HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 074-87 RESOLUTION 74-87 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO AND LOCAL 817 SERVICE EMPLOYEES INTERNATIONAL UNION ATASCADERO CHAPTER GENERAL SERVICES BARGAINING UNIT WHEREAS , the City of Atascadero has met and conferred in good faith with Local 817 Service Employees International Union (S.E. I .U. ) Atascadero Chapter General Services Bargaining Unit for the purpose of discussing wages , benefits, and other conditions of employment; and WHEREAS , the City of Atascadero and the Atascadero Chapter General Services Bargaining Unit have reached an agreement regarding said wages, benefits, and other conditions of employment for the term of Fiscal Years 1987/88 , 1988/89 and 1989/90 ; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Atascadero City Council hereby approves the Memorandum of Understanding between the City and Local 817 Service Employees International Union Atascadero Chapter General Services Bargaining Unit for Fiscal Years 1987/88 , 1988/89 and 1989/90 , and authorizes the City Manager , as the Employee Relations Officer , to enter into said agreement on behalf of the City. On motion by Councilperson Handshy and seconded by Councilperson Bnr6psor� , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES : Council Members Bourbeau, Handshy, Borgeson, Mackey & Mayor Norris NOES: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: July 28, 1987 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA By: ®qAL'o BA RA NO RIS, Mayor PREPARED BY: DAVID G--' JORGENSEN, Director of Administrative Services ATTEST: r . BOYD 'C. SHARITZ , City Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: F EY JO ENN, City Attorney MEMORANDUM OF UNDEP,STANOING between the CITY OF ATA,SCADERO and LOCAL 817 , SERVICE EMPLOYEE INTERNATIONAL UNION , ATASCADERO CHAPTER GENERAL SERVICES UNIT ECTI011: 1 : PREAMBLE This Memorandum of Understanding is entered into between the authoried representatives of City of Atascadero , hereinafter referred to as "City ," and of Local 817 of the Service Employees' International Union , AFL-CIO , Atascadero Chapter , hereinafter referred to as "Union. ' Such MOU was developed pursuant to California Government Code 73500 , et say, City of Atascadero Municipal Code Title 2 , Chapter 2 , Section 2-2.01 through 2-2. 13, inclusive , and the City of Atascadero Resolution Pio. 12-80, dated July 1980, and subsequent amendments thereto. The parties have met and conferred in good faith regarding employment terma and conditions for members of the Unit , as defined in Section 2 , Recognition , and having reached agreement , as herein set forth , submit this Memorandum to the City Council with a joint recommendation that Council adopt the terms and conditions and take Such other additional actions as may be necessary to emplement its provisions, SECTION 2. RECOGNITION PurSant to California Government Code 3500 , et Seg , City of Atascadero r1uni.cipal. Code Title 2 , Chapter 2 , Section 2-2.01 through 2-2. 13 , inclusive , and the City of Atascadero Resolution No. 12-80 , dated July ,1980. and subsequent amendments thereto , the City hereby recognizes Union as the bargaining representative for prupcses of representing regular and probationary employees , occupying position classifications set forth in Appendix A, in the General Services Unit with respect to their wages , hours and other teras and conditions of employement . SECTICIN 5. :i,aCATION AND HOL I:ADI; 5,S Effective the first day of the first full pay period in July 1988 , employees who work on a City holiday shall by paid time and one-half ' 1 lit } their base hourly rate for the hours wort<.ed on the holiday , plus compensation for the holiday as provided in sub-section 5.4 above. The cost of this benefit Shall be deducted from the overall salary increase determined in sub-section 5. 1 .3 below. 1 SECTION 6SALARIES AnIO HEALTH 'N URANCl= 6. 1 Salaries 6. 1 . 1 Effective the first day of the first full pay period .in July 3997, salaries in effect on 30 June 1987 shall be increased by three percent (3% ). 6. 1 .2 Effective the first day of the first full pay period �n January 1968., salaries in effect on 31 December 1,967 shall be increased by two percent (2% ). . , .., Effective the first day of the first full pay period in July 1938, employees shall receive a salary increase which shall be determined by the Los Angeles/Anahiem/ Riverside, Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers , May to May (printed by the RLS on about 25 June 1988 ) , Consumer Price Index , less the cost of salaries and benefits provided in sub-sections 5.5 above , and 6.3.2. below. The salary increase shall equal the full percentage change of the CPI-W up to five percent (5% ) plus one- half of the full percentage change above five percent (5% ) less the costs indicated above. EXAMPLE: Assume the GPI-W = 6.6% Assume 1 of alary' and related = $8,000 Assume the cost of providing holiday pay (5.5 ) = `3+2520 Assume the cost of the special adjustments (6.3 ) =: 2000 Each of the dollar numbers used in this example is an annual cost . Therefore, full. CPI-W up to 5% + 1 /2 of CPI-W over 5% is 5% + To convert holiday pay ($2500 ) and special adjustments (`3;2000 ) to a percentage , divide by 1% (` 6000 ). Therefore , holiday pay is 0.31% and special pay is 0.25%. Therefore , the across-the-board increase is 5.8% 0.3•i% - 0.2E., 5.24% S . 1 . .1 Effective the first day of the first full pay period in July 1989, employees shall receive a salary increase which shall be determined by the formula detailed in 6 . 1 .3 above but with appropriate effective dates , less the cost of salaries provided in sub-section 6.3.3 below. 6.3 Special Adjustments' In addition to increases provided above , the City shall make special range adjustments on the first day of the first Full pay period in the month listed below: 6.3. 1 Custodian: 2.5% jan 1968 and Jan 1989. 6.3.2 Senior Part: Maintenance 'Worker , and Supervising Maintenance Worker: July 19R8 and Jan 1989. 5.3.3 Senior Park. Maintenance Worker , and Supervising Maintenance Worker: 2.5% July 1989 and Jan 1990, 7 L 5,4 Health Insurance 5 .4. 1 TheCity agrees to continue to provide the current medical and dental benefits. 6.4.E The City Employee Medical Insurance Committee may recommend changes to the level of service and service providers during the term of the Agreement, 6.4.3 During the term of this Agreement , the City shall continue to make the contribution it was making effective 30 Jung 1987 , plus it shall. pay 100`<a of employee only cost increases , and 50% of dependent cost increases. 6.4.4 ( language of the current MOU in section 4.5 ) 5.5 vision Insurance During the term of this Agreement , City shall provide employee only vsion insurance at no cost to the employee. The City shall. provide ( need name of provider and plan typed here ). SECTION 7 ?ANION SECURITY 7. 1 . 1 ( language of the current MOU in section 5. 1 , except omit the last paragraph ) 7, 1 .2 Maintenance of Membership. Any employee on dues deductions as provided in 7. 1 . 1 above on the effective date of this Agreement and any employees who commences such dues deductions during the term of this Agreement , shall continue such dues deduction for the balance of the term of the Agreement , unless such employee gives the proper notification to the Union to withdraw from dues deduction during the month of March of any year during this Agreement , 7. 1 .3 Union shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Atascadero, its officers , agents , and employees from any and all claims , demands , damages , costs , expenses , or liability arising out of Section 7. SECTIO'`} 9, TERM LIFE INSURANCE V 9. 1 (current MOU section 7. 1 ; increase amount to $20x ,000 ) Effective 7/88 SECTION 10, rENERPI_ FENEEITS �M . 10,2 Current language , but .increase standby to one and one-half ( 1 1 /2 ) hours of straight time pay, 10,S Work Shoes During the term of this Agreement , the City shall contribute a fixed amount each year to each maintenance employee for the purchase of work. shoes. Proof of purchase is required. Once purchased , such work shoes must be worn while working, The City contribution shall be: 1O.S. ) 1987-88--555.00. 10.5,2 1:88-89--$75.00. 1015.3 1989-90--X85.00. 10.5 Sick Leave for Dependent Care. A regular .employee may use sick leave for the care of relatives who are ill , injured or pregnant and who are living in the employee's household. 3 ~ ` ' 10.7 Pay on Promotion. An employee who is promoted -shall receive n salary increase of at least one step (5% ). Therefora, the employee :hall be placed on step 8 or that step which ' / produces at least a one step 5a1ary increase. ` SECTION 15. STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 15. 1 Cit; =-hall continue to provide State Disability Insurance ae employee cost for the term of this Agreement. 15.2 SDI shall be integrated with 51ck leave as detailed in the letter from Bill Avery to John Stall5m1th dated July 3, 1986. See appendix B. SECTTQN 16. WORK 6LOVES 16. 1 City shall continue to provide employees with leather palmed work gloves. 16.2 The Public Works Department shall 155ue regulations establishing reasonable standards for provision of the gloves ' repaloement of gloves , and the maximum number :f gloves made available during any fiscal year, SECTION 117— EFFECTIVE QATES17, 1 Unless specifically provided otherwise , the provisions of this Agreement shall go into effect | July 1987' and shall remain in effect , unless modified by mutual agreement , until midnight 30 June 1980. / ` ' � 4 SECTION 24. COMPREHENSIVE MOU 24. 1 The parties agree that during the months of August and September of 1457 they shall develop a, comprehensive Memorandum of !_Understanding which incorporates all past negotiate provision--; that are still in effect . The intent is not to re-open negotiations or to make any substantive changes to the current provisions. Rather, the .intent is merely to incorporate all outstanding negotiated MOU provisions. SECTION 25. SIGNATURES ATASCADER0 GENERAL BARGAINING CIT`; OF ATASCAOERO UNIT JOHN STALLSMITH DON BECKER S.E.I.U. ntati e Ci Labor Negotiator e--� r . L.•c,� C i �4� ALiL . B !BLANK e a Technician ast4water' Tr latment Operator P Lv--�C T& JAMASON �A ain ena ce ra r Administr t' e Services Director � DAVE MORTON Maintenance Worker DATE: C1��` HATE '7 /S�/S 7 5