascadero News is confused as to when the Council is acting as the Redevelopment Agency. He read a prepared statement about his concerns with an exclusive right to negotiate and the act of Redevelopment. (see Attachment A) Klaus Schumann, Paso Robles, stated that he feels Atascadero seems to be following the growth pattern that Paso Robles has followed. He explained that he was particularly concerned with the effect of growth on the ozone. He asked that a task force be formed to address the increasing effect of smog. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., asked if the public would be able to speak on the Council item concerning the Planning Commission. Mayor Johnson responded, yes. Geraldine Brasher, Atascadero, asked where on the Council's agenda the redevelopment item is listed. Mayor Johnson stated that there is a separate Redevelopment Agency agenda with that item on it. Rush Kolemaine, P.O. Box 1990, encouraged the Council to review the study that was done by the Cal Poly students of our Downtown. He also announced the formation of the Templeton Cable Access organization which will include public access. He also expressed his concerns of the Rochelle property access issue. Dorothy McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista, asked the City Attorney's opinion on the issue of speaking at the Council meeting during Community Forum about an issue that's on the Redevelopment Agency agenda. City Attorney Roy Hanley responded that technically the two agendas should be treated as separate entities. He concluded that the public could speak during the Community Forum of the City Council meeting about an item on the Redevelopment Agency's agenda. Terry Graham, 6205 Conejo Road, stated that he disagrees with the City Attorney concerning when the public can speak at a Council meeting. He said that he feels in years past the public and Council had a lot of open dialog. Now, the pendulum seems to have swung the other way. CC 03/09/99 Page 2 of 10 Jerry Taft, 9990 Santa Clara Road, owner of Video Palace in the Von's Center, stated that Von's has asked Wester to rehabilitate the center. He said that he does not like being threatened with condemnation by the Westar company for this purpose. Mayor Johnson closed the Community Forum period. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: The following are action items: 1. Consideration of rescission and/or reaffirmation of removal of Planning Commission member Jennifer Hageman. 2. In the event previous removal is reaffirmed, consider confirmation of previous Planning Commission appointment made January 12, 1999. Mayor Johnson explained to the audience that this item was placed on the agenda as a result of the City Council receiving a letter from a citizen claiming the Council did not follow appropriate procedures. The Council considered this issue in Closed Session. They concluded that they were not sure this charge was appropriate but felt that if there was any doubt of the procedure followed, the best action was to bring it back onto the Council's agenda and open the item up for public comment and then review the decisions made earlier. Council Member Luna stated that he is very uncomfortable having this item on the Council's agenda again. He said that this is a very divisive, political issue from the last election. He stated that this is no way to treat volunteers. He said he did agree with the decision to put this issue back on the agenda so that the public could address the item. Council Member Luna said that he supports the reinstatement of Jennifer Hageman to the Planning Commission. PUBLIC COMMENT George Molina, 5555 Robles, stated that it is his understanding that the Planning Commission serves at the pleasure of the Council as does the City Manager, Fire Chief and Police Chief. He said that the City Attorney shouldn't be advising the Council to bring this issue up again. He stated that he feels it is a sign of weakness to do so. Mr. Molina stated that the Council made the right decision the first time. William Zimmerman, 6225 Lomitas Road, stated that as Chairman of the Planning Commission he felt that Jennifer Hageman asked a lot of questions but did a good job as a Planning Commissioner. He thanked her for her service. Doug Chisolm, 5205 Ascarpa Ave., stated that he voted for Jennifer Hageman for City Council. He said that he voted for her because of her views on growth. He stated that she lost by only 80 votes. He asked the Council to review their previous decision and re-instate Jennifer Hageman to the Planning Commission. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., stated that he agreed with the previous speaker. He asked that the Council vote to re-instate Jennifer Hageman. CC 03/09/99 Page 3 of 10 John McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista, congratulated the Council on the courage it took for them to remove Jennifer Hageman after she proved her popularity with the public. However, he questioned their judgement in doing so. He requested the Council to reconsider the action they have taken. Ted Jacobson, 8055 Cristobal, stated that he owns a business in Atascadero and stated that he supports the removal of Jennifer Hageman because he feels she does not support the business community in Atascadero. Kim Jeanes, 6287 San Anselmo, stated that as a new Planning Commissioner, she was thankful to the City of Atascadero for sending her to a Planning Commissioner conference. She explained that at the conference she learned that it is common for Councils to change the members of Planning Commissions to reflect the views of the majority of the Council. Robert Nimmo, 7375 Bella Vista, stated that he wondered if those who feel outrage at the removal of Jennifer Hageman also felt rage when Governor Davis removed Mike Ryan from the Coastal Commission. He stated that the Council acted appropriately on this issue. Rush Kolemaine, P.O. Box 1990, stated that he had encouraged Jennifer Hageman to run for Council. However, on the Planning Commission he stated she disappointed him. He stated that he supports the Council's previous action. Daphne Fahsing, 5105 Llano Road, stated that she had no intention of speaking but felt she had to defend the public when Mr. Nimmo speaks at the podium and insults the public. She said that this is not Sacramento, this is Atascadero. She also stated that she's heard mentioned tonight the secret agenda of Jennifer Hageman's. She asked what the Council thinks her hidden agenda is. Ms. Fahsing stated that she doesn't feel there is one. Dorothy McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista, stated that she agreed with Mrs. Fahsing. She explained that the issue wasn't whether the Council could dismiss Jennifer Hageman, the issue was it wasn't on the agenda. William Zimmerman, 6225 Lomitas Road, stated that the questionnaires the Commission filled out from the Council all were answered very similarly. He concluded that the Council's removal of Jennifer Hageman was not based on the answers on the questionnaires. Bill Bright, 11875 Santa Lucia, stated that he was disappointed but not surprised. He said that he felt she brought it on herself. He stated that she was very knowledgeable on land use. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. Council Member Clay said that he seldom agreed with Jennifer Hageman but he didn't feel it was appropriate to remove her. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide stated that he reviewed the January 12, 1999 agenda and feels it was not in violation of the Brown Act. He also stated that he supports the Council's previous action on this issue. Mayor Johnson stated that there are always people on the Planning Commission that might not agree with the City Council but have not been removed. In this case, he explained that he had received several complaints from citizens who felt they were offended by the treatment they CC 03/09/99 Page 4 of 10 received from Jennifer Hageman at Planning Commission meetings. He said that he has in front of him a letter given to him by a very influential member of the community that went before the Planning Commission and was appalled by the abuse and demeanment to which he was treated. He then asked the City Attorney to give his opinion on this action. City Attorney Roy Hanley explained that the Planning Commission does serve at the pleasure of the Council. He said "at the pleasure" means you can have any reason or no reason at all if you decide to remove someone. He explained to the public that the Council received a threat of litigation regarding the description in the agenda. The Council met in Closed Session to review the issue. He stated that after hearing all of the arguments in favor of not revisiting this issue, the Council decided that the best course of action for the City was to put the item back on the agenda and let the matter be discussed in open session. He gave the Council their options: 1) Decide to not take any action and simply let what was decided before stand, 2) Rescind the removal and replacement of Ms. Hageman on the Planning Commission, 3) Rescind the removal but reaffirm it with a separate motion to reaffirm the replacement that was made at the January 12, 1999 meeting. Mr. Hanley went on to explain that the particular Code Section that involves the potential of a civil remedy if there were a violation of the Brown Act states, "The fact that a legislataive body takes subsequent action to cure or correct an action taken pursuant to this section shall not be construed or admissible as evidence of a violation of this chapter." He stated that it is obvious that the intent of the Code is to encourage the Council to make decisions to allow further public participation. He stated that the Code also states that in the event that the legislative body did violate the Brown Act because the agenda description did not adequately apprise citizens to show up, "the cure and correct provisions are a complete defense." He explained this is also an encouragement to the City Council to go ahead as you have tonight and revisit the issue in public session. It provides that even if the earlier agenda description was not adequate, if you cure and correct it, anyone with $187.00 and a typewriter can file a lawsuit but they will not have a happy result. MOTION: By Council Member Lerno and seconded by Council Member Clay to rescind action taken on January 12, 1999,which would rescind the removal of Jennifer Hageman from the Planning Commission. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. MOTION: By Council Member Lerno and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to reaffirm action taken on January 12, 1999,which would remove Jennifer Hageman from the Planning Commission. Motion passed 3:2 by a roll-call vote. (Clay& Luna opposed) MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide and seconded by Council Member Lerno to reaffirm action taken on January 12, 1999,which would appoint of David Bentz to the vacancy on the Planning Commission by the removal of Jennifer Hageman. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Luna opposed) A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call 1. City Council Minutes - February 9, 1999 - (City Clerk recommendation: Approve the City Council minutes of February 9, 1999) [Marcia McClure Torgerson] CC 03/09/99 Page 5 of 10 2. City Council Minutes - February 23, 1999 - (City Clerk recommendation: Approve the City Council minutes of February 23, 1999) [Marcia McClure Torgerson] 3. Road Abandonment - Consideration of a request to abandon a portion of the San Palo Road right-of-way (Gearhart: 6000 San Palo Road) - Fiscal Impact: Unknown (Planning Commission recommendations: 1. Council find the project would not have a significant effect on the environment and that the Negative Declaration prepared for the project is therefore adequate under the requirements of the CEQA and, 2. Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-016 approving Road Abandonment 498004) (Staff recommendation: Council authorize staff to negotiate with property owner regarding purchase of abandoned property) [Paul Saldana] 4. Revisions to the Atascadero Lake Park and Pavilion Food Concessions Agreement- regarding the sale of alcoholic beverages - Fiscal Impact: None (Staff Recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to execute a revised agreement with Lakeside Cafe & Catering Company striking the requirement for the concessionaire to sell alcohol in non-disposable containers only, with the ability of the City to re-invoke the clause upon recommendation of the Police Department) [Brady Cherry] Mayor Johnson announced that Council Member Lerno will be stepping down on Item#A-3 to avoid an appearance of impropriety (Disqualification may not be legally required under this circumstance). Council Member Luna pulled Item#A-3. MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Consent Calendar Items #A-1, 2, & 4. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Item #A-3 — Council Member Luna asked how the City can negotiate with the property owner regarding his purchase of the abandoned road when property owners own to the center of the road. Mr. Hanley stated that the property to be abandoned was actually created as a separate lot. This fact does not interfere with the City's ability to take effective positions on the general Colony Road issue in the future. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Item#A-3. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll-call vote. (Lerno abstained) Mayor Johnson called a five minute recess at 8:45 p.m. Mayor Johnson called the Regular Session back to order at 8:50 p.m. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None CC 03/09/99 Page 6 of 10 C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Lease Agreement with the Atascadero Unified School District(AVSD) - agreement to lease the third floor of City Administration Building - Fiscal Impact: Revenue of$3,523 per month plus proportionate share of utilities and janitorial services (Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor to execute lease agreement with the Atascadero Unified School District) [Wade McKinney] Council pulled this item from the agenda (seepage 1) 2. Community Survey 1999 - soliciting opinions from the citizens of Atascadero - Fiscal Impact: approximately$10,150.00 (Staff recommendations: 1. Council authorize the City Manager to distribute by mail and make available at various locations throughout the city, a Community Survey soliciting opinions from the citizens of Atascadero regarding things they would like the City to accomplish over the next year, 2. Council authorize the City Manager to schedule a Community Workshop, hosted by the City Council, to be held on a date and at a location identified by the Council to provide the community with a public forum to directly share their opinions with the Council regarding things they would like the City to accomplish over the next year, and 3. Council authorize the appropriation of a maximum of$12,000 from unallocated reserves for this project.) [Wade McKinney] Assistant City Manager Greg Greeson gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. The Council discussed several options of format and procedures that could be taken to conduct this survey. There was concern that there could be enthusiastic respondents that would turn in multiple surveys and skew the results. Mr. McKinney stated that Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard just saved the City approximately $6,000 by noticing a misplaced decimal in the staff report. The return mail costs would be $720, not $7,200. Council Member Clay suggested mailing out the survey and then doing a follow-up random survey to test the results. PUBLIC COMMENT Rush Kolemaine, P.O. Box 1990, commended City Manager Wade McKinney on the creation of this survey. He recommended the City use a mailing list from the County that can be sorted by precincts. William Zimmerman, 6225 Lomitas Road, stated he supports this survey and the Council's suggestions on its implementation. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., stated that he feels children should be included in this survey. He said that he supports the survey. Steve Chipman, 9354 La Paloma Court, stated that he supports this survey and asked when the results would be shared with the public. Mayor Johnson responded that the results would be shared with the public at a community workshop scheduled with the City Council. CC 03/09/99 Page 7 of 10 Dorothy McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista, read a prepared statement supporting the survey. She also gave the Council some suggestions. (see Attachment B) Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. Mayor Johnson stated that the Council needs to give staff direction on this item, there is no vote necessary. There was lengthy discussion by Council and where they gave staff suggestions on wording and format. There was Council consensus for staff to: 1.) Issue press release to encourage public participation, 2.)Mail the survey to all residents, 3.) Create a random survey based on the results of mail survey, 4.)Schedule a community workshop with the City Council to review the results of this survey and gather input from the community. 3. Information Bulletin Community Services Director Brady Cherry gave a status report concerning the information he received from CalTrans about the issues discussed at the last Council meeting concerning the Highway 41 realignment. Mr. Cherry stated that in 1993,the City Council appointed a community advisory committee to advise CalTrans on the issues raised at the last meeting. He explained that the issues of bridge design, berm vs. sound wall, sound issues, and tree removal mitigation improvement are addressed in a letter he received from CalTrans. Most of these issues were determined by the amount of money allocated to the project. D. ATTORNEY REPORTS 1. Lakes Partnership Contribution Contract- Donation of$250,000 for recreational facilities in Atascadero - Fiscal Impact: Revenue of$250,000 (City Attorney recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor to enter into the donation contract with the Lakes Partnership) [Roy Hanley] City Attorney Roy Hanley gave the staff report and answered questions of Council Council Member Clay asked to amend the agreement to include wording that would specify the funds to be used to develop youth playing fields and recreational facilities. Mayor Johnson asked for clarification of that wording possibly restricting the City's usage. PUBLIC COMMENT William Zimmerman, 6225 Lomitas Road, stated that he agrees with the wording of this agreement except he doesn't see the need to have Mr. Moresko sign such a detailed agreement. He felt the agreement should be simple and the City can separately decide the use of the monies. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. CC 03/09/99 Page 8 of 10 MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Luna to authorize the Mayor to enter into the donation contract with the Lakes Partnership with an amendment to include the wording "youth playing fields and recreational facilities." Motion failed 2:3 by a roll-call vote. (Arrambide, Johnson & Lerno opposed) MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide and seconded by Council Member Lerno to authorize the Mayor to enter into the donation contract with the Lakes Partnership. Motion passed 3:2 by a roll-call vote. (Clay & Luna opposed) E. COMMITTEE REPORTS S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority Mayor Johnson said that they met last week and reviewed the status of approximately one million dollars in extra money over this last year. Water Committees Council Member Clay said they are going forward with a survey of the aquifers in the north county. Integrated Waste Management Authority Council Member Luna stated that they meet tomorrow. He showed, using overheads, the comparison of Atascadero to the other cities in the county concerning the diversion rates (see Attachment Q. North County Council Mayor Johnson stated that the mayor of Paso Robles would like to set up a meeting. They would like the steering committee to get together and see what an agenda might be before we actually set the meeting. Air Pollution Control District Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide announced that their next meeting will be Wednesday, March 24th. Council Member Lerno asked if the issue of development and its effect on air quality have been discussed. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide said that they have discussed the smog that comes from the valley but have not addressed our own. He said that he will make sure that issue will be placed on the agenda in the future. County Mayor's Round Table Mayor Johnson stated that the Mayor's meeting was last week and Assemblyman Maldonado was guest speaker at the meeting. Assemblyman Maldonado said that he is appalled at the lack of understanding by the state government of our local issues. He encouraged all to keep in touch with legislative representatives. Economic Opportunity Commission Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide said that the next meeting will be one week from Thursday. CC 03/09/99 Page 9 of 10 F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Council Council Member Luna stated that he and Mayor Johnson attended a City Y2K meeting yesterday with outside agencies. He explained that the City will be putting updates on the status of our progress on Council agendas to keep the public informed. Council Member Clay stated that the Cal Poly study that was presented last night was well done. Council Member Luna asked who on staff are monitoring the Millhollin Mine since Gary Kaiser has left. Mr. McKinney stated that the Senior Civil Engineer David Baes attended training last week in Sacramento and will be monitoring the site. Mayor Johnson stated he noted in the League's Legislative Bulletin the discussion of AB83 concerning home-based businesses. Also, he mentioned AB304 concerning property tax return that the cities are supporting. Mayor Johnson stated to the City Treasurer that he approved of the reports and their format that he has been generating. Mr. Graham thanked Mayor Johnson and said that there will be new City Treasurer's reports for the Council at the next Council meeting. Mayor Johnson also stated that he met with the Superintendent of Schools yesterday and they discussed future relationships and the School District's delinquent sewer bill. Dr. Dodd's told him that he would like to review the issue in June 1999. There was Council discussion on this issue. Council asked staff to come back with a report on the School District sewer status in closed session. G. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Johnson adjourned the Regular Session at 10:45 p.m. to the next Regular Session scheduled on March 23, 1999. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Oerk ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A—Prepared statement by John McGoff Attachment B -Prepared statement by Dorothy McNeil Attachment C—Council Member Luna's overhead presentation concerning diversion rates. CC 03/09/99 Page 10 of 10 MAR-21-99 07 :15 PM JOHN MC GOFF 1 805 461 6477 P.e2 Attachment: A Atascadero City Council Meeting Date: 03/09/99 CCbj4WITY FORUM TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1999 John McGoff , 9192 Maple St. Atascadero Mr. Mayor, City Council I missed the last CC and PC meetings, and have to depend on the Atascadero News' to keep up With what is going on. The newspaper may be confused about whether you're sitting as the Council or CRA; but I'm not the least bit confused. The CC is the legislative body of this city, the elected and accountable body politic rather than the appointed body known as the Community Redevelopment Agency. As the CC, you are responsible for the oversight of all other appointees, including, I would suppose, yourselves. Kind of like the foxes guarding the hen house. I'm not here to talk about about Westar but only the document described as an "Exclusive Right to Negotiate". (Acronym ERN) . And the City' s proposed use of .that document. During the CRA meeting Feb 9, Mr. Saldana off-handedly mentioned an ERN, which appeared to contain four bullets and eight or nine lines of boilerplate language. Not enough information for concern. At the CRA meeting Feb 23, Mr. Saldana presented the Agency with a full blown ERN, which they (you) did not sign. Here you are tonight, ready to peddle the same document, and the only thing that changed is the staff sent a letter to the property owners, sending the staff report and agreement to them for a look see, and oh, if they had any questions give Paul a call. If I got that letter and agreement, I would have given Johnny Corcoran a call. That document is a product of the CALIFORNIA REDEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION, which is the lobby for Redevelopment consultants, redevelopment lawyers, bond salesmen and developers. You will notice I did not say City Government. They do not have your best interests as heart, nor, it would appear from the language in the agreement, do they have the interests of established merchants in the city MAR-.91_-.99 07:15 5 PM JOHN MC: Gf1CC1 805 461 1477 P.03 upper-most in their minds. We have three aspects of redevelopment at Mork in Atascadero today, Q/K the consultants, Westar, the developer, and, if you'll look at Page 14 of your handout, you'll see that the CRA has their own redevelopment lawyer to bullet ;proof them against any suits. The bond salesmen will appear very soon. It was unfortunate that this document was chosen to introduce this City to REDEVELOPMENT. The letter states in the first sentence, second para. , I Quote "The proposed agreement does not take away the rights of the property owner", while Page 2 of the agreement, Section 21 para. F clearly states that the Agency may exercise eminent domain if a property owner does not agree with the developer's agenda. Eminent domain for private gain. Why should the City give a developer this club over established merchants? What happened to the free market and individual property rights? When the developer had to get all property owners in agreement? The third paragraph of the letter mentions another Agreement, this is referred to by the acronym "DDA". Full title, Disposition and Development Agreement. Page 8 of your handout. This is where the whole purpose of this exercise comes together. The DDA is the instrument wherein the City provides what are called in the redevelopment trade " THE INCENTIVES": INCENTIVES INCLUDE SUCH VALUABLES AS: Waiver or deferral of development fees Fee reductions. Tax rebates. Financing assistance. Land cost write-downs. Revolving loan funds. KA-R -21 99 07446 P44 j4DHN 44C GGFF Fast track permit processing. Purchase, lease, and/or sale of real property, YOU GET THE PICTURE. I'm going to make a statement that will later be challenged, I'm sure. Moving to Page 4 of the Agreement we see that all this negotiation of the DDA, is done without public knowledge and, further, no statement may be released without the agreement of both parties. Last sentence could be construed as prohibiting any "prepared" statements" without agreement. -This may even be a violation or attempt to circumvent the Public Records Act. All I've got to go on is a track record of how long it took to get the numbers when the City entered into a Certificate of Participation with the Factory Outlet. In conclusion, let me say WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING WITH REDEVELOPMENT PROJECTS WHEN YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE: AN EIR. AN APPROVED PROJECT AREA. AN APPROVED REDEVELOPMENT PLAN. OR ANY METHOD OF FINANCING REDEVELOPMENT UNLESS YOU TAP THE WASTEWATER FUND AGAIN. ARE YOU BEING BLINDED IN YOUR ZEAL TO CAPTURE THE ALMIGHTY TAX INCREM M? THIS EFFORT IS ILL-TIMED, ILL CONCEIVED AND SHOULD NOT BE BROUGHT TO A VOTE. THANK YOU. f scadero Attachment: B Atascadero City Council March 9, 1999 Meeting Date: 03/09/99 Atsseadero City Council Mr. Mayor and other Councilmembers : I. hope that what you most want in conducting this survey is to have it be credible. Because people have lost so much faith in their government at all levels, it is most important that every action you take is one that rings true and convinces the community that you are sincere. May I make some recommendations? 1. -The survey must not invite stacking the deck. 2. It must be tabulated in a manner which inspires trust . 3. The returned questionnaires must be open for inspection by any member or members of the public . To achieve these ends, here are a few suggestions : 1. The survey should be mailed to resident households only. If you want to know what businesses think, the Chamber of Commerce and the BIA can easily poll them.. Besides , by including businesses , some residents will be surveyed more than once. 2. Why would stacks of the surveys be left in -public places? That most certainly is an invitation to those who are fear- ful of getting the wrong answers to stuff the ballot box. That action alone will totally discredit the survey. No pollster ever used that :,method. 3. I spoke with the Executive Secretary of San Luis Obispo, Barbara Erhbach, to find out how their surveys were tallied. She said she recorded every idea presented and another staff member prioritized them by the number of times each idea was presented, and then tallied them. Since ,+lade McKinney, Paul Saldana and other staff members are responsible mainly to the Council , I agree wholeheartedly with the idea presented elsewhere to have the two elected staff members record and tally--the City Clerk and the City Treasurer. I am pleased that you are asking the community what it finds important. Naturally I had hoped such a survey would have come before the Council had its two strategic planning sessions and had set its goals. Please convince us that you do went to hear from us and that you will incorporate some of our ideas. Please do not make us feel that we have been allowed a catharsis only. We want so very much to have faith in our city-governnie:nt. Dorothy F. McNeil 8765 Sierra Vista Edd. e'�_ 466-4128 Attachment: C Atascadero City Council Meeting Date: 03/09/99 t • r rMa - A Co a Co T • 'W 1 'Y rai AT'�`, /•,�i�.�i`i i`i. .i`i'•��,�err � 0 ■� 4 t LO LMEN" In r RIMt.! Cr �I! t N ♦�zf`�C4 Y Y O O O O O - to LO IT M N �-- ' lu;BOJ9d 6-2