HomeMy WebLinkAboutSA_2012-001_ResolutionWHEREAS, pursuant to Section 34177(1) and (in) of the California Health and Safety Code, the City Council of the City of Atascadero, as Successor Agency to the Atascadero Redevelopment Agency (`Successor Agency"),, has prepared a proposed Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period of January 1, 2013 through June 30, 2013, for purposes of submission to the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency for approval, the State Department of Finance ("DOF"), the San Luis Obispo County administrative officer ("County Administrative Officer"), and the San Luis Obispo County Auditor -Controller ("County Auditor"); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Atascadero, as Successor Agency to the Atascadero Redevelopment Agency, does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1,Tbe City Council hereby approves the proposed Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for January 1, 2013 — June 30, 2013, attached hereto as Exhibit A ("ROPS"). Section 3. The City Manager is hereby directed to submit the proposed BOPS to the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency for approval.- and to DOF .. the County Administrative Officer, and the County Auditor, and to take any other actions that may be required in order to obtain Oversight Board and DOF approval of the ROPS, including, without limitation, making amendments to the BOPS required by the Oversight Board and/or the DOR PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero. as Successor Agency to the Atascadero Redevelopment Agency, on the 10' day of Augu.st'2012, by the following vote: AYES: Council Members Clay, Fonzi, Sturtevant and Mayor Kelley NOES: None ABSENT: Council Member O'Malley ABSTAIN: None Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Ataseadero Resolution No® SA 2012-001 Page 2 of 17 SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO Bob Kelley, Mayor Marcia McClure Torgerson. CMC, Cy Clerk APPROVED AS T - FORM: Brian Pierik,, City Attorney M-p Mai e = , i –,5=7sol Xclency: County: - =I# tMM:9rn77 Primary Contact Title: Address at Secondary Contact Title: tit '-w I Movil I I I I # r.- I VA W#j a - & F. n' r-ro City of Atascadero as Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agencv of AtaSGadero San Luis Obispo Rachelle Rickard Director of Adminsitrative Services 6907 El Camino Real, AtasGadero, CA 805-470-3428 rrickard@atascad=ero..or Jeri Rangel 11,eputy Ii—rec-Fo—roT Adminsitrative Services 805-470-3430 irangel(Watascad _ro.org Name of Successor Agency: City of Atascadero as Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Certification of Oversight Board Chairman: Pursuant to Section 34177(m) of the Health and Safety code, I hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the above named agency. Name Title -Signature Date Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Outstanding Debt or Obligation $ 74,551,743 Current Period Outstanding Debt or Obligation Six -Month Total A Available Revenues Other Than Anticipated RPTTF Funding B Anticipated Enforceable Obligations Funded with RPTTF 18820635 C Anticipated Administrative Allowance Funded with RPTTF 1233461 D Total RPTTF Requested (B + C = D) 126000 Total Current Period Outstanding Debt or Obligation (A + B + C = E) Should be same amount as ROPE form six-month total 1358461 $ 20,179,096 E Enter Total Six -Month Anticipated RPTTF Funding (Obtain from county auditor- controller) F Variance(E-D= F) Maximum RPTTF Allowable should not exceed Total Anticipated RPTTF Funding 1,152,000 (206,461) Prior Period j4anuary 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012) Estimated vs. Actual Pmea�ts (as required in HSC section 34186 (a)) G Enter Estimated Obligations Funded by RPTTF (Should be the lesser of Finance's approved RPTTF amount including admin allowance or the actual 468036 H Enter Actual Obligations Paid with RPTTF 1 Enter Actual Administrative Expenses Paid with RPTTF 363869 j Adjustment to Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund (G -(H + 1) = J) 104167 0 K Adjusted RPTTF (The total RPTTF requested shall be adjusted if actual obligations paid with RPTTF are less than the estimated $ 1,368,461.00 Certification of Oversight Board Chairman: Pursuant to Section 34177(m) of the Health and Safety code, I hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the above named agency. Name Title -Signature Date Name of Successor Agency: G_yit of Atasgde S Ag. ym qea^ mm..isl bumentAa ,"j•ofiArasadeeo County -San Lacs Otrisy'v _ --- —_.� Oversight Board Approval Qate'. RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE DROPS RID Attachment A M-0 0 ao :3 Q anuaty"sins anrougn .tune 30, 2013 Total Funding Sous CO-b-OlAgreament Cout-VAgreernent Outstanding Total Due During Item# Pro'eoB Nanw_ Debt Obiioal4ian E xecuhon Date Terminahon bate Pa ee Debt or Fiscal Year Band Reserve Admin Grand TOW - - - Desc- ho"Y'rontSeo e Pro'eci Area Obli anon 2012-13 I..AAIHF Proceeds Balance AlAd ence 12010 fte mburse meirff Bond Financing 9/112010 10/18040 CM1, of ARascaderq " -.. _ Qebi $ .. ''4 561 743 F - 21 a02 $31 S $ 8,76_3 130 5. - Z996S ' $ 125,000 Igreement will Cry of Atascadera' (then Passed through to bond Ssrvicngn20198onds-- Atascadera#1 322!2,950 764,5!3 22010 Revmbursnementl BondFinan.J.ng 5f1f2ii90 —,0u,,0 holde ..ary of AW—d— ut __n I ruste- `services foe the life !lan errve�t with Ott of Atascedem 11£1;2004 9ni2p34 passed through to BNY) Bankaf Nax York Mallon ofine201pds Dact 6¢vvice an 2004E240>nonds Atse: aad-1011 Afascadero #t SE 500 1$693834 175x? &08020 32!#14!2005 4 fled by tB ids 2COT/2005 Red Bands 511!2034 Bank of New York Melbn elapment 19fif2pp4 March 2012 & Sepie.mF r 2092 debteereicep.7,—nt mat was rep¢rfad i-- 11 on me Je-1-Jane 2012 A,Pax:adera #9 &51 zGS - &51 205 _ 52CP42005 Red vaboment Bonds POPS Trustee services formelia Csry loan 43 entaaed inro in 1998 11E112004 11(1@1948 919!2034 ra Bank of Newyork Mellon C of Atascadera 67400 2000 6 a{me 20{34t2G958onds Loan for Start Ata.,cadero lP9 7 Ciro Loa. #2 entered into iu 2001 G2SQ001 91. C of Atascadera costs Reuodvinq Lean i.oan far 'chase a b k1- h sing an At-erodero 41 Atascadera #% Atascadero 155175 509 MO _ '�- 8 G L n #3 en[cred'nta in 2002. 01122002 nfa G of Atesradum 9 pEeiAt surangss Retrgsnacbve 7f'�2p03 nta CJPIA adu84�tore Rede Ip tAq cy sh f risk Pod l- through #1 Atascadern Xl 720000 74,700 - 10 AI—bItte, PA.— Na Untlt Successor Agency C4 of Atascedero .tun 30 2011 D Jul 1 2013 Adm-tredveexpansesforsucrzssa 74,700 Atascadero#1 815,000 250,000 125,000 aduni.,natian is g. y estid ceri#h ABI X26 mr.uo' June 201..ardudng- he-efened 90 County in afi.e e.Pen.-, pcstag=_, legal awtices, camput"cast, 20iS phnne ca , operations, Profesvcnal develepmeut, 1'I Cokany Square s.gndilions, Cavenanis 6!!012008 J N d ds71 nfsale of Colony Square, LLC dmectsfa b I d d Conn f - d -- and Res#i fid Creekside Bulldin 9 q party p n of m { C I (� tad t -s Agscadafo #I 20,690 30 ppb e� listedf r3yaars, ho srequ rod as fang as RCA 12 Ari ntanance BuiWirg ms a lot o£Greeksvde 2t23f2010 UnOgdispasi4ean(sale of Gree.&side Buibine Nanous venders Maint !Creak G B Id' S A ^•With marktrte. I—ag amont coir Ciry Ciir teases Atascadero#1 8,426 1a,72fi budding fc m RDA for $31,133 a month. Leans Beads 6F3p 73 tS 4T hms mssod en EOFS adoptaj VanauS vanaus nous Ilam m' etled Mairina Rcmp - by RDA pc5, nF,ta FOPS lntofal11h11lamarn—n,bebts ECPB ro eq h er ih t e.maHent AizscaU".#1 332 382 382 14 Lake Patk Sipn iFrantage Prajeat 8fl 0120t0(Pmject design Ne CrtyofAiascadarn and firer Cify siaft ti f Prcta tM gnrent ihatxras Atascadera#1 encnnll a ded/ Ate -adero News mad rt 4y m eIed on the FOPS & ROPS nor July 9 2,573 2533 2,578 2011 through January 31, 2011. Bid adms'ttvrng costs 15 D._._ Pedestrian Bndge be. nfa C(y at Atascadero srnd on R41S. Croy niaff time for Project Management Mat wren Atasx'adaro#1 2,306 imadvortenlfy conned an the FOPS & ROPS for July I, 2,306 16 rtt2913 Ethos 2011 thu a hJanu31-2p11. Gonhack{or carrvpleSinn a; resbra(ran _ — - 14histne, Warble tag Ataw:adero#1 19,780 Ig,780 19,780 17 Maiden SWiue Pmjeci rJa n=a Bob's crane Tran part -R crosis to mo:"e Maden Siat ; ber!4 tram Afas�dero 41 3 8Sp Ethan to the Cdy and to pkare the state s 8 025 g gFp 1@ Meilen Sia§ee Froject nfa nfa CRp of Atasoad .m Staff brae ---ed d -mm raana9inq Maiden Statu¢ Atarw.ad­ #1 3,gp9 —3 coo 99 _Hit Hap Earthquake 01£!1111 Upon Project Compisuon Earth Systems Paafic Pm _ #aCity Conct f.,depu,yv nsarnces 3.0fKk Rep R P rf IRehah Projrat pet Atascadero#1 170506 - 2p 900 20 Hi.+tan. City !lap Eadhquake 10127110 j,7e Project CompIbbbn Rasai 3 Carr Contract for Basement Elecfrica3 and Temporary F'asvar Atascadera #1 Repai,/Rehab Pules! 12G0 i 200 1299 21 Hct rl City Hap Earthquake R pa r/Rehab P'oject. 0&112111 upon Prajecf Completion A^fysong Conshudtipn Herein pie work a d ti ^r basement sh ,hncl work Atascadera #t 670,644 610,644 cnnsdrucpon onntractor 40000 H .tuna City Hap _armquake 22 06115/! 1 ltpon Props ComPle.Fian Qiani Building C -1P Contractor repdr o£ historical fabncf strucl�rn Atascadera #1 8,596,874 8,596 R irtRehatr P-jac# -nu., 879 3854 $70 23 23 Hia.one Cat, Nap Earthquake �i(2&1H 7 Upon Project Completion Golden Stafe Steel Ceuta& ter Shu Won Steel and In Metals Ataescadero RepoirfReh,b Raga Constm ion Contraa4 41 313535 313535 35600 24 H Joni. Ciry HaM Eadhquake 06E15fit Upon Project Completion Dian! Building Carp GOnlraCf for Rough Cerp¢rri{ Canstructian Atastadero #t 122,476 25H" R ep.k'Rehah Iepte, City Earthquake CEOAt NEPA mould ug -nme p 122 575 33500 c Hay R hobP 41301200? tCEQAA1EPA Upq Proles! Completion not yetawarded kIing Aad o#4 600,000 G50 Opp ° pa!R jet notreete"or4 _C6115111 land raping after sen Fru iron asci ADAId­1 50900 26 H -,,t tu.C ty Hap E rfiq leo Upon Pro1x e mpte4on Republic Elevator Gon#act for FtevetgrC tn�cAon Atasradaro #1 RRehab Rajec. 2512P2 251282 251,282 27 Hi¢4ane tarty {108 Earhequake OG1t SJ11 -'G—_—p jeei Completion Alpha Fire Sprinkler Gontr i icy t re Sprinkler Garstructron Atascadera #1 Re arlRehaM1 Projer,[ -�T 22Z',&:9 $ S{ 227, gR9 221,?89 Attachment A M-0 0 ao :3 Q AttacltmsntA IF J'', Saurce LMIHF Bond Praceeds 240,816 Resenre Balance Admin Alloe+ante RPTTF Total SiX-Prlonth Total ContractSAgreement ContraoUAgreemeni I 318497 Outstanding Total Due DO, # P a f t4ame Deb Obligation Execution Date Termanofon Date Payee 113 OW 599,W, Debt or F'9cal Year 26 H CAy Hall F r#hquaka 0628(19 Upon Prnjpd Campkaon Scott Murray Plumbing D sc t IP ct Sc - Pra act Area Obi "01213 R p -/R h bF'mlect Contact fa Plumbing Cans[ action Atascadom #1 483,$ 99 4$a IIt: 29H f ly Hall Earthquake 49f1S111 Uppn PrajeC Comeletion Santa Margan%a Canslmdian u nirad fpr HVACCanstmctian - 76,993 --g10,4R7 F p' tR h b F loci 897,405 1,495.445 Atascadera#t 41048', 30 11 C,ty Hall Earttaquake RepairFRahab P H 9629151 U—at— T.—ft Eleei: teat r_antracs for Eeecii.al — =m+rton — scascadere Mt 53ts,65/ 599 r_,g 31 Hsta C4' fail Earthquake — 11/05f10 Upn Pmjad Completion Harvey's H.f Hufs C�ntr -. 13.&07 R.p rtR h 6Pap. 13 Qa4 adfor R -Ma P d H I fF£ <In yin w rk Atascadero Vi A(ascadara to151 14,15 32 Hi,don. C-tr Nall Earthquake R. tR nta Uppn Prajery Comple0on vaaeua c^nlmdors C -n 5o is fp h q i dM s.r,.n as pa h. 4 Prated 2403 4,OW barn tl trip ny, rt fr f` cvnh § _WPP Raplz u mg aqu Amen" and F.xtu m ou[.dias ip #1 Ata.vadam #i 0 t , 7 4.43 140,83; 33 H. ty Hail Earthquake RP /R hob n/a Upon Project Cnmplctian not yet awarded Ppd - 25,890 ^— wnsluac§+a� ^^ 750,000 150_Q9E 34 Hal - CiTy HaI(Repair& R 0710914$ Upon Project Completion Pfeiffer Partners Contact for Architacbare and Fng ne g._.rncaa for P.iascadara#i .habilrtatiprt P,, ct Prefect {Phase i 8 2) 41 3617 413,611 lRepasr& 35 aGirNlaSop 06[23110 Upon Pmjec(Cnmplelion Pfeiffer Partners Contact for Archteatu nd Engine -em Services for R b.oIy R h bPro Pject Project(Ph-3) Masada,.. 41 75,993 7599: 36 Hsto' Crty 04f27Pi0 Uoon Project Compietan Bernards Cont d Far Constn�cbah hlanagament P ,jair& R I n'lit ton P ja d ,, Sasv�ce Atasadem AH - 1495405 1495,40`. 37 5;t— - Giry H.1 Earkhquak nla Upon Project Comlalaton City of Atasadam Project staff Oma -n a r'. CM - R pairlReM1ak pmjaa4 _ - ,th p f aharn9 prolecls fardred .asis,cr Propeck mSnagement Atascadera #1 72,921 60,0W ?8 Coy Earnquak@ R 'rfR a6t14ft]E Upprs Projlec±Compktian Califamia CMa Check Centrad sten deeC; tar Hlisi -c P P hob b Projaci iota UFon Pmjad GomPkaOtln City of Atasczdem g .woe City hall Earthq A Praled Permrtti p(th riha CIE. cote Cade Check)ca•Esfr Ata -Iom 11 Atasadero#1 52321 62,525 39H Cty Haff FarNaquata R -FR hzh Profact p pm,»d d d -ng tree If ss 171,iS3 9i.00C Ra H _ City Hafl ftepair,_< 0.323!19 Uppn Pspjeat Ccmplagon Mdlanniam Consul6nu Confr d f hazardau 'al R nabal b0am Pmped r fast q and mon tear. fl Atasoaderp#t 13687 135th 41 Hsi -c Gil.Ha.NEaNtqu9ka R Pmjed nYa Upon Prpjad CompleOon v opus comtmdors Costs for rgnsWcSan claanuo (teas nein lutle Afasohdem#1 p rtRehah and storage conlaAers above} 31680 1; 38Kdumpsters 42.nc City Hatl efhquake [Rehab 17/0 Upon Project Compktnn Mid State Solid Waste Centrad tar Rartal of T-15 F.—JI At—d— Rp1110 P Pofad Contact fpr Siora9e Cama n #1 12,623 --- 1282:: 43 H i City HaA Earthquake 12f08lt0 Upon PrajeC Compiation Atas�adwm Waste R Pa fRehah Project Alfemativps s Ataacadem Ai 4326 46M 44 HiI ric City Hall Earthquake R -fR.h bPnladr'dY n/a Upon P,a Q—Campiciion vannas contactors Otho ¢iruc0 is ch s pin[ g F lfascadem#1 37,844 p dust pa8.5 dk p 9 P. 4r.efn- 50 iaaj, 45 F' t Cety i1aN Earthquake rata Upan Project Cpmplatan t2rwus contractors Cthar oI—M ponshucOon R ? r/Rehab PlnleC costs Ai�sadem 01 29,800 21,809 45 H- t -a City FlaA Earthquake nfa 11000 Pmje Com*! " Ya ous 11118 ction Cur. huctan ccntngancy --�— R iRehan P..pot canfractars Atasradem #1 3,6H8.451 $, 8,451 47 I.n fram RDA ewPModarato - 09114f10 6130(2015 Sum r Agewcy f Low(F,tad ReFaymant of Laan from RDA Ltr-dnMnd Fund fpr aEf3AF Afasr:adaro#1 �. 133531204 0.c 48 H t City 14.0 E rthq oke mimerR to State of Upon wmplation of Comm tment to State of CCHE q Oda R p tR h nP i t C fRomia Proed+5 earn CaI'f - 79 H H.-- G," Hatl E rthq ak Repair/Rnhab C mitrncr# to FEMA Commitrnant?o FEMA and QbNg `b t .,-ra occuparmy parrot H s[ do Ci9y Atas:.adera#t o_ap p -e Praiad aril CAEMA Upan compl—of CalEm HA Palert in eaterfi rata funds for 50 B d Ayraeman: Use of Band CommMeent to Gond PrnBcf +-a'vaarsPry CemmiOaan: to Band grant ...rty h1a61 tend Tem ora DOR is iia -ruing Afaeaadem 0l ep P coeds (City Pap aad II Hakfers Rema 2Q50 bond p..c.eds earnaarkM far City Hall BII ENmdne0on pralocts per June Up- —VII of Frojaat 8 20101denhfi d Bl qhE t limina0on P�rojacY 201OB rd eafi 1 Pea ed+5 rs '---- — Inter cf - d n 2010 bo d A'a_Madem 11 — ppp np 51 6 d Ag mens. U i tan Commaimant fa Bond—"'— Cnmmi£mant to Bond Holders 8 d P ds (C-ry Hall d'1a1a Id ntif' tl Bf ht € I O P oasts) Holders Upan camFl ti of s 5 9 F - -ds rm ked far City H llPrcjecs ft ?QtO tdenf•Yedblight 52 B d A9 nl 11 f 8 d Cammitman£ W Bond Pot Years Ccm:Ti tmenE to bond Haklers EI'ni f P a' cis Rem q 2005 bored p d anrna k d f.„r Maiden Atascade.ra $9 P d far wmpat of 2005 Bon 1 Projects Holdafs Upan cnmPletan of Pra_et+5 e ars mmaMaent tp Bond Statu P feet, 91,o fts ,- III and tNayfind n 9 -ri F,tascadaro:{9 -e..p an 53 6 d A4 -coon! Ilse of Interes _ C m meant to.3and B d R ds far completion of 2M0. Holders Up- completion of Holders Future We —t earned �g 2g05 n d F -...coeds marked for Ma ileo Stah,_, Prppact, Ste .tccape 111 and ee.-vic O6N2Xlg mlotion of 10[11 audR Mos lSHadzhaem LLP octan Contact far endepe tI Atascadero ffi5pantlentaudR 11!2712007 1(312412 Bark W,11 Sorenson I dt,(10!11&/1/12Ataacadro#1Fas Ccntad br legal sere fd - t O f thsero Adm'n #9ofoda1!3112412 LA�Wa• Charte C muncataansr TW wasappd for Phony&Inter tahro#1d IM2012 CAyofAtasadaro Adm n a,mputar saeopod costs throuh disnlko_oba support staff for RDA ns - 1,©112012 Cety of A?asradem Adm tfrre direct staff saap7et cysts through dissolu0 v At, --,a 41 pop 0.o AttacltmsntA IF J'', Saurce LMIHF Bond Praceeds 240,816 Resenre Balance Admin Alloe+ante RPTTF Other SiX-Prlonth Total 243:000 .493.816 318497 92,400 -410,467 113 OW 599,W, 3.2oa 6,SQ0 4asm 56,Ga0 &1.337 tA0,33T — ` 413,817 -413,&f7 75 993 - 76,993 -- 598000 897,405 1,495.445 22.800 38.80¢ 21 p4n 25 821 ' 46,821 _— 35,OQ0 35,00(1 70 OW 13657 13.&07 13 Qa4 18,684 31,680 S,OW _ 7623 12,523 . t WO ..—� 2403 4,OW 19 [144 28,000 47,000 ,. 21 8110 - 25,890 ^— 1824.000 ^^ I. 1824451 8,548,451- At—h-1:A Total Funding Source Cont-YAg-rin-t C9ntrae7Agreernent at nding Total Due During Item# Poect Nar-tet Debt Obhgatton E.C.Aon Data Termination Dale Pa Rate' D-dpf Debt or F al Year Band Reserae Admin 54 Gr ml ... head and support for Po' ct Sc pe Cttu ProarTArta Oblt [ion 2?12-13 LMIHF Proceeds Balance Allowance RP'ITF 6[her Six -Month Total RBA{. p l a. 8nq y-rua. of Atascad.. Adm n oblWo .-di nd c. is t hmugh d �sI.r.n _ t -una agendaPnP 60 tw .--. '! Monthly El--.ty nla 1p1RD1Z PG6E ERes;triclty Atascadom#1 n9p O.Op . I Na 1'31'2092 fior ftlt4 i�Kallad do»ntos�m inr enfmnu:mans fmwdrons ca+ssvalks Fe Rx ihrqu h lana. 30 2012 Atascad.m p1 61 T-1, pickup sen"ice NCI Trash d ns were placed dau-.ufiwr� to k ep ,ire. ar.a IR[er 000 no0 -'-"- - 1!26/2006 1:512012 free h .. th ntr t ih third pain, -,nrbr to tCn b h a AtaScadera 0t 52 D>wnfawn Landscap. Maar.Eenance _ Culbert's landscape. Contract for r,ta ntenanc_o RDAinstalled downtown a30 {e.G Ca>ntract infra Gu to nhan h { d'an ik and 63 6i/2.1i 9!31!20'2 pad to 1 th_gh_d t '. ti Atascad.m#1 PCI. Clean app ani mto nee of tiie _ 0.W City f P,iasradeea -.My ns} fi N tt p k p nd d g f d. -In- S4 d.-.- ar^a Fo-untain Maantenanra nta 1fJ112012 fh oh 1 X092 Aquamark Opp f g slsf D w — F..,dan brought tack[. Atascadera Gl 000 work ng order by She RDA in order tin defer blight 6S G Frti 6atarrenf nFa 1!31.2012 esfimated thmu h1f31tt2 Alascadem 41 0.90 qpp 96 _c Develnpm.M Staff nla 9131/2012 Paul zehner &de Cou Lumber RDA 6zffiti abetern.nt praaram r,.sis AYasaotlero#1 0.00 Rpo GM1y of Atascadero Portia City em1bl.s h- spent nn Rademlopment - andE - d vel p t ni Pr W., !.tl 57 Lake Park Sawn & Frorttaga rtla 8t10J7P.10 113112012 9,"31'2012 to dfi9tue rt A.tascader. F1 990 P.00 68 Lak Park Sign 5 Frontege Eildr.f Desi n Grou 0- 9, -kon lata P k n and F - P.. est APas der. 8t O,qn 0 an Cu R:.da by ,nt Agency General Fund ni. 13(!2012 C ty of Atascadem 4iry sMaf` time far Lak P rk Sign 3 F Page- Prmj,�ct- ra- ct man. ement' cU n _ Various vandar Invoices f,.r Afascadam#1 0.00 O.ep - ts1 paymA at goodsfsery ca r,^:.a ✓e dp + nnv bi,` not)-d fil ft 113V12J , 70 39 201.&acxruad l- nta Si302012 C(y of Atasmatl.ro Adm - tr ti f h_ L w+P9.d t Income Hoaa= i. AR-dam#1 non nog L th9 ti Wee In Y Ma —� Jt Admmistratidn C sts R.d 1£3112012 Pm th h dr> I Ai - Urban Fu'. —Im Coniractfor sere cert I- pti Alasradaro #1 Snap neo .bpmo-rtH ting Acsistanae 0812rl10 72 Str to _ 1I39i2012. hau' Garf.mia —Co.--- Crew Remo. i f an -natio - .s'a'lon -n prepara0an fa^ OOp C kAtaaLaderm#i impravprtearts 9(4!2008 date of contract — mendreent mffi state &related support in ices-nstallatia f Cmek Tied'n —pli-11 w¢h State R- 73 _ W,cyfinding Pmyeet '131!2012 Parkwa . G tPmy_ Ate. -.dexo ki 4Pp Atascadero#1 0:an -- a -no u - v- - - - ----- T 06!28!11 --` Up.ncomplenon Signs of Success Contr ct tar design, andP-+rc5as. cf sromts 9n sand dost 74 W.',yfindin9 Pm 1 nla not yet awarded Install fi at Wayfinding sheet signs and kirks mduding PG & E d'rarges As yet -W contract- for the - ZS Dc=wnto^.m Pedes9rian Bddge 06!03/11 - leti,�n mf Wa find I -eq Lite 5(' F. F .trove Alaus. Atascad.r. #t a.9c 4 00 2727x2012 &Meade Contract far Envimnm tel valuation fo D mtawn 0.0 n9P 6ge rsSMdb Ahrts Arch tec1 d 'ng f D. -w- pd .noBrdga7& --' � Do Pede A' B'c9aa 09114Fi i 1P.-9!2072 . 5!<012.North Pro ct Coast En err Des. f D t vin F d. } B d i' jeci Atascadam#1 A90 tltesaadero k1 (.a6 top 78 DC town Ped—, Bndga n,a Cdv of A.tascaderooer Expendh es For Crty Kap Amo .or inspe,aan, 79 Downtown Stn ekrape ill Pm]act R3lR&19 anstrucaon masa er-lent and )inlet' d 'nisttati.n. Atasr�dero#i n0G npp a S0 ficmxa ar Stiaslswpa V2912012 12912012 G S-Cnnstruchan Contraot C9raagh City f pnrt ns of u d ray Stra®tate all! Pro'_cR tof ARRAcran4 Atasradem#1 0.4ro 59.16 - III PrafeC 12f301i0 Rick Engine.... Band F d.d (2005)-. C n tr t it rough C Par for peat ins - .. 61 _ Emplay.e S.rvk.es 1!132012 of ands Str etsca 111 Piet Al— -. #1 9 on (a Tfl 14`201 i _ Atasradem #i nap 0114 —"-' Part lime Empdovae Direct PDA nWlave K f P"JA tla gl 1f11t 1 82 Rjmylnsuran<;a costs L CJPIAtPilianf Insurance Lrabdh ms nr.everagei c.mp1--.11, bend Aiascadem#1 Ooo 83 Ad s4atien of Agonay Carfnmia Rodevelppment Adm i d.- f - f. ti k q t . Alasaader. #1 o_pa SA Slight R tluchan and Econormc Growth ^Ry of At--d-ra C.ntract wsth City for nnnzr gio,Bh p 7tsi i>uri^ n, 096 :oniract tng- d P. -h-; dt i -h—d mm a.rinkt a86 dE 1t 4A211 3 db ubfi d d tel. Ai-ndm?H pan 0.09 86 Da t wn I -and.,, pe Mainkenanca 1{3172012 -d .dors Suppe -for enh.-d ma t of S Y Gartkens _ Hartnell Landscape Contact AEascadOra F1 0In - — - Caniraat for-nu.n— o the RDA and Vied infrasinioiure anhanczrnenT-drnsand rudest -flan _ re51!2011 -nud lb - ah x(31[11 Atasuader.#1 PW 000 -'- 57 Sunken Gordan Hpga y E hancament Coax Nhal tes En - f S..nk. G d s IInW y Ltuhfin, fa 88 P.1bk t..W -7;;-f farmers nIa 1/3111012 m h i actnn ir. Dmur' »n Afasraiera St 0.0.0 P90 market Na 1/312012 "Y'Honeyhuts Partble1-&' saraicef f rs.market Atas,adaro #t '— -- " 3 p I., iCsc rnnferenca _ n[. 1!3'/2012 Had Impressions Mark hng maionafe to encau'-9a --nn"-ieve1-r—, affie RCA $9C 099 90 Atascad-#t _ oSiGI 900 Permf. Fns Wane. ProgramCh.y of Atarscrrd- AW—d and Y t d p g m for b f parmrtfe..a ar nex,b - casts ,rtea.nr,agn &'23x"2009 11311>012 12x2911 _ Atascar9ero el OCp Ocxxl - Attach—ot A Tatar F.ndinq Source ContracdAqreement ConamovAgreament Tcd.1 0- DuOutstanding ring lte.# Z ==L/Dbt0bWation Execution Dot. Termination Date P.=o Debt Fiscal Y... Bond R.— Ad-' Adn�, 91 F.�d. I.p.—nt, P.g— 2012-11 LIAlHF Proceeds Balance Bal.— Al—n- RPTTF Other Six -Month Total W30009 U3112012 92 T�-----p D —y'. Restaurant Sl 0 C—W —V, Appy .d "d markqtod p"gram R�roimb--,J of LT 91 nno Vsrta—ndl C.nfimncaB.,.au L13112012 . ,,- and Bureau on—nd markt-- .... _ 93 To—, Ma ..,d E-nt-, (cosi— Sean cac "24— 941p,-IE—m-dPI. ead,— —ma- I an of. 111112011 95 M.,n Sheet A.L1h, & A—t.. Savor the --.no-of (- t �o.00 9 1 Ono Program Atascadern Main Street C—kadtord—f—pro;n�� 96 Marketing teal aalnual papamnk T -Is to, D-- S-- Info- fl W.1 on —b Q. that pod.. business Pia oning, old —.9—t help renal Alo—d— Ad— on oqC C" oIAI—d— Can—I,,ntb Cay to tte L.kP. Sinn ..d 13112012 98 P.d, S.O. _d_ #1 an Ono — No 113112012 —...—d— Print g d ertiwng and 1--od L,k,, P.,k Sqn and F.r.bao, P.i-t _±t_ k—.d—fl -----99 Foo Wall ImwovemeM Prow i12f8I2009 100 Redevabpm=snt A-1 Go.—I Fond Voo.— —don, p.Y.H f� ... �d�� pn., ---2 -o' p. -W & —.a po,­9 at Moll 1, but not plid-111 FY 20112012 ju- _-n2011 W. W21MII k—deo, #1 clop pno — 101-----m ToMl-t oan, Cey �to,�!blch 2-1 —�ffo,dabk -h #1 102 Rod—lp—i An -I- U, Mod —d— In -i— fa, o,— pno— 8M,11 1, but �27d 000 H111.9 Food --ft ",,� & .,A p,id —1 ft, FY 201 V201 I.n. --l. I I — _ W2112011 103 Bl'ght X—d— .1 on -n Ehm--, Pmp� Co,g,,,d ",I City 4 A—d— C—bot � Cef,, 1. —.1 j"no, 2010 pr'ionM Flight -- —311'012 104 74✓�Iyf—� PIV��— Karp Land Suneeys Poads — CO.— design, AG—d— fl on o on .,d P-- of — ,qm and o ------------ Con 106 l3noat— prp,�� P,,— 0&�fi I F,st A—n-n TP1-104.. Purchase of 01,o, p dy f,,, Do lows pod,- ­ a gaqa�tc--,W P,,k P—d, At—d— #1 Don 0- L07 N -o.— Paries!, an Na I Arb,, T— W D.—t.— Padesjnan 21- t .8 D.—t.— P.d-to.o S.dg� G•8 ow. P—ft r-. & Ewtdc -End9o, PG&Eengin--, d—go for do.W-1 -,,- f- —C.,oy 1 Q9 —1— P� an la,� oa T_— Lues Ob�p� Fibng F -I In .-oJ .,ng,d,.d n.q.�- d-l—t— f,., — —Recorder Downio Ped--tdao Bridge, -t ---d- 41 eoG opo 110 D—.— P.de,nn.n bridge EDA Design Nf.—.K T.p.qmpNi, So— f" DI—I­ P,d—he'. Bddoe SffiI2011 d --q) Pl-p-.b.n ..d placement of Ma den Statue and o—dGn, g, no.,IIa.. Statuept _ W, W. E—f Dos n G.np 112 nnI T�.m Land S. costo ti contract Canto '.I Pl— ... tool I--- Aiadeno#1 non 10, 13 L.—.— S.—pe Ill Pm—t C3 Cl.slr,-.n Bond Funded (2005) E.pe odres fi,,..—ah C—Ry —fa, 121222011 f nod— s,e� tn 114 Dovmiown SCax6cape 111 Protect z — AnonP—n, B..d F.nd.d ('2005). Ep.n,�—, — IVM2011 ---------- --- tea22111p.pct a- WO I C', of Ado—don, B -d %nd.d t20051. Expenditures for ON staff j— b, --p-i.., -.1.octmn --g - — - t and of- V--. —.d.n, S—o Funded k20OS)' E ps dKuresthraugh Cd, t - portions of -d.—, hH Wo 117 mm ..,m --. . —'r .-s!Aa Afase-adeno #1 oaG app - n/. 1001 XG.— vendors for --d do, t. 6,Mfl 1. b,n n.p.id—hldn.,6nwjj I J 302011 — W. 11 2wto �C.Iy .M P. C. -.d and 1�112012 ii.4127111 U4 of Al. --d.,. T..d Fundal:Con..'. -P, o4 to —,t m. p., o, pop Opp 119 !1-"--.Cfty FLA E.,Unq..k. Maroon Env ronmental Canttact for demotion of penthouse sand r_.ated AWascadera Xl q.pp Opp 120 cit� H. T. N 07128111 07'; for .--I of k— ft—t —s f., Wr,, _ 121 E.M,-k. Mo— F-i—m.lmwa—,- �---nnd 0 on o. Attachment A Name of Successor Agency: City of Atascadero as Successo,Age ,c ,,o the Cor v unk`y Re levelapmertt Agency of A4ascadero County: an Luis Obispo RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (BOPS 111) — Notes (optional) go— AH-h...t A Name of Successor Agency City of Atascadero as Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascaderc County: San Luis Obispo RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (BOPS III) — Notes (Optional) Item #_ Notes/Comments Prior Period_1he Succ(!aa2LAgency has not closed 4s books nor completed its audit for the fiscal year 2011-2012. The amounts listed here ase the Successor Agenc a best estimate of final amounts aid for theperiod but may be sut ect to chap 2 based Schedule on any closing or audit adjustments. Period -2EI557pmaeryt tax administrative charges were originally reported an the RAPS for January 2012 -June 2012. The Successor Schedule uric $ understanding that this payment should not be reflected on the POPS as being o be distributed. This amount was subtracted by the Countv, when calcul tin the amount of Decernter 2011 increment to be returned. Aft-hmer,Y A Name of S—essor Agency: _Cay etAtaxaderro as successor Pgertcym1ha CorYrcnunM'Redevelopment ga.nsvof At d e - County S- WD Obispo - - P—niant to Health and Safety C I. section 34186 (a) PRIOR PERIOD ESTIMATED OBLIGATIONS vs. ACTUAL PAYMENTS RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (ROPS i) LMIHF Bond Proceeds Reserve Balance Adman Allowance RPTTF Cubc, Actual Pa./Form Line Fro ect blame I Debt Obligation payee Desert tion Pro' I:Sc4 e Proect Area Estimate Actual Grattti Tp.( - Esti—!e Estircate Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Ad -I Eslirraie Actual 5,013.55$ $ 1.307 307 b 2857715 $ .837,545 $ -.. AA4987 $ '- 1D4,167 $ 3ti3,§68 $ 368869 $ 6,594,310 $ 3.969-,04e 1tRPtTr 1) Retmbu msntl Bandh " g City of An ---,,— g rriih dy fAta—dero'tM INa fAg YP Ik g o H4- rtyH II Pr IaC tlh pl p i cim m Atascad.m#1 1!R{>vtF 23 R- h 1 B a finahc ng CkY fAta darn `.Aq ' i .3d 1 i IF f 44 Arascad.m#t -- -- _ g _ rtw twfthC fie d 3J 20a-0f2Pt15 R d Jopme [ B ds' 9a k i CJ ork Null- —d - - 1lRPTfF - Irpm P ts- tla P len area A—daro#1- 4) 200aC2C<15 RodeveloPrrxnt 6ands &ink of New York Mellon raestee a Ar osure cervi rte. a 1fRPi1'F 24o4f2CpS RQA ?arMsiOOM ro9nea—no Ataswdero#1 2J41her t RembursamenV 5ond an—, fay of Afascadero Cantraclfor Euntling for tronda--dtoun— agresmcrtvettiC&yofAfavwdeml the camr,lxtien a Ag yp Muncludiny AtascaderR#1 Ha{Rfic CAy ..It R." and <fher-D&A 8 d for Irfa of 382,2Y 35 3R. ?.SF?5 2t0lher 2 Re mkvm. U B d financing Cay of Afascadero rcre 1 9e CfvfAfalcadem 010 D 2010 €fonds bond re uramenl) tb.ndre q.iu nie Atascadera #1 210th., 3 C1, Luan #1 entered into in 1398 City of Ah—d... Contrzci far ban & interest for start up _� of at D40 —M AD—d— 91 214thar 9 City Loa a k2 entered intro in 2]01 City of Amscadaro Contract far revaluing ban &-ntorest fer _ 1fiZ,tZ9W 9a9 chR 0—ung E uses Atascadaro 2f0ther 5 City Loa #3 t d'nm' 2302 City of Arlcadero Confraeif p ,Roily purchase ban& L to st. I ft f5Y d n for cash flow Atavadero#1 741 214th., 6 Loan fie ar RDA LAnal b= Lowt d Haus ng Fund R payrtre t f Loan I— RDA I —M. _ 4.. 5 SPB M HausirMFund m RDA Ge rmt rand Fund for SERAF a rreeM Afa3cadero #1 2t41Mer 7 CJPIARatrospecriva Dep sit CJPM Redavalopment Agency share of nek Fool 0@4 — u- I—, #Trough June 30, 2011. (Due July A—dc c, #1 2/0ther & Property Tax Colkcifan County of SLD 1 21Y13 5 1-2012 annual coe,of callec2ian of p.40 n.[k1 rt' trevenues A:.avadem 91 210th.,9 F pl"e :services Part TimEmpbye. Qroct RDAptoyoe wsis tae RDA _ <444 4.[b $ 9rrau h 711111 Atascadaro#1 210th., 19 F naalt:d pe dent audas.*,Zes Ago L eY&u.,,h f --pendent finanwal audits d t LLP t`i 11 &11/12 Cosa At_ ra#1 210ther 11. Age cyI osts CJPIAlAlIt1111- L bldg I-- ca.rage to compl ince — —_— ri_e_g4 3.sa5 nn. - - _#b dooaena— Atascadom#1 2101her 12 Legal Services-AdmirisbatiS--anof Durk, Will—, S Contract far M_^galsarcices far 444 93 r� — Agency admin tRui- of the agency (estimate Atascadaro 91 2101;0' 13 Adrninis ti f Age , Charter Communications! Urau hdissoluflon)_ Admin Phnna & lul—t -pence eBaA'!e qsp Qn -' TW Telecom estimated throw h discal tion At—d— q1 2lCihar 14 Ad uumt wonof A., -y C,Iff uua Redev�lop— Ad; u,annualduesfar-nomlafian, -- — Assoc X15 tri nun etc- Atascadaro#1 2oiwl Computerandwebske cuppatfo, City of Ati—d— Ad— comPtvtar support crash lumugh _ 0. a - RDA d lufwn fin—dero #1 ' 2@the, 16 Ac4ni1is4 1v pport Taff for RDA Cty of Afascadom Ad--k—d k ffsuFparfcosls -- -^_ 18133 133 10 -- th h d 1 b Akascadera#f 3t h- 17 C rel n d rad . uapo t hr G #v of Alu..a ra Ad is etive ove—d casts through ___ —� 1;1.2 es 1.145.04 RDA Cie I brp, pa5"monks un-InAon I cn rrlb gena. Atesead@ra#1 rare C._1 3lQthar 18 COlany Sq. ra Gondkians, Cabny Square, LLC G ntiactfor raquced participation in 3,521.13 3,553 fi0 -- - CovenantsaMResUictions ainfenance of mmmana as for Cplony Square (estimated cost is hstad far 3 years, however required as lona as RDA A. --idem #1 3102her 19 Maintena— of Craekede&uAdrn 1 gin Various Vtndors (Lease 'is thelot` Lease. Proceeds-Conteack for costs to,aN 4n 4.:14 ccordar— nih Mai agraemmnt mmarlieM m C." of dated awtiv maintaining RDA owned weth Ci. Atascademl i,Jding in accaeefance mth I se At—dern.#1 'h ugh 5%3(N13 Mus[ m - fain through 2,n 7_ AttanhmentA IPI.Jeet LMIHF B -1P reds Reserve Balance Adinin Allowance RPTTF Other Estinete Actual Actual _ Pane,Farm line Name f Debt Obllgltion I'a ee Deser tiontPr4 ct Sca e Project Area 3tCihar 20 Leaee l'.d from City eff cav�n City of P.tascadera Gantractt Lease of tend far RDA owned Esh_fe Es"_te Actual Estineafe Actual Eshrate Actual Estirrtate Aduzl 07MIKP.' and maintenance of RDA buitding (estimated cost Ws d is for ane wn€,d Reim— - Main Street Buddng year) Atascadero #1 '..10th., 21 Main a e of buildne RDA. Iras»s Various 1s.ndors (Lease Contras.. for costs associated F.Mh — 1,OG000 1 U'N?.fti — Yo M... Sheet to me,n me,$Beet) main%a g PDA bnilding Le d . Main 22 BGgMRduadon and F_corwmic City of Ahscadera Sn—t( sti ted 5. Gsted is fur ane Cantmct mih Cott' fur economic. growth-- pmx�dero 91 _ - M 40 - 31Dtber Glneth<;onhact projacP,. tourism, ..&Ong and P,ofnotlan; d --t.— enhanced A£aT.rc.adara #1 aintenanca and b... -I ation; and 3t0thar 23 Monthly Elxtdctky PG&E adennist h.n Ekc6wity far RDA installed downte— a00 0.00 infrasGun , enhancame.nis {medians, ;raiks and ped Gunnel) t .bgh lama 30 2012 Al.—d— #f 9 310ther 24 Srcaka Garden Erna ft5aintenance va Haus uaad0ls MLI, Supplies for enhanced maintenance of __ 294..] z ,OCA S Iiex Sunken Gardens Atascadara #i 3tOlhar 25 Trash pickup -,is. NCI Trash bins nese placed downtavm to keep. _ --'— (!_40. 9F - the arealitterfree. This is the. wntrac¢ be a third party vo.ndar to -Pty ihnse Atascadera bl A(Ofher 26 Doxmmrm Landsrapa Main4s�nanca hla,tinalli Landscape trash cans. Contract far maintenance of the RDA s2.se 3a3. qn - --- Contrad installed infrastmetu,o enhancement; rnede....d Pedestrian Tunnel through Ataxadern #1 910th., 27 D.—I.,AT Landscape Mairvtenanca Gilbert's Landscape 7131.11 Contmdfar maintenance of RDA installed -- a.P4 40 -- Contract. dawn. con in£raslnctureenhancements (medians, --ft ndped tunnel} gtaxadara #1 4101her 28 Clean up and maintenance al the GRy of Ataxadern Lhmu headiest tanninaGon 1FVeaidy inspactiaMilter pickap aced— 2.,X10..9 2 L(Il C.0 dawnYavm area 'Ening of dnswr.um Mnemes. aroa Atn—blP,. #1 410ther 23 FnunWirl hiaintenahce Aquamartc [lemuh darva 2012 OP -m 9 casts for Downtown Fountain ___ '— i nh ) p55 e4 brought back M working order by the RDA n order to deter blight (asGmeted through Akasc..idem let ..31112 4lOther 30 Gmh`ti sbateniant Paul Zahnor&da Gou RDA Geaffifi abatementpmgram costs '- ee.TF B6F. C4 umber Atasrad.ro B1 4t6ihar 3i SunM;an Garden Holiday Coast Mimlltas Enhancement of Sunken Gardens Holiday 40.00 44 0 Enhana.ment Ligbtirrg m pramrzte pnsitiva activities in Ata... b, #1 410th., 32. Pottpblb..W service for f..;; maM Harvey's+taneyhuts Gha D.—I.fi Portnble.ii k_, _ fo, baro..,, market Atascadero#1 a(ro non 410th., 33 Calnr co f ICSC .(,.,encu Hartlmpresswns Marketing mamdals m anmurage. --` _ _ O n 4 sic develo meet m Ehe RQA AWxadera #t 410tle 34 Permt Fee We,,., Program C I, of Atascadero Amp red and marketed program far— __ no0 4 oP bnleseman4ofpe.nstk_f`_ A.—dam#1 .12/21191 s ti b s ens_ inwrred thraunh 4101her 35 far�ada'. p nt �^-mgrarn Danny, Restaurant Apxad and marketed engram £ar er __ _ 0P0 oD0 bwrsamennl afta da im rav ,stents gtas hero#9 41Ghar 36 T.­Pmmctron-SLQ Coin. SLO Ccun2 Vesrtoes and Toueism and ,king cooperatne Visitor and Con£ e,e Bureau Con£arencv_ Bureau At.—d— #1 4lGthar 37 T sm hlark.Gna and Events .SWM rG. & Assn . C ha k f Y nd leg nP0 4: 0 410thar3& S l-vanis - st th h rT a[te G d t AYascaden #1 __ I 55.At&GS 5.`.,u1 r.J0 4/Other 35 oat and PromnGons Main Street Program SWM rti &Assn t A.—dero Mam Street S orm C imlC s1 Germed tar downtovm pramonons and Atascar9em#t TL_ Hao non — ants (through earliest passible Alaxadanz 6`A SfOther 40 hladxegn g mcI annual uayment Tools for Business lem�inaiion date — ,motional tool an xrep site that. p•ovides -- — - n.04 n40 Success Cvtiness b.ft.q, planning, and nagament mots. helplaael Afa-xadaro#1 510,j7-- 41 Economic Davempmfnt Staff City of Atascadero businesses sumeed Pamana£Cityempbyoesiimespenton -- - Han PPO P.adevelop—nt nd Ec mic dev.lapment in the Project arae, boit5 Aaxadem #t SfOlha1: 42 — Laka Pa'k 5gn.5 Frontage Gty of Atascadam onrzenE and future ra cts Gonfoact mth Gly to <z%nsfiuci the Laka �- —�-- 140242, 14.ollM _ Park S -nand Fronto e Pre ecY Atascadera el AftachmentA Pa olForm Lina Pro d Name 1 Debt Oblipetion Pa ee Desert ti- Pro cf Sco e Pro pct Area LMIHF Band Proceeds— Reeo—Balance Admtn Alleve RPT -IF Other Eslfmate Actual Esiirrmte Ac[ual Esntrote Actual $FOther 43 L— Park Sig, & Fm.mage Eikh D. 'gn Group Design wok L ke Park Sign and Estinafe Auqual Estimate Actual E 1 afe Actual Frantd P ct Atas-adero #i 5/0-1 A4 Lake Pa k Sign & Frontage rs va�ndarz Pcinbng, dverpz ng and geetarhn cat __ -- 9,8._ 4P 927'.n0 rosts on take Pak Sign and Frontage Atascadem 91 StGther aS _ Lake Park Sinn &FrontageGty of Atascadom Prarec{ Clty staff time for Lake. Park Sign Frontage Peoieet-project managemon( Atascadorr.#1 SlGMer 46 Zoo Wall lrnPravenwni, ProlectS Cityo£Atascadem --a etc. Contractx City to canslruct the Zoo __ __ _ iG•_33 �9'2Go Vt"aIIPs cf Atascaclare#1 Slorher a7 Redeveb�pmenY Agency Geneal \Jarious venrMrs Invaioo &Pores far-oodslzarvir- �� 400 Fund --rno payable&.—d ived prior to 6130111, but not paid unbl Akiecadem#1 rop at Juno 30 201,FY 201112012 5(E?dter 4d RedsveFtpmant Agency Gen,,.l Various vendors In•,ro xsfor goadsise rod prior tc �- 044 261 rp FurMaa;oun-payable&.co-ed rop at Jan i— 31 2012 WIM 2. but not paid unhlafter 1!31112 Ahascadam#i SJORaer Q4 Producfr'in at Affordable Homing Crty of AWscadero C—tiect nth Cpy to establish 2- _ _ —_ T,600,00 aff.1dnbl he..,. unite Atascod-41 44J oat SfOthar 54 LowIM11arat Income Housing City of At—dero Adnvnist fo of the L—a&,dernte .. T __ - -- Adminislratren Casks J_c liousir q Program (through Afascadem #1 t ESaSi 1 m era 5lQmer 5 RbpmnHzng Assanc Connedfnar sarm-xs to ar>alyze optrons tar str.e affordable housn Atascadero #1 ! t3 g56 sa tsri(q SJOi£rer S2 R deve6 p tAg y Low Mad H =trig F d payable & Va - odors Invoice f g d eennoe received p-rb 6Mll1 but nt P d -nip after Ft' Ata.s der. 91 _ rued ea II tJ 30 2011 201112012 4.40 G_49 6f Other BfOrner 5_ 54 a Bfght El - tion Propacts Contract Creeklmprovements Ci[y ofAh—dero Calafomia Consercation Cantron rnth City W construet June 2010 ' BN ht EFmnaWn Pro cis Re rearal of non-native vogetafian'n Atascadem #9 _ a4g £�1 __ e 4ao nrrti — - Crew & related support prepra 'nv oKes ampbce »nth State River Parkways Aa"da #1 6lOfher 55 Wave mf. ng Project $igns of Success Gant Ping... Canbed for desigry and purchase of street 4.411 0m n and k%skc Atas�dero#1 610iner 66 Waptmd. rig Project (tarp I and Surveys Contract for design and R —h— of street and AWsadero 11 _ 23.s1@,r. 1 f In 6tOther 57 Wavfind reg Prnjec{ nok pet axrarded cd In Band Funded: Installation of Wayfinding street signs and kiosks, including PG & E charges_Asyet-nletconfrarzsforttre A'—,tem#1 ccmpiefion of YJayfinding Project (pares 56 6,Olher 59 GowntovmProparM Paarchase Hamner&Jevrell & SZ above) Contract for am a ne h h ices Ahascade.ra#7 -�� 52, 0 71 040 520) _ 6JGther 53 r—tovm Propery Purchase Fant American TNefOken Puechase of Olsen omparty •or D—town _ oiy — PfoParty Pedesidan BnOgefCentenrval Park Atascadera #1 6J0£har BQ Oovmto P dix H n Bridge Alfhouse & Moade era cfs Ganfractf E tel eraluatron far R44 QAtt Dcvmto P.da bi Bn ePro ct Atascadem 91 61GIher 61Dawnfavm P dosbian Bridge ArtisStudia Arcli tests Archdectvral renderings for Dovmkown 3$53.25 1;5IR94 Padestnan Bntl ePro at AT scadam 91 610ihe-r 62 Fiowntavm Petlesinan Bndgaq&T Artwrisis res plan fo- Downiomn Pedestrian Badge _—--- --- 235 2$9.09 6101her 63 DOWSIW4RI Pedestrian Bridge Pacific Gas & Electdc P. I PG&E eng nearing desalt t lectdcal Massada,. #1 _ 4nn _ for Dawntcwn P d fr an Bridge Ar—dem #1 PrMce et 4.44 6fOlher 64 Downtavra pedostnan Bndgo San Luis Cbispa C my Filing Fee to record mdgetod nogative _ _ - 9 Q0 P,eocrder declaration for Downtovm Padesbian Afar &. #i —rth Bridge 6t(lher 65 Downfivm Padesman Bridge NoCoasf Eng—O., n r 1n .G Basgn f D Pedes6ian eddge ctf Atascadsra #1 6tGlher 66 D.—n, Pedaskian Bridge EDA Dasgn Plfllll,,W Topographic S for Dowrfo P d she Bred P - et Aia—dere #1 79,70AS aJ 2,R2.no rtOdur 67 D n— Pedestrian Bridge. CRy of Ah—cion, Ep—,brm, for Cfy 4affh for a4,eiP4o sp sir- tip 9 Land Atascadera 91 J,rOt;T f'fOther 6S 69 _project, Maiden:st w Plac w FAaidon;[abea Plac--- Eakhof Design Goup various venders d (roti n. Proparahon andplacement of Maiden Statue under restarafian conirer[ Band Fulided 12035) Ancliary costs. to Aia�cadera #1 � 2,5fo ria - 4_ d ontractwithEthos-transportation and Massada,. #1 7F01her 7Q Gente_ial Flaza Ka Land S-rve s insWlafion of Maiden Stahees Centennial Plaza w.nce foal a Atascadeeo #1 _ 7,-40 iPa.Oa 440 P no Afla hment A Lo LkA IHF__^_ Bond Pracei:ds Reserve Balance Admin All0. F Esiircate Azuai Est—n, Actual _RP7I T P,,IF nn L e -t Name i DeM2� tg.ti Pa •ee D-11 tion/Pro of Sca e Proeek Area ilQdaer 71 D—tarm Streefs,ape ill Prnjeot G Sass Consbuctian Camrad through City fqr poroons of Estitnal9 Acfual Estirrafe Actual Estimate Actual undenuay Streetscape III ProjeM in excess Atescadena #i 710.x, 72 Coa,nmwn Siteetscepa ill Project C3 Canstructlan of ARRA rant Band Funded (2005')' Expenditures - n. - _ 3p2490 . 3524 pp 0.Cp mm�,gl, city for portions of under.: -ay A;a�aaero xa 'o h;, 74 Dawntusm Ste�,—,a. Ill Pn.ject Apodaca Patarag Sbxetsca e 111 Pm' ct Bond Funded (2005): E" --a-- _ p 6a a 6tt 9 pp - p. pa tltmugh City Far portions of undercrsy Atascadero 91 710th,, 7q -150-1- rm Streat5cape !11 Propel R . k Ergia'aeenna Sbeeisca elll Pra c@ Bond Funded (2005): Contrast through _ _ nCtp Opp "— non CHy for portions of grMerway Staetscape Atascadero #1 714th,, 75 — Quwvr(o*m Straefsca III Project Ci pe ty of A,tascadem III Pro ect. Bond Funded (20051: ExPandmpres far Ciry -- - n a it000 �— '.1©Da (a Ge staff Rme for inspe flan, constmctian Atascadaro #1 ?lQkher 76 D—t— Straetscape ill ject Venous vend— went anus roe. f d inistat»n. Bantl urMed (2405). Fxpe drtums - t,rough City far portionsrifund—y Steet=.capo 111 Prajeai-indoles iesRng, Atascadero#i ?(Qihar 77 Blight Efimkaalmn Praprts-Fiscal Various vendors makedals & minor aea; n than es Invaicas far goadstsenraae rerxivad pnarta n oa In - Year 1011 t Ezpens¢s (acoomrts a bla June 34. 2Q 7'1' 6134tH, but not paid untd after 6130111 AMscadem #1 ?fQiher 78 Maiden Stafue Reatoratian Etaws Band Funded{2005}-Cont@ck for '--- - a� Optl pnn ample5an of resWahan aF hfstona merbEe Atascadaro #t BtGlhar 79 Historic Ciry HaA Project Contract and City of Atascadem staEue Bond Funded. Contacts. Crty to assist _ __ t9ZIIra. rip �o_a2 Loan Agreement "ft repair afeerthquake damage from Atasrddem Al 8/41lter 2:0 $ ti sxanc •,:qty HaW Earthq lake EafN Systems Paas S nSim Band/G iF ndad: Contract for deputy _ -- 4:Io F�.CKI Opp 0p4 81 Re airtftehab P,o'ect-ns etrn serviras Alascad—I 8lOther 82 Hasronr, CRy HaN Earthquake Martyr -� O RepaidRehab Pmj,,t demoNe f Pe th e areas and related AW—m #i 8%Cfher 83 Historic C ty HaN Earfhqulke Rossi &Carr hezarda t I .maval BandlG—t Funded; Contract far pan Rep -/Rehab P.je t Basement E1ach7cal and Temporary Pave, Atascad—xi TIM;' 8 B& H t nc �Ty HaA Eadhqrake Wy p C si:uction Band/G t F—d: G.—a. plc k - —OQa R p iriRehab Pmlect rid okh ba f stntctu i k Atascadara #i 8l4ther 89 H t as i it H.1 Earthquake Swvell —T—Surgery nsinacti h cto Band F d d: C tract for removal a t4vw _____ - t,CCO!dp 41_4%, R 'r(R.h bPra aef front t._ s f -C Atascaek:_ &!Other 40 H.— 5. -TdH.9 Earthquake 69araar Environmental BandfGmnt Funded: Contract far mmaval 3.. 0. Repair/Rehab Project of underground storage tank and Atascadem #1 $!Other $ 91- Wstodc Crty HHAEarthquake ow—BuiFding Care apimina rzmoval of tantamina[ed soil BatMfGanf funded: Contract gar repair of��— a -o 0 —� 910ther t00 Rep-Mahab Project hmtaaeal fable f stuMum eonshnc n A4ascadam91 — 91Otlre, 101-t- Historic City Hal Eardaquake Golden Stall Steel Contract BnndlGana Funded Corrtrav: for _ 1,J.gP,IX'kl.oG q2i ---295 103 RepaidRehab Project Strrichaal Steel and Mise. Metals Atascadern #1 39fOtite, 0H hkn Cns h F C tl baO .'an-: tContact `nr Rough _____ _ Ooppcsrz+.onQn -- 906 R tR mnC c An,—dm ki t07Hs not led BendG t F d dRequired landscapi 9 _),6"p3:rpV _ R 'rtFt h ct raskaah Pav:adeso #t 9t0)tlter 9t(RPeer 108 t 49 li sf r. City Hal q E dhquake Republ E1e toy -1-- 0 1Y H A E rmquake Popp F Sp nkpar C—h t F d d Co tr i f EI t r Constnich Bend/G i F tl d: Ca fr i t F Austad,, #t p,-an"n is s47.OG P:IH1 ACra t9/CKher t 70 713 R '!R h b P ci H W c { Ry HA E ahquake Smtt hdunap Plumti q Re S tinkle C huction BondlG t Funded. CaratracY tar aWumd ng ATascadare 91 Atascadem #1 T- -- Dd_3pp.Gkt -- 3 ShY 9p 10tCM1iter 714 air(R. h b P cF H stanc Cty H II E rthquake Santa Margedta onstru tion e W t F ded; Contract far HVAC -- R a1RUh bP ck Ca k—.n Cans4u ti Athero #i _ 15- I<0Re t.t I 0fMer tOtGNef _ H one itY Haq Earthquake Taft: El ctrical vfR tab Protect Hrstadc C:h Ha&Earthquake rantyet a;;—d B..WC, nt Funded: i, .nliad far Eleafical C¢nsfruct'ron Baadfurant Funded:Required Smoke Atascadem#1 �—`- A]A 32:1.!# t334aJ s2 _ 3t5,6Fz,M � - - Re arRt tab Protect wttain a stop tr A`a¢cadeio #t "'- 1+ifCtlter 122 Historic C,q, HA Earthquake Harvey's Honey Huts BandtGran4 Funded-: uantracY fcx Rental o -f _ - 5 puea0 —' - Repan'fP.„haE Frojeet I Pat-talaEe toilets For cansfi.�ctian workors Atascadara �i Afla hment A Aftch.elr' A J01,11FBond Proceeds Reserve Bata- Ad- Alf -c. RPTTF Olhi,, Esinnal, Actual Pa elFotm I -m- Pro got Nam I Debt Ohl.ganol-i P.Y.. Pro IG/Otha, M Histon, City Hal Earthquake -vabousconbaGom Bond!Gaint Funded: Cubic jeciArea Estippte Actual Estimate Actual Lt­ja ,tual Actual Estm�ine Actual Esilmafz Actual RePai;/Rehab Project Its f., attar generalcorNitian such as trarricades, stuping, onsite traffic "n""' SWRIP measures, -.sdi trailer At -d... #1 s, temporary utiha­ -107� Eel 124 Hiat... Cify Hal -E.Mq,,.ke t yet -dial Ml nInt �Fnd,d R�,,-adlld-i�k 23,535 3 6_35 --126 Histont CZ�H.fl Ea��Kq-.aka pbn' net yat .-Mad and k1ti inert B -d F.M.0 R.pla-mam fi,hu., Aia-:�n, #1 Abi-gde,. #i -------- H.ahm, City Hal Renal, & Pfadfa, P -M B..dfG.nt F..ded. Contract Is, no R.t.bibum.. P'.'.. Ambitacine, and Engi ... ring Serm- -,F At-d- 127- Histonc C. -,y Hal Rpai, & P. -s' Ph,ae 1 & 2) Proc4n3th., Bo.dtGr,,t Funded Contract f., sao w 343,863 134 R.h.afiiaisa, Projectpfinffa' Arohite.ature and Engeraannq Services fay At -&-fl 11 t+siker 135 H+stcri. City Hal -R.Pai, a. C. Phase3 R"dfGa-Funded: �-n.- � 23 a.42 n0 I'- be Rah-bit -tali 1C`mah �.. Man. e-nt S Abi-sidam #1 11!Olhar 1..6 Ha-- HIM E�mhgii.k. City .-I Al-nb Bond F..&d P,.p. staff I— ------ 34a Q2a a. 2A2 8na pp 522 486 054 Re nt'�ny sa 'Zin P,.,.. --'d"- ""' C`y practice'f ,040 _ pug.cts f., doeed -afI fie, p'.'.' 111offi., -737-Hst doKk HIM -Esftq-�, - G.likins. C.ds Cha.k nen B.nd F.ud.d Cma� plan b ­king -a- 10.600 R.P.i,/Flh.b P'."'. -Fro W Hi -n. C. H.9 E.niqn.ke At. -d- #1 MOM., 138 51-11 FIfy HIR -EMqi,,ke -ua!xi C,hr f A.-.. B-dl`..�d pp erg p9 14,308 Call Cade Checd -Ma f�, pnig­t Ata-d6n. #1 11 T(7ih., 13� 11-n. ain, Hal R,- & Milan- C. -M.9 11cmd'ag -I --1 fa - 3- Funded hIzId.0 -- -L4-1 -142 materials.. .g . rno it cin - A -ads, .1 -OW 1284 12M5ih-.1 Hat nc GiPy Hal EaOhq.,k, mliad- 3.ud Fnndad. C -ft f., -natm.- 66492 --Sb 143 - 144 R.p,,,IP,h.b Pmpa H,stouc City Hal Eagt,�.,ke R.P."I fhab ProcL-- WW� S. hd VV.,i. (d ..... t ind,its and atoin ab- B..d Funded' 'a .&� In, Rimt4 uf -.,..h .1lff" Pv-d- #1 At.-da.fl a- -65� 12/0U,a, Hebs-C,ty Hal E.,lh,l Bond Fun&d --L 12JOntiar _ 14, R.e.� H.et.- 1,N Halt E.ithq ask. ARmab-a indra Cnlaq- Bad Funded Oth-1 ---t.�Wn -.N As -d- #1 - 550 R.PiadRah.b pbq.G such as pit-ifing, site security, d. -,t 272 - PAW.a. .-d! keeping, p -t -mant, 'n, Ata -clam #1 12tOMar 146 HIOI- C,ty H.9 E,Mq.,k, R.e.ill Iith.b P h- 'ad -a -#adsi-a Bund F -dad Otn- -all ­­­ -- - Al.d- #1 --. ---- 1--Ol I -------- 1669 �781' 147 Hleam, Guy HIM E.rthq,as. - --na -nat-u- 13..Fnndsa�C-lm�t..- -Y 1210.s, -- 148 Rem�- Eaton, City Hall E,Mqmk, can....- Van- -'-d... far 9..d�sar,i- .-i-d P" Afascndam #i --a- 2L R.,ba. SALPMEat- - 11' 1210ft., 949 HIg.- Clh{ H.0 E.., -k, C-finsid to Stab, of OCHE q.m ..Eh - BSEAWRaMLLLDJ� C.Iffneig Ata -ds. 91 12lCtther 150 Historic C.N Hal E.ntiquaka R.p.OR.h.b Pijat CMEW H..11.6c City Hall P.1-tm order I. rets,. 9nant frmd. In, C4 Halt Project and AtI-dau, #1 51 _Rek Bontl Aa t 4 f B.n.T- C.finentto bend ora rsaton con ora Pn,sa- {Cfty Hall and Id-fiIa H.Id- ..-ked f., City Hall I'mi-I & 2010 Bfi,W Eli -' E fd-fad Blight Elinaimian, P,- A.-.&,. #1 -7- 12 C�- anmIt�l In dend Bled Pr ds (City HIM and 2010 H.Idin, prax.d--kul far City Mail Pi,,I,�t & Idaunfied SEght Elimmadi- P,sys,$) 20101d -fled blight Ehmi-- ProtectsAla-d- #1 III 13-ic Zh.,- 75-3 ii.-nd Use of B.nF--Commitmentto Bond R.imn..Ial 2.1 bond Proceed , I., -biplefi.n at 100' Hollers Far Maden Statue Pnjej, Abna-d- #1 III and VVI unpin13*tha, i'd -t.n =Commitment to Smid Future intelast -mod on nemaimmg 2005 B'nd Proceeds f-M*.hnb of H.1d.le band pm-da-miarked for Maiden 2005 Bond pnacde S... pnnjaci, Streefaca e III and Ata -d- At 131C`Mer 155 2Dp4f20."5 Redevelopment2 Hank of New York Mellon wa Indio 20040005 ta-d nlabl: .,-nt. Paid from Decembar2pt i tax in-ua-t Fund Ala -dem 91 t 4!Atlmm _7 S,iO3 <<;3 *+}} t Agmansstr Mnc,f Agencv cn of Atascadero Adm+nvshafiva expense for successor tI-ada'. #1 ID"167 104,167 At' achmmt A