HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 012699 Approved as submitted DATE: 02/23/99 MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY,JANUARY 26, 1999 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION INTERVIEWS 6:00 P.M. 1. Interview candidates 2. Select, by ballot, four citizens for the Parks & Recreation Commission. The City Council interviewed three candidates, Patrick Dempsey, Frank Kock and Paul Hood. Mayor Johnson stated that the two candidates that were unable to attend the interviews are still eligible for appointment and the Council should consider them when voting. Council Member Luna said that the Council needs to vote to include them on the ballot. MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Lerno to include candidates Craig Herron and Donald Horton on the ballot for Parks and Recreation Commissioners. Motion passed 4.1 by a roll-call vote. (Arrambide opposed) The City Council voted and appointed Patrick Dempsey, Frank Kock and Paul Hood to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Craig Herron and Donald Horton, both unable to attend the interviews, were tied for the fourth vacancy. The City Council voted again and Craig Herron was appointed to the Parks and Recreation Commission. REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: Mayor Johnson called the Regular Session to order at 7:00 p.m. and Mayor Pro Tem Mike Arrambide led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Arrambide, Clay, Lerno, Luna and Mayor Johnson Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia Torgerson and City Treasurer David G. Graham Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Assistant City Engineer John Neil, Senior Civil Engineer David Beas, Public Works Technician Valerie Humphrey and City Attorney Roy Hanley. CC 01/26/99 Page 1 of 8 Approved as submitted DATE: 02/23/99 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Lerno to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS: Ground Water Guardian Community - The Atascadero Mutual Water Company will announce that the City of Atascadero has received the designation of a Ground Water Guardian Community. They will present the City Council with signs reflecting this designation. Jim Patterson,Atascadero Mutual Water Company, gave a presentation to the Council explaining the Groundwater Guardian Program was founded to educate our community on the importance of maintaining a water supply in both quantity and quality. He stated that Atascadero is one of 131 communities nationwide that have been given this honor. He stressed the importance of educating the public about the nature and value of groundwater. He introduced the members of the Groundwater Team to the Council: Geoff English(City of Atascadero), Michele Valesko (Atascadero Waste Alternatives), Roger Zachary (High School Faculty), Lindsay Hampton (Community at large) and Susan Litteral (County Engineering Department) and Sheree Ricketts (Community at large). COMMUNITY FORUM: John McGoff, 9192 Maple St., read a prepared statement in which he expressed his concerns with the Council's actions at their last meeting when they removed Jennifer Hageman from the Planning Commission. (see Attachment A) Bill Bright, 11875 Santa Lucia, stated he thought now is the time to re-write the Downtown Master Plan now in preparation of the Redevelopment Agency's future actions concerning the downtown. He said that he would like to be a part of that process. Henry Ridder, 10900 Portola Road, President Pro Tem of the Friends of the Library. He explained that the County funds the library but that does not include children's programs, materials, etc. He stated that the expansion will be funded 50%by the County and 50%by the City and Friends of the Library funds. He referred to a survey conducted for the San Luis Obispo County City-County Library (see Attachment B). He asked for support from the City. Mike Murphy, Santa Clara Road, spoke about his concerns with the Eagle Creek Golf Course lights. He thanked Council Member Clay for coming to his home to see the impact on his property. He stated that he is circulating a petition around his neighborhood which states that the golf course is not in compliance with Atascadero's lighting ordinance and submitted them for the Council to review. (see Attachment C) CC 01/26/99 Page 2 of 8 Approved as submitted DATE: 02/23/99 Council Member Clay suggested that some of the other City Council Members go out and see what is going on in this neighborhood. Council Member Luna asked when the Council can expect a report on the golf course lights. City Manager Wade McKinney responded that he will let the Council know tomorrow. Council Member Clay asked that the engineer writing the report be asked to go to the homes that are being affected by the lights so that he can address their concerns. Mayor Johnson closed the Community Forum period. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Council Member Luna stated that he is very sensitive to the criticism that the Council is sacrificing the soul of the City to the golden calf of sales tax. With respect to the adult bookstore, Council Member Luna proposed that Atascadero calculate the sales tax that we receive from the adult bookstore, and use that money to fight the effects of pornography on our community. Mayor Johnson asked staff to come back with a report on this issue. Council Member Clay announced the Super Bowl Blowout on January 3 Pt. He invited everyone to attend and help out. Also, he announced that the Chamber is having their annual awards dinner on January 30t''. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call 1. November 1998 Accounts Payable & Payroll—Fiscal Impact: $898,482.23 (Staff recommendation: Review and approve) [Rachelle Rickard] 2. December 1998 Accounts Payable & Payroll—Fiscal Impact: $977,313.24 (Staff recommendation: Review and approve) [Rachelle Rickard] 3. Minor Road Improvements Program—twelve miscellaneous road repair and drainage projects—Fiscal Impact: $56,076 to be paid from Fund 700 "Streets & Bridges Fees"— (Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with Madonna Construction to construct twelve miscellaneous road repair and drainage projects) [Brady Cherry] 4. Santa Cruz Road Slope Rehabilitation Project—Fiscal Impact: $96,526 in FEMA storm damage repair funds (Staff recommendation: Council authorize the mayor to execute an agreement with Souza Construction to construct the improvements required to repair a failed road slope on Santa Cruz Road) [Brady Cherry] 5, Atascadero Avenue Bridge Slope Stabilization Project—Fiscal Impact: $36,000 to be paid from Fund 705 "Streets & Bridges Fees"— (Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor to execute an agreement with Whitaker contractors Inc. to construct the improvements required to provide slope stabilization at the Atascadero Avenue Bridge) [Brady Cherry] CC 01/26/99 Page 3 of 8 Approved as submitted DATE: 02/23/99 MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 3. Establishment of Speed Limit—on various streets—Fiscal Impact: $8,500 already budgeted funds—(Traffic Committee recommendation: Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-004 which formally establishes a speed limit on various city streets) [Dennis Hegwood/ Police Chief Dennis Hegwood gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. He explained that the Council has a revised staff report in front of them (see Attachment D). He explained the process of conducting speed surveys and their importance towards enforcing speed limits. Council Member Luna asked if the public was going to be warned about the City's new enforcement policy. Chief Hegwood responded that there will be a public awareness campaign and then there will ultimately be enforcement. Council Member Clay stated that he does not like the idea of increasing the speed limits at all. He said that he felt there was justification for lowering the limits from the survey results because of our narrow roads, limited sight distance, no sidewalks, etc. Chief Hegwood agreed with Council Member Clay that he is also concerned about raising the speed limits, however, he is bound by certain rules and regulations with respect to the California Department of Transportation and the California Vehicle Code. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide asked how often we can do speed surveys. Chief Hegwood answered that the time limit is 7 years. The Council expressed a general concern about raising the speed limits on local streets, especially near schools. City Attorney Roy Hanley responded that the speed limit around the schools will remain 25 MPH. Mr. McKinney explained that the State does not allow a "political" change to speeds recommended by surveys. If we do so, the surveys will be thrown out and the police would not be able to use radar to monitor speed. PUBLIC COMMENT: Rush Kolemaine, P.O. Box 1990, asked for clarification on signage in the city notifying the public of the use of radar. Chief Hegwood answered they are posted at the city limits. He also expressed his concerns of adequate speed limit signage. CC 01/26/99 Page 4 of 8 Approved as submitted DATE: 02/23/99 Robert Manning, 7400 Cortez, asked if since we don't want to raise the speed limits, why not leave the existing speed signs. City Attorney Roy Hanley responded that the police would not be able to use radar if the speed was posted lower than the speed surveys. Judy Murphy, 9320 Santa Clara Road, stated that she walks often and is concerned with the increase in the speed limits. She also said that more crosswalks would be convenient in between the long blocks on El Camino Real. Andy Arms, 7500 Graves Creek Road, thanked the Police Chief and the City for trying to control the speed problems in Atascadero. He suggested that the City focus on enforcement options. Chuck Wallen, Graves Creek Road, stated that the traffic on Graves Creek Road goes too fast. He also asked why Atascadero could not place a few crosswalks in between the long blocks with a signal light on El Camino Real. Bill Bright, 11875 Santa Lucia Road, suggested that they keep the blacktop narrow and put wide base shoulders on Portola Road to control speeders. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. There was lengthy Council discussion on this item. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to adopt Resolution No. 1999-004 which formally establishes a speed limit on various city streets. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Clay opposed) 1. Refinancing of 1993 Camino Real Improvement Bonds—Fiscal Impact: $20,000 in administrative fee revenue upon issuance and potential additional savings of up to $86,000 throughout the life of the bonds— (Staff recommendations: 1) Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-001 declaring intention to refund the outstanding bonds of Camino Real Improvement Project, 2) Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-002 approving and confirming report and reassessment for the refunding of the outstanding bonds for Camino Real Improvement Project, and 3) Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-003 authorizing the issuance and sale of refunding bonds for Camino Real Improvement Project) [Rachelle Rickard] Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report, explained that the City has no liability in this issue, and answered questions of Council PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Council Member Lerno and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to adopt Resolution No. 1999-001 declaring intention to refund the outstanding bonds of Camino Real Improvement Project. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. CC 01/26/99 Page 5 of 8 Approved as submitted DATE: 02/23/99 MOTION: By Council Member Lerno and seconded by Council Member Clay to adopt Resolution No. 1999-002 approving and confirming report and reassessment for the refunding of the outstanding bonds for Camino Real Improvement Project. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. MOTION: By Council Member Lerno and seconded by Council Member Clay to adopt Resolution No. 1999-003 authorizing the issuance and sale of refunding bonds for Camino Real Improvement Project. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 2. Comprehensive Financial Strategy - Outside Agency Funding Requests—adding policy to Comprehensive Financial Strategy concerning funding outside organizational requests —Fiscal Impact: None (Staff recommendation: Council add Funding Outside Agency Policy to Atascadero's Comprehensive Financial Strategy) [Wade McKinney] City Manager Wade McKinney gave the staff report explaining the purpose of adding this policy to Atascadero's Financial Strategy. He gave the Council a revised copy of the policy. There was Council discussion about the agencies who regularly request funds and if they would comply with this policy. PUBLIC COMMENT: Rush Kolemaine, P.O. Box 1990, expressed his appreciation to the City Manager for bringing this policy to the Council and encouraged the Council to approve it. Casey Daniels, 8450 Los Osos Road, representative for the North County Humane Society, stated that it is important that the City not cut the spay-neuter program. George Green, SEIU representative, stated that the employees of Atascadero supports this policy. Eric Greening, 6600 Lewis Ave., stated that he agreed that spay-neuter must not be cut. He also stated that the Women's Shelter is also very important to the community. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Lerno to add the amended Funding Outside Agency Policy to Atascadero's Comprehensive Financial Strategy (see Attachment E). Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 4. Information Bulletin CC 01/26/99 Page 6 of 8 Approved as submitted DATE: 02/23/99 D. COMMITTEE REPORTS S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority Mayor Johnson said that they meet next week. Finance Committee Council Member Luna said that they meet tomorrow. Water Committees Council Member Clay stated that hey meet the first of month. Air Pollution Control District Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide said that they meet tomorrow. County Mayor's Round Table Mayor Johnson stated that they will be meeting on Friday. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors Mayor Johnson said that they meet tomorrow. Economic Opportunity Commission Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide said that he was seated as a Board Member last Thursday. He stated that the EOC plans on doing a National Conference at Embassy Suites on the topic of Childcare Program Development from March 1S`to March 3rd E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Council Mayor Johnson stated that the City is concerned about the Y2K issue and making sure the City will not be affected. Cites City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson announced that earlier in the evening the Council appointed Patrick Dempsey, Frank Kock, Paul Hood and Craig Herron to the Parks and Recreation Commission. City Treasurer City Treasurer David Graham announced that there will be a Finance Committee meeting tomorrow. He stated that one of the items on the agenda is the Y2K issue. F. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Johnson adjourned the Regular Session at 8:55 p.m. to the Redevelopment Agency Meeting. CC 01/26/99 Page 7 of 8 Approved as submitted DATE: 02/23/99 CLOSED SESSION: 1) Conference with negotiator over real property. (Govt. Code 54956.8) Negotiator: City Manager Wade McKinney Property: Mr. & Mrs. Hensley, 9085 Morro Road Negotiations will include price and/or terms of payment City Attorney Roy Hanley announced that the Council directed the City Manager to enter into a contract with Mr. & Mrs. Hensley. 2) Conference with negotiator over real property. (Govt. Code 54956.8) Negotiator: City Manager Wade McKinney Property: Estate of W. P. Guidry, APN#031-361-003, #031-361-017, #031-361-015, #031-361-011, and#031-361-012. Also APN#028-092-009, #056-322-010, and#056-322-011. Negotiations will include price and/or terms of payment. City Attorney Roy Hanley announced that the Council gave direction to the City Manager concerning this issue. 3) Conference with negotiator over real property. (Govt. Code 54956.8) Negotiator: City Manager Wade McKinney Property: 9600 Marchant Ave. Negotiations will include price and/or terms of payment City Attorney Roy Hanley announced that the Council directed the City Manager to sell above- referenced property to Mr. Thomas DeVore. 4) Conference with legal counsel—Pending litigation (Govt. Code Sec. 54956.9(a)) Name of case: Marquez v. City of Atascadero, Claim No. 5106278 City Attorney Roy Hanley announced that the Council gave direction to the City Manager concerning this issue. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A— Prepared statement, John McGoff, dated 1/26/99 Attachment B — SLO City-County Library Survey Results, dated 9/23/98 (Henry Ridder) Attachment C - Statements concerning Eagle Creek Golf Course Attachment D - Revised staff report on Speed Limits,1/26/99 Attachment E - Outside Agency Funding Requests Policy CC 01/26/99 Page 8 of 8 Attachment:A Atascadero City Council Meeting Date: 01/26/99 City Council January 26, 1999 Community Forum The day after the Council meeting of Jan 12 :" I had a chance meeting with Councilman Arrambidie in the County Courthouse. We talked of many subjects over the course of some 45 minutes. Foremost, was the concern I expressed regarding the conduct of the Council on the previous evening, especially the exercise of "synchronizing" the Planning Commission. I believe, under other administrations it was called "packing" . At that time, I told the Councilman that, as a matter of principle, I never undertake to say something ABOUT an individual or institution that I would not say TO that individual or institution. On occasion, I have expressed my concerns at this podium as well as in our local paper, however, I and others who have differing opinions, are finding it extremely difficult getting our views printed. So now I'm addressing the Council majority as an institution. At this podium and in the press, a political mentor of the majority stated that we could expect a"kinder and gentler council" in this administration. Well, based on the record of the last meeting, you still have a long way to go. Humiliation, intimidation and revenge are not characteristics of a healthy administration, and, consequently, have no place in this community. r The sacking of Jennifer Hageman was a display of pure political arrogance. This occurred when one Councilman, in his zeal to punish Ms. Hageman For doing her job, and, I suppose, almost unseating one of you, lost his place and made a motion before the Mayor had an opportunity .to create any appearance of propriety by having a "vote" on the issue. Ms . Hageman was double-teamed Humiliation and Revenge. She deserved none of this . She does deserve an apology and thanks for her service to the community. With the petty vote of "no confidence" in Chairman Zimmerman, another Commissioner who does his homework and arrives at informed, as opposed to uninformed, decisions, we arrive at Intimidation. If any of the survivors or newly sworn Planning Commission have any doubts about what serving at the pleasure of the Council means, just trying becoming unsynchronized and the Council' s pleasure awaits. Should there be any doubt, you only have to refer to the Oath of Fealty posited in the "Three Questions" asked of you and there should be no question in your mind. The whole process would have had more substance had the council majority displayed some political courage and named themselves the Planning Commission. They are already "The Council" the "Community Redevelopment Agency", so, 'why not the final act of defiance? There is talk that our city leaders should be shown more respect, and that since they were elected, they should be respected. Respect is not bought, it is not bullied, nor is it even elected, it is only earned by thought and deed. While I'm talking respect, let me say that some of your most ardent supporters show you no respect when they gather at the rear of the council chamber and conduct their own meetings Later, Eagle Creek came to the well again, this time to try to mitigate a safety concern, that of golf balls hitting the property adjacent to the driving range. The solution appeared to be to add 20 feet to the poles supporting the netting. I guess the Titanium drivers make em do that. If they ever make a driver out of Kryptonite, they may have to go to NASA for airspace clearance. It wasn' t the project, which was of concern, it was the process . When it became time for a vote, both Councilmen Lerno and Clay stepped down because of actual or apparent "conflict of interest" What is, and should be, chilling to the citizens of this city was not the fact that the vote was 2 to 1 for the project. In the future, in matters of land use, the quality of life in this community would be in the hands of two people. This is not representative government. It should not be the future of Atascadero. Thank you. 09-23-fp'Sle,09:23AM FROM E M R G CONSULT 1 NG GROUP TO 461 0 22 P.02 Attachmen#: Atascadero City Council Meeting Date: 01/26/99 S�r�luisDlrrspv�orrr�ty�i�i��or�n�llbr�rySurrreyJ3esults . overflew What follows are the survey results reported by question. Results are given for the sample as a whole and then in four regions in the county. The regions were as follows- These regions were drawn to allow for a stratified sample to be drawn. Results are given in percent response. A total of 1000 surveys were received in the following configuration: No.Registered Voters Regiort" Area Region A North County-Santa Margarita 39,000 North Region B Coast-San Simeon through Los 22,000 Osos Region C San Luis Obispo&Avila Beach 34,004 Region D South County-Shell Beach south to 36,000 Santa Maria border A total of 4200 surveys were mailed in late May '98 with 1000 returned for a 24% response rate. Survey returns were relatively consistent throughout the county. The smallest region total was for the north county because a separate mailing was to be done later in the summer to Paso Robles voters. In addition to the 191 surveys received in this mailing, 173 were also returned from Paso Robles for a total of 364 from the North County. Sampling Error for the survey was very low due to the large sample size: Sample Set Sample Set, sampling Error Total Survey 11000 1.6% North County 191 3.6% Coast 254 3.1% San Luis Obispo 271 3.0% South County 281 3.0% The standard of practice for most surveys and polls conducted today for sampling error is between 3.5%to 5.0%. The small sampling error within the regions allows provides the opportunity to discuss and compare this information and still have meaningful results. 1. 09-23-1998 09:24AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.03 ���lu1sllt�lspo��r��ly�ity-�o�ntyLif�r�,ryStrlveyB�sul�s . 1. in general,how would you rate your local government in providing public services to you? Would you say that it is doing an excellent,good,fair or poor job? Rating Countywide No,County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Excellent 10% 7% 7% 14% 12% ' Good 56% 51% 48% 67% 56ye Fair 27% 33% .34% 16% 27% Poor 5% 4% 10% 2% 4% No Opinion j 2% 4% 2% 2% 211/a 2.Please rank the following services provided by local government from I to 7 [with 1 being the most important] in their order of importance to you. Service Ranking Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County 1 Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement 2 Fire Department Fre Department Fire Department Fire Department Fire Department 3 Public Schools Health Services Streets&Sewer Streets&Sewer Maintenance Public Schools Maintenance 4 Public library Public Library Public library Public library Public Library 5 Public Library Public library Public Library Public library Public Library 6 Parks&Recreation Parks&Recreation Parks&Recreation Parks&Recreation Parks&Recreation 7 Parks&Recreation Parks&Recreation Parks&Recreatlon Parks&Recreation Parks&Recreation 3.On average,can you tell us the number of times members of your family visited a public library in the last 12 months. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo 80.County Weekly 21% 18% 32% 12% 21% >2 per Month 23% 24% 22% 23% 24% Monthly 15% 17% 16% 13% 15% 6-10 Times per Year 13% 13% S% 17% 14% 3.5 rimes per Year 11% 14% 8% 12% 11% Once or Twice per 12% 7% 11% 17% 130A Year Never 5% 6% 3% 6% 3% SLO City-County Library Survey Results 1 09-23-1998 09:25AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.04 4. If you answered NEVER or ONCE OR TWICE in Question 3,why have you not visited a public library in the last year? ' Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Too Busy 17% 12% 12°� 20% 24 Get information Elsewhere 19% 13% 18% 24% 18% Isn't Open When i Can Go 12% 12% 18% 10% 13% Difficulty Finding Parking $% 10% 1% 15% 4% Difficulty with Transportation 3% 1% 1% 4% 49A Don't Use Libraries 6% 9% 6% 7% 4% Use the Internet 12% 7% 120,6 14% 14% Don't have Up-to-date 5% 4% 59'0 5% 6% Materials Other 17% 16% 27% 15% 13% 5. If you use the library, please complete the following sentences: The Library... aJ Is open when 1 need it. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So,County Agree 67% 57% 53% 62% 5896 Disagree 40% 41% 44% 35% 40% bJ Has up-to-date materials. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 74% 72% 76% 74% 72% Disagree 19% 23% 17% 18% 21% c]Has friendly staff Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 94% 94% 95% 95% .94% Disagree 3% 3% 3% 2% 4% d]Is In a clean, attractive building. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 97% 95% 96% 98% 97% Disagree 2% 3% 3% 2°k 3°�6 SLO City-County Library Survey Results 2 09-23-1998 09:25AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.05 5. If you use the library,please complete the following sentences: The Library... ej Is in a safe neighborhood Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 990 98% 100% 99°k100% Disagree 1% 2% - fj Is in a convenient locaaion. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 93% 94% 97% 88% 92% Disagree 6% 5% 2% 10% 796 V Has ample parking. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 62% 40% 7= 38% 83% Disagree 37% 59% 22% 60% 17% hl.Has good computer resources. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 57% 58% 66% 63% 60% Disagree 18% 18% 20% 17%.. 18% No Opinion 25% 23% 24% 30% 22% ij Is too noisy. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 12yo 8% 13% 10% 14% Disagree 81% . . 87$ 80% 80% 79% SLO City-County Library Survey Results 3 09-23-1998 09:26AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.06 6. When I go to the library, it usually has what I'm looking for. Rating Countywide No,County ? Coast San Luis Obispo 60.County Agree 80% 74% 84% 81% . 79% Disagree 17% 24% 13% 14% 18% 7. Which of the following information and resources have you used from`a library?Top Six Information• and Resources Utilized: Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis So.County Cuesta College Cal Poly Library pbispo 1 Books for Books for Books for Books for Books for School or College School or College Pleasure Pleasure Pleasure Pleasure Pleasure Projects Projects 2 Videos,CDs, Videos,CDs, Videos,CDs, Magazines or Videos,CDs, Career Business Research Books-on-tape Books-on-tape Books-on-tape Newspapers Books-on-tape Information 3 Magazines or Magazines ,. Magazines or Videos,CDs, Magazines or Magazines or Career Information Newspapers Newspapers Books-on-tape Newspapers Newspapers 4 Self Help Self Help Self Help Children's Self Help Books for Magazines and Materials Materials Materials Services Materials Pleasure Newspapers —;- 5 Health Children's Health 'Attend Children's Business Books for Pleasure Information Services Information Meedngs or Services Research Froyams - 6 Children's School/College Children's Health Health Computers for Informaiton Services Projects services lubmation I Information Word Processing Requests 8. Have you ever used the public library's on-line'catalog from your home,work or school? Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Yes 11% 12% 10% 10% 10% No 89% R% 90% 90% 90% 8a] If Yes,how easy or difficult was it to use the catalog? Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo 80.County Easy or Very Easy 81% 83% 79% 84% 78% Somewhat Difficult 15% 13% 17% 13% 18% Very Difficult 4% 4% ' 3% 3% 4% SLO City-County Library Survey Results 4 1 09-23-1998 09:27AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.07 9. In your opinion,what are the two best w8Vs to improve your local library services? Response Category Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo 'So.County Add more books or other materials. 25% 27% 23% 24% 2896 Increase the number of computers for 7% 6% 79'e 6% 9% public use. Train library staff and volunteers to be 1% 1% 2% 1% 2% more pleasant. Make the physical appearance of the 1% 1% 1% library more pleasant. Enlarge library facilities. 8% 11% 12% 5°4 6% Open libraries more in the evenings.and 34% 32% 36% 32% 35°ti on weekends. Increase available parking. 10% 14% 5% 17% 21Y, Nothing,libraries are fine. 6% 3% 7% 4% 8% Hire more staff. 1% 1% 1% 1% 2% F nd onlineicomputer access to 6% 6°/Y 5% 9% 5% ry resources. 10. The library is considering focusing on some specialized services through grant funding. Please tell us how important these would be in your community. Response Category Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County al Expand library buildings. 39% 57% 49% 28% 29% bl Homework assistance to junior high 58% 59% 54% 56% 63% and high school students. cl Expand access to health Information 53% 41% 61% 51% 56% dj Provide greater access to library 43% 34% 41% 45% 49% materials through the bookmobile service in remote areas. el Provide services to senior citizens 59% 48% 62% 56% 66% such as homebound services,financial services and help with computers. fl Increased public Internet access. 44% 36% 46% 45% 45% gl Adult cultural programs such as film 43% 37% 44%. 48% 42% festivals or lecture series. The percents shown in Question 10 represent the total of those who felt the response category was either Yery Important or Important. SLO City-County Library Survey Results' 5 09-23-1998 09:27AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.08 11. Please indicate your level of agreement with each statement below. aJ Libraries should provide computers and on-line services to children and adults who need them. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 76% 75% 74% 79% 75% Disagree F 15% 15% 17% . 13% 16% bJ City and county government have a responsibility to make sure our local libraries are adequately funded. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 96% 92% 98% 98% 95% Disagree 3% 4% 2% 20% cJ Public libraries are essential to the quality oflife in our community, Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So,County Agree98% 96% 99% 97% 980,b Disagree 1% 2% 1% 296 dJ Libraries play an essential role in the education of our children. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So,County Agree 98% 98% 99% 98% 97% Disagree 10� - - 2% 2% e]The Internet has all the information I need,therefore libraries are a low priority. Rating Countywide. No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County . Agree 4% 7% 3% 4% 2% Disagree 88% 86% 87% 88% 91% ff I am reluctant to pay more taxes no matter how worthy the cause. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 26% 34% 23% 25% 25% Disagree 66% 60% 71% 68% 53% No Opinion 8% 6% 6% 6% 1204 SLO Gly-County Library Survey Results 6. 09-23-1993 09:22AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.09 gj Well funded libraries can help reduce the crime'rate by giving youth an educational alternative to hanging out on the streets. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 67% 5796 68% 6896 7219 Disagree 21% 31% 19% 20% 19% hj The library is a place to find out what is happening in the community. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 65% 57% 70% 68% 62% Disagree 22% 26% 18% 21% 23% ij I would rather browse in bookstores than browse in the library because bookstores have newer books and magazines. Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Agree 30% 34% 23% 39% 27% Disagree 60% 51% 70% 51% 59% 12. Please rank from 1 to 7 [with 1 the highest amount]what you believe are the sources of public library funding. Rating Countywide No.County Coast! San Luis Obispo So.County Actual 1 Local Property Local Property Local Property Local Property Local Property Tax Local Property Tax Tax Tax Tax Tax 2 City Government CityGovernment state: City Government City Government GovemmeAUState Government 3 State State City Goverriment State City Government/ Government Government Government State Government 4 Federal Funding Grants& Federal Funds Federal Funds Federal Funds Donations ` 5 Grants& Grants& Grants.& Grants& Grants&Donations Donations Donations Donadops Donations 6 Fines&Fees Fines&Fees Fines&Fees Fines&Fees Fines&Fees 7 Public Schools Pubilo Schools Public Schools Public Schools Public Schools 1 Public Schools SLO City-County Library Survey Results 7 09-23-1998 09:29AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.10 13.In San Luis Obispo County,on average, less than 20 of every local roperhtax dollar is spent on public libraries. Do you feet this is adequate,too low or too high? Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Adequate 14% 24% 9% 14% 1296 Too Low 66% 53% 75% 63°r6 69% Too High - - 1% No Opinion 20% 22% 15% 22% 19% 14. If an election were held next month to increase local funding support for public libraries in San Luis Obispo County,would you pay an additional $25 per year for 10 years to support public libraries? Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Yes 59% 50% 63% 60% 62% No 16% 21% 14% 16% 15% Undecided 24% 29% 23% 24% 23% 14a]If Yes,what would be the most important use for the additional funds? Rating Countywide- No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Replace lost open 37% 32% 39% 37% 34% hours Add more videotapes 10% 13% 8% 9% 10% CDs and books-on-tape Increase computer 10% 10% 6% 12% 10% resources Expand library 13% 18% 18% 7% 11% facilities Add more up-to-date 31%, 28% 29% 33% 32% books and materials. Other - 3% 2% 2% 3% 15. What are areas in your life where you would like additional information? Rating Countywide No.County Coast son Luis Obispo So.County Health,Nutrition,Fitness 46% ` 39% 46% 50% 48% Business&Finance 28% 25% 28% 33% 24% Travel 36% 37% 38% 40% 31% Local,Community Information 37% 35% 35% 40% 37% Consumer and$elf Help Information 41% 40% 41% 41% 42% Jobs&Carvers 20% 20% 15% 21% 24% None 12% 16% 10% 11% 10% Other 14% 15% 11% 13% 10% Categories derived from information use survey repotted to Library Joumai 11/97. SLO City-County Library Survey Results 8 09-23-1998 09:29AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 -P.11 16. Are you currently a student at Cal F01y,Cuesta College or both? 9%of the survey are students at either Cal Foly or Cuesta College, This represents students who are both full and part time at either or both institutions. 17. Do you use computers in your home or business? Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo Eso.�County Yes 73% 72% 85°!0 81% No 27% 28% 35% 19% 25% 17a]If Yes, do you for family members]utilize on-line sources of information? Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Frequently 48% 47% 46% 55% 44% Occasionally 24% 206/0 23% 23% 29% Rarely 5% 6% 3% 7% $% Not at All 94% 18% 16% 9% 14% planning to Start 9% 10% 10% 7% 10% 18.In general,how often do you vote in and local elections? Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Every Election 81% 80% 85% 80% 78% Most Elections 15% 15% 13% 16% 16°b About Half the Time 3% 3% 1% 3% 4% <Half the Time 1% 1% Do Not Usually Vote .1% 1% 1% 1% 196 19. Would you consider yourself a moderate,conservative or liberal on most issues? Rating Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Moderate 42°h 35% 46% 4096 43% Conservative 34% 46% 26% 30% 36% Liberal 2496 14% 28% 30°,6 21°/0 SLO City-County Library Survey Results 9 09-23-1998 09:30AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.12 i 20.How long have you lived in San Luis Obispo County? Timeframe Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo '-So.County <1 Year 2% 2% 3% 1% 1-5 Years 18% 14°k 17% 18% 22% 6.10 Years 16% 10% 19% 14% 20% 11.95 Years 16% 15% 18% 15% 16% 16-20 Years 15% 20% 19% 11% 12°k 21-25Years 9% 11% 7% 9% 10% 26.30 Years 8% 8% 6% 9% 7% >30 Years 17% 22% 12% 22% 13% 21. Which category best represents the highest level of education you have completed? Education Level Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County <High School 2% 3% 1% 1% 3% ' High School Diploma 10% 12% 10% 6% 11% Some College 36% 43% 35% 228% 38% College Degree 25% 1 24%. 19% 32% 25% Post Graduate Work 28% i9% ::f 3561 34% 23% 22. What income level best represents your household's gross income? Income Level Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County 425,000 17% 18% 15% 22% 13% $25.49,000 35% 34% 42% 24% 40% $60.74,900 27% 29% 27% 26% 27% X75.95,000 12% 12% 1196 1496 11% >;95,000 9% 696 5, 15% 9% 23. With which ethnic group do you identify? Ethnic Group Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Atcual County Survey Demographics Asian 2% 1% 2% 2% Latino 4% 3% 1% 4% 5% African American - - - Native American 3% 3% 2% 4% 4% Caucasian 84% 87% :92% 85% 85% Other 4% 4% •4% 4% SLD City-CountyLibrary Survey Results 10 09-23-1998 09:30AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.13 24.Will you share with us the year you were born?:[Converted to ageforpurposes ofm:alysis] Age Range Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Voter File 18.27 7% 7% 4%, 11% 6% 13% 2837 13% 12% 7%' 1 12% 17% 15% 38.47 23% 29% 179 25% 23% 21% 48.57 17% 20% 1796 19% 1596 1696 58.67 15% 16% 16°k 14% 15% 10% 68.77 17% 10% 26% 12% 170/0 10% 78.87 7% 5% 10% 6% 7% 5% 88-110 1% - 1% 1% - 1% 25. Please identify your gender: Gender Countywide No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Voter File Mals 34% 35% 34% 35% 34% 46% Female 66% 65% 66% 65% 66% 54% SLO City-County Library Survey Results .11 09-23-1998 09:31AM FROM E M R G CONSULTING GROUP TO 461604522 P.14 $sn lois llfiispe OW-Conly I&VVIY survey Comments Byer►®w Respondents were given the opportunity to share any final comments at the end of their survey. Over 30%took the opportunity to share their thoughts. What follows is a summary of the main areas of interest,comment or concern county wide and by region as well as the full text of these comments. Total Survey No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County No.Responses 312 50 '84 92 84 %Responses 31% 26% 33%: 34% 30% The percent of responses varies only slightlythroughout the county. Often those who take the time on a survey to share additional comments have something negative to share. This is not really the case here. Those who shared their comments-want to see libraries improved,materials added and hours expanded. But,they don't see significant problems with perhaps the library's most critical resource,its people. There are more individual comments than total responses because many individuals wrote multiple comments in their response. These comments have:`been grouped into broad categories. These categories are as follows: Comment Category Totzkf Survey No.County Coast San Luis Obispo So.County Don't Use Library 16 2 5 6 3 Increase Open Hours 47 7 18 12 10 More Books&Materials 48 9 12 12 15 Negative Staff Comments 11 1 34 3 Positive Staff Comments 29 7 9 5 g General Ubrary Negatives 40 3 12 14 10 General Library Positives 82 11 23 22 25 Facility Comments 11 1 3 4 3 Parking 12 3 1 7 1 Funding 24 2 8 7 Computers 18 0 3 6 9 Other 45 8 11 16 10 "Other"comments recorded on the survey either did not fit into one of the.above categories,or reflected either positive or negative comments of the composition of the survey itself. SLD City-County Library Survey Comments 1 Attachment: C Atascadero City Council s Meeting Date: 01/26/99 To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for s�reet lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet, the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK _DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name ignature _.� (�_9 Vis✓LJ ✓� Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street fights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet, the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature vt Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: f 1l Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Vic_� L EvimdI H a A-t Printed name Signature C�-- Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D) Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet, the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature �jr � c7J; .aaA LI e ?2.Z- Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. ro2-0t,4L1� ct[1 L Fe-4-at Printed name Signature 36� 014- Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 198"3 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all. outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) ryl'iiurr Mtion of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. rA pv-lra "J4,wok-,Printed name Signa e cYD tN�A r CA YvIn 'Ala(23c,ad e�lo Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D) Liuht Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. S S Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)NZinirnization of Light Intensitv:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels,shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed n e Sighature 23va ma o ATA C Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be.shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. F To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. 6�LlDi F19PP Printed name Signatgre 17r2. S— ZZ Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature a 1 C� ���I Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1)Ground Illuminating Lights,Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature 25<b5 sy�0,no o�d S S hel l gead�, CAS- 8311 � Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED 1UNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded:(l) Ground Illuminating Li ts:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are.not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. 6Tl5u.r7 5114 7-9 ti Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of L:ight Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating_Li ts:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. 12A�a� cgsT2� � Printed name ignature 3 7(6 2�Y-0 C�• Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D) Light Sources to be Shielded: (I) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being.enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Kptoeme tc ZIC/ �P Printed name Signature100, Zxf/o 1�9nr, r CJS'L°*1;1-74 w 95,vf1s-- Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4:317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to.be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Li ts: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. M Printed name signature ZSa LA S� ce�No Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1)Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source.intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded:(1) Ground Illuminating Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The'lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature f r70 Mc,,e tC Aue - Zc)S 05o C/4 6 3 y 0 Z Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting:The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensitv:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Li ts: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my.belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. ate; 6;- Sloarl ti Printed name Signature SV7 SRN Lu;s Ave k5tylo (fie 1n CA 93Z-yJ Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to , extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. P,e,ub�&o I ,o Printed name Signature or Q z- C � Beta Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Liaght Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Iffuminating Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Liaht Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded:(1) Ground Illuminating_Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. r_J To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. v� Printed name Signature Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in -such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1)Ground Illuminating Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produceddirectly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. DADAAi P, r0d(Skr� Printed name Signa e 2z5 WhAebu S4 AtloUo f. tmA a,9 3L123 Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1)Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name i afar Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)lviinuivzation of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D) Light Sources to be Shielded: (1)Ground Illuminating Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other'fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name S tur Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 21, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1)Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. 0�r( �AQ.f May- +i(1 Printed name Signature r i v Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Nsinimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Likht Sources to be Shielded: (1)Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been.bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city Iighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signat Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D) Light Sources to be Shielded:(1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name signature Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting:The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE: The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. s -GAJ N'�v Printed name Signature ks ' S�ll�Gt2C>PK RO Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)N mmuzation of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1)Ground Illuminating_Lights:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature 2 C.5 Lt'I L 5.,Oe�) Cia3 Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Li ts:Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. L t z_ /zpnv*,V sJ<X ' Printed name Signa e ,2 /_S Zo S pSoS G/9- i3S/o z Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot:light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C) motion of Light Intensity: No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature Sat ci Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating Lim: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. - Aam of b Printed name Signature 06 Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership ofthe applicant. Q Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glaze shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1) Ground Illuminating.Lights: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. T To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. SIC4 er Printed name v Signature lg sf f CA c_T '_f Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 974.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B) Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the ownership of the applicant. C)hNnimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D) Light Sources to be Shielded: (1)Ground Illuminating Li ts: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. To whom it may concern, It is my belief that the lighting codes are not being enforced at the EAGLE CREEK DRIVING RANGE. The lights have been bothering the neighbors since August of 1998, and I am in-favor of enforcing the Atascadero city lighting ordinance. Thank you. Printed name Signature 4elt1twa L �� , .G.� Gam . , 9.?q Address ORDINANCE ADOPTED JUNE 27, 1983 Section 9-4.317 exterior lighting: The standards of this section are applicable to all outdoor night-lighting sources installed after the effective date of this title, except for street lights located within public rights-of-way and all uses established in the agriculture zone. B)Light Directed Onto Lot: Light sources shall be designed and adjusted to direct light away from any road of street and away from any dwelling outside the owneship of the applicant. C)Minimization of Light Intensity:No light or glare shall be transmitted or reflected in such concentration or intensity as to be detrimental or harmful to persons or to interfere with the use of surrounding properties or streets. D)Light Sources to be Shielded: (1)Ground Illuminatin Lits: Any light source used for ground area illumination except incandescent lamps of 150 watts or less and light produced directly by the combustion of natural gas or other fuels, shall be shielded from above in such a manner that the edge of the light shield is level with or below the lowest edge of the light source. Where any light source intended for ground illumination is located at a height greater than eight feet,the required shielding is to extend below the lowest edge of the light source a distance sufficient to block the light source from the view of any residential use within 1,000 feet of the light fixture. Attachment: D City Council Iledog#a%: 6 tFAig DATE: 01/26/99 City Manager's Agenda Report Wade G. McKinney Establishment of Speed Limit RECOMMENDATION: Traffic Committee recommends that Council adopt Resolution No. 1999-004 which formally establishes a speed limit on various city streets. DISCUSSION: Traffic and Speed Surveys are being conducted on various city streets to enable the Police Department to enforce speed with the use of radar. These.surveys are conducted in a method consistent with the requirements of the California .Vehicle Code (CVC) and the California Department of Transportation. Speed surveys are conducted by using radar equipment and an unmarked vehicle to chart the speed of at least 50 vehicles in each direction along a specified section of roadway. These figures are then calculated to determine the critical speed. Critical speed is the top speed at which 85% of the vehicles are traveling. Once the critical speed is determined, the posted speed is generally set within 5 miles per hour of this speed. For example, if the critical speed for a sectiori of roadway is 46 miles per hour, an enforceable speed limit can be set at either 45 or 50 miles per hour. The California Department of Transportation Traffic Manual states "In matching existing conditions with the traffic safety needs of the community, engineering judgement may indicate the need for a further reduction of five miles per hour." The factors considered in such a reduction are: limited design speed, limited sight distance, accident problems, substandard cross-section, poor intersection spacing,poor driveway characteristics, heavy pedestrian activity. Engineering staff has determined that a number of the residential street surveyed meet the criteria for additional reduction in speed for the reasons stated above. This determination is attached to, and becomes a part of the traffic and speed survey. Beginning January 1, 1999,speed surveys are valid for 7 years, and can be extended an additional 3 years upon certification by the engineer that no significant changes have been made in the area governed by the survey. ITEM NUMBER: C—3 DATE: 01126199 The alternative to speed enforcement by radar is what is called"bumper pace"which requires the patrol car to match the speed of the subject vehicle and note the speed at which both are traveling. FISCAL IMPACT: . The fiscal impact of this action is approximately$8500 to be paid out of currently budgeted funds. ALTERNATIVES: Discontinue the use of radar enforcement. Advantages: No speed survey is required. Speed limits can be set at any level. Disadvantages: Limits enforcement to bumper pace. RESPONSIBLE DEPARTMENT: Police Department ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 1999-004 RESOLUTION NO. 1999-004 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS ON VARIOUS CITY STREETS WHEREAS, Section 4-2.501, et. seq, of the Atascadero Municipal Code allows the City Traffic Engineer, through an engineering and traffic survey, to determine the appropriate speed limit for streets within the City;and WHEREAS, an engineering and traffic survey conducted by the Atascadero Police Department determined that the appropriate and safe speed for the roadways listed on attached Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Atascadero directs the City Traffic Engineer to place and maintain appropriate signs or markings to indicate speed limits as noted on attached Exhibit A. On motion by Councilmember , and seconded by Councilmember the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the Following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: ATTEST: CITY OF ATASCADERO MARCIA M. TORGERSON RAY JOHNSON City Clerk Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROY A. HANLEY City Attorney y - — —– IRECTIO _REC9 =ES P N 40 44 Atascadero Avenue—Portola to Curbaril S 40 35 44 N Atascadero Avenue''.' Curbaril to Morro Rd S 35 35 42 .............. .._........ E 40 40 Curbaril Avenue—El Camino Real to Valle W 40 35 41 Gurbaril Avenue ..Valle to Sycamore S 40 35 41 N 45 45 El Camino Real— Santa Cruz to Del Rio S 45 45 48 N 45 _. 48 El Camino Real—Del Rio to San Anselmo S 45 45 . 50 N 40 45 El Camino Real—San Anselmo to Rosario S 40 35 44 N 35 35 El Camino Real—Rosario to West Mall S 35 25, 40 N 35 42 El Camino Real—Morro Road to Curbaril S 35 35 41 N 35 38 El Camino Real—Curbaril to Palomar S 35 35 33 N 40 41 El Camino Real—Palomar to Santa Rosa S 40 35 40 N 45 46 El Camino Real— Santa Rosa to San Rafael S 45 35 45 N 45 43 El Camino Real—San Rafael to San Diego S 45 35 47 El Camino Real—San Diego Way to Santa N 50 53 Barbara S 50 45 55 N 35 47 Graves Creek—Monterey to San Fernando S 35 30 40 N 35 42 Monterey Road—.San Anselmo to Ramona S 35 35 42 N 35 44 Monterey Road-Del Rio to Graves Creek S 35 35 46 E 30 34 Palomar Ave—El Camino Real to 9031 W 30 25 34 N 35 43 Portola Road—Ardilla to Santa Lucia S 35 35 42 Fr N 35 41 Portola Road Santa Luea to Morro Road S 35. 35 44 E 35 43 Portola Road—Morro Road to Atascadero W 35 35 42 E 35 45 Santa Lucia—Ardilla to Portola W 35 35 43 E 40 47 Santa Lucia-Laurel to Bolsa W 40 40 46 E 40 46 Santa Lucia—Portola to Cascabel W 40 40 43 .... 3S ... ..,.... E 38 Santa'Rosa Lakeview to Morro Road W... :.:.... .::........35 35 35 E 35 45 Santa Rosa—Lakeview to Atascadero Ave W 35 35 40 . ..... .. N 35 .... .... 42 firaffic Way,=Olmeda ta:Rosario 35 44 N 35 44 Traffic Way-Rosario to San Jacinto S 35 35 44 .- N......:. . .. 44. .... . 48_: . 'Traffic Wa San Tacmo.to.Camzo .. S 40 _ . 5 53 Attachment: E Atascadero City Council • eting Date: 01/26/99 i ty o Atasca ero Funding Outside Agency Policy The City has a real responsibility to its constituents to meet it current obligations. Because of the financial realities described in the Comprehensive Financial Strategy, it is difficult to meet those obligations. The City is rebounding from a devastating financial period and it is crucial that the City's finances be put in order before any agreement is made to provide financial support or assistance to outside organizations. Therefore, the City will not fund special requests until certain financial milestones are met. The City'will first fund the operational needs of the various departments including amounts set aside for maintenance, operation and replacement of City vehicles, facilities and other assets. As the operational funding demands are met, the City will set aside funds for an unallocated reserve account equal to 50% of the then current operations budget to allow for cash flow and operational emergencies. While the City is building the necessary unallocated reserves it will also establish reserve accounts to fund the various liabilities of the City including capital replacement deficits, risk management and payroll responsibilities. Based on the City's current financial condition, it is unlikely that the City will fund any new outside requests. When the City has developed sufficient revenues to fully fund operations, necessary reserves, and liability needs,this strategy will be revised. As an interim strategy the City will only consider funding the following from City general funds: ❑ Requests that are consistent with the operational needs and core mission of the City; ❑ Requests that create revenue or reduce current expenses to the City; ❑ Requests that leverage non-City funds to benefit Atascadero; ❑ Requests from organizations that provide a service that if they didn't make it available,the city would have to find some way to do it on its own; ❑ Requests from organizations that show a history of responsible handling of funds through an executive director and board of directors, or financial officer to ensure an accurate accounting of whatever city funds are donated. Requests that meet the criteria above will then be reviewed to determine the following: • Are other cities funding similar requests in their area; • Are there other sources of revenue available to fund the request; 9 Is this a one-time expenditure or is it a request to fund ongoing operations.