HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 061097 Meeting Date: 8/26/97 Approved as submitted ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL JUNE 10, 1997 MINUTES 5:30 P.M. - INTERVIEW SESSION: Mayor Johnson called the Interview Session to order at 5:34 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Carden, Clay, Lerno, Luna and Mayor Johnson Absent: None Others Present: Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk 1. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION A. Interview & consider candidates B. Select, by ballot, three citizens for appointment C. Resolution No. 43-97 - Formalizing appointments (Staff recommendation: Adopt) The City Council interviewed the following applicants for the Parks & Recreation Commission: Barbara Butz, Gail Kudlac, Maree Whitten, Richard Randise and George Beatie. Following the interviews, the City Council selected, by ballot, George Beatie, Barbara Butz and Gail Kudlac. MOTION: By Councilman Luna and seconded by Councilman Clay to appoint George Beatie, Barbara Butz and Gail Kudlac to terms of 4 years on the Parks & Recreation Commission and formalized the appointments by adopting Resolution No. 43-97. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. 2. BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS A. Interview & consider candidates B. Select, by ballot, one citizen for appointment C. Resolution No. 45-97 - Formalizing appointment (Staff recommendation: Adopt) CC 6/10/97 Page 1 The City Council interviewed the following applicants for the Building and Construction Board of Appeals: Jim Melvin and Steve McManus. Following the interviews, the City Council selected, by ballot, Jim Melvin. MOTION: By Councilman Luna and seconded by Councilman Clay to appoint Jim Melvin to a term of 4 years on the Building and Construction Board of Appeals and formalized the appointment by adopting Resolution No. 45-97. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR (G.C. Sec. 54957.6) Agency negotiator: Roy Hanley Employee organizations: Mid-Management/Professional, Atascadero Fire Captains, Atascadero Firefighters, Atascadero Sergeants Service Organization, Atascadero Police Officers Association, Atascadero Public Safety Technicians Organization, Service Employees Intl. Union Local 817, Confidential Employees CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (G.C. Sec. 54956.9) Initiation of litigation: One potential case (Colony Roads) 7:00 P.M. - REGULAR SESSION: Mayor Johnson called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. and Councilman Luna led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Carden, Clay, Lerno, Luna and Mayor Johnson Absent: None Others Present: Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk Staff Present: Robert Grogan, Interim City Manager; Roy Hanley, City Attorney; Lt. Bill Watton, Acting Chief of Police; Doug Davidson, Senior Planner; Brady Cherry, Community Services Director; Cindy Holton, Deputy City Clerk; Rachelle Rickard, City Accountant; Claudia Collier, Zoo Curator COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilman Luna commented on his urging of one year ago that the City use recycled paper products. He has obtained a case from the IWMA and suggested it be tried in the City's copy machines. He asked for Council support of its use in order to set an example for the community. CC 6/10/97 Page 2 Mayor Johnson noted that IWMA staff spoke at the joint SLO County city councils meeting on 6/5/97 regarding the Central Coast Recycling Market Development Zone. Councilman Luna referred to and commented on Consent Item A-7. Councilman Carden announced the 2"d Atascadero Wine Festival will be held July 25th & 26" and proceeds will benefit the Paddock Zoo. He urged Council members to attend. Councilman Clay reported on his, Emile LaSalle's and Rush Kolemaine's attendance at a meeting of the California Postsecondary Education Commission yesterday in Sacramento. He expressed disappointment in the Commission's lack of attention to a petition and a number of letters from Atascadero citizens protesting the north county Cuesta College site selection. He has requested that the Commission return the item to the committee to reconsider alternate sites and that they postpone their decision for six months. He encouraged people to continue to voice their opinion as the project still has to go through the EIR process. PROCLAMATION: • "California Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run Day", June 16, 1997 [SLO Co. Special Olympics] Mayor Johnson read the above proclamation, which was presented to Acting Chief Watton. He urged public attendance at a ceremony to be held at the Police Department on June 16tH COMMUNITY FORUM Dennis Schmidt, 8675 Santa Rosa Rd., commented that there is a discussion on alter- natives within the EIR on the north county Cuesta site. CEQA requires that viable, feasible alternate locations are explored. He noted that whoever Paso Robles selects as their EIR consultant will likely have Paso's interests at heart. He cautioned the Council to look closely at the alternatives chosen and focus comments on the EIR toward those alter- natives. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, agreed with the comments of the previous speaker. He encouraged that citizens provide input on traffic circulation and air quality concerns. He reported that the Revised Draft EIR on raising the Salinas Dam is now out and available for review. The time for written comments extends until July 24th, and a public hearing is scheduled for July 9th, 7 p.m. at the Pavilion. Councilman Clay asked Roy Hanley if the City can have input on who Paso Robles selects as their consultant for the Cuesta site EIR. Mr. Hanley responded that the lead agency will be able to choose who drafts the EIR. He said he is not sure what stage of environmental review the site selection is at—whether the EIR will be supplemental to an earlier study or whether a complete report will be required. Other than exercising our free speech rights, the City does not have much influence over their consultant selection. Dennis Schmidt spoke again and said that it will be interesting to see who becomes the lead agency on the north county site project—Cuesta College could (vs. the City of Paso CC 6/10/97 Page 3 Robles). If it is Paso Robles, they have a list of preferred EIR consultants from which to choose. Eric Greening spoke again and recollected that the EIR Paso Robles did was on the zoning for the property. He assumes the lead agency is the state. A. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - March 25, 1997 [Marcia Torgerson] (City Clerk recommendation: Approve) 2. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - April 16, 1997 [Marcia Torgerson] (City Clerk recommendation: Approve) 3. FINAL PARCEL MAP 96001, 4055 EL CAMINO REAL - Consideration of a final parcel map to subdivide a 0.55-acre parcel into three (3) lots of 10,500 sq. ft., 6850 sq. ft and 6,850 sq. ft. (Grummitt/Volbrecht Surveys) [Doug Davidson] (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Approve) 4. FINAL PARCEL MAP 92004, 8785 ATASCADERO AVE. - Consideration of a final parcel map to divide one 1.34-acre (gross) lot into .55 and .50 acres net (Johnson/Central Coast Engineering) [Doug Davidson] (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Approve) 5. FINAL TRACT MAP 14-89, 8625 ATASCADERO AVE. - Consideration of a final map to subdivide a portion of two existing lots (13.9 acres total) into 23 one-half acre parcels for single-family residential use (Iverson/Central Coast Engineering) [Doug Davidson] (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Approve) 6. RESOLUTION NO. 46-97 - Authorizing execution of an agreement with Steve Robinson, D.V.M., for veterinary services at the Charles Paddock Zoo [Brady Cherry] (Staff recommendation: Approve) 7. RESOLUTION NO. 44-97 - Clarifying approval of the City's participation in the Central Coast Recycling Market Development Zone [Doug Davidson] (Staff recommendation:-Adopt) 8. ORDINANCE NO. 330 - Amending Section 9-3.173 and Section 9-4.120 of the Zoning Ordinance text regarding the creation of and standards for parking lots for commercial uses located within multiple family zoning districts (ZC 96015; Niven) [Doug Davidson] (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Motion to waive reading in full and adopt on second reading by title only) Mayor Johnson noted the need for staff to list the applicants and agents on development projects so as to alert the Council of potential conflicts of interest. Roy Hanley said that staff has been directed to watch for conflicts so they, too, can assist in reminding the Council members if they suspect a potential conflict. CC 6/10/97 Page 4 Councilman Carden conveyed he will abstain from voting on Item A-2, since he was not present at the 4/16/97 Council meeting. Motion: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Clay to approve Items A-1 through A-8. Motion passed by 5:0 roll-call vote, 4:0 on Item A- 2 (Councilman Carden abstaining). B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: [None scheduled] C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 47-97 - Authorizing execution of a first amendment to agreement with Laidlaw Transit Services, Inc., extending the term of the existing agreement /Brady Cherry] (Staff recommendation: Adopt) Brady Cherry provided staff report and responded to questions from Council. He noted that, in addition to contents of staff report, ridership is at a peak where if the City decides to continue the dial-a-ride service, additional services or buses will be needed. Jan Almquist of Laidlaw responded to question of Councilman Luna that approximately 30% of the riders are students, although a decline in ridership during the summer has not been experienced. Public Comment Eric Greening, 7365 Valle Ave., commented on the use of the bus system by students and suggested the City discuss a possible joint sharing of expenses with the school district for the purchase of an additional bus, thus sharing the benefits as well. Motion: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Luna to adopt Res. 47-97. Motion passed by 5:0 roll-call vote. Councilman Carden said he would like the City to be in a position to consider using SLORTA as the lead agency. Brady Cherry indicated he has a meeting with Alan Cantrell of SLORTA this Thursday to discuss potential partnerships, management agreements and service. Councilman Carden envisions a regional service which would result in ultimate costs savings to the individual agencies and minimize bureaucracy. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 40-97 - Approving an Arts-In-Public-Places Policy for the City of Atascadero (cont'd from 5/27/97) [Brady Cherry] (Staff recommendation: Approve proposed policy) Brady Cherry provided staff report. There were no questions from the Council. CC 6/10/97 Page 5 Public Comment Susan Beatie, 10025 EI Camino Real, thanked everyone for the time and effort put into this policy and expressed satisfaction with Brady Cherry's proposal. She surprized Lon Allan of the Atascadero News with flowers to thank him for his positive support of the arts. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle Ave., thoroughly agreed with the comments of the previous speaker concerning the proposed policy and urged adoption. Motion: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Luna to adopt Res. 40-97. Motion passed by 5:0 roll-call vote. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): S.L.O. County Mayors Group - Mayor Johnson reported on the County Mayors Meeting, held today, where last Thursday's joint councils meeting was reviewed. The cities are forming a committee to look at road revenue for road maintenance. Today they discussed the make-up of said committee and it was agreed there should be, from each city, one councilmember (likely the mayor or appointed COG representative), one staff member, the city managers or designees, Ron DeCarli of SLOCOG, two supervisors and a member of County Counsel. He elicited Council's support to appoint Councilman Carden to the above committee. The City's participants need to be faxed to the City of Grover Beach. S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.0. Regional Transit Authority - Councilman Carden reported there will be a transportation funding workshop on 6/18/97 from 9:00-12 Noon in the County Library's Community Room. He will have the City Clerk copy the agenda to the full Council. Also, he commented that a listing of grant application due dates are included in the COG agendas once per month. He proposed that staff, once a month as part of a staff meeting, review the list for any applicable grants. Finance Committee - Councilman Luna reported the committee has met twice since the last Council meeting to discuss the budget. Air Pollution Control District - Councilman Clay reported the group met but intermittently lacked a quorum due to one member coming and going from the meeting to another which was being held concurrently. There were some actions taken to remove some outdated items regarding the pollution regulations. He noted the APCD meets the morning following many of the city councils' meetings, which affects attendance. Ad Hoc Regional Water Management Committee - Councilman Clay reported the most recent meeting was cancelled, but a subcommittee met to discuss how well tests in the county should be done. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Council - Councilman Clay reiterated his disappointment in how the community's comments were received by the CA Postsecondary Education Commission regarding the Cuesta College site selection. He committed to being more receptive and to review items CC 6/10/97 Page 6 received from the public on issues coming to the Council. Councilman Carden reiterated his announcement of the 2"d Annual Atascadero Wine Festival on June 26-27. Councilman Luna asked that a review of development fees be placed on the City Council follow-up request form. Bob Grogan noted that fees are being reviewed as part of the study of AB 1600, and Roy Hanley said a report should come forward before the end of the summer. Councilman Lerno expressed displeasure with the Acting Community Development Director for the length of time it is taking for the City to report back to developers, as promised, following the developers meeting held a few months ago. Bob Grogan responded that he received a report from the Director last week and took responsibility for the delay in disseminating it. He explained that he planned to add some information about processing to the report, and he has been fully involved in the budget. Councilman Clay commented that he has had people ask him when the report from the developers meeting will be out. In addition, he commented on the importance of allowing the public to have an additional time to speak, following their initial allotment under public comment, again noting his displeasure with how the CA Postsecondary Education Com- mission (PEC) conducts their hearings, with no added time for rebuttal comments. He commended Emile LaSalle and Rush Kolemaine for taking the time to make well-prepared presentations to the PEC. Mayor Johnson noted the need for a budget workshop. There was consensus to meet for a review prior to the 6/24/97 meeting, commencing at 5:30 p.m. Mayor Johnson reminded the Council to bear in mind that, when speaking in public individually, each member has the right to represent their individual opinion, and he cautioned them not to represent the Council as a whole, unless it reflects an official action or vote of the full Council. Related discussion ensued, and it branched into the full Council's expressed views on the Cuesta College north county site selection. Councilman Luna commented on a letter from Jack O'Connell regarding a proposed split of the 805 area code. He asked that staff prepare a resolution for Council consideration at their meeting of 6/24/97 reflecting the Council's desire to keep the area intact. Bob Grogan indicated he received input from mainly Police and Fire, who would like to keep the western portion of the three 805 area counties together, due to mutual aid relationships. City Attorney- Roy Hanley reported that he contacted Jim Rupp, City Attorney for Solvang and Grover Beach, regarding redevelopment, who will be putting Roy in touch with the attorneys that handled the redevelopment for Grover Beach and will assist in enlisting their help for a cost the City can afford. He hopes to bring back a proposal for how to advance the City's redevelopment process before the end of summer. City Clerk - Marcia Torgerson reported that all committee/commission vacancies are filled, with the exception of the Community Services Foundation; the Council has yet to deter- mine how to handle those vacancies. She announced tonight's appointments to the Parks CC 6/10/97 Page 7 & Rec. Commission (George Beatie, Barbie Butz and Gail Kudlac) and Board of Appeals (Jim Melvin). City Manager - Bob Grogan reported on legislative action regarding SB 880, which will release property tax monies back to cities from counties. THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:30 P.M. TO THE CLOSED SESSION ADVERTISED AT THE BEGINNING OF THE AGENDA. MINUTES RECORDED BY: w 1 MARCIA M. TORGERSON, Ci# Clerk PREPARED BY: CINDY L. HV-TON, Deputy City Clerk CC 6/10/97 Page 8