HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-009 Amendment 1 Michael Brandman Del Rio EIR 1717 CITY OF ATASCADERO mm WMo[0 . r .Mtmoel4y 1 7 AMENDMENT NO. 1 , December 14, 2011 To Contract for Michael Srandrnan Associates for The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific flan EIR Isla 1979 CAD AMENDMENT TO CONSULTANT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR THE CITY OF ATASCADERO Contract for Michael Brandman Associates The Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan EIR This document is an amendment to the contract made and entered into between City of Atascadero, a Municipal Corporation ("City") and Michael Brandman Associates, ("Consultant"), dated December 15, 2009. The following scope of work and compensation are in addition to that specified in the above referenced December 15, 2009 contract and associated May 2, 2011 Change Order#1. Amendment 4 1 (December 14,2011) Al-I SCOPE OF SERVICE: Michael Brandman and Associates and their sub-consultants will provide the following services: Partially RrcuWed Draft EIR. N11BA will prepare a Partially Re-Circulated DTaft EIR that would address changes to the transportation analysis, which would atso"ripple'throughout the document,thereby necessRating revisions to otl,,er sections. The following sections would be Included in the Partially Re-Circulated Draft EIR: INYWOUCtIoN This section would provide w,overOexv of the Partially Re•Circulated Draft EIR,including the CEQA standards for partial re-circulation._a summary of the changes,and the public review procedures, EMOVMSUMMARY The Draft EIR'Executive Summary"would be revised and expanded to reflect changes including,but not ii imited to,significant impact findings and mitigation measures. Am QUAtM/GAMWlWsE C-As Emmons Tice Draft EIR"Air Quardy/Greenhouse Gas:En fissions"section would be revised to(1)address the construction impacts associated with construction of the roundabouts at the US 101/Del Rio Road ramp terminals and(2)enhance the analysis of project consistency with the Son Luis Obispo CountyAirPollution Control District Clear,Air Plan. The letter item will involve supplementing the curfentanalysis in Impact AIR-1 with information supplied by the City of Atascadero,regarding the current General Plan's contemplated land use activities within the Specific Pian area and how the Specific Plan furthers those objectives- Additionally, this anatysis will also provide a matrix identifying how the project achieves the clear air objectives set forth in the Air District's CEQA Handbook. NO" The Draft EIR'Noise"section would be revised to address the construction it associated with construction of the roundabouts at the US 101/Def Rio Road ramp terminals_ Amendment#1 (December 14,201 t) A1-2 IMNSPOWAVON The Draft EIR"Transpoitatic-n"section would be revised to incorporate:he additional traffic anelysis Performed by VW-Trans(refer to the' hitiock&Aleinberger Transportation"portion of t�js a»ope for detailed discussion;_ Specifically,:his would encompass(1)Existing Plus Project(SuntVvele anelasis for the"aN6,lart Onha Aiternetve'condition and for the combined projects(WalMeMe'snnez-(2}"SalMar Only Nternative"analysis for a=il conditions;(3)incorporate the(non-rcundabovje interim mitigation plan,if required,for the`Walmart Only Aherne ve`scenario;4.41 an impact analysis for conditions during construction and closure of the Del Rio Road interchange in order to"implement the future roundabout mitigations;1'6)other changes to ref°ect that City will construct 10110el Rio Rcundaboi ts;and(6)other corrections to traffic analysis. CuFrriT.rarve EFFECTS The Draft EIR"sumo€ative Effects"section would be revised to reflect the changes to the fair Cual^y;/Greenhouse Gas EmT scions,Noise.,and Transportation sec:t:ons. ALTE4tNxmes To THE PROPosm:Ppojem The Draft EIR'k-ernatides to the Proposed Project"section would be revised to include additional analysis of the°VaImartOnly Aiterrtative,'including the addition of a matriY identifying project mitigation measures eppffcable to this alternative and a beef swmmary of cumulative effects wi thine,each topical area. In addition, the discussion of other alternatives would be revised to reflect change,,if any,to the Air Qsality-Greenhouse Gas Emissions,Noise,and Transportation sections. 0THERCEQACoNsibERATious The Draft EIR"Other OEQAConsideradons"section would be revised to reflect changes to significant unavoidable impact findings..¢`any+. TEcr Fi=L,APPE#Xot= All technical data used to support the analysis within the Partially Re-Circulated Draft EIR soil€be included in,the technical appendices. Deliverables This scope of worts includes ts:.e following deliverables for the Partially Re-Circulated Draft EIR: TASK 1:Ab#irlNISITPATIVE DRAFT PAATIkLT.YRE-QfICUax,FEb DWT EIR The Acviiinistrative Draft Partially Re-Circulated Draft EIR will consist cf e:complete document cor:t,ining the aforementioned sections. Deliverables_ * Fire(6)hard copies(appendices on CD)of the Administrate ie Draft Partia€y Ra- ircuiated Craft EIR to the Oty of Atascaderc • Electronic flies posted to MBA's FTP site TASK Z ScR'mcHEm DRAFT N mAl.LY RE-Cmg1EATEC DRAFT EBR Once comment€on the Administia?tive Draft PartWly R.e•C;rculated Craft EIR are received,?IARA will prepare the Screencheck Draft Partially Re-Circaslated Droit EIR,which will si-ow changes in track. Deliverables= '° Electronic files posted to MBA's FTPsage TASK 3:DRAFT PAnALLY RE-CiRcuLATEo DRAFT EBR Once-final comments on tine Screencheck Craft Partially Re-Circulated Draft Elft are received,WISA will prepare the Draft Partially Re-CirWated Draft EFR for public review, MBA sw•I I also prepare the Notice of Completion and tree Notice of •vaHaWlity. Amendment#I (December 14,2011) Al-3 Deliverables: • Twenty five(205)hard copies(appendices o-n CD)of the Cr6ft Pwti a I ty Re-Circuiated Draft EIR to the uty of Atascadero • Two(2)herd copes of the appendices to the Cite of Atascaderc • One(1)reproducibie master cr-%p_Y of I Draft Partia1ly Re-Cir butted 0,raft El R a r,d appendices to the City of Atascadero • Twenty-five(25)COs containing Draft Perdally Re-Circulated Draft EIR and appendices to tile City of Atescadero • One(1)CD containing a web-friendly version ez the Draft Partially Re-Ch-cluzated Draft EIR and a ppend icee to the City of Atascadero • Fr.teen(1-0)CN of the Draft Pa rtial fy Re-Ci-rcra lated Draft EIR to the State Clearinghouse • Electronic firms posted to M13A.'s FTP sire TASK 4:AmAtms rkavE FwAL EIR Once the public review period.Tort a Draft Partially Re-Ciroulated Draft EAR closes,MBA wW pre-pare response-s' tocornments. These comments wiiaibe integrated into the prior Administrative Final EIR submitted to the City of Atescaderc in April 2011. The Admin ttrative Final EIR will be 6vided into separate sections to address comments on the Draft EIR and Draft Parttiafhy Re Circulated Draft EIR. Master Responses wi-,*Ri be used as appropriate to address reoccurring comments. This scope-of work assumes 16 hours of staff time. Deliverables. • F.,ve;5)hard copies(appendices on CD)ofthe Administrative Final EIR to.the City ofAtescadelro • Electronic files posted to MBA's FTP site TASK 6-SORMUCHECK FwAi.OR/DkAr-T W16ATION MONITORING AND PmRrINr.koamm Once cofniments on the Administrative Final EIR are reoeived,MBA will prepare the Screencheck Final EIR, which will shwcw changes in track. Nso included in this subrnittalwill be the Draft Nligstior—Monitoring and Reporting.Pro-gram(NUVIRP). Deliverables: FElectronic files posted to NIBA-"s FTP s:&,.e TASK 6:HAL EIR/MinGooN Moralroww ANN RF-Pofmktra PooGAW. Onoefinal comments on the Screencheck Final EiR and Draft P&ARP are received,IVIBAwill prepare the Final EIR and WARP for pubic review. MBA,,01 also prepare the Notice&kvailabifi-ity. Deliverables: 0. Twenty five(26)hard ccpea of the Final EfR-to the City.,of Atascadero Ten(10)hard copies of tile MMRP to the Cit}of Atescadero; One(1)reproducible master copy of the Finial EIR and MNIRP to the City of Atascadero Twentp*hfe(25)CDs containingthes Final EIR and NVARP to the City a-Atescederc, One(1)CD containing a web-friendlyversion or the Final EIR and WIMRP to the City off Atescadero One(1)CD containing the.Final EIR and NIMRP to each State and local:agency that commented on the Draft EIR and Partially Re-Ciroulated Draft ER Electronic files posted to MBA's FrP site Task 7.,Project Management Because of the need to coordinate with the City and VVThans in preparing thet ,,lite Circulated Draft EIR, Pertisib, � in addition to the:management of the overall effort under a.protracted schadule..MBA wilt expend adcritiona,'. project managernent and coordination time beyond what was assurned in our original scope ofwork- This scope ofworli assumes 15 additional:hours of.porcrject director and/or project menager time. Amendment#1 (December 14,2011) Al-4 AHITLOCK&WEINBERGER TRANSPORTATION IN_rains will provide the following traffic analyses to support the Pa.rti a I 1`y,Re-J-7ircu!a ted. Or aft E I R: Task A,Existing Plus Project Analysis('Sunnyvale Analysis") Existing Plus Project('Sunnyvale Ana`ysis-t for the*VMikiart Only"condition and for the cx-Ar-.bined Walmart./Annex projects. x Traffic.-olumes for these new scenarios will be generated using the,individual vmun-fe components already estabi ished; 1W The intersectio level of.service calculations will be completed using botli t�,,.e T -fix and Syn-chro raf ft-wMat as with the other scenarios; • Queuing conditions will be calculated atthe Del Rio Road interchange and atthe Del Rio Road, Camino Road:rite section similar to the other conditions.. • Road Segment levels of ser, e will be celculiated similar no the other conditions; • F-r--e,vay segment levels of se rVice Will be calculated similar to the ocher co-nditions.; • Impacts and mitigation measures will be determined,if appropriate;and Task B.'WAIMart Only"Analysis IVMIMart GnV analysis will be updated fcr the.Base.,N.ne condition acrd--mated for the Future con&tIon. For the Baseline condkion,the An nex.property would be assumed to remain undeveloped,Y%,h He under the F'ltu re condition,-tie Annex property y would be assumed to buildout under the current Gen.enal Plan designe"n. • Traffic volurnes for these new scenarlos will be generated usingt1he individuaI voWme components already established • The intersection I:eve I ef serAce calou lati o ns will be completed using both the Traffix and Synch ro format as wlth the other scenarios. • Queuing conditions will be calculated at the Del Rio Road interchange and atthe Del Rio Road,,/El Camino Road intersection si-milar to the other Conditions, Road segorent levels of senfice will be celcw'ated simpler to the other Conditions. Freeway sagrnent levels of service will be calculated aim Her to bhe other conditions. lm-,oacm and mitigation measures will be determined,if appropriate. Task C,Non-Roundabout Interim Mitigation Plan Any rion-roundabou-,interims m-tigation.plan for the Del Rio Road interchange,if required,*..I[be incorporated the mitigation measures to address impacts under the Existing plus WelNflart and Baseline pius."IlMart conditions. intersection levets of serv+ice and resep.,e capacity tinder these Conditions will be documented. Task D:Temporary Closure of US 101/Del Rilo Road InOw-rdbange Impacts ..w,some point in the futum w Wa Mart in operation,the Del Rio Road inters:"� nge may need to be closed in order to construct the roundabouts. Addfitlona!l traffic would then be rerouted to adjacent interchanges to the north and south. An Impact anwys[s will be cornplated for these conditions lovusing on the following study ersections and road segments: INTERSECTIONS a Dei Rio Road,/El Camino Real Ell Camino ReaVMissicn flaks access. El Caminc,Real/Ssn Benito Read El Camino Real/-San Anselmo Road-North El Camino Reat/-Sar.Anselmo Road-South • San Ansehlmo Road/US 101 Northbound Ramps(Caltrans) San knaelmo Road/US 1101 Southbound Ramps Ipaltrans) • El Camino Real/San Ramon Road Amendment#I (December 14,201 1) A1-5 • El Camino ReaVLIS 10i NorthWund Rammos(Caltrans) • San Ramon Road..IIJS 101-Southbound Ramps(Caltransr) Rout}SEGM.Ewa El Camino Real-froin,San Ramon.Road to Del Rio Road(n-ess 11) El Camino Real-frorn Del Rio Road to project eccesss(Cless 11) El Camino Real from project access to San,Benito Road(Class fl) El Camino Real fwom Set)Benito Road to San A seli'mo Road'lrlass 11) TMKS Traffic volumes will be re-distributed to the at dy area. OneInle frame.such as the Baseline plus Phase 1,will be a na Iyqecl for the'A%I mad Only Alta mattive scene-no a-A the com bi ned',ha I Me rt/An nex pro,ects scenario. The intersection:level or ser 0ce calculations will be completed. Crttical queuing conditions will be identified. Road segue, levels of senAce will be calculated. Impoets and mitigation,measureswjfi�be determined,if appropriate. Construction irn-pa ctwj"O also be discussed for the frontage i rnprovem.ients oil De!Rio Roe d and Ef Camillo Real. Task E.other Changes Associated Wlth the US I 01/Del Rio Road Interchange Other changes to the :S 10t/Del Rio Road Interchange will be incorporated incaUdinig t1)interchange const,truction impacts analysis,,{2) interfm improvemewnt mitigation.measures,*and(3)discussion,;of funding consistent,,e.,ith.Ahderso-n,t case. Task F.Misceilleneous ReMsions and Changes Cher re'visi.ons and suggested cherigges;tc traffic anal}-sis will be incorporated,as necessary,assuming concurrence from City staff. TesR. G.-134andalone Report The updated information will be incorporated into a new standelone report. Calculations,tables,exhibits,and appendices will be updated as necessary. Files wi:ll be provided to MBA!br inclusion in the Partially Re- Circ.fated Draft EIR appendices. Amendment#I (Deeenibtr 14,2011) A1-6 Michael Brandman and Associates and their sub-consultants will provide services under- the following schedule unless amended by the City of Atascadero. Partially Re-Urculated Draft EAR`chec us e rte,:c5 .h.......... .. ......... .... - - �a` 'x,:'. iy~Receive Authorization to Proceed;r Initiate W-Trans on Revised Traffic Analyses I l+ EKA Receives Revised Traffic Analyses from IALTrans 4 t Submit Administraative Draft Parbally Rye-Circulated Draft EAR to City iy.6 Receive City comments on Administrative Oreft Partially lie-Circulated Draft EIR –- -- �- -7 Submit Screencheck*.Draft Partially Re-r.�r`mulated Draft EIR to DiAy —S Receive City comments on Sc reencheck Draft Partially Re-Circt.kated�Draft EIR i Release Draft Partially Re Circulated Draft EIR far Public Review g ~A End of Public Review Period � I JSubmit Administrative Final EIR toYCky� 17 Receive City comments on Administrative Final EIR I Submit Screencheckc FimeI El /Draft Mitigation M.onitoring and Reporting Program to City 19 Receive City comments on Screencheck l=iraal EJR./Draft Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program.. i 19 � to City j Reuse final EIR, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for Public Reviews 20 Planning:Commission/City Council Meetings � TBD . i Amendment#I (December 14,2011) Al-7 COMPENSATION: Services will be conducted and billed on a time and material basis not to exceed the contractual amount of $75,100. The reimbursable allowance is included in the total contract amount. Any additional services authorized by the City, not included in the scope of services as defined by this amendment, must be approved in the form of a City of Atascadero Change Order or Amendment prior to performing additional work. Payment will be made within 30 days after receipt and approval of invoice. Services will be billed as follows: Re-Circulated Draft Elly Fees ^;�t,'y���1 x r.>,--arfF.,r "�-�n ,--z' � ✓r. � LL'F'r 'w .*.et:� ":`"�,7r �r�y,._,C,r� '�a'__�vm "E ` �,Cu.Iu YxemN /....'c?..uw...:ow.....V.^:.�'.'v�-t..•...G...�'-?.'r!�:�f•`M1�,..:.:...,rN�. ��H.�$'.'+�iw �X''- Yom- w, ,... .._...... _......._ .w .,-.uA� f' Michael Brandman Associates(MBA) 1 Taste 1:Adrninistrati-re Draft Partiality Re-circulated Draft.FIR $12,500 l Taste 2:5cr�eencne k Draft Partially Re-Circulated Draft EIR $5 0 Task 3Draft Partiellyx Re-Circulated Draft EIR $�,0�} 4 I Task 4:Admi-n€strativc- Fir-Fal:EIR $5,000 Task.5:Screenchae Final EIR/Draft fAitigetion Monitoring $3,000 # and Reporting Program Task 0: Fihal EIR,f fAitigation Monitoring encs Reporting s1.t ? j Program E Tarr* ? Project Management $4,500 Direct Certs $3,000 M&A Subtotail Whitlock.&Wein:berge r Revised Traffic Ana is $38,100 Transportation (IALTrans) � -_.___ :__..__:: ____._.—....__..:_.____ .____.____� �__._.._ 100 '-T,-arts-Rubtatoal ____ _,�w �.,.. ....., .r S3 i Amendment#1 (December 14,2011) Al-8 Except as modified by this Amendment, the terms of the Consultant Services Agreement entered by the parties on December 15, 2009 shall remain in full force and effect. AGREED to this 14th day of December 2011 by the parties as follows. Approved as to form: Michael Brandman Associates By: as Bra man ice President Approved as to form: CITY OF ATASCADERO r By: Brian Pierik, City Attorney Wade McKinney, City Manager Amendment 4.1 (December 14,2011) A1-9