HomeMy WebLinkAboutSA_Draft Resolution 8-14-12FROM: Marcia McClure Torgerson City Clerk / Assistant to the City Manager SUBJECT: Additional Information Provided to City Council after Agenda Packet Distribution DATE: Attached is additional information that was provided after the City Council Agenda Packets were distributed. This information pertains to: Agenda Item Number: Description: Agency Meeting Date: SA -C -1 RAPS and related resolution August 14, 2012 WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 34177(1) and (m) of the California Health and Safety Code, the City Council of the City of Atascadero, as Successor Agency to the Atascadero Redevelopment Agency ("Successor Agency"), has prepared a proposed Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period of January 1, 2013 through. June 30, 2013, for purposes of submission to the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency for approval, the State Department of Finance ("DOF"), the San Luis Obispo County administrative officer ("County Administrative Officer"), and the San Luis Obispo County Auditor -Controller ("County Auditor"); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Atascadero, as Successor Agency to the Atascadero Redevelopment Agency, does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1.The City Council hereby approves the proposed Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for January 1., 2013 —June 30, 2013, attached hereto as Exhibit A ("ROPS"). Section 3. The City Manager is hereby directed to submit the proposed ROPS to the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency for approval, and to DOF, the County Administrative Officer, and the County Auditor, and to take any other actions that may be required in order to obtain Oversight Board and DOF approval of the ROPS, including, without limitation, making amendments to the RODS required by the Oversight Board and/or the DOF. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Atascadero, as Successor Agency to the Atascadero Redevelopment Agency, on the _day of August 201.2, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Bob Kelley, Mayer ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, CMC City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brian. Pierik, City Attorney EXHIBIT A RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY 1, 2013 -- JUNE 20, 2013 Attached Successor Agency Contact Information Name of Successor Agency: County: Primary Contact Name: Primary Contact Title: Address Contact Phone Number: Contact E -Mail Address: Secondary Contact Name Secondary Contact Title: Secondary Contact Phone Number: Secondary Contact E -Mail Address: City of Atascadero as Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero San Luis Obispo Rachelle Rickard Director of Adminsitrative Services 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 805-470-3428 rrickardOatascadero.or Jeri Rangel Deputy Director of Adminsitrative Services 805-470-3430 IranQeir4iatascadero,org Attachment A Attachment A SUMMARY OF RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Filed for the January 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013 Period Name of Successor Agency: City of Atascadero as Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Certification of Oversight Board Chairman Pursuant to Section 34177(m) of the Health and Safety code, Name I hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the above named agency. Signature Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Outstanding Debt or Obligation $ 74,551,743 Current Period Outstanding Debt or Obligation Six -Month Total A B C D Available Revenues Other Than Anticipated RPTTF Funding Anticipated Enforceable Obligations Funded with RPTTF Anticipated Administrative Allowance Funded with RPTTF Total RPTTF Requested B + C = D) 18820635 1233461 125000 1358461 E F Total Current Period Outstanding Debt or Obligation (A + B + C = E) should be same amount as ROPE form six-month total Enter Total Six -Month Anticipated RPTTF Funding (obtain from county auditor -controller) Variance (E - D = F) Maximum RPTTF Allowable should not exceed Total Anticipated RPTTF Funding $ 20,179,096 1.152.060 $ (246,461) Prior Period(January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 Estimated vs. Actual Payments (as required in HSC section 34186 (a)) G H I J Enter Estimated Obligations Funded by RPTTF (Shou)d be the lesser of Finance's approved RPTTF amount including admin aflmvance or the actual Enter Actual Obligations Paid with RPTTF Enter Actual Administrative Expenses Paid with RPTTF Adjustment to Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund G - H + I = J 468036 363869 104167 0 K Adjusted RPTTF (The total RPTTF requested shall be adjusted if actual obligations paid with RPTTF are less than the estimated $ 1,358,461.00 Certification of Oversight Board Chairman Pursuant to Section 34177(m) of the Health and Safety code, Name I hereby certify that the above is a true and accurate Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the above named agency. Signature Ab, Mmant 4 Name Of Su0Cessor Aq.-y: CA, of Atasoadero as Sueeesear Ageneytto Me Corn -any Redev F -rt ABsnq el Aiasaadem county: San I.W. obi.,,o %vatatlht9eerd Approval Dala RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE CROPS Ili) IP'.i.'t Tota! F-un3ifiSource O.Aslanding Tota!Dua Flo: ing ComramlA reement 9 ComracUA ren. -rem 0 Debtor Fiacai Year Gond Resfve Admin Rem # N.-1Debt Obli ation Execution Dale Termination Date Pa ee Oes�ri i�onraro ct Sco a Pro- cl Area Ob;i atbn 2012-13 LMiHF�:ocaeda - urarca �,126,000 RPTTr• Other Six•Monln Total Gramtl Tofa{ -' f 74 551 743 f 21.41".6M f f 3.783.130 $ ' - ' S' t.233ASi f .ST -.59g E 20119.056 120?O Raimbvraelnenlf Bend Finanutrg Oi170tC 10/1,.040 ty of Aberadero ttr- Debt Sennoe on 2010 Some Ataseadore 4'. 31,2!2.930 x64.513 " ' - 382.256 36 ,256 agreement with City of Ata,eadero Passed Mmtrgh to bond holder. 2 2010 Re,mbur ran,ti fiend Finaneino 91112010 1 ORr2O40 OM1y of Atauadern'#*n rest.. tan ioao tar Ma lite of Me 2010 9rnda At-lJoro #1 06,500 1,750 agreement with City of Ataseadero pq,sad lb rough l0 8141. 20002005 Rptlevab mem Ronda /1/171004 91!12034 Bank of NewYoh Mourn Cpbt Service on 4forA Ahacadero Nt 1&B01, 83a 545020 1137 919 287,918 42004!1005 Rede'nlop-ol Bonds 11117$004 91472034 Sank el New York M.11an tAa1c1:2072&September ZO 12 debt sti Payaleot AtascideroH 851.205 851,205 _. _.. 851,205 851,205 that was reported incorrec8y on Me January - J1,,xna, 2012 POPS 51200412006 R 'veto mast Benda 111112004 litIM34 Sank of N w York Halton T servieas for Me Bfo of In, 200V2005 q n - (: f 100 1..40000 ' Loan Nl entered into %n ig99 itfi11A38 nh C" of Ataseadoro Loan fe, Stan rorts done#7 155175 7 CiN 4oat, 12 onteerd into in 2001 City of Atascadero Rer.Minor 41 600000 'J- B� Lean 143 ontendinb to 21^2 141 1120012 W. of Atisoatlaro fb dln !!coal +Ratom Absetidsro if 7211.000 W 9 CJPIA Insurance RehospecEve 7/1/2003 11% CJPIA Radevplopment Aganry share O(naN pod bta4a g:rough AtaseaM:o$1 74,700 74,700 �-74,707 Oerwait 2011, 'Orro Jui 12013' /O Admimsea#en AM- Na Unbl Successes Aaenby City Of ah-d-.edrNresha0ve ortamaesferw rag.ney in At -dine Yi A75.000 250,000 5.0W admin arab n 1. 000rd- with 1,61 X26 throtgh Juno 20161ncli dWg - an,fanedtoCaintyin off elepense. potdage, legal notices, eompWereests, 2016 ,Tena costs, operatb e. Proleuianal dewkmrwnk direct ,left 'me sere!_ ' tl Colony So-CondgO.roov C -.-8M 0120.9 Vnbl dispoeitionlsam le Colony ft -LLC Contract fofregrirsd par!iciPaSa:fn maintanance Of Ata..dore#1 20.000 30,000 20.11-k-0 20.00D aM--ictians C -hod, Funding es res Colony Square (estirramd coatis (sled for 3 yeah. however required ae long as RDA cone the lot! 12 Mainbnanoe of Creeksitle BuiSny 1!1312010 Until dial -6 --safe of Vadoua venders Maaltnna. a of CrcnNside Buildnq M atramanee with Afasradam #? 6,024 16,728 J 8,025 0,026 Ctaokeido B+Mding marltnt rote lease agreemem wff, ("'ty. Cfry leaps, Mnt6ng 1!am RDn ror fat?3: a aronM. Lease ansa 13. 13 terror items misted an EOP9 adopted Vadoua vatbus-0,10t, Rama that exoe,ded Meir line Aam prrjaetionx an the Atfseaden$1 382 362 382 W 382 by ROA EOPS. In bbl actual alnounss come below FOPS onoleob- hovreverthese li items went over 14 Lake Park Sign & Fronbg. Prejaet 8 /1 0120 7 0 iprojeal dation raft, City of At -dere and CiN staff 5" wPropel Management Mat -«a, AlesCadero Nt 2.578 2.578 2,476 -- -T- 2,$78' con0aot a,o nied) Atauadem Ne -a, fnativanendy-taad on lha EOPS & ROP$ lot J.Ny i, 28?t :Ma gll.tpnua731. 2011. flidadveftina-P, -_ mraxd Ps, '... ?S Dow-uawn l'adeaWan 9dtlge Ne nfa City of Atascadere City ,telt tirre'w PfoeR Ma,age -t Mat was Ate-clen #1 2,30S 2,308 2,305 2,308 i"dver!an6y misaad on the £OPS & ROPS for Juhy 1, 2011 h 1B Meilen 4tahm ProjeIX 3120/2007 lOP_1k613' Mo. Cnhbadfaor con,detion of rastaratian of historic -role sa u� Ahsradaro#1 19,160 19.780 19,700 19,7 80 17 Ma'Mer- Sba+o Protect Na Na 9ofi's Crane TrenapodaBan eOats<o moveMallen S`aNes back lmm AMcA,derO Ni 3,850 8,415 3,850 3,850 Ethos 10 ale City and to Pone Me etanea IR Malden Stah+e Project nH Na City of A.bseadete SraRbmp nsson,ted v4M mana9119 M,iden Sla" Pro' cL Ata-J.re Nt 3,000 3,000 3,000 3370 19 Karon. City Hag Ear&A.1a, 01111111 Upon Pro)-Comdu9on Fate+ Syatams Pacifk. COMatt far depury inaireetion-ea. gbsoadem#1 170,606 87,OPJ 1!0,5{5 170. Rapa!HRahab Pmjeei 20 hllstarfc City Hag Earthquake W27n0 UP-' Project Completion R-A&Carr Contraet for Basement Ebctrfrnt and Temporary P -r Ala-d-ril 1,200 1,200 1,200 L200RepairlRehab Project 21 HM.Il. City Hag Ea Nlquake 04M 2H1 Upon Prolect Compbtbn Vdys"C.-Iro,". Carluote p8e work and otherbasemmt s8vebrtal wet4 Ataswdem Nl 870,644 670,1944 in,000 670.644 RepaidRehab Protect eonseucbon eonlracier ,50,546 22 Hiatal+cfi;y }Ing Eadnq+coke OaftSlll Up- Petted COmplation Nani Btldng Corp Contract for:epafee? Nmrical fabric l atnxtum A.ti-dery Nt $596,879 8.596.879 3834.878 4,7<2.000 8,596.670 R."idRehab Project -t-11- contract 23 Hfatoec City Hag Famntivaka 08128111 Upon Prot.. Carrtpletan Boldon Pie.. Steal Comraet for Sirucitn; Starr] and Mise. ktebt, Ataatadero Nt 313,635 313,535 35,800 2T7,9Ati 313.535 RepafdRehab Pnjea ConsWeton Controet 24 His?odo City Hap Errahtoake _ 06115A Upon Project Canpletor, D"ini Suit;," Corp ^,ohb'ar-t `:or Rough Carpentry Cannuetlnn Ab d-derc al 122.976 122,976 33.500 89.478 1"22.976 RepaifRahab Propel 25 HiabRC City tial E.Mgaa%e 4I30f2G07(CFCA/NEPA Upon Proper Complel!cn rot yet awarded CECA!PIEPA required ng594tbn measure lorropairng Afasesdem at 550,000 b"+0.009 330,000 -` 350,000 Rapa;dRehab Protect not-fracb+) Iand-ril" after wreabttctien and ADAWownbwn 28 Histode City WeN E,Mquake Owl5ni kip.. Projectfomnle4on Rpput!Ne Fl-ror COnhcttx klovabr C-11-5-AWscadcro NS 251.282 157,282 251,282 - 261, 2 R-intRehab Proj itt 27 Kate,,- City kat E:dhq."ake 06!15/17 kir- Retool, Completion Alpha fire Spdnkjar C-t,rltdrer Fire SprinWer Conarnwtien Ahaeadwe 411,227,868 227809 221,789 4,100 227.8159 RePairitahab Project Att¢rtal.re, A Total Funding Sour" CwlrpctNreerlent PZending Tata';}aDudng Contnict/Agreament Debtor Fiscal Year Bond Reserve Admin Item ft Pro" ct lJame lQebl Obl' stipn Sxaelttlon Date Tomlinatinn Data f+a ea Descrlotlankaror¢ct SOopa Pro".Ara Obli .. 2^12-13 LMlHF P-dcl Be!-,. Alma -me RPTTF OGIRr Shc•Month 7c+a1 28 f City Hal Earthquake 09281! 1 Upon Praja. Cnmpledan SOOB Wnay plunbbg Camra.f Pk l Ong Anatrgetan AlAsmdorP Xl 483.618 483,816 -P- FOpaaJRehab Projocl a10.gTS 2ap,,0W 29 Hisloda City Hall Eadhginke 08/15115 UP" Protract C-Platiun Santa Margedha Conskuefian Contrectfor HVAC C7.sht2E0n Afascadoro 01 410,487 410,487 i RapablRehab Prap. 319 rt87 92.01A7 410.49-7 30 Hisipde City He$ U.,Ihquake 082W11 Upon Proret Completbn Taft Elergiwi Contract for £laelnwl Gvnatruetlen Atin-dem Xt 598,987 998,687 455687 '$o8,8R7 Repan/Renab Noted 143,070 31 HisMnc C Hal EatM uake '1.' { 11.105110 UPor+p+op. Complebn Iianrey4 Honey Huts far Rental of POr!pW.e ?oileia forcxxMlctiy., Afascad¢lo tt t4,1R 14,157 3.200 i ' Rapgo/Rehab Pmpd vmrken -rdire 5,900 40: 32 Nislode Ciry tlal Fadhglukc rata Upan vrop. Completnnv mrs w..^.bacfin CnnslmCtOn msis lO, oMer generelmndynr. ePch as Afneeadero 4l 14D,337 140,337 55.M0 7 84:33. R¢P.WRehab Proled b -.d- Zing. onsi!o tafOCmnboL SWPP .140.337 3316slodc City Hal Earthquake N& UPan Pro»n Comple8on sol ye!ewardad RePlax Wadi" equipment and er re"tont old dna to A•,. -d.. 91 150,000 150,000 1C;,tlOC Repair6tehab Projaq mnaln 11ier1 Oqp 34Histrdc City HAFRopair& 07*9008Ijpon Prora. fomgeson M.ger Padhen Cnntroct:-orA+Mlf¢cture and Ertgineei+:ng 5nn.{ees lint Alaswdera 9'. 4i 3,877 413,617 Rehabiitpson p.j.0 Prt(Phase 1 & 2) _ 41,3.0T7 413.817 35 Histone City Hal Rep air& 0623H0 Upon Prapct Connotation Pleide+Padnem Contra&for ArcW-fina end Engineeiing S.,,j afor At-Adarn$1 75,993 75,993 75,993 RtllabiGtation PmH. project (Pbase 3) 75.993 3.5 Histone City Hap Repair& 0427110 Upon Project Camptefian ff m ds Contract fort nsU!r_Oon mit-gii-nl$ervieea Ato-daro Xt 1,495,405 t,40SA05 SflR,p00 Rehi bist ir- Project 897,405 1,496,400 37 t6ae6o Cry Hal Eartflqueke rya Upon Project CompN6on CL'y of A.tasmdtre Prajegstafflima in accordance vrgh Cry praeoce of Ate-dom al 72 921 60,000 16.000 RepaidReh¢b Note. An iminq pnijecta for dir¢. mats for mapnt Are+agemenl 22 800 38, 900 38 HistodC Ciry HON £erda,�uke OW1408 Upon Prep. Comoletnn California Cotlo ."hock COMnct pbn eheekitg serviw fu Hiiinrip City HON Ahscsdero t! 52,821 52.82121,0.'10 RepaHRehab Project Earft-k. Piiin 25621 46,821 39HistMC CiN Hal yani-quake lea Upon Prajaot ConiWplion Cry of.-A-dero PormMkg rof-Arlin Cerdomia Cede Chonka costa for M -dem Yl 171,193 91.000 35.000 3.5000 70705 RBPaird?ehab Pro pmjP. -Aiding bee. re -1 fees 40 Hi�oreniC:dyEoH¢Y Raper& 0323110 Upon Project Compbson Milentfum Conx4ting Contra. for turerdals matenals ms;kg and m.nifodng Ata..der. Ml 13,867 13,887 13,867 " Rablitan pmp. 13867 4111iWonc City Hal Earrttquake h Upon N.A tCompletion vadouo mntm.ets Casts ferrnnsinu4on rjeanup(d, snot;n lode A.bswdero tl 31,680 31,88D 13,000 RemidRehah Pm{act dumpslers and storage contemn ap+ ) 18.680 31680 42 fietod. City Hap F,arMTlake 12J01ff0 Upon Project Compralion Md State$apd Weste Cinha. for Rental of Treat, Rolol!s Atascedero At 12,623 12,623 5,000 7823 RepairlRehab Pmjeri 12529 43 Histone City Hap EaAhgrrake 12MFf0 Upon Propd +-Plato Ate -dem Wase Contra. for Storage Containers At. -d.. tt 9.326 4,806 1 fiOD RepairfRehab Pmjeo Nears tns 2,401, .4,000 44 Hidden City hfaY Eadhonoke Ilia UPon Plc»Ck Cor!detinn "HinsmnlractonOther waet» nsbn oosit-alr as pAlling, s' h. severe, Alta-doro Xl 97,844 50,000 19,rM0 28,00) .47.DOD RepaOAtehab Prop. dust lied -mord kee pa pirp. 01st mn6 �, ate 45. Hm-m Ciry Hell Eargtdl int rJa UP,i Prop. Co.rplation vanolra Contra. On Otheraural const-shn mals Ainscadero 01 21,800 210 21 RepaMrtenaO P.OR '80 e806 - 21.806 461liatoi.Y. City Hal P.aNlquake laid Upon Prt+ject Cnmple5on y&A-mnshuclbA const-li namtingunOY Absgadem X7 3649,451 3,846,451 T,924,0+5! R¢P iir;Rehab Project -Iral.torx 1,824,451 3,648.461 17 Loan from RDA. LewlModerate - 0911U10513IN2)15 S- nc f L o•ar•Mod Re yment or Linen Iroa1 RDA L..Akd Fund fcr SERAP Ataecadero tl 1.335,322.00 0. ' 48 Hiaade City Half E.T#,.ke Cam. itnent ro Sate of Upon connote n of C stinent to State of CCHF gram m¢tch _ "' Re aidik h California Pro .i5an n fi Atescadsre tl g. 000 - 49 Hulonc City Half Earthg0ake CorttnBaaenl to FEMA Commitment 1. FEMA. and Obligation to roetiva iimird toy Pertmton tiutont City Repair/ttehab Moet. 0.15MA Upon comphit-of c.lCmA Plavia+S a Hall P+a4ct in orda,.ainnafn irnMhrndsfor C'ry Hal pole. end Tem r R mtbn Atascedero 01 0 _ 50 Bond Ag--- Use of Band ComngOrell b Bond Commn-1..1+a Bond i4lders Fria" img 2010 bond fa -i ds aamvrkgd fo.1 �^.ity HOG O.OD Premeds i,City He# and ldentified BhW. Elinm.tien propos Per Borders Upomm�!plati e! Project & 201.0 Ider."ed Blight f,Propos _ •• ) Prapc5yd- 0.00 0.00 St 8Ol ifALaswMrott Agftdor-IensM 1Jxe of 4rtoroeten Conknionent a Bonditieenl r•P rnrn la Bond HOrdws IrbraN,earned cn rem "Hing 201Ohood proceeds Bond Proceeds end 2010 Hek{en Upon--let-of --road far Cgl•Hall Proje. &20101d-Ifladbli ght - 9"Hal tdenened B hl pm;na on P 'Och1 Pre' . • 5 a ars fir. Sori+'rolects Atascadem t1 0,00 a, 52 Bend Agni-riH Use cf FinM Commitment b Brand Cominilmenf to Brand Holden Re tninirq 2035 bond Proceeds earmazked far Maiden Promedsfor wrryletion of 2005 Burd ' Halder Upon e4mpledpn of Stan- Prap., Sheetscapo 18 a+d Mylindi!if _ cps Pre'.♦5 Oen Abscadem Xi 0.o0 am 63 Bond Agwindi H i ite of Weroa: en Commitrnenr to Bond mmi0ront to Bond Holders N!ure'. tenst tamed On Mrnenirrg 207)6 hold promods Bond Proceeds for oomplotbn cf Z7x/5 IlpMan Upon mmPlesan pl marked for Maiden Blab. Prep., Sb %-pe IG and - a.". o cts _ prop. +5 Years lVa in Absoodero X1 0.011 0 5a r. I'indere nde!11 aud4 sconces atop of 10111 aud:8 Mass. Levy L Hartzhelm, LLP Gourmet nor indepardenl f, racial a1 1s (iM1! & t 1n2 AUOcodere 11 SS La9al Setices•AdmniWation of UZ712.10 11.+2712007 111112012 Bud., Williams, Soren -I Ccntractlorb el son4texlnradminzsng6an of ora At-aidem si 000 pAg 56 Mrnseaton M Age n/a 1/312012 Charter Canino dcadony TW Admin• Phoria 8lnleme: ayf - iia -fid 5-10,Atamadero ti 000 Dm 57 Comptder and nebsdo aapoA fel C!tsof Ataswdarc Adnan-mmgdef xaooneosle "i-0Oisso[u8on 59 AdmiristraEve auPpOdatiff for RDA We 1.312012 A`saeadem Xl 0.00 0,00 .. I Na City of AUsndero 71312012 Adminisbaiive dirac151aff s[ppOrteoMsthrough dissoktdcn Ataecadal, If ' TOtai Funding S-- 010s1andnrg Tas! Due Du -q COrihaMJAgreenl.nL COrdradlAyraarnenl DBbt or Fiscal year 60ntl R6$¢ne Admin Item% P±0' c1 Nama / Debt 0bli .t— Exaction data T—natian DAte P - Y-- Daaali liOA/P!a act Sm a DfC CS Afae O:yi ati0n 2012-13 Lf.11HF P!aaeede 13alanm Altpivlr.:C RPT7F Oihcr iv MoM,h T, Ota: 59 Geraral overhead and support 1nr City of An -e— minstrsi+-a evo-!:estl osis throsrgll disreluson " RD.A (general socountirg. payments, 3.. w.l cnambnr use. eq -4. rife 13IW2 Atascadero it 0. d, 60 &k:nagy Ekehiaiy PG&E Electricity for RDA i—hod dpwnbwn infrastructure { . enlwncements (medians. crossvnlY.s and ped *I~.} rife 1/3112012 u ,Janna W'. 0?2 Alms dery 8f 0.00 aA0 61 Trash pickup —ke NCI Trash bins were placed dpvadtrwn x keep Me arca War w_ free. TNsis Mo conbadvdMa Mktl party vendor- I lawoD8 1/312012 .those trash ceps. Ahsca:fern 41 a,- 0 52 Daft m L-d—p¢ Maintenanrn G[iba+.'s L.-dsmpe Cnn9act fa msntonsrce of RDA hstand dovma±vn Coninct (rfmsinzoh- enhancements fmodlans, cros 11c, and Cf28f2p11 131 Mi I headrest Wmana-n Ahscodams 400 a" 63 Clean uD and mainW nafre of Me City of Alaicedoro W*.Idy i!taperibMi0w PkkVp and cleaning of downtown - downMwn We 1/31;7012 eatN ,Januar 20-,2 Abs—d—Yl 0.00 0 6d F—MM W rtei— .4vw.*-k 01—SN -eb Mr Downtowr: Formalin brouaht back to working order by Me RDA in niter m dates blight Na 1/312012 (¢slmaed 1131Ft A,... .Yl 0,00 0 65 Greffb auatameni .1. 1'3117012 Nut Zhn.r & do C- t—b- RDA GnKdi a atemen} cash AWscatlem 1 0. ' 66 Eronoinin Devebpmenl SteO Cay of At.,,co&,O Portion of City empbyees Ern Spent en Red—ipmar3 _ .rid Eoonomk devebpment xr tiro pmjecf area. both nfa V31=12 12 ant and FutonA—d¢ro Y1 am 0.00 67 Lake Park Sin & FronW a 8&IC20i0 l3i 12 F.ikhnf Dsior, Drtrp f)csl n work en Lake Parkes and Fr... Pro' al A—d— 01 _ coo 0,m _ 68 Lake Pork Sign A F—tz9e Ciy of Atasead¢ro City staff Irma fat Lake Park Sign h Frontage ProYect- We Int20t2 —i.mana men;. i-2et—etc. AWsradero Yl a" a.m 69 Redevelop—Agency 0—Fat Fw,d VM—v¢ndom Imroir goodshordco mmivod Fetor to 211!12. both -s M � --. _ o Lerbi payable $ocnued Payroll at rt paid -11 error 131112 ., MAr I ±2 rife _ Sn020}2 gWsads•o Y1 0 0 70 MModerate Income ;Musing We Cid' of Ac,.cedero -Au—s rit— o� llwlow/ModeraM Mmme t/nosing �Y nCosts 131!2012 Pr mlth hdieanl tion AWwadw0 01 0.0.1 0101, 71 Rede ,,,pion HooainO Aa I fierce 0627110 Urhan Fi&wes li- Confect fors—mitM analyze options for offordebia 1131/2012 11—in At.—d— 01 0. am T2 Creek ImpovelrwmS gF420o8 data of contract Caktomta Conxrv~ Crow Retrieval of n rrefrve vagelat o. bi "panbon for mendma!d vt.Writ 6 releted -awt k` -me, {rrstalhlion of Creek T'red in compliance with State, Ili - 131/2012 Parkxa nC.-I i' Aft Clem Yl a- 73 W.Yfading Pmjaet 73 CY1"78111 Sir, of :iara:en Contractfor design. and ifutch— of street signs act Upon compklinn Ik AWscarkro.1 am am )d WayhMing Prjoc± We rrot Yat awaded MaWIIalpn of `Naylinpirg ehee{sbgna arid (nock.. in4k,T.rg PG & F charge. AS yet +;Net..—tra.a for the —Otiti- el WerfirdW At—dem Y± 0.00 75 Do—W— Dedestrie, Budge (16103tt1 _ 227/2012 Aft, -se 6 Mood. Cantrep. for E..—rr—,;tel -Wr. rb Dowlmwn Pfde .' n Drq a Pro' at Ahwxdem 91 am O.m , 76 D--- Pcclew Bridge We Ali. Studio Avc.Wcre Ar hi..Wrol lendedrigs for D—t— P.dOsai- Bridge 1,7972012 ProseG Ahecedem &1 0. 0.00 77 DaVTWwn Padestrtan BriMe 09!!.114 12512012 NarMC ten'rre arin Dsai nfot DpvmlOvm PedxbWr 9r: pro . --Ad.,. tlt 0.00 4m 78 D_p_ pedssbian Bfdge rift C&yaf At.—dem E-er6krreafor City -ff* re FW, 6.n, - entand reieG edmima a5on mot A Wscadere 01 400 O.m 78 DovmMwn Sttaslecspe Ill Pmpct 0310611 t G Soar Consbn tion ran0acl Mravgh CCitySportun8 of ondavweq _ 1/292012 &—tscoa III Fra cl m exaasa of ARRA. aril Alaecedero 41 O.m 0.00 80 Downtown Stmetec.pe lit Protea 12130110 Rick Englneerblg Band Funded f2D05)Contra. iy..ugh City for 11199 urdaraa 9leateea <III Pro' A,—.dery Y4 O.m aoo 81 Errpbyee Servs— rite 7n101201t Part Ti— F,mpkyee DireC. RD.A .— -f.- RDAt�,o h7/t/i' At—dao Y7 am GAO 62Agericy Into..,- sash CJPWAIK&rt 1 --co Liabi , ingne-rad. k1-mh.— Mh bod Atasadn al am 000 - 83.Adm{nisaa0on of Agency CSHmnia Redaxbpment Aiimk±-annual duos for infgmaapn. trair0ng. eM. Aha-dno al O.m o, 84 6kph1 fteeAa:iMn act E -tricots G—th City of Atascadom Centrad with City for o-nor.,{c gmwar projects; C-tre. —=q and pramolion: do l—,enhanced 111412011 13, 1M- 2 malM,enance en baa Sbcation: and atlmtri.tretinn. Ahscedem 41 0,m 0. 8S SvnKen Garden Evtra Mae,lanance rens ­j­SuplAn.fer eNrarlca i mein,_ of 6`znker. Gardens Su liar We 131,2012 Ater—dam Yl am 0 1 ' 66 Dow,Wrm Lardsrepa kfaint—r— Martire8i landscape Coetrect formairtenaroe of the RDA iei-lti it Contact infmael:.un enhancement medians orad Pedestrian .... 73'2011 Trimer 9rrn h 71-131 A%—d. n Y1 o a- 0'/ &siker, Carden Holiday EnharrxmaM C-ritNWI.. Enhancement o1 $unY.en Garters 11.1";day Lighting M rile 1372072 promote nosl3ve W5asinthe D—t— eta—gam 01 om am $$ Ppdatde MAat sondes for lam+em Harvey's IiclleyhulS W. Pcrtel { letwrv±ce Mr%—mMket malt t �89 n/e 4n120t2 Atasnad—Yt DA0 0.00 1 Color -pias for(CSC-nforende Hart lnyirosfJorK fAork.Mgmat-als rta err -undo a -noetic lk.eMpnleN n/a _ _ 1/312012 in Ow RDA Alnscadarp Y! 000 0.00 90 Pwmil Fee Warcw Program—� City of Al.—d.n p!egnm Ap{vnlnd aP•J markefsd for raimburumantat - perm6feea fY newbusMesaaS. sash incurred through I ' 611J/7./309 ?3117012 1 WWI1 AW—,I.. 91 0.001 O.m All9e'.tment. A. Total Fundin Sotfree -trEinding T--M.WD-During Cnnt.MBkgre--.t Cordw-Agfeemont Debt or Fiscal Year Solid Reserve Moon ?tem# Pro'od ldarne 1 Debt Obki axion E—ifis n Date Tem`1na1i0n Dale Payee O—ftitionlPr ' cI Scope jest area ODligeti0n 20?2.13 UalhiF Proenads Balance Al",M M^e RPTTF nthgr SDf-M0r#h Total 91 Fagade hfpm-w Program vneD09 113172012 DennY's Reol.—t Afrpre-d aM marketed program nor Winbursomen! of (a ode irr mems Ahscadlm 0+. a 0 _ _ 92 Tourism Prr Wq . SLG CZ., SLG Count VWroira and Torrdsm aM merNn9 coePararv! , V' .ar,d C-f--Lhdwau Na 1'I.2D12 CIO-- Alwoldero 41 am a- 93 T -n—, 93T-nant, Marketing and E••»rile SW Matgn 8 Alaocales Conlin for—e— and marking services(costfiro;gb Service '1!74!2110% MM012 aadi—tame be'- At—aW_ro#1 O,oO 0.00 9d S eial E•vaofa aM Protnedenx Na 41J4l2,(Hi SW Blatin b Asaocialas Savor e reritral Co.. Atsscadem 01 QM 0,00 ...... 95 Main Street Program AA.—ferq Main gime! Contract for d.—t.—pr il"s and eva"M(through _ 11;242009 61!012012 eadiasl ssbla rtrinati-dale`. AMseadam 01 o. 0,00 9H MaA.Orip bol aanuat peymm t Tod. for R -i— Stlexos Infe--O.-1 tool on'rob elb that pmYdfes business Milting. planna•.p, aM managamom—la to help boat Na 1/3112012 buslnossass AW—doro 41 o.ac o,aq 97 Utd Par. Sid,. A Frontage City of Ata.cad— Contract with C:y to wrist—A rhe Lace Pah fgn -.d.. '215,12000 11372012 Frenb Pro d Atascadero 41 am 0.00 98 LOYa Park Sign a Ftentsge vsne:ra vendors PM1. !g, Jv.A." and 9[et@Ohnipl ""lis on Lake _ Na 1'52012 Park 51 nen FranM ro A.—de#1 a- 0.00 9, Zoo Walilm ro rmhr�lPmie 125/7009 1'1;2012 Cft, of Arascadero viM: City to cony' the Zoo Wap Proed Ataecadero#1 om 000 100 Redevabpmant Aganoy Ga'm'e!Fynd Varioas wad - 3 PlYtop Ltlarsenxa nwad PnN to — , onts p0a1Ye B ned l payrollNa 6130M 1. Mut-t Paid gtlFY 201/212 21 9212011 Af —dem Al 0.0 oo0 101 PmduF6onof AHodaMo l7cutirg 9111af1t 1131,2012 City of A.taseatlere CantraG with City!- aNadish 74 affordable housing Atascedero Pl 0.00 Ooo 102 RadevabprneN Ag -q 1—Mod Na VanmwvorAors flworwsiergeedWrerviea neem -d pbrto 6'0111, but �� Housing ;tab ac .—Payablea oat paid' mel after FV 2011.12012 roe at J 11 921201? Abtaeadem P1 0 0.00 10361ghl Elimination Pmjeua ConraG OtH9H1 City of 0.tesradorn Centrad WM City to eomavG.aml 20+.Opdn*:ry Blight _ 11312012 Flirny+alion Pro' AU -4— #1 am Ooo ''=O#Wsylinding orv�jecr Na Karp Land Sll—r Centrad for dasi9n, aM piaohase or street M sgnx e _ nils kiosks Atosoadem a1 O.W o W tOS Dovmlown Prn a Pu h 07115.'11 Ha±mr[r a. we i r n! efrdon service Ata—dem It 0.00 0.00 115Downtown Poop" Purchase Osfooill iys4Amorican TkolGlsen Purely of Glaen Propady for 0ownbwn PedosVun 9rr2ol l Pm 0: fCenbnnal Park PmwCa Af isoad., al 0. 0.00 407 town Pedestrian Bntl ala A8T A[bonsce Trla an for Dowertovrn PedesMen &k o re G A,._a_ #1 0.00 0.00 1tM1 Doymt.—Pedeatrlan Bridge ala Paoft Ga.3 Z1.0ne PG&E eWn-6r.g daeign for l -ural serr:'m for Do—., Ptrdoaa!an Brae N.'— Ata -1— 91 0.00 O.Do 109 Dovmievm Pedestrian Bridge life 8oylula Obispo Count/ Fill" Fe! to rorord rrvilgaled nlga3ve dedamann ror RaFordir Do-vmrovm Pedaelta O,kklq N.i.ot Alaeod—a/ — 0" 110 Dewl:favrn PedesMan Ridge09/1 V1 I EDA D -19n Prof—;.oafs 'wo9raphlc SeMoax for Do—town Podasbl- Ridge _ Sill findaotl. AhaoadeeeH 0.00 0.00 Itt'Maiden Stahre Placement life Fild,ef Design GMu' Praparatonand plaeamaM of Maida^ Sfalue rsnder _ A}ascarMro a1 1110 0.00 1$2 Centannlal % a rile 11!202011 Kae a d Sur— Ca+4em1b1 Plaaa oonI, foal Atescadem #1 0. 0,00 ' 113 Dewnmwn Sbeetscape II: Project M1 C3 CnnsMrdinn fond Fund¢d (2dosj: E."ndiMna through GIN fo _ 1212!2011 eoftm of underway Streetua a gI Pmi.e. Alauadero 41 000 090 114 Downmwn SbealsFat+e 111 Mgpct n/a Aped—Paving Bond Fundedi2005}Exp.Milli—dlroughCyfor _ 11202011oortiomof indervn Strae30anc Ili P•o'ec I At ... daro #1 01 p 115 Downbwn Strad; a Ae w Pmjaot 12'0170 Cay of Ata—dere Bond ,r ;d empoc*1' E apaMaures fo! City sfaft time i1r _ inspedinn, ryrslrp b'on rnanagomont lint pmjad "JAdmtnia ibn. Atascadom#1 Om o tib Dewnmvm. Strea4eape iB Ptejed Na VO.W-Mors Hand F;atdad (20031: £xyendftures threllgh Cay for parsar!a of underway SI—tsdape lit Pre -),c} Indudes nYa leatn . nabrlak b minor day n At—dere 01 0 111 BGgM F.limiraatbn Projects -Faecal Year Na VanntK vorMen Invoices fargaeds/setvxe moervad yrioe ro S'0f11.but 10/11 EYnensos laawunta lfaYsbN net Pan!+aipl attar Saw, _ June 30 20?1l rile Arasc , 41 0 yS4 "a Hietorio City Hal f*mjact 1--t ilm _ 01114M 1!312012 of Atescadero Bort Funded- CenkeOta with Cil)( to assist with repair of A;a—.,. 01 1 0 519 Hiatanc City HaY Ba!ripuab 022ZH1 MatoarE—i--mill Contract for demolition of oend!m:se atlas and related Al.—Oar. 41 0 000 � • 120 HietadoCil, Hao Earthquake 0728111 9--11 Tree &u gilry Conbee far —af of two froMtrons foe protect Amscadero #1 0 ? 00 171 Mt City Hal EaMhywke 0412]/11IM— E—ky medal Cardradfar nmovaf of lmdergmfnd sacra Mnk lint A1a�adero #1 890 0.00 Atuicrxncnt A Name of Successor Agency. CAy of Atascaderoas Successor AM tD She Community Redevelopment AgencofAtascadero County: San Luis Obispo _. _. RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (BOPS 111) — Notes (Optional) January 1. 2013 throunh June 30. 2013 Item A Notes/Comments - Bond indenture agreements re uke that the RDA move increment totaling the folbwin ear's debt service payment into a restricted fund at the time of the first increment distribution. Because of this covenant, the Successor Agency worked 3 with County and determined that the entire 2013 calendar year debt service was due in the restricted fund in Decemtxir 2012. therefore it was listed on the July 2012-Decembar 2012 RODS. Wier, the Successor Agency received these funds in June 2012, the funds were immediately transferred to the restricted fund. Payments from this restricted fund will be made in February and August. This amount reflects the distribution from the restricted funds, The Department of Finance determined that the March 2012 & September 2012 debt service payments were reported incorrectly on the previous ROPS. Once the RDA received ds December 2011 distribution of tax increment, the ROA, in accordance with 4 bond covenants, transferred_enough of the increment cover Hese debt service payments to the Special Fund. The ROPS reported these debt service payment coming ouE of "other" fttnrls {the S�eciaf Fund rather tion RPTT>-. Since the December tax increment was taken away in July 2012 this was dete mined to be incorrect_ The Successor Agency was not ahowed to deduct this payment from December tax distribution when determining the amount to be returned to the County.. The Successor Agency met with DOF representatives on July 11, 2012. In accordance with DOF's JuN 12 letter stating that denied or disputed items be addressed in their Janus 2013June 2013 review, this item has been included on this ROPS. 11 The source of these funds is rent that the Successor Agency receives for the Creekside Building. The Creekside Building is part of Colony Square and per CCRs.. the building owner must pay its proportionate share of common area mabtenarx a costs. The amounts due for the period are estimated Actual payments will depend on billings from ColoDy Square for maintenance of the common area. 12 The source of these funds is rent that the Successor Agency receives for the Creekside Building. The Successor Agency confines to lease the building to the City for $91.133 pff month in .order to receive the lease funds the Successor Agency must maintain the exterior and shell of the buildino in accordance with the market rate leaseagreement- The amounts are estimated for the period and actual amounts paid will vary based on actual repairs and maintenance. 13 - in the final adopted FOPS for the period of July 1 2011 through December 31, 2011 the follmWing fine items were underestimated: Line 16 CJPIA insurance $93.00. tine 22 Direct staff support costs $2.14 Line 23 General Overhead $21.71 Line 31 inspection costs $3.57. Line 44- RDA Project staff charge $0.71 Line 49 Accounts Pa ble $261.21 14 ' Protect manaqement staff time was missed for the Lake Park Frontage Pro ect $1.799.83 on the FOPS for July 1. 2011 -December 31, 2011 and was underestimated on the ROPS by $469.11. $309.00 in advertising costs for the bid of this project was also missed on the FOPS (July -December 2011) $309. DO 15 - Project management staff time was underestimated for the Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project on the FOPS for July 1 2011 -December 31 2011. This is the net amount between the FOPS underestimate and the BOPS overestimate. 16-18 - Lines 16-18 Maiden Statue Project Project : All amounts due for the period are estimated. 1946 1 - Lines 19- 46 Historic Cit hall Earthquake Repair & Rehabilitation Project (Project) : Other funding for the Proieet comes from FEMA grants CatEMA grants CCHE grants and community donations -Lines 19-46 Historic Cit ell Earthquake Re air & Rehabilitation Project (Project): All amounts are estimated for this Project This is a large capital 2roject and the timing of payrrients to contractors are often hard to proiect with accuracy . 1946 Due to the type of grant funding received the for the Project, amounts funded by bonds versus grants is also estimated and is subject to change based on FEMA determinations of eligibility, The remaininvi Pro ect Nud et at 71V! 1 was $27,970,000 with dedicated bond proceeds making $12.118,000 o1 the remaining amount. The Project is projected to be on time and at budget. 4853 . - All these obligations relate to commitment of bond proceeds to bond holders and rand agencies. These are reported at a zero value since the expenditure to vendors that futfiA these commitments are reported in other fine items above 54-121 - All these obligations were closed out prior to 6130112 and have zero balance remaining AftO wntA Name of Successor Agency City of Atascadero as Successor Agency to the Comm6hil Redeve meat Agency of Atascadero county: San Luis Obispo RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (BOPS IN) – Notes (Optional) lannam 1. 2013 th—h 1— 10 2013 Item # NotesrComments Prior Period The Successor Agency has not closed its books nor completed its audit for the fiscal year 2011-2012. The amounts listed here are the Successor AgencVs best estimate of final amounts paid for the period but may be sub'ecl to chane based schedt@e on any closing or audit adjustments. Prior Period SB2557 propn tax administrative charges were originally reported on the ROPS for January 2012 -June 2012. The Successor Agency did in fact pay $48.354.80 in SB2557 expenses during the period, however it is the Successor AgenCys current sciwdute Line 8 understanding that this payment should not be reflected on the BOPS as being aid since it comes "off the top" at the County levet when calculating the amounts to be distributed. This amount was subtracted by the County when calculating the amOUnl Of December 2011 Increment to be returned. Name of Successor Agency: C' of A� iasc *. as Su«exsw Aaency ro e+o r_etnmunli, ngoncy of Aueeadera County: Is. l,'k ceiw a Pursuant to Health and Safety Cade section 34186 (a) PRIOR PERIOD ESTIMATED OBLIGATIONS vs. ACTUAL PAYMENTS RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE {ROPE i) LMRiF 90no Prowe's Reserve Sala -re Ad119n At—RPTTF cone+ Pa olp0m I,inn prrect Na"l Debt Obfiwation Des -pts -/P, 60n1P,0'1!et SCon I --Are. Estivate A:tu�l Estimafe Actual FsNmate Actual '.stinal. Actual t",t-te Acn,ai Esb"Ie Artuel Grand Tef.l f 15.50 S 3<a 3 �. Ct?555 } ?30 2457.115 S .837,5as S I:M,+.S% 3 104.15Y E :?n 3drt 5 >Si9 S �3}4,J1D S 3,958 Dao 11 Reimpn'sa—V Bond F:nancino Glyef Abxoderg agreements City of Abated.., tM compieBgna A9a^°y vrgYGs inctgdhg Absxadero Yt ':fRPTTF Mizlwe CRy 149 R,jo,t and oft, "Past prolea,n. Me— _ d 21 R.ieebcmenm-11 Bend fir—Ila City of A(ae0%dero ryegtee A dcdnav,e+orveesfgrlye gi2D10 ... 1/RPTTF MtV, Cil of dare Its—bend ----0S Abscadeen Yl 31 2004x005 Radewbement Bulls' Bank gf Naw York Me11w: Alasaadem t,atP1'CF reegxebvmom P,oiecn w ".i— .'e. N1 3 11RPT1Y A) 2004/2005 R.d—l.p .t Bolla Sane of New Y.W.Wleo T'va°° dm w.e so-.xoa 2004)2005 ROA B°M =drequvnmenfi Alastadero N7 5 2tt1xa, 1 PeeneueemenY MiMf «i,p Cky of Matcadwo C.Mrsaforfundi,g fol eoadd nawdta M1laxq �� �'-��'•" agreemeMwan ^..sol Al,scad_m1 Me mmrleWngi AgganY geRras tr¢mns Iiiglgrc Cty Xaa iro;gn, aW ane, —ft. Abstldem Nl 210dter 2 R.W&--rtl Rem! 5nancing Cy s Ates.*,. ppiy_vn :ruateo a d'a,eJnwfe x +ass ter lkn of 3-2,256.25 382.256.25 wRh Ci e! Ate 2010 Bond !bond re Aft—d— NI e.aD O.Do 210xar 3 Cay Loan Nt snored into. 1998 City of Aiaxadero C-tracti.TI.-3l.—fors*,t tg+ _ «6b Abecadoro Yt 1 T,t14.90 x8.00 2/0eer 4 City Loan 42 anted into. 2001 City o(Abx.&. C -n &for mwl-ira loon 81Merostfer •✓.W� "'- -' e Ar.—elep d- 914,798.00 ],822.00 2/06ror 5 CiN Loan A3 entated into in 2002 Ci(y of gbandar0 Cg== propaR/ pwch Cgnbael for em ban A i0_1 J.R of rld for cash tbw Abandero Al 141 x8400 5.504.00 2/Other B Loan hem RDA Low/Mgderete Lmv/Med housing FUM Repayment ef Lean from RDA LDw,Mnd - E- -MF Fta=.tl br ERAF moll Abxadoro N? ob, Dm 21043,., 7 CJPIA Re9esp.drxe Depeslt CJPU RedevaloSxneM Agetuy share of risk pod __ __ I.— xreltgh Juno 30. 2011, (Mae A4y Ataxadn,e N1 1 131 VOther 8 Property Tax CoRacaon C,ow1(y o! SLO 2011-20t2 amval Dost of wilettan M ba.-- arexem a Abscadero Rl 95.520.00 D.WJ 4 - ^JOxar 9 Employee Servi«a P.0 P.0 Ti— Emnloyee Diretl ROA employee lusts for RDA _ ,,, - -,.—I A'aseadero Al 0.00 0.00 710th., 10 Finangial indopendanl audit eervlfea hbssLevy 6H.ruheim. Centres, fel irMapenden It-rcid audifa — .•...._, _ •_ LLP (10111 6 1111 2 ck,9anN AbsGrtarp Rl 3556.00 3.655.00 210th., 11 .ggenry In—costs CJPWARianflnsunnca Uabi£ty ins.ro .tt«xerage in eompli— wP., hand '—pas Ataxadaro R7 QDO 9300 T/Oxer 12 Lapis gf Sufae,wils—e. Somxsorl Contract I. le9.t—xi,$for - ABerwy adrMnlepaion of the agency iesnm et Ata—k Al xmu htl Ullon' 4egpg �gq 00 210tlte, 13 Admieaasation of Agency qudor Cemmunigabony 4gnjn. Plane A/Mamel et Dene- TWT ,eaamaUU—.0 d: utbn AU—d— dl 4,55 SOD 21D0- 14 AdnlirW.6onof A0 -y CoWomia Redevelopment AYrar- somal dues for inbnrtaticn, _ Aasoc ha�nir, ate Alla—l— 01— 0,00 0.00 2(Oxer 15 C—piny, nd!rebs.. supped L•, City of Alawadsro Admin-OwnpUPnr suppoRoesta through RDA di8whAw. Al—d— Al 1833] 183.00 2109,, 15 Adn*4—t,. wppon sbY.'at RDA City of Atastadh,o Adminixlrafiw sll—t ebn support— xrt. daxW on fisa—dem 11 4.142A6 4.'45.00 3ftitlrr li General gvorl�eatl ant support for Cdy of Ataecednr0 Atlmi ,istranv4 Overh..vd'.rosls fhrotgn '- RDA (gerrera(ao«unti'p. P.ymwas. diaselu,k.. —cil ch.Mba, use. agenda Atascadern Nl M ar ne . 1 s,54TA3 3,383.00 310x. -Is Colony sou—Candlions. Ws" Sq— LLC C-trad Is, q,,4W panicipaton it,0.11— —iM.nanrc of «mmD •or Cosy SgLlaw (eslNnated met is listed ror 3 Massed— Al hor req, -Fred long as RDA vaa rs, weve x.bV t0.o00.d0 O.aO 370xer 18 Mainterenco —fc— 110ding in Va Dua Ve.d—(L.eaea Leese Prgceeaw Cantrac•I for cosh _ ""- «otd — with hese elgreemmt ea—ft-A io City of crated wit, maintaWmg ROA owned with City A.—) t u de,g in aceo,danca with loose a9merlant. (Cost Rst-tl Lsest— Ab«amen! 91 1hat1gh6W':3. MUstmainbin A:,ough ., .ala .. _ .mm 861582 2A47m Atack- A LMIMF $end Proce0d6 Rsssra6 Bat- Admdn Aii,-<e RPTTF Other Estimate A -Ilial Estimate Actual Estimate Actual Estlmate Actual Sei=te Aqua: E,t-,. Actual P Worm Line Project N- f Dotil Obi" atiu, Pay** Dew. ionlPro' ct Spi, Pro'ed Area 3(Othw 20 Lease Ind I.. City ell IraCity of Ataacadoro COM[ecV Least of land for RDA .-d OTMIA andma:nt,n of RDA b.Vdirg{.sf-ted .osl }!4od is f.rone vmed Bukdng . Main Sbea( BuiWmg year) AGm s-#1 1.000.(10 1.000.00 3100-21 Maintenan.e of bWtBrg RDA.leatas V.6.us V..d.,S(Leaso Csna'a.t f.r cosh.-.d.ed'ith to Main Street tr. Main Sheer) ma"v1t»fining RDAbr4kAng based 1n Main b'""" Shoe( (osdmatod cost listed is far one 41 M. Om 3/00,!1 22 MOM Redrteb.n and E.onomk Cit/f Ataseadoro Contract vhM Cay fa emno.rcr. C evah Comred projedR; totvi^.m, marketing ant P.-6-. d.ZZnenhenced A.la-ils'. Al ainknance and baautltiratlen: and nia:ratien om om vo,tier 23 Monthly Eketdetlyy PG&E Eknbkity fir RDA tnatslled devmlown- o4msbPCMreanharaementa!mediars. rgsawaike and Pad bmnel) through Ahrsoadar. Ft _ dame 30 250.13 31ONwr 24 Stalkan Garden F.rtra Maintena,tt rwua vantlma Suppllsfw anbanrnd mainlrronra of tmk- Gattlens Alaswdoro 111_ 0.00 Am 3/NW 25 Tnaah pkvp servo•. NCI Trash bii. vnfie plstsd dov.-rb'an to heap the area litter free. TNe Is Iha contract with. Mild party vendor I empty Nose Atascarkro tl1 lro h- 52x50 3x0.00 4100.r 26 D.-- O d."P. Ylaintenen¢a MarFn46i Landaraoe ContraC, for rn iinfenannoa stilts RDA Coritiact Inataged'v!hasfircWre enharc.m¢nt: medians er_d Pedesbian Tunrol 1-0 0.bscadere Fl 7131111 ora AM 4/ONrar 27 D.-I-Iswpa Maintonetwe Gilbert's L4Mswpo Cantract f6r plaints - of RDA insblkd � Contract downmem itif-buclure arlhanttmanb (m¢dians. Gasewniks and ped tome/ nbscadsro tl! Mrar eargestkrtNnaBon x.000.68 2 W] W 41(ytar 2B Clan Pard mainlrynce of the City o(Alseatlero Vya.Vymmeca.Nkiter pickup and davmmvm arca bl-ing of dnanbvm twsinero ar.e Atasc.d- 41 thm 1 2,051.43 x,055.00 41Wher 29 Fsuntain Gmtenanee Aq,-* r3perafi.g Aub for ppwnman Fountain _ brought bs.kw-%,goNe, by tNe RDA r. order to dater blight teetimatad LMagh q`ascodem 4t ,Al- -.77 aev.W dlOtl!or 30 GraNR abaroment Paul 2en.wrBda Cou RDA Gn"i abatemar-t program clsts •- gta'x:adaro Fl 40.00 80.00 4(Oma, 31 Suak-C ,den Holiday C..aat MN¢INoa FM11n1mantof Stake.^..^..xdens NoF.day-`- F.rmencemant I.ightirg to p-ts pos[tive actvides in Atascadero tlt Ow D.-- A. 0.W 410gwrr34 P.I.M. toilet acmes for farmers }iarveys He, Yhuta POHeble Mats! - fol famtsrs mark., _ _ y market 0.faseadaro Fl - A- 0,00 4100., C.f., eapke for IGSC-Afereeee 4art lmprexxions Market g -,A.[.. eneelasye ' rob menl'm 0w RDA 0.bscsdem el 0 OOJognm 4/Other Pelma V.. w.h,.r Pwgram City ofAbsc"ad- ApprovedeM malkotad pr .pefor naw Atasalderoin -d Nroughf 2 1 410tl.r FaOade lmp -At vrogam D.-y's ResMuroM Approved and marktd Program frel ads' mems .roOm410thsr Tourism Promotion• SLO Ct-I SLOC.-Vitift.-M Toudsma,d!-, ng mnpara$ve Visdors and Caderence Bur Conterence P...0 plas.adnm At Om OA0 414mer 37 ?ovdam, Ma[kegng ant E1•enbr SV4 Martin &Aswcabs Contafltsr tnudyn and -rang urvices •• n n' mlfiro headiestfemTirekon dater Ata..$. -At S6At6.A4 66.4n.M 41(xher . 7 EWntaaM Pr.motione SVJ Msrdh A --s. Sevar0le Cenbal Coast Ahscadoro 4l 0.00 0,00 _ _ '- 410awr 34 Main SVeet Prog!am Atascedero Main S -I Cmtt dfor do lean or.moSeno ant -" vont. /through earliest P.ss't`+le At -dem Al atbol tU- O.op 0.00 S100wr 40 Marketing tool annualme payment Tpotsfor Stwtness I /ormadtional an rwb site Ntat provides S.-. hos-. budding,planting. and anagemaM to.ls I Wip Ical Ataapdero 91 busFnessos s:rrc¢ed. o.w 0- yIO01e: 41 F nemic DavabPmant Staff�• City sI Alees[kro Porton of City smoloy... dine spent nn ••• ,.dew_Mp-.t and En.nonoc da.eloprnenl i,.016 Proisct bunt Mast der. F1 .._. findt rue ro cis 14024.29 rn 025,ps 5/0916, 42 Lake Dart, sign 0.FroWago Rty atNaawdcre Cn.hact at0l CAybrnnsalrt 4he Latw "� •~•� .. ... _ Sark S" and Pronto a Pro Ab. „edam ft 0.W g.gg AiWhrrlent A. LMiMF Bxd PrO ds Resefve 9atnnce .Aorta, tit,,wan:e RPTTF Other Pa efpomr Line Prded Na ICI ebl Ob7i otkx Pa ea DescrlPLWnA'fo' cl Sc00e P'o'st Arev Estimate Adval £stiflate Adtal Estimate Actual Estinate Adeai Estiflate Actual Estiftate Adtai 510mer 43 L aka Park Sig. A, FnOage Eikhof Design Croup Desipnvrorkon L ake Park Signand Atnscadero}1 y959m 7.m SiOm., 44 Lake ork Sign a -,,Meg, -1--tion Pmrtdg,9d.'r5s%rg and goot.ehnleal .to on Lake Park sign end Fronbgo Aaecad.m }l Pro' G 0.00 300. 510th.' 4S lake Park Sign 6 FrerEnge City of AWscad.. City mwfime for Lake Park Sign 8 Frodago P,Ojed• prejkgmanagnma1,, At ­d.. d.ro al ar,. 'sass 2. 5Xf er 46 Zn¢ Well tmprol .nt Project City of Aaecadaro Cent a wAh C.Tj b wnotuct the Zoo _ _ Afascadero #1 Wall Pmed Pm 0 5101har 47 Redevabomenl Agen. Cenral Vanova..,dors W1,11 ea 8 P."I for go¢ds/s i,. Funds nta Myabla 6..,sued ivad plor to U30Mt. but net paid Until At-daro}1 l at J.-302611 FV 201,1 1 Om 261A0 510ther a8 Redevelop-Agaltcy Coneral VO_ -4- fn-Ima for go dst m. oemmd Poo•. to Fund acmunte payable a a-. 211112, twt.n.1 pal unbl MW 1.71112 AMsrndero }1 _ !oN at Jarwa. 31 1L. tw.m 4.IU.W wolh., 4g Pmdlrotien of A}ard.1,6 lt¢u.ing Cly at Aaxadero T Contra mlh City to..tallish 24 Alaxadern 01 VW4.bm nuskt unite ~�•�� 510th., 50 LowfModerab lmmme lbus.g City of Ataxadera Arlrnktlatrefbn of the Lov A%dorab .Administration Coate Income H..4" Program (through A1...d.m 41 Oiaaohftn)1.956.57 I.g _Da $fm., 51 Red¢vebpm mH.-ing keesanrA Urban F;,..e lnc, Contadioraervicoeto anely2e oPfiona tar Star _ lelwus'ot Ata .,.#1 13,896,64 15:5.m S/OOs, 52 R.d-lopnant Ag.-. ylaw MM Vadousv.ndore Invet^,"es fnr g¢¢dxfoame Moawed pd b Hawing Fynd accounfs payable & 6!30/11, but.1111 paid until abler FY Ata-d.e. a1 ¢¢rued a ro®at,l- 30.2011 701 V2012 0.0 0,00 6AYd'.. 53 BlgM Efirnmli.. Pro,- Con- Cray of At-de!o C -I.. veva Cly to conW d June 20:0 _, At -leve g, n 9 hd El'vninASon Pro' b 0.00 0.m 6YOv1er 54 Creek lmrxevervw_rds CsyJemie Co,9eNa0¢n Removal 0l Oontabve vegetedgl In Uew Breb&d sopyrt W.P natlentarinifUgti, no[Creek Tray in oleos cvmpfi.-+ Wl. Stam River P.rk-r Abx' ro/. _hlontP 0.00 trAq WOtror SS Way,ndirg Prary¢t Sign of SurposT Contraq for design; and p ­ h.. o`sires: •" Abx.dero O1 km and kiosks 23,ala.m I?etB.m ",r 56 W.yriragrg Projxl Karo Land Surveys Cenci for design, and purchase of street 'dOep Yt Al- d kioslm -N.fi¢n am O.m 8(Other 57 WayOnding Proj.ct trot ye: awarded 6orW FL d'.l-L of W.yr"Ev :6-4 eignx and Weeks. fndadtg im 6 E charges. An yotudet-frad.forlhe Ahecadero}t wmpletion of Way6ndbg Projeu fit ms 56 W.. 5J abo- 52.304.71 41.m 58 D¢wninvm Pro rM Pun:h9so Xarmer IF ntaq m, a 1ia6on se teen Aaxadem ai 0.0 Om 6lOther 59 DPMMAwn ProP.MPraahese First A". titan T'rk/Olean parties. o101senpr¢pertyfor Downtown _ "'-- propgty Padastian Bridg.ICenanrdal Pah Aascadem M? Pro d8 0.00 0,00 610ther 60 S)ew.^.!orm Pe&W-Bridge Am...&W.eo Centrad for EnvirOnm¢nbl evafualien ie+ Aaecadero Nt vmtown P¢dastian 0 : e Pro et 3353,25 La7E.m "_" 610thor 67 D¢wntawn Pedestfan Bridge Orris Slud7¢ Ao hiiects Aroh'decfw.et+and.Rgs for Doves - At -dem }i P^edeshi BrLf a Pro 2eaas 89,00 6lOmer 62 D¢wnmvm Prtdestdan Bridgk AQT Arbodsro 1E ?r e'pkn f¢r Dovmkvpt Pedeetiaa 8rdg. Amxadero }1 - P.Oct um }.m Onth. a D-1- Pndeavtan 89dga P9d}0 C.9 8 ENcbia PCBE engkteedng design for elecidcal saMce fpr Does.,Cosi,': Pedestfan Bridge Aascadare}1 Pro ct 0.m 0.00 6/0thar 84 Dewntewn P.d.-Sntlge San Lt's Obiyq County Filing Fee to record rrvtigm.d no0afive Recorder deebratbn for Do -,.-Pedestrian At-d¢ro}1 FlAd.. Pm' . 0.m 0,00 6/Ober 65DevmbwT Pedestrian Bddgt tiorlhCast Engineering PodesMan Bodge ri Pmiectferpp;Mrtawn M ­ 4d. Pro ct 78746.15 43,242110 6/Dmer 36 Dawnfewr-Pedesiden Bddpa LiL40ewgn Prof essionak Topographic Services for Dan-ft-Oo Pedesainn Bdtl Pro d Abxadaro}t tn.Rlgm 0A0 Dew+2o ftP .tdan Brdge City arAaAcadem EroeM:huo4/or City staff +m.lar 710th. 67 napecfion. oo-t-fl¢n mvt80.men1 and Ata -dam 41 iNatnti«+.. z.Ow.ea 43�5m ' 7/D61er 89 hoiden Statue Pmcement Eild'.4 Design CmuP Praparabon and ple-nt of Maiden _ StAW-1.4 reetoatti-.need Aasradoro 7YOmar 89 Maiden Bbrtw PmOerrp_nt various can'o'e Bortd Funded 12005) Ancillary conA. k, wtttadwlm Ethan banspoda8onar4 Alaxadaro }7 wYaOon of Maiden 75mm ta,6a 7fOMer _ 70 Call nnial Plata Ka rad Su a Cent -M.1 Ft a I Atascarkra }t 0.01O.00 I'""" n!fachncnl A LMIHF Bond P7'oceed% Reserve Balance Other P e1Fo Line P 'ect Nam ) Debt 01,11tiation Pa a Descri tirmlProiect Scone Prowk Area ESUrrwte Actual Eati-I. Ad-! Es:ime:e Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual Esti,-ata Actual 7106., 71 O0wnt- St-tacap. III Protect G Sova C -ha t n. Contract through City for -,bane of -d.naay&"ifhcape In Prejectil evWba AVlsradare 11 of ARRA. ant Epp 3,5}qW 3.524.a0 0m 710th., 72 Covmbvm Sh¢e1s0aP. III ProjeN Cl Ca,n;Pfrctlan gond t u-d•d (2001 Esp.Mrlh- f,-,gb City for polb- of undsrvray Atascedem#f tr¢ IN Pro' 0.00 O,oc 0,00 Om 710th., 73 0-Ito-Sooetaca-III Prefect AP.4. Padng 5-d Funded(2005)Exp-diluav fhmugh City for-rtionaof-le-V A.tauadaro al $trae'ara III Pros - oleo 0.00 0.00 a.W 7.r0tho, 74 O -n $freeh ,ape If Ngaj t Pick Engin¢odng 9- Frr..dnd (206Y Contract th ough - '�'• � City for -,Unna of underway Sla-soap. AL -.-41 10 pm'ed. 0.00 2,Om 210.00 om T M.1 75 0oysrinwn Saaetscape Ill Pmiel City of Atascad.m Bond Flmded (1005.. E. ,,oMia- ',or Ony self time !nr m5pec0on, mnetruction A"..df. #1 meraandpr-,qjg Fav 'o am am 710th en., 70 Dlo-SVeatxap¢ al Pnjeet V.6- v¢ntlors Band Funded (20116Y Fz r.<Hhaes •- "- throughCity forpwilonsoluMelvay Aaauae.m fl St-hicape 111 Pmj>ct. induct. ta.nng, ruhdxlx 3 minor d.ai n 0.00 0.00 710M., .? Riot Elindnatn Project Fiscal VadousveMen 1,-Ica5 Por 9eodaA.wMc. rexrved ptlor to"'"" Year 101+1 C-sef (aecounb &30!11, but rot pad until after 6/30y71 At>fpedem i • hie June 30•,._ 111) 0.170 0.00 am om 7/Otlwr ?0 kixid- S.W. R.O-lim Ethos Bad Funded (2170"s): Contract for •-'- -plo§on of-teraEon of hiss ft -M. At•rradero 01 19,71((00 e70.10 0lOtlf.[ 79 Hiseoda City Mag Project C¢ntraa and Cry o(Alavpro d.uded� BeM FMr Coaaa v4th City to assts( I.-Agrva- vthrapai, et oara.g7wko damage}mm At-doro#1 $ n im a- Om o.ao om SIOBwr 804 lfialen,. City l4alk EaMq+wke E -h Spit-Parift MM".'ad; Contract for do" _ 01 R¢0ak:Rehab Pre A -,lam 01 MEe5on seriipea 5.030.00 0.00 185,443 138380 8/ONer 82 Ffi-dO City Hl Ea7thquake Ma7wrEnvkpn,rwnlat Bopd/GraM FuntleQ Contraawr P.WtR.hab P,.pot d-lidan of pen8w,-areas.nd minted At ... doro#1 h xarda s Ya! 0.00 000 B/Oft-, 93 Igavldc City Halt Sampuake Roast E Cem BoMfGrant Kuntletl: Centrad to, •�� R.PaftlR.h.lb Proj.ct Basam ilt Electrical and Temporary Powe* Atascada,o#1 0.00 arm 0/01h.r 04-88 Histone CA" Hal EaAt"ke Wysong Construction Bond/Gmnf Foa iod' O¢ Mfe pile work -' R.Ml/Rehab Pro)ea and other basement str-W.I work Atascada,o 01 cl5.0n can r _+! -c 4+00 1,791,007 1 02.545 0104ha, St Hitadc City Hal Eanhpuak. Re ai,/Rehab Pm' a Stave.. Tw. Surgery I... Fuatletl'COMod to,,e--I oilvq Atauadnm 4l ! . f • r 000 0.00 al0ther 90 y0sle5c Cify Malt Fsrthp,wke W!cor EnW:onmental 6¢ndM.rant Fude0: Cnntm-prmmowl R.p.WR.b.b Props of udergraud -rage tank and Ataaca*,P 01 naval of cor4arninated sell 0.00 0.00 81051er S 01- Histedc City Hal E'nWI ako Duni Build g Corp El-&Gnmt FUMed'. Contact fo, repair at •• 910th., 100 Raoa's Ml .h Project fiistdcal fabdc f stC.ta m c¢`s `Ien pascgtlem #1 .0111111 1-.fI0ag0 487,295.00 7.,030.098 7.318.596 910dr0, 101- li stock City Halt HedhQuako Geld- Sbte Shot RedfOrartt Funded; C-trad for '" 103 R.paidRehab Project Snuaural $ton)and PAj ihtais Ata -dam f! ^onstrucanl Contract ,g00000 +sn].00 430.882 118718 9/Otl7er 104• HW... City Hag EaHhquake 106 Re aidRehal, Pm� a Diani B Meg Co,p 9-00-f FUMad: Conbaa for Rough Abvca•fe,a Yl Ca en Con rctlon !0000.pD eAS2.00 .__.. 259.993 19'..G29 &0th., 107 Histedc CRY halt Earthquake noty.t.-ded 0aM0G 7FunffM RnquimdlaMswp7ng ulRnhab P,Oc�t A,_adeto pl <0. 0 8/0thse tea Histnncaty HA Earmpum. R..Ak Ele-lar B-WGr- Fandad; Contras for Cto-W, Reiy!a.a Atamas-41 ISt.f4?.l!0 25.GM.W 9101-, 103 Hifbno City Hag E>MpVak. Re i,fRehab Proed Alpha biro $Pn,P4er BondlC nt Fundetl•Cantr>a to, Fvr Atascade[e#1 S ' Idar Cons 100.300.}70 13.561.00 5.000 3g 110 "i-flc City 1 -lap Eadhquake 3010 Murry PI Ming BordlGmnt Funded: Contracr fdr pt-bing Atascadero M 713 Re rrR h Pro' d Constn7ctbn _ ]e.9scoo ee.74. ro 102 400 4'7'714 10!(10.., 114 Histanc City f4lt Emthquaks ReMorfRahsb Pro ea Santa/,/>rgadta Cons Vc5,7n BOndIGmh4 Fundal: Contact for HVAC AWseadern#1 C nsiruc8on 479,123- ]t';.WT.ffO 30.000 14.!13 +0lOtMr 115-Histnde G'ly Ma#Eadhgwke Taft Elacsical BOMfGmMFunded' Contractfor B.drkal 120 Re arlrN_ha Pr ed AGscadero 0.1 C -V vfan tea 41#52 74.199- 80.000 456113 tOJOBror 127 51isMnr. C!y HaY EaRhQuake ml yoi awardetl oW,,ir nt Funded Req, -d S-¢ . Ra a bM t ¢u71aInM Yellen At -dem 41 Saoam o 1010th., 122 His(odc :rty Hap Eefthglwka Hanroy's It- M+As B0ndk3rantFwded: Contradior RanLl of R.pairlRohab Projed Podwa To4e!a far annxiniaion vnfkors AMmarh_r¢#1 t.500.OR 1 tT9m •� 3.113 _ 2491 IPOjecl LMIHF Bond Proceeds Rese,e BWanco A,Imin Aik wa:- RPTTF Other Pa ail- tine Name f Debt Obligation Payee Descriphon'Pr ' ct SmpePod -a Area E timate Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual Estimate Actual 101001er 123 Hixloric City Ha#Eanmgwke nous pprhlnon, BondlGranl Fu-dad. C-.Wtclon costs for Repalrat.Mh Project ander gare.1 tatldff- shish as ' rtiwtles. at iping. on-sse batt control, SWPP mtaswes. a2nsbuc50a traaer AWsrarwro #1 expenses, temporary utdiN.s, signage, tgpgir_ 11.080.00 4,467.00 23.635 13 C35 1 Df(W.n[ 124 Hi-no City Ball E.nnouake tet yet aw ded B.d1G,aM, Fund d Required sid.vralk R h.b Pmwct and erl(. lot i menf A-.dem#1 40-00 0.00 i D,M)yter 125 Hal Eardgtake riot yet awarded Bend F-md. R.Pla errant fxtu- Rieawd.Gy Ataxedero#1. 0.00 6.00 10(Other ill' Historic City H.l Repair& Ph8(er Perbara BondfGrant Funded' Contra-„dtor RebabiMatinn Projed' Ar.Wte m and Engineering 8entoes fot Atxxadem 91 pro ^l fpnaee 5 A 040 0.00 S43,8$3 22`� 9 11/00!., 127. Hielefic City Hal Repair& Pfeifer Peron— Bond/Grant Funded: CorM'act for _ 134 P.ehabi6W5.n Pf.jed AmMwcluro and EngineemV Sliwkas far At -q-o 01. Pm ct Phax3 t2a .`0 87.63400 - - llnjt,.r 135 Historic City Hal Repair& Bamarda BondfGraM FudeA: CantractbrAtaxadoro _ AW tubilbtion Pro'ed Ca 1 koro nt 8arvk s 4l 18020.4+ x3�ea0.0p 522.040 485 084 11109- 133 k0swde. Cy Nal EaYl+gnabr City of Afiscal em Bond Funded Projad nUfff- in RepaidRahab Projed accordance.10l City P... S. efd:argitg pmjocis fordireat -b, f.rprojeol AWxadaro Mt nee- t0.a00.00 6.161.00 ?O.6w BALL 1110ther 137 HOlt, Hall Farthke qus Calilamia Code Check ?end Fundeb Contrad Man chucking-� - RapWRahab Pmieot cx for kisWric City Hak Earthquake At.-dr-o 11 PrM 1000.00 1,335.0 14.308 10735 %I/Other 138 Hilooric Vey Hal Eartltgwka Cay of Naacadaro Bnnd Funded: P-ft,.9 (ether. than R.psir�R . Project California Code Check) costs for Wi.ct A.-dem 01 nr ud' oee remov.1(..a 4000.00 2756.0 17.000 9.264 t1r0Mter 13,1 Hiswric City Hal Repair Bo"Puneact for ... Wd'6 ""�'�� ••�_ 141 Mt Oon P, LL a lesfin a lFunAd: AMeced.m#7 bM..W 574.00 75.853 88412 1210thar 142 VisWnrfyHaW Earthquake ri-o0nbactora Pond Coats f.-Vrjc6on R.pairfReMb Project doamip(doea not induft dumpelers and Awse-Ni a emM-le a ve sor'TA 3•`00.00 O,ae t27Otur 143 H:stodc City Hal Ea,mquake Mid Stam Sold Waste Bod Pim i.d Contract ter 1Pentai c' Itraab R. ai""I"!b P- Rolloea Ataxadrxn 61 3852.00 2181.00 4,805 1210014, 144 Hiswnc City Hal Earthmake Re ir!Rehab Noma A.bccadero Wage N.,natrvea Bond Funded: coMrad for Storage C-Winn AWxad¢ro H. 2W.0 (26.00 550 272 1210ther 145 7ialorc City Hal EaMtgtak. soon"otors Bond Funded: ONler oonekuolian cosh _ ..... RepaiolRehab Pmjaot such as priming, spa -.0iy, duan Pa11i.1lon• r.dmtf 4n.pirg, pest Fnntml. Ne. At...d.m Yt 1000.00 974.00 1.869 781 121001.1 146 'iehMr- City Hak Earthquake various eordract- Bo.d Fumed: 0.., wU consimdinn _ Re arniaMDP!o' oasts A.-da., 01 5.700.00 ttyp0.00 12904MrR vornohescton Bond F,,1..dCon""b..t'geey t:R ha P At-d¢ro#t ^.0`0.0;400 0.00 1210dter I. H1al.d.City Hak EaMglake Various ventlom kwjjI,alservke wiorw Yi Rrem^rotl Ahab Pro el 81301! 5 butmrott aid mud ah • 8i 11 aq.-d- poD 0.00 1210gter 140 luded. City Hal EaMquaka Commitrrant la Stam of CCHE D nt rnxten -^ -_ Re aditahab Pm ol Caflnma AWscadero Y1 opo 0.0 IVother 150 11p+Ark City Hell EsMrqueke Ecmrilmnnt to FEMA and 0bflgaf- to receiye occupancy P.-ft on _ RepairlRaMbProjed CaIEMA HjaW6' City Hal Pro; tr .Met to mtain grant fim-ds F., Coy Hall Proi.d and AWsoo-Y7 Tem n RekraLmn O.OD 0.00 12fOther 151 Bo-d Agreement- Jae a Bond C-nmUnant W BOnd Remaining 2010 nand pm-ado - '�- P[o0oeda(CnyHaiandW-biliied Hoiden narmdrknd for City Haji Prajxt& 2010 Baht EBntbtadon p.Jecls par Jurra Idendfied Blight Elimination Projaels AWsradem Xl 2010 eatd meetr 1 o00 0110 12101!1., --52 gond Aynemenl-Use et Wtareston - mi unentw Bond! d latest nemeianrems'nin920100md Bondmoe Pads;Halnd City a2010 Holden -.ad. eann.rkod for City Hen Prejecl& at.-de. 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