HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 112498 Approved as Submitted January 12,1999 MINUTES ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY,NOVEMBER 24, 1998 REGULAR SESSION, 7:00 P.M.: Mayor Carden called the Regular Session to order at 7:12 p.m. and Council Member Lerno led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Clay, Johnson, Lerno, Luna and Mayor Carden Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk Marcia Torgerson, City Treasurer Rudy Hernandez Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Fire Chief Mike McCain, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community and Economic Development Director Paul Saldana, Police Lt. John Couch, and City Attorney Roy Hanley. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Mayor Carden suggested that the agenda be revised as follows: City Council Reorganization#1 and#2, Presentations, Reception, City Council Reorganization#3, Council Announcements and Reports, etc. MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Lerno to approve the agenda as amended. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. PROCLAMATION: "November 1998—Hospice Month" Mayor Carden read the Proclamation and announced that it would be presented to Hospice at a later date. CITY COUNCIL REORGANIZATION: 1. Reciting the Fact of the General Municipal Election—held on November 3, 1998 (City Clerk's recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 1998-051, reciting the fact of the General Municipal Election held on November 3, 1998, declaring the result and such other matters as provided bylaw.) [Marcia McClure Torgerson] City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson explained that the Board of Supervisors voted this morning to certify the results of the canvass of all votes cast November 3, 1998 (see Attachment A). Mayor Carden read a portion of Resolution No. 1998-051. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Johnson to adopt Resolution No. 1998-051. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 2. Administration of Oaths of Office—Newly-elected Council Members J. Mike Arrambide and Ray Johnson, newly-elected City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson, and newly- elected City Treasurer David G. Graham • Deputy City Clerk Kathy Buth will administer the oath of office to Marcia McClure Torgerson. Marcia McClure Torgerson was sworn in for the Office of the City Clerk by Deputy City Clerk Kathy Buth. • City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson will administer the oath of office to J. Mike Arrambide, Ray Johnson and David G. Graham Mike Arrambide and Ray Johnson were sworn in for the Office of City Council Member and David Graham was sworn in for the Office of City Treasurer by City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson PRESENTATIONS: 1. The new Mayor will present a service plaque to outgoing Mayor Harold L. Carden, III. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson presented outgoing Mayor Carden with a plaque inscribed, "Presented to Harold L. Carden, III for your dedication and leadership in serving our community as a Planning Commissioner from November 1992—June 1994, City Council Member from June 1994—November 1998, Mayor from November 1997—November 1998." CC 11/24/98 Page 2 of 11 2. The new Mayor will present a service plaque to outgoing City Treasurer Rudy Hernandez. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson presented outgoing City Treasurer Rudy Hernandez with a plaque inscribed, "Presented to Rudy Hernandez for your service to the community as the City Treasurer from October 1995 —November 1998." 3. Cub Scout Pack 155 Presentations Cub Scout Pack 155 presented outgoing Mayor Carden with a Certificate of Appreciation for the investment of time that he gave to their den and the seeds he planted that will help form the next generation of Mayors, Council Members and citizens. Cub Scout Pack 155 presented City Manager Wade McKinney with a Certificate of Appreciation for the investment of time and patience that he gave as he led them on a thorough tour of City Hall. Hal Carden, 5355 San Jacinto,thanked Ray Johnson and Mike Arrambide for taking the time and effort to run for City Council. He also thanked all the Council for working with him. Mr. Carden stated that the City was in a financial disarray 4 1/2years ago; but the foundation has been laid and he is honored to have been a part of it. He reminded Mr. Johnson and Mr. Arrambide that they have been elected to serve a constituency. Mr. Carden spoke directly to Council Member Luna when he stated that they have disagreed on many issues, but were always able to work together. He said that Council Member Luna has a constituency, and he can't think of anyone that could represent that constituency better. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson called for a recess at 7:30 p.m. for a reception. Mayor Pro Tem Johnson resumed the Regular Session at 7:45 p.m. 3. Council Appointment of Mayor—The City Clerk will accept nominations from the Council Members PUBLIC COMMENT: Alan Thomas,9520 Marchant Way, congratulated Mike Arrambide and Ray Johnson on their victories in the recent election. He stated it was close right down to the wire. Mr. Thomas said that we all learned the City is evenly divided on the issue of growth. He also congratulated Henry Engen and Jennifer Hageman for their efforts and thanked them for running and bringing up important issues. He has read that the new Council wants to work together for all of the community. He stated that he hopes they will work towards pulling people together. Mr. Thomas said that the Council has a great opportunity to pull the community together by electing Council Member Luna as Mayor. He listed several reasons why Council Member Luna should be elected; served Atascadero for over 10 years as Planning Commissioner and Council Member, he had the most votes at his last election, and he fought against layoffs when they were recommended. Mr. Thomas urged the Council to do the right thing. CC 11/24/98 Page 3 of 11 Marge Mackey, 5504 Tunitas Ave., submitted a prepared statement opposing making the Mayor's term 2 years. She also stated that she supports the election of George Luna for Mayor and Jerry Clay for Mayor Pro Tem. (read into the record by Jennifer Hageman) (see Attachment B) Jennifer Hageman, 8005 Santa Lucia, explained why she supported Council Member Luna for Mayor. She stated that he's served the community for over 10 years doing research, attending meetings,phone calls, site visits, etc. She said Council Member Luna has earned the right to be Mayor and she urged the Council to select Council Member Luna as the next mayor. Robert Hewitt, 3850 Ardilla Road, urged the Council to elect Council Member George Luna as the next mayor. He also stated that he agreed with the two previous speakers and he supported the one-year term for mayor. John Hageman, 8005 Santa Lucia, stated that the Council needs to make sure that the community is not divided. He asked the Council to help bring the community together by electing George Luna as Mayor. Sid Bowen, 5550 Cascabel, stated that the mayor position is not a ceremonial position, it is a political position. If it were a ceremonial position, he would support Council Member Luna for Mayor. Bob Powers, 7505 Carmelita, stated that he has worked on three campaigns for George Luna. He said that he doesn't think there is a person in this city that deserves to be Mayor more than George Luna. Michelle Cleeberger, City of Santa Rosa, stated that she would love to live in Atascadero but there are no employment opportunities for her husband. She said that she supports Mike Arrambide for Mayor because he has a vested interest in creating more jobs in Atascadero. Sheree Ricketts, 4475 Sycamore Road, asked what are the qualifications that allow a person to serve as Mayor. She also asked if Council Member Luna is lacking any of these qualifications. He has served the community well for 10 years and deserves to be mayor. Dorothy McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista, read a prepared statement in which she supports Council Member Luna for Mayor. (see Attachment C) Geraldine Brasher, 3202 Monterey Road, urged the Council to support George Luna for Mayor. She stated that the Council should follow the Board of Supervisors lead and take turns being Mayor no matter what their politics. Fred Frank, 3615 Ardilla, stated he supports Council Member George Luna for Mayor as he represents a large portion of the community. He added that Council Member Luna also supports career jobs for Atascadero. Patricia Frank, 3615 Ardilla, stated that she agrees with the previous speakers and supports Council Member George Luna for Mayor as he has served the Council well. CC 11/24/98 Page 4 of 11 Bob Nimmo, 7375 Bella Vista Road, stated that a few years ago there were three vacancies on the Council. He explained that there were two people that he planned on voting for and he also encouraged others to vote for Council Member George Luna as the third vote. Mr.Nimmo said that he was able to work well with Council Member Luna on the Council in the past. However, Council Member Luna has appeared at the Council of Governments opposing the majority view of the City Council. He stated that the majority of the Council should not appoint a representative of the minority to the position of Mayor when in the last election the majority won. It would be unfaithful to your constituents to elect the minority representative to Mayor. He gave the example of the new Governor Gray Davis, who will replace 100's if not 1,000's of political appointees made by his Republican predecessors. Mr. Nimmo stated that this would be the only appropriate and proper thing for him to do. Governor Davis will be fulfilling his responsibility by asking the Republican appointees to step down so that he can appoint people who will carry out his policy objectives which have been approved by the voters. Carol DeHart, 4305 Lobos Ave., read a prepared statement urging the Council to elect Council Member George Luna as Mayor. Also, she shared her opinion concerning the appointment of Planning Commissioners. She stated that she felt that the current system was working well. She also stated that she disagreed with Mr.Nimmo as Council Member Luna did win the last election with the most votes. (see Attachment D) Dennis Schmidt, 8675 Santa Rosa Road, reminded the Council that all the Council Members represent all of the community. He asked that they vote accordingly. John McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista, read a prepared statement supporting Council Member George Luna for Mayor. He stated that this is not a partisan position. (see Attachment E) Daphne Fahsing, 5105 Llano Road, stated that she has always liked the way Atascadero chose its Mayor. Everyone has always had a chance to sit in that chair. She said that Council Member George Luna has earned the privilege of serving as Mayor. She also asked the Council to all speak into their microphones as the audience has trouble hearing them. Jim Patterson, 9312 No. Santa Margarita Road, stated that he concurs with the previous speakers who support Council Member Luna for Mayor. He said he was extremely disappointed by Mr. Carden's comment thanking Ray Joihnson and Mike Arrambide for taking the time to run for Council and omitting the fact that Jennifer Hageman and Henry Engen also made the same commitment and sacrifices to run for Council. Mr. Patterson said that it is precisely these types of comments that destroy a community. We might not agree, but in a democracy we must learn to live with individuals with different opinions. The City Council has an opportunity to start bringing the community together by electing Council Member George Luna as Mayor. David Bentz, 10275 San Marcos Road, said that he encouraged the Council to appoint the best person to serve as Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem. Ray Jansen, 6655 Country Club Drive, said that a strong case has been made for the need for unity. In the past, one segment of the community has been deemed the leader of the community. Real leadership from the Council should be to all segments of the community. He asked for the Council to unite the community. CC 11/24/98 Page 5 of 11 Steve LeSalle, 7505 Marchant, stated that he supports Council Member George Luna for Mayor. He said that since the last election showed that the community is split,the current system of rotation would be fair and everyone would be represented. Mike Murphy, 9320 Santa Clara Road, congratulated all those who were sworn in tonight. He supports joining the community together. Mr. Murphy stated that he thinks all Council Members would make good mayors and they should take turns. Mike Molina, 7165 Penal, congratulated Mike Arrambide and Ray Johnson for their success in the election. He stated that he is the past president of the Chamber of Commerce and he trusts all of the Council to make the right decision. Maggie Vandergon, 5540 Vida, expressed her support for Mike Arrambide as Mayor Pro Tem. She stated that he works well with people and could bring the community together. She also said that Mike would bring, in addition to all his other qualifications, something that is often needed in this room; a great sense of humor. Ted Jacobson, 8055 Cristobal, stated that he is speaking tonight in support of Council Member Jerry Clay and Council Member Ken Lerno. The Mayor position is not a popularity position; this is a political position and a leadership position. He said that the business community is looking to the Council to make the hard decisions. Mr. Jacobson expressed his support, and the support of the business community, for the council to make the right decision. Pam Marshall, 7790 Yesal Ave., stated that she supports Council Member George Luna as Mayor. Sally and Stewart Thomson, 7455 Bella Vista, submitted a prepared statement supporting Council Member Luna for Mayor. They also expressed their hope that the method of choosing Planning Commissioners would remain the same. (read into the record by City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson) (see Attachment F) Charlotte Bryne, 4064 Tranquilla Ave., submitted a prepared statement supporting Council Member Luna for Mayor. (read into the record by City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson) (see Attachment G) K.M. Barthels, 6820 San Gabriel Road, submitted a prepared statement supporting Council Member Luna for Mayor and supporting the current system for selecting Planning Commissioners. (read into the record by City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson) (see Attachment H) Catharine Young, 6820 San Gabriel Road, submitted a prepared statement supporting Council Member Luna for Mayor and supporting the current system for selecting Planning Commissioners. (read into the record by City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson) (see Attachment I) Barrie Hafler, 5455 Bolsa Road, submitted a prepared statement supporting Council Member Luna for Mayor. (read into the record by City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson) (see Attachment J) CC 11/24/98 Page 6 of 11 James Carpenter, (no address given), submitted a prepared statement supporting Council Member Luna for Mayor and supporting the current system for selecting Planning Commissioners. (read into the record by City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson) (see Attachment K) Nancy Hyman, 10760 Colorado Road, submitted a prepared statement supporting Council Member Luna for Mayor and supporting the current system for selecting Planning Commissioners. (read into the record by City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson) (see Attachment L) Oda Ferguson, 7520 Santa Ynez Ave., submitted a prepared statement supporting Council Member Luna for Mayor and supporting the current system for selecting Planning Commissioners. (read into the record by City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson) (see Attachment M) Mayor Pro Tem Johnson closed the Public Comment period. Council Member Luna thanked those who spoke on his behalf and stated that he agrees with them. He stated that he has always felt that we are elected to govern, not to rule. Council Member Luna said that it has never been more important than now for the community to come together. He stated that we are about to enter a very controversial, much-abused process called redevelopment. We need more information before any decisions can be made. He stressed that it is important to bring community together and focus on downtown redevelopment. Council Member Clay stated that it comes down to the difference in philosiphies and the difference in agendas. He also said that the election showed there is a 4% swing between the two sides which makes it clear what direction the majority of the voters want the community to go. City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson asked for nominations for Mayor. MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Lerno to elect Ray Johnson as Mayor. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Luna opposed) 4. Council Appointment of Mayor Pro Tem—The new Mayor will accept nominations from the Council Members Mayor Johnson asked for nominations for Mayor Pro Tem. MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Lerno to elect Mike Arrambide for Mayor Pro Tem. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Luna opposed) COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: Mayor Johnson stated that he would like staff to come back with reports on the following 2 items concerning the review of the term of Mayor and review of the selection process for Planning CC 11/24/98 Page 7 of 11 Commissioners. He asked that if anyone in the audience came to speak to either of those items, they may do so during the Community Forum portion of the meeting. He asked staff to report at the next meeting on these two items giving the Council a history of the processes in Atascadero and a survey of other cities in the County. Mayor Johnson said that the selection of Planning Commissioners needs to be reviewed, both the role of the Planning Commission and its relationship with the Council and planning staff. Mayor Johnson asked that the City Clerk open the recruitment for the replacement of Mike Arrambide on the Planning Commission. He asked that we advertise and take care of that at the next meeting if that is possible. He asked for consensus from the Council. There was consensus of the Council to open the recruitment for the replacement of Mike Arrambide on the Planning Commission. Council Member Luna gave his web page and e-mail address to the audience via overhead projector(see Attachment N). He explained that any information that he receives that is public information, he will post it on his web site, especially in regards to redevelopment. He also asked for clarification of the redevelopment timeline (see Attachment O). Mr. McKinney explained the steps required during this informational process. Council Member Luna asked when the City could in-debt the Redevelopment Agency. Mr. McKinney said that it would have to be a vote of the people. Council Member Luna asked if a vote of three of the Council could indebt the City. Mr. McKinney responded, yes, for a project based on the Agency's rules. Council Member Clay asked Council Member Luna why he now is coming forward now against redevelopment. Council Member Luna stated that it depends on what you do with redevelopment. He explained that redevelopment has some good aspects to it. But, if it's not carefully monitored by the electorate, it can be abused. Mayor Johnson stated that the Council will need to get more information on this issue and full discussion. He also asked staff to make sure and give the Council access to all sources of information on redevelopment, both good and bad. Council Member Clay commended Lon Allan of the Atascadero News for his article on redevelopment. 1. Review of Term of Mayor—Continued. 2. Review of Selection Process for Planning Commissioners - Continued A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call 1. City Council Minutes—November 10, 1998 - (City Clerk recommendation: Approve) [Marcia McClure Torgerson] 2. July 1998 Accounts Payable and Payroll—Fiscal Impact. $599,549.08 (Staff recommendation: Review and approve) [Rachelle Rickard] CC 11/24/98 Page 8 of 11 3. August 1998 Accounts Payable and Payroll -Fiscal Impact: $1,092,958.31 (Staff recommendation: Review and approve) [Rachelle Rickard] 4. Zone Change #98006 — 5000 Marchant Ave. (Gearhart) — Fiscal Impact: Negligible (Planning Commission recommendation: Council adopt Ordinance No. 355 on second reading by title only, approving Zone Change #98006) [Paul Saldana] Council Member Clay pulled Item#A-1. Council Member Luna pulled Item#A-4. MOTION: By Council Member Luna and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve Item#A-2 and #A-3. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. RE: Item #A-1: Council Member Clay asked that the minutes of November 10, 1998, Section B-1, be amended to include a statement made by Mr. McKinney concerning the costs involved in building a fire station and staffing it. City Clerk Marcia McClure Torgerson also asked that the minutes of November 10, 1998, Section B-2, be amended to include, in the motion approving Resolution No. 1998-048, the deletion of Condition#2. MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Luna to approve Item #A-1. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. RE: Item #A-4: Council Member Luna stated that he cannot support this zone change with the deletion of Condition#2 in the variance. PUBLIC COMMENT -None MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Mayor Johnson to approve Item #A-4. Motion passed 3:1 by a roll-call vote. (Luna opposed,Lerno abstained) COMMUNITY FORUM: Barbara Wrighter, 10150 San Marcos Road, stated that she has been interested in City Planning all her life. She explained that it was she who recommended to George Highland and Marge Mackey when they were on the City Council the procedure of appointments to the Planning Commission that was adopted several years ago and is still in use. She said that she supports the seven-member Planning Commission. Marge Mackey, 5504 Tunitas Ave, submitted a prepared statement expressing her concern for the possibility of the Council changing the make-up of the Planning Commission. (read into the record by Jennifer Hageman) (see Attachment P) Jennifer Hageman, 8005 Santa Lucia, Planning Commissioner, stated that the handout she received when she became a Planning Commissioner states that Planning Commissions were CC 11/24/98 Page 9 of 11 created to eliminate political influences on planning decisions. She said that the current system is effective in ensuring that political influences do not play a roll. Ms. Hageman told the Council that the current Planning Commission has proven to be capable with a wide variety of expertise and has served the Council well. Dorothy McNeil, 8765 Sierra Vista, read a prepared statement into the record expressing her concern of the Council's opinions about the Planning Commission appointment process, quoting interviews that were reported in the newspapers (see Attachment Q). Henry Engen, 9575 Lake View Drive, expressed his concerns about the possibility of the Council changing the Planning Commission selection process. He urged the Council to leave the selection process as it is. Mike Murphy, 9230 Santa Clara Road, said that the problem he has with the Eagle Creek lights would not have taken place if the Planning Commission had reviewed the project. He stated that he feels they do an excellent job and the Council should not eliminate the Planning Commission. John McGoff, 9192 Maple St., stated that he supported the Planning Commission's decision to continue the Redevelopment item. The Planning Commission was not fully informed before the meeting which made them unable to make a decision. He said that he supports the current Planning Commission selection process. Fred Frank, 3615 Ardilla, stated that we have an excellent Planning Commission. Geri Brasher, 3202 Monterey Road, stated that the Council made a mistake not making Council Member George Luna Mayor. She said that she supports the current selection process for the Planning Commission and supports the current Planning Commission. Paul Ricketts, 4475 Sycamore, said that the Mayor's position is not political, it's pro-growth vs. controlled growth. He suggested the Council make Mr. Nimmo their Planning Commission. Mayor Johnson closed the Community Forum. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Information Bulletin D. COMMITTEE REPORTS -None CC 11/24/98 Page 10 of 11 E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Council Council Member Luna asked about the status of the City's web site. He also asked for all the reports submitted to the City be received on disk also. Council Member Clay stated that some Planning Commissioners have said bad things about the Council. It's a two-way street. Mayor Johnson asked the Council Members to give him input concerning committees they would like to serve on. F. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Johnson adjourned the Regular Session at 9:30 p.m. to the Redevelopment Agency Meeting immediately following this meeting. MEETING RECORDED AND MINUTES PREPARED BY: /hA4i Marcia McClure Torgerson, City ClerlO ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A—Certificate of the County Clerk Results of Canvass Attachment B—Prepared Statement of Marge Mackey Attachment C—Prepared Statement of Dorothy McNeil Attachment D—Prepared Statement of Carol DeHart Attachment E—Prepared Statement of John McNeil Attachment F—Prepared Statement of Sally& Stewart Thomson Attachment G—Prepared Statement of Charlotte Byrne Attachment H—Prepared Statement of K.M. Barthels Attachment I—Prepared Statement of Catharine Young Attachment J—Prepared Statement of Barrie Hafler Attachment K—Prepared Statement of James Carpenter Attachment L—Prepared Statement of Nancy Hyman Attachment M—Prepared Statement of Oda Ferguson Attachment N—Overhead Projection of Council Member Luna's Attachment O—Overhead Projection of Council Member Luna's Attachment P—Prepared Statement of Marjorie Mackey Attachment Q—Prepared Statement of-Dorothy McNeil CC 11/24/98 Page 11 of 11 Attachment: A Atascadero City Council Meeting date: 11/24/98 CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK RESULTS OF CANVASS OF ALL VOTES CAST NOVEMBER 3,1998 CONSOLIDATED GENERAL ELECTION CITY OF ATASCADERO pCC� � 9WR STATE OF CALIFORNIA } �l 2 4 1998 SS. COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE I,JULIE L. RODEWALD, County Clerk-Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo, do hereby certify that pursuant to law I did canvass the returns of the votes cast at the above referenced election in the City of Atascadero on November 3, 1998, and that a photocopy of the Statement of Votes Cast to which this certificate is attached, shows the number of votes cast in said city for each candidate for the Office of Member of the City Council,City Clerk and City Treasurer and that the totals shown for each candidate for the Office of Member of the City Council, City Clerk and City Treasurer in said city and in each of the respective precincts therein, are full, true and correct. WITNESS my hand and Official Seal this 17th day of November, 1998. JUL L RODEWALD,County Clerk-Recorder 00005'7 °f dER-k - REcoRdER U ��,� /the C[1l'��'t�1 - GOUtM OF SAN LUIS OWSP0 1144 MONTW"ST.STB A SAN LUIS OBISPO.CAt1FORNN 93406•K A05731-5228 JANErHAMY JULIE L RODEWALD OEPuTyREGTSTFmOFVOTEK COUNTYCURKAECORI M November 24, 1998 City of Atascadero City Clerk 6500 Palma Ave. Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear City Clerk; Enclosed is the Certificate of the County Clerk Results of Canvass of all Votes Cast at the November 3, 1998 Consolidated General Election,with a copy of the Statment of Vote pages for your city's election attached. Please feel free to call our office if you have any questions regarding this material. Thank you! Sincerely, JULIE L.RODEWALD,County Clerk-Recorder By ,Deputy Encl. 0000,58 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION 11/3198- CITY OF ATASCADERO - HENSER OF CITY COUNCIL Page 34. 1 Precinct Voters Trnout Pct 1 2 3 4 5 6 . 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------------------------ ------ ----• ----- CON PRECINCT 26 1078 442 41.0 29 0 215 216 163 142 1 .--- CON PRECINCT 27 935 405 43.3 25 1 193 163 169 166 0 CON PRECINCT 28 1032 436 42.2 26 0 217 202 179 169 0 CON PRECINCT 29 413 182 44.1 14 0 85 86 75 73 0 CON PRECINCT 105 802 314 39.2 16 0 151 143 132 128 0 CON PRECINCT 106 899 393 43.7 30 0 181 183 143 145 0 CON PRECINCT:107 938 .393 41.9. 28 2 169 163 181 152 0. CON PRECINCT 108 1093 44T 40.9 .26 : . 0 232 230 152 139 0 ' CON PRECINCT 109 998 424 42.5 37 2 189 183 165 154 3 CON PRECINCT 110 993 402 40.5 33 0 163 i63 177 171 2 CON PRECINCT 111 1093 434 39.7 29 1 177 175 190 156 2 CON PRECINCT 112 1188 429 36.1 34 1 184 175 171 145 3 CON PRECINCT 113 1194 480 40.2 .28 2 231 209 186 165 . 2 . CON PRECINCT 114 996 365 38.7 26 0 173 142 _ . 175 144 . 0 CON PRECINCT 115 976 286 29.3 . 33 1 107 . 103 125 104 0 ABSENTEE CON 26 0 293 0.0 23 2 107 114 141 129 2 ABSENTEE CON 27 0 271 0.0 18 0 138 113 111 101 0 ABSENTEE CON 28 0 302 0.0 22 0 143 146 119 108 0 ABSENTEE CON 29 0 148 0.0 10 0 63 64 60. 68 0 ABSENTEE CON 105. 0 299 0.0 18 0 124 119 139 144 0 ABSENTEE CON 106 0 234 0.0 12 0 92 98 112 103 0 ABSENTEE CON 107 0 249 0.0 20 0 90 92 127 122 2 ABSENTEE CON 108 0 237 0.0 15 1 108 106 102 82 0 ABSENTEE CON 109 0 271 0.0 16 0 121 114 122 116 0 ABSENTEE CON 110 •0 270 0.0 18 1 142 . 122 90 91 0 ABSENTEE CON 111 0 243 0.0 13 0 85 87 122 103 0 A8SENTEE CON 112 0 135 0.0 20 0 96 97 105 82 1 ABSENTEE CON 113 0 255 0.0 16 1 126 124 94 77 3 ABSENTEE CON 114 O 251 0.0 .17 0 98 107 104 101 2 ABSENTEE CON 115 0 196 0.0 20 1 77 . 64 92 73 2 => Precinct Totals 14628 5852 40.0 416 10 2667 2536 2383 2158 13 => Absentee Totals 0 3754 0.0 258 6 1610 1567 1640 1500 12 __> Total Votes 14628 9606 65.7 674 16 4277 4103 4023 3658 2S -------------------------------------------------- C O L U M N L E G E N 0 --------------------------------------------------- 1: City of Atascadero 4: City of Atascadero 7: city of Atascadero 10: Member of City Council Member of City CounciL - Nssber of City Council Blanc Votes Ray Johnson gritein Votes 2: City of Atascadero 5: City of Atescadero 8: 11: Metber of City Council )(ember of City Council over Votes Jennifer Hageman 3: City of Atascadero 6: City of Atascedero �. Member of City Council Herber of City Coiwft J. Mike ArraMbide Henry Engen 000059 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION 11/3/98 CITY OF ATASCADERO - MEMBER OF CITY COUNCIL Page 34. R E C A P Voters Tmout Pet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 • -----.. ...... ...... ..... ...... ...... ...... ..... IST I SUPERVISOR 3458 2479 71.7 169 3 1161 1104 1017 956 3 GIST 2 SUPERVISOR 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DIST 3 SUPERVISOR 0 0 0.0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 DIST 4 SUPERVISOR 0 0 0.0 0 O , 0 0 0 0 0 DIST 5 SUPERVISOR 11170 7127. 63.8 505 13 3116 2999 3006 2702 22 TOTAL VOTERS 14628 9606 65 7 674 16 4277 4103 4023. . 3658 : 25 ' 22N0 CONGRESSIONAL DIST 14628 9606 65.7 674 .16 .4277 4103 4023 3658 25 181H SENATORIAL DIST 14628. 9606 65.7 674 16 4277 4103 4023 3658 25 33RD ASSEMBLY DIST 14628 9606 65.7 674 16 4277 4103 4023 3658 25 BRO EQUALIZATION, DIST 2 14628 9606 65.7 674 16 4277 4103 4023 3658 25 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 D. 0 0 CITY OF ATASCADERO 14628 9606 65.7 674 16 4277 4103 4023 3658 25 CITY OF GROVER BEACH 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF MORRO BAY 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF PASO ROBLES 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF PISMO BEACH 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNINCORPORATED 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCTS 14628 5852 40.0 416 10 2667 2536 2383 2158 13 ABSENTEE TOTALS 0 3754 0.0 258 6 1610 1567 1640 1500 12 TOTAL VOTERS (CONS+ABS) 14628 9606 65.7 674 16 4277 4103 4023 3658 25 ------------------- - ----------- C 0 L U M N L E G E k 0 ------------------------------------------ ----------- ------ • -------------- - --' - ---- -------------------------------------------- - of Ataadero 10: 1z City of Atascadero 4: City of Atascadero 7: City sc ` Member of City Council Member of City CoUncil Member of City Council . Writein Votes Blank Votes Ray Johnson 1 2: City of Atascadero 5. City of Atascadero Member of City Council Member of City Council � Jennifer Hageman Over Votes • • Q, 12z 3: City of Atascadero. 6. City of Atascadero. Vw1xr of City Councit Neater of City Council J. Mike Arrambide Henry Engen __+ t ------------^------- -- --------------•-------------------------------------------------------- --- ------ --------- i 0000€30 i SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION 11/3/98 CITY OF ATASCADERO - CITY CLERK Page 35. 1 Precinct Voters Trnout Pct 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ------------------------ ------ ------ ----- - 0 CAM PRECINCT 26 1078 442 41.0 126 310 6 CON PRECINCT 27 935 405 43.3 104 0 297 4 CON PRECINCT 28 1032 436 42.2 131 0 297 8 CON PRECINCT 29 413 182 44.1 61 0 120 1 CON PRECINCT 105 802 314 39.2 97 0 213 4 ' CON PRECINCT 106. 899. 393 43.7 111 0 . 278 CON PRECINCT 107. 938 393 41.9 112 1 276. 4 CON PRECINCT 108 1093 447 40.9 . 106 0 335 4 CON PRECINCT 109 998 424 42.5 127 0 294 3 CON PRECINCT 110 993 402 40.5 121 0 278 3 CON PRECINCT 111 1093 434 39.7 113 0 305 16 CON PRECINCT 112 1186 429 36.1 113 0 303 13 CON PRECINCT 113 1194 480 40.2 112 0 360 8 CON PRECINCT. 114 9% 385 38.7 100 0 281 4 CON PRECINCT 115 976 286 29.3 72 1 '209 4 ABSENTEE Cot 26 0 293 0.0 91 0200 3 ABSENTEE CON 27 0 271 0.0 92 0 177 2 ABSENTEE CON 28 0 302 0.0 86 0 213 3 ABSENTEE CON 29 0• 148 0.0 52 0 95 1 ABSENTEE CON 105 0 299 0.0 93 0 205 2 ABSENTEE CON 106 0 234 0.0 66 0 165 3 ABSENTEE CON 107 0 249 0.0 72 0 176 1 ABSENTEE CON 108 0 237 0.0 56 10 179 1 ABSENTEE CON 109 0 271 0.0 75 0 193 3 ABSENTEE CON 110 0 270 0.0 67 0 202 1 ABSENTEE CON 111 0 243 0.0 59 0 184 0 ABSENTEE CON 112 0 235 0.0 650 167 3 ABSENTEE CON 113 0 255 0.0 64 0 185 6 ABSENTEE CON 114 0 251 0.0 56 0 191 4 ABSENTEE CON 115 0 196 0.0 41 0 154 1 »> Precinct Totals 14628 5852 40.0 1608 2 4156 86 �> Absentee Totals 0 3754 0.0 1035 0 2686 34 �> Totat Votes 14628 9606 65.7 2643 2 6842 120 ------ C 0 L li M N L E G E'N 0 ----------------------- ------ { 1: City of Atascadero 4: City of Atascadero 7: 10: ' City Clerk City Clerk { Blank Votes 14ritein Votes ' 2: City of Atascadero 5: 8: 11. { City Clerk Over Votes 3:.City of Atascadero 6: 9: :12: City Cterk i Marcia Torgerson '.............------------------------------------- ---------•--------- ----------------------------- -------------- --•---- 000061 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION 1113M CITY OF ATASCADERO - CITY CLERK Pape 35. R E C A P Voters Tmout Pct 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DIST 1-SUPERVISOR 3458 2479 71.7 743 0 1709 28 DIST 2 SUPERVISOR O 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 DIST 3 SUPERVISOR 0 0 . 0.0 0 0 0 0 DIST 4 SUPERVISOR 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 DIST 5 SUPERVISOR 11170 7127 43.8 1900 2 5135 92 TOTAL VOTERS, .. 14m .9606 65.7 2643 2 . 6842 120 22ND CONGRESSIONAL DIST 14628 9606 65.7 2643 2 6642 120 18TH SENATORIAL DIST 14678 9606 65.7 2643 2 6842 120 330 ASSEMBLY DIST 14628 9606 65.7 2643 2 6842 120 BRD EQUALIZATION, DIST 2 14628 9606 65.7 2643 2 6842 120 CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 CITY GF.ATASCADERO 14628 9606 65.7 ` 2643 2 6842 120 CITY OF GROVER BEACH 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF MORRO BAY 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF PASO ROBLES 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF PISMO BEACH 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 UNINCORPORATED 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCTS 14628 5852 40.0 1608 2 .4156 86 ABSENTEE TOTALS 0 3754 0.0 1035 0 2686 34 TOTAL VOTERS (CONS+A8S) 14628 9606 65.7 2643 2 6842 120 - ----- -- --- -------------------- C O L U M N L E G E N D ................................................... � 1: City of Atascadero 4: City of Atascadero 7: 10: �. City Clerk City Clerk Blank Votes Vritein Votes 1 y 2: City of Atascadero 5: 8: J City Clerk fOyer Votes 3: City of Ataseadera 6: 9 City Clerk Marcia Tor9erson 000062 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION 11/3/98 CITY OF ATASCAOERO - CITY TREASURER Page 36. 1 Precinct Voters Trnout Pet 1 2 •3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 CON PRECINCT 26 1078 442 41.0 124 0 314 4 CON PRECINCT 27 935 405 43.3 114 0 287 4 CON PRECINCT 28 1032 436 42.2 129 0 301 6 CON PRECINCT 29 413 182 44.1 60 0 121 1. CON PRECINCT 105 802 314 39.2 102 0 210 Z OOM PRECINCT 106 899 393 43.7 ..107 0 282 4 COM PRECINCT 107 938 393 '41.9 114 0 275 4: CON PRECINCT108 1093 44T 40.9 107 : 0 336 4CON PRECINCT 109 998 424 42.5 121 1 296 b CON PRECINCT 110 993 402 40.5 114 0 285 3 CON PRECINCT 111 1093 434 39.7 !11 0 312 11 CON PRECINCT 112 1188 429 36.1 110 0 305 14 CON PRECINCT 113 1194 480 40.2 116 0 356 8 CON PRECINCT 114 996 . 385 38.7- 96 0 285 4 CON PRECINCT 115 976 286 29.3 71 0 • 212 3 ABSENTEE CON 26 0 293 0.0 93 0 198 3 ABSENTEE CON 27 0 271 0.0 87 0 179 5 ABSENTEE CON 28 0 302 0.0 93 0 207 2 ABSENTEE CON 29 0 148 0.0 49 0 98 1 ABSENTEE CON 105 0 299 0.0 96 0 202 2 ABSENTEE CON 106 0 234 0.0 70 . 1 158 5 ABSENTEE CON 107 0 249 0.0 76 0 173 0 ABSENTEE CON 108 0 237 0.0 54 0 178 4 ABSENTEE CON 109 0 271 0.0 72 0 195 4 ABSENTEE CON 110 0 270 0.0 60 0 209 1 ABSENTEE CON 111 0 243 0.0 58 0 185 0 ABSENTEE CON 112 0 235 0.0 66 0 167 2 ABSENTEE CON 113 0 255 0.0 61 0 188 b ABSENTEE CON 114 . 0 251 0.0 55 0 190 6 ABSENTEE CON 115 0 196 0.0 42 0 151 -3 _> Precinct TOWS 14628 5852 40.0 1596 1 4177 78 _> Absentee Totals 0 3754 0.0 1032 1 2678 44 -r> Total Votes 14628 9606 65.7 2628 2 6855 122 -------------------------------------------------- C O L U M N L E G E N 0 -------------------------------------- 1: City of Atascadero 4: City of Atascadero 7: City Treasurer City Treasurer Blank Votes Yritein Votes 2: City of Atascadero 5: City Treasurer Over Votes '.3: City of Atescadero 6: 9: !Z: City Treasurer: David G. Graham 000063 SAIF LUIS OBISPO COUNTY GENERAL ELECTION 11/3198 CITY OF ATASCADERO - CITY TREASURER page 36. RECAP Voters -Trnmt Pct 1 2 3 �► - 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 •-•--- ------ --•--- ------ ....- ---••- ...... ...... ST 1 SUPERVISOR 3458 2479 71.7 749 0 1705 26 IST 2 SUPERVISOR 0 0 0.0 0' 0 0 .0 IST 3-SUPERVISOR 0 0 0.0 -0 0 O 0 DIST 4 SUPERVISOR 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 DIST,5 SUPERVISOR 11170 7127 63.8 1879 2 5150 96 TOTAL VOTERS :14625 9606 :65.7 2628 . 2 . 6855. . 122 22ND CONGRESSIONAL DIST 14628 9606 65.7. 2628 2 U55 122 1377 SENATORIAL DIST 14628 4606 65.7 2628 2 ' 6855 122 33RD ASSEMBLY DIST 14625 9606 65.7' 2628 2 6855 122 BRD EQUALIZATION, DIST 2 14628 9606 65.7 2628 2 6855 122 CITY of ARROYO GRANDE. 0 - a . 0.0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF ATASCADERO 14628 9606 65.7 2625 2 6855 • 122 CITY OF GROVER BEACH 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF MORRO SAY 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF PASO ROBLES 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF PISHO BEACH 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 UNINCORPORATED 0 0 0.0 0 O 0 0 CONSOLIDATED PRECINCTS 14628 5852 40.0 1596 1 . 4177 78 ABSENTEE TOTALS 0 3754 0.0 1032 1 2678 44 TOTAL VOTERS (CONS+ABS) 14628 9606 65.7 2628 2 6855 122 C O L u M N L E G E N D --- - --- -^--------- -- ( 1z•Ci , of Atascadero 4: City of Atascadero 7: 10: City ( City Treasurer City Treasurer ( blank Votes 1lritein Votes I ( 2: City of Atascadero 5: $� ( City Treasurer I ( . over..Votes ( e. 12: i ( 3: City of Atascadero b: ( City Treasurer ( Dsvid G. Graham --------------• -------- ------------------------- -'I (......•--.-- ------•-----•------•-----• •... ---•--- ------------- 000064 Attachment: B Atascadero City Council Meeting date:2 1/24,19$ CITY.COUNCIL MEMBERS: GENTLEMEN: t I have heard that you are considering making the term of mayor a two year appointment. I would like to speak against such a policy. Most people who are elected to the Council would like to be Mayor. If the term is two year it eliminates half of the people who can serve. Most of the council men recently have only served for 4 years. Very fewof them would have had the opportunity to be mayor if that idea had been there. I hope you will reconsider this idea. I personally would like to see George Luna.as Mayor and Jerry Clay as Mayor Pro-Tem. That would be the FAIR way to do it. Thank you for your consideration. Marjorie R. key 5504 Tunitas Av 241998 Atascadero,CA 93422 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 1 000065 Attachment: C November 241 199$ Atascadero City Council Meeting date: 11/24/98 D ----� Atascadero City Council n • I•r/ 2 41998 Honorable members: CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE George, Luna is highly respected and admired in our community. In turn, he always respects the people who come before the council with their concerns. George researches all issues thoroughly and cooperates with staff and other council members. This town has a history of choosing mayors from the majority and from the loyal opposition. However, for the last six years the council majority has, for reasons of its own, been un- willing to choose a mayor who is not in total agreement with . its views. Is it a matter of insecurity, of pettiness, or of fear of dissent: The mayor' s role is hardly a powerful one. Perhaps the council majority :can be strong enough to over— come its fears and realize that to elect George Luna as mayor would be a very wise choice. Those citizens who gave George the largest .number of votes any councilmember has received since incorporation will applaud loudly. Dor by F. McNeil 8?w Sierra Vista Rd. Atascadero, CA 93422 . 000066 Attachment: D Atascadero City Council Meeting date: 11/24/98 Carol J. DeHart D ( d 4305 Lobos Ave. Atascadero,CA. .93422 ' 2 41998 November 24, 1998 CITY CLERKS OF Council Members,City of Atascadero 6500 Palma Ave. Atascadero,CA. 93422 I am here to urge that Councilman George Luna be nominated by,and elected by,this council for mayor. He has served the people of Atascadero in an honorable and distinguished manner for the past six years. It is time for him to be at the helm of this city which needs someone of Councilman Luna's integrity to guide it. I would also like to express my desire that the current system to appoint the City Planning Commission members continue. I think for the City Council members to appoint Planning Commission members will rob the City of Atascadero of real democracy and any objectivity. I believe any development within this city should be a redevelopment of the downtown area. Also,having been a resident on Santa Barbara Rd. for over fifteen years and an Atascadero resident for 23 years,I have opposed and continue to oppose gross commercial development on the Dove Creek property. To me the Lakes Project smacks of southern California tract developments that I've tried to escape. The general plan must be adhered to if we are to retain our beautiful,rural, "Tree City of the Nation"reputation,as E.G. Lewis envisioned it. Sincerely, in erely, Carol DeHart 000067 Attachment: E Atascadero City Council NO'l 2 4 IM Meeting date: . 11/24/98 R IF �- CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY CLEERJK'S OFFICE .�C� Ccs ��- C;�7 �--��►-�� � .�� /-I-� /Z-7 l G z r 000068 op-9 G S` S� eYrA Vi s-Ar, N07 2 41998 7455 Bella Vista Atascadero, CA. 93422 CITYOFATASCADERO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE November 24th 1998 Attachment: F Atascadero City Council City Clerk Meeting date: 11/24/98 Atascadero, CA. 93422 Dear Clerk, Please pass this note along to the City Council for their meeting tonight. We write in support of those voices. who will speak in support of George Luna as Mayor. He deserves this honor since in the normal progression it is his 'turn and he was the premier vote recipient in his election cycle. He has served with a long and distinguished career. It would be lacking in courtesy for other members of the Council to deny him this post. We also want to express our hope that the method of choosing the City Planning Commission remain the same. In this way some diversity and balance can be maintained in city government and in particular in light of the recent election in which the citizens were so evenly divided. Sincerely yours, Sally and Stewart Thomson 000069 a Attachment: G Atascadero City Council 2 4 X998 Meeting date: 11/24/98 November 23, 1998 Dear Council Members: CI'y CLERKS OFFICE I am concerned that my friend, George Luna has not yet served our town as mayor. He has been actively serving this community for 10 years or more, and is the only 2nd term council person to have not been selected by his fellow council-persons as mayor. I hope you will gracefully and graciously ask him to serve as mayor on December--est. )Js - C -g Thank you, Charlotte Byrne I ask that my letter be read publicly on Deeember Charlotte Byrne 4064 Tranquilla Avenue Atascadero, California 93422 0000'70 Attachment: H O 0 w N Atascadero City Council Meeting date: 11/24/98 241998 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 0000�l Attachment: I Atascadero City Council Meeting date: 11/24/98 NOV 2 41998 ' i CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE November 24;1998 TO: Atascadero City Council FROM: Catharine H. Young Because I am unable to be at the Atascadero City Council meeting tonight, November 24, 1998, I would like to make my thoughts part of the public record. First, I would like the Council to retain thecurrent format for the selection and number of Citizens on the City Planning Commission. I am in favor of the Commission retaining seven members. I would also like to say that I would like to voice my support for Councilman George Luna to be appointed Mayor of Atascadero. Catharine H. You g 6820 San Gabriel Rd. ` Atascadero, CA 93422 0000'72 rr07 2 41998 a Attachment: J Atascadero City Council CITY CLERKS AD SRO Meeting date: 11/24/98 C�I c 1,14A /M7 117 ALA _ 0000'73 9 q Attachment: K /J� �� Atascadero City Council (� �j !-�� e ,jj �} Meeting date: 11/24/98 ._.,�'�tJ�c�-�. ..-�?-�'�-�i.�.. ,� -��.►�-�-. �*�-.wad .-��-�.��e. /Z.R..cd�z-o� F C�����c✓�V `cam .,L✓ U' �'-�...: ��c�-�-�, PC4 �'tJPiL.rL.. , �,�(j't.,l-�C3� ✓�-'�' /C...:.gtlJ�-s�� � ��--- �/1-Cr'�-t� CIS-�Z..,/ J 24 � cicYaF aTscar,�j� CITY CLERR OFFICE ®000'74 Attachment: L -1, Atascadero City Council . an-A CG&-Ap C� C`��� Meeting date: 11/24./98 cc -G) Sv--te(IN)IA -�Ll P �pkAAu/ll �\O��S • �� Ct c..� . p 241998 t3F A,�iSCAi) " C \ Mao y J 00007 (4 'l Attachment: M Atascadero City Council D Q [ Meeting da e: 11/24 241 . CITY CLERK S OAD IR',�E -.�s--�- -� Zit �yZ e-� �v`c-•�_-lc� C,lu �-�`. 4� 0000'76 Attachment: N Atascadero City Council Meeting,date: 11/24/98 Cd c�3 � • o Q> a� c1d cd *-4 Q> Q�) 000077 Attachment: O Atascadero City Council N Meeting date: 11/24/98 00 At p.. N a (� , 0C05 0 DD ° .y •� M DCD a ® 7. 00 oaa ° it •P 4> 42 P-4 bO O bo w as o a� o V :r 0 O o O �' O. •0 Ope 44 Eb .y" CVSw o a o U P4 9 • 0 bOO PQ PA I ' �' > a� o .� A � � � a •w a MV ►° ` IL 1H11 *4 1c4 1 vi 14 0 v) %4 t- o0 I 8 Attachment: P Atascadero City Council ,.� 2 41998 Meeting date: 11/24/98 Atascadero City Council CITY OF ATASCApER� . Dear Sirs: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE It is my understanding that you are considering changing the make-up of the Planning Commission at your meeting tonight(Nov.24, 1998). I am hoping that you will have an advertised public hearing before making any changes. In our form of government the various branches provide a system of checks and balances which have protected the people for many years. It may seem slow and cumbersome at times but it has been working for a long time. When our first planning commission quit almost en masse the Council acted as the Planning Commission and we missed them. We were happy when we had,a new commiss- ion in place. I hope you will continue to have the present system with the present commiss- ioners and with seven commissioners;at least until you adequately advertise your intentions. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Marjorie R lackey 5504 Tunitas Av. Atascadero,CA 93422 (805-466-1811) 000079 Attachment: Q November 24, 1998 Atascadero City Council Meeting date: 11/24/98 Atascadero City Council Honorable members: This morning' s T/T revealed a lot of information on B 1. First it told us that Johnson and Arrambide "will pursue a pro- growth path to revitalize the downtown and make it the city' s hub. Both promise to pursue new businesses and business expansion .for increased sales tax revenue. Then we are told that Atascadero ranked second lowest in the county in sales tax revenue. But Arranbide assures us revenue will come with Carlton Hotel renovation and the Dove Creek shopping ccvvehtter. ' e n the T/T quoted Johnson, "We 've been looking at the structure and role of the Planning Commission. But we 're not doing away with it . " Then Kenneth Lerno said council members in the coming months will select planning commissioners who share the council ' s vision.b� "I think it ' s important that we get a Planning Commission that is in sync with the city council. We don't have that right now. " IRb I smell a violation of the Brown Act?) It is most important , fellow citizens, for all of us -to know that this proposal to get the Planning Commission "in sync" with the Council began about two years ago. Then mayor Johnson and former councilman Bob Nimmo proposed that all anpointed commissions and boards be ousted, and that public application and interview process for appointments give way to having each .councilmember appoint one person to serve on the Planning Commission if 5 were the. approved number, or the whole council would choose the other. two if the number were left) at 7. At that time Lon Allen wrote in the Atascadero News: "Former Mayor Bob Nimmo suggested last week that having a commission out-of-sync is costly to developers who are waiting to get projects approved. . . . But I disagree here. Having a Planning Commission joined at the hip with the council, regardless of the philosophy, could. be costly. to the citizens of this community for a long, long time. Diversity is good and healthy and at the very roots of democracy. " May I remind everyone here that Nimmo and those he .embraces at every election (watch the TV ads) have controlled the council since incorporation. All have - proclaimed themselves pro business. If we rank so low in revenue we must ask them, "Why have you failed:" Surley the council has always had the votes to override any out- of=sync Planning Commission. Where ' s the beef? rR =ATA�SCAD�ER�0 000080 CI7�YCLOI November 24, 1998 City Council Pg• .2 The first real blow I''ve seen a Planning Commission deal came last week when the Commission voted 5-2 not to approve the' preliminary Redevelopment boundary map. The godfather and puppets had theirVtimetable set up for the Council to deal with said map in mid December: (Christmas always a safe time to conduct .major council business--no audience. ) Naughty Planning Commission asked hard questions about redevelop- ment and the map and concluded they needed more information--all except Arrambide, who asked not a single question, and Eddins, both of whom worship at the altar of the power structure. S�Q� oo OUT with- all you errant Commissioners ! We'll show you that dissent and democracy are not tolerated in Atascadero government ! The very first council in 1970 or 1980 decided on a 7 member planning commission and stated in the minutes that commissioners should be selected from the commmnity at large and every effort should be made to provide a cross section of community interests. 25 of 28 applicants showed up for interviews. Well , fellow citizens, good luck with these guys. With this council actino as the Redevelopment Agency with the power to float bonds without public approval , the power to condemn property, and no dissent allowed, we 're gonna .hafta settle for dictatorship. As a government teacher for over 20. years I learned that nowhere, no matter the constitution or the structure of the government, NOWHERE can democracy survive if dissent is not allowed. Michael Parenti is correct : ,very ruling class in history has :,ranted only one thinr--:. everything. He says , "If you know that and you don't know anything else, you know more thah if you know everything else and you don't '_snow that ." civ d-,:� In order to get everything, you can't tolerate democracy, can you? Doroth F. McNeil 8765 ' erra Vista Rd. Atascadero, CA 93422 000081