HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC_2012-05-31_AgendaPacketCALL TO ORDER CITY OF ATASCADER0 DESIGN RE VIE W COMMITTEE A GENDA Committee Meeting Thursday, May 31, 2012 4:00 P.M. City Hall City Council Chambers 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, California Roll Call: Chairperson, Roberta Fonzi Committee Member, Bob Kelley Committee Member, Chuck Ward Committee Member, Christian Cooper Committee Member, Susan DeCarli APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DRAFT MINUTES OF APRIL 26, 2012 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT UPDATE 2. PLN -2099-0079 / DRC 2012-0019, LAS LOMAS SFR -2 REVISIONS (4:00) This is a follow-up meeting to the April 26, 2012, discussion regarding floor plan and elevations changes for the remaining SFR -2 lots at the Las Lomas/Woodridge development. The applicant, Sunwood Ventures, will be presenting revised plans to the DRC which have incorporated comments from the April 26 DRC meeting. ©Find us on http://wwwfacebook.com/planninoatascadero Facebo- City of Atascadero Design Review Committee Agenda Regular Meeting, May 31, 2012 Page 2 of 2 3. PLN 2011-1416 / DRC 2012-0016, SLOCOG SOUTH EL CAMINO REAL (6:00) Cal Poly Students will be presenting a preliminary visioning concept for the South El Camino Real Corridor based on their Spring Quarter evaluation and public outreach. This will include conceptual sketches and streetscape, as well as proposed "district" concepts along the South El Camino Real Corridor. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS DIRECTOR'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting of the Design Review Committee: to be announced. Agendas, Minutes and Staff Reports are available online at www.atascadero.org under City Officials & Commissions, Design Review Committee. t:\— dre design review committee\agendas\dre agendas 2012\dre agenda 5-31-12.docx ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-31-12 Atascadero Design Review Committee Report In Brief - Community Development Department Callie Taylor, Associate Planner, (805) 470-3448, ctaylor@atascadero.org Las Lomas Specific Plan Amendment Second Review of SFR -2 Redesign Owner: I Sunwood Ventures Address: Halcon Road: Las Lomas Project #: PLN -2099-0079 DRC 2012-0019 General Plan: (SFR -X) Single -Family Residential -X Zoning: Woodlands Specific Plan 1 �T (Woodridge / Las Lomas) Project Area: 75 Lots, i a' 75 SFR -2 Remaining approx. 6,500 sq. ft. each / Lots Existing Use: 75 graded building pads; units not yet constructed / Design❑ Request to replace the approved SFR -2 plans with four (4) new floor plans ❑ Appearance review new elevations ❑ Product mix and streetscape view ❑ Color scheme and materials discussion ❑ DRC may make finding of consistency with Specific Plan for "minor update of architectural styles," applicant would move straight to building permits (no PC review); or ❑ DRC may make finding of that proposal is considered a "new product type or new architectural style," and refer project to Planning Commission for review and approval. I ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-31-12 Background: On April 26, 2012, the DRC reviewed Sunwood Ventures' three (3) new one-story floor plans proposed for construction of the remaining SFR -2 lots in the Las Lomas / Woodridge Specific Plan. Applicant's Rick Scott, John Boggs, and architect Kevin Crook presented the proposal to the DRC and approximately 12 neighbors which were in attendance. The DRC referred the project back to the applicant to make additional changes with the following direction: 1. Add second story plan to the mix. Applicant to propose percentage & location 2. Applicant to set up meeting with neighborhood. 3. Garage door upgrades & variety 4. Setback variety (Submit plot plan for tract) 5. Add more window detailing / variety of shapes (add more windows or grouping of windows if possible) 6. Landscape plans (Prepare concept plan for next DRC meeting) 7. Upgrading detailing (front doors, lights, hardware) 8. Plan 2: recessed entry needs security; add gate 9. Plan 1A: too much horizontal banding / courtyard wall is too flat. Add texture, stone work, variation with height and/or landscape 10. Main goal overall: avoid cookie cutter look Revised Plans: On May 23, Sunwood Ventures met with neighbors in the Las Lomas project at City Hall to discuss the project and review the newly revised plans. The applicant received comments from the neighbors, and will be presenting any additional changes at the DRC meeting on May 31 to respond to neighbor's concerns. The plans being presented in this staff report are the same plans which were reviewed with the neighbors on May 26; additional changes have not yet been made to the drawings since the May 26 neighborhood meeting, but will be discussed by the applicant at DRC. A conceptual plot plan and conceptual front yard landscape plans have been completed and are included as attachments. Landscaping has been designed by Madrone Landscapes to meet the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, and include no more than 25% of the front yard as turf grass. Drought tolerant shrubs and trees have been chosen based on the soil type in Las Lomas. A two-story floor plan with a traditional porch has been added to as a fourth floor plan option. The applicant would build all four floor plans as model homes, and would then plot each additional phase based on the demand for each unit type. The applicant would work with staff during building permits to ensure the same plan and color scheme is not used in close proximity to each other. KA ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-31-12 SFR -2 Elevations as currently proposed The revised plans include the following changes: All Plans: • Added carriage style garage doors to the Ranch Elevations • Added 8 panel style garage doors to Traditional Elevations • Added arch trim over recessed windows and doors and arched shutters on Spanish elevations • Added arched detail front door to Spanish elevations • Added window and door trim to all side and rear windows and doors • Increased square footage on all plans Plan 1: • Size increased to 1,910 sq. ft. • Raised pilasters and added radius detailing at courtyard wall on Spanish elevation PLAN i A - SPANISH WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFR -2 Atascadero, CA 3 IA 4Ijals op �a • fall �� a PLAN i A - SPANISH WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFR -2 Atascadero, CA 3 Plan 2: • Size increased to 2,214 sq. ft. • Added optional security gate at front entry Plan 3: • Size increased to 2,571 sq. ft. - 2,803 sq. ft. • Added vent detailing to entry tower on Traditional elevation Plan 4: • Added new 2,376 sq. ft. - 2,561 sq. ft. two-story plan ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-31-12 PLAN 2B - RANCH WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFR -2 Atascadaro, CA PLAN 3C & XX - TRADITIONAL WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFR -2 Atascadcro, CA PLAN 413 - RANCH WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFR -2 Atascadcro, CA 4 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-31-12 Attachments: Attachment 1: 2010 Aerial Photo Attachment 2: Las Lomas Specific Plan Map Attachment 3: SFR -2 Approved Elevations: 2003 Specific Plan (constructed units) & 2007 Amendment (not constructed) Attachment 4: Site Photos: Existing SFR -2's Attachment 5: Specific Plan SFR -2 Development Standards Attachment 6: Specific Plan Amendment Process Attachment 7: City Council Planned Development Policy Attachment 8: Proposed Plans: Sunwood submittal 5/26/12 61 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-31-12 Attachment 1: 2010 Aerial Photo 6 Attachment 2: Woodridge / Las Lomas Specific Plan Map ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-31-12 Zoning Boundary — - - - Woodlands Specific Plan Boundary m - MFR Phasing Notes: 1. -^e apa tmerts (MFR), estate lots (SFR -3), and commercial (SC -1) may be developed Independently of tte single famlly lots (SrR-1d2) 2. Phase 1 of the single famlly lots stall be the Mst developed on the end -e she and a Ill Include all SFR -1 lots and 28 SFR -2 lots, The remaining 661ots of SF R-2 vdII be oonstruded In phase 2, 3, All phases fray be graded at once, d 4, Ttere shall not be a delay of more than 180 days between the completion of graeing one � the beglnnlrg of construction In the NFR cone, ti Phasing Plan Exhibit 10 rA ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-31-12 Attachment 3: SFR -2 Approved Elevations: (2003 Specific Plan & 2007 Amendment) SFR -2 Elevations, Approved 2003 with Specific Plan Plan 2 - "Rural Traditional' Plan I- "Monte" - Woodlands SFR -2 Plan 3 - "Cali(mma Ranch' SFR -2 Elevations, Approved 2007 with Specific Plan Amendment , 6p 111 ?� AlA j � ^rr Q r F _ yy�j u a ,zr^ ts'— - --- IN Plan? flan I flan 5. ' flan 3 Plan 4 77 -, .. �� 4 'r•liC s F53h sx� ;� �y.:, , � -. . I: I. PACIFIC t Plan 5 Plan 4 I'�^� ' . LA TER.a7l_4 - ITEM NUMBER: DATE: 5-31-12 Attachment 3: SFR -2 Approved Elevations: (2003 Specific Plan - constructed units) ITEM NUMBER: DATE: 5-31-12 Attachment 4: Site Photos: Existing SFR -2's 10 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-31-12 Attachment 5: Specific Plan SFR -2 Development Standards SPECIFIC PLS REGUI ATION'S Table 7 - SFR -2 Development Standards All numbers are mninxms unless otherwise noted. For regulations not covered in this code refer to the City of Atascadero Municipal Code T tle 9. Ths Development Code shall prevail where I conflicts with the City of Atascacero Municipal Code Development Standards Lot Area 6,500 sq R Minimum Lot Area I^te-or Lot Width 65' Minimum Interior Lot W eth at Minimum From Yard Setback. Corner Lct .% cth 70' Minimum Comer Lot W dth at Minimum Front Yard Setback. C::' -de -sac Street 35' Minimum Cul-de-sac Street Frontage Frontage. Lot Depth t00' Minimum Lot Depth. Lot Coverage 60% Ma>omum Lot Coverage. Applies to roofed structures including porches. garages, and accessory buildings. Excludes eave overhangs, patios, driveways walks, and other impervious surfaces. Setback Requirements Front Yard Dwelling Unit 15' Minimum Front Yard Setback Measured from Property Line Garage 20' Minimum Front Yard Garage Setback Measures from Property Line. Side -on Garage 15' Side Yarc Interor 5' Street S ce Rear Yard Off -Street P Primary Use 10' 20' 2 Covered Spaces Minimum Side Yard 1L_ Interior Setback Measured from Property Line - Minimum Street Side Yard Setback Measured from Property Line Minimum Rear Yard Setback Measured from Property Line. I S_'/� v V F�CVC At / -'T 70' 65' I I I 60%: I :60%:, : I g max : I : max I� I �r Lot Covera e M.. AWN i I 1 VORRI spat 7 91821 Ir~L� wle"W i rn. i I I i I CITY OF ATASCADERO II -14 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN 11 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-31-12 v.v SPECIFIC PLAN REGULATIONS Table 7 - SFR -2 Development Standards All numbers are minimums nless cthe^Mise noted For regulations not covered in th s cote refer to the City of Ataseadero Mun is pal Code Tie ll. This Development Code shat prevai where it conflicts wth the City of Atascadero Municipal Code. Building Massing Height 30 Maximum Height. Floor Area 1 50-0 SF Minamum Floor Area. Second flow shall not exceed 75% of gross =irst floor area. including garage. Fencing Within Setbacks Behind Setbacks Maximum Height of Fencing Within Setbacks. Maximum Height of Fencng Behind Setbacks. Primary Unit SbeetROVr 3- WON i r � r s r F r l!N r r e• r.yn I Hillside Standards ;See Exhibit - Hillside Fencing Standards) La^ dscaping Trees shall be planted approximately 30' on center rc- sic, --Es ° h gh 8 Shrubs and groundcover on slopes shall provide 80% coverage in two (2) years. g-eateri Fencing Along or Across 8' Must be View Fencing. Slopes of 5' high 8 greater Architectural Proiections fSee Exhibit 81 GO M • Eaves: May project up to 30' into any Setback • Porch Covers. Patio Covers. Overhead Trelfises 6 Deck Covers: May project into Rear Setbacks. Only proviced that a minimum of 5' is maintained betwee^ the pro ecton and the rear property fine and teat a heght of 10' is not exceeded. May project into Front Setbacks a maximum of c' previdea the porch is a minimum depth of 8' and width of 10' • Chimneys. Bay Windows, Architectural Projections 6 Similar Features: May project up to 24" into any Setback_ • Decks. Planters, Patios 6 Similar Features (less than 30" above grade): May project into any Setback- • Uncovered Decks. Uncovered Bakonies, 6 Uncovered Porches (greater than 30' above grade): May project up to of the minimum equirec rear yarc. C ITI' OF ATA�,(ADFRO H-15 WOODL -NDs SPECIFIC PL.J.N Rear Yard Projections aro-rty _ Line I max. 'rC3x minimum required yard Front Yard Projections ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-31-12 / L MaN1mUm ail MEtl One-half of the rnryTLrr Mlrlrrxlm required rear yarn regWretl rex / prtl Architectural Projections 15' or 13 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-31-12 Attachment 6: Specific Plan Amendment Process XIE10MEriT PROCESS Citi- Staff Analysis City staff shall review all of the above -submitted material and provide a staff report for presentation to the Planning Commission and City Council. Staff may also request fitrther clarification of the above studies, if necessary. The staff report will anal%ze whether the proposed Plan Amendment is consistent with the General Plan and whether the need to amend this Plan can be supported by the conclusions of the supplemental studies. The Planning Director shall have the authority to determine whether a proposed chana_e is major or minor. Examples of Major and Minor Vuendments are indicated in Table 10 —Amendment Procedures. With appropriate findings of consistency. the Director or Planning Commission may authorize a minor change. A mayor change must be processed as a full Specific Plan :amendment. Public Hearings Both the Planning C'omuuission and City Council must hold Public Hearings on any Plan Amendment that continues a major change. in accordance with 65433 of the State Government Code. Table 12: Amendment Procedure :amendment Procedure T�%of :amendment Approval Authority Update Architectural Styles. Floor Plan or Detail; (Minor) titaff Test clarifications (.Minor) titaff :-etr Prodlut Type or Architectural Style Planning Conim,--cion inconsistent with Aendis (llinor) Change in Test that affect standards or policies (lila or) Planning Conmussion - Reyised lotting layout or change is iuit unix (I4ia �) -.t�: Council CITY OF ATA (-�I1ERO n,-3 `V OODL ..\D� SPECIFIC PLAN ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-31-12 Attachment 7: City Council Planned Development Policy A. Planned Development Benefits Policy (adopted) Section 9-3.644 of the Planned Development Overlay Zone requires that a finding of public benefit be made with the approval of any planned development overlay zone request. The following planned development benefits have been established by the Atascadero City Council (January 31, 2004 strategic plarming session) for projects both inside and outside of the urban core (refer to Urban Framework Diagram). The benefits are divided into two levels, Tier 1 and Tier 2. All of the Tier 1 benefits are considered by the City Council to be mandatory elements of a Planned Development project. Tier 2 benefits will not apply to all projects but should be incorporated when applicable. For example if a Colony House exists on a project site it should be preserved and incorporated into the project as a Tier 2 Historic Preservation benefit. PD Location Tier 1 Benefits Tier 2 Benefits Inside of Urban Core a) Affordable / Workforce Housing a) Pocket Parks in larger projects b) High Quality Architectural Design b) Trails / Walkways for Pedestrian PD -7 PD -17 c) High Quality Landscape Design Connectivity Custom PD's d) Buffering between Urban and c) Historic Preservation Suburban zones (large lot sizes, increased setbacks, landscape buffers, etc_) e) Higher density to meet Housing Element goals Outside of Urban Core a) Natural Open Space Preservation a) Mufti -Purpose Trails — Equestrian / Rural / Suburban Areas Bicycle / Pedestrian PD -16 b) Recreational Areas / Facilities Custom PD's c) Historic Preservation 15 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-31-12 Attachment 8: Proposed SFR -2 Plans: Sunwood submittal 5/26/12 Q z 0 H r A s 2 (SUNWOOD WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFR -2 "ARCHRE°CTI I—.— Job : tzoos wc` Date: 3/2s/2m2 Atascadero, CA <�.. 16 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 5-31-12 A;. do - 3 Sample Lots 1Hia `1191 Z, ZH I --- Landscape Plan Woodland Specific Plan Atasmoero, CA Plaint Legend -smnti,mw ITrees Tr& 00arn: MKrbg'Marim'- Marina Kadrixie Chitalpa tashkEmkEis - ChUpa From Wmmd' - "DW Ash Fistwa chinen5t -Chive PWA-dw Flatanus aceffolla - London Piave Fobnh'Purple Robe' - Fthln� Perennials osui000s dwisfta'Huward WNW- Manraita ctc�phOos rnarzank Dr. Wd - Plarmanita Bacc+ans pilUaris Ft eon K'- Co le Bush lamagrostis awMilla'Kad FoaW - FbvsbWs W Gran Caret dWsa - Berteley Sedge Ceanothus rwcha' - Me ftmorn sSunser - 9jW Rod= `- Is abifbra Ea Sunrise' - Co sis �carMs 7annwisonerm - Evnreen Maiden Fair Grass u�lemeW Neris - Deer Gram ternoin'Firebird - Beard Tongue eta laaswii - Catmirt C. annus californKaTeOetaf - Coffeeberry V-7 marixis lrene' - Rosemary _G71— Ma 'Allen 00vin - - Sage Acceptable Alb niate ftft: kNlea 7w1oorrhW - Yarrow Cishis W. - ftkm Uvanckda Vromod - Lavender Rhaphiokos spp. - Indian Hawthorne Penstem 9. Vidmight - Midnight Piemistemon Padzirim hetuopmus - palstem SaMa VwK - Rams Sap SNOa,PL SM speader - Pti* Saw ,ftnum'Sprirg DoMer - Vbjmum 17 SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 AM COVER SHEET AO -2 PERSPECTIVE AO -3 PLOTTING PERSPECTIVE A2-1 PLAN 4 PLAN 2 FLOOR PLAN & OPTIONS A3-1 A4-1.1 FRONT ELEVATION B PLAN 3 A2-2 A4-2 PLAN 2 FRONT ELEVATION A A3-1.1 / 3X FRONT ELEVATION A AM PLAN 1 FLOOR PLAN & OPTIONS A2-2.1 A4-3 PLAN 2 ELEVATION A A3-1.2 / 3X FRONT ELEVATION B A1-2 PLAN 1 FRONT ELEVATION A A2-3 A4-4 PLAN 2 FRONT ELEVATION B A3-2 / 3X FRONT ELEVATION C A1-2.1 PLAN 1 ELEVATION A A2-3.1 PLAN 2 ELEVATION B A3-2.1 A1-3 PLAN 1 FRONT ELEVATION B A2-4 PLAN 2 FRONT ELEVATION C A3-3 A1-3.1 PLAN 1 ELEVATION B A2-4.1 PLAN 2 ELEVATION C A3-3.1 A1-4 PLAN 1 FRONT ELEVATION C A3-4 A1-4.1 PLAN 1 ELEVATION C A3-4.1 Q PLAN 3 FLOOR PLAN A4-1 PLAN 4 PLAN 3X FLOOR PLAN A4-1.1 FRONT ELEVATION B PLAN 3 OPTIONS A4-2 PLAN PLAN 3 / 3X FRONT ELEVATION A A4-2.1 PLAN 3 / 3X ELEVATION A A4-3 C PLAN 3 / 3X FRONT ELEVATION B A4-3.1 PLAN 3 / 3X ELEVATION B A4-4 PLAN 3 / 3X FRONT ELEVATION C A4-4.1 PLAN 3 / 3X ELEVATION C COVER SHEET WOODLANDS SPECIFIC Atascadero,, CA PLAN SFR -2 PLAN 4 FLOOR PLAN PLAN 4 OPTIONS PLAN 4 FRONT ELEVATION A PLAN 4 ELEVATION A PLAN 4 FRONT ELEVATION B PLAN 4 ELEVATION B PLAN 4 FRONT ELEVATION C PLAN 4 ELEVATION C KEVIN L. CROOK 0 CD oCD U ARCHITECT L ca a) INC. © Copyright: All Rights Reserved a> SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 PERSPECTIVE WOODLANDS SPECIFIC Atascadero., CA PLAN SFR -2 AO -2 KEVIN L. CROOK 0 o� U ARCHITECT ca6i INC. J Copyright: All Rights Reserved Q) E SUNWOOD VEVIUR_S Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 PLOTTING BIRDSEYE WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Atascadero., CA SFR -2 AO -3 KEVIN L. CROOK E ARCHITECT L ro INC . ,4 C; Copyright: All Rights Reserved 0 CD a� OPT. DEN SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 OPT. DINING OPT. OFFICE 50' -0" FLOOR PLAN PLAN 1 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFa- Atascadero,, CA 7 OPT. STUDIO KEVIN L. CROOK o U ARCHITECT L ca a) INC. © Copyright: All Rights Reserved a> SUNWOOD VEN I URLS Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 4& P 0* - r w km Lwjr. - or o- le q0I m Pr a s r I r'y I M� . , T 0 t jj _:- y F a.. L v v . ' r.. . a mein r-* ', .. _ i �.� ! .. ... z:7 �. � N q. � 4'Y rK�.•,� - yy LL ! FRONT ELEVATION PLAN 1A - SPANISH WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Atascadero., CA SFR -2 A1-2 0 0 I KEVIN L. CROOK 0 N Y ARCHITECT INC. CQ Copyright: All Rights Reserved a) FENCE LINE SUNWOOD VLVIU�_S Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 RIGHT ELEVATION 1:1 LEFT ELEVATION GABLE END TREATMENTS & SIDE YARD RETURN TO FENCE SHOWN DASHED SHALL OCCUR AT ELEVATIONS REQUIRING ENHANCEMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY - BUILDER TO PROVIDE LOCATIONS TO FENCE PLAN 1A - SPANISH WOODLAN1E)SSP CIFIC CA REAR ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION 1-2.1 O KEVIN L. CROOK 0 CN ARCHITECT INC. Y " 0 0 C Copyright: All Rights Reserved LL- or SUNWOOD VEN I URLS Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 -& _ 0 FRONT ELEVATION PLAN 1 B - RANCH WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFR- Atascadero., CA Al -3 0 0 I KEVIN L. CROOK ARCHITECT INC , CQ Copyright: All Rights Reserved a) LT FENCE LINE SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 RIGHT ELEVATION II II 'u' II II II II II II II II II _IL_u_IL�l_11_IL11_L�I_ _ ---------------------- LEFT ELEVATION GABLE END TREATMENTS & SIDE YARD RETURN TO FENCE SHOWN DASHED SHALL OCCUR AT ELEVATIONS REQUIRING ENHANCEMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY - BUILDER TO PROVIDE LOCATIONS EXTEND TO FENCE REAR ELEVATION PLAN 1 B - RANCH WOODLAj*4%#41E)SSP CIFICCA SFR -2 FRONT ELEVATION r4 Al -3.11 0 0 U I KEVIN L. CROOK U ARCHITECT INC. " a Y a L Copyright: All Rights Reserved nci i..Z A SUNWOOD VEN I URLS Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 4 FRONT ELEVATION PLAN 1 C - TRADITIONAL WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFR -2 Atascadero., CA Al -4 0 0 I KEVIN L. CROOK a Y ARCHITECT INC. " �C Copyright: All Rights Reserved a) FENCE LINE SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION rCC 7:I = �L GABLE END TREATMENTS & SIDE YARD RETURN TO FENCE SHOWN DASHED SHALL OCCUR AT ELEVATIONS REQUIRING ENHANCEMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY - BUILDER TO PROVIDE LOCATIONS EXTEND TO FENCE REAR ELEVATION PLAN 1 C - TRADITIONAL WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Atascadero,, CA SFR -2 FRONT ELEVATION Al -4.1 a v KEVIN L. CROOK o� U '— ARCHITECT " INC. Y � C Copyright: All Rights Reserved Q) OPT. STUDIO SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 531-011 FI M. BEDRM. 15'-10" x 14' 1" DINING PATIO Ll 12'-7" x 127 21'-2" x 12'-4" -----O O ----- II O O :E:E:i:��`,i I I I I \�� \ M. BATH KITCHEN II II II II I I GREAT RM. II I I 18'-6" x 16'-6" _ II I I I L— II II � II I I I W.I.C. II I I zl PANTRY i ;X• i I I I I a l I�—�------------------------- PWDR. (:::: LAU. BEDRM. 2 0 12'-1" x 12'-1.. O BA.2 GARAGE - - 20'-1" x 22'-3" ritm AREA TABULATION CONDITIONED SPACE FLOOR AREA 2,214 SQ. FT. TOTAL DWELLING 2,214 SQ. FT. UNCONDITIONED SPACE BEDRM. 4/ BEDRM. 3 GARAGE 536 SQ. FT. OPT. STUDIO/ 12'-1" x 12'-5" PORCH "A" 53 SQ. FT.�\ OPT. OFFICE PATIO 261 SQ. FT. II \ 121-111 x I F-1 II 1 OPT. WROUGHT IRON GATE rr- -n — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — FLOOR PLAN NO EXTERNAL LOCKS AT I BEDRM.4 i o I � I I dp I I -------------- I I OPT. OFFICE PLAN 2 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFa- Atascadero,, CA A2-1 KEVIN L. CROOK o U N ARCHITECT L ca a) INC. © Copyright: All Rights Reserved a> LL IF- - F - ,1 FRONT ELEVATION PLAN 2A —SPANISH SUNWOOD °`"rUREs W001E)LANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFR-2 Job #: ,zoos Date: s/zs/zoiz Atascadero'. CA Date: 5/7/2012 S ■■■ � 1 f 4.0 A2-2 0 0 I KEVIN L. CROOK. N ARCHITECT m� INC. Q Copyright: All Rights Reserved i� FENCE LINE SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION GABLE END TREATMENTS & SIDE YARD RETURN TO FENCE SHOWN DASHED SHALL OCCUR AT ELEVATIONS REQUIRING ENHANCEMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY - BUILDER TO PROVIDE LOCATIONS EXTEND TO FENCE PLAN 2A - SPANISH REAR ELEVATION WOODLAN1E)SSP CIFICSFR-2 Atascadero!, CA FRONT ELEVATION A2-2.1 0 U KEVIN L. CROOK N ARCHITECT INC. " a Y a C Copyright: All Rights Reserved nci LZ SUNWOOD VEN I URLS Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 FRONT ELEVATION PLAN 2B - RANCH WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFR -2 Atascadero., CA A2-3 0 0 I KEVIN L. CROOK v ARCHITECT INC. " �C Copyright: All Rights Reserved FENCE LINE SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION FENCE LINE GABLE END TREATMENTS & SIDE YARD RETURN TO FENCE SHOWN DASHED SHALL OCCUR AT ELEVATIONS REQUIRING ENHANCEMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY - BUILDER TO PROVIDE LOCATIONS EXTEND TO FENCE PLAN 2B - RANCH WOODLAN1E)SSP CIFICCA REAR ELEVATION SFR -2 FRONT ELEVATION A2-3.1 0 0 U I KEVIN L. CROOKN ARCHITECT INC. " a Y a (C' Copyright: All Rights Reserved nc) i..Z --jPf SUNWOOD VEN I URLS Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 FRONT ELEVATION PLAN 2C - TRADITIONAL WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFR- Atascadero., CA i A2-4 0 0 I KEVIN L. CROOK 0 ARCHITECT E� INC. CQ Copyright: All Rights Reserved FENCE LINE SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION GABLE END TREATMENTS & SIDE YARD RETURN TO FENCE SHOWN DASHED SHALL OCCUR AT ELEVATIONS REQUIRING ENHANCEMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY - BUILDER TO PROVIDE LOCATIONS EXTEND TO FENCE REAR ELEVATION PLAN 2C - TRADITIONAL WOODLAN1E)SSP CIFICCA SFR -2 FRONT ELEVATION A2-4.1 a v KEVIN L. CROOK 0 N ARCHITECT INC. " 0 �o C Copyright: All Rights Reserved uCi OPT. PATIO OPT. OFFICE SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 PLAN 3 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFIF;Z-- Atascadero., CA AREA TABULATION FIRST FLOOR AREA TOTAL DWELLING UNCONDITIONED SPACE MAIN RESIDENCE STUDIO TOTAL 2,187 + 384 = 2,551 SQ. FT. 2,187 + 384 = 2,571 SQ. FT. GARAGE 1 469 SQ. FT. GARAGE 2 231 SQ. FT. PORCH 63 SQ. FT. OPT. PATIO 271 SQ. FT. KEVIN L. CROOK 0 o U ARCHITECT INC. (0 Copyright: All Rights Reserved a) LT— SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 551 _011 PLAN 3X WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFR -2 Atascadero., CA AREA TABULATION yl:611m91104]:01Oy1 1000-11mUTdUIII1►It, UNCONDITIONED SPACE MAIN RESIDENCE STUDIO TOTAL 2,046 + 384 = 2,430 SQ. FT. 2,046 + 384 = 2,430 SQ. FT. GARAGE 1 448 SQ. FT. GARAGE 2 218 SQ. FT. PORCH 63 SQ. FT. CALIFORNIA ROOM 140 SQ. FT. OPT. PATIO 271 SQ. FT. KEVIN L. CROOK 0 o U ARCHITECT ca INC. ©Copyright: All Rights Reserved v LT- FRONT ELEVATION PLAN 3A & 3AX -SPANISH SUNWOOD VENTURES WOODLANDS SPE CIFIC PLAN yob #: ,zoos Date: 3126Z201 AtascaderoCA Dace: 5/7/2012 , SFR -2 A3-2 KEVIN L. CROOK. a U ARCHITECT s INC. " (01 Copyright: All Rights Reserved 0 0 N I 0 a� RIGHT ELEVATION GABLE END TREATMENTS & SIDE YARD RETURN TO FENCE SHOWN DASHED SHALL OCCUR AT ELEVATIONS REQUIRING ENHANCEMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY - BUILDER TO PROVIDE LOCATIONS SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 rAIMNU w rrm-t LEFT ELEVATION FENCE LINE REAR ELEVATION PLAN 3A & 3AX - SPANISH WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Atascadero., CA SFR -2 FRONT ELEVATION A3-2.1 -0 0 KEVIN L. CROOK E ARCHITECT 2 INC..o C Copyright: All Rights Reserved LZ r it FRONT ELEVATION PLAN 3B & 3BX -RANCH SUNWOOD VENTURES WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Job #: ,zoos Date: 3126Z201 AtascaderoCA Dace: 5/7/2012 , SFR -2 A3-3 0 0 I KEVIN L. CROOK. ARCHITECT U INC. " C Copyright: All Rights Reserved RIGHT ELEVATION GABLE END TREATMENTS & SIDE YARD RETURN TO FENCE SHOWN DASHED SHALL OCCUR AT ELEVATIONS REQUIRING ENHANCEMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY - BUILDER TO PROVIDE LOCATIONS I il l"m EJ lVJ M"UM W, LEFT ELEVATION FENCE LINE REAR ELEVATION SUNWOOD PLAN 3B & 3BX - RANCH ( VENTURES WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Job #: 12005 Dace: 3/26/2012 Atascadero,, CA Date: 5/7/2012 SFR -2 FRONT ELEVATION A3-3.1 0 (c' KEVIN L. CROOKE ARCHITECT ca 6 U E INC. IY © Copyright: All Rights Reserved I X w SUNWOOD VEN I URLS Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 . .— FRONT ELEVATION PLAN 3C & 3CX - TRADITIONAL WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFR- Atascadero., CA A3-4 0 0 I KEVIN L. CROOK ARCHITECT L INC. CC, Copyright: All Rights Reserved a) RIGHT ELEVATION FENCE LINE GABLE END TREATMENTS & SIDE YARD RETURN TO FENCE SHOWN DASHED SHALL OCCUR AT ELEVATIONS REQUIRING ENHANCEMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY - BUILDER TO PROVIDE LOCATIONS SUNWOOD Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 LEFT ELEVATION nniciNu ivrEn,-z REAR ELEVATION PLAN 3C & 3CX - TRADITIONAL WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFR- Atascadero,, CA FRONT ELEVATION A3-4.1 a i 0 U I KEVIN L. CROOK 0Y ARCHITECT INC. E CCopyright: All Rights Reserved --------------------------------------------------------- SECOND FLOOR PLAN SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 I I I I I I I I FIRST FLOOR PLAN PLAN 4 WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN Atascadero,, CA SFR -2 A4-1 KEVIN L. CROOK 0 0 U ARCHITECT U N INC. © Copyright: All Rights Reserved 0 a� FRONT ELEVATION 0 PLAN 4A —SPANISH SUNWOOD °`"rUREs W001E)LANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SFR-2 Job #: ,zoos Date: s/zs/zoiz Atascadero., CA Date: 5/7/2012 A4-2' 0 0 I KEVIN L. CROOK. ARCHITECT U INC. " C Copyright: All Rights Reserved SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION GABLE END TREATMENTS & SIDE YARD RETURN TO FENCE SHOWN DASHED SHALL OCCUR AT ELEVATIONS REQUIRING ENHANCEMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY - BUILDER TO PROVIDE LOCATIONS PLAN 4A - SPANISH WOODLAN1E)SSP CIFICSFR-2 Atascadero!, CA REAR ELEVATION FRONT ELEVATION 14-2.1 0 U I KEVIN L. CROOK 0 ARCHITECT INC. Y " a a L Copyright: All Rights Reserved nci Lz: SUNWOOD VEN I URLS Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 y �r FRONT ELEVATION PLAN 4B - RANCH WOODLANDS SPECIFIC PLAN SF11Z.-- Atascadero., CA A4-3, 0 0 I KEVIN L. CROOK 0 ARCHITECT INC. CQ Copyright: All Rights Reserved SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION GABLE END TREATMENTS & SIDE YARD RETURN TO FENCE SHOWN DASHED SHALL OCCUR AT ELEVATIONS REQUIRING ENHANCEMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY - BUILDER TO PROVIDE LOCATIONS PLAN 4B - RANCH REAR ELEVATION WOODLAN1E)SSP CIFICSFR-2 Atascadero,, CA FRONT ELEVATION KEVIN L. CROOK ARCHITECT INC. I U E Y a (C? Copyright: All Rights Reserved ami (SUNWOOD VENTURES Job #: 12005 Date: 3/26/2012 Date: 5/7/2012 RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION GABLE END TREATMENTS & SIDE YARD RETURN TO FENCE SHOWN DASHED SHALL OCCUR AT ELEVATIONS REQUIRING ENHANCEMENTS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY - BUILDER TO PROVIDE LOCATIONS PLAN 4C - TRADITIONAL REAR ELEVATION WOODLAN1E)SSP CIFICSFR-2 Atascadero,, CA FRONT ELEVATION 4-4.1 0 U KEVIN L. CROOK ARCHITECT INC. " a Y a C? Copyright: All Rights Reserved nci Lz: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-31-12 Atascadero Design Review Committee Report In Brief -Community Development Department JAS CAD 1`� Warren Frace, Community Development Director, (805) 470-3402,wfrace@atascadero.org ., Alfredo R. Castillo AICP, Assistant Planner, (805) 470-3436, acastillo@atascadero.org PLN 2011-1416 / DRC 2012-0016 SLOCOG Grant South EI Camino Real Corridor Study South EI Camino Real Corridor Visioning Study Update City Staff has been working with students from the City and Regional Planning program at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo over the last 10 weeks to establish base information for the South EI Camino Real Corridor Visioning Study. Ultimately, the plan will envision how to integrate housing, economic development, jobs and transportation in an effort to comply with future Regional Transportation Plans and the ability to obtain additional grant funding for construction of infrastructure and other improvements along EI Camino Real. City Staff has been working with SLOCOG, who has received a $240,000 grant, to begin implementing "pilot projects" that will be used to illustrate how cities and unincorporated communities can integrate a mix of land uses and densities, alternative forms of transportation and complete streets. A benefit to completing a vision plan is the potential for "streamlining" of infill projects under CEQA. SLOCOG has selected the City and this Corridor as one of these pilot projects. What Are We Trying to Accomplish with the SLOCOG Grant? Key goals that City staff and SLOCOG staff are looking for include the following: • Creating a complete street concept for EI Camino Real that includes integration of bicycles, transit and automobiles. • Review non-residential land uses to ensure maximum flexibility for integration with residential uses and economic viability • Review vacant properties and assess the possible highest and best uses. • Analyze and review key intersections or properties that act as "nodes" to the study area. ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-31-12 • Review and pinpoint grant funding for potential streetscape improvements and implementing the vision plan. • Explore form based codes and design guidelines that may be used an implementation tool for the vision plan. Cal Poly City and Regional Planning Spring 2012 Work The Students at the City and Regional Planning Department have prepared a conceptual "preliminary" visioning plan for the corridor as directed by their public outreach effort, City Staff with additional input from SLOCOG and their professors. The Students initiated the preliminary vision plan by performing an awareness walk and completing an existing conditions survey and mapping. The existing conditions included a complete block by block inventory of the South EI Camino Real Corridor, intersection analysis, parking analysis, and other items that were included in an opportunities and challenges graphic. CURBARIL AVENUE AND EL CAMINo REAL INTERSECTION e r it General Evaluation Legend The tote section contains hrghwry styled overhead street r Traffic Light Irghttag Street ngnage is present and has average leg. ib l" Comers are ramped. but none have yellow pmnted Craning with painted detectable warnings for disable individuals High frequen- ,nwelk cy of dnver, maks,& ,Sht rums pull into the ,,,,walk The mosnvalk have,,, hatched stnpmg Tree, make the gppromente, ume imenecrion tome pleasant Cor pesdesrrims Bicycle lave avmlable for crossing marinvgs at the mte,ecv.n me nos legible 0 Cmb mdpamped Small signage for a b sy terrec—, 1911. Clem)ypvv osted,ihatchedcrosswalk, View from the NoMwest comer of themt—cuou __– iii/ at�—_ -. --�• _ Dnver, mektvg nght turns often pull mto �- the c ,walk before, along the,,torn V— from he Southeast eoreer ofthervtenecn % d _ r L lirghwry styled overhead hgbbng Vew f,om the Southwest comer of th.::.- The students also provided and placed an online survey. As a part of their awareness walks, students conducted interviews with local residents and business owners along the corridor. The students hosted a morning community workshop to present findings as well as receive input from the public. In addition to the public workshop, the students also went to various events around the City to solicit input around on the corridor including attending the Wednesday Farmer's Market at the Albertson's Center and the April Chamber of Commerce mixer. A total of over 100 participants responded to the survey, interviews or outreach efforts. ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-31-12 From the public participation portion and taking into account the existing conditions of the students began formulating alternative visioning schemes for the corridor. Staff reviewed some of the alternative visioning schemes and provided additional direction and guidance to the students. "The Journey Becomes the Destination" The students have developed a preliminary visioning "poster" that will be presented to the DRC. The preliminary visioning concept will also include a vision statement for the corridor. The students have developed a theme for the corridor: "The Journey Becomes the Destination." They have developed preliminary thematic block developments broken into neighborhood districts that correspond with various streetscape and street design elements and concepts. i, U Also proposed is the potential use of median islands, pavers, colored asphalt, landscaping and other streetscape improvements along EI Camino Real to provide a greater sense of place and help jump start economic revitalization of the corridor. Additionally. Students have proposed accommodations for bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit use is included, consistent with the State's Complete Streets Act. Based on the student's preliminary conceptual work, staff is requesting feedback from the DRC not only of the student's work, but also direction on whether to continue with the conceptual work into a formal Visioning Plan, utilizing this base and concept work by the Students from Cal Poly ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-31-12 Attachments: Exhibit 1: Area of Study Exhibit 2: Conceptual Sketch of Albertson's Center Exhibit 3: Conceptual Santa Rosa Overpass Exhibit 4: Conceptual Streetscape/Entry ITEM NUMBER: DATE: 5-31-12 Exhibit 1: Proposed Area of Study ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-31-12 Exhibit 2: Conceptual Sketch of Albertson's Center Planter / median TextuHzed/colored intersection Exhibit 3: Conceptual Santa Rosa Overpass Cantilevered pedestrian bridge ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-31-12 �� %' ��••-_%ice �v �' � �= ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 5-31-12 Exhibit 3: Conceptual Santa Rosa Overpass AW 1 Ml�'a'rrr. „i,�,at r�K�Yr„fnu � � r �_ � ��,�rr"� ` y �} _ "''� a ��i.i,`B'•>3'��01�'�( kt r"rs�. ..iy' i?e�r 1�� 'v � � -` FNr e+F� SS';ai' fi E £� ��� ta��.'' � i'h `w ✓ r: 'h \\cityhall\cdvlpmnt\-11 pins\pin 2011-1416 slocog grant south ecr\03.15.12 dre.sr.ac: revdocx.docx ITEM NUMBER: DATE: 5-31-12 Exhibit 4: Conceptual Streetscape / Entry