HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-009 CCHE Grant Agreement 0 I z� 't%'49�• STATE OF CALIFORNIA GRANT AGREEMENT GRANT AGREEMENT NUMBER CCHE GRANT AGREEMENT CCHER429 1. This Grant Agreement is entered into by and between the State Agency and Grantee named below: STATE AGENCY'S NAME California Cultural and Historical Endowment CCHE 900 N Street,#461,Sacramento,CA 95814 GRANTEE'S NAME City of Atascadero 2. The term of this Agreement is from March 15,2013 through December 31,2013 3. The maximum amount of this Agreement is:$28,850 4. The parties agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the following sections which are by this reference made a part of the Agreement. CCHE GRANT AGREEMENT Part I: Exhibits: A. Parties to the Agreement A. CCHE Project Synopsis B. Incorporation of Documents by Reference B. Scope of Work C. Scope of Work C. Standard Terms and Conditions D. Conditions Precedent D. Special Terms and Conditions E. Project Completion and Reports E. State Certification Requirements F. Expenditure of Funds F. CCHE Invoice G. Payment Provisions G. CCHE Quarterly Progress Report H. Terms of Agreement,Completion Date,Project Schedule H. CCHE Final Report 1. Termination of Agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this Agreement has been executed by the parties hereto. GRANTEE Office Use only GRANTEE'S NAME City of Atascadero BY(Authorized igna e) DATE SIGNED(Do not type) o ` PRINT NAME AND TITL OF PERSON SIGNING MAR 013 Rachelie Rickard,Director of Administrative Services ADDRESS 6907 EI Camino Real,Atascadero CA 93422 STATE OF CALIFORNIA AGENCY NAME California Cultural and Historical Endowment(CCHE) BY(Authorized Signat re) DATE SIGNED(Do not type) /r h- PRINT NAME AND TITLE OF PERSON SIGNING Mimi Morris, Executive Officer ADDRESS 900 N Street,#461,Sacramento,CA 95814 CCHE GRANT AGREEMENT PART 1 The California Cultural and Historical Endowment("CCHE") acting pursuant to Section 20070 of the Education Code and its Resolution of January 30, 2013, hereby grants to the City of Atascadero("Grantee"), a sum not to exceed TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND, EIGHT HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS ($28,850), subject to the terms and conditions set forth below. Source of Funds: CCHE has received an appropriation from Proposition 40 (California Clean Water,Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood, Parks and Coastal Protection Act of 2002), and may distribute funds from Proposition 40 to projects that promote California's cultural and historical resources, This project meets the objectives of the CCHE program. Brief Summary of the Project: CCHE Round 4 funds will be used for fire/safety, code, and ADA required upgrades to allow maximum public access to Atascadero's historic Administration Building that was originally designed and constructed to be the centerpiece of Atascadero Colony, a utopian community fanned by Edward Gardner Lewis. This Project is further described in Exhibit A—CCHE Project Synopsis. A. Parties to the Agreement: This Grant Agreement("Agreement") is entered into between CCHE and the Grantee named below: GRANTEE Grantee: City of Atascadero Project Name: Restoration of Historic Atascadero City Hall Address: 6907 EI Camino Real,Atascadero CA 93422 Authorized Signatory Rachelle Rickard, Director of Administrative Services (Type name&title All communication between the parties should be directed to the individuals named below. All official notifications must be in writing. 1. The designated Grant Manager for CCHE is listed below, The Grant Manager may be changed at any time by CCHE. CCHE will notify the Grantee of any change in the Grant Manager, GRANT MANAGER Name: Diane Sousa Address: CCHE 900 "N" Street, Room 461 Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone: (916) 651-9131 Fax: (916) 651-9871 Email: Diane.Sousa librar .ca. ov 2 2. The designated Project Manager for the Grantee is fisted below. The Project Manager may be changed at any time by Grantee with written notice thereof to CCHE by the authorized representative of the Grantee, All directives and other communications that CCHE gives to the Project Manager shall be as binding on the Grantee. PROJECT MANAGER Name: Rachelle Rickard Mailing Address: 6907 EI Camino Real,Atascadero CA 93422 Phone: 805-470-3428 Fax: 805-470-3477 Email: rrickard@ataseadero.org Street Address: 6907 El Camino Real,Atascadero CA 93422 3. The Grantee shall designate an Accountant for the Project. The Project Accountant may not also serve as the Project Manager, The Accountant for this Project is: ACCOUNTANT Name: Jeri Rangel Mailing Address: 6907 EI Camino Real,Atascadero CA 93422 Phone: 805-470-3430 Fax: 805-470-3431 Email: irangel@atascadero.org Street Address: 6907 EI Camino Real,Atascadero CA 93422 The Grantee shall at all times exercise responsibility over the design, management and implementation of the Project, and may not delegate or assign its responsibilities under this Agreement. The grant funds may be used only for the approved Project purposes as stated in this Agreement. The Grantee hereby agrees to complete the Project in accordance with all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. B. Incorporation of Documents by Reference The following exhibits and other documents are incorporated by reference into this Agreement and made a part hereof: Exhibit A. CCHE Project Synopsis Exhibit B. Scope of Work Exhibit C. Standard Terms and Conditions Exhibit D. Special Terms and Conditions Exhibit E. State Certification Requirements Exhibit F. CCHE Invoice Exhibit G. CCHE Quarterly Progress Report Exhibit H. CCHE Final Report In the event of any inconsistency between or among the main body of this Agreement and the above documents, the inconsistency shall be resolved, except as otherwise provided herein, by giving precedence in the following order: (1)the CCHE Board Resolution; (2)the body of the Agreement; (3)the Scope of Work approved by CCHE; (4) the CCHE Staff Report prepared for the Round Four award of funding; (5)the General Terms and Conditions; 3 (6)the Special Terms and Conditions; and(7) CCHE Invoice. C. Scope of Work Prior to the commencement of the Project and disbursement of funds, Grantee shall submit a Scope of Work to CCHE for review and written approval as to its consistency with the terms of this Agreement which are all incorporated and considered as Exhibit B. The Scope of Work shall have the same effect as if included in the text of this Agreement. The Scope of Work may be amended as provided in this Agreement, upon the Grantee's submission of a modified Scope of Work and CCHE's written approval of it. The Scope of Work consists of three charts: 1. Exhibit B-1 -Workplan, Sources of Funding and Schedule 2. Exhibit B-2-Budget Summary 3, Exhibit B-3-Budget Chart by Calendar Year Exhibit B-1 -Workplan, Sources of Funding and Schedule The Workplan shall include: a. A detailed chart of all of the tasks that will be needed in order for your Project to proceed. b. The tasks should have divisible sections that list out each logical step that will need to be completed. These steps shall be listed in the column labeled"Deliverable(s)"to clearly illustrate all of the elements to complete the task. Examples of tasks that can be listed include such items as design plans; install HVAC; install plumbing, lighting, fabrication and installation of exhibits; and line item construction cost estimates. c, There is also a section at the bottom of the Workplan to provide a narrative description of more complicated and detailed tasks. Sources of Funding All Sources of Funding to complete the tasks will be listed in this chart. The categories will include funding from CCHE, matching resources, and the Match Source. Schedule A Schedule will also be included as part of this chart to provide the estimated initiation date and the completion date of all tasks. Exhibit B-2- Budget Summary The Budget Summary will outline all costs to be incurred to complete the Project by budget categories. Exhibit B-3- Budget Chart by Calendar Year The Budget Chart by Calendar Year is a chart that will identify the tasks and budget categories to complete each task and the total cost of each task. The chart will outline the Budget and tasks by each calendar year. 4 D. Conditions Precedent to Commencement of Project and/or Disbursement of Funds In addition to any other conditions contained in this Agreement, Grantee shall not commence the Project and CCHE shall not be obligated to disburse any funds under this Agreement unless and until the following conditions precedent have been met: 1. A Resolution has been adopted by the Grantee's governing entity(e.g., City Council/Board of Supervisors/Board of Directors) authorizing the execution of this Agreement and approving its terms and conditions. In the case of a State agency, the Director of the agency/department or Executive Officer of a board or commission must authorize the execution of this Agreement and approve its terms and conditions. 2. CCHE has given written approval of the Scope of Work. 3. The Grantee has provided documentation that an escrow account or a similar commitment has been created to fulfill the matching fund requirement. 4. The Grantee's financial management systems must be capable of distinguishing expenditures attributable to this grant from expenditures not attributable to this grant, This system must be able to identify costs by date and by budget category and to differentiate between direct costs and indirect/administrative costs. 5. The Grantee shall provide documentation that demonstrates that it has the legal right, control and oversight of the premises, such as a long-term lease or easement for at least 20 years. 5 CCHE AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE FORM The CCHE Authorized Signature.Form vdilbe used and relied upon byte CCHE Budget Office to confirm and verity that the Individual prepatin -thV necessary financial d6cumentation has the authority and consent ofthe oNarilzaffoh to do so; Please identify the individuzil(t).Whowill be responsible in signing the CCHE Invoice s*:submitted from your office to.WHE and have 4hom siign..Ihelorm Now, Note,that-any oha.nge:or:addU. to those:Individuals listed below musl be.received by the CCHE Grant Vanalyer in Wfin9-before.an inyckeWl;be approved:for payment, f! palilwleftadl the authorized representative for Risslbratiop'of Atascadero City Hall hereby authorize the-followingin*dlyid4al(.�):Id acton b6haff of.our agency to prepare and approye:andbe responsible4ot all linandal:MOW es.and documentation perlain4 to our CCHE Project. I understwd that the' named.1ndWIdW(s)W11 follow generally:accepted-accounting practices tri providing :this.inforunation.,to CCHE... -proln, 46e,*corro t. and a=rste information for OCHEre4low. Date: I Itleli . DirsotbrofAft.Irils-tratve Services t Project Manager Print Marne: :Rwhelle.Mckard INDIVIDUAL(S)WTHORIZED TO::PREPARE AND SUBMIT DOCUMENTATION TO CCHE Printed nwe:df nakjfe bf th0lividdi.0 Date: Title o(IndivAd.ua*-l*.*1: Director.of-AdmiWr&e Services 1. M*n Printed name of Signatult bf IndIV 12'. Date. Title of.IndiVidual 2: Project Accountant 11m,W- 6-1 r-CR 6 NAME AND ADDRESS WHERE CREC S WILL BE SENT (Pleanote that`lbe information:p�ovided in:ft section can iot.be.dhanged once the GrMtkraerhertt.beins.} Name of Organization; ..City ofAtawWe' ro Street Address.. : 0.07:E1 Camino Rei: Street Address 2:. City,State and Zip Co&`. ,Atwadc ,CA 93422 7 E. Project Completion and Reports 1. CCHE Quarterly Progress Reports Progress Reports are due every quarter. Depending on when you start your Project, your first/next Quarterly Progress Report will be as follows: • January 15th -for the quarter ending December 31St ® April 15th -for the quarter ending March 31st ® July 15th-for the quarter ending June 30th ® October 15th -for the quarter ending September 30th CCHE Quarterly Progress Reports will summarize the work completed for the quarter covered by the report in addition to a detailed narrative of all the areas described in the summary and to any and all activities and tasks indicated in the Scope of Work. This may include draft products, reports, interim findings, meetings and the results of meetings, problems, comparison of your Project to the timeline you submitted, narrative financial assessment and whether you are progressing within the approved budget, proposed activities for the next quarter and copies of any materials created during the current reporting period. Failure to submit a complete and timely Quarterly Progress Report on the dates indicated in this Agreement will result in a delay in payment. Failure to submit any two(2)consecutive Progress Reports may result in forfeiture of the Agreement funds awarded for this Project and termination of this Grant Agreement. A Quarterly Progress Report form is included as Exhibit G. 2, CCHE Final Report The Grantee shall submit a CCHE Final Report on or before the date listed in the Scope of Work. A request for final payment should be submitted at the same time as the CCHE Final Report. A detailed list of the items needed to complete the CCHE Final Report is included in Exhibit H. 3. Term of Agreement The Grantee shall complete the Project by the completion date provided in the section on page one, number two entitled"Term of the Agreement". Upon completion of the Project,the Grantee shall supply CCHE with evidence of completion by submitting: (1)the Scope of Work and any other work products specified in the Scope of Work; (2) the CCHE Final Report; and (3) a fully executed final CCHE Invoice. Within thirty days of Grantee's compliance with this paragraph, CCHE shall determine whether a Project has been satisfactorily completed, If CCHE determines that the Project has been satisfactorily completed, CCHE shall issue to the Grantee a Letter of Acceptance of the Project. The Project shall be deemed complete as of the date of the letter of Acceptance. However, notwithstanding a letter of Acceptance,the Project must continue to remain open to the public for the twenty-year period specified in Exhibit D, 8. Operations and Maintenance. F. Expenditure of Funds and Allocation of Funding Among Bud et Ig tems Except as otherwise provided herein, the Grantee shall expend funds in the manner described in the Scope of Work and approved by CCHE for each individual Project. The dollar amount of an itemized task in the Budget 8 category(les) set forth in Exhibit B-2 may be increased by up to ten percent(10%) through reallocation of funds from another category or categories without approval by CCHE; however, the Grantee shall notify the CCHE in writing at the time of making any such reallocation, and shall identify both the categories being increased and those being decreased. Any increase of more than 10% in the amount of an item must be approved in writing by CCHE. G. Payment Provisions 1. Invoice Requirements CCHE will disburse funds to Grantee upon: (i) receipt and approval of a CCHE Invoice with supporting detail indicating that all items requested for reimbursement have been paid by the Grantee in compliance with all CCHE requirements and applicable law; and (ii)documentation to illustrate,or to show progress toward completion of task, and/or receipt of deliverables. Required detail includes an invoice cost breakdown by task and dates that the invoice covers, Additional documentation such as copies of permits, drawings, plans and photos may also be submitted to illustrate progress. CCHE may request additional documentation such as copies of checks, contractor or vendor invoices, payroll detail, receipts for purchases, or general ledger information. A properly submitted CCHE Invoice will list each of the approved items that appear on the Scope of Work. The CCHE Grant Manager will not accept a CCHE Invoice for which work has not been pre-approved in the Scope of Work and will return the invoice as a disputed invoice to the Grantee. An incomplete invoice is considered a disputed invoice, 2. Invoice Format Invoices shall be submitted based on the format provided as Exhibit F, and shall contain all the information included in the three parts of the CCHE Invoice Form. 3. Payment Schedule Grantee may submit a CCHE Invoice monthly, in arrears and, only after satisfactory completion (or progress toward completion)of each phase or task as indicated in the Scope of Work. The CCHE Grant Manager will review and either approve or dispute all invoices. The CCHE will pay undisputed invoices no more frequently than monthly after receipt and approval of a properly itemized invoice for completion of work set forth in this Grant Agreement. Invoices bearing the number of this Agreement shall be submitted to: Diane Sousa CCHE 900 "N"Street, Room 461 Sacramento, CA 95814 4. Disputes If there are any disputes regarding a CCHE Invoice, the CCHE Grant Manager shall notify the Grantee within 15 calendar days of receipt of a properly submitted invoice. Any disputed item will be subtracted 9 from the invoice and the CCHE will process the invoice for the undisputed amount. Dispute resolution will follow the procedure outlined in Exhibit D, Special Terms and Conditions. 5. Performance Retention CCHE shall withhold ten percent(10%)from each CCHE Invoice submitted. Disbursements shall be made on the basis of costs incurred to date, less 10%of the total invoice amount. The remaining amounts withheld shall be disbursed upon: (1) Grantee's satisfactory completion of a discrete Project phase(for which the 10%was retained); or(2)completion of the Project, and Grantee's compliance with Project closure requirements set forth in this Agreement. 6. Audit All CCHE Invoices and supporting documentation are subject to an audit by the Department of Finance as well as the Bureau of State Audits. This will include the expenditure of all matching and other resources. H. Term of Agreement; Completion Date; Project Schedule 1. This Agreement shall take effect upon CCHE's receipt of one or more original completed copies of this Agreement signed by the authorized representative of Grantee and the CCHE Board Chairperson or designee, together with a certified copy of Grantee's resolution or written authorization authorizing Grantee's execution of this Agreement. The term of the Agreement shall run from the effective date through December 31, 2013. 2. All work shall be completed by the completion date(s)shown in the Scope of Work. The Grantee agrees to submit all work products identified in the Scope of Work by the date set forth in Exhibit B-1. For good cause,the completion date, as well as any other dates set forth in the Schedule, may be extended by CCHE upon written request by the Grantee in accordance with the CCHE Extension Policy. 1. Termination of Agreement If the Grantee fails to complete the Project in accordance with this Agreement, or fails to fulfill any other obligations of this Agreement prior to the termination date, this Grant Agreement may be terminated by CCHE, and the Grantee shall be liable for immediate repayment to CCHE of all amounts disbursed by the CCHE under this Agreement, plus accrued interest. CCHE may, in its sole discretion, consider extenuating circumstances and not require repayment for work partially completed. This paragraph shall not be deemed to limit any other remedies CCHE may have for breach of this Agreement. 10 Exhibit A - CCHE Project Synopsis Atascadero's historic Administration Building was originally designed and constructed to be the centerpiece ofAtascadero Colony,a utopian community planned by Edward Gardner Lewis. Construction began in 1914, utilizing local resources including bricks made from local clay, and was completed in 1918. The building houses two separate and distinct rotunda spaces on the first and fourth floors in the center of the building, with offices ringing the perimeter. The first floor rotunda space was designed to be a museum to showcase agricultural and mineral products. The fourth floor rotunda was planned to be the community library. The building is listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is a California Registered Historical Landmark. This historic building functioned as the Colony Holding Company headquarters until the Colony's bankruptcy in the mid-1920s. Most recently, the building functioned as City Hall for the City of Atascadero. The 2003 San Simeon Earthquake caused extensive damage to the City Hall, rendering it uninhabitable. CCHE Round 4 funds will be used for fire/safety, code,and ADA required upgrades, in order to allow maximum public access to future visitors, so they all may have the opportunity to grasp the historical and architectural significance of the building. 11 Exhibit B - Scope of Work Exhibit B-1 Workplan, Sources of Funding and Schedule 04mrce of Task FuN. (F#xrasoneWe cvr-Adaton of :. ft'sr taAsisencourapdand nomore £nt€ St�iB:tl Grate Gr eeS Task Task al en:d lass ma y to inckidedin Nriotming Es't1Trla,00 'foBK"s': Share of much Stan C €pi"O l Lhe Ftar�' _ Form) 0941v+8r able TflSFi cosi ..': TZSWWS COM Shate CM9 DatQ Se4�#ltttt€S f3i��VB1€i1?rP�3'it Ca3 I Sumotm S6Ctlon It:SuIldIng aW Facility Coasts 1 PIrej1_rre Satety Coara s ADA MIfW-s stiaeS tee City $ 44*;ISO $.::28,M .$. Y7'1310 RQCJGVMp- . 3f>;1�1#'.13: S*W..2019 e>rtErercl$nta ,a€a,sic systc%. C 9t1fCe1 1Af meet v g4va �rras>�; AgOnCy & 44.ALBA, � 131iJW Furgs: Sec lass t1 SlltYt0la€ $ f,1csl $:;-'• 8D8:C 17,3'0 SeG-NL1f@ i11.:€trWrpret?ve c3r9a#tllVf2plt8t:11S58t.C4943 S D9rsCt costs .;:.::6 a _ >-.,-MAW. 17.s10 ct1cx11V:t51aalti d Cats Carola-tex€ed4o%ofCCH1LF€irl ip#tet-G.1 1 t�murl€lagitestlot $ 213 `s.tlU $. $ 3E3t Ot'3 'SY36v2L119. Ca.ntrwncy costs Equats. Sett 100 V: illtIMMAtlfrHri COM L'anno'tamoelt#dIft.of ICCHEWUltiF9€5 -- f?W1lr m Rawest for S. 2yF185d74,. .' ;.:. 3'1d iki B 34r2t1i9 €fltllrhG�`AC1ri1k1.Gos15�gtt�s Soc titan YI: Z€�7A '.PRClJEGi COST: t6;1 .;�:-.' 8 .: . ;17,.318 ......... btatt T31F>g Wft &:1 t�UfE8r1k1 :"L B k 6f} t7f t 19 G6€ttrlbLFR�1tk ° 14it35f hB SC{3o fkr:rogimr urmss Tn un r8lta^91oft requested. 12 Exhibit B-2 Budget Summary Grantee shall implement the Project as identified in the Scope of Work, Exhibit B-1, and shall be compensated in accordance with the budget outlined below: Pre-Development Costs: $ Building and Facility Costs (new construction or renovation) $ 28,850 Interpretive Exhibit/Capital Asset Costs $ TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $ 28,850 Contingency Costs(no more than 10%of CCHE Direct Costs) $ Indirect 1 Admin.Costs Ono more than 10%of CCHE Direct Costs) $ TOTAL CCHE PROJECT BUDGET $ 28,850 13 Calendar Year 2013 Exhibit B-3 - Budget Chart by Calendar Year Task Task Pre- Building Interpretive Total Contingency Indirect TOTAL No. Description Development and ExhibitlCapital Direct Costs Costs COSTS Costs Facility Asset Costs Costs Costs Fire/Life Safety Code&ADA 1 Requirements $0 28,850 $0 28,850 $0 $0 28,850 2 3 4 5 Total $0 28,850 $0 28,850 $0 $0 28,850 14 Exhibit C - Standard Terms and Conditions 1. Approval Matching funds for Round Four may be counted toward the Grantee's matching fund requirement retroactive to the Round Four Application due date(February 10, 2010). Grantee will need to document the amount and source of matching funds used toward one or more of the tasks set forth in the Scope of Work. This documentation will be submitted to CCHE in the form of a CCHE Invoice. This Agreement is of no force or effect until signed by both parties. Grantee may not commence performance on portions of the Scope of Work for which CCHE funds will be used and reimbursement requested prior to the Agreement being in effect, 2. Amendment No amendment or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing, signed by the parties and approved as required. No oral understanding or Agreement not incorporated in the Agreement is binding on any of the parties. 3. Assignment This Agreement is not assignable by the Grantee, either in whole or in part, without the consent of CCHE in the form of a formal written amendment by the parties approved by CCHE. 4. Audit Grantee agrees that CCHE,the Department of Finance(DOF), Office of State Audits and Evaluations, or their designated representative shall have the right to review and to copy any records and supporting documentation pertaining to the performance of this Agreement. Grantee agrees to maintain such records for an audit for a minimum of three(3) years after final payment, unless a longer period of records retention is stipulated. Grantee agrees to allow the auditor(s) access to such records during normal business hours and to allow interviews of any employees who might reasonably have information related to such records. Further, Grantee agrees to include a similar right of the State to audit records and interview staff in any subcontract related to performance of this Agreement. (Authority: Government Code 8546.7, PCC 10115 et seq., CCR Title 2, Section 1896). 5. Indemnification Grantee agrees to indemnify, defend and hold CCHE, its officers,agents, employees and the State of California harmless from any and all claims and losses related to CCHE's approval or administration of this grant, including but not limited to claims related to the California Environmental Quality Act, and claims accruing to or resulting from any and all contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, laborers, and any other person,firm or corporation furnishing or supplying work services, materials, or supplies in connection with the performance of this Agreement, and from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any person, firm or corporation who may be injured or damaged by Grantee in the performance of this Agreement. The State, including CCHE, expressly reserves the right to supplement or take over its defense, in its sole discretion. 15 6. Independent Contractor Grantee, and the agents and employees of Grantee, in the performance of this Agreement, shall act in an independent capacity and not as officers,employees, or agents of the State. 7. Certification Clauses The CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION CLAUSES contained in this Agreement as Exhibit E entitled State Certification Requirements are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement by this reference as if attached hereto. 8. Timeliness Time is of the essence in this Agreement. 9. Governing Lava This Agreement is governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 10. Unenforceable Provision In the event that any provision of this Agreement is unenforceable or held to be unenforceable, then the parties agree that all other provisions of this Agreement have force and effect and shall not be affected thereby. 16 Exhibit D - Special Terms and Conditions 1. Subcontracts The Grantee is responsible for all subcontracted work. Subcontractors not specifically identified in the grant application must be obtained using a competitive bidding process, or provide a satisfactory explanation and obtain CCHE staff approval for non-compliance with this requirement. Nothing in this Agreement creates any contractual relationship between any third party contractor and CCHE. All subcontracts must be in writing and must include specific language that establishes the rights of the auditors of the State to examine the records of the subcontractor relative to the services and materials provided under the subcontract and/or the grant agreement. 2. Government Permits Grantee is responsible for ensuring compliance with all applicable permitting requirements that may be required to accomplish the Project described in the CCHE Workplan. No work that is subject to any such requirements may proceed under this Grant Agreement until written evidence of compliance is received by the Grant Manager. 3. Acknowledgment and Publicity The Grantee agrees that it will acknowledge CCHE's support whenever Projects that are funded, in whole or in part, by this Agreement are publicized in any news media, brochures, articles, seminars or other type of promotional material. Any exhibits, buildings, displays, publications, or other products which are made possible by or derived in whole or in part from this Project shall acknowledge the assistance of CCHE as follows, or by similar acknowledgment; "Funding for this Project has been provided in part by the California Cultural and Historical Endowment," 4. Audits/Accounting/Records The Grantee shall maintain satisfactory financial accounts, documents, and records relating to the Project. The accounts, documents, and records relating to the Project shall be retained by the Grantee for three years following the date of final reimbursement by CCHE under the paragraph entitled "Term of Agreement" in Part 1, and shall be subject to examination and audit by CCHE,the Department of Finance, Office of State Audits and Evaluations, during that period. The Grantee may use any generally accepted accounting procedures, provided such system meets minimum requirements established by the State of California. 5. inspection Throughout the term of this Agreement, CCHE shall have the right to inspect the Project area to ascertain compliance with this Grant Agreement. The State, through any authorized representatives, has the right at all reasonable times to inspect or otherwise evaluate the work performed or being performed under this Grant Agreement including subcontract-supported activities and the premises in which it is being performed. If any inspection or evaluation is made by the CCHE of the premises of the Grantee or a subcontractor, the Grantee shall provide and shall require all subcontractors to provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of the State representatives in the performance of their duties. 6. Interest Restrictions Any interest earned from grant funds shall be applied to the Project for eligible Project needs. 17 7. Travel Any reimbursement for necessary travel and per diem shall be at rates specified by the California Department of Personnel Administration for similar employees or verification supplied that such rates are not available to the Grantee. No travel outside of California shall be reimbursed unless prior written authorization is obtained from the State. Reimbursement for travel must be documented in detail and copies of receipts attached to the specific CCHE Invoice involving travel. 8. Operations and Maintenance The Grantee shall maintain and operate the facility and structures constructed or improved as part of the Project, if any, throughout the term of this Grant Agreement consistent with the purposes for which this grant was made. The Grantee assumes all operations and maintenance costs of the facilities and structures; CCHE shall not be liable for any cost of such maintenance, management or operation. The Grantee agrees to keep this facility accessible and open to the public for a period of twenty years from the date of project completion. Grantee agrees not to subordinate any fee interest, lease or other p roperty..inte rest to any person that would affect the grantee's legal obligation and rights to meet this condition. 9. Damages for breach affecting tax exempt status In the event that any breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement by the Grantee result in the loss of tax exempt status for any state bonds,or if such breach results in an obligation of the part of CCHE to reimburse the federal government by reason of any arbitrage profits, the Grantee shall immediately reimburse CCHE in an amount equal to any damage paid by or loss incurred by CCHE due to the breach. 10. Change of budget Grantee agrees that any refunds, rebates, credits, donations, in-kind contributions or other amounts (including any interest thereon)accruing or received by the Grantee after the Agreement has been executed with CCHE be immediately reported in writing to CCHE if such items pertain to the approved list of items that has received prior approval for CCHE funding. CCHE will then have the opportunity to adjust and amend the budget of the Agreement accordingly to reflect the source and amount of such budget items. 11. Liability Grantee agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless CCHE and the State, its officers, agents and employees, from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, damages or costs resulting from, growing out of,or in any way connected with or incident to approval of this grant or this Agreement, except for active negligence of CCHE, its officers, agents or employees. The duty of the Grantee to indemnify and save harmless includes the duty to defend as set forth in Civil Code Section 2778. The parties expressly acknowledge that this Agreement is an agreement for the subvention of public funds from CCHE to the Grantee, and is not an agreement as that term is defined in Government Code section 895 or a construction contract under Civil Code sections 2783 or 2783, Accordingly, it is acknowledged Grantee does not, in matters arising under this Agreement, have any right to contribution and indemnity from CCHE and/or the State of California arising under government Code Sections 895.2 and 895.6.] Grantee waives any and all rights to any type of express or implied indemnity or right of contribution from the State, its officers, agents or employees,for any liability resulting from, growing out of, or in any way connected with or incident to this Agreement, except such liability as results from CCHE's active negligence. 18 12. Liability Insurance Throughout the term of this Agreement, the Grantee shall provide and maintain public-liability and property- damage insurance for liability assumed by the Grantee under this Agreement with minimum limits of liability as follows: • A single limit for bodily injury(including death)and property damage liability combined of$1,000,000 each occurrence and $1,000,000 in the aggregate. • This insurance shall be issued by a company or companies admitted to transact business in the State of California. • CCHE is not responsible for premiums and assessments on any insurance policy. • The company or companies providing such insurance shall have no recourse against CCHE or the State of California, or their members, officers and employees, or any of them, for payment of any premiums or assessments under such insurance. • A copy of Grantee's current insurance policy shall be submitted to CCHE for their records. • Nothing in this Agreement shall prohibit the Grantee from self-insuring all or part of the insurance requirements. 13. Loss Insurance Throughout the term of this Agreement, the Grantee shall provide and maintain insurance against fire, vandalism and other loss, damage, or destruction of the facilities or structures constructed pursuant to this Agreement. CCHE is not responsible for premiums and assessments on any insurance policy. 14. Withholding of Grant disbursements CCHE may withhold all or any portion of the grant funds provided for by this Grant Agreement or terminate this Agreement, in the event that the Grantee has materially violated, or threatens to materially violate, any term, provision, condition, or commitment of this Agreement or the Grantee fails to maintain reasonable progress toward completion of the Project. 15. Compliance with Law Grantee agrees that it will, at all times, comply with and require its contractors and subcontractors to be licensed and to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules, guidelines, regulations, and applicable requirements. State grants may be subject to California labor Code requirements, which include prevailing wage provisions, For more details, please refer to the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR)website at http://www.dir.ca.gov. It is the grantee's responsibility to determine whether the Labor Code requirements apply to its project. 16. Dispute Resolution Any claim that the Grantee may have regarding the performance of this Agreement including, but not limited to, claims for additional compensation or extension of time, shall be submitted to the CCHE Grant Manager in writing within thirty days of its accrual. The Grantee and the CCHE shall then make a good faith effort to resolve the claim, and may process an amendment to this Agreement to implement the terms of any such resolution. If the Grantee and the CCHE are unable to mutually agree on a resolution of the dispute, the CCHE Board or its designee shall have the discretion to decide how to resolve it. 19 17. Grantee's Name Change In the event the Grantee's name changes, but there are no other material changes affecting the project or the grant agreement, Grantee may request a change in the name on the Grant Agreement. 18. Severability If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable by any court of final jurisdiction, it is the intent of the parties that all other provisions of this Agreement be constructed to remain fully valid, enforceable, and binding on the parties. 19. Standard of Professionalism The Grantee shall conduct all work consistent with the professional standards of the industry and type of work being performed under the Agreement. 20. Amendments Except as otherwise provided herein, no alteration or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto, and no oral understanding or agreement to be incorporated herein shall be binding on any of the parties hereto. 21. Venue All proceedings concerning the validity and operation of this Agreement and the performance of the obligations imposed upon the parties hereunder shall be held in Sacramento County, California. The parties hereby waive any right to any other venue. 22. Sections and Headings The headings and captions of the various sections of this Agreement have been inserted only for the purpose of convenience, and are not a part of this Agreement and shall not be deemed in any manner to modify, explain, or restrict any of the provisions of this Agreement. 23. Entire Agreement This Agreement, and the Exhibits, constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties hereto, relating to the Project and may not be modified except by an instrument in writing signed by the parties hereto. 20 SECTION 'VI—PUBLIC PROJECTS 3.0 CITY MANAGER AWARD LEVEL II $30,000.011 to $125,000.00' (continued) 3.3 Executing the Contract Once the Department/Division has received the approved Purchase Order and an original. copy of the contract from the City Manager or the Director of Administrative Services, they may make arrangements with the contractor for services. 3.4 Change Orders The City Manager is authorized to issue change orders for changes or additions to the original scope of work that result in less than a less than a 20% aggregate change in the contract price, not to exceed the $125,000 contract limit. Change orders in excess of the 20% aggregate or the $125,000 contract limit shall be brought to the City Council for approval. 4.0 CITY COUNCIL AWARD >$125,000.00' Public Projects exceeding $125,000' must be formally bid and awarded by the City Council in accordance with Public Contract Code Sections 22037 to 22044. 4.1 Formal Bidding; The City shall solicit formal bids in accordance with Public Contract Code Sections 22037-22044. (See Appendix A) `11te initiating DepartmenllDivision shall be responsible for completion of the formal bid process, however the process shall be coordinated with the City Clerk's Office and the Administrative Services Department. a) Bid Fornts: The initiating department shall prepare a bid form including detail specifications for the services to be purchased. The following format is suggested for competitive bids: 1. Submission of bids (or Mropoosals) — include date, time, location and bid number as assigned by the City Clerk. include a detail list of the information the bad or proposal should contain 2. Que&tLons — List the name, address, and telephone number of the person to be contacted concerning questions about the project. This limit is tied to Public Contract Code Section 22032. Any changes to limits set in Public Contract Code Section hereby are adopted as part.of this policy. 42 SECTION VI— PUBLIC PROJECTS 4.0 Cll`I'1' COUNCIL AWARD > $125,000.001 (continued) 4.1 Formal Bidding(continued) a) Bid Forms: (continued) 3. Backarround - Provide as much background as necessary to give the bidder an understanding of the environment in which the job will be performed and to which the job relates. 4. Scope of work -- Describe in detail the requirement for the job and detail specification. 5. Desired project schedule—Be as specific as possible. 4. Minimum and desirable qualifications—Be as specific as possible. 7. Performance Bond- Whether a performance bond is required and if so, the amount and form of bidders security. K Santgle Contract- A sample of the contract that is expected to be used should be included in the bid package. b) Notice Inviting Bids; The initiating department shall also prepare a notice inviting bids that includes the following: 1. A general description of the services to be purchased. 2. A statement indicating where bid fortes, specifications and bonding requirements can be obtained. 3. A statement specifying the time and place for the opening of the bids. 4. The notice shall be published at least fourteen calendar days before the date of the opening of bids in a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the City. (It is recommended that it be published twice, not less than five days apart.) 5. The notice shall also be mailed to all construction trade journals specified in ,section 22036 of the Public Contract Code. The notices shall be mailed at least thirty(30)calendar days before the date of opening the bids. c) Bid Opening 1. Sealed bids shall be submitted to the City Clerk's office and shall be clearly identified with the Bid number on the envelope. Faxed or other electronic bids are not acceptable. 2. Bids shall be opened in public at the time and place stated in the public notice. 3. The City Clerk or his/her designee shall open the bids and shall record all bids received. ' This limit is tted-to Public Contract Code Section 22032. Any changes to limits set in Public Contract Code Section hereby are adopted as past of this policy. 43 SECTION VI— PUBLIC PROJECTS 4.41 CITY COUNCIL AWARD >$125,040.00' (continued) 4.1 Formal Bidding(continued) c) Bid Opening (continued) 4. Any bid received after the time specified in the notice shall be rejected. 5_ When a bidder's security is required, it will be announced in the public notice inviting bids. The amount shall be determined at the time of preparation of the bid. It shall be in the form of cash, certified or cashier's check, certificate of deposit in the City of Atascadero's name or bid bond made payable to the City of Atascadero. When a bidder's security is required, a bid shall not be considered unless one of the aforementioned forms of security accompanies the bid. Bidders shall be entitled to return of the bid security with the following exception: The successful bidder must execute the contract and file acceptable documents within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of award unless extended by the City Manager. Failure to execute the contract shall be just cause for annulment of the award and forfeiture of the bidder's security, not as a penalty, but as liquidated damages. The City Council may, upon refusal or failure of the successful bidder to execute the contract, award the contract to the next lowest bidder. 6. All bids received shall be available for inspection during regular business hours in the City Clerk's office for a period of not less than thirty (30) calendv days after the bid opening. d) Rejection of Bids: The City reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to accept or reject any one or more items of a bid, or to waive any irregularities or inforinalides in the bids or the bidding process if to do so is deemed to best serve the interests of the City. if after the first invitation of bids all bids are rejected, the City may elect to re-advertise for bids or have the project done by force account. (See Section 22038 of the Public Contract Code for Procedures and limitations) e) Determining Lowest Responsible Bidder: Award of bid shall be to the lowest responsible bidder. All valid responsible bids shall be considered in determining the lowest bid. Before the award, the bidder may be required to furnish evidence of capability, equipment and finmicial resources to adequately perform the work. Bidders not found to be qualified may have their bid rejected. ' This limit is tied to Public Contract Code section 22032. Any changes to litnirs set in, Public Contract Code Section hereby are adopted as part of this policy. 44 SECTION VI-PUBLIC PROJECTS 4.0 CITY COUNCIL AWARD >$125&fl00.00r (continued 4.1 Formal Bidding(continued) 1) Tie Bids: If tie bids are received, duality and service being equal, the contract shall be awarded to a local bidder. If the above condition is not applicable,the City may, at its discretion: 1. Reject any and all bids presented and re-advertise, or 2. City may accept either one or accept the lowest bid made by negotiation with the tie bidders; or 3. Award the bid to any one of the low tie bidders by public drawing. 4.2 Awarding the Bid Once the bids have been evaluated, the [department Head/Division Head shall prepare a report to Council recommending the most responsive bidder. The Council shall then award the bid in a public meeting. All public project contracts exceeding $125,000.001 must be awarded by the City Council. Otherwise: 1. Such purchases are void and not considered an obligation of the City. 2. Invoices may be returned to the contractor/service provider unpaid_ 3. The person ordering the unauthorized purchase may be held personally liable for the costs of the contract. 43 Contract and Purchase Carder a) A contract shall be prepared and two original copies shall be signed by the contractor. b) A purchase order shall also be prepared detailing the contractor name, service being purchased, estimated total price of the service being purchased and budget account to be charged. The purchase order shall be signed and dated by the Department Head. c) The Department/Division will obtain a completed IRS form W-9 from the contractor/service provider. d) Proof of insurance in accordance with the contract shall be obtained e) Performance and payment bonds shall be obtained. (Bonds must be in a forrn accepted by the City and must mea all City requirements.) This limit is tied to Public Contract Code Section 22032. Any changes to limits set in Public Contract Coote section hereby aro;adupwd as part aC this policy. 45 SECTION Vx--PUBLIC PROJECTS 4.0 CITY COUNCIL ANVARD >$125,000.00'(Conturued) 4.3 Contract and Purchase Order (continued) f) `Che City Attomey shall sign the two original copies of the contract approving it as to form.. g) The City Manager or his/her Council designee shall sign the tow original copies. b) The entire purchase order, the W-9, proof of insurance, copies of the bonds, and moth original copies of the contract shall be submitted to the City Manager or the Director of Administrative Services for approval and signature and should incl tide a copy of the Staff Report. i) One original copy of the executed contract shall be returned to the contractor anti the other original shall remain in the City Clerk's Office. A copy of the executed contract shall be sent to the initiating department and a copy io the Adrnanistrative Services Department. 4.4 Change Orders The City Manager its authorized to issue change orders for changes or additions to the original scope of work that result in less than a 20% aggregate change in contract price. Change orders in excess of 20% shall be brought to the City Council for approval. ' 'Ibis limit is tied to Public Contrnct Code Section 22032. Any changes to limits set in Public Contract Code Section hereby are adopted as part of this policy. 46 Sousa, Diane@CSL From: Jeri Rangel <jrangel@atascadero.org> Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 8:42 AM To: Sousa, Diane@CSL Cc: Jeri Corgill; Rachelle Rickard Subject: Round 4 CCHE Grant Proof of Escrow Account Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Diane, The City of Atascadero employs fund accounting and is very familiar with grant requirements. All CCHE expenses will be tracked separately and apart from the General Fund, in an account that holds only CCHE related transactions. Job costing is also used for even further break down of component parts. We track everything on a spreadsheet and do regular reconciliations. All invoice, check, and backup copies are held through the end of the audit period in a CCHE grant binder for easy and accurate reference. The City is fortunate to have received many reimbursable grants over the course of years and is experienced in tracking and separating expenses. We have established very particular policies to that end. Our director is a former auditor and holds us to high standards. Our fiscal and grant auditors have consistently been impressed with how our policies translate into precise and easily auditable record keeping. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, Jeri Rangel Project Accountant Jeri Rangel City of Atascadero j Deputy Director of Administrative Services 805.470.3430 voice 805.470.3431 fax I jrangeMatascadero.org 1 Q 0 4-J 0 Cls 1< 14 +-; UCCS y 0 00 Of 4--J tU 0 4- >, _j < E LLI m 0- a: T-- Q) q- 6 E a) 0 -0 0 4-J ui u C\J 0 < v C v z 14- L- Cl0 4--1 < - -�%,,d < I Wo r- C ) D > 4--) U- - (f) 0 z :3 LU o :D 4-j c — 0- U .5 (--13 Q) "c- (1) u uMay > 5- 4-J z 0 4--J IN.J 0 Q) w ui LAJ 4-1 V) < 0 (-)Z Q) " C\j 4- " C: 4-J < cr 4- (n V) 4- 0 0 0C\j cL) z :D :5 c- z ILI C 0 cy- cr, 4-J > 0 0 0 < m 0ru U � C 4-CL .2 4-J 0 L- I-- < cz o 4-J (n w 0 z 0 < 4-1 -0 0 Q) V) < 0 Z 4—J 0 n- 0) E V) Russm -0 :3 .50 o U- -r- c z u 0 ca < U d03 CCS 0 0 0 z W 4-J E �- mr- LLc- E at < o 4-J S.- u L) L) 0 < Q) u --(/) Z Cy E 0 4-J It -2 LU _0 E X 0 m < u -�-j u ui u m 0 4-J 4--; 0 T3 Exhibit E - State Certification Requirements By signing this Agreement, the Grantee's authorized representative is certifying under penalty of perjury that the following clauses will be enforced for the duration of the Project with CCHE. 1, Non-Discrimination During the performance of this Agreement, Grantee and its subcontractors shall not unlawfully discriminate, harass, or allow harassment against any employee or applicant for employment because of sex, race, color, ancestry, religious creed, national origin, sexual orientation, physical disability (including HIV and AIDS), mental disability, medical condition (cancer), age (over 40), marital status, and denial of family care leave. Grantee and subcontractors shall insure that the evaluation and treatment of their employees and applicants for employment are free from such discrimination and harassment. Grantee and subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of the Fair Employment and Housing Act(Government Code Section 12990 (a-f)et seq.)and the applicable regulations promulgated thereunder(California Code of Regulations, Title 2, Section 7285 et seq.). The applicable regulations of the Fair Employment and Housing Commission implementing Government Code Section 12990 (a-f), set forth in Chapter 5 of Division 4 of Title 2 of the California Code of Regulations, are incorporated into this Agreement by reference and made a part hereof as if set forth in full. Grantee and its subcontractors shall give written notice of their obligations under this clause to labor organizations with which they have a collective bargaining or other Agreement. Grantee shall include the nondiscrimination and compliance provisions of this clause in all subcontracts to perform work under the Agreement. 2. Drug-Free Workplace Certification Grantee will comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990 and will provide a drug-free workplace by taking the following actions: a. Publish a statement notifying employees that unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited and specifying actions to be taken against employees for violations. b. Establish a Drug-Free Awareness Program to inform employees about. 1. the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; 2. the person's or organization's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; 3. any available counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs; and, 4. penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. c. Every employee who works on the CCHE Project will: 1. receive a copy of the company's drug-free workplace policy statement; and, 2. agree to abide by the terms of the company's statement as a condition of employment on the Agreement. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in suspension of payments under the Agreement or termination of the Agreement or both and Grantee may be ineligible for award of any future State Agreements if CCHE determines that any of the following has occurred: the Grantee has made false certification, or violated the certification by failing to carry out the requirements as noted above. (Government Code 8350 et seq.) 21 3. National Labor Relations Board By signing the Agreement, the Grantee swears under penalty of perjury that no more than one final unappealable finding of contempt of court by a federal court has been issued against the Grantee within the immediately preceding two year period because of the Grantee's failure to comply with an order of a federal court which orders the Grantee to comply with an order of the National Labor Relations Board, 4. Union Activities By signing this Agreement Grantee hereby acknowledges the applicability of Government Code section 96645 through section 96649 to this Agreement and agrees to the following: a. Grantee will not assist, promote or deter union organizing by employees performing work on a state service contract, including a public works contract. b, No state funds received under this Agreement will be used to assist, promote or deter union organizing. c. Grantee will not,for any business conducted under this Agreement, use any state property to hold meetings with employees or supervisors, if the purpose of such meetings is to assist, promote or deter union organizing, unless the state property is equally available to the general public for holding meetings. d. If Grantee incurs costs, or makes expenditures to assist, promote or deter union organizing, Grantee will maintain records sufficient to show that no reimbursement from state funds has been sought for these costs, and that Grantee shall provide those records to the Attorney General upon request. 5. Conflict of Interest By signing this Agreement, Grantee certifies that it will comply the following provisions regarding current or former state employees. If Grantee has any questions on the status of any person rendering services or involved with the Agreement, contact CCHE immediately for clarification. Current State Employees a. No officer or employee shall engage in any employment, activity or enterprise from which the officer or employee receives compensation or has a financial interest and which is sponsored or funded by any state agency, unless the employment, activity or enterprise is required as a condition of regular state employment. b. No officer or employee shall contract on his or her own behalf as an independent contractor with any state agency to provide goods or services. Former State Employees a. For the two-year period from the date he or she left state employment, no former state officer or employee may enter into a contract in which he or she engaged in any of the negotiations, transactions, planning, arrangements or any part of the decision-making process relevant to the contract while employed in any capacity by any state agency. b. For the twelve-month period from the date he or she left state employment, no former state officer or employee may enter into a contract with any state agency if he or she was employed by that state agency in a policy-making position in the same general subject area as the proposed contract within the 92-month period prior to his or her leaving state service. 22 If Grantee violates any provisions of above paragraphs, such action by Grantee shall render this Agreement void. Members of boards and commissions are exempt from this section if they do not receive payment other than payment of each meeting of the board or commission, payment for preparatory time and payment for per diem, (Public Contracts Code, Section 10430 (e).) 6. Labor CodeMlorkers' Compensation Grantee agrees to comply with Section 3700 of the Labor Code, which requires every employer to be insured against liability for workers' compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that Cade, and Grantee confirms that it will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this Agreement. Grantee also certifies that it will comply with Labor Code Sections 1810-1815, inclusive, regarding maximum hours per workweek. 7. Americans With Disabilities Act Grantee assures the State that it complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)of 1990, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability, as well as all applicable regulations and guidelines issued pursuant to the ADA. 8. Authority By entering into the foregoing Agreement the Grantee gives assurance and certifies with respect to the grant that it possesses legal authority to apply for and receive the grant funds. 23 CCHE INVOICE PART I OF 3 Rhlfbitf,QCHE fnvolCle CALL FORNI ACUUURAL!& HISTOPMOA L,.ENDOWMENT CCHE NVOICIE:FORM PART OINE TO:CALIF61IWA CULTURAL&.HiST.ORIC*.AL ENDOWMENT- Date Received by CCHE, -glbo'*rs4retafAoom:56.0 (qate,stamp and initials) Sacramento,CA..95131.4 Attn:Francellb'Phillipe ........... Phone:Number.'(01:6)667-1$02 Email: FROM:(Naive and Title) Mr..Arthur tield-boet.", fant.Nurriber;: 07-Bl-00 Grantee:(Agency) PreservatidnC1615-rlb.L Mailing Address: Inv6ice.Number., I BaYfavrri.CA 00000 I nvoice 11Y2012007 Ptojed Title:: Museum Pmoct Term cfldrant,A.preernent. 1 1:AWNW, through 513012008 Tirne.period covered by.WsInvoi.ce: I1iI5i2007 :through. 1=912007 CCHE.G RANT AWARID PRIOR BALAWE CURRIENT'EXPENSES.. NEWENDINGSALANCE. AMOUNT $00.:000-00 $600,000,00 $27.687.06* $572.*413,00 Less 10%-Performanoe.Ref6tion: $2.16870 AMOUNT DUE TO"GRANTEE CCHE.PROJE0.tWN,k. R.APPR-09.0i.L jirri&1.4g6iCy>.thotffie ob#i b0ng i0ainfad fdr`ODHE40 mgcOijare In all resperAwltrue,oorreck,and in aceorc!Anoe.wiffi cc.14E, wantvfovfti_�S,and 0xit-all1dinds.were expended Thr x Fr.Flcelle Phillips x AAkk k6d 12/29/07' CCHE PROGRAM-ADM IN ISTRATOR'S APPROVAL SignaWre.ol'Authorized Signatory Date Arthvrilzed,Executive Director Pont Name and Titie.of Authonzod Signatory x CCHE Administrator Date Able..Aountant Invoice Preparer's Name 655421-4444 Title Preparer's Phone Number Fiscal Peer ..... ...... A: INDEX OBJECT GORE Vend or:#. Revi bWed by Date to CFS 24 CCH£INVOICE AART 20F J Grantee:PRESERVATION CLUB,INC.. Profeet Title: Museum Pro ect Grant iY1�il}Er 07.81•`00 --�--- -^`-- ?errri ot.Awt'eerneait jt=15 17 to rr33-08 ENTRIES BELOW ARE SHOWN BY TASK,CCH E FUNDS(etaaded.{trtes:$Ml rh FUNDS(v"ts lines) �-tnuOlcE st� w ��� � :•� �-' EXIgBIT I3-1 TAM CC146 f VACN T 12 z� Sh�M�' ` �sa„xex<,�-`Y";x.z"•-.:'3:i^! L's `'°u`�,?'�` ..�','�'"" �:z �..) > �'µ,,,. Ma! $45.0W Lill�,-, ..1 �� r.�c.•_ - c �;"?x•: ntJ,etch 25,0 00 -._ .. 2500.0- �y�Rlx9iiilsv�a�.{'kt`}v`k'Y-k.�.,' y'F���• R L�tZ � ,n` < _�i711� '��. Z'���j.�� tv mks ,�,,. t .'t L�+y,. �-w�.-.mom..r..,a�-RIS+? n� 4,r �a� -' .,»e? .•Ew,cw,::. a... ..?:tx.a ;r. \ '.n ",^�a�:: ..sat ..x:�•-��.. ^^"�^.,4�:�'�.,x>:��.��",��a-. �, Match $48,413 1$.413,00i8.4i1 N F+*"* SOMEHOW •�- u>• �'7' F:':Y".�'Y:' :',"r<''Vx•N ;2: r� �.. r Y�tch. 3250 213,250.00 478 tf�r . 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'� .`a �. ..... ti nl�,r �f,'��-'" &• '�. �$3d111�7 �i=��''��.s� Match.: : �tdu"..1t:FlflrsCt(ig Hard 8 CSr}'Et _ x F'"UBPcw. ?,.- *....~ ,. ,a.ti,-�•a'ti' sc. ,rFT, x;.* ; *,� �},e�,V.,,,�I '".2Az'r`"Z,..'-_x: ' Match $67.968 5 7988 00 Xr fitlte CC 41 . s ' a � uGi 4(t86_ x- w . Match pssgtt' .Btn1B %tt1I ;1+}0fi&f D9 Gb �,. c F4n2 7 �..yx .Z^a x: t �� -wo �mm 7c.r" -I? ��..,.,..�,... _. �e„- `,,..,.�'fi.;,.#�.`Fs:a'�,”. .. ��� .• �,�� �r�-,iN.�x�"`3.�7a!P!e�t TOTAL-Match Budget-Matin Used per Invoice 600.000:00 43,413.00 5',x6.587,00 43,413., TOTAL BUDGET•ALL TA'St($•CCHE 3 Matctt $1,200.000.00 71.000,{30 1,129,00{}.0 71,000. 105u>yerlmr antt$8ientwri rCCNEtonils'tinly). 2,758.7 : 2,758:701 �. gmouM Pald to Gtanlea-ped 1 nvflice 24,828.34 24,828.6 25 CCHE.INVOICE<PART 3`OE 3 GIR.—Y# 07 - 8 1 - 00 Contee.: Preservation Club, Inc. � 5 Projebt Title: Museum'Plroject :invol : l l}n`1l EC Q,ate of Invoice: �i -29-07 8.AMPLE ONLY PART TM.REE - NAR . AT11tE. INSTRUCTIONS :.B�i°e y 440"ethe wflrk eo:rriple�ted and a:movnts-paid dual hls;r'n;vo ce:pe.rrz�d;. bpyi to l;..f oh�i fha �8:=� Bi ax :et�INarkpla Th.e info rr}re iori.belaw ex la�ri the' filar esto :GFf :end lule'tal� shownn.the Spreadsfi:e:et. Retriettrr°tf�a` aft q peas slhourre.d fat:;tte�btks l�st�ed below must have been,paid by.yaur o* a: 2atii�: :`;_r-f-0-cfa��nrn reirnbr rsert�ent from GCHQ, Task:lurtlaer in: Narrative B=1 mark Favi Usk #2 :8ite'1tlTork -Task is cOmplete.. $'I0:,000. billed tb CbH'1� fay Ge°ne 'l Coita.ctor`:s;invo.ice:# deted 12=1- 7: 4maurt`p; id #o:C r�tracto:r Ta :# omun.dati in Task is compl.e.t'e... $17;587 bilied'to H:E for Geneal Co:rtraetor.'s invoice:#3:dated 1:.2- .S-D.7. .: imQurt e'id`t6 0''W80t6rincludes $18.;413 in m.Mch funds: Summary C.ontraotor"s invoices #2 .and #3 total $7'1 ,000 and were pal by Proserva.tidh.. Club on 12-27-07. Total ZO E finds billed on this,invoice.= $27587. Total WWI)fundsreoard.ed on thiis invoice SAMPLE ONLY 26 Exhibit G California Cultural and Historical Endowment (CCHE) Quarterly Progress Report Grantee: Date Report Submitted: Address: Grant Agreement Number: Quarter Covered by Report: Summary: Briefly summarize the work completed since your last report to CCHE (50 words or less). 1. Task Details. Refer to your Exhibit B-1 workplan and list activities initiated or completed by task number. Provide details of accomplishments this quarter and state whether the task is completed or the degree of completion achieved. 2. Schedule. Is the Project on schedule, according to the workplan in Exhibit B-1? If not, what is not on schedule and why? 3, Challenges. Did organizational, staffing, construction,or financial challenges or changes arise during this quarter? If so, explain the effects these challenges may have on your Project. 4. Future Plans. What do you plan to accomplish in the next quarter? Are there any anticipated changes to your workplan? Will you be able to stay on schedule and within your approved budget? 5. Other. Describe any new or upcoming opportunities, significant events and activities involving your organization. These may or may not be directly related to the CCHE Project workplan. 6. Administrative Updates. Have there been any changes to the grantee address, Project staff, or grant agreement signatories this quarter? 7. Attachments. List any relevant attachments to this report, including construction photographs, news articles, fliers, etc. If there are any lengthy documents or workplan deliverables, copy them to a CD (send no hard copies) and list them below: a) b) C) Return completed Quarterly Reports to: (Grant Manager), CCHE, 900"N"Street, room 370, Sacramento, CA 95814 1 certify that this CCHE Quarterly Progress Report is accurate and that this Project is in compliance with the CCHE Grant Agreement. I further certify that any expenditure discussed in this report is allowed under the CCHE Grant Agreement and that all funds were expended for the purposes of the CCHE Project. Authorized Grantee Signature: Date: Printed Name: Title: 27 Exhibit H - CCHE Final Report Certification and Grant Closeout Procedure Checklist Grantee: Date Report Submitted: Address: Grant Agreement Number: Term of Agreement: As stated in the Grant Agreement, upon completion of the Project, the Grantee shall supply CCHE with evidence of completion by submitting the following, (If items listed are not applicable, leave the box unchecked.) ❑ Completed CCHE Final Report Template(enclosed with your Closeout Instruction Letter from CCHE), providing narrative information on your Project, This is required of all grantees. ❑ Certify the final report by signing this Exhibit H—Final Report Form ❑ An invoice(Exhibit F)for any completed work not previously invoiced to CCHE ❑ A Final Invoice with original authorized signature to claim all 10% Performance Retention amounts not previously paid by CCHE. This invoice can be processed for payment upon receipt of the other required closeout documents (blank CCHE Performance Retention Invoice form was enclosed with your Closeout Instruction Letter from CCHE). ❑ Visual documentation (still photos)of the Project at the time of completion(or end of the CCHE part of the Project) ❑ Copies of any news articles or promotional materials created during the Project, but not previously submitted to CCHE. Explain on the line below°where CCHE acknowledgment is located (on-site)for a building,exhibit,or display—per Grant Agreement Exhibit D,3.Acknowledgment and Publicity. Acknowledgment location: ❑ Name,address and phone number o€contact person who is in charge of audit records—form included. Allgrant records are to be kept a minimum of three years from date of the Letter of Acceptance. As stated in the CCHE Grant Agreement(Part I, Section E, 3.) - If CCHE determines that the Project has been satisfactorily completed, CCHE shall issue to the Grantee a Letter of Acceptance of the Project. The Project shall be deemed complete as of the date of the Letter of Acceptance. if the Project is a facility, the Grantee agrees to keep the facility accessible and open to the public for a period of twenty years from completion date. I certify that I am an authorized signatory for the herein named agency,that this CCHE Grant Final Report is accurate and that this Grant Project is in compliance with the CCHE Grant Agreement. I further certify that any expenditure discussed in this report is allowed under the CCHE Grant Agreement and that all funds were expended for the purposes of the CCHE Project. Authorized Grantee Signature: Date: Printed Name: Title: 28