HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2013-053 RESOLUTION NO. 2013-053 A RESOLUTION OF THE CI'T'E' COUNCIL OF TRE CITY OF ATASCADERO APPROVING PLN 2013-1466 / CUP 2013-0268, TO ALLOW A 26,500± SQUARE FEET OF BUILDINGS CONTAINING, RETAIL SPACEAND SIT DOWN RESTAURANT SPACE AND 2"d STORY OFFICE USES WITH A HEIGHT WAIVER EXCEPTION REQUEST AND A TREE REMOVAL PERMIT (HOFF / WYSONG) WHEREAS, an application was received from Larry M. Wysong, 7025 Morro Road, Atascadero, CA, 93422, (Applicant), and Ben Hoff LLC, PO Box 928, Atascadero, CA, 93423 (Property Owner) for a Conditional Use Permit to allow to allow for a total of 26,500± square foot buildings containing retail space (10,000 sf); a sit down restaurant (5,000 sf) with an upstairs bar/lounge (4,500 so; and office space on the 2"d floor of buildings (7,500 sf) on a 1.5± acre site, with a height waiver exception request, a sign ordinance exception for a freeway pole sign and a tree removal permit for one 6-inch White Oak; and, WHEREAS,the proposed project has a General Plan.Designation of Downtown(D)and is in conformance with the Land Use Element of the General Plan and all other applicable General Plan policies; and, WHEREAS, the site is located in the Downtown Commercial (DC) Zone, which allows for the proposed use; and, WHEREAS, a Conditional Use Permit is required to allow a height waiver exception in the DC zone; and, WHEREAS,the proposed project qualifies for an Categorical Exemption consistent with CEQA section 15332 Urban Infill; and, WHEREAS,the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the proposed Conditional Use Permit application on June 18, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. and considered testimony and reports from staff,the applicants,and the public. WHEREAS, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing to consider the proposed Conditional Use Permit application on August 13, 2013, at 6:00 p.m. and considered the Planning Commission's recommendations along with testimony and reports from staff, the applicants, and the public. NOW THEREFORE,the Atascadero City Council takes the following actions: City of Atascadero Resolution Pio. 2013-053 Page 2 of 23 SECTION 1. Findinl4s for approval of Conditional Use Permit. The City Council finds as follows: 1. The proposed project or use is consistent with the General Plan and. the City's Appearance Review Manual; and, 2. The proposed project or use satisfies all applicable provisions of the Title (Zoning Ordinance);and, 3. Due to the size and configuration of the lot, the establishment, and subsequent use of the additional accessory structures will not, because of the circumstances and conditions applied in the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the general public or persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the use, or be detrimental or iniurious to property or improvements in the vicinity of the use; and, 4. That the proposed additional accessory structures will not be inconsistent with the character or the immediate neighborhood or contrary to its orderly development; and, 5. That the proposed accessory structures will not generate a volume of traffic beyond the safe capacity of all roads providing access to the project, either existing or to be improved in conjunction with the project, or beyond the normal traffic volume of the surrounding neighborhood that would result from full development in. accordance with the Land Use Element. SECTION 2. _Findings for approval of Exception of Height Limitations consistent with Section 9- The City Council finds as follows: 1. The project will not result in substantial detrimental effects on the enjoyment and use of adjoining properties; and, 2. The modified height will not exceedthe lifesaving equipment capabilities of the Fire Department. SECTION 3.Findings for Appro,,al of Tree Removal Permit. The City Council finds as follows: 1. The tree is obstructing proposed improvements that cannot be reasonably designed to avoid the need for tree removal, as certified by a report from the site planner and determined by the Community Development Department based on the following factors: a. Early consultation with the City, b. Consideration of practical design alternatives, SECTION 4. Approval. T e Atascadero City Council, in a regular session assembled on August 13, 2013, resolved to approve Conditional Use Permit 2013-0258 with a height waiver and tree removal permit, subject to the following: City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 3 of 23 EXHIBIT A: CEQA Notice of Exemption EXHIBIT B: Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT C: Proposed Site Plan EXHIBIT D: Proposed Elevations EXHIBIT E: Proposed Landscaping Plan EXHIBIT F: Proposed Freeway Oriented Signage City of Atascadero Resolution No.2013-053 Page 4 of 23 On motion by Council Member Kelley and seconded by Council Member Fonzi, the foregoing Resolution.is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll tali vote: AYES: Council Members Fonzi,Kelley,Moreno, Sturtevant and.Mayor O'Malley NOES: none ABSENT: none ADOPTED: August 13,2013 CIT OF ATASCADERO Y' _ Tom O'Malley,Mpyor ATTEST- Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C.,City erk APPROVED AS T..F Ii Y I Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 5 of 23 EXHIBIT A: Categorical Exemption __-- PLN 2013-1466,1 CUP 2613-0268 6322 through 6560 El Caen-sago Real (La Plaza) ��i'ygz. . • nim,., CAD CITY OF ATAS ADER0 NOTICE OF EXEMPTION 6907 El Camino Rail Alasc'adeao,CA 93422 805,[61,500) TO: ® Pile Date Adopted: June 18:2013 .FROM: Alfredo R,Castillo,A.ICP City of Atascadero Community Development Department 6905 El Camino Real,Suite 6 Atascadero.CA 93422 SUBJECT: Filing of Notice of Determitiation in Compliance with Section 21'152:.1 of the Public Resources Code Proiect Title: Pi- 2013-1466/CUP 2013-0268/RAB 2013-0020 Proiect ARLbcant: Larry W}vsoiig„Wysong Consvuction Pr 'eq Location. l clt County) L,c,�al.Lots 1:8& 1.9,Block Ll-B'of Atascadcrn Colony Book'4, 1 Page 32(6322 through 650().EI Camino Real.),Atascadero,CA 93422(San Luis Obispo County) Pro osed Pro' ctSite +e Project Area ai 6 .Y. . i `'is-. ,i•;�rp:�` 1� i•. City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2093-053 Rage 6 of 23 EXHIBIT A: Categorical Exemption z PLP!2013-14661 CLIP 2013-02611 6322 through 6500 El Camino Real(La Plaza CITY OF ATASCADERO NOITCE-'OF EXEMPTION Page 2 of 4 Project Description: The project proposes demolition of all remaining buildings on the proper; excluding the existing;cellular communications tower. The project proposes a total of 26,500 square feet.(sf)of new commercial retail,rci5taurant and office uses loc4ted within three(3)new buildings. All of the buildings are proposed withsecond stories to allow space for professional offices and a restaurant terrace overlooking the Sunken. Gardens. Due to a special Downtovm height restriction, a height exception will be required. Although,Downtown retail is not required to provide parking;the.applicant proposes 78 on-site parking spaces to support both the office:and.retail activities on-site. Alsoas a part of this proposal, the applicant is proposing a 50-foot tall, freeway pole signs to be.located along tie frontage of 1-lighway 101.The application,also includes a Road Abandonment.request for a portion of Atascadero Avenue between E1 Camino Real and Highway 101.as well as a Landscape casement along El Camino Rea) W W'130NG '^—^"—•. ^^"••�•,•.. MKvn'C:M:spMw:w. NRM'tT60N'716N �..:�" :icC:C•+ : F.....,.._...;.f:�ryT••^:r. ! .YK.`.M.. .r.++eh•'....,. :'.'i 4 .5',:.1::3:"l:.:: _�^� .,l p.. :� ^5+'�,,�'�`.g`&.•:.. :�.W i ..�'i6 : 4.� 71 i ms._.µ :• - r• � :.__!';s;�;.:m+:_'_'. 1_..` .0i;,-:.*.�,. e � rte Ww '-`�f; '.'e%•�'� `�ei — :_( CtHG A .P;W. zz D � .� max`r i� ' �:.�r 'k,ku.a '.. •.., ._..... z• Qyy ro. z.n..r ,aware,oir�-! :Ir✓.+.ik,nk:+ar:? ,zom ,: 4ltlE.+�.II:R.PMM Page 2.of 4 City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 7 of 23 j EXHI0IT A: Categorical Exemption F PLN 2013-1466/CUP 2013-0266 6322 through 6500 El Camino Real (La Plaza) CITY OF ATASCADE-RO NOTICE OF EXEMPTION Page 3 of 4 Name of Public Agency Approving Proiect:City of Atascadero Name of Person or A qn M Carlying Out Pro ect:Alfredo R Castillo,ATCP,Community Development Department,City of Atascadero,6907 El Camino Real,Atascadero,CA 93422 Exempt Status: Q Ministerial(Sec.15073) Q hanerge cy Project(Sec.1507(b)and(c)) © lkcirred Enmererrcy(Sec.15061(a)) Q GenenI]tole Exemption(S .15061.c) ® Categ,ori all♦,Exmpt (Sec.15391-15333):15332 Reasons why roiect is exempt:Class 32 of the California Environmental Quality Act{CEQA) (Section 15332,In-Fill Development projects)consists of projects characterized as in-fill development meeting the conditions described in this section: a) The project is consistent with the applicable general plan designation and all applicable general plan policies as well as with applicable zoning designation and regulations. The proposed project is consistent with its General Plan designation (Downtown) and all applicable general plan policies, zoning designation (downtown commercial) and regulations. The applicant is proposing and Staff is recommending a height waiver exemption from the allowed 18-feet height exemption for the accommodation of 2nd story office uses and a 2nd story bar/lounge use. b) The proposed development occurs within city limits on a project site of no more than five acres substantially surrounded by urban uses. The proposed project is within the City limits of the City of Atascadero. The proposed project is approximately .1.5 acres and is substantially surrounded by urban uses.Uses directly adjacent to the site on the north and south include retail and office uses,uses to the east of the site,across from the existing El Camino Real right-of.-way includes downtown commercial retail uses; US Highway 101 abuts the proposed development to the west. c) The project site has no value as habitat for endangered,rare or threatened species. The proposed project is located in downtown Atascadero on a former commercial retail site.In 141arch 2009,a fire destroyed two commercial buildings that were on the site.Final demolition occurred in 2012 of buildings that were partially destroyed by the fire.The site contains sparse vegetation such as weeds and other landscape that is no value or critical habitat for endangered,rare,or threatened species,based on a Staff site visit and consistent with the City's certified General Plan EIR Existing vegetation abutting Highway 101 is within the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)and is not proposed to be removed or disturbed.Any vegetation removal.or tree removals will need to be permitted by Caltrans. d) Approval of the project would not result in any significant effects relating to traffic,noise,air quality,or water quality. The proposed project does not result in significant effects related to traffic noise,air quality or water quality.The proposed project consists of the construction of three(3)new commercial buildings with a Page 3 of 4 City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 8 of 23 CITY OFATASCADERO NOTICE OF EXEMPTION Page 4 of 4 total of 7,500 sf of general office uses-.10,000 sf of proposed retail uses;5,000 sf proposed restaurant and 4,500 sf proposed lounge/bar.Tli.e proposed project is estimated to generate approximately 1,148 new daily trips with an additional 1.46 PM peak trips according to the ITE trip generation manual,8th edition. The amount of traffic generated does not significantly impact die existing plus project nor cumulative Level of Service(LOS)along El Camino Real and die intersections nearest to the project(Traffic Way/El Camino Real;Entrada/El Camino Real;West Mall/EI Camino Real;East Mall/EI Camino Real)below a peak hour LOS C, the assumed threshold for acceptable traffic operations, consistent with the City's General Plan.This analysis is available as a part of the project file, The proposed project has been analyzed for air quality impacts utilizing the CALEEMOD air analysis model.The proposed project's air quality impacts are below the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District(SLOAPCD)threshold of significance for both construction and operational impacts,as outlined in the agency's CEQA Air Quality Handbook,April 2012. This analysis is available as a part of the project file. The proposed project has been analyzed for water quality impacts. The project is a redevelopment project of a retail commercial site that is vacant and underutilized. The project has been conditioned to include low impact development(LID) measures to reduce stormwater runoff and detain runoff within proposed swales and additional measures to be approved during the Building Plan Review stage of the project. e) The site can be adequately served by all required utilities and public services. The proposed project is currently served by all required utilities such as electric(Pacific Gas and Electric Company), natural gas (Southern California Gas Company) and telecommunication (Charter Cable / AT&T). Existing public services at the site include sewer service as provided by the City of Atascadero and water service by the Atascadero Mutual Water Company(AMWC). These service providers will continue to provide all utilities to die site after completion of the project. Contact Person: Alfredo:R.Castillo,ATCP(805)461-5000 ext.3436 Date: June 18,2013 Alfredo R.Castillo,AICP Planter Page 4 of 4 City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 9 of 23 EXHIBIT B: Conditions of Approval PLN 2013-1466/CUP 2013-0268 6322 through 6500 El Camino Real (La Plaza) Exhibit B Timing Responsibility Mitigation E Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Program monitoring Measure GP:Grading Permit PS:Planning Services BP:Building Permit BS:Building Services PLN 2013-1466/CUP 2013-0268 6322 through 6500 Ell TO:TernporaryOccupancy FD:Fireoepavnent Camino Ileal La Plaza FI: incl Occupanspedoncy PD:Police F0:Final Occupancy CE:Ciy Engineer WW:wastewater CA:City Atromey Planning Conditions 1. The approval of this application shall become final, subject to the On-going PS completion of the conditions of approval, fourteen (14) days following the Planning Commission approval unless prior to the time, an appeal to the decision is filed as set forth in Section 9- 1.111(b)of the Zoning Ordinance. 2. This Conditional Use Permit shall be for a 26,500± square foot ; BP PS commercial mixed-use retail development consisting of retail space (10,000 sf);a sit down restaurant(5,000 sf)with an upstairs bar/lounge(4,500 sf);and office space on the 2nd floor of buildings (7,500 so on a 1.5± acre site with a freestanding freeway pole I sign. 3. The existing cellular communication facility shall remain in place On-going PS subject to the conditions of CUP 2002-0062. 4. The Community Development Department shall have the authority BP PS I to approve the following minor changes to the project that(1) modify the site plan project by less than 10%,and/or(2)result in a € superior site design or appearance. 5. Approval of this Conditional Use Permit shall be valid for twenty- BP PS four(24)months after its effective date. At the end of the period, the approval shall expire and become null and void unless the project has received a building permit or a time extension has been granted. 6. The applicant and/or subsequent owners shall defend, indemnify, On going PS and hold harmless the City of Atascadero or its agents,officers, and employees against any claim or action brought to challenge an approval by the City,or any of its entities,concerning the proposed development. 7. The project shall provide a minimum of 70 off street parking SP PS spaces within the project site,for project customers and 3 employees. 8. Prior to the issuance of on-site construction permits,the applicant shall record reciprocal public access easement on driveways indicated on Exhibit C. City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 10 of 23 Exhibit S Timing I Responsibility Mitigation r Conditions of Approval I Mitigation Monitoring Programs /Monitoring Measure GP:Grading Permit PS:Planning Services eMces PLN 2013-14661 CUP 2013-0268 6322 through 6500 El TO. empordaryOccupancy FIing Perniit DBireDgparhnent FD:Fire De FI:Finalinspection PD:Police Depament Camino Real (La Plaza) FO:Final Occupancy CE:City Engineer VON.Wastewater CA City Attorney i 9. Prior to the issuance of on-site construction permits,the BP PS applicant shall record a pedestrian access easement along the southern side of the plaza feature in front of Building "A"along EI Camino Real consistent with Exhibit C. The historic"EI Camino Real" bell monument shall be relocated and incorporated into the plaza. 10. An exception to the height limitations of the Downtown BP PS Commercial zoning district shall be allowed for all structures within the development. Building heights shall not exceed 37- feet in height consistent with Exhibit D. 11. Architectural elevations, colors, materials, and signs shall be BP PS shall be consistent with the character of the elevations shown on i l Exhibit E. 12. Final colors and exterior finishes shall be submitted to Staff for BP PS review. 13. The rear elevation of the building that is visible from US 101 BP PS shall include substantive architectural treatments and materials. I 14. All trash enclosures shall be constructed of masonry with solid BP PS metal gates. The walls and gates shall be architecturally coordinated with the project architecture. 15. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be screen from view in BP PS all directions. 16. Final approval of site landscaping, irrigation, plant material, BP PS r streetscape, hardscape and site furniture shall be approved by t the Planning Staff and consistent with Exhibit E. 17. Complete grading, drainage,utility, storm water management BP PS plans with low impact development bio-swale features and handicapped accessibility plans shall be submitted at time of building permit. 18. Prior to building permit issuance, a tree mitigation fee of$200 BP PS shall be paid for the removal of one 6-inch white oak tree. 19. A freeway oriented pole sign shall be permitted on-site with the BP PS maximum height determined by a balloon visibility test,the F Design Review Committee shall approve the height of the sign. Pole sign shall have a decorative cap, and shall include the i City's Logo and"Downtown Atascadero"on the face of the sign. The City's Logo and"Downtown Atascadero"shall not count f against the maximum signage area. The Design Review I Committee shall approve the maximum total signage area. II r 20. The color of the freeway sign pole shall be a dark earthtone BP PS consistent with the City's Wayfinding Program and Exhibit F. l City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 11 of 23 Exhibit B Timing Responsibility Mitigation Conditions of Approval ! Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure GP:Gracing Permit PS:Planning Services 8P.84ding Permit BS:8u tding Wtces PLN 2013-14661 CUP 2013-8268 6322 through 6500 El TO:Temporary Occupancy FD:Re Department ent Camino Real (La Plazas QFindOccupan on PD:Poc�Dengineer. WW:Wastewater CA City AbDffw € 1 � I GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS REQUIREMENTS 21. Applicant agrees to develop the site frontage and public improvements in accordance with City Standard Engineering Plans and Specifications. 22. Applicant shall file a Parcel Map to merge subject lots in accordance with the Conditional Use Permit Site Plan. 23. Concurrent with Parcel Map approval,the applicant shall record a reciprocal access easement and maintenance agreement for all shared driveways and drive isles between Atascadero Mall and the Jack-in-the-Box property, as directed by the City Engineer. 24. Prior to Parcel Map approval,the applicant shall remove existing structures. 25. Prior to Parcel Map approval applicant shall quitclaim or relocate easements running through proposed structures, as directed by the City Engineer. t 26. At map check submittal,the applicant shall provide a preliminary j subdivision guarantee. A final subdivision guarantee is required prior to Final Parcel Map approval.Prior to final parcel map I approval, the applicant is tentatively required to grant easements on the final map (or if located outside the map boundary, the applicant shall grant easements by means of separate document). The easements shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. i 27. Prior to recording the lot merger parcel map, the applicant shall submit a copy of a valid tax bond. This may be waived by the City Engineer if a tax bond is not required by the County of San Luis Obispo for recording purposes. 28. All existing and proposed utility, pipeline, open space, or other easements are to be shown on the lot merger map. If there are building or other restrictions related to the easements, they shall be noted on the parcel map. The applicant shall show all I access restrictions on the parcel map. 29. The applicant shall relocate all public and private utilities that conflict with the proposed project. The applicant shall provide easements for the relocated utilities if required by the owners. I t City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 12 of 23 ExhibitTiming Responsibility Mitigation Conditions of Approval 1 Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure GP:Grading Permit PS:Planning services BP:Building Permit SS:0:idiw services PLN 2013-1466 1 CUP 2013-0268 6322 through 6500 El TO:Temporary Occupancy FD:Fine DePatnent patnent Camino Real La Plaza) Fl: Final xupaon PD:CE: Engineer l 1 F0:Final Occupanty CE:Ciry Engineer WN:wastewater CA:City Attorney 30. Prior to final parcel map approval applicant shall submit Will Serve tetters from all utility companies serving the project site. Road Abandonment Requirements 31. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall obtain a road abandonment for the portion of Atascadero Avenue overlying 030-193-003. The applicant shall grant back to the City a public access easement covering the portion of the lot that will be used for public ingress and egress. 32. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall I extinguish 1) an easement (88-OR-114) for road purposes I recorded May 22, 1930, shown on Parcel Map CO-68-61,and 2) a landscape easement granted to the City of Atascadero. The applicant shall grant back to the City a public access easement covering the portion of the road easement that will be used for public ingress and egress. 33. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall file for and obtain a lot merger for all parcels affected by the project. Bonds, Fees and Miscellaneous Requirements 34. Prior to issuance of encroachment permits for public improvements (street, sewer, storm drain, water), the applicant, by improvement agreement with the City Engineer, shall guarantee installation of the improvements through faithful performance bonds, letters of credit or any other acceptable means. Building final shall be withheld if the improvements are not completed. Grading and Drainage 35. Prior to storm drain plan approval, the applicant shall grant all easements needed for future maintenance of public storm drain facilities by the City. 36. Prior to grading permit, the applicant shall obtain approval of a drainage study for the proposed private onsite and public offsite storm drain system from the City Engineer. The study shall demonstrate that runoff generated onsite will not negatively } affect downstream waterways or properties. Onsite retention and detention basins, including bioswales shall be employed to I the satisfaction of the City Engineer, Offsite storm drain facilities needed for compliance with City EngineeringStandards City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 13 of 23 Exhibit B Tithing Responsibility Mitigation Conditions of Approval J Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure GP:Grading Pemvt PS:Planning Services 111 BP:Building Pearitt I BS:Building Services PLN 2013-14661 CUP 2013-0268 6322 through 6500 Ell TO:TerrporaryOccupancy FO:FireDepaitment FI:Final inspection PD:Police Department Camino Real (La Plaza) FO:Final Occupancy CE:City Engineer WW:Wastewater CA:Gly Attomey identified in the drainage study shall be installed. - 37. Prior to issuance of grading permits affecting Caltrans right-of- way, the applicant shall submit written approval from Caltrans for the proposed construction within Caltrans right-of-way. 38. Maintenance responsibilities for all drainage devices, and erosion and sedimentation control devices/systems not transferable to the City shall be the responsibility of the property owner. i f 39. Prior to grading permit, the applicant shall obtain a notarized 1 Letter of Permission for grading over all easements. 40. Applicant shall submit erosion control plans and a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (if the area of disturbance is greater than an acre. 41. The applicant or subsequent property owners shall also be responsible for providing regularly scheduled maintenance of , the storm drain infrastructure, as directed by the City Engineer, 42. Prior to Parcel Map approval, the applicant shall place a note on the map, prohibiting the lot owners within this development from interfering with the established drainage master plan and from I erecting walls, curbs or similar solid constructions, except as approved by the City Engineer. Street Improvement Requirements 43. Applicant shall install Downtown Streetscape Standard curbs, gutters and sidewalks including decorative lights and street . I trees along the project frontage on El Camino Real and ' i Atascadero Mall in accordance with City Standards. The j irrigation system shall be tied into existing City facilities, i II including controllers and distribution laterals. t i 44. The proposed signalization of the intersection of the main access driveway into the La Plaza site and EI Camino Real, including loop detectors, shall be constructed in accordance with City Engineering Standards, and approved by the City Engineer, 45. The intersection of the driveways with El Camino Real shall be modified as necessary to meet site distance, horizontal and vertical alignment standards of the City Engineering Standards. 46. All pedestrian facilities shall comply with the applicable City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 14 of 23 Exhibit B Timing Responsibility Mitigation Conditions of Approval/Mitigation Monitoring Programs /Monitoring Measure GP:Grading Permit PS:Planning Services BP:Building Permit BS:Building Services PLN 2013.1466/CUP 2013-0268 6322 through 6500 El TO:Temporary Occupancy FD:Fire Department FG Final inspection PD:Police Department Camino Real (Lai Plaza) FO:Final Occupancy CE:City Engineer VdW:Wastewater CA City Attorney i requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. m j 47. Prior to any construction (including, but not limited to, drive approaches, sidewalks, curbs and gutters, etc.), trenching or i grading within public or private street right-of-way, the applicant shall submit a street improvement plan consistent with the adopted Downtown Streetscape Standards and the conditions of approval and obtain encroachment permits from the City Engineer. 48. Applicant shall submit a composite utility plan, signed by PG&E, AT&T, Charter Cable TV and Southern California Gas Company indicating location of all underground utilities within the public right-of-way to serve the project. Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to approval of public improvement plans. 49. Prior to building final, all new and existing power lines and overhead cables less than 34 KV within or fronting the project site shall be installed underground. i 50. Prior to Parcel Map approval, the applicant shall dedicate sidewalk easements sufficient to encompass ADA requirements for sidewalks installed with drive approaches in accordance with the current City standard, or equivalent. 51. Prior to building final, the applicant shall construct full street improvements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. l r i 52. Prior to Parcel Map approval, the applicant shall pay fees for signing and striping of streets as determined by the City Engineer or shall prepare signing and striping plans for El Camino Real, as directed by the City Engineer. 53. Prior to building final, the applicant shall install mailboxes and posts in accordance with the City's standards, and secure 1 approval of the U.S. Postal Service prior to installation. 54. Prior to building final, the applicant shall construct wheelchair ramps at intersections, as directed by the City Engineer. Sewer Improvement Requirements i 55. Applicant shall pay sewer extension (Annexation), Connection and Reimbursement fees (i€ applicable) upon issuance of building permit. City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 15 of 23 Exhibit B Timing Responsibility Mitigation Conditions of Approval 1 Mitigation Monitoring Program «monitoring Measure GP:Grading Permit PS:Planning Sei ii= BP:Building Permit BS;Building Services PION 2093-1466/ CUP 2013-0268 6322 through 6500 El T 0:Temporary Occupancy FD:Fire Department Fl:Fina!inspection PD:Police Department Camino Beal (La Plaza) FO:Final Occupancy CE:City Engineer WW:Wastewater CA:City Attomey 56. The existing sewer main in Atascadero Mall shall be relocated as necessary to avoid proposed improvements. Relocated main shall be located within a 20-foot wide sewer easement to be dedicated by applicant as directed by City Engineer. lI { 57. Prior to issuance of building permits for each component of the Conditional Use Permit, the project applicant shall submit plans to the City for approval that demonstrates compliance with the City Sanitary Sewer Management Plan, including City standards for the Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) Program; and the installation of adequately sized grease interceptors for all food service establishments(FSEs). 58. The sewer plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. 59. Existing sewer manhole frame and covers relocated or adjusted due to street or other construction shall be replaced with current i City Standard Manhole Cover per City Engineering Standards. 60. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall construct separate laterals to serve each building. { 61. The main-line sewers located in the public/private streets shall be a publicly maintained. All other sewer lines shall be privately maintained. Traffic 62. The project applicant shall implement the following traffic mitigation measures. I a. Prior to issuance of the final certificate of occupancy for the 4 project, the intersection of El Camino RealANest Mall Avenue/ Main Driveway shall be improved with modified signals and equipment as needed by the project applicant. 1 b. The project applicant shall revise the improvement plans to provide for a northbound left-turn lane on EI Camino Real at the new main driveway serving the site. The City Engineer i shall review and approve the lane geometry. I' I c. Prior to issuance of the final certificate of occupancy for the I project, the applicant shall install bicycle facilities (racks) in ((( III convenient locations. Bicycle storage shall be provided at a ratio of no less than 1 bicycle space for each 20 vehicular spaces. d. Prior to acceptance of improvements to EI Camino Real the City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 96 of 23 Exhibit B Timing Responsibility Mitigation Conditions of Approval 1 Mitigation Monitoring Program /Monitoring Measure GP:Grading Permit PS:Planting Services BP:Building Pemtit SS:Building Services PL H 2013-1466 1 CUP 2013-0266 6322 through 6500 El TO:TemperaryOccupancy FO:Fire Department Plaza) Fl:Final inspeclon PD:PokeDepatnent Camino Rea' a ) FO:Final Ormparry CE:Ciry Engineer WW:Wastewater CA Ciry Attorney project frontage improvements on EI Camino Real shall E include Class II bicycle lanes as a component of the signal installation at EI Camino Real. i City Council Conditions 63. All project driveways shall be marked as no parking areas with FO PW red curbing. 64. The applicant will make a good faith effort to assist in the BP CD relocation of the Malibu Brew business during construction. End conditions i i City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 17 of 23 EXHPBIT C: Proposed Site plan FLN 2013-1466/CUP 2013-0266 6322 through 6500 El Camino Real (La Plaza) /'� : Fr.. 3Jid o.83IIbOSVLt/I� 1 � ® provide l 4 y l i _ Median property pedestrian r16� 97 R to remain City easement at owned. Proposed the eRid ofr.. > t � i J= improvements median 7 -" and building �Sroiserty demolition to be M.) S ,, e r p permitted with Relocate tjr �._::-- o frontage r «( and , y i improvement incorporate Na encroachment �. � S El Camino �_�.� �T g �-�:�_ . r. permit. Real dell ' � v into plaza, I_ { W Existing cellular --' Q. communication Provide public �` ^j - - �� � facility to remain access easements on QJ'ri9le'1Rlays rr� � �'C ! �' •^s � ` '^r-„�......._ h �'”' WI is gj O 1 o � t -SSI',. -r:;+�:_> __ _�_ � '- f ,., � •� 'z�." t _ C., i f C ..•°' "' 10' City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 18 of 23 EXHIBIT 13- proposed Architecture Elevations PLN 2013-1466(CUP 2013-0268 I 6322 through 6500 El Camino Real (La Plaza) mow+s pous'w 6VO " gocflnti - �, b�m � Signage.. Met NON _. 1 1 i, i Mz H®ncAvsscE prpnims �..•ftaeflaa oq .,.,cta v v FSOOMEL.ZA il+t0 SEAL (FWK 14. . -7:t'iuxinu Pegln:iLMc ,. MgO R. 7 Aofi-Er,,io:aa / g6yCyxi ' \ -OVww -Te3oucr f c :: �x _... _ ......." 1... 2 �ELI.�C;�4°.T1-N tett' !int"IMT _Q.tt:m-W1tY City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 19 of 23 EXHIBIT D. Proposed Architecture Elevations PLN 2013-1466/CUP 2013-0266 f 6322 through 6500 EI Camino Real (La Plaza) awr Ila-•tit �3-'a' G:asrRaFrr,7 srx' l � 2'�. _u �AteRemai� a—ae,c»canirn`�+4xs ^i t � L"Rd 4 r4 '-u 3 ELEVATf0M' 00M A'T1 tt-M)E0.AV9WItf ! (Moil cA 0,10;w j Wal 1 ( ?Y-0" � TA.IOOFT MR yyf y�r,w. , ,w. --.—.—:vim......._....w .->.,:....v........-. ,. ..".. ... RM- 4 .e... ...4 - E'LEVATION f9..6M 04AK IN0::Lf'y Hwy- Itkl (�tEA'k),. CONCIPTUA.L. Ef� :R E ::E'f11CI: - BI,E° NC : City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 20 of 23 EXHIBIT D: Proposed Architecture Elevations PLN 2013-1466/CUP 2013-0268 6322 through 6 500 E1 Camino Real (La Plaza) i oufdm Cky S'Tk iwK�tgr -dW3ear . STd r , RUM � ' I - & .. -.'+n Pmx r,! ....�• rr:xrtvn.'a sc r.ss s..n�n : C'vrY ri P40.A 1 1 :K ie..'a y.. rP ;••R (f76F} c= s ......' §wn * ':aqua:, - EY 16AI. �« aa w..x_ 6'- BUIIOJMG. C ELEVATION.FKO-11'h'NO.PTHWES..T DR-IVC—WAYI�.S-IDE) L EX I City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 21 of 23 EXHIBIT D.- Proposed Architecture Elevations PLN 2013-1466/CUP 2013-0268 6322 through 6500 EI Canino Real (La Plaza) COY S Ymb ti �b ro'✓.i 's _ nc!xo'nps a o:Y.t C ( ti -...v...�-.... v '...,'?.,vH,f3NTt•`�,YS`',� A' l ����� --k`W �_'���.f"H �i"'a'3 �'». Y 1( "t z , 'Yy `�`^,•,',-'\,,:a.�v�'�?7J .��.��_ I C�„�n::Ncc��r�.,.. 5�c5a-< Frv>;rd b�&tin e 7• G . M1 a \ G :�•.,��.'�> :�a �'f fie' a- 1�� � , t"� a 1 Y'z Y t 5 S .x 4. 55 8 • .B 61 CEU:11t1G'5 LOVA-31O.W. Fit �`1V6 EM7'�� l:lil:at D:RIY���:X (��D�: __.—_..W._...__..._.__---------------- _ T._.__......,_--__......_..._.......__._...._.....__....___.....__._...................... _.: CONCEPtUAL. EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS- 9MILDIN.O.$ B City of Atascadero Resolution. No. 2013-053 Page 22 of 23 EXHiBIT E- Proposed Landscape Plans PLM 2013-1466/CUP 2013-0268 6322 through 6500 El Camino Real (LaPlaza) g, ml-"'�2-'IiIKI' Mi izi IMT im ............. 0- urI . ............. . "d 93 tt r z Ke"\ ti"V-1 > f�L 'g �n Al F^111 8 2: SAM 191-C Hs: 13.6 Or -------------- ja > City of Atascadero Resolution No. 2013-053 Page 23 of 23 EXHIBIT F: Proposed Freeway Oriented Signage PLM 2013-1466/CUP 2013-0268 6322 through 6500 El Camino Real (La Plaza Pole Sian Location yioiwale a1,andscacm 4s: T� C 2. BUILDING C N x i f Sign to include "Downtown Atascadero" and City Logo (excluded from total signage area and - ---� height restriction) 0C1WNTOINh r ATAASC:A05RO LOGO AND IDENTIFICAVON Downtown A-cascadero �In"("g HE3GHT 7FTrR'§ .0 By SAt,L.00N TEST DRC toRETAIL.SIGN RETAIL SIGN c�-t.r��-r�l�slclvs 6'X �` 6'x 5' approve (AREA=12D5a.Ft.) DRC to approve final sign (30 Sri. Ft.). (30 Sq:. Ft.)* maximum sign size height RETAIL SIGN RETAIL SIGN 6. x 5' b'x 5' (30 Sq. Ft.) (30 Sq. Ft.). STEEL POLE PROPOSED POLE SIGN