HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC_2013-04-24_AgendaPacketCALL TO ORDER CITY OF ATASCA DER 0 DESIGN RE VIE W COMMITTEE A GENDA Committee Meeting Wednesday, April 24, 2013 4:00 P.M. City Hall Conference Room 4 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, California Roll Call: Chairperson, Roberta Fonzi Committee Member, Bob Kelley Committee Member, Duane Anderson Committee Member, Mark Dariz Committee Member, Susan DeCarli APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DRAFT ACTION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 13, 2013 2. APPROVAL OF DRAFT ACTION MINUTES OF APRIL 10, 2013 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 3. DOVE CREEK HIGHWAY 101 LANDSCAPE BUFFER PLN 2099-1066 / DRC 2012-0111 / CUP 2003-0099 Owner / Corona Dove Creek, LLC./ Applicant: Robbins Reed, Inc Address: Santa Barbara Rd and EI Camino Real APN: 045-331-005, 007, 008, 011, 012, 045-333-005, 009, 011, 045-334-001 General Plan: Mixed -Use Planned Development (MU -PD) Zoning: Open Space & RMF -10 with PD -12 Overlay Project Area: 63.3 acres Existing Use: Multi -family Residential Planned Development Currently Under Construction Staff City staff is in support of the revised plans and believes the proposed is consistent with the project conditions for HWY 101 landscape buffering Recommendation: COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS DIRECTOR'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT Find aR In Facabo�- �tp:u facebook.com/l)lanninoatascadero City of Atascadero Design Review Committee Agenda Regular Meeting, April 24, 2013 Page 2 of 2 City Staff will contact Committee for next DRC meeting date; no items currently scheduled Agendas, Minutes and Staff Reports are available online at www.atascadero.ounder City Officials & Commissions, Design Review Committee. ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 4/24/13 CITY OF A TASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Regular Meeting — Wednesday, April 10, 2013 - 3:30 P.M. City Hall Conf. Rm. 4 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER — 3:30 p.m. Chairperson Fonzi called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson, Committee Members Kelley, Anderson, Dariz, DeCarli Absent: None Staff Present: Community Development Director Warren Frace Senior Planner Callie Taylor Assistant Planner Alfredo Castillo Others Present: Brent Flynn — Taco Bell APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Committee Member Kelley and seconded by Committee Member DeCarli to approve the Agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DRAFT ACTION MINUTES OF MARCH. 14. 2013 MOTION: By Committee Member Kelley and seconded by Committee Member DeCarli to approve the consent calendar. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll -call vote. Design Review Committee Draft Action Minutes April 10, 2013 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. PLN 2013-1449 /CUP 1992-011, TACO BELL, 7385 EL CAMINO REAL Page 2 of 4 Property Owner Adobe Plaza, LLC, 16530 Ventura Blvd, Encino, CA 93416 Applicant: Engen Enterprises, 31192 LaBaya Drive, Unit 8, Westlake Village, CA 93162 Project Title: Taco Bell with an Existing Drive-thru in a Commercial Retail Zone PLN 2013-1449 / CUP 1992-011 Project Location: 7385 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 (APN 030-121-043) San Luis Obispo County Existing / Restaurant with an existing drive-thru service window 0.51 acres Proposed Use: General Plan Designation: General Commercial (GC) Zoning: Commercial Retail (CR) Staff Staff is recommending the following items be conditions as a part of an issued building permit for consistency with Conditional Use Permit 1992-011: Recommendation: 1. Replacement of the existing drive approach with Caltrans Standard A87 drive approach that includes a four -foot (4') wide pedestrian path. 2. Require a drainage study and accommodation of drainage on-site as a part of the building permit. 3. The existing fence abutting the residential uses be replaced with a solid masonry wall that is six -feet (6') in height, consistent with the approved CUP. 4. The gates of the trash enclosures be replaced with decorate fencing or other type of decorative fencing that is consistent with the revised architecture of the building. 5. Existing lights be modified and shielded to avoid light glare into the neighboring residents. Staff is supportive of the overall project. The applicant has met with Staff in numerous occasions for potential new sites, however the site works for the current operations. The project is substantially consistent with the previously approved CUP. Any recommendations would be added as conditions to be performed as a part of the building permit process. The applicant is looking to submit for building permits in early summer with construction to commence in the Fall of 2013. A brief staff report was presented by Assistant Planner Alfredo Castillo to the Design Review Committee, outlining the CUP History dating back to 1993. COMMITTEE DELIBERATIONS Committee Member DeCarli — • Front elevation height • Existing light poles too tall Design Review Committee Draft Action Minutes April 10, 2013 Page 3 of 4 Committee Member Kelley — • ADA ramp • City Engineer— red curb upstream of driveway Committee Member Dariz — • Planning Commission review Chairperson Fonzi — • Sewer odor / fix trap • Adjust existing turn movements — adjust curb radius • Height warning bar • Save existing trees — replant with 24" box • Wall vs. fence (Committee Member Kelley okay as it is) — add trees along shrubs keep fence but repair it • Vertical buffering apartments — needed • Employee parking designation • Fix broken bricks along drive-thru • Trash enclosure doors — okay with new solid doors • Drainage plan — have City Engineer review requirements (simplify conditions) PUBLIC COMMENT None MOTION: By Committee Member Kelley and seconded by Committee Member DeCarli to make the Amendment to PLN 2013-14491 CUP 1992-008 with the following changes: 1. Replace existing light poles with new lights subject to photometrics study. 2. Adjust the curb radius at drive-thru exit to ECR. 3. Remove the existing parking lot trees and replant with 24 inch box trees. 4. Keep the existing property line fence, but make repairs and add trees along with the existing shrubs. 5. City Engineer to review the need for red curbing upstream of driveway, to improve existing sight distance. 6. Replace trash enclosure doors with new painted solid doors. 7. Drainage plan requirement to be reviewed and eliminated if possible by City Engineer. Motion passed by 5.0 by a roll call vote. Design Review Committee Draft Action Minutes April 10, 2013 Page 4 of 4 COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS Monterey School — no ADA accessibility due to construction. Stu Stoddard to contact Mark Dariz. DIRECTOR'S REPORT None ADJOURNMENT - 4:15 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Warren Frace, Community Development Director t:\— design review committee\minutes\minutes 2013\draft action minutes 4-10-13.docx ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 4/24/13 CITY OF A TASCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Regular Meeting — Wednesday, February 13, 2013 - 3:30 P.M. City Hall Conf. Rm. 4 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER — 3:30 p.m. Chairperson Fonzi called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Fonzi, Committee Members Kelley, Ward Absent: Cooper and DeCarli (excused) Staff Present: Community Development Director Warren Frace Assistant Planner Alfredo Castillo Others Present: Property Owner Mr. Scott Sayer APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Committee Member Ward and seconded by Committee Member Kelley to approve the Agenda. Motion passed 3.0 by a roll -call vote. (Cooper/DeCarli absent) PUBLIC COMMENT None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DRAFT ACTION MINUTES OF JANUARY 31. 2013 MOTION: By Committee Member Ward and seconded by Committee Member Kelley to approve the consent calendar. Motion passed 3:0 by a roll -call vote. (Cooper/DeCarli absent) Design Review Committee Draft Action Minutes February 13, 2013 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 1. SCOTT SAYER — AMAPOA CONDOS — 2 UNIT AMENDMENT Page 2 of 5 Property Puma Financial, LLC, 8251 Toloso Road, Atascadero, CA 93422 Owner/Applicant: Project Title: PLN 2007-1233 / DRC 2012-0023 Project Location: 8389-8403 Amapoa Ave., Atascadero, CA 93422 (APN 031-241-019) San Luis Obispo County Project Proposed Tentative Subdivision Map amendment for an additional two (2) air space Description: condos in connection with an approved six (6) air space condo tentative map. DRC to review proposed site plan and architectural elevation revisions. General Plan Designation: High Density Residential (HDR) zonin :Residential Multi -Family RMF -20 Assistant Planner Alfredo Castillo gave a brief presentation to the Design Review Committee, and explained major points of the project including the following: • Add stone and shutters in key locations • Bonus room parking concern Mr. Sayer — • No additional floor area added • Review of changes • Will add pickets to balcony rails • Does not like shutters and planters • Wants craftsman style • Stone adds costs — okay on columns • Added parking — reduced costs (project died twice) • Meet with planning early / last minute changes have killed project Committee Member Ward — • Not as nice as original • Bonus rooms are a scheme to avoiding parking Committee Member Kelley — One issue at a time Chairperson Fonzi — Bedroom / parking concern? Committee Member Kelley — • Bonus rooms become bedrooms • Does street parking counts? (Staff - no) Design Review Committee Draft Action Minutes February 13, 2013 Committee Member Ward — • A little too dense Committee Member Kelley — • CC&R's to enforce parking? Chairperson Fonzi — • Why add one bedroom, units (Applicant — more affordable) Committee Member Kelley — • Plans submitted not approved Chairperson Fonzi — • Dormant will save fee costs Committee Member Kelley — • Explain Building B changes • Floor plan • Parking / garage 0 COMMITTEE DELIBERATIONS Committee Member Kelley — • Curb site appeal needed — upgrade columns only street elevation • Add open balcony railing on top 1 foot plus architectural opening details Mr. Sayer — • Poor soil, high water table — requires special foundation Page 3 of 5 Chairperson Fonzi — • Change office doors / entries • Connect office directly to master bedroom (Committee Member Kelley needs to see change) • Garbage locations — behind units • Id locations for Planning Commission meeting (recalculate outdoor storage area) Committee Member Kelley — • Parking pavement — concrete better not asphalt (Chairperson Fonzi/Committee Member Ward — asphalt okay) Alfredo Castillo (Assistant Planner) — • Class 32 CEQA exemption okay • CUP — no fee Design Review Committee Draft Action Minutes February 13, 2013 Committee Member Kelley — • Map timeline — 2014 expiration Chairperson Fonzi — • Supports f/decks — wood posts (or architectural treatment) • All units to have decorative doors • Architectural grade garage door trim • Upgraded lighting fixtures • Window trim details for Planning Commission PUBLIC COMMENT None Page 4 of 5 MOTION: By Committee Member Kelley and seconded by Committee Member Ward to recommend the project move forward to the Planning Commission with the changes as follows: 1. Add Stone treatment to all columns 2. Add open architectural balcony railing feature along top 1 -foot 3. Connect office rooms directly to master bedroom / not living area 4. Identify all garbage storage locations for Planning Commission meeting 5. Asphalt driveways okay 6. Decks to have architectural treatment on column posts 7. All units to architectural grade front doors 8. All units to have architectural grade garage door treatments 9. All units to have architectural grade exterior lighting fixtures 10. Provide window trim detail for Planning Commission meeting Motion passed by 3.0 by a roll call vote. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS None Design Review Committee Draft Action Minutes February 13, 2013 DIRECTOR'S REPORT None ADJOURNMENT - 5:00 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Warren Frace, Community Development Director t:\— design review committee\minutes\minutes 2013\draft action minutes 2-13-13.docx Page 5 of 5 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 4-24-13 Atascadero Design Review Committee Report In Brief - Community Development Department Callie Taylor, Senior Planner, (805) 470-3448, ctaylor@atascadero.org Dove Creek Highway 101 Landscape Buffer PLN 2099-1066 / DRC 2012-0111 / CUP 2003-0099 Owner / Corona Dove Creek, LLC. / Applicant: Robbins Reed, Inc. Address: Santa Barbara Rd and EI Camino Real APN: 045-331-005, 007, 008, 011, 012, 045-333-005, 009, 011, 045-334-001 General Plan: Mixed -Use Planned Development (MU -PD) Zoning: Open Space & RMF -10 with PD -12 Overlay Project Area: 63.3 acres Existing Use: Multi -family Residential Planned Development Currently Under Construction Vie fo Cam jno o o °p RS Hwy 101 frontage landscaping ❑ Review of Dove Creek's proposal for HWY 101 frontage landscape buffer CN 0 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 4-24-13 Background: The Dove Creek Planned Development was approved in 2004 with 279 residential units on individual lots, 37.2 acres of open space, and 60,000 sq. ft. of commercial space at the corner of Santa Barbara Road and EI Camino Real. Approved Site Plan: Dove Creek PD -12 Due to the location along Highway 101 and the proximity of the dwelling units next to the freeway, the Dove Creek Master Plan included a Condition of Approval which requires the developer to install a landscape buffer between the project site and Highway 101. CUP Condition 31: "The applicant shall be responsible for the installation and maintenance of screen landscaping along the highway 101 frontage and within the Cal Trans right-of-way as shown in EXHIBIT C, subject to staff and agency approval" The CUP exhibit identified a landscape buffer made up of large evergreen trees, dense screening trees, an understory of large shrubs, and mixed in low shrubs and ground cover. Landscape was identified on both the subject site and within the Caltrans right-of- way. ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 4-24-13 CUP Exhibit, Dove Creek Master Plan of Development Highway 101 Landscape Buffer Requirement THE VILLAGES OF DOVE CREEK - -Exhhl E-6 - Highway 101 Buffer -, QC 1 E 6 Landscape plans were completed and approved by Caltrans in 2006 for landscape installation along the Highway 101 frontage between Santa Barbara Road and San Diego Way, however, the landscape has not yet been installed. The 2006 plans included 56 coast Live oak trees, 31 redbuds, and almost 900 large shrubs including manzanita, acacia, lilac, coffeeberry, toyon and flannel bush. 2006 Cal Trans Planting Plan Oaks , redbuds and many shrubs --- A OMIT OF N NORK - SEE DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE '1 4 Existing sign. Protect in place, Existing vegetation, Protect In place. MM S .tr CI � THE VILLAGES OF DOVE CREEK - -Exhhl E-6 - Highway 101 Buffer -, QC 1 E 6 Landscape plans were completed and approved by Caltrans in 2006 for landscape installation along the Highway 101 frontage between Santa Barbara Road and San Diego Way, however, the landscape has not yet been installed. The 2006 plans included 56 coast Live oak trees, 31 redbuds, and almost 900 large shrubs including manzanita, acacia, lilac, coffeeberry, toyon and flannel bush. 2006 Cal Trans Planting Plan Oaks , redbuds and many shrubs --- A OMIT OF N NORK - SEE DEVELOPMENT PACKAGE '1 4 Existing sign. Protect in place, Existing vegetation, Protect In place. ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 4-24-13 2011 DRC Review: On November 10 2011, DRC reviewed a proposal from the developer, Robbins Reed Inc, requesting that condition #31 for Caltrans landscaping be removed. DRC was not in favor of eliminating the landscape completely, but said they would consider reducing the amount of landscape to keep costs down. DRC directed staff and the applicant to obtain the following additional information and bring the proposal back to DRC for additional discussion: 1. Prepare a revised landscape plan which would be less expensive to install and maintain. Include screening in key areas between the residences and the highway, fill in empty areas, and protect/enhance view sheds. Design to be low maintenance, low water use, fast growing and should keep down the weeds. 2. Estimates for installation cost 3. Estimate for cost of annual maintenance. Include cost per unit for ongoing HOA maintenance 4. Permitting process with Cal Trans: what guarantees, permits, fees, do they require from the developer and/or the City? Maintenance bond amount and timeframe? 5. Atascadero monument sign & zoo sign: location and cost of installation? Current Proposal: The applicant has prepared revised plans for the HWY 101 landscape. The proposal includes mostly trees, with a variety of coast live oaks, rosebuds, Monterey cypress, junipers and digger pines. The number and species of shrubs have been greatly reduced, with just few dozen lilacs and toyons instead of the several hundred higher maintenance shrubs previously proposed. City staff is in support of the revised plans and believes the proposed is consistent with the project conditions for HWY 101 landscape buffering. A CUP amendment is not needed in order for DRC to approve the alternative landscape plans. The plans would need to be reviewed by Cal Trans for consistency with their standards prior to issuance of a Cal Trans encroachment permit to complete the installation. In addition to the Cal Trans landscaping, there will be some additional landscape which will be installed on the applicant's property behind the homes per the approved project landscape package (BLD 2006-6029). Highway 101 landscape is a vital part of community appearance, and the Dove Creek frontage acts as a community gateway feature making it a key site for implementing the long term vision along the Highway 101 corridor. As discussed at the previous DRC meeting, it is important for the developer to finish their landscape, as release of the condition would create precedent and ultimately transfer the cost of this landscape on to the City. Cal Trans has recently completed some very nice oak tree restoration ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 4-24-13 plantings along the north bound frontage between the San Diego and Santa Rosa off ramps. With the completion of Dove Creek's landscape buffering, a large portion of Atascadero's HWY 101 frontage will be improved. The City plans to continue these plantings throughout any bare areas of HWY 101 frontages in the future in order to continue enhancing the appearance of the City. The landscape would be installed by the developer (Robbins Reed/Corona Dove Creek LLC.) and the HOA would eventually accepts the landscape for permanent maintenance. Based on estimates provided by the applicant's landscape architect, installation is expected to cost the developer $275,190, and monthly maintenance is expected at $567.92. This would break down to a per unit monthly cost of approximately $2.00 per residential unit, collected through the HOA. City staff expects that this maintenance cost would be in place for the first two years, and would then go down over time as the landscape becomes established. The applicant has not submitted any information regarding the Atascadero monument and zoo sign which was discussed at the last meeting. The signs were part of the original agreement between with the Atascadero Chamber of Commerce and the original project developer. The signs were not included as conditions of approval in the City's resolution for the approved project. Attachments: Exhibit 1: Installation and maintenance costs provided by applicant Exhibit 2: 2013 proposed HWY 101 frontage landscape plans ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 4-24-13 Exhibit 1: Installation and maintenance costs provided by applicant Prepared by RRM Design Group 4/12/2013 Job Number 2011130 411212013 General Quantity Units CosVUnIt Extension Weeding (Once/Month) — _— —_ 1 LS $ C25.00 $ 625.00 Pruning (Once/Year) —_ 1- — LS _ $ 2_50.00 $ 250.0_0 Haul Off Debris 1 LS $ 1,040.00 $ 1,040.00 Subtotal= $ 1,915.00 Irrigation Repairs_ — _ _ L 1 !1,000.00 Subtotal $ 1,000.00 Plantings Tree replacements_ _ _ _ 1 _ _ LS $ _ _75_0.0_0 $ 50.00 Mulch Replacement _ 1 LS $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 _ Shrub replacements 1 LS $ 150.00 $ 150.00 Subtotal= $ 3,900.00 Total Annual Cost $ 6,815.00 Total Monthly Cost $ 567.92 Prepared by RRM Design Group 4/12/2013 Job Number 2011130 411212013 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 4-24-13 [irrigation Quantity Units CostJUnit Extension I MOk r1l On LS $ 8,000.000 8,000,00 bIe-arin-g&-Gr-u-bbi-n-q 5-0,000-----, -S-F --$- 0.05 $ 2,500.00 750.00 Drip Valve Assembly 6 EA $ 125.00 Spray Heads 174 EA $ 35.00 $ 6,090-00 600.00 Quick Coupling Valve 4 EA $ 150.00 BallViiValves,- - 1 --- $ 875.00 Check Valve 18 EA $ 100.00 $ 1,800.00 Baddlow Preventer I EA $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 ly-stifion- Controller E-A- -$ -5,0,0-0.0-0 $- 5,000.00 Connection to Main 1 EA $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 Water- Meter 1 EA $ -!� 32,000.00 —17.00 $ 32,000.00 Irrigation Lateral lines .-3,430-- - LF $ 58,310.00 Irrigation Mainlines 2,541 LF $ 2500 Subtotal= $ $ 63,525-00 182,950.00 7 I Plantings Quantity Units Cost/Unit Extension frees 16 gal. 126 EA $ 250.00 $ 31,500,00 IV -- — - -- -- 6.--20-0 $ 50.000 10,000.00 75 EA $ 25.00 $ 1,875.00 Subtotal= $ 43,375.00 Other improvements Quantity Units Cost/Unit Extension EA $ 1,560.00 3,01 Lo 2ffl Subtotal= $ 3,000-00 Total Direct Costs= $ 229,325.00 Contingency (20%) $ 45,865.00 Grand Total= $ 275,190.00 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 4-24-13 Exhibit 2: 2013 proposed HWY 101 frontage landscape plans PLANT SCHEDULE TREES BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT QTY + Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud 15 gal 22 s Cupressus macrocarpa 'Goldcrest' Monterey Cypress 15 gal 37 Juniperus Juniper 15 11 0 japonica gal Pinus sabiniana Digger Pine 15 gal 28 Quercus agrlfolla Coast Live Oak 15 gal 28 SHHRRUBBS, BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME CONT QTY t o j Ceanothus x'Ray Hartman' California Lilac 5 gal 30 Heteromeles arbutlfolla Toyon 5 gal 45 lJp7 p p PP P7 I> 5 \ pp KEY MAP r-1ortI 1LE: 1" _ ITEM NUMBER: DATE: PLANTING PLAN -HIGHWAY 101 9 Pp72 f'p; 3 NOTE: SEE SHEET PP7.1 FOR pp'4ppJ5 PLANT LEGENDS NOTES 6', KEY MAP Ir I al �I I I I PLANTING PLAN -HIGHWAY 101 P p�2 PP%3 NOTE: SEE SHEET PP7.1 FOR PLANT LEGEND &NOTES >.q p�S 76PP;'' KEY MAP ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 4-24-13 I I I I I I ^I dl 41 �I I I I I I I PLANTING PLAN -HIGHWAY 101 PPJ? PpJ3 NOTE: SEE SHEET PPT.1 FOR 3 pis PLANT LEGEND & NOTES i �pp, .6 Ppb J KEY MAP al �I I rte._ ------------------ pl I I I I i I I I I I I I I I PLANTING PLAN -HIGHWAY 101 3j NOTE: SEE SHEET PP7.1 FOR \\\\ PLANT LEGEND&NOTES PP�4 P�5 P P� 6 Pp,, , KEY MAP ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 4-24-13 � ,smH• II la IQ \\\ 1 3 I I ' I t I I I I I ' I I I I PLANTING PLAN - HIGHWAY 101 ppJ? pp%3 NOTE; SEE SHEET PP7.1 FOR �pp�4 pis PLANT LEGEND & NOTES KEY MAP i� ---� CL o - I I Y g�tr 0 PLANTING PLAN -HIGHWAY 101 r®Y U = O Pp? Pp13 N N L g ppb ppb NOTE: SEE SHEET PP7,1 FOR PLANT LEGEND & NOTES U •4 5 ppb 6 PPl J KEY MAP MA11130 - PP7.7 -