HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 102897 MEETING DATE: 11/25/97 Approved as submitted ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 28, 1997 CLOSED SESSION,6:30 P.M.: 1) Conference with legal counsel-Existing litigation (Govt. Code Sec. 54956.9) Name of case: Ramirez v. City of Atascadero 2) Conference with legal counsel- Existing litigation(G.C. Sec. 54956.9(a)) Name of case: Greene v. City of Atascadero 3) Conference with legal counsel-Anticipated litigation(G.C. Sec. 54956.9(b)) Significant exposure to litigation(one case): Don Brimaae v. City of Atascadero 4) Conference with labor negotiator: Agency negotiator: City Attorney Employee organizations: Mid-Management/Professional, Atascadero Fire Captains,Atascadero Firefighters, Service Employees Intl. Union Local 620, Atascadero Sergeants Service Orgn.,Atascadero Police Officers Assoc., Atascadero Public Safety Technicians Orgn. REGULAR SESSION,7:00 P.M.: Mayor Johnson called the Regular Session to order at 7:10 P.M. and Councilmember Lerno led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Carden, Clay,Lerno,Luna and Mayor Johnson Absent: None. Others Present: Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk Staff Present: Wade McKinney, City Manager; Roy Hanley, City Attorney; Steve DeCamp,Acting Community Development Director; Brady Cherry, Community Services Director; Lt. Bill Watton,Acting Police Chief; Rachelle Rickard, City Accountant;Valerie Humphrey, Staff Assistant; Peter Gaw, Fire Captain. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call-5:0 COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: On behalf of the City Council and the City of Atascadero, Mayor Johnson expressed sympathy to the Capps family as Congressman Capps passed away today. The Council asked staff to draft a letter to the Capps family to express their condolences and reflect our appreciation of his service to Atascadero and the county of San Luis Obispo. Mayor Johnson asked that the letter be signed by all Councilmembers. COMMUNITY FORUM: Raymond K. Jansen, 6655 Country Club Drive,read a letter to the editor into the record. The letter stated his concerns of the public not keeping informed of political issues. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, stated his concerns of the treatment of a coast live oak that he witnessed across the street from 6910 Navajoa. He stated it is being damaged by the storage of construction equipment and the stockpiling of dirt. Ann Ketcherside, 9012 La Linia, circulated a picture and asked that the Council take care of her issue within the next week. She explained that if her issue was not taken care of by next week, she will be forced to go to Dan Lungren's office. She went on to say that if she goes to Mr. Lungren's office she will file a suit against the City. --end COMMUNITY FORUM-- PRESENTATIONS: Proclaim "Red Ribbon Week", October 23-31, 1997 The Proclamation was accepted by Sue Warren,North County Connection, 3556 El Camino Real. She explained some of the programs for children in Atascadero. CORRESPONDENCE: None. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: Roll Call 1. City Council Minutes- September 23, 1997 (City Clerk recommendation: Approve) 2. City Treasurer's Report-July 1997 (City Treasurer's recommendation: Review & accept) 3. City Treasurer's Report-August 1997 (City Treasurer's recommendation: Review &accept) 4. City Treasurer's Report- September 1997 (City Treasurer's recommendation: Review&accept) 5. September 1997 Audited Bills and Pa roll -Fiscal Impact: $1,086,441.55 CC 10/28/97 Page 2 (Staff recommendation: Approve) 6. Acceptance of Final Parcel May 95004, 8295 Marchant Ave. -Division of a 1.13 acre site into two parcels of 0.50 and 0.55 acres net(Bernard/Sholders) -No Fiscal Impact(Staff recommendation: Accept) 7. Acceptance of Final Parcel Map 92006, 10060 Atascadero Ave. - Division of 2.28 acre site into two parcels of 1.0 and 1.28 acres. (Hazard/Tartaglia) -No Fiscal Impact(Staff recommendation: Accept) 8. Traffic Way Bikeway(Bid No. 96-06)-Fiscal Impact: $14,485.32,previously budgeted (Staff recommendation: Accept project improvements and authorize payment of the 10%retention) 9. Curbaril Avenue Sewer Main Repair Project(Bid No. 96-07)-Fiscal Impact: $6,987.30,previously budgeted (Staff recommendation: Accept project improvements and authorize payment of the 10%retention) 10. Pump Station No. 5 Sewer Main Repair Project(Bid No. 96-08)-Fiscal Impact: $9,692.80 (Staff recommendation: Accept project improvements and authorize payment of the 10%retention) 11. Citizens' Options for Public SafM(COPS) Grant for Purchase of Computer Services - Total Grant Funds Requested: $5,350 (Staff recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 100-97) 12. General Plan Conformance-Proposed Lease of Property at 6925 Atascadero Avenue-No Fiscal Impact (Staff recommendation: Find the County's intention to lease subject real property to be in conformance with the General Plan) 13. General Plan Conformance -Proposed Sale of Property at 4995 Mananita Avenue - No Fiscal Impact (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Find the City's disposal of the subject Park Reservation parcel to be in conformance with the General Plan) 14. Request by California Federation of Women's Clubs to Place an"El Camino Real Bell"in front of the Chamber of Commerce Office-Fiscal Impact: $50.00 (Staff recommendation: Approve bell placement and provide staff direction) 15. 1997/98 Street Striping Project-Fiscal Impact: $26,575.34 (Staff recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 93-97) 16. Installation of Stop Sign-Palomar Avenue-Fiscal Impact: $100.00 (Traffic Committee Recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 94-97) 17. Resolution AdoptingFull-time,Part-time Employee Salary Schedules and Departmental Staffing Allocations for Fiscal Year 1997/98 -No Fiscal Impact (Staff recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 97-97) Councilmember Luna pulled A-13 and Eric Greening pulled A-1. CC 10/28/97 Page 3 MOTION: By Councilmember Luna and seconded by Councilmember Clay to approve items A-2,3,49 59 6,7,8,9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17. Motioned passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. RE: Item A-1: Eric Greening asked that the City Clerk correct page 4 under item B-1 where he was speaking in relation to the Nacimiento Water Project. He said that he did no say that the EIR was adequate. He asked that the word adequate be replaced with well intentioned. Mayor Johnson asked Marcia Torgerson, City Clerk,to make the correction. MOTION: By Councilmember Luna and seconded by Councilmember Clay to approve Item A-1 as amended. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. RE: Item A-13: Councilmember Luna stated that he pulled this item because he wanted to state that if the City is going to dispose of properties like this,we should develop a policy. He also stated that he would like to see what the value is to the City. Councilmember Luna said that he would prefer to continue this item until the City develops a policy. Councilmember Clay asked what the total square footage of the parcel is and the total cost. Wade McKinney responded that the parcel is well under one-quarter acre and he explained that the City has not established a price. Item A-13's purpose is to review General Plan conformance and to determine if the Council wanted to declare any of these properties surplus. If so, staff would appraise the property and determine a price. MOTION: By Councilmember Clay and seconded by Councilmember Carden to approve Item A-13. Motion passed 3:2 by a roll-call vote. (Lerno and Luna opposed) Councilmember Carden stated that he would like to see a policy on this issue come back to the Council. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Appeal of Planning Commission Denial of Conditional Use Permit 97012 Regarding a Residential Care Facility at 7105 San Gabriel Road-No Fiscal Impact (Staff recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 98-97, denying the proposed expansion of the subject facility) All Councilmembers announced that they have all spoken with the Applicant, some of the neighbors and visited the site. Wade McKinney gave a brief introduction explaining that this hearing is a"de novo" hearing,meaning this is a new hearing. He stated that the Council is to hear the public comment and review the facts; Council is not reliant necessarily on the Planning Commission decision. Steve DeCamp gave the staff report. He announced that the Councilmembers should disregard the attachments on page 138-147 as they were accidentally included in the packet. He explained staff s recommendations to the Planning CC 10/28/97 Page 4 Commission and the Planning Commission's recommendation to the City Council. Mayor Johnson asked if the Applicant and the neighbors agreed to get together and work on their differences, could the Council continue this item. Mr. DeCamp agreed. Mayor Johnson stressed to the public that the issue on the agenda is concerning the zoning of one parcel; Council is not being asked whether there should or should not be senior housing in residential areas. Councilmember Carden asked if emergency access for the Fire and Police Departments has been reviewed. Mr. McKinney responded that the Fire Department has reviewed the site and has not identified any problems. Councilmember Lerno asked if one of their options was to return this item to the Planning Commission. Mayor Johnson responded,yes. Councilmember Luna suggested a larger turn-around for emergency vehicles be added to the Conditions of Approval. He also asked about the septic suitability of the existing tank and leach field. Mr. DeCamp responded that the Civil Engineer on staff believes that the septic system is adequate to meet the needs that would be generated by the residents of the home. Councilmember Clay stated he thought the turn-around needed to be enlarged. He also asked if the number of residents(15)could be lowered to 12, for example. Mr. McKinney responded that,yes,that was an option. Councilmember Clay also asked if a CUP goes with the land if sold. Mr. DeCamp answered,yes. Mayor Johnson asked if this CUP would also be able to be used for a youth home. Mr. DeCamp answered,no. He explained that one of the Conditions of Approval states that this is a group home for elderly residents. Any change in the type of occupancy or the number of occupants would require a review by the Planning Commission. Councilmember Carden asked if there were any Supreme Court cases,referring to not being able to restrict residency based on age, etc.,that address precluding another type of use based on age. Roy Hanley answered that it could if age is the only factor. However, other factors, such as staffing required with a youth home would pertain. Councilmember Clay commented that the driveway seems too narrow and asked if the Applicant would be in favor of widening it. Mr. DeCamp responded that the Applicant has indicated that he would be willing to widen the driveway. Councilmember Clay asked if there have been any complaints from neighbors of the Sycamore House, a long-standing residential care facility. Mr. DeCamp stated that he is unaware of any complaints in connection with Sycamore House. Mayor Johnson asked some questions about the driveway's current width and how the City addresses these issues. Mr. DeCamp responded that a driveway that serves multiple single family homes should be a minimum of 16 feet wide of paving with 2 foot graded shoulders. Mayor Johnson then stated that this driveway does not meet those standards. Councilmember Lerno stated that the Council is being asked to allow a business in a family CC 10/28/97 Page 5 residential zoning. He said that he felt that was a problem. Mayor Johnson asked the City Attorney to give his legal opinion. Roy Hanley stated that the constitution has been interpreted to say that you cannot deny residential uses by people based upon their lack of what we consider a traditional family relationship. He explained that's why you cannot completely forbid residential care facilities in residential zones. After the Council hears all the evidence, it will be able to decide whether or not this project can be conditioned so that,based on its actual use, it is consistent with the residential use and if not,the Council will have the power to deny it. Councilmember Luna asked about the resolutions included with this item. Resolution No. 99-97, approving the CUP,refers to the Conditions of Approval in Exhibit A,but there is no exhibit attached to the resolution. He stated that he assumes that the Attachment G of the Planning Commission agenda packet will become Exhibit A of Resolution No. 99-97. Mr. DeCamp responded that he was correct. PUBLIC COMMENT Kim Kunz, owner of 7105 San Gabriel Road, stated his position on this issue. Mr. Kunz is the owner of the Garden View Inn. He explained what a residential care facility is and what services they provide. He stated that his neighbors are not familiar with residential care facilities. He explained some of the complaints of his neighbors and responded to them. He asked the Council to look at all the facts before making a decision. Councilmember Clay asked if the Kunz family is completely moved out of the home. Mr. Kunz responded,yes. Jacques Van Zeventer,, Morro Engineering, 6715 Morro Road,was asked by Mr. Kunz to address the traffic impact of this proposed CUP. He explained that the Council has a copy of the traffic study that he prepared last week. The traffic study reviews the site, identifies possible impacts, and suggests mitigations. He stated that there is adequate parking, and suggested the trimming of oak trees for emergency vehicle access. Councilmember Luna asked questions concerning emergency access and asked Captain Peter Gaw, Fire Department,to answer them. Peter Gaw, Captain and Acting Fire Marshall, Fire Department, stated access is adequate, but not ideal. He then stated that it would be better to enlarge the turnaround and install indoor sprinklers. Ellen Calcagno, 9865 Santa Clara Road, Social Service Director, Sea Shell Communities, Morro Bay, stated that SLO County is weak in its ability to provide a safe environment for the elderly that are in need of this type of facility. SLO County would benefit from this facility. Jane Patmor, 1699 Langdon, Cambria,retired from ownership of a residential care facility. These facilities are needed in this area and the Kunz's operate an excellent elderly care home. Mayor Johnson reinserted the statement that he made at the beginning of this item which is that the issue tonight is a use permit for land use. It is not the City Council's intent or responsibility to determine the quality of care that is given there; that's the State's responsibility. CC 10/28/97 Page 6 Bill Walters, M.D, 8775 Sierra Vista, a neighbor of the facility. Stated Mr. Kunz's character is excellent and he will follow through with anything that he promises to do. Frederick Wood, 5950 Entrada, attorney,represents Mr. Kunz in this matter. He said that the law states that a family with 6 elderly residents cannot be regulated. However, if there are more than 6 residents, it can be regulated. He explained his arguments for the complaints of the neighbors. The Council must decide on this issue based on zoning compliance,not the neighbors desires. Robert Johnson, 3985 Rosita Ave.,Planning Commissioner, stated he supported this proposed CUP when it was in front of the Planning Commission. He expressed his strong support for the approval of the CUP. R.C. Thorpe, 8025 Santa Ynez, said that he has had the responsibility of finding homes for the elderly. He explained that it is extremely difficult to do. Mr. Thorpe stated that he felt that the Council should be concerned with adequate elderly care in Atascadero. Alexa Adams, 5552 San Pedro Ave., stated that she is a friend of Kunz's. However,her reason for speaking is because of her grandmother who,at 90,moved in with her family and it was very difficult. A home like the Kunz's would have been ideal for her. Ms. Adams supports the approval of the proposed CUP. James Holloway, 110 3`a. St., Templeton, stated that he supports the proposed CUP. Luann Jorgenesn, 8335 Del Rio Road, spoke about the issue of emergency access. She expressed her view that if emergency access was not an issue with the Kunz family living there,then why is it an issue with the elderly residents. Athena Kelly, 4505 Arizona St., stated that she is an employee at this facility. She also stated that she supports the proposed CUP. Glorilyn Foster-Van Duren, 3635 Homestead Road, said her husband is a business manager of a care facility in SLO. She is concerned with the lack of awareness and education of the neighbors and stated that the Council is responsible to inform the public. Susan Johansen, 7275 Santa Ynez Ave., stated that she supports the proposed CUP. Cindy Witmeyer, 8525 Alegre Ave., said that there is a real need in our community for this type of facility. Mel Danielson, 7850 El Retiro, stated that his father had dementia and cared for him in his own home. He looked for a home like the Kunz's to care for his father and finally found one. Atascadero needs quality homes for the elderly. Jackie Dallaire, 10415 Rocky Canyon Road, said that her mother resides in this home. She supports the proposed CUP. Ms. Dallaire stated that, as a frequent visitor(almost daily), she rarely passes a car on the driveway. CC 10/28/97 Page 7 Alice Wagstaff, 8005 San Marcos Ave., stated that she supports the proposed CUP. Levy Barrett, 1950 Traffic Way, said he and his wife run a care home for developmentally disabled. He supports the proposed CUP. Lou Asavis, 9545 Gallina Court,he stated that he supports the proposed CUP. He has been trying to place his father-in-law in a residential care facility and has found it to be very difficult. Atascadero needs this type of facility. Corinne Adams, 5552 San Pedro Ave., said that she has been to this residential care facility and sang Christmas carols for residents. She supports the proposed CUP. Shilani Goonetilleke, 11321 Los Osos Valley Road, San Luis Obispo, stated that she is an employee at the Garden View Inn. She supports the proposed CUP. Joan O'Keefe, 9985 Old Morro Road East, stated that she is in favor of granting the CUP. She expressed her confusion and frustration over the Planning Commission's decision to deny the CUP, i.e.,they did not ask any questions of the Fire Department representative present at their meeting. Jennifer Soni, 7320 Cross Canyon Road, San Miguel, stated that her mother is resident at Garden View Inn. She expressed her support for the proposed CUP. June Asavis, 9545 Gallina Court., expressed her support for the proposed CUP. Robert Johnson, 3985 Rosita Ave.,member of the Planning Commission, expressed the importance of caring for our elderly. Ray Robertson, 7099 San Gabriel Road, expressed his strong disagreement with the proposed CUP. He expressed his concerns and complaints of an expansion such as trash, and emergency access. Bill Snider, 7025 San Gabriel Road(prepared statement read by Dick Bellman, 7069 San Gabriel Road) Mr. Snyder supports the facility as it is currently but expressed his concerns of an expansion. He disagrees with the proposed CUP. Dick Bellman, 7069 San Gabriel Road, expressed his concerns with the proposed CUP and requested that the Council deny the appeal. He felt that Mr. Kunz should have been more up-front with his neighbors about his intentions for his property. John Alexander, 7050 San Gabriel Road, (prepared statement read by Linda Alexander, 7050 San Gabriel Road) Mr. Alexander listed their concerns and expressed their objection to the granting of the proposed CUP. Phyllis Cerny, 7049 San Gabriel Road, stated she is against the proposed CUP. She expressed her concern about a commercial business in a residential neighborhood. She also stated that she is concerned for the future, could this CUP be expanded? Len Stokes, 7109 San Gabriel Road, expressed his concerns of the proposed CUP. He CC 10/28/97 Page 8 stated that he feels this CUP will negatively impact the neighborhood. Luann Jorgenson, 8335 Del Rio Road, stated that she was appalled at the neighbors' reaction to this proposed CUP. Len Stokes, 7109 San Gabriel Road, questioned Mr. Kunz's integrity. Frederick Wood, 5950 Entrada, attorney, gave his rebuttal to the public's comments. --end PUBLIC COMMENT-- Mayor Johnson called a recess at 9:45 p.m. and called the meeting back to order at 9:57 p.m. Mayor Johnson stated again that the current use is not in question by the Council. He said that this issue is in front of the Council tonight because there was not communications in the neighborhood. He asked the City Attorney to explain the legal issues. Mr. Hanley explained that the Council must make their decision based on information presented at this hearing. A conditional use is not automatically permitted. If you look at the requirements in the Conditional Use Ordinances and if you can make all of the required findings,then you can approve the project. If you cannot make all the findings, then you should disapprove the project. Mayor Johnson asked what responsibility, if any,does the Council have relative to State inspected issues such as facility safety, i.e. two-story building. Mr. Hanley responded that those issues are not relevant to the Council's findings today. However,the Council should be reviewing the aesthetic values and character of neighborhood. Councilmember Carden asked about potential expansion. Mr. DeCamp responded that the size of house could be increase as there is not a limit in the City's single family zones on the size of the dwelling unit. Councilmember Luna asked about the possibility of building a guest house. Mr. DeCamp responded that under the City's current ordinances and as restricted by an ordinance adopted by the City Council in the early 1980's,we only allow one single family dwelling per lot. Guest homes are not allowed to have cooking facilities and they have to share the septic system and utility connections with the main house. Councilmember Clay asked if the Council can put an age limit on this permit. Mr. Hanley responded,no. The State has that authority. Councilmember Luna stated he wanted to clarified the confusion regarding the emergency access. He explained that it has to do with reflex time. If it takes them longer to get out of your driveway,then that will affect their reflex time to their next call. Councilmember Luna stated that he cannot vote for this proposed CUP without the requirement of a turnaround on the driveway of this project. Councilmember Carden expressed his indecision on this issue. He stated he is aware of CC 10/28/97 Page 9 the need of this type of facility but is concerned with the General Plan conformance. Councilmember Clay stated that we need these kind of homes in Atascadero. He is concerned about the turnaround but feels that issue can be addressed. He stated he is in favor of this project. Councilmember Lerno expressed that he's aware of the need for these facilities,but is concerned about the zone change and its conditions. Mayor Johnson expressed his frustration that the Applicant and the neighbors have not gotten together before now,thereby leaving this issue up to the Council. He stated that he feels the driveway seems to be the main problem with the neighbors. If this home had its own driveway this issue would not be on the Council's agenda. He listed width of driveway,trash, and the turn-around as issues that need to be mitigated before he could support this CUP. Councilmember Luna suggested that they look at the Conditions of Approval and see if they can agree. The Council then reviewed the Conditions of Approval. The majority of the Council agreed to the following: Under#1 the number of persons should be IS instead of 14. Under#4 language is to be added that would require a septic system evaluation prior to finaling the permit to ensure that whatever additions are being made inside are covered by the septic tank evaluation. The Council then reviewed Resolution 99-97. They discussed adding the widening of the driveway,creating a paved turnaround and trash control to the Conditions of Approval. Council asked additional questions of staff and discussion ensued. The majority of the Council decided to add a condition that states, "The Applicant shall provide a driveway that is 16 feet across with 2 foot shoulders." They also decided to add a condition that states, "an improved Fire Department paved turn-around as approved by the Fire Marshall shall be provided." MOTION: By Councilmember Luna and seconded by Councilmember Clay to approve Resolution No. 99-97 with the revised Conditions of Approval in Attachment G of the Planning Commission Staff Report of 9/16/97. Motion passed 4:1 by a roll-call vote. (Lerno opposed) MOTION: By Councilmember Luna and seconded by Councilmember Clay to extend the Council meeting past 11:00 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. CC 10/28/97 Page 10 2. Sewer Extension Reimbursement Agreement: Chauplin Ave. -Fiscal Impact: $944.20 potential revenue from all properties connected (Staff recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 95-97) Brady Cherry gave the staff report. Councilmember Luna asked if all the appropriate people notified. Mr. Cherry responded,yes. PUBLIC COMMENT Bob Pinkin, 5805 Chauplin, stated that he built his home in 1984 to City's standards. He expressed his disagreement with this agreement. He said that his septic system works fine and if he decided to sell his home,this agreement would create a large financial expense for him. Joan O'Keefe, 9985 Old Morro Road East, questioned if this sewer line is already in? Mr. Cherry responded,yes. --end PUBLIC COMMENT— MOTION: By Councilmember Carden and seconded by Councilmember Lerno to adopt Resolution No. 95-97. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Revision to the Contract with the Economic Vitality Corporation(EVC)to Provide Economic Development Services-No Fiscal Impact (Staff recommen-dation: Adopt Resolution No. 91-97) Wade McKinney gave a brief staff report. There were no questions or comments from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT -None. Councilmember Luna asked when the City was going to get the report from the EVC. Roy Hanley responded that the report is overdue but he is unaware of when the EVC will make a presentation. Mayor Johnson asked staff to connect with the EVC and find out when the City can expect a report. Steve DeCamp stated that he had expected Gregg Goodwin to be here tonight. Mayor Johnson asked that we ask for a written report and request that Gregg Goodwin appear at the next Council meeting. MOTION: Councilmember Lerno and seconded by Councilmember Clay to adopt Resolution No. 91-97. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote CC 10/28/97 Page 11 2. Public Employees Retirement System(PERS) Contract Amendment,Adding the Fourth Level of the 1959 Survivor Benefit for Safety Members -No Fiscal Impact (Staff recommendation: (A)Adopt Resolution No. 96-97; (B)Motion to waive reading of proposed Ordinance No. 336 in full and introduce on first reading by title only; (C)Authorize Mayor to execute agreement for pool survivor benefits) Wade McKinney gave the staff report. There were no questions or comments from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT -None. MOTION: By Councilmember Carden and seconded by Councilmember Clay to Adopt Resolution No. 96-97, adopt Ordinance No. 336 waiving reading in full and introducing it on first reading by title only, and authorize the Mayor to execute an Agreement to Pool 1959 Survivor Benefits Assets and Liabilities. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 3. Stadium Park Public Use Policies -No Fiscal Impact (Parks&Recreation Commission/Staff recommendation: Adopt Resolution No. 92-97) Brady Cherry gave the staff report. Council discussion ensued. Councilmember Luna stated that Stadium Park is an important acquisition that the City has made. However, if we are going to use it as it was intended, we need a plan. Until we develop a plan,we need to be very careful about its use. Mayor Johnson stated that there are also liability issues on this item. PUBLIC COMMENT Eric Greening, 7365 Valle(corrections of his prepared statement,page 190 of Council agenda,explained by Councilmember Luna) The second paragraph, fourth line from the bottom,the sentence that starts with"Competition" should read, "Competition with thirsty introduced grasses, and acorn and seedling loss caused by increases these grasses have supported in the rodent population..." Marjorie Mackey, 5504 Tunitas Ave., stated that ALPS has gotten two small grants, $750.00 and$1400.00. They are planning on paying for the survey of the boundaries. Howard Gaylord, 8940 Curbaril,read his letter into the record about his concerns with Stadium Park. Joan O'Keefe, 9985 Old Morro Road East, asked about the emergency access and the City's liability. She also suggested that the Fire Department notify ANTA two months in advance of when they need the seedling protection so that ANTA can schedule for it. Captain Peter Gaw, Fire Department, stressed that a secondary exit is necessary for fire protection. CC 10/28/97 Page 12 Michael Pierce, 7155 Valle, asked for a copy of Resolution No. 92-97. --end PUBLIC COMMENT— The Council agreed to amend#6 of Resolution No. 92-97 to read, "Only authorized and emergency vehicles are allowed in Stadium Parr" They also added to #7, "However, THERE IS ANABUNDANCE OF POISON OAK,SO PLEASE BE CAREFUL! MOTION: By Councilmember Luna and seconded by Councilmember Carden to adopt Resolution No.92-97 with the following amendments: #6 to read,"Only authorized and emergency vehicles are allowed in Stadium Park." #7 to have the following text added,"However,THERE IS AN ABUNDANCE OF POISON OAK,SO PLEASE BE CAREFUL! Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 4. Public, Education and Government(PEG)Access on Cable Television-No Fiscal Impact (Staff recommendation: Take no action at this time) Wade McKinney gave the staff report. PUBLIC COMMENT -None. There was Council consensus to take no action at this time. 5. Information Bulletin: A. River Gardens -Atascadero Creek Drainage B. R.E.C. Program-Teen After-School Recreation Program C. Employee Update There were no Council questions or comments on any of the items listed in the Information Bulletin. D. ATTORNEY REPORTS 1. Ordinance No. 335,Amendment to Nighttime Curfew Regulations -No Fiscal Impact (City Attorney recommendation: Waive the reading of Ord. 335 in full and introduce for f rst reading by title only) Roy Hanley gave the report. Councilmember Luna asked what made the curfew ordinance unconstitutional. Mr. Hanley responded that there were two things: 1) It was decided that minors have legitimate first amendment rights, and 2)This amendment prevents the parents from, for example,requiring their minor children to go out at 2:00 a.m. to fill their prescriptions at a 24-hour drug store. CC 10/28/97 Page 13 PUBLIC COMMENT -None. MOTION: By Councilmember Carden and seconded by Councilmember Luna to Adopt Ordinance No.335,waive the reading in full and introduce for first reading by title only. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 2. Procedure for Handling Citizen and Other Complaints Regarding City Personnel, Practices and Procedures -No Fiscal Impact (City Attorney recommendation: Maintain current complaint procedure provided for by the Municipal Code) Roy Hanley gave the report. There was no Council questions or comments. PUBLIC COMMENT-None. There was Council consensus to take no action on this item at this time. E. COMMITTEE REPORTS S.L.O. County Mayors Group Mayor Johnson reported that at the last meeting they discussed the fact that if there are issues the Seven Cities would like the State Legislature to review,then the Joint City Council's Meeting should be held in January 1998. If not,then it was agreed that the Joint City Council's Meeting should be held in March 1998, after El Nino to discuss dealing with the Federal agencies. Also,Mayor Johnson reported that the Mayors Group discussed the issue of PG&E settling with the County and the School District on a one-time settlement. Councilmember Carden stepped down due to a conflict of interest as he is employed by PG&E. Mayor Johnson continued that The Mayors Group has recommended that the Seven Cities send a letter to Supervisor Brackett saying that the Seven Cities want to come to the table during these negotiations. Mayor Johnson asked for consensus from the Council to allow him to sign such a letter. The Mayors Group will be meeting again in November 1997. There was Council consensus to have the Mayor sign a letter addressed to Supervisor Brackett asking that the Seven Cities be included in the negotiations with PG&E. S.L.O. Council of Governments Councilmember Carden reported that SLOCOG will be meeting in December 1997 where they will be discussing projects with limited or no activity and the possibility of re directing funds. Atascadero has a few items on that list. Councilmember Carden expressed his concern that if the projects in Atascadero do not show progress or good reason,we will probably lose the funds. Brady Cherry will review the list of projects and make sure they are proceeding. CC 10/28/97 Page 14 City Schools Committee Wade McKinney reported that he met with Dr. Dodds and they are developing an agenda for an upcoming meeting but have not scheduled a date at this time. North County Council The Mayors and Managers will meet and put together an agenda before the Council meets. F. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Council Councilmember Luna reported that CalTrans is removing 200-400 trees for the Highway 41 re-alignment. He heard that CalTrans is planning on mitigating the tree removal by planting replacement trees on the east side of the Salinas River. Councilmember Luna stated that he thinks that is outrageous and the Council should make them change their plans. ANTA finds receiver sites and does tree mitigation. He expressed his desire to have them do the tree mitigation instead of leaving it up to CalTrans, especially since they insist on putting the trees on the east side of the Salinas River. Councilmember Clay stated that he was not sure if CalTrans planned on putting all the trees on the east side of the Salinas River. He explained that CalTrans was told to contact ANTA. Councilmember Luna stated that he thinks this situation is kind of like the Cuesta College issue. If you leave it up to these jurisdictions to do their own thing, and we are not forceful and political with them, I think we end up getting screwed. Mayor Johnson asked staff to follow up on where CalTrans is planning on placing the trees. Councilmember Clay stated that he is concerned about the interchange, before it is completed,that the old bridge be kept in place until this interchange is completed. Councilmember Carden announced that SLOCOG has a project study report on that interchange. It looks like that interchange and the Highway 41 re-alignment will happen very closely together. City Clerk Marcia Torgerson, City Clerk, announced to the Council that there is a Joint Cities Council Meeting scheduled for January 22, 1998 but, as Mayor Johnson stated earlier, that could be changed. I will confirm the date with you in November 1997. CC 10/28/97 Page 15 G. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Johnson adjourned the Regular Session at 11:50 p.m. Since the November 11, 1997 meeting has been cancelled due to Veterans'Day,Mayor Johnson adjourned to Regular Session on November 25, 1997. Mayor Johnson announced that the Council would now go back to the Closed Session that was continued prior to this meeting. CLOSED SESSION Mayor Johnson adjourned the Closed Session at 12:00 p.m. and Roy Hanley, City Attorney announced that, in reference to#3 Anticipated litigation, Don Brimage v. Cily of Atascadero,the Council denied permission to file a late claim. RECORDED AND PREPARED BY: Ma4lt,-' )j�- -i-T- 7 OZY)-- Marcia M. Torgerson, City Cler CC 10/28/97 Page 16