HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 052797 Agenda Item: A - 1 Meeting Date: 8/26/97 Approved as submitted ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MAY 27, 1997 MINUTES 5:30 P.M. - INTERVIEW SESSION: Mayor Johnson called the Interview Session to order at 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Carden, Clay, Lerno, Luna and Mayor Johnson Absent: None 1. PLANNING COMMISSION A. Interview & consider candidates B. Select, by ballot, two citizens for appointment C. Resolution No. 36-97 - Formalizing appointments (Staff recommendation: Adopt) The City Council interviewed the following applicants for the Planning Commission: Rush Kolemaine, Alfred Clark, and Roberta Fonzi. Following the interviews, the City Council selected, by ballot, Alfred Clark and Mike Arrambide (who had applied but was unable to attend interview due to business commitment). MOTION: By Councilman Luna and seconded by Councilman Carden to appoint Alfred Clark and Mike Arrambide to terms of 3 years, 8 months on the Planning Commission and formalized the appointments by adopting Resolution No. 36-97. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. 2. CITIZENS TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE A. Interview & consider candidates B. Select, by ballot, one citizen for appointment C. Resolution No. 37-97 - Formalizing appointments (Staff recommendation: Adopt) The City Council interviewed the following applicants for the Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee: Richard Randise, Patrick Dempsey and Jennifer Hageman. Following the interviews, the City Council selected, by ballot, Richard Randise. CC 5/27/97 Page 1 MOTION: By Councilman Luna and seconded by Councilman Carden to appoint Richard Randise to a term of 2 years as Atascadero's delegate on the Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee and formalized the appointment by adopting Resolution No. 37-97. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. 7:00 P.M. - REGULAR SESSION: Mayor Johnson called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. and Councilman Clay led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Carden, Clay, Lerno, Luna and Mayor Johnson Absent: None Others Present: Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk; Rudy Hernandez, City Treasurer Staff Present: Robert Grogan, Interim City Manager; Roy Hanley, City Attorney; Chief Mike McCain, Fire Department; Capt. Fred Motlo, Fire Depart- ment; Lt. Bill Watton, Acting Chief of Police; Lt. John Barlow, Police Department; Steve DeCamp, Acting Community Development Director; Brady Cherry, Community Services Director; Cindy Holton, Deputy City Clerk; Rachelle Rickard, City Accountant COUNCIL COMMENTS Councilman Clay asked if the creek has enough water to pump into the lake to maintain its level. Brady Cherry responded no. He commented on a memo he sent to the Council regarding the City's receipt of $22,000 in FEMA funds to be used toward the repair of a broken or blocked feeder pipe which connects the lake to the creek. Councilman Clay reiterated an earlier statement encouraging the hiring of local persons to fill police officer vacancies. Lt. Barlow responded that it is possible to do so, but qualified local people need to apply. At Mayor Johnson's request, the City Clerk Marcia Torgerson announced the names of individuals selected earlier this evening (5:30 p.m. Interview Session) to fill vacancies to appointed positions: Alfred Clark and Mike Arrambide (Planning Commission); Richard Randise (CTAC). COMMUNITY FORUM Rush Kolemaine, Box 1990, expressed appreciation to the City Council for their consensus to direct the City Manager to send a letter to the CA Postsecondary Education Commission to reiterate the Council's continuing concerns regarding the Cuesta College north county site selection. He encouraged the Council to direct that the letter reach the Commission prior to their meeting on 6/9/97. Further, he advised that a group of citizens disappointed with the site selection have initiated a petition campaign (see Exhibit A), and CC 5/27/97 Page 2 over 100 signatures have been collected to date. He encouraged that the City Council's letter be strongly worded to indicate that it does not support the location of the campus outside City limits, with the exception of possibly Templeton. Bob Grogan indicated that a letter can be ready for signature by Thursday or Friday of this week. Further discussion ensued, and the Mayor deferred it until the end of the meeting under Individual Determination. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, said he is still tracking the revised draft EIR for the Salinas Dam project, which is still imminent but not yet available, to his knowledge. He noted that one of the items which will be coming to the Council of Governments Board will be a county- wide pavement maintenance and rehabilitation needs report, and he encouraged the Council to review what he says is an uncommonly lucid government document. He challenged placing a discussion of the Bates Bill at the end of the agenda, since he views it as a hearing-type item. He encouraged that the Council restrict their discussion to setting the hearing only. They Mayor responded that a discussion on this will continue under Item B-2 Leon Korba, Santa Ana Rd., asked Council to exercise caution before signing a letter regarding the Cuesta College site selection in the north county. He suggested the City stay neutral. He indicated that the newspapers and radio have publicized misleading statements with respect to the decision of the site selection committee. Josh Isham, 5150 Fresno, commented that he read in the paper of a $90,000 donation by someone to be used to build kids' recreational facilities, and he suggested a bike track be funded with those monies. Brady Cherry was asked to speak to and get additional infor- mation from Josh about the source of the money he read about. Dennis Schmidt, 8675 Santa Rosa Rd., asked the Council to consider the parking needs near Paloma Creek Park, which are being considered by the Parks & Rec. Commission for elimination. He commended the young man who spoke before him for bringing their issue to the Council's attention. --end of Community Forum-- A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - February 3, 1997 (Adjourned Meeting) [Marcia Torgerson] (City Clerk recommendation: Approve) 2. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - March 11, 1997[Marcia Torgerson] (City Clerk recommendation: Approve) 3. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - March 19, 1997 (Special Meeting) [Marcia Torgerson] (City Clerk recommendation: Approve) 4. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS - March, 1997 [Rachelle Rickard] (Staff recommendation: Approve) CC 5/27/97 Page 3 5. APPROVAL OF WARRANTS - April, 1997 [Rachel% Rickard] (Staff recommendation: Approve) 6. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - March, 1997 [Rudy Hernandez] (City Treasurer's recommendation: Review & accept) 7. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT - April, 1997 [Rudy Hernandez] (City Treasurer's recommendation: Review & accept) 8. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT CYCLE - Initiation of General Plan amendments (3) for 1sT Cycle of 1997 [Steve DeCamp] (Staff recommendation: Receive & file) 9. RESOLUTION NO. 38-97 - Approving the application for grant funds under the Used Oil Recycling Block Grant Program for maintenance of the City's existing used oil recycling program [Steve DeCamp] (Staff recommendation: Adopt) 10. RESOLUTION NO. 41-97 - Authorizing the execution of an agreement with Jack R. Bridwell for weed abatement services (Award of Bid #97-03) [Mike McCain] (Staff recommendation: Adopt) 11. ORDINANCE NO. 324 - Amending Map 19 of the official zoning maps by rezoning certain real property on Vista Bonita Ave. From RSF-Y(PD7) and RSF-Z(PD7) to RSF and RSF-Z (ZC 96017) [Steve DeCamp] (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Motion to waive reading in full and adopt on second reading by title only) 12. ORDINANCE NO. 325 - Amending Section 9-3.151 of the Zoning Ordinance relative to building setback requirements (ZC 97001) [Steve DeCamp] (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Motion to waive reading in full and adopt on second reading by title only) 13. ORDINANCE NO. 326 - Amending Map 6 of the official zoning maps by rezoning certain real properties at 5392 Barrenda Ave. from RMF/16 to RMF/16 (PD7) (ZC 96010) [Steve DeCamp] (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Motion to waive reading in full and adopt on second reading by title only) 14. ORDINANCE NO. 329 - Providing for administrative citations, fines and hearing procedures pursuant to Government Code Section 53069.4 [Roy Hanley] (City Attorney recommendation: Motion to waive reading in full and adopt on second reading by title only) Steve DeCamp was asked to comment on Item A-8, so he provided a brief staff report. Councilman Luna and Rush Kolemaine asked that item A-10 be pulled, Councilman Carden pulled Item A-8, and Doug Lewis asked that Items A-1 1 through A-14 be pulled. CC 5/27/97 Page 4 Motion: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Clay to approve Items A-1 through A-7 and Item A-9. Motion passed by 5.0 roll-call vote. Re: Item A-8: Councilman Carden commented that general plan amendments usually encompass discussion on the urban services line (USL) and sewer expansion. Past responses to his inquiries about expanding sewer services have been that a sewer study would be necessary but that cannot be done if it is outside the USL. He asked if a sewer study is going to be done. Steve DeCamp responded that, as part of the EIR on one of the proposed general plan amendments, an analysis of the capability to provide sewer will be done. He noted that the Council has formerly indicated a desire to review the area in total rather than do piece-meal extensions in the areas to the north on EI Camino Real and west of the freeway. Councilman Carden asked that the Council discuss, as part of this cycle, whether or not it wishes to pursue a study as part of the next general plan amendment cycle. Related discussion ensued. Brady Cherry indicated that staff will bring back a preliminary report on the subject of sewer system expansion, including scope and costs, for Council discussion. Motion: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Clay to approve Item A-8, with the addition of a sewer expansion study. Motion passed by 5:0 roll-call vote. Re: Item A-10: Councilman Luna asked Chief McCain if Mr. Bridwell is aware of the minimum abatement distance requirements along roadways. Chief McCain responded that he will review the subject with the Mr. Bridwell. He noted that grasses and nettles are what is enforced on for abatement. Rush Kolemaine asked if the Council will be able to tell people who are here for Item B-2 what their specific weed abatement charges will be. Chief McCain responded that the contractor's hourly cost is part of the staff report and a 100% administrative fee is charged. He expressed concern that certain plants within desired landscaping might be abated in the process. Motion: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Carden to adopt Res. No. 41-97. Motion passed by 5:0 roll-call vote. Re: Items A-11 through 14: Resident Doug Lewis stated that he feels ordinances should not appear on the consent calendar and requested that they be agendized under public hearings. Mayor Johnson noted that all the proposed ordinances on 'consent have had public hearings and are on the agenda for second reading. Motion: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Clay to approve Items A-1 1 through 14. Motion passed by 5.0 roll-call vote. Councilman Carden asked if Item A-8 pertains to only the Land Use Element or all elements of the General Plan. Steve DeCamp responded that any element of the GP would be open for revision. Councilman Carden proposed that the Downtown Master Plan portion of the GP come back for review. Related discussion ensued. Councilman Carden clarified that he envisions the Downtown Master Plan being defined as the historic colony downtown master plan, so as to tie the definition to the history of the core downtown CC 5/27/97 Page 5 area. Steve DeCamp suggested that this topic be discussed at a joint session with the Planning Commission. Councilman Carden concurred, however indicated he would still like to place the subject within this GPA cycle. Motion: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Clay to amend the approved motion on Item A-8 to include a joint meeting with the Planning Commission to review the Downtown Master Plan, as well as a "bookmark" in the GPA cycle to possibly review the Master Plan. Motion passed by 5:0 ro/%ca# vote. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. APPEAL OF PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION REGARDING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT #97003, 6900 EL CAMINO REAL (Bonnema) [Steve DeCamp] (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Deny appeal) Steve DeCamp conveyed that staff has continued to meet with the applicant and have come to concurrence on additional findings regarding the design of the building (see Exhibit B). However, the item was noticed as a public hearing so it will take place as scheduled. He then provided staff report and responded to questions from Council. Roy Hanley recommended that, if the Council decides to approve the project with the proposed conditions, the appeal be granted with the additional conditions (#'s 17 and 18) noted. Councilman Clay noted for the record that he has visited the site and spoken with the applicant. Public Comment Chris Bonnema, P.O. Box 2217, Atas., indicated that he is happy with the staff report and revised conditions of approval. He noted that a lot of the project came from the Economic Development Element, which came before the Planning Commission while he was a member. He indicated he is willing to take the risk of moving forward and applying for a building permit with the hope that the Council will approve a resolution at a later date granting him an easement on the creek. Greg Ravatt, 5245 Mercedes, project architect, thanked staff for the time and effort expended in preparing the report on this item. He offered technical clarifications pertaining to plans for complying with ADA requirements. He asked if the applicant can expect other approval requirements, other than those of the City, to construct the decking to the rear of the building within the creekway easement. Steve DeCamp responded that there are no other agencies in granting an easement on the subject property. He noted that the City is not going to grant an easement which may disrupt the riparian corridor, thus Fish & Game has no involvement. Joan O'Keefe, 9985 Old Morro Rd. East, feels the proposed structure looks like a warehouse in a high-profile area of the City. She took issue with the changes to the applicant's proposal during the process on this application, many due to original plans not complying with City requirements. Dennis Schmidt, 8675 Santa Rosa Rd., read excerpts of the Downtown Master Plan and spoke in support of the proposed project. He suggested the Council consider refunding CC 5/27/97 Page 6 the applicant's appeal fee. Micki Ready, speaking on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce Board, conveyed their 100% support of the project and urged Council approval. Rush Kolemaine, Box 1990, Atas., urged Council support, feeling the applicant has diligently attempted to comply with the Downtown Master Plan. --end Public Comment-- The Council expressed their consensus to favorably review the application for an easement on the creekway relative to the project. There was further Council discussion on Condition #17. Motion: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Carden, to grant the appeal of the Planning Commission's approval of CUP 97003, subject to the additional Findings for Bonnema CUP (see Exhibit B), including revisions to Condition #17 of the Conditions of Approval, which shall read as follows (added language in italics): "Prior to final approval of the building, the applicant shall have recorded an easement from the City to construct that work which is necessary (handicapped accessible ramp within a small portion of Creek Reservation No. 4) to comply with UBC exit requirements or other approved exit requirements of the ADA." Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. COUNCIL RECESSED FOR A BREAK FROM 8:45 TO 9:02 P.M. 2. WEED ABATEMENT PROTEST HEARING [Mike McCain] Mayor Johnson announced that Council will discuss Item F-2 before considering 2-A, since the two are inter-related. Chief McCain reviewed staff materials provided for Item F-2. He introduced Ben Stewart of CDF and Capt. Fred Motlo of AFD, present to answer questions the Council might have on this subject. Roy Hanley reviewed his portion of staff report, reiterating his stated opinion that the City is in compliance with the Bates Bill. Ben Stewart commented that he and former Atascadero Fire Marshal Mark Latham performed the original survey which concluded that the City was in compliance with the Bates Bill. Lengthy discussion ensued. Councilman Luna reviewed excerpts from the Fire Chief's staff report, with responding comments in italics below (see Exhibit C), and comments on other requirements of the City's weed abatement ordinance with which he disagrees displayed on the overhead projector (see Exhibit D). Ben Stewart responded as to the reasoning applied to some of the requirements. CC 5/27/97 Page 7 The Mayor clarified with the City Attorney that what the Council can determine at this meeting is 1) to proceed with the weed abatement ordinance as it is written, or 2) bring it back with changes directed by the Council. Chief McCain introduced Paige Dougherty, a San Luis Obispo Fire Marshal and Atascadero resident, who has a 22-year background in fire service, the last 10 in prevention. Mr. Dougherty noted he spent 3 years managing the wildland management division of the Orange County Fire Authority, which he noted has a significant wildland interface problem, and he has been involved in the Bates legislation. He feels the City's current weed abate-ment program alternatives are reasonable and he outlined several reasons. He expressed the opinion that the entire City area is in a very high fire hazard severity zone, and he reviewed the City's fire hazard rating, noting the rating form evaluates the areas of fuel, topography, dwelling density and weather. He feels the Bates Bill was a reaction to the Oakland fire and is an example of poor legislation. Related Council discussion ensued. Councilman Luna clarified that his main concern is that the ordinance be written in a clear manner based on what the Fire Department actually enforces in terms of abatement, which Chief McCain clarified are grasses and weeds. Public Comment Joan O'Keefe, 9985 Old Morro Rd. East, commented that she doesn't think most people believe we are in a high fire hazard area. She thanked the previous speaker for his description of our area and expressed that education is very critical to the community. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle Ave., shared Councilman Luna's hope that the ordinance be written to reflect what is actually enforced. Procedurally, he feels the Bates Bill discussion should be advertised and addressed in a public hearing forum. He expressed he is in favor of the weed abatement process that is carried out each year and supports the agendized protest hearing being held. Additional discussion between Council and Chief McCain took place. Capt. Motlo sum- marized what he does when contacted by citizens with questions about their particular property and conveyed that the department makes an effort to survey those parcels and spend time with residents to educate them as to how to protect their homes and property. City Clerk Marcia Torgerson read into the record a letter from Sid Bowen, 5550 Cascabel Rd., expressing his views on the City's weed abatement policy (see Exhibit E). --end Public Comment— City Council consensus was to bring back the weed abatement ordinance for review before next year's abatement process is commenced. There was also consensus to concur with the Fire Chief's recommendation to leave the 100' minimum abatement requirement in place as the ordinance currently states. Chief McCain encouraged that ideas for verbiage amendments be directed to the Fire Department. CC 5/27/97 Page 8 A. Resolution No. 25-97 - Declaring weeds a public nuisance and establishing procedures for the abatement of said nuisances. (Staff recommendation: Adopt) There was no public comment under the weed abatement protest hearing. Motion: By Councilman Lerno, seconded by Councilman Carden to adopt Res. 25-97. Motion passed by 5:0 roll-call vote. 3. ORDINANCE NO. 330 - Consideration to amend Zoning Ordinance text to allow parking lots for commercial uses within high density multiple family zones as conditionally allowed uses (Zoning Ordinance Amendment 96-015) [Steve DeCamp] (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Motion to waive reading in full and introduce on first reading by title only) Steve DeCamp provided staff report and responded to questions from Council. Public Comment Tim Roberts, civil engineer representing Mike Niven, owner of Adobe Plaza, commented on the concept of constructing an employees-only parking lot in the plaza on the lot which is between and to the rear of Carl's Jr. and Adobe Plaza, fronting on Santa Ysabel St, recognizing that the specific project is not before the Council tonight. They have worked for a year on a plan and intend to submit an application for a CUP as soon as possible, should Council approve this ordinance. He noted that Condition #6 will be difficult to comply with; the owner would like to get the parking lot in as soon as possible, as the Christmas shopping season typically begins in mid-October. Additional lengthy discussion between Council and staff ensued concerning possible options for the property as it relates to the conceptual plan of the owner. Motion: Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Lerno to waive the reading of Ord. 330 in full and introduce it on first reading by title only. Motion passed by 4:1 roll-call vote, with Councilman Carden dissenting. Motion: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Lerno to continue the meeting past 11:00 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 1. RESOLUTION NO. 42-97 - Authorizing the Interim City Manager to accept the U.S. Department of Justice CON Universal Hiring Grant [Bill Watton] (Staff recommendation: Adopt) Bill Watton made brief staff report and responded to questions from Council. Staff was directed to draft a letter to the grant writers (former Chief McHale and Support Services Manager) expressing the Council's gratitude for their successful receipt of the grant. CC 5/27/97 Page 9 Public Comment Doug Lewis, resident, asked for clarification on the costs to the City over a 3-year period. Acting Chief Watton responded that, aside from uniform costs, there will be no costs incurred by the City for the 3 new officer positions. --end Public Comment— Motion: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Carden to adopt Res. 42-97. Motion passed by 5:0 roll-call vote. 2. RESOLUTION NO. 40-97 - Approving an Arts-In-Public-Places Policy for the City of Atascadero [Brady Cherry] (Staff recommendation: Approve proposed policy) Brady Cherry asked for continuance of this item to the next regular meeting, due to the fact that a letter to the ad hoc citizens committee who worked on the policy inviting them to this meeting was not sent out as intended because of his lack of clerical support. Council continued this item to the next regular meeting. 3. RESOLUTION NO. 39-97 - Rescinding of Business License renewal season in October to the original two seasons in June and December [Brady Cherry] (Staff recommendation: Adopt) Brady Cherry provided staff report and responded to questions from Council. There was no public comment. Motion: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Clay to adopt Res. 39-97, including amending the language in the resolution to reflect one renewal period during the month of December. Motion passed by 5:0 roll-call vote. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): S.L.O. County Mayors Group - Mayor Johnson reported the Mayors group met last week and determined issues which will appear on the 6/5/97 all cities joint councils meeting. The public is encouraged to attend. S.L.O. Council of Governments/S.L.O. Regional Transit Authority - Councilman Carden reported that the last meeting was a workshop on the Regional Transit Authority budget and expenditures, which was very informative. City/School Committee - Has not met. Bob Grogan indicated that a meeting will be scheduled in the near future. CC 5/27/97 Page 10 Economic Round Table - Mayor Johnson reported that, at the ERT's 5/21/97 meeting, Steve DeCamp had provided an informative report on projects and hopeful industrial development. Finance Committee - Meets Thursday to discuss the preliminary budget. Integrated Waste Management Authority - Councilman Luna reported the IWMA met last week. At his request, there will be a pilot program to include apartment houses in the recycling events; he noted that apartments only recycle 10%, thus an effort will be made in Atascadero toward a 50% reduction. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Council - Councilman Carden asked the City Manager to look into the redevelopment authority that the City of Arroyo Grande is pursuing. Bob Grogan indicated he would do so and report back. Roy Hanley noted that he will be meeting with a south county City Attorney, Mr. Rupp, on Saturday to discuss redevelopment since it is a mutual issue. Councilman Luna requested that the fire severity zone maps be brought back when the ordinance is brought back in order to resolve the issues of how the various zones in the City are rated. Councilman Clay expressed his feeling that there should be strong language in the letter to the Postsecondary Education Commission (PEC) concerning the City's opinions about Cuesta College north county site. There was discussion about the contents of the letter. The consensus of the majority of the Council was to convey that the site selected is not viewed as advantageous to Atascadero, but should it be chosen, Atascadero would like to be the location for a distance learning center. Councilman Luna asked that he be faxed a copy of the letter sent by former Mayor George Highland to the PEC. Mayor Johnson conveyed that he has been asked by a couple of members of the public to tighten down the public comment portion of the meeting so discussion is not carried beyond the specific issue being commented on. He asked for the Council's cooperation in terms of minimizing conversation which results with staff when the public brings issues up so as not to lengthen the public comment period, yet still giving the public every oppor- tunity to speak. City Attorney - Roy Hanley reported on the status of the sign enforcement survey. Over 50% of the businesses who received notices of non-compliance have voluntarily complied. A second survey will be done, and second letters will be sent out, so the process is con- tinuing. City Clerk - Marcia Torgerson reported that the Council's interviews of Parks & Rec. Commission applicants will be scheduled to commence at 6:00 p.m. prior to the 6/10/97 meeting. Applicants to the Community Services Foundation (CSF) and Board of Appeals will be scheduled prior to the 6/24 meeting. Councilman Carden suggested changing the charter regarding the make-up of the CSF before going forward with the recruitment. His intent is to encourage the recruitment of persons with particular backgrounds who may have effective connections to make the Foundation's fund-generating efforts more CC 5/27/97 Page 11 successful. Related discussion ensued. Councilman Carden was encouraged to work with the City manager to explore possibilities of how to seek the desired membership. Based on the discussion, Marcia Torgerson said she will schedule Board of Appeals interviews only and postpone the CSF interviews until the issue of membership is resolved. City Manager - Bob Grogan reported on legislative updates and indicated he will continue to keep the Council posted on legislation which affects the finances of the City. He asked how many of the Council can attend the 6/5/97 joint councils meeting; all five members indicated they plan to attend. Mayor Johnson asked Mr. Grogan to attend as well. Councilman Carden asked Bob Grogan if there has been any follow-up action taken after the developers meeting held recently at the Pavilion. Mr. Grogan said he received a report on Friday which will be sent out to those who attended. He reported that the encroach- ment ordinance has been circulated and there have been few comments; the water company did have some comments, however. He will provide a recap of issues raised and staff's response. Steve DeCamp had related comments about questions raised regarding the permit fee structure. F. STATUS OF CITY COUNCIL REFERRALS: 1. Tree Ordinance - Steve DeCamp reported that the Tree Ordinance and implementation guidelines have been distributed to the Council, per direction at the last meeting. Councilman Lerno suggested there be an ad hoc committee review of the ordinance. Mr. DeCamp suggested that ANTA be charged with doing such a review. The Mayor directed staff to come back with recommendations on how best to handle a review, given the lateness of the meeting. 2. Review of Bates Bill compliance - Discussed under Item 2-A. G. ADJOURNMENT: THE CITY COUNCIL WILL ADJOURNED AT 11:43 P.M. TO A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCILS OF SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AT 7:00 P.M. ON JUNE 5, 1997 AT THE CLIFFS HOTEL IN SHELL BEACH. THE COUNCIL WILL MEET IN CLOSED SESSION AT 3:00 P.M. ON FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1997, IN THE 4TH FLOOR CLUB ROOM CONCERNING THE EXECUTIVE FIRM'S RECRUITMENT FOR THE CITY MANAGER. MINUTES RECORDED BY: Y —Fm - MARCIA M. TORGERSON, City Jerk PREPARED BY: CINDY L. HOL'' ON, Deputy City Clerk CC 5/27/97 Page 12