HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 120898 Approved as Submitted January 12, 1999 MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY,DECEMBER 8, 1998 PLANNING COMMISSION INTERVIEWS 6:00 P.M. The Planning Commission interviews were continued to the meeting of January 12, 1999. CLOSED SESSION,6:30 P.M.: 1) Conference with negotiator over real property. (Govt. Code 54956.8) Negotiator: City Manager Wade McKinney Property: Mr. & Mrs. Hensley, 9085 Morro Road 2) Conference with legal counsel—existing litigation Name of case: Theis vs. City of Atascadero City Attorney Roy Hanley announced that there was no reportable action taken. REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: Mayor Johnson called the Regular Session to order at 7:00 p.m. and Council Member Luna led the pledge of allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Arrambide, Clay, Lerno, Luna and Mayor Johnson Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia Torgerson and City Treasurer David G. Graham Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Police Chief Dennis Hegwood, Fire Chief Mike McCain,Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community and Economic Development Director Paul Saldana, Assistant City Engineer John Neil and City Attorney Roy Hanley. CC 12/08/98 Page 1 of 12 Approved as Submitted January 12, 1999 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mayor Johnson suggested the Council amend the agenda by moving the Public Comment item concerning the Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance to the Council Reports section, #1. Also, he suggested that the Council continue the item#3 under Council Reports to their meeting on January 12, 1999 along with the Planning Commission interviews. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve the agenda as amended by Mayor Johnson. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: 1. PUBLIC COMMENT: Citizens against pornography intend to make comment about the Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance—Rusty Risch Mayor Johnson announced that this item was added to the agenda recently as a result of miscommunication between the City and the Coalition for Decency. They had asked for time with the Council to express their concerns of Atascadero's existing Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance. Curtis Clark, 6906 Portola Road, stated that he is responsible for drafting the proposed amendments to the ordinance before the Council. He explained that these amendments strengthen the existing ordinance. He expressed concern that these amendments were originally proposed to the Council 8 months ago and the Council has not responded to them. Mayor Johnson assured Mr. Clark that the Council is concerned about this issue and is interested in keeping a tight rein on sexually-oriented businesses in Atascadero. However, the Council must consider all legal aspects of this issue and make decisions wisely. Mayor Johnson also said that he takes offense to the comments in the Coalition for Decency's letters and newsletters that state the City Council is not interested in pornography, only litigation. He asked the City Attorney to give a report to Council concerning this matter. City Attorney Roy Hanley explained that he has met with Mr. Clark to review their proposal. He stated that the existing ordinance is working quite well. He explained that in Atascadero non-conforming use businesses can operate indefinitely. However, our Sexually Oriented Business Ordinance allows sexually-oriented businesses to operate for only 5 years under each CUP. This five-year limitation has previously been supported by the courts in California. He explained that the City of Long Beach has a similar ordinance as Atascadero and is currently in CC 12/08/98 Page 2 of 12 Approved as Submitted January 12, 1999 litigation and on appeal up to the 9" circuit. He recommended that before taking any legal action the Council should wait to see the result of this appeal. Council Member Clay asked for clarification on the statement that it is better for larger cities to litigate. Mr. Hanley responded that the larger cities in California have more money and staff to handle litigation and the smaller cities can benefit from their results. There was lengthy Council discussion and Mr. Hanley answered Council questions. Mayor Johnson stated that he had asked the City Manager to contact Bakersfield and ask of their experiences in this matter. Mr. McKinney stated that he had spoken with the City Manager in Bakersfield. He stated that they have a few adult businesses including live dancing. The City Manager of Bakersfield indicated that they have been working on their ordinance for a couple of years, have spent $200,000+, have lost a City Attorney over the issue and are no closer to resolving the issue. They have encountered many of the problems that have been discussed here tonight but had no suggestions for us. Mayor Johnson asked the Police Chief to share any secondary effects that Atascadero has experienced as a result of the adult business. Police Chief Hegwood stated that the adult business has not caused any secondary effects as of this time. He said that the calls for service at the adult business location are lower than other businesses in town. Curtis Clark, 6906 Portola Road, stated that the City can not avoid litigation forever. Sometimes, you have to go to court to protect our community. He explained that in his proposal to the Council he quotes from the same cases that Mr. Hanley is quoting to the Council supporting his recommendation to do nothing. PUBLIC COMMENT Mark Sobowits, 9355 Jornado Lane, #5, stated he's the vice-president of the Coalition for Decency. He is concerned that the existing ordinance is not being enforced. He urged the Council to make sure that the Police Chief is going into business to see violations and site them. Rusty Risch, Atascadero, stated that he is the president for the Coalition for Decency. He wants 'to see Atascadero remain a family-oriented city. Mr. Risch said that there are secondary effects of the adult business. He also said that families have broken up as a result of this business. He stated that he feels the existing ordinance could be stronger. Regina Foster, Paso Robles, said that she is concerned about the effects of sex toys on 18-year-olds. She asked the Council to stand up for morality. CC 12/08/98 Page 3 of 12 Approved as Submitted January 12, 1999 Adam Clark, 7850 Navajoa, stated that pornography effects all families. He explained that pornography hurt his family because of him living that lifestyle. He urged the Council to strengthen the ordinance. Gary Kanter, 4012 Morning Star, Huntington Beach, stated that he urges the Council to eliminate the adult business. He shared an experience he had with a large adult business and its effects on the community. He said that he understands why the City doesn't want to litigate, but sometimes you have to bite the bullet to protect the community. Whitey Thorpe, 8025 Santa Ynez, said that he is concerned about the children and the effects of this adult business on them. Roger Clark, 5501 Dulzura Ave., shared an experience he had while he was picketing the adult business. A County Sheriff's car pulled up stating that they were looking for a child molester and figured "what better place for him to come" than the adult business. Mr. Clark said that the Council needs to realize the type of people that this business attracts. Jacqueline Slayden, 8550 El Corte, addressed the issue of secondary effects. She stated that every week she sees children, age 12 and under, loitering in front of the Mr. Diamond's store, looking in the window. She asked the Council what long- term effects will there be on those children. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. Mayor Johnson stated that the City Council does not want the adult business in town. He stated that we have to deal with not only the issue concerning the existence of the store, but we need to consider why there are customers going into the business. He also said that he is concerned about the comments that the Council is part of the problem. He reminded the audience that the Council has to follow the law. Mayor Johnson encouraged the Coalition for Decency and the churches in Atascadero that if he didn't have customers, the business would not exist in Atascadero. All Council Members expressed their opposition to the adult business in Atascadero. They asked citizens to work with the Council on this issue and not be adversarial. Mayor Johnson asked staff to set up a meeting with a few Council Members, staff, Coalition for Decency and interested citizens. Council Member Luna stated that we have a tool to re-locate Diamond's adult business and that is redevelopment of the downtown. CC 12/08/98 Page 4 of 12 Approved as Submitted January 12,1999 Mayor Johnson called a recess for 5 minutes at 8:15 p.m. Mayor Johnson called the Regular Session back to order at 8:22 p.m. Mayor Johnson announced that we won the appeal against Merrill Lynch concerning the Orange County lawsuit. Council Member Luna stated that the current Western City magazine told that at the annual League of California Cities' meeting, Governor-elect Davis spoke to the official present. The article said that he referred to the importance of returning property tax taken from cities by the State to supplement the ERAF. Davis promised, "to make payments on a scheduled basis to restore the money we took from you." Council Member Luna suggested that staff prepare a letter to Governor-elect Davis with copies to Jack O'Connell and Able Maldanado stating that we are aware that he made this promise and expect him to follow through. Council Member Luna also asked for consensus of the Council to encourage other mayors to write similar letters. There was Council consensus to write a letter to Governor-elect Davis concerning his promise to pay back the cities and encourage other mayors to do the same. 2. Review of Term of Mayor- Council discussion and determination of the length of term the Mayor will serve. City Manager Wade McKinney gave a brief staff report referring to the survey included in the agenda packet. Council Member Lerno stated that he supports a two-year term for the mayor. Council Member Luna stated that he doesn't think the mayor term has any effect on who is on any committee. Using the overhead projector, he also showed that the Municipal Code explains that the Mayor position is generally ceremonial. But, if the Council wants to change that and give the Mayor more authority, they would have to change the Code and put the issue on a ballot for the public to decide (see Attachment A). Council Member Clay stated that he likes the way the mayor's term is now. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide stated that he agrees with Council Member Luna that the Mayor position is largely ceremonial but needs to be able to run a meeting, etc. There was Council consensus to leave the Mayor's term as it is at one year. CC 12/08/98 Page 5 of 12 Approved as Submitted January 12, 1999 3. Review of Selection Process for Planning Commissioners—Council discussion of the role of the Planning Commission , the history of the selection process, and future direction for the Commission. Mr. McKinney gave a staff report and read an excerpt of an article from The Planning Commissioner's Journal. There was discussion of the roles of staff, Planning Commission and City Council and how they interact. PUBLIC COMMENT Mike Murphy, 9320 Santa Clara Road, stated that he supports the Planning Commission and feels they should be allowed to review more issues and give input to the Council. Bill Zimmerman, 6225 Lomitas, expressed his concern for the possibility of the Council changing the makeup of the Planning Commission. He also stated that he is opposed to the idea of the Council Members appointing their own representative. Mr. Zimmerman stated that he feels they have an excellent Planning Commission now. Rush Kolemaine, P.O. Box 1990, suggested his preference of a 4-year mayor term. He also suggested that the Council should consider for the future four Council Members each elected by a portion of the City and the Mayor elected at large. He stated that he felt the Planning Commission is working well and doesn't need to be fixed. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. Council Member Luna stated that he agreed with Mr. Kolemaine; if it's not broken, don't fix it. He said that he is pleased with the Planning Commission as it is. Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide stated that he feels the Planning Commission should reflect the current philosophy of the Council. He would like to meet with the Planning Commission and see where they stand in relation to this Council. Council Member Lerno stated that he agrees with Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide. Council Member Clay stated that he's concerned with the negative comments that some Planning Commissioners have made of the Council. He stated that he supports leaving the Planning Commission the way it is. Mayor Johnson stated that the Planning Commission is not a policy body. They can disagree with the Council but should not undermine a Council decision. He stated that if a Commissioner disagrees with the Council, that's fine as long as they don't make negative comments about the Council. He suggested that the Council interview each of the existing Commissioners and discuss the code of conduct expected of them by the Council. He recommended validating the existing Planning Commission in January along with the interviews to fill vacancies. CC 12/08/98 Page 6 of 12 Approved as Submitted January 12, 1999 Council Member Clay stated that he apologized for any negative comments he has made in response to the negative comments made by the Commissioners. Council Member Luna encouraged the annual joint City Council/Planning Commission meetings. He stated that politics brings about differences of opinions and we need to sit down collectively and discuss those differences. Council Member Lemo said that he feels some of the Planning Commissioners aren't willing to work with the Council. He stated that he feels the Council should re-evaluate the current Planning Commissioners. ' Council Member Arrambide suggested that the current Planning Commissioners fill out the supplemental questionnaire within 30 days and have the Council review them. There was Council consensus to send out supplemental questionnaires to the existing Planning Commissioners for Council to review. 4. Appoint a Citizen to the unexpired term of Mike Arrambide on the Planning Commission—Council review candidates for a vacant Planning Commission position. Mayor Johnson stated that this item is being continued to the January 12, 1999 meeting. COMMUNITY FORUM: Rush Kolemaine, P.O. Box 1990, agreed that the Planning Commission does not set policy. He suggested that the Council try to agree on their requirements for Planning Comissioners. Steve Spratt, 295 Del Mar Court, San Luis Obispo, stated that he is the account representative to the City of Atascadero for PG&E. He provided a handout to the Council concerning PG&E's Winter Watch Program (see Attachment B). George Ablin Jr., 4679 San Anselmo, a member of a group of citizens that have formed the Safety of Streets Committee. He stated that this committee is concerned with pedestrian safety in Atascadero. He submitted a petition asking for speed limits in residential areas and pedestrian paths (see Attachment C). Mike Murphy, 9320 Santa Clara Road, said he appreciates the fact that this Council runs their meeting in an open manner. He urged the Council to continue to allow people to speak on all issues. CC 12/08/98 Page 7 of 12 Approved as Submitted January 12, 1999 Dorothy McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista, asked the Council if they have heard what they have been saying tonight. She explained that they said they believe in diversity but you want all to have the same philosophical approach. She stated that there is a conflict between these two statements. Douglas Beard, 4690 San Anselmo Road, questioned why the Mayor had pulled Item #A-5. Mayor Johnson explained that he was pulling the item to ask questions of staff, not to oppose it. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call 1. City Treasurer's Report—October 1998—Fiscal Impact: None (City Treasurer recommendation: Review and accept) [Rudy Hernandez] 2. Resolutions Adopting/Amending Contractual Agreement for Deferred Compensation Providers—Fiscal Impact: None (Staff recommendation: 1) Council adopt Resolution No. 1998- 056, authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with ICMA Retirement Account to provide a deferred compensation plan, 2) Council adopt Resolution No. 1998- 057, authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement to amend the plan document for deferred compensation with The Hartford, and 3) Council adopt Resolution No. 1998- 058, authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement to amend the plan document for deferred compensation with Great Western Bank FundSelect) [Wade McKinney] 3. Service Employees International Union Local 620 Memorandum of Understanding—for Fiscal Year 1998-99—Fiscal Impact: $32,000.00 (Staff recommendation: Council authorize the Mayor to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with the Service Employees International Union Local 620 for Fiscal Year 1998-99) [Wade McKinney] 4. Amended Conflict of Interest Code—Fiscal Impact: None (Staff recommendation: Council adopt Resolution No. 1998-055, updating and amending the conflict of interest code for the City of Atascadero) [Roy Hanley] 5. San Anselmo Avenue—Establishment of 35 MPH speed limit between El Camino Real and Dolores Avenue—Fiscal Impact: $1,000— (Traffic Committee recommendation: CC 12/08/98 Page 8 of 12 Approved as Submitted January 12, 1999 Council adopt Resolution No. 1998-052, establishing a speed limit on the portion of San Anselmo Avenue between El Camino Real and Dolores Avenue) [Brady Cherry] Mayor Johnson pulled Item #A-5. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Items #A-1,2,3 and 4. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. Mayor Johnson asked why we cannot set blanket speed limits in residential areas. City Attorney Roy Hanley responded that speed limits are set as a result of speed surveys. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to approve Item #A-5. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: I. Unreinforced Masonry Building Ordinance - Amendment of Time Limits for Compliance —Fiscal Impact: None (Planning Commission recommendation: Council adopt Ordinance No. 356 on first reading by title only, extending the time limits for compliance with the Unreinforced Masonry Building regulations) [Paul Saldana] Community and Economic Development Director Paul Saldana gave the staff report and answered Council questions. PUBLIC COMMENT Rush Kolemaine, P.O. Box 1990, asked for clarification of the number of URM buildings in Atascadero. Mr. Saldana stated there are 29 privately-owned buildings and 2 public buildings. Mayor Johnson closed the Public Comment period. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Arrambide to adopt Ordinance No. 356 on first reading by title only, extending the time limits for compliance with the Unreinforced Masonry Building regulations. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: CC 12/08/98 Page 9 of 12 Approved as Submitted January 12, 1999 1. State Transportation Improvement Program Candidate Projects—List of candidate projects for STIP amendment—Fiscal Impact: Will generate $1,466,000 (Staff recommendation: 1) Council approve, by minute order, the list of candidate projects for which staff will be submitting funding applications for the 1998 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) amendment, and 2) Council authorize, by minute order, the re-allocation of Surface Transportation Program (STP)funds from the Portola Road Rehabilitation Project to the San Fernando Road Rehabilitation Project) [Brady Cherry] City Manager Wade McKinney gave the staff report and answered questions of Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Council Member Lerno and seconded by Council Member Luna to approve, 1) the list of candidate projects for which staff will be submitting funding applications for the 1998 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) amendment, and 2) the re-allocation of Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds from the Portola Road Rehabilitation Project to the San Fernando Road Rehabilitation Project. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 2. Information Bulletin Mr. McKinney announced that the City's web page is up and running but is still under construction. He explained that the public can now e-mail the Council Members and the current Council agenda and previous minutes are available to the public on this site. Council Member Clay asked about the status of the banner poles on El Camino Real. Mr. McKinney explained that one organization expressed an interest in participating if others joined in but as of yet, no one else has shown much interest. A COMMITTEEE REPORTS S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority Mayor Johnson announced that they will not be meeting until January. CC 12/08/98 Page 10 of 12 Approved as Submitted January 12, 1999 Water Committees Council Member Clay stated that they will be meeting Thursday. Integrated Waste Management Authority Council Member Luna noted that the California Integrated Waste Management Board is going to consider the 1995 diversion rates. The only city in trouble is Arroyo Grande. Air Pollution Control District Council Member Lerno stated that they are meeting tomorrow. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors Mayor Johnson announced that David Spaur is the new Director as of December 1". Also, there is a meeting tomorrow. Mayor Johnson asked the Council Members to let him know by the end of the week what committees they want to serve on. He will be announcing his appointments at January 12, 1999 meeting. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Council Mayor Johnson asked that staff link up with Fire, Police, Schools and Water Company and any other potential entity that could be impacted in regards to Y2K. Cily Clerk City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson asked for clarification of the Council's request concerning the Planning Commission vacancies. There was Council consensus to have the existing Planning Commissioners fill out the supplemental questionnaire and have them included in the agenda packet of the January 12, 1999 Council meeting. Also, there was Council consensus that the Planning Commission interviews to be held on January 12, 1999 will be for the one current vacancy and the two upcoming vacancies of February 1, 1999. City Treasurer City Treasurer David G. Graham announced that he is planning on having a Finance Committee meeting around January 19, 1999. He stated that once Mayor Johnson has appointed the Council Members to their committees, he will notify those assigned to the Finance Committee. F. ADJOURNMENT: CC 12/08/98 Page 11 of 12 Approved as Submitted January 12, 1999 Mayor Johnson adjourned the Regular Session at 10:10 p.m. to the Redevelopment Agency Meeting immediately following this meeting. MEETING RECORDED AND MINTUES PREPARED BY: L:i__ M(-UU-, )t-� W�tu�Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Cle ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A-Overhead projection of George Luna's Attachment B-Handout from PG&E (Steve Spratt) Attachment C-Petition from Safety of Streets Committee CC 12/08/98 Page 12 of 12 ATTACHMENT A . Atascadero City Council December 8, 1998 Sec. 2-4.18. Relations with Council. The City Council and its members shall deal with the administrative services of the. City only through the City Manager, except for the purpose of inquiry, and neither the City Council nor any member thereof shall give orders to any subordinates of the City Manager. The City Manager shall take his orders and instructions from the City Council only when sitting in a duly convened meeting of the City Council, and no individual Council member shall give any orders or instructions to the City Manager. The City Council shall instruct the City Manager in matters of policy. Any action, determination or omission of the City Manager shall be subject to review by the City Council. The City Council may not overrule, change or modify any such action, determination or omission except by the affirmative vote of at least three (3) members of the City Council, Sec.24.19.Attendance at commission meetings. The City Manager may attend any and all meetings of the Pkwmkp Commission,and any other commission,board or committee created by the City Council,upon his own volition or upon direction of the City Council.At such meetings which the City Manager attends,he shall be heard by such commissions,boards or committees as to all matters upon which he wishes to address the members thereof.He shall Inform such members as to the status of any matter being considered by the City Council,and he shall cooperate to the fullest extent with the members of all commissions,boards or committees appointed by the City Council. Sec.24.20.Removal;method;notice. 000093 ATTACHMENT #B Atascadero City Council ' Pacific Gas and December 8, 1998 winter Watch 98-99 Electric Company- This year La Nina is expected to bring wetter than average weather to W E DELIVER ENERGY."" California,particularly in communities from San Francisco north While La Nina is not expected to pack the intensity of II Nino,prolonged rains can saturate the ground causing problems which affect power lines and poles Rain or shine, high winds also increase the risk that power facilities may be damaged • ' • ■Over 5,000 men and women form the What we do to keep the lights on PG&E crews who deliver energy to Ba Born customers,day and night Close to 1,000 Coumy Pacific Gas and Electric Company ss4ou Qunrycustomer service representatives are delivers natural gas and electricity to approximately 12 million people in available for customers 24 hours a day, 48 counties throughout Northern and 7 days a week at our call centers. Central California We operate 110,000 Thousands more employees provide miles of power lines and 70,000 miles engineering,logistics and communication ,,, • of natural gas pipelines throughout our support behind the scenes. nq Shun lanq Tri"iry taimy Cusco taunt 70,000 square mile service territory. F We patrol our lines yearly and use How customers can be prepared,too new technology to detect and repair & „(oun potential problems. •Have at least one flashlight available for q Pumu county IN each family member. Ensure there are There are over 2.1 million wooden utility fresh batteries close at hand. PG&E poles in PG&E's electric system.PG&E recommends against using candles.They New (auGlenn Eounq Sam rq Siem tests every pole for structural strength, my Cant can start fires and should be avoided. then,treats each with a preservative to NWIL prevent decay, In 1998,we tested and •Keep a battery-powered radio handy tcounj tho�l treated about 350,000 poles.We with fresh batteries,as well as a fully U"t0"q q N'"` "� replaced or reinforced about 25,000. stocked first aid kit. Tolu tounq El Bongo tours Npift IN 4.5 million trees grow in the vicinity •Maintain a supply of bottled water,a Sonoma burry B>pz Cant q co°"q of PG&E's overhead power lines. manual can opener,a battery-powered Smm„m, Amedor PG&E has one of the most or wind-up clock and non-perishable So=Count toumy tonna successful vegetation manage- canned and dried food. We(suety Uvesu taunt ment programs in the San ja*1n Tuolumne touray 0 Fill a couple of two-liter plastic bottles tonin toss fount taiMy country. In 1998,we safely with water and put them in the freezer. SUFgo Al County pruned 2.1 million trees.. If the power goes out,move them to the taumy nsy B 'ott Coon saoahus tally q refrigerator compartment. By minimizing Sin the opening of the refrigerator door my Merced tonatj during a prolonged outage,perishable NadeR Count food may stay fresh for up to three days. _ sane uue Carry ■Treat all downed wires as if they carry sin sedno h•"o:t01"q current. Do not touch or try to move them. Keep children and animals away, Bomerey Can � '�� and report downed Tines immediately to Mae Count PG&E and 911. SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY ,. doubly During severe storms . • emergencies,other ; coordinate •. Sen US Gap Cant ; _ Customer service: 1.800.743.5000 ,, Storm information line:1.800.743.5002 over 249,000 . • • . �f°t°""� or visit our website: httpJlwww pge.com Luis Obispo 'staffed =:- through three fully service centers M, located in ,Sams Bubas tarry Pismo Beach,San Luis 000094 Obispo ' ATTACHMENT #C Atascadero City Council December 8, 1998 Safety On Streets Petition to Atascadero City Council We,citizens of San Luis Obispo County and residents of the community of Atascadero,have formed the Safety of Streets(S.O.S.)committee,in an effort to express our concerns over the unsafe and imminently dangerous conditions of our community streets.This was sadly demonstrated recently by a serious accident.involving pedestrians. On.September 23, 1998,a visiting grandmother was walking her two-year-old grandson in a stroller along a local street,when they both were struck by a vehicle. The grandmother sustained serious head injuries,and the child recieved two broken legs and multiple head lacerations. After treatment of both at Twin Cities Hospital emergency room,both were hospitalized at Sierra Vista Hospital,where the grandmother was placed in the Intensive Care Unit.This serious accident emphasizes the imminent need for our City Council,Community Development Committee,Public Works Department,and Traffic Committee to take active steps to improve the safety and quality of our streets. We feel that it is a reasonable request that children and adults be able to walk on our residential streets without fear of serious injury by vehicles. Currently there is a significant lack of walkways, sidewalks,and speed limit signs,which currently means that pedestrians must share the road with vehicles which can legally travel from 35 to 55 mph on our residential streets! Previous attempts to fix these problems have failed miserably,or have been abominably slow. Excuses for the city's inability to make these improvements have ranged from: "That's not our job", "We have to do another study","The study is not done yet", "The police cannot participate in this study", "The police have a vested interest in this study","These are not residential streets","We have worry about the impact of suits due to issuing the resulting speeding tickets",and culminating inevitably with"We will review this again at a later meeting".Our last attempt to have a sin a 35 mph speed limit sign installed on the east side of San Anselmo Road,which was deemed feasible and reasonable by the cooperative Atascadero Police Department at our first Traffic Committee meeting,has been delayed for approximately nine months! In a meeting with the Traffic Committee on January 21, 1998,after some city officials and employees scoffed at our suggestions of additional stop signs,speed limit signs,warning signs,speed bumps,and/or sidewalks(orwalkways on one side of the street),we asked: "What will it take? Will you have to wait until someone is hit before you will make these streets safe for pedestrians?" Unfortunately,that serious accident has finally occurred! We feel that the city is partially responsible for this due to their inability,repeated delays,and poor response to our requests to make our community streets safer for pedestrians. We call on our public officials to take definitive steps to ensure public safety on our streets. Such steps include the following: 1. Pedestrian safety must be given higher priority in the determination of speed limits, posted and non-posted,in our community.. 2. Pedestrian safety must be given higher priority in the determination of roadway construction,modification(i.e.sidewalks,walkways,crosswalks,lighting),and maintenance. 3. Additional stop signs and warning signs at busy intersections,blind curves,limited- sight roadways,and obstructed intersections. 4. Reclassify specific/most Atascadero community streets as residential,which would limit the vehicle traffic on those streets to a 25 mph speed limit,unless otherwise.posted. Then,determine which streets warrant higher posted speed limits. . 5. Posting and enforcing speed limits of 25 mph and 35 mph in these residential areas,m a timely manner.Deadlines for completion of necessary studies and placement of signs should be set,and any delays should be publicly reported. 000095 6. Painting of crosswalks,with placement of appropriate warning signs,at busy pedestrian crossings,particularly at schools and near geriatric facilities. The current situation at San Benito School deserves immediate attention and remedy. 7. Possible placement of speed bumps or other traffic-slowing devices in.well-known residential areas of speeding cars: 8. Definitive deadlines and time limits must be set for future traffic studies and street safety reviews requested by Atascadero community residents,so that such safety issues can be resolved expeditiously. 9. Set up community safety zones,with lower speed limits or other safety measures,in areas where a majority of the residents in those areas agree to those designations. Perhaps a new"community-residential' street classification could be enacted,which would allow special safety considerations and restrictions for vehicle traffic and pedestrians. Such a designation or classification might be made by the consent of the majority of residents living along a section of street(for example,a 1/4 mile section of street),with official approval by the Traffic Committee. Commercial zones would probably need to be excluded. 10. Other improvements that the City Council,Community Development Committee,Public Works Department,and Traffic Committee might propose to increase public safety on our streets,and to remedy such safety issues in a more timely and efficient manner. We,the undersigned members of our community,asked that the City Council take up these imminent safety,issues and suggestions,and feel that failure to address these recognized safety concerns will increase the financial and moral liability of our City and County for its residents,and for visitors in our community. We are not claiming that any particular individual or department is responsible,but feel that there is a general inability for the current system to respond in an efficient and timely manner on these legitimate and imminent community safety concerns. "What will it take?Will we have to wait until more people are hit before You will make these streets safe for pedestrians?"We want Safety on Streets! ign and print name address At . . ... .. . ... .. .. .......... ............................. .............................................. efdaii....M / .... ""' ... J41 . � ..:..;..Ca.f� �.c[�t7 k.. ......•. 97..9......sr4! :Ao'ia..tf0...................... Cx�,1� Q,U...,"o � Gi-i- A. 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