HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 051397 Agenda Item: A-2 Meeting Date: 5/13/97 Approved as submitted ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MAY 13, 1997 MINUTES 6:30 P.M. - CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION: Significant exposure to litigation: Two (2) potential cases (City Attorney recommendation: Authorize settlement discussions by City Attorney) 7:00 P.M. - REGULAR SESSION: Mayor Johnson called the Regular Meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmembers Carden, Clay, Lerno, Luna and Mayor Johnson Absent: None Others Present: Marcia M. Torgerson, City Clerk Staff Present: Robert Grogan, Interim City Manager; Roy Hanley, City Attorney; Capt. Peter Gaw, Fire Department; Steve DeCamp, Acting Community Development Director; Lt. Bill Watton, Acting Chief of Police; Brady Cherry, Community Services Director; John Neil, Asst. City Engineer; Cindy Holton, Deputy City Clerk; Claudia Collier, Zoo Curator; Rachelle Rickard, City Accountant COUNCIL COMMENTS: Councilman Clay asked that the north county Cuesta College site selection be placed on the next City Council agenda for public discussion and consensus attitude. He feels the proposed north Paso Robles site is not the best place, and it should be more centrally located. He also encouraged that local individuals be hired to fill police officer positions. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: • Employee Public Service Recognition - Mayor Johnson issued recognition plaques to Rudy Hernandez (City Treasurer), Delma Mendes (Account Clerk II) and Brady Cherry (Community Services Director) for their exemplary services to the City. CC 5/13/97 Page 1 • Resolution No. 32-97 - Recognizing outgoing Atascadero High Head Football Coach Larry Welsh for his service to the community [Mike McCain] Mayor Johnson read Res. No. 32-97 and presented it to Larry Welsh, now the Head Coach at Cal Poly University. The Mayor noted Mr. Welsh's active involvement in the high school agriculture and other programs in addition to football. Mr. Welsh thanked the Council and City of Atascadero and accepted the award on behalf of all the coaches who worked in the program over the past 17 years. He also thanked the students, saying "a willing heart lightens work", and that Atascadero High has had a lot of willing young people who accepted the work ethic asked of them. He congratulated the new head coach, thanked the parents in the community and encouraged their continued support of all of their children's endeavors. COMMUNITY FORUM Rush Kolemaine, Box 1990, Atascadero, asked for Council support of Councilman Clay's request to agendize the Cuesta north county site selection topic for the benefit of the public. He shared that the results of his research of the documentation of Cuesta's site selection effort showed there has been very little communication between Cuesta administration and City government. He conveyed that a committee has been formed in the community which will pursue revisiting the process and petition for a more centrally located campus. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, supported the comments of the previous speaker and said there are still further decisions to be made regarding the Cuesta plans, e.g. the EIR. He noted the concerns of CTAC about the traffic dangers and impacts. In addition, he commented that the revised draft EIR for raising the Salinas Dam is nearly ready for distribution, which will likely extend the public comment period into June, and he encouraged Council and staff participation in that process. Livia Kellerman, 5463 Honda, suggested a trolley system as an adjunct to the regular bus route within the City, citing the success of a system in Ojai. Ray Jansen, 6655 Country Club Dr., regarding the decision on the north county Cuesta College site, said that a decision that is not adequately or fairly made is not really a decision and should not be accepted. He reiterated the availability, at reduced cost, of two people's lobbies that the Quakers maintain in Sacramento and Washington, D.C., which he spoke of at the last City Council meeting. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES - February 3, 1997 (Adjourned Meeting) [Marcia Torgerson] (City Clerk recommendation: Approve) 2. FINAL PARCEL MAP 96014, 6600 LOMITAS - Final consideration to subdivide one lot of eight (8) acres into two (2) lots of 3.00 and 4.46 acres for single-family residential use (Graves/Sholders) [Steve DeCamp] (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Approve) CC 5/13/97 Page 2 3. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 96007, 8745/8775 COROMAR ROAD - Consideration to divide two lots of 1.05 and 1.15 acres into four parcels of 0.50, 0.50, 0.51 and 0.55 acres for single-family residential use (Jackson/Shores/Sholders Surveys) [Steve DeCamp] (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Approve) 4. RESOLUTION NO. 34-97 - Authorizing and approving the borrowing of funds (not to exceed $1.2 Million) for fiscal year 1997-98; the issuance and sale of a 1997- 98 Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note (TRAN); and therefore participation in the California Communities Cash Flow Financing Program [Rache/le Rickard] (Staff recommendation: Adopt) 5. RATIFICATION OF APPOINTMENT OF TWO MEMBERS-AT-LARGE TO THE ECONOMIC ROUND TABLE [Marcia Torgerson] (City Clerk recommendation: Ratify) 6. RESOLUTION NO. 35-97 - Approving the destruction of certain Police Department records, documents and papers [Bill Watton] (Staff recommendation: Adopt) Mayor Johnson announced that Item A-1 is continued to the next meeting, Councilman Lerno will abstain from voting on Item A-2, he noted that Item A-3 is a final parcel map (not tentative as listed), and Councilman Clay pulled Item A-6 or clarification. Motion: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Clay to approve Items A-2, 3, 4 and 5. Motion passed by 5:0 roll-call vote, 4:0 on Item A-2, with Councilman Lerno abstaining. Councilman Clay asked what changes were being implemented. Acting Chief Watton indicated there are few changes; the actions authorized by proposed Res. No. 35-97 are intended to bring the APD's practices into compliance with Department of Justice guide- lines. Motion: By Councilman Clay, seconded by Councilman Luna to adopt Res. No. 35-97. Motion passed by 5:0 roll-call vote. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. APPEAL OF 4/11/97 PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION REGARDING TREE REMOVAL AT THE INTERSECTION OF EL CORTE AND ARCADE ROADS [Steve DeCamp] (Staff recommendation: Uphold appeal and approve tree removal request) Steve DeCamp provided staff report. He noted that the Planning Commission heard arguments for the removal of the tree and a staff recommendation for removal. However, the Commission believes additional information is necessary and, therefore, referred the tree removal request back to staff to explore alternative road alignments which might save CC 5/13/97 Page 3 the tree. The questions before the Council are, first, whether to hear the appeal and then whether or not it should be removed. Roy Hanley cited AMC Sec. 9-1.111(b), which governs appeals from the Planning Commission. He indicated his opinion that, as written, any aggrieved party may appeal any decision of the Planning Commission to the City Council as long as they follow the rules of procedure stated. Steve DeCamp verified that the appeal was filed timely and according to the City's procedures. Councilman Luna expressed concern about permit streamlining, due to the imposition to the developer from the Commission's returning this item back to staff. Roy Hanley indicated there is a separate Planning Commission Rule which indicates that a Planning Commission inaction on permit streamlining matters automatically sends an appeal to the City Council. The affects of this are, 1) timely review by the City Council, and 2) neither the project opponent nor applicant are required to pay the appeal fee. The consensus of the City Council was to hear the appeal. Public Comment John Falkenstien, Cannon Associates, representing applicant Ray Bunnell, clarified the reasons for the appeal. Ray Bunnell, the applicant, noted that he looked at the tree and reviewed the options. He spoke with the corner property owner, who had expressed he was unaware that the sub- ject section of his property was in City right-of-way and that the tree might come out to accommodate road widening. William Zimmerman, Planning Commission, expressed the feeling that it is inappropriate that this hearing is being held. He feels the Planning Commission did not make a decision but requested additional information, thus the item is still pending at the Commission level. He said his concern is whether the road will be able to be built even if the tree is removed, given cost factors and the impact to the homes along the west side of the road. Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, suggested the construction to the east side be considered as a preferred option if the landowner is amenable and the cost of right of way is less than the cost of construction work on the west. He shared Commissioner Zimmerman's concerns about this item coming forward from the Commission, feeling it might lend to hasty decisions when it is appropriate for the Commission to request additional information on matters pending. Ray Bunnell spoke again, saying the appeal meant no disrespect toward any members of the Commission, though he was concerned it might be received that way. The appeal was filed only because they had submitted all the information they felt they had to, short of buying right of way. John Neil commented on the road improvement requirements at the subject location, their affect on the tree in question and responded to questions from Council. Additional Council discussion ensued. CC 5/13/97 Page 4 Motion: By Councilman Carden, seconded by Councilman Lerno to uphold the appeal and approve the tree removal request. Motion passed by 4:1 roll-call vote, with Councilman Luna opposed. 2. ZONE CHANGE 97001/ZONE CHANGE 96010/TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 96010, 5392 BARRENDA AVE. Consideration of a zone change application to modify the text of the Zoning Ordinance with respect to building setback requirements in the PD7 Overlay Zone and a proposal to establish a Master Plan of Development for a particular site and subdivide that 0.68-acre site into six (6) lots for residential development consistent with the Master Plan (Norton/Cannon Associates) [Steve DeCamp] A. Ordinance No. 325 - Amending Section 9-3.151 of the Zoning Ordinance relative to building setback requirements (ZC 97001) (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Motion to waive reading in full and introduce on first reading by title only) B. Ordinance No. 326 - Amending Map 6 of the official zoning maps by rezoning certain real properties at 5392 Barrenda Ave. From RMF/16 to RMF/16 (PD7) (ZC 96010) (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Motion to waive reading in full and introduce on first reading by title only) C. Tentative Tract Map 96010 (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Approve based on Findings and Revised Conditions of Approval) Mayor Johnson stepped down from participating on this item, saying the applicant is a business client of his. Steve DeCamp provided staff report. Public Comment John Falkenstien, Cannon Associates, representing applicant Paul Norton, offered to respond to questions. There were no questions from the Council and no additional public comment. Motion: By Councilman Clay, seconded by Councilman Lerno to read Ord. 325 by title only and approve it on first reading. Motion passed by 4:0 roll-call vote, with Mayor Johnson absent. Motion: By Councilman Lerno, seconded by Councilman Clay to read Ord. 326 by title only and approve it on first reading. Motion passed by 4:0 roll-call vote, with Mayor Johnson absent. Motion: By Councilman Lerno, seconded by Councilman Clay to approve Tentative Tract Map 96010, based on the Findings contained in the Planning Commission staff report dated 4/15/97 and the attached Revised Conditions of Approval. Motion passed by 4:0 roll-call vote, with Mayor Johnson absent. CC 5/13/97 Page 5 3. ZONE CHANGE 96017/ROAD ABANDONMENT 96003/LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT 96008, VISTA BONITA AVENUE ON SOUTH SIDE OF CHALK MOUNTAIN (Frederick/Cannon Associates) [Steve DeCamp] A. Ordinance No. 324 - Amending Map 19 of the official zoning maps by rezoning certain real property on Vista Bonita Ave. From RSF-Y(PD7) and RSF-Z(PD7) to RSF and RSF-Z (ZC 96017) (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Motion to waive reading in full and introduce on first reading by title only) B. Resolution No. 24-97 - Summarily vacating a portion of Vista Bonita Ave. Pursuant to Streets and Highways Code; Part 3, Public Streets, Highways and Service Easements Vacation Law; Chap. 4, Summary Vacation (RA #96003) (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Adopt) C. Lot Line Adjustment 96008 (Planning Commission/Staff recommendation: Approve, based on Findings and Conditions of Approval) Steve DeCamp provided staff report and responded to questions from Council. Public Comment John Falkenstien, Cannon Associates, representing applicant Mike Fredericks, reiterated the reasons for bringing this item before the Council and offered to respond to questions. There were no questions from the Council and no additional public comment. Motion: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Carden to read Ord. 324 by title only and approve it on first reading. Motion passed by 5.0 roll-call vote. Motion: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Carden to adopt Res. 24-97. Motion passed by 5:0 roll-call vote. Motion: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Carden to approve Lot Line Adjustment 96008 based on the Findings and Conditions of Approval contained in the Planning Commission staff report dated 4/15/97. Motion passed by 5:0 roll-call vote. 4. ORDINANCE NO. 329 - Providing for administrative citations, fines and hearing procedures pursuant to Government Code Section 53069.4 [Roy Hanley] (City Attorney recommendation: Motion to waive reading in full and introduce on first reading by title only) Roy Hanley provided staff report. CC 5/13/97 Page 6 Public Comment Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, spoke in support of writing a policy that anyone made aware of a code violation be given a time period within which to effect a correction so as to guar- antee, in writing, the enforcement approach to be results-oriented rather than viewed as harassment, the goal being to achieve code compliance, not revenue through fines. Motion: By Councilman Luna, seconded by Councilman Carden to waive the reading of Ord. 329 in full and introduce on first reading by title only. Motion passed by 5:0 roll-call vote. Mayor Johnson took a poll of those in attendance to hear the next two agenda items. Given that the majority were present for the Light-the-Lake Project (C-2), he announced that the order of Items C-1 and C-2 will be reversed. COUNCIL RECESSED FOR A BREAK FROM 8:35 - 8:45 P.M. C. REGULAR BUSINESS: 2. ROTARY CLUB LAKE LIGHTING PROJECT [Brady Cherry] (Status Report. Provide direction) Brady Cherry provided staff report and responded to questions from Council. He invited residents to contact him to work together with the Rotary Club to address their concerns. He updated information in the staff report saying that 21 of the 50 lights to be installed have been sponsored by members/organizations in the community at a cost of $3,600 each. He added that he is pursuing with Asst. City Engineer John Neil an attempt to obtain outside grant funds to be used to improve the pedestrian path around the lake and will also seek the assistance of SLOCOG in this regard. Public Comment Kathy Thomas, 9520 Marchant Way, yielded her speaking time to the next speaker. Alan Thomas, 9520 Marchant Way, conveyed that anything done to change the nature or character of the lake needs to be done very carefully and agreed upon by everyone. He expressed support for the Rotary Club and said any disagreement with the lighting project is not meant to criticize Rotary. He has submitted a petition bearing 50 signatures (25 just today, Exh. A attached) of residents expressing their varied concerns about the project, and he expounded on his personal concerns. He suggested the project be phased, the first phase being to install lights within the park, and then go back to the drawing board for more resident input, more engineering, look at the budget and explore alternatives to seek resident support for a workable project. Livia Kellerman, 5463 Honda, supported the comments of the previous speaker and expressed concern about having lights around the lake. She suggested an alternate style of lights. CC 5/13/97 Page 7 Eric Greening, 7365 Valle, supported the suggestions of the previous speaker for low lights and is opposed to staggered, sponsored lights due to pedestrian safety concerns. Ernie Porter, 9420 Marchant, saying he is the longest resident at the lakeside, expressed opposition to the project. Alice Porter, 9420 Marchant (since 1943), expressed objection to the project and requested support for the maintenance of the view from her home. Bob Lilley, 14705 El Camino Real, Rotary member, noted that Rotary is not trying to force anything on the lakeside residents but is attempting to address a need viewed of benefit to the entire community and an open process has been conducted on this project. Wendy Pearce, 9155 Lakeview Dr., yielded her speaking time to the next speaker and indicated she shares his viewpoints. Richard Pearce, 9155 Lakeview Dr., noted he and his wife sent a letter to the City Council expressing their concerns about the project. He doesn't consider this a beautification project and feels the lights will spoil the natural beauty there. If installed, they should be confined to the park area. Steve Summer, Rotary member in charge of marketing the lighting project in the com- munity, attempted to respond to many of the points made by previous speakers. He noted that no tree removals have ever been considered by Rotary for positioning of lights. Kim Jeanes, 6280 San Anselmo, commented that a main issue she heard was that residents around the,lake and persons opposed were not made aware of the project. She referenced numerous newspaper articles (posted on bulletin board at the back of the Rotunda Room for public view) which have appeared since the idea began to the present plan. She expressed support for the project. Rush Kolemaine, Box 1990, said this is the 4t' appearance regarding the lake lighting project in the past two years. He pointed out that the lake does not belong to only those who reside around it. Ed Salas, 8200 Portola, said his property taxes indicate he does own his view of the lake, and he expressed objection to the project. Gretchen Strayenhagen, 9095 Lakeview, expressed support for lighting of the lake feeling it will heighten safety for all who use it. Wendy Pearce, 9155 Lakeview, responded to comments from previous speakers implying that those who live around it are selfish and feel they own the lake. She said the lakeside owners' feelings are opposite, that it belongs to everyone and there are many citizens who treasure the natural beauty of the lake. Barbie Butz, 3370 San Fernando Rd., Parks & Rec. Commissioner, confirmed the process that was gone through for this project, beginning two years ago. Area residents around CC 5/13/97 Page 8 the lake were canvassed by members of the Commission to seek their input, as well as seeking it through the public forum at meetings. The concept was advertised before any formal proposal was made. She said she is uncomfortable that the concerns are coming up now following what she feels has been a democratic process. Frank Hauck, 9545 Lakeview, expressed concern that there will be an increase in bugs that will be drawn to the additional lights and suggested perhaps bug zappers be installed with them. He suggested the lights be shut off earlier than 10 p.m. during winter, e.g. 8- 8:30 p.m. Ernie Porter spoke again and indicated he has never felt he owned the lake. He objects to a light being placed in the middle of his property frontage. Clara Gilbreath, 9185 Lakeview, expressed objection to lights, period, feeling it will detract from the natural beauty of the lake. Mr. Williams, 8160 Santa Rosa Rd., supports the lighting project. George Beatie, 10025 El Camino Real, Parks & Rec. Commissioner, reviewed the history of the proposed lighting project. He conveyed that the Commission was aware of the controversial nature of the proposal after interviewing residents and walkers around the lake, however, he recalled that no one attended the public hearing on the issue. He commented that it has come forward through a democratic process. Eric Greening spoke again, disagreed with the concept of bug zappers and feels traffic potentially generated by more lighting is of bigger concern. Livia Kellerman, 5463 Honda, expressed concern about the rigid attitude of the Rotarians concerning the project, because it will affect so many people. Alice Porter, said she attended the public meeting held on this proposal and recalled that most of the people there were in objection. She does not feel that lights will make the area safer. Alan Thomas spoke again, referencing that the minutes of the Parks & Rec. Commission reflect their recommended approval of the project with the condition that the Rotary Club and the City work out the details. Thus, he considers what is being done at this meeting an appropriate forum for working out those details. Richard Pearce spoke again and asked that the Council do away with extending the project beyond the park boundaries, except perhaps at the Santa Rosa end of the lake, in order to minimize the impact to residences. Frank Hauck spoke again and asked that an EIR be done. He commented that installing the lights might subject the City to added liability. Ed Salas spoke again and asked if the road around the lake is part of the park and is Brady Cherry in charge of it. They Mayor responded that the road is under Mr. Cherry's purview as Community Services Director. CC 5/13/97 Page 9 Richard Pearce spoke again, and he commended Brady Cherry for the time he has taken and for his disposition toward the residents during their discussions on this project. City Clerk Marcia Torgerson, read into the record letters from the following citizens regarding the lighting project: Steven LaSalle, 7505 Marchant Way (opposed—Exh. B, attached); Barbara Schoenike, 7505 Marchant Way (opposed—Exh. C, attached); George Highland, 3057 S. Higuera St., SLO (in favor—Exh. D, attached); Jack & Shirley Montague, 9510 Marchant Way (opposed, except perhaps at south end of lake—Exh. E, attached). The floor was closed to the public and City Council members shared their individual views. Councilman Clay conveyed that Maggie Vandergon contacted him and expressed support for the project. There was no action taken to change the plan approval, however the consensus hope was expressed that Rotary and staff will be sensitive toward the residents around the lake and that the placement of the lights can be worked out coopera- tively, as well as some of the other issues of concern such as time lighting is proposed to occur and light wattage. 1. CONSIDERATION OF ZOO FUNDING [Brady Cherry] (Staff recommendation: Provide direction) Brady Cherry provided staff report. He reiterated the purpose of this item being under discussion is to address long-term financial support of the zoo, and he read the recommen- dation from the staff report. Lengthy discussion with Council ensued. Claudia Collier, Zoo Curator, commented on the standards required to maintain accreditation. Councilman Clay suggested efforts be focused on increased attendance through improved advertising and he offered suggestions. He encouraged that Donna Wallace be utilized for grant writing, due to her experience in that area. Councilman Lerno feels the revenue enhancement options provided by Mr. Cherry are on the right track, and he suggested that some of the developer fees be placed in the zoo fund, if possible. Motion: By Councilman Luna to continue the meeting beyond 11 p.m. Consensus was to do so. Public Comment Rush Kolemaine, Box 1990, had questions of Brady Cherry regarding private-public partnerships, to which Brady responded. Mr. Kolemaine encouraged Brady to continue exploring avenues of raising revenues but would like to see an earnest effort to evaluate what is needed by the Zoo Society so it might have a leg up on funding the zoo, e.g. corporate structure. CC 5/13/97 Page 10 Dawn Massighetti, 341 Foothill Blvd., SLO, indicated that she and three other Cal Poly students are doing an evaluation of the Paddock Zoo for a class. Over 100 persons have participated in a survey thus far, and others will be interviewed. A report will be complete in a few weeks and she invited questions. A copy of the report will be provided to Brady and Claudia Collier. She suggested that the City coordinate with various Cal Poly depart- ments to accomplish some of the desired goals at the zoo. Tami Smyda, 1545 San Miguel Rd., spoke in support of the zoo as an asset to the entire community and county. She would support an increase or tax to keep it open. Barbie Butz, President of the County Zoological Society, submitted statistics compiled by David Graham for the Council's information (Exh. F, attached). She invited the Council to attend a Society Board meeting to enlighten them as to the types of things the Society does. She noted that PG&E suggested some of the grant money the Society has received be used for the Board's education to help them help themselves. She added that additional signage is needed, which requires CalTrans approval. Lee Swam, 9065 Lakeview Dr., thanked the Council for their efforts in support of the zoo. As a representative of the Zoological Society to the Community Services Foundation, his focus is long-term zoo funding. He commented that a 3-5 year funding commitment will be necessary in fostering funding efforts. He passed out a flyer produced by the boat and bicycle concessionaire at the lake, and noted other sources of public relations which pro- mote the zoo. He thanked the Council for their past support and expressed the hope for continued, long-term support. The consensus of the City Council was to support the proposed $.50 zoo admission fee increase. Staff was directed to study more closely some of the funding options mentioned, particularly as it pertains to the pros and cons of placing a measure on the ballot, an assessment on property and a contingency plan for privatization. It was agreed that shutting the zoo down should be a last resort. Staff was further directed to develop a statement for Council approval, as part of the budget process, which indicates a commitment of this Council in favor of long- term support of the zoo. There was discussion regarding additional highway signage promoting the zoo. Brady Cherry noted that he will approach Senator O'Connell and Assemblyman Bordonaro regarding their assistance to gain approval of additional highway signage. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary.): S.L.O. County Mayors Group - Mayor Johnson announced the joint S.L.O. County city councils meeting scheduled for Thursday, June 5, 1997 at the Cliffs in Shell Beach. Economic Round Table - Mayor Johnson reported that Gregg Goodwin of the County Economic Vitality Corporation made a presentation to the ERT at its April 301' meeting. CC 5/13/97 Page 11 E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND/OR ACTION: City Council - Councilman Luna conveyed that he feels the City Council should have a back-up plan, given the fact that Cuesta's selection of a north county site appears to be a done deal. He has been in discussions with 3 professors at Cal Poly (all Atascadero residents) who deal with long-distance learning and telecommuting. They have consented to form the core of a committee in order to hold Cuesta's feet to the fire in terms of their touting the new campus as a "high-tech" center. The idea is to draft a plan and gain the Council's political support toward establishing a long-distance learning facility here in Atascadero. Councilman Luna asked that the City Clerk add Councilman Lerno's suggestion to place some of the developer fees in the zoo fund on the list of Council requests. Councilman Carden expressed he feels the tree removal item on tonight's agenda should have been handled at the Planning Commission. Councilman Clay asked that the Cuesta College site issue be placed on the next Council agenda. Discussion ensued, but there was no consensus to do so. The City Manager was directed to develop another communication, as was previously done, voicing the Council's continuing concerns about the location of the campus. City Clerk: Update on applications submitted for vacancies on commissions/committees and request to schedule interview session - Marcia Torgerson referenced the list she provided to the Council indicating applications received for the various committee/commis- sion vacancies being recruited for. It was noted that openings on the Planning Commission and Citizens Transportation Advisory Committee are the most urgent to fill. Consensus was to conduct interviews prior to the next two Council meetings, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Johnson noted he received a request for the Council to appoint a member to an ad hoc CalTrans committee regarding the work to be done over the next three years on the Cuesta Grade. Councilman Luna offered to serve; by consensus he was appointed to the ad hoc committee. Mayor Johnson noted the Central Coast Commission on Senior Citizens is looking for a citizen representative, and he encouraged the Council to solicit interested persons. The Mayor asked that the City Manager provide a status report from the City Treasurer. F. STATUS OF CITY COUNCIL REFERRALS: 1. Tree Ordinance: Direct staff for agenda date - Steve DeCamp asked for guidance as to what the Council is looking for in terms of a report. After discussion, staff was asked to provide a copy of the tree ordinance to each Council member so as to determine which sections need more close review and possible revision. 2. Economic development incentives [Councilman Carden] - Steve DeCamp CC 5/13/97 Page 12 recommended that this item be referred to the Economic Round Table and perhaps for discussion with the Economic Vitality Corporation. Consensus was to direct staff to do SO. 3. Weed Abatement/Bates Bill - Roy Hanley suggested, given the absence of the Fire Chief, that he be directed to write an opinion to respond to two particular questions asked at the last Council meeting and to allow him to acquire a model ordinance from CDF so it can be compared with the wording in the City's weed abatement ordinance. He expressed the opinion that the City's ordinance is in compliance with the Bates Bill. Councilman Luna noted his concern is that the Bates Bill deals with very high fire hazard severity zones, by the state's definition. There are three such areas in Atascadero, and he believes those citizens need to be made aware. As well, he doesn't understand the re- quirement that people in the City on under 3 acres not in those severe areas are made to mow their entire lot. He feels there is a problem with over-regulation in Atascadero. Related discussion ensued. Consensus was to direct the City Attorney to write an opinion and bring it back with a copy of the Bates Bill for comparison, as he requested. THE MEETING ADJOURNED AT 12:25 A.M. MINUTES RECORDED BY: fi4_14 e,4� MARCIA M. TORGERSON, Cio Clerk PREPARED BY: CINDY L. HO ON, Deputy City Clerk CC 5/13/97 Page 13 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, 3II3/97 RR Exh. "A", Page 1 of 3 O @ R 0 V R To the Rotary Club and City of Atascadero: MAY l 41997 I am concerned about the current plan for installing lights around Atascade o Li ike. More review and input from lake/park users and local residents is needed bi fore CITY Of ATASCADERO completing any additional work on this project: C{TYCLERKS OFFICE Name(print) and Signature Address and Phone# Comments: / I � Iei 1Z�C - 1,�✓,r7�y c5'2.1� ►t��GOf�c-�N� �lvc� cvocccn yor.� GrK�' a 3yz2 6� --5501T A,tip. a ;I vA s 1Z i Grz > o � O O'k VA FOi-2M AiO "7900 1VAV.4, kZ!�. 't--)t)rJ i j' U 1 ' Z1tcL- (0 00 Atrz.Wcm'0 #r3 t" Loo'-'�L •e t,vild(rF� i►tih.�.bi f�� Cry lZ •i5 n�-G�sS��`.� Page_of— CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, 5/13/97 koCITY Exh. "A", Page 2 of 3To the Rotary Club and City of Atascadero: MAY 4X997 I am concerned about the current plan for installing lights around Atascade.More review and input from lake/park users and local residents is needed b OF ATASCADERO completing any additional work on this project: CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Name(print) and Signature Address and Phone# Comments: V4VG6 V006 q �;C-,06 V Wf 4. �{ CC -' Cosi' Tb 66_ [t.tk .i � � R- - G'ALV/N F,E1W - 5'3!GI No.vO, fit/ r ���/cam �,/✓,� zv Pg. t A,00 Tom'LZ )?�i % DGlG'- �OL/i � ��o���Cl�iv�; Wil= � /yl�f� }��.c i�>, Pr�iRo•C.S' 7o71 Page—of_ CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, 5/13/97 Q Exh. "A", Page 3 of 3 O To the Rotary Club and City of Atascadero: MAY 141997 I am concerned about the current plan for installing lights around Atasca ro ake. More review and input from lake/park users and local residents is needed efo IO ATKp EEROO completing any additional work on this project: CE Name(print) and Signature Address and Phone# Comments: LL cw ce $3v n' 3 Y3 y-/ -SS` fq�E:LVA S-3 cry i?aZu-,,o-P c O C oe ���=�-�cr,�� �� fir•'. lqlowowl t)ao-ff }'vX67 f 1 Page_of_ SENT BY: 5-12-97 11:44 ; KINKO'S TULSA I-+ 1 805 1234 ;# 3/ 3 MAY 1 31997 iTY oF ATASCADERO Stephen A LaSalle 'tY .ERR K's OMCE w wrahant Aw, CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, 5/13A Atascadem, CA 93422 Exh. "Bn May 11, 1 997 Atascadero City Council Dear Counci Members: This letter is to express my opposition to the installation of lights aroundAtascadero Lake Park. I have lived close to the lake for twelve years and enjoy the way it is now. Lights would detract from the rural feeling of the neighhood: I am very oppose to the City of Atascadero ever spending money on electricity to support this dubious project. When I first moved to Atascadero the night sky was beautiful. The night sky was an additional pleasure which made Going in Atascadeo a delight. I have noticed a decline in the quality of the nlght sky which Is directly attributable to lighting. Please do not contribute the decline by approving those lights. Sincerely, Stephen P. LaSalle SENT BY: 5-12-97 ; 11:44 KINKO'S TULSA 1-, 1 805 1234 ;# 2/ 3 MAY 1 31997 CITY CLERKS 0 FICE May 11, 1997 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, 5/13/9 Exh. "Cn Atascadero City Council Atascadere,California Dear Council I am writing in regards to the plans to instal street fighting around the Atascadero Lake. I am very oppose to the installation of street lights. it will ruin the country feet of the area but most of all the lights will impact the night sky. There is nothing more wonderful than to took.up and see the stars. Thank you for addressing my concerns, Sincerely, "a/14 1`- Barbara K.Schoenike 7505 Marchant Am. Adascadero,CA 93422 e CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, 5/13/97 3057 S. Higuera St. , ##155, Exh. "D" San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 . ,8 May 1997 D Q To: Atascadero City Council Members MAY " 919N From: George Highland CITY OFATASCADERO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Subject: Agenda Item C 21 5/13/97, Light the Lake project I regret that I am unable to appear tonight and make my opinion known in person. I will be several hundred miles out of state. It is my understanding that the Council has received a request to subject the Rotary 'Light the Lake' project to a new review. I find such request to be difficult to understand. The project came to the City Council roughly two years ago, first as a concept and then as a specific project. The cost was estimated somewhere around $200, 000, all of which is to be raised by the Rotary Club of Atascadero. The purpose of the project is to enhance the use of Atascadero Lake Park and the walking trails around the lake, and to provide additional safety for walkers. The previous Council, of which I wasa member, unanimously approved the project. Selection of the standards and the light styles was made by a committee from Rotary, in consultation with the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Comunity Services Dept. A number of the lights are already in place. I cannot understand how a small number of individuals, at this late date, can possibly justify a redesign of, or halt to, the project. The project went through the required procedures and was approved by the Council. The project is well designed, is supported by a great many residents and will benefit the community. Let us not get into a 'Los Osos Sewer' mode with this project. Sincerely, George Highland, Former Mayor & Council member P.S. Although I now live in San Luis, I still own property and a home in the City of Atascadero. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, 5/13/97 Exh. "E", Page 1 of 2 i D MAY 1 31997 CITY OF CLERKS OFFICE y � `- CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5/13/97, Exh. "E", p.2 of ;� 7o, e�,x2e, ����•���C Q' � rz���� � .G�� �-cam/ �'� 'led P ez �.e _ -Z�/ " CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, 5/13/97 l Exh. "F" Zoological Society:Note for D.Graham 3-23-97 Charles Paddock Zoo -- 1996 Zoo admissions. Children 7, 820 Youth 26, 706 Adults 29, 368 Seniors 2, 534 Zo Society members (all ages) 7, 223 Members from Reciprocating Zoos 981 Total 74 ,632 Zoological Society.of San Luis Obispo County, a Non-Profit Corp 1996 Services and Attendance Record Number served Events Children Adults Birthday Parties 50 534 178 Outreach Programs 45 1, 794 1, 257 Zoo Tours 163 5, 270 1, 207 Special Events 6 900 610 Total 264 8,498 3,242 11,750 persons Other Zoological Society activities Open to the public four hours daily, five days a week, to schedule activities, answer questions, refer callers to the appropriate resources.. Maintains a library of zoological and ecological education materials for the use of docents, zoo staff, and the public in organized educational activities Mails six bi-monthly newsletters to all members and boosters, selected media. Plans and provides tete training program for zoo docents. One volunteer spends 4-6 hours/month assisting the zoo curator in managing the animal- inventory data base. Two volunteers assist the zoo curator in various activities such as grant-wr+ting�anct publicity. A number of volunteers assist the zoo-keep6m its mbintaihin0itithal 66bits, preparing diet, etc. Many volunteers assist the zoo staff by being present at-thb "bruising," to help visitors, answer questions, and monitor safety issues which may need attention by zoo staff. One volunteer serves as "day captain" every week day to schedule activities and coordinate tours.