HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 070-97 RESOLUTION NUMBER 70-87 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF ATASCADERO AUTHORIZING ENTERING INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES WHEREAS, the City of Atascadero entered into an agreement with Cooperative Personnel Services on October 1, 1979 , for the purpose of performing testing services; and WHEREAS, Cooperative Personnel Services requires the City to update the original agreement and to extend provisions of the agreement NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Atascadero City Council authorizes the Director of Administrative Services to enter into and sign an agreement with Cooperative Personnel Services. On motion by Councilperson Mackay and seconded by Councilperson Bourbeau , the foregoing resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call votes: AYES : Council Members Bourbeau, Handshy, Borgeson, Mackey & Mayor Norris NOES: None ABSENT: None ADOPTED: July 28, 1987 CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA '_4 \ , By: BARBARA NORR S, Mayor Resolution 70-87 con° t. ATTEST: BOYD t. SHARITZ, Cf; Clerk PREPARED BY: r� DAVID G. 1JO GENSEN, Director of Administz t�ve Services APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: X1-4 '5 MICHAEL SHELTON, City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM: )/ER1E'7 G. R SEN, City Attorney COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES STANDARD TEST USE AGREEMENT TERMS AND CONDITIONS Section I - PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT This agreement is intended to define CPS Standards and Procedures, services and test security. Test security standards are designed to protect the mutual interests of all clients that use test materials obtained from Cooperative Personnel Services (CPS) , as well as the interests of persons ubo take such tests. In order that no person may gain special advantage by having improper access to the material, CPS requires as a condition for making its test materials available for rental that all users sign this agreement and fulfill its terms. Section II - CPS STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES The following provisions shall govern CPS services for planning, sche- duling, preparation, construction and scoring examinations. A. Custom Tests 1. Information Required from Clients. A client desiring custom exam preparation services is responsible for furnishing to CPS a written description of the work to be per- formed, the skills, knowledge and abilities required to perform the duties of the position, special working conditions, shifts, loca- tion of the job, required licenses or certificates, salary and shift differential if any. 2. CPS Preparation of Test Materials. CPS shall construct a written examination, based on the information furnished by the client, for each job classification for which an examination has been requested and agreed upon by CPS and the client. B. Standardized and Custom Tests 1. Schedulimz of Examinations. Client desiring exam preparation services shall notify CPS sufficiently in advance to allow time for scheduling and prepara- tion. 2. Client Notification to CPS of Number of Competitors. Immediately after the closing date for filing applications, but not less than 10 working days prior to the examination date, the client shall notify CPS of the total number of competitors in each classi- fication. -1- 3. Transmittal of Test Materials. CPS shall provide the client with sufficient examination booklets, instructions for administering the examination and such other material as CPS may deem necessary. 4. Client Administration of Test and Return of Test Materials. Client shall administer the examination in accordance with instruc- tions provided by CPS and immediately following the examination will return all used and _unused examination booklets, keyed booklets, scoring keys, instructions, and any other materials fur- nished by CPS and not consumed (except that in such cases as pro- vided in paragraph I.B(7) , I.B(8) , and I.B(9) time extensions may be granted by CPS) . 5. Re-Use of Test Materials. Client requesting test material use for a specific date and candidate count, will not be allowed to re-use the tests for another date or candidate group without prior permission of CPS. 6. Scoring of Tests. At the discretion of the client, responsibility for the scoring of tests may be provided by CPS. In such cases, CPS will score the answer sheets and report the results , together with a recommended qualifying score, to the client within 14 calendar days after the answer sheets are returned to CPS. Provided, in unusual cir- cumstances involving large numbers of competitors or unforeseen difficulties in administration of the test, CPS may extend the period for receipt of results. 7. Test Papers Inspection Under Client Policy. If the client has an officially adopted rule or established policy regarding candidates ' privilege of inspecting a keyed copy of an examination or answer sheets following the examination, and this rule or policy has been submitted in writing to CPS at least 10 days prior to the first examination scheduled under this agreement for which such inspection is desired, CPS will comply with the inspection privileges as officially recognized by the client. Exception - no inspection shall be allowed for standardized test materials or testpreduplicated as form tests or semi-form tests or of questions not scored by an absolute standard. During key inspection, a representative of the client 's Personnel or Administrative office must be present to assure that no can- didate takes away, from the review, any notes regarding a test question. Upon request of the client, and when submitted in writing by a candidate who participated in the examination, CPS will analyze protests resulting from such review and recommend the .action to be taken by the Local Agency. -2- 8. Test Papers Inspection Under CPS Policy. If the client has no officially adopted rule or established policy regarding candidates ' privilege of inspecting a keyed copy of an examination or answer sheet(s) following the examination and wishes to allow such an inspection privilege, the following CPS policy shall govern: a. Key Inspection. Inspection of a keyed copy of the exami- nation question book, for the purpose of requesting a review of such items as the candidate may believe are incorrect or improperly keyed, will be allowed for five working days immediately following an examination, pro- viding this has been requested by the Local Agency at least 10 days prior to the examination. The inspection time allowed a candidate will not exceed one-half the amount of time originally allowed to answer the question during the administration of the examination. During key inspection, a representative of the client 's Personnel or Administrative .office must be present to assure that the candidate takes no notes of any kind regarding any test materials. Upon request of the Local Agency and when submitted in writing by a candidate who participated in the examina- tion, CPS will analyze protests resulting from such review and recommend the action to be taken by the Local Agency. b. Answer Sheet(s) Inspection. Inspection of a candidate 's answer sheet(s), for the purpose of detecting whether any clerical or other error has been made in the scoring of the answer sheets, shall be allowed for a 14-calendar-day period immediately following the notification to the can- didate of examination results. Upon request, CPS will return the candidate 's answer sheet(s) after scoring and a copy of a keyed answer sheet(s) to the client. Candidates are not allowed to review the question booklet during this inspection period. Ibt more than one hour will normally be allowed for answer sheet(s) review. A representative of the client 's Personnel or Administrative office shall be present to assure that no changes or marks of any kind are made by the candidate on the answer sheet(s) or the keyed answer sheet(s). C. Certain Tests Not to be Open for Key Inspection. Standardized tests, form tests, semi-form tests, and questions not scored by an absolute standard will not be available for keyed copy inspection nor may candidates be allowed to review copies of these tests at any time. -3- 9. Extended Usage. If the client wishes to administer examinations on a continuous basis for certain mutually agreed upon classes, CPS may, in its discretion, supply the examination booklets, a scoring key and instructions for extended usage. Extended usage is defined as the client 's retention of examination booklets and instructions after their initial administration for the purpose of readministering them. The client shall score such examinations. 10. Examination Charges. In consideration of the performance by CPS for testing services specifically described in this Exhibit, the client agrees to pay CPS in accordance with "Written Examination Price List" (Exhibit A) in effect at the time of rental arrangements. 11 . Canceled or Postponed Examinations. Clients may be billed for work done on a canceled or postponed exa- mination up to the time CPS is notified of such action. Undercer- tain circumstances, credit may be given for work already performed if the test is rescheduled. C. Client Responsibilities The client shall perform all parts of the examination process which have not specifically been requested of and agreed to by CPS. Client shall assume responsibility for the conformity of the exami- nation process to any applicable laws, rules, or ordinances and for the examination as a whole. Under the selection guidelines of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the California Fair Employment and Housing Commission the client as test user is responsible for the results of the selection process and must be prepared to demonstrate that the process is valid and meets other testing standards if it adversely affects groups protected by fair employment laws. Section III - SECURITY OF TEST MATERIALS All test materials supplied by CPS under this agreement shall be and remain the property of CPS. They shall be held and stored in a manner that will prevent unauthorized persons from having access to them. The client agrees to be responsible for the security of all test materials supplied to the client and agrees to reimburse CPS for a portion or all of the replacement costs, as determined by CPS, for test materials that are lost or whose value for testing purposes, in the opinion of CPS, may have been destroyed while said -4- test materials were subject to the custody of the client. Question booklets shall not be duplicated nor test questions copied by the client under any circumstances. If any test material obtained from CPS should become involved in legal proceedings by a court or other body vested with legal authority, CPS will take appropriate measures to safeguard the con- fidentiality of the test material including answer sheets such as by motion for protective order. Section IV - TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT CPS retains the right to terminate this agreement and withhold or recall its test materials if it believes the terms and conditions of this agreement are being or have been violated. -5- V. PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT The parties to this Standard Test Security Agreement are the Cooperative Personnel Services (CPS) and the client named below. A. Principal Signer On behalf of this agency, I accept this agreement and assure compliance with its terms and conditions. City of Atascadero Client Name 6500 Palma Avenue (P. 0. Box 747) Address Atascadero, CA 93422 (93423) City State/Province Country Zip Code ( 805) 466-8000 Telephone number to contact regarding test orders David G. Jorgensen _ Name of Principal Signer " Director of Administrative Services Tit le Signature/Da e B. ALTERNATE SIGNERS (optional) On behalf of this agency, I accept this agreement and assure compliance with its terms and conditions, Alicia I. Lara Name of First Alternate Personnel Technician Title Signature/Date N/A Name of Second Alternate Title Signature/Date EKeepe one copy for your files. Sign and rFturn the other CPS. BILLING INFORMATION For office use only L1 Test Use Agreement Technical Contract Interagency Agreement A. Client Information City of Atascadero Agency Name 6500 Palma Avenue (P. 0. Box 747) Address Atascadero, CA 93422 (93423) City State/Province Country Zip Code David G. Jorgensen Respnsible Name Director of Administrative Services Title ( 805) 46_6-8000 Telephone _ B. BILLING INFORMATION Administrative Services - Personnel Department P. 0. Box 747 Address Atascadero _ California_ 93423 City State/Province Country Zip Code Alicia I. Lara Attention to: Name (optional) Personnel Technician _ Title ( 80)5 466-8000 Telephone Please notify CPS of Billing Information Changes Msml�z monrift