HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC_2013-08-28_AgendaPacketCALL TO ORDER CITY OF ATASCA DER 0 DESIGN RE VIE W COMMITTEE A GENDA Committee Meeting Wednesday, August 28, 2013 4:00 PM. City Hall Conference Room 106 6500 Palma Avenue Atascadero, California Roll Call: Chairperson Fonzi Committee Member Kelley Committee Member Anderson Committee Member Dariz Committee Member Kirk APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DRAFT ACTION MINUTES OF AUGUST 14, 2013 Find us on FaCebooWtl)://www.facebook.com/i)lanningatascadero © City of Atascadero Design Review Committee Agenda DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. MONTESSORI SCHOOL ADDITION: CUP AMENDMENT Regular Meeting, August 28, 2013 Page 2 of 2 PLN 2013-1469 / AMENDMENT TO CUP 15-88 / TRP 2013-0164 / DRC 2013-0040 Property Owner: Korey Dudley Applicant: Semmes & Co. Builders, Inc. Project Title: Montessori School Classroom Addition PLN 2013-1469 / Amendment to CUP 15-88 / TRP 2013-0164 / DRC 2013-0040 Project Location: 3025 Monterey, Atascadero, CA 93422 APN : 049-202-020 (San Luis Obispo County) Project A Conditional Use Permit Amendment is proposed to add a new classroom building to Description: the existing Children's House Montessori school. The site was originally permitted through CUP in 1989 to allow for approximately 6000 sq. ft. of buildings. The proposed amendment would add an additional 2,100 sq. ft. classroom building towards the rear of the site, thereby allowed up to 140 students to be served at the school. Additional parking spaces are proposed to serve the added facility space. City Staff is recommending conditions of approval to meet Building Codes and Municipal Code requirements, including minor modifications to the site plan as discussed in the staff report. General Plan Designation: Rural Estate (RE) Zoning: Residential Suburban (RS) Proposed Environmental Categorically exempt from CEQA Determination: Staff Staff recommends that the DRC recommend the Planning Commission approve the Recommendation: proposed classroom addition, subject to minor site plan modifications and project conditions as discussed in the staff report. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS DIRECTOR'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT The next regularly scheduled DRC meeting will be held on September 11, 2013 at 3:30 pm Agendas, Minutes and Staff Reports are available online at www.atascadero.or� under City Officials & Commissions, Design Review Committee. ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 8/28/13 CITY OF A TASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Regular Meeting — Wednesday, August 14, 2013 - 3:30 P.M. City Hall Conf. Rm. 4 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER — 3:30 pm Chairperson Fonzi called the meeting to order at 3:30 pm. rlollti%I ■ ■ Present: Chairperson Fonzi Committee Member Kelley Committee Member Anderson Committee Member Dariz (arrived at 3:35 pm.) Committee Member Kirk Staff Present: Community Development Director Warren Frace Assistant Planner Alfredo Castillo Others Present: Gregory Snell — Owner, Rhino Food Truck APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Committee Member Kelley and seconded by Committee Member Anderson to approve the Agenda. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DRAFT ACTION MINUTES OF JULY 31, 2013 MOTION: By Committee Member Kelley and seconded by Committee Member Kirk to approve the consent calendar. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. Design Review Committee Draft Action Minutes August 14, 2013 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. Mobile Food Vending 8305 and 6760 EI Camino Real PLN 2013-1474 / DRC 2013-0039 Page 2 of 4 Property Mr. Ben Hoff, P O Box 2372, Atascadero, CA 93423 Owner/Applicant: Mr. Hubert Laprade, 12680 San Cayetano Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 Mr. Gregory Snell / Rhino Food Truck, 6855 Morro Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 Project Title: RHINO FOOD TRUCK PLN 2013-1474 / DRC 2013-0039 Project Location: 8305 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 APN : 030 -152 -038 (San Luis Obispo County) Project A proposed stationary mobile food vending in both the Commercial Retail (CR) and Description: Downtown Commercial (DC) as an accessory use to existing retail commercial uses. The primary location of the mobile food truck will be at 8305 EI Camino Real between the hours of 7am to 3 pm. A secondary location is proposed to be at 6760 EI Camino Real one (1) evening per week. General Plan Designation: General Commercial (GC) / Downtown (D) Zoning: Commercial Retail (CR) / Downtown Commercial (DC) Proposed Environmental Ministerial Project (Sec. 15073); Exempt from CEQA Determination: Staff Recommendation: DRC to provide direction to Staff on how to proceed with mobile food vendor permitting Assistant Planner Alfredo Castillo gave a brief project overview to the Design Review Committee, which included; Two locations: • 8305 EI Camino Real — lack of striped parking (7am — 3pm daily) • Molly Pitcher (1 night a week from 6pm to 10pm) • Mobile vending becoming popular Code questions: • Parking locations • 15 minutes stop rule on streets (State minimum) • Colocation with other uses • Vacant lots - What should City Policy be? Design Review Committee Draft Action Minutes August 14, 2013 Page 3 of 4 X61 IVA I LY, I k a I =1 :81l=4l 3=1:T-11%IIs] ►&+ Committee Member Kelley • Location / seating • Customer activity (7 am - 3 pm daily) • Business application verses Planning Commission review • City inspection of vehicles/appearance/signs • Needs more review • Molly Pitcher ok / worried about other site • Interim approval possible? • Both locations / stay mobile Committee Member Dariz • Parking available • What are existing rules Committee Member Kirk • Fixed location rules need to be different than streets • Will truck stay overnight? (yes) • Issues fixed site location Chairperson Fonzi • Bigger issue than Design Review Commission, need Planning Commission review • Trash, restrooms, liability • Affects other businesses • Need uniform rules • Liability issues • Fixed location is a concern • Molly Pitcher Friday & Saturday 6pm to 8pm (two nights) • Letter permission from property owner • Scaled sit plans / setbacks • Provide trash collection (on -truck) • Boardshop (Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri, Sat) 7pm to 3pm • Truck on site location only when open • Site plan • Vehicle only signs • One year interim approval • Keep site clean - no trash/oil etc Community Development Director Frace • Are DRC's rules for sites? Owner Gregory Snell • A -frame sign & Restrooms at Boardshop Design Review Committee Draft Action Minutes August 14, 2013 PUBLIC COMMENT None Page 4 of 4 MOTION: By Committee Member Kelley and seconded by Committee Member Kirk to support a one year Interim approval, as submitted with the following conditions: a) Applicant to obtain letter from property owner showing their approval b) Applicant to keep site clean — no trash/oil etc c) Applicant to provide scaled site plans d) Molly Pitcher (two nights) 6 pm to 10 pm e) Boardshop (5 days) 7 am to 3 pm f) Truck on-site only when open g) Signs on vehicle only h) Truck can park overnight behind fence at 8305 ECR Motion passed by 5:0 by a roll call vote. Additional direction to Staff from Design Review Committee: Report to Planning Commission (Next Stops) • On-site parking impact • Colocation for restaurants • Vacant lots • Must be mobile • Street/ 15 minute rule? COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS None DIRECTOR'S REPORT Next Design Review Committee (Montessori School) scheduled for August 28th, 2013. ADJOURNMENT - 4:50 pm. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Warren Frace, Community Development Director t:\— design review committee\minutes\minutes 2013\draft action minutes 8-14-13.docx ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 8-28-13 Atascadero Design Review Committee Report In Brief - Community Development Department Callie Taylor, Senior Planner, (805) 470-3448, ctaylor@atascadero.org PLN 2013-1469 Amendment to CUP 15-88 / TRP 2013-0164 / DRC 2013-0040 Montessori School Classroom Addition Owner: Korey Dudley Applicant: Semmes & Co. Builders 3025 Monterey Address: 3025 Monterey APN: 049-202-020 General Plan: Rural Estate (RE) ` Zoning: Residential Suburban (RS) Project Area: 2.3 acres �• , Existing Use: Children's House Montessori School Proposed: 2,100 sq. ft. classroom addition & associated site improvements Staff Staff recommends that the DRC recommend the Planning Recommendation: Commission approve the proposed classroom addition, subject to minor site plan modifications and project conditions as discussed in the staff report. Background: The Children's House Montessori School was originally permitted through the Conditional Use Permit process in 1989. The CUP's site master plan allowed for approximately 6000 sq. ft. of buildings plus associated play areas and parking. Schools are a conditionally allowed use in the Residential Suburban (RS) zoning district. The ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 8-28-13 original 1989 approval of the school was initially appealed by a neighbor of the site, but the Planning Commission's approval was upheld by the City Council with added conditions of approval to ensure adequate parking and traffic flow. The first building was construed in 1992, and an addition was done in 1998 in conformance with the original CUP in 1998. The school currently serves 108 students. Proposed Classroom Addition: A Conditional Use Permit Amendment is proposed to add a new classroom building to the existing Children's House Montessori school. The proposed amendment would add an additional 2,100 sq. ft. classroom building towards the rear of the site, thereby allowed up to 140 students to be served at the school. Elevations are designed to match the existing buildings at the school. The fagade is reminiscent of an agricultural barn, and incorporates corrugated metal siding with sliding barn style doors. Colors would be browns, greys, red, and rusted metal/anodized metal. Due to the location of the new building towards the rear of the site and behind the existing buildings, the building will not be visible form the public right of way. NORTH ELEVATION ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 8-28-13 Site Design & Parking: The new classroom (Building C) will be located along the southern property line, where a play set is currently located. The playground and lawn area will be relocated towards the center of the site. Accessible routes/pathways shall be incorporated into the design to provide access throughout the site. Proposed Site Plan / ,New parking area to be added ' aE E• \ �0. anew w�wwr r.wo r I,A Proposed 2100 sq. ft. Building t The subject site at 3025 Monterey Road is almost completely surrounded on three sides by Graves Creek, and numerous oak groves are along the creek bank surrounding the site. The owner and applicant have been very interested in designing a project with as minimal impact as possible, as the trees and natural slope are some the site's greatest features. However, in order to maintain the playground and lawn as the focal point at the center of the school, some native tree removals are being proposed in order to locate the building along the southern property line. Per the arborist report, nine (9) smaller Live oak trees (ranging in size from 6 inches to 16 inches each) will require removal. The majority of the trees on site will be preserved and protected during construction. Currently, there are 16 existing parking spaces on site, as required by the original CUP. In order to meet the increase in students and faculty that will result from the new classroom facility, a secondary parking area is proposed at the north of the site along the existing driveway. This area currently exists for informal teacher or overflow ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 8-28-13 parking, but will be modified with the CUP. The applicant is proposing to surface this area with decomposed granite. However, schools are considered a higher intensity use with above average parking lot turnover, and are therefore required to have a paved parking lot surface. Staff is recommending that the project be conditioned to provide 9 additional paved parking spaces (for a total of 25 spaces) and that the added parking area be engineered with LID filtration to be incorporated in accordance with the City's Stormwater management requirements for new parking lots. Atascadero General Plan LOC Policy 8.2 requires a 20 foot creek setback from the edge of the creek reservation (property line). In order to meet the required 20 foot creek setback, staff is recommending some minor modifications to the site plan. There is currently a HVAC unit and concrete pad proposed to be located behind the building, within the 20 foot setback, which will need to be redesigned to be located outside the setback. The second area of setback modification is at the new proposed parking area towards the north of the lot. The space #16 is currently shown within the setback and will need to be relocated or removed. This will bring the total number of parking spaces on site down to 25 spaces, but the modification will increase the area dedicated to student drop off and make it easier to drive around the drop off area to exit the site. Revised Parking Design Recommended by Staff / 1 parking space to be Parking area to be conditioned to ��� removed to meet 20' creek have solid surface, drain to interior ��� setback. Accessible space of lot and incorporate LID features to to be relocated filter runoff before entering creek /�-- (E) DG PARKING TO BE 1\ \ \ \\ \ \ MODIFIED PER CIVIL DRAWINGS / / \30 (E) O.W. ` 2S 2 22 I 21 ! 2U 18 18 17 (N) PAVE CD ACCESSIBLE PARKING ,^ 26 � (E) PAVED DRIVE -'Op - '�O� TO REMAIN Oj \ p C(. / X103 ` \ \ (N) LOCATION FOR (E) TRASHENCLOSURE ` Drop off to be reconfigured to $ \ \ provide adequate passing lane There are currently two (2) unpermitted storage containers located along the northern property line. These are proposed to be relocated to the back of the site to make them less visible and to provide Fire truck access to the new building. The proposal is to ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 8-28-13 include these with the CUP Master plan of development to allow the storage buildings, and the applicant would obtain building permits for the relocation. Recommended Conditions: Staff is recommending the following project conditions be included with the Planning Commission resolution to ensure code compliance and neighborhood compatibly: • HVAC and concrete pad shall be relocated to meet the 20 foot required setback from creek reservation. • The 9 proposed additional parking spaces shall be installed to meet the 20 foot required setback from creek reservation. • New parking area shall be solid surface (concrete, asphalt or pavers, not gravel surface). Final drainage plan to be approved by City engineer to meet LID filtration requirements for parking lots. • A student drop off area serving at least 2 vehicles shall be provided on site, and shall be designed to provide a passing lane (10 foot minimum width with adequate turning radius) for cars to pass around drop off area and safely exit the site. • In accordance with the Building Code, accessible routes shall be incorporated into the design to provide access. • The plumbing fixture calculations shall be revised to match Building Code requirements for calculating restrooms. Additional restrooms may be required based on updated calculations and Building Code requirements. • Frontage improvements or path of travel to right of way may be required based on City Engineer evaluation. • Compliance with requirements for fire truck turnaround, emergency access and staging areas shall be demonstrated on plans prior to building permit issuance Attachments: Attachment 1: Aerial Photo Attachment 2: Site Photos Attachment 3: Proposed Plans Submitted by Applicant Attachment 1: Aerial Photo �^ J ITEM NUMBER: DATE: 8-28-13 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 8-28-13 Attachment 2: Site Photos EXISTING BUIWINGS A & B Children's House Montessori School PROPOSED BUILDINGSITETO THE REAR OF THE PROPERTY PHOTO BOARD - SITE Children's House ' Montessori School ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 8-28-13 PHOTO BOARD — SURROUNDING AREA Location of new classroom building ITEM NUMBER: DATE: 8-28-13 Location of additional parking area Existing storage containers to be relocated and permitted ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 8-28-13 Attachment 3: Proposed Plans Submitted by Applicant Children's House ' Montessori School PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Children's House Montessori School established their permanent location at 3025 Monterey Road, immediately across Graves Creek from Monterey Road Elementary School in 1989. The 4,185 square foot project underwent a conditional use permit in February 1989 (CUP 15-88) to permit the use of the school in the Suburban Single Family zoning. At the time, the school intended to serve 108 students utilizing 7 staff members (enrollment in that year was around 65 students). The project, as approved, consisted of 800 square feet of administrative area and four classrooms, requiring a total number of 16 parking stalls. The project was also conditioned to include a play area for the preschool at 6,000 square feet and all play areas to be fenced. In 1998, the School requested permission from the City to add a 1,800 square foot addition consisting of one classroom and a small library. The overall number of classrooms remained at four and the overall number of students remained at 108 —the spaces were reconfigured to better serve the students that were enrolled in the program. The school is applying for a conditional use permit to increase the number of students that can be serveri to 140 and to provide an additional classroom to serve these students. The proposed 2,100 square foot classroom space will provide a dedicated space for music and art programs, for additional after school care, and expanded space for additional students. Parking is calculated from a mix of the municipal code requirements and actual use. The Montessori School utilizes a student/faculty ratio of 6:1 for the toddler program and 12-14:1 for the other grade revels offered. The proposed mix of students is 12 in the toddler program and 128 Pre -K through 6t° grade students. Applying the student/faculty ratio to this mix of students results in a total faculty of 12. The school has a principal and an office manager. This requires a total of 14 parking stalls for faculty and staff. Per the municipal code, each classroom requires 2 parking spaces. The 6 total classrooms would require 12 parking spaces, for a total of 26. The staff will be required to utilize the decomposed granite parking areas which ensures less impact to these parking areas than the paved parking stalls that will be utilized for parent drop-off. A drop-off was required in the original CUP for the project. A new drop-off area will be created compliant with current codes. This drop-off area will only be utilized by a portion of the school as parents are required to "sign in" their younger students. As has been a priority since the first building was constructed on-site, the use of green building methods and materials is paramount to this project. The preliminary design has the building envelope beating current Title 24 energy calculations by 2596. The building has been sited to honor the 20' creek top -of - bank setback (more conservative than the 29 setback from reservation lines), While one LID measure is required for the installation of less than 5,000 square feet of Impervious area, two measures are proposed for this project — the disconnecting of downspouts and the installation of a rain garden. The sinks that are proposed in the building will be connected to a permitted graywater system. ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 8-28-13 z 0 a W J W H N W ►y Q 0 m 0 J 0 U 0 V � r vim ITEM NUMBER: DATE: 8-28-13 See Attached Plan Set NEW CLASSROOM Children's HouseMontessori School 3025 Monterey Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 r PROJECT DATA GENERAL SITE INFORMATION PROJECT 3025 MONTEREY ROAD ADDRESS: ATASCADERO,CA 93422 A.P.N.: 049-202-020 ZONING: RS - RURAL SUBURBAN LOT SIZE: 2.7 ACRES PROJECT DESCRIPTION A PROPOSAL FOR A NEW 2,100 S.F. CLASSROOM TO EXISTING CHILDREN'S HOUSE MONTESSORI SCHOOL CAMPUS. OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION GROUPIE SETBACKS FRONT SETBACK 25' SIDE SETBACK 5' REAR SETBACK 1o' CREEK SETBACK 20' BUILDING HEIGHT MAXIMUM ALLOWED 30' PROPOSED 20'-10" BUILIDNG AREAS (E) BUILDING A 6,234 S.F./NCLUDES(4)aASSROOMS&800S.F.ADM/NSPACE (E) BUILDING B 1,776 S.F. INCLUDES(1)CLASSROOM &400S.F.ADM/NSPACE PROPOSED BUILDING C 2,100 S.F. /NCLUDES(f)CLASSROOM PARKING KOREY DUDLEY REQUIRED ATASCADERO,CA 93422 PER GTYOFATASCADERO MUNICIPAL CODESECT/ON 9-6.125: (2) SPACES PER CLASSROOM AND (1J SPACE PER foo S.F. OFFICE/ADMIN ARCHITECT: JENNIFER RENNICK BUILDING A (8) SPACES (4) CLASSROOM x2SPA CES EACH 4255 LOBOS AVENUE 8 SPACES 800 S.F. ADM/N/100 TOTAL (16) SPACES BUILDER: BUILDING B (2) SPACES (1) CLASSROOM x2SPA CES SPACES goo S.F. ADM/N/100 TOTAL (6) SPACES ABOVE GRADE ENGINEERING BUILDING C (2)SPACES (1) CLASSROOMx2SPA CES TOTAL REQUIRED 26 SPACES PROVIDED 26 SPACES INCLUDES: (1) HC, VANACCESS/BLE ADDITIONAL: (1) ON -S/TE DROP OFFAREA PLUMBING FIXTURE COUNT ACTUAL OCCUPANCY LOAD NURSERYITODDLER PROGRAM CURRENT FUTURE ADD TOTAL 12 0 12 ELEMENTARY PROGRAM STAFF & PARENT HELP PLUMBING CODE WC 1 per 20 DIRECTORY OWNER: KOREY DUDLEY 3025 MONTEREY ROAD ATASCADERO,CA 93422 PH: (805) 466-5068 ARCHITECT: JENNIFER RENNICK 1 TBD LICENSE # C-26577 4255 LOBOS AVENUE ATASCADERO,CA 93422 PH: (805) 466-4550 BUILDER: SEMMES & CO., INC. 79oo EL CAMINO REAL ATASCADERO, CA 93422 PHONE: (805) 466-6737 CIVIL ABOVE GRADE ENGINEERING ENGINEER: HARRY HAMILTON 778 OSOS STREET, SUITE A SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 PHONE: (805) 540-5115 SHEET INDEX T1.o TITLE SHEET C1.0 GRADING PLAN A1.o PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN A2.0 PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN A3.0 PROPOSED EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A4.0 PROPOSED SECTIONS WC 1 FIXTURE COUNT VICINITY MAP ALLOWABLE OCC. PER ALLOWABLE OCC< (E) FIXTURE COUNT TOTAL PROPOSED OCC 20 YES CURRENT FUTURE ADD TOTAL FEMALE WC MALE WC URINAL FEMALE WC MALE WC URINAL 96 32 128 1 per 25 1 per 30 1 per 75 3 3 1 150 YES ASSUMES 75 BOYS, 75 GIRLS CURRENT FUTURE ADD TOTAL FEMALE WC MALE WC URINAL FEMALE WC MALE WC URINAL 11 3 14 1 per 15 1 per 15 0 per 9 1 1 0 25 YES ASSUMES 15 WOMEN, & UP TO 9 MEN ARCHITECT JENNIFER RENNICK �\���gED AROy7��Ct JENNIFER RENNICK NO. C 26577 REN. 01-30-15 ATF OF CAOF0' 4255 Lobos Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 466-4550 N N d' ON m E 4j O o °o LA O .ra `^ O V o ro _ -0 V ro -0 LA U LA �- 4J 0 o ra --J o a� z V . 0 N O m LLIW 3C tA Uj SHEET # 1.0 f August o9, 2013 13-003 A. Edwards REVISIONS: Plan Check Corrections 1 TBD \ \ \ v \ o _444 _ P SG � �\ \ 194, (jR v E 911 \ \ 1.6u — — 7PARKINGTO BECIVIL \ 6'TALL WOOD FENCE &20 19 10 J�/ \\ WOOD POSTS w/ NO \ 24 23 17 (N 94 ) PAVED 1 \\ \ \ \ /—' CLIMB FENCING \ — _— 9� \ – V ACCESSIBLE PARKING V - (E) LP TANK \ z \ (E) PAVED DRIVE 100 95 \ C 10 `l0' TO REMAIN \ \ \ I \ \ (E) EN COOP _-_98 \ `a I \y —(N) CONCRETE PAD,(E) GARDEN �� 97 eves° _ ee.°e UN \ \ V .e °see ves_ PER CIVIL DRAWINGS _ > \ (N) LOCATION FOR (E) \ ��� °MN \ — TRASH ENCLOSURE \ _ _ � N FIRE ACCESS PER (E) PLANTER \ _ °0000 ( ) \ � BEDS $ V � � CIVIL DRAWINGS � C) i 96 \ \� (E) 4' HIGH WOOD \\ 15 FENCE TO REMAIN (E)TODDLER \ \ \ PLAY AREA \ \ 5I(F) I(F) PLAYI \ \ \/14/ L-- �\ (E) LAWN \ AREA\/ �V "1 ---- \ V �� (MULCH \_ (E) II BASE) II \ \ (E) 13 z BASKETBALL \ \ 3 PARKING < V\ a COURT AREA OF WORK/ TO REMAIN v \ \ ADMIN TODDLER o GRADE LIMIT I __ r LyyWW \ \ _ 2 12 \ 0 �./ 101> 1 3 y \ TRELLIS EXISTING QP 10 BUILDING 'A' FF: 103.30 PSN / KINDERGARDEN G ADP I° (E) STORAGE \ CONTAINERS & DECK \ RELOCATED \ '60 (N) RAINWATER GARDEN / DEMONSTRATION / GARDEN w/ NATIVE\ / PLANTING- Of � 2 \ 4.0 \ P o. \ °\ (E) PATIO o I o I I I I o o I yy PROPOSED o Q --A 101 - \s\ (N) PLAY::: BUILDING C / \ \ I 1 \MULCH BASE; FF: 100.50' / / Q; 10� (E) PATIO ELEMENTARY \ �; -- -- \�, ® 1 \�A \/ ti4 / \ i (E) TREES TO BE REMOVED. \ (E) DIRT L REFER TO ARBORIST'S REPORT (E) UTILITIES TO REMAIN \ EXISTING & TREE PROTECTION PLAN NOTE: ALL NEW BUILDINGS_I\ o ) �� �'� I SHALL BE SERVED BY � — N ADA WAL –' UNDERGROUND UTILITIES Q \ FF: 103.30 " \ 10'x10' LEVEL PAD UPPER ELEMENTARY (E) PATIO \ FOR HVAC V \ V o \ _ (E) PATIO \ ✓ 14 6' TALL WOOD FENCE & \ \��' ❑ \ WOOD POSTS w/ NO CLIMB FENCING 125 PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN to 8 6 4 z o 6=]O za 40 SCALE: 1" = 20'-0" ARCHITECT JENNIFER RENNICK ARcy/���' JENNIFER RENNICK N0. C 26577 REN. 01-30-15 ATF OF CAOF 4255 Lobos Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 466-4550 z W ILA Q Z W cc CL DATE: August 09, 2013 JOB: 13-003 DRAWN: A. Edwards REVISIONS: A1Plan Check Corrections TBD SHEET # Ato r4 r4 m a� .L 4 0 ° LA O .� O :3V `^ Q V o _ro _0 V oN f0 Q V ro n�, W �tA /11 -0 ^^V f0 0 4 -JO • �. C O L1 z U . CO C rV m z W ILA Q Z W cc CL DATE: August 09, 2013 JOB: 13-003 DRAWN: A. Edwards REVISIONS: A1Plan Check Corrections TBD SHEET # Ato 12'-11" F-1 nn n rf h T -- 77- h -77 -77 7- ��� 56'-0" 30'-2" Patio 64'0" x 16'0" Aetal Trellis F-1 n n n n n n n n n n ��rt rtfir-IrtfilIrt fil�fi 1�fi I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 12'-11" F-1 n n n --77 -77 77 -TT FLOOR PLAN WALL LEGEND _ (N) 2x4 Wall @ 16" o.c. N (N) 2x6 Wall @ 16" o.c. 2 0 1 2 4 8 GRAPHIC SCALE: 1/4' = 1'-0" ARCHITECT JENNIFER RENNICK ��,\ -0 ARcyI,�', JENNIFER RENNICK NO. C 26577 REN. 01-30-15 1p �q ATF OF CAOF 4255 Lobos Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 466-4550 N N m ON MI . C: E 4J O o ° LA O :� O :3 `^ O V o ro _ -0 V ro -0 LA U v a)VIQ �- ro 4J ra o —0 4 -JO a� O N O M z :5IL cc O O LL in W N O CL O cc a DATE: August 09, 2013 JOB: 13-003 DRAWN: A. Edwards REVISIONS: 1 Plan Check ACorrections TBD SHEET # CTAAIr1IN(: CFAKA KAFTAI R(1(1G 1111111Vl\ t t t "` V P1 t 1V1M avU 1 n CLCVM I Iviv M, WEST ELEVATION ARCHITECT JENNIFER RENNICK JENNIFER RENNICK N0. C 26577 REN. 01-30-15 1pT�TF OF CAOF���\4, 4255 Lobos Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 466-4550 V1 z O Q W .J W cicO 2 W 1-- x W W N O m O cicCL DATE: August 09, 2013 JOB: 13-003 DRAWN: A. Edwards REVISIONS: A1Plan Check Corrections TBD SHEET # A3eO N N d' m ON r� E 4J O o oLA O .ra L- :3 V `^ O V o ro _ -0 v -0 LA ro U (3) C:O ra Q V ro a)VI O .}J OC . �. C: O L O N O M V1 z O Q W .J W cicO 2 W 1-- x W W N O m O cicCL DATE: August 09, 2013 JOB: 13-003 DRAWN: A. Edwards REVISIONS: A1Plan Check Corrections TBD SHEET # A3eO DORMER BEYOND Finish Floor 100.50' Average Grade 99.1' (E)/FINISH GRADE STORAGE / 12 7I - --------------- 1\ (E) GRADE 12 4.5 F-7 24" 0 DUCT (N) CLASSROOM METAL TRELLIS CONCRETE PATIO —^----------------------------------------------------------------------- (N) CLASSROOM STORAGE CONCRETE PATIO ------------------------------------------------------------- � CON ---- ----------- CRETE RAMP ------------------- ---------------(E)GRADE ----------------------------------------------------- 7 ------------------------------------------- ARCHITECT JENNIFER RENNICK ��,\ -0 ARcyI,�', JENNIFER RENNICK NO. C 26577 REN. 01-30-15 1p" �4 ATF OF CAOF 4255 Lobos Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 (805) 466-4550 r4 r4 m V � /ro E 4J O o °o LA O . ra L- :3V `^ Q V 0- -0 -0 V • �-- ro - , N V a)VI Q 170 o -0 .-J O . _. C: oc a� -� O O rV O m V1 z O V W N 0 W N O m O cc a SHEET # A4e0 DATE: August 09, 2013 JOB: 13-003 DRAWN: A. Edwards REVISIONS: A1Plan Check Corrections TBD