HomeMy WebLinkAboutOB_2014-002_ResolutionWHEREAS, pursuant to Section 54191.5 of the Califoratia Health and Safety Code, the City Council of the City of Ataseadero. as Successor- Agency to the Atascadero Redevelopment - Agency ("Successor Agency"), has prepared a Long -Range Property Management Plan for purposes of submission to the State epartzlaent of Finance. ("" LDOF"), the Satz Luis Obispo County administrative officer ("County Administrative Officer"), and the Sate breis Obispo County Auditor --Controller ("County Auditor"); and WHEREAS, the Oversight Board to the Successor Agency to the Cortimunity Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero has approved the bong -Range Property Management Plat, L WHEREAS, the Successor .Agency has approved, with an amendment from the Oversight Board'. the proposed Long -Mange Property Management Platz; WHEREAS, the ICF approved the Agency's use or disposition of all of the real properties listed on the Long -Range Property Management Plan; WHEREAS, the DOF rioted that Property No. `? at 6550 El Carnino Deal and Property No. 7 located in the downtown area do not meet the definition of `.`real property" and do not need to be included in the Long -Range Property Management. Plan; WHEREAS, the DOF tooted that Property No. 3, No. 5, No. 6 and No. 8 are improvements made to City owned property, and because the City owns fee title to the real property on which the improvements were made, it was not necessary to last the improvements on the Lon—Ran-e Propet-ty Management Plan; orad21 WHEREAS, the Successor Agency desires to effectuate DOF's recommendations regarding the hong-Range Property Management Plaza and to dispose of the personal property and improvetltents that had been erroneously listed in the plan; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Oversight board of the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero as follows: Section 1. The Oversight Board hereby ack-nowledl-es and concurs with the DOF''s response (Exhibit A) to the Long -Range Property Management Llan (Exhibit B)- Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the commu npn Section 2. The Oversight Board hereby directs the Successor agency, pursuant to Section .34181 (a) of the California Health and Safety Codi;,, to transfer to the City of A,:tascadero, at no cost, the personal property and irnprovei eats identified on the Long -Mange property Management plan as property No. 3, property No. 5, property No. C, property No. 7 and Property No. S. Section 3. The Successor Agency, pursuant to Section 34181 (a) of the California Health and Safety Code, will contract for the demolition of the personal property identified on the Long - Range property Management plan as property No. 2 and will Day for such demolition as provided on the Required Obligation Payment Schedule 14-15A (RODS 14-15A), if and when this item on the ROpS 14-I5A is approved by the DOE. PASSED AND ADOPTEDby the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment ent rygency of cytascadero on the 24"' day of February 2014, by the following vote: AYES: Board. Members Clemens, Jarvis, Rickard, Sommer, Feathers and Chairperson I= onzi NOES: None SENT: Board Member Arnold ADOPTED: February 24, 2014 OVERSIGHT BOARD OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCYTO THE COMMUNITYDEN E..L OP EDIT AGENCY OF ATASCAADER ...A Roberta Fonzi, Chairpprsoiv, ATTEST: , f Marcia McClure Torgerson, Board Secretary WIN= \�U�_VCIUT ` A�g it r%9t!l A'�Y ul '_�Tascaaero NJI P)psolbJion No. OB 2Q14-002 A IJ q *e If 18 1111111 K z bi 111 0 OIL rq DEPARTMENT OF IF I N ANI 0 E- Janual,y 17, 2014 EDMUND G. BRnwN JR, - G[3VF_rRNop L 5TREET W 5ACRAMENTO CA 0 1355 1 4-72706 N Ms. Rachelle Rickard, Director of Administrative Services City of Atascadero 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 Dear Ms. Rickard: Subject,- Long -Range Property Management Plan Pursuant to Health and Safety Code (HSC) section 94191.6 (b), the City of Atascadero Successor Agency (Agency) submitted a Long -Range Property Management Plan (LRPMP) to the California Department of Finance ( Finance) on August 15, 2013. Finance has completed its review of the PP RP, which may have included obtaining clarification for various items, The Agency received a Finding of Cornplet"on on March 8, 2013. Further, based on our review and application of the law, we are approving the Agency's use or disposition of all the real properties listed on the LRPMP. However, Finance notes the, following: Property No. 2, 6550 El Camino Real and Property No. 7 Located throughout downtown area, do not meet the definition of real property, For Property No. 2, the City of Atascadero owns the land while the Agency owns the structure on the land, Property No. 7, these are way -finding Signs located throughout downtown. Since the structure and signs are moveable, they are technically considered personal property. HSC section 34191.5 (b) states that only the Agency's real property is required to be listed in the LISP P. As such, it was not necessary to list Property No. 2 and No. 7 in the LRP P. roperty No. 3, No. 5, No. 6, and No. 8 are im v In accordance with HSC section 34191 .4, upon receiving a Finding Of Completion from Finaric and approval of a LRPMP, all real property, and interests in real property shall be transferred t the Community Redevelopment Property Trust Fund of the Agency, unless that property is subject to the requirements of an existing enforceable obligation. Pursuant -to HSC section 34191.3 the approved LRPMP shall govern, and supersede all other provisions relating to, the disposition and use of all the real property assets of the former redevelopment agency. Agency actions taken pursuant to a Finance approved LRPIVIP are Subject to oversight board (013) approval per HSC section 34181 (f). Any subsequent OB actions addressing the Agenc implementation of the approved LRPMP shouIld be submitted to Finance for approval, Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to 'he 0 1 Page Please direct inquiries to Wendy Griffe, Supervisor, or Jenny DeAngelis, Lead Analyst at (91 6) 445-1546, Sincerely, lid' HOWARD HOWARD Local Government Consultant C c: Ms, Jeri Rangel, Deputy Director of Administrative Services, City of Atascadero Ms. Barbara Godwin, Property -T ax Manager, County of San Luis Obispo Ms, Elizabeth Gonzalez, Bureau Chief, Local Government Audit Bureau, California State Controller's Office California State Controller's Office - . . z:» .. , . , SUCCESSOR . t ON � � � � « } ? ' \ � :T A S C A D � � � C E S S O R AGENCA \ '{\\�p\ ,_ #?S#\©COMPANIES 865 S. Figueroa treet 2250+ Los Angeles, 2+ 91$17 »*y*§+c© v:<:7:< 3100 © LA?osmontz,w Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the ReSolUtion No. OB 2014-002 Page 6 of 18 Exhibit: E Long -Range Property Management Plan= City of Atascadero Successor Agency, June 2013 Page 2 of 14 'Section Page 1.0 Introduction ................. 3 2.0 Lona ars Property Management Plan.................................... 4 Asset #1: 6901 EI Camino Real 7 Asset #2: Portable Building ... 7 Asset #3: Parking Lot Paving. . ....... 8 Asset #4. Construction Access 'Easement .... 9 Asset #5: Sunken Garden Improvements. 10 Asset #6: Zoo Improvements . 11 Asset #7: Wayfinding Signs . 12 Asset #8- Maiden Statue .....13 3.0 Appendices ......................................................a.... ..........................14 ko, ,1111� Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Resolution No. OB 2014-002 Page 7 of 18 1.1 Background & Purpose Exhibit: B Long -Range Propedy Management Plar, City of Atascadero Successor Agency June 2013 Page 3 of 14: Health and Safety Code Section 34191 .5, added by AB 1484 (signed into law on June 27, 2012), requires each Successor Agency ("SA") to prepare and approve a Long -Range Property Management Plan ("LRPMP") that addresses the disposition and use of the rea� properties of the former redevelopment agency. Properties held by a successor agency cannot be disposed of until the State Department of Finance ("DOF") has approved the LRPMP. This document is the LRPMP for the Successor Agency to the former Atascadero Community Redevelopment Agency. 1.2 Successor Agency Asset Surnmalm There are eight (8) assets owned and controlled by the Successor Agency. Only one of the - assets (Asset #1 in the list that fdlows) is a property that includes fee simple land. This property is designated to be liquidated through a disposition process. The remaining seven (71 assets include one (1) easement agreement and six (6) property improvements that are located on property owned by the City of Atascadero. ana`[�SeS, Pralact�on'� a'SU-1100�1s, fatCs Of fetbn I, and anyexarnples rr r— � PWPOSesadd,'M anftr'�At� resulm r� r C a. Cif Aclwat resajj., njay diqer majcrj�ij, frr, t1jose expv E, Pf je t pr essedinthis ana 0 MA, L—I'Angeies Cawcriva9 �C O 17 resenter,j neren are for jihm, forma and tax ana[yoes ane ph 213,417,3300 fax 213,417,3311, 7 1 Property: 6907 El Camino, 029-361-045 4 X 7RE�all 2 Improvements: Portable Building N/A X 3 improvements: Parking Lot Paving N/A 4 Easement- Construction Access X N/A X 5 Improvements:Garden ��WA Sunken_X 6 Improvements: Zoo NIA X 7 Signage: Wayfinding Signs N/A X Improvements: Maiden Statue INIA 8 X Repairs ana`[�SeS, Pralact�on'� a'SU-1100�1s, fatCs Of fetbn I, and anyexarnples rr r— � PWPOSesadd,'M anftr'�At� resulm r� r C a. Cif Aclwat resajj., njay diqer majcrj�ij, frr, t1jose expv E, Pf je t pr essedinthis ana 0 MA, L—I'Angeies Cawcriva9 �C O 17 resenter,j neren are for jihm, forma and tax ana[yoes ane ph 213,417,3300 fax 213,417,3311, Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Resolution No. OB 2014-002 Page 8 of 18 Exhibit: B Long -Range Property Management Plan City of Atascadero Successor Agency June 2013 Page 4 of 14 r--------- Atascadero, undary ertv #1 Address 6907 El Camino of APN 029-361-045 Lot Size 2.26 acres Use Temporary City Hall Zoning DC (Downtown Commercial) General Plan Downtown (D) Current Title Former Redevelopment Agency Building Commercial building, currently used as a temporary City Hall facility; 31,436 square feet ko I& sn Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Resolution No, OB 2014-002 Wage 9 of 18 Exhibit: E Long -Range Property Management Plan City of Atascadero Successor Agency ,lane 203,:± Wage 5 of 14 (includesPurchase Price $2,984,661 costs) Funding Source Tax ihicrement I public Purpose Estilitnate of Current Value $1.26 to $1 .63 million Method of Valuation Broker Opinion of Value provided by Kosmont Realty Corp. (E tib f} 3`y'S9:3 P yt? CC3 3S ies€un i�'tv=- '' #3 d Cf6 iSil any EY�6T3a'1 F"5 {'-e'�..a£'�.fl4 fj 4EY 4F1 3fP EE`i South �'€oc, tui Sm „,t_ vM�� Ffnt€€ Ls�eSn €.i �; �3r�c.n,a r3pa i . FA �21 �i3 sa6ySare projections °i3q GQ Oversight Beard for the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Resolution No. OB 2014-002 Page 10 of 18 Exhibit: E Lang -Range Property Management Pian City ofAtascadero Successor Agency June 201 Page 6 of 14 NO history -o -f contamination, designation as Brownfield site, or remediation publicPlotentiot for TOD Not applicable Continued service as temporary City Hall for Agency Planning Objectives months, then # private attract retail user(s) DI-Sp.DI-Spose to dispD PdVaft uses Buyer *6 t and Asset Improvements �I'h� �aig�es rz ca ctirsn a4��m�;t sn rage at t 2urEa and any exa^,pE�s r c s�rtier� rain arm c r a�Ezzsis�.e pur��ses and are »�: a � a a ge � acf �3 at7wrar fu a e .e5vk4 Prajec yrs Slrrna ana ix arra[ seg bra arQ�aa;f¢ran €an€y A�tua€ aesuhs r;iay eif(r .�t�.rska,i� t;csm #�a�s Etx„r� S5�`d �r tPp(c ada�s�s- mol!'rf)i�=s<� �erSMouthF3�tr:tk=,ti°r r,3..!#tFP�.crr 1ns,ftnc��d-us �t�rf....�.�a �Ut17 �#;�9 =�'BY.�3UC? r�x�?3.4Ax,*,37= ResOlUtion No. OB 2014 002 Page Exhibit: B Long -Range Froperdy Management Pear. City of Atascadero Successor Agency, June 2013 Page 7 of 14 Address 65i El tarnino "- al Current Title Improvements: Former Redevelopment Agency Land: City of c; ascadercBuildlowsize e • ., Purchase Date I/tag Purchase Price $10,400 Funding Scarce Tax increment public . Purpose Office space originally used for Chamber of Commerce and subsequently used by Mair Street, acaeca-profit corporation. $0 (or salvage value less removal/demolition costs); based on Estimate of Current Value outdated condition of structure and need to remove it from City - owned property. .; a _ � � •_ •- eat • � • --� r �- - • -a t a • • • � - +r �s • oil • *. _ r ,q rte natysa p€t4 du ns s r almnas r,�1e f rpt n2. Zvi `�r , ax3ri f s pme u herein are f2 36crs#sa, v .. Pu poses a a am net cure €c 3 to u ure ress4Rts Prn or" €c'o 4�x at of s� re r�ieesars iRr,a'rly Actual ixsuii� sr<vy cilff r i� t reg 1 irr�sn it case ea; seised Er rbcs �a 4ysf 3ai3?xt 2t,3 .s South Fig era�erre f=`Pcc€ ^xngel�s C23ff,.Fc?ta -�4301i ph243A,13WO Fax2i341F..32,1t Resolution No. OB 2014-002 Page 12 of 18 Exhibit: Long -Lange Property Management Plan City of Atascadero Successor Agency June 201 Page S of 14 Addrest 6006 Current Title Land: City Atascall Improvements Asphalt paying,on city -owned parking lot (approximately 16,000 squa willpf vvement sate- i/ / Improvement rice $215,94 Funding our a Tax increment public Purpose Maintenance of parking lot that supports Downtown amenities Estimate sof Current Val (based on inability to sell on open market and ongoing maintenance costs) • a oingoinq PA, ' `he ,�naPy^*es gse��ecEicns �c Tiq�tic�CW €:�tey �f recum >r�c Jy ex�,;tp�es �eeeaat�d � a,�it� ara � r la.sira,sv�= e pcsas3 ae a R ara 'ea ar acfu r d,�a utu ;es s is P€ z e . prc fess a aad iaxr a sus a e c7r ; n c nEs Aci�at €c3suli5 m -y �r�ipc ria€�s.Faiig is m zhc�se ex{ rest ei €r €sa€s arai} sas. -.�,.,_ 85 uis;~tFl iagat+E�.Sto'..4, ,_StBtf ..c. L�z�.•F�nt5 C.is#c. n�a ,.'6� ,i)�-.,a_1�.3L�f� �,x.�.1;3. �F ;-E1 Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the C QW&MYa"a4d W"W" ResOILItion No, OB 2014-002 Page 13 of 18 Asset #4: Easement — Construction Access Exhibit: 8 Long -Range Property Management Plan City of Atascadero Successor Agency. June 2015 Page 9 of 14 Address Atatcadero Creek Reservation #3 Current Title Land: City oflAtascadero Easement Right to use property owned by the City of Atascadero Easement Date Easement Price $60,000 Funding Source Tax increment / public Purpose Access to neighboring bridge to conduct repairs. Estimate of Current Value $0 (based on inability to sell a property specific easement for access to bridge for construction purposes). Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to, the Commu WE wkkwi� .i. ♦ S . { 3 .r Exhibit: B Long -Range Property Management Plan Ciy of Atascadero Successor Agency. June 2013 Page irk of 94 Address� 6505 81 Camino Real Current Title Land: City of o Improvements Improvements . f park Improvement Date 1 i fl(i Improvement Price $1,242,766 Funding Faure Tax increment public Improvements to a City -owned park that is located in the former Purpose Project Area such as sidewalk, streetsca e, turf and irrigation improvements. Estimate of Current Value Improvements: 0 (based on inability to sell on open market and nnninin maintenance costs s jj The sf'2kkSES yf 3 CtEDiic. 5�=. and any exe}, 8s pr£esSen?&(j weer are fi3RlSftriuvp 1purposes a."d are `01 a g a(aF f e I :t a 1 an ril iU p fc ; SL7fPS Prpj �::: 6i k,:rrtia akt; eaK c ITa^[] SFS f $ (SS��C SJ%1S c^€ (y Actual results €r at e Ftt r rot Eee€;pis fro ( t Fse ear esse d Er hts aFxaie sE (` ca"Fh F ;tee StM t '35Ah f fear 1.t tz Angles Ca4t -k-ta 900 ;r . :3s d?13417.330ta Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Resolution No. OB 2014-002 Page 15 of 18 Exhibit: B Gong -Mange Property Management Plan City of Atascadero Successor Agency June 2013 Page 11 of 14 U • The anaryses, proiections, assr,,nppons, ratez of retum-and a7, PAR "U'O po""' 0Juaram(ia Of Zr:Waiandlarfujq a reSUILI- PrOiect pri forroa and lax anaijSes are prajecfioosi L,1 , differ MatefiaHy frarn Mose exr,essed €r, this ana;vsis, III O'D t LosArigeles Carfforrlia 90017 pit 213A,17-3300 fIX213,073311, Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the COXMWAity RvA:evelojwAent A�itncy of Atasczaidero Resolution No. OB 2014-002 Page 16 of 18 Exhibit: B Long -Range Property Management Plan City of Atasoadero Successor Agency June 2013 Page 12 of 14 Address Locateds sdowntown area Current Title Land: City of Atascadero Improvements �=hdihg signs located throughout Downtown Improvement Date 12/1X20'07 Improvement Price $12,082 Funding Source Tax increment! public Purpose Installation of wayfinding signs located in the former Project Area tistimate of Current Value Improvements, $0 (based on inability to sell on open market and ongoing maintenance costs) Msi Iffloyff, Im U M Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Resolution No. OB 2014-002 Page 17 of 18 Asset #8: Improvements — Maiden Statue Repairs 6505'El Camino Real Current Title Land: City of Atascadero thiProvements Repafm to -a -City of Atascadero-owned statue Exhibit: B Long -Range Properly Management Plan City of Alascadero Successor Agency June 2013 Page 13 of 14 imprcfT*ate 3/29/2007 Improvement Price $104,273 ��Funding Soutte Tax Increment 1 public Purpose Repairing a City -owned statue located in the former Project Area Esfirnato of Current Value improvements-, $0 (based on inability to self on open market and Ongoing maintenance costs) ZERO NEM, MEMO ine WISYS6$t W,'Lcbons, assunnp�ms, We� ofrefumn, and any exaplples oresented herein arefo- quSt"a"Wo PuWselz anO are nW a guarantee of acwW andwor fumrre tesufproiect pw' ., forma and tax anal'yses are profections ±ctual,:esufts may diffef MAEW i �fro,-n sh ose em)fessed in this arlatys"', : i It 8B So h s tiarea re i 3osAng06,s G,11eOfnia 90017 ph 213-41,72300 fax 2 13 417, 3311 Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Cori rnu-ntty Redeveltprnent Agency of Atasca6ero Resolution No. OB 2014-002 Page 18 of 18 Exhibit: B Long -Range Property Management Plan City of Atascadero Successor Agency June 2013 Page 14 of 14 Appendix A: Relevant Sections of Community Redevelopment Agency Redevelopmeni Plan — May, 2003 (Originally Adopted July, 1999) Section 720 — GOALS, OJECTIVES AND 'PROGRAMS FOR INITIAL PLAN The Agency's goals and objectives for the initial Implementation Plan for the Atascadero Redevelopment Project shall be as flollows: 720.1 Improvement of the Downtown Area which is generally bounded by Highway 101, Highway 41, Bajada Avenue and Rosario Avenue. Potential project include the following: [Subset List] Expansion of entertainment facilities in the downtown includi i the expansion of lhg eLdstigg movie theater. The Agency will encourage and target entertainment facilities in the downtown to encourage public gatherings and informal uses of public spaces. Encouragement will include marketing for targeted uses, assisting in project planning and other activities to promote private investment. The Agency will also encourage the expansion of the existing theater complex in the downtown. The goal will be to continue to have the complex a community focal point, draw people to the downtown and expand the experience they have, maintain the facility in the downtown. Improvements of and additions to the downtown streetsGapg. This project includes the improvement of public infrastruCtUre to promote a downtown pedestrian atmosphere. Improvements include new sidewalks, street trees, landscaping, benches, waste cans, signs, etc. Eagadtimprovemenits in thp_downtqWr� to capit�aa!l�izgon retail/pedestrian atmosphere. In this project, the Agency would work with individual property owners to improve the exterior appearances of buildings. Consistent with Downtown Master Plan, a design theme will be promoted to accentuate the Atascadero Colony and improve the pedestrian, retail climate. Participation will include fagade easements, loans, designs, fee wavier etc. Aggregation of sites and buildings ,for a rnaior emDlovment. offirp or rptqil i iczcr. The Agency will assist major employers in locating suitable sites. This may include joining multiple properties to provide and appropriate sized parcel. The Agency will first look to the downtown area. on arzie�i'terr�sfo, i 11. S 7". t " -e *ses are Protections