HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-016 Historical Society MOU Memorandum of Understanding This Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") is entered into as of April Z�, 2013, by and between the City of Atascadero (the "City") and the Atascadero Historical Society (the "Society"). The City and the Society share a strong interest in, and commitment to, preserving, and educating the public about, the unique history of Atascadero. The City and the Society are both acutely aware of the need to cooperate and work together in the effort to preserve, and provide education about, Atascadero's unique history. The City and the Society both recognize that Atascadero's unique history is one of the community's most valuable assets. The City and the Society recognize the opportunity to attract substantial numbers of tourists and other visitors to Atascadero for the purpose of learning about Atascadero's unique history. The City and the Society desire to cooperate and work together in showcasing Atascadero's unique history in Atascadero's Historic City Hall building. Toward that purpose, the City and the Society mutually acknowledge the following: —That the City plans to dedicate certain areas of the Historic City Hall to the display of historical materials, which areas are expected to include the two conference rooms on each side of the main entrance on Palma Avenue, part of the reception area of the building, and certain, selected, other areas of the building which may be listed from time to time in schedules to be attached to this Memorandum of Understanding, or elsewhere. —That the Society expects to provide materials to include in the displays to be exhibited in those areas and, cooperatively with the City, to decide how to arrange the displays and where different materials should be placed. —That the City and Society wish for members of the public to have the opportunity to take guided tours of the Historic City Hall for the purpose of viewing the historical displays and the building's areas of special aesthetic appeal or historical interest. —That the Society is planning to handle the scheduling and conduct of such guided tours and, for that purpose, to operate a docent program in the Historic City Hall for the management of the tours. k The City and the Society also mutually recognize the need to terminate the Lease Agreement dated July 27, 1993 (the "Lease"), and expect to do so in an agreement to be drafted and executed for that purpose. Each party recognizes the pledges of cooperation being made by the other in the cooperative endeavors outlined in this Memorandum of Understanding, and in appreciation therefor agrees to provide at least six months advance notice of any termination of participation on its part. CITY OF ATASCADERO ATASCADERO HISTORICAL SOCIETY By: By Wade G. McKinney, City Manager aures Wilkins, President--l 2