HomeMy WebLinkAboutFC_2012-04-25_MinutesCity of Atascadero Finance Committee NOTES Wednesday, April 25, 2012 2:00 p.m. City Hall Conference Room 4 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: Council Member Fonzi called the meeting to order at 2:02 p.m. Members Present: Council Members Roberta Fonzi and Bob Kelley, City Treasurer Joe Modica, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard Absent: City Manager Wade McKinney (jury duty) Staff Present: Assistant to the City Manager / City Clerk Marcia Torgerson, Deputy City Clerk Victoria Randall PUBLIC COMMENT: None BUSINESS: 1. Review of Audit Findings Director Rickard discussed the two audit findings: (1) vacation accrual policy does not match the City’s practice. This is not a liability issue, but the auditor felt it should be consistent. (2) stale dated checks – The City has some old checks on the books that require research to determine if the City still owes the payees any payments. The total amount is approximately $20,000, going back to 1992, with most of the checks within the small dollar range. Director Rickard will bring a list of the checks back to the committee once that is developed. Committee suggested that the stale dated checks be moved to a liability account while research is conducted. Director Rickard will discuss possible solutions with the City Attorney. Director Rickard stated that each of the Council Members will receive a letter with the two findings and their recommendations. 2. Review of Financial Status Director Rickard distributed copies of the General Fund Summary for 2011-2012, and answered questions from the Committee. The report reflected the period from July 1, 2011 through February 29, 2012. She stated that the figures are on track for the most part. The Committee discussed road damage costs from the garbage trucks. Director Rickard discussed some of the factors impacting revenues, including the following: (1) Carlton is now paying TOT and the back amount (plus) (2) Rec fees are doing well (plus) (3) Zoo fees have increased -- construction affected last year’s fees (plus) (4) Pavilion bookings are down, and demand has decreased (minus) Mayor Kelley asked that the City look into having three police officers on patrol at a time as a safety issue. Director Rickard stated that the Committee would need to decide how and where to get the funding. 3. Review of Investment Report Director Rickard distributed copies of the March 2012 investment report and answered questions from the Committee. She stated that we probably will not see a revenue increase for three to five years; however, costs continue to increase. The Committee discussed the various investment options: Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF), Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) and the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB). Director Rickard stated that CD investments are currently at the maximum. Mayor Kelley and Council Member Fonzi said they preferred investments in LAIF or government securities. Director Rickard said we typically do not sell unless there is a compelling reason to do so. City Treasurer Modica and Director Rickard stated they are comfortable with the investments as they stand. The Committee agreed to make no changes. Director Rickard reviewed the following next steps: (1) Will inform City Council of audit findings; (2) Mayor Kelley and Council Member Fonzi to meet with PD re: staffing needs (3) Give thought to the use of Enterprise Funds down the road and discuss at a future meeting; (4) Develop a back-up plan Council Member Fonzi adjourned the meeting at 3:30 p.m. NOTES PREPARED BY: Victoria Randall, Deputy City Clerk