HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-004 Amendment No 1 Mellennium Consulting 65; - CV q CITY OF ATASCADERO '87818 AMENDMENT NO. 1, January 12, 2011 To Contract #2010-004 Millennium Consulting Associates, a MECA Consulting, Inc. Company for Hazardous Materials Abatement and Monitoring Services for Historic City Hall Rehabilitation, FEMA Repair & Hazard Mitigation f Iola t AMENDMENT TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR THE CITY OF .ATASCADERO Millennium Consulting associates This document is the first amendment to the contract made and entered into between City of Atascadero, a Municipal Corporation ("City") and Millennium Consulting Associates, a MECA Consulting, Inc. Company ("Consultant"), dated March 23, 2010. The following scope of work and compensation are in addition to that specified in the above referenced contract. SCOPE OF SERVICE: This phase of hazardous materials consultant work includes providing hazardous material abatement monitoring based on the plans developed in the previous phase, as well as clearance inspections and testing. This work will be implemented in the following phases; Phase Ilia-Penthouse Demolition and Phase Illb-Upper Rotunda Disassembly and Interior Demolition. In addition, the Consultant will provide services at the close-out of the project, supplying the City with required documentation of the work completed. The Scope of Services to be provided for this phase of the project includes the following tasks.- 1. asks:1. Bidding Services: Consultant shall prepare written addenda pertaining to hazardous material related work as required. All written responses will be coordinated with the Project Architect and the Project Construction Manager (Bernards). Phase iilb will include Consultant attendance at the on-site pre-bid meeting and site walk with potential bidders. Amendment#1(January 12,2011). Al-1 2. Bid Support Services: Consultant shall attend one pre-construction meeting onsite with the abatement contractor, City and Bernards for this scope of service. At the pre- construction kick-off meetings, Consultant will review the abatement scopes of work, specific abatement submittals, and waste characterization requirements. The purpose of this meeting is to coordinate abatement monitoring with planned work activities during these project phases. Consultant will perform technical review of abatement contractor's hazardous material abatement work plans. The review will include hazardous material subcontractor submittals' conformance with the project specifications for these phases. 3. Inspection and Monitoring Services: Attend construction progress meetings during the first and third weeks to coordinate abatement monitoring with planned work activities during the project phase. Inspect abatement enclosures prior to initiation of abatement activities for conformance with project specifications. Perform periodic inspections of the hazardous material contractors work. Perform necessary clearance inspections and testing. Perform wipe testing to document final cleanup prior to turn back. Collect samples for clearance testing and collect bulk samples of stockpiled construction materials (stucco and plaster) for initial waste characterization (TTLC). Additional Waste Characterization (STLC and TCLP) will be determined based on the results of initial waste characterization. Analytical results shall be provided to the abatement contractor. 4. Project Closeout: The Consultant shall provide project closeout services by providing a review of the contractor red-lined drawings related to hazardous materials abatement work, preparing and/or reviewing required close-out documents and preparing documentation of the work completed to provide to the City. The following assumptions are applied to hazardous material abatement monitoring and clearance inspections and testing, unless otherwise noted: ® Consultant will prepare technical addenda during the bidding period. Up to three (3) addenda will be prepared (Phase Illa- one (1) addendum, Phase Illb: up to two (2) addenda). The technical addenda will consist of revisions to previous abatement drawings. ® Consultant shall attend one pre-construction meeting for each phase to review the hazardous materials related work as described in the project specifications. This task will include travel and per them to attend the meeting. Amendment#I (January 12,2010) Al-2 ® Consultant shall review abatement contractor's submittals in one (1) to two (2) days. Additional time will be allowed if the submittal is determined to be incomplete and will require re-submittal and re-review. ® Consultant shall attend weekly construction meetings during the first and third weeks of abatement for a total of 2 meetings per phase. Attendance at additional meetings will be determined based on need. * Abatement Phase- Consultant shall perform hazardous material abatement monitoring activities. Abatement monitoring is estimated to require the following: Phase Illa: ten (10) 8 hour shifts and five (5) 10 hour shifts Phase Illb: ten (10) 8 hour shifts and fifteen (15) 10 hour shifts. Phase Illb time frame assumes that the abatement contractor will have four crews working on a floor (one crew per wing), and that abatement on the four floors and mezzanine deck can be completed in four weeks (20 shifts) and the rotunda and roof abatement can be completed in one week (5 shifts). * Abatement monitoring is assumed to have full time shift durations of 8 to 10 hours. Abatement work is assumed to be performed during normal work hours (Monday — Friday). Premium shift rates may be imposed for work performed on weekends and holidays. ® Abatement monitoring also assumes that the abatement contractor will construct containments and negative pressure enclosures to encompass the largest area feasible in order to minimize air monitoring and final clearance sampling and comply with FEMA Repair/Mitigation Zones. ® Consultant will collect necessary air clearance and/or wipe test. Samples will be shipped to AmeriSci via overnight delivery. Samples will be performed on rush turnaround. Because of shipping, results will not be received until following day of shipment. Consultant shall collect up to sixteen (16) samples for waste characterization from the plaster and exterior stucco (8 each) for lead characterization. The samples will be shipped to AmeriSci via overnight mail. Samples will be performed on a 3 day turnaround. Additional WET and TCLP analyses will be performed upon review of initial lab data. Budget includes running two WET and TCLP for lead. Because of shipping, results will not be received until 3 days following shipment and receipt by the laboratory. * Abatement subcontractor provides closeout documentation for each containment and/or abatement activity in timely manner. ® Consultant will provide detailed invoices and Project documentation showing work performed Amendment#]. (January 12,20 10) AI-3 COMPENSATION: Services will be conducted and billed on a time and material basis not to exceed the contractual amount of $75,319. The reimbursable allowance is included in the total contract amount. Any additional services authorized by the City, not included in the scope of services as defined by this amendment, must be approved in the form of a City of Atascadero Change Order prior to performing additional work. Payment will be made within 30 days after receipt and approval of invoice. Hourly rates will be billed as follows: Principal $150.00 / hour Project Director 135.00 / hour Senior Project Professional 135.00 / hour Project Professional 95.00 hour Staff Engineer 75.00 hour Drafter 75,00 hour Administrative Support 45.00 hour Abatement Shift Rate, 8-hour 640-00 1 day Abatement Shift Rate, 10-hour 810.00 day Testing will be billed as follows: PCM Analysis - 24 hour $17,00 test TEM (AHERA) - 24 hour 75.00 test Lead (air) - 24 hour 35.001 test Lead (wipe) — 24 hour 35.00 test Lead (plaster/stucco) — 24 hour 35.00 test CAM 17 (soil) — 3 day 150.00 test WET (stucco/plaster) — 3 day 156.00 I test TCLP (stucco / plaster) — 3 day 156,001test Culturable Media — 7 day TAT 75.00 test Direct Prep — Non Viable (3 day TAT) 68.00 / test Non-Viable Sport Trap (3 day TAT) 65.00 / test Drinking Water (5 day) 103.50 / test Sample Shipment 40.00 / each Consumeables 250.00 Reimburseable expenses and per them Actual costs Amendment#I (January 12,20 10) A1-4 Except as modified by this Amendment, the terms of the Consultant Services Agreement entered by the parties on March 23, 2010 shall remain in full force and effect. AGREED to this 12th day of January, 2011 by the parties as follows. CITY OF ATASCADERO MILLENNIUM CONSULTING ASSOCIATES a MECA Consulting, Inc, Company Y' By: Wade G. McKinney, City Ma ger Title: Approved as to form: By: Brian Pierik, City Attorney Amendment#1(January 12,2010) Al-5