HomeMy WebLinkAboutRDA Minutes 121410Elm Tuesday, December 14, 2040, 6:00 P.M. Uity Hall Council Chamr- .. i e6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, California 11 I I F I I! E III I I I F III I I !I I III III I IT �11 Present: Board Members B&raud, O'Malley, Fonzi, and Vice Chairperson Clay Executive Director TTade McrUnney, Assistant Executive Director itarf Present: Jim Lewis, Police Chief Jim Mulhall, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, and City Attorney Brian Pierik. MOTION: By Board Member Fonzi and seconded by Board Member O'Malley to approve the agenda. M^fi^n n-aaaarl A-1) hif r^11 -r -all unCa III „TWIIM W, Page I of 4 The following citizens spoke during Community Forum: Vern Haynes, and John Sidders. 1. Community Redevelopment Agency Special Meeting Draft Action Minutes — October 26, 2010 Board Secretary Recommenit Board approve Community Redevelopment Agency Special Meeting Draft Action Minutes of October 26, 2010. [Board Secretary] 2. Communit ol2ment Ac I chedule y Redevel jency of Ataseadero 2011 Fiscal Impact: 1"one. Recommendation: Agency Board approve Community Redevelopmerrt #. meeting schedule for 2011. [Executive Director] MOTION: By Board Member Fonzi and seconded by Board Member B6raud to approve the Consent Calendar. Moticr. passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. Y B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. 1. Revisions to Restaurant Stimulus Program — Loan Assistance • Fiscal Impact: Up to $1 million of budgeted Redevelopment Agency funds could be pledged. • Recommendations: Agency Board: 1 Approve the components of, and criteria for, the Restaurant Loan Assistance Program, and; 2. Approve as to form the Loan Assistance Agreement between the AtascVii" ro Redevelopment Agency and participating banks, and; 3. Approve as to form the Reimbursement and Indemnification Agreement between the Atascadero Redevelopment Agency and participants of the Restaurant Loan Assistance Program, and; It. horize he Executive Director to execute -�W,11 (:1Y1t;tV111t=11Lc, VVILI , no r"Nutl I I Ll I L_ U LIV L-11 I L L single agreement to exceed $500,000, and; 5, Appropriate $1,000,000 frorn Redevelopment Agency funds to fund it guarantees for inlis program, I(_1j2WNWf qMTIYE&21�111 Page 2 of 4 Elm Assistant Executive Director Jim Lewis gave the staff report and answered questions from the Board. The following citizens spoke on this item: John Sidders, Jack Doris, Glen Covert, Steve Martin, Joe Heaslet, John Joshan, Len Colamarino, and Natalie Doris. MOT101111: By Council Member B6raud to approve staff's recommendation; there was no second. M*TION: By Board Member O'Malley and seconded by Board Member Fonzi to: 1. Approve the components of, and criteria for, the Restaurant Loan Assistance Program, expanding the Program to the entire #_ #, Area, and; 2. Approve as to form the Loan Assistance Agreement between the Atascadero Redevelopment Agency and participating banks, and; 3. Approve as to form the Reimbursement and Indemnification Agreement between the Atascadero Redevelopment Agency and participants of the Restaurant Loan Assistance Program, and; 4. Authorize the Executive Director to execute such agreements with no single agreement to exceed $500,000, and; 5Appropriate $1,000,000 from Redevelopment Agency funds to fund loan guarantees for this program. Motion passed 4:0 by a roll -call vote. 2. Fiscal Year 2009-2010 Audit • Fiscal Impact: None. • Recommendations: Agency Board review and accept the financial audit for the period ended June 30, 2010. [Executive Director] Board Treasurer Rachelle Rickard gave the staff report and answered questions from tWe CoLTicil. 11X^11I M BC) - -1 seconded by 'oar' Member MW 1 Ivill: y Board I"Wernber FonzI anu U U W ID U IV[ W 136raud to review and accept the financial audit for the period ended J u ne 30, 2010. Motion passed 4:0 by a roii-caii vote. IT Page 3 of 4 Marcia McII Tarrson, C.Q.C. City Cierk 11 Board Secretary WY Page 4 of 4