HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Agenda 05 21 98 1850 County--of San Luis. Obisp® ti0UN7'Y GOVERNMENT CENTER,RM.370■SAN LUIS OBISPO,CALIFORNIA 93408■(805)781-5011 AGENDA . - SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCILS AND THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY (HOSTED BY THE COUNTY OFSAN LUIS OBISPO) Thursday,May 21, 1998 6:00 p.m.- Social Hour 7:00 p.m. Regular Session. Embassy Suites 333 Madonna Road San Luis Obispo, California i "SPECIAL MEETING PROTOCOL" ► San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors'Chairperson,Mike Ryan,will chair the meeting. ► The business meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m.and adjourn no later than 11:00 p.m. ► Public Comment will be limited to two minutes per speaker with a total of 16 minutes. ► Due to the large number of City Council and Board of Supervisors members in attendance,all are respectfully requested to hint their comments and/or questions to two minutes.If a Mayor,Council or Board member wishes to be recognized by the Chair,he or she may indicate so by raising their hand. ► Staff presentations will be limited to ten minutes. ► Motions will need to be ratified by each Council and the Board of Supervisors.Chairperson Ryan will . recognize each of the respective Mayors,who in turn will put the item too a vote of his/her Council.The same process will be undertaken by the Board of Supervisors. In order to facilitate this process,discussion by individual Council and Board members should be limited to a minimum due to the large number of elected officials present ' SPECIAL JOINT MEETING: 7:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: Chairperson Ryan PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. A JOINT RESOLUTION URGING THE GOVERNOR AND THE STATE LEGISLATURE TO OPPOSE THE PHASE-OUT OF THE VEHICLE LICENSE FEES {Allen Settle, Mayor of San Luis Obispo, will give report and present resolution} Estimated Time: 45 minutes INFORMATION ITEMS: STATUS REPORT ON FEDERAL INTERMODAL SURFACE TRANSPORTATION ACT aSTEAI: REAUTHORIZATION COMPARISON OF HOUSE AND SENATE VERSIONS {Ron DeCarli, Executive Director of the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments will give presentation} Estimated Time: 30 minutes 2. UPDATE REPORT ON COUNTYWIDE PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE AND REHABILITATION NEEDS. {Ron DeCarli, Executive Director of the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments will give presentation} Estimated Time: 30 minutes ADJOURNMENT 1 Thursday,May21,1998 'The Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo,and ex-officio the governing body of all other special assessment and taxing districts for which said Board so acts,met in regular adjourned session at 7:00 o'clock P.M.at the Embassy Suites Hotel,San Luis Obispo,California for a joint City Councils and Board of Supervisors Meeting. PRESENT: . Supervisors Peg Pinard,Ruth E.Brackett,and Chairperson Michael P.Ryan ABSENT: Supervisors Harry L.Ovitt,Laurence L.Laurent ALSO PRESENT: City of Arroyo Grande: Council members Michael Fuller, Michael Lady, Thomas A. Runels, Steve Tolley and Mayor A.K."Pete" Dougall City of Atascadero: Council members Jerry L.Clay,Sr.,Ray Johnson,George Luna and Mayor Harold L. Carden,III City of Grover Beach: Council members Henry E. "Gene" Gates, Robert Reed and Mayor Dee Santos City of Morro Bay: Council members Rodger Anderson, William Peirce, Janice Peters,and Mayor Cathy Novak City of Paso Robles: Council members Tom Baron,Walter J.Macklin,Lee Swanson and Mayor Duane J.Picanco City of Pismo Beach: Council members Marian Mellow,Bill Rabenaldt City of San Luis Obispo: Council members Bill Roalman,Dave Romero,Dodie Williams, Kathy Smith and Mayor Allen K. Settle ABSENT: City of Atascadero: Council member Kenneth Lemo City of Grover Beach: Council members Ronald Arnoldsen,Peter Keith City of Morro Bay: Council member Dave Elliott City of Paso Robles: Council member Christian E.Iversen City of Pismo Beach: Council members Hal Halldin,Mary Ann Reiss and Mayor John Brown "Note: A quorum for the City of Pismo Beach is not present and they will not vote on any of the matters before this Joint Cities/Board of Supervisors meeting PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG LED BY CHAIRPERSON RYAN On motion duly made and unanimously carried,the agenda is approved as presented. SUM AGN 1 PC This is the time set for members of the public wishing to address the Board and City Councils on matters not set on the agenda. Mr.Ron DeCarli: San Luis Obispo Council of Governments(SLOCOG), announces that the first emergency call box,that was approved by the Board of Supervisors and the City Councils approximately one year ago,is up and operating on the Cuesta Grade; addresses the ceremony that took place yesterday on the Cuesta Grade introducing the installation of this call box; states they hope to have all of them in place,throughout the County,over the next several months. Mr. Gere Sibbach:;County Auditor-Controller,states he will be hosting a workshop regarding property tax distribution;this workshop will address how properties are assessed and how those taxes are distributed;the workshop is scheduled for May 27, 1998 at 1:30 p.m. at the City-County Library;they intend to hold these workshops yearly. . Mr.Tom Murray:Arroyo Grande resident,speaks to the reconfiguration of property taxes by the State in the early'90's and encourages the City Councils and the Board of Supervisors to work together to get this money back from the State. Chairperson Ryan:introduces Abel Maldonado,Mayor for the City of Santa Maria and candidate for 33rd Assembly District. No action taken. 2 A-1 This is the time set to consider a joint resolution supporting consolidation of the County of San Luis Obispo into a single Corps of Engineers District. Mr. Glen Priddy: Deputy County Engineer, presents the staff report, indicating the County is divided between three jurisdictional (Los Angeles, San Francisco and Sacramento) Districts of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Pacific Division; indicates this division makes it difficult to effectively carry out emergency projects during and following natural disasters. Council member Macklin: questions if the rules or the interpretation of the rules is different among these three Districts. Chairperson Ryan: indicates the rules are the same, the interpretation is different. Mr.Priddy:addresses an incident that occurred where they received different interpretations from the Los Angeles versus San Francisco Division;discusses the interpretation from the San Francisco Division regarding cleaning culverts and allowing 6"on each side of the culvert to work from. Mayor Settle: questions whether the Corps is willing to consolidate the County into one District. Mr.Priddy:responds that the Division personnel saw the County's problem fand indicated they were willing to work this out. Mayor Dougall:questions whether there is any competitiveness between the Districts as to which one we would go to. Mr.Priddy:responds that he does not believe there is. Council member Rabenaldt: states that the City of Pismo Beach addressed this issue and unanimously supported this action. Mayor. Novak: states they are open to discussion on which District the County goes with before any final decision is made. Chairperson Ryan: calls for a straw vote as to any preferences on which District is used with the votes being split between Los Angeles and San Francisco and no opinion. No one appearing, thereafter, .on motion of Supervisor Brackett, seconded by Supervisor Pinard and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Supervisors Brackett,Pinard,Council members Fuller, Lady, Runels, Tolley, Mayor Dougall, Council members Clay, Johnson, Luna, Mayor Carden, Council members Gates, Reed, Mayor Santos, Council members Anderson, Peirce, Peters, Mayor Novak, Council members Baron, Macklin, Swanson, Mayor Picanco, Council members Roalman, Romero, Smith, Williams, Mayor Settle and Chairperson Ryan NOES• None ABSENT: Supervisors Ovitt, Laurent, Council members Lerno,. Arnoldsen,Keith,Elliott,Iversen A resolution of the County Board of Supervisors and the incorporated cities in San Luis Obispo County regarding jurisdictional oversight by the United States Army Corps of Engineers,adopted. 3 A-2 This is the time set to consider a joint resolution urging the Governor and the State Legislature to oppose the phase-out of the Vehicle License Fees. Mayor Settle:presents the staff report;indicates this issue is also tied to the property taxes taken away from the cities and counties by the State through the Education Revenue Augmentation Fund(ERAF);speaks to a conversation he had with Ms.Elizabeth Hill, legislative analyst,regarding the impacts of phasing out the Vehicle License Fees;urges adoption of the resolution. Supervisor Brackett: states she opposes the phase out unless this money is replaced with constitutionally guaranteed replacement funds; questions the language in the`NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED"portion of the resolution. A motion by.Mayor Settle to not oppose the phase out unless linked to constitutionally guaranteed replacement source as well as the return of property taxes taken through ERAF,is discussed. Council member Romero:suggests alternative language under Section 1 and 2 that would read"Oppose phasing-out VLF revenues unless they are linked to a constitutionally-guaranteed replacement source as well as the return.... and indicates this would put Sections I and 2 together and deleting the-first line of Section 2 and the references to Section 1 and 2. Mayor Settle:restates the wording change under NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that will combine Sections 1 and 2 to read"Oppose phasing- out VLF revenues unless it is linked to a constitutionally-guaranteed replacement source as well as the return of the property taxes to cities and counties taken away by the State through ERAF." Mayor Novak: addresses the resolution that was originally to be presented tonight and it was only to address AB 1776 and now we have a resolution before us with a whole lot more included in it;discusses ACA 42 and indicates there is also ACA 45 that is directly linked to the vehicle registration;feels it is more appropriate to support ACA 45;addresses concerns to the use of the word"opposing"when addressing this issue. Mr. Joe Kelly: states this is a multi-faceted item; questions how much is needed to make the County whole; suggests the increase in fees and assessments now produce more money than the property taxes;addresses the. $29/vehicle fee to operate the Department of Motor Vehicles. Mr.Bob Blair:states he is a Community Services District Director,states he is representing all the special districts and asks that they be included in this resolution. Mr. Tom'Murray: encourages the group to adopt the resolution and suggests the best control of these types of issues is at the local level. A motion by Mayor Settle to include special districts,change the NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED to combine Sections 1 and 2 to read "Oppose phasing-out VLF revenues unless it is linked to a constitutionally-guaranteed replacement source as well as the return of the property taxes to cities and counties taken away by the State through ERAF."and,adopt the resolution as amended,is seconded by Council member Reed. The Clerk asks if the special districts are being included lin both the NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED and in the revised language that was previously Section I and 2,with Mayor Settle indicating that is correct. Mayor Novak: addresses her concern to the word"oppose". Chairperson Ryan: directs the Clerk to read the changes to resolution. Clerk:reads the language changes as follows: "NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisor of the County of San Luis Obispo, all the City Councils of all the Cities and all the Special Districts in San Luis Obispo County that we urge the Governor and State Legislature to: Oppose phasing-out VLF revenues unless it is linked to a constitutionally-guaranteed replacement source as well as the return of the property taxes to cities, counties and special district taken away by the State through ERAF." Mayor Novak: states she still is concerned about the word"oppose" and explains her reasoning. Council member Johnson: addresses his concerns about where "special districts"has been inserted. It is suggested that the reference to special districts be deleted in the"NOW., !' THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED"and leave it in the amended language that was.previously Sections 1 and 2,with Mayor Settle agreeing. Council member Peters: suggests changing the language from "Oppose phasing-out VLF revenues..."to read"Support phasing-out VLF revenues . only if...",with Mayor Settle agreeing to the modification to the language. Council member Rabenaldt:states the City of Pismo Beach did support this on Tuesday night. Matter is fully discussed and thereafter, on motion of Mayor Settle, seconded by Council member Reed and on the following roll call voter AYES: Mayor Settle, Council member Reed, Council members Fuller, Lady, Runels, Tolley, Mayor Dougall, Council members Clay,Johnson,Luna,Mayor Carden,Council members Gates, Mayor Santos, Council members Anderson,Peirce,Peters,Mayor Novak,Council members Baron, Macklin, Swanson, Mayor Picanco, Council members Roalman,Romero,Smith,Williams,Supervisors Brackett,Pinard,Chairperson Ryan NOES: None ABSENT: Council members Lerno, Arnoldsen, Keith, Elliott, Iversen,Supervisors Ovitt,Laurent the City Councils and Board of Supervisors amend the resolution to change the NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED to read"NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo and all the City Councils of all the Cities in San Luis Obispo County that we urge the Governor and State Legislature to:Support phasing-out VLF revenues only if it is linked to a constitutionally-guaranteed replacement source as well as the return of the property taxes to cities,counties and special districts taken away by the State through ERAF." and, Joint Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo and City Councils of all the Cities in San Luis Obispo County urging the Governor and the State Legislature to oppose the phase-out of Vehicle License Fees,adopted as amended. 4 B-1 This is the time set for a status report on Federal Intermodal Surface Transportation Act (ISTEA): reauthorization, comparison of House and Senate Versions. Mr.Ron DeCarli: SLOCOG,presents the staff report,giving an overview of the funding;indicates the basic structure remains the same;addresses the various Tables in the staff report that outline the(Table 1) Comparison of funding provisions in ISTEA Reauthorization preliminary estimate-House vs. Senate Bills(ISTEA II vs BESTEA);(Table 2)ISTEA Reauthorization bills, current law(ISTEA)vs BR2400(BESTEA&SB 1173 (ISTEA II);(Table 3) Regional Transportation Improvement Program(RTIP)Summary of Projects and (Table 4) SLOCOG Transportation Project Funds 1997/98-2002/03; indicates there are increases in funding to all the cities;addresses the timetable to submit applications for funding. Council member Swanson:asks for examples of streamlining efforts. Mr. DeCarli: responds outlining the current route for approving funding/applications. Chairperson Ryan: opens the floor to public comment without response. No Action Taken. 5 B-2 This is the time set for an update report on Countywide pavement maintenance and rehabilitation needs. Mr.Ron DeCarli:SLOCOG,states the Mayors' Group asked that this item be put on the agenda; outlines Attachment A - Countywide Pavement Maintenance&Rehabilitation Needs Report Update;Attachment B-Memo from Bob Reed,Chairperson for the Supplemental Transportation Funding Committee regarding the possibility of placing a'/2 cent sale tax measure on the November 1998 ballot; addresses Tables I & 2 regarding current pavement conditions and currently required maintenance work;Tables 3&4 current maintenance needs: low cost scenario and cost of currently needed maintenance:standard cost scenario. Council member Luna:questions the maintenance and whether that includes anything other than resurfacing. Mr.Robert Blair:states he has seen lots of reports from SLOCOG but has not seen any paving occur; addresses the poor condition of the highway between Nipomo and Arroyo Grande;discusses the bus route.figures he has seen;states the County will not get a tax increase approved by the voters. Mr. DeCarli: responds to questions indicating that maintenance doesn't include anything other than resurfacing and their information does not include State Highways as these are handled through Cal Trans;discusses the amount of funding that goes to transit needs and this funding be dedicated to transportation and can only be used for roads if all the transportation needs have been met. Council member Reed:speaks to his role as the Chair for the Supplemental Transportation Funding;indicates that if the ERAF funds are returned there will not be a need to look for alternative funding. Chairperson Ryan:states he sees a sales tax increase being hard to sell with the State talking about all the excess funds they have. Mayor Settle: discusses SB 325 and suggests sending letters to our representatives telling them we want to re-think this bill. Chairperson Ryan: opens the floor to public comment without response. No Action Taken. On motion duly made and unanimously carried,the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, and ex-officio the governing body of all other special assessment and taxing districts for which said Board so acts,does now adjourn. I, JULIE L. RODEWALD, County Clerk-Recorder and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo,and ex-officio clerk of the governing body of all other special assessment and taxing.districts for which said Board so acts, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a fair statement of the proceedings of the meeting held Thursday,May 21, 1998,by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Luis Obispo, and ex-officio the governing body of all other special assessment and taxing districts for which said Board so acts. JULIE L.RODEWALD,County Clerk-Recorder and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By: Is/,Vicki M. Shelby Deputy Clerk-Recorder DATED:June 1, 1998 vms