HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRC_2011-09-08_AgendaPacketCALL TO ORDER CITY OF ATASCADERO DESIGN RE VIE W COMMITTEE A GENDA Committee Meeting Thursday, September 8, 2011 4:00 P.M. City Hall Conference Room 4 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, California Roll Call: Chairperson, Roberta Fonzi Committee Member, Bob Kelley Committee Member, Chuck Ward Committee Member, Christian Cooper Committee Member, Susan DeCarli APPROVAL OF AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF ACTION MINUTES FROM MEETING ON JUNE 23, 2011 DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. Founders Bank Office: 6100 El Camino Real Appearance review for first floor office use in the Downtown Commercial zone. Tenant improvement permit submitted for new Founders Bank lending office. DRC to review proposed use, exterior color scheme, new signage, and revisions to the parking and landscape layout. ©Finacebaa�k d anon Fhtti)://www.facebook.com/pages/City-of-Atascadero-PIannina/l 75544509158142 City of Atascadero Design Review Committee Agenda Regular Meeting, September 8, 2011 Page 2 of 2 3. Santa Ysabel PD -7 Drivewav Design The subject site is a 4 unit Planned Developed approved in 2005 as a PD -7 with a Master Plan of Development. The project is required to use pavers or decorative concrete on the shared and individual driveways. The applicant is proposing to use asphalt on the shared driveway and stained concrete on the four individual driveways in front of the garages. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS DIRECTOR'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting of the Design Review Committee: September 15, 2011. Agendas, Minutes and Staff Reports are available online at www.atascadero.or� under City Officials & Commissions, Design Review Committee. \\cityhall\cdvlpmnt\— dre design review committee\agendas\dre agenda 9-8-11.docx ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 9-8-11 CITY OF A TA SCADERO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Regular Meeting - Thursday, June 23, 2011 3:30 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER — 3:30 p.m. Chairperson Fonzi called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Fonzi, Committee Member Kelley, Committee Member Ward, Committee Member DeCarli Absent: Committee Member Cooper Recording Secretary: Community Development Director Warren Frace Staff Present: Associate Planner Callie Taylor and Assistant Planner Alfredo Castillo APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: By Committee Member Kelly and seconded by Committee Member Ward to approve the Agenda. Motion passed 4.-0 by a roll -call vote. PUBLIC COMMENT None COMMITTEE MEMBER BUSINESS None City of Atascadero Design Review Committee Draft Action Minutes CONSENT CALENDAR June 23, 2011 Page 2 of 2 (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non -controversial by City Staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Committee or public wishes to comment or ask questions) 1. APPROVAL OF ACTION MINUTES OF MEETING ON MAY 12, 2011 MOTION: By Committee Member Kelley and seconded by Committee Member Ward to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. DEVELOPMENT PROJECT REVIEW 2. COLONY SQUARE (CUP 2004-0127) PRE -APPLICATION FOR CUP AMENDMENT COLONY SQUARE BUILDING C, 6903 El CAMINO REAL, ATASCADERO • DRC Determined that creek front location should be reserved for retail/restaurant uses. • Supporting of dentist office use in Colony Square at Building D location. MOTION: No Vote — by consensus. Item referred back to architect to prepare new site plan and elevations for "building D" location in Colony Square. Architecture should be similar to Building A. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS AND REPORTS None DIRECTOR'S REPORT • Director Frace talked about the gas station canopy signage review and the Tesoro rebranding for Donald Giessinger. Committee members Kelley, Decarli, and Ward supported staff level AUP for additional canopy color banding. ADJOURNMENT — 5:15 p.m. The next regular meeting of the Design Review Committee: to be determined. MINUTES PREPARD BY: Warren Frace, Community Development Director \\cityhall\cdvlpmnt\— dre design review committee\minutes\draft action minutes 6-23-1 l.docx ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 9-8-11 rLn. rF ' ,,, Atascadero Design Review Committee Report In Brief -Community Development Department t Callie Taylor, Associate Planner, (805) 470-3448, ctaylor@atascadero.org Appearance Review for Office in Downtown Commercial Founders Bank, 6100 EI Camino Real Owner: Founders Community Bank Address: 6100 EI Camino Real APN: 030-191-032 General Plan: Downtown (D) Zoning: g Downtown Commercial DC ( ) o, Project Area: 0.284 acres Existing Use: Vacant building; Previously Obispo Pacific Showroom Proposed Office & Small Business Use: Lending Center`•, ❑ First Floor Office in Downtown Commercial Zone ❑ Parking Layout & Landscape Planters ❑ Exterior Paint Colors ❑ Signage: Wall Sign & Existing Nonconforming Pole/Monument Sign Founders Bank has submitted a tenant improvement permit for a first floor office in the Downtown Commercial Zoning District. The proposed improvements include a non- loadbearing wall to create a front office, new interior paint and carpet, exterior paint and signage, and a new parking layout to provide an accessible ramp and walkway. ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 9-8-11 First Floor Office Use in Downtown Commercial: The Atascadero Zoning Ordinance identifies offices as a permitted use in the Downtown Commercial zoning district with storefront and signage appearance review. Offices are encouraged to locate on upper floors in order to leave prime first floor spaces available for retail and restaurant spaces. When offices are proposed on the first floor, buildings should enhance the downtown and include pedestrian oriented design features. The Municipal Code also requires review by the Atascadero Main Street Association for the proposed use, facade changes and signage. Main Street has reviewed the applicant's proposal and is satisfied with the proposed changes. The proposed office is identified as a "small business lending center" for Founders Bank. The Zoning Ordinance identifies banks as a conditional use in the Downtown Commercial zone, thereby requiring Planning Commission review. However, due to the scale and the nature of the office as a lending center, rather than a full service bank, staff determined that the proposed use be categorized as an office and therefore subject only to appearance review, rather than the full conditional use permit that a full service bank would require. The tenant improvement plans submitted for Founders Bank include a dividing wall to create a front office with new paint and carpet. Proposed Floor Plan 2 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 9-8-11 Site Plan and Landscaping: The existing angled parking spaces on site are proposed to be reconfigured to create 90 degree spaces perpendicular to the building. This will create better circulation and provide an accessible parking space, aisle, and ramp at the front of the site. A 5 -foot wide walkway will be provided between the parking spaces and the building under the roof overhang. Additional parking spaces are located at the back of the lot. In order to enhance the appearance of the site and parking lot, staff recommends including additional landscape on site. The Atascadero Municipal Code requires a minimum of 10% landscaping in parking lots, with shade trees and 6 -foot wide landscape planters every 8 parking spaces. The applicant has agreed to clean up the back of the site between the rear parking area and the Highway 101 off -ramp, and also include some additional landscape in the dirt area along the north property line behind the building. Staff also recommends that the existing planters on either side of the front parking area be enlarged and replanted with new landscape, as shown in the overlay below. This would greatly enhance the front of the site as viewed from the street and sidewalk. A complete landscape plan should be submitted by the applicant to identify new planters plus tree and plant species, size, number, and location. The landscape plan should include drought tolerant plants and drip irrigation in compliance with the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (AMV section 8-10.104.) R 00 I Clean up back of property,. Additional landscape & trees: New 5' wide walkway T }. Ir 4 I Parkit g Spa es _ Y i� Recor figure : —10 x 19' paved `��� o ° Staff recommendation: ,V Enlarge existing planters on sides of area & plant with new landscape --------------------- ------ -----� MM "t7qWLK 3 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 9-8-11 Proposed Color Scheme: The applicant has provided a color board to show the proposed _ exterior paint colors. The building would be painted similar to the San Luis Obispo Founders Bank office, with light beige as the main body color and a deeper "terra" brown on the lower portion. The colors .•. =' rouN�et+.5 LO�d blend with the existing brick, which would remain as is. A medium — 395'�1Ar.METeR 1 5- T M4K "taupe" would be used on the fascia trim under the roof line. Staff is in agreement with the proposed color scheme. Repairs to the broken n00L 5KE€N(5A06146) S{9LYY LOLOR windows would be made as needed. RCUJC CXIJL111 PUIC1111UIIU111U11L Z:11Y1I Signage: WRTUAL TAUPE (5n 1 106g) PA5rAA G0L01[ TER1[A 61RUN (S^ 04004 61 LO"ER 60P GOLOR TONY TAUPE?&A *70'5&1 TRASI+ ENC4.04URE PLANT[RS+SM PCORS Ab HIMD P The applicant is proposing to reuse the existing pole/monument sign located in the landscape planter near EI Camino Real. The existing sign is non -conforming as pole signs and monument signs are no longer allowed to be constructed in the downtown. However, an existing non -conforming sign may be irefaced and continued to be used if it already exist is onsite. In order to help make the sign tie into the downtown, the applicant has agreed to place a high quality three-dimensional Founders Bank logo on the existing sign, rather than a plastic face or sticker on the light box. 4 ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 9-8-11 A second sign is proposed as a wall sign facing north on EI Camino Real. The sign would be located near the top of the wall on the north side of the building. The wall would be painted light beige to match the rest of the building. Each proposed sign is less than 6 square feet in size. In addition to the two signs proposed by the applicant, staff recommends including graphic window lettering and a logo on the large windows facing EI Camino Real. This lower street facing signage would relate to the street and sidewalk and show that the office is open for business. Window lettering in the downtown is allowed to cover up to 10% of the window area. When used appropriately it can greatly enhance the appearance of the building, as seen by the many new downtown businesses who took part in the Office of Economic Development fagade program. Attachments: Exhibit 1: Aerial Photo Exhibit 2: Site Photos Exhibit 3: Proposed Site Plan Exhibit 4: Proposed Floor Plan Exhibit 5: Proposed Exterior Improvements & Signage ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 9-8-11 Exhibit 1: Aerial Photo G��4ge� clog WMA 4 / 4v L }� ski` ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 9-8-11 Exhibit 2: Site Photos ITEM NUMBER: 2 DATE: 9-8-11 Exhibit 3: Proposed Site Plan I PE Q .40'06 g I E � I JII I � I n I IY, I I I� I I I I I N410?, 4LNYw >Orl)a ti0 3= 01 NT is %m I I d I tl I tl I u I I R�1 f h1y,� 3Clt+f .fit j I S7N.1.'X'Wvd I'M f 9 I tl 1 I � i I � ITEM NUMBER DATE: 9-8-11 Exhibit 4: Proposed Floor Plan ITEM NUMBER DATE: 9-8-11 Exhibit 5: Exterior Improvements & Signage 10 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 9-8-11 Atascadero Design Review Committee Report In Brief - Community Development Department Callie Taylor, Associate Planner, (805) 470-3448, ctaylor@atascadero.org Santa Ysabel PD -7 CUP Amendment 7392 Santa Ysabel Avenue Owner: W2M, LLC & Estrella Associates sF Address: 7392, 7394, 7396 & 7398 Santa Ysabel Avenue APN: 030-121-026 -2 General Plan: High Density residential (HDR) ` F- ff Zoning: Residential Multi -family (RMF -20) @1b Project Area: 14,668 sq. ft. total (4 lots) Existing Use: 4 partially constructed units ❑ Proposal to use asphalt instead of pavers on shared driveway in Planned Development Background: The subject site is a 4 unit Planned Developed approved in 2005 as a PD -7 with a Master Plan of Development (CUP 2004-0138.) Building permits were issued in 2007 for 4 detached homes on individual lots, however, construction onsite was not completed and the project went into foreclosure. A new owner has purchased the four lots and is in the process of completing the units and site work. The new owner has applied for a CUP Amendment to change a condition of the original project. ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 9-8-11 Proposed Amendment: The project was originally approved in 2005 with decorative pavers on both the shared driveway and the individual driveways. The new project owner is proposing to pave the shared driveway with asphalt, and use stained concrete on the four individual driveways in front of the garages. F I VF./VaCU JILL IYIQlC11Qla 77 ------------- F-1 I Asphalt I k - i Stained Concrete i r Stained u Concrete ,,:•.cr 'I 1—1 Stained �. - - - n + Concrete 1 - k ---- Stained Concrete I ----------------- — ------------------------- COMMON ----------------------- Proposed Landscape Plan Materials: Cflh4MON AREA LEGENa: COMMON A.FZA [LANC*CA?T) = 3 t 19 5'. CONCF-CIC WALKWAY = 330 5r. COPT— R'AF�ON9 = IAS4 Sr. A5rmAL7 onvrWAY = 2G7.4 5r, [WI COMMON ARCA WOOD r[NCr - 17+5 Lr. Stained concrete on individual driveways in front of garages Asphalt proposed on shared driveway area r.= e —_---- ` Tt. .t k + LCT 3- + + +� +¢ i �_� [ �r k 44 l I d I I LCT e — y -- 8AWA LWMEACrJ CITE VANN AER l w A CEV£LOMR �'+'w�+ 2 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 9-8-11 When the subject development project was approved in 2005, the plans and conditions identified a decorative driveway material. This is a requirement of most planned developments within the Atascadero. An amendment to the CUP is required in order to allow the asphalt driveway as proposed by the current owner. The following factors should be considered in evaluating the proposed amendment: 1. Planned Development Benefit Requirements One of the required findings for approval of a planned development rezone is that the project offers certain redeeming features to compensate for the requested modification (AMC Section 9-3.644 Required findings). The Atascadero City Council has adopted a Planned Development Benefits Policy in order to evaluate proposed projects. All of the Tier 1 benefits are considered by the City Council to be mandatory elements of a Planned Development, and are required in order to justify the smaller lot sizes and reduced setbacks. In 2005, the Planning Commission and City Council found that the subject PD -7 on Santa Ysabel met all of the Tier 1 benefits as underlined below, consistent with City Council policy: PD Location Tier 1 Benefits Tier 2 Benefits Inside of Urban Core a) AUgrdab&e4-Wo*k&9raa i-JQgAing a) Pocket Parks in larger projects ♦ 'j High Quality Architectural ��I-`h) Trails / Walkways for Pedestrian 'D-1-7 ; Design > Connectivity PD -7 •)..,UighQuality Landsc�!gePg� `_aStom PD a d) Buffering EefweenT rUan and Suburban zones (large lot sizes, increased setbacks, landscape buffers, etc.) e) Higher density to meet Housing Element goals Outside of Urban Core a) Natural Open 5u 'reservation a) Multi -Purpose Trails — Equestrian / Rural / Suburban Areas Bicycle / Pedestrian PD -16 b) Recreational Areas / Facilities Custom PD's c Historic Preservation Given that the common driveway is often a major design element in a small lot residential development, has been standard to include a decorative surface material such as pavers or stamped and stained concrete in order to show compliance with the Tier 1 benefits. Shared driveways surfaced in this decorative material are often used as gathering areas and create more a of courtyard area for the residents, rather than being just a vehicular accessway. The photos included in Attachment 2 of this report give examples of projects constructed prior to 2004 with asphalt driveways, and those constructed later on with pavers or decorative concrete. 2. Drainage The 2007 construction plans for the subject project identify a permeable eco - paving system for the driveway. The eco -pavers meet the CUP condition for decorative driveways material, and also help with the drainage on-site. Drainage calculations were completed with building permits and the detention basin was sized in accordance with the eco -paver system on the subject site. 3 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 9-8-11 The current owner's engineer has reviewed the original drainage calculations and is recommending that the detention basin be enlarged by 10% if concrete or asphalt be used instead of the eco -paver system. 3. Landscaping The subject site was originally designed with a 5 -foot landscaped setback between the driveway and the fence on the north property line. With the addition of the detention basin along the driveway at the time of building permits, the landscapeable area was reduced in size. After construction of the detention basin, a 2 -foot wide area remains along the fence for landscaping. In addition to the project specific conditions of the CUP, the Atascadero Municipal Code also includes development standards for landscaped setbacks on all multifamily and commercial sites: AMC Section 9-4.125 (Landscape standards): "A minimum five (5) foot landscape strip must be provided within the side yard setback of all commercial and multifamily project sites, except in locations where a reciprocal access easement exists with the adjacent lot or commercial building is located. This side yard width may be reduced to three (3) feet if decorative concrete pavement is utilized." According to Section 9-4.125 of the Municipal Code, the entire driveway must be paved with a decorative surface, such as decorative concrete or pavers, as there is less than a 5 -foot landscaped setback between the driveway and the property line. Landscape requirements of Section 9-4.125 may be modified by the Planning Commission if a finding can be made that existing vegetation topography or structural arrangement preclude the need for this landscaping and/or special paving requirement. Due to the fact that the detention basin has already been installed by the previous owner, staff recommends that landscape shrubs be installed along the property line in the remaining 2 -foot area between the existing detention basin and the fence. There is sufficient landscape area for trees on the other side of the driveway adjacent to the residences on Lot 1 and Lot 2. However, staff recommends that the landscape along the property line should not be further reduced. If the detention basin must be enlarged for a decorative concrete or asphalt driveway, then the additional detention area should be located elsewhere, not along the property line. Attachments: Exhibit 1: Site Plan Approved with CUP (2005) Exhibit 2: Examples of Planned Development Projects (driveway materials) Exhibit 3: Proposed Amendment: Site Materials Exhibit 4: Proposed Landscape Plan Exhibit 5: Letter from Applicant's Engineer Exhibit 6: City Council Planned Development Policy 4 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 9-8-11 Exhibit 1: Site Plan Approved with CUP (2005) pnveway b7 ITEM NUMBER DATE: 9-8-11 Exhibit 2: Examples of Planned Development Driveways Pavers & Decorative Concrete on Shared Parking Court: I 14 M elk ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 9-8-11 Pavers & Decorative Concrete on Shared Parking Court: VA ITEM NUMBER DATE: 9-8-11 Asphalt on Shared Driveway: ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 9-8-11 Exhibit 3: Proposed Site Materials 4 N g w � h h a M uai 2 z 3 0 El L3 ';IAV 1MVGA V-LNVG I -------------- 9 Exhibit 4: Proposed Landscape Plan 1 1 ! ! I of 1 ! ! ! ! ! '2AV IMVQk V1WG ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 9-8-11 Fv) IN Exhibit 5: Letter from Applicant's Engineer RRM Design Group 3765 S. Hguera St. Ste. 102 San Luis Obispo. CA 93401 P: (805) 543-1794 F: (805) 543.4609 www.mildesign.com Dear Russ: September 1, 2011 Russ Thompson, Public Works Director City of Atascadero 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 Re: 7392 Santa Ysabel Avenue Construction Modification Request ITEM NUMBER DATE: 9-8-11 122 rrmroe IN � P r reaterxl eavrronments people enjoy` Our client has requested construction modification that the City consider allowing the use of concrete and A/C paving in the project driveway areas as substitution for the use of Air -Vol 'Eco -Perm' pavers. As such, the City has requested that a civil engineer review the previously approved drainage report and grading and drainage plan (prepared by others) and make a recommendation/determination of the feasibility of the substitution. Based on my review of the previously approved reports and plans, l suppoit the modification, provided that the builder increases the size of the detention basin/swale by 10,966 {either in length, depth, width or combination thereof7_ I have reviewed the project drainage report. It is poorly written and very difficult to follow. However, it does appear that the use of semi -permeable pavers was considered in the calculations. The approved project pians prepared by both Daniel Stewart and Aaron Gannage call for the use of 'Eco -Perm' pavers_ Air -Vol Eco -Perm pavers provide for approximately 10% void space depending on construction/installation method. See attached cut -sheet. As a means to make up for the loss of that 10% void space (permeability), I am recommending that the detention basin/swale be increased In capacity by 10% (which was sized to drain the entire site, not just the drive areas)_ Should you have any questions or need to discuss this matter further please contact me immediately. Sincerely, RRM DESIG GRQL9P Jos a oberts, PE Project Manager CA License No, 61 798 111 ITEM NUMBER: 3 DATE: 9-8-11 About Us Contact Us Architect's Corner Home Coocrete Pavers Concrete Masonry Mortarless Wall Systems Classic Brick Rebar Resale Products Sacked Products Manutactuters of Gua4ty Masonry Products L 1BUCY4 INC Interlocking Concrete ravers Job Samples Paver Style: Eco -Perm With Eco -Perm Pavers. you can create plantable pavements. Fco-Perm Pavers Eco -Perm Pavers can also be used around trees to allow oxygen Infiltration into the soil. Stocked in BrownNCharcoal Blend. Natural Grey available via special -order. Eco -Perm Pavers can be installed in several different patterns. each of ,�.hich has a different percentage of void. " Full Open Joint Pattern 18.3% void Requires 2.6 pieces per squire foot 12 ITEM NUMBER DATE: 9-8-11 Exhibit 6: City Council Planned Development Policy A. Planned Development Benefits policy (adopted) Section 9-3.644 of the Planned Development Overlay Zone requires that a finding of public benefit be made with the approval of any plaruled development overlay zone request. The following planned development benefits have been established by the Atascadero City Council (January 31, 2004 strategic planning session) for projects both inside and outside of the urban core (refer to Urban Framework Diagram). The benefits are divided into two levels, Tier 1 and Tier 2. All of the Tier 1 benefits are considered by the City Council to be mandatory elements of a Planned Development project. Tier 2 benefits will not apply to all projects but should be incorporated when applicable. For example if a Colony House exists on a project site it should be preserved and incorporated into the project as a Tier 2 Historic Preservation benefit. PD Location Tier 1 'Benefits Tier 2 Benefits Inside of Urban Core a) Affordable 1 Workforce Housing a) Pocket Parks in larger projects b) High Quality Architectural Design b) Trails! Walkways for Pedestrian PD -7 PD -17 C) High Quality Landscape Design Connectivity Custom PD's d) Buffering between Urban and c) Historic Preservation Suburban zones (large lot sizes. increased setbacks, landscape buffers, etc.) e) Higher density to meet Housing Element goals Outside of Urban Core a) Natural Open Space Preservation a) Mufti -Purpose Trails — Equestrian 1 Rural / Suburban Areas Bicycle 1 Pedestrian. PD -16 b) Recreational Areas 1 Facilities Custom PD's c) Historic Preservation 13