HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 012513 Approved March 12, 2013 �p4A Atascadero CityCouncil •ham`�' 1✓—c^t1�-• 4 ��,"'.?�,, .R �". zgrStrategic Planningr h =ty January 25 and 26, 2013 r Celebrating our Centennial and Positioning for the Future MINUTES Goals ❑ Develop Goals for 2013 — 15 h ❑ Review City's financial condition and policies ❑ Continue to build trust and improve working relationships ❑ Review specific Council policies and provide direction ❑ Have Fun! :;ec-: ^,r..:"g:•r. ccSu�.. .EiC';'e'ixz.?^>r;mer�.:x:-` �•.r:: e^mss= z•c.... xe�:" �"uac.>.csa �:rc-.:.;::xti--•. F rxet +i::n� ^.#:;fie:^x�': Pk':r°6 n�.. ,x,... �=;"x. '.a �^Ei:�.„• m.w:z^'�F'L% i:ss3:eEi cite°;„�' ,�` ^•i:.%':=e. 't... .,:::;.F�.• ,+iC , .. .�CC..E..(.e.�.,x.9.S....,-�... •. ... ,C� .. ... ..ke.,�m.ee�iESe evx.�t_.ao i ...,.c^... , Friday evening - 5:00 p.m. Call the meeting to order and Welcome — Mayor Mayor O'Malley called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the Council's Strategic Planning Workshop. Atascadero City Council Strategic Planning Action Minutes of January 25&26,2013 Page .1 of 1.0 Approved March 12, 2013 ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Kelley, Moreno, Fonzi, Mayor Pro Tem Sturtevant, and Mayor O'Malley Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk /Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Russ Thompson, Police Chief Jerel Haley, and Fire Chief Kurt Stone. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke during Community Forum: Vic Montgomery. Mayor O'Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period COUNCIL WORKSHOP — STRATEGIC PLANNING: Purpose and roles: City Manager McKinney reviewed the agenda and explained what everyone should expect from the next two days. Introductions: The City Council and staff introduced themselves and answered the following: • Tell us a little about yourself. • What are you passionate about? • How do you make decisions and what changes your mind? • What is the best way to communicate with you? Atascadero City Council Strategic Planning Action Minutes of January 25&26,2013 Page 2 of 10 Approved March 12, 2013 Teambuildingl Communications Exercise: The City Council and staff participated in personality testing to compare their styles of communication. Review Mission Statement: The City Council reviewed the City's mission statement and decided it continued to reflect their goals: The City of Atascadero is committed to building community by fostering an outstanding quality of life with excellent public service, stewardship of the environment, preservation of our heritage and promotion of economic prosperity. The City Council: The City Council held a discussion about what the City's role is: • Serve the public • Protect against government invasion ® Build community Be involved with the community • Ensure quality of life ® Maintain strong relationships with the community Celebrate!! Mayor O'Malley adjourned the Strategic Planning Workshop at 7:51 p.m. to tomorrow, Saturday, January 26, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. Atascadero City Council Strategic Planning Action Minutes of January 25&26,2013 Page 3 of 10 Approved March 12, 2013 Saturday 8:34 a.m. Welcome — Mayor Mayor O'Malley called the meeting to order at 8:37 a.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Kelley, Moreno, Fonzi, Mayor Pro Tem Sturtevant, and Mayor O'Malley Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk /Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Russ Thompson, Police Chief Jerel Haley, and Fire Chief Kurt Stone. Public Comment: The following citizens spoke: Linda Hendy, Grigger Jones, Vic Montgomery, Mr. Wilson, Mike Stornetta, Brian Weston. Mayor O'Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. What is going well with the City? The City Council discussed what is going well with the City and listed the following: • Galaxy Theater • New Hotel • Positive Image • Downtown • Cooperation/Positive Energy • Rite Aid Refurbishment • City Hall/Centennial • Non-Controversial/Positive Events • Public Participation • Transit Center • Library • Women's Conference Ataseadero City Council Strategic Planning Action Minutes of January 25&26,201.3 Page 4 of 10 Approved March 12, 2013 • Wayfinding Signs • Homeless Shelter • Promotions Program • Design Review Committee • Community Volunteers • Disaster Response Trailer • Police Outreach • Lighthouse Program • Productive/Proactive, united community • Lake Park/Memorial • Involved Citizens/Groups • Staff support Council Goals • Centennial Events • Town — More Attractive: o 41/101 Interchange o Lewis Avenue Bridge o Downtown • CERT Teams • Public/Private Partnerships Expectations The City Council discussed expectations and listed the following: • Expectations of the Mayor o Face of City o Ambassador o Cheerleader o Part of the Team o Share info from Boards, etc. o Concise, well run meetings o Respect disagreement o Mayor to lead on hot issues o Limit dialogue with public consistently o More public communications: • Newspaper columns • Centennial theme • Interpret complex issues to public o Accessibility to the Community o Professionalism Atascadero City Council Strategic Planning Action Minutes of January 25&26,2013 Page 5 of 10 Approved March 12, 2013 • Expectations of One Another o Ambassadors o Team o Share information from boards/etc. o Be concise at meetings o Disagree respectfully o Allow Mayor to take lead o Flexibility o Improve communication w/City (Monthly news article) o Remain accessible o Professionalism o Neutral face What is not going so well with the City? The City Council discussed what is not going so well with the City and listed the following: • Stress • Stadium Park under-utilized • Can't do everything — prioritize • Downtown Parking • Affordable Housing Policy • Rural Road Maintenance • Flexible Zoning Rules --Allow good projects • Not communicating to Public effectively • Transients/Homeless • Businesses Closing • State Mandates/Loss of Local Control • Regulation/Ordinance issues: o Fence Heights o Setbacks o Signs • Not getting credit for Accomplishments • Community not involved/educated in processes • New Development regulations • Septic regulations from State -- costs to public • Better connects to Sacramento • Expectations of staffing levels vs. Goals of Council • Equipment support for goals • We don't celebrate our successes Atascadero City Council Strategic Planning Action Minutes of January 25& 26,2013 Page 6 of 10 Approved March 12, 2013 Budget Policies- The City Council reviewed current policies and were asked to make any necessary changes. Staff also asked the Council to articulate a position for the two year budget concerning the following- o Use of reserves o Staffing o Other revenue strategies o Priority budget areas The City Council discussed budget policies and the budget. There was Council consensus to direct staff to prepare a report on our volunteer program including a list of volunteers. There was Council consensus to have the Finance Committee keep in mind how to better inform the public on Finance issues. There was Council consensus to direct staff to bring to a future Council agenda a report on the options and costs associated with setting a policy to increase the City's benefit percentage regarding annexation. PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke: Tim Alvord, Grigger Jones. Mayor O'Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. Council Issue List The City Council reviewed the list of Issues they had assembled for this meeting and discussed the following additional issues: Hot Spots: The City Council listed the Hot Spots in the City: Moving Ahead 1. VValMart 2. Home Depot 3. Colony Square Ataseadero City Council Strategic Planning Action Minutes of January 25&26,201.3 Page 7 of 1.0 Approved March 12, 2013 Potentials 4. Hoff property 5. DeCou property 6. Montecito 7. Kmart Image of the City: Mayor O'Malley appointed Council Member Moreno to work with the Chamber on ideas to bring back to the City Council. Parks & R. ecreation Commission: The City Council discussed the future of this Commission. There was Council consensus to suspend the Parks & Recreation Commission meetings until further notice, Commissioners will remain on the Commission and be included in City functions, such as the Centennial events. There was Council consensus to direct staff to bring to a future City Council meeting an ordinance amending the Municipal Code regarding Planning Commissioners' terms making them all two-year terms. Downtown Parking The City Council asked that the existing Parking Study be re-circulated, Jr. High The City Council asked for an update from the School District at a future City Council meeting. Local Sales Tax The City Council stated they may be interested in discussing this issue in 2014, Remote Caller Bingo The City Council agreed that if this issue can be included with other Zone changes, then do so. Otherwise, it is up to the interested party to pursue. Atascadero City Council Strategic Planning Action Minutes of January 25&26,2013 .Page 8 of 10 Approved larch 12, 2013 RV Park The City Council asked that staff review the City's options. Scavenging Ordinance The City Council agreed to have staff bring this to the Council. City Council Theme The City Council agreed that the theme for 2013 is the Centennial. They also suggested that the City request participation from the billboards owner to include information about the Centennial on the billboards this year. Homeless The City Council suggested that the City ask the Chamber for assistance from businesses that enable transients. Public Comment: The following citizens spoke: Al Fonzi, Bill White, Jim Harrison. Mayor O'Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. Council Member Kelley stated that the Atascadero State Hospital (ASH) Board wants to write a letter to staff expressing their concern for employee safety, and asked for City Council consensus for him to sign the letter. There was Council consensus to authorize Council Member Kelley to sign the letter from the Boars{ of ASH to their employees expressing the Board's concerts for the employees'safety. Prioritize Goals: The City Council agreed on the following goals: 1. Develop the Atascadero Lake, Park, Zoo, and Veterans Memorial as the community's event center. 2. Strengthen the City Council's communication with the public. 3. Work towards common sense regulation and reform. 4. Promote environmental stewardship. 5. Pursue economic development opportunities. 6. Maintain public safety as a community priority. Atascadero City Council Strategic Planning Action Minutes of January 25&25,201.3 Page 9 of 10 Approved March 12, 2013 PUBLIC COMMENT: The following citizens spoke: Dean Pericic. Mayor ®'Malley closed the PUBLIC COMMENT period. Celebrate! Mayor O'Malley adjourned the meeting at 2:30 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C. City Clerk /Assistant to the City Mana er The following exhibits are available for review in the City Clerk's office: Exhibit A— Communication Strategies Exhibit B—2013— Fiscal Policies Atascadero City Council Strategic Planning Action Minutes of January 25&26,2013 Page 10 of 10