HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC_2011-09-15_AgendaPacketCALL TO ORDER CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN RE VIE W COMMITTEE A GENDA Committee Meeting Thursday, September 15, 2011 3:30 P.M. City Hall Conference Room 4 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, California Roll Call: Chairperson, Roberta Fonzi Committee Member, Bob Kelley Committee Member, Chuck Ward Committee Member, Christian Cooper Committee Member, Susan DeCarli APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT CALENDAR DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 1. Atascadero Creek Pedestrian Bridge & "Centennial Plaza" Project Concept DRC review of Master Plan concept for "Centennial Plaza." Project is located in Downtown between the Sunken Gardens and Atascadero Creek, providing a connection to Colony Square. Includes pedestrian bridge design and location, plaza connection to the Sunken Gardens, creek trails, and future phasing for downtown parking and restroom. rmd us on Faceceboak http://www.facebook.com/pages/City-of-Atascadero-Planning/175544509158142 ® City of Atascadero Design Review Committee Agenda Regular Meeting, September 15, 2011 Page 2 of 2 COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS DIRECTOR'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting of the Design Review Committee: to be determined. Agendas, Minutes and Staff Reports are available online at www.atascadero.or� under City Officials & Commissions, Design Review Committee. \\cityhall\cdvlpmnt\— dre design review committee\agendas\dre agenda 9-15-11.docx ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 9-15-11 Atascadero Design Review Committee Staff Report — Community Development Department Atascadero Creek Pedestrian Bridge and "Centennial Plaza" Project Concept RECOMMENDATION: Staff Recommends: The Committee endorses the "Centennial Plaza" concept and provides direction on project design details. DISCUSSION: Background: The 2005 Downtown Revitalization Plan (following page) envisioned an Atascadero Creek pedestrian bridge and creekside trail that would connect Downtown to Colony Square. With the completion of the Galaxy Theatre at Colony Square, the pedestrian bridge has become the number one priority for the Redevelopment Agency. Staff is currently working on the environmental review and engineering for the pedestrian bridge, which is scheduled to be installed next summer, 2012. One of the primary purposes of the pedestrian bridge is to connect the Sunken Gardens to Colony Square. This will improve pedestrian circulation throughout the Downtown, which will benefit businesses and make more public parking available for Colony Square. In order to make this connection to the Sunken Gardens and East Mall, the City is acquiring a lot along East Mall. The 2,500 square foot lot is owned by the Olsen Family and is currently in escrow with the City. Once acquired, this lot will allow for a straight line pedestrian connection between East Mall and Colony Square via the pedestrian bridge. ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 9-15-11 DowntownRevitalization PI n Vision ' Sm I Alt (Lein CNraY+e n �,•.e. �e•ku CorlMrtw_ a..ke--� � � �� I, I -w ... • .� e oma, qX�,C. CAt4.Z, 2005 Downtown Revitalization Plan febr.2 •� ��_b �•p� P4� j• LOIAIA v tel. 1 • I East Mall Pedestrian connection / opportunity site WPedestrian Bridge 0 7S Creekside connection . m El j Camino Avenue C Il 11 _, ie4 � if Pe ------- - - - Administration Pcdestrian link Il u e Building - -Q= lb 4.ow-ntowen � 1 - � u v t Sunken 9 Gardens W I � APO'. Pedestrian bridge alignment was intended to follow an open view corridor between Historic City Hall ;4. I and the theater rotunda. :4 ITEM NUMBER: DATE: Ca Parki hank \mc•r Cite Offices = r olony C I :Pcdq V Existing 1 / Th.,, % --� L- I',:-kini uh.n� I llerm � I� l�tiarine,n _ I Mitt-im I 1 Olsen -Parcel¶ 5901 fast-Mall-Ij V a 0 1 Axial-viewcorridor- betweenCity-Hall-and- Galaxy Theatre¶ 1 9-15-11 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 9-15-11 Summary: In order to fully realize the potential of the pedestrian bridge project, staff has prepared a conceptual Master Plan of the Downtown Atascadero Creek block. The plan envisions a number of possible improvements that would enhance pedestrian circulation and access to the creek as well as creating a new public gathering place tentatively call "Centennial Plaza." The project would provide the following features and public benefits: • Pedestrian connection to Colony Square • Improved Downtown parking • Downtown restroom for Sunken Garden / Transit Center • Creekside trail • Creek restoration and improved public access with interpretive signage • Improved visibility and police monitoring of Creek • ADA parking for City Hall and Colony House • Relocation of Colony houses from Walmart project area (EIR mitigation requirement) • Public enhancement project for Atascadero's Centennial celebration in 2013. • Enhanced location for Tent City / Colony Days Pi ihlif- Art aw ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 9-15-11 Analysis: The project will need to be phased to accommodate the re -construction of the Historic "City Hall." The pedestrian bridge (Phase 1), the plaza (Phase 2) and the trail connection to EI Camino Real (Phase 3) would be completed prior to October 2012 for Colony Days. The parking lot, Colony House relocation and plaza expansion would be future phases. Project Phasing P N Phase 5 d historic H H R {C Society CL a Phase 3: Tivdl'Zirant Q _ _ ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 9-15-11 The plaza in envisioned as a hardscape pedestrain space with decorative street furniture and lighting surrounding a central piece of public art. The pavers, street furniture and lighting would be coordinated with the City's Downtown streetscape palette. The public art is envisioned as a bronze sculpture, possible of EG Lewis. Landscape and tree planting would be limited to maintain sightlines and the open character of the plaza, this would also simplify the expansion of the plaza in the future. Paver plaza with decorative concrete banding Acorn street lights Tree wells ulanters Public art focal point (EG Lewis Statue) Downtown benches and street furniture Decomposed granite areas for Tent City with paver pathways and tree wells Connection to creekwalk "Centennial Plaza" conceptual design elements ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 9-15-11 Committee Discussion Topics: 1. Future Plaza use and programming elements (special events, electrical, etc.) 2. Plaza character / street furniture preferences (match streetscape palette?) 3. Plaza materials (pavers, decorative concrete, etc.) 4. Public art component (should there be art, if so what?) 5. Signage and public information (what should signs say, where should they go?) 6. Plaza naming (what / how should the plaza be named?) { '�. C� Adrt�N6trOMOn c,xr►glaso. i The plaza will be located v r along the pedestrian p corridor between Historic City Hall and the pedestrian bridge. y � Y ♦ ry icy 3C _ 1466 Aroscadero Pedesrrinn Creels Bridge COACtptusl 54c�<c• Looking Towards Adminlslation Building View Axis toward City Hall Co#cvm Pavers 'Tumbled Kaman V Arent tilnPalang Batt of Curt' Stith Lrcm Cast Aluminum No Full-color screen -printed City Emblem. Vinyl graphics. Annodized aluminum frame around baked enamel t sheet metal panel. Painted cast iron bollard support base. Main Street Bollard #A13250 Color: Frazee #AC109 "Earthbound Green" Lo -Sheen Exterior Finish Pedestrian Wayfinding Signs Scale: 1" = F-0" 6a, k ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 9-15-11 Downtown Streetscape Palette 6' TtrnGeCn Cast Inm with Custum City Logo Op;mortuniiv for Fundraising IlottAaU Pir•Cast Cum trtr. Along Culh at I b-trl Valet Paikltlg ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 9-15-11 Conclusion - The Pedestrian Bridge / Plaza project offers an exciting opportunity to create a new public space and pedestrian activity in the heart of Downtown. The possibility of linking Colony Square and Galaxy Theatres to the historic City Hall and Sunken Garden while enhancing access to Atascadero Creek will create an attraction for residents and tourist alike. As a high profile Downtown project, it is very important that the project be correctly designed and constructed to maximize the public use and enjoyment. The Committee can play a vital role in this process be providing staff and the City Council with clear direction on the design, use and character of the plaza. ATTACHMENT: 1. "Centennial Plaza" Concept Plan (11 x17 color exhibit) \\cityhall\cdvlpmnt\— downtown\atas creek ped bridge - centennial plaza\dre sr. centennial plaza concept.9-15-11.doc