HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 022412Approved March 13, 2012 Strong Council, Strong Staff, Strong it Atascadero it Council Strategic Planning 2012 Friday, February 24, 2012 at 9.00 a.m. City Hall — Council Chambers 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero MINUTES Friday 9:00 a.m. Li Call the meeting to order and Welcome — Mayor Mayor Kelley called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. and welcomed everyone to this Special Session of the City Council to conduct Strategic Planning. Minutes - City Council Strategic Planning Workshop February 24, 2012 Page 1 of 8 Approves! March 13, 2012 Present: Council Members Clay, Fonzi, Sturtevant, Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley and Mayor Kelley Absent: Gone Others Present: City Clerk / Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Russ Thompson, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Police Chief Jerel Haley, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, City Attorney Brian Pierik, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Cava. PUBLIC COMMENT —Sue Warren Purpose of the Workshop ® Review and prioritize financial condition, programs and projects ® Review priorities for 2011-13 Continue to build trust and improve working relationships Review specific Council policies Have Fun! City Manager Wade McKinney explained about the process for this meeting, and that to allow more time for the discussion of the issues facing the City, we were going to forego the Exercise. � Exercise "Win All You Cary°B This exercise was withdrawn from the agenda. Minutes - City Council Strategic Planning workshop February 24, 2012 Page 2 of 8 Approved March 13, 2012 Getting Started Mr. McKinney reviewed the ground rules for this Workshop: Be open, share, and listen. ® Risk new ideas, Problem solving v. blame fixing ® Share responsibility for results Be positive — humor ® Have fun The City Council worked through an exercise where they discussed Building Trust and Respect between Council Members and between Council Members and Staff. The Council identified the following actions which build or take away from Trust, Respect and Teamwork. What develops Trust? Between City Council Members: ® Trying to understand ® Camaraderie ® Socializing ® Compromising ® Forget/forgive/move on What takes away from Trust? Between City Council Members: ® Lack of communication (Brown Act) Bickering/being "small" Rumors Personal agendas ® Jealousy Minutes - City Council Strategic Planning workshop February 24, 2012 Page 3 of 8 Between City Council Members and Staff: ® Don't blindside ® Work through City Manager Openness/honest Clear expectations No micro -managing "wearing same uniforms" ® Being positive in public g Follow-through ® Constant communication Predictability ® Trust others to do the right thing Between City Council Members and Staff: ® Not following chain of command ® Hallway huddles Inconsistent messages ® Lack of information ® Need context for questions ® Let us see you coming What develops Respect? Between City Council Members: Shared goals ® Everyone working together Clear expectations Equality ® Admiration Doing what they say ® Active listening Walk the talk What detracts from Respect? Between City Council Members: ® Big egos ® Doing something different than what they say Personal agendas Dishonesty What develops Teamwork? Between City Council Members: ® Common goals Pulling in the same direction ® CM treating Council Members equally ® Trust Respect ® Working through issues Appreciate differences & skills Optimism Minutes - City Council Strategic Planning Workshop February 24, 2012 Page 4 of 8 Approved March 13, 2012 Between City Council Members and Staff- * Clear questions Understanding needs Share credit Trust Council's priorities ® Work through cm ® No blindsiding Get questions early Between City Council Members and Staff: ® Arrogance Suspicion ® Being dismissive ® Lack of feedback Not listening to all sides False perceptions Between City Council Members and Staff: ® Common goals ® Clear expectations Support Vearn work #1 ® Recognize skills ® Confidence in others ® Delegate Best team ever — character, trust, care ® More updates on committees — distribute notes. What takes away from Teamwork? Between City Council Members: • One person cowboys • Controversy • Non-acceptance of decisions • Poor communication • Losing sight of goals The City Council reviewed their 2011-2013 goals and briefly discussed the City's successes on working towards those goals: • Grow the City's Economy and Pursue Economic Development • Enhance Public Safety • Stabilize the City's Finances ❑ Strategic Discussion The City Council reviewed the General Fund financial condition and underlying assumptions. The Council determined that a targeted promotion effort would lead to more revenue and agreed to increase the revenue projections by $44,000 (equal to 1 % of TOT) to be used for promotions. The Council provided the following comments as a definition for promotions: ❑ Promoting City of Atascadero ❑ Advertising ❑ Promote Atascadero lifestyle a Promote events ❑ Target business events ❑ Have mini -conventions ❑ Identify and expand venues ❑ Expand & package events for multiple days/nights & activities ❑ Promote Atascadero as HUB ❑ Develop business events ❑ Share information o Invest in portable resources ❑ Make use of/hold events in Stadium Park ❑ Identify & promote venue options/create event -venue spreadsheet/handout ❑ Utilize Channel 20 ❑ Branding ❑ Work with schools on sporting events/competitions ❑ Softball/basketball tourneys ❑ Develop mobile apps Minutes - City Council Strategic Planning Workshop February 24, 2012 Page 5 of 8 Approved March 13, 2012 u Develop promotional materials u Promote interconnection between business types u Encourage area -wide value nights u Encourage the Daffodil Program The City Council next reviewed the existing Redevelopment Projects, prioritized them to be initiated as the City's budget will allow: 1. Downtown Parking 2. Downtown Pedestrian Bridge (bridge only) 3. City Nall Parking Lot 4. Sunken Gardens Electrical Upgrade 5, Wayfinding 6. Archway Sign/Banner u Public Comment — Karyn Sturtevant Mayor Kelley adjourned the meeting for lunch at 12:00 p.m. Mayor Kelley resumed the meeting at 12:30 p.m. Council Issues Eagle Ranch c Not happy with progress There was Council consensus that if the County is not interested in working with the City, we are in no rush to approve. ani o Stay ahead of the curve — Be proactive • Asset Acquisition o Investigating ® Centennial Vision o Community Event ® City finances o Keep public informed with news articles from the City Manager ® County Environmental Directives o Find the loopholes o Work towards local control ® Development projects o Already discussed Minutes - City Council Strategic Planning Workshop February 24, 2012 Wage 6 of 8 Approved March 13, 2012 * Economy o Already discussed ® Elimination of RDA o Already discussed * f=ourth of July Event o No support for Council sanction ® Gangs o Will discuss at City/School Committee meeting ® Local Control, (countywide agencies, Property Tax) o Philosophical position ® Parking o OED will review options and return to Council * Plastic Bags — advisory ballot o No support * Public Safety o Already discussed ® Remote Caller Bingo o Process application ® Road Improvements — 1/2 cent sales tax? o Maybe in 2014 ® Tourism • Let's call this Promotion and Marketing • Top priority * Zoo funding o Re -direct the Zoo Society to focus on donations o Council supports the Zoo _j Public Comment— Al Fonzi There was Council consensus to direct staff to prepare a thank you letter to the Vetter Estate for their Zoo donation. There was Council consensus to make it the Mayor's prerogative to decide how Public Comment will be handled. � Review Council Norms The Council reviewed their Norms and made a few updates. They included language to get better reporting on Regional Boards and eliminated the periodic meeting with Commission Chairs, Minutes - City Council Strategic Planning Workshop February 24, 2012 Page 7 of 8 Approved March 13, 2012 The City Council then reviewed issues raised during the day which were: • No. County Homeless — System of Care. o Continue to monitor. • Council Information, o Council Members and Staff members need to continue to provide each other information and feedback. • ICSC relationships/conference. o Continue our involvement. • Hot Spot Design Assistance. o Use the material we have already developed. o Maintain as a priority, don't spend more money. • "Turbocharge" Promotion for Community/Funding. o Explained above. • Downtown letter about service reductions/positive tone. o Develop a letter to downtown businesses about the impacts of RDA and the City's commitment. • Keep public updated on City Finances ❑ Public Comment — Linda Hendy a Celebrate! The City Council and Staff concluded the meeting with positive comments about the work accomplished and the strength of the Council/Staff team. Kelley adjourned the meeting at 3:30 p.m. Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C. City Clerk / Assistant to the City Manager Minutes - City Council Strategic Planning Workshop February 24, 2012 Page 8 of 8