HomeMy WebLinkAbout112712 CC Agenda Combined I I e� d I IIi iais � n N;To, ymoo CITY OF A TASCADERO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, November 27, 2012 City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California Successor Agency to the Community 5:00 p.m. Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero: City Council Closed Session: 5:30 p.m. City Council Regular Session: 6:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: 5:30 p.m. 1. CLOSED SESSION -- PUBLIC COMMENT 2. COUNCIL LEAVES CHAMBERS TO BEGIN CLOSED SESSION 3. CLOSED SESSION -- CALL TO ORDER a. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Save Atascadero v. City of Atascadero, et al. San Luis Obispo Superior Court Case No. 128230 b. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation Government Code Section 54956.9 Matthews v. City of Atascadero WCAB No. ADJ4528405 4. CLOSED SESSION -- ADJOURNMENT 5. COUNCIL RETURNS TO CHAMBERS 6. CLOSED SESSION -- REPORT REGULAR SESSION — CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Mayor Pro Tem Tom O'Malley ROLL CALL: Mayor Kelley Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley Council Member Clay Council Member Fonzi Council Member Sturtevant APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call PRESENTATIONS: 1. Recognition of the City's Technology Staff for Receiving the Municipal Information Systems Association of California "Achievement in Information Technology Practices" Award 2. Presentation by Donn Clickard and D. J. Pittinger on the Lighthouse Project for Addiction Awareness, Prevention and Intervention A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken. DRAFT MINUTES: Council meeting draft minutes are listed on the Consent Calendar for approval of the minutes. Should anyone wish to request an amendment to draft minutes, the item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and their suggestion will be considered by the City Council. If anyone desires to express their opinion concerning issues included in draft minutes, they should share their opinion during the Community Forum portion of the meeting.) 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes — November 13, 2012 ■ Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Draft Action Minutes of November 13, 2012. [City Clerk] 2. Interchange Planning and Design Services for the Del Rio Road Freeway Interchange Project Contract Award (Contract for Professional Services) ■ Fiscal Impact: Up to $562,400 in budgeted Circulation Impact Fees funds. ■ Recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Wallace Group to provide initial engineering and environmental services for processing Caltrans required planning and preliminary design approval of the Del Rio Road Freeway Interchange for an amount not to exceed $562,400. [Public Works] UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: (The City Manager will give an oral report on any current issues of concern to the City Council.) COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. Comments made during Community Forum will not be a subject of discussion. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Council. Any members of the public who have questions or need information, may contact the City Clerk's Office, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at 470-3400, or mtorgerson@atascadero.org.) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. North County Connection - In-Lieu Affordable Housing Fund Allocation ■ Ex Parte Communications: ■ Fiscal Impact: At the March 2012 meeting, the Council decided to reserve at least $100,000 in the in-lieu housing fund in order to continue to administer the existing low and moderate income affordable housing loan program. ■ Recommendation: Council authorize a loan of $100,000 from the In-Lieu Affordable Housing Fund to North County Connection for one low-income affordable housing unit on the property at 8600 Atascadero Avenue. [Community Development] 2. 2013 Community Development Block Grants Draft Recommendations ■ Ex Parte Communications: ■ Fiscal Impact: Available funds, including the anticipated 2013 allocation and prior year reallocations, are estimated at $154,987.93. ■ Recommendation: Council develop and adopt draft funding recommendations for the 2013 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. [Public Works] C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: None. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): Mayor Kelley 1. Atascadero State Hospital Advisory Committee 2. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee 3. City of Atascadero Finance Committee 4. County Mayors Round Table 5. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) 6. Homeless Services Oversight Council 7. Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley 1. City / Schools Committee 2. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) 3. League of California Cities — CITIPAC Board Member 4. SLO Council of Governments (SLOCOG) 5. SLO Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) Council Member Fonzi 1. Air Pollution Control District 2. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee 3. City of Atascadero Finance Committee 4. SLO Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) - alternate Council Member Sturtevant 1. City / Schools Committee 2. Community Action Partnership of SLO County 3. League of California Cities — Council Liaison E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Clerk 3. City Treasurer 4. City Attorney 5. City Manager F. ADJOURNMENT: Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. Correspondence submitted at this public hearing will be distributed to the Council and available for review in the City Clerk's office. I, Victoria Randall, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the November 27, 2012 Regular Session of the Atascadero City Council was posted on November 20, 2012, at the Atascadero City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review in the Customer Service Center at that location. Signed this 20`h day of November, 2012, at Atascadero, California. Victoria Randall, Deputy City Clerk City of Atascadero City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING The City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. unless there is a Community Redevelopment Agency meeting commencing at 6:00 p.m. in which event the Council meeting will commence immediately following the conclusion of the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting. Council meetings will be held at the City Hall Council Chambers, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Regular Council meetings are televised live, audio recorded and videotaped for future playback. Charter Communication customers may view the meetings on Charter Cable Channel 20 or via the City's website at www.atascadero.org. Meetings are also broadcast on radio station KPRL AM 1230. Contact the City Clerk for more information (470-3400). Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Front Counter of City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, and on our website, www.atascadero.org. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager's Office or the City Clerk's Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "COMMUNITY FORUM", the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to approach the lectern and be recognized. 1. Give your name for the record (not required) 2. State the nature of your business. 3. All comments are limited to 3 minutes. 4. All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council. 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Council). If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the City Clerk's office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Digital presentations must be brought to the meeting on a USB drive or CD. You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the City Clerk before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in the printed copy. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS (from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: 1. You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Mayor 2. Give your name (not required) 3. Make your statement 4. All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present 6. All comments limited to 3 minutes The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Council. ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 11/27/12 F1_ ®RF-,lp n o� 1915 R NOD ------ CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Tuesday, November 13, 2012 City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California City Council Closed Session: 5:30 p.m. City Council Regular Session: 6:00 p.m. CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: 5:30 p.m. Mayor Kelley announced at 5:30 p.m. that the Council is going into Closed Session. 1. CLOSED SESSION -- PUBLIC COMMENT - None 2. COUNCIL LEAVES CHAMBERS TO BEGIN CLOSED SESSION 3. CLOSED SESSION -- CALL TO ORDER a. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation Government Code Section 54956.9(a) Save Atascadero v. City of Atascadero, et al. Atascadero City Council Draft Action Minutes of November 13,2012 Page 1 of 7 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 11/27/12 San Luis Obispo Superior Court Case No. 128230 4. CLOSED SESSION -- ADJOURNMENT 5. COUNCIL RETURNS TO CHAMBERS 6. CLOSED SESSION -- REPORT City Attorney Pierik announced that there was no reportable action taken. REGULAR SESSION — CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. Mayor Kelley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and he led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Clay, Fonzi, Sturtevant, Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley and Mayor Kelley Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk / Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Russ Thompson, Police Chief Jerel Haley, and City Attorney Brian Pierik. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member Sturtevant and seconded by Council Member Fonzi to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Proclamation: 25th Anniversary of Coats for Kids of San Luis Obispo County Mayor Kelley presented this proclamation to Barbie Butz. Atascadero City Council Draft Action Minutes of November 13,2012 Page 2 of 7 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 11/27/12 2. Proclamation: 75th Anniversary of American Association of University Women - Atascadero Branch Council Member Fonzi presented this proclamation to members of the AAUW. A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes — October 23, 2012 ■ Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Draft Action Minutes of October 23, 2012. [City Clerk] 2. September 2012 Accounts Payable and Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact: $3,064,795.58. ■ Recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for September 2012. [Administrative Services] 3. September 2012 Investment Report ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Council receive and file the City Treasurer's report for quarter ending September 2012. [Administrative Services] 4. Library Impact Fees Distribution for New Library ■ Fiscal Impact: $20,430 expenditure of Library Impact Fees funds. ■ Recommendations: Council authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $20,430 to be remitted to the San Luis Obispo County Library to be used towards construction of tenant improvements in the new Atascadero Library Facility. [Administrative Services] 5. Lift Station #2 Engineering Design Contract Award (Contract for Professional Services ■ Fiscal Impact: Up to $44,700 in budgeted wastewater funds. ■ Recommendations: Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Penfield and Smith, Incorporated for the design of Lift Station #2 improvements for an amount not to exceed $44,700. [Public Works] MOTION: By Council Member Clay and seconded by Council Member Fonzi to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (#A-5: Contract No. 2012-016) Atascadero City Council Draft Action Minutes of November 13,2012 Page 3 of 7 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 11/27/12 UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: City Manager Wade McKinney gave an update on projects and issues within the City. COMMUNITY FORUM: The following citizens spoke during Community Forum: Tom Gaddis, Linda Hendy, Kelly Long, Mitch Paskin, Paul Hyman, and Karyn Sturtevant. Mayor Kelley told Mr. Paskin that he will work with the City Manager and get back with Mr. Paskin within two weeks. Council Member Fonzi asked Mr. Hyman if he is asking for a postponement of the Design Review Committee (DRC) meeting this week. Mr. Hyman stated that the neighborhood would like a postponement to allow for a neighborhood meeting with the Applicant before the DRC reviews the Eagle Ranch project. After Council discussion, they stated that the public's input is important. There was Council consensus to have the Design Review Committee keep the Eagle Ranch project on their agenda for this week as a review only, and schedule this project on the DRC agenda again in two weeks, allowing time for a neighborhood meeting with the Applicant. Council Member Clay asked the City Council to consider responding to Mr. Paskin's requests by explaining how many roads in Atascadero are in need of repair. Mayor Kelley stated that he will respond in writing to Mr. Paskin including Road Program information to assist in the explanation. Mayor Kelley closed the COMMUNITY FORUM period. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Special Interchange Mitigation Fee Update (Santa Barbara Rd at Hwy 101 Interchange, Vieio Camino at EI Camino Real, and San Diego Way at EI Camino Real) ■ Ex Parte Communications: ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Receive this report on the Santa Barbara Road at Highway 101, Viejo Camino at EI Camino Real, and San Diego Way at EI Camino Real special transportation mitigation fees collected from the Dove Creek and Las Lomas Developments; and, Atascadero City Council Draft Action Minutes of November 13,2012 Page 4 of 7 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 11/27/12 2. Approve Draft Resolution A approving continued collection of special fair share traffic mitigation fees for the Dove Creek and Las Lomas developments to allow for the future installation of alternative US 101/Santa Barbara Road interchange improvements, and signalized intersections at Viejo Camino at EI Camino Real and San Diego Road and EI Camino Real. [Public Works] Public Works Director Russ Thompson gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley and seconded by Council Member Clay to: 1. Receive this report on the Santa Barbara Road at Highway 101, Viejo Camino at EI Camino Real, and San Diego Way at EI Camino Real special transportation mitigation fees collected from the Dove Creek and Las Lomas Developments; and, 2. Approve Draft Resolution A approving continued collection of special fair share traffic mitigation fees for the Dove Creek and Las Lomas developments to allow for the future installation of alternative US 101/Santa Barbara Road interchange improvements, and signalized intersections at Viejo Camino at EI Camino Real and San Diego Road and EI Camino Real. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. (Resolution No. 2012- 055) C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Atascadero Road Program Update ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Council receive and file this report on the Atascadero Road Program. [Public Works] Public Works Director Russ Thompson gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: None The City Council received and filed this report. Atascadero City Council Draft Action Minutes of November 13,2012 Page 5 of 7 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 11/27/12 2. Historic City Hall Sidewalk (Design Standard Exception) ■ Fiscal Impact: The modifications of the Downtown Streetscape Standards for the curb, gutter and sidewalk surrounding Historic City Hall will have a slightly negative fiscal impact on the City. ■ Recommendation: Council approve modifications to the Downtown Streetscape Standards for the curb, gutter and sidewalk surrounding Historic City Hall, and direct staff to finalize the design process. [Public Works] Public Works Director Russ Thompson gave the staff report and answered questions from the Council. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Council Member Fonzi and seconded by Council Member Clay to approve modifications to the Downtown Streetscape Standards for the curb, gutter and sidewalk surrounding Historic City Hall, and direct staff to finalize the design process. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: The City Council Members made brief announcements. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Mayor Kelley 1. Atascadero State Hospital Advisory Committee — Met last week where it was announced that the Interim Director of the Hospital Linda Persons was appointed as the permanent Director. 2. County Mayors Round Table — Mayor Kelley shared the Atascadero Lighthouse Project with the other Mayors in the County. Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley 1. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) — They will be discussing commercial recycling in the future. Council Member Sturtevant 1. City / Schools Committee — Discussed safe transportation for kids, the formation of an Education Specific Committee, budget cuts, and the future of the Junior High. Atascadero City Council Draft Action Minutes of November 13,2012 Page 6 of 7 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 11/27/12 E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: None F. ADJOURNMENT: Mayor Kelley adjourned the meeting at 8:18 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C. City Clerk / Assistant to the City Manager Atascadero City Council Draft Action Minutes of November 13,2012 Page 7 of 7 ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 sATAsr— ---- Atascadero City Council Staff Report — Public Works Department Interchange Planning and Design Services for the Del Rio Road Freeway Interchange Project Contract Award (Contract for Professional Services) RECOMMENDATION: Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Wallace Group to provide initial engineering and environmental services for processing Caltrans required planning and preliminary design approval of the Del Rio Road Freeway Interchange for an amount not to exceed $562,400. DISCUSSION: Staff solicited proposals from qualified consultants for the Del Rio Road Freeway Interchange Project. Two of the Del Rio Road roundabouts are to be located within the Caltrans Highway 101 right-of-way and require an extensive review and approval process through Caltrans. Based on preliminary meetings with Caltrans District 5 staff the Del Rio Road Interchange Improvement Project will require a PSR-PDS (Project Study Report – Project Development Study) process be completed. The consultant will evaluate roundabouts as well as other options for interchange operations in accordance with Caltrans policies and procedures. Since design compatibility between the ramp roundabouts (RABs) and the EI Camino Real roundabout is essential to the operation of the Del Rio Road corridor, and will require Caltrans input, the consultant will include a Conceptual Geometric Design Plan for all three intersections, creating a reliable plan line for the Walmart designed EI Camino Real RAB to move forward independently from the Caltrans RABs. The City has recently completed aerial topographic and right-of-way surveys of the project area, and the initial concept for the roundabout interchange was developed during the Specific Plan EIR process. ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Figurel — Conceptual Interchange Design VV t Del Rio Road Area Specific Plan Figure 9 City of Atascadero Mitigation with Roundabouts The services to be provided include transportation planning, Caltrans Project Study Report, design exceptions, fact sheets, roundabout design analysis, plans, reports, preliminary construction cost estimates, drainage / storm water design and associated environmental services as needed to obtain Caltrans approval. Staff has requested the consultant expedite the planning, design and approval process with Caltrans. The consultant has demonstrated a proven record of streamlining the PSR-PDS review and approval process with Caltrans. While the consultant has developed an estimate of final plans and specifications the City will determine at a later date whether the selected consultant will proceed to the Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) phase for development of construction documents. This will be by either a contract amendment with selected consultant, or a separate Request for Proposal process opened to other firms. ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Three firms were interviewed for the project, including AECOM, Mark Thomas and Company, and Wallace Group. The firms were ranked according to experience with traffic engineering, responsiveness to City needs, experience of key personnel, and other factors. After the consultants were ranked their cost proposals were then independently reviewed. Since that time staff has met with the consultant team, modified the scope of work slightly and refined the cost proposal. Staff is recommending that the team of Wallace Group / Kittelson and Associates / Quincy Engineering be selected to perform the consulting services required for Caltrans planning and design process (PSR-PDS) approval. Staff requested the environmental work, originally to be performed directly to the City, by the firm of Michael Brandman & Associates, be included as a sub-consultant to the Wallace Group team in their proposed scope of work. Inclusion of their work will streamline communication, and give the City a single point of contact for the success and progress of the project. This team has particular strengths that best fit this project, including a strong local project manager with recent Caltrans District 5 roundabout approval experience, superior transportation planning capability, and solid Caltrans civil design and bridge structure experience. FISCAL IMPACT: This action will result in the expenditure of up to $562,400 in budgeted Circulation Impact Fees funds. These Circulation Impact Fees funds will be from existing Circulation Impact Fees collected for projects identified in the Development Impact Fee analysis, as well as Fair Share Mitigation Fees conditioned on the Walmart and Annex project approvals. The fiscal impact will include staff time to administer the initial design, environmental review and coordination. The City will execute a separate contract or contract extension for the final Project Report and Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) with the engineering consultant once the final project is defined. These fees will be in addition to the fees shown. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Reject staff's recommendation and direct staff to reconsider the design firm choice. ATTACHMENT: Exhibit A — Proposed Scope of Work ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment EXHIBIT A - SCOPE OF WORK PHASE 1 — PDT / ICE / ROUNDABOUT CAR / PSR / PEAR The following is a summary of the proposed scope of work to accomplish the goals as requested by the City and consistent with the assumptions stated in our Project Understanding and Approach. Task 01 — Project Management and Quality Assurance This task is focused on team management and coordination of internal and external team member functions. Our Project Understanding and Approach is an integral part of our scope of work and as such the conditions stated therein are hereby incorporated into this scope. We anticipate up to a 24 month schedule for the project to deliver the approval and if desired the PS&E in a concurrent manner, the management and coordination tasks are defined and budgeted with this understanding. Project budget will be monitored cumulatively as it is expected to vary within the total project budget. Staff teamwork will be critical as we leverage the individual strengths of our team members. Please note that this project scope precludes activities related to land use project litigation support activities. Primary components of this task will include: Project Administration of contractual and financial functions, schedule, invoicing and budget monitoring, Status reports will be prepared on a monthly basis to accompany invoicing for services. City and Consultant team coordination communications. This will include the preparation of a key team contact list Quality Assurance/Control & Constructability reviews for our internal products will also be accomplished with this task. This will include preparation of a Project Management Plan as well as report and plan reviews. Overall team Quality Assurance will be performed on the deliverables produced. This QA function will include the production of the "Design Checklist" per Caltrans Design Information Bulletin (DIB) 78 requirements for the PSR (PDS) and the PAED phase. Constructability reviews are often differentiated from the Quality Assurance role. We treat the construction feasibility and improvement process seriously and assign an experienced staff member to take an objective review of the design at various milestones. The overall plan is available for review in our offices and will be a part of the project files. Deliverables: Status reports and invoicing, Schedule and updates Project Management/Quality Assurance/Control Plan CT DIB 78 Design Checklist Task 02 — PDT and City Meetings This task is primarily focused on initiating and continuing the formal coordination process with Caltrans and the with the appropriate City stakeholders, as determined by the City Project Manager (PM). The Wallace Group PM will assist the City in the process of defining the Cooperative Agreement for the review of the project through the Caltrans process. This is an indeterminate effort that is budgeted at up to 40 hours of support time. ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment As discussed in our project delivery approach Caltrans will implement the steps required by the PDPM and organized per their WBS functions to initiate the project and identify a Project Development Team (PDT). We propose to go a step further and call for a Project Charter that includes the formation of a Core PDT leadership team. The formation of the Core PDT is to be facilitated by the Caltrans PM, working with the City PM and the Consultant PM. Up to 2 members from the Consultant team will participate in this process that is expected to need 2 meetings with Caltrans and follow up work by the Core PDT members. Caltrans meetings will be coordinated to include notices and agendas, running of the meetings, and distribution of meeting notes that will include action items. Wallace Group staff will participate in up to 10 Caltrans meetings on behalf of the City (QEI staff anticipates 3 trips to participate in up to 3 Caltrans meetings and KAI anticipates up to 5 trips to participate at up to 5 meetings as a part of this task). City meetings will be coordinated as part of the trips to participate in the Caltrans meeting. Deliverables: Meetings (12 Caltrans, 12 City, participation as listed in task), Project Cooperative Agreement Assistance Meeting Agendas and Notes Project Charter & Core PDT Formation Task 03— Intersection Control Evaluation/Roundabout Concept Approval Report Upon Notice to Proceed, the Wallace Group team led by KAI on this task will immediately execute an objective Intersection Control Evaluation effort using data from the previously prepared EIR and its technical studies. Upon conclusion of these efforts, our team anticipates a full understanding of key project issues related to traffic analysis and intersection geometry and an assessment of potential risk items to manage during the subsequent design and environmental evaluations. The tasks include: 1. Request crash data from Caltrans for the Del Rio Road interchange area including US 101 ramp merge and diverge areas, Del Rio Road ramp terminal intersections, and EI Camino Real/Del Rio Road. This data will be used to inform potential benefit cost considerations of intersection control options. 2. Conduct 2035 no-build evaluations considering commercial land build out and build out of the general plan. KAI will draw from existing published forecast traffic data from the EIR. KAI will not model or otherwise generate new or unique traffic data. 3. Conduct 2035 Mitigation Evaluations. a. Signalized intersections (3 locations) b. Roundabout locations (3 locations) with Ramona Road at the SB ramp terminal intersection c. Roundabout locations (3 locations) with Ramona Road realigned from the SB ramp terminal intersection ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment Traffic operations results will include summaries of estimated delay, volume to capacity ratios, queuing, and level of service. Operations analysis tools could include SIDRA, HCM 2010 methodologies, and Synchro (for non-roundabout intersections). 4. Generate Design Concepts (horizontal plans for the three intersections being studied) a. Signalized intersections (3 locations) b. Roundabout locations (3 locations) with Ramona Road at the SB ramp terminal intersection c. Roundabout locations (3 locations) with Ramona Road realigned from the SB ramp terminal intersection The design concepts will reflect conventional and roundabout intersection best practices in considering operations results and design vehicle needs (assumed to be an STAA vehicle or CA design vehicle for various movements). The concepts will be all of one traffic control form across the three intersections being studied (i.e., all roundabouts or all conventional forms). Roundabout configurations will consider fastest path, path overlap, sight distance, and pedestrian and bicycle treatments. Developing the design concepts will allow general consideration of construction implementation discussion points. Given the constrained geometry and limited cross section of the US 101 bridge, special attention will be paid to bicyclists and ADA needs with a focus on serving visually impaired users. This includes considering and not precluding the potential application of Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons (PHB) at the roundabout pedestrian crossings. Construction sequencing could influence or be influenced by traffic handling needs. We've accepted the traffic handling assumptions of the EIR and separate approvals for traffic handling and adjacent interchanges will be finalized by others related to the EIR effort if needed. Handling assumes Del Rio Construction is completed in advance of the commercial development opening. KAI will support the project team efforts to establish Caltrans acceptance of non-Del Rio Road interchange topics using published EIR traffic information. 5. Conceptual Del Rio Road Profile, KAI and Wallace Group staff will jointly develop the vertical information for the alternatives using City mapping and Caltrans record information 6. Order of Magnitude Cost Opinions a. Planning level based on readily available Caltrans or City unit prices or for similar efforts. The costs will primarily be used to understand the potential magnitude of interchange costs and the comparative evaluation between the roundabout and signalized concepts. ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment 7. Meetings with Caltrans, KAI will lead the team efforts to prepare for and conduct these meetings (two KAI staff at two of the three meetings). a. Draft final analysis results meeting (workshop format) i. General findings (operations, design, focus areas) ii. Special design focus areas to be explored in next steps iii. Concurrence on subsequent review activities The team will coordinate with Caltrans Headquarters staff to explore opportunities to use the Del Rio Road interchange as a "pilot' of Caltrans proposed ICE process. The ICE process is intended to eliminate the roundabout Concept Approval Report (CAR). However, for the purposes of this scope of work, we have assumed a limited assessment of the roundabouts and lite version of a CAR will be needed and the input from the ICE activities will form the basis of the report. b. DRAFT presentation with resolutions meeting (workshop format) This meeting will be a follow up on the outcomes of the first meeting, clarify design and focus area findings, validate general findings and outcomes, and confirm intersection control recommendations, and receive concurrence on approval documentation approaches. c. Final Meeting and Approval This meeting is intended to solidify intersection control evaluation results, validate approval of documentation, and clarify next activities associated with PSR-PDS activities. 8. Meetings with City of Atascadero a. Up to two meetings in conjunction with and tied to the two Caltrans meetings b. Meeting with City leadership covering "Roundabouts 101" and Del Rio interchange analysis findings. KAI will lead the appropriate intersection control evaluation, ICE results, and approval discussions as well as roundabout fundamentals with City staff. KAI assumes these meetings with the City occur in conjunction with the three Caltrans meetings. As part of our risk management approach, the Wallace Group team has included some fundamental roundabout education outreach in our initial intersection control evaluation efforts in the form of "Roundabouts 101" to City leadership. ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment Our team's early focus on the intersection control evaluations will expedite the geometric approval drawings and limit the analysis required for a CAR. This early action will identify potential project risks and establish mitigations and actions to address issues early and quickly and, therefore, avoid future pitfalls and delays. Outcomes of this immediate effort will lead to the first set of horizontal and vertical geometrics that will become the basis for the 30% design. We anticipate one round of comments from Caltrans, PDT, and the City on the Intersection Control Evaluation Report and the Roundabout Concept Approval Report. We will produce a draft version of both reports and a final version of both reports. Deliverables: Intersection Control Evaluation report, Concept Roundabout Configuration (2 alts) Concept Signalized Intersection (1 alt) Performance Checks (design vehicle, sight distance, fastest path, pedestrian & bicycle features, ADA considerations) Roundabout Concept Approval Report (if required) Refined roundabout configuration Revised performance checks Special features and focus areas Roundabouts 101 Presentation Task 04— PSR - PDS A PSR-PDS will be prepared conforming to the June 13, 2012 update of "Appendix S - Preparation Guidelines for Project Study Report-Project Development Support Project Initiation Document" contained in the Caltrans Project Development Procedures Manual (PDPM). The PSR-PDS will include the following sections: 1. Introduction 2. Background 3. Purpose and Need 4. Traffic Engineering Performance Assessment (TEPA) 5. Deficiencies 6. Corridor and System Coordination 7. Alternatives 8. Right-of-Way 9. Stakeholder Involvement 10. Environmental Determination/Documentation 11. Funding (Capital Outlay Project Estimate and Capital Outlay Support Estimate) 12. Schedule 13. Risks 14. FHWA Coordination 15. District Contacts 16. Project Reviews ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment 17. Attachments Location or vicinity map 0 Storm Water Data Report Signature Sheet ® Alternative Preliminary Geometrics 0 Right-of-Way Data Sheet and Alternative Typical Cross Sections Conceptual Cost Preliminary Environmental ® Six-Page Cost Estimates Analysis Report (PEAR) Structures Advance Planning Traffic Operations Analysis Report Studies • TMP Memo & Checklist ® Risk Register Please note that a critical component is the establishment of the correct and accurate Purpose and Need that is supportable by the ED studies. This is expected to come from the review of existing documents and in consultation with the City and environmental team members. The Traffic Engineering Performance Assessment will be based on KAI's early and approved work in this scope, this is part of our streamlining strategy. Right of Way data sheets are anticipated to be included in the PSR-PDS that will address the potential affects to two parcels in the SW quadrant, one in the NW quadrant, one in the SE quadrant and one in the NE quadrant. Alternatives Though contained in this study the majority of the development of these alternatives will be accomplished in the ICE and CAR Task discussed earlier in this scope of work. Minor refinements and additional work such as delineation of Typical Section where applicable are anticipated in this task. For accuracy in estimating a preliminary geotechnical analysis is included as an optional but recommended task. Potential geologic and geotechnical hazards and impacts such as slope instability, erosion, settlement, subsidence, expansive soils, and naturally-occurring asbestos will be evaluated and discussed. Potential seismic impacts, including nearby faults and the potential for seismic-related hazards such as fault rupture, ground shaking, liquefaction, lateral spreading, seismically-induced landslides, and seismically- induced settlement are required to be discussed. Preliminary seismic design values for structures will be prepared in accordance with the 2009 Caltrans Seismic Design Criteria. Where potentially significant impacts are identified, potential mitigation measures will be presented and recommendations for further study will be provided. This optional geologic/geotechnical study has been estimated at approximately nine thousand dollars and is included in our budget. Preliminary Drainage Study A preliminary evaluation of the hydrology and highway drainage associated with the preferred project alternative will be prepared. Caltrans drainage criteria established in Chapter 800 of the Highway Design Manual and regional requirements from Caltrans District 5 will be used to guide our preliminary drainage assessment. The goal will be to identify the need for roadside ditches, detention/retention basin, drainage inlets and piped systems. A preliminary drainage study will be developed to identify the level of drainage improvements and general placement of new ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment drainage facilities that will need to be incorporated as part of this new interchange project. A draft and revised report will be prepared to support this task. Storm Water Data Report Because this project will take place within Caltrans right-of-way, Caltrans requires the preparation of a Storm Water Data Report (SWDR) to document the decision making process associated with storm water best management practices (BMP) implementation and to serve as a basis for Caltrans' compliance and monitoring program. A SWDR will be prepared in accordance with Caltrans Project Planning and Design Guide and Storm Water Management Plan. We assume that stormwater best management practices will be required to comply with the Caltrans NPDES Permit, (Order No. 2012-0111-DWQ), and that no additional requirements will be placed on the project by the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. Our scope excludes long term operations and maintenance plans and procedures that may be required by the NPDES permit. The document will include: A detailed discussion of the stormwater quality issues specific to this project; A description of the proposed design pollution prevention BMPs; A description of the proposed permanent treatment BMPs; A description of the proposed maintenance BMPs; Supporting design calculations where appropriate; BMP cost estimates will be included in the six-page estimate as a percentage of construction costs; Completed SW-, DPP-, and T- checklists; and Maps and exhibits. This scope includes preparation of a Draft and Final Report (eight copies each submittal). Comments will be addressed from the Draft review and incorporated into the Final Report. The SWDR signature sheet will be included as an attachment to the PSR-PDS. Geologic/Geotechnical and Materials Assessment A preliminary of the geologic and geotechnical conditions and hazards for the project area will be conducted by the geotechnical team members at Earth Systems Pacific. Potential geologic and geotechnical hazards will be evaluated and discussed. Preliminary seismic design values and anticipated settlements for structures will be discussed as a part of the initial review. Where potentially significant impacts are identified potential mitigation measures will be presented and recommendations for further study identified. A written report will be prepared for the deign team. Cost Estimates Our team will develop construction quantities and prepare Caltrans standard six-page cost estimates for each of the Initial Phase and Ultimate project alternatives (six six-page estimates total). The unit costs for construction items shall be based on current bids. This scope includes preparation of Draft and Final estimates which will be included in the Draft and Final PSR-PDS. ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment We will have other supporting studies in this task such as the ROW Data sheets and Design Exception Fact sheets but will not go into the detailed description of all the studies needed in this Summary Scope of Work. Our team will prepare and circulate the Draft PSR-PDS to the PDT for the purposes of gathering comments. A formal comment/resolution sheet will be provided from each review and accompany each subsequent submittal. This will ensure proper documentation of comments and that all comments are addressed. This scope allows for addressing comments from the Administrative Draft PSR and Draft PSR submittals. The Final PSR will be submitted as a signature ready copy for Caltrans to approve. Deliverables: Administrative Draft PSR-PDS (8 copies, 1 pdf) Draft PSR-PDS (8 copies, 1 pdf) Signature ready Final PSR-PDS (2 copies, 1 pdf) Task 05 - Survey & ROW Densification Dakos Land Surveys has worked with local aerial mapping resources and the City to prepare the mapping for the early effort on the project. Caltrans District 5 staff provided record monument and right of way information to develop the existing topographic mapping to a level sufficient for initial planning work. We desire to overlap the phases of work so will proceed with survey densification efforts and a QA process of the existing information. Dakos will provide up to three field days of a two person crew to gather additional data for conform areas and confirmation of record level ROW delineation. Two days of Dakos office support work are anticipated for this additional field work. Wallace Group Survey Director, Phil Reimer, will provide a peer review of the existing topographic mapping to confirm conformance to Caltrans standards. Existing information provided by Dakos will be obtained and reviewed, additional information provided by Dakos will be incorporated appropriately, and "spot checks" of survey data using Caltrans control network will be conducted. Datum and random checks of planimetry data will be reviewed to document conformance to Caltrans Survey Manual and Right of Way standards. This work will provide the mapping checks required in the PAED/PS&E delivery and for the plans to be reviewed by Caltrans. The result will be early preparation for the Caltrans review process. Wallace Group will prepare a photo log/inventory of the interchange site. The photo log will be used to record the existing conditions prior to construction. This log will allow the team to electronically share current site information and proceed with the design while minimizing the need to visit the site numerous times over the life of the project. Deliverables: Topographic survey densification ROW delineation check Topographic survey QA Caltrans conformed ACAD topo file Interchange Existing Photo Log Task 06 — Environmental Review Coordination The Wallace Group team includes the First Carbon Solutions - Michael Brandman Associates (FCS-MBA) team and jointly will apply the Caltrans process expertise with the background knowledge of the land use project EIR team. Caltrans environmental clearance process is managed through the District 5 and Central Region review staff thus engaging with the Office ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment Chief and the Branch Chief for environmental review along with the Core PDT is recommended to discuss the existing info and recommendation forward. It is anticipated that the environmental clearance process will be the critical path in the schedule to get Caltrans Approval for the project and District 5 Director signature on the Project Report. The Wallace Group and MBA Project Managers will meet with City and Caltrans representatives in person or via teleconference on a regular basis to keep the coordination moving forward for the life of the environmental clearance activities. The engineering staff will provide support to the environmental clearance specialists with transmittal of layout linework in CADD format. Wallace Group will incorporate the information provided by MBA into the PSR-PDS and PR documents. Task 6.01 Preliminary Environmental Assessment Report (PEAR) FCS-MBA will prepare a PEAR to document the purpose and need for the project, the description of work, the alternatives considered, the environmental technical reports required, permits anticipated, and likely cost range of mitigation. This scope assumes that the PEAR will evaluate three project alternatives: • the teardrop design with the Ramona Drive frontage road remaining in place • the teardrop design with relocation of Ramona Drive frontage road to the west • the No-Build alternative, in which the existing signalized intersections remain in place. FCS-MBA will submit the Draft PEAR to Wallace Group, the City, and Caltrans for review and comment. This scope of work assumes that Caltrans will provide one set of consolidated comments, and that a second round of review by Caltrans will not be required. FCS-MBA will make revisions based on the comments received and will submit the revised PEAR to all parties. Task 6.02 Technical Studies and Memos MBA will prepare the following technical studies necessary to support the IS/MND. Air Quality/ Greenhouse Gas Emissions MBA will use the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District CEQA Guidelines as the basis for assessing air quality and greenhouse gas emissions impacts, including the document's recommendations for analytical approaches, thresholds, and—if necessary—mitigation measures. MBA will model construction and operational criteria pollutant emissions using the applicable computer model. In addition, MBA will model and evaluate the proposed project's greenhouse gas emissions, including consistency with applicable strategies intended to reduce such emissions. MBA will summarize the results of the analysis in the MND and will include the air quality modeling data as an appendix to the MND. Biological Resources MBA will prepare a Biological Resources Assessment to evaluate the potential presence of special-status biological resources within the project vicinity. The Biological Resources Assessment will involve the following activities: ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment Review of any previous biological documentation prepared for properties within the project boundaries Review of biological databases including the California Natural Diversity Database. Field reconnaissance, in which an MBA biologist will visit the site to conduct a baseline biological resources assessment to document existing biological resources on the site, and determine the potential for sensitive resources The preparation of summary report that will detail the results of the database review, field reconnaissance, and any resources discovered MBA will summarize the Biological Resources Assessment in the MND and include the complete technical report as an appendix to the MND. Please note that MBA's review of aerial photographs indicates that there are no major water features within the project boundaries. There may be small, manmade drainage ditches within the boundaries; however, these features would not be likely to be classified as "Waters of United States." As such, this scope of work does not include a Jurisdictional Delineation. If, in the course of field reconnaissance, it is determined that potential "Waters of United States" are present within the project boundaries, MBA will prepare a separate scope and fee for a Jurisdictional Delineation. Cultural Resources MBA will prepare a Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment to evaluate the potential presence of cultural resources within the project boundaries. The Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment will involve the following activities: Review of any previous cultural documentation prepared for properties within the project boundaries Record searches at the Central Coast Information Center and the Native American Heritage Commission A field survey consisting of evaluation of all structures and, where appropriate, transect intervals of 15 to 20 meters walked in a zigzag pattern to ensure complete coverage The preparation of summary report that will detail the results of the record searches, field investigation, and any resources discovered. MBA will summarize the Phase I Cultural Resources Assessment in the MND and include the complete technical report as an appendix to the MND. Noise MBA will evaluate noise impacts by taking up to six (6) baseline noise measurements, estimating project noise levels, and reconciling those noise levels with the ambient noise environment. MBA will use computer modeling software to estimate noise levels and noise contours at surrounding land uses. The analysis will also consider the potential for construction and operational vibration to adversely affect surrounding land uses. MBA will summarize the results of the analysis in the MND and will include the noise modeling data as an appendix to the MND. Visual Simulations MBA will prepare up to four (4) computer-generated visual simulations to depict the interchange improvements from publicly accessible viewpoints (northbound and southbound on US 101; eastbound and westbound on Del Rio Road). The images will present "before" and "after" ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment conditions to allow comparison of how the proposed improvements would alter the visual setting. The visual simulations will be included in the MND, along with a summary of the results of the visual impact assessment. Concurrent with the CEQA process, the Wallace Group will initiate the PDT meeting process with Caltrans District 5 project design staff. This scope of work assumes that Caltrans will require certain documentation to support evaluation and clearance of the project design, but that environmental information can be provided in a "technical memo" format that summarizes the work completed for the CEQA initial study. This scope of work assumes that Caltrans will request technical memos for the following topics: Air quality (conformity determination) Visual Resources (summary of Visual Impact Assessment) Noise (confirming effects to adjacent residences relative to noise abatement criteria) Cultural Resources Transportation * This scope does not include preparation of an APE map, or associated HRER/HPSR/HRCR documentation. ** Additional technical memos and/or reports can be completed based on a modified scope and fee. Task 6.03 Hazardous Materials, Aerially Deposited Lead, Site Assessment As part of the Wallace Group team, ESP will provide an Initial Site Assessment (ISA) for the interchange project. The scope of work will be performed in general accordance with the Caltrans Preliminary Environmental Analysis Report (PEAR) handbook and will include the following tasks: • Perform a site reconnaissance by a Certified Engineering Geologist to assess the potential for contamination in the project area • Research of available documentation and databases related to the site and adjacent • property uses Preparation of an ISA report intended to be used by the client in preparing the ED. During our site reconnaissance, we will note physical evidence of potential contamination or possible sources of contamination, if present. Local government agencies or site personnel (if applicable) will be contacted regarding present and past site uses. The site will be photographed at that time for future reference. Adjacent site uses will also be observed, to evaluate their potential for impact on the project. Determination of adjacent site uses will be made from public properties or roadways. The site will be researched to identify past land use at and near the site related to the storage, production, use or disposal of hazardous materials. Interviews of persons with knowledge of past uses of the site and adjacent properties will be performed, if practicable. Regulatory agency databases will be reviewed to ascertain whether known or suspected environmental impairments are present on or around the property. Database research will be ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment provided by Environmental Data Resources (EDR) of Milford, Connecticut. Preparation of a report summarizing the results of the ISA will be prepared following our research. The report will include findings of the site reconnaissance and site use history research, identify areas within the project boundaries with a potential for soil or groundwater contamination, as well make recommendations for a Preliminary Site Investigation (PSI), if deemed appropriate. If required by Caltrans, an Aerially Deposited Lead Sampling and Analysis task will be performed. The need for this task will largely depend upon the location of disturbance on the highway and Caltrans guidelines. As requested, we have provided a scope and estimate for planning and budgeting purposes for the project. Soil samples will be collected from areas of anticipated soil disturbance to evaluate concentrations of ADL in soil. Our work will be performed in general accordance with Caltrans documents for ADL testing. The intent of the testing is to evaluate whether material to be disturbed during the project will require special handling or disposal procedures, and to provide the project contractor with data regarding lead concentrations so that they may use this information to take appropriate health and safety measures. If lead concentrations are found to be relatively uniform throughout the area tested, the data gathered from the proposed scope of work should be sufficient to characterize potential ADL impacts; however, if lead is irregularly distributed, or if isolated "hot spots" are identified, additional sampling and analysis may be required. Soil Sampling. Soil samples will be collected at 20 locations in areas where soil disturbance is anticipated. At this time, soil disturbance is expected to be limited to the overpass abutments and wing walls on the east and west sides of the U.S. 101 freeway; ten locations on each side will be sampled. Sample locations will be plotted on a plan of the project (to be provided by the client) and marked in the field with a pin flag or paint. The samples will be collected using a 4-inch diameter manual soil auger. Soil samples will be collected at depths of 0-6 inches, 6-12 inches and 18-24 inches, for a total of 60 samples. Each sample will be thoroughly homogenized by mixing, and then placed in a laboratory-provided container, labeled and placed on ice for transport to the testing laboratory. Augering and sampling equipment will be decontaminated between borings to reduce the possibility of cross- contamination. Soil cuttings generated from the borings will be returned to the hole after sampling. Laboratory Analysis. Soil samples will be submitted to a state-certified laboratory for analysis. The samples will be analyzed for total lead by EPA Test Method 6010. Depending on the results of total lead analysis, analysis for soluble lead by the California Waste Extraction Test (WET) may be necessary. For the purposes of this proposal, we have assumed that 20 percent (twelve samples) will require soluble analysis. WET analyses in excess of twelve samples will be billed at the unit costs shown below. Task 6.04 First Administrative Draft IS/MND FCS-MBA will prepare the First Administrative Draft IS/MND for review by the City and Wallace Group. The IS/MND format will include separate sections for discussion of each Environmental Checklist impact category, and it will be adequately supported by exhibits (including color GIS mapping, as appropriate). These sections will: 1. Review the project in light of information, conclusions, and mitigation measures included in the current Technical Studies. ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment 2. Identify any impacts and corresponding project-level mitigation measures to reduce such impacts to less than significant levels. The intent of the First Administrative Draft is to allow Wallace Group and City to internally review the IS/MND for accuracy and completeness prior to submitting to Caltrans for review. Deliverables: Three (3) hard copies (appendices on CD) and one (1) electronic version (via email) of the Administrative Draft IS/MND to City of Atascadero and Wallace Group. Task 6.05 Second Administrative Draft IS/MND FCS-MBA will respond to one set of City and Wallace Group comments on the Administrative Draft IS/MND, and then will complete a Second Administrative Draft IS/MND, which will be submitted to the City of Atascadero, Wallace Group, and Caltrans for review and comment. Deliverables: Sixteen (16) hard copies (appendices on CD) and one (1) electronic version (via email) of the Administrative Draft IS/MND for distribution to Wallace Group (3), City (3) and Caltrans (10) Task 6.06 Draft IS/MND Following receipt of comments from the Wallace Group, City of Atascadero, and Caltrans, FCS- MBA will complete revisions and prepare the Draft IS/MND. A red-line, strike-out version of the IS/MND will be provided to Wallace Group, City of Atascadero, and Caltrans prior to public release of the Draft IS/MND to document how comments on the Second Administrative Draft IS/MND were addressed; however, the intent is not to solicit new comments. Additional rounds of review can be provided subject to a scope and budget modification. FCS-MBA will prepare and distribute copies of the Draft IS/MND to responsible agencies and the public for a 30-day public review period. Technical studies will be included as appendices with the Draft IS/MND for distribution. To reduce document production and distribution costs, technical appendices will be provided in CD. FCS-MBA will provide 15 copies of the Draft IS/MND and the Notice of Completion form to the State Clearinghouse to formally commence the 30-day review period. This scope of work assumes that the City of Atascadero will be responsible for local noticing of the availability of the Draft IS/MND, including but not limited to, newspaper noticing or radius mailing. Deliverables: Three (3) hard copies (appendices on CD), one (1) reproducible master copy, and one (1) CD of the Draft IS/MND to Wallace Group Ten (10) hard copies (appendices on CD), one (1) reproducible master copy, and one (1) CD of the Draft IS/MND to the City of Atascadero Ten (10) hard copies (appendices on CD), one (1) reproducible master copy, and one (1) CD of the Draft IS/MND to Caltrans Fifteen (15) CDs of the Draft IS/MND and completed Notice of Completion form to the State Clearinghouse (including appendices) ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment Task 6.07 Administrative Final IS/MND Although the CEQA Guidelines do not require lead agencies to prepare written responses to comments on IS/MNDs, given the level of agency and public interest in the Del Rio Road Commercial Area Specific Plan Project, it is anticipated that substantive comments will be received on the document. As such, FCS-MBA will prepare written responses to all comments submitted concerning the adequacy of the Draft IS/MND. This task includes submittal of a draft set of responses for review and comment by Wallace Group and City of Atascadero as well as one set of revisions in response to staff comments. Given the high level of uncertainty with respect to the volume and complexity of such comments, this task will be billed on a time-and-materials basis. An initial budget allocation has been established for this task, assuming 40 hours of combined FCS-MBA professional staff time; however, this may need to be adjusted. Deliverables: One (1) electronic version (via email) of the Administrative Draft Responses to Comments to Wallace Group and City of Atascadero Task 6.08 Final IS/MND FCS-MBA will compile the Final IS/MND, which will include Responses to Comments and Errata. FCS-MBA will reproduce the Final IS/MND in hard copy format and on CDs for City use and distribution. FCS -MBA will send Responses to Comments directly to public agencies that commented on the IS/MND. This scope of work assumes that the City of Atascadero will be responsible for distribution of copies of the Final IS/MND to private organizations and individuals who submitted comments. Deliverables: -Three (3) hard copies, one (1) reproducible master copy, and one (1) CD of the Final IS/MND to Wallace Group -Ten (10) hard copies, one (1) reproducible master copy, and one (1) CD of the Final IS/MND to the City of Atascadero -Ten (10) hard copies, one (1) reproducible master copy, and one (1) CD of the Final IS/MND to the Caltrans -One (1) CD containing the Final IS/MND to each public agency that commented in the Draft IS/MND (FCS-MBA to send direct) Task 6.09 Prepare Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program FCS-MBA will prepare a comprehensive Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15097. The MMRP will contain all mitigation measures identified in the Draft IS/MND. This comprehensive MMRP will provide City of Atascadero and Caltrans staff with a single source of reference to the full range of mitigation measures to be implemented, to ensure achievement of the impact avoidance envisioned in the IS/MND. For each measure or group of similar measures, the agency responsible for ensuring proper implementation will be identified, along with the timing and method of verification. Copies of the MMRP will be included in the Final IS/MND submittal. ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment Deliverables: - Three (3) hard copies of the MMRP to Wallace Group (an electronic version will be provided on the same CD as the Final IS/MND) - Three (3) hard copies of the MMRP to the City of Atascadero (an electronic version will be provided on the same CD as the Final IS/MND) - Three (3) hard copies of the MMRP to Caltrans (an electronic version will be provided on the same CD as the Final IS/MND) Task 6.10 Notice of Determination FCS-MBA will prepare the Notice of Determination, which must be filed with the San Luis Obispo County Clerk's Office within 5 business days of IS/MND certification. The purpose of the Notice of Determination filing is to limit the legal challenge period to 30 days. If a Notice of Determination is not filed within 5 business days of certification, the legal challenge period defaults to 180 days. The Notice of Determination filing requires payment of the California Department of Fish and Game CEQA filing fee (currently $2,101.50) and a County handling fee (currently $50). This scope of work assumes that the City of Atascadero staff will file the NOD with the San Luis Obispo County Clerk's Office and pay the associated fees. Exceptions This scope assumes that agency fees of any sort not specifically identified as included in any scope item will be paid by the City of Atascadero FCS-MBA assumes that the City of Atascadero staff will prepare the Notice of Availability for the Draft IS/MND and the Notice of Public Hearing for the Planning Commission/City Council meeting(s) at which the IS/MND will be considered for certification. These notices are typically published as a legal advertisement in a local newspaper or mailed directly to surrounding property owners and interested parties. FCS-MBA assumes that City staff will prepare the Findings of Fact necessary to allow certification of the IS/MND. As previously noted, FCS-MBA assumes that Wallace Group or City of Atascadero staff will pay the Notice of Determination filing fees. It is anticipated that the interchange environmental clearance document will need to be in a form that is acceptable to the Department and it will take high level effort to streamline this to assist the City. At this stage and per our discussions with City staff it is anticipated that this process will be better defined once Project Initiation activities with Caltrans are further along. At this point we have included a reasonable support budget for this task, however, due to the indeterminate nature of environmental requirements additional support beyond that included in the budget for this task will be provided as approved by the City. PHASE 2 — PR and PS&E (NOT A PART OF THIS CONTRACT) Task 07 — Project Report Preparation Draft & Final Project Report A Project Report will be prepared in an overlapping manner with the PSR-PDS to incorporate the design findings and appropriate additional information from existing or supplemental ITEM NUMBER: A-2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment environmental technical studies. We anticipate completing the following refinement work or studies which will be included in the appropriate sections of the project report: • Preliminary construction staging and • Bridge Advanced Planning Study drawings detour requirements Construction cost estimate for each alternative • Refined alternative drawings (3 Schedule to complete final design and alternatives) w construction • Summary of environmental studies • 30% Plans of the preferred alternative • Final Drainage Study (minor changes ® Final SWDR (minor changes only) only) • Geotechnical Design Report Earth Systems proposes to prepare a Geotechnical Design Report (GDR) to encompass several geotechnical design aspects of the project. These include foundation design parameters for sound walls and retaining walls, structural sections for roadway design. The GDR will be intended to address the requirements of Caltrans during the PS&E phase of the project and to provide project designers with needed geotechnical and roadway design information during project development. During this task, several subtasks will be completed. These include subsurface investigation, laboratory analysis, geotechnical and roadway design analysis, and preparation of the GDR for use in project design. Subsurface Investigation. To evaluate subsurface conditions and existing structural roadway sections for the project, we plan to drill six to eight borings ranging in depth from 10 to 20 feet, as conditions permit and allow. Depending upon accessibility with truck mounted drilling equipment, the borings will be drilled with a truck mounted Mobile Drill, model B53, equipped with an 8-inch outside diameter hollow stem auger or a hand auger may be used for some of the less accessible boring locations. During the course of drilling, various soil samples will be obtained by means of ring-lined ban-el samplers (ASTM D 3550, with shoe similar to D 2937), and Standard Penetrometer Test samplers (ASTM D 1586) as applicable. Soils will be classified in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (ASTM D 2488 and/or D2487). We also plan to measure the existing roadway structural sections in eight locations on the on/off-ramps for the project (one in the shoulder and one in the traveled way of each ramp). In order to measure the roadway structural sections (asphalt concrete, aggregate base, and other materials), 6-inch diameter cores will be taken at each measurement location. The borings will be backfilled with cuttings. Core locations and the upper 6 inches of borings drilled in roadway areas will be backfilled with grout. Subsurface information will be presented on our standard boring logs; Log of Test Borings (LOTB) will not be prepared for the GDR. The subsurface investigation will be performed on active roadways. We will obtain a Caltrans encroachment permit for work within the Caltrans right-of-way. We have assumed that the City will arrange for access permission to any areas beyond the Caltrans right-of-way. As some of the borings and all of the coring locations will be in active roadway areas, we will subcontract traffic control services to Statewide Safety of Nipomo, California. A traffic control plan will be prepared and submitted with our encroachment permit application to Caltrans. We have assumed that changeable message signs, California Highway Patrol, or any special signage will not be required as a part of this task. The Project Report will conform to the April 4th 2012 update of "Appendix K - Preparation Guidelines for Project Report' contained in the Caltrans PDPM. The Project Report will include the following sections: ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment 1. Introduction 2. Recommendation 3. Background 4. Need and Purpose a. Problem, Deficiencies, Justification b. Regional and System Planning c. Traffic 5. Alternatives a. Viable Alternatives b. Rejected Alternatives 6. Considerations Requiring Discussion a. Hazardous Waste b. Value Analysis c. Resource Conservation d. Right-of-Way Issues e. Environmental Issues f. Air Quality Conformity g. Title VI Considerations h. Noise Abatement Decision Report Section 7. Other Considerations As Appropriate 8. Programming 9. Reviews 10. Project Personnel 11. List of Attachments Location or vicinity map Storm Water Data Report Signature Draft Environmental Document Sheet (DED) Right-of-Way Data Sheet Typical Cross Sections Six-Page Cost Estimates Structures Advance Planning Traffic Operations Analysis Report Studies TMP Memo & Checklist Risk Register ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment Fact Sheets for Non-Standard Design Features Our team will complete the DIB 78 Checklist for the existing and proposed project features. One checklist will be prepared that includes up to three alternatives, clearly identifying which alternatives have non-standard features. Based on the non-standard features identified in the DIB 78, We will coordinate with Caltrans District 5 to determine which non-standard items are required to be included in Mandatory or Advisory Fact Sheets. We will prepare draft and final Fact Sheets for Caltrans approval for each of the three alternatives. It is anticipated that the roundabout options will allow for flexibility and a reduction of strict interpretation by Caltrans staff on how to apply the requirements for Fact Sheets. This report will be presented to and discussed with the City in draft form. The Wallace Group team will prepare and circulate the Draft Project Report to the PDT for the purposes of gathering comments. A formal comment sheet will be provided from each review and accompany each subsequent submittal. This will ensure proper documentation of comments and that all comments are addressed. All comments will be addressed and incorporated as appropriate into the final report. This scope allows for addressing comments from the Administrative Draft Project Report and Draft Project Report submittals. We will also address comments from Caltrans on the Draft Final Project Report prior to the Final Project Report being submitted as a signature ready copy to Caltrans. The typical approach is to have Final design occur upon concurrence by the City and approval of the environmental documents by Caltrans. The approved report will become the basis for the project's final design. In this case and since the project is to be funded by local funds the City could proceed with final design on an at-risk basis. It is our understanding that through the COA's the ROW that this project will need will have been dedicated to the City. For federally funded projects an agency may not purchase or even make an offer to purchase property before the transportation ED is complete. In this case this does not appear to be a constraint and therefore we believe proceeding to final design is at the discretion of the City. Deliverables: Administrative Draft PR (8 copies, 1 pdf) Draft PR (8 copies, 1 pdf) Draft Final PR (2 copies, 1 pdf) Signature ready Final PR (2 copies, 1 pdf) Task 08 — Public Education & Outreach In addition to fundamental "Roundabouts 101" presentations conducted during the intersection control evaluation effort noted, KAI in conjunction with the Wallace Group staff are able to present an extensive array of public outreach and education materials and support. KAI's roundabout research experience brings the City a wide variety of tools and techniques proven from other outreach efforts. Wallace Group staff have the local understanding and construction experience to make the information relevant and realistic for the local constituents. We have supported and compiled videos, web sites, brochures, and other special outreach including 2-D models of roundabouts and student education work books that reach out to elementary age students. Our team will work flexibly with the City to develop a customized plan within the allocated task budget that takes advantage of the wealth of prior materials completed for others over the years. An August 15, 2012 news article in the Tribune noted an group's opposition to the Walmart project. Project opponents could attack roundabout concepts as a secondary means of slowing the overall project efforts. Objective, data-informed education and outreach materials could be ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment a viable means of countering opposition arguments about the roundabout elements of the project. Deliverables: Key education and outreach materials (ie "Roundabouts: Another Safe Intersection") Special user information brochure (ie cyclists) Web page content framework Roundabout 101 general public presentation Task 09 — Funding Research & Assistance The City has pursued the project with local funds only, if circumstances were to change Wallace Group staff is well versed at grant and other funding opportunities through the State Transportation Improvement Program and the programs administered for the local agencies by the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG). These services are not currently included but are available. Given the indeterminate nature of this task we offer these services to the total budgeted labor effort of this task yet are available as needed and authorized.. Deliverables: Memo summarizing monitoring and potential future funding sources, including federal programs, state grants and developer fees Task 10 — Final Design PS&E This is a tentative scoping task as requested by the City for a preliminary assessment of potential budget needs and necessary steps. The Consultant team herein has provided information to estimate the design and the scope and budget would be revisited as the PAED evolved to be able to more accurately determine specifics. It is anticipated that the design tasks will be initiated while the PAED tasks are yet underway. This will allow time efficiency but also provides some level of risk in proceeding prior to formal approval by Caltrans of the recommended alternative. The City and the Consultant team have agreed that the approach and anticipated agreements by Caltrans on the ICE, CAR, PSR-PDS and portions of the PAED process should result in the risk being minimized. At the time of the writing of this scope the following is the anticipated plan sheets for the bid set documents: Sheet Description Title Sheet— 1 Control Staking and Survey - 1 General Notes - 2 Typical Sections - 6 Layouts — 8 Profiles — 6 Construction Details — 10 Contour Grading — 6 Erosion Control — 4 Drainage Plans — 3 Drainage Profiles - 3 Stage Construction — 4 ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment Traffic Handling Plans — 12 Construction Area Signs — 1 Signing, Pavement Delineation & Notes- 6 Utility Plans - 3 Planting Plans — 4 Irrigation Plans & Details - 5 Street Lighting & Notes - 6 Structure & Wall plans — 8 Estimated Sheet Count 99 Technical Specifications — 1 (2010 Caltrans Specs) Estimate - 1 While the design is progressing the first submittal will be the 65% Plans and Engineers Opinion of Probable Cost with a list of anticipated technical Special Provisions. It is anticipated that the bid set will include the requirement for the chosen Contractor to develop and implement a SWPPP as part of that phase of the work. The subsequent submittals are anticipated to be 95% PS&E with edited Technical Special Provisions and near final quantity calculations and Engineers Opinion of Probable Cost. The next submittals are anticipated to have minimal changes and consist of Draft Final PS&E and Final PS&E. The design team anticipates that one set of written comments would be received from Caltrans and one set from the City on each of the submittals within this task. The team would incorporate applicable comments and respond in writing to all questions. ITEM NUMBER: B - 1 DATE: 11/27/12 Atascadero City Council Staff Report — Community Development Department North County Connection In-Lieu Affordable Housing Fund Allocation RECOMMENDATION: Council authorize a loan of $100,000 from the In-Lieu Affordable Housing Fund to North County Connection for one low-income affordable housing unit on the property at 8600 Atascadero Avenue. DISCUSSION: Background: On March 27, 2012, the City Council reviewed requests from North County Connection (NCC) and EI Camino Homeless Organization (ECHO) for funding from the City's In- Lieu Affordable Housing Fund (In-lieu fund.) At that meeting, the Council authorized $100,000 for NCC in exchange for one low-income affordable housing unit. Final loan documents were to be brought back to be reviewed by Council when purchase details and funding sources were finalized. Analysis: Over the past several months North County Connection has worked on finalizing the purchase terms and funding sources for acquisition of the site at 8600 Atascadero Avenue. NCC has operated their social service programs at this site since 1998, and the property is currently for sale. NCC had originally planned to use $133,614 in City and County CDBG funds; however, the County found that NCC was not able to demonstrate that the project qualified for CDBG funds. CDBG funds must be used for projects in which over 50% of the clientele is in the low income category. Upon meeting with federal auditors and fund administrators, County staff determined that the level of client reporting which was required for the CDBG funds could not be obtained due to the confidentiality requirements which NCC has with their clientele. ITEM NUMBER: B - 1 DATE: 11/27/12 Upon learning that the CDBG funds were not going to be available, NCC contacted the local Rabobank about a conventional real estate loan. NCC has been approved for a $280,000 loan from Rabobank, which will require monthly mortgage payments equal to what NCC has been paying for rent for over 10 years. NCC will be contributing $10,000 of private donations which they have secured to date. With the City loan, NCC would have enough money to purchase the property. Rabobank has stipulated that the bank's loan will need to be in first position, with the affordable housing deed restriction and the City's $100,000 loan recording in junior on title. If the bank were to foreclose on the loan, the City's affordable deed restriction would be lost and the loan may be lost or reduced. NCC has also obtained a property appraisal, as requested by the City to ensure that the loan on the property did not exceed the value of the site. Obtaining the appraisal took some time, as the property is unique due to potential for subdivision and current use as NCC resource center and service facility. The appraisal was completed in August and valued the property at $390,000. The owners and NCC adjusted the original purchase agreement to match the lower appraised value. Costs to purchase 8600 Atascadero Ave: - Purchase Price $390,000 Funding Source: ■ Loan from Rabobank $280,000 • City of Atascadero (in-lieu fee allocation) $100,000 ■ Private donations secured to date $10,000 - Total funding available $390,000 In exchange for the City's $100,000 loan assistance in purchasing the property, NCC will be providing one deed restricted affordable housing unit (low income) for 55 years. There is an existing space in the main building which was once used as a one-bedroom apartment. The unit has not been used as permanent residence since NCC began their operations on the site over ten years ago, but it could easily be fixed up to be rented again. Plumbing, gas lines, a fireplace, private entrance and full bathroom remain in the space. Cosmetic work, code compliance upgrades, kitchen cabinets and appliances would be required to be installed or repaired. In order to remain in compliance with NCC's use permit, the unit cannot be used for overnight or transitional care of NCC's clients; however, an affordable income manager's unit or permanent rental unit is in compliance with the residential zoning and the approved business license for NCC. This one-bedroom low-income unit would rent for no more than $905 per month, with the rental income going directly to NCC. If approved by City Council at tonight's meeting, the City's loan of $100,000 of in-lieu funds would be released into an escrow account as a loan in exchange for a deed restriction for one low-income affordable unit for a period of 55 years. The loan would ITEM NUMBER: B - 1 DATE: 11/27/12 be structured similar to the City's previous Downtown Affordable Housing Loan Program. There would be no payments required during the term of the loan. If NCC sells the property, or if either NCC or the City chooses not to renew the agreement at the end of the 55 years, then NCC would be required to repay the original $100,000 loan back to the City. In addition, there is also an equity share component to the program implemented as Contingent Interest. The contingent interest is paid to the City at time of sale or in 55 years, whichever occurs first. Contingent Interest is equal to a percentage of loan to value the City made at the time of purchase (2012). The City is investing $100,000 towards the site which has appraised at $390,000 (approximately 25.6% City investment). If the property later sold for $1,000,000, the deed restriction would be released and the City would be repaid the initial $100,000 loan, plus 25.6% of the $610,000 increase in value (equal to $156,160 in contingent interest). If the property sold for less than $390,000, only the original principal amount of $100,000 would be due. The draft affordable housing agreement, promissory notes, and associated loan documents related to the City's funding are attached to this staff report. City Funding Points: ■ $100,000 of in-lieu funds, structured as a no payment loan by City to NCC - Loan due at either 55 years, or at time of sale - Contingent interest based on loan to value at time of purchase, and property value appreciation at time of sale ■ North County Connection will provide one (1) low-income unit on-site - Affordable unit to be deed restricted for a period of 55 years - North County Connection will provide annual verification of rental to qualified tenant, with monthly rent to be per County standard for a low-income one bedroom unit ■ Property to be maintained in good condition and continue to operate in compliance with the conditions of the business license Property Repairs & Construction The existing building on the site, which NCC currently uses, will require some substantial repairs and renovations in the near future. NCC has identified a budget of $53,000 that is needed in addition to the purchase price for immediate repairs, including a new roof, improvements to the exterior bathrooms, and fixing up the low-income unit for rent. NCC will be working with a Cal Poly Construction Management class to do much of the work in the spring. As property owners, they will also be eligible for additional grants for property repairs and will begin a capital campaign for additional donations, relying on volunteers to help with the work. City Planning staff and building inspectors will be meeting on site with NCC to identify what work is required on the affordable rental unit to ensure it meets health and safety codes in order to rent. Per the Affordable Housing Agreement, NCC will submit plans and obtain a building permit for the work on the affordable housing unit within six (6) ITEM NUMBER: B - 1 DATE: 11/27/12 months of property purchase. Construction on the unit will be completed within twelve (12) months of property purchase so that affordable unit can be leased and occupied by a qualified tenant at the restricted affordable housing price. FISCAL IMPACT: The Council's Inclusionary Housing Policy, adopted in 2003, requires developers of Planned Developments to either provide 20% percent of the project as deed restricted affordable units, or contribute 5.0% of the construction value of the market-rate units to the City's In-Lieu Housing Fund. The money must be used to create long term affordable housing units. At the March 2012 meeting, the Council decided to reserve at least $100,000 in the in- lieu housing fund in order to continue to administer the existing low and moderate income affordable housing loan program. CONCLUSION: If the Council is satisfied with the conditions outlined above, Council may choose to allocate the requested $100,000 of in-lieu funds. Funds would be placed into an escrow account and would be available the first week of December to complete North County Connection's site purchase. Loan documents and deed restrictions are attached for Council review. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Affordable Housing Participation checklist Attachment 2: Letter from North County Connection Attachment 3: Affordable Housing Agreement with Attachments Attachment 1:City of Atascadero Affordable Housing Participation Checklist City of Atascadero - Affordable Housing Participation Checklist Organization Name: North Counct Connection (NCC) Date: 10/7/12 Project Name: 8600 Atascadero Ave. Contact Person Sue Warren Project Type: Phone: 805 462-8600 New Construction Email Address: nccat@pacbell.net Rehabilitation es Application Number: Is this an update to an existing checklist? no Instructions:Please insert the appropriate number of points in the"Points"column.Except where there is a range of points offered,there is no graduated point allowance for less than full compliance. In addition to the minimum optional points,all projects must meet the applicable mandatory requirements. Optional Points value 2 points Encouraged Points value 4 points High Priority Points value 10 points Mandatory Points value 18 points Criteria Description Requirement Type Points Section 1- Project Funding 1-1 Funding Leveraged Are there funds from other sources? 140%=0 pts,40-80%=9 pts,>80%=18 pts 9 1-2 Principal Sum Public Investment Will principal sum be recovered in specified time? 18 1-3 Return on Investment Will there be a reasonable return on investment? 4 1 4 Cost Per Unit Lower City cost per unit given higher priority 1$20,000=10 pts,$20,000-40,000=8 pts, $40,001-60,000=6 pts,$60,001-80,000=4 pts, 2 $80,001-100,000=2 pts,>$100,000=0 pts SUBTOTAL 33 Section 2- Site, Location, and Neighborhood Consistency 2-1 Neighborhood Compatibility Does the project ft the neighborhood? 2 2-2 Adherence-Zoning Requirements Does the project follow General Plan Consistency? 4 2-3 Environmental Suitability Are there no significant environmental issues? 2 2-4 Neighborhood Acceptance Does the neighborhood support?(neighborhood meeting 2 required 2-5 Green Development Plan Is the project LEED certified? 0 2-6 Building Appearance Does project provide high quality architecture? 2 2-7 Landscape Does project provide high quality landscape? 2 2-8 Commercial Component Project includes mixed use? 10 2-9 Downtown Site Project in downtown zone? 0 SUBTOTAL 24 Section 3-Affordability 3-1 Very Low Income Percentage very low income units? <10%=5pts,10-30%=10pts,>30%=18pts 0 3-2 Low Income Percentage very low income units? <10%=opts,10-30%=5pts,>30%=10pts 10 3-3 Moderate Income Will there be any Moderate Income units? 0 3-4 Rental Units Project Does project include rental units? <50%=opts,50-75%=5pts,>75%=10pts 10 3-5 Number of units/density Is Project at maximum General Plan density? 4 3-6 Variety of Unit Size Is there a mix of unit size/bedrooms?(min 25%of units) 0 SUBTOTAL 24 Section 4-Term of Affordability 4-1 Ownership Units Deed Restriction Term 45 year term required 18 4-2 Rental Unit Deed Restriction Term 55 year term required 4-3 Additional Time Restriction Proposing to deed restrict at lease 10 years more than 45/55 0 years? SUBTOTAL 18 Section 5- Proponent/ Partnerships 5-1 Local Non-profit/For Profit Is project a SLO County non-profit involved in the project? 18 5-2 Local Proponent Is project proponent located in SLO County? 18 5-3 Experience of Proponent Is developer experienced in affordable housing/good 10 references? 5-4 Project Timing&Readiness Are project entitlements approved? 4 SUBTOTAL 50 Percentage of Points Received = 78% Point Scored 149 Out of Total Points 190 Attachment 2: Letter From North County Connection North County Connection 8600 Atascadero Avenue Property Acquisition Update September 14,2012 The SLO County Planning Department has said that their inquiry to HUD on using CDBG funding for the NCC project would not fit within the HUD guidelines. We are awaiting written documentation from the HUD official. We are working with Carol Bezkostny and Jeff Mercer of Rabobank to obtain a commercial loan to purchase the property outright from Jim and Darlene Watson. The agreed price is at the new appraisal amount of $390,000. The down payment will consist of the$100,000 of the designated Atascadero City in-lieu fees and the current$10,000 of donations held by NCC. Sally Twiford of First American Title Company is preparing our escrow papers with Marci Bloomgren continuing as the agent for both the Watson's and NCC. Things are progressing smoothly. We met with Trevor Harding,Ph.D.professor and chair of Cal Poly Materials Engineering Department this week. He will be speaking with the chair of the Construction Management department, and together they will take on the renovation of the low-income apartment and outside bathroom and update the plumbing as a combined department student project. NCC will only have to supply the materials. We will patch the only roof leak which is at the back corner of the building for now. We can then identify the funds for a future roof replacement through a grant,donations,etc. We are also on the list for a service learning project with Cal Poly students for painting the interior of the facility, again with NCC supplying the materials. We are an integral part of the new North County Homeless Coalition and will be collaborating with our partners on housing grants. We will be developing a system of care with ECHO and our other partners to help stabilize people in early recovery through transitional housing and peer support services. This will help to free up shelter beds and provide housing for men who often can't find a bed at the shelter. Today we found out that the committee formed from the NCC presentation on the"Integration of Behavioral Health into Primary Care" will be a recipient of the five county pilot programs in the state to receive technical assistance from the California Alcohol and Drug Program consultants, E.T.T.A. They will help us design and implement a pilot"system of care- for the FQHC(CHCCC),primary care and emergency room doctors to refer their patients to with the January 1, 2014 mandate for SB1RT(screen,brief intervention and referral to treatment). We have also written a grant to Blue Shield to develop our plan beginning January 1, 2013 and implement it in the north SLO county area beginning July 1,2013 with a six month evaluation. This grant focuses on our existing north county community based providers,CHCCC sites,NCC,Lifestyles, Cambria Connection and the development of options for those needing medical detox. We will provide two organizational charts to show the community need for services and the flow chart of how we expect to expand our north county's ability to provide these services. On Wednesday,October 17, 2012 at 7 pm at the Atascadero Lake Pavilion, NCC is sponsoring a community education opportunity with Mario San Bartolome,MD,ASAM (American Society of Addiction Medicine). His topic is Addiction and Substance Use Disorders: A New Look at an Old Problem. He will discuss how society and individuals deal with substance use disorders and explain what the future may hold for treatment. A ribbon cutting ceremony will begin several funding endeavors for NCC. • A capital campaign($20,000 per year can be paid on the mortgage.) • A memorial "Brick Campaign" for meditation gardens. • Silent Auction for renovation materials,sponsoring a bed,etc. • We already have our first"Endowment"donor(NCC is in their will) • More collaborative grant opportunities and sustainability plans We look forward to being part of a truly collaborative north county community based system of care that serves all members of the community. No one should have to go to jail or lose their children in order to receive treatment for substance abuse disorders and addiction. This plan can reduce the city and county costs for law enforcement,emergency room visits,other medical costs,school attendance losses,and work place injuries. We have to reduce the horrible loss of life,as SLO County prescription drug deaths are twice the state averages. North County Connection Business Plan (fiscalyear2012-2013) Where people matter and recovery happens! Our Vision is for a community of healthy individuals and families. Our Mission is to provide a resource center for the prevention of and recovery from substance abuse,other addictions and related problems. Coals: • Prorrx)te the development of prevention and recovery activities and services for the entire community. • Increase community awareness of alcohol and other drug related issues. • Facilitate on-going support for those recovering from alcohol and other drug related problems. Objectives: • Increase operating revenue from$50,000 to$80,000 through grants&contracts. • Launch"Capital Campaign'to pay Atascadero Avenue property mortgage off. • Increase donor base revenue from$2,000 to$20,000+. • Provide at kast four community education programs about NCC and our services. • Increase advocacy training and opportunities for facility participants. • Increase educational programs and services for community participants. • Develop and maintain data collection system for drop-in and case management. • Increase collaborative efforts in order to decrease expenses. Strategies: • Develop an advisory board of skilled community members • Create a marketing plan for education,volunteer,and donor solicitation. • Create a"Capital Campaign'committee and then a plan. • Develop Advocacy training and plan through Faces and Voices of Recovery. • Launch the use of the Matrix anonymous resource center participant data system. • Develop services/programs: find contract funding to enhance recovery services. • Reduce expenses through collaborative efforts for staff,supplies,trainings etc. Action Plans: • Establish"Capital Campaign"committee&plan by December 5,2012 • Develop market/advocacy strategy for September Recovery Happens month. • Begin using the Matrix data collection system December 31,2012. • Work with PEFS to find&develop services and contracts by Dec.31,2012 Attachment 3:Affordable Housing Agreement with Attachments See Following Affordable Housing Agreement Attachment A - Calculation of Affordable Rent Attachment B - Promissory Note Attachment C - Deed of Trust Attachment D - Regulatory Agreement Attachment E - Scope of Work Attachment F - Legal Description Attachment G - Parcel Map Attachment H - Affordable Unit Location AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT [Atascadero In-Lieu Fee Program] by and between the CITY OF ATASCADERO and NORTH COUNTY CONNECTION .1 Dated 92012 LA#4840-2809-0894 vl AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT This Affordable Housing Agreement (the "Agreement"), which is dated for reference as indicated on the cover page, is hereby entered into by and between the CITY OF ATASCADERO, a public body, corporate and politic ("City") and NORTH COUNTY CONNECTION ("Participant"), on the following terms and conditions: RECITALS A. General Purpose. This Agreement provides a mechanism whereby Participant may participate in the provision of affordable housing in the City in a manner consistent with the goals, objectives, policies and standards of the laws and regulations of the City and the State of California. This Agreement is in accord with applicable state and federal laws. B. Specific Purpose. The specific purpose of this Agreement is to facilitate development of the Project by Participant as described herein. This Agreement is, therefore, intended to set forth the obligations of Participant to develop the Project and the manner in which and the extent to which the City will assist Participant in that endeavor. Specifically, this Agreement will set forth Participant's obligation to provide housing at an Affordable Rent on the Site and City's obligation to assist in the funding of the purchase and renovations to the Site. C. Speculation not Permitted. Participant understands and acknowledges that the purpose of this Agreement is not to facilitate speculation or excess profit-taking in the Project or Site within the meaning of California Health and Safety Code § 33437.5 as that section exists on the date of this Agreement or as it may thereafter be amended, repealed and reenacted, or otherwise modified. ,. DEFINITIONS "Action" shall mean any suit (whether legal, equitable, or declaratory in nature), proceeding or hearing (whether administrative or judicial), arbitration or mediation (whether voluntary, court-ordered, binding, or non-binding), or other alternative dispute resolution process, and the filing, recording, or service of any process, notice, claim, demand, lien, or other instrument which is a prerequisite or prelude to commencement of the Action. "Administering Agency" shall mean the San Luis Obispo Housing Authority, the City, or another agency as determined by the Community Development Director that has experience in the administration of affordable housing programs. "Affordable Rent" shall mean "affordable housing cost" as that term is defined and applied under California Health and Safety Code § 50052.5 and the implementing regulations contained in Title 25 Cal. Code Regs. § 6910, et seq., to renter-occupied housing for Lower Income Households. Affordable rent is further defined as the monthly housing expenses, including all fees for housing services and a reasonable allowance for utilities, that for Lower Income Households, is equal to or less than one-twelfth (1/12) of thirty percent (30%) of eighty percent (80%) of Area Median Income, as adjusted for Appropriately-Sized households. Affordable Rent shall be calculated by the City as shown in Attachment A or as issued on a monthly basis by San Luis Obispo County. LA#4840-2809-0894 v 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 2 of 22 "Affordable Unit" shall mean the one bedroom unit with kitchen an full bath which will be located within the existing habitable building as shown per Attachment "H" [Affordable Unit Location] "Appreciation Amount"shall mean the difference between the original fair market value of the Site as appraised pursuant to Section and the appraised fair market value upon sale of the Site. "City" shall mean the City of Atascadero, a general law city and municipal corporation formed and existing under the laws of the State of California. The term "City" shall also include any assignee of, or successor to, its rights, powers, and responsibilities. "City Loan"shall mean the amount paid by the City pursuant to Section 4.1.1. "City Manager" shall mean the City Manager of the City of Atascadero and/or any person designated and authorized by the City Manager to act in the City Manager's capacity with regard to this Agreement. "Completion" shall mean the completion of the Project as provided for in Section 2.2 r�r. [Completion] of this Agreement. ffffff,. "Contingent Interest" shall be determined by dividing the amount of the City Loan by original fair market value of the Site as appraised pursuant to Section and then applying that percentage to the Appreciation Amount. "Default" shall mean the failure of a party to perform any material action or covenant required by and within the time periods provided herein following notice and opportunity to cure, as set forth in Section 6.1 [Default] of this Agreement. "Development Costs" shall mean all the costs and expenses which must necessarily be incurred in the design, development, construction and completion of the Project, including but not limited to: predevelopment costs; Participant's overhead and related costs; costs of acquiring the Site; design and engineering costs; development costs; construction costs; fees payable to accountants, appraisers, architects, attorneys, biologists, construction managers, engineers, geologists, hydrologists, inspectors, planners, testing facilities, and other consultants; impact, development, park, school and other fees and charges imposed by governmental entities as a condition approval on the Project; costs for obtaining permits and approvals; taxes; assessments; costs related to testing for and remediation of Hazardous Substances; utility connection fees and other utility related charges;costs relating to financing including principal, interest, points, fees and other lender charges; escrow fees and closing costs; recording fees; court costs; costs relating to insurance; costs relating to title insurance; costs relating to bonds; Development Fees, and all other costs and expenses of Participant related to the performance of this Agreement. "Development Fees" shall mean those fees, charges, and exactions imposed by the City upon the development of the Project on the Site, including, but not limited to, application fees, processing fees, development fees, impact fees, mitigation fees, park fees, storm drain fees, sewer fees, and other related charges. LA#4840-2809-0894 v 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 3 of 22 "Effective Date" shall mean the date the Agreement has been formally approved by the City's governing board and executed by the appropriate authorities of the City and Participant. "Environmental Review" shall mean the investigation and analysis of the Project's impacts on the environment as may be required under the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), Public Resources Code § 21000, et seq., and/or the Project's impacts on any species of plant or animal listed as a species of concern, a threatened species, or an endangered species, or habitat therefore, as may be required by the California Endangered Species Act ("CESA"), Fish and Game Code § 2050, et seq., and/or the U.S. Endangered Species Act ("USESA"), 16 U.S.C. § 1531, et seq., or other applicable California or federal law or regulation. "Hazardous Substances" shall mean any and all of the following: (i) any substance, product, waste or other material of any nature whatsoever which is or becomes listed, regulated, or for which liability arises for misuse, pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act ("CERCLA"), 42 U.S.C. §9601, et seq.; the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. §1801, et seq.; the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act ("RCRA"), 42 U.S.C. §6901, et seq.; the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C.S. §2601, et seq.; the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. §1251, et seq.; the Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act, 7 U.S.C. §136, et seq.; the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act, 42 U.S.C. §6901, et seq.; the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. §7401, et seq.; the Safe Drinking Water Act, 42 U.S.C. §300f, et seq.; the Solid Waste Disposal Act, 42 U.S.C. §6901, et seq.; the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act, 30 U.S.C. §1201, et seq.; the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act, 42 U.S.C. §11001, et seq.; the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 29 U.S.C. §§655 and 657; the Hazardous Waste Control Act, California Health and Safety Code ("H.&S.C.") §25100, et seq.; the Hazardous Substance Account Act, H.&S.C.§25330, et seq.; the California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, H.&S.C. §25249.5, et seq.; the Underground Storage of Hazardous Substances, H.&S.C. §25280, et ,req.; the Carpenter-Presley-Tanner Hazardous Substance Account Act, H.&S.C. §25300, et seq.; the Hazardous Waste Management Act, H.&S.C. §25170.1, et seq.; the Hazardous Materials Response Plans and Inventory, H.&S.C. §25001, et seq.; the Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act, Water Code §13000, et seq., all as they may from time to time be amended; (ii) any substance, product, waste or other material of any nature whatsoever which is or becomes listed, regulated, or for which liability for misuse arises pursuant to any other federal, state or local statute, law, ordinance, resolution, code, rule, regulation, order or decree due to its hazardous, toxic or dangerous nature; (iii) any petroleum, crude oil or any substance, product, waste, or other material of any nature whatsoever which contains gasoline, diesel fuel or other petroleum hydrocarbons other than petroleum and petroleum products contained within regularly operated motor vehicles; and (iv) polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), radon gas, urea formaldehyde, asbestos, and lead. "Litigation Expenses" shall mean all costs and expenses, to the extent reasonable in LA#4840-2809-0894 v 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 4 of 22 amount, actually and necessarily incurred by a party in good faith in the investigation, prosecution or defense of an Action or to cure a Default of another party, including, but not limited to, court costs, filing, recording, and service fees, copying costs, exhibit production costs, special media rental costs, attorneys fees, consultant fees, fees for investigators, witness fees (both lay and expert), travel expenses, deposition and transcript costs, and any other costs or expenses, the award of which a court of competent jurisdiction may determine to be just and reasonable. "Lower Income Household" shall mean "lower income households" as that term is defined and used in Health and Safety Code § 50079.5. A "lower income household" means a person or family whose income does not exceed eighty percent (80%) of the area median income for the applicable geographic area of the state, adjusted for family size, and revised annually by the California Department of Housing and Community Development. "Local Regulations" shall mean all the provisions of the City's General Plan, the City's Municipal Code (including but not limited to, all zoning, development, subdivision, and building standards, regulations, and procedures, and all uniform codes incorporated therein), any applicable specific plan, the conditions of any applicable map being processed or having been approved under the Subdivision Map Act (Government Code § 66410, et seq.), any mitigation measures imposed as a result of Environmental Review for the Project, all as they exist on the date of this Agreement or as they may thereafter be amended, repealed and reenacted, or otherwise modified. "Participant" shall mean North County Connection, a . The term "Participant" shall, to the extent such is expressly permitted under this Agreement, include any assignee of, or successor to, the rights and responsibilities of the Participant under this Agreement. "Project" shall mean the renovation or purchase by the Participant of the Affordable Unit located on the Site under the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. The Project shall specifically require, but not be limited to, the items of construction and renovation defined and described in Attachment "E" [Scope of Project]. "Project Approvals" shall mean any permit, approval, determination, and/or entitlement required by the City and pertaining to the design, development, construction, and installation of the Project, including, but not limited to, General Plan amendments, Specific Plan amendments, zone changes, zone variances, conditional use permits, site development plans, change plans, planned sign programs, grading permits, building permits, actions under the Subdivision Map Act, encroachment permits, business licenses and other such approvals as may be required under the Atascadero Municipal Code, and all other applicable ordinances, codes, policies, and procedures approved by the City and effective as of the Effective Date of the Agreement. "Project Plans" shall mean all construction, building, engineering, and architectural plans, drawings, and diagrams for grading, drainage, traffic, parking, construction and/or building, landscaping and other plans related to the Project and all designs, diagrams, drawings, specifications and other representations of or documents associated with the Project Plans. LA#4840-2809-0894 v 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 5 of 22 "Regulatory Agreement" shall mean that certain agreement executed by Participant and recorded against the Site containing the covenants and restrictions provided for in this Agreement referenced as Attachment"D" [Regulatory Agreement]. "Site" shall mean that certain parcel of real property consisting of approximately 2.14 acres located at 8600 and 8580 Atascadero Avenue and commonly known as Assessor's Parcel Number 056-231-023, as more particularly described in the legal description attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Attachment "F" [Legal Description] and as depicted on the diagram attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Attachment "G" [Site Location]. OPERATIVE PROVISIONS NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants made by the parties and contained herein and other consideration, the value and adequacy of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows ARTICLE 1 - SITE PURCHASE 1.1. Participant shall, at its sole cost and expense, notwithstanding any City Loan assistance that may be provided by the City under this Agreement, negotiate and complete the purchase of the Site. 1.2. When Participant and the seller of the Site have opened an escrow (the "Escrow"), Participant shall inform City of that fact and City shall segregate the amount of the City Loan in preparation for placing it into the Escrow account. 1.3. City shall, within fifteen (15) days after Participant provides proof that it has completed the requisites for funding outlined in Section 4.1.2 of this Agreement, deposit in the Escrow the total amount of the City Loan. 1.4. Participant agrees that if Escrow does not close within ten (10) days of the deposit of the City Loan proceeds into the Escrow, the City may in its sole discretion request the return of the funds and the termination of this Agreement. 1.5. Upon close of Escrow and transfer of title to the Site to Participant, Participant shall begin development of the Project in accordance with Article 2 of this Agreement. ARTICLE 2 - DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROJECT 2.1. Scope of Development. Participant shall, at its sole cost and expense, notwithstanding any City Loan assistance that may be provided by the City under this Agreement, design, develop, and construct the Project on the Site in accordance with the following provisions: LA#4840-2809-0894 v 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 6 of 22 2.1.1. Quality. It is the intent of the parties that the Project exhibits the highest standards of competent design and good workmanship. As such, all work for the Project shall be undertaken by qualified consultants/contractors. 2.1.2. Project Approvals. Participant shall prepare, file, process applications for, and obtain all Project Approvals, whether ministerial or discretionary, which the City and/or any other governmental entity having jurisdiction requires for the Project. Participant agrees to comply with the Local Regulations and all established procedures and policies of the City's planning, building, and public works departments regarding the submittal and review of applications. Participant understands, acknowledges, and agrees that nothing in this Agreement is, or shall be interpreted to be, an agreement by the City or the City to approve or issue any permit, approval, or entitlement for the Project. "' ' 2.1.3. Affordable Housing. City agrees to assist in the Project by partially funding the affordable housing unit(s) to be purchased, or renovated on the Site. City shall loan to Participant, on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, an amount not to exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00) toward the cost of providing the affordable housing unit. This assistance shall be provided out of the City's affordable housing in-lieu fee fund. In consideration for receipt of these funds, Participant shall record against the Site the Affordable Rent housing covenants and restrictions as part of the Regulatory Agreement required by Section 3.1 of this Agreement. 2.1.4. Tenant Parking. Participant shall provide reserved off street parking for the affordable housing unit in conformance with the requirements of the zoning ordinance. In no case shall fewer than one reserved, off-street parking space be provided for each housing unit. Participant shall include and enforce a provision in its rental agreement with each tenant that the tenant will not park any vehicles or trailers on City streets. •. 2.1.5. Development Costs. Notwithstanding any assistance to be provided by the City under this Agreement, Participant shall be solely responsible for payment of all Development Costs. 2.1.6. Development Fees. Notwithstanding any assistance to be provided by the City under this Agreement, Participant shall be solely responsible for payment of all Development Fees. 2.1.7. Compliance with Prevailing Wage Law. Participant acknowledges that the construction and construction-related activities for the Project may be subject to the California Prevailing Wage Law and Participant is required to pay the general prevailing wage rates of per diem wages and overtime and holiday wages determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations under Section 1720, et seq., of the California Labor Code for all covered work performed on the Project. The Director's determination of prevailing rates is on file with, and open to inspection at, the office of the City Clerk and is referred to and made a part hereof. Participant acknowledges the possibility of wage increases during construction of the Project and that Participant and/or its contractors shall be responsible for paying such increases. LA#4840-2809-0894 v 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 7 of 22 Participant acknowledges that it is aware of and shall comply with, and that its contractors shall be aware of and shall comply with, the following sections of the California Labor Code: (i) Section 1775 prescribing sanctions for failure to pay prevailing wage rates; (ii) Section 1776 requiring the making, keeping and disclosing of detailed payroll records and prescribing sanctions for failure to do so; (iii) Section 1777.5 prescribing the terms and conditions for employing registered apprentices; (iv) Section 1810 providing that eight hours of labor shall be a day's work; and (v) Section 1813 prescribing sanctions for violations of the provisions concerning eight-hour work days and forty-hour work weeks. 2.2. Schedule of Performance. Participant shall undertake, commence, and thereafter diligently pursue the Project to Completion as provided herein according to the Schedule of Performance attached hereto as Attachment "E" [Scope of Projectl: 2.2.1. Amendments to Schedule. The Schedule of Performance is subject to revision from time-to-time as mutually agreed upon in writing by Participant and the City Manager. In the event that Participant desires a change to the Schedule of Performance, it shall submit a written request to the City specifying the nature of the change, the reason for the change, that the change is not due to the negligence or Default of the Participant, and evidence that the change is reasonably necessary to implement this Agreement. The City Manager shall either approve or disapprove the request in writing within ten (10) days of its receipt. Extensions of time required by acts of God and other force majeure events shall be controlled by Section 7.2 [Enforced Delays; Extension of Times] of this Agreement. 2.3. Compliance with Laws. Participant shall design, develop, and construct the Project in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws, regulations, and rules, and all Local Regulations (including but not limited to the obtaining of building permits for all construction related work as required by the California Building Code). ARTICLE 3 - USE AND MAINTENANCE OF THE SITE 3.1. Regulatory Agreement. Participant covenants and agrees that the provisions set forth in this Article 3 [Use and Maintenance of the Site] of the Agreement shall be incorporated into a Regulatory Agreement in a form substantially similar in all material respects to the form set forth in Attachment "D". The Regulatory Agreement shall be recorded against the Site and shall have provisions addressing the Site and Affordable Rent provisions. The Regulatory Agreement shall run with title to the Site and shall be binding upon the Participant, its successors and its assigns throughout the term of the Operating Covenant. 3.2. Management of Site. The unique qualifications and expertise of Participant are of particular significance to the success of the Project and long-term viability of the Site. It is because of this expertise and experience that the City has entered into this Agreement with Participant. Participant therefore agrees that it will continue to own and manage the Site in a professional manner. Participant agrees to require and enforce, as a condition of renting Affordable Unit, that Tenants will not create any nuisances including but not limited to noise, parking on City streets, outdoor storage of property, interfering with commercial businesses or the accumulation of solid waste. Participant further agrees to address any complaints against LA#4840-2809-0894 v 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 8 of 22 Tenants in a timely and professional manner. As a condition of this agreement, the City may require Participant to hire a third party management company if nuisance issues are not resolved to the satisfaction of the City. 3.3. Affordable Housing Covenants. 3.3.1. Affordable Rent Unit. In exchange for the City Loan provided in Section 4.1.1, Participant covenants and agrees that the Affordable Unit in the residential portion of the Site shall only be leased to a person or family qualifying as Lower Income. Maximum rents shall not exceed the City's adopted standards for Lower Income rental rates as per Attachment A [Calculation of Affordable Rents]. 3.3.2. Affordable Unit Reporting. Following completion of renovation, the Participant shall rent the Affordable Unit to Lower Income Households at Affordable Rents calculated in compliance with Attachment "A" [Calculation of Affordable Rents] attached hereto and the Regulatory Agreement. Participant shall refer potential tenants to the Administering Agency for income certification and not enter into a binding rental agreement with a tenant until income and asset certification has been completed, and Participant has been informed in writing by the Administering Agency that the potential tenant is income-eligible to occupy the rental Affordable Unit. Participant shall submit a copy of rental agreement and approval certificate to the City upon rental of Affordable Unit. Thereafter, rental certification shall be submitted by February 1 of each year on a form specified by the City and certified as correct under penalty of perjury by Participant. Participant shall retain all records related to compliance with obligations under this Agreement, the Ordinance, and the Inclusionary Policy for a period not less than five (5) years from the date of origination of such records, and make them available to the City for inspection and copying on five (5) business days' written notice. Participant shall permit the City or others designated by the City to inspect the Rental Affordable Unit Property to monitor compliance with this Agreement or the Regulatory Agreement following two (2) business days' written notice to Participant. 3.3.3. Recordation of Affordability Covenant. The Lower Income rental restrictions on the unit shall remain in place for a period of fifty-five (55) years and shall be recorded against the Site as part of the Regulatory Agreement required by Section 4.1. 3.3.4. Eviction and Reletting of Unit. Notwithstanding this rental restriction, the covenant shall not prohibit Participant from exercising any of its rights to evict a tenant and reclaim possession of any Affordable Unit as may be allowed under the terms of its recorded security instruments and the law. In such event, Participant shall use its best efforts to timely complete any eviction and/or any unlawful detainer action and to relet said unit at an Affordable Rent to a person or family qualifying as a Lower Income Household. 3.4. Maintenance of the Site. The Participant covenants and agrees for itself, its tenants, its successors and assigns, and any successor-in-interest to the Site, or part thereof, that it will, at its sole cost and expense: (i) maintain the appearance and safety of the Site (including all improvements, fixtures, and landscaping) in good order, condition, and repair, and free from the accumulation of trash, waste materials, and other debris; (ii) remove all graffiti placed upon LA#4840-2809-0894 v1 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 9 of 22 the Site (including all improvements, fixtures, and landscaping) within seventy-two (72) hours of its appearance; (iii) maintain in good order, condition and repair, properly functioning landscape irrigation systems on the Site; and (iv) remove and promptly replace all dead or diseased landscaping material on the Site. In the event of a default of this covenant and of a failure to cure the default within fifteen (15) days after service of a written notice by City, City or its agents, employees and contractors, shall have the right to enter upon the Site without further notice and to take such actions as are necessary to cure the default. Participant shall reimburse City for all costs associated with cure of the default (including but not limited to, staff services, administrative costs, legal services, and third-party costs), within fifteen (15) days after service of a written notice by City. If Participant fails to pay within the time provided, such costs shall be a lien upon the Property, as provided by California Civil Code § 2881. The City may enforce and foreclose such lien in any manner legally allowed. 3.5. Taxes and Encumbrances. Participant shall pay, when due: (i) all ad valorem property taxes imposed on the Site under Article XIII A of the California Constitution; (ii) all special taxes imposed on the Site; (iii) all special assessments imposed on the Site; (iv) all taxes payable under the California Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales & Use Tax Law, Revenue and Taxation Code § 7200, et seq.; and (v) all other taxes, assessments, fees, exactions, or charges, any portion of which are allocated to, or received by, the City or the City and which are imposed due to the ownership, use, or possession of the Site or interest therein or due to the construction or operation of the Project. Upon failure to so pay, Participant shall remove any lien, levy, or encumbrance made on the Site within ninety (90) days of the attachment of such. Participant hereby waives any right it may have to contest the imposition of such taxes, assessments, fees, exactions, or charges against the Site or upon the construction or operation of the Project which are levied by the City, the County of San Luis Obispo, or the State of California, or any special district of any of the foregoing. 3.6. Compliance with Laws. The Participant covenants and agrees for itself, its successors and assigns and any successor-in-interest to the Project and/or Site or part thereof, that it shall operate and maintain the Site and Project in conformity with the Local Regulations, the Regulatory Agreement, and all applicable state and federal laws, including all applicable labor standards, disabled and handicapped access requirements, including without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq. and the Unruh Civil Rights Act, California Civil Code § 51, et seg. 3.7. Effect of Violation. The City is deemed the beneficiary of the terms and provisions of this Agreement and for the purposes of protecting the interest of the community and other parties, public or private, in whose favor and for whose benefit this Agreement has been provided. The City shall have the right, if the Agreement or covenants are breached, to exercise all rights and remedies, and to maintain any actions or suits at law or in equity or other proper proceedings to enforce the curing of such breaches to which it or any other beneficiaries of the Agreement and covenants may be entitled. LA#4840-2809-0894 vl 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 10 of 22 ARTICLE 4 - CITY ASSISTANCE 4.1. Method of Assistance. Subject to and conditioned upon Participant's satisfaction and continued compliance with the provisions of Section 4.3 [Conditions of Providing Assistance] of this Agreement, the City agrees to provide Participant with certain assistance related to the Project as follows: 4.1.1. Funding. The City shall loan to Participant a City Loan in an amount not to exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($100,000.00) for the creation of the Affordable Housing Unit. 4.1.2. Requisites for Funding. Prior to City being obligated to advance any funds to Participant, Participant shall be required to provide the following: Proof of funding the remainder of the purchase price of the Site; An appraisal of the Site by a California licensed appraiser chosen by Participant and approved by City in its reasonable discretion; A preliminary title report of the Site from a title company chosen by Participant and approved by City in its reasonable discretion; Execution of Regulatory Agreement, Deed of Trust and Promissory Note and deposit of same into Escrow as set forth in Section 1 of this Agreement. Execution of Escrow instructions by Participant and the seller that require, among other things to be decided between Participant and the seller, that (a) should the Escrow not close within ten (10) days of the City Loan proceeds being placed into Escrow the Escrow agent shall return the City Loan proceeds to City upon City's request. Timing of Funding. Upon receipt and verification by City of the requisites for funding set forth in Section 4.1.2, Participant shall request in writing that the City disburse proceeds of the City Loan into the escrow as set forth in Section 1 of this Agreement. City shall disburse the proceeds within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of documentation. 4.2. Security for City Loan. Participant shall make and give to the City the following types of security for the City Loan : 4.2.1. Reimbursement. Participant covenants and agrees that in the event that Participant is in Default of this Agreement, which Default remains uncured after the period provided for cure in Section 7.1 [Default] of this Agreement, Participant shall repay to the City on demand all City Loan proceeds paid or advanced to Participant by the City under Section 4.1. [Method of Assistance], in addition to all Contingent Interest as determined on the date that demand is made by the City, without further notice or demand by the City. LA#4840-2809-0894 v1 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 11 of 22 4.2.2. Promissory Note. Participant's obligation to reimburse the City for City Loan proceeds paid or advanced by the City to Participant under Section 4.1 [Method of Assistance] shall be further evidenced by a promissory note having a form and content the same in all material respects to the promissory note attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Attachment `B" (the "Note") and shall provide: That neither principal nor interest shall be payable under the Note for the term of 55 years; or until such time as Participant sells or otherwise transfers the Site and that the City shall have first right of refusal to purchase the Site prior to any voluntary or involuntary transfer of a fee interest by Participant per Sections 8 through 12 of Regulatory Agreement; That the interest due on the Note shall be Contingent Interest reflecting the City's equity share of the Site based on the appraised fair market value of the Site as of the disbursement of the City Loan; That Participant may at any time, without selling or otherwise transferring the Site, decide to repay the City Loan amount and that any such repayment will trigger the requirement that Participant also repay the Contingent Interest; That any Default of this Agreement by Participant which remains uncured after the period provided for cure under Section 7.1 [Default] of this Agreement, shall be a breach of the Note in which event the entire outstanding principal balance of the Note plus accrued Contingent Interest shall become due and payable by Participant on demand by the City; That the Note shall be secured by a deed of trust and assignment of rents having a form and content the same in all material respects to the deed of trust attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Attachment "C" ("Deed of Trust"). The Deed of Trust shall provide that, by incorporating this Agreement by reference, it is subordinate and junior only to prior encumbrances and subsequent encumbrances as may approved by the City. The rights established in this Section and under the Deed of Trust are not intended to be exclusive of any other right, power or remedy, but each and every such right, power and remedy shall be cumulative and concurrent and shall be in addition to any other right, power and remedy authorized herein or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity. These rights are to be interpreted in light of the fact that the City will have provided public funds to assist the development of a private Project. 4.3. Conditions on Assistance. The following are conditions upon the City's obligation to provide the City Loan assistance specified in Section 4.1 [Method of Assistance]: 4.3.1. Limit on Assistance. Except as is expressly provided for in Section 4.1 [Method of Assistance], the City shall have no obligation to provide Participant with additional assistance, to make any other contribution toward the Project, to pay any Development Cost or Development Fee, or to carry-out or complete the Project or any phase thereof. Nothing in this Agreement is or shall be construed to be a pledge or commitment by the City of any specific tax revenue, grant funds, or other specific monies, funds, or revenues to which the City is in LA#4840-2809-0894 v 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 12 of 22 possession of or may become entitled to receive. This Agreement does not, and shall not be construed to, grant or vest the Participant with any right to make a claim or impose a lien against any specific tax revenue, grant funds, or other specific monies, funds, or revenues to which the City is in possession of or may become entitled to receive. The City, in its sole discretion, may use any revenue, funds, or monies available to the City, as may be allowed for by law, to provide the Assistance provided under this Agreement; 4.3.2. Development of the Project. Participant's commencement and diligent construction of the Project to Completion within the time provided and otherwise in strict compliance with Article 1 [Development of the Project] of this Agreement; 4.3.3. Use of the Site. Participant's compliance with the covenants and agreements made under Article 2 [Use and Maintenance of the Site] of this Agreement; 4.3.4. Insurance Policies. Participant delivering to the City the insurance policies and evidence of insurance as required under Article 5 [Insurance] of this Agreement prior to the City's payment or advancement of assistance to Participant; n ; „ 4.3.5. Payment of Taxes. Participant's payment, when due, of all ad valorem property taxes levied against the Site under Article XIII A of the California Constitution, as well as any special assessments or special taxes levied against the Site (collectively "Property Taxes"), payment of all taxes payable under the California Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales & Use Tax Law, Revenue and Taxation Code §7200, et seq., and payment of all other taxes, any portion of which is allocated to, or received by, the City. .t...... ARTICLE 5 - INSURANCE k 5.1. Participant's Liability Insurance. Participant shall, at its sole expense, obtain and keep in force until the expiration of term of the Operating Covenant, a policy of commercial general liability insurance in an occurrence form providing for broad form property damage coverage, broad form contractual coverage, personal injury, bodily injury, and advertising injury coverage with employee exclusion as to each named insured deleted, and products and complete operations coverage, insuring Participant, and naming City as an additional named insured, against any liability arising out of or in connection with Participant's possession and use of the Site and all improvements thereon, City's activities in connection with the Project, or any other claim arising out of or relating to the Project or work on the Site. Such insurance policy shall have (a) a combined single limit for both bodily injury or death in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00), and (b) a limit for both bodily injury or death in one accident or occurrence or for property damage in an amount not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00), which amounts shall be increased from time to time as reasonably required by City. Such insurance policy and each portion thereof shall be in the broadest and most comprehensive form available in the market at the time such policy is issued or amended. The policy shall insure performance by Participant of the indemnity provisions of Section 6.1 [General Indemnity] of this Agreement. The limits of said insurance shall not limit the liability of Participant hereunder. LA#4840-2809-0894 v 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 13 of 22 5.2. Participant's Casualty Insurance. Participant shall, at its sole expense, obtain and/or cause to be maintained by any tenant on the Site, and shall keep in force on all buildings and improvements constructed as part of the Project until the expiration of term of the Operating Covenant, a policy of standard "all risk" fire and extended coverage insurance, with vandalism and malicious mischief endorsements, to the extent of one hundred percent (100%) of full replacement value against "all risks of physical loss" including without limitation a guaranteed replacement cost and code compliance coverage endorsement (including without limitation, if recommended by a seismic engineer retained by City, earthquake coverage with deductible related thereto of no more than ten percent (10%) of the replacement value of the all buildings and improvements constructed as part of the Project, including boiler and machinery insurance coverage, heating, air conditioning equipment, and other equipment of such nature), and insurance against loss or damage to personal property located on the Site by fire and other hazards covered by such insurance (without any deductible clause unless approved in writing by City). In the event any tenant on the Site fails to maintain coverage to the extent of one hundred percent (100%) of full replacement value for the Site, then Participant shall maintain such additional or gap insurance to satisfy the requirements of this Section. All such insurance shall be payable to City. Such insurance policy and each portion thereof shall be in the broadest and most comprehensive form available in the market at the time such policy is issued or amended. Such policy shall, if required by City, contain an agreed value clause sufficient (as determined by City) to eliminate any risk of City's coinsurance. 5.3. Worker's Compensation Insurance. Participant shall, at its expense, obtain and keep in effect (or cause any contractor to procure and keep in effect), Worker's Compensation Insurance (including employer's liability in an amount satisfactory to City and if applicable, insurance covering claims of workers against employers arising under Federal law) covering all employees of Participant and any contractor and, if required under applicable law, any subcontractor engaged in work on, or with respect to, the Property, in such amount as is reasonable satisfactory to City and in the minimum amount for one (1) person of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00), and in the minimum amount for one (1) accident or occurrence of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00). 5.4. Insurance Policies. All of Participant's insurance shall be primary insurance written in a form satisfactory to City by companies licensed in California acceptable to City (which must be Class IX A or better as rated by Best's Insurance Reports) and shall specifically provide that such policies shall not be subject to cancellation or other change except after at least thirty (30) days prior written notice of City. Copies of the policies, together with satisfactory evidence of payment of premiums shall be deposited with City as provided herein, and upon each renewal of such policies, which shall be effected not less than thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date of the term of such coverage. 5.5. Other Insurance Provisions. Said policy or policies, as applicable, shall combine aggregate limits for Bodily Injury, Property Damages, Personal Injury, and Advertising Injury, in the amounts specified above, that apply specifically to and can only be exhausted in connection with claims arising out of or relating to the Property. If any claim, event, or loss occurs during the policy period which will or may decrease the aggregate amount of insurance coverage available under the policy, Participant shall immediately secure additional coverage LA#4840-2809-0894 v 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 14 of 22 sufficient to provide total aggregate limits at least equal to the amounts set forth above on a going forward basis. Should any part of the coverage required above be provided by "excess" or "umbrella" policies, those policies shall specifically provide that the coverage under those policies shall "drop down" as to both defense and indemnity obligations in the event of insolvency of the primary or underlying carrier. Such "excess" or "umbrella" policies shall also contain all the other provisions required by this Agreement. ARTICLE 6 - INDEMNITY 6.1. General Indemnity. Except as to the sole negligence, active negligence or willful misconduct of the City, Participant expressly agrees to, and shall, indemnify, defend, release, and hold the City and its respective officials, officers, employees, agents, and contractors harmless from and against any Action, liability, loss, damage, entry, judgment, order, lien, and Costs and Expenses which arises out of, or are in any way related to, any act or omission of Participant, or its officers, directors, employees, agents, or contractors, connected with the performance under this Agreement, the obligations set forth in Section 2.1.9 [Compliance with Prevailing Wage Law], the construction, use, or operation of the Project or Site, notwithstanding that the City may have benefited therefrom, or any challenge to this Agreement. This Section shall apply to any acts or omissions, willful misconduct or negligent conduct, whether active or passive, on the part of Participant's officers, directors, employees, agents and contractors. The Parties expressly agree that any payment, or Costs and Expenses the City incurs or makes to, or on behalf of, an injured employee under the City's self administered workers' compensation, is included as a loss or Costs and Expenses for the purpose of this Section. The City shall not be responsible for any acts, errors or omissions of any person or entity except the City and its officers, agents, servants, employees or contractors. The Parties expressly agree that the obligations of Participant under this Section shall survive the expiration or early termination of the Agreement. 6.2. Hazardous Substances Indemnity. Participant expressly agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the City and its officials, officers, employees, agents, and contractors harmless from and against any Action, liability, loss, damage, entry, judgment, order, lien, encumbrance, and Costs and Expenses that, foreseeably or unforeseeably, directly or indirectly, arises from, or is in any way related to, the release, treatment, use, generation, transportation, storage, or disposal in, on, under, to, or from the Site of any Hazardous Substances by Participant or its officers, directors, employees, agents, and contractors. For the purposes of this Section, "Costs and Expenses" include, but are not limited to, the cost of any necessary, ordered, adjudicated, or otherwise required remediation or removal of Hazardous Substances, any cost of repair of improvements on the Site or surrounding property necessitated by or related to the remediation or removal of Hazardous Substances, the cost of any tests, samples, studies, investigations, or other preparation reasonably undertaken in preparation or furtherance of remediation or removal of Hazardous Substances, and the cost of preparing plans for the remediation or removal of Hazardous Substances. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Participant expressly agrees to, at its sole expense, and with legal counsel of the City's choice, defend the City and its officials, officers, employees, agents, and contractors in any Action in which the City or its officials, officers, employees, agents, and contractors become or may become involved as a result of the release, treatment, use, generation, transportation, storage, or disposal in, on, under, to, or from the Site LA#4840-2809-0894 v 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 15 of 22 of any Hazardous Substances by Participant or its officers, directors, partners, employees, agents, and contractors. Participant's obligations under this Section shall survive the Termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE 7 - DEFAULT AND REMEDIES 7.1. Default. Either party's failure or unreasonable delay to perform any term or provision of this Agreement constitutes a Default of this Agreement. In the event of a Default, the injured party shall give written "Notice of Default" to the defaulting party, specifying the Default. Delay in giving such notice shall not constitute a waiver of the Default. If the defaulting party fails to cure the Default within thirty (30) days after receipt of a notice specifying the Default, or, if the Default is of a nature that cannot be cured within thirty (30) days, the defaulting party fails to commence to cure the Default within said thirty (30) days and thereafter diligently prosecute such cure to completion, then the defaulting party shall be liable to the injured party for any and all damages caused by such Default, unless otherwise provided for by this Agreement. 7.2. No Waiver. Failure to insist on any one occasion upon strict compliance with any of the terms, covenants or conditions hereof shall not be deemed a waiver of such term, covenant or condition, nor shall any waiver or relinquishment of any rights or powers hereunder at any one time or more times be deemed a waiver or relinquishment of such other right or power at any other time or times. 7.3. Specific Performance. If a Default under this Agreement is not fully cured by the defaulting party as provided in Section 7.1 [Default], the non-defaulting party may, at its option, thereafter commence an action for specific performance of the terms of this Agreement. 7.4. Legal Actions. In addition to any other rights and remedies any party may institute a legal action to require the cure of any default and to recover damages for any default, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purpose of this Agreement. The following provisions shall apply to any such legal action: 7.4.1. Jurisdiction and Venue. Legal actions must be instituted and maintained in the Superior Court of the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, , or, if appropriate, in the United States District Court for the Central District of California. Participant specifically waives any rights provided to it pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure §394 and any federal statute or rule of similar effect. 7.4.2. Applicable Law. The laws of the State of California shall govern the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. 7.4.3. Attorney's Fees. In the event either party commences an Action against the other party which arises out of a Default of, breach of, failure to perform, or that is otherwise related to, this Agreement, then the Prevailing Party (as defined herein) in the Action shall be entitled to recover its Litigation Expenses (as defined herein) from the other party in addition to whatever relief to which the prevailing party may be entitled. For purposes of this section, "Litigation Expenses" includes all Costs and Expenses, to the extent such are reasonable in LA#4840-2809-0894 v 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 16 of 22 amount, that are actually and necessarily incurred in good faith by the Prevailing Party directly related to the Action. For the purposes of this section, "Prevailing Party" shall have the meaning ascribed in §1032(a)(4) of the California Code of Civil Procedure. 7.5. Rights and Remedies are Cumulative. The rights and remedies of the Parties are cumulative, and the exercise by a party of one or more of its rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different time, of any other rights or remedies for the same Default or any other Default by another Party. 7.6. Termination by City. The City may terminate this Agreement upon the occurrence of any of the following events: 7.6.1. Participant (or any successor in interest) Assigns or attempts to Assign the Agreement or any rights therein or in the Site in violation of this Agreement; 7.6.2. Participant (or any successor in interest) becoming insolvent or Participant (or any successor in interest) voluntarily or involuntarily making an assignment or transfer for the benefit of creditors other than the City, and/or the voluntary or involuntary appointment of a receiver, custodian, liquidator or trustee of Participant's property and/or the Site; 7.6.3. Participant is otherwise in Default of this Agreement and fails to cure such Default within the time set forth in Section 7.1 [Default] hereof. If, after the occurrence of any of the above-entitled events, the City elects, in its sole discretion, to terminate this Agreement, then all rights of Participant and any person or entity claiming by or through Participant arising under this Agreement or with regard to the Site as may arise under this Agreement shall immediately cease and be terminated, except that any obligations of the Participant to indemnify or reimburse the City or the City shall continue in full force and effect and the City shall have all of the remedies to enforce a breach or a Default of this Agreement as may be provided hereunder and under the law. 7.7. Termination by Participant. In the event that Participant is not in default under this Agreement and the City is otherwise in default and which is not cured within the time set forth in Section 7.1 [Default] hereof, and any such failure is not cured within the applicable time period after written demand by Participant, then this Agreement may, at the option of Participant, be terminated by written notice thereof to the City. From the date of the written notice of termination of this Agreement by Participant to the City and thereafter, this Agreement shall be deemed terminated and there shall be no further rights or obligations between the parties, except that Participant may pursue any remedies it has hereunder. ARTICLE 8 - GENERAL PROVISIONS 8.1. No Excuse for Changes in Economic Conditions. Participant agrees that foreseeable or unforeseeable future changes in economic or market conditions may make performance of its obligations and covenants under this Agreement impracticable, difficult or economically infeasible. However, Participant expressly assumes the risk of foreseeable and unforeseeable future changes in economic and general market conditions and expressly agrees LA#4840-2809-0894 v 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 17 of 22 that such changes shall not excuse or delay the strict performance of Participant's obligations and covenants hereunder. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Participant agrees that future foreseeable or unforeseeable changes in economic and market conditions shall not operate to relieve Participant of its (or its successors) obligation to abide by the terms, conditions, and Covenants of this Agreement. 8.2. Enforced Delays; Extension of Times. In addition to specific provisions of this Agreement, performance by either party hereunder shall not be deemed to be in Default, and all performance and other dates specified in this Agreement shall be extended, where delays or Defaults are due to: litigations challenging the validity of this transaction or any element thereof or the right of either party to engage in the acts and transactions contemplated by this Agreement; inability to secure necessary labor materials or tools; delays of any contractor, sub- contractor or supplier; or withdrawal of financing not caused by any act or omission of Participant; war; insurrection; strikes; lockouts; riots; floods; earthquakes; fires; casualties; acts of God; acts of the public enemy; epidemics; quarantine restrictions; freight embargoes; lack of transportation; governmental entity (other than the acts of failures to act of the City which shall not excuse performance by the City); or any other causes beyond the control or without the fault of the party claiming an extension of time to perform. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, an extension of time for any such cause shall be for the period of the enforced delay and shall commence to run from the time of the commencement of the cause, if notice by the party claiming such extension is sent to the other party within forty-five (45) days of the commencement of the cause. 8.3.Tax Consequences. 8.3.1. Participant understands and acknowledges that it may experience adverse federal, state, and/or local tax consequences resulting from or related to the performance of this Agreement. Participant acknowledges and agrees that City is in no manner responsible or liable for any of Participant's federal, state, or local tax liabilities arising out of, or in any way related to, this Agreement. 8.3.2. Participant acknowledges that performance of this Agreement may create a taxable possessory interest in real or personal property and that Participant will be responsible for the payment of any and all tax upon such possessory interest. Participant expressly agrees that by inclusion of this Section in the Agreement, City has satisfied all of its obligations under Revenue and Taxation Code § 107.6. Participant hereby waives, releases and holds City and City harmless from any right to damages which may now or in the future accrue to Participant against City or City under Revenue and Taxation Code § 107.6 or such comparable section of the United States Internal Revenue Code in any way relating to this Agreement. 8.3.3. Participant acknowledges that neither City nor any elected official, officer, employee, agent, or consultant thereof has provided Participant with any tax, legal, accounting, or other advice or opinions, or made any representations or warranties, concerning the tax consequences, legal effect, financial effect, or other effects that performance of the Agreement may have on Participant. LA#4840-2809-0894 v 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 18 of 22 8.3.4. Participant acknowledges that it has been represented in this transaction by Participant's own independent advisors, including, but not limited to, attorneys, accountants, and/or financial consultants. Participant represents and warrants that it is entering into this Agreement based solely upon its own independent investigation, conducted with due diligence, of the facts and possible effects of this Agreement on Participant. 8.4. Non-liability of City Officials and Employees. No board member, official, consultant, attorney, or employee of the City shall be personally liable to Participant, or any successor, or assign, or any person claiming under or through them, in the event of any default or breach by the City or for any amount which may become due to Participant or to its successor, or on any obligations arising under this Agreement. 8.5. Conflicts of Interest. No board member, official, consultant, attorney, or employee of the City shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement nor shall any such member, official or employee participate in any decision relating to this Agreement which affects his or her personal interests or the interests of any corporation, partnership or association in which he or she is, directly or indirectly, interested. 8.6. Warranty Against Payment of Consideration for Agreement. Participant represents and warrants that it has not paid or given, and will not pay or give, any third party any money or other consideration for obtaining this Agreement, other than payments to attorneys or consultants retained by Participant to assist it in the negotiation of this Agreement, excepting however, any contributions which this Agreement requires Participant to make to the Project. 8.7. No Third Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement and the Regulatory Agreement are for the sole and exclusive benefit of the City and Participant. No other parties or entities are intended to be, or shall be considered, a beneficiary of the performance of any of the parties_ obligations under this Agreement. 8.8. Integration. This Agreement consists of pages 1- 22, inclusive, and Attachments attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, which constitute the entire understanding and agreement of the parties and supersedes all negotiations or previous agreements between the parties with respect to all or any part of the subject matter hereof. 8.9. Recitals and Definitions. The Recitals and Definitions set forth at the beginning of this Agreement are a substantive and integral part of this Agreement and are incorporated by reference in the Operative Provisions of this Agreement. 8.10. Titles and Captions. Titles and captions are for convenience of reference only and do not define, describe or limit the scope or the intent of this Agreement or any of its terms. References to section numbers are to sections in this Agreement unless expressly stated otherwise. 8.11. Interpretation. The City and Participant acknowledge that this Agreement is the product of mutual arms-length negotiation and drafting and each represents and warrants to the other that it has been represented by legal counsel in the negotiation and drafting of this Agreement. Accordingly, the rule of construction, which provides the ambiguities in a document, LA#4840-2809-0894 v 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 19 of 22 shall be construed against the drafter of that document shall have no application to the interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. In any action or proceeding to interpret or enforce this Agreement, the finder of fact may refer to such extrinsic evidence not in direct conflict with any specific provision of this Agreement to determine and give effect to the intention of the parties hereto. 8.12. Severability. Each provision, term, condition, covenant, and/or restriction, in whole and in part, in this Agreement shall be considered severable. In the event any provision, term, condition, covenant, and/or restriction, in whole and/or in part, in this Agreement is declared invalid, unconstitutional, or void for any reason, such provision or part thereof shall be severed from this Agreement and shall not affect any other provision, term, condition, covenant, and/or restriction, of this Agreement and the remainder of the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. 8.13. Amendments to Agreement. Any amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the appropriate authorities of the City and Participant. 8.14. Administration. This Agreement shall be administered and executed by City's City Manager, or his or her designated representative, following approval of this Agreement by City's city council. City shall maintain authority of this Agreement through the City Manager (or his or her authorized representative). The City Manager shall have the authority to issue interpretations and to make minor amendments to this Agreement on behalf of City as provided in Section 7.13 [Amendments to Agreement]. All other changes, modifications, and amendments shall require the prior approval of City's governing board. 8.15. Communications Between the Parties. Formal notices, demands and communications between the parties shall be given in writing and personally served or dispatched by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the principal offices of the parties, as designated in this Section, or telefaxed to the facsimile number listed below followed by dispatch as above described. Such written notices, demands, and communications may be sent in the same manner to such other addresses as either party may from time to time designate by mail as provided in this Section. Any such notice shall be deemed to have been received (i) upon the date personal service is effected, if given by personal service, (ii) upon the expiration of one (1) business day, if telefaxed, or (iii) upon the expiration of three (3) business days after mailing, if given by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid. If notice is to be made to the City: City of Atascadero Attn: City Manager 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, California 93422 Facsimile transmission may be made to: (805) 461-7612 LA#4840-2809-0894 v1 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 20 of 22 If notice is to be made to Participant: North County Connection Attn: ? 8600 Atascadero Avenue Atascadero, California 93422 Facsimile transmission may be made to: 8.16. Ceremonies. To ensure proper protocol and recognition of the City Council Members, Participant shall cooperate with the City and City staff in the organization or any project-related groundbreakings, grand openings or any such inaugural events/ceremonies sponsored by Participant celebrating the development, which is the subject of this Agreement. 8.17. Computation of Time. The time in which any act is to be done under this Agreement is computed by excluding the first day and including the last day, unless the last day is a holiday or Saturday or Sunday, and then that day is also excluded. The term "holiday" shall mean all holidays as specified in Government Code § 6700 and § 6701. If any act is to be done by a particular time during a day, that time shall be Pacific Standard Zone time. 8.18. Authority. The individuals executing this Agreement on behalf of Participant and the instruments referenced on behalf of Participant represent and warrant that they have the legal power, right and actual authority to bind Participant to the terms and conditions hereof and thereof. 8.19. Counterpart Originals. This Agreement may be executed in duplicate originals, each of which is deemed to be an original. 8.20. Effective Date of Agreement. This Agreement shall not become effective until the date it has been formally approved by the City's City Council and executed by the appropriate authorities of the City and Participant. LA#4840-2809-0894 v1 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 21 of 22 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date and year first-above written. CITY: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: Rachelle Rickard Administrative Services Director PARTICIPANT: NORTH COUNTY CONNECTION By: John Roland Dearhart I Chairperson George H. Rowland III Its: Treasurer LA#4840-2809-0894 v1 11/19/2012 2:26 PM Page 22 of 22 ATTACHMENT A CALCULATION OF AFFORDABLE RENT The Affordable Rent for Rental Affordable Units shall be calculated using the procedures and formulas described below or per the San Luis Obispo County Affordable Housing Standards as issued on a monthly basis by County of San Luis Obispo. The current City of Atascadero Moderate, Lower, and Very Low Income Limits as established pursuant to the Inclusionary Policy shall be used in these calculations. 1. Determine the area median income for a household size that is one person larger than the number of bedrooms in the Affordable Rental Unit. 2. Multiply the income limit as follows to obtain the annual housing allowance; Lower Income: 30% of 80% of the area median income, adjusted for household size appropriate to the unit. 3. Divide the annual housing allowance determined in the previous step by twelve (12) to determine the monthly housing allowance; 4. Calculate the average monthly cost of utilities (excluding telephone) and all mandatory fees charged for use of the property. 5. Subtract the amount calculated in Step 4 from the monthly housing allowance calculated in Step 3 to compute the Affordable Rent. ATTACHMENT `B" PROMISSORY NOTE SECURED BY DEED OF TRUST Borrower: North County Connection Lender: City of Atascadero 8600 Atascadero Avenue 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, California 93422 Atascadero, California 93422 $100,000.00 . 2012 Atascadero, California 1. For value received, North County Connection (the "Borrower"), promises to pay to City of Atascadero, a public body, corporate and politic (the "City"), or order, at City's office located at the above address, or at such other place as City from time to time may designate, the principal sum One Hundred Thousand Dollars and no cents ($100,000.00) (the "Maximum Loan Amount"), or such lesser amount as may be advanced under this promissory note (the "Note"), plus contingent interest as specified in this Note plus any amounts due the City as Excess Rents pursuant to Section 5.1 of the Regulatory Agreement and Option to Purchase ("Regulatory Agreement") executed by Borrower and City. This Note is secured by a Deed of Trust dated the same date as this note. This Note evidences a loan (the "Loan") from City to Borrower, pursuant to that Affordable Housing Agreement dated , 2012 ("Agreement"), the terms of which are hereby incorporated herein and made a part of this Note. 2. Borrow shall pay Contingent Interest (as defined in the Agreement) equal to [to be calculated after appraisal is received] percent (TBD%) of the Appreciation Amount, (i) in the event of a default by Borrower under this Note, or the Deed of Trust, or (ii) on the date a Transfer is made, or (iii) in the event of any prepayment of the balance due under this Note. In the event the Appreciation Amount is less than zero upon sale of the Property at Fair Market Value, no Contingent Interest shall be due. 3. Borrower agrees that prior to any voluntary or involuntary transfer of the Site, Borrower shall provide the City notice of the planned transfer and a first right of refusal to purchase the Site per Section 11 of the Regulatory Agreement at the fair market value as determined per Section 16 of the Regulatory Agreement less the principal sum advanced under this note and less any interest accrued pursuant to Section 2. Should City not opt to purchase the site, then Borrower shall repay the entirety of the principal sum and any interest accrued pursuant to Section 2 of this Note. 4. Borrower understands that advances under this Note will be made subject to and only as provided in the Agreement. The City has no obligation to make any advance under this LA#4850-5054-3630 v 11/3/2012 1 0:51 AM Page 1 of 4 Note at any time when an Event of Default exists under this Note or under any of the Loan documents. The City is not required under any circumstances to make any advance if that would cause the outstanding principal of this Note to exceed the Maximum Loan Amount. 5. Borrower's obligations under this Note are in addition to its obligations to pay Loan Fees and all other amounts payable by the Borrower under the other Loan documents. 6. Borrower understands that term ("Term") of this Note commences on the date of execution of this Note and expires fifty-five (55) years from execution date unless sooner repaid or prepaid. Borrower further understands that repayment of this Note is deferred for the Term of the Note, except as provided in subsection 6.1 below. 6.1. The total amount of the principal and any Contingent Interest owed under this Note shall immediately become due and payable: (i) in the event of a default by the Borrower under this Note, Agreement, the Regulatory Agreement, the Deed of Trust, or the First Lender Loan, (ii) on the date a Transfer is made whether voluntarily, involuntarily, or by operation of law and whether by deed, contract of sale, gift, devise, bequest or otherwise. Failure to declare such amounts due shall not constitute a waiver on the part of the City to declare them due in the event of a subsequent Transfer. 7. If any of the following "Events of Default" occur, any obligation of the City to make advances under this Note terminates and at the City's option, exercisable in its sole discretion, all sums of principal and interest under this Note will become immediately due and payable without notice of default, presentment or demand for payment, protest or notice of protest, nonpayment or dishonor, or other notices or demands of any kind or character: 7.1. An Event of Default (as defined therein) occurs under the Agreement or any other Loan document. 8. All amounts payable under this Note are payable in lawful money of the United States during normal business hours on a Banking Day, as defined below. Checks constitute payment only when collected. 9. The Borrower agrees to pay all costs and expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees) incurred by the City in connection with or related to this Note, or its enforcement, whether or not suit is brought. The Borrower's agreement to pay all costs and expenses includes any matter arising out of or relating to any Insolvency Proceeding or any other situation in which the City incurs cost and expenses to enforce or protect the City's rights or interests under this Note or any of the other Loan Documents. From the time(s) incurred until paid in full to the City, all such sums will bear interest at the Default Rate. The Borrower further waives presentment, demand for payment, notice of dishonor, notice of nonpayment, protest, notice of protest, and any and all other notices and demands in connection with the delivery, acceptance, performance, default, or LA#4850-5054-3630 v1 11/3/2012 1 0:51 AM Page 2 of 4 enforcement of this Note, and the Borrower hereby waives the benefits of any statute of limitations with respect to any action to enforce or otherwise related to this Note. 10. This Note, and all acts and transactions pursuant or relating hereto, and all rights and obligations of the parties hereto shall be governed, construed, and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of California without regard for principles of conflicts of laws. Borrower (i) agrees that all actions or proceedings relating directly or indirectly hereto shall, at the option of City, be litigated in courts located within the county in the State of California where the Loan is payable; (ii) consents to the jurisdiction of any such court and consents to the service of process in any such action or proceeding by personal delivery or any other method permitted by law; and (iii) waives any and all rights Borrower may have to transfer or change the venue of any such action or proceeding. Borrower and City hereby waive the right to a jury trial in any action, proceeding, claim or counterclaim in connection with this Note or the Loan Documents. 11. The City may accept additional or substitute security for this Note, or release any security or any party liable for this Note, or extend or renew this Note, all without notice to the Borrower and without affecting the liability of the Borrower. 12. If the City delays in exercising or fails to exercise any of its rights under this Note, that delay or failure will not constitute a waiver of any of the City's rights, or of any breach, default or failure of condition of or under this Note. No waiver by the City of any of its rights, or of any such breach, default or failure of condition is effective, unless the waiver is expressly stated in a writing signed by a duly authorized officer of the City. All of the City's remedies in connection with this Note or under applicable law are cumulative, and the City's exercise of any one or more of those remedies will not constitute an election of remedies. 13. This note inures to the benefit of and binds the heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigns of the Borrower and the City; provided, however, that the Borrower may not assign this Note or any Loan funds, or assign or delegate any of its rights or obligations, without the City's prior written consent in each instance which consent may be granted or withheld in the City's sole discretion. The City in its sole discretion may transfer this Note and may sell or assign participation or other interests in all or part of the Loan, on the terms and subject to the conditions of the Loan Documents, all without notice to or the consent of the Borrower. Also without notice to or the consent of the Borrower, the City may disclose to any actual or prospective purchaser of any securities issued or to be issued by the City or its affiliates, and to any actual or prospective purchaser or assignee of any participation or other interest in this Note, the Loan or any other loans made by the City to the Borrower (whether evidenced by this Note or otherwise), any financial or other information, data or material in the City's possession relating to the Borrower, the Loan or the Property, including any improvements on it. If the City so requests, the Borrower agrees to sign and deliver a new note, in the form and substance of this Note, to be issued in exchange for this Note. 14. The term "Banking Day" means a day, other than a Saturday or Sunday, that the City is open for business in Atascadero, California. LA#4850-5054-3630 v 11/3/2012 1 0:51 AM Page 3 of 4 BORROWER: By: John Roland Dearhart Its: Chairperson By: George H. Rowland III Its: Treasurer LA#4850-5054-3630 v] 11/3/2012 1 0:51 AM Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT "C" RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: (Document exempt from recording fees pursuant to Cal. Gov. Code § 27383) City of Atascadero Attn: Affordable Housing 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, California 93422 Space Above This Line For Recorder's Use DEED OF TRUST AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS This DEED OF TRUST AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS, made as of , 2012 between NORTH COUNTY CONNECTION herein called TRUSTOR, whose mailing address is 8600 ATASCADERO AVENUE,ATASCADERO,CA 93422,FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY herein called TRUSTEE,and CITY OF ATASCADERO,a charter law city and municipal corporation,herein called BENEFICIARY. Trustor irrevocably grants, transfers and assigns to Trustee in Trust,with Power of Sale, that property in the City of Atascadero,County of San Luis Obispo,State of California,described as: SEE EXHIBIT"A" ATTACHED HERETO (hereinafter referred to as"Property") Together with the rents, issues and profits thereof, subject, however, to the right, power and authority hereinafter given to and conferred upon Beneficiary to collect and apply such rents,issues and profits. For the Purpose of Securing: (1) repayment of the sum of One Hundred Thousand Dollars and no cents ($100,000.00),plus contingent interest thereon as may accrue,according to the terms of that Agreement entered into by and between Trustor and Beneficiary dated 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement")and that Regulatory Agreement executed by Trustor on , 2012 (hereinafter refered to as the "Regulatory Agreement") and as reflected in the Promissory Note (hereinafter referred to as"Promissory Note")executed by Trustor and dated , 2012; (2) the performance of Trustor's covenants, promises, agreements, obligations and responsibilities under the Agreement, Regulatory Agreement, and Promissory Note, which are incorporated herein by reference; (3) payment of Excess Rents as defined in Section 5.1 of the Regulatory Agreement, and (4) additional sums and interest thereon which may hereafter be loaned or otherwise disbursed to Trustor, or its successors or assigns, when evidenced by an amendment to the Agreement or other instruments reciting that they are secured by this Deed of Trust. LA#4850-5054-3630 v1 Trustor acknowledges that this Deed of Trust secures not only the repayment of money and the obligations recited herein, but also the performance by the undersigned of certain covenants, promises, agreements, obligations and responsibilities created in Trustor under the Agreement and Promissory Note incorporated herein. Any default or breach by the undersigned of any covenant, promise, agreement or obligation of Trustor under any of said instruments secured hereby that is not timely cured as required in such instruments,shall allow Beneficiary to take all actions to which it is entitled,including but not limited to,the exercise of its right to declare the loan immediately due and payable and foreclose on the Property under this Deed of Trust. A. To protect the security of this Deed of Trust,Trustor agrees: (1) To keep said Property in good condition and repair; not to remove or demolish any building thereon; to complete or restore promptly and in good and workmanlike manner any building which may be constructed, damaged or destroyed thereon and to pay when due all claims for labor performed and materials furnished therefor; to comply with all laws affecting said Property or requiring any alterations or improvements to be made thereon;not to commit or permit waste thereof;not to commit, suffer,or permit any act upon said Property in violation of law;to cultivate, irrigate, fertilize, fumigate, prune and do all other acts which from the character or use of said Property may be reasonably necessary,the specific enumerations herein not excluding the general. (2) To provide, maintain and deliver to Beneficiary insurance satisfactory to Beneficiary pursuant to the Agreement. The amount collected under any insurance policy may be applied by Beneficiary upon any indebtedness secured hereby and in such order as Beneficiary may determine, or at the option of Beneficiary the entire amount so collected or any part thereof may be released to Trustor. Such application or release shall not cure or waive any default or notice of default hereunder or invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice. (3) To appear in and defend any action or proceeding purporting to affect the security hereof or the rights or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee;and to pay all costs and expenses,including cost of evidence of title and attorney's fees in a reasonable sum, in any action or proceeding in which Beneficiary or Trustee may appear, and in any suit brought by Beneficiary to foreclose this Deed of Trust. (4) To pay, at least ten days before delinquency all taxes and assessments affecting said Property, including assessments on appurtenant water stock; when due, all encumbrances, charges and liens, with interest, on said Property or any part thereof,which appear to be prior or superior hereto;all costs,fees and expenses of this Trust. Should Trustor fail to make any payment or to do any act as herein provided, then Beneficiary or Trustee, but without obligation to do so and without notice to or demand upon Trustor and without releasing Trustor from any obligation hereof,may, make or do the same in such manner and to such extent as either may deem necessary to protect the security hereof, Beneficiary or Trustee being authorized to enter upon said Property for such purposes; appear in and defend any action or proceeding purporting to affect the security hereof or the rights or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee; pay, purchase, contest or compromise any encumbrance, charge, or lien which in the judgment of either appears to be prior or superior hereto; and, in exercising any such powers, pay necessary expenses,employ counsel and pay reasonable attorney's fees. (5) To pay immediately and without demand all sums so expanded by Beneficiary or Trustee, with interest from date of expenditure at the amount allowed by law in effect at the date hereof, and to pay for any statement provided for by law in effect at the date hereof regarding the obligation secured hereby, any amount demanded by the Beneficiary not to exceed the maximum allowed by law at the time when said statement is demanded. B. It is mutually agreed: (1) That any award of damages in connection with any condemnation for public use of or injury to said Property or any part thereof is hereby assigned and shall be paid to Beneficiary who may apply or release such monies received by him or her in the same manner and with the same effect as provided above in paragraph A(2) regarding disposition of proceeds of fire or other insurance. LA#4850-5054-3630 vl (2) That by accepting payment of any sum secured hereby after its due date, Beneficiary does not waive its right either to require prompt payment when due of all other sums so secured or to declare default for failure to so pay. (3) That upon written request of Beneficiary stating that all sums secured hereby have been paid or forgiven, and upon surrender of this Deed of Trust and said Promissory Note to Trustee for cancellation and retention or other disposition as Trustee in its sole discretion may choose and upon payment of its fees, Trustee shall reconvey, without warranty, the Property then held hereunder. The recitals in such reconveyance of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. The Grantee in such reconveyance may be described as "the person or persons legally entitled thereto." (4) That upon default by Trustor in payment of any indebtedness secured hereby or in performance of the Agreement and Promissory Note,Beneficiary may declare all sums secured hereby immediately due and payable by delivery to Trustee of written declaration of default and demand for sale and of written notice of default and of election to cause to be sold said Property, which notice Trustee shall Cause to be filed for record. Beneficiary also shall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trust, said Promissory Note and all documents evidencing expenditures secured hereby. After the lapse of such time as may then be required by law following the recordation of said notice of default, and notice of sale having been given as then required by law,Trustee, without demand on Trustor, shall sell said Property at the time and place fixed by it in said notice of sale, either as a whole or in separate parcels, and in such order as it may determine,at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in lawful money of the United States, payable at time of sale. Trustee may postpone sale of all or any portion of said Property by public announcement at such time and place of sale, and from time to time thereafter may postpone such sale by public announcement at the time fixed by the preceding postponement. Trustee shall deliver to such purchaser its deed conveying the Property so sold, but without any covenant or warranty, express or implied. The recitals in such deed of any matters or facts shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Any person, including Trustor, Trustee, or Beneficiary as hereinafter defined,may purchase at such sale. After deducting all costs, fees and expenses of Trustee and of this Trust, including cost of evidence of title in connection with sale, Trustee shall apply the proceeds of sale to payment of: all sums expended under the terms hereof,not then repaid,with accrued interest at the amount allowed by law in effect at the date hereof;all other sums then secured hereby;and the remainder,if any,to the person or persons legally entitled thereto. (5) That Beneficiary, or any successor in ownership of any indebtedness secured hereby, may from time to time,by instrument in writing, substitute a successor or successors to any Trustee named herein or acting hereunder, which instrument, executed by the Beneficiary and duly acknowledged and recorded in the office of the recorder of the county or counties where said Property is situated, shall be conclusive proof of proper substitution of such successor Trustee or Trustees, who shall, without conveyance from the Trustee predecessor, succeed to all its title, estate, rights, powers and duties. Said instrument must contain the name of the original Trustor, Trustee and Beneficiary hereunder, the book and page where this Deed of Trust is recorded and the name and address of the new Trustee. (6) That this Deed of Trust applies to, inures to the benefit of, and binds all parties hereto,their heirs,legatees, devisees, administrators,executors, successors, and assigns. The term Beneficiary shall mean the owner and holder, including pledgees of the Promissory Note secured hereby,whether or not named as Beneficiary herein. (7) That Trustee accepts this Trust when this Deed of Trust,duly executed and acknowledged,is made a public record as provided by law. Trustee is not obligated to notify any party hereto of pending sale under any other Deed of Trust or of any action or proceeding in which Trustor, Beneficiary or Trustee shall be a party unless brought by Trustee. (8) That in the event of any Transfer (as defined below) of said Property, Beneficiary shall have the absolute right at its option, without prior demand or notice,to declare all sums secured hereby immediately due and payable. As used herein, `Transfer' means any sale, conveyance, lease, transfer or disposition of all or any part of said Property or any interest of Trustor therein, or the further hypothecation or encumbering of said Property or any part thereof,or the entry into any agreement to do any of the foregoing,without the prior written consent of Beneficiary LA#4850-5054-3630 vl Beneficiary may charge for a statement regarding the obligation secured hereby, provided the charge thereof does not exceed the maximum allowed by laws. The undersigned Trustor, requests that a copy of any notice of default and any notice of sale hereunder be mailed to him at his address hereinbefore set forth. TRUSTOR NORTH COUNTY CONNECTION By: John Roland Dearhart Its: Chairperson By: George H.Rowland III Its: Treasurer STATE OF CALIFORNIA )ss COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO) On before me, Notary Public, personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s),or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s)acted,executed the instrument. I certify UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO) On before me, Notary Public, personally appeared who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s),or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s)acted,executed the instrument. I certify UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature LA#4850-5054-3630 v1 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. AT-85-008 IN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP RECORDED JANUARY 15, 1987 IN BOOK 40, PAGE 74 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL MINERALS AND OIL IN, UNDER OR UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID LAND LYING WITHIN LOT 5 OF BLOCK 6 OF AMENDED MAP OF ATASCADERO COLONY FILED JULY 6, 1915 IN BOOK 3, PAGE 5A OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. APN: 056-231-023 11/3/2012 1 0:28 AM A-1 ATTACHMENT "D" OFFICIAL BUSINESS. Document entitled to free recording per Government Code § 27837. Recording Requested by and When Recorded Mail to: City of Atascadero 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero California 93422 Attn: Affordable Housing SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDING USE � 1 REGULATORY AGREEMENT Owner: NORTH COUNTY CONNECTION Property Address: 8600 & 8580 ATASCADERO AVENUE Fair Market Value: TBD This Regulatory Agreement ("Regulatory Agreement"), dated for reference purposes as of is made and entered into by and between NORTH COUNTY CONNECTION, ("Owner") and the CITY OF ATASCADERO, a charter law city and municipal corporation ("City") with reference to the following: RECITALS A. This Regulatory Agreement is made and recorded in accordance with, and subject to, that certain AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENT dated , 2012 ("Agreement"), by and between Owner and the City. The Agreement and all associated documents are public records maintained on file with the Office of the City Clerk located at 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero, California 93422, or as may thereafter, from time to time, be established. B. Unless otherwise specified herein, all definitions in the Agreement will have the same meaning when referred to herein. C. This Agreement affects that parcel of real property commonly know as Assessor's LA#4850-5054-3630 v1 11/3/2012 1 1:06 AM Page 1 of 16 Parcel Number 056-231-023, generally located at 8600 and 8580 Atascadero Avenue, in the City of Atascadero, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as more particularly described on the legal description attached hereto as Exhibit"A", and incorporated herein ("Property"): D. The term "Owner" as used in this Regulatory Agreement includes NORTH COUNTY CONNECTION and its successors and assigns to the Property described herein, and all lessees, tenants, contractors, agents, and all persons claiming an interest in the Property, or claiming an interest by and through any of the foregoing. E. Owner has proposed and by the recording of this document will have commenced construction on the Property of the Project as defined in the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, Owner, in consideration of City entering into the Agreement, hereby covenants, agrees, and declares that the Property shall be owned, held, used, maintained, occupied, rented, and otherwise transferred pursuant to the following restrictive covenants ("Covenants") and that such Covenants shall be binding upon all Owner's successors and assigns to the Property, and all lessees, tenants, contractors, agents, and all persons claiming an interest in the Property, or claiming an interest by and through any of the foregoing: COVENANTS 1. Covenants Run With the Land. The Covenants set forth herein are limitations on the ownership and use of the land as provided in California Civil Code § 784. The Covenants are made for the direct benefit of the Property and shall run with the land and be binding upon the Owner, as defined herein, as provided in California Civil Code § 1460 through § 1468. The Covenants set forth herein benefit, and may be enforced by, City, the City of Atascadero ("City"), and their respective successors or assigns. Owner shall not challenge the Restrictions as set forth in this Regulatory Agreement or any right of City or the City created under this Regulatory Agreement or the Agreement. Owner expressly acknowledges and agrees that the Covenants are reasonable restraints on Owner's right to own, use, maintain, and transfer the Property and any estate or interest therein and are not and shall not be construed to be an unreasonable restraint or alienation. 2. Term. The parties agree that these Covenants shall remain in effect for a period of not less than fifty-five (55) years from and after Completion of the Project as anticipated by the Agreement ("Term") The Term shall run continuously from the date of Completion until expiration, unless tolled by operation of law, order of a court of competent jurisdiction, or as may be provided for in the Agreement. 3. Management of Site. The unique qualifications and expertise of Owner are of particular significance to the success of the Project and long-term viability of the Site. It is because of this expertise and experience that the City has entered into this Agreement with Owner. Owner therefore agrees that it will continue to own and manage the Site in a professional manner or will contract with a third party management company to verse tenant selection and oversight. Owner agrees to require and enforce, as a condition of renting affordable unit, that Tenants will not create any nuisances including but not LA#4850-5054-3630 v1 11/3/2012 1 1:06 AM Page 2 of 16 limited to noise, parking on City streets, outdoor storage of property, interfering with commercial businesses or the accumulation of solid waste. Owner further agrees to address any complaints against Tenants in a timely and professional manner. As a condition of this agreement, the City may require Owner to hire a third party management company if nuisance issues are not resolved to the satisfaction of the City. 4. Affordable Housing Covenants. 4.1. Affordable Rent Unit. Owner covenants and agrees that the unit in the residential portion of the Site shall only be leased to a person or family qualifying as Lower Income. Maximum rents shall not exceed the City's adopted standards for Lower Income rental rates. In the event the Owner leases the Property in excess of the established rental rates, the amount over the allowable rate (Excess Rents) shall be due and payable to the City immediately upon receipt by the Owner. Such Excess Rents shall be considered a recourse debt of the Owner to the City, which the City may collect by legal action against the Owner and/or the Note shall be due. 4.2. Affordable Units Reporting. Following completion of renovation, the Participant shall rent the Affordable Unit to Lower Income Households at Affordable Rents calculated in compliance with Attachment "A" attached hereto. Participant shall refer potential tenants to the Administering Agency for income certification and not enter into a binding rental agreement with a tenant until income and asset certification has been completed, and Participant has been informed in writing by the Administering Agency, as defined in the Agreement, that the potential tenant is income-eligible to occupy the rental Affordable Unit. Participant shall submit a copy of rental agreement and approval certificate to the City upon rental of Affordable Unit. Thereafter, rental certification shall be submitted by February 1 of each year on a form specified by the City and certified as correct under penalty of perjury by Participant. Participant shall retain all records related to compliance with obligations under this Agreement, the Ordinance, and the Inclusionary Policy for a period not less than five (5) years from the date of origination of such records, and make them available to the City for inspection and copying on five (5) business days' written notice. Participant shall permit the City or others designated by the City to inspect the Rental Affordable Unit Property to monitor compliance with this Agreement or the Regulatory Agreement following two (2) business days' written notice to Participant. 4.3. Recordation of Affordability Covenant. The Lower Income rental restriction on the unit shall remain in place for a period of fifty-five (55) years in compliance with California Health & Safety Code § 33334.3(f)(1). 4.4. Eviction and Reletting of Unit(s). Notwithstanding this rental restriction, Owner may exercise its rights to evict a tenant and reclaim possession of any Affordable Cost unit as may be allowed under the terms of its recorded security instruments and the law. In such event, Owner shall use its best efforts to timely complete any LA#4850-5054-3630 v1 11/3/2012 1 1:06 AM Page 3 of 16 eviction and/or any unlawful detainer action and to relet said unit at an Affordable Cost to a person or family qualifying as a Lower Income Household. 5. Maintenance of the Site. The Owner covenants and agrees for itself, its tenants, its successors and assigns, and any successor-in-interest to the Site, or part thereof, that it will, at its sole cost and expense: (i) maintain the appearance and safety of the Site (including all improvements, fixtures, and landscaping) in good order, condition, and repair, and free from the accumulation of trash, waste materials, and other debris; (ii) remove all graffiti placed upon the Site (including all improvements, fixtures, and landscaping) within seventy-two (72) hours of its appearance; (iii) maintain in good order, condition and repair, properly functioning landscape irrigation systems on the Site; and (iv) remove and promptly replace all dead or diseased landscaping material on the Site. In the event of a default of this covenant and of a failure to cure the default within fifteen (15) days after service of a written notice by City, City or its agents, employees and contractors, shall have the right to enter upon the Site without further notice and to take such actions as are necessary to cure the default. Owner shall reimburse City for all costs associated with cure of the default (including but not limited to, staff services, administrative costs, legal services, and third-party costs), within fifteen (15) days after service of a written notice by City. If Owner fails to pay within the time provided, such costs shall be a lien upon the Property, as provided by California Civil Code § 2881. The City may enforce and foreclose such lien in any manner legally allowed. 6. Transfer of the Property; Restrictions on Resale of Property 6.1. Any Transfer of the Property will be subject to the provisions of this Agreement including, without limitation, the City's Right of First Refusal described in Section 7 of this Agreement. "Transfer" means any sale, assignment, or transfer, voluntary or involuntary, of any interest in the Property, including, but not limited to, a fee simple interest, a joint tenancy interest, a life estate, a leasehold interest, or an interest evidenced by a land contract by which possession of the Property is transferred and Owner retains title. Any Transfer that does not satisfy the provisions of this Agreement is prohibited. 6.2. Notwithstanding Section 6.1, the following shall not be considered a Transfer for the purposes of this Agreement, but all such transferees shall continue to be bound by the requirements of this Agreement: (i) a good faith Transfer by an Owner to a spouse or Domestic Partner where the spouse or Domestic Partner becomes the co-owner of the Property; (ii) a Transfer between spouses as part of a dissolution proceeding, or between Domestic Partners as part of the dissolution of a domestic partnership; (iii) a Transfer by an Owner into an inter vivos trust in which Owner is the beneficiary; (iv) Transfers by devise or inheritance to an existing spouse, child, or Domestic Partner of Owner following death of Owner; (v) a Transfer by devise, inheritance, or operation of law on the death of a joint tenant; (vi) refinance of the First Lender Loan in accordance with Section 21 of this Agreement; or (vii) Transfer by deed of trust or imposition of a lien subordinate to the City Deed of Trust. For purposes of this Section 6, 'Domestic Partner" shall be as defined in Section 297 of the California Family Code or successor LA#4850-5054-3630 v1 11/3/2012 1 1:06 AM Page 4 of 16 provision. An individual shall be considered a Domestic Partner of Owner upon presentation of the Declaration of Domestic Partnership filed with the California Secretary of State. 6.3. Owner shall provide notice to the City of any Transfers described in Sections 6.2(i) through (vii) of this Agreement no later than fifteen (15) days before the sale, assignment, or other Transfer occurs, except where the Transfer is by devise, inheritance, or operation of law after death of the Owner, in which event notice shall be provided within thirty (30) days of the date of Transfer. 7. Grant of First Right of Refusal to Purchase; Assignment of Option by City 7.1. In consideration of the economic benefits received by the Owner resulting from City Loan, Owner hereby grants and gives to the City a right to purchase all of Owner's right, title and interest in and to the Property ("Option") at Fair Market Value upon the occurrence of the events specified in Section 8 of this Agreement, subject to the terms and conditions included in this Agreement. 7.2. The City may assign the Option to another public agency or non-profit organization (the "Assignee"). The City's assignment of the Option shall not extend any time limits with respect to the exercise of the Option or the purchase of the Property. Notice of any such assignment shall be given to the beneficiary of record under any deed of trust that secures any financing used to purchase the property 7.3. If the City or the Assignee exercises the Option, the City shall charge a two percent (2%) transaction fee (the "Transaction Fee"), payable in equal shares by the Owner and the Assignee. S. Events Giving Rise to Right to Exercise First Right of Refusal 8.1. The City shall have the right to exercise or to assign its First Right of Refusal if either of the following events occurs (an "Option Event"): 8.1.1. The City receives a Notice of Intent to Transfer (defined in Section 9 of this Agreement); or 8.2. If the City receives a Notice of Intent to Transfer, the City may exercise its Right pursuant to the procedures in Sections 10 and 13 of this Agreement. 9. Notice of Intent to Transfer 9.1. If the Owner desires to Transfer the Property, the Owner shall promptly give City written notice of such intent (the "Notice of Intent to Transfer") in the form shown in Exhibit D attached to this Agreement. The Notice of Intent to Transfer shall be sent to the Executive Director by certified mail, return receipt requested, at the address provided in Section 8.15 of the Affordable Housing Agreement. LA#4850-5054-3630 v1 11/3/2012 1 1:06 AM Page 5 of 16 9.2. The Owner's Notice of Intent to Transfer shall include the following information: Tenant Information, the date property will be placed on the market; and contact information for the City to schedule an inspection of the property and send response. 9.3. The Owner may not wish to contract with a real estate broker to sell the Property until the Owner has received from the City a Notice of Exercise or Consent to Transfer pursuant to Section 10 of this Agreement, as the services of a broker will not be required if the City exercises the Right to purchase the Property and because the City will charge a transaction fee, as detailed in Section 7.3 of this Agreement, that will be payable by Owner and the Assignee,in addition to any broker's fees. 10. City Response to Owner's Notice of Intended Transfer 10.1. The City shall respond in writing to the Owner's Notice of Intent to Transfer within thirty (30) days of City receipt of a complete Owner's Notice of Intent to Transfer that includes all information required under Section 9.2 of this Agreement. The City shall inform the Owner of the City's election to proceed under one of the following two alternatives 10.1.1. City Exercise of Right. The City's response may notify the Owner that the City elects to exercise the Option, or assign its right to another public agency or non-profit organization or low or moderate-income household, to purchase the Property ("Notice of Exercise"). The Notice of Exercise shall include the City's calculation of the Fair Market Value as defined in Section 14 of this agreement; all outstanding sums, including principal and interest, due on the City Note; and the amount of the Transaction Fee described in Section 7.3. Consent to Transfer. Alternatively, the City's response may notify the JI Owner that the City will not at this time exercise the Right to purchase the Property and that the Owner may proceed to Transfer the Property through sale (a "Consent to Transfer"). The Consent to Transfer shall include the outstanding principal due on the City Note and shall describe the procedure for calculating all additional sums due on the City Note. 11. Repayment of City Note 11.1. Upon any Transfer of the Property (including Transfer following exercise of the Right by the City or Assignee), all outstanding principal and interest due, if any, under the City Note shall be repaid pursuant to the City Note 12. Sale of Property by Owner if City Consents to Tranfer 12.1. If the City has provided a Consent to Transfer for the Property, then, at least fifteen (15) days prior to the close of escrow for the Transfer of the Property, the Owner shall provide the City with the following documentation: LA#4850-5054-3630 v 11/3/2012 1 1:06 AM Page 6 of 16 12.1.1. the name and address of the purchaser; 12.1.2. the final sales contract and all other documents setting forth all the terms of the sale of the Property, including at least (a) the sales price; (b) the price to be paid for the Owner's personal property or services, if any, and any credits, allowances or other consideration, if any; and (c) the amount of any real estate commission to be paid 12.1.3. a copy of the appraisal 12.1.4. a written declaration from the Owner and the purchaser under penalty of perjury, in a form acceptable to the City, that the sale shall be closed in accordance with the terms of the sales contract and other documents submitted to the City and that the property has been sold at Fair Market Value. The certification shall also provide that neither the purchaser nor any other party has paid nor will pay to the Owner, nor has the Owner received nor will receive from the purchaser or any other party, money or other consideration, including personal property, in addition to what is included in the sales contract and documents submitted to the City. The written certification shall also include a provision that in the event a Transfer is made in violation of the terms of this Agreement or false or misleading statements are made in any documents or certification submitted to the City, the City shall have the right to exercise its Option or file an action at law or at equity as may be appropriate. All costs and legal expenses shall be borne by the prevailing party; 12.1.5. The name of the title company escrow holder for the sale of the Property, the escrow number, and name, address, and phone number of the escrow officer. 12.2. Upon the close of escrow, the Owner shall provide the City with a copy of the HUD-1 Settlement Statement showing the purchase price paid for the Property and all other payments from escrow, escrow instructions, and any other documents which the City may reasonably request. 13. Exercise of City Right 13.1. Escrow. Promptly after delivering a Notice of Exercise, the City shall open an escrow account for its purchase of the Property. Close of escrow shall take place on such date which is the later to occur of the following: (a) forty-five (45) days after a Notice of Exercise has been delivered by City to Owner, or (b) ten (10) days after Owner has done all acts and executed all documents required for close of escrow. 13.2. Deposit of Funds Into Escrow. Prior to the close of escrow, the City shall ensure that funds are deposited to pay the Fair Market Value of the Property, as defined in Section 16 of this Agreement, minus any principal and interest due on the City Note, and minus all Advances previously paid by the City. "Advances" include LA#4850-5054-3630 v 11/3/2012 1 1:06 AM Page 7 of 16 any payment by the City of costs including, but not limited to, principal, interest, taxes, assessments, insurance premiums, homeowners' fees, and associated late fees, costs, interest, attorneys' fees, pest inspections, resale inspections, and other expenses related to the Property, which Owner has failed to pay or has permitted to become delinquent. Closing costs and title insurance shall be paid by City and Owner pursuant to the custom and practice in the County of San Luis Obispo at the time of the opening of escrow, or as may be provided otherwise by mutual agreement. Owner agrees to do all acts and execute all documents necessary to enable the close of escrow and transfer of the Property to the City. 13.3. Removal of Exceptions to Title. The Owner shall convey title to the Property at the close of escrow free and clear of any mortgage, lien, or other encumbrance, unless approved in advance in writing by the City. If the amounts deposited into escrow by the City are not sufficient to satisfy all liens and encumbrances recorded against the Property, then the Owner shall deposit into escrow the additional sums that are required to remove the liens and encumbrances. 14. Determination of Fair Market Value 14.1. When the City chooses to exercise its Right and when the Owner wishes to refinance the First Lender Loan as described in Section 23 of this Agreement, the "Fair Market Value" of the Property shall be as determined by a certified MAI or other qualified real estate appraiser approved in advance by the City. If possible, the appraisal shall be based upon the sales prices of comparable properties sold in the market area during the preceding three (3)-month period. If City chooses to exercise its Right after receiving a Notice of Intent to Transfer, the cost of the appraisal shall be paid by the City. In all other circumstances, the cost of the appraisal shall be paid by the Owner. Nothing in this Section 16 shall preclude the Owner and the City from establishing the Fair Market Value of the Property by mutual agreement, based on sales of comparable properties, in lieu of an appraisal. 15. Nondiscrimination in Employment. The Owner covenants and agrees for itself, its successors and assigns and any successor-in-interest to the Site or part thereof, that all persons employed by or applying for employment by it, its affiliates, subsidiaries, or holding companies, and all subcontractors, bidders and vendors, are and will be treated equally by it without regard to, or because of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, age, pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition, medical condition (cancer related) or physical or mental disability, and in compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 200, et seq., the Federal Equal Pay Act of 1963, 29 U.S.C. § 206(d), the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, 29 U.S.C. § 621, et seq., the Immigration Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, 29 U.S.C. § 621, et seq., the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, 8 U.S.C. § 1324b, et seq., 42 U.S.C. § 1981, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, California Government Code § 12900, et seq., the California Equal Pay Law, California Labor Code § 1197.5, California Government Code § 11135, the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. § LA#4850-5054-3630 v1 11/3/2012 1 1:06 AM Page 8 of 16 12101, et seq., and all other anti-discrimination laws and regulations for the United States and the State of California as they now exist or may hereafter be amended. 16. Nondiscrimination and Nonsegregation. Owner covenants and agrees for itself, its successors and assigns and any successor-in-interest to the Site or part thereof, that it shall abide by the following provisions: 16.1. Obligation to Refrain from Discrimination. They shall refrain from restricting the rental, sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, development, occupancy, tenure, or enjoyment of the Site (or any part thereof) on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, familial status, physical disability, mental disability, or medical condition (including, but not limited to, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV), or condition related thereto), of any person or group of persons, and shall comply with the applicable anti-discrimination provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq.) and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (Cal. Government Code § 12900, et seq.) as they exist on the date of this Agreement or as they may thereafter be amended, repealed and reenacted, or otherwise modified. They shall not establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees, or vendees in the land herein conveyed. 16.2. Nondiscrimination and Nonsegregation Clauses. Any deeds, leases, or contracts which are proposed to be, or which are, entered into with respect to the rental, sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, development, occupancy, tenure, or enjoyment of the Site (including improvements and fixtures) (or party thereof), shall be subject to, and shall expressly contain, nondiscrimination or nonsegregation clauses in substantially the following form: 16.2.1. In Deeds. "The grantee herein covenants by and for itself, its successors and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that it shall ,Q, , comply with the applicable anti-discrimination provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U. S. C. § 12101, et seq.) and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (Cal. Government Code § 12900, et seq.), as they currently exist or as they may thereafter be amended, repealed and reenacted, or otherwise modified, and that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group or persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, familial status, physical disability, mental disability, or medical condition (including, but not limited to, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV), or condition related thereto) in the rental, sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, or tenure of the land herein conveyed, nor shall the grantee itself or any person claiming under or through it, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or LA#4850-5054-3630 v1 11/3/2012 1 1:06 AM Page 9 of 16 occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees, or vendees in the land herein conveyed. The foregoing covenants shall run with the land." 16.2.2. In Leases. "The lessee covenants by and for itself, its successors and assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that it shall comply with the applicable anti-discrimination provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq.) and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (Cal. Gov. Code § 12900, et seq.), as they currently exist or as they may thereafter be amended, repealed and reenacted, or otherwise modified, and that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, familial status, physical disability, mental disability, or medical condition (including, but not limited to, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV), or condition related thereto) in the rental, sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, or tenure of the land herein conveyed, nor shall the grantee itself or any person claiming under or through it, establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees, or vendees in the premises herein leased." 16.2.3. In Contracts. "There shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group or persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, familial status, physical disability, mental disability, or medical condition (including, but not limited to, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), the Human Immune Deficiency Virus (HIV), or condition related thereto) in the rental, sale, lease, sublease, transfer, use, occupancy, or tenure of the land or premises affected by this instrument, nor shall the contracting or subcontracting party or parties, or other transferees under this instrument, or any person claiming under or through it, violate the applicable anti- discrimination provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C.§ 12 10 1, et seq.), and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (Cal. Gov. Code § 12900, et seq.) as they currently exist or as they may thereafter be amended, repealed and reenacted, or otherwise modified, nor establish or permit any such practice or practices of discrimination or segregation with reference to the selection, location, number, use or occupancy of tenants, lessees, subtenants, sublessees, or vendees of the land. This provision shall obligate the contracting and subcontracting party or parties, and other transferees under this instrument, or any person claiming under or through it." 17. Taxes and Encumbrances. Owner shall pay, when due: (i) all ad valorem property taxes imposed on the Site under Article XIII A of the California Constitution; (ii) all special taxes imposed on the Site; (iii) all special assessments imposed on the Site; (iv) all taxes payable under the California Bradley-Burns Uniform Local Sales & Use Tax LA#4850-5054-3630 v 11/3/2012 1 1:06 AM Page 10 of 16 Law, Revenue and Taxation Code § 7200, et seq.; and (v) all other taxes, assessments, fees, exactions, or charges, any portion of which are allocated to, or received by, the City or the City and which are imposed due to the ownership, use, or possession of the Site or interest therein or due to the construction or operation of the Project. Upon failure to so pay, Owner shall remove any lien, levy, or encumbrance made on the Site within ninety (90) days of the attachment of such. Owner hereby waives any right it may have to contest the imposition of such taxes, assessments, fees, exactions, or charges against the Site or upon the construction or operation of the Project which are levied by the City, the City, the County of San Luis Obispo, or the State of California, or any special district of any of the foregoing. 18. Compliance with Laws. The Owner covenants and agrees for itself, its successors and assigns and any successor-in-interest to the Project and/or Site or part thereof, that it shall operate and maintain the Site and Project in conformity with the Redevelopment Plan, Local Regulations, and all applicable state and federal laws, including all applicable labor standards, disabled and handicapped access requirements, including without limitation, the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. § 12101, et seq. and the Unruh Civil Rights Act, California Civil Code § 51, et seq. 19. Effect of Violation. The City is deemed the beneficiary of the terms and provisions of this Regulatory Agreement and for the purposes of protecting the interest of the community and other parties, public or private, in whose favor and for whose benefit this Regulatory Agreement has been recorded. The City shall have the right, if the Regulatory Agreement is breached, to exercise all rights and remedies, and to maintain any actions or suits at law or in equity or other proper proceedings to enforce the curing of such breaches to which it or any other beneficiaries of the Regulatory Agreement and covenants may be entitled. 20. Subordination. This Regulatory Agreement is subject and subordinate to the following Senior loan(s): Name of Lender Amount a. Rabobank, N.A $ TBD The First Lender Loan is secured by one [1] deeds of trust executed by the Owner and recorded in the County of San Luis Obispo concurrently with this Agreement (collectively, the "First Lender Deed of Trust").] Request for Notice of Default. A request for notice of default and notice of sale regarding the Loan(s) referenced above shall be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo for the benefit of the City. 21. Refinance of First Lender 21.1. 14.1 City Consent Required. The Owner covenants and agrees not to place any additional mortgage or deed of trust, including line of credit, on the Property without obtaining prior written consent of the City. LA#4850-5054-3630 v 11/3/2012 1 1:06 AM Page 11 of 16 21.2. Permitted Debt. At no time shall the total principal amount of all the Debt secured by the property exceed the "Permitted Debt", which is defined as the greater of: (1) seventy percent (70%) of the fair market value of the Site as appraised pursuant to Section; or (ii) the outstanding balance of the existing First Lender Loan as of the date of the Owner Request to Refinance. If escrow does not close on the refinance or subordinate loan within one hundred twenty (120) days of the date of the Owner Request to Refinance, the City shall have the right to recalculate the Permitted Debt. 21.3. Refinance of First Lender Loan. The City Deed of Trust shall be subordinated to a refinanced First Lender Loan only if: 21.3.1. following such refinance, the principal amount of all debt secured by the Property will not exceed the Permitted Debt; 21.3.2. the refinanced First Lender Loan is fully amortized with a fixed rate of interest for a minimum five (5) year period, permits no negative amortization, and required no balloon payments; 21.3.3. if the remaining balance of the original First Lender Loan exceeds seventy percent (70%) of the fair market value of the Site as appraised pursuant to Section, then the refinanced First Lender Loan reduces the Owner's principal and interest payments; and 21.3.4. the new payment amount after the refinance does not exceed the Owner's ability to pay. 21.4. Junior Loans and Equity Lines of Credit. Mortgage loans or equity lines of credit junior in lien priority to this Agreement and the City Deed of Trust are not permitted, except as expressly approved by the City in writing. The City shall approve junior mortgage loans or equity line of credit only if: 21.4.1. following such refinance, the principal amount of all debt secured by the Property will not exceed the Permitted Debt; 21.4.2. the refinanced First Lender Loan is fully amortized with a maximum rate of interest no greater than five percent (5%) above the initial rate, permits no negative amortization, and requires no balloon payments; and 21.4.3. the new payment amount after the refinance does not exceed the Owner's ability to pay. 21.5. Request for Notice of Default. A request for notice of default and notice of sale regarding the Loan(s) referenced above shall be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo for the benefit of the City. LA#4850-5054-3630 v1 11/3/2012 1 1:06 AM Page 12 of 16 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties has caused this instrument to be executed by themselves or by their respective officers duly authorized this day of The parties hereby approve each of the Covenants set forth in this Regulatory Agreement. "Owner" NORTH COUNTY CONNECTION By: John Roland Dearhart, Chairperson By: George H. Rowland I11, Treasurer «City" CITY OF ATASCADERO By: Rachelle Rickard, Administrative Services Director STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO) On before me, Notary Public, personally appeared , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s),or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted,executed the instrument. I certify UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature Signature of Notary Public LA#4850-5054-3630 v1 11/3/2012 1 1:06 AM Page 13 of 16 STATE OF CALIFORNIA )ss COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO) On before me, Notary Public, personally appeared , who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s),or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s)acted,executed the instrument. I certify UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO) On before me, Notary Public, personally appeared who proved to me on th?`basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/her/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s),or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted,executed the instrument. I certify UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. �'Wt�w WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature a LA#4850-5054-3630 v1 11/3/2012 11:06 AM Page 14 of 16 ATTACHMENT A CALCULATION OF AFFORDABLE RENT The Affordable Rent for Rental Affordable Units shall be calculated using the procedures and formulas described below. The current City of Atascadero Moderate, Lower, and Very Low Income Limits as established pursuant to the Inclusionary Policy shall be used in these calculations. 1. Determine the area median income for a household size that is one person larger than the number of bedrooms in the Affordable Rental Unit. 2. Multiply the income limit as follows to obtain the annual housing allowance; Lower Income: 30% of 80% of the area median income, adjusted for household size appropriate to the unit. 3. Divide the annual housing allowance determined in the previous step by twelve (12) to determine the monthly housing allowance; IMMMS, 4. Calculate the average monthly cost of utilities (excluding telephone) and all mandatory fees charged for use of the property. 5. Subtract the amount calculated in Step 4 from the monthly housing allowance calculated in Step 3 to compute the Affordable Rent. hm LA#4850-5054-3630 v1 11/3/2012 11:06 AM Page 15 of 16 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. AT-85-008 IN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP RECORDED JANUARY 15, 1987 IN BOOK 40, PAGE 74 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL MINERALS AND OIL IN, UNDER OR UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID LAND LYING WITHIN LOT 5 OF BLOCK 6 OF AMENDED MAP OF ATASCADERO COLONY FILED JULY 6, 1915 IN BOOK 3, PAGE 5A OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. APN: 056-231-023 LA#4850-5054-3630 vl 11/3/2012 1 1:06 AM A-1 ATTACHMENT "E" SCOPE OF PROJECT The following Scope outlines the Milestones and Schedule of Performance for construction and occupancy of the affordable housing unit at 8580 Atascadero Avenue: Milestones#1: Complete Plans and Building Permit for Affordable Unit Timeframe: To be Completed within Six (6) Months of Property Purchase • Site walk with City Building Inspector to discuss work to be completed and address any code compliance requirements; • Participant to have building plans completed to identify proposed construction on affordable unit; • Participant to submit building permit application with plans for City review; • Building permits to be finalized and issued within six (6) months of property purchase. Milestones#2: Complete Construction of Affordable Unit Timeframe: To be Completed within Twelve (12)Months of Property Purchase • Once City Building Permits are issued, begin construction on affordable unit space; • Complete construction on unit. Affordable unit to meet all building, health and safety codes, as well as zoning ordinance requirements prior to occupancy. • Final occupancy to be signed off within twelve (12) months of property purchase so that affordable unit can be leased and occupied by a qualified tenant at the restricted affordable housing price. ATTACHMENT "F" LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP NO. AT-85-008 IN THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP RECORDED JANUARY 15, 1987 IN BOOK 40, PAGE 74 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM ALL MINERALS AND OIL IN, UNDER OR UPON THAT PORTION OF SAID LAND LYING WITHIN LOT 5 OF BLOCK 6 OF AMENDED MAP OF ATASCADERO COLONY FILED JULY 6, 1915 IN BOOK 3, PAGE 5A OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. APN: 056-231-023 ATTACHMENT G PARCEL MAP, SITE LOCATION APN 056-231-023 cv gn � z waw Q d � �cvgz m �❑ N D O L1C m � Qkifl w� Nu cr �r JpyflS � c1 J 4.f a — L U- s m sPN :ass W :1 Q' u.tral 9g90z al t} e .awz 9s aoz � 84142 39$9z 96'P67 .a 0. 4 1. r a ti' M s _ a a ATTACHMENT "H" AFFORDABLE UNIT LOCATION One Affordable Unit shall be provided on the Site in the specified location on the northwest side of the existing 3196 square foot facility as identified in the diagram below. The Affordable Unit shall be a fully habitable, conditioned space, equip with private kitchen, full bathroom and private entrance within the one bedroom unit. The Affordable Unit shall be a residential unit independent of the rest of the North County Connection day use facility. The main building used for North County Connection day use operations shall continue to be addressed as 8600 Atascadero Avenue. The affordable unit created within this existing structure per the diagram below, shall be addresses as 8580 Atascadero Avenue. Floor Plan Diagram 25H sedroon, t . 7 40S1 v 1 ..... te..e..e..e..e..e..e::e:.....................................e::e:I::e..e..e..e..=1 1 . K,tchen sen, sedgy ......... w Ee W .: so' e ... Bedroom '�r'� Tifi2� J sWnlBath BeM 19.5' General Area of 25.5' Affordable Unit 21' Location 24' Garage 24, 21' ITEM NUMBER: B - 2 DATE: 11/27/12 mi rloi,� m ilp�IhJ�f 191s 1979 A tascadero City Council Staff Report — Public Works Department 2013 Community Development Block Grants Draft Recommendations RECOMMENDATION: Council develop and adopt draft funding recommendations for the 2013 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. DISCUSSION: Background: The 2013 CDBG award process began in the Fall of 2012. The first of two workshops were held throughout the County to solicit public comment on community needs. The County published a request for CDBG proposals and the City received 11 applications. Total 2013 funding, based on previous levels, is anticipated to be approximately $130,000. Final funding amounts will be released by the Department of Housing and Community Development in early 2013. CDBG funds are available for community development activities, which meet at least one of the three national objectives: 1. A benefit to low and moderate-income persons; 2. Aid in the prevention or elimination of blight; 3. Address urgent needs that pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community. In order for a program to qualify under the low and moderate income objective, at least 51% of the persons benefiting from the project or program must earn no more than 80% of the area median. Additionally, at least 70% of the CDBG funds must be spent toward this objective. The following criteria should also be used to guide selection of CDBG programs: 1. The proposal is consistent with the national objectives and eligibility criteria of the HUD CDBG program; 2. The proposal is consistent with the Urban County Consolidated Plan; ITEM NUMBER: B - 2 DATE: 11/27/12 3. The proposal is consistent with the General Plan and other City codes/ordinances. 4. The proposal will achieve multiple community development objectives; 5. The proposal can be implemented in a timely manner, without significant environmental, policy, procedural, legal, or fiscal obstacles to overcome; and 6. The project is not financially feasible without CDBG funding. The City received the following applications for the 2013 funding cycle: Housing Requested Tri-Counties Community Housing Corporation — Property Acquisition &Rehab $185,000.00 Public Facilities City of Atascadero — Handicapped Accessibility-Barrier Removal Projects $100,000.00 North County Women's Shelter— Replacement of HVAC system 22,700.00 Public Services— Limited to 15% of 2013 Allocation ($19,500) Atas. Community Services Foundation — Youth Activity Scholarships 8,000.00 Atascadero Loaves and Fishes — Operation of Food Pantry 15,000.00 Big Brothers Big Sisters — Operating Expenses, Mentor Program 5,000.00 EI Camino Homeless Organization — Full-time Case Manager position 32,000.00 Food Bank Coalition of SLO Count — Farm to Family Produce Program 5,000.00 Senior Nutrition Program for SLO Count — Hot Lunch for seniors 10,000.00 Transitional Food and Shelter— Shelter for Medically Fragile 3,000.00 Economic Development— Charged against 20%Administrative Cap Mission Community Services — Entrepreneurial Training/Fiscal Literacy. 5,000.00 Administration — Limited to 20% of 2013 Allocation ($26,000) City Program Administration Costs 26,000.00 Total Funds Requested $416,700.00 Prior Cycle Reallocation (Restricted to Housing or Public Facilities) 24,987.93 2013 Estimated Allocation 130,000.00 Estimated Total Funding Available $154,987.93 Applications received significantly exceed anticipated funding. In addition there are limits related to categories of funding as described below. As part of the CDBG process tonight, Council must develop a draft recommendation for the 2013 grant year that meets the funding criteria while adhering to the categorical limits. Beginning with this cycle, HUD is requiring a higher level of monitoring of all grant activities. These new regulations will require significantly more administrative staff time for each awarded activity than previously required. To keep administrative costs appropriate to the award amount, a minimum recipient award of $3,000 is recommended. A copy of all applications, funding regulations and a summary of past awards has been provided with your agenda packet. Copies have also been provided in the City Hall lobby and the Atascadero Library for public review, and a digital copy is posted on the City's website. ITEM NUMBER: B - 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Upon approval, the draft funding recommendations will be forwarded to the County for publishing along with recommendations from all participating agencies. A minimum of 30 days after publication, the second workshop will be held to allow questions from applicants regarding the draft recommendations after which the draft allocations will be forwarded to City Council, with comments from the workshop, for final approval and forwarding to the County Board of Supervisors. The following is a brief explanation of the funding groups and applications within each: HOUSING Activities related to Housing include the rehabilitation of buildings which are residential, low-income rental or homeowner housing. This also includes conversion of non- residential structures for residential use. Tri-Counties Community Housing Corporation — Property Acquisition Funds Requested: $185,000 The project would provide for the establishment of four affordable housing units within a single-family residence suitable for persons with enduring medical needs. The facility would provide housing for three to four individuals and would be staffed 24/7 by Tri- Counties Regional Center and will result in the creation of seven new full-time positions. The applicant is requesting a total of $185,000 in CDBG funds from the cities of Atascadero and Paso Robles and the County of San Luis Obispo. PUBLIC FACILITIES Public Facilities are defined as activities relating to real property, including the acquisition, construction, rehabilitation or installation of public improvements. These activities can be carried out by a grantee, subrecipient or other nonprofit. City of Atascadero — City Facilities and Infrastructure — Barrier Removal Funds Requested: $100,000 This project provides for the removal of accessibility barriers at all city facilities. Project includes, in part, sidewalk modifications, infill of sidewalk gaps, audible ramping issues, bathroom compliance upgrades, door hardware replacements, audible and visual warning systems, ramping issues and access to facilities. North County Women's Resource Center — Replacement of HVAC System at Atascadero Shelter Funds Requested: $22,700 The proposed project would provide for the replacement of the HVAC system at the Atascadero shelter. The current system is inefficient and expensive to operate resulting in significantly higher electric costs than other facilities of similar size. ITEM NUMBER: B - 2 DATE: 11/27/12 PUBLIC SERVICES - 15% cap on percentage of award from this category estimated at $25,541 this cycle. CDBG regulations allow for a wide range of public service activities, including, but not limited to: Employment services, crime prevention, child care, health services, substance abuse services, fair housing counseling and recreational services. Atascadero Community Services Foundation — Youth Activity Scholarship Fund Funds Requested: $8,000 The Community Services Foundation has established a scholarship fund to allow the children of low-income families to participate in recreational and social activities. Because this program is limited to low-income families, the benefit criteria will be met. Atascadero Loaves and Fishes — Groceries for Needy Families Funds Requested: $15,000 Loaves and Fishes operate an emergency food pantry for very low and low-income residents in Atascadero, Templeton, Santa Margarita, Creston and California Valley. They are requesting funds to purchase groceries. Big Brothers/Big Sisters — Mentoring Program Funds Requested: $5,000 This organization is requesting funding to be used to operate their mentoring program for children between the ages of 6 and 16. Potential volunteers are trained, interviewed and screened, clients are interviewed and provided with safety materials and training and are then matched with a Big Brother or Big Sister. EI Camino Homeless Organization — Case Management Funds Requested: $32,000 ECHO provides shelter services to the homeless in Northern San Luis Obispo County, including Santa Margarita, Atascadero, Paso Robles, San Miguel, Creston and Shandon. In the 2011 program year, ECHO sheltered 298 individuals. The ECHO shelter, intake process and all ancillary services are located at the First Baptist Church, 6370 Atascadero Avenue in Atascadero. These funds will allow for enhanced case management services and additional homeless shelter services. Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo County— Operating Funds Funds Requested: $5,000 The Farm to Family Produce program brings fresh produce to schools and neighborhoods through distribution sites throughout the county. The site in Atascadero is Santa Rosa Elementary School. The Food Bank Coalition reports that since 2006 they have seen an increase of 90% in utilization of Food Bank services. ITEM NUMBER: B - 2 DATE: 11/27/12 Senior Nutrition Program of San Luis Obispo County— Hot Lunches for Seniors Funds Requested: $10,000 The Senior Nutrition Program operates ten dining rooms throughout San Luis Obispo County that provide hot noon time meals to seniors or delivery of meals to those that are homebound. In fiscal year 011/12, Senior Nutrition Program provided 156,000 meals to 1538 seniors within San Luis Obispo County. Transitional Food and Shelter — Residential Care Home for Disabled in Atascadero Funds Requested: $3,000 Temporary, emergency shelter for county residents who are both medically fragile and homeless, who are too ill, injured or disabled to be safely housed in an overnight homeless shelter. Last year the applicant served 301 individuals, 51 from Atascadero and a total of 5341 shelter nights county-wide. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT/ADMINISTRATION 20% cap on percentage of award from this category estimated at $26,000 this cycle. Economic Development is defined as acquiring, constructing, reconstructing, rehabilitating or installing commercial or industrial buildings, structures, and other real property equipment and improvements; assisting a private, for-profit business through loans, grants, interest subsidies, or providing economic development services in connection with otherwise eligible CDBG economic development activities. Mission Community Services Corporation — Women's Business Center Program Funds Requested: $5,000 The Women's Business Center program is established by the U.S. Small Business Administration. The purpose of the program is to provide introductory and in-depth entrepreneurial training to underserved women, minorities, displaced workers, veterans and other population groups. "Fiscal Literacy" and "Fiscal Literacy for Small Business" are new courses offered by the Women's Business Center. City of Atascadero — CDBG Program Administration Funds Requested: $26,000 Costs associated with the administration of the Community Development Block Grant program. Significant staff time from Administration, Public Works and Administrative Services is required for grant administration, payment processing and coordination with County Planning staff. If administration costs exceed the funding allocation, remaining cost of administering the program will need to be paid from the general fund. ITEM NUMBER: B - 2 DATE: 11/27/12 FISCAL IMPACT: Available funds, including the anticipated 2013 allocation and prior year reallocations, are estimated at $154,987.93. ALTERNATIVES: Awards must meet program requirements, providing a minimum of 70% of funding for benefit to low and moderate-income persons, and no more than 15% can be allocated to the public service category. ATTACHMENTS: Past Years "Public Service" Awards NOTE: A complete packet of submitted applications is available for public review at the City of Atascadero, 6907 EI Camino Real, at the Atascadero Library, and on the City website, www.atascadero.org. ITEM NUMBER: B -2 DATE: 11/27/12 Attachment PAST YEARS "PUBLIC SERVICE" AWARDS TOTAL PUBLIC SERVICE 2011 2012 2011 & 2012 BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS - - - COMMUNITY SERVICES FOUND. $1,935 $3,150 $ 5,085 E.C.H.O. $12,500 $6,700 $ 19,200 LITERACY COUNCIL $850 - $ 850 LOAVES AND FISHES $10,000 $8,650 $ 18,650 NORTH COUNTY ADAPTIVE SPORTS AND RECREATION $1,560 $1,560 SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAM OF SLO - - - TRANSITIONAL FOOD AND SHELTER - - - TOTAL ALLOCATED $ 25,285 $20,060 $ 45,345 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING 976 OSOS STREET + ROOM 200 < SAN LUIS OBISPO " CALIFORNIA 93408 • (80 z)781-5600 Promoting the Wise Use of Land * Helping to Build Great Communities Organization Name: Tri-Counties Community Housing Corporation (Attach additional sheets if necessary) To be considered for CDBG assistance, please submit this completed application with any exhibits, budgets or beneficiary data as needed. PLEASE READ ALL INFORMATION IN THE APPLICATION. Applications can be mailed to one of the participating jurisdictions listed in this application or to: Tony Navarro, Planner 111, Department of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, San Luis Obispo, CA., 93408 or hand delivered to Tony Navarro at 1035 Palm Street, Room 370, San Luis Obispo, CA., fated to ( 05) 781-5624, or e-mailed to tnavarroRc co.slo.ca.us. The application deadline is 5:010 P.M., Friday, October 12, 2012. Applications must be received by the County or one of the participating cities (Arroyo Grande Atascadero Morro Bair Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo) prior to close of the business day. POSTMARKED DATED MAIL RECEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL NOT DE ACCEPTED. NOTE: (1) Please review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposal. The CDBG regulations, under 24 CFR 570, are available at r,sloplannin{�.or under"Federal HUD Grants." (2) HMIS Reporting for 2013 homeless services, Dousing and shelter-All homeless service providers applying for CDBG funds to assist,house or shelter the ho Ineless must identify and demonstrate its capacity to participate in the County of San Luis Obispo Homeless Managemlent Information System (HMIS)to provide:personnel for data entry, user licensing, and hardware and software necessary for compatibility with HMIS. HMIS is an electronic data collection system that stores client level information about persons who access the homeless services system in a Continuum of Care, and reports aggregate data for the County as per the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Data Standards found in htll!:flwv�v v.laudlu��ent Tinall IM DataStandards !Iarch2010.pdf. (3) The project/program proposal to the County of San Luis Obispo shall be examined in relation to the County's community development goals and funding priorities as presented in the Urban County of San Luis Obispo 2010-201.5 Consolidated Plan(ConPlan). The ConPlan is available at wvr.sloplannin .Or The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Planning and Building (Planning) considers the criteria stated in the 2013 Request for Proposals as one of many tools to help make funding recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Planning will use other information and sources including but are not limited to: the County Board of Supervisors, recommendations from the .Homeless Services Oversight Council, other participating jurisdictions of the Urban County of San Luis Obispo, identified needs that could be addressed by the grant funds, consistency with goals and priorities in the 2010 Consolidated Plan and the Ten Year Pian to End Homelessness,results of the Needs Workshops,working knowledge of the project and/or organization by Planning,and availability of limited fund,to help with the funding recommendations. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 1 OF 2 APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Please call County and/or city CDBG staff with any questions about how to complete the form or about the rating criteria and process. If the information for any of the questions below requires more room to provide a complete explanation of your proposed project or program,please attach additional sheets. CONTACT INFORMATION 1. Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address: Name: Tri-Counties Community Housing Corporation Address (mailing and physical address requested if different); 520 E. Montecito St Santa Barbara, CA 93103 Contact person/title Marc Belfortti, Executive Director Phone: 805-456-8066 Fax. E-mail address: Mbelfortti(crgnnail.com Is the organization a Faith Based Organization? Yes ❑ No xx. Organization's DUNS number; If you are awarded CDBG funds or your proposal involves economic development,i.e.,directly benefit a business, private property owner,business,involves facade improvements,provide technical assistance to a new or existing business,job creation,loan guarantee,the beneficiary must obtain a Dun and Bradsteet(DUNS)number that must be reported to HUD. Please contact Tony Navarro,(805)781-5787,tnavarroCslo.co.ca.us for information on how to obtain a DUNS number prior to incurring and obligating the federal funds. Is your agency currently participating in HMIS? If not, does your agency have the capacity to participate in FIMIS? If yes,how so? COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 2 OF 2 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING sLOPLANNING.ORG PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2. Title/name/address of proposed project or program: Home for four persons with developmental disabilities with medical needs. 3. Please describe the proposed project or program. In one or two short paragraphs, include a brief project/program description, the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from the proposed project or program. for projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e.g. street address). for programs, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program. Also, please include a schedule of project/program milestones. There is no housing option for persons with developmental disabilities with enduring medical needs in the north county area of San Luis Obispo County. As a result, when aging parents are no longer able to provide for their loved ones directly, individuals are required to move south of the City of San Luis Obispo or out of the county completely. The only options that currently exist within the north county area is completely adverse to the de-institutionalization, living in an convalescent facility. As of the date of this writing,there are 36 persons with developmental disabilities with mobility challenges are currently residing in the north county area. All of these individuals are living with parents and./or relatives. The proposed project will provide 3 to 4 individuals with enduring medical needs, individuals who are dependent on their wheel chairs, continue to live within the only community that they know, in a setting that offer dignity and an enhanced quality of life. The project will acquire and renovate a single family residence which will include a universal, barrier free design. Twenty Four/Seven (24/7) services and supports will be provided by Tri-Counties Regional Center which will result in the creation of 7 new full time positions. 4. Will the services offered by your organisation increase or expand as a result of the CDBG assistance? If yes,please answer the following questions: a. What new programs and/or services will be provided? Adding 4 new affordable housing units_, in one single family residence, suitable for persons with enduring medical needs. b. Describe how existing programs and/or services will be expanded and what percentage of an increase is expected? Considering the availability of residences for persons with developmental disabilities with enduring medical needs in the north county area of San Luis Obispo County is non-existent, the proposed project will provide a 1009%increase. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 3 OF 3 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 5. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and the Guide to Eligible CDBG Activities). _xx acquisition of real property* Disposition of real property Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction,rehabilitation or installation)* and/or ** Privately owned utilities Clearance and remediation activities" Public services Interim assistance Relocation of individuals,families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or farms Loss of rental income xx Removal of architectural barriers Housing rehabilitation** New housing construction (under limited circumstances) Homeownership assistance Housing services Code enforcement Historic preservation** Commercial or industrial rehabilitation** Special economic development Technical assistance and planning studies * Relocation: Any project that involves the acquisition of property and/or rehabilitation and is funded in whole or in part with federal funds, even if the federal funds are not used for the acquisition itself, is subject to federal requirements connected to acquisition and relocation. A project cannot be broken into separate "projects"in order to avoid the federal requirements connected with property acquisition and relocation. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 4 OF 4 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Any questions concerning whether the relocation regulations apply to a specific property acquisition project should be directed to the Community Development Division staff before any action is taken on the project. If HUD funded project will cause a household or a business to move, evenly temporarily, the relocation regulations will apply. Along with application submit: • Estimate of relocation cost(moving costs, subsidy amount for suitable replacement dwelling.) • Letter to owner or voluntary acquisition,plus proof of delivery to owner. • General Information letter to tenants (both business and residentiall tenants),plus proof of delivery to all). • List of tenants (both business and residential tenants) at the time of application submittal. • Refer to SLO Col website for sample relocation letters. Y Lead based paint/asbestos: If HUD funded project involves acquisition or rehabilitation of a residential units that was built in 1978. or earlier, then Lead-Based paint regulations will apply. • Along with application submit an estimate of costs for LBP work, provided by certified LBP consultant. Or statement by LISP consultant explaining that project is exempt. • Include any temporary housing costs. 6. Describe the need and the degree of urgency for the proposed project or program. What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? Depending on the health of the families, it is perceivable that one to two individuals may be remanded to moving a significant distance and reside in an institutional lime setting. 7. Please describe the specific organizational method used to implement the proposed project or program (single or multiple group, public agency, non-profit,for-profit, experience in operating similar programs, etc.): The home will be owned by Tri-Counties Community Housing Corporation and held in perpetuity for persons with developmental disabilities. Services and Supports will be funded by Tri-Counties Regional Center, a quasi-state agency which contracts with the State of California to provide such services and supports. Parents Helping Parents, a parent advocacy organization will assist in ensuring that the renovations meet the needs of the persons intended. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 11 5 OF 5 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 8. Does the project require the issuance of a permit (from local,state or federal agencies)? `ales ❑ No xx a. If yes, please identify the permits necessary to complete the project. b. Have the necessary permits been issued? please provide proof of permit issuance. c. If permits are required but not yet obtained, when will the permits be issued? NATIONAL OBJECTIVES CRITERIA_ 9. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective. a. xx Benefits low- and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD). Select one: F❑ Low/Moderate-Income Area Benefit—The project serves only a limited area which is proven by 2000 Census data or survey to be a predominately (51% or more) lowhnoderate-income area. Applicants choosing this category must be able to prove their project/activity primarily benefits low/moderate-income households. xx Low/Moderate-Income Limited Clientele — The project benefits a specific group of people (rather than all areas in a particular area), at least 51%of whom are low/moderate-income persons;. Note: Income verification for clients must be provided for this category. The following groups are presumed to be low/moderate-income: abused children; elderly persons; battered spouses; homeless persons; adults r eeting census definition of severely disabled; persons living with AIDS; and migrant farm workers xx Low/Moderate-Income Housing — The project adds or improves permanent residential structures that will be/are occupied by low/moderate-income households upon completion. ❑ Low/Moderate-Income Jobs — The project creates or retains permanents jobs, at least 51% of which are taken by low/moderate-income persons or considered to be available to low/moderate- income persons. Explain: By census definition and by actual income averaging $850.00 (SSI) per month. Specific clientele are persons with developmental disabilities who are completely non-ambulatory and require 24/7 care residing in Atascadero. Paso Robles, Creston, Templeton and San Miguel. DOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the County or participating city, at least 51 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 6 OF 6 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST"23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG percent of who are low- and moderate-income persons. b. Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. Explain: Select one: Addressing Slums or blight on an Area Basis - Addressing Slums or Blight on a Spot basis — This project will prevent or eliminate specific conditions of blight or physical decay. Activities are limited to clearance, historic preservation, rehabilitation of buildings, but only to the extent necessary to eliminate conditions detrimental to public health and safety. Is the project located in a Redevelopment Area? Yes C] No If yes, attach a snap of the area with the site highlighted, and provide the Redevelopment Project .Area(excerpts accepted)which documents the existence of slum/blight. Also, document the specific redevelopment objectives pertaining to the proposed project. NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity bust be within a designated slum or blighted area and must be designed to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration of the area. C. Meets community development deeds having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other funding sources are available, i.e., a major catastrophe such as a flood or earthquake. Explain: NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. 10. If the project or program is designed to meet the national objective of providing benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, please estimate the number of unduplicated number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group (unduplicated means the number who are served, i.e., the grant will allow 25 children to participate in preschool—not 25 children x 5 days x 52 weeks=6,500). a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project or program (regardless of income group): COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 7 OF 7 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGus-r 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG _4___ Persons/households(circle the applicable unit) b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low-income(earning 51% - 80% or less of the County median-income)? 4 Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be very low-income (earning 50% or less of the County median-incorne)? 4 Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) 11. Who are the clients of your organization? (Example: low- to moderate-income persons, elderly persons,severely disabled persons, migrant farm workers, battered spouses, etc.) * 1,782 residents with developmental disabilities currently reside in the County of San Luis Obispo. 742 persons, or 41.6%, reside in the north county area of San Luis Obispo. * North county residents represent 41.6% of our specific census, persons with mobility challenges (primarily due to disabilities associated with cerebral palsy) only represent 2%, or 36 residents, compared to nearly 10%, or 176, county wide. * The trends clearly indicate that the only available housing, outside of a person's family home, is not available in the north county area. Persons with developmental disabilities with mobility ehallengas x San Luis Obispo County a North County Area of San Luis Obispo Count, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 8 OF 8 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLAI\NING.ORG Persons with developmental disahilitics reciclising mobility assistance _ San Lexis Obispo County nenned=ary Inr rr; 3iaty Care€nterrne 9iE Car eving Com qd atty u3le f 2rP Laige v r�a!d7 6 T s sm f 3I-t lyd't-eldenly y l lerf k[a€stnQ Licensed r iomes Fac y.€cs €a_€hrties ear€I€E;es with t. ,nR3rts 's Liv guitt raa`liy racii€ty tk • AJP to 12 years of agei 12'eats of a to 16 16 years of Ms to 22 X -_ -- gu years of ageto30 4 �rf 30 year3of aReto45 {ears of ale to 55 � Z ba dears of a and _ sa 1g, Total i2 Z2 10...._ 1 __.-F5 Total=136 — North San Lads Obispo County girl&rmedcary tare n rater rredixy s to !v€n _..._`.� 'j""",."...". Care Smilj 1,6 SnIa Lce edrUi nes a F dl€kie� Fac Pile, �ffaerirac�rar�re�: .._ _........... ....5.,,.._.__......_..__-...,_. E a 16 arsof W22 �...__.�.._.___.._. 22y aarsofapta;3Q 3 30 years of age to-05 55 years of age and older Total 4 al flf R 2. Total=36 12.How will the clients benefit from thisproject? But not for the proposed project,the specific clientele will have to move a significant distance and reside in an institutional like setting. 13. If your project serves homeless households, please describe how your program coordinates with other continuum of care projects and entities and how it aligns with the San Luis Obispo Countywide 10-Year Plan to Homelessness, N/A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 9 OF 9 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG BENEFICIARY DATA 14. flow do you collect demographic data on the beneficiaries of the proposed project or program? (Example: racial/ethnic characteristics) NOTE: You are required to provide beneficiary data at the end of each quarter and year end data of the fiscal year. Enduring medical need requirement-, Income characteristics 15. How do you document and maintain income status of each client in compliance with HUD regulations? (Example: very low, low- and moderate-income) Annual certification with supporting documentation. 16. Provide the following information for the person(s) in your organization responsible for the preparation and submittal of the quarterly reports and for collecting and reporting the beneficiary data to the Urban County. Contact person/title: Marc Belfortti, Executive Director Phone number: 805-456-8066 E-mail address: mbelfoi-tti(-4,)tri-countieshousing.orc, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 10 OF 10 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 4 1 FINANCIAL L INF ORMA TION For CDBG applications to the County of San Luis Obispo involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects please provide the required additional budget information on BUDGET FORM A and BUDGET FORM B attached to the back of this application. 17. Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $ l S5 00( Please identify the jurisdiction(s)to which you are applying (see Note below): If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction,please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: City of Paso Nobles: � City of Atascadero: -x1-- City of San Luis Obispo: City of Morro Bay: County of San Luis Obispo: Xx NOTE: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline. 1$. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. Itemize all sources of funding expected to be available and used for this project a. Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $ _185,000 ?. Other Federal fund(s) (please describe below) $ 1. State source(s) (please describe below) $ _150,000_ 4. Local source(s) (please describe below) $ 165,000 5. Other funds (please describe below) $ 50,000 Total Revenues $ _550,000 -- b. Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM f AGE 11 OF 11 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING sLOPLANNING.ORG 19. How do you pian to fund the operation and maintenance costs (if any) associated with this project? Are these funds available now? If not, when will they be available? And from what source(s)? Funding for ongoing maintenance will be provided via a dedicated maintenance reserve funded by Tri- Counties Community ]-lousing. 20. Will CDBG funds be used to match/leverage other funds? List below funding sources and amounts and identify award dates of these sources. Yes. 1. Tri-Counties Regional Center—Services and Supports estimated at$200,000 per year. In plaice. 2. San Luis Obispo Housing Trust Fund - $165,000--To be applied if awarded. 3. Tri-Counties Regional Center and State of California via Home and Community-Based Services Waiver (HCBS) for the purpose of environmental adaptations. - $150,000 To be requested if awarded. I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and ability. Signature Date Printed or typed name Title ............................. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 12 OF 12 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Nate to applicant. The County and cities require all of the grant recipients to maintain general liability, automobile and workman's compensation insurance with limits of not less than $1 million**,,'-. If you are successful in obtaining an award,you arilI be asked to provide documentation regarding ability to provide the required coverage. '*-Liability coverage,may vary by jurisdiction. Please call the city/county contact to verify limits. Prior to HUD's release of grant conditions and/or funds for the CDBG-funded project, a review of the project's potential impact on the environment must be conducted by the awarding jurisdictions and approved by the County of San Luis Obispo prior to obligating or incurring project costs. The County must certify to HUD that it has complied with all applicable environmental procedures and requirements. Should project costs be obligated or incurred prLor to the completion of the necessary environmental review, the project shall not benefit from the federal funds. Environmental review requirements pursuant to 24 CFP.Part 58 must be fully satisfied for any project selected for funding prior to the CDBG Program issuing a Notice to Proceed for the project. The level of environmental review required depends on the nature of the project. 24 CFR Part 58 is available at svw.hid. cvlofcesJetdlenjironet�l'lae- sLa #ire£=s/rens. If you need assistance or have questions regarding this application,please contact any of the persons listed below. Your application(s) can be dropped off or mailed to the following locations: • Kelly Heffernon, Community Development Dept., City of Arroyo Grande, 214 E. Branch Street (P.O. Box 550),Arroyo Grande, CA 93421, (805)473-5420. • Valerie Humphrey, Public Works Dept., City of Atascadero, 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422, (805)470-3460. • Rob Livick, Public Services Dept., City of Morro Bay, 955 Shasta Avenue, Morro Bay, CA, 93442, (805) 772-6261 • Darren Nash, Community Development Dept., City of Paso Robles, 1000 Spring St.,Paso Robles, CA 93446, (805)237-3970. • Tyler Corey, Community Development Dept., City of San Luis Obispo 919 Palm St., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, (805)781-7175. • Tony Navarro, Dept. of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408, (805) 781-5787. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAG=13 OF 13 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST'23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO CDBG SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET INFORMATION SHEET BUDGET FORM A For CDBG applications to the County of San Luis Obispo involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects must provide the applicable project budget information. Financial considerations are key in assessing a project's ability to be completed successfully and timely. Factors to be considered in this area include (a)availability and sufficiency of resources (including all non- CDBG, federal, state, county or private funding sources, (b)the leveraging of resources, (c) fiscal support for the project for its continued viability and (d)the project budget's accuracy, reasonableness and completeness in determining the financial needs of the project. Source of Funds. Provide for entire project and round to the nearest hundred dollars. Do NOT include operating costs as this is not an eligible CDBG costs for projects involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects. Description of Cost Date Amount Approved - Total % of Funds Requested Secured Total AvailableBud e CDBG Funds: This $185,000 34% Request Previous Award Previous Award CDBG Funds: This request Previous Award Other Federal Funds Source: State Funds $150,000 27% Source: Tri-Counties Regional Center Private Funds: Private Funds: Private Funds: In-Kind Contributions: Labor In-Kind Contributions Other: Equity $ 50,000 $ 50,000 9% Other: SLO Housin =Trust $165,000 30% Other: Totals 100% Comment on your entity's strategy and plans on the leveraging and sufficiency of resources to itnplen-tent the proposed project. If project is not leveraged with other funds, explain why CDBG funds are being relied on solely to fund the proposed project. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 14 OF 14 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG i V COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO CDBG SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET INFORMATION SHEET BUDGET FORM B Project Budget t15 Budget Form--Acquisition, Construction and Rehabilitation Project Preliminary Budget&Project Funding Requirements Agency narne: Tri-Counties Community Housing Corporation Project: Home for Medically Fragile Preliminary Budget: List all funding necessary to complete the proposed project. You must provide a DETAILED budget line-item worksheet for all costs associated with the project. NOTE: YOU MUST USE THIS FORMAT. Additionally, you must provide a DETAILED budget narrative explaining how you arrived at each line iterri. Activity CDBG Fund&, %",Other Funds Total Cost-, ACQUISITION Purchase of Land Purchase of Units 185,000 165,000 350,000 Other Expenses(List) HARD COSTS Site Work Demolition 8,500 — 8,500 Construction 150,000 — 150,000 Appliances Accessory Buildings General Requirements Contractor Overhead Contractor Profit Construction Contingency Other(List on separate sheet SOFT COSTS Architect Fee–Design 14,500 14,500 Architect Fee–Supervision Legal Fees Engineering Fees Other Professional Fees(List) — Appraisal 500 500 Market Study Environmental Report Title&Recording Expenses Relocation Expenses Consultants COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 15 OF 15 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Other Soft Costs(List) INTERIM COSTS _. Construction Insurance Construction Interest _ 12 QQQ 1 QQQ Credit Enhancement Rea!Estate Taxes 4,000 4,000 FINANCING COSTS Bond Premium Perrnanent Loan Origination 3,000 QQQ Permanent Loan Credit Enhance Other Financing Costs(List)closing costs -- 7,500 7,500 DEVELOPER'S FEE(Determined individually for each project) TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST 185,000 356,500 550,000 Budget must be specific and reflect the applicant's financial coriunitment, including items paid for by other sources. This includes in-(rind contributions and volunteer labor. It should not include amounts of administration. Indicate the circunTstancesfconsecluences of partial funding is awarded for this project. Authorization. Authorized Signature for Project Title Date Print name COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 16 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO C BG SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET INF ORMATION SHEET WORK PLAN & PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE List all project milestones and their anticipated work period, There will be an opportunity to update the project timeline after grant notification and before executing a grant agreement. Any proposed changes, including extension and early completion, must be requested in writing and approved in advance by the jurisdiction receiving the funding application. Note: Applicant will assume all financial risk if work on the proposed project begins before environmental clearance is obtained. You may either use or recreate this form to add tasks and activities and extended timeline. YOU MUST USE THIS FORMAT. Task lkctivity Bc<=in,tut 2013 JUL AL1U SGP OC'T NOV JAN FMAR APR MAY JUN -Property Acquisition xx xx — Construction Documents xx Construction xx COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 17 OF 17 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANN{NG.GRG October 1lZ012 Dear Marc, Thank you smmuch for coming toNorth County tospeak with interested parents about creative housing options for their medically fragile adult children. The parents who participated inthe discussion sincerely appreciate your interest and concern for the needs of this particular population. We are hopeful that this will be just the beginning of a dialogue that will help shape our hopes and dreams for our adult children into actual homes in which they will be able to live safely and comfortably when we are unable tocare for them athome. Our medically fragile children are noo-ambu|atory, non-weight bearing, many are unable to speak, are fed with G Tubes and some even need regular suctioning at their trach sites. The need |sgreat asthere are uohomes u[this type yet inour county. You asked that we write you a letter describing the needs of our adult children. We are talking about fundamental needs that most people simply take for granted. Maybe the best way toproceed is to describe the elements in a home that would enable our adult children with their caregivers to live their lives asothers do. 1. Our children need a home in which to live, not an institution or a convalescent hospital. l They are sociable and would enjoy having two ormore compatible house mates with similar needs sothat they can share resources. l Accessible doorways-our door ways need to be wide enough to accommodate wheel chairs. 4. Ramps- Ramps are necessary to assist us in changing levels especially as we enter and exit our homes. 5. VVeneed aplace for our overnight care provider tosleep. 6. Our home should be near a park with enjoyable recreation facilities(i.e. pool with wheelchair|Uft),and should benear public transportation lines. 7. Our home should have smooth, uncarpeted floors. 8. We need a roll-in shower,a "wet room"type bathroom with room for the wheel chairs would beideal. Abath tub would beanice addition for those able totake baths. 9. Ceiling tracks and barrier free lifts to transport from bed to bath to living area would be ideal. Hoyer lifts can beused for overnights away from home. lO� Beds need to be high enough for care givers to minister to our needs without hurting themselves urus. 11. Bed need surfaces that can prevent bed sores which are terribly painful and can become life threatening. 12. Mechanical beds that can help uschange positions would bebe|pfu!. 13. Soft recliners toenjoy inthe living area are necessary. (Lazy Boy o/Cardio Chair onWheels) 14. Rolling tables with augmentive communication devices are necessary for communication. IS. TVs oteye level are beneficial. Some use rolling hospital stands with TV strapped to it. 16. A comfortable room to visit with friends and family is a must along with a patio or out door space. 17� Amat onfloor toroll around onand get some exercise isbeneficial. I& Swamp coolers to heat and cool homes,which are not too drying for sensitive skin and nasal passages are necessary. 19. Skilled staff(CNAs)to help administer meds and to know when it is necessary to call 911 for assistance inemergencies. 20� VVoneed aHome Health agency contracted tostaff the home. 21. Plenty ofstorage for necessary items isnecessary. (i.e.diapers, medical equipment, linens, towels etc.) 22. A library where we could borrow equipment for periods of time until we can afford to purchase itwould behelpful. Hoyer lifts, bath chairs,cardio chairs and bed surfaces are a few items that could be kept in a centrally located library. We would like to invite you to visit with us in our homes so that you can get to know us and see that we have the potential to live happy, healthy lives with the right kinds of accommodations. VVewould also bewilling toSkypewith you ormake avideo for you to see how xvegoabout our daily activities. Please let usknow what would work best for you. Again, many thanks for your support, Debra Marasco-McNulty ]oanRueok Daw/nKAainrimm Joanne Moore • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM i t APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING 976 OSOS STREET ROOM 200 • SAN LUIS OBISPO • CALIFORNIA 93408 (805)781-5600 \ '-- ----� Promoting the Wise Use of Land o Helping to Build Great Communities Organization Name: City of Atasca ero (Attach additional sheets if necessary) To be considered for CDBG assistance, please submit this completed application with any exhibits, budgets or beneficiary data as needed. PLEASE READ ALL INFORMATION IN THE APPLICATION. Applications can be mailed to one of the participating jurisdictions listed in this application or to: Tony Navarro, Planner III, Department of Planning and. Building, 976 Osos Street, Roorn 300, San Luis Obispo, CA., 93408 or hand delivered to Tony Navarro at 1035 Pahl Street, Room 370, San Luis Obispo, CA., faxed to (805) 781-5624, or e-mailed to tnavarro("ci)co.slo.ca.us. The application deadline is 5:00 P.M., Friday, October 12, 2012. Applications must be received by the County or one of the participating cities (Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Morro Bay, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo) prior to close of the business day. POSTMARKED DATED MAIL RECEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. NOTE: (1) Please review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposal. The CDBG regulations,under 24 CFR 570, are available at www.sloplanning.M under"Federal HUD Grants." (2) HMIS Reporting for 2013 homeless services, housing and shelter-All homeless service providers applying for CDBG funds to assist, house or shelter the homeless must identify and demonstrate its capacity to participate in the County of San Luis Obispo Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)to provide: personnel for data entry,user licensing, and hardware and software necessary for compatibility with F1MIS. HMIS is an electronic data collection system..that stores client level information about persons who access the homeless services system in a Continuum of Care, and reports aggregate data for the County as per the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Data Standards found in http://www.hudl-ire.info/documentsr'FinaIHMISDataStandards March2010.pdf. (3) The project/program proposal to the County of San Luis Obispo shall be examined in relation to the County's community development goals and funding priorities as presented in the Urban County of San Luis Obispo 2010-2015 Consolidated Plan (ConPlan), The ConPlan is available at wwwsloplarurin_QM. The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Planning and Building (Planning) considers the criteria stated in the 2013 Request for Proposals as one of many tools to help make funding recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Planning will use other information and sources including but are not limited to: the County Board of Supervisors, recommendations from.the Homeless Seivices Oversight Council, other participating jurisdictions of the Urban County of San Luis Obispo, identified needs that could be addressed by the grant funds, consistency with goals and priorities in the 2010 Consolidated Plan and the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness, results of the Needs Workshops,working knowledge of the project and/or organization by Planning, and.availability of limited fund,to help with the funding recommendations. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 1 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Please call County and/or city CDBG staff with any questions about how to complete the form or about the rating criteria and process. If the information for any of the questions below requires more room to provide a. complete explanation of your proposed project or program,please attach additional sheets. CONTACT INFORMATION 1. Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address: Name: City of Atascadero Address (mailing and physical address requested if different): 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero CA Contact person/title: Mr. Russ Thompson, Director of Public Works Phone: (805)-470-3486 Fax: (805)-470-31487 E-mail address: rthompson@atascadero.org Is the organization a Faith Based Organization? Yes F-1 No X Organization's DUNS number: 120959952 Ln If you are awarded CDBG funds or your proposal involves economic development,i.e.,directly benefit a business,private property owner,business,involves fagade improvements,provide technical assistance to a new or existing business,job creation,loan guarantee,the beneficiary must obtain a Dun and Bradsteet(DUNS) number that must be reported to HUD. Please contact Tony Navarro,(805)781-5787,tnavarro(.&slo.co.ca.us for information on how to obtain a DUNS number prior to incurring and obligating the federal funds. Is your agency currently participating in HMIS? No If not, does your agency have the capacity to participate in HIS? If yes, how so? No COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 2 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2. Title/name/address of proposed project or program: City of Atascadero Barrier Removal Program 3. Please describe the proposed project or program. In one or two short paragraphs, include a brief project/prograni description., the groups who will benefit and_ an explanation of how they will, benefit from the proposed project or program. For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e.g. street address). For programs, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program. Also, please include a schedule of :n project/program milestones. Architecture barrier removal at all City of Atascadero facilities and infrastructure. Projects to include but are not limited to, Sidewalk modifications- elevation changes, bathroom upgrades, door lever replacements, audible and visual warnitig systems. City infrastructure improvements to install wheelchair ramps and sidewalks to aid in the mobility of those with mobility impairments. Schedule: In Design January 2013 (prior year funds) Bid Project November 2013 Construction February-March 2014 4. Will the services offered by your organization increase or expand as a result of the CDBG assistance? If yes, please answer the following questions: No a. What new programs and/or services will be provided? b. Describe how existing programs and./or services will be expanded and what percentage of an increase is expected? COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 3 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG S. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and the Guide to Eligible CDBG Activities). Acquisition of real property* Disposition of real property —x_ Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction., rehabilitation or installation)* and/or Privately owned utilities Clearance and remediation activities" Public services Interim assistance Relocation of individuals,families, businesses,non-profit organizations, and/or farms Loss of rental income Removal of architectural barriers Housing rehabilitation" New housing construction (under limited circumstances) Homeownership assistance Housing services Code enforcement Historic preservations Commercial or industrial rehabilitation" Special economic development. Technical assistance and planning studies Relocation: Any project that involves the acquisition of property and/or rehabilitation and is funded in whole or in part with federal funds, even if the federal funds are not used for the acquisition itself,is subject to federal requirements connected to acquisition and.relocation. A project cannot be broken into separate "proiects" in order to avoid the federal requirements connected with property acquisition and relocation. COMMUNITY(DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 4 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,201 2 SAN LUIS ORISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Any questions concerning whether the relocation regulations apply to a specific property acquisition project T should be directed to the Community Development Division staff before any action is taken on the project. If HUD funded project will cause a household or a business to rove, evenly temporarily, the relocation regulations will apply. Along with application submit: • Estimate of relocation cost (moving costs, subsidy amount for suitable replacement dwelling) • Letter to owner or voluntary acquisition, plus proof of delivery to owner. • General Information letter to tenants (both business and residential tenants), plus proof of delivery to all), • List of tenants (both business and residential tenants) at the time of application submittal. • Refer to S.L0 Col website for sample relocation letters. Lead based paint/asbestos: If HUD funded project involves acquisition or rehabilitation of a residential units that was built in 1978 or earlier, then Lead-Based paint regulations will apply. • Along with application submit an estimate of costs for LBP work.,provided by certified LBIP consultant. Or statement by LBP consultant explaining that project is exempt. 1-1 CJ • Include any temporary housing costs. 6. Describe the need and the degree of urgency for the proposed project or program. What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? Barriers to mobility will remain. 7. Please describe the specific organizational method used to implement the proposed tn project or program (single or multiple group,public agency, non-profit, for-profit, experience in operating similar programs, etc.): Public Agency 8. Does the project require the issuance of a permit(from [1o:cJa , state or federal agencies)? Fvl Yes No F] a. If yes, please identify the permits necessary to complete the project. Encroachment Permit issued by the City of Atascadero COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 5 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG b. Have the necessary permits been issued? Please provide proof of permit issuance. No c. If permits are required but not yet obtained, when will the permits be issued? Upon completion of the bidding process an Encroachment Permit will be issued to the contractor. NATIONAL OBJECTIVES CRITERIA. 9. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective. a. X Benefits low- and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD). Select one: E] Low/Moderate-Income Area Benefit—The project serves only a limited area which is proven by 2000 Census data or survey to be a predominately ('51% or more) low/moderate-income area. Applicants choosing this category mast be able to prove their project/activity primarily benefits low/moderate-income households. Low/Moderate-Income Limited Clientele — The project benefits a specific group of people (rather than all areas in a particular area), at least 51% of whom are low/moderate-income persons;. Note: Income verification for clients must be provided. for this category. The following groups are presumed to be low/moderate-income: abused children; elderly persons; battered spouses; homeless persons; adults meeting census definition of severely disabled; persons living with AIDS; and migrant farm workers Low/Moderate-Income Housing — The project adds or improves permanent residential structures that will be/are occupied by low/moderate-income households upon completion Low/Moderate-Income Jobs -- The project creates or retains permanents jobs, at least 51% of which are taken by low/m.oderate-income persons or considered to be available to low/nioderate- income persons. Explain: ^� NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the County or participating city, at least 51 percent of who are low- and moderate-income personas. b. Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CL BG)PROGRAM PAGE 6 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 BAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Explain: Select one: Q Addressing Slums or Blight on an Area Basis - ❑ Addressing Slums or Blight on a Spot Basis — This project will prevent or eliminate specific conditions of blight or physical decay. Activities are limited to clearance, historic preservation, rehabilitation of buildings, but only to the extent necessary to eliminate conditions detri:tnental to public health and safety. Is the project located in a Redevelopment Area? Yes ❑ No [� If yes, attach a map of the area with the site highlighted, and provide the Redevelopment Project Area(excerpts accepted) which documents the existence of shun/blight. Also, document the specific redevelopment objectives pertaining to the proposed project. NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must be within a designated slum or blighted area and must be designed to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration of the area. C. Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a. serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other funding sources are available, i.e., a major catastrophe such as a flood or earthquake, Explain: NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. 1-0. If the project or program is designed to meet the national objective of providing benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, please estimate the number of unduplicated number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group (unduplicated means the number who are served, i.e., the grant will allow 25 chjildren to participate in preschool—not 25 children x 5 days x 52 weeks =6,:500). a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project or program(regardless of income group)- Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 7 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low-s`za_cozne (earning 51% - 80% or less of the County median-income)? Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be very low-income (earning 50% or less of the County median-income)? Person sfhouseholds (circle the applicable unit) 11. Who are the clients of your organization? (Example: low- to moderate-income Person's, elderly persons, severely disabled persons, migrant farm workers, battered spouses, etc.) Disabled individuals 12. How will the clients benefit from this project? Removal of barriers to mobility 13.If your project serves homeless households, please describe how your program coordinates with other continuum of care projects and entities and how it aligns with the San Luis Obispo County-wide 10-Year Plan to Homelessness. BENEFICIARY DATA 1.4. How do you collect demographic data on the beneficiaries of the proposed project or program`? (Example: racial/ethnie characteristics) NOH: You are required to provide beneficiary data at the end of each quarter and year end data of the fiscal year. Census Bureau website 15. How do you document and maintain income status of each client in compliance with HIT regulations? (Example: very low, low- andmoderate-income) Census Bureau website COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE$OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR .AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 16. Provide the following information for the person(s) in your organization responsible for the preparation and submittal of the quarterly reports and for collecting and reporting the beneficiary data to the Urban County. Contact person/title: Valerie Humphrey,Administrative Assistant, Department of Public Works Phone number: (805) 470-3)416 E-mail address: vhumphrey@)atascadero.org FINANCIAL INFORMATION For CDBG applications to the County of San Luis Obispo involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects please provide the required additional budget information on BUDGET FORM A and BUDGET FORM B attached tot e back of this application. 17. Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $_100,000 Please identify the jurisdiction(s)to which you are applying (see Note below): City of Atascadero If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction,please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: -- City of Paso Robles: City of Ataseadero: $100,000 City of San Luis Obispo: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 9 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG City of Marro Bay: County of San Luis Obispo: NOTE: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline. 18. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. Itemize all sources of funding expected to be available and used for this project a. Revenues• 1. CDBG Funds requested $ 100,000 2. Other Federal fund(s) (please describe below) $ _ 3. State source(s) (please describe below) $ — 4. Local source(s) (please describe below) $ 5. Other funds (please describe below) $ _ Total Revenues $100,000 b. Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. Estimated: Environmental $ 5,000 Design $ 10x000 Inspection 5,000 Construction $ 80.000 Total $100,000 19. How do you plan to fund the operation and maintenance costs (if any) associated with this project? Are these funds available ? If not, when will they be available? And from what source(s)? N/A 20. Will CDBG funds be used to match/leverage other funds? List below funding sources and amounts and identify award dates of these sources. No COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 10 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23 2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG I certif�that the infprmation in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and ability. a iu Signature' Date a I Russ Thompson, Director of Public Works Note to applicant: The County and cities require all of the grant recipients to maintain general.liability, automobile and. workman's compensation insurance with limits of not less than$1 million***. If you are successful in obtaining an award, you will be asked to provide documentation regarding ability to provide the required coverage. x Liability coverage may vary by jurisdiction. Please call the city/county contact to verify limits. Prior to HUD's release of grant conditions and/or funds for the CDBG-funded project, a review of the project's potential impact on the environment must be conducted by the awarding jurisdictions and approved by the County of San Luis Obispo prior to obligating or incurring project costs. The County must certify to HUD that it has complied with all applicable environmental procedures and requirements. Should project costs be obligated or incurred prior to the completion of the necessary environrl ental review, the project shall not benefit from the federal funds. Environmental review requirements pursuant to 24 CFR Part 58 must be fully satisfied for any project selected for funding prior to the CDBG Program issuing a Notice to Proceed for the project. The level of environmental review required depends on the nature of the project. 24 CFR Part 58 is available at wiNw.hucl.�vv/of4:ices/cpd,enviroiunentalilawsandregs/reqs. If you.need assistance or have questions regarding this application,please contact any of the persons listed below. Your application(s) can be dropped off or mailed to the following locations: • Felly Heffernon, Community Development Dept., City of Arroyo Grande, 214 E. Branch Street(P.O. Box 550), Arroyo Grande, CA 93421, (805) 473-5420. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 11 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT LOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRA ! .ntazr.•�, ti T APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING r 976 OSOS STREET + ROOM 200 + SAN Luis OBISPO + CALIFORNIA 93408 + (805)781-5600 Promoting the Wise Use of Land • Helping to Build Great Communities Organization Name; North County Womear's Shelter&Resource Center (Attach additional sheets if necessary) To be considered for CDBG assistance, please submit this completed application with any exhibits, budgets or beneficiary data as needed. PLEASE READ ALL INFORMATION IN THE APPLICATION. Applications can be mailed to one of the participating jurisdictions listed in this application or to: Tony Navarro, Planner III, Department of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, San Luis Obispo, CA., 93408 or hand delivered to Tony Navarro at 1035 Palm Street, Room 370, San Luis Obispo, CA., faxed to (805) 781-5624, or e-mailed to tnavarro(c`r�}co.slo.ca.us. The application deadline is 5:00 P.M., Friday, October 12, 2012. Applications must be received by the County or one of the participating cities (Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Morro Bay, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo) prior to close of the business day. POSTMARKED DATED MAIL RECEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. NOTE (1) Please review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposal. The CDBG regulations, under 24 CFR 570, are available at w-ww.sloplanning.ora under"Federal HUD Grants." (2) HMIS Reporting for 2013 homeless services,housing and shelter-All homeless service providers applying for CDBG funds to assist,house or shelter the homeless must identify and demonstrate its capacity to participate in the County of San Luis Obispo Homeless Management Information System(HMIS)to provide: personriel for data entry, user licensing, and hardware and software necessary for compatibility with HMIS. HMIS is an electronic data collection system that stores client level information about persons who access the homeless services system in a Continuum of Care, and.reports aggregate data for the County as per the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Data Standards found in htip:f/wwNv.hudlire.info/documeiits/'FinalHMISDataStaildLirds March2010 df. (3) The project/program proposal to the County of San Luis Obispo shall be examined in relation to the County's community development goals and funding priorities as presented in the Urban County of San Luis Obispo 2010-2015 Consolidated Plan(ConPlan). The ConPlan is available at www.sloplanning.org. The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Planning and Building (Planning) considers the criteria stated in the 2013 Request for Proposals as one of many tools to help make funding recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Planning will use other information and sources including but are not limited to: the County Board of Supervisors, recommendations from the Homeless Services Oversight Council, other participating jurisdictions of the Urban. County of San Luis Obispo, identified needs that could be addressed by the grant funds consistency with goals and priorities in the 2010 Consolidated Plan and the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness, results of the Needs Workshops, working knowledge of the project and/or organization by Planning, and availability of limited fund, to help with the funding recommendations. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 1 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPtANNING.ORG Please call County and/or city CDBG staff with any questions about how to complete the form or about the rating criteria and process. If the information for any of the questions below requires more room to provide a. complete explanation of your proposed project or program., please attach additional sheets. CONTACT INFORMATION 1. Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address Name: North County Women's Shelter& Resource Center Address (mailing and physical address requested if different): PO Box 630 Paso Nobles, CA 934,17-0630 1030 Vine Street, Paso Robles, CA 93446 Contact person/title: Jennifer Adams, Executive Director Phone: 805-226-5400 Fax: 805-226-5401 E-mail address: "add ani.s(ar)ncwomensshelter.org Is the organization a Faith Based Organization? Yes ❑ No X. Organization's DUNS number: _828463059 If you are awarded CDBG funds or your proposal involves economic development,i.e.,directly benefit a business,private property owner,business,involves fagade improvements,provide technical assistance to a new or existing business,job creation,loan guarantee,the beneficiary must obtain a Dun and Bradsteet(DUNS)number that must be reported to HUD. Please contact Tony Navarro,(805)781-5787,tnavarroea�slo.co.ca.us for information on how to obtain a DUNS number prior to incurring and obligating the federal funds. Is your agency currently participating in HMIS? We have HMIS as a part of our RfClient database and are collecting and inputting the data. We are not connected with other providers, as our clients are victims of domestic violence and their information is considered confidential under VAWA guidelines. If not, does your agency have the capacity to participate in HMIS? If yes, how so? COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 2 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 BAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2. Title/name/address of proposed project or program: Atascadero Domestic Violence Shelter (address is kept confidential for safety reasons) 3. Please describe the proposed project or program.. In one or two short paragraphs, include a brief project/program description, the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they ��'11 benefit from the proposed project or program. For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e.g. street address). For programs, state the location from which the prograra will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program. Also, please include a schedule of project/program milestones. The Atascadero Shelter has long had high electric bills compared to the shelter in Paso Robles. With CDBG funds and the CAP-SLO program, the windows and door have been replaced but this has not significantly reduced costs. We had three heating/air contractors come to assess the situation and were informed that our duct system was not nearly adequate to support the size of the heat/air unit. All three contractors recommend replacing the duct system throughout the entire house, Nvith one contractor recommending replacement of the heating/air unit and another contractor recommending the addition of a zoning system (including dampers)to separate both sides of the house. The replacement of the ducts and installation of the zoning system makes the most sense, as we do not always have residents living in both sides of the home. It was also the more cost-efficient option. Clients and staff would benefit by experiencing a more efficient system that would provide better heating and air conditioning, especially during extreme temperatures. It would also save the agency in energy costs that could be reinvested in programs that support the clients. 4. Will the services offered by your organization increase or expand as a result of the CDBG assistance? If yes,please answer the following questions: No a. What new programs and/or services will be provided? b. Describe how existing programs and/or services will be expanded and what percentage of an increase is expected? 5. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and the Guide to Eligible CDBG Activities). Acquisition of real property' Disposition of real property �X Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation)* and/or COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 3 OF 16 .APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Privately owned utilities Clearance and remediation activities" Public services Interim assistance Relocation of individuals, farnilies,businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or farms Loss of rental income Removal of architectural barriers Housing rehabilitation" — New housing construction(under limited circumstances) Homeownership assistance Housing services Code enforcement Historic preservation" Commercial or industrial rehabilitation** — Special economic development — Technical assistance and planning studies Relocation: Any project that involves the acquisition of property and/or rehabilitation and is funded in whole or in part with federal funds, even if the federal funds are not used for the acquisition itself, is subject to federal requirements connected to acquisition and relocation. A project cannot be broken into separate "projects" in,order to avoid the federal requirements connected with property acquisition and relocation. Any questions concerning whether the relocation regulations apply to a specific property acquisition,project should be directed to the Community Development Division staff before any action is taken on the project. If HUD funded project will cause a household or a business to move, evenly temporarily, the relocation regulations will apply. Along with application submit: 0 Estimate of relocation cost (moving costs, subsidy amount for suitable replacement dwelling') 0 Letter to owner or voluntary acquisition, plus proof of delivery to owner. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 4 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG • General Information letter to tenants (both business and residential tenants), plus proof of delivery to all). • List of tenants (both business and residential tenants) at the time of application submittal. • Refer to SLQ Col website for sample relocation letters. *-- Lead based paint/asbestos: If I-IUD handed project involves acquisition or rehabilitation of a residential units that was built in 1978 or earlier, then Lead-Lased paint regulations will apply. • along with application submit an estimate of costs for LEP work,provided by certified LISP consultant. Or statement by LBP consultant explaining that project is exempt. • Include any temporary housing costs. 6. Describe the need and the degree of urgency for the proposed project or program. What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? By not addressing this issue, electricity costs will continue to increase operating expenses, therefore negatively affecting programming costs. The electricity costs have been steadily increasing, especially in comparison to the other shelter located in Paso Robles. Not only is the Paso Robles Shelter larger in square footage, but it is also located further north, therefore has both higher temperatures in the summer and colder temperatures in the winter. Over the past year, the electricity bills for the atascadero Shelter have been significantly higher,in some cases, double what the cost is for the Paso Shelter. 7, Please describe the specific organizational method used to implement the proposed project or program (single or multiple group, public agency, non-profit, for-profit, experience in operating similar programs, etc.): The North County lAlomen's Shelter &Resource Center, a non-profit organization, has been in operation since 1985 providing shelter and related services to victims of domestic violence. This agency has the fiscal and administrative ability to manage Federal, State, and local City grants and has successfully managed and monitored achievement of goals for the folloFving grants: CDGB (Community Development Bloch Grant); ESG (Emergency Shelter Grant); EFSP (Emergency Food and Shelter Program); EHAP (Emergency Housing Assistance Program); California Emergency Management agency, Domestic Violence Program Grant, SLO County Community Based Funds, United Way of San Luis Obispo County Grant, as well as numerous other foundation grants. . Does the project require the issuance of a permit(from local, state or federal agencies)? Yes ❑ No X a. If yes, please identify the permits necessary to complete the project. b. Have the necessary permits been issued? Please provide proof of permit issuance. c. If permits are required but not yet obtained, when will the permits be issued? COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 5 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG NATIONAL OBJECTIVES CRITERIA 9. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national.objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective. a. �X Benefits low-and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (,HUD). Select one: LowlModerate-Income Area Benefit— The project serves only a limited area which is proven by 2000 Census data or survey to be a predominately (51% or more) low/moderate-income area. Applicants choosing this category must be able to prove their project/activity primaril, benefits low/moderate-income households. X Low/Mod crate-In come Limited Clientele — The project benefits a specific group of people (rather than all areas in a particular area), at least 51% of whom are IotNlmoderate-income persons;. Note: Income verification for clients must be provided for this category. The following groups are presumed to be low/moderatc-income: abused children; elderly persons; battered spouses; homeless persons; adults meeting census definition of severely disabled, persons living with AIDS; and migrant farm workers Low/Moderate-Income housing — The project adds or improves permanent residential structures that will be/are occupied by low/moderate-income households upon completion. ❑ LowlModerate-Income Jobs — The project creates or retains permanents jobs, at least 51% of which are taken by low/moderate-income persons or considered to be available to low/moderate- income persons. Explain: All women and children residing in the Atascadero Shelter are fleeing domestic violence and are presumed to be low/moderate income. Most residents come into the shelter with no income or only a small subsistence. Income status is determined during the intake process. When victims of domestic violence make the decision to leave a violent relationship, they are also leaving their major source of income. Families are provided with shelter, food, clothing, medical care, hygiene items, transportation, counseling, case management, assistance with retraining orders, and help in obtaining permanent housing and income. Without shelter services to these low- income families, many times their only alternative is to either remain in the violent situation or become homeless. NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the County or participating city, at least 51 percent of who are low- and moderate-income persons. b. Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 6 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 BAN LUIS GBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING sLOPLANNING.ORG Explain: Select one: ❑ Addressing Slums or Blight on an Area Basis - Addressing Slums or Blight on a Spot Basis — This project will prevent or eliminate specific conditions of blight or physical decay. Activities are limited to clearance, historic preservation, rehabilitation of buildings, but only to the extent necessary to eliminate conditions detrimental to public health and safety. Is the project located in a Redevelopment Area? Yes F1 No [� If yes, attach a map of the area with the site highlighted, and provide the Redevelopment Project Area(excerpts accepted) which documents the existence of slum/blight. Also, document the specific redevelopment objectives pertaining to the proposed project. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be within a designated slum or blighted area and must be designed to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration of the area. C. Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other funding sources are available, i.e., a major catastrophe such as a flood or earthquake. Explain: - NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. 10. If the project or program is designed to meet the national objective of providing benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, please estimate the number of unduplicated number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group (unduplicated means the number who are served, i.e., the grant will allow 25 children to participate in preschool—not 25 children x 5 days x 52 weeks =6,500). a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project or program (regardless of income group): 50 Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 7 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above,how many will be low-income (earning 51 Flo - 80% or less of the County median-income)? 5- Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be very low-income (earning 50% or less of the County median-income)`? 45 Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) 11. Who are the clients of your organization? (Example: low- to moderate-income persons, elderly persons, severely disabled persons,migrant farm workers, battered spouses, etc.) Shelter clients are women and their children who are victims of domestic violence, have fled their homes and must reside in the shelter for their safety. By far,the majority of the families are very-low income. 12. How will the clients benefit from thisproject? Currently,the thermostat has to be adjusted to extremes to try and keep the house at a comfortable temperature. Clients can be uncomfortable due to the inefficiency of the current system, especially during extreme temperatures like we experience in the north county during both the sura ner and winter months. 13. If your project serves homeless households, please describe how your program coordinates with other continuum of care projects and entities and how it aligns with the San Luis Obispo Countywide 10-Year Plan to Homelessness. As a provider of services to domestic violence victims,we do not share information about our clients unless they specifically provide permission. We regularly make referrals to other homeless service providers, as some callers to the hotline are not experiencing domestic violence, therefore,they do not qualify for our services. Also, we receive referrals from other homeless providers and work to support or shelter those clients. Our case managers are in regular contact with these providers in order to provide support. Additionally, we have clients sign releases of information when needed in order to provide advocacy with other providers. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 8 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG BENEFICIARY DATA 14. How do you collect demographic data on the beneficiaries of the proposed project or program? (Example: racial./ethnic characteristics) NOTE. You are required to provide beneficiary data at the end of each quarter and year end data of the fiscal year. During both the initial crisis call and the shelter intake process,the following demographic data is collected on each family member staying at the shelter: etlinicity, languages spoken, gender, age, disabilities, income level, income amount and source,education level, veteran status and marital status. 15. How do you document and maintain income status of each client in compliance with HUD regulations? (Example: very low,low- and moderate-income) Actual income of each family is first documented on individual Shelter Intake Forms, then later entered into the agency's client database. When completing reports, income levels per family size are compared to HUD's published 'income limits in determining income status. 16. Provide the following information for the person(s) in your organization responsible for the preparation and submittal of the quarterly reports and for collecting and reporting the beneficiary data to the Urban County. Contact person/title: Jennifer Adams, Executive Director Phone number: 805-226-5400 E-mail address: Madams ?nc�vomens>>shelter.o COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 9 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2412 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING sLOPL.ANNING.ORG FINANCIAL INFORMATION For CDBG applications to the County of San Luis Obispo involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects please provide the required additional budget information on BUDGET FORM A and BUDGET FORM B attached to the back of this application. 1.7. Total amount of CDBG funds requested: 22,726 Please identify the jurisdiction(s)to which you are applying (see Note below): City of Atascadero If you are requesting CDBG funds from more,than one jurisdiction, please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: City of Paso Robles: City of Atascadero: _ City of San Luis Obispo: City of,Morro Pay: _ County of San Luis Obispo: NOTE: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline. 18. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. Itemize all sources of funding expected to be available and used for this project a. Revenues: I. CDBG Funds requested $ 22,726 2. Other Federal fund(s) (please describe below) $ 3. State source(s) (please describe below) $ 4. Local source(s) (please describe below) $ 5_ Other funds (please describe below) $ Total Revenues $ 22,726 b. Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. Removal& replacement of duct system, including grills & suspension kit, 13 ducts, supply &return plenums $14,846.20 5% contingency $ 742.30 Total—Duct System Replacement $1.5,588.50 $15,588.50 Installation of Honeywell zoning system, including electronic Dampers, bypass damper and thermostat $ 6,798.06 5% contingency $ 339.9 0 Total—Zoning System Installation $ 7,137.96 $ 7,137.96 GRAND TOTAL $22,726.16 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 10 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG K 1i hi 19. How do you plan to fund the operation and maintenance costs (if any) associated with this project? Are these funds available now? if not, when will they be available? And from what source(s)? There are no operation costs associated with this project. Any maintenance needed in the future will be paid with fundraising dollars. 20. Will CDBG funds be used to match/leverage other funds? List below funding sources and amounts and identify award dates of these sources. There are no other funds available for this project. (Jur current funding is for operating expenses only. I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and ability. 10/10/2012 Signature Date _Jennifer Adams Executive Director Printed or typed name Title Note to applicant: The County and cities require all of the grant recipients to maintain general liability, automobile and workman's compensation insurance with limits of not less than$1_ million**--. If you are successful in obtaining an award, you will be asked to provide documentation regarding ability=to provide the required coverage. * Liability coverage may vary by jurisdiction. Please call the city/county contact to verify limits, Prior to HUD's release of grant conditions and/or funds for the CDBG-funded project, a review of the project's potential impact on the environment must be conducted by the awarding jurisdictions and approved by the County of San Luis Obispo prior to obligating or incurring project costs. The County COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 11 OF 16 /APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG must certify to HUD that it has complied with all applicable environmental procedures and requirements. Should project costs be obligated or incurredrp for to the completion of the necessary environmental review, the project shall not benefit from the federal funds. Environmental review requirements pursuant to 24 CFR Part 58 must be fully satisfied for any project selected for funding prior to the CDBG Program issuing a Notice to Proceed for the project. The level of environmental review required depends on the nature of the project. 24 CFR Part 58 is available at jNavyy hud.gov/offices/epd,/environmental/la�vsanclre-s/`re, s. If you need assistance or have questions regarding this application, please contact any of the persons listed below. Your application(s) can be dropped off or mailed to the following locations" • Kelly Heffernon, Community Development Dept., City of Arroyo Grande, 214 E. Branch Street (P.O_ Box 550), Arroyo Grande, CA 93421, (805) 473-5420. • Valerie Humphrey, Public Works Dept., City of Atascadero, 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422, (805) 470-3460. • Rob Livick, Public Services Dept., City of Morro Bay, 955 Shasta Avenue, Morro Bay, CA, 93442, (805) 772-6261 • Darren Mash, Community Development Dept., City of Paso Robles, 1000 Spring St.,Paso Robles, CA 93446, (805) 237-3970. • Tyler Corey, Cor ununity Development Dept., City of San Luis Obispo, 919 Palm St., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, (805) 751-7175. • Tony Navarro, Dept. of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, San Luis Obispo, ('A 93408, (805) 781-5787. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 12 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR ,AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLO NNING.ORG COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO CDBG SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET INFORMATION SHEET BUDGET FORM A For CDBG applications to the County of San Luis Obispo involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects must provide the applicable project budget information. Financial. considerations are key in assessing a project's ability to be completed successfully and timely. Factors to be considered in this area include (a) availability and sufficiency of resources (including all non- CDBG, federal, state, county or private funding sources, (b) the leveraging of resources, (c) fiscal support for the project for its continued viability and (d) the project budget's accuracy, reasonableness and Q) completeness in determining the financial needs of the project. Source of Funds. Provide for entire project and round to the nearest hundred dollars. Do NOT include operating costs as this is not an eligible CDBG costs for projects involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation.projects. Description of Cost Date Amount Approved - Total % of Funds Requested Secured Total Available Budge CDBG Funds: This 22,700 22,700 100 Request Previous Award 3,200 _2,200 100 Previous Award 12/6/11 11,000 12/6/11 11,000 100 CDBG Funds: This request Previous Award Other Federal Funds Source: State Funds Source: Private Funds: Private Funds: Private Funds: In-Kind Contributions: Labor In-Kind Contributions Other: Other: Other: Totals 100=/. Comment on your entity's strategy and plans on the leveraging and sufficiency of resources to implement the proposed project. If project is not leveraged with other funds, explain why CDBG funds are being relied on solely to fund the proposed project. CDBG is not leveraged with other funds as there are none available for improvements to the facility. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 13 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLbPLANNING.ORG H I COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO C SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET INFORMATION SHEET BUDGET FORM B Project Budget Budget Form—Acquisition, Construction and Rehabilitation Project Preliminary Budget& Project Funding Requirements Agency name: North County Women's Shelter& Resource Center Project: Atascadero Domestic Violence Shelter Preliminary Budget: List all funding necessary to complete the proposed project. You must provide a DETAILED budget line-item worksheet for all costs associated with the project. NOTE: YOU MUST USE THIS FORMAT. Additionally, you must provide a DETAILED budget narrative explaining how you arrived at each line item. Activity CDBG Funds Other Funds Total Cost ACQUISITION Purchase of Land Purchase of Units Other Expenses(List) HARD COSTS Site Work 21,644.26 0 21,644.26 Demolition Construction Appliances Accessory Buildings General Requirements Contractor Overhead Contractor Profit Construction Contingency Other(List on separate sheet SOFT COSTS Architect Fee—Design Architect Fee—Supervision Legal Fees Enaineerinc, Fees Other Professional Fees(List.) Appraisal Market Study Environmental Report Title&Recording Expenses Relocation Expenses Consultants Other Soft Costs(List) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 14 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG INTERIM COSTS -- C011stnlC0011 111SUranCe ConstructioI1 Interest Credit Enhancement Real Estate Taxes FINANCING COSTS Bond Premium — Permanent Loan Origination Permanent Loan Credit Enhance Other Financing Costs(List) DEVELOPER'S FEE (Determined individually for each project) TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST 21„644.26 0 -- 21,644.26 Three bids were obtained. The costs are outlined, as follows. Removal &replacement of duct system, including grills & suspension kit, 13 ducts, supply&return plenums $14,846.20 Installation of Honeywell zoning system, including electronic Dampers, bypass damper and thermostat $ 6,798.06 TOTAL $21,644.26 Budget must be specific and reflect the applicant's financial commitment, including items paid for by other sources. This includes in-kind contributions and volunteer labor. It should not include amounts of administration. Indicate the circumstances/consequences of partial funding is awarded :for this project. If the full project is unable to be funded,priority should be given to the replacement of the duct system. All three companies that provided bids stated that the duct system.is not sufficient for the heating/air unit servicing the home. Installation of the zoning system could be provided with future funds. Authorization: _ Executive Director 10/1.0/12 Authorized Signature for Project Title Date Jennifer Adams Print name COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 15 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS CBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO CDBG SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET INFORMATION SHEET WORK PLAN & PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE List all. project milestones and their anticipated work period. There will be an opportunity to update, the project timeline after grant notification and before executing a grant agreement. Any proposed changes, including extension and early completion,must be requested in writing and approved in advance by the jurisdiction receiving the funding application. Note; Applicant will assume all financial risk if work on the proposed project begins before environmental clearance is obtained. You lnay either use or recreate this form to add tasks and activities and extended timeline. YOU MUST USE; THIS FORMAT. Task/Activity—Be6i❑Jul 2013 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN Approved _Contract Recd Contractor scheduled Work begun & completed - X COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 16 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR H 2013 PROGRAM YEAR SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING 976 OSOS STREET * ROOM 200 * SAN LUIS OBISPO * CALIFORNIA 93408 * (805)781-5600 Promoting the Wise Use of Land * Helping to Build Great Communities Organization Names Atascadero Community Services Foundation (Attach additional sheets if necessary) To be considered for CDBG assistance, please submit this completed application with any exhibits, budgets or beneficiary data as needed. PLEASE READ ALL INFORMATION IN THE APPLICATION. Applications can be mailed to one of the participating jurisdictions listed in this application or to: Tony Navarro, Planner III, Department of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, San Luis Obispo, CA., 93408 or hand delivered to Tony Navarro at 1035 Palm Street, Room 370, San Luis Obispo, CA., faxed to (805) 781-5624, or e-mailed to tnavarro@co.slo.ca.us. The application deadline is 5:40 P.M., Friday, October 12, 2012. Applications must be received by the County or one of the participating cities (Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Morro Bay, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo) prior to close of the business day. POSTMARKED DATED MAIL RE CEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. NOTE: (1) Please review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposal. The CDBG regulations, under 24 CFR 570, are available at ,www.sloplanning.org under"Federal HUD Grants." (2) HMIS Reporting for 2013 homeless services,housing and shelter-All homeless service providers applying for CDBG funds to assist, house or shelter the homeless must identify and demonstrate its capacity to participate in the County of San Luis Obispo Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) to provide: personnel for data entry, user licensing, and hardware and software necessary for compatibility with HMIS. HMIS is an electronic data collection system that stores client level information about persons who access the homeless services system in a Continuum of Care, and reports aggregate data for the County as per the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Data Standards found in lnttp:Hwww.hudlire.info/docunielnts/FinalHMISDataStandards March2010j)df. (3) The project/program proposal to the County of San Luis Obispo shall be examined in relation to the County's community development goals and funding priorities as presented in the Urban County of San Luis Obispo 2010-2015 Consolidated Plan(ConPlan). The ConPlan is available at www.sloplanning.org. The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Planning and Building (Planning) considers the criteria stated in the 2013 Request for Proposals as one of many tools to help make funding recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Planning will use other information and sources including but are not limited to: the County Board of Supervisors, recommendations from the Homeless Services Oversight Council, other participating jurisdictions of the Urban County of San Luis Obispo, identified needs that could be addressed by the grant funds, consistency with goals and priorities in the 2010 Consolidated Plan and the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness, results of the Needs Workshops, working knowledge of the project and/or organization by Plamiing, and availability of limited fund,to help with the funding recommendations. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 1 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING$BUILDING SLOPLgNNING.ORG Please call County and/or city CDBG staff with any questions about how to complete the form or about the rating criteria and process. If the information for any of the questions below requires more room to provide a complete explanation of your proposed project or program, please attach additional sheets. CONTACT INFORMATION 1. Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address: Naine: Ataseadero Community Services Foundation Address(mailing and physical address requested if different): 6907 El Camino Real,Atascadero CA 931422 Contact person/title: Brady.1.), Cheri , Secretary Phone: (805)470-3406 Fax: (805)470-3407 E-mail address: bcherry(_�atascadero.or- Is the organization a Faith Based Organization? YesF_1 No X Organization's DUNS number: If you are awarded CDBG funds or your proposal involves economic development,i.e.,directly benefit a business,private property owner,business,involves facade improvements,provide technical assistance to a new or existing business,job creation,loan guarantee,the beneficiary must obtain a Dun and Bradsteet(DUNS)number that must be reported to HUD. Please contact Tony Navarro,(805)781-5787,tnavarro*slo.co.ca.us for information on how to obtain a DUNS number prior to incurring and obligating the federal funds. Is your agency currently participating in HMIS?No If not, does your agency have the capacity to participate in HI ? If yes, how so?No COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 2 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING He BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 0"! Il PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2. Title/name/address of proposed project or program: Atascadero Community Services Foundation 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 3. Please describe the proposed project or program. In one or two short paragraphs, include a brief project/program description, the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from the proposed project or program. For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e.g. street address). For programs, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program. Also, please include a schedule of project/program milestones. The Atascadero Community Services Foundation has established a youth scholarship fund designed to assist low income familiar to allow children to participate in organized recreation, social and cultural activities. The population served would be otherwise unable to of the activity fees to participate in these activities without the scholarship. The scholarships benefit low income children 1 00W The foundation applies the income guidelines published by HUD, adjusted for family size, as qualifying criteria to decide scholarship awards. Priority consideration will be given to families of "very low" income in Atascadero. 4. Will the services offered by your organization increase or expand as a result of the CDBG assistance? If yes, please answer the following questions: a. What new programs and/or services will be provided? More activities are offered as a result of the increased participation by these families. With the weak economy, there is more demand than ever for scholarships and youth recreation activities are not affordable for many families b. Describe how existing programs and/or services will be expanded and what percentage of an increase is expected? Expanded activities offered are typically about 5%, this would include teams, classes and other activities offered for youth, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 3 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG S. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and the Guide to Eligible CDBG Activities). Acquisition of real property* Disposition of real property Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction,rehabilitation or installation)* and/or Privately owned utilities Clearance and remediation activities" Public services Interim assistance Relocation of individuals, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or farms Loss of rental income Removal of architectural barriers Housing rehabilitation** New housing construction(under limited circumstances) Homeownership assistance Housing services Code enforcement Historic preservation.** Commercial or industrial rehabilitation** Special economic development Technical assistance and plainiing studies Relocation: Any project that involves the acquisition of property and/or rehabilitation and is funded in whole or in part with federal funds, even if the federal funds are not used for the acquisition itself, is subject to federal requirements connected to acquisition and relocation. A project cannot be broken into separate "projects"in order to avoid the federal requirements connected with property acquisition and relocation. COMMUNITY' 'DE'V,E"L-,OPM-EN'T-BL7,0,C,KGRANT"(6-666)PROGRAM PAGE 4 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLONNING.ORG Any questions concerning whether the relocation regulations apply to a specific property acquisition project should be directed to the Community Development Division staff before any action is taken on the project. If HUD funded project will cause a household or a business to move, evenly temporarily, the relocation regulations will apply. Along with application submit: • Estimate of relocation cost(moving costs, subsidy amount for suitable replacement dwelling) • Letter to owner or voluntary acquisition,plus proof of delivery to owner. • General Information letter to tenants (both business and residential tenants), plus proof of delivery to all). • List of tenants (both business and residential tenants) at the time of application submittal. • Refer to SLO Col website for sample relocation letters. Lead based paint/asbestos: If HUD funded project involves acquisition or rehabilitation of a residential units that was built in 1978 or earlier, then Lead-Based paint regulations will apply. • Along with application submit an estimate of costs for LBP work,provided by certified LBI? consultant. Or statement by LBP consultant explaining that project is exempt. • Include any temporary housing costs. 6. Describe the need and the degree of urgency for the proposed project or program. What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next vear? F-Xery youth serving organization in Atascadero has received. requests for assistance In paying registration. or enrollment fees for their activities. Many families are unable to afford fees that usually range fi-orn $35 per child to over$100 per child. During the last funding cycle, the Foundation. received over S15,000 in requests to qualified families beriefiting �) J I g 160 children. and received. only $'J',0 in flinditm .1rom CDBG during that tirne, creating a large shortfall. .Applications have grown dramatically over the past several, years, but the need has been. more acute in the last couple of Years. Especially now with the weakening economy and unemployment rate. the demand is at an.all time high. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 5 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 7. Please describe the specific organizational method used to implement the proposed project or program (single or multiple group,public agency, non-profit,for-profit, experience in operating similar programs, etc.): Non-Profit, in partnership with the City of Atascadero, a public agency. The Community Services Foundation has provided the scholarship program since 1996. 8. Does the project require the issuance of a permit(from local, state or federal agencies)? Yes ❑ No X a. If yes, please identify the permits necessary to complete the project. b. Have the necessary permits been issued? Please provide proof of pen-nit issuance. c. If permits are required but not yet obtained, when will the permits be issued? NATIONAL OBJECTIVES CRITERIA 9. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies tothe proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective. a. X Benefits low- and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD). Select one: n Low[Moderate-Income Area Benefit—The project serves only a limited area which is proven by 2000 Census data or survey to be a predominately (51% or more) logy/moderate-income area. Applicants choosing this category must be able to prove their project/activity primarily benefits low/moderate-income households. X Low/Moderate-Income Limited Clientele — The project benefits a specific group of people (rather than all areas in a particular area), at least 51% of whom are low/moderate-income persons;. Note: Income verification for clients must be provided. for this category. The following groups are presumed to be low/moderate-income: abused children; elderly persons; battered spouses; homeless persons; adults meeting census definition of severely disabled; persons living with AIDS; and migrant farm workers E] Low/Moderate-Income Housing — The project adds or improves permanent residential structures that will be/are occupied by law/moderate-income households upon completion. F-1 Low/Moderate-Income Jobs — The project creates or retains permanents jobs, at least 51% of which are taken by low/moderate-income persons or considered to be available to low/riloderate- income persons. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 6 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING,ORG Explain: NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the County or participating city, at least 51 percent of who are low- and moderate-income persons. b. Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. Explain: Select one: [:1 Addressing Slums or Blight on an Area Basis - F-1 Addressing Slums or Blight on a Spot Basis — This project will prevent or eliminate specific conditions of blight or physical decay. Activities are limited to clearance, historic preservation, rehabilitation of buildings, but only to the extent necessary to eliminate conditions detrimental to public health and safety. Is the project located in a Redevelopment Area? Yes No If yes, attach a map of the area with the site highlighted, and provide the Redevelopment Project Area(excerpts accepted) which documents the existence of slum/blight. Also, document the specific redevelopment objectives pertaining to the proposed project. NOTE: To meet this national. objective, the proposed activity must be within a designated slum or blighted area and inust be designed to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration of the area. C. Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other funding sources are available, i.e., a major catastrophe such as a flood or earthquake. Explain: NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such.as floods or earthquakes. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 7 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING He BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 10. If the project or program is designed to meet the national objective of providing benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, please estimate the number of unduplicated' number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group (unduplicated means the number who are served, i.e., the grant will allow 25 children to participate in preschool—not 25 children x 5 days x 52 weeks =6,500). a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project or program (regardless of income group): 1.50-200 Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above,how many will be low-income (earning 51% - 80% or less of the County median-income)? _70% Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above,how many will be very low-income (earning 50% or less of the County median-income)? �f % 3 Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) 11. Who are the clients of your organization? (Example: low- to moderate-income persons, elderly persons, severely disabled persons, migrant farm workers, battered spouses, etc.) Clients are predominantly young families and their children, All Scholarship recipients are children living in the City of Atascadero and residing within the Atascadero Unified School District that meet HUD low income guidelines. 12. How will the clients benefit from this project? Clients are enabled to participate in healthy recreation activities for socialization and exercise. Children are able to participate with peers in sports or other recreational and cultural activities, Financial constraints are a barrier for many families, particularly in these difficult economic times. The scholarships promote accessibility, inclusion and participation in a wide variety of activities for children. 13. If your project serves homeless households, please describe how your program coordinates with other continuum of care projects and entities and how it aligns with the San Luis Obispo Countywide 10-Year Plan to Homelessness. The homeless are not a target population, therefore the homeless seiwed are negligible. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 8 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG BENEFICIARY DATA 14. How do you collect demographic data on the beneficiaries of the proposed project or program? (Example: racial/ethnic characteristics) NOTE: You are required to provide beneficiary data at the end of each quarter and ,year end data of the fiscal year. There is an optional ethnicity request on the scholarship application. 15. How do you document and maintain income status of each client in compliance with HUD regulations? (Example: very low, low- and moderate-income) Evidence of tax returns, SSI or food stamps ID, Healthy Families card, Medi-Cal Card or evidenCE�from the School District that the family is eligible for free or reduced priced school lunches. 16. Provide the following information forte person(s) in your organization responsible for the preparation and submittal of the quarterly reports and for collecting and reporting the beneficiary data to the Urban County. Contact person/title. Brady D. Cherry, Secretary Phone number: (805) 470-3406 E-mail address: bcherry@atascadero.org COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 11 BLOCK I GRANT"(C D 1,BG,)PROGRAM PAGE,9"OF 1 1 1 6 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG FINANCIAL INFORMATION For CDBG applications to the County of San Luis Obispo involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects please provide the required additional budget information on BUDGET FORM A and BUDGET FORM B attached to the back of this application. 17. Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $ 8.000 Please identify the jurisdiction(s)to which you are applying(see Note below): If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction, please break- down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: City of Paso Robles: City of Atascadero: s8po_ City of San Luis Obispo: City of Morro Bay: County of San Luis Obispo: NOTE: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline. 18. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. Itemize all sources of funding expected to be available and used for this project a. Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $ $3,000 2. Other Federal fund(s) (please describe below) $ 3. State source(s) (please describe below) $ 4. Local source(s) (please describe below) $ 5. Other funds (please describe below) $ Total Revenues $ $5,000 $5,000 was donated to the Corim-ninity Services Fonudation ftom the Atascadero Police Association froni 1h it annual fundraising eil'ort. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 10 OF 16 /APPLICATION FOR THE 2013PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG b. Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. $8,000 directly goes to scholarships- Administrative costs are incurred by the City of Atascadero. 19. How do you plan to fund the operation and maintenance costs (if any) associated with this project? Are these funds available now? If not, when will they be available? And from what source(s)? No funds are expended for overhead. 20. Will CDBG funds be used to match/leverage other funds? List below funding sources and amounts and identify award dates of these sources. Donations. I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and ability. Signature ate Printed or typed naive Title COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 11 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Note to applicant: The County and cities require all of the grant recipients to maintain general liability, automobile and workman's compensation insurance with limits of not less than$1 million***. If you are successful in obtaining an award, you will be asked to provide documentation regarding ability to provide the required coverage. *** Liability coverage may vary by jurisdiction. Please call the city/county contact:toverify limits. Prior to HUD's release of grant conditions and/or funds for the CDBG-funded project, a review of the project's potential impact on the environment must be conducted by the awarding jurisdictions and approved by the County of San Luis Obispo prior to obligating or incurring project costs. The County must certify to HUD that it has complied with all applicable environmental procedures and requirements. Should project costs be obligated or incurred.prior to the completion of the necessary environmental review, the project shall not benefit from the federal funds. Environmental review requirements pursuant to 24 CFR Part 58 must be fully satisfied for any project selected for funding prior to the CDBG Program issuing a Notice to Proceed for the project. The level of environmental review required depends on the nature of the project. 24 CFR Part 58 is available at w,,Nw.hud.gov/offices/cpd/eiiviroiimeiital./la,,vsgndregs/regs. If you need assistance or have questions regarding this application,please contact any of the persons listed below. Your application(s) can be dropped off or mailed to the following locations: • Kelly Heffernon, Community Development Dept., City of Arroyo Grande, 214 E. Branch Street(P.O. Box 550), Arroyo Grande, CA 93421, (805)473-5420. • Valerie Humphrey, Public Works Dept., City of Atascadero, 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero,, CA 93422, (805)470-3460. • Rob Livick, Public Services Dept., City of Moffo Bay, 955 Shasta Avenue, Morro Bay, CA, 93442, (805) 772-6261 • Darren Nash, Community Development Dept., City of Paso Robles, 1000 Spring St., Paso Robles, CA 93446, (805) 237-3970. • Tyler Corey, Community Development Dept., City of San Luis Obispo, 919 Palin St., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, (805) 781-7175. • Tony Navarro, Dept. of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408, (805) 781-5787. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 12 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO CDBG SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET INFORMATION SHEET BUDGET FORM A For CDBG applications to the County of San Luis Obispo invoking acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects must provide the applicable project budget information. Financial considerations are key in assessing a project's ability to be completed successfully and timely. Factors to be considered in this area include (a) availability and sufficiency of resources (including all non- CDBG, federal, state, county or private funding sources, (b)the leveraging of resources, (c) fiscal support for the project for its continued viability and(d)the project budget's accuracy, reasonableness and completeness in detennining the financial needs of the project. Source of Funds. Provide for entire project and round to the nearest hundred dollars. Do NOT include operating costs as this is not an eligible CDBG costs for projects involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects. Description of Cost Date Amount Approved- Total % of Funds Requested Secured Total Available Budge CDBG Funds: This $8.000 Request Previous Award $8,000 Previous Award CDBG Funds: This request Previous Award Other Federal Funds Source: State Funds Source: Private Funds: Private Funds: Private Funds: In-Kind Contributions: Labor In-Kind Contributions Other: Other: Other: Totals 100% COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 13 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Comment on your entity's strategy and plans on the leveraging and sufficiency of resources to implement the proposed project. If project is not leveraged with other funds, explain why CDBG funds are being relied on solely to fund the proposed project. COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO CDBG SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET INFORMATION SHEET BUDGET FORM B Project Budget Budget Form-Acquisition, Construction and Rehabilitation Project Preliminary Budget&Project Funding Requirements Agency name: Atascadero (.'01111111LII�ity Services Fouiidafion Project: Scholarships Preliminary Budget: List all funding necessary to complete the proposed.project. You must provide a DETAILED budget line-item worksheet for all costs associated with the project. NOTE: YOU MUST USE THIS FORMAT. Additionally, you must provide a DETAILED budget narrative explaining how you arrived at each line item. ACQUISITION Purchase of Land Purchase of Units Other Expenses(List) HARD COSTS Site Work Demolition Construction Appliances Accessory Buildings -General Requirements Contractor Overhead Contractor Profit Construction Contingency Other(List on separate sheet Youth Scholarships 8,000 SIOFT,COSTS, Architect Fee-Design Architect Fee-Supervision Legal Fees Engineering Fees Other Professional Fees(List) Appraisal -Market Study Environmental Report COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 14 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Title&Recording Expenses Relocation Expenses Consultants Other Soft Costs(List) CNTERIM CASTS Construction Insurance Construction Interest Credit Enhancement Real Estate Taxes FINANCING COSTS Bond Premium Permanent Loan Origination Permanent Loan Credit Enhance Other Financing Costs(List) DEVELOPER'S FEE (Determined individually for eachproject) TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST Budget must be specific and reflect the applicant's financial commitment, including items paid for by other sources. This includes in-kind contributions and volunteer labor. It should not include amounts of administration. Indicate the circumstances/consequences of partial funding is awarded for this project. Aut Zor1 ion—TM .,a C,, c . Authorized Signature for Project Title Date Print name COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 15 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBIS PO C SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET INFORMATION SHEET WORK PLAN & PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE List all project milestones and their anticipated work period. There will be an opportunity to update the project timeline after grant notification and before executing a grant agreement. Any proposed changes, including extension and early completion,must be requested in writing and approved in advance by,the jurisdiction receiving the funding application. Note: Applicant will assume all financial risk if work on the proposed project begins before environmental clearance is obtained. You may either use or recreate this form to add tasks and activities and extended timeline. YOU MUST USE THIS FORMAT. Task/Activi!y—Be in July 2013 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 16 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTPROGRAM APPLICATION E 2013 PROGRAM YEAR SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING 976 OSOS STREET + ROOM 200 + SAN Luis OBISPO + CALIFORNIA 93408 + (805)781-5600 Promoting the Wise Use of Land * Helping to Build Great Communifies Organization Name: Atasca erci Loaves and Fishes (Attach additional sheets if necessary) To be considered for CDBG assistance, please submit this completed application with any exhibits, budgets or beneficiary data as needed. PLEASE A ALL INFORMATION IA THE APPLICATION. Applications can be mailed to one of the participating jurisdictions listed in this application or to: Tony Navarro, Planner 111, Department of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, San Luis Obispo, CA., 93408 or hand delivered to Tony Navarro at 1035 Palm Street, Roorn 370, San Luis Obispo, CA., faxed to (805) 781-5624, or e-mailed to tnavarroo?co.slo.ca.us. Teapplicationdeadline is 5:0 P. Friday, October 12, 2012. Applications piust be received by the County, or one of the participating cities (Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Morro Bay, Paso Nobles, San Luis Obispo)prior to close of the business day. POSTMARKED ATE AILC IDEADLINE ACCEPTS . C1I BE NOTE: (1) Please review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposal. The CDBG reg latioins, under 24 CPR 570, are mailable at Z,,g under"federal HUD Grams." (2) HMIS Reporting for 2013 homeless services,housing and shelter-All homeless service providers applying for CDBG funds to assist,house or shelter the homeless must identify and demonstrate its capacity to participate in the County of San Luis Obispo homeless Management Information System(I1 I )to provide.personnel for data.entry, user licensing, and hardware and software necessary for compatibility with hMIS. HMIS is an electronic data collection system that stores client level information about persons mho access the homeless services system in a Continuum of Care, and reports aggregate data for the County as per the U.S. Department of Housing and Urbain Development's Data Standards found in t, (3) The project/program proposal to the County of San Luis Obispo shall be examined iii relatioin - the County' community development goals and funding priorities as presented in the urban County of San Luis Obispo:2.01.0-2015 Consolidated Plain.(Co lama). The ConPlan is available at . The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Planning and.Building (Planning)considers the criteria stated in the 2013 bequest for Proposals as one of many tools to help make funding recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Planning will use other information and sources including but are neat limited to: the County Board of Supervisors, recommendations from the homeless Services Oversight Council,other participating jurisdictions o the Urban County of San Luis Obispo,identified needs that could be addressed-by the grant funds, consistency with,goals and priorities in the 2010 Consolidated Plan and the Ten Year Pian to End llo elessness, results of the Needs'Workshops, working knowledge of the project and/or organization by Planning, and availability of limited fund,to help with tlae funding recommendations, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2013 PROGRAM YEAR PAGE 1 OF 11 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING AUGUST23,2012 SLOPLANNING.ORG Please call County and/or city C staff'-%vith any questions about bow to complete the forrn or about the rating criteria and process. If the information for any of the questions below requires more room to provide a complete explanation.of your proposed project or program,please attach additional sheets. CONTACT INFORMATION 1. Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address: Name: Ataseadero Loaves and Fishes Address(mailing and physical address requested if different,): 5411 El Camino Real Ataseadero, CA 93422 Contact person/title: Grants Officer/Jacob L. Kepins Phone: 805-503-0923 Fax: E-mail address:jj_kepinsn_a hotmail.com Is the organization a Faith Based Organization? Yes No Organization's DUNS number: 197919202 If you are awarded CDBG funds or your proposal involves economic development,i.e.,directly benefit a business,private property owner,business,involves facade improvements,provide technical assistance to a new or existing business,,job creation,loan guarantee,the beneficiary must obtain a Dun and Bradsteet(DUNS)number that must be reported to HUD. Please contact Tony Navarro,(805)781-57871,tnavarrooslo.co.ca.us for information on how to obtain a DUNS number prior to incurring and obligating the federal funds. Is your agency currently participating in HMIS? NO If not, does your agency have the capacity to participate in HMIS? If yes, how so? We do not have the capacity. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 2 OF 11 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING,ORG PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2, Title/name/address of pr case rt orprogram: Food Pantry Atascadero Loaves and Fishes 5411 El.Camino Real Atascadero, CA 93422 3. Please describe the proposed project or program. In one or two short paragraphs, include a brief project/program description, the groups �vho will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from the proposed project or program. For projects, describe the location of the project Abe as specific as possible, e.g. street address). For programs, state the locatiOD from which the program will be operated and/or ran deseri e the geographic area served by the program. Also, please include a schedule of pro�ject/program milestones. Atascadero Loaves and.Fishes is an all-volunteer run food pantry that operates out of its solely owned property at 5411 El Carnino Deal,Atascadero, CA, 93422. Our food Pantry serves these in need who lave in California Valley,Atascadero, Santa Margarita, Creston, Templeton and transients who make their way through the area. Furthermore we conduct a holiday project for the needy in cooperation with Kiwanis and Coats for Fids,where we donate food, toys and inter jackets; in 2011, we servediust tinder 2000 individuals a 10%increase from the previous year. In the same year,our pantry gave out approximately 120,004 in food stuffs. This number is expected to increase by 4%to $125,000 in 2012,continuing through to 2413. We are asking for a grant of$15,000 for the project year 2013 to help us cover these expenses. 4. Will the services offered y your organization increase or expand as a result of the IU DBG assistance? If yes,please answer the following uestio s: a. What new programsand/or services will be provided? No new services are expected to be provided, however, we expect an increase in demand for our current services commensurate with the increase in the demand for funds. b. Describe how existing programs and/or services will be expanded and what percentage of an increase is expected`/ As mentioned above, an increase in the need for funds is part and parcel with an increase in demand for our services. A 4% increase in funding can and will. result in our being able to help several hundred individuals. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR PAGE 3 OF 11 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING AUGUST 2.3,2012 SLOPLANNING.ORG 5. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and the Guide to Ali ible CII Ca �ctiviti�s). Acquisition of real property* — Disposition of real property — Public facilities and improvements(may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction,rehabilitation or installation)* and/or — Privately owned utilities — Clearance and remediation activities" Public services Interim assistance Relocation of individuals, families,businesses,non-profit organizations, and/or fanns Loss of rental income Removal of architectural barriers — Housing rehabilitation" — New housing construction(under limited circumstances) — Homeownership assistance — Housing services Code enforcement Historic preservation" Commercial or industrial rehabilitation" Special economic development Technical assistance and.planning studies COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 4 OF 11 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 6. Describe the need and the degree of urgency fort proposed project or program. What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? Our food pantry is entirely run. and operated on a day to day basis by an all-volunteer s A I CDBG food that is then given to those in need. Our operation only continues proceeds go toward the purchase of f staff, I because of generous public and private funding. In 2011 we served approximately 20,000 individuals at a cost of$120,000. A shortfall of$15,000 would represent a decrease in 2400 people that we would be able to provide seiwices for. Unfortunately, private donations have decreased in the last few years due to a sluggish economy, our organization relies on public funding now more than ever. 7. Please describe the specific organizational method used to implement the proposed project or program (single or multiple group, public agency,non-profit,for-profit, experience in operating similar programs, etc.): Although all-volunteer, our board of directors is staffed by individuals with experience in the fields of business, law, education and medicine; these individuals oversee all pantry operations. The president of the board operates as the CEO of our non-profit organization. 8. Does the project require the issuance of a permit(from local,state or federal agencies)? Yes F1 No a, If yes,please identift,the pe pits necessary to complete the project. b. Have the necessary permits been issued? Please provide proof of permit issuance. c. If permits are required but not yet obtained, when will the permits be issued? NATIONAL, OBJECTIVES CRITERIA 9. Does the proposed project or activity meet one oft e three national objectives of the C program? Please check one oft e objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective. a. __X_ Benefits low-and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD). COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 5 OF 11 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING AUGUST23,2012 SLOPLANNING.ORG Select one: 0 Low/Moderate-income Area. Benefit-- The project serves only a limited area which is proven by 2000 Census data or survey to be a predominately (51% or more) iow/moderate-incojne area. Applicants choosing this category must be able to prove their project/activity primarily benefits low/moderate-income households. E Low/Moderate-Income Limited Clientele — The project benefits a specific group of people (rather than all areas in a particular area), at least 51% Of whom are low/moderate-income persons;. Note: Income verification for clients must be provided for this category. The following gnaups are presumed to be low/moderate-income: abused children; elderly persons; battered spouses; homeless persons; adults meeting census definition of severely disabled; persons living with AIDS; and migrant farm workers F] Low/Moderate-Income n ousing — The project adds or improves permanent residential structures that will be/are occupied by low/moderate-income households upon completion. El Low/Moderate-Income Jobs — The project creates or retains permaneDtSjobs, at least 51% of which are taken by low/moderate-income persons or considered to be available to low/n.-ioderate- income persons. Explain: NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the County or participating city, at least 51 percent of who are low- and moderate-income persons. b. _ Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. Explain: Select one: F1 Addressing Slums or Blight on an Area Basis - 0 Addressing Slums or Blight on a Spot Basis — This prcject will prevent or eliminate specific conditions of blight or physical decay. Activities are limited. to clearance, historic preservation, rehabilitation of buildings, but only to the extent necessary to eliminate conditions detrimental to public health and safety. Is the project located in a Redevelopment Area? Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes, attach a map of the area with the site highlighted, and provide the Redevelopment :Project Area(excerpts accepted) which documents the existence of slur/ blight. Also, document the specific redevelopment objectives pertaining to the proposed project. NOTE: To meet this national ob ective,the proposed activity must be within a designated slum or blighted area and must be designed to address one or more conditions.that COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE:6 OF 11 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING,ORG contributed to the deterioration of the area. C. — Meets community development needs having a particular urgency Where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other ftinding sources are available, i.e., a major catastrophe such as a flood or earthquake. Explain. NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. 10. If the project or program is designed to meet the national objective of providing benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, please estimate the number of un 'plicate number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group (unduplicated means the number who are served, i.e., the grant will allow' 25 children to participate in preschool–not 25 children x 5 days x 52 weeks=6,5 00). a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the prcJect or program(regardless of income group)- _6679—Persons/households(circle the applicable unit) b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above,how many will be low-income(earning 51% - 80%or less of the County median-incorne)? _5% Persons/households(circle the applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how any will be very low-income (earning 50%or less of the County rnedian-incorne)? —95% Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) 11. Who are the clients of your organization? (Example: low- to moderate-income persons, elderly persons,severely disabled persons, migrant farm workers, battered spouses, etc.) We provide services to a wide swath of North San Luis Obispo County from Califomia. Valley to Creston. Our clients are, generally, low-income individuals of all ages and ethnicities. any of our clients are physically/mentally disabled and, according to a recent in-house survey approximately 10% are U.S. Military veterans. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(ODBC)PROGRAM PAGE 7 OF 11 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR - SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING AUGUST 23,2012 SLOPLANNING.ORG 12. How will the clients benefit from thisproject9 In short, directly. The essence of our organization is to provide our clients with 3 to 5 bags of groceries per visit, which is enough to provide the with up to 6 days' worth of food. Our facility is open every weekday to the public and cannot run without donation and grant support. 13. If your project serves homeless households, please describe how your program coordinates with other continuum of care projects and entities and how it aligns with the San Luis Obispo County-wide 10-Year Plan to Homelessness. BENEFICIARY DATA 14. How do you collect demographic data on the beneficiaries of the proposed project or program? (Example: racial/ethnic characteristics) aOTE: You are required to provide beneficiaata at the end of each quarter and year end data oft a fiscal year® We have a database in which we store extensive demographic data on our clientele, including; race/ethnicity, gender,marital status, family, etc. Our records are confidential and stored solely on-site. 15. How do you document and maintain income status of each client in compliance with HUD regulations? (Example: very low,low- and moderate-income) We currently document income status according to Federal guidelines. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 8 OF 11 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 16. Provide the following information for theperson(s) in your organization responsible for the preparation and submittal of the quarterly reports and for collecting and reporting the beneficiary data tothe Urban County. Contact person/title: Grants Officer/Jacob L. epins Phone number: 805-503-0923 E-mail address:j_]_k-epins(a_)hotmailcon-i FINANCIAL INFORMATION For CDBG applications to the County of San Luis Obispo involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects please provide the required additional budget information on BUDGET FORM A and BUDGET FORM B attached to the back of this application. 17. Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $15,000_ Please identify the j unsdiction(s)to which you are applying(see Note below): ----�City of Ataseadero; alternatively County of San Luis Obispo If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction, please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: --- City of Paso Robles- City of Atascadero: $15,000 City of San Luis Obispo: City of Morro Bay: Count),of San Luis Obispo: $15,000(altematively) NOTE: If you are applying to one or more cities,please provide a copy of the application to the 11"ounty by the application deadline. 18. Please describe the budget forte proposed project or program. Itemize all sources of funding expected to be available and used for this project a. Revenues: 1, CD G- Funds requested $15,000 2. Other Federal fund(s) (please describe below) $ --- 3. State source(s) (please describe below) $ 4. Local source(s)(please describe below) $ 5. Other funds(please describe below) $ Total Revenues $15,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 9 OF 11 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AuGusT2"3,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG b. Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. Food for our pantry $15,000 Total Expenditures $15,000 1.9. How do you plan to fund the operation and maintenance costs if any) associated with this project? Are these funds available now? If not, when will they be available? And from what source(s)? Other costs not directly associated with purchasing food for our pantry will come out of our general fund. These costs are budgeted separately each year and met as the Year progresses. 20.Will CDBG funds be used to match/leverage other funds? List below funding sources and amounts and identify award dates of these sources. CDBG funds have never and will never be used to match other funds. This funding is solely for the purchase of foodstuffs. I certify that theinformftlion in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and ability. 7,7 ignature Date Printed or typed name Title COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 10 OF 11 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 213,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING-ORG Note to applicant: The County and cities require all of the grant recipients to maintain general liability,, automobile and workman's compensation insurance with limits of not less than$1 million***. If you are successful,, in obtaining an award, you will be asked to provide documentation regarding ability to provide the required coverage. *** Liability coverage may vary by jurisdiction. Please call the city/county contact to verify limits. Prior to HUD's release of grant conditions and/or funds for the CDBG-funded project,a review of the project's potential impact on the environment must be conducted by the awarding jurisdictions and. approved by the County of San Luis Obispo prior to obligating or incurring project costs. The County must certify to HUD that it has complied with all applicable environmental procedures and requirements. Should project costs be obligated or incurred pdor to the completion of the necessary environmental review, the project shall not benefit from the federal funds. Environmental review requirements pursuant to 24 CFR Part 58 must be fully satisfied for any project selected for funding prior to the CDBG Program issuing a Notice to Proceed for the project. The level of environmental review required depends on the nature of the e \ project. 24 CFR Part 58 is available atkoo w �o 'lsuVfll ( If you need assistance or have questions regarding this application,please contact any of the persons listed below. Your application(s)can be dropped off or mailed to the following locations: • Kelly Hefferrion, Community Development Dept., City of Arroyo Grande, 214 E. Branch Street(P.O. Box 550),Arroyo Grande, CA 93421, (805)473-5420. • Valerie Humphrey,Public Works Dept., City of Atascadero, 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422, (805)470-3460. • Rob Livick, Public Services Dept., City of Morro Bay, 955 Shasta Avenue, Morro Bay, CA, 934-42, (805) 772-6261 • Darren Nash, Conununity Development Dept., City of Paso Robles, 1000 Spring St., Paso Robles, CA 93446. (805)237-3970. • Tyler Corey, Community Development Dept., City of San Luis Obispo, 919 Palm St., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, (805) 781-7175, • Tony Navarro,Dept. of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408, (805) 781-5787. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM A43E 11 OF 11 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGusT 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BuILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG COMMUNITY EVELOP E T BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM APPLICATION THE 2013 PROGRAMYEAR SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING 976 OSOS STREET * ROOM 200 + SAN Luis OBISPO + CALIFORNIA 93408 + (805)781-5600 Promoting the Wise Use of Land .Helping to Build Great Communities Organization Name: Bit!Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County CONTACT INFORMATION Y. Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person, phone and fax numbers,and e-mail address: Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County PO Box 12644, San Luis Obispo,CA 93406 142 Cross Street, Suite 140,San Luis Obispo,CA 93401 Contact:Anna Boyd Bucy, Executive Director Phone: 805-781-3226 Fax: 805-781-3029 e-mail: anna@slobigs.org Is the organization a Faith Based Organization? Yes No Organization's DUNS number: 948214333 Is your agency currently participating in IS? Into. We are not a homeless service provider PROJECTESC PTI N 2. Title/name/address of proposed project or program: Youth Mentoring Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County PO Box 12644 San Luis Obispo,CA 93406 3. Please describe the proposed project or program. In one or two short paragraphs, include a brief project/program description, the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from the proposed project or program. For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e.g. street address). For programs, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program. Also, please include a schedule of project/program milestones. Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County is a donor and volunteer supported organization-proven to help vulnerable children of single,low-income and/or incarcerated parents succeed. Every dollar vie raise goes directly to serving youth in San Luis Obispo County. Each dollar contributed by an individual city supports children in that city. COMMUNr Y DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 10.F 6 APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST:23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Our youth mentorincy programs create strong and endurino relationships by corm. ecting vulnerable local youth with volunteer adult friends. Volunteers are thoroughly screened and professionally trained in order to insure child safety. 1%,latclies spend 6-8 hours a month maximizing the opportunities offered by shared interests and compatible personalities. Voluntecrs enrich children's lives by modeling healthy choices and providing connection with their communit,. Our professional staff provides individualized case manacyernent to each match and hosts edul-ational and enriching group activities for all participants. I lie apency conducts regular baseline and follow tip surveys to ensure long term positive results. 4. Will the services offered by your organization increase or expand as a result of the 'CI)BG assistance? If ves, please answer the following questions: a. What new programs and/or set-vices will be provided? CDBG funding will allow its to contimle, rather than cutting services to families mid our emphasis on bi- monthly pro rain activities for participating children. b. Describe how existing programs andlor services will be expanded and what percenta-,-,(,, of an increase is expected? I Z71 We estimate 0 to 5% increase in the number of children served in the cities that provide CDBG funds. Our caseworkers are currently operating at capacity and we are no longer enrolling children without additional ftindinc, 5. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed proJect or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and the Guide to Eligible CDBG Activities), X Public services 6. Describe the need and the degree of urgency for the proposed projector program. I What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? Accordinc, to a 2008 Tribune report. a full 34% of SLC County children are _rro rig u I he poverty C� _f wi , p be ow t )ov y line. United Ways Common Good Forecaster reports that "Poverty and low levels of education reinforce one another." "Children in poverty face greater barriers to high school completion, and are significantly less likely to enter and to graduate from college than middle class children." It also reports that an adult without a high school diploma is twice as likely to be living in poverty as one who has graduated high school, and 7 times more likely than,one who has graduated toll-oe. Our youth mentorin programs seek to break this cycle. Th Ire majority of children in our program conte from 1 9 low-income, single parent homes, often minus an incarcerated parent - the very children most at risk. We must reduce services for clients residing in cities that do not provide funding. If funding for mentors is not available, many,of these children will require other more expensive social services in the coming years, The University of Colorado Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence found Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring programs to be "one of only I I outstanding violence and drug prevention programs that meet' a COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)FoGRAm PAGE 2 OF 6 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis Omspo CouNry PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING-ORG hHadh scientific standard of effectiveness. " In con,junction. Washinpi-on State Institute for Public Policy has provided credible evidence that "for each dollar spent on Bit. Brothers Bit, Sisters "research-based" ' - prevention progran-is for youth. more than a dollars worth of benefits will be generated in the realm of druo and crime reduction and -educational advancement," 7. Please describe the specific organizational method used to implement the proposed project or pro-ram (single or multiple group, public agency, non-profit,for-profit, experience in operating similar programs,etc.): Z5 t�' Big Brothers BI- Sisters of Sari Luis Obispo County uses the Brana',Vew 1hinking,Service Delivery 1fodel provided to us by Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. This model streamlines all of our paperwor&-1 interview process, training, and background screening -veid processes so that volunteers and clients are sei n the most efficient and cost effective manner possible, and children and families benefit ftom the services we provide. Our a.zency has won top 2% awards from our national organ-ization for outstanding service in 2000,, 2006, 2008, and 2009. Since opening for senice in 1995, we have created more than 1,500 mentor relatiolfriships. In 2011, we served over 350 children in Sari Luis Obispo County,. 8. Does the project require the issuance of a permit(from local,state or federal agencies)? Yes No NATIONAL OBJECTIVES CRITERIA 9. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective. a. X Benefits low-and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban,Development (HUD). EXI Low/Moderate-Income Limited Clientele - The project benefits a specific group of people (rather than all areas in a particular area), at least 5 1% of Avhom are low/Ii-ioderate-income persons-­ Note: Income verification for clients must be provided for this category. The following groups are presumed to be low/moderate-income: abused children-, elderly persons; battered spouses; homeless persons; adults meeting census definition of severely disabled; persons living with AIDS- and raigrant farm workers Explain: The vast majority of children in our program come from, lowto moderate incorne families, often living with single parents or grandparents, and sometimes abused and/or minus an incarcerated parent, COMMUNITY DevELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PRoG-RAPA PAGE 3 OF 6 AppucATioN FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OE31SPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING,ORG 10.If the project or program is designed to meet the national objective of providing benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, please estimate the number of unduplicated number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group (unduplicated means the number who are served, i.e., the grant win allow 25 children to participate in preschool—not 25 children x 5 days x 52 weeks=6,500). a- Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project or program(regardless of income group): gpproximately 190 Persons/households(circle the applicable unit) b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above,how many will be low-income(earning 51%- 80%or less of the County median-income)? 30 _ Persons/households(circle the applicable unit) .c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above,how many will be very low-income (earning 50%or less of the County median-income)? 100 Persons/households(circle the applicable unit) 11.Who are the clients of your organization? (Example: low- to moderate-income persons, elderly persons,severely disabled persons,migrant farm workers,battered spouses,etc.) Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Luis Obispo County provides mentors to children between the ages of 6 and 16 who live within the county of San Luis Obispo. Many of the children in our program come from low to very low income single parent homes,often minus an incarcerated parent. 12.How will the clients benefit from this project? A Public-Private Ventures study found that children enrolled in our program are more likely than their peers to perform better in school,behave non-violently,avoid illegal drugs and alcohol and have stronger family relationships. And,a study conducted for Big Brothers Big Sisters by Harris Interactive finds that adults who were involved as children in our program are better educated,wealthier,and report strong relationships with their spouses,children and friends. 13.If your project serves homeless households, please describe how your program coordinates with other continuum of care projects and entities and how it aligns with the San Luis Obispo Countywide 10-Year Plan to Homelessness. We work to insure that our clients are in a permanent placement living situation before providing them with a long term mentor. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 4 OF 6 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNJING.ORG BENEFICIARY DATA 14.How do you collect demographic data on the beneficiaries of the proposed project or program? (Example: racial/ethnic characteristics) NOTE: You are required to provide beneficiary data at the end of each quarter and year end data of the fiscal year. Race,ethnicity,address, household size and income are all collected during the application process. 15. How do you document and maintain income status of each client in compliance with HUD regulations? (Example:very low,low®and moderate-income) The raw numbers are entered into our database and compared with the annual categories released each year. 16.Provide the following information for the person(s) in your organization responsible for the preparation and submittal of the quarterly reports and for collecting and reporting the beneficiary data to the Urban County. Contact person/title: Anna Boyd-Bucy,Executive Director Phone number: 805-781-3226 x17 E-mail address: anna@slobigs.org FINANCIAL INFORMATION For CDBG applications to the County of San Luis Obispo involving acquisition,construction or rehabilitation projects please provide the required additional budget information on BUDGET FORM A and BUDGET FORM B attached to the back of this application. 17.Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $20 000 Please identify the jurisdiction(s)to which you are applying(see Note below): Arroyo Grande,Atascadero,Paso Robles and Morro Bgy If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction,please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: $5,000 City of Paso Robles: $5,000 City of Atascadero: $5,0)0 City of San Luis Obispo: City of Morro Bay: $5,000 County of San Luis Obispo: NOTE: If you are applying to one or more cities,please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 5 OF 6 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST:23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 18. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. Itemize all sources of funding expected to be available and used for this project zi. Revenues: 1, CDBG Funds requested $20,000 Other Federal fund(s) (please describe below) S State source(s) (please describe 4. Local source(s) (please describe below) $11000 5. Other funds(please describe below) $282.000 Total Revenues S314.000 b. Expenditures: List below by item or cost categrory. County of SL O-CBO $ 8,000 City of SLO-GIA $ 4,000 Special Events $ 100,000 Individual,Corporate and Foundation $ 182-000 19.I-low do you plan to fund the operation and maintenance costs (if my) associated with this project? Are these funds available now? If not, when will they, be available? And from what source(s)? This program is funded through multiple sources. Funds become available throughout the course of the year Z� and are spent as needed. 20.Will CDBG funds be used to match/leverage other funds? List below funding sources and amounts and identify award dates of these sources. Our board members have agreed to match any support provided by CDBG funding. Those funds, combined with the cities funds will go toward services for children and fiamilies residing in the cities that provide funding. I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best ot-my knowledge and ability. Signature Date Anna Bovd-Bucy Executive Director Printed or typed name Title COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 6 OF 6 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLICATION SAID Luis OBISPO U TY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING 976 OSOS STREET * Room 200 * SAN Luis OBISPO * CALIFORNiA 93408 * (845)781-5600 Promoting the Wise Use of Lan * Helping to Build Great Communities Organization Name: El Camino Homeless Organization (Attach additional sheets if necessary) To be considered for CDBG assistance, please submit this completed application with any exhibits, budgets or beneficiary data as needed. PLEASE READ ALL INFORAIATION THE APPLICATION. Applications can be mailed to one of the participating jurisdictions listed in this application or to: Tony Navarro, Planner III, Department of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, San_ Luis Obispo, CA. 93408 or hand delivered to Tonv Navarro at 1.035 Palin Street,Doone 370, San Luis Obispo,CA., fax=ed to (805) 781a-5624, or e-mailed to tnavafforgko.slo..ca.us. The application deadline is 5:00 P.M., Friday, October 12, 2012. Applications must be received by the County or one of the participating cities (Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Morro Bay, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo) prior to close of the business day. POSTNL4,RKED DATED NLkIL RECEIVEDWILL NOT iE ACCEPTED. (1) :Please review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposal. The CDBG regulations, under 24 CPQ 570, are available at �� ,yv,sdop miiim.-o render"Federal HUD Grants." (2) HAM Reportingfor 2013 o e es services,housing and shelter-All homeless service providers applying for CDBG funds to assist,house or shelter the homeless must identify and demonstrate its capacity to participate in the County of San Luis Obispo Homeless Management Information System(. IS)to provide. personnel for data entry,user licensing, and hardware and software necessary for compatibility Nvith I- . S. fI IS is an electronic data collection system that stores client level information about persons who access the homeless services system in a Continuum of Fare, and reports aggregate data for the County as per the U.S. Department of (lousing and Urban Development's Data Standards found in Ivvv w. ud AiiAft dociia� e �ls,l -1-11k,1"!S k>,:,S ani dud's N/1a rch2 0 1._.,i_ (3) The project/program proposal to the Count- y cif San.Luis Obispo shall be examined in relation to the County's community development goals and funding priorities as presented in the Urban County of San Luis Obispo 201.0-201.5 Consolidated Plan( o lan), The onPlan is available at . nnin t fir. The County of Saiz Luis Obispo Department of Planning and Building (Planning)considers the criteria started in the.2013 Request for Proposals as one of many tools to help make funding recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Planning M11 use other information and sources including but are not limited to: the County Board of Supervisors, recommendations from the Homeless Services Oversight Council, other participating jurisdictions of the Urban County of San Luis Obispo,identified needs that could be addressed by the grant funds, consistency v6th goals and priorities in the 2010Consolidated Plan..and the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness, results of the Needs NVorkshops,working knowledge of the project and for organization by Planning, and availability of limited fund,to help with the funding recommendations. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT( DBG)PROGRAM PAGE 1 OF 1 APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AuGusT 3,2}12 SAN Lids OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG I Please call County and/or city CDBG staff Mth any questions about how to complete the form or about the rating criteria and process. If the information for ariv of the questions below requires more room to provide a complete explanation of your proposed project or program, please attach additional sheets. CONTACT INFORMATION L Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person, phone find fax numbers,and e-mail address: Name: El Camino Homeless Organization(ECHO) Address(mailing and physical address requested if different): Physical Address: 6')70 Atascadero Avenue,Atascadero,CA 93422 Mailing Address, P.O. Box 2077,Atascadero, CA 93423 Contact personititle: Bill Watt,Executive Director Phone: (805)423-0119 Fax: (805)462-8372 E-mail address: wattfit@aol.com Is the organization a Faith Based Organization? Yes No X Organization's DUNS number: 091516745 If you are awarded CDBG funds or your proposal involves economic development,i.e.,directly benefit a business, private property owner,business,involves facade improvements,provide technical assistance to a new or existing business,job creation,loan guarantee,the beneficiary must obtain a Dun and Bradsteet(DITINS)number that must be reported to HUD. Please contact'foamy Navarro, (805)'781-57871'tuavarro(q),slo.cl for information on how to obtain a DUNS number prior to incurring and obligating the federal funds. Is your agency currently participating in MRS? Yes If not,does your agency have the capacity to participate in BM-S? If yes, bow so? ECHO participates fully in the HMIS system including staffing for the collection of required data, user licensing, as well as the hardware and software necessary. We also participate in HMI S quarterly meetings and trainings as required. ECHO is also participating in the development of the new RM-required universal intall and assessment project. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 2 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING,ORG PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2. Title/name/address of proposed project,or program: El Camino Homeless Organization(ECHO) Shelter Program 6370 Atascadero,Avenue Atascadero, CA 93422 3. Please describe the proposed project or program. In one or two short paragraphs, include a brief project/program description, the groups who will benefit and an explanation of bow they will benefit from the proposed project or program. For projects, describe the location of the prqiect (be as specific as possible, e.g. street address). For programs, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program. Also, please include a schedule of project/program,milestones. ECHO is the only shelter for homeless individuals and families in northern San Luis Obispo County. The organization has provided 31 beds of shelter and nightly meals for over a decade without missing a meal or shelter night. These services are provided,primarily,through the time and efforts of over 500 community volunteers, interested service groups,and an inter-faith coalition. Additionally,ECHO has developed a successful partnership with Cal Poly=(overnight chaperones and tutors for children staying at the shelter)that provides students with the opportuni-tv to directly support the homeless while gathering valuable academic experiences. The shelter operates from a base at the First Baptist Church in Atascadero,6370 Atascadero.Avenue(a site ECHO is in the process of purchasing for a permaDent, expanded, and enriched shelter operation,) Services are on-going allowing ECHO to immediately utilize requested CDB G funding in order to increase shelter services. Quarterly status reports are generated in order to track progress at both the individual client level and overall program- success. As has been well documented and discussed,there is a tremendous shortage of homeless services, much less any true continuum of services, in northern San Luis Obispo County. Inaddition to operating the shelter continuously for over a decade, feeding anyone in need.of a nightly meal, and expanding both the number of shelter beds and case management-provided by ECHO,the organization has developed and will continue to streamline collaboration with other homeless service providers in the north county. Our goal is to bring in new targeted resources while leveraging current funding. This includes working with The Homeless Services Coalition of North County including The Link, Transitions Mental Health,the Independent Living Resource Center,Transitional Food and Shelter, and"Pasta Cares" in order to bridge the gaps in our homeless services network 4. Will the services offered by your organization increase or expand as a result of the CDBG assistance? If yes,please answer the following questions: Yes a. What new programs and/or services will be provided? Requested CDBG funds will allow for enhanced case management services with the addition of a new full-time position, Additionally, the C1G funding will provide additional homeless shelter services to a larger number of homeless individuals and families. These funds will also allow ECHO to increase its collaboration and with a variety of agencies (The. Link, Transitions Food COMMUNiTy DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 3 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OMSPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG and Shelter, Independent Living Resource Center and Transitions Mental Health) resulting in seamless coordination of services and maximization of available resources. b. Describe how existing programs and/or services will be expanded.and what percentage of an increase is expected? Requested funds will allow ECHO to provide additional hours of shelter services Increasing from night and morning services to daytime assistance hours (a %increase. Also, CDB G funds will allow ECHO to increase the amount of Case Management and assistance we provide to shelter residents leading to our key goals of Financial 9abilit ide y Jltental and Plzysical Wea- Being; and 5afie and 5table Permanent Housing for our clients. These funds, combined with other secured funding will allow us to expand case management services by 50%. 5. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply tot proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and the Guide to Eli6ble CDBG Activities). Acquisition of real property* Disposition of real property Public facilities and improvements(may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation)* and/or Privately owned utilities Clearance and remediation activities" X Public services Interim.assistance Relocation of individuals, families,businesses,non-profit organizations, and/or farms Loss of rental income Removal of architectural barriers Housing rehabilitation" New housing construction (under limited circumstances) Homeownership assistance Housing services COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LOCK GRANT(CDPD)PROGRAM PAGE 4 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING,ORG Code enforcement Historic preservation" Commercial or industrial rehabilitation" Special economic development Technical assistance and planning studies Relocation: Any project that involves the acquisition of property and/or rehabilitation and is funded in whole or in part with federal funds, even if the, federal funds are not used for the acquisition itself, is subject to federal requirements connected to acquisition and relocation. A project cannot be broken into separate "projects"'in order to avoid the federal requirements connected with property acquisition and relocation. Any questions concerning whether the relocation regulations apply to a specific property acquisition project should be directed to the Community Development Division staff before any action is taken on the prcject. If HUD fimded project will cause a household or a business to move,evenly temporarily,the relocation regulations will apply. on with application.submit: • Estimate of relocation cost(moving costs, subsidy amount for suitable replace ment dwelling) • Letter to owner or voluntary acquisition,plus proof of delivery to owner. • General Information letter to tenants(both business and residential tenants), plus proof of delivery to all). • List of tenants(both business and residential tenants)at the time of application submittal. • Refer to SLO Col website for sample relocation letters. Lead based paint/asbestos: If HM funded Project involves acquisition or rehabilitation of a residential units that was built in 1978 or earlier,then Lead-Based paint regulations will apply, • Along with application submit an estimate.of costs for LBP work-,provided by certified LBP consultant. Or statement by LBP consultant explaining that project is exempt, • Include any temporary housing costs, 6. Describe the need and the degree of urgency for the proposed project or program. What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? ECHO operates primarily through private donations of both time (as volunteers) and financial contributions (individuals, organizations, and service groups,) These private resources are joined with local, state, and federal funds which results in the overall funding for ECHO. Without the requested CDBG funds it would be necessary for ECI40 to reduce both case management and supportive services that is offered to our clients on an individual basis. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(C G}PROGRAM PAGE 5 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013PROGRAM YEAR AuGusT23,2012 SAN Luis Omspo COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 7. Please describe the specific organizational method used to implement the proposed project or program (single or multiple group, public agency, non-profit,for-profit, Rn experience in operating similar programs,etc.): ECHO, a non-profit entity, is the sole organization in operating the shelter program. ECHO has successfully managed the shelter for many years as well as the numerous private and public grants, that fund a significant portion of the shelter's operational and staffing costs. As mentioned earlier, F( HO is part of an. emerging system of collaboration in north county. Requested funds will be leveraged with funding available to other partners. This will maximize both the number of individuals and families assisted as well as the critical need for housing placement and support. 8. Does the project require the issuance of a permit(from local,state or federal agencies)? Yes No X a. If yes, please identify the permits necessary to complete the project. b. Have the necessary its been issued? Please provide proof of perm it issuance. c. If pen-nits are required but not yet obtained, when will the permits be issued? NATIONAL OBH,'CTINTS CRITERIA 9. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal,and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective. a. X Benefits low-and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(TIUD). Select one: 0 Low/Moderate-Income Area Benefit--The prqject serves only a limited area which is proven by 2000 Census data or survey to be a predominately (51% or more) lo-wh-noderate-income area. Applicants choosing this category must be able to prove their prcject/activity primarily benefits low/moderate-incorne households. X Low/M-oderate-Income Limited Clientele -- The project benefits a specific group of people (rather than all areas in a particular area), at least 51% of whom are low/moderate-income persons'-. Note: Income verification for clients must be provided for this category. The following groups are presumed to be low/moderate-income: abused children- elderly persons; battered spouses; homeless persons; adults meeting census definition of severely disabled; persons living with AIDS; and migrant farm workers El Low/Moderate-Income Housing — The project adds or improves permanent residential structures that will be/are occupied by low/moderate-income households upon completion. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 6 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Low/iModBrat e-Income Jobs -- The project creates or retains permanents jobs, at least 51% of which are taken by low/moderate-inconne persons or considered to be available to low/moderate- income persons. Explain: ECHO provides a comprehensive emergency shelter program to homeless individuals and families in northern San Luis Obispo County. 90-95 % of these individuals and families are classified as low or extremelv low-income. NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the County or participating city, at least 51 percent of who are low-and moderate-income persons, b. _ Aids in the prevention or elimination of slue or blight. Explain: Select one: 0 Addressing Slums or Blight on an Area Basis- E] Addressing Slums or Blight on a of Basis -- This project will prevent or eliminate specific conditions of blight or physical decay. Activities are limited to clearance, historic preservation, rehabilitation of buildings, but only to the extent necessary to eliminate, conditions detrirriental to public health and safety. Is the project located in a Redevelopment Area? YesEl No El If yes, attach a map of the area with. the site highlighted, and provide the Redevelopment Project Area(excerpts accepted)which documents the existence of slum/blight. Also,document the specific redevelopment objectives pertaining to the proposed project. NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must be within.a designated slum or blighted area and must be designed to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration of the area. c. _ Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health. or welfare of the community, and no other funding sources are available, i.e., a major catastrophe such as a flood or earthquake. Explain'. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PA13E 7 OF 16 APPLiCATioN FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR Au(3us-r 23,2012 SAN Luis OBispo COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. 10.If the project or program is designed to meet the national objective of providing benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, please estimate the number of unduplicated number of persons (or- o se of s orouseholds) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group (unduplicated means the number who are served, i.e., the grant will allow 25 children to participate in preschool—not 25 children x 5 days x 52 weeks=6,500). a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project or program (regardless of income group): 375 Personslhouseholds(circle the applicable unit) b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, bow many-V-1411 be low-income(earning 51%- 80%or less of the County median-income)? 5-10% Personslbouseholds(circle the applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above,how many vill he yM low-income(earning 50%or less of the County median-income)? 95% Persons1households(circle the applicable unit) 11.Who are the clients of your organization? (Example: low- to moderate-income persons, elderly persons,severely disabled persons, migrant farm workers, battered spouses,etc.) ECHO works with the poorest of the or. These homeless individuals and families to to ECI-10 after they have exhausted all other viable options. This includes single moms and dads with children- the long-term unemployed; the elderly and disabled, those suffering from mental illness and other chronic health issues; those who have been homeless for extended periods of time; and children involved in child welfare services. It is a diverse homeless population with multiple barriers to self-reliance and permanent housing. ECHO will utilize CDB G funding to help address these barriers. 12.How will the clients benefit from this project? ECHO has demonstrated consistent success in supporting our clients as they utilize the security(of the shelter to overcome the various barriers they face. A stable place to stay,healthy meals,and comprehensive and individualized case management services has proven to be a successful formula of services for our clients. any who have left the shelter and moved to permanent housing credit ECHO with transfon-ning their lives. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 8 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNINELORG 13.If your project serves homeless households, please describe how your program coordinates with other continuum of care projects and entities and how it aligns with the San Luis Obispo Countywide 10-Year Plan to Homelessness. ECHO has tailored many of its efforts to meet "Priorily 3:Encling antl Preventing Homelessness through Inhgratecf, Comj,?rehensive, Responsive Su17 -e Yervices. ­Specifically,ECHO has ,porth, responded to the needs of our clients by addressing not only their lack of safe and stable housing,but by also seeking to address the underlying causes of their homelessness. ECHO has, and Neill continue to, work closely with other service providers(drug/alcohol, mental health, domestic violence, family services, etc.)to coordinate available services while identifying and filling gaps in the homeless service YJ delivery system in the north comity region of San Luis Obispo County, BENEFICIARY DATA 14. How do yo u collect demographic data on the beneficiaries of the proposed project or program? (Example: racial/ethnic characteristics) NOTE: You are required to provide beneficiary data at the end of each quarter and year end data of the fiscal year. ECHO utilizes both the HNIIS system and an in-house client data systern to capture beneficia:i7y data and prepare required quarterly and year-end reports. Clients are interviewed upon admission to the shelter. IMS data is collected by case mankgers, as Arill the shared intake and assessment data requirements that are being currently developed 15. How do you, document and maintain income status of each client in compliance with HUD regulations? (Example: very low,low-and moderate-income) ECHO works individually with each client to track and verify income status. This tracking is accomplished through regular interviewing and documentation of income levels from both employyment income and other financial resources. Documentation gathered over multiple years indicates that 95% of ECHO clients are very-, very low-income. 1.6.Provide the following information for the person(s) in your organization responsible for the preparation and submittal of the quarterly reports and for collecting and reporting the beneficiary data to the Urban County. Contact person/title: Bill Watt, Executive Director Phone number: (805)4235-0119 E-mail address: wattfit@aol..com COMMUNITY DEvELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 9 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING,ORG FINANCIAL INFORMATION For CDBG applications to the County of San Luis Obispo involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects please provide the required additional budget information on BUDGET FORM A and BUDGET FORM B attached to the back of this application. 17. Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $39,000 Please identify the jurisdiction(s)to which you are applying(see Note belolv): If you are requesting CDBG funds frog n more than one jurisdiction,please break-down.the amount shop above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: City of Paso Robles: $7,000 City of Atascadero.- —$3"-,000--- City of San.Luis Obispo: City of Morro Bay: County of an Luis Obispo: NOTE: If you are applying to one or more cities,please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline. 18. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. Itemize all sources of funding expected to be available and used for this project a. Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $ _39,000 I Other Federal fun (s) (please describe belo-%V,--) $ _7,800 3. State source(s)('please describe below) $ 4. Local source(s)(please describe below) $ ----5,0-00 5. Other funds(please describe below) $ —35,000--- Total Revenues $ _86,800 (2)EFSI (4)United Way of SLO County(5)Private Cntributions b. Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. Shelter Services 47,000 Case Management Staffing 32,000 Client Supportive Services 7,800 Total 861800 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 10 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG H 19. How do you plan to fund the operation and maintenance costs if any) associated with this project? Are these funds available now? ]If not, when will they be available? And from what source(s)? ECHO has consistent and reliable private donors and volunteer tears that are available for operations and maintenance needs. 20.Will CDBG funds be used to match/leverage other funds? List below funding sources and amounts and identify award dates of these sources. N/A I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my-knowledge and ability, BO 9�4 ober 10, 2012 ill Wait-_ ct Signature Date --Bill Watt- ---Executive Director----_-. Printed or typed nature Title Note to atiplica nt: The County and cities require all of the grant recipients to maintain general liability-, automobile and workman's compensation insurance with.hinits of not less than$1 million***. If you are successful in obtaining an award,you will be asked to provide documentation regarding ability to provide the required coverage. *** Liability coverage may`vary,by jurisdiction. Please call the city/county contact to verify limits. Prior to HUD's release of grant conditions and/or funds for the CDDG-funded prcject, a review of the project's potential impact on the environment must be conducted by the awarding jurisdictions and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 11 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGusT 23,2012 SAN Luis Omspo COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Serving the coma-ninities of SERVICE 4 ' HE U S Atascadero Creston Carrisa Plains a' Streikqthening our Continnnity Santa Margarita,Sart Migiiel, Paso Robles, Cambria,Las 0sos, INK, Pismo Reach and Arrojio Grande October 12, 2012 City of Atascadero To whom it may concern; I would like to submit this letter in support of the EI Camino Homeless Organization's application to receive CDBG funds in support of its Shelter services, Case Management, and additional programs including its critical "meals" program that serves this vulnerable population in North County on a daily basis. As Executive Director of The LINK and Chair of the Homeless Services Coalition in North County, I have been working closely with Bill Watt and ECHO to develop the capacity for case management services in North County. As North County's only homeless shelter, ECHO is a critical resource for the homeless adults and families that our Family Advocates serve. In addition, ECHO will serve as an essential partner in The LINK`s ESG Case Management Program,, Lastly, ECHO has played an integral role in our collaborative effort to develop expanded programs in North County. We are working closely to leverage ESG, TBRA, and community based funds to successfully implementation the goals of HSOC, and will implement fully the Coordinated Assessment forms and expand HMIS. Sincerely, 4-�X 1,7 Daniel H. Cano Executive Director 6500 Morro Rd.Suite A 1802 Cesnutt Street 1385 Mission Street. Atascadero,CA.93422 Paso Robles,CA 93446 San Miguel,CA.93451 805-466-5404 805-769-1381 805-712-5327 i approved by the County of San Luis Obispo prior to obligating or incurring project costs. The County must certify to 14M that it has complied with all applicable environmental procedures and requirements. Should project costs be obligated or incurred pdor to the completion of the necessary environmental review, the project shall not benefit from the federal funds. Environmental review requirements pursuant to 24 CFR Part 58 must be fully satisfied for any project selected for funding prior to the.CDBG Program issuing a Notice to Proceed for the project. The level of envirom-nental review required depends on the nature of the project. 24 CFR Part 58 is available at s. ----------—T-1-1-LI -, If you need assistance or have questions regarding this application, please contact any of the persons listed below. Your application(s)can be dropped off or mailed to the following locations: • Kelly Hefferrion, Community Development Dept., City of Arroyo Grande, 1.14 E. Branch Street(P.O. Box 550), Arroyo Grande, CA 93421, (805)473-5420. • Valerie Humphrey,Public Works Dept-, City of Atascadero,6907 El Camino Real,i'vascadero, CA 93422,(805)470-3460. • Rob Livick,Public Services Dept.,City, of Morro Bay, 955 Shasta Avenue,Morro Bay, CA, 93442, (805)772-6261 ® Darren Nash, Community Development Dept.,City of Paso Robles, 1000 Spring St.,Paso Robles, CA 93446, (805)237-3970. • Tyler Corey, Community Development Dept.,City of San Luis Obispo, 919 Palm St., San Luis Obispo, I p CA 93401, (805) 781-7175, • Tony Navarro,Dept. of Planning and Building,976 Osos Street,Room 300, San Luis Obispo,CA 9340& (805)781-5787. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 12 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis Omspo COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LOCK GRAD i (CDBG) • RGGRA fs k r� APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING ' 97 ( SC)S STR FT * Roopt 2 + SAN Luis 61SC'O CALIFORNIA �93-1108 f7(� )7€1 56f?Q +: Prornoting the Wise Use of Land , Helping to Build Great Communities +Organization Name. Food Bank Coalition of Sart Luis Obispo Coo to (Attach additional sheets of necessary) To be considered for CDBG assistance, please submit this completed application with any exhibits, budgets or beneficiary data as needed. PLEASE READ ALL INTI RNIATION IN THE APPLICATION. Applications can be mailed to one of the; participating jurisdictions listed in this application or to. Tony Navarro, Planmr 111, Department of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, Sara Luis Obispo, CA., 9')40I or hand delivered to Tony Navarro gat 1035 Palm Street, Room 370, Sian Luis Obispo, CA., faxed to (805) 781-5621, or e-mailed. to tnavarro@ico,slo.ca.us, The application deadline is 5:00 P.M., Friday, October 1.2, 2012. Applications must be received by the County or one of the participating cities (Arroyo Grande,Atascadero, Morro Bay, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo) prior to close of the business day.. POSTMARIaD DATED MAIL RECEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. NOTE, (1) Please:review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposal. The CDBG regulations,tinder 24 CFR 570, are ava lable at o va .s1c? lranrrirri .ori under"Federal ederal HUD Grants." (2) HMIS Reporting for 2013 horneless services,housing and shelter-.All homeless service providers applying for CDBG funds to assist; house or shelter the homeless Tnust identify and demonstrate its capacity to participate in the County of Sara Luis Obispo Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)to provide: personnel for dataa entry, user Ii censing, and hardware: and software necessary for compatibility with HMIS. HMIS is an electronic data collection system that stares client level information about persons who{access thea homeless services system in a Continuum of Care, and reports aggregate data for the County as per the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Data Standards found in latt e!f`� s ,.l7Lrdlarc inftr'drrc rrncaat�:'FinaIFINIISQataStandards I%Jar_clr2Q1_ Rpd . (3) The project/program proposal to tlac County of San Luis Obispo shall be examined in relation to the County's community development goals and funding priorities as presented in the Urban County of San Luis Obispo 201.0-2015 Consolidated Plan (ConPlan). Fhe ConPlan is available at www.sIori1 nnin(_,.or,, The:County of San Luis Obispo Department cif Plami a and Building (Planning) considers the criteria staled in the 2013 Request for Proposats as one of many totals to help make funding recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Plair.ning xill use other information and sources including but are not limited to: the County Board of Supervisors, recornri endations from the Homeless Services Oversight Council,ether participating jurisdictions of the Urban County of San Luis Obispo, identified needs that could be addressed by the grant funds, consistency with goals and priorities in the 2010 Corisolidated Plan and the Ten Year Plan to End I lorrielessness,results of the Needs WoeKs110PS, 10Tking knowledge of the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG11 PROGRAM PAGE 1 OF 15 APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGusT 23,20312 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNSNG,{?RG pro�lect avid/or organization by Planning,, and availability of limited fund, to help with the funding recommendations. Please call County and/or city CDBG staff with any questions about how to complete the form or about the rating criteria and process. I If the inforivation for any of the questions below requires more room to provide a complete explanation of your proposed project or program, please attach additional sheets. CONTACT INFORMATION 1. Name and organization,mailing address of applicant zation, ivith contact erson, phone and fax t, n p numbers, and e-snail address: Name: Food Bank Coalition of San Luis Obispo County Address(mailiag and physical address requested if different): P.0, Box 2070,Paso Robles, CA.93447 (2212 Golden Hill Road, Paso Robles, CA 93446) Contact person/title: Carl R, Hansen, Executive Director Phone: (805) 238-4664 (office) (805) 235-2851 (cell) Fax: (805) 238-6956 E-mail address: chansen@i slofoodbank.org Is the organization a Faith Based Organization? Yes No I Organization's DUNS number: 612280917 If you are awarded CDBG funds or your proposal involves economic development,i.e.,directly benefit a business, private property owner,business,involves fa�ade improvements,provide technical assistance to a new or existing business,job creation,loan guarantee,the beneficiary niust obtain a Dun and Bradsteet(DUNS)number that must be reported to HUD. Please contact'rony Navarro.(805)781-5787,tnavarro:-tslo.coixa.us for information on how to obtain a DUNS number prior to incurring and obligating the federal funds. Is your agency currently participating In 1-11\41S? No If not, does your agency have the capacity to participate in 1-1 115"? If yes,how so? N/A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCi<GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PACE 2 OF 15 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGusi-23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG PROJECTOESCRIPTION 2. Title/name/address of proposed project or program: Farm to Family Produce Progran-i 51 locations administered by the Food Bank Coalition d-woughout San Luis Obispo County 3. Please describe the proposed project or program. In one or two short paragraphs, include a brief project/program description, the groul-.)s who will benefit and an explanation of how they will beige it from the proposed project or program, For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e.g. street address), For pro I grarns, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic, area served by the prograrn. Also, please include a schedule of project/prograrn milestones, The Farm to Family Produce Program !)rings fresh produce to schools and neighborhoods Z__ zz" throughout the county, providing nutritious produce for families that would otherwise not have adequate access to healthy food. Farm to Fam ilyworks to reduce hunger among low-income I ZD children and their families by adding produce into our distributions that collaborate with local school districts, cities, churches, senior and community centers, VFW halls and Granges. Distributions are varied in times and locations to be accessible for families in need. Some allow parents to collect groceries when they pick tip their children,increasing access for families with limited transportation, language barriers, and other time barriers because of work schedules. Other distributions are in the mid or late mornings to better accommodate seniors, or on Saturdays to better serve those who work during the week. Fresh produce is also provided to our partner agencies throughout the county at rio cost and no restrictions because of our desire to assure access to every person in need wherever they live in the county, from Cambria to Nipomo, and as far east as California Valley. Forty-five percent of our food distributions by weight are fresh fruits and vegetables. In 2011, we provided 2.71 million pounds of fresh produce to a total of 44,000 persons-250 tbs. for each family of four-who would not have had access to it otherwise. A sample of our many distribution site locations are as follows; all of them can found oil our website at www.slofoodbaiik.org. Soto Field-Arroyo Grande Santa Rosa Elementary- 8655 Santa Rosa Rd,,Atascadero Carissa,Plains Elementary-9640 Carissa Plains Santa Lucia Middle School-2850 Schoolhouse Ln., Cambria Community Church-60 So. Third St., Cayucos Salvation Arnay- 11971 Highland Way, Grover Beach South Bay Community Center-2180 Palisades Ave., Los Osos Del Mar Elementary-501 Sequoia St., Morro Bay Nipomo Elementary.- 190 E. Price Street, Niporno Oceano Family Resource Center-- 1511 19th St., Occano Paso Robles Family Resource Center- 1802 Chestnut St., Paso Robles Virginia Peterson Elementary-2501 Becchwood Dr., Paso Robles 60-MM,U,Nt,-T,yD,E"V,EL'OP'MENT BLOCK GRANT(CO'B'G)PR'OGR AM PA(",E3O' FJ5 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNJNG-ORG Lillian Larson— 16011 L SL, San Miguel Santa Mar-arita Sernor Center—2210 H St., Santa Margarita Pacheco Elementaary--261 Cuesta Dr., San Luis Obispo Vintage Church -- 690 Peterson Rarich Rd­ 'Fernpletori Califoinia ranks last among all states for participation in the fcdcral food stamp program, and our county ranks an extremely low 61"of California's 58 Counties fior CalFresh (food stamp) enrollment. We are working hard to enroll families, and CalFresh outreach takes place at our(itstributions to assure that as many low-income families as possible in our county understand their eligibility and have convenient access to the CalFresh application process. When fanTilles come to pick up food at Food Bank distribution sites, the CalFresh.Coordinator offers assistance with enrollment in the CalFresh program, eliminating transportation barriers to food stamp enrolli-neiit and providing long terin food assistance. We also partner with the Department of Social Services., whose outreach staff enroll people at our sites. In addition, we partner with County Public Health to teach nutritious cooking at our sites, using produce that is bein,,,distributed that day. See appendix for program milestones (Work Plan& Performance Schedule). 4. Will the set-vices offered organization by your increase or expand as a result of the CD13G I assistance? If yes, please answer the following questions: a. What new programs and/or services will be provided? Existing services will be expanded—see Section 4b,below. b. Describe how existing programs and/or services will be expanded and what percentage of an increase is expected`' . The need for food continues to increase each year in our county, and we will be expanding to at least four more sites In 2013. This will provide over 400 additional families with 100,,000 pounds of food in the coming year. Overall, the Food Bank- Coalition has had as 90% increase in utilization since 2006, from.27,000 to 44,000 residents annually accessing services. In 2011, one out of every six county residents received food from the Food Bank or one of our 226 partner agencies. 5. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or prograin: (Refer to CDBG regulations and the Guide to Eligible CDBG Activities). Acquisition of real property* Disposition.of real property Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstiuction, rehabilitation or installation)-' and/or Privately owned utilities Clearance and remediation activitics"- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 4 OF 15 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNRIG,ORG Public Sel-Vices Interial assistance Relocation of individuals, T"an-idics, businesses,, noir-profit organizations, arid/lor far-nis Loss of rental income Removal Of architectural barriers Housing rehabilitation" New housing construction (Under limited circumstances) Homeownership assistance Housing services Code enforcement Historic preservation"'* Conirnercial or industrial rehabilitation*", Special economic development Technical assistance and planning studies Relocation: Any project that involves the acquisition of property and/or rehabilitation and is funded. in whole or in part with federal funds, even if the federal funds are not used for the acquisition itself. JIS subject to federal requirements connected to acquisition and relocation, A prQiect cannot be broken into separate"projects" in order to avoid the federal requirements connected with property acquisition and relocation. Any questions concerning whether the relocation regulations apply to a specific property acquisition project should be directed to the Community Development Division staff before any action,is taken on the project. If HUD funded project will cause a household or a business to move,evenly temporarily, the relocation reWulations will apply, Along with application submit: • Estimate of relocation cost(moving costs, subsidy amount for suitable replacement dwelling) • Letter to owner or voluntary acquisition,plus proof of delivery to owner. • General Intbirriation letter to tenants (both business and residential tenants), plus pn--)of of delivery to all). COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGR.1P.4 PAGE 5 OF 15 APPLICATION FOR THE 20113 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING,ORG * List of tenants (both business and residential tenants) at the t1inc ollapplication sublu I ttl 1. * Refer to SLC Col websitc for samp1c relocation letters. Lead based paint/asbestos, If HUD funded project ject involves acquisition or rehabilitation of a residential units that was built in 1978 or earlier, then l,ead-Based paint regulations will apply. • Along with application submit an estimate of costs for LBP work, provided by certified LBP consultant. Or statement by LBP consultant explaining that project is exempt. • Include any temporary housing costs. Z71 6. Describe the need and the degree of urgency for the proposed project or program. What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? More and more families are using Food Bank.resources in response to continuing high unemployment,home foreclosures, and.ever deeper cuts in tile government safety net. Children are disproportionately affected; they are nearly 40% of our clients but only 19%of the county's population.The number of children enrolled in the federal free and reduced price lunch program rose over 8% in our county from 2008 to 2010 (compared to 3% statewide) and in all likelihood is continuing to climb. Food is an essential yet often unaffordable need for local families, seniors and other persons. As part of a county-wide hunger assessment, Cal Poly researchers conducted a food security survey in the fall of 2011. They interviewed more than 800 low-income residents. Over 70% ofthose surveyed reported food insecurity. Over half reported having to choose between buying food or paying the rent/mortgage within the past year. And over half had to choose between buying-food or paying for medications. Insufficient food decreases children's school success and overall health while increasing family stressors. Seniors often must forego healthy Citing because their diet requires more expensive fresh produce and low fat, salt, and sugar items. When sufficient food can be purchased,low-income parents are often forced to rely on inexpensive foods that are overly processed and high in sugar aiad fat- These foods contribute to obesity and illness in children and other family members.The 2009 CA Health Interview Survey results show that over half of children in our county eat fewer than the recommended minimum of five servings of fruits and vegetables daily. CDBG funds will be used to purchase produce through our Farrn to Family program for distribution to local families, seniors. and Single persons. 7. Please describe the specific organizational method used to implement the proposed project or program, (single or multiple group, public agency, non-profit,for-profit, experience in operating similar programs, etc.); The; Food Bank Coalition is a 501(c)(3)nonprofit that harnesses the power of collaboration to provide food both directly and through 226 partner agencies around the county. We have been active in direct food delivery, food distribution to patiner agencies, and collaboration with local and state COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 6 OF 15 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AuGusT 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG organizations to reduce poverty and increasc, nutrition since out- inception in 19,89, We administer several food distribution programs, Including 'Flealthy Food for Local Fainflies (HFIT). Emergency Food Assistance Prograin (EFAII), StI11111Food Set-vice Program (SFSP), I largest Bap, and Senior Brown Bag, In addition to food distributions, progranis Include CalFresh food stairip outreach., GleanSLO(a farin gleaning pt-Q'ect'). The Food Bank, operates with a S 1.9 million annual budget made Lip of governi-nerit funds, grants, and individual donations, Over 500 volunteers inake food distributions possible In 18 towns throughout the County. We are a part o F Feeding America's food bank network and a member of the California Association ot'Food Batiks. We purchase food.at very low prices throu'gh our Food Bank network, which is supplemented by donated [bod and produce from the coninuirlity. Thrortoll the Farm to Fan-illy Program, we partner with 35 Other California Food Banks to get beneficial pricing for produce and distribute it efficiently to residents of San Luis Obispo County. At the distribution level, we partner with seven school districts, other non-profit agencies, a variety of comsat pity service organizations, and over 1,000 volunteers around the county. 8. Does the project require the issuance of a permit (from local, state or federal agencies)? Yes F-1 No a. If yes, please identify the permits necessary to corriptete ffie project. N/A b. Have the necessary permits been issued? Please provide proof of perinit issuance. N/A e. If pert-nits are required but not yet obtained, when will the pernlits be issued? N/A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BL.oci<GRANT(CDBO)PROGRAM PAGE 7 OF 15 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 2:3,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SE OPLANNING.ORG i p I NATIONAL OBJECTIN"ES CRITERIA 9. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Pie'ase check one of the objectives below that applies to tile proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective. a, X Benefits low- and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housina and Urban Development(HUD). Select one: El Low/Moderate-Income Area Benefit - The pr(.11'ect serves only a limited area which is proven by 2000 Census data or survey to be a predominately (51% or more) low/moderate- income area. Applicants choosing this category must be able to prove their project/activity primarily benefits low/moderate-income households. Z Low/Moderate-Income Limited Clientele--The project benefits a specific group of people (rather than all areas in a particular area), at least 51% of whom are low/illoderate-income persons;. Note-, Income verification for clients must be provided for this category. The following groups are presumed to be low/moderate-income; abused children, elderly persons; battered spouses; horneless persons; adults meeting census definition of severely disabled-, persons living with AIDS; and migrant fare workers F-I Low/Moderate-Income Housing - The project adds or improves permanent residential structures that will be/are occupied by low/nToderate-income households upon completion. [:] Low/Moderate-Income Jobs--The project creates or retains permanents jobs, at least 51% of which are taken by low/moderate-income persons or considered to be available to low/moderate-income persons, Explain. All clients self-certifv that they are at or below 125% of poverty. Records are kept confidentially by the Food Bank-. L NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the County or participating city, at least 51 percent of who are low- and moderate-income persons. b. Aids in the prevention or elimination of slurns or blight, Explain: Select one: Addressing Slun-iis or Blight on an Area Basis - Addressing Slums or Blight on a Spot Basis - This project will prevent or eliminate specific conditions of blight or physical decay. Activities are limited to elearance, historic, 6OM44,UN,ITy D'EVELOPMCNTBLO'CK'GRANT(CDB G' )'PROGRA'M' FA'GE 8 OF 15 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUN I Y PLANNING&BUILDING SLOP1-AN11JING,ORG preservation, rehabilitation ofbUlldings. but only to the extent necessary w eliminate conditions detrimental to public health and safety. Is the project ject located in a Redevelopment Area? Yes No X li'ves, attach a reap of the area wlih the site highli(,,1171ted, and provide the Redevelopment Project Area (excerpts accepted) which documents the existence of slurri/blight. Also, document the specific redevelopment objectives pertaining to dw proposed project. NOTE.- To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be within a designated slum or blighted area and must be designed to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration ofthe arca. C. Meets Community development neleds having a particular Urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other funding sources are available, i.e., a major catastrophe such as a flood or earthquake. NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. 10. If the project or program is providing designed to meet the national objective of benefit to low- in t� and moderate-income persons, please estimate the number of unduplicated number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group (unduplicated means the number who are served, i.e., the grant will allow 25 children to participate in preschool—not 25 children x 5 days x 52 weeks =6,500). a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project or program. (regardless of income group): 44,000 Persons/liou.seholds (circle the applicable unit) b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above,how many will be low-income(earning 51%- 80%or less of the County median-incot-ne)? 100% Pcrsons/ho-Liseholds (circle the applicable Unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above,how many will be = low-income (earning 50% or less of the County median-income)? 15,000 Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 9 OF 15 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 233,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNiNG.ORG 11. Who are the clients of your organization? (Example: low- to moderate-income persons, elderly persons, severely disabled persons, migrant farm workers. battered spouses, etc.) Anyone who is low-income and in need Of food in Sart Luis Obispo County is eligible for Food Bank services. Families and Individuals of all ages are served by our pro grams, including people with a wide .range of needs. Partner agencies include churches, women's shelters, family resource Centers, Youth- serving agencies,horneless shelters., and senior sei-vice organizations. Sorne programs are available to certain populations, white others are open to all residents, 12. How will the clients benefit from this proect? An increase in fresh produce for food-insecure children will result in greater school success and overall health while decreasing family stressors. Fresh fruits and vegetables, which are difficult for low-income families to afford,will provide needed nutrients for children as their brains and bodies develop. For children and adults, the additional healthy food will reduce the likelihood of obesity, diabetes,heart disease, and other nutrition-related chronic illnesses. In addition, households and single persons may have more money to spend on housing, transportation, and health.care, resulting in fewer licirneless, children,parents who are able to work more, fewer missed school or work days, and more productivity and success in peoples lives,. 13. If your project serves homeless households, please describe how your program coordinates with other continuum of care projects and entities and how it aligns with the San Luis Obispo Countywide 10-Year Plan to Homelessness, The Food Bank Coalition has played a critical role in the dell-very of--services to homeless households through its partnerships and collaborative efforts with other non-profits and the government agencies that provide those services. Every entity that provides services to the homeless has access to free and low-cost food to integrate into their program flrom the Food Batik Coalition, and virtually every entity does. We have also been a key player in the battle against obesity and other food-related illnesses in this county by collaborating in the early days of the Childhood Obesity Task Force, and continue our involvement in such organizations as HEAL SLO, and are the lead agency for GleanSLO, and the newly formed San Luis Obispo Food System Coalition. We have partnered until recently in the search for property for a south county homeless services facility with the Five Cities Homeless Coalition, and are a provider of healthy food to the Maxine Lewis Shelter and Prado Day Center, ECHO in north county, and a variety of other non-profits that serve the homeless community, including many churches. All of these endeavors are responses to and efforts toward the realization of the SLO County-v6de 1d-Year Plan to End Homelessness. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(C-DBG)PROGRAM PAGE 10OF15 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS 013ISP0 COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING-ORG BENEFICIARY DATA 14. flow do voii collect demographic data on the beneficiaries of the proposed project or program? (Fxample: racial/ethnic characteristics) NOTE: You, are required to provide beneficiary data at the end of each quarter and year end data of the fiscal year. To ensure that clients reside within the county, they are asked to brings proof of address in the fonn ofa drivers license,bill or other piece of mail. In order to receive fresh produce and the shelf-stable: food products distributed, they must self-certify(see below) including address and number of persons in their family, We do not collect specific demographic data beyorid that at dist6butions, but draw from site observations, published census and food insecurity data for Out County, and occasional Cal Poly surveys that we comi-nission to collect data frorn our sites and other resources are taken all our site by nutrition research professors and their students from Cal Poly. 15. How do you document and maintain income status of each client in compliance with H1.11D regulations' (Example: very low,low- and moderate-income) When clients come to the distribution- they self-certify that they meet the income guidelines which, for 2012, are: Househ.okl Alonthly household income Annual householcl income size $1,396 $16,755 2 $1,891 $22,695 $2,386 ,S28,635 4 $2,881 P)4;575 1 5 53,871 $46,455 Each tirne a client attends a distribution, they register using a federal EFA-7 Forin for emergency food assistance. This form requires a signature to verify that they meet these USDA incorne guidelines. 16. Provide the following information for the person(s) in your organization responsible for alae preparation and submittal of the quarterly reports and for collecting and reporting the beneficiary data to the Urban County. Contact person/title: Carl R. Hansen, Executive Director Phone number, (805) 2')8-4664 E-mail address: chansenCyslotbodbank.org COMMUNITY DEVELOPMErrT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 11 OF 15 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGusT 23.2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 1,INANCIAL INFORMATION For CDBG applications to the Couno, of San Luis Obispo involving acquisition,construction or rehabilitation projects please provide the required additional budget information on BUDGET FORM A and BUDGET FORN 11 attached to the back of this application. 17. Total amount of CDBG funds requested: 5 30,000 Please identify thejurisdiction(s) to which you are applying(see Note below}: Cities of Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Morro Bav, and Paso Robles If you are requesting CDBG I"Linds from- more than one jurisdiction,please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: City of Paso Robles: S5,000 City ofAlascadero: $5,000 City of San Luis Obispo, &�QQ(J_ City ofMorTo Bay: $5 County of San Luis Obispo:—S5,101,010,-- NOTE: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline, 18. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. Itemize all sources of funding expected to be available and used for this proJect a. Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $ 30,000 2. Other Federal fund(s) (please describe below) $ 0 3, State source(s) (please describe below) $ 0 4. Local source(s) donations $ 80,000 5. Other funds Community Endowment, Grants $ 40,000 Total Revenues $ 150,000 b. Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. Purchase of fresh produce for food distributions: $110,000 Receiving II(L00QReceiving and Distribution costs olfresh Produce: $ 40.000 Total Expenditures $1-5001)0 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 12 QP 15 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Lus OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 19. Ilow do you plan to fund the operation and maintenance costs (if any) associated with this project? Are these funds available now? If not, when will they be available? And frons what source(s)? The j pr0ect will bfiindd b e ey private donations, general ftindraising, and granfi-011 R) ts 1Undati011,--" We lia\,e some restricted f-unds in the Healthy Food for Local paint its restricted fund that can be used for produce, as well as the Webster Backpack Fund- But the majority of funding will be raised throng1hoUt the year through county-wide events such as Hunger Awareness Day and the Hunger Walk, mailers, and smaller fundraisers. Nie have a well-established record of fundraising and donations that allows us to anticipate revenue froin one,year to the next. 20. Will CDBG funds be used to matchileveratye other funds? List below fil"dinc, sources and aniounts and identify award dates of these sources. CDBG funds will match the funds discussed above (M), ensuring that the program can continue to be offered at in expanded level of set-vice, and allowing us to add foul-additional sites in 201 3) to address the continuing need for food among local households and the horlicless. I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of any knoNvIedg ge and ability. Z_ Signature Date Carl R. Hansen -Executive Director Printed or typed name Title Note to annfleant: The County and cities require all of the grant recipients+10 maintain general liability, automobile and workman's compensation insurance with limits of not less than$'I million***. If you are successful in obtaining an award,you will be asked to provide documentation regarding ability to provide the required coverage. *** Liability coverage may vary by jurisdiction. Please call the city/county contact to verify limits. Prior to HUD's release of grant conditions and/or funds foi-the CDBG-funded pro�jeet, a review oft e project's potential impact on the environment must be conducted by the awarding jurisdictions and approved by the County of San Luis Obispo prior to obligating or incurring project costs, The County must certify to HUD that it has complied with all applicable environmental procedures and requirements. Should project costs be obligated or inciiiTed pdoK to the completion of the necessary environmental review, the project shall not benefit from the federal funds. Environmental revie-w requirements pursuant to 24 CFR Part 58 must be fully satisfied foi-any project selected for funding COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 13OF15 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST'23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG pt`ior to the CDBG Program issuing a No_ice to Proceed for the pr('ect. I'lic, level of environmental review required depends on the nature of the prOject. 24 CFR Part 58 is available at I I ud Fro v'o ffiC es/cod"el IN,I ronin ell ta 1: wsa it (Jre,-,";;'rc u�. If You need assistance or have questions regarding this application, please contact any of the persons listed below. Your application(s) car) be dropped off or mailed to the following locations, • Kelly Hefferrion, Community Development Dept., City of Arroyo Grande, 214 E. Branch Street (P.O. Box 550),Arroyo Grande, CA `?34?1, (805)473�_5420. • Valerie Humphrey, Public Works Dept., City of Ataseadero, 6907 El Cain no Real., At.aseadero, CA 93422, (805)470-3460. • Rot) Livick, Public Services Dept., City ofM1OITo Bay, 9515 Shasta Avenue, Morro Bay, CA, 93442' (805) 772-6261 • Darren Nash, Community Developinent Dept., City of Paso Robles, 1000 Springy= St., Paso Robles, CA 93446, (805) 2317-3970, • Tyler Corey, Community Development Dept., City of Sail Luis Obispo, 919. alm St., Sall Luis Obispo,, CA 93401, (805) 781-7175. • Tony Navarro,Dept. of planning and Building, 976 Osos Street,Room 300, San Luis Obispo, CA 9-408. J805) 781-5787 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 14 OF 15 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST:23.2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING,ORG COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO (.-.[)B(I '-fl'PLE 'I'AL BUDGETINFORMATION S1-IEET WORK PLAN & PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE List all project milestones and their anticipated work period, There will be an opportunity to update the project timeline after grant notification and before executing a grant aDg-ecnient. Any proposed changes, including extension and early completion, niust be requested in w6ting and approved in advance by the jurisdiction receiving the funding application. Njote: Applicant will assume all financial risk if work.on the proposed project begins before environmental clearance is obtained. You may either use or recreate this forin to add tasks and activities and extended tin-ielhTe. YOU MUST USE THIS FORMAT. Task/Activity—Beghi Jifly JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR NJAV JUN 2013 ---- i Purchase produce. X X X X X X X X X X X X Transport produce from central warehouses to X X X X X X X X X IX X X distribution sites. Continue to distribute produce to residents X X X X X X X X X X X X through 226 partner agencies. Continue to provide food F- distributions with 45% produce in at least 18 X X X X X X X X X X X X towns (51 locations) in the County. Expand distributions to four new sites within the X X X X X X X X X X county, Continue to offer assistance with Cal Fresh X X X X X X X X X X X X enrollment at distribution sites. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(C—DBG)PROGRMA PAGE 15 OF 15 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OE31SPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLAINNING.ORG MCSC MISSION COMMUNITY SERVICES CORPORATION 71 Zaca Lane—Suite 130; San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 595-1357 (877) 831-9377 infoRmcscorp.ong www.mcscorp.org October 12, 2012 Tony Navarro, Dept. Of Planning and Building County of San Luis Obispo 976 Osos Street - Room 300 San Luis Obispo, CA 93408 RE: 2013 CDGB APPLICATIO Dear Tony, Per your request, attached to this email is the application for 2013 CDBG year. We are applying for County and each city for funding. Our application is focused on Economic Development. MCSC believes that fiscal literacy, fiscal literacy for small business and entrepreneurship/self-employment training are important components for the economic recovery and economic well-being of the county and its various cities and communities. At the same time, MCSC and its Women's Business Center is well positioned to help work with existing businesses to survive and thrive, which in turn leads to ,job creation. We look forward to working with you again in the 2013 cycle. Best wishes, cDavidRyaC David Ryal Program Director Women's Business Center • COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT LOCK RANT (CDBG) PROGRAM / 1 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR I SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING 976 OSOS STREET • ROOM 200 ® SAN LUIS OBISPO * CALIFORNIA 93408 ® (805)781-5600 \\ "—• = Promoting the Wise Use of Land , Helping to Build Great Communities Organization lame: Senior Nutrition Program of San Luis Obispo County (Attach additional sheets if necessary) To be considered for CDBG assistance, please submit this completed application with any exhibits, budgets or beneficiary data as needed. PLEASE READ ALL INFORMATION IN THE APPLICATION. Applications can be mailed to one of the participating jurisdictions listed in this application or to: Tony Navarro, Planner 111, Department of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, San Luis Obispo, CA., 93408 or hand delivered to Tony Navarro at 1035 Palm Street, Room. 370, San Luis Obispo, CA., faxed to (805) 781-5624, or e-mailed. to tnavarro(ii)co.slo.ca.us. The application deadline is 5:00 P.M., Friday, October 12, 2012. Applications must be received by the County or one of the participating cities (Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Morro Bay, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo) prior to close of the business day. POSTMARKED DATED MAIL RECEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. NOTE: (1) Please review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposal. The CDBG regulations, under 24 CFR 570, are available at w�vw.sloplanning.org under"Federal HUD grants." (2) HMIS Reporting for 2013 homeless services,housing and shelter-All homeless service providers applying for CDBG funds to assist, house or shelter the homeless must identify and demonstrate its capacity to participate in the County of San Luis Obispo Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) to provide: personnel for data entry, user licensing, and hardware and software necessary for compatibility with HMIS. HMIS is an electronic data collection system that stores client level information about persons who access the homeless services system in a Continuum of Care, and reports aggregate data for the County as per the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Data Standards found in http://,,Ni�viv.hudhre.info/documents/FiilalHMISDataStandards Marcb2010.pdf. (3) The project/program proposal to the County of San Luis Obispo shall be examined in relation to the County's community development goals and funding priorities as presented_in the Urban County of San Luis Obispo 2010-2015 Consolidated Plan(ConPlan). The ConPlan is available at wivw.sloplanning.org. The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Planning and Building(Planning) considers the criteria stated in the 2013 Request for Proposals as one of many tools to help make funding recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Planning will use other information and sources including but are not limited to: the County Board of Supervisors,recommendations from the Homeless Services Oversight Council, other participating jurisdictions of the Urban County of San Luis Obispo, identified needs that could be addressed by the grant funds, consistency with goals and priorities in the 2010 Consolidated Plan and the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness,results of the Deeds Workshops, working knowledge of the project and/or organization by Planning, and availability of limited fund,to help with the funding recommendations. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 1 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOP LAN NING.ORG Please call County and/or city CDBG staff with any questions about how to complete the form or about the ratinu criteria and process. If the information for any of the questions below requires more room to provide a complete explanation of your proposed project or program, please:attach additional. sheets. CONTACT INFORMATION 1. Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address: Name: Elias Nimeh Address (mailing and physical address requested if different): 2180 Johnson Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-4513 Contact person/title: Executive Director Phone: 805-541-3312 Fax: 805-541-5631 E-mail address: elias.nimehitatt.net Is the organization a Faith Based Organization? Yes F] No Organization's DUNS number: 83961.0680 If you are awarded CDBG funds or your proposal involves economic development,i.e.,directly benefit a business, private property owner,business,involves facade improvements,provide technical assistance to a new or existing business,,job creation,loan guarantee,the beneficiary must obtain a Dun and Bradsteet(DUNS)number that must be reported to HUD. Please contact Tony Navarro,(805)781-5787,tuavarro*slo.co.ca.us for information on how to obtain a DUNS number prior to incurring and obligating the federal funds. Is your agency currently participating in HMIS? no If not, does your agency have the capacity to participate in HIS? If yes, how so? no COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 2 OF 16 /-APPLICATION FOR TME 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG PRO-JECT DESCRIPTION 2. Title/name/ad dress of proposed project or program: Title: Ongoing Program Support Naive: Senior Nutrition Program of SLO County Address: 2180 Johnson Ave. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-4513 3. Please describe the proposed project or program. In one or two short paragraphs, include a brief project/program description, the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from the proposed project or program. For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e.g. street address). For programs, state the location Froin which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program. Also, . please include a schedule of project/program milestones. The Senior Nutrition Program of SLO County provides free, hot, nutritious noon-time meals to seniors who are at least 60 years old. Seniors who are able to attend can eat meals at 10 community sites in congregate dining. We also deliver meals, with frozen meals for Saturday and Sunday, to qualified seniors who are homebound. We rely on over 250 volunteers to deliver meals. We are the only program serving senior meals throughout San Luis Obispo County and the only program that includes congregate dining and an opportunity for socialization among the seniors. All of our meals are free to those who are eligible, although,some clients choose to make voluntary anonymous donations. Our program has three goals: nutrition, socialization, and safety. Both the congregate dining and the home delivery provide socialization and human contact to help break the cycle of isolation. Finally, the daily home deliveries by volunteers, along with regular assessments by site supervisors,provide a safety net from accidents or physical or financial abuse. All staff and volunteers are mandated to report any suspected abuse. Currently, we are based in the former County Hospital complex in San Luis Obispo where we are able to prepare all our meals in the former hospital's kitchen and handle our administrative needs in an adjacent office. This past fiscal year, July 2011 —June 2012, SNP prepared and delivered approximately 156,000 meals to 1538 senior residents of San Luis Obispo County. We are requesting the CDBG grant funding to help tis maintain the high quality of our program and services. SNP gets half(50%) of the needed funding to operate the program. CDBG Z-1grai.-it will be used as a matching fund for the Federal grant. Z:� 4. Will the services offered by your organization increase or expand as a result of the CIDBG assistance? If yes, please answer the following questions: a. What new programs and/or services will be provided? COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 3 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING,ORG b. Describe how existing programs and/or services will be expanded and what percentage of an increase is expected? S. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and the Guide to Eligible CDBG Activities). — Acquisition of real property* — Disposition of real property Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction,rehabilitation or installation)* and/or Privately owned utilities Clearance and remediation activities" Public services Interim assistance Relocation of individuals, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or farms Loss of rental income Removal of architectural barriers Housing rehabilitation" New housing construction (under limited circumstances) Homeownership assistance Housing services Code enforcement Historic preservation** Commercial or industrial rehabilitation" Special economic development Technical assistance and planning studies COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 4 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Relocation: Any project that involves the acquisition of property and/or rehabilitation and is funded in whole or in part with federal finds, even if the federal finds are not used for the acquisition itself, is subject to federal requirements connected to acquisition and relocation. A project cannot be broken into separate "projects"in order to avoid the federal requirements connected with property acquisition and relocation. Any questions concerning whether the relocation regulations apply to a specific property acquisition project should be directed to the Community Development Division staff before any action is taken on the project. If HUD funded project will cause a household or a business to hove, evenly temporarily, the relocation regulations will apply. Along with application submit: • Estimate of relocation cost(moving costs, subsidy amount for suitable replacement dwelling) • Letter to owner or voluntary acquisition,plus proof of delivery to owner. • General Information letter to tenants (both business and residential tenants), plus proof of delivery to all). * List of tenants (both business and residential tenants) at the time of application submittal. • Refer to SLO Col website for sample relocation letters. Lead based paint/asbestos: If HUD funded project involves acquisition or rehabilitation of a residential units that was built in. 1978 or earlier, then Lead-Based paint regulations will apply. • Along with application submit an estimate of costs for LBP work, provided by certified. LBP consultant. Or statement by LBP consultant explaining that project is exempt. • Include any temporary housing costs. 6. Describe the need and the degree of urgency for the proposed project or program. What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? Without funding in the next year for our program, we would be forced to cut back on existing services to our clients and turn away new clients. Senior Nutrition Program is proud of the level of service we are able to provide and the number of seniors we are able to serve in our program. However, our costs continue to rise, especially in the areas of food, labor costs, supplies, and gas and maintenance for our delivery trucks. Additionally, we constantly receive requests from new clients who want to participate in our program, especially among those who are homebound. The home-delivered meals cost more to the program than the congregate meals. In order to maintain our high level of service and program quality, we urgently need financial support from local agencies. 7. Please describe the specific organizational method used to implement the proposed COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CABG)PROGRAM PAGE 5 OF 26 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG project or program (single or multiple group, public ageney, aon-profit, for-profit, experience in operating similar programs, etc.): Senior Nutrition Program has operated in San Luis Obispo County, CA, for over 25 years. We are a non-profit corporation that consists of a volunteer board of directors, dedicated staff of 8 full-tim.e and 18 part-time employees, and over 250 volunteers. The process we use to provide hot, nutritious meals is as follows: * Assessment of potential clients is determined at the initial application process. It is also determined if there are other health issues,, nutritional risks and limitations. When needed, we will refer potential clients to other appropriate agencies. • Our registered dietician prepares a menu of delicious and nutritious meals every month that follows all health and dietary restrictions. Under the guidance of our experienced kitchen manager, meals are prepared by trained staff in the central kitchen. Additionally, we supplement our kitchen staff through a collaborative program with three youth organizations whose participants learn employable kitchen skills. • Two drivers deliver food to 10 community sites each.weekday in refrigerated trucks. Site managers, with the help of volunteers, heat and serve food to our dining room clients. They also pack meals that are picked tip by volunteers from the sites to be delivered to the homebound five days a week. Two additional frozen.meals are delivered on Fridays to homebound clients to see them through the weekend. • SNP delivers meals to the City of San Luis Obispo, the Five Cities (Arroyo Grande, Oceano, Grover Beach, Pismo Beach, and Nipomo), Los OsostBaywood Park, Morro Bay, Cambria, Atascadero, Santa Margarita, Templeton, and Paso Robles. • SNF maintains daily records of every meal and every client served. On any day of the year, we will be able to compare the cost-to-date of our food purchases for the fiscal year vs. last year by the number of clients and the number of meals and also by the number of homebound meals and the number of congregate meals. SNP leadership focuses on effectively managing our costs, maintaining meticulous records, and planning and preparing the highest duality meals for our seniors. Following is a brief biography of our leaders: Elias Nimeh,Executive Director,has been the director of SNP for 7 years.He has a B. Sc. degree in Agronomy from Arizona State University and 40 plus years' experience in the restaurant business. He owned and operated a local business, Tortilla Flats, Inc., for 20 }rears, • Irene Palacios,Kitchen Director,has been with the program for over 29 years and followed a steady progression of increasing responsibilities and promotions until reaching her current position as Kitchen Director approximately 26 years ago. • Wendy Fertschneider, Nutritionist,has a degree in Dietetics and Food Administration trorn Cal Poly SLO. She has been with the program for over 15 years in a variety of positions. Currently she COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 6 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,20112 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING sLOPLANNING.ORG works part-time as our Registered Dietician, which is required for this program., writing and approving menus,providing staff training and nutrition education, and searing as advisory council facilitator. 0 Additionally, interns from Cal Poly and Cuesta College assist our office staff. A group of approximately ')0 volunteers, the Friends of Senior Nutrition Program, have the primary responsibility for planning and putting on our annual fund-raising event, the Night of a Million Meals. 8. Does the project require the issuance of a pert-nit (from local, state or federal agencies)? Yes ❑ No a. If yes, please identify the permits necessary to complete the project. b. Have the necessary permits been issued? Please provide proof of permit issuance. c. If permits are required but not yet obtained, when will the permits be issued? NATIONAL OBJECTIVES CRITERIA 9. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective® a. Benefits low- and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD). Select one: n Low/Moderate-Income Area Benefit — The project serves only a limited area which is proven by 2000 Census data or survey to be a predominately (51% or more) low/moderate- income area. Applicants choosing this category must be able to prove their project/activity primarily benefits low/moderate-income households. El Low/Moderate-Income Limited Clientele—The project benefits a specific group of people (rather than all areas in a particular area), at least 51% of whom are low/moderate-income persons;. Note: Income verification for clients must be provided for this category. The following groups are presumed to be low/moderate-income: abused children-, elderly persons; battered spouses; homeless persons; adults meeting census definition of severely disabled; persons living with AIDS; and migrant farm workers n Low/Moderate-Income Housing — The project adds or improves permanent residential structures that will be/are occupied by low/moderate-income households upon completion. n Low/Moderate-Income Jobs — The project creates or retains pen-ilanents jobs, at least 51% of which are taken by low/moderate-income persons or considered to be available to lowArioderate-income persons. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 7 OF V, APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Explain: All of our clients are elderly, some are dasabledihomebound. h1 FY 2011-2012, SNP served 1532 clients. Of those served, 35% are living in poverty. The remaining clients are living at a moderate income level. During the application process clients are asked to check income status. It is SNP L licy to provide meals free of charge to seniors at least 60 years old ardless of income. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the County or participating city, at least 51 percent of who are low- and moderate-income persons. b. Aids in the prevention or elimination of slurps or blight. Explain: Select one: ❑ Addressing Slums or Blight on an Area Basis - ❑ Addressing Slums or Blight: on a Spot Basis — This project will prevent or eliminate specific conditions of blight or physical decay. Activities are limited to clearance, historic preservation, rehabilitation of buildings, but only to the extent necessary to eliminate conditions detrimental to public health and safety. Is the project located in a Redevelopment Areae Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes, attach a map of the area with the site highlighted, and provide the Redevelopment Project Area (excerpts accepted) which documents the existence of slum/blight. Also, document the specific redevelopment objectives pertaining to the proposed project. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be within a designated slum or blighted area and must be designed to address one or more conditions that contributed to the deterioration of the area. C. Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other funding sources are available, i.e., a major catastrophe such as a flood or earthquake. Explain: NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 8 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 8. If the project or program is designed to meet the national objective of providing benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, please estimate the number of unduplicated number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group (unduplicated means the number who are served, i.e., the grant will allow 25 children to participate in preschool—not 25 children x 5 days x 52 weeks =6,500). a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project or program (regardless of income group): 1532 Persons/ho*sehok4s(circle the applicable, unit) b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low-income(earning 51% - 8010 or less of the County median-income)? 536 Persons/housel "(circle the applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above,how many will be very low-income (earning 5010 or less of the County median-income)? 224 Persons/house4i"(circle the applicable unit) 9. Who are the clients of your organization? (Example: low- to moderate-income persons, elderly persons, severely disabled persons, migrant farm workers, battered spouses, etc.) Elderly persons low-to moderate-income persons disabled persons 10. How will the clients benefit from this project? The main benefit will be that seniors will continue to receive hot, nutritious meals at lunchtime five days a week. Food insecurity among seniors is a growing problem nationwide, and our county is no exception. Improved nutrition also brings improved health for our aging population, which could reduce the strain on public health services. This project will increase independent living for seniors. Seniors who might otherwise need to leave their homes because they can no longer prepare meals will have an increased chance of staying in their homes. Research has shown that seniors who can stay in their own homes frequently experience less depression than those in nursing homes. The project will also provide a safety net for these seniors, whether homebound or dining at the centers. For the homebound,the volunteer drivers provide a daily contact, and the site manager checks frequently. The program's delivery people, all volunteers, are trained to recognize situations which may require emergency or law enforcement assistance. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 9 OF 26 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING,ORG 11. If your project serves homeless households, please describe how your program coordinates with other continuum of care projects and entities and how it aligns with the San Luis Obispo Countywide 10-Year Plan to Homelessness. Several of our congregate sites in the county serve homeless seniors. The daily meals they receive will help in improving and maintaining good health and reducing their dependence on emergency facilities. BENEFICIARY DATA 12. How do you collect demographic data on the beneficiaries of the proposed project or program? (Example: racial/ethnic characteristics) NOTE: You are required to provide beneficiary data at the end of each quarter and year end data of the fiscal year. SNP collects this information through the application process for each client and updates all applicable data quarterly for all homebound clients. For congregate clients information is updated annually. 13. How do you document and maintain income status of each client in compliance with HUD regulations? (Example: very low, low- and moderate-income) SNP collects this information through the application process for each new client and updates the data quarterly for all homebound clients. For congregate clients information is updated amivally. All income status information is gathered according to Federal guidelines. 14. Provide the following information for the persons) in your organization responsible for the preparation and submittal of the quarterly reports and for collecting and reporting; the beneficiary data to the Urban County. Contact person/title: Elias Nimeh Phone number: 805 541-3312 E-mail address: elias.nimeh@att.net FINANCIAL INFORMATION For CDBG applications to the County of San Luis Obispo involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects please provide the required additional budget information on BUDGET FORM A and BUDGET FORM B attached to the back of this application. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 10 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.®RG 15. Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $50,000.00 Please identify the jurisdictionts)to which you are applying (see Note below): San Luis Obispo County If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than one jurisdiction, please break- down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: $10,000 City of Paso Robles: $10,000 City of Atascadero: $10,000 City of San Luis Obispo: $1-0-1-000 City of Morro Bay: $10,000 County of San Luis Obispo: NOTE: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline. 16. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. Itemize all sources of fun-ding expected to be available and used for this project. a. Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $ 50,000 2. Other Federal fund(s) (please describe below) $ 448,685 3. State source(s) (please describe below) $ 100,033 4. Local source(s) (please describe below) $ 200,000 5. Other funds (please describe below) $ 125,909 Total Revenues $ 924,587 2- Title III C hinds 3- Cal. State funds to senior programs. 4- Senior donations . 5- Grants from County, cities, United Way, SLOCCF, Cambria Community Services, Rabobank b. Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. I- Food & supplies $223,243 2- Wages & Benefits $5315,547 Other costs $165,797 Total Costs $924,587 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE I I OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 17. How do you plan to fund the operation and maintenance costs (if any) associated with this project? Are these funds available now? If not, when will they be available? And from what source(s)? The Senior Nutrition Program operation and maintenance costs are funded by on-going donations from seniors receiving services, the community at large, local grants and our annual fundraising events. The funds are received monthly. 18. Will CABG funds be used to match/leverage other funds? List below funding sources and amounts and identify award dates of these sources. The CDBG funds will be used towards the matching funds from the federal grants. We are required to provide matching funds of at least 15% of our-federal grant. I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and ability. 10-12-2012 Signature Date Elias Nin-teh Executive Director Printed or typed name Title Note to applicant: The County and cities require all of the grant recipients to maintain general liability, automobile and I zn workman's compensation insurance with limits of not less than $1 million***. If you are successful in obtaining an award, you will be asked to provide documentation regarding ability to provide the required coverage. *:** Liability coverage may vary by jurisdiction. Please call the city/county contact to verify limits. Prior to HUD's release of grant conditions and/or funds for the CDBG-funded project, a review of the project's potential impact on the environment must be Conducted by the awarding ,jurisdictions and approved by the County of San Luis Obispo prior to obligating or incurring project costs. The County must certify to HUD that it has complied with all applicable environmental procedures and COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 12 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG requirements. Should project costs be obligated or incurred prior to the con2pletion of the necessary, environmental review, the project shall not benefit from the federal funds, Environmental review requirements pursuant to 24 CFR Part 58 must be fully satisfied for any project selected for funding prior to the CDBG Program issuing a Notice to Proceed for the project. The level of environmental review required depends on the nature of the project. 24 CFR Part 58 is available at www.hud.,ovioftices.fend/`envie°onmentaL/lawsandreas/reds. If you need assistance or have questions regarding this application, please contact any of the persons listed below. Your application(s) can be dropped off or mailed to the following locations: • Kelly Heffernon, Community Development Dept., City of Arroyo Grande, 214 E. Branch Street (P.O. Box 550), Arroyo Grande, CA 93421, (805) 473-5420. • Valerie Humphrey, Public Works Dept., City of Atascadero, 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422, (805) 470-3460. * Rob Livick, Public Services Dept., City of Morro Bay, 955 Shasta Avenue, Morro Bay, CA, 93442, (805) 772-6261 • Darren Nash, Community Development Dept., City of Paso Robles, 1000 Spring St., Paso Robles, CA 93446; (805) 237-3970. • Tyler Corey, Community Development Dept., City of San Luis Obispo, 919 Pahn St., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, (805) 781-7175. • Tony Navarro,Dept. of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408, (805) 781-5787. COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO CDBG SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET INFORMATION SHEET BUDGET FORM A For CDBG applications to the County of San Luis Obispo involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects ;must provide the applicable project budget information. Financial considerations are key in assessing a project's ability to be completed successfully and timely. Factors to be considered in this area include (a) availability and sufficiency of resources (including all non-CDBG, federal, state, county or private funding sources, (b)the leveraging of resources, (c) fiscal support for the project for its continued viability and(d)the project budget's accuracy, reasonableness and completeness in determining the financial needs of the project. Source of Funds. Provide for entire project and round to the nearest hundred dollars. Do NOT include operating costs as this is not an eligible CDBG costs for projects involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects. Description of Cost Date Amount Approved Tot Ifo of Funds a uest _ Secured al Tota COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 13 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGLI.ST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG • COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING 976 OSOS STREET • ROOM 200 ♦ SAN LUIS OBISPO + CALIFORNIA 93408 + (805)781-5600 Promoting the Wise Use of Land , Helping to Build Great Communities Organization Name: TRANSITIONAL FOOD ANDSHELTER, INC. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) To be considered for CDBG assistance, please submit this completed application with any exhibits, budgets or beneficiary data as needed. PLEASE READ ALL INFORMATION IN THE APPLICATION. Applications can be mailed to one of the participating jurisdictions listed in this application or to: Tony Navarro, Planner III, Department of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, San Luis Obispo, CA., 93408 or hand delivered to Tony Navarro at 1035 Palm Street, Room 370, San Luis Obispo, CA., faxed to (805) 781-5624, or e-mailed to tnavarroCco.sl.o.ca.us. The application deadline is 5.00 P.M., Friday, October 12, 2012. Applications must be received by the County or one of the participating cities (Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Morro Bay, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo) prior to close of the business day. POSTMARKED DATED MAIL RECEIVEDAFTER THE DEADLINE WILL N41T BE ACCEPTED. NOTE (1) Please review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposal. The CDBG regulations, under 24 CFR 570, are available at www.sloplanning.org under"Federal. HUD Grants." (2) HMIS Reporting for 2013 homeless services,housing and shelter-All homeless service providers applying for CDBG funds to assist, house or shelter the homeless must identify and demonstrate its capacity to participate in the County of San Luis Obispo Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)to provide: personnel for data entry, user licensing, and hardware and software necessary for compatibility with HMIS. HMIS is an electronic data collection system that stores client level information about persons who access the homeless services system in a Continuum of Care, and reports aggregate data for the County as per the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Data Standards found in ht!p://voN-,,NT.hudlire.info/documents/Fi.iialHMISDataStandards March2010.ndf. (3) The project/program proposal to the County of San.Luis Obispo shall be examined in relation to the County's community development goals and funding priorities as presented in the Urban County of San Luis Obispo 2010-2015 Consolidated Plan(ConPlan). The ConPlan is available at www.sloylanning.gM. The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Planning and Building (Planning) considers the criteria stated in the 2013 Request for Proposals as one of many tools to help make funding recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Planning will use other information and sources including but are not limited to: the County Board of Supervisors, recommendations from the Homeless Services Oversight Council, other participating jurisdictions of the Urban County of San Luis Obispo, identified needs that could be addressed by the grant funds, consistency with goals and priorities in the 2010 Consolidated Plan and the Ten Year Plan to End. Homelessness,results of the Needs Workshops, working knowledge of the project and/or COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 1 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLA.NNING.ORG organization by Planning, and availability of limited fund, to help with the funding recommendations. Please call County and/or city CDBG staff with any questions about how to complete the form or about the rating criteria and process. If the information for any of the questions below requires more room to provide a complete explanation of your proposed project or program, please attach additional sheets. CONTACT INFORMATION 1. Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address: Name: TRANSITIONAL FOOD AND SHELTER, INC. Address (mailing and physical address requested if different): 3)770 N. River Rd., Paso Robles, CA 93446 Contact person/title Pearl Munak-, President Phone: 805 238-7056 Fax: E-mail address: pearltrans@aol.com Is the organization a Faith Based Organization? YesF] No x[] Organization's DUNS number: _020043385 If you are awarded CDBG funds or your proposal involves economic development,i.e.,directly benefit a business,private property owner,business,involves facade improvements,provide technical assistance to a new or existing business,job creation,loan guarantee,the beneficiary must obtain a Dun and Bradsteet(DUNS)number that must be reported to HUD. Please contact Tony Navarro,(805)781-5787,tnavarro(a).sio.co.ca.us for information on how to obtain a DUNS number prior to incurring and obligating the federal funds. Is your agency currently participating in HMIS? No, but we will be by the beginning of the next fiscal year. If not, does your agency have the capacity to participate in HMIS? If yes, how so? Yes, through an agreement with CAPSLO to provide HMIS reporting for all TFS clients, starting in June. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 2 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2. Title/name/address of proposed project or program: 24-hr./day Temporary, Emergency Shelter for Medically Fragile Homeless The office address is zn 3770 N. River Rd., Paso Robles, CA 93446. 3.Please describe the proposed project or program. In one or two short paragraphs, include a brief project/program description, the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from the proposed project or program. For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e.g. street address). For programs, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program. Also, please include a schedule of project/program milestones. The group to be served is Medically Fragile Homeless, those too ill, injured or disabled to be in an overnight homeless shelter and out all day, requiring 24-hr./day shelter for rest because of their medical condition. They will benefit by receiving 24-hr./day shelter, keeping their medical condition from getting worse due to lack of shelter, and by receiving casework leading to self-support. Casework will be provided by agreement with other agencies,, with the assistance of volunteers. This program has been ongoing for 14 years, serving the medically fragile exclusively for over 10 years. The program is countywide, serving all areas of the county. Clients will be sheltered in apartments rented by the program from a private landlord at 5455 El Camino Real, Atascadero, and by use of motel vouchers countywide. Other apartments may be rented elsewhere. Clients are accepted only by referral from a hospital, medical. facility or social service agency, and with a letter from a doctor. If the client will be able to get well, he and his immediate family will be sheltered for the length of time specified by the doctor as being required for 24-hr./day shelter for his healing. After that time, the client will be discharged to an overnight shelter. If the client will never get well, and is totally and permanently disabled or tern-iinal, he will be given casework with the aim of getting into permanent or transitional housing, and increasing his income if required in order to get into such housing. Occasionally clients die in the program before becoming housed, if they are terminal and expected to die within 6 months when they are referred, or if some unexpected medical event occurs. This has been the continuing method of operation of this program. Last year we served 301 1 unduplicated individuals, 95 from, Paso Robles, 51 from Atascadero, and 155 from the rest of the county. Of these, 63 were children in a household where the child or an adult was medically fragile (disabled). We served these persons for 5,341 shelter nights. A shelter night is one adult or one child sheltered for one night. CDBG funds received from Paso Robles have been used to serve North County clients, but have not exceeded the funds needed for Paso Robles clients alone. Funds received from Arroyo Grande have been used for clients from South County, but have not exceeded funds needed to serve Arroyo Grande clients alone. Any funds received from Atascadero will be used for Atascadero clients alone. Any funds received from Morro Bay will be used to serve Central Coast area clients, with emphasis on Morro Bay clients. All of the temporarily disabled were discharged when they got well, and all of the permanently disabled were discharged when they got housing, except for one, who died. In 2013, we hope to serve more clients because we expect to have casework for our clients from CAPSLO, financed by ESG funds, starting in the coming fiscal year, and this may increase turnover beyond the turnover last year when. we used volunteer caseworkers primarily. With greater turnover, we can serve more clients in the same space. 4.Will the services offered by your organization increase or expand as a result of the CDBG assistance? If yes, please answer the following questions: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 3 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG a.What new programs and/or services will be provided? We have been providing these services to medically fragile homeless on an ongoing basis for over 10 years, with the assistance of CDBG, so this is not a new program or new service. b. Describe how existing programs and/or services will be expanded and what percentage of an increase is expected? Yes. We can serve 100-200 persons with this grant, and will have to deny services to that many without it. 5. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and the Guide to Eligible CDBG Activities). Acquisition of real property* Disposition of real property Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation)* and/or Privately owned utilities Clearance and remediation activities" Public services Interim assistance Relocation of individuals, families,businesses,, non-profit organizations, and/or farms Loss of rental income Removal of architectural barriers Housing rehabilitation" New housing construction (under limited circumstances) Homeownership assistance Housing services Code enforcement Historic preservation" Commercial or industrial rehabilitation" Special economic development COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 4 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Technical assistance and planning studies Relocation: Any project that involves the acquisition of property and/or rehabilitation and is funded in whole or in part with federal funds, even.if the federal funds are not used for the acquisition itself, is subject to federal requirements connected to acquisition and.relocation. A project cannot be broken into separate "projects"in order to avoid the federal requirements connected with property acquisition and relocation. Any questions concerning whether the relocation regulations apply to a specific property acquisition project should be directed to the Community Development Division staff before any action is taken on the project. If HUD funded project will cause a household or a business to move, evenly temporarily,the relocation regulations will apply. Along with application submit: • Estimate of relocation.cost(moving costs, subsidy amount for suitable replacement dwelling) • Letter to owner or voluntary acquisition,plus proof of delivery to owner. • General Information letter to tenants (both business and residential tenants), plus proof of delivery to all). • List of tenants (both business and residential tenants) at the time of application submittal. • Refer to SLO Col website for sample relocation letters. Lead based paint/asbestos: If HUD funded project involves acquisition or rehabilitation of a residential units that was built in 1978 or earlier, then Lead-Based paint regulations will apply. • Along with application submit an estimate of costs for LBP work, provided by certified LBP consultant. Or statement by LBP consultant explaining that project is exempt. • Include any temporary housing costs. 6. Describe the need and the degree of urgency for the proposed project or program. What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? Approximately 100 medically fragile homeless will not be served. This is the 1/3 of the program that now depends on CDBG, as we now serve over 300 individuals per year. Hospitals will not be able to discharge patients because they cannot make an adequate discharge plan. Discharge plans made may prove to be inadequate if the grant is not funded, resulting in deterioration of the patient's condition and re-hospitalization. At-Risk Pregnancies (mother needs bed rest to carry child to term) may not result in a live birth. Cancer patients will be unable to begin or complete chemotherapy, because it will make them weak and they will collapse in public and be taken to ER in an ambulance. Because they do not complete chemotherapy, cancer patients will die. Lower limb injuries will not heal, resulting in re-hospitalizations, as patient will not be able to follow doctor's orders to stay off the leg and elevate it. Emphysema patients and other patients with degenerative diseases will get worse and be re-hospitalized and may die in some instances. Post-operative patients and accidental injuries will not heal properly, may be re- hospitalized. III persons may be preyed upon and victimized by criminals if they are outdoors, especially if unconscious or weak. Without casework, homeless persons who are chronically ill will not be able to get into subsidized housing and may not be able to maximize income to get COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 5 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG minimum income to get into subsidized housing, can't become self-supporting. Post-operative patients may not heal properly or on time, may be re-hospitalized. Contagious conditions will not Zn be isolated, endangering the community, and will be refused mass shelter. Potential clients will be refused for lack of resources to shelter them, and will suffer pain and unnecessary setbacks in their medical conditions. Some will die. 7. Please describe the specific organizational method used to implement the proposed project or program (single or multiple group, public agency, non-profit,for-profit, experience in operating similar programs, etc.): We are a 501 c 3 nonprofit. We have been operating this program for 14 years, over 10 years serving medically fragile exclusively. 8.Does the project require the issuance of a permit (from local, state or federal agencies)? Yes FI No xF] a. If yes.,please identify the permits necessary to complete the project. b. Have the necessary permits been issued? Please provide proof of permit issuance. c. If permits are required but not yet obtained, when will the permits be issued? NATIONAL OBJECTIVES CRITERIA 9. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective. a. _X_ Benefits low- and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD). I Select one: F-1 Low/Moderate-Income Area Benefit—The project serves only a limited area which is proven by 2000 Census data or survey to be a predominately (5 1% or more) low/moderate-income area. Applicants choosing this category must be able to prove their project/activity primarily benefits low/moderate-income households. XF-1 Low/Moderate-Income Limited Clientele — The project benefits a specific group of people (rather than all areas in a particular area), at least 51% of whom are low/moderate-income persons,. Note: Income verification for clients must be provided for this category. The following groups are presumed to be low/moderate-income- abused children; elderly persons; battered spouses; homeless persons, adults meeting census definition of severely disabled; persons living with AIDS; and migrant farm workers n Low/Moderate-Income Housing — The project adds or improves permanent residential structures that will be/are occupied by low/moderate-income households upon completion. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 6 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG ❑ Low/Moderate-Income Jobs — The project creates or retains permanents jobs, at least 51% of which are taken by low/moderate-income persons or considered to be available to low/inoderate- income persons. Explain: It benefits the homeless exclusivcty_. All clients are very low-income. NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the County or participating city, at least 51 percent of who are low- and moderate-income persons. b. Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. Explain: Select one: ❑ Addressing Slums or Blight on an Area Basis - ❑ Addressing Slums or Blight on a Spot Basis — This project will prevent or eliminate specific conditions of blight or physical decay. Activities are limited to clearance, historic preservation, rehabilitation of buildings, but only to the extent necessary to eliminate conditions detrimental to public health and safety. Is the project located in a Redevelopment Area? Yes ❑ No E] If yes, attach a map of the area with the site highlighted, and provide the Redevelopment Project Z:' Area(excerpts accepted) which documents the existence of slum/blight. Also, document the specific redevelopment objectives pertaining to the proposed project. NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must be within a designated slum or blighted area and must be designed to address one or more conditions that ZD contributed to the deterioration of the area. C. Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community, and no other funding sources are available, i.e,, a major catastrophe such as a flood or earthquake. Explain: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 7 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG NOTE: To meet this national objective,the proposed activity must deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. 10. If the project or program is designed to meet the national objective of providing benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, please estimate the number of unduplicated number of persons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group (unduplicated means the number who are served, i.e., the grant will allow 25 children to participate in preschool—not 25 children x 5 days x 52 weeks = 6,500). a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project or program (regardless of income group): 304 Persons b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low-income (earning 51% - 80% or less of the County median-income)? _300 Persons c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will.be very low-income (earning 50% or less of the County median-income)? 300 Persons 11. Who are the clients of your organization? (Example: low- to moderate-income persons, elderly persons, severely disabled persons, migrant farm workers, battered spouses, etc.) Medically Fragile Homeless in San Luis Obispo County. 12.How will the clients benefit from this project? They will receive shelter 24-hrs./day to keep their medical condition from getting worse due to lack of adequate shelter, as long as required by their medical condition. Their medical conditions will not get worse because of lack of shelter. Those who cannot recover will be assisted into housing. They will receive casework as needed. 13.1f your project serves homeless households, please describe how your program coordinates with other continuum of care projects and entities and how it aligns with the San Luis Obispo Countywide 10-Year Plan to Homelessness. We are the only agency serving medically fragile homeless needing 24-hr'./day shelter. We serve only those homeless households containing at least one medically fragile individual, that is, one with a serious medical condition which will be made worse unnecessarily without 24-hr. shelter, and who is, therefore, unsuitable for an overnight shelter. Other agencies operating a shelter or otherwise serving the homeless refer clients to us. When a client is well enough to be in an overnight shelter, we terminate him from our program. We coordinate with other agencies providing casework. and ask them to provide casework to our clients if possible. If it is not possible, we use volunteers to provide casework. We coordinate individually with other agencies providing services to our clients and attend regular meetings to coordinate with other agencies COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(C DB G)PROGRAM PAGE 8 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG regarding clients and policy. We provide a service to other agencies to help their clients by providing our services. We coordinate with HASLO and PSHHC and with CAPSLO and Transitions regarding their housing opportunities for our clients, and move many permanently disabled homeless persons into housing. BENEFICIARY DATA 14.How do you collect demographic data on the beneficiaries of the proposed project or program? (Example: racial/ethnic characteristics) NOTE: You are required to provide beneficiary data at the end of each quarter and year end data of the fiscal year. The referring agency provides demographic data about the client on the application and faxes it to us. We keep statistics on racial and ethnic characteristics, adults and children, male and female clients, and city of most recent residence. 15. How do you document and maintain income status of each client in compliance with HUD regulations? (Example: very low, low- and moderate-income) The referring agency verifies income and provides the initial information. Any changes are noted in casework and in work of resident manager. All clients are homeless. Any client who begins to receive enough income to pay low rent or get into subsidized housing is required to take immediate steps to secure housing as soon as practicable. Even the latter are very low-income. 16.Provide the following information for the person(s) in your organization responsible for the preparation and submittal of the quarterly reports and for collecting and reporting the beneficiary data to the Urban County. Contact person/title: Kevin Mikelonis,Vice-President Phone number: 805 275-2308 E-mail address: krnikelonis@processdsg.com. FINANCIAL INFORMATION For CDBG applications to the County of San Luis Obispo involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects please provide the required additional budget information on BUDGE�r FORM A and BUDGET FORM B attached to the back of this application. 17.Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $26,000.00 Please identify the jurisdictions)to which you are applying(see Note below): Paso Robles, Atascadero, city of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, City of Morro Bay If you are requesting CDBG funds from more than.one jurisdiction, please break down,the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below_ COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 9 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG City of Arroyo Grande: _33,000 City of Paso Robles: $17,000 City of Atascadero: —3,000--- City of Sari Luis Obispo: 1,000 City of Morro Bay: —1,000--- County of Sari Lu 1 s Obispo:_I,000 NOTE: If you are applying to one or more cities, please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline. 1.8.Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. Itemize all sources of funding expected to be available and used for this project a. Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $ 26,000 2. Other Federal fund(s) (please describe below) $ 3 State source(s) (please describe belovv) $ 4. Local source(s) (please describe below) $59,417 5. Other funds (please describe below) $ Total Revenues $ 85,417 Local sources: Donations and fund-raising $22,520 United Way Community Impact Fund 5,000 Women's Legacy Fund(SLOCCF) 4,000 C13O/PHG 20,000 County Coalition for Homeless (GFS) 7,897 Total 59,417 b. Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. Rent for 5 apts. in Atascadero for client shelter 37,680 Apt. and motel Maintenance (client damage) 500 Motel vouchers for client shelter 30,000 Cleaning service (when client leaves apt.) 500 Insurance 1,750 Telecommunications 1,200 Marketing, fundraising, advertising 1,500 Bookeeping 5,000 Mileage 460 Postage 700 Office Supplies 250 CPA for Form 990 1,000 Bond for officers 900 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 10 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG P.O. Box 77 County administration 33,900 Total expenses 85,417 19.How do you plan to fund the operation and maintenance costs (if any) associated with this project? Are these funds available now? If not,when will they be available? And from what source(s)'." All funds listed above under "local sources" of income, and all funds requested are for operation and maintenance costs, and cover operation and maintenance costs. Donations and reserves will be used until grants become available. 20.Will CDBG funds be used to mate /leverage other funds? List below funding sources and Z5 amounts and identify award dates of these sources. The continued receipt of CDBG funds leverages all other funds. I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of iny knowledge and ability. 10-11-12 Signature Date —Pearl Munak President Printed or typed name Title Note to applicant: The County and cities require all of the grant recipients to maintain general liability, automobile and workman's compensation insurance with limits of not less than$1 million***. If you are successful in obtaining an award, you will be asked to provide documentation regarding ability to provide the required coverage. Liability coverage may vary by jurisdiction. Please call the city/county contact to verify limits. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 11 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Prior to HUD's release of grant conditions and/or funds for the CDBG-funded project, a review of the project's potential impact on the environment must be conducted by the awarding jurisdictions and approved by the County of San Luis Obispo prior to obligating or incurring project costs. The County must certify to HUD that it has complied with all applicable environmental, procedures and requirements. Should project costs be obligated or incurred prior to the completion of the necessary environmental review, the project shall not benefit from the federal funds. Environmental review requirements pursuant to 24 CFR Part 58 must be fully satisfied for any project selected for funding prior to the CDBG Program issuing a Notice to Proceed for the project. The level of environmental review required depends on the nature of the project. 24 CFR Part 58 is available at Nv,�N,Av hud cov/offices/ct)d/eiiviroyi.mental/lawsaiidregs/re(-,,s. r0j If you need assistance or have questions regarding this application,please contact any of the persons, listed below. Your application(s) can be dropped off or mailed to the following locations: • Kelly Heffernon, Community Development Dept., City of Arroyo Grande, 214 E. Branch Street (P.O. Box 550), Arroyo Grande, CA 93421, (805) 473-5420. • Valerie Humphrey, Public Works Dept., City of Atascadero, 6907 El Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422, (805)470-3460. • Rob Livick, Public Services Dept., City of Morro Bay, 955 Shasta Avenue, Morro Bay, CA, 93442, (805) 772-6261 • Darren Nash, Community Development Dept., City of Paso Robles, 1000 Spring St., Paso Robles, CA 93446, (805) 237-3970. • Tyler Corey, Community Development Dept., City of San Luis Obispo, 919 Palm St., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, (805)781-7175. • Tony Navarro, Dept. of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, San Luis Obispo, CA 93408, (805) 781-5787. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 12 OF 16 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPU,NNING.ORG ucnitxq COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING 976 OSOS STREET + ROOM 200 + SAN Luis OBISPO + CALIFORNIA 93408 + (805)781-5600 Promoting the Wise Use of Land * Helping to Build Creat Communities Organization.Name: Mission Community Services Corporation (Attach additional sheets if necessary) To be considered for CDBG assistance, please submit this completed application with any exhibits, budgets or beneficiary data as needed. PLEASE READ ALL INFORMATION IN THE APPLICATION. Applications can be mailed to one of the participating jurisdictions listed in this application or to. Tony Navarro, Planner III, Department of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street, Room 300, San Luis Obispo, CA., 93408 or hand delivered to Tony Navarro at 1035 Palm Street, Room 370, San Luis Obispo, CA., faxed to (805) 781-5624, or e-mailed to triavarrococo.slo.ca.us. The application deadline is 5:40 P.M., Friday, October 12, 2012. Applications must be received by the County or one of the participating cities (Arroyo Grande, Atascadero, Morro Bay, Paso Robles, San Luis Obispo) prior to close of the business day. POSTMARKED DATED MAIL RECEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. NOTE: (1) Please review the CDBG regulations and guidelines and the Request for Proposals before completing this proposal. The CDBG regulations, under 24 CFR 570, are available at www.sloplanning.org under"Federal HUD Grants." (2) HMIS Reporting for 2413 homeless services, housing and shelter-All homeless service providers applying for CDBG funds to assist,house or shelter the homeless must identify and demonstrate its capacity to participate in the County of San Luis Obispo Homeless Management Information System(HMIS)to provide: personnel for data entry, user licensing, and hardware and software necessary for compatibility with HMIS. HMIS is an electronic data collection system that stores client level infornlation about persons who access the homeless services system in a Continuum of Care, and. reports aggregate data for the County as per the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Data Standards found in. http:/hww-\,N7.hudhre.infofdocLiments/Fii-ialHMISDataStandards March2010.Pdf. (3) The project/program proposal to the County of San Luis Obispo shall be examined in relation to the County's community development goals and funding priorities as presented in the Urban County of San Luis Obispo 2010-201.5 Consolidated Plan(ConPlan). The ConPlan is available at www.sloplanning.org. The County of San Luis Obispo Department of Planning and Building (Planning) considers the criteria stated in the 2013 Request for Proposals as one of many tools to help make funding recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Planning will use other information and sources including but are not limited to: the County Board of Supervisors, recommendations from the Homeless Services Oversight Council, other participating jurisdictions of the Urban County of San Luis Obispo, identified needs that could be addressed by the grant funds, consistency with goals and priorities in the 2010 Consolidated Plan and the Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness, results of the Needs Workshops,working l'nowledge of the project and/or organization by Planning, and availability of limited fiend, to help with the funding recommendations. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 1 OF 19 APPLICATION FOR FUNDING DURING 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG I ' 11 I I II I i I I Please call County and/or city CDBG staff with any questions about Trow to complete the form or about the rating criteria and process. If the information for any of the questions below requires more room to provide a complete explanation of your proposed project or program;please attach additional sheets. CONTACT INFORMATION 1. Name and mailing address of applicant organization, with contact person, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address: Name: Mission Community Services Corporation Address (mailing and physical address requested if different): 71 Zaca Lane—Suite 130 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Contact person/title: David Ryal, Executive Director Phone: (805) 595-1357 Fax: (805) 595-1358 E-mail address: d.ryal�,mcsco1p.org Is the organization a Faith Based Organization? Yes ❑ No X Organization's DUNS number: 132438545 If you are awarded CDBG funds or your proposal involves economic development,i.e.,directly benefit a business,private property owner,business,involves facade improvements,provide technical assistance to a new or existing business,job creation,loan guarantee,the beneficiary must obtain a Dun and Bradsteet(DUNS)number that must be reported to HUD. Please contact Tony Navarro,(805)781-5787,tnavarrooslo.co.ca.us for information on how to obtain a DUNS number prior to incurring and obligating the federal funds. Is your agency currently participating in HMIS?No If not, does your agency have the capacity to participate in HMIS? If yes, how so?No COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 2 OF 19 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2. Title/name/address of proposed project or program: Women's Business Center- Entrepreneurial Training Program with Fiscal Literacy and Business Technical assistance. 71 Zaca Lane- Suite 1')0 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 3. Please describe the proposed project or program. In one or two short paragraphs, include a brief project/program description, the groups who will benefit and an explanation of how they will benefit from the proposed project or program. For projects, describe the location of the project (be as specific as possible, e.g. street address). For programs, state the location from which the program will be operated and/or describe the geographic area served by the program. Also, please include a schedule of project/program milestones. The Women's Business Center (WBC) program is a partially funded program established by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA). The purpose of the program is to provide introductory and in-depth entrepreneurial training to the underserved population which includes: women, minorities, displaced workers, veterans, the disabled and other population groups. One-on-one consulting is part of the WBC services, where the client can talk with consultants from the WBC consultant pool. The WBC provides these services to individuals looking to start a business as well as nascent and established businesses. (Services are offered in English and Spanish) From the New York Times to the Huffington Post, from USA Today to over 1,000,000 hits on a Google Search for the 'Accidental Entrepreneur; this fact is still true '41rhe economic malaise of the Cast-fews, years yummetedhomevatues, 401(k)batiances and,-for niaiiy, the security of a steady yaych eck. But one thing it didn't hamper was entrepreneuriat'drive. Some of the biggest gains in eutreyre-neuriaCacth,ity occurreddurtug the dej7ths of the Great Recessioti,". USA Today-March 8, 2011 In the current economic condition, the entrepreneurial training/self-employment services offered by MCSC's Women's Business Center are vital in helping individuals in the categories mentioned above become or maintain self-sufficiency. Large, medium and small businesses are not hiring in numbers large enough to lower unemployment significantly, thus self- employment becomes the viable option for a person's next job/career an d self-sufficiency. The Women's Business Center (WBC) program provides services from 71 Zaca Lane - suite 130, in San Luis Obispo. However, the WBC is not limited to providing services from this one location. Through cooperative agreements class offerings and consulting takes place in Paso Robles, Templeton, Grover :Beach, Arroyo Grande, Morro Bay and other locations as needed. Services are available to all county residence, but focus is on the underserved populations that are classified as: very-low to low to moderate income groups. "Fiscal Literacy" and "Fiscal Literacy for Small Business" are new offering that expands partnerships that the WBC has for the delivery of services in San Luis Obispo County. These four-part classes are eight hours in length total. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 3 OF 19 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG The WBC program operates year round. The 14-week Self-employment Training (SET) class is offered at twice a year (Spring and Fall). The ten-week Spanish Language class "Empezando-How to write a Business Plan" is offered year. One class in north county and one in south county. Fiscal Literacy will be offered at least six times. The.goal is to graduate a total 16 people from the SET classes and 16 from the Empezando classes. The first year goal is to have 80 residents/businesses complete the Fiscal Literacy program. Historically, the WBC consults with 150 San Luis Obispo County clients representing most communities in the county during the program year. The WBC must report all activity and economic impact via a federally approved data collection system titled WEBCats. The proposed program for the County would take 16 individuals through 15-weeks (45 hours) of classroom training in entrepreneurship. Another 16 individuals would be trained via the Empezando (33 hour) course. Added to the classroom training would be unlimited use of the WBC's Business Information Center, a library of business books and videos, along with computers that contain business plan software to assist in the development of business plans. There is an additional 3 hours of consulting one-on-one for each participant in these program, if requested by the student. Anticipated milestones include: 24 business plans developed, introduction to potential funders (as needed), and 10 business startups. The proposed program for each of the participating cities includes: development and delivery of workshops for the resident (pre-entrepreneur) and business population that would be custom depending on needs. These classes would include but not limited to; 1) So You Want to Be an Entrepreneur? 2) Access to Capital; 3) Internet Marketing for Small Business; 4) Social Media Boot Camp; 5) Financial Literacy. Next, one-on-one consulting would be done within the local city jurisdiction thus saving the resident or business from having to drive to the primary service office in San Luis Obispo. Part Two of this component would be the development of a virtual business center that would allow for face-to-face consulting via the Internet with use of inexpensive web-cams MCSC can assist in canvassing the business community, which is primarily small businesses, many who fall below the median income levels of the county. There may be multiple distinct business districts that need custom assistance. 4. Will the services offered by your organization increase or expand as a result of the CDBG assistance? If yes, please answer the following questions: a. What new programs and/or services will be provided? Depending on funding levels, the development of a comprehensive on-line delivery system (virtual business center) would continue. The SET class curriculum is on-line. It is tied to an on-line business plan development platform or business plan software with in-person facilitation. Ultimate goal is to develop a comprehensive virtual business center. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 4 OF 19 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG b. Describe how existing programs and/or services will be expanded and what percentage of an increase is expected? CDBG funding is leveraged with federal dollars as cash match. The funding permits the WBC to offer the comprehensive SET program and the follow-on consulting services, Consulting services would increase by approximately 25%. Added workshops as outlined above can be offered on a regular basis. 5. Check any of the following eligible activity categories that apply to the proposed project or zn program: (Refer to CDBG regulations and the Guide to Eligible CDBG Activities Acquisition of real property* — Disposition of real property Public facilities and improvements (may include acquisition, construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation)* and/or Privately owned utilities Clearance and remediation activities" Public services Interim assistance Relocation of individuals, families, businesses, non-profit organizations, and/or farms Loss of rental income Removal of architectural barriers Housing rehabilitation" New housing construction (under limited circumstances) Homeownership assistance Housing services Code enforcement Historic preservation" Commercial or industrial rehabilitation" — Special economic development COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 5 OF 19 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING He BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG X Technical assistance and planning studies Relocation: Any project that involves the acquisition of property and/or rehabilitation and is funded in whole or in part with federal funds, even if the federal funds are not used for the acquisition itself, is subject to federal requirements connected to acquisition and relocation. A project cannot be broken into separate "projects" in order to avoid the federal requirements connected with property acquisition and relocation. Any questions concerning whether the relocation regulations apply to a specific property acquisition project should be directed to the Community Development Division staff before any action is taken on the project. If HUD funded project will cause a household or a business to move, evenly temporarily,the relocation regulations will apply. Along with application submit: • Estimate of relocation cost(moving costs, subsidy amount for suitable replacement dwelling) • Letter to owner or voluntary acquisition, plus proof of delivery to owner. • General Information letter to tenants (both business and residential tenants), plus proof of delivery to all). • List of tenants (both business and residential tenants) at the time of application submittal. • Refer to SLO Col website for sample relocation letters. xx Lead based paint/asbestos: If HUD funded project involves acquisition or rehabilitation of a residential units that was built in 1978 or earlier, then Lead-Based paint regulations will apply. • Along with application submit an estimate of costs for LBP work, provided by certified LBP consultant. Or statement by LBP consultant explaining that project is exempt. • Include any temporary housing costs. 6. Describe the need and the degree of urgency for the proposed project or program. What would be the consequences if the proposed project or program is not funded in the next year? The California unemployment rate is 10.6% as of September 2011, which is lower than a year earlier, when state unemployment was at 11.9%. However, this rate is still well above the reported national unemployment rate of 7.8%. These rates do not take into account those who have stopped looking for work. San Luis Obispo County unemploymentfior August 2012 is 8.1%. (LMI — Bureau of Labor Statistics). It is reported that San Luis Obispo County has an estimated 11,200 unemployed. As reported by Sperling's Best Places,job growth in the county stands at 0.13%. http://www.bestplaces.netIeconomv/countv/california/san_luis,.-obispo COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 6 OF 19 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGusi,23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG Self-employment becomes a viable option for individuals in this county. In fact small business is critical to San Luis Obispo County and its cities well-being. Helping individuals by providing entrepreneurial training is a valuable service that has short and long-term return on investment. Without the support of CDBG funding, fewer dislocated workers and others wanting to start businesses may not be able to access needed entrepreneurial training and support. Fewer dollars from local resources can lead to fewer dollars from the federal grant as cash match is a requirement for the WBC program. The WBC is a full-service technical assistance provider for retail and service businesses in the County. The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at Cal-Poly is focused on technology businesses and start-ups. The vast majority of businesses in the County are not tech businesses. 7. Please describe the specific organizational method used to implement the proposed project or program (single or multiple group, public agency, non-profit, for-profit, experience in operating similar programs, etc.): The WBC program is implemented by the non-profit organization Mission Community Services Corporation (MCSC). Currently MCSC has a seven person Board of Directors, an Executive Director, WBC Program Manager, Consultant and Training, Coordinator Consultant and a pool of ten consultants to deliver classes and consulting services. Mission Community Services Corporation is beginning its seventh year as a WBC. It was recertified at the end of September 2011 to host the WBC program through 2014. MCSC has hosted the Business Information Center for eight years. MCSC partners with a number of organizations to deliver services including: the INIB Business and Career One-Stop, chambers of commerce, local non-profits, and private sector companies. 8. Does the project require the issuance of a permit (from local, state or federal agencies)? Yes No X a. If yes, please identify the permits necessary to complete the project. b. Have the necessary permits been issued? Please provide proof of permit issuance. c. If permits are required but not yet obtained, when will the permits be issued? NATIONAL OBJECTIVES CRITERIA 9. Does the proposed project or activity meet one of the three national objectives of the CDBG program? Please check one of the objectives below that applies to the proposal, and explain how the project or activity meets that national objective. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 7 OF 19 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG a. X Benefits low- and moderate-income persons as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (FIUD). Select one: n Low/Moderate-Income Area Benefit — The project serves only a limited area which is proven by 2000 Census data or survey to be a predominately (51% or more) low/moderate-income area. Applicants choosing this category must be able to prove their project/activity primarily benefits low/moderate-income households. El Low/Nloderate-Income Limited Clientele — The project benefits a specific group of people (rather than all areas in a particular area), at least 51% of whom. are low/moderate-income persons;. Note: Income verification for clients must be provided for this category. The following groups are presumed to be low/moderate-income: abused children, elderly persons; battered spouses; homeless persons; adults meeting census definition of severely disabled; persons living with AIDS; and migrant farm workers F-1 Low/Moderate-Income Housing -- The prqject adds or improves perinailent residential structures that will be/are occupied by low/moderate-income households upon completion. X Low/Moderate-Income Jobs — The project creates or retains permanents jobs, at least 51% of which are taken by low/moderate-income persons or considered to be available to low/inoderate- income persons. Explain: Services of the WBC help individuals and small business owners improve the longevity of self-employment and the jobs the small business creates. Many small business owners have started out in the very-low/moderate-income level to become a success and create other jobs for this income level population. NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must benefit a specific clientele or residents in a particular area of the County or participating city, at least 51 percent of who are low- and rnoderatc-income persons. b. Aids in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. Explain: Select one: Addressing Slums or Blight on an Area Basis - ❑ Addressing Slums or Blight on a Spot Basis — This project will prevent or eliminate: specific conditions of blight or physical decay. Activities are limited to clearance, historic preservation, rehabilitation of buildings, but only to the extent necessary to eliminate conditions detrimental to public health and safety. Is the project located in a Redevelopment Area? Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes, attach a map of the area with the site highlighted, and provide the Redevelopment Project Area(excerpts accepted) which documents the existence of slum/blight. Also, document the specific redevelopment objectives peitaining to the proposed project. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 8 OF 19 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must be within a designated slum or blighted area and must be designed to address one or more conditions that Z__ contributed to the deterioration of the area. c. Meets community development needs having a particular urgency where existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the comil.lunity, and no other funding sources are available, i.e., a major catastrophe such as a flood or earthquake. Explain: NOTE: To meet this national objective, the proposed activity must deal with major catastrophes or emergencies such as floods or earthquakes. 10. If the project or program is designed to meet the national objective of providing benefit to low- and moderate-income persons, please estimate the number of unduplicated number of pet-sons (or households) to benefit from the project and break that estimate down by income group (unduplicated means the number who are served, i.e., the grant will allow 25 children to participate in preschool—not 25 children x 5 days x 52 weeks =6,500). a. Total number of persons or households who will benefit from the project or program (regardless of income group)-, 112 Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) b. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be low-income (earning 51.% - 80% or less of the County median-income)`? 50 Persons households (circle the applicable unit) c. Of the total number of persons or households entered above, how many will be very low-income (earning 50%or less of the County median-income)? 25 Persons/households (circle the applicable unit) 11. Who are the clients of your organization? (Example: low- to moderate-income persons, elderly persons, severely disabled persons,migrant farm workers, battered spouses, etc.) The Mission Statement of MCSC is "We are dedicated to enhancing opportunities for potential entrepreneurs and small business owners to become self-sustaining, successful contributors to their communities, with special assistance for low-income, minority and non-profit businesses. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 9 OF 19 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG The WBC has striven to be a provider of services to those who are often underserved. Our target market: those who can not afford private sector consulting services, thus the very-low to moderate income 'individuals in the WBC service area. This target market includes but not limited to; women, minorities, veterans and the homeless. 12. How will the clients benefit from this project? As noted above in question # 6, San Luis Obispo County is facing the statistic that one out of every twelve workers is out of work. These displaced workers have gone from revenue generators via payroll taxes to those who receive Unemployment Insurance Benefits from the State of California. In turn, UI benefits do not translate into keeping these people from dropping into the income levels of 80% or lower in regards to medium income levels in the county. The ranks of the target population of the CDBG program are ,mowing. As noted, long-term full-time jobs in the County and its cities are growing at a very small rate leaving self- employment as still a viable option for a next job. The MCSC WBC program is focused on providing a full menu of services to help individuals who look to self-employment as their next job and the program also helps the small businessperson find ways to keep door open and retain jobs; with the hope of business growth that will create jobs. The feature of Fiscal Literacy is designed to help the very low-to-moderate income residents and small businesses to understand money, its uses, credit and how to start and improve credit scores, repair credit and how to best use financial institutions. Topics include: Banking and Budgeting; Checking and Savings; Borrowing and Building Credit; Types of Loans; Consumer Rights and Financial Recovery. Helping people understand the money system will help them be better equipped to move up the social/economic ladder. This grant proposal would provide support for a forty-five (45) hour entrepreneurial training class for Sixteen (16) individuals, who may be heads-of-households (families). The classroom training provides information and materials on the following topics: *Personal Financials *Introduction to Business *Introduction to Marketing *Introduction to Business Entities *Introduction to Intellectual Property *Library and Internet Research *Developing a Business Description *Features and Benefits *Marketing and Pricing *Personal Cash Flow *Business Finances *Customer Service *Promotion and Advertising *Sales *Internet &, Websites *Fixed and Variable Costs *Business Cash Flow *Understanding Financial Statements *Operational Plans &, Business Management *Mission Statement *Business Plan Writing *Financial Planning *Marketing Plan *Tax & Insurance Issues -Group Break-out Sessions *DUNS Numbers and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes Each participant receives access to on-line business plan software, on-line curriculum and three books, that has been developed by a nationally recognized small business expert. The materials are facilitator led. MCSC has developed an MOU with the software company to provide COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 10 OF 19 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG the materials at a substantial cost reduction. The difference in cost and retail is then captured as an In-kind donation to grant funding. Each client will receive up to three (3) hours of one-on-one consulting sessions with a consultant from the WBC pool of business counselors. MCSC offers other workshops and learning experiences that students of this program is invited to take advantage of. If needed, more than three hours of consulting will be offered to the student. MCSC offers a thirty-three (33) hour parallel class in Spanish titled "Empezando - How to Write a Business Plan". MCSC plans to have sixteen (16) students go through this class. This course is based on SBA class materials and covers many of the topics listed. above. These students will have up to three (3)hours of consulting provided to them upon completion of the class. MCSC plans to have eighty (80) students take and complete the Fiscal Literacy class. It is anticipated that some of these students will take a combination of small business introductory classes and Fiscal Literacy for Small Business. All clients of the Women's Business Center will have unlimited access to the Business Information Center (BIC) during operational hours. Evening and Saturday hours are part of the BIC schedule. As a SBA funded program, the WBC can introduce the client to various funding options upon completion of the course and the completed business plan, which is a necessary part of any loan package for a start-up business concept. The client will have the tools necessary to allow them to make good sound business decisions and to avoid the potholes that face many small businesses today. 13. If your project serves homeless households, please describe how your program coordinates with other continuum of care projects and entities and how it aligns with the San Luis Obispo Countywide 10-Year Plan to Homelessness. Fiscal Literacy is open to all. If any student is homeless, the class is designed to help them understand the use of money. MCSC would refer any homeless student to an appropriate agency for full support services. Goal would be to help in the transition for homelessness to becoming part of the mainstream of the community. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 11 OF 19 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG 1 1 :1, F I I BENEFICIARY DATA 14. How do you collect demographic data on the beneficiaries of the proposed project or program? (Example: racial/ethnic characteristics) NOTE: You are required to provide beneficiary data at the end of each quarter and year end data of the fiscal year. The WBC program is required by its SBA grant to collect demographic date on a SBA Form 641. This form collects ethnic, gender, disability and veteran information. The form also collects business data as to start-up or existing business, legal structure of business; type of business (retail, service, professional, etc.) and last year gross revenue information for existing businesses. MCSC uses a self-certification form based on the County of San Luis Obispo's Median Income matrix. Classes are captured on SBA Form. 888. 15. How do you document and maintain income status of each client in compliance with HUD regulations? (Example: very low, low- and moderate-income) The WBC has worked with San Luis Obispo County personnel to develop at self-certification income verification form for all activity offered by the WBC. For the entrepreneurial training class, those clients seeking tuition assistance have a more rigorous income verification process to go through, one which MCSC has had in place for the past four years. The Tuition Discount Application requests information on why the discount is being requested. Income verification is requested by the client providing verification of their past twelve-month of income, and number of people in the home. The fee for the 14-week course is $2,000. MCSC proposes to use $1,000 from CDBG funding to write down 1/2 of the tuition cost per student. Other grant funds and SBA funds will help lower the tuition even further on an as needed basis. The client will be expected to fund at the least, 15% ($300) of the total tuition cost. Material fees of$135 are also the responsibility of the students. Retail value for the materials can be as high as $450. Special needs will be reviewed on a ca.se by case basis.. 16. Provide the following information for the person(s) in your organization responsible for the preparation and submittal of the quarterly reports and for collecting and reporting the beneficiary data to the Urban County. Contact person/title: David Ryal/Executive Director—MCSC Stephanie Ananian—WBC Program Manager Phone number: (805) 595-1357 E-mail address: dryaj(2(,mcscorp.org or StephanicO',mcscorp.org COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 12 OF 19 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG FINANCIAL INFORMATION For CDBG applications to the County of San Luis Obispo involving acquisition, construction or rehabilitation projects please provide the required additional budget information on BUDGET FORM A and BUDGET FORM B attached to the back of this application. 17. Total amount of CDBG funds requested: $70,000 Please identify the jurisdiction(s)to which you are applying (see Note below): If you are requesting CDBG funds front more than one_jurisdiction,please break down the amount shown above by the jurisdiction listed below. City of Arroyo Grande: $5,000 City of Paso Robles: $10,000 City of Atascadero: $5,000 City of San Luis Obispo: $10,000 City of Morro Bay: $5,000 County of San Luis Obispo: $35,000 NOTE: If you are applying to one or n-iore cities,please provide a copy of the application to the County by the application deadline. 18. Please describe the budget for the proposed project or program. Itemize all sources of funding expected to be available and used for this project a. Revenues: 1. CDBG Funds requested $ 70,000 2. Other Federal fund(s) (please describe below) $ 80,000 3. State source(s) (please describe below) $ 4. Local source(s) (please describe belov) $ 12,000 5. Other funds (please describe below) $ 25,000 Total Revenues $187,000 • Federal Funds—SSA Grant—Women's Business Center • Local Funds—Program Income, Mission Community Bank • Other Funds—Foundation Grants—i.e. Citibank, Bank of America COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 13 OF 19 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING He BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG I I b. Expenditures: List below by item or cost category. Personnel Program Manager- 100% (required by SBA Grant) $ 39,000 Executive Director. -50% $ 25,800 Fringe Benefits Calculated at 22% $ 14,250 Supplies Class Materials $ 4,570 Contractual Facilitator-6 classes $ 24,600 Consultants $ 43,080 Fiscal Manager $ 7,200 Facilities Rent $ 16,000 Utilities and Phone/Internet $ 4,000 Other Liability Insurance $ 4,500 Promotion of Program $ 5,000 Travel-mileage $ 1,500 Total $187,000 19. How do you plan to fund the operation and maintenance costs (if any) associated with this project? Are these funds available now? If not, when will they be available? And from what source(s)? Mission Community Services Corporation receives funding from the SBA on a quarterly basis. Funding from other sources comes in on a varied schedule depending on funding cycles of agencies and foundations. Grants from financial institutions come in as awarded. Funding from service contracts generated is received at benchmark points during the project. 20. Will CDBG funds be used to match/leverage other funds? List below funding sources and amounts and identify award dates of these sources. Yes. The funding source that CDBG funds would leverage is from the SBA. This contract funding source requires a dollar for dollar match. Mission Community Services Corporation constantly monitors other grant and funding opportunities from the federal government to aid in the delivery of technical assistance to the small business community and budding entrepreneurs. The vast majority of these funding opportunities contain a cash match component. • U.S. SBA $123,000 10/01/2012^ • Citibank $ 32,000 03/15/2012 • Bank of America $ 3,000 02/01/2012 • Mission Community $ 25,000 011/01/2012 • Program Income $ 6,000 ongoing z:1 • CDBG $ 40,000 A Women's Business Center covers Kern and Monterey Counties as well as San Luis Obispo County. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 14 OF 19 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPI-ANNING.ORG I certify that the information in this application is true and accurate to the best of Trry knowledge and ability. I Q/11/2012 Signature Date David L. P-,yal Executive Director Printed or typed name 'risle Note to applicant: The County and cities require all of the grant recipients to maintain general liability,automobile and workman's compensation insurance with limits of not less than$1 million***. If you are successful in obtaining an award,you will be asked to provide documentation.regarding ability to provide the required coverage. *" Liability coverage may vary by jurisdiction. Please call the city/county contact to verify limits. Prior to HUD's release of grant conditions and/or funds for the CD13G-funded project, a review of the project's potential impact on the environnient must be conducted by the awarding jurisdictions and approved by the County of San Luis Obispo prior to obligating or incurring project costs. The County must certify to HUD that it has complied with all applicable environmental procedures and requirements. Should project costs be obligated or incurred prior to the cornletion of the necessary environmental review, P the project shall not benefit frorn the federal funds. Environmental review requirements pursuant to 24 CFR Part 58 must be fully satisfied for any project selected for funding prior to the CDBG Program issuing a Notice to Proceed for the project. The level of environmental review required depends on the nature of the project. 24 CFR Part 58 is available at ww,v hud ,ov,lof)-ices/bpd/enviroiimental/laNvsLndregs/regs. If you need assistance or have questions regarding this application,please contact any of the persons listed below. Your applicationts)can be dropped off or mailed to the following locations: • Kelly Heffernon, Community Development Dept., City of Arroyo Grande,214 E.Branch Street(11.0. Box 550), Arroyo Grande, CA 93421, (805)473-5420. • Valerie Humphrey, Public Works Dept., City of Atascadero,6907 El Camino Real,Atascadero,CA 93422, (805)470-3460. • Rob Livick,Public Services Dept.,Cit.), of Morro Bay, 955 Shasta Avenue, Morro Bay, CA, 93442, (805) 772-6261 • Darren Nash, Community Development Dept., City of Paso Robles, 1000 Spring St., Paso Robles, CA 93446, (805) 2-17-3970. • Tyler Corey,Community Development Dept., City of San Luis Obispo, 919 Palm St., San Luis Obispo-, CA 93401,(805) 781-7175. • Tony Navarro, Dept. of Planning and Building, 976 Osos Street,Room 300, San Luis Obispo,CA 93408, (805)781-5787. .................. MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM ...... PAGE 15 OF 19 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO C 13 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET INFORMATION SHEET WORK PLAN & PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE List all project milestones and their anticipated work period. There will be an opportunity to update the project timeline after grant notification and before executing a grant agreement. Any proposed changes, including extension and early completion, must be requested in writing and approved in advance by the jurisdiction receiving the funding application. Note: Applicant will assume all financial risk if work on the proposed project begins before environmental clearance is obtained. You may either use or recreate this form to add tasks and activities and extended timeline. YOU MUST USE THIS FORMAT. Task/Activity—Begin July 2013 JUL AUG SEPOCTOCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY- JUN Fiscal Literacy Classes 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 ETP Class Embezando COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT(CDBG)PROGRAM PAGE 190F19 APPLICATION FOR THE 2013 PROGRAM YEAR AUGUST 23,2012 SAN Luis OBISPO COUNTY PLANNING&BUILDING SLOPLANNING.ORG