HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 060597 - Joint City Mtng ITEM No. A-3 Meeting Date 8/12/97 Approved w/Correction. MINUTES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCILS OF THE CITIES OF ARROYO GRANDE, ATASCADERO, GROVER BEACH, MORRO BAY, PASO ROBLES, PISMO BEACH SAN LUIS OBISPO THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1997 - 7:00 P.M. CLIFFS HOTEL, 2757 SHELL BEACH ROAD PISMO BEACH, CALIFORNIA 1. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was hosted by the Cities of Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach and Pismo Beach. Mayor John Brown chaired the meeting and called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. EWOCATION: Pastor Ehrhardt Lang, First United Methodist Church, provided the invocation. 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: 4. ROLL CALL: All Councilmembers were present as follows: City of Arroyo Grande: Mayor A.K. "Pete" Dougall, Council- members Michael Lady, Michael Fuller, Thomas A. Runels and Steve Tolley City of Atascadero: Mayor Ray Johnson, Councilmembers Harold L. Carden III, George Luna, Jerry L. Clay, Sr. , and Kenneth Lerno City of Grover Beach: Mayor Robert Reed, Councilmembers Dee Santos, Henry E. "Gene" Gates, Peter Keith and Ronald Arnoldsen City of Morro Bay: Mayor Cathy Novak, Councilmembers Rodger Anderson, Dave Elliott, William Peirce and Janice Peters City of Paso Robles: Mayor Duane J. Picanco, Councilmembers Tom Baron, Walter J. Macklin, Lee Swanson and Christian E. Iversen City of Pismo Beach: Mayor John C. Brown, Councilmembers Marian Mellow, Hal Halldin, Bill Rabenaldt and Mary Ann Reiss City of San Luis Obispo: Mayor Allen K. Settle, Council- members Bill Roalman, Dave Romero, Kathy Smith and Dodie Williams Minutes of Joint San Luis Obispo County Cities Meeting June 5, 1997 Page 2 City Staff Present: City Manager Robert Hunt, Arroyo Grande; Interim City Manager Robert Grogan, Atascadero; City Manager John Bahorski, Grover Beach; City Manager David Howell, Morro Bay; Interim City Manager James App, Paso Robles; City Manager Michael Fuson, Pismo Beach; City Administrative Officer John Dunn, San Luis Obispo; City Attorney David Hunt, Morro Bay & Pismo Beach; City Clerk Sharon Jones, Pismo Beach 5. WELCOMING.COMIMENTS. Mayor John Brown introduced guests and .invited them to speak. David Thompson, Senior Field Representative from the El Segundo office for U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, noted that they have six offices within the State, and the primary responsible office for this area is in Fresno. The Northern California Director is Thomas Bohigian who is in the Fresno office. They are both available to meet directly on Federal issues. Liz Giffin, Field Representative from the Santa Barbara office for Congressman Walter Capps (22nd Congressional District) , noted that Congressman Capps was in Washington DC this evening: She stated that they have three offices, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo and Washington DC, and anyone can meet with her when she is in town. She stated that if there is ever a need with the Federal government, to please 'contact their local office. Lorraine Duenez, Field Representative from the San Luis Obispo office for State Senator Jack O'Connell (18th Senate District) , wished the Cities a productive meeting. She stated that should anyone ever need assistance with State matters to .call her at the San Luis Obispo office, as she does the Senator's calendar for appointments. Rock Zierman, Field Representative from the San Luis Obispo office for State Assemblyman Tom Bordanaro (33rd Assembly District) , stated that he is willing to work with anyone on any issue. He noted that Tom was interested in the agenda items regarding tax restoration and PG&E's accelerated depreciation, and will assist where he can. Supervisor Harry Ovitt, San Luis Obispo County Supervisor, asked that he be allowed to speak on specific items as they come up on the agenda. 6. PUBLIC COAMMW PERIOD: (No comments received for items not on the agenda) Minutes of Joint San Luis Obispo County Cities Meeting June 5, 1997 Page 3 7. ACTION ITEMS: 7-A LEGISLATION REGARDING CITY REVENUE NEEDS AND RESTORATION OF REVENUES TAKEN BY THE STATE (Mayor Allen Settle, San Luis Obispo) Mayor Allen Settle, San Luis Obispo, reviewed the report and resolution in the packet,- beginning on page 7A-1. He stated that this issue is open for discussion and he hoped the cities would support the resolution. He noted that a revised resolution had been handed out this evening that deletes reference to the County of San Luis Obispo because only the seven cities are voting on the resolution tonight. Brief discussion was held. Mayor Settle made a motion to approve Resolution No. R-97-01 as revised to delete reference to the County. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Williams. PUBLIC COMMENT: Bob Blair, Nipomo Community Services District Director, noted that . money was also taken from the special districts. Harry Ovitt, County Supervisor, was displeased that the County was eliminated from the resolution. He noted that we all have a common cause. He suggested an amendment to the resolution that the County of San Luis Obispo be included. He felt that this would be consistent with what the League of California Cities is doing at the State level to have Cities and Counties become partners. Discussion was held. Dave Hunt, City Attorney, clarified . that because this is a joint meeting of the seven cities, technically, . we can't include the County as a voting body. He suggested an alternative to address Supervisor 'Ovitt Is. concerns by including all special districts, county and cities. 7-A ACTION(S) : On amended motion of Mayor Settle I Counci lmember Williams, Resolution No. R-97-01, a resolution of the seven city councils in the County of San Luis Obispo was adopted concerning the restoration of property taxes taken away by the State of California from 1992 through 1994, as amended to include all Cities of San Luis Obispo County, all special districts, and the County of San Luis Obispo. Motion passed unanimously by all cities (5-0) , except Paso Robles voted (4-1-0; Councilmember Baron opposed) . The County of San Luis Obispo was encouraged to adopt a similar resolution of the Board of Supervisors. Minutes of Joint San Luis Obispo County Cities Meeting June 5, 1997 Page 4 7-B URBAN RESERVE LINE (Mayor Allen Settle, San Luis Obispo) Mayor Settle, San Luis Obispo, presented report and asked that the cities support the establishment of a subcommittee of city and county representatives to explore the possibility of a formal agreement with the County to coordinate land use consistencies for unincorporated urban development adjacent to but outside of established city urban reserve lines. Discussion was held. Mayor Picanco, Paso Robles, didn't feel it would have any impact for Paso. Mayor Johnson, Atascadero, didn't see a problem with looking into it but it may be a mute point for their city. Councilmember Romero, San Luis Obispo, was not in favor of it and questioned whether it would be effective. Councilmember Halldin, Pismo Beach, felt that this might cause another agency to have control over Pismo's boundary, and he was opposed to it. Further discussion was held. Upon. question, Mayor Settle commented that this subcommittee would be advisory only. PUBLIC COMMENT: George Layman, resident of the county, near Arroyo Grande, noted that they can't vote for people in the City but have a County Board member representing them. . He was not in favor of another group making decisions for them. Jerry Dagno, resident of the county since 1984, was strongly opposed to this and urged the cities to vote no. He stated that we already have an agency elected by the voters of SLO County and this is where the decision should stay. Bob Blair, Arroyo Grande, could not support this but was not for urban sprawl either. He felt that the people that live in. Nipomo like, to live on acreage. Jacquline Frederick, Nipomo farmer, felt that if this subcommittee is formed, the public should be welcomed to the meetings to give input, and the property owners should be listened to. She felt that agricultural use is very important. Diane Hull, San Luis Obispo, and Chair of the Edna Area Group, stated that the "green belt" proposal that has been discussed in the past was not well received. She was concerned over the City of San Luis Obispo having too much control over the County property owners outside the green belt but along the city limits. She felt it may sacrifice agriculture. She noted that Measure O was turned down by the voters to buy additional land around the city for open space. She requested that the Edna Area Group be included in this subcommittee. Minutes of Joint San Luis Obispo County Cities Meeting June 5, 1997 Page 5 Beverly Chapman, Nipomo Community Network, had no formal recommendation from this body but, personally, she felt that we already have elected representatives. She felt that being only an advisory body is frustrating. Their group tries to influence decisions also, and she felt that any input at their meetings would be accepted and much appreciated, rather than this proposed advisory body based on cities. Ed Sauer, Nipomo, addressed the constitution and private property rights. He felt that this would put influence over them but they wouldn't have any influence overthe cities. Doug Jones, Nipomo Community Services District Manager, stated that their land area takes up a lot of land. He was not for or against this but would like to see special districts included in the subcommittee. Supervisor Ovitt, San Luis Obispo County, didn't want the County eliminated from this subcommittee. He would strongly support cities, county and special districts be represented as well as private property owners. He also didn't want to forget LAFCO. Supervisor Ryan, San Luis Obispo County, felt that this was already being done in every city. He stated that the County has to represent the people outside the city limits. He felt the cities and the County could work together on a city-by-city basis, and he didn't see it as a county-wide issue. Mayor Settle stated that the purpose is to assure land use consistencies, and he felt that this could help promote agriculture preservation. He agreed that community services districts and land owners should be included. Discussion was held among the cities. Mayor Picanco, had concerned with it. Mayor Johnson, Atascadero, felt that each city's concerns could be broadly different and had mixed emotions on what this may accomplish. Mayor Dougall, Arroyo Grande, felt it was a city-by- city problem and could be better dealt with. Mayor Reed, Grover Beach, had a problem with another layer of bureaucracy. Mayor Novak, Morro Bay, agreed and felt it was unnecessary. After further discussion, a motion was made by Mayor Settle, seconded by Councilmember Gates, to establish a subcommittee of City representatives, County representatives, Special District representatives, and property owners, to explore the possibility of agreements with the County for land use consistencies with respect to unincorporated urban development adjacent to but outside of established city urban reserve lines. The motion failed on the following roll call votes: Arroyo Grande: unanimously opposed; Minutes of Joint San Luis Obispo County Cities Meeting June 5, 1997 Page 6 Atascadero: 4 opposed, Councilmember Luna - supported the motion; Grover Beach: 3 opposed, Councilmembers Gates and Keith supported; Morro Bay: unanimously opposed; Paso Robles: 4 opposed, Councilmember Iversen supported; Pismo Beach 3 supported, Councilmembers Halldin and Rabenaldt opposed; San Luis Obispo: 3 supported, Councilmembers Roalman and Williams opposed. The motion failed--no further actions were brought forward. 7-C PG&E ACCELERATED DEPRECIATION OF DIABLO CANYON (Mayor Novak of Morro Bay introduced County Administrator Robert Hendrix to make a presentation) For the record, at 8:20 p.m. Councilmember Carden, Atascadero, stepped down for item 7-C due to a possible conflict of interest. At 8:35 p.m. Councilmembers Iversen and Baron and Mayor Picanco, Paso Robles also stepped down due to a possible conflict of interest. Bob Hendrix, County Administrator, reviewed a resolution concerning support of San Luis Obispo County and San Luis Coastal Schools efforts to obtain relief from the damaging loss of property tax revenue as an unintended consequence of electric utility• restructuring in California. He asked that each city take the resolution back to their city council to discuss and act on it at a later time. He further reviewed the negative effects that electric utility restructuring will have on our county. He noted that this area will be effected greatly--$61.2 million will be lost over the remaining life of the nuclear plant. They have been working with the PUC, the local legislature and at the national level to try to get some relief. He urged every city's support of this resolution. He noted that this effects our county more than any other county in the State. For the record, at 8:35 p.m. Councilmembers Iverson, Baron and Mayor Picanco of Paso Robles stepped down from voting on this matter due to a possible conflict of interest. Mayor Novak, Morro Bay, stated that she would like to adopt this tonight. Discussion was held. Mayor Settle motioned to approve the proposed resolution (No. R-97-02) ; motion was seconded by Councilmember Gates. Further discussion was held. Mayor Brown, Pismo Beach, felt that we should accept this for information purposes and send it back to each city council for action. PUBLIC COMMENT: Minutes of Joint San Luis Obispo County Cities Meeting June 5, 1997 Page 7 Bill Crockett, Arroyo Grande, Manager at Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, felt that deregulation was a great law. It will help the customers. He noted that there are different parts of this bill. This bill requires P.G.& E. to divest, allowing them to accelerate depreciation of the outstanding construction costs at Diablo. He felt that it had a lot of benefits. He stated that beginning this coming January, customers in California will have a choice to get electricity from suppliers. P.G.& E. rates will be reduced 10 percent for residents. He noted that there will be a $8.5 million savings per year for the residents in this county. He felt that we needed to look at the bigger picture and look at the total revenue that comes to this county. He felt that the County should be encouraged to continue to work with P.G.& E. to look for a legislative solution to this. They do not agree with the figures. that the County mentioned. He noted that the formula-to determine taxes will expire, and we don't know what the tax base will be. 7-C ACTION(S): After further discussion and on motion of Mayor Novak/Councilmember Santos, to have each city take, a look at this resolution regarding loss of property tax revenue due to electric utility restructuring in California as soon as possible, and if in favor, approve it and pass a copy onto the Governor and Legislature. Motion passed unanimously by Arroyo Grande, Grover Beach, Morro Bay, Pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo (5-0) ; Atascadero motion passed (4-0-1, -Councilmember Carden stepped down) ; Paso Robles motion passed (4-0-1, Councilmember Iverson stepped down) . For the record, Mayor Picanco, Paso Robles, stated that they did not have a conflict on this item. Recess was held from 8:55 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. 7-D COUNTY WIDE SALES TAX (Mayor Reed of Grover Beach introduced City Manager John Bahorski to make presentation) John Bahorski, Grover Beach City Manager, reviewed the agenda report. He referenced page 7-D-5 concerning alternatives. Discussion was held. Mayor Reed, Grover Beach, commented that this would only be an advisory group. He hoped that every city would consider it. Mayor Novak, Morro Bay, did not want to limit ourselves to just a sales tax measure. She mentioned the possibility of a gas tax. Further discussion was held. Mayor Reed commented that we should limit this to transportation issues. Mayor Dougall, Arroyo Grande, felt that along with discussing options, we should review how we're spending the money that we get now. He felt that we were taxed enough. We also need to look at who will control this money. Councilmember Fuller, Arroyo Grande, asked how the funds would be distributed and who would control the process. Councilmember Lady, Minutes of Joint San Luis Obispo County Cities Meeting June 5, 1997 Page 8 Arroyo Grande, concurred with the Mayor. Mayor Johnson, Atascadero, noted that they have a funding shortfall for roads in their city. He felt we should consider looking broader at all alternatives. He had some suggestions for ways to reword the resolution. He had concerns with the distribution of the tax; however, he was in favor of forming a subcommittee. Councilmember Luna, Atascadero, requested the resolution be modified to evaluate all alternatives. Councilmember Carden, Atascadero, concurred but also requested the distribution look at a mix of sales tax, point of sale, population and road miles. Mayor Picanco, Paso Robles, supported a subcommittee to evaluate this but he also had some concerns about another tax. He was also concerned with the sales tax distribution. Councilmember Macklin, Paso Robles, felt that it should be distributed as "point of need" and regional significance. Councilmember Baron stated that we should try to get back the one cent from the State. He felt this would help us more. We don't need more taxes on our people. Supervisor Harry Ovitt, County of San Luis Obispo, felt the subcommittee should look at all the options of funding in terms of distribution and look at the political ramifications of getting a ballot measure passed. Supervisor Mike Ryan, County of San Luis Obispo, felt this subcommittee should go forward, assess all options and include the County. Councilmember Rabenaldt, Pismo Beach, did not want to touch the transient occupancy tax (TOT) . This tax is very sacred. Councilmember Halldin, Pismo Beach, felt another way would be to have assessment districts. They have worked in Pismo. Mayor Picanco, Paso Robles, did not support an additional tax. He felt that we will charge ourselves into an economic down turn. Council- member Mellow, Pismo Beach, felt that a sales tax may not be the only way or the best way. We have to consider other sources. She agreed that getting back the one cent from the State would be the most desirable. Councilmember Gates, Grover Beach, stated that he did not support a 1/2 cent sales tax. He felt that the best way to get the money we need is on our own. He also felt that the Governor may decide to take any additional taxes too. Councilmember Arnoldsen, Grover Beach, felt that TOT is another viable option to review. Councilmember Keith felt it was worth exploring even though he was fundamentally opposed to additional taxes. If our constituents decide that they want to take on an additional tax, then that's what they'll do. Mayor Reed commented that assessment districts are not feasible any more due to Prop. 218. He suggested some changes to the proposed resolution to address broader transportation issues. Councilmember Romero, San Luis Obispo, felt that every city needs more money, and we need to look at every option. He also had some rewording for the resolution. Mayor Settle, San Luis Obispo, felt we needed to clarify distribution of the tax and do this before it goes to the voters. Councilmember Roalman, San Luis Obispo, referenced page 7- D-8 of the packet. He felt that one approach would be to put the Minutes of Joint San Luis Obispo County Cities Meeting June 5, 1997 Page 9 tax revenue generated into the general fund to be used for roads because a special tax takes a two-thirds vote. Councilmember Williams, San Luis Obispo, was willing to support a subcommittee. She was less inclined to support a general tax and felt that it should be a special tax. The distribution is a major issue. Further discussion was held. Mayor Novak, Morro Bay, supports formation of a committee to explore all options. Councilmember Peirce, Morro Bay, agreed with Peter Keith to ask the general public at the ballot. He also noted we need to educate the people, and it must be done at the County level. Councilmembers Anderson. Peters and Elliot concurred. Mayor Brown referenced the numbers on page 7-D-8. He noted that millions are needed to improve the streets and roads, and it's a serious problem. PUBLIC COMMENT: J. Frederick, Nipomo, felt the cause was important and had no objection to paying taxes. However, he would support the Mayor of Arroyo Grande's suggestion to seriously look at how you're spending your current dollars. Jerry Dagna, San Luis Obispo, felt that we would have a hard time convincing people to approve this in San Luis Obispo. He noted there is no doubt that the money is needed but the City builds bike lanes instead of repairing the roads. Bob Rose, concurred with some of the comments made regarding no more taxes. He noted that 43 percent of the people live in the County. He felt that a general tax was doomed to failure. He felt that the only tax that might pass would be a special tax but it has to have a sunset clause, not beyond five years. Bob Blair, Arroyo Grande, was opposed to a gas tax. He stated that cities are already getting the license share of DMV fees. He felt that too much money was spent on studies, and it should be put into asphalt. Diane Hull, resident of San Luis Obispo, stated that first, taxes were for roads--let's make them a priority in each budget. The roads should be right along with public safety. Let the taxpayers decide if they want to be taxed for non-necessities. She suggested looking into consolidating deferred maintenance into one bond issue to allow everyone to get current with a plan to stay current with maintenance. Minutes of Joint San Luis Obispo County Cities Meeting June 5, 1997 Page 10 Ed Sauer, Arroyo Grande, felt that we used to have the best roads in California but the money got lost and the roads went to pot. George Layman, County resident, stated that every year property tax goes up and every year they take money from the engineering department. He felt the most important things in our cities were police, fire and roads. He felt it was time that the cities starting spending its money properly and go back to privatizing some things. Clifford Smith, Atascadero, felt that the public is saying that you need to look internally at the efficiency of your operations before you raise new taxes. He questioned the standards for general road maintenance. B. Chapman, Nipomo, stated that she would be in favor of any committee that would want to go to the State to get us back our taxes but she felt that it was a losing battle. George Kile, Arroyo Grande, felt we should do a time study on some of the personnel. He would like to eliminate the bureaucracy by cutting on the top and the bottom. Ron DeCarli, Director of SLOCOG, stated that SLOCOG just completed a Street & Road Maintenance Needs Study showing a backlog of transportation needs county wide totaling $52 to 140 million. This study helps to document the problem. We really need to look at all options. He noted future State and Federal funding is very limited. He noted preliminary results from a public opinion poll showed up to 60% public support for a 1/2 cent sales tax increase for street and road maintenance. He would like to see a steering committee developed to address the problem and look at funding solutions. Brief discussion was held. Upon question regarding SB 325 concerning unmet transit needs, he stated that currently there is $5.5 million per year--45 percent is going to streets and roads and the balance goes to public transit. 7-D ACTION(S) : After further discussion and on motion of Mayor NovakfMayor Reed, to form a subcommittee with a representative from the City Council and/or City Manager of each SLO County City, a member of the County Board of Supervisors, a representative from the County Administrator's Office and a member of SLOCOG staff to explore funding sources for needed road maintenance and rehabilitation. The subcommittee would be expected to present a recommendation within six months or by the next 7 Cities Meeting. Motion passed unanimously by Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Morro Bay, Pismo Beach and San Luis Obispo (5-0) ; Paso Robles voted (4-0-1, Minutes of Joint San Luis Obispo County Cities Meeting June 5, 1997 Page 11 Councilmember Iversen absent) and Grover Beach voted (4-1-0, Councilmember Arnoldsen opposed) . 8-A PUBLIC-EDUCATION-GOVERNMENT (PEG) ACCESS ON CABLE TV (Mayor Novak, Morro Bay, introduced Jeannie Burlingame) Jeannie Burlingame, Morro Bay, addressed PEG access on Cable TV. She stated that Cities and the County would contract for management of PEG access channels. For Morro Bay, it's $100,000 for funding and this is not economically feasible. She handed out some flyers from Estero Community Access and a Conceptual Model for San Luis Obispo County-wide PEG Access as information. Harvey Levenson, Consortium member, felt that this was a "quality of life" issue. It's information for the community about the community. He stated that if you support it, it will happen. He asked for support of the concept at least. Jeannie.Burlingame asked cities to discuss the regional program and whether you support a regional PEG. She would like to see support for the consortium and set up a meeting in July. She would like to have support of a draft MOU to get it going. Brief discussion was held. PUBLIC COMMENT: Ellen Sterts, County Grant Administrator, stated that they are not allowed to put additional tax on small satellite dishes or the wireless systems. Christopher Cocoroccio urged the cities to allow this to happen. He is currently working on a film to support the community. He felt that problems needed to be addressed through communication. He noted that there are 950 stations within the country., and PEG is a tool to help the community. He will be traveling to Washington D.C. next to gain support for this and if anyone has something to send along, to let him know. No action was taken on item 8-A--received as information only. 8-B E.V.C. ECONOMIC VITALITY CORPORATION (Mayor Novak, Morro Bay, introduced Dr. Susan Cotler, Economic Vitality Corporation Chairperson Dr. Susan Cotler, Chair of the EVC Board of Directors, gave a brief overview of the function of EVC and gave a progress report. She reviewed their mission statement. She addressed revolving loans through CDBG funds. They do business attractions, regional Minutes of Joint San Luis Obispo County Cities Meeting June 5, 1997 Page 12 planning, i.e. economic development. She noted that cities get an excellent product for a low-cost fee. She stated that they have recently worked with the City of Grover Beach. She urged participation in the EVC through having a representative from each city. There are six to eight participating currently. She noted that the City Managers have a package of materials highlighting the EVC. She went through the material. Discussion was held. No action was taken on item 8-B--received as information only. 8-C AB 939 WASTE DIVERSION GOALS (Mayor Brown, Pismo Beach, introduced Mr. William Worrell, Manager of the Integrated Waste Management Authority "IWMA") Bill Worrell, IWMA, addressed AB 939, California Integrated Waste Management Act (1989) and reviewed a handout. Brief discussion was held. He noted that a resolution will be coming .to each City to consider. No action was taken on item 8-C--received as information only. 9. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Cities, Mayor John Brown adjourned the meeting at 11:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sharon Jones, City Clerk City of Pismo Beach RESOLUTION NO. 97-01 RESOLUTION OF THE SEVEN CITY COUNCILS IN THE COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO CONCERNING THE RESTORATION OF PROPERTY TAXES TAKEN AWAY BY THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FROM 1992 THROUGH 1994 WHEREAS, the property tax has been the principal support for local government finance in California since the creation of the State of California in 1850; and WHEREAS, the State of California, under the home rule concept, has historically left the property tax to California local governments to accomplish their responsibilities; and WHEREAS, the severe State recession of 1991 to 1994, and the shortage of State revenues, caused the State to solve their own financial problems by taking away property tax and other revenues from the cities and counties of California; and WHEREAS, these actions, combined with the recession itself, caused severe financial hardship among the cities and counties of California; and WHEREAS, on November of 1996, Proposition 218 was approved by the voters of the State of California which severely restricts the ability of local governments in California to raise necessary revenues; and WHEREAS, most cities and counties do not have the revenue necessary to continue current operations, fund an adequate capital facility budget,properly maintain streets and utility infrastructure, and set aside an adequate reserve level for emergencies and contingencies. WHEREAS, the Governor's recent proposal"to return$100 million to local government" is a very inadequate attempt to restore lost property taxes, and should be rejected for its inadequacy, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Councils of the seven cities of the County that restoration of previously lost property tax will assist the local governments of California in meeting their public service obligations to their citizens. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the local governments in the State of California are the level of government closest to the people and, therefore, most attuned to their needs, and that creating jobs through local economic development efforts is necessary both for the communities of California as well as to the State itself. Joint City's Resolution No. 97-01 Page 2 THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that local governments of San Luis Obispo County, including the Cities of San Luis Obispo County, all special districts, and the County of San Luis Obispo urge our legislators and the Governor of the State of California to restore previously-taken-away property tax revenues to the local governments of California. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Councils of the Cities of San Luis Obispo County at a special joint meeting held on the 50'day of June, 19 7. —A 4 acwx — Ma or, City of Arroyo G de ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor, Ciq of A scadero ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor, City of Grover Beach A EST: L City Clerk C ot-� t3 Mayor, CityMorro Bay ATTEST: City Clerk Ma or, City of Paso Robles ATTEST: City Clerk Joint City's Resolution No. 97-01 Page 3 yor, City of o Beach AClerk ; Mayor, City of gan Luis Obispo ATTEST: �J/yNiI2lJ � � City Clerk l