HomeMy WebLinkAbout102610 -2010 CC Strategic Planning Update ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 10/26/10 yrrl-: 1. �181S �Gr1� r. 1978 �SCAD��n^ Atascadero City Council Staff Report- City Manager's Office Strategic Planning 2010 Update on Council Goals RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1. Provide feedback or additional direction if necessary; and; 2. Receive and file this report on the progress being made relative to the City Council's three goals. DISCUSSION: As part of the City's annual strategic planning process, the City Council adopted goals on March 9, 2010. The goals reconfirmed at the meeting were: 1. Grow the City's Economy and Pursue Economic Development 2. Enhance Public Safety 3. Stabilize the City's Finances This report provides an update on the progress being made to date. Listed below each of the goals are the specific action steps being addressed by staff with an update on when the steps will be completed. Items being worked on currently are designated with an "In Progress" and completed items are marked "Completed." Items that will be addressed on an ongoing basis are marked "Ongoing." Some items have been postponed as resources are not available to address the project. 1. Grow the City's Economy and Pursue Economic Development Implement the Economic Development Strategy Revised by Applied Development Economics (ADE) (Ongoing) ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 10/26/10 Update Bike Master Plan • Develop partnerships with the County Bike Coalition and other stakeholders. (In Progress) • Promote bicycle tourism. (In Progress) • Review existing bicycle master plan and update where appropriate. (In Progress) Adopt and Implement a Branding Strategy for the City • Review the existing branding study and prepare an action plan for implementation. (Completed) • Develop ways to get collaborative input from community stakeholders. (Completed) Continue Stimulus Programs • Programs include incentives for: o capital projects o murals o signage o facade improvements o affordable housing in the downtown zone (Completed) • Implement the restaurant stimulus program (Completed) • Implement the AB 811 energy conservation and alternative energy improvements program (Postponed) Aggressively Attract New Businesses, While Retaining Existing Businesses • Conduct an email business survey in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce to determine needs of existing businesses. (Postponed) • Continue outreach to businesses in the County looking to expand. (Ongoing) • Conduct small business success seminars to assist local business owners. (Completed) • Implement a City Council "Ambassador" program using Council Members to meet with businesses on a regular basis and generate excitement about the community. (Completed) • Recognize the stimulus programs as a key component in business attraction and retention. (Completed) • Enhance the City's Internet presence. (Completed) Identify Revitalization "Hot Spots" and Develop Plans for Their Improvement • Utilize the Office of Economic Development to conduct advance planning once areas are identified. (In Progress) • Investigate ways the Redevelopment Agency can assist with infrastructure. (Completed) • Study effectiveness of loan guarantee programs and other financial incentives and implement if possible. (In Progress) ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 10/26/10 Enhance and Promote Special Events • Participate in the San Luis Obispo Film Festival (Completed) • Begin planning for community centennial in 2013 (In Progress) • Look into the possibility of hosting sports tournaments throughout the community. (In Progress) • Work with school district to promote the use of school facilities for band festivals, track meets, and other competitions that bring tourism to town (In Progress) Create and Implement a Tourism Action Plan Based Off of the Recent Tourism Study (Completed) • Conduct Stadium Park Fire Safety & Vegetation Management Study (In Progress) Conduct a Study Session on the Appearance of the Community Commercial Corridor and Along U.S. 101 (Winter 2011) 2. Enhance Public Safety Maintain Efficient Fire and Police Services • Develop reports to the City Manager and City Council on performance measures and on progress towards achieving them. (Fall 2010) o The Police Department has implemented a five year Strategic Plan. A Quarterly Strategic Plan Progress Report will be submitted to the City Manager. o Utilizing new software, the fire department will report call data compared to adopted performance standards at the end of every calendar year. • Continue to manage and maintain resources to keep essential safety services and infrastructure whole. (Ongoing) o Public safety positions are reviewed on an individual basis as positions become available. While certain positions have been held open (frozen), staffing in each department is at a level where positions are now being filled to maintain service levels. o Staff has been very creative in reusing or repurposing fire equipment. The department has placed in-service a new Special Operations Vehicle which was created from both a donated beer delivery truck (converted to trailer) and a 21-year old fire engine (converted into a tractor to pull the trailer). The former Technical Rescue Team vehicle has been converted to a light quick attack fire engine (Type IV). All of this has been completed with budgeted resources and no additional impact to the general fund. ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 10/26/10 Emergency Planning • Complete after action report from the Emergency Management Institute and implement action plan as part of the new Emergency Operations Plan. (Completed) • Develop draft of revised Emergency Operations Plan. (Completed) • Adopt revised Emergency Operations Plan. (Fall 2010) o The Police Department received a grant of $50,000 for major changes and upgrades to the EOC. • Seek grants and other funding sources to purchase evacuation signs for the west side including funding from the Officer of Traffic Safety and Fire Act. (Ongoing) • Reinforce and continue to clear vegetation fuel along evacuation routes as part of the chipping program. (Completed) o Funding has already been received for the 2011 chipping season. • Study the use of a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) or alternatives for volunteer involvement. (Ongoing) Evaluate and Implement Pedestrian and Bicycle Routes Where Appropriate to Increase Safety • Review funding sources for improvements and modifications to City streets. (Summer 2010) • Bicycle plan components outlined previously under the Economic Development Goal. Utilize New Technologies to Better Communicate with the Public for Public Safety Purposes • Remind residents about the City's evacuation plan and post plan on the City's web site and make it readily available at City facilities. (Completed) o The Fire Department will institute a new community wildfire safety program in partnership with SLO County Fire Safe Council and SLO County Fire Chiefs Association called, "Ready, Set, Go." In Spring 2011. • Continue relationship with the Atascadero State Hospital to utilize reverse 911 for sending out information during crisis. (Ongoing) o The Fire Department has worked with the State Hospital this past year to complete an Auto-Aid Contract, maintain a common training schedule and share fire equipment. • Utilize social networking sites and other Internet sites to more rapidly share urgent information immediately to residents. (Facebook, Nixle, etc.) (Completed) • Utilize County Emergency Alert System if needed. (Ongoing) • Report on the progress and use of the "citizen portal" that allows residents to interact on-line with the Police Department. (Completed) o To date, thirty-seven police reports have been received through the Citizen's Portal. ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 10/26/10 3. Stabilize the City's Finances Continue Economic Development • This goal is addressed under the previous action plan, "Grow the City's Economy and Pursue Economic Development." Implement a More Expansive Volunteer Program • Continue current successful volunteer programs in the Police Department, Zoo and other departments (Ongoing) During calendar year 2010, the Police Department has recruited two new members to the Volunteers in Police Services (VIPS). • Coordinate with California Joint Powers Insurance Authority resources to develop a volunteer policy. (Completed) • Create job descriptions appropriate for volunteers (Postponed) • Develop volunteer training and recognition programs (Postponed) • Implement expanded volunteer program (Winter 2011) Continue Monitoring and Reporting of Financial Information on a Regular Basis • Current reporting levels are appropriate. • Provide a mid-cycle budget update to the City Council. (Completed) • Provide a mid-year budget update to the City Council. (January 2011) • Provide routine financial reports to the City Council on a quarterly basis (February, May, August, and November). (Ongoing) • Provide bi-weekly expenditure reports to department heads to track expenses. (Ongoing) • Conduct monthly budget meetings with department heads to review expenses of the previous month. (Ongoing) • Provide monthly disbursement reports to the City Council. (Ongoing) • Provide detailed investment reports to the City Council on a quarterly basis. (Ongoing) • Provide timely updates to the City Council if there are material changes to revenues, expenses or the City's financial outlook. (Ongoing) Keep the Community Updated Regarding City Hall and on the Printery, and Continue to Move the Projects Forward • Provide regular updates on City Hall and the Printery (Ongoing) • Select construction management firm for the City Hall project (Completed) • Approve the program for space use in the City Hall building (Completed) • Gather Bids for "Mothballing" of Printery (Postponed) • Perform "Mothballing" Work at the Printery (Postponed) • Issue bids and award construction contract for City Hall (Fall and Winter 2010) • Continue to pursue grant opportunities to assist funding (Ongoing) • Pursue City bond issue for financing the construction (Completed) ITEM NUMBER: C -2 DATE: 10/26/10 Continue Fighting State Takeaways with the League of California Cities • Help to advance the "Local Taxpayer, Public Safety, and Transportation Protection Act of 2010" (Proposition 22) sponsored by the League of California Cities (In Progress) • Continue engaging in legislative lobbying concerning the State budget (In Progress) • Reach out to community organizations for awareness of issues; make them effective coalition partners (Ongoing) • Educate the public; engage them when appropriate (Ongoing) FISCAL IMPACT: The two-year budget is based on the goals developed through the strategic planning process. While there is no direct impact as a result of the approval of this work plan, future budgets will be based on these goals, and specific projects may require the expenditure of funds or additional resources.