HomeMy WebLinkAbout021412 Agenda Packet-Combined . yl 'a`$ i979CITY OF A TA SCA DERO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, February 14, 2012 City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California 6:00 P.M. City Council Regular Session 6:00 p.m. City Council Closed Session: Immediately following conclusion of the City Council Regular Session REGULAR SESSION — CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Sturtevant ROLL CALL: Mayor Kelley Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley Council Member Clay Council Member Fonzi Council Member Sturtevant APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken. DRAFT MINUTES: Council meeting draft minutes are listed on the Consent Calendar for approval of the minutes. Should anyone wish to request an amendment to draft minutes, the item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and their suggestion will be considered by the City Council. If anyone desires to express their opinion concerning issues included in draft minutes, they should share their opinion during the Community Forum portion of the meeting.) 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes — January 24, 2012 ■ Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Draft Action Minutes of January 24, 2012. [City Clerk] 2. December 2011 Investment Report ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Council receive and file the City Treasurer's report for quarter ending December 2011. [City Treasurer] 3. December 2011 Accounts Payable and Payroll ■ Fiscal Impact: $3,026,933.03. ■ Recommendation: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for December 2011. [Administrative Services] 4. Proposed Modification to the Sewer System Management Plan to Add Appendices to the Fats, Oil and Grease Section ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt the Draft Resolution modifying the City's Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) to include appendices to the Fats Oil, and Grease Section (FOG), that establishes Administrative Guidelines and Provisions for further FOG Program implementation. [Public Works] 5. Lift Station #3 Emergency Electrical Panel Purchase and Modified Portable Generator Purchase ■ Fiscal Impact: $35,000 in wastewater capital reserves for replacement of the Lift Station #3 electrical panel; and, $48,980 in wastewater funds for the Wastewater Portable Generator Project. ■ Recommendations: Council 1. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $35,000 in wastewater funds for the emergency purchase and installation of a replacement electrical and pump control panel at Lift Station #3; and, 2. Authorize an exception to the formal bidding process as allowed under Section II-3.0(h)(4), finding that there are extenuating circumstances that would make formal bidding not the most cost effective approach for the purchase of a new Portable Generator; and, 3. Approve the purchase of a new Portable Generator for $48,890 from United Rentals, Inc.; and, 4. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $50,000 in 2011-2012 for the Wastewater Portable Generator Project and to remove $47,000 in funding from the 2012-2013 budget from the Wastewater Portable Generator Project. [Public Works] 6. First Amendment of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Tract 2624 (Southside Villas) and Reduction of Performance Bond ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendations: Council 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute the first amendment to the Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Tract 2624; and, 2. Accept the partial reduction of the subdivision improvement security. [Public Works] UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: (The City Manager will give an oral report on any current issues of concern to the City Council.) COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. Comments made during Community Forum will not be a subject of discussion. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Council. Any members of the public who have questions or need information, may contact the City Clerk's Office, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at 470-3400, or mtorgerson(@atascadero.orq.) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Energy Watch Partnership - Energy Saving Successes ■ Fiscal Impact: None. ■ Recommendation: Presentation only. No action recommended. [Public Works] COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): Mayor Kelley 1. Atascadero State Hospital Advisory Committee 2. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee 3. City of Atascadero Finance Committee 4. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) 5. Homeless Services Oversight Council Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley 1. City / Schools Committee 2. County Mayors Round Table 3. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) 4. League of California Cities — CITIPAC Board Member 5. SLO Council of Governments (SLOCOG) 6. SLO Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) Council Member Fonzi 1. Air Pollution Control District 2. City of Atascadero Design Review Committee 3. City of Atascadero Finance Committee 4. SLO Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) - alternate Council Member Sturtevant 1. City / Schools Committee 2. Community Action Partnership of SLO County 3. League of California Cities — Council Liaison E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Clerk 3. City Treasurer 4. City Attorney 5. City Manager F. ADJOURN TO CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION: Immediately following conclusion of the City Council Regular Session, which begins at 6:00 p.m. 1. CLOSED SESSION -- PUBLIC COMMENT 2. COUNCIL LEAVES CHAMBERS TO BEGIN CLOSED SESSION 3. CLOSED SESSION -- CALL TO ORDER a. Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Govt. Code Section 54956.8) Property Address: APN 045-331-084 11612 Madreselva Lane, Atascadero, CA City Negotiator: Wade McKinney, City Manager Negotiating Parties: Lance Fitzgerald Fields Under Negotiation: Instruction to negotiator will concern price and terms of payment. b. Conference with Legal Counsel — Existing Litigation (Govt. Code Section 54956.9(a)) Save the Plastic Bag Coalition v. San Luis Obispo County Integrated Waste Management Authority (Case No. CDV 120078) C. Conference with Legal Counsel — Anticipated Litigation Initiation of litigation pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.9(b) — One Case 4. CLOSED SESSION -- ADJOURNMENT 5. COUNCIL RETURNS TO CHAMBERS 6. CLOSED SESSION -- REPORT ADJOURNMENT Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. Correspondence submitted at this public hearing will be distributed to the Council and available for review in the City Clerk's office. I, Victoria Randall, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the February 14, 2012 Regular Session of the Atascadero City Council was posted on February 7, 2012, at the Atascadero City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review in the Customer Service Center at that location. Signed this 7`h day of February, 2012, at Atascadero, California. Victoria Randall, Deputy City Clerk City of Atascadero City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE A TA SCA DERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING The City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. unless there is a Community Redevelopment Agency meeting commencing at 6:00 p.m. in which event the Council meeting will commence immediately following the conclusion of the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting. Council meetings will be held at the City Hall Council Chambers, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Regular Council meetings are televised live, audio recorded and videotaped for future playback. Charter Communication customers may view the meetings on Charter Cable Channel 20 or via the City's website at www.atascadero.org. Meetings are also broadcast on radio station KPRL AM 1230. Contact the City Clerk for more information (470-3400). Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Front Counter of City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, and on our website, www.atascadero.org. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager's Office or the City Clerk's Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "COMMUNITY FORUM", the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to approach the lectern and be recognized. 1. Give your name for the record (not required) 2. State the nature of your business. 3. All comments are limited to 3 minutes. 4. All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council. 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Council). If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the City Clerk's office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Digital presentations must be brought to the meeting on a USB drive or CD. You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the City Clerk before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in the printed copy. TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS (from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: 1. You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Mayor 2. Give your name (not required) 3. Make your statement 4. All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present 6. All comments limited to 3 minutes The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be heard by the Council. ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 02/14/12 i e F mFa_ �i RFT y I 5� t -a 1918 Y9 8 i ------ CI TY OF A TA SCA DERO CITY COUNCIL DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Tuesday, January 24, 2012 City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California 6:00 P.M. REGULAR SESSION — CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. Mayor Kelley called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and Council Member Fonzi led the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL: Present: Council Members Clay, Fonzi, Sturtevant, Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley and Mayor Kelley Absent: None Others Present: City Clerk / Assistant to City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Assistant City Manager Jim Lewis, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, Community Development Director Warren Frace, Public Works Director Russ Thompson, Community Services Director Brady Cherry, Police Chief Jerel Haley, Fire Chief Kurt Stone, and City Attorney Brian Pierik. Draft CC Minutes January 24,2012 Page 1 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 02/14/12 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Council Member Sturtevant and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Employee Service Awards City Manager Wade McKinney presented the following employees with their Service Awards: 10 Years Alan Baker, Charles Paddock Zoo Director Dave Muehlhausen, Senior Building Inspector Matt Miranda, Fire Captain/Engineer 15 Years Scott Hallett, Fire Captain 25 Years Kurt Stone, Fire Chief A. CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. City Council Draft Action Minutes — January 10, 2012 ■ Recommendation: Council approve the City Council Draft Action Minutes of January 10, 2012. [City Clerk] 2. Historic City Hall Project Contract Addendum: ACH-18 Plumbing ■ Fiscal Impact: $207,680. ■ Recommendation: Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract addendum with Scott T. Murray Plumbing in the amount of $207,680 for the ACH-18 Plumbing construction services for the Historic City Hall Project. [Administrative Services] Draft CC Minutes January 24,2012 Page 2 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 02/14/12 3. Marchant Drainage Project Easement Purchases - Approval of Purchase Agreements for Drainage Easements at 8575, 8560, and 8555 San Andres Avenue - (City of Atascadero) ■ Description: Request for authorization to purchase drainage easements from Roger, Barbara and Elizabeth Bartholomew, Yvonne High, and Gene Rauch. ■ Fiscal Impact: The total anticipated cost is $25,430. ■ Recommendations: Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Purchase Agreement with Roger, Barbara and Elizabeth Bartholomew, in the amount of $1,600.00, for the purchase of a drainage and temporary construction easements, at 8560 San Andres Avenue, Atascadero, deemed necessary for the construction of drainage improvements; and, 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Purchase Agreement with Yvonne High, in the amount of $3,600.00, for the purchase of a drainage and temporary construction easements, at 8575 San Andres Avenue, Atascadero, deemed necessary for the construction of drainage improvements; and, 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute a Purchase Agreement with Gene Rauch in the amount of $17,500, for the purchase of drainage and temporary construction easements, at 8555 San Andres Avenue, Atascadero, deemed necessary for the construction of drainage improvements. [Public Works] MOTION: By Council Member Fonzi and seconded by Council Member Sturtevant to approve the Consent Calendar. Motion passed 5.0 by a roll-call vote. (#1: Contract No. 2012- 001, #2: Contract No. 2012-002, #3: Contract No. 2012-003) UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: City Manager Wade McKinney gave an update on projects and issues within the City. COMMUNITY FORUM: The following citizen spoke during Community Forum: Mike Brennler Mayor Kelley closed the COMMUNITY FORUM period. B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. Draft CC Minutes January 24,2012 Page 3 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: A- 1 DATE: 02/14/12 C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: None. COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: The City Council Members made brief announcements. D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Council Member Fonzi 1. Air Pollution Control District — Council Member Fonzi stated that the APCD will be reviewing the Green House Gases, and asked for staff assistance in preparation for these meetings. E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: None F. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Kelley adjourned the meeting at 6:29 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C. City Clerk / Assistant to the City Manager Draft CC Minutes January 24,2012 Page 4 of 4 ITEM NUMBER: A- 2 [SATE: 02114/12 . . tscadero City Council December 20" Staff Report - City Treasurer December 2011 investment Report RECOMMENDATION: Council receive and file the City Treasurer's report for quarter ending December 2011. REPORT IN BRIEF: Cash and Investments Checking $ 421,050 Money Market Accounts - Certificates of Deposit 12,853,864 Government Securities 6,456,810 LAIF 27,239,058 Cash with Fiscal Agents 1,497,198 Cash in Banks at December 31, 2011 $ 48,467,980 Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks (388,439) Cash and Investments at December 31, 2011 $ 48,079,541 Investment Activity Securities Purchased: Purchase Date Description Type Cost Maturity Date 10/05/11 First Sentry Bank CD $ 245,000 10/05/16 10/14/11 Federal Home Loan Bank gov't security 286,825 09/09/16 10/27/11 Federal Nat'l Mtg Assn gov't security 504,250 09/28/16 11/30/11 Federal Nat'l Mtg Assn gov't security 506,645 11/15/16 12/21/11 Fed Home Loan Mtg Corp gov't security 522,620 08/25/16 12/28/11 Barclays Bank CD 245,000 12/28/16 Securities Matured: Maturity Date Description Type Original Cost Amount Matured 10/07/11 Carolina First CD $ 250,000 $ 250,000 10/21/11 Mercantile Bank of Michigan CD 250,000 250,000 11/02/11 River Cities Bank CD 100,000 100,000 12/12/11 Firstbank Puerto Rico CD 99,000 99,000 12/30/11 Goldman Sachs Bank page I of 13 CD 97,000 97,000 Investment Activity(continued) Securities Sold/Called Prior to Maturity: Transaction / Original Cost/ Gain / (Loss) Tran Date Description /Type Maturity Sale Price on Call Community Banks of 10/26/11 Colorado $ 95,000 $ 95,000 - certificate of deposit 08/29/12 FDIC receivership on 10/21/11; interest paid through 10/25/11. One day loss of interest:$13.80. Other Reportable Activities: No loss of principal due to bank failures. Total interest loss of$13.80, as detailed above. Page 2 of 13 CITY OF ATASCADERO TREASURER'S REPORT CASH&INVESTMENTS ACTIVITY SUMMARY for the quarter ending December 31,2011 CHECKING FISCAL ACCOUNT INVESTMENTS AGENT TOTALS Balance per Banks at October 1, 2011 $ 417,365 $ 46,739,217 S 1,879,418 49,036,000 Receipts 8,6I8,038 31,175 36 8,649,249 Disbursements (8,835,013) - (382,256) (9,217,269) Transfers In 7,676,000 7,455,340 - 15,131,340 Transfers Out (7,455,340) (7,676,000) - (15,13I,340) Balance per Banks at December 31,2011 S 421,050 $ 46,549,732 $ 1,497,198 48,467,980 Deposits in Transit - Outstanding Checks (388,439) Adjusted Treasurer's Balance $ 48,079,541 Page 3 of 13 O i rn v 0 100 n ppv� ao N v v o 00 n N b O T b 7 Ori `. � � .--• N nlM N 64 ��JJ N Ocin ;sg 0 � T C vNi A 0�0 000 7 n Fti O O V� 0lO %O ll:� r V Orn W C t� C r O \D . O l� + N N M N 00 Q. 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V ti N 00 d' 6q Vi fiA O h 00 00 p 0 C! C� CA b9 69il N N ti oQ V_ U v. (✓j 5H 69 t O ro lu 114 cli 45 c o w O O. ro v ,/^yam U ^° W 'c � G � v � aCi o kA121 � � a c o a tzcl W tr c to � City of Atascadero Investments by Type December 2011 Government Cash with Securities Fiscal Agent 13% 3% Certificates of Deposit 4 Other 0% 4zse `' Investment December 2011 LAIF $ 27,239,058 Certificates of Deposit 12,853,864 Government Securities 6,456,810 Cash with Fiscal Agent 1,497,198 Other - $ 48,046,930 Page 10 of 13 City of Atascadero Investments by Maturity December 2011 One to Five Years One Month 31% to One Year 10% Ruthin ()ne'ytonth On Detnand 58% Investment December 2011 On Demand $ 27,239,058 Within One Month 294,000 One Month to One Year 4,468,864 One to Five Years 14,547,810 $ 46,549,732 Page 11 of 13 City of Atascadero Investments by Custodial Agent December 2011 Union Bank 40% _ Bank of New York g 3% r o. .l. Othel- Vllo State of California 57% Custodial Agent December 2011 State of California $ 27,239,058 Other 56,864 Union Bank 19,253,8I0 Bank of New York 1,497,198 $ 48,046,930 Page 12 of 13 City of Atascadero, Investment Yield vs. 2-Year Treasury Yield For the Quarter Ended December 31, 2011 1.60% 1.40% 1.20% 1.00% -- 0.80 0.60% -- _ • to 0.20% ...:: a. 0.00% �tToo� Lr�o�o �e�o^o Q��o�o e��o�o X0,0 c�o�� 0�0�� e10'� CP City Yield —"-2-Yr Treasury Weighted Portfolta Yield 2-Yr Treasury Weighted Portfolio City Yield Yield December 2009 1.38% 1.20% March 2010 1.38% 1.22% June 2010 1,30% 0.84% September 2010 1.42% 0:77% December 2010 1.31% 0.77% March 2010 1,10% 0.82% June 2011 1.11% 0.58% September 2011 1.08% 0.44% December 2011 1.08% 0.45% Page 13 of 13 ITEM NUMBER: A- 3 DATE: 02/14/12 .wascadero Citv Council Staff Report m Administrative Services Department December 2011 Accounts Payable and Payroll RECOMMENDATION: Council approve certified City accounts payable, payroll and payroll vendor checks for December 2011. DISCUSSION: Attached for City Council review and approval are the following: Payroll Dated 12/8/11 Checks # 29266 - 29295 $ 18,996.95 Direct Deposits 247,020.47 Dated 12/22/11 Checks # 29296 - 29324 18,263.81 Direct Deposits 236,458.33 Accounts Parable Dated 12/1/11 - 12/31/11 Checks # 131215 - 131617 & EI;Ts 1041 - 1052 2,506,193.47 TOTAL AMOUNT $ 3,026,933.03 FISCAL. IMPACT: Total expenditures for all funds is $ 3,026,933.03 CERTIFICATION: The undersigned certifies that the attached demands have been released for payment and that funds are available for these demands-.--'-'- I Rachelle Rickard, Director of Administrative Services ATTACHMENT: December 2011 Eden Warrant Register in the amount of $ 2,506,193.47 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 131215 12/02/2011 ADVANCED PRESSURE WASHING Accounts Payable Check 145.00 131216 12/02/2011 AECOM USA, INC. Accounts Payable Check 3,240.00 131217 12/02/2011 KEITH AGGSON Accounts Payable Check 198.00 131218 12/02/2011 ALTHOUSE&MEADE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 612.13 131219 12/02/2011 AMERICAN WEST TIRE&AUTO INC Accounts Payable Check 866.49 131220 12/02/2011 AMI PIPE & SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 386.56 131221 12/02/2011 ANTECH DIAGNOSTICS Accounts Payable Check 236.05 131222 12/02/2011 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 508.37 131223 12/02/2011 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 131224 12/02/2011 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 184.11 131225 12/02/2011 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 1,040.37 131226 12/02/2011 ATAS COMM REDEV AGENCY Accounts Payable Check 31,133.00 131227 12/02/2011 ATASCADERO 76 Accounts Payable Check 6.00 131228 12/02/2011 ATASCADERO HAY& FEED Accounts Payable Check 2,003.74 131229 12/02/2011 ATASCADERO TRAFFIC WAY STORAGE Accounts Payable Check 576.00 131230 12/02/2011 AW DIRECT, INC. Accounts Payable Check 106.43 131231 12/02/2011 BACKFLOW APPARAT US&VALVE CO. Accounts Payable Check 103.50 131232 12/02/2011 BASSETT'S CRICKET RANCH,INC. Accounts Payable Check 200.50 131233 12/02/2011 BERRY MAN, INC. Accounts Payable Check 943.53 131234 12/02/2011 BLOOM N GROW Accounts Payable Check 69.71 131235 12/02/2011 BURKE,WILLIAMS, & SORENSON LLP Accounts Payable Check 26,717.98 131236 12/02/2011 C3 CONSTRUCTION & DEVELOPMENT Accounts Payable Check 8,466.03 131237 12102/2011 CARGILL MEAT SOLUTIONS CORP. Accounts Payable Check 2,430.00 131238 12/02/2011 CED CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL Accounts Payable Check 1,682.48 131239 12/02/2011 BRADY CHERRY Accounts Payable Check 300.00 131240 12/02/2011 CHICAGO GRADE LANDFILL, INC. Accounts Payable Check 160.00 131241 12/02/2011 COAST RIDERS POWERSPORTS Accounts Payable Check 999.43 131242 12/02/2011 COASTAL REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 346.13 131243 12/02/2011 CORELOGIC INF. SOLUTIONS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 100.00 131244 12/02/2011 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO Accounts Payable Check 398.00 131245 12/02/2011 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 157.10 131246 12/02/2011 MATTHEW J.CURRY Accounts Payable Check 565.00 131247 12/02/2011 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 265.86 131248 12/02/2011 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Accounts Payable Check 757.00 131249 12/02/2011 DIANI BUILDING CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 500,884.55 131250 12/02/2011 CHARLES DICKEY Accounts Payable Check 78.00 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 131251 12/02/2011 DISH NETWORK, LLC Accounts Payable Check 96.99 131252 12/02/2011 ED'S FLY MEAT, INC. Accounts Payable Check 101.00 131253 12/02/2011 ENTENMANN-ROVIN CO. Accounts Payable Check 108.76 131254 12/02/2011 ESCUELA DEL RIO Accounts Payable Check 160.00 131255 12/02/2011 EWING IRRIGATION GOLF INDUSTRL Accounts Payable Check 46.12 131256 12/02/2011 FARWEST LINE SPECIALTIES Accounts Payable Check 1,148.00 131257 12/02/2011 FASTENAL CO. Accounts Payable Check 78.08 131258 12/02/2011 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check 214.00 131259 12/02/2011 FLUID RESOURCE MANAGEMENT,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,176.00 131260 12/02/2011 KEN FORMAN Accounts Payable Check 10.00 131261 12/02/2011 FOSTER FARMS DAIRY Accounts Payable Check 171.27 131262 12/02/2011 WARREN FRACE Accounts Payable Check 300.00 131263 12/02/2011 GARRY BRILL PRODUCTIONS Accounts Payable Check 150.00 131264 12/02/2011 GAS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 1,453.57 131265 12/02/2011 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 203.16 131266 12/02/2011 GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTATION Accounts Payable Check 927.84 131267 12/02/2011 H.D. PETERSON Accounts Payable Check 81.36 131268 12/02/2011 BRADLEYA. HACKLEMAN Accounts Payable Check 801.90 131269 12/02/2011 RALPH DOUGLAS HARBOTTLE Accounts Payable Check 745.50 131270 12/02/2011 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT&COPY Accounts Payable Check 714.72 131271 12/02/2011 MELINDAA. HARTMAN Accounts Payable Check 169.80 131272 12/02/2011 ANN HOCHSTETLER Accounts Payable Check 281.00 131273 12/02/2011 HOME DEPOT Accounts Payable Check 1,495.83 131274 12/02/2011 J. CARROLL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 999.47 131275 12/02/2011 J.S.M. ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 85.00 131276 12/02/2011 JK'S UNLIMITED Accounts Payable Check 1,373.20 131277 12/02/2011 JOEL SWITZER DIESEL REPAIR,INC Accounts Payable Check 85.00 131278 12/02/2011 KARP LAND SURVEYS Accounts Payable Check 1,000.00 131279 12/02/2011 KEY TERMITE & PEST CONTROL,INC Accounts Payable Check 70.00 131280 12/02/2011 KIDZ LOVE SOCCER Accounts Payable Check 3,756.90 131281 12/02/2011 KNIGHT'S CARPETS& INTERIORS Accounts Payable Check 4,762.00 131282 12/02/2011 LAFEBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 30.19 131283 12/02/2011 LARRY'S AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 1,133.14 131284 12/02/2011 LEE WILSON ELECTRIC CO. INC Accounts Payable Check 1,428.00 131285 12/02/2011 LEHIGH HANSON Accounts Payable Check 563.57 131286 12/02/2011 JAMES R. LEWIS Accounts Payable Check 250.00 131287 12/02/2011 MAINLINE UTILITY CO. Accounts Payable Check 900.00 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 131288 12/02/2011 WADE MCKINNEY Accounts Payable Check 500.00 131289 12/02/2011 MICHAEL BRAY CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 10,534.00 131290 12/02/2011 MICHAEL FREDERICK PAVING,INC. Accounts Payable Check 9,926.00 131291 12/02/2011 MID-COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Accounts Payable Check 2,455.00 131292 12/02/2011 MID-STATE SOLID WASTE& RECYCG Accounts Payable Check 778.10 131293 12/02/2011 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 535.12 131294 12/02/2011 REON C MONSON Accounts Payable Check 339.00 131295 12/02/2011 MOTION PICTURE LICENSING CORP. Accounts Payable Check 523.12 131296 12/02/2011 DAVE MUEHLHAUSEN Accounts Payable Check 55.71 131297 12/02/2011 MWI VETERINARY SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 78.76 131298 12/02/2011 NCI AFFILIATES, INC Accounts Payable Check 335.00 131299 12/02/2011 PAUL NETZ Accounts Payable Check 300.00 131300 12/02/2011 NEW TIMES Accounts Payable Check 167.00 131301 12/02/2011 NICKSON'S MACHINE SHOP INC. Accounts Payable Check 528.00 131302 12/02/2011 NU-WAY LINEN RENTAL Accounts Payable Check 59.00 131303 12/02/2011 OFFICE DEPOT INC. Accounts Payable Check 733.99 131304 12/02/2011 O'REILLY AUTOMOTIVE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 37.33 131305 12/02/2011 TARA ORLICK Accounts Payable Check 32.19 131306 12/02/2011 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 26.80 131307 12/02/2011 PACIFIC COAST GYMNASTICS CENTE Accounts Payable Check 203.18 131308 12/02/2011 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 1,000.00 131309 12/02/2011 PAPE TRUCKS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 18,303.62 131310 12/02/2011 PERRY'S ELECTRIC MOTORS&CTRL Accounts Payable Check 1,358.06 131311 12/02/2011 WILLIAM PORTILLO Accounts Payable Check 3.00 131312 12/02/2011 PROCARE JANITORIALSUPPLY,INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,098.70 131313 12/02/2011 PROMOTIONAL CONCEPTS Accounts Payable Check 791.69 131314 12/02/2011 RECOGNITION WORKS Accounts Payable Check 8.58 131315 12/02/2011 RACH.ELLE RICKARD Accounts Payable Check 300.00 131316 12/02/2011 S.W. MARTIN &ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 11,083.33 131317 12/02/2011 SAN LUIS PERSONNEL INC. Accounts Payable Check 792.00 131318 12/02/2011 SAN LUIS SECURITY, INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,930.50 131319 12/02/2011 SCHIMM'S TREE SERVICE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 200.00 131320 12/02/2011 SCOTT O'BRIEN FIRE&SAFETY CO Accounts Payable Check 157.18 131321 12/02/2011 ,JOHN C. SIEMENS Accounts Payable Check 136.50 131322 12/02/2011 SLO COUNTYAUDITOR-CONTROLLERAccounts Payable Check 468.00 131323 12/02/2011 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY Accounts Payable Check 229.11 131324 12/02/2011 STAPLES ADVANTAGE Accounts Payable Check 35.39 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 131325 12/02/2011 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL Accounts Payable Check 1,567.00 131326 12/02/2011 SUPERIOR CRANE&TRANSPORT Accounts Payable Check 528.00 131327 12/02/2011 SWRCB FEES Accounts Payable Check 12,394.00 131328 12/02/2011 TAFT ELECTRIC COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 30,058.92 131329 12/02/2011 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS Accounts Payable Check 190.21 131330 12/02/2011 BUSS THOMPSON Accounts Payable Check 300.00 131331 12/02/2011 TRIPLE J GREASE REMOVAL Accounts Payable Check 575.00 131332 12/02/2011 VERIZON WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 194.49 131333 12/02/2011 WALLACE GROUP Accounts Payable Check 2,604.24 1042 12/09/2011 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 41,598.46 1043 12/09/2011 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEI` Payroll Vendor Payment 57,452.75 131334 12/09/2011 ATASCADERO FIRE EMPLOYEE ASSN. Payroll Vendor Payment 760.00 131335 12/09/2011 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 40.00 131336 12/09/2011 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 1,254.00 131337 12/09/2011 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC. Payroll Vendor Payment 2,455.88 131338 12/09/2011 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 8,525.00 131339 12/09/2011 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Payroll Vendor Payment 350.10 131340 12/09/2011 SEIU LOCAL 620 Payroll Vendor Payment 780.53 131341 12/09/2011 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 106099 Payroll Vendor Payment 311.61 131342 12/09/2011 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 304633 Payroll Vendor Payment 1,911.20 131343 12/09/2011 VEHICLE REGISTR COLLECTION Payroll Vendor Payment 114.00 131344 12/09/2011 ALLSTATE WORKPLACE DIVISION Payroll Vendor Payment 3,843.44 131345 12/09/2011 CSAC-EIA Payroll Vendor Payment 1,206.35 131346 12/09/2011 MEDICAL EYE SERVICES Payroll Vendor Payment 1,667.27 131347 12/09/2011 PREFERRED BENEFITS INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 9,248.00 131348 12/09/2011 SDRMA Payroll Vendor Payment 135,044.92 1041 12/12/2011 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT Payroll Vendor Payment 856.81 1044 12/13/2011 RABOBANK, N.A. Payroll Vendor Payment 49,184.29 1045 12/13/2011 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 13,269.96 1046 12/13/2011 EMPLOYMENT DEV, DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 1,418.44 131349 12/18/2011 ACE AUTOMOTIVE Accounts Payable Check 1,581.55 131350 12/18/2011 ACTIVE MEDICAL&SAFETY Accounts Payable Check 74.75 131351 12/18/2011 ADDICTION MEDICINE CONSULTANTS Accounts Payable Check 750.00 131352 12/18/2011 AGP VIDEO, INC. Accounts Payable Check 2,445.00 131353 12/18/2011 ALL SIGNS AND GRAPHICS, LLC Accounts Payable Check 447.77 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 131354 12/18/2011 ALLIANT INSURANCE SERVICES INC Accounts Payable Check 319.37 131355 12/18/2011 AL'S SEPTIC PUMPING SVC, INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,220.00 131356 12/18/2011 AMERICAN WEST TIRE&AUTO INC Accounts Payable Check 977.18 131357 12118/2011 APPLIED EARTHWORKS, INC, Accounts Payable Check 960.53 131358 12/18/2011 ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 298.06 131359 12/18/2011 ASSOCIATION OF ZOO &AQUARIUM Accounts Payable Check 2,011.00 131360 12/18/2011 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 66.30 131361 12/18/2011 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 691.07 131362 12/18/2011 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 396.44 131363 12/18/2011 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 243.12 131364 12/18/2011 AT&T ADVERTISING SOLUTIONS Accounts Payable Check 62.06 131365 12/18/2011 ATASCADERO ASSOC, OF REALTORS Accounts Payable Check 250.00 131366 12/18/2011 ATASCADERO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Accounts Payable Check 50.00 131368 12/18/2011 ATASCADERO MUTUAL WATER CO. Accounts Payable Check 10,229.30 131369 12/18/2011 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 70.00 131370 12/18/2011 HELGA&ARNOLD ATKINS Accounts Payable Check 1,551.50 131371 12118/2011 BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON Accounts Payable Check 2,200.00 131372 12/18/2011 BASSETT'S CRICKET RANCH,INC. Accounts Payable Check 129.27 131373 12/18/2011 BATTERY SYSTEMS Accounts Payable Check 110.96 131374 12/18/2011 BERRY MAN, INC. Accounts Payable Check 416.40 131375 12/18/2011 NICHOLAS P. BOONISAR Accounts Payable Check 18.00 131376 12/18/2011 CA CODE CHECK, INC. Accounts Payable Check 5,809.99 131377 12/18/2011 CA REG, WATER QUALITY CONTROL Accounts Payable Check 304.00 131378 12/18/2011 CALPORTLAND Accounts Payable Check 973.73 131379 12/18/2011 .JASON F. CARR Accounts Payable Check 281.00 131380 12/18/2011 CAVENAUGH AND ASSC. Accounts Payable Check 998.00 131381 12/18/2011 CHEVRON&TEXACO BUS. CARD Accounts Payable Check 1,419.85 131382 12/18/2011 KATHLEEN J. CINOWALT Accounts Payable Check 189.00 131383 12/18/2011 COAST ELECTRONICS Accounts Payable Check 613.06 131384 12/18/2011 COASTAL COPY, LP Accounts Payable Check 102.28 131385 12/18/2011 COASTAL PARK& RECREATION Accounts Payable Check 475.00 131386 12/18/2011 COASTAL REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 165.64 131387 12/18/2011 COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO Accounts Payable Check 250.00 131388 12/18/2011 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 68.25 131389 12/18/2011 D4 ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 126.23 131390 12/18/2011 DAVEY RESOURCE GROUP Accounts Payable Check 1,045.00 131391 12/18/2011 DANIEL A. DAVIS Accounts Payable Check 311.50 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 131392 12/18/2011 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 276.56 131393 12/18/2011 VOID Accounts Payable Check 0.00 131394 12/18/2011 DISH NETWORK, LLC Accounts Payable Check 96.99 131395 12/18/2011 EARTH SYSTEMS PACIFIC Accounts Payable Check 36,665.50 131396 12/18/2011 ED'S FLY MEAT, INC. Accounts Payable Check 98.50 131397 12/18/2011 EIKHOF DESIGN GROUP, INC. Accounts Payable Check 2,652.00 131398 12/18/2011 ESCUELA DEL RIO Accounts Payable Check 300.00 131399 12/18/2011 ETHOS Accounts Payable Check 127,950.00 131400 12/18/2011 KEITH J. FALERIOS Accounts Payable Check 1,600.00 131401 12/18/2011 FARM SUPPLY COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 54.70 131402 12/18/2011 FEDERAL EXPRESS Accounts Payable Check 184.95 131403 12/18/2011 FGL ENVIRONMENTAL Accounts Payable Check 587.00 131404 12/18/2011 FIRST TRANSIT, INC. Accounts Payable Check 41,697.59 131405 12/18/2011 FLEET SERVICES-76 FLEET Accounts Payable Check 414.25 131406 12/18/2011 FLEET SERVICES-76 UNIVERSAL Accounts Payable Check 11,779.39 131407 12/18/2011 ROBERTA FONZI Accounts Payable Check 58.29 131408 12/18/2011 FOOD FOR LESS Accounts Payable Check 572.27 131409 12/18/2011 KEN FORMAN Accounts Payable Check 10.00 131410 12/18/2011 FOSTER FARMS DAIRY Accounts Payable Check 161.62 131411 12/18/2011 G. SOSA CONSTRUCTION, INC. Accounts Payable Check 98,916.97 131412 12/18/2011 ERIC GATTI Accounts Payable Check 40.00 131413 12/18/2011 GILBERT'S LANDSCAPES Accounts Payable Check 1,339.00 131414 12/18/2011 HAINES &COMPANY, INC. Accounts Payable Check 288.92 131415 12/18/2011 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT& COPY Accounts Payable Check 142.87 131416 12/18/2011 NATHAN HASCH Accounts Payable Check 350.00 131417 12/18/2011 BRENNA HORNBAKER Accounts Payable Check 60.00 131418 12/18/2011 JEFF HUMPHREY Accounts Payable Check 145.00 131419 12/18/2011 EVELYN R. INGRAM Accounts Payable Check 564,67 131420 12/18/2011 MARCY R. JAFFE Accounts Payable Check 550.00 131421 12/18/2011 CAROL D. JANSSEN Accounts Payable Check 276.00 131422 12/18/2011 KIRK CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 13,987.44 131423 12/18/2011 KIWANIS Accounts Payable Check 290.00 131424 12/18/2011 LANDSCAPES BY STACH Accounts Payable Check 250.00 131425 12/18/2011 LOOMIS REFRIGERATION, INC. Accounts Payable Check 130.00 131426 12/18/2011 MADRONE LANDSCAPES, INC. Accounts Payable Check 800.00 131427 12/18/2011 SHARON A. MARINI Accounts Payable Check 282.00 131428 12/18/2011 MARK SIMON SEWER MAINTENANCE Accounts Payable Check 21,636.00 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2411 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 131429 12/18/2011 MARK SWITZER EXCAVATING Accounts Payable Check 33,543.49 131430 12/18/2011 MARTIN SEAL COATING Accounts Payable Check 950.00 131431 12/18/2011 KIMBERLY MCGRATH Accounts Payable Check 30.00 131432 12/18/2011 METROPCS WIRELESS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 100.00 131433 12/18/2011 CORY MEYER Accounts Payable Check 30.39 131434 12/18/2011 MICHAEL FREDERICK PAVING,INC. Accounts Payable Check 4,590.92 131435 12/18/2011 MID-COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,650.00 131436 12/18/2011 MID-COAST MOWER&SAW, INC. Accounts Payable Check 279.70 131437 12/18/2011 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 824.60 131438 12/18/2011 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT Accounts Payable Check 59.89 131439 12/18/2011 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 84.96 131440 12/18/2011 MITCH FREDERICK SEALCOATING Accounts Payable Check 1,415.00 131441 12/18/2011 NATIONAL NOTARY ASSOCIATION Accounts Payable Check 52.00 131442 12/18/2011 NORTH COAST ENGINEERING INC, Accounts Payable Check 24,327.10 131443 12/18/2011 NORTHERN ENERGY Accounts Payable Check 405.81 131444 12/18/2011 OFFICE DEPOT INC. Accounts Payable Check 46.35 131445 12/18/2011 JOAN O'KEEFE Accounts Payable Check 190.37 131446 12/18/2011 OUTLET TOOL SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 114.43 131449 12/18/2011 PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC Accounts Payable Check 34,453.65 131450 12/18/2011 PASO ROBLES FORD LINCOLN MERC Accounts Payable Check 2,994.72 131451 12/18/2011 PFEIFFER PARTNERS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 108,368.69 131452 12/18/2011 CARMELO PLATEROTI Accounts Payable Check 3,401.00 131453 12/18/2011 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY,INC. Accounts Payable Check 805.37 131454 12/18/2011 PUBLIC SAFETY CENTER Accounts Payable Check 65.42 131455 12/18/2011 QUINN RENTAL SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 92.07 131456 12/18/2011 QUOTA CLUB OF ATASCADERO Accounts Payable Check 250.00 131457 12/18/2011 RECOGNITION WORKS Accounts Payable Check 160.88 131458 12/18/2011 REED'S HEATING Accounts Payable Check 235.00 131459 12/18/2011 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 607.50 131460 12/18/2011 RJ THOMAS MFG. CO. INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,108.26 131461 12/18/2011 ROB DAVIS BACKHOE Accounts Payable Check 4,560.00 131462 12/18/2011 MICHELLE R. ROGERS Accounts Payable Check 378.00 131463 12/18/2011 SAFETY DRIVERS ED.,LLC. Accounts Payable Check 102.90 131464 12/18/2011 FIDEL SALAMANCA Accounts Payable Check 96.07 131465 12/18/2011 SAN DIEGO REG TRAINING CTR Accounts Payable Check 988.00 131466 12/18/2011 SAN LUIS PERSONNEL INC. Accounts Payable Check 578.34 131467 12/18/2011 SCOTT T. MURRAY PLUMBING Accounts Payable Check 56,934.00 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 131468 12/18/2011 SHELL Accounts Payable Check 573.52 131469 12/18/2011 SLO CO HEALTH AGENCY Accounts Payable Check 3,243.00 131470 12/18/2011 SMARTAND FINAL Accounts Payable Check 113.07 131471 12/18/2011 STATE WATER RES CONTROL BOARD Accounts Payable Check 130.00 131472 12/18/2011 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL Accounts Payable Check 1,222.50 131473 12/18/2011 RONALD R. TARICA Accounts Payable Check 270.00 131474 12/18/2011 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS Accounts Payable Check 305.69 131475 12/18/2011 LESLIE R. THOMPSON Accounts Payable Check 78.60 131476 12/18/2011 MARCIA TORGERSON Accounts Payable Check 391.06 131477 12/18/2011 DARIN E,TRAVERSO Accounts Payable Check 1,260.00 131478 12/18/2011 TURF STAR, INC. Accounts Payable Check 259.70 131481 12/18/2011 U.S. BANK Accounts Payable Check 13,467.66 131482 12/18/2011 URBAN FUTURES, INC. Accounts Payable Check 20,437.99 131483 12/18/2011 VALLEY PACIFIC PETROLEUM SVCS Accounts Payable Check 6,288.52 131484 12/18/2011 IWINA M.VAN BEEK Accounts Payable Check 562.00 131485 12/18/2011 VERIZON WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 2,452.11 131486 12/18/2011 VICTOR STANLEY, INC. Accounts Payable Check 1,546.76 131487 12/18/2011 VIDEO PALACE Accounts Payable Check 3.75 131488 12/18/2011 WEIGHT WATCHERS Accounts Payable Check 40.00 131489 12/18/2011 WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 126.83 131490 12/18/2011 WHITLOCK&WEINBERGER TRANS. Accounts Payable Check 1,080.00 131491 12/18/2011 WHYTAL PACIFIC Accounts Payable Check 350.00 131492 12/18/2011 JEFF WILSHUSEN Accounts Payable Check 281.00 131493 12/18/2011 WYSONG CONSTRUCTION CO. Accounts Payable Check 326,903.72 131494 12/18/2011 YESTERDAYS SPORTSWEAR Accounts Payable Check 18.23 131495 12/18/2011 ZOO MED LABORATORIES, INC. Accounts Payable Check 443.92 1047 12/23/2011 STATE DISBURSEMENT UNIT Payroll Vendor Payment 856.81 1048 12/23/2011 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEP Payroll Vendor Payment 41,823.90 1049 12/23/2011 CALIF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM Payroll Vendor Payment 57,048.35 131496 12/23/2011 ATASCADERO FIRE EMPLOYEE ASSN. Payroll Vendor Payment 760.00 131497 12/23/2011 ATASCADERO MID MGRS ORG UNION Payroll Vendor Payment 40.00 131498 12/23/2011 ATASCADERO POLICE OFFICERS Payroll Vendor Payment 1,254.00 131499 12/23/2011 AXA EQUITABLE Payroll Vendor Payment 520.12 131500 12/23/2011 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC. Payroll Vendor Payment 2,455.40 131501 12/23/2011 FLEX-PLAN SERVICES INC. Payroll Vendor Payment 165.00 131502 12/23/2011 HARTFORD LIFE INSURANCE Payroll Vendor Payment 8,525.00 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 131503 12/23/2011 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Payroll Vendor Payment 425.36 131504 12/23/2011 SEIU LOCAL 620 Payroll Vendor Payment 791.54 131505 12/23/2011 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 106099 Payroll Vendor Payment 311.61 131506 12/23/2011 VANTAGEPOINT TRNSFR AGT 304633 Payroll Vendor Payment 1,911.20 1050 12/27/2011 RABOBANK, N.A. Payroll Vendor Payment 45,261.23 1051 12/27/2011 EMPLOYMENT DEV DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 11,770.50 1052 12/27/2011 EMPLOYMENT DEV. DEPARTMENT Payroll Vendor Payment 1,358.45 131507 12/30/2011 ADVANCED SEPTIC&SEWER SVC Accounts Payable Check 125.00 131508 12/30/2011 AIR-RITE REFRIGERATION Accounts Payable Check 54,385.00 131509 12/30/2011 ALTHOUSE & MEADE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 2,393.75 131510 12/30/2011 AMERICAN MARBORG Accounts Payable Check 53.69 131511 12/30/2011 AMERICAN WEST TIRE&AUTO INC Accounts Payable Check 436.61 131512 12/30/2011 APPLIED EARTHWORKS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 796.03 131513 12/30/2011 ARR1S STUDIO ARCHITECTS Accounts Payable Check 5,032.53 131516 12/30/2011 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 981.94 131517 12/30/2011 AT&T Accounts Payable Check 409.49 131518 12/30/2011 ATASCADERO COMMUNITY Accounts Payable Check 1,935.00 131519 12/30/2011 ATASCADERO NEWS Accounts Payable Check 1,632.40 131520 12/30/2011 BRICK MARKERS USA Accounts Payable Check 50.00 131521 12/30/2011 TERRY BUCKLEY Accounts Payable Check 82.63 131522 12/30/2011 BURKE,WILLIAMS, & SORENSON LLP Accounts Payable Check 19,829.68 131523 12/30/2011 CA ETHICS& DEMOCRACY PROGRAM Accounts Payable Check 60.00 131524 12/30/2011 CALPORTLAND Accounts Payable Check 213.60 131525 12/30/2011 CHANNEL COUNTIES DIVISION Accounts Payable Check 70.00 131527 12/30/2011 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS Accounts Payable Check 2,006.69 131528 12/30/2011 KATHLEEN J. CINOWALT Accounts Payable Check 87.50 131529 12/30/2011 CITY OF ATASCADERO Accounts Payable Check 1,781.31 131530 12/30/2011 COASTAL COPY, LP Accounts Payable Check 108.02 131531 12/30/2011 COASTAL REPROGRAPHIC SERVICES Accounts Payable Check 114.53 131532 12/30/2011 CORELOGIC INF. SOLUTIONS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 100.00 131533 12/30/2011 CRYSTAL SPRINGS WATER Accounts Payable Check 44.34 131534 12/30/2011 CULLIGAN INDUSTRIAL WATER SYST Accounts Payable Check 35.00 131535 12/30/2011 DECOU LUMBER COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 22.67 131536 12/30/2011 DENNY'S RESTAURANT Accounts Payable Check 2,999.00 131537 12/30/2011 DFM ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 52.28 131538 12/30/2011 DOCUTEAM Accounts Payable Check 42.00 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 131539 12/30/2011 ECS IMAGING, INC. Accounts Payable Check 177.07 131540 12/30/2011 EL CAMINO CAR WASH LLC Accounts Payable Check 154.95 131541 12/30/2011 MARGARET FAGUNDES Accounts Payable Check 60.00 131542 12/30/2011 FARWEST LINE SPECIALTIES Accounts Payable Check 193.59 131543 12/30/2011 FDM SOFTWARE LTD. Accounts Payable Check 3,775.20 131544 12/30/2011 FENCE FACTORY ATASCADERO Accounts Payable Check 85.00 131545 12/30/2011 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC. Accounts Payable Check 211.63 131546 12/30/2011 FERRELL'S AUTO REPAIR Accounts Payable Check 136.50 131547 12/30/2011 GAS COMPANY Accounts Payable Check 1,300.00 131548 12/3012011 GEM AUTO PARTS Accounts Payable Check 348.69 131549 12/30/2011 GLENN'S REPAIR & RENTAL Accounts Payable Check 57,83 131550 12/30/2011 GOLDFARB& LIPMAN, LLP Accounts Payable Check 1,882.95 131551 12/30/2011 GOLDING CONCRETE SAWING Accounts Payable Check 441.00 131552 12/30/2011 GOLF VENTURES WEST, LLC Accounts Payable Check 125.84 131553 12/30/2011 GOPHER STOMPERS, INC. Accounts Payable Check 112.50 131554 12/30/2011 GRISANTI HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 24.30 131555 12/30/2011 BRADLEYA. HACKLEMAN Accounts Payable Check 515.40 131556 12/30/2011 KATHLEEN A. HARBOTTLE Accounts Payable Check 381.50 131557 12/30/2011 HART IMPRESSIONS PRINT&COPY Accounts Payable Check 534.69 131558 12/30/2011 MELINDAA. HARTMAN Accounts Payable Check 97.20 131559 12/30/2011 HARVEY'S HONEYHUTS Accounts Payable Check 2,338.50 131560 12/30/2011 HELPING HAND HEALTH EDUCATION Accounts Payable Check 50.00 131561 12/30/2011 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Accounts Payable Check 451.37 131562 12/30/2011 IRON MOUNTAIN RECORDS MGMNT Accounts Payable Check 35,72 131563 12/30/2011 J. CARROLL CORPORATION Accounts Payable Check 2,749.52 131564 12/30/2011 CAROL D. JANSSEN Accounts Payable Check 420.00 131565 12/30/2011 JIFFY LUBE Accounts Payable Check 35.19 131566 12/30/2011 KARP LAND SURVEYS Accounts Payable Check 105.00 131567 12/30/2011 KIRK CONSTRUCTION Accounts Payable Check 14,00729 131568 12/30/2011 KPRL 1230 AM Accounts Payable Check 320.00 131569 12/30/2011 L.N.CURTIS&SONS Accounts Payable Check 3,013.07 131570 12/30/2011 LEHIGH HANSON Accounts Payable Check 2,862.01 131571 12/30/2011 LIFE ASSIST, INC. Accounts Payable Check 891.53 131572 12/30/2011 BECKY MAXWELL Accounts Payable Check 66.04 131573 12/30/2011 MID-COAST GEOTECHNICAL, INC. Accounts Payable Check 760.00 131574 12/30/2011 MID-COAST MOWER& SAW, INC. Accounts Payable Check 146.29 131575 12/30/2011 MINER'S ACE HARDWARE Accounts Payable Check 102.22 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 131576 12/30/2011 MISSION UNIFORM SERVICE Accounts Payable Check 52.48 131577 12/30/2011 REON C MONSON Accounts Payable Check 117,00 131578 12/30/2011 MOSS, LEVY, &HARTZHEIM LLP Accounts Payable Check 3,000.00 131579 12/30/2011 NCI AFFILIATES, INC Accounts Payable Check 251.25 131580 12/30/2011 NEOPOST, INC. Accounts Payable Check 294.94 131581 12/30/2011 OCEANO SAND CO. Accounts Payable Check 1,430.89 131582 12/30/2011 OFFICE DEPOT INC. Accounts Payable Check 828.03 131583 12/30/2011 TARA ORLICK Accounts Payable Check 20.54 131584 12/30/2011 PACIFIC COAST GYMNASTICS CENTE Accounts Payable Check 101.33 131585 12/30/2011 PASO ROBLES FORD LINCOLN MERC Accounts Payable Check 3,391.46 131586 12/30/2011 PENFIELD & SMITH ENGINEERS INC Accounts Payable Check 360.00 131587 12/30/2011 PROCARE JANITORIAL SUPPLY,INC. Accounts Payable Check 418.87 131588 12/30/2011 DANITA RAMINHA Accounts Payable Check 60.00 131589 12/30/2011 RECOGNITION WORKS Accounts Payable Check 35.39 131590 12/30/2011 CHRISTOPHER R, ROBINSON Accounts Payable Check 300.00 131591 12/30/2011 MICHELLE R. ROGERS Accounts Payable Check 231.00 131592 12/30/2011 JUAN ROJERO Accounts Payable Check 336.25 131593 12/30/2011 S.W. MARTIN &ASSOCIATES Accounts Payable Check 11,083.33 131594 12/30/2011 FIDEL SALAMANCA Accounts Payable Check 65.54 131595 12/30/2011 SAN LUIS PERSONNEL INC. Accounts Payable Check 2,189.43 131596 12/30/2011 SAN LUIS POWERHOUSE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 810.00 131597 12/30/2011 SANTA MARIA TIRE, INC. Accounts Payable Check 20.00 131598 12/30/2011 SCOTT DAVIS CONSULTING Accounts Payable Check 1,462.50 131599 12/30/2011 SCOTT O'BRIEN FIRE&SAFETY CO Accounts Payable Check 146.94 131600 12/30/2011 SETINA MFG CO., INC. Accounts Payable Check 246.17 131601 12/30/2011 SLO COUNTY SHERIFF Accounts Payable Check 43.00 131602 12/30/2011 SO. CALIF. MUNICIPAL ATHLETIC Accounts Payable Check 210.00 131603 12/30/2011 STANLEY CONVERGENT SECURITY Accounts Payable Check 1,049.36 131604 12/30/2011 SUNLIGHT JANITORIAL Accounts Payable Check 275.00 131605 12/30/2011 TEMPLETON UNIFORMS Accounts Payable Check 154.16 131606 12/30/2011 THE LITERACY COUNCIL Accounts Payable Check 850.00 131607 12/30/2011 TOM'S MECHANICAL&HYDRAULIC Accounts Payable Check 42.00 131608 12/30/2011 TOSTE CONSTRUCTION, INC. Accounts Payable Check 13,984.13 131609 12/30/2011 ULTREX BUSINESS PRODUCTS Accounts Payable Check 300.98 131610 12/30/2011 UNIVAR USA, INC. Accounts Payable Check 5,842.12 131611 12/30/2011 URBAN FUTURES, INC. Accounts Payable Check 6,126.50 131612 12/30/2011 USA BLUE BOOK Accounts Payable Check 166.29 City of Atascadero Disbursement Listing For the Month of December 2011 Check Check Number Date Vendor Description Amount 131613 12/30/2011 VALLEY PACIFIC PETROLEUM SVCS Accounts Payable Check 2,692.74 131614 12/30/2011 VERSZON WIRELESS Accounts Payable Check 153.78 131615 12/30/2011 WALLACE GROUP Accounts Payable Check 3,793.44 131616 12/30/2011 WESTERN JANITOR SUPPLY Accounts Payable Check 106.48 131617 12/30/2011 WHITLOCK&WEINBERGER TRANS. Accounts Payable Check 700.00 $ 2,506,193.47 ITEM NUMBER: A- 4 DATE: 02/14/12 _Q 1918' �, 1979r i \AT�►Sr�uER�O Atascadero City Council Staff Report — Public Works Department Proposed Modification to the Sewer System Management Plan to Add Appendices to the Fats, Oil and Grease Section RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the Draft Resolution modifying the City's Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) to include appendices to the Fats Oil, and Grease Section (FOG), that establishes Administrative Guidelines and Provisions for further FOG Program implementation. DISCUSSION: Background: On May 2, 2006, The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopted Water Quality Order No. 2006-0003 which established the Statewide General WDRs for all publicly owned or operated sanitary sewer systems within the State of California. The WDRs required that all federal and state agencies, municipalities, counties, districts, and other public entities, that own or operate sanitary sewer systems greater than one mile in length that collect and/or convey untreated or partially treated wastewater to a publicly owned treatment facility in the State of California: 1. Report Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) to the SWRCB; and, 2. Develop and implement a Sewer System Management Plan On October 23, 2007, the City Council approved a draft Resolution allowing the Public Works Director to submit a draft Development Plan and Schedule for the City's Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) in compliance with the Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) for Sanitary Sewer Systems (Water Quality Order No. 2006-0003). The City's SSMP is, in large part, a reflection of our current management and maintenance practices. This document collected, described and documented the City's current levels of maintenance and operations in the City's sanitary sewer collection system and did not significantly expand our level of services except for the following three areas: ITEM NUMBER: A- 4 DATE: 02/14/12 1. Collection System Line Cleaning Enhancements 2. Geographic Information System (G.I.S.) Mapping of the Collection System 3. Fats, Oil and Grease (F.O.G.) program The mandated F.O.G. program established legal authority to prohibit discharges to the system and identify measures to prevent sanitary sewer overflows caused by fats, oil and grease. Additionally, the FOG program requires the installation of grease removing devices (such as traps or interceptors), design standards for removal devices, maintenance requirements, Best Management Practice (BMP) requirements, record keeping requirements, and reporting requirements. The goal of the FOG program is to minimize Sanitary Sewer Overflows in the City's collection system. On July 27, 2010, the City Council adopted a Draft Ordinance amending the City's Municipal Code requirements for prohibited discharges into the City sewage collection and treatment system, specifically related to facility maintenance, access for City inspection, and compliance with the City's Sanitary Sewer Management Plan (SSMP). Specific administrative guidelines and regulations are necessary to govern the FOG program. Analysis: The proposed FOG Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions are attached (Attachment 2). The guidelines and provisions will be added as appendices to the FOG chapter of the City's Sanitary Sewer Management Plan and will establish administrative review procedures. The procedures and guidelines will apply to the monitoring and testing requirements related to the amount of the permittee's allowable fats, oils, and grease discharge, as well as provide technical language and enforcement remedies. Significant elements of the proposed FOG Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions include: • Installation of food grinders in the plumbing system of new construction of Food Service Establishments will be prohibited. • Food Service Establishments will have to remove existing food grinders within 180 days. • Food Service Establishments will need to file an application for a FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit or Variance within 180 days. • The City will not require permit fees at this time, but may reevaluate permit fees in the future. Establishment of fees will partly depend on fats and oil plan compliance and program needs. • Existing Food Service Establishments will be required to install and maintain a grease interceptor within 3 years. • Grease interceptors will need to be cleaned yearly. • Grease traps will need to be cleaned every seven days or as recommended by the FOG Program Administrator. ITEM NUMBER: A- 4 DATE: 02/14/12 The above significant elements will be implemented from the effective date of the FOG Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions. Conclusion: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Draft Resolution modifying the City's Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) to include appendices to the Fats Oil, and Grease Section that establish Administrative Guidelines and Provisions for further FOG Program implementation. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Resolution 2. Proposed FOG Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions ITEM NUMBER: A- 4 DATE: 02/14/12 Attachment 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, MODIFYING THE CITY'S SEWER SYSTEM MANAGEMENT PLAN TO INCLUDE APPENDICES TO THE FATS, OIL, AND GREASE SECTION, TO ESTABLISH ADMINISTRATIVE GUIDELINES AND PROVISIONS FOR FURTHER FOG PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION WHEREAS, On May 2, 2006, the State Water Resources Control Board adopted Order No. 2006-0003, Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems; and, WHEREAS, the purpose of Order No. 2006-0003 is to develop a regulatory mechanism to provide a consistent statewide approach for reducing sanitary sewer overflows; and, WHEREAS, the City developed a plan and schedule for Order No. 2006-0003 compliance that was adopted by the City Council on October 23,2007; and, WHEREAS, On July 27, 2010, the City Council adopted a draft Ordinance amending the City's Municipal Code requirements for prohibited discharges into the City sewage collection and treatment system, specifically related to facility maintenance, access for City inspection, and compliance with the City's Sanitary Sewer Management Plan in order to minimize sanitary sewer overflows; and, WHEREAS, implementation of the Sanitary Sewer Management Plan - Fats, Oil and Grease Program - requires specific administrative guidelines and provisions for successful implementation; and, WHEREAS, the Public Works Director has reviewed the administrative guidelines and provisions that will be necessary to govern the Fats, Oil and Grease program in compliance with the plan and schedule and is recommending approval by City Council. NOW,THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,by the City Council of the City of Atascadero SECTION 1. That the City Council of the City of Atascadero approve a draft Resolution modifying the City's Sewer System Management Plan to include appendices to the Fats Oil, and Grease Section(FOG),that establishes Administrative Guidelines and Provisions for further FOG Program implementation. ITEM NUMBER: A- 4 DATE: 02/14/12 Attachment 1 City of Atascadero Resolution No.2012-xxxx Page Two On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member ,the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: February 14, 2012 CITY OF ATASCADERO By: Bob Kelley, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney ITEM NUMBER: A-4 DATE: 02/14/12 Attachment 2 City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions Appendices February 2012 m ii POUNDED I ® 111CORPOMAft 1913 _ 1979 � Ro FOG Administrative Provisions - Table of Contents ARTICLE 1-GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 PURPOSE 3 1.2 DEFINITIONS 3 ARTICLE 2-GENERAL LIMITATIONS,PROHIBITIONS AND REQUIREMEMNTS ON FATS,OILS AND GREASE(FOG)DISCHARGES 2.1 FOG DISCHARGE LIMITATION 7 2.2 GENERAL PROHIBITION 7 2.3 FOG DISCHARGE PROHIBITION 7 2.4 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES REQUIRED 8 2.5 FOG PRETREATMENT REQUIRED 8 2.6 NEW CONSTRUCTION OF FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS 8 2.7 EXISTING FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS 8 2.8 VARIANCE AND WAIVER OF GREASE INTERCEPTOR REQUIREMENT 9 2.9 GREASE DISPOSAL MITIGATION 10 ARTICLE 3-FOG WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMITS FOG 3.1 FOG WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT REQUIRED 12 3.2 FOG WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION 12 3.3 FOG WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT CONDITIONS 13 3.4 FOG WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION FEE 13 3.5 FOG WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT MODIFICATION OF TERMS&CONDITIONS 13 3.6 FOG WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT DURATION AND RENEWAL 14 3.7 NON-TRANSFERABILITY OF PERMITS 14 ARTICLE 4-FACILITY REQUIREMENTS 4.1 DRAWING SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 15 4.2 GREASE INTERCEPTOR REQUIREMENTS 15 4.3 GREASE INTERCEPTOR MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 16 4.4 GREASE TRAP REQUIREMENTS 16 4.5 GREASE TRAP MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS 17 4.6 REQUIREMENTS FOR BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 17 4.7 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES 17 ARTICLE 5-MONITORING,REPORTING,NOTIFICATION,AND INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS 5.1 MONITORING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 19 5.2 RECORD KEEPING REQUIREMENTS 19 5.3 RIGHT OF ENTRY: INSPECTION AND SAMPLING 20 5.4 NOTIFICATION OF SPILL 20 5.5 NOTIFICATION OF PLANNED CHANGES 21 ARTICLE 6-ENFORCEMENT 6.1 GENERAL PROCEDURE 22 6.2 DETERMINATION OF NON-COMPLIANCE WITH FOG WASTEWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT CONDITIONS 22 6.3 NOTIFICATION OF NON-COMPLIANCE 22 6.4 NOTIFICATION OF VIOLATION 22 6.5 NON-COMPLIANCE FEE 22 6.6 PERMIT SUSPENSION 23 6.7 PERMIT REVOCATION 23 6.8 EFFECT 24 6.9 BYPASS 24 6.10 DAMAGE TO FACILITIES OR INTERRUPTION OF NORMAL OPERATIONS 25 6.11 TERMINATION OF SERVICE 25 6.12 EMERGENCY SUSPENSION ORDER 26 ARTICLE 7-JUDICIAL ENFORCEMENT REMEDIES 7.1 CIVIL PENALTIES 27 7.2 CRIMINAL PROSECUTION 27 7.3 REMEDIES NON-EXCLUSIVE 28 7.4 FALSIFYING INFORMATION;DAMAGES TO MONITORING EQUIPMENT 28 City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions Article 1- General Provisions 1.1 Purpose A. The purpose of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions are to establish a FOG Control Program that will facilitate the maximum beneficial public use of the City of Atascadero's (City) sewer services and facilities while preventing blockages of the sewer facilities resulting from discharges of Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) to sewer trunk lines, and to specify appropriate FOG discharge requirements for Food Service Establishments (FSE). B. These administrative guidelines and provisions governs all FSE that discharge into the City sewer system. C. These FOG Administrative Guidelines and Provisions are intended to be consistent with all rules, policies and other applicable governmental actions of the City. These Administrative Guidelines and Provisions are not intended to contradict or repeal any rule, regulation, Ordinance, or other governmental action of the City. These Administrative Guidelines and Provisions supplements the City's existing rules,policies and other governmental actions, and addresses specifically the discharges of FOG into the wastewater system to the City. D. To comply with Federal, State, and local policies and to allow the City to meet applicable standards, provisions are made in the Ordinance for the regulations of wastewater or waste containing FOG discharges to the sewer facilities. E. These Administrative Guidelines and Provisions provides for the regulation of all FOG discharges into the sewer system. These Administrative Guidelines and Provisions establishes administrative review procedures; monitoring;potential testing and regulation of the amount of the Permittees' fats, oils, and grease discharge. The setting of fees for the equitable distribution of costs resulting from the program will be determined separately by the City Council. F. Except as otherwise provided, the City shall administer, implement, and enforce the provisions of this. 1.2 Definitions Unless a provision explicitly states otherwise, the following terms and phrases, as used in these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions, shall have the meanings hereinafter designated. "Act or "the Act"means The Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean Water Act, as amended, 33 U.S.C. & 1251 et. seq. "Authorized Representative of the Permittee" means the manager or person in charge of day to day operation of the establishment or any other person who performs similar Ordinance or decision-making functions for the establishment. "Best Management Practices" (BMP) means the schedules of activities,prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures and other management practices to prevent or reduce the City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions introduction of FOG to the Sewer facilities as more specifically provided in Sections 4.5 &4.6 of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions. "Bypass" means the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of an Industrial User's treatment facility. [40 CFR §403.17(a)] "Environmental Protection Agency" (EPA)means the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency or, where appropriate, the Regional Water Quality Control Division Director, or other duly authorized official of said agency. "Fats, Oils, and Grease" (FOG)means any substance such as a vegetable or animal product that is used in, or is a by-product of, the cooking or food preparation process, and that turns or may turn viscous or solidifies with a change in temperature or other conditions. "FOG Control Program"means the FOG Control Program required by and developed pursuant to RWQCB Order No. 2006-0003. "FOG Control Program Administrator" means the individual designated by the City Manager to administer the FOG Control Program. The FOG Control Program Administrator is responsible for all determinations of compliance with the program, including approval of discretionary variances and waivers. "Exclusion" Exclusion is only granted when an FSE is not connected to the Sewer System or all food is prepackaged. "Food Service Establishments" (FSE)means those establishments primarily engaged in activities of preparing, serving, or otherwise making available for consumption foodstuffs and that use one or more of the following preparation activities: cooking by frying(all methods), baking (all methods), grilling, sauteing, rotisserie cooking, broiling (all methods), boiling, blanching, roasting, toasting, or poaching. Also included are infrared heating, searing, barbecuing, and other food preparation activity that produces a hot, non-drinkable food product in or on a receptacle that requires washing. Examples of some FSE are, but are not limited to, full service restaurants, fast food establishments, delis, cafeterias (including church and school facilities where commercial equipment is installed and the frequency of use indicates more than occasional use), meat distributors, butchering, food processing facilities, grocery stores with food preparation/ service areas,bakeries, caterers, and/or similar types of operations. "Grab Sample" means a sample which is taken from a waste stream without regard to the flow in the waste stream and over a period of time not to exceed fifteen(15)minutes. "Grease Control Device" means any grease interceptor, grease trap or other mechanism, device, or process, which attaches to, or is applied to wastewater plumbing fixtures and lines, the purpose of which is to trap or collect or treat FOG prior to it being discharged onto the sewer system. "Grease Control Device"may also include any other proven method to reduce FOG subject to the approval of the City. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions "Grease Interceptor" (Gravity Grease Interceptor) is a device for separating and retaining waterborne fats, oils and grease prior to the wastewater exiting the interceptor and entering the City's sanitary sewer collection system. These devices also serve to collect settleable solids, generated by and from food preparation activities, prior to the water exiting the trap and entering the City's sanitary sewer collection system. Grease interceptors are large grease collectors located outside an FSE typically covered by a manhole cover. "Grease Trap" (Hydro mechanical Grease Interceptor) is a device for separating and retaining waterborne fats, oils and grease prior to the wastewater exiting the trap and entering the City's sanitary sewer collection system. These devices also serve to collect settleable solids, generated by and from food preparation activities,prior to the water exiting the trap and entering the City's sanitary sewer collection system. Grease traps are small grease collectors typically located inside an FSE near the dishwashing area. "Interference" means a discharge, which alone or in conjunction with other sources, inhibits or disrupts the City's treatment processes, operation, sludge processes, use or disposal; and therefore, is a cause of a violation of the City's GWDR permit. Interference can also be applicable to the prevention of beneficial sewage sludge use or disposal resulting in a violation of any of the following statutory/regulatory provisions or permits issued under, or any more stringent State or local regulations: Section 405 of the Clean Water Act; the Solid Waste Disposal Act, including Title II commonly referred to as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); and State regulations contained in any State sludge management plan prepared pursuant to Subtitle D of the Solid Waste Disposal Act; the Clean Air Act; the Toxic Substances Control Act; and the Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act. "Minimum Design Capability" means the design features of a grease trap/interceptor and its ability or volume required to effectively intercept and retain Greases from grease-laden wastewaters discharged to the City's sanitary sewer collection system. "Pass Through"means a discharge which exits the City treatment facility into waters of the state in quantities or concentrations which alone or in conjunction with a discharge of discharges from other sources, is a cause of a violation of any requirement and/or limit established in the City's GWDR permit(s), including an increase in the magnitude or duration of a violation. "POTW" means Publically Owned Treatment Works "Regulatory Agencies" mean those agencies having regulatory jurisdiction over the operations of the City, including, but not limited to: United States Environmental Protection Agency; California State Water Resources Control Board(SWRCB); California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 3 (RWQCB); San Luis Obispo County Health Department; and California Department of Fish and Game. "Renewal Permit" is granted on an annual basis when the conditions of the FSE have not substantially changed. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions "Remodel" means a physical change or operational change to any type of facility that results in meeting the criteria set forth in the definition of"FSE". "Sanitary Sewer Overflow" (SSO) is an event where untreated sewage is discharged into the environment. "Sewer System" consists of laterals, mains and trunk lines transporting wastewater that is treated by the City's treatment plant or facility. "Twenty-five Percent (25%) Rule" means the requirement for grease interceptors to be maintained such that the combined FOG and solids accumulation does not exceed 25% of the design hydraulic depth of the grease interceptor. This is to ensure that the minimum hydraulic retention time and required available hydraulic volume is maintained to effectively intercept and retain FOG discharged to the sewer system. "User" means any person or company that contributes to; causes or allows the contribution of wastewater into the City's sanitary sewer collection system. "Variance"may be granted when an FSE has negligible FOG discharge and an insignificant impact to the sewer system. Words used in these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions in the singular may include the plural and the plural in the singular. Use of masculine or feminine may be used interchangeably. Shall is mandatory; May is permissive or discretionary. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions Article 2 - General Limitations, Prohibitions and Requirements On Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) Discharges 2.1 Fog Discharge Limitation No FSE shall discharge or cause to be discharged into the sewer system FOG that may accumulate and/or cause or contribute to blockages in the sewer system or at the sewer system lateral which connects to FSE to the sewer system. 2.2 General Prohibition The following prohibitions shall apply to all Food Service Establishments: A. Introduction of any additives into an FSE's wastewater system for the purpose of emulsifying FOG or biologically/chemically treating FOG for grease remediation or as a supplement to interceptor maintenance, unless a specific written authorization from the FOG control Program Administrator is obtained.. B. Disposal of waste cooking oil into drainage pipes is prohibited. All waste cooking oils shall be collected and stored properly in receptacles such as barrels or drums for recycling or other acceptable methods of disposal. C. Discharge of food grinders to any grease trap or grease interceptor is prohibited. Installation of food grinders in the plumbing system of new construction of FSEs shall be prohibited. All food grinders shall be removed from all existing FSEs within 180 days of the effective date of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions , except when expressly allowed by the FOG Control Program Administrator. D. Discharge of wastewater with temperatures in excess 140°F to any grease control device, including grease traps and grease interceptors, is prohibited. E. Discharge waste from toilets, urinals, wash basins, and other fixtures containing fecal materials to sewer lines intended for grease interceptor service, or vice versa, is prohibited. F. Discharge of any waste including FOG and solid materials removed from the grease control device to the sewer system is prohibited. Grease removed from grease interceptors shall be waste hauled periodically as part of the operation and maintenance requirements for grease interceptors. G. Discharge of wastewater from dishwashers to any grease trap or grease interceptor is prohibited. H. Operation of grease interceptors or grease traps with FOG and solids accumulation exceeding 25% of the of the design hydraulic depth of the grease interceptor(25%rule). 2.3 FOG Discharge Prohibition A. No person shall discharge, or cause to discharge any wastewater from FSE directly or indirectly into the sewer system without first obtaining a FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit or Variance. B. Within 180 days of the effective date of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions , all FSE in the City shall file an application for a FOG Wastewater Permit or Variance City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions with the City. Any person who wishes to open or operate a pre-existing FSE as a new owner following the effective date of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions shall apply for and obtain a FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit or Variance prior to opening or operating such FSE. C. Any FSE proposing to change the volume or characteristics of an existing discharge is required to inform the City. A determination regarding whether a new permit or Variance is required shall be made within a reasonable amount of time. If the proposed change requires a revision in a current local permit or requires that a different type of permit be issued, the User shall apply to the City for an appropriate FOG Discharge Permit within forty-five (45) days of receiving notification of such requirement. 2.4 Best Management Practices Required All FSEs shall implement Best Management Practices in its operation to minimize the discharge of FOG to the sewer system. Detailed requirements for Best Management Practices are specified in Section 7-8.005.3g of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions. This may include kitchen practices and employee training that is essential in minimizing FOG discharge. 2.5 FOG Pretreatment Required All FSE are required to install, operate and maintain an approved type and adequately sized grease interceptor or grease trap. The device used shall be adequate to separate and remove FOG contained in the wastewater discharge from the FSE prior to discharge to the sewer system. Any fixtures, equipment and drain lines located in the food preparation and clean up areas of FSE that are sources of FOG discharges shall be plumbed to a grease interceptor or grease trap. 2.6 New Construction of Food Service Establishments All new construction of FSE shall require a building permit which shall include the installation of a grease interceptors or grease traps prior to commencing discharges of wastewater to the sewer system. 2.7 Existing Food Service Establishments A. For existing FSE, the requirement to install and to properly operate and maintain a grease interceptor may be conditionally stayed, that is, delayed in its implementation by the FOG Control Program Administrator for a maximum period of three years from the effective date of this ordinance). The City finds that this time period is a reasonable implementation period for existing FSE that are operating without a grease interceptor. B. Existing FSE,which have caused or contributed to grease-related blockage in the sewer system, or which have sewer laterals connected to areas that require continual maintenance, or which have been determined to contribute significant FOG to the sewer system by the City's FOG Control Program Administrator based on inspection or sampling, shall be deemed to have reasonable potential to adversely impact the sewer system and shall install grease interceptors within 180 days upon notification by the City. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions C. Existing FSE or FSE that change ownership, that undergo tenant improvements or a change in operations as defined in Section 7-8.005a of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions, shall be required to install a grease interceptor. 2.8 Variance and Waiver of Grease Interceptor Requirement A. Variance from Grease Trap/Interceptor Requirements; An existing FSE may obtain a variance from the grease interceptor requirement to allow alternative pretreatment technology that is, at least, equally effective in controlling the FOG discharge in lieu of a grease interceptor, if the FSE demonstrates that it is impossible or impracticable to install, operate or maintain a grease interceptor. The FOG Control Program Administrator's determination to grant a variance will be based upon,but not limited to, evaluation of the following conditions: 1. There is no adequate space for installation and/or maintenance of a grease interceptor. 2. There is no adequate slope for gravity flow between kitchen plumbing fixtures and the grease interceptor and/or between the grease interceptor and the private collection lines or the public sewer. 3. The FSE can justify that the alternative pretreatment technology is equivalent or better than a grease interceptor in controlling its FOG discharge. In addition, the FSE must be able to demonstrate, after installation of the proposed alternative pretreatment, its effectiveness to control FOG discharge through downstream visual monitoring of the sewer system, for at least three (3)months, at its own expense. A Variance may be granted if the results show no visible accumulation of FOG in its lateral and/or tributary downstream sewer lines. B. Conditional Waiver from Installation of Grease Interceptor. An existing FSE may obtain a conditional waiver from installation of a grease interceptor, if the FSE demonstrates that it has negligible FOG discharge and insignificant impact to the sewer system. Although a waiver from installation of a grease interceptor may be granted, the FSE may be required to provide space and plumbing segregation for future installation of a grease interceptor. The FOG Control Program Administrator's determination to grant or revoke a conditional waiver shall be based upon, but not limited to, evaluation of the following conditions: 1. Quantity of FOG discharge as measured or as indicated by the size of FSE based on seating capacity, number of meals served, menu, water usage, amount of on-site consumption of prepared food and other conditions that may reasonable be shown to contribute to FOG discharges. 2. Adequacy of implementation of Best Management Practices and compliance history. 3. Sewer size, grade, condition based on visual information, FOG deposition in the sewer by the FSE, and history of maintenance and sewage spills in the receiving sewer system. 4. Changes in operations that significantly affect FOG discharge. 5. Any other condition deemed reasonably related to the generation of FOG discharges by the FOG Control Program Manager. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions C. Application for Waiver or Variance of Requirement for Grease Interceptor. An FSE may submit an application for waiver or variance from the grease interceptor requirement to the FOG Control Program Administrator. The FSE bears the burden of demonstrating, to the FOG Control Program Administrator's reasonable satisfaction, that the installation of a grease interceptor is not feasible or applicable. Upon determination by the FOG Control Program Manager that reasons are sufficient to justify a variance or waiver, the permit will be issued or revised to include the variance or waiver and relieve the Food Service Establishment from the requirement. D. Terms and Conditions. A variance or waiver shall contain terms and conditions that serve as basis for its issuance. A waiver or variance may be revoked at any time when any of the terms and conditions for its issuance is not satisfied or if the conditions upon which the waiver was based change so that the justification for the waiver no longer exists. The waiver or variance shall be valid so long as the FSE remains in compliance with their terms and conditions until the expiration date specified in the variance or waiver. 2.9 Grease Disposal Mitigation A. All FOG interceptors and or grease traps shall be cleaned on a regular basis at the User's expense to ensure efficient operation of the Interceptor. These Administrative Guidelines and Provisions require that all Interceptors be cleaned no less than annually and grease traps be cleaned a minimum of every seven(7) days or as determined by the FOG Program Administrator. The necessary frequency of cleaning will vary greatly depending on the nature of the establishment. B. Authorized City personnel shall be allowed access to grease interceptors and or grease traps within or near the facility for the purpose of inspection and/or to verify compliance with these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions. C. Maintenance of below ground grease interceptors shall be performed only by a licensed grease interceptor cleaning service at the FSE expense. Smaller under-the-counter grease traps can be cleaned by an approved licensed grease trap cleaning service or by in-house staff of the FSE. D. FSE found to have contributed to a sewer blockage, Sewer System Overflows (SSO) or any sewer system interferences resulting from the discharge of wastewater or waste containing FOG, shall be ordered to install and maintain a grease interceptor, grease trap or other approved grease control device, and may be subject to a plan to abate the nuisance and prevent any future health hazards created by sewer line failures and blockages, SSOs or any other sewer system interferences. SSOs may cause threat and injury to public health, safety, and welfare of life and property and are hereby declared public nuisances. Furthermore, sewer lateral failures and SSO caused by FSE alone or collectively, are the responsibility of the private property owner or FSE, and individual(s) as a responsible officer or owner of the FSE. . E. If the City must act immediately to contain and clean up an SSO caused by blockage of a private or public sewer lateral or system serving an FSE, or at the request of the property owner or operator of the FSE, or because of the failure of the property owner or FSE to abate the condition causing immediate threat of injury to the health, safety, welfare, or property of the public, the City's costs for such abatement shall be entirely borne by the property owner or operator of the FSE, and individual(s) as a responsible officer or owner City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions of the FSE and may constitute a debt to the City and become due and payable upon the City's request for reimbursement of such costs. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions Article 3 - FOG Wastewater Discharge Permits 3.1 FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit Required A. FSE proposing to discharge currently discharging wastewater containing FOG into the City's sewer system shall obtain a FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit from the City. B. FOG Wastewater Discharge Permits shall be expressly subject to all provisions of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions and all other regulations, charges for use, and fees established by the City. The conditions of FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit shall be enforced by the City in accordance with these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions and applicable to any State and Federal Regulations. 3.2 FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit Application A. Any person required to obtain a FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit shall complete and file with the City prior to commencing or continuing discharges, a form prescribed by the City. The applicable fees shall accompany the application. The applicant shall submit, in units and terms appropriate for evaluation, the following information: 1. Name,physical and mailing address,telephone number, assessors' parcel number(s), description of the FSE, operation, cuisine service activities, or clients using the applicant's services. 2. (Whichever is applicable)Name, address of any and all principals/owners/major shareholders of the FSE; Articles of Incorporation; most recent Report of the Secretary of State; Business License. 3. Name and address of property owner or lessor and the property manager where the FSE is located. 4. Practices currently in use to reduce FOG. 5. Any other information as specified in the permit application. 6. Applicants may be required to submit facility plans,plumbing plans, and details to show all sewers, FOG control device, grease interceptor or other pretreatment equipment and appurtenances by size, and location, for evaluation. 7. Other information related to the applicant's business operations and potential discharge may be requested to properly evaluate the permit application. B. After evaluation of the furnished data, the City may issue a FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit, subject to terms and conditions set forth in this Ordinance and as otherwise determined by the FOG Control Program Administrator to be appropriate to protect the City's sewer system. 3.3 FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit Conditions The issuance of a FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit may contain any of the following conditions or limits: A. Limits on discharge of FOG and other priority pollutants. B. Requirements for proper operation and maintenance of grease interceptors and other grease control devices. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions C. Grease interceptor maintenance frequency and schedule. D. Requirements for implementation of Best Management Practices and installation of adequate grease interceptor and/or grease control device. E. Requirements for maintaining and reporting status of Best Management Practices. F. Requirements for maintaining and submitting logs and/or records, including waste hauling records and waste manifests. G. Requirements for the FSE to construct, operate and maintain, at its Owners expense, FOG control device. H. Additional requirements as otherwise determined to be reasonably appropriate by the City FOG Control Program Administrator to protect the City's system or as specified by other Regulatory Agencies. I. Other terms and conditions,which may be reasonably applicable to ensure compliance with this Ordinance. 3.4 FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit Fee The FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit fee shall be waived at this time, however, the City reserves the ability to reevaluate and implement the FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit fee in the future. The FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit fee shall be paid by the applicant in an amount adopted by resolution of the City of Atascadero. Payment of the permit fee must be received at the time of filing the application for the permit. All delinquent fees must be paid prior to issuance of renewal permits. 3.5 FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit Modification of Terms & Conditions A. The terms and conditions of an issued permit may be subject to modification and change by the sole determination of the City FOG Control Program Administrator during the life of the permit based on: 1. The discharger's current or anticipated operating data. 2. The City's current or anticipated operating data. 3. Changes in the requirements of Federal, State or County Regulatory Agencies which affect the City; or 4. A determination by the City FOG Control Program Administrator that such modification is appropriate to further the objectives of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions. B. The User may request a modification to the terms and conditions of an issued permit. The request shall be in writing stating the requested change, and include reasons for the change. The City FOG Control Program Administrator shall review the request, make a determination on the request, and respond in writing. C. The Permittee shall be informed of any change in the permit limits, conditions, or requirements at least forty-five days (45)prior to the effective date of the change. Any changes shall include a reasonable time schedule for compliance. 3.6 FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit Duration and Renewal FOG Wastewater Discharge Permits shall be issued for a period not to exceed three (3) years. At least 60 days prior to the expiration of the permit, the User shall apply for renewal in accordance with the FSE permit. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions 3.7 Non-Transferability of Permits FOG Wastewater Discharge Permits issued under these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions are for a specific FSE, for a specific operation and create no vested rights. A. No permit holder shall assign, transfer, or sell any FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit issued under these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions or use any such permit for or on any premises or for facilities or operations or discharges not expressly encompassed within the underlying permit. B. No permit can be transferred to a new owner or operator or to a new facility. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions Article 4 - Facility Requirements 4.1 Drawing Submittal Requirements Upon request by the City: A. Food Service Establishments may be required to submit two copies of facility site plans, mechanical and plumbing plans, and details to show all sewer locations and connections. The submittal shall be in a form and content acceptable to the City for review of existing or proposed grease control device, grease interceptor, monitoring facilities, metering facilities, and operating procedures. The review of the plans and procedures shall in no way relieve the Food Service Establishments of the responsibility of modifying the facilities or procedures in the future, as necessary to produce an acceptable discharge, and to meet the requirements of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions or any requirements of other Regulatory Agencies. B. Applicants may be required to submit site plans, floor plans, mechanical and plumbing plans, and details to show all sewers, FOG control device, grease interceptor or other pretreatment equipment and appurtenances by size, location, and elevation for evaluation. C. Food Service Establishments may be required to submit a schematic drawing of the FOG control device, grease interceptor or other pretreatment equipment, piping and instrumentation diagram, and wastewater characterization report. D. The City may require the drawings be prepared by a California Registered Civil, Chemical, Mechanical, or Electrical Engineer. 4.2 Grease Interceptor Requirements A. All FSE shall discharge wastewater acceptable to the City,under the requirements and standards established herein before discharging to any public sewer. Any FSE required to provide FOG pretreatment shall install, operate, and maintain an approved type and adequately sized grease interceptor necessary to maintain compliance with the objectives of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions. B. Grease interceptor sizing and installation shall conform to the current edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), and manufacturers specifications. Grease interceptors shall be constructed in accordance with the design approved by the Chief Building Official or City designee and shall have a minimum of two compartments with fittings designed for grease retention. C. The grease interceptor shall be installed at a location where it shall be at all times readily accessible for inspection, cleaning, and removal of accumulated grease. D. Access manholes, with a minimum diameter of 24 inches, shall be provided over each grease interceptor chamber and sanitary tee. The access manholes shall extend at least to finished grade and be designed and maintained to prevent water inflow or infiltration. The manholes shall also have readily removable covers to facilitate inspection, grease removal, and wastewater sampling activities. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions 4.3 Grease Interceptor Maintenance Requirements A. Grease interceptors shall be maintained in efficient operating condition by removal of the full content of the interceptor which includes wastewater accumulated FOG, floating materials, sludge and solids. B. No FOG that has accumulated in a grease interceptor shall be allowed to pass into any sewer lateral, sewer system, storm drain, or public right of way during maintenance activities. C. FSE with grease interceptors shall be required to submit data and information necessary to establish the maintenance frequency of grease interceptors. D. Grease interceptors shall be fully pumped out and cleaned at a frequency such that the combined FOG and solids accumulation does not exceed 25% of the total designed hydraulic depth of the grease interceptor. This is to ensure that the minimum hydraulic retention time and required available hydraulic volume is maintained to effectively intercept and retain FOG discharged to the sewer system. All shall maintain their grease interceptor no less than on an annual basis. E. If the grease interceptor, at any time, contains FOG and solids in excess of 25% of the total designed hydraulic depth, the FSE shall be required to have the grease interceptor serviced immediately such that all fats, oils, grease, sludge, and other materials are completely removed from the grease interceptor. If deemed necessary, the City FOG Control Program Administrator may also increase the maintenance frequency of the grease interceptor from the current frequency. F. If deemed to be an imminent threat of injury to the health, safety, welfare, or property of the public, the FOG Control Program Administrator may arrange for immediate service of the grease interceptor, with the City's costs for such abatement entirely borne by the property owner or operator of the FSE, and individual(s) as a responsible officer or owner of the FSE and may constitute a debt to the City and become due and payable upon the City's request for reimbursement of such costs. G. Wastewater, accumulated FOG, floating materials, sludge/solids, and other materials removed from the grease interceptor shall be disposed off site properly by waste haulers in accordance with all applicable federal, state and/or local laws. H. Grease interceptor cleaning records shall be maintained on-site for a minimum of three years. 4.4 Grease Trap Requirements A. Sizing and installation of grease traps shall conform to the current edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC), and manufacturer's specifications. B. Grease traps shall be inspected periodically to check for leaking seams and pipes, and for effective operation of the baffles and flow regulating device. Grease traps and their baffles shall be maintained free of all FOG and waste. Removable baffles shall be removed and cleaned during the maintenance process. C. Food waste disposal units shall not be connected to or discharged into any grease trap. D. Grease traps shall be provided with an approved type of vented Flow Control Device (FCD), in conformance with the current edition of the UPC. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions E. FCD shall be designed and installed so that the total flow through such a device or devices shall at no time be greater than the rated flow of the grease trap. F. No FCD, having adjustable or removable parts shall be approved by the City. G. The vented FCD shall be located such that no system vent shall be between the flow control device and the grease trap inlet. H. No vent or air inlet of the FCD shall connect with the sanitary drainage vent, as required by the UPC, or shall terminate through the roof of the building, and shall not terminate to the free atmosphere inside the building. I. A vent shall be installed downstream of the grease trap in accordance with the requirements set forth in the current edition of the UPC. 4.5 Grease Trap Maintenance Requirements A. Grease traps shall be maintained in efficient operating conditions by removing accumulated grease on a weekly basis. B. Grease traps shall be maintained free of all food solids and any FOG waste removed during the cleaning and scraping process. C. Grease trap cleaning records shall be maintained on-site for a minimum of three years. 4.6 Requirements for Best Management Practices A. All FSE shall implement Best Management Practices in accordance with the requirements and guidelines established by the City under its FOG Control Program in an effort to minimize the discharge of FOG to the sewer system. B. All FSE shall be required to comply with Best Management Practices (BMP), when applicable. 4.7 Best Management Practices A. All FSE shall implement Best Management Practices in accordance with the requirements and guidelines established by the City under its FOG Control Program in an effort to minimize the discharge of FOG to the sewer system. B. All Food Service Establishments shall be required, at a minimum, to comply with the following Best Management Practices, when applicable: 1. Installation of drain screens. Drain screens shall be installed on all drainage pipes in food preparation areas. 2. Segregation and collection of waste cooking oil. All waste cooking oil shall be collected and stored properly in recycling receptacles such as barrels or drums. Such recycling receptacles shall be maintained properly to ensure that they do not leak. Licensed waste haulers or an approved recycling facility must be used to dispose of waste cooking oil. 3. Disposal of food waste. All food waste shall be disposed of directly into the trash or garbage, and not in sinks. Double-bagging food wastes that have the potential to leak in trash bins is highly recommended. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions 4. Employee training. Employees of the food service establishment shall be trained by ownership/management periodically as specified in the permit, on the following subjects: a) How to "dry wipe"pots,pans, dishware and work areas before washing to remove grease. b) How to properly dispose of food waste and solids in enclosed plastic bags prior to disposal in trash bins or containers to prevent leaking and odors. c) The location and use of absorption products to clean under fryer baskets and other locations where grease may be spilled or dripped. d) How to properly dispose of grease or oils from cooking equipment into a grease receptacle such as a barrel or drum without spilling. e) Training shall be documented and employee signatures retained indicating each employee's attendance and understanding of the practices reviewed. Training records shall be available for review at any reasonable time by the FOG Control Program Administrator. 5. Maintenance of kitchen exhaust filters. Filters shall be cleaned as frequently as necessary to be maintained in good operating condition. The wastewater generated from cleaning the exhaust filter shall be disposed of properly. 6. Kitchen signage. Best management and waste minimization practices shall be posted conspicuously in the food preparation and dishwashing areas at all times. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions Article 5 -Monitoring,Reporting, Notification, and Inspection Requirements 5.1 Monitoring and Reporting Requirements A. The FOG Control Program Administrator may require periodic reporting of the status of implementation of Best Management Practices, in accordance with the FOG Control Program. B. The City FOG Control Program Administrator may require video monitoring at the sole expense of the Permittee to observe the actual conditions of the FSE connection to sewer system and sewer lines downstream. C. The City FOG Control Program Administrator may require sampling reports for the self- monitoring of FOG wastewater which may be necessary for determining compliance with any conditions or requirements as specified in the FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit or these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions. Monitoring reports concerning the analysis of FOG wastewater shall be in a manner and form approved by the City FOG Control Program Administrator and shall be submitted upon request of the City FOG Control Program Administrator. Failure by the User to perform any required monitoring, or to maintain monitoring reports required by the City FOG Control Program Administrator constitutes a violation of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions and be cause for the City to initiate all necessary tasks and analysis to determine wastewater constituents for compliance with any conditions and requirements specified in the FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit or in these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions. The User shall be responsible for any and all expenses of the City in undertaking such monitoring analyses and preparation of reports. D. Other reports may be required such as compliance schedule progress reports, FOG Control Monitoring Reports, and any other reports deemed reasonably appropriate by the FOG Control Program Administrator to ensure compliance with these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions. 5.2 Record Keeping Requirements A. The User shall keep all manifests, receipts and invoices of all cleaning, maintenance, grease removal of/from the grease control device, disposal carrier and disposal site location for no less than three (3) years. The User shall, upon request, make the manifests, receipts and invoices available to any City representative, or inspector. B. These records may include: 1. A log book of grease interceptor, grease trap or grease control device cleaning and maintenance practices. 2. A record of Best Management Practices being implemented including employee training. 3. Copies of records and manifests of waste hauling interceptor contents. 4. Records of sampling data and sludge height monitoring for FOG and solids accumulation in the grease interceptors. 5. Records of any spills and/or cleaning of the lateral or sewer system. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions 6. Any other information deemed appropriate by the FOG Control Program Administrator to ensure compliance with these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions. C. It shall be unlawful to make any false statement, representation, record, report, plan or other document that is filed with the City, or to tamper with or knowingly render inoperable any grease control device, monitoring device or method or access point required under these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions. 5.3 Right of Entry: Inspection and Sampling A. City personnel and/or other authorized representatives of the City shall have the right to enter the premises of any User to determine whether the User is complying with all requirements of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions or order issued hereunder. Users shall allow the City ready access to all parts of the premises for the purposes of inspection, sampling,records examination, and the performance of any additional duties. B. Should a User have security measures in force which require proper identification and clearance before entry into its premises, the User shall make necessary arrangements with its security guards so that, upon presentation of suitable identification, the City will be permitted to enter without delay for the purposes of performing specific responsibilities as set forth above. C. The City shall have the right to set up on the User's property, or require installation of, such devices as are necessary to conduct sampling and/or metering of the User's operations. D. Any temporary or permanent obstruction preventing safe and easy access to the facility area to be inspected and/or sampled shall be promptly removed by the User at the written or verbal request of the City and shall not be replaced. The costs of clearing such access shall be borne by the User. E. Unreasonable delays in allowing the City access to the User's premises during normal business hours shall be a violation of this Ordinance. 5.4 Notification of Spill A. In the event a Permittee is unable to comply with any permit condition due to a breakdown of equipment, accidents, or human error or the User has reasonable opportunity to know that his/her/its discharge will exceed the discharge provisions of the FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit or these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions, the discharger shall immediately notify the City by telephone at the number specified in the Permit. If the material discharged to the sewer has the potential to cause or result in sewer blockages or SSO, the discharger shall immediately notify the County Health Department and the City. B. Confirmation of this notification shall be made in writing to the City FOG Control Program Administrator at the address specified in the Permit no later than five working days from the date of the incident. The written notification shall state the date of the incident, the reason for the discharge or spill, what steps were taken to immediately City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions correct the problem, and what steps are being taken to prevent the problem from recurring. C. Such notification shall not relieve the User of any expense, loss, damage or other liability which may be incurred as a result of damage or loss to the City or any other damage or loss to person or property; nor shall such notification relieve the User of any fees or other liability which may be imposed by this Ordinance or other applicable law. 5.5 Notification of Planned Changes Users shall notify the City at least 60 days prior to any facility expansion/tenant improvements, or process modifications that may result in new or substantially increased FOG discharges or a change in the nature of the discharge. Users shall notify the City in writing of the proposed expansion or remodeling and shall submit any information requested by the City for evaluation of the effect the expansion/re-model may have on the Sewer System. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions Article 6 -Enforcement 6.1 General Procedure The City, at its discretion, may utilize any one, combination, or all enforcement remedies provided in response to any permit or Ordinance violations. 6.2 Determination of Non-Compliance with FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit Conditions A. Sampling and inspection of FSE shall be conducted in the time,place, manner, and frequency determined at the sole discretion of the City FOG Control Program Administrator. B. Noncompliance with permit discharge conditions, or any discharge provisions of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions may be determined by an inspection of grease control device, grease interceptor and associated manifest and documentation; dye testing; and analysis of a grab or composite sample of the effluent of an FSE. C. Any sample taken from an approved sample point is considered to be representative of the discharge to the public sewer. All costs associated with sampling shall be at the Users expense. 6.3 Notification of Non-Compliance When the City finds that a User has violated any provision of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions or order, the City may serve upon that User a written Notice of Non- Compliance and will have 30 days from the date of written notice to reach compliance. 6.4 Notification of Violation When the City finds that a User has violated the conditions set forth as part of the Notice of Non-Compliance, and/or continues to violate, any provision of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions, or order issued hereunder, any other FOG Ordinance Standard or Requirement, the City may serve upon that User a written Notice of Violation. The User will then correct the specified violation within a 14 day corrective timeline provided by the City. A plan for corrective actions may also be submitted by the User to the City. Submission of this plan in no way relieves the User of liability for any violations occurring before or after receipt of the Notice of Violation. 6.5 Non-Compliance Fee Any User determined to be in noncompliance with the terms and conditions specified or with any provision of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions shall pay a noncompliance fee. The purpose of the noncompliance fee is to compensate the City for costs of additional inspections and follow-up, sampling, monitoring, laboratory analysis, treatment, disposal, and administrative processing incurred as a result of the continued non-compliance, and shall be in City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions addition to and not in lieu of any penalties as may be assessed. Non Compliance fees shall be in an amount adopted by resolution by the City. 6.6 Permit Suspension A. The FOG Control Program Administrator may suspend the FOG Waste Discharge Permit when it is determined that a Permittee: 1. Fails to comply with the terms and conditions of a CSA order. 2. Knowingly provides a false statement, representation, record, report, or other document to the City. 3. Refuses to provide records, reports,plans, or other documents required by the City to determine permit terms or conditions, discharge compliance, or compliance with these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions. 4. Falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or sample collection method. 5. Refuses reasonable access to the Permittees premises for the purpose of inspection and monitoring. 6. Does not make timely payment of all amounts owed to the City for user charges, permit fees, or any other fees imposed pursuant to these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions. 7. Causes interference, sewer blockages, or SSOs with the City's collection, treatment, or disposal system. 8. Violates grease interceptor maintenance requirements, any condition or limit of its discharge permit or any provision of the City's Ordinance. B. The City may immediately suspend a FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit after any written notice to the User has been issued, or when such suspension is necessary to stop an actual or threatened discharge which reasonably appears to present or cause imminent or substantial endangerment to the health or welfare of persons. C. The City may also immediately suspend a FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit, after notice and opportunity to respond to such notice, that threatens to interfere with the operation of the Sewer Collection and Treatment System, or which presents, or may present, an endangerment to the environment. D. Any User notified of a suspension of discharge shall immediately stop or eliminate its contribution. In the event of a User's failure to immediately comply voluntarily with the suspension order, the City shall take such steps as deemed necessary, including immediate severance of the sewer connection, to prevent or minimize damage to the sewer collection and treatment system, its receiving waters, or endangerment to any persons. The City may allow the User to recommence its discharge when the User has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the City that the period of endangerment has passed. 6.7 Permit Revocation A. The FOG Control Program Administrator may revoke any permit when it is determined that a User: 1. Knowingly provides a false statement, representation, record, report, or other document to the City. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions 2. Refuses to provide records, reports,plans, or other documents required. 3. Falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or sample collection method. 4. Fails to comply with the terms and conditions of permit suspension. 5. Discharges effluent to the City sewer system while its permit is suspended. 6. Refuses reasonable access to the User's premises for the purpose of inspection and monitoring. 7. Does not make timely payment of all amounts owed to the City for User charges, permit fees, or any other fees imposed pursuant to these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions. 8. Causes interference, sewer blockages, or SSO to the City. 9. Violates grease interceptor or trap maintenance, which results in unapproved discharge quantity and composition. B. When the FOG Control Program Administrator has reason to believe that grounds exist for the revocation of a permit, he/she shall give written notice to the User. C. In the event the FOG Control Program Administrator determines to not revoke the permit, he/she may order other enforcement actions, including, but not limited to, a temporary suspension of the permit,under terms and conditions that he/she deems appropriate. 6.8 Effect A. Upon an order of revocation by the FOG Control Program Administrator becoming final, the User shall permanently lose all rights to discharge wastewater containing FOG directly or indirectly into the City's system. The City shall additionally have the right to shut off water service to the affected property that is subject to the order of revocation. B. Lien Rights. The City shall have the right to place a lien on the property affected by the order of revocation to cover all costs, administrative and including legal, as a part of that lien. C. Each owner or responsible management employee of the User shall be bound by the order of revocation. D. Any future application for a permit at any location within the City by any person associated with a notice of revocation will be considered after fully reviewing the records of the revoked permit, which records may be the basis for denial of a new permit. 6.9 Bypass A. Bypass is prohibited, and the City may take an enforcement action against a User for a Bypass,unless authorized by the City or unless: 1. Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, serious personal injury, or severe property damage. 2. There were no feasible alternatives to the Bypass, such as the use of auxiliary Interceptor facilities, retention of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate back- up equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions to prevent a bypass which occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventative maintenance. B. If a User knows in advance of the need for a bypass, the User shall submit prior notice to the City, at least ten (10) days before the date of the bypass, if possible. C. A User shall submit written notice to the City of an unanticipated bypass that exceeds applicable FOG Administrative Guidelines and Provisions within twenty-four(24) hours. A written submission shall also be provided within five (5) days of the time the User becomes aware of the bypass. The written submission shall contain a description of the bypass and its cause; the duration of the bypass, including exact dates and times, and, if the bypass has not been corrected, the anticipated time it is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the bypass. The City may waive the written report on a case-by-case basis if the oral report has been received within twenty-four(24)hours. 6.10 Damage to Facilities or Interruption of Normal Operations A. Any person who discharges any waste which causes or contributes to any sewer blockage, SSOs, obstruction, interference, damage, or any other impairment to the City's sewer facilities or to the operation of those facilities shall be liable for all costs required to clean or repair the facilities together with expenses incurred by the City to resume normal operations. A service charge of twenty-five percent (25%) of the City's costs shall be added to the costs and charges to reimburse the City for miscellaneous overhead, including administrative personnel and record keeping. The total amount shall be payable within forty five (45) days of invoicing by the City. B. Any person who discharges a waste which causes or contributes to the City violating its discharge requirements established by any Regulatory Agency incurring additional expenses or suffering losses or damage to the facilities, shall be liable for any costs or expenses incurred by the City, including regulatory fines,penalties, and assessments made by other agencies or a court. 6.11 Termination of Service A. The City may physically terminate sewer service to any property as follows: 1. On a term of any order of suspension or revocation of a permit; or 2. Upon the failure of a person not holding a valid FOG Wastewater Discharge Permit to immediately cease the discharge, whether direct or indirect, to the City's sewer facilities after notice and process. B. All costs for physical termination shall be paid by the owner or operator of the FSE or Permittee as well as all costs for reinstating service. 6.12 Emergency Suspension Order The City may suspend sewer service when it is determined that such suspension is necessary in order to stop an actual or impending discharge which presents or may present an imminent or substantial endangerment to the health and welfare of persons, or to the environment, or may cause SSOs, sewer blockages, interference to the City's sewer facilities, or City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions may cause the City to violate any State or Federal Law or Regulation. Any discharger notified of and subject to an Emergency Suspension Order shall immediately cease and desist the discharge of all wastewater containing FOG to the sewer system. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions Article 7 - Judicial Enforcement Remedies 7.1 Civil Penalties The City's attorney, by and at the request of the City Council, may institute an action in any court of competent jurisdiction to restrain, enjoin, or abate the conditions to be found in violation as provisions of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions, as provided by law. A. All users of the City's system and facilities are subject to enforcement actions administratively or judicially by the City, U.S. EPA, State of California Regional Water Quality Control Board, or the District Attorney. Said actions may be taken pursuant to the authority and provisions of several laws, including but not limited to: (1) Federal Water Pollution Control Act, commonly known as the Clean Water Act(33 U.S.C.A. Section 1251 et seq.); (2) California Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act (California Water Code Section 13000 et seq.); (3) California Hazardous Waste Control Law (California Health & Safety Code Sections 25100 to 25250); (4) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 (42 U.S.C.A Section 6901 et seq.); and(5) California Government Code, Sections 54739-54740. B. In the event the City is subject to the payment of fines or penalties pursuant to the legal authority and actions of other regulatory or enforcement agencies based on a violation of law or regulation or its permits, and said violation can be established by the City, as caused by the discharge of any user of the City's system which is in violation of any provision of the City's Ordinance or the user's permit, the City shall be entitled to recover from the user all costs and expenses, including, but not limited to, the full amount of said fines or penalties to which it has been subjected. C. Pursuant to the authority of California Government Code Sections 54739 - 54740, any person who violates any provision of these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions; any permit condition, prohibition or effluent limit; or any suspension or revocation order shall be liable civilly for a sum not to exceed $25,000.00 per violation for each day in which such violation occurs. Pursuant to the authority of the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. Section 1251 et seq., any person who violates any provision of this Ordinance, or any permit condition, prohibition, or effluent limit shall be liable civilly for a sum not to exceed $25,000.00 per violation for each day in which such violation occurs. The General Counsel of the City shall petition the Superior Court to impose, assess, and recover such penalties, or such other penalties as the City may impose, assess, and recover pursuant to Federal and/or State legislative authorization. 7.2 Criminal Prosecution The City Council intends to secure compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. To the extent that such compliance may be achieved by less drastic methods of enforcement, the following alternate, separate and distinct methods may be utilized. Each method set forth is intended to be mutually exclusive and does not prevent concurrent or consecutive methods being use to achieve compliance against continuing violations. Each and every day that such violation exists constitutes a separate offense. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Ordinance, each violation of the provisions of this Ordinance may be enforced as an alternative. City of Atascadero Fats, Oils, and Grease Program Administrative Guidelines and Provisions A. Infraction Any person violating any of the provisions or failing to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of this Ordinance may be prosecuted for an infraction. Written citations for infractions may be issued by the City FOG Control Program Administrator or his or her designee. B. Public Nuisance Discharge of wastewater in any manner in violation of this Ordinance or of any order issued by the FOG Control Program Manager or General Manager, as authorized by this Ordinance, is hereby declared a public nuisance and shall be corrected or abated as directed by the FOG Control Program Manager or City Manager. Any person creating a public nuisance is guilty of a misdemeanor. C. Misdemeanor Any person violating any of the provisions or failing to comply with any of the mandatory requirements of this Ordinance may be prosecuted for a misdemeanor. Written citations for misdemeanors may be issued by the City's attorney. Each and every misdemeanor violation is punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months, or both such fine and imprisonment. 7.3 Remedies Non-Exclusive The remedies contained in this Ordinance are not exclusive. The City may take any, all, or a combination of these actions against a Non-compliant User. Enforcement of the FOG Administrative Guidelines and Provisions will generally be in accordance with the City's Municipal Code. However, the City may take other action against any User when the circumstances warrant. Further, the City is empowered to take more than one enforcement action against any Non-compliant User. 7.4 Falsifying Information; Damages to Monitoring Equipment Any Person who knowingly makes any false statements,representation or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document filed or required to be maintained pursuant to these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions, or who falsifies, tampers with or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method required under these Administrative Guidelines and Provisions, shall,upon conviction, be punished in accordance with City Pretreatment Ordinance 1994-1, Article V, Sections 27 Civil Remedies, 28 Criminal Penalties &29 Termination of Service. ITEM NUMBER: A- 5 DATE: 02/14/12 -pan HE win �I 1918 p 1 9 Atascadero City Council Staff Report — Public Works Department Lift Station #3 Emergency Electrical Panel Purchase and Modified Portable Generator Purchase RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $35,000 in wastewater funds for the emergency purchase and installation of a replacement electrical and pump control panel at Lift Station #3; and, 2. Authorize an exception to the formal bidding process as allowed under Section II- 3.0(h)(4), finding that there are extenuating circumstances that would make formal bidding not the most cost effective approach for the purchase of a new Portable Generator; and, 3. Approve the purchase of a new Portable Generator for $48,890 from United Rentals, Inc.; and, 4. Authorize the Director of Administrative Services to appropriate $50,000 in 2011- 2012 for the Wastewater Portable Generator Project and to remove $47,000 in funding from the 2012-2013 budget from the Wastewater Portable Generator Project. REPORT-IN-BRIEF: Staff is requesting that Council approve the use of wastewater reserve funds to pay for emergency repairs to Lift Station No. 3 (LS-3); and to accelerate the purchase of the budgeted portable generator from the 2012-2013 budget year to the current budget year. The control and electrical panel for LS-3 recently suffered an arc flash event that destroyed the pump electrical controls. Staff is requesting Council approve the use of wastewater capital reserve funds for the emergency replace of these controls. Budgeted wastewater funds are not sufficient to fund the replacement. ITEM NUMBER: A- 5 DATE: 02/14/12 As part of the investigation and response to the arc flash event, the City's three existing mobile generators were tested and it was determined one (not involved in the arc flash) was no longer safe to operate. Staff is requesting that Council approve the accelerated purchase of a replacement portable generator originally planned for the 2012-2013 fiscal year. The low bid for the generator purchase came in slightly more than the original budgeted amount; therefore staff is asking for an additional $3,000 above the amount originally budgeted. Staff's request to accelerate the purchase will avoid interim repair costs and a 20%-30% price increase that will go into effect prior to the 2012-2013 fiscal year. DISCUSSION: Background: A. Emergency Replacement of Lift Station #3 Electrical Control Panel. On October 16, 2011, the City wastewater crew experienced an Arc Flash event while connecting a portable generator to LS-3. An arc flash is a dangerous short circuit, which has the same characteristics as a lightning bolt. In this case, the arc flash originated in the electrical panel generator connection and traveled through the lift station electrical panel, where it destroyed the controls and damaged the cabinet. Fortunately staff was not injured during the event. The electrical panel and pump controls need to be replaced. Pictures showing the panel and arc flash damage are included in Attachment 1 . LS-3 is vital to collection system operation. Half of the City's wastewater flows through LS-3. Loss of the temporary controls at the lift station could potentially lead to costly overflows. Rainfall infiltration into the sewer collection system is anticipated to cause the pumps to cycle more frequently and this will place a strain on the temporary panel controls. Immediately following the arc flash event, an electrician repaired and evaluated the panel. Temporary power was restored by installing replacement switches; however, the panel damage was too extensive to allow a rehabilitation of the existing equipment. The electrician was concerned that the damaged equipment could lead to an additional arc flash event. Therefore, in response to emergency conditions and for safety purposes, Staff has ordered a new panel. Currently there is no budget for the panel's replacement, however the wastewater fund has capital reserves that can be budgeted for this project. ITEM NUMBER: A- 5 DATE: 02/14/12 B. Portable Generator Purchase As a result of the arc flash event at LS-3, Wastewater Staff evaluated the three large 480-volt mobile generators owned by the City. Two of the generators, including the generator involved in the arc flash event passed inspection. The third did not and was red-tagged. The red-tagged generator is a 1980's era generator that was budgeted for replacement in 2012-2013. Staff is requesting that the mobile generator purchase be accelerated forward one fiscal year. All three generators are needed at City lift stations in case of emergency conditions such as the wide-spread power outages experienced in the winter of 2009. Because of the time required to complete the formal bidding process, staff is requesting that an exception to the formal bidding process be allowed under Section II, 3.0(h)(4): "Exceptions to Formal Bidding: The formal bid process may be bypassed in the following four instances... 4. When there are extenuating circumstances that would make formal bidding not the most cost effective approach..." By allowing staff to bypass the formal bidding process and instead use the informal bid process, the City is able to avoid a 20% price increase that will go into effect early in 2012. The price increase is due to new engine technology that is coming to the market. There is currently a limited supply of 2011 model year generators and the low-bid vendor has noted that prices will be going up approximately $10,000 once the 2011 generators are sold out. Staff has been informed by the low bid vendor that the City will be getting the last 2011 generator. Taking the additional time necessary to complete a formal bid, would require the City to buy the more expensive 2012 models, therefore making it "not the most cost effective approach". In addition, the more expedient informal bid process, allows the City to receive the emergency generator and put it into service in a more timely manner. Staff has bid-out the generator replacement informally and received three bids. United Rental Inc. was the lowest bid at $48,890 which is $2,900 above the originally budgeted amount. Staff has evaluated other options including repairing the generator and delaying replacement until the budget year starts in July 2012. The required repair would involve a complete engine replacement. Staff would remain concerned about the age and effectiveness of the generator with the new engine. Staff has also evaluated delaying the purchase until the 2012-2013 budget year. The delay would cost the City approximately $10,000 due to anticipated increased purchase costs mentioned above. This will require the City to transfer an even greater amount from wastewater capital ITEM NUMBER: A- 5 DATE: 02/14/12 reserve funds. Therefore, staff believes that purchasing the generator this fiscal year is the least expensive option. FISCAL IMPACT: These actions will result in: • The expenditure of $35,000 in wastewater capital reserves for replacement of the Lift Station #3 electrical panel; and, • The expenditure of $48,980 in wastewater funds for the Wastewater Portable Generator Project. ALTERNATIVES: 1. Do not accelerate the purchase of the mobile generator. Staff does not recommend this action since a third generator is key to keeping the lift stations running during a power outage and price increases will erode the City's purchasing ability. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 Arc Flash Pictures. ITEM NUMBER: A- 5 DATE: 02/14/12 Attachment 1 Arc Flash Pictures Flash originated in Flames were this connection visible to the operators who were standing back in + accordance with safety procedures -. Scorch caused by the electrical bolt. Control components are destroyed. Arc flash origination point. ti or i ITEM NUMBER: A- 6 DATE: 02/14/12 m mm m f 1918 m 197e r Atascadero City Council Staff Report — Public Works Department First Amendment of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Tract 2624 (Southside Villas) and Reduction of Performance Bond RECOMMENDATIONS: Council: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute the first amendment to the Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Tract 2624; and, 2. Accept the partial reduction of the subdivision improvement security. DISCUSSION: Summary: The final map and subdivision improvement agreement for Tract 2624 was approved by the City Council on September 27, 2005. Bonds were provided for the required subdivision improvements and the tract map was recorded. In the following years a portion of the project was constructed. The original developer (JRCA Sales, LLC / Charnley), after completing most of the public improvements (and a portion of the onsite condominiums construction), declared bankruptcy, and over the past several years that court action has been working its way through the bankruptcy process. The bankruptcy court has appointed a State Court Receiver (David Wald) to act on its behalf to manage the disposition of the project. The Receiver has requested the City review the construction completed to date and approve a reduced bond amount reflecting work completed to date. The reduced bond security will make the project significantly more attractive to potential buyers, and future financing entities. Staff has inspected the site and approved a new engineer's estimate for the remaining work ($201,620). Based on the revised engineer's estimate (Attachment 1), the State Court Receiver has provided a new Letter of Credit from Rabobank for the remaining work and worked with staff to develop a minor amendment to the original Subdivision Improvement Agreement (see Attachment 2) extending the project completion date to December 31, 2012, and acknowledging the Receiver acting in place of the original developer. Conclusion: In accordance with Title 11, Chapter 8, Sections 11-8.11 and 11-8.19 of the City Municipal Code, the proposed modification to the Subdivision Improvement Agreement and Bond Reduction are being brought back to City Council for approval. The City Engineer accepts and certifies the satisfactory completion of public improvement work completed to date as substantially conforming to the approved plans; and that the submitted engineer's estimate of the remaining work and associated letter of credit is adequate to complete the unfinished public improvements necessary to get final City acceptance. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1: Engineer's Estimate Attachment 2: Proposed First Amendment to Subdivision Improvement Agreement for Tract 2624 ATTACHMENT 1 Roberts Ki-i-eineerins_inc. 2015 Vista de Is`Dina Templel3n.C.4.93465 805-23MC64 date. 1202-2311 R3mainiogAfipmved Ofrsi+e ImprnvFment,-: Engineers Cost Estimate Project: Tract 2624-south Side villas Atascadern,CA Item Description Unit QuantitV unit Cost Total 1 4"AC Pavement SF 7.851 $3.70 622 C46.10 2 WCL II YOg. Base £F 7 251 $3.10 $29 C40.70 3 6'PCC LF 540 S22.00 $11.880.00 4 4' PCC concrete sidewalk SF 2430 $10.00 $24,300.00 5 Saw Cut ey.?st AC prrvA Lf 625 52.17 $1.350.25 5 Street Signs EA 2 seoc.00 3800.00 6 18"SloirnGra inexrrnSion LF 18 $6C.00 $1,080.00 7 Reck rip rap Slope prutc;.iion LS 1 $1.00C.00 $1,000.00 8 Stripinj LS 1 $S,00C.00 $5.000.00 9 Reln;.Vo,ex.crater se(vieu LS 1 $2.000.00 $2.000.00 10 'Site picp.dorrur,grading,import etc LS 1 $30.000.00 S.0.000.00 11 Frosioa Cortrol E,MP's LS 1 S2,500.00 .$2.500.00 12 l landie:ap rarnp LS 1 51.D00.00 31.000.00 13 Traffic Contra( LS 1 $5,000.00 5000,00 Total 6144,013.65 Grand Total+10%Contingency+10%Inflation+20%admin. M 619.11 This esti•nate is baseC LIpOn 9pprovctl plans dHlwJ 8-18-:1105 anti r8 for planning purposcs only.The Engirper aooepts no responsibility ffoi plan changes,fluctuations In cenhaclor pr ccs,latx)r(k)sis or nAieriAl auanttir-& f c� fly, 7I9^0*,n I P.Rel c:ns.PE t� RCE 35$66 exp £-30-2013 n.r P. t� � 4 35366 Ems.a30lID J�' s sT clvtiti �:� ��QFC�titif ATTACHMENT 2 &by*,J NO FEE DOCUMENT Government Code§6103 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: (and when recorded,mail to:) City Clerk CITY OF ATASCADERO 6907 EI Camino Real Atascadero,CA 93422 CITY OF ATASCADERO FIRST AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT This First Amendment to Subdivision Improvement Agreement ("Amendment") dated as of December 20, 2011, amends that certain Subdivision Improvement Agreement dated as of October 10, 2005 ("Subdivision Agreement")by and between JRCA Sales, LLC ("Subdivider"), and the City of Atascadero ("City"). This Amendment is made and entered into by Subdivider by David D. Wald, solely in his capacity as State Court Receiver pursuant to San Luis Obispo County Superior Court Case No. CV 080797 ("Receiver"). Capitalized terms which are not defined herein are used as they are defined in the Agreement. In the case of any conflict between the Agreement and this Amendment, the terms and conditions of this Amendment shall control. 1. The first sentence of Paragraph 2 of the Subdivision Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: "It is further understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that the improvements as required by the conditions of approval for Tract 2624 shall be completed by December 31,2012." 2. Paragraph 4 of the Subdivision Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: "If said improvement work is not completed by December 31, 2012, the Subdivider agrees that the City may elect to complete the same." 3. Subdivider's and Surety's addresses for notice shown in Paragraph 13 of the Subdivision Agreement are hereby amended as follows: Subdivider: JRCA Sales,LLC David D.Wald State Court Receiver 775 Wildomar Street Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Surety: Rabobank 550 Camino Mercado Arroyo Grande,CA 93420 Attn: Mike Fox Page 1 of 2 4. The Liability of Receiver shall be limited to exercise by the City of its rights against the Security Agreements being delivered by the Receiver to the City concurrently herewith, and Receiver shall have no personal liability hereunder. Upon the sale of the Project by Receiver, the new buyer shall be liable for all of the obligations of Receiver hereunder, and Receiver shall be released from all such liability. 5. Except as provided above, the Subdivision Agreement remains unmodified and in full force and effect. In witness whereof,this Amendment was executed as of the date fust written above. CITY OF ATASCADERO: SUBDIVIDER: JRCA SALES, LLC, Wade G.McKinney a California limited liability company City Manager Attest: David D.Wald, solely in his capacity as State Court Receiver Marcia M.Torgerson pursuant to San Luis Obispo County City Clerk Superior Court Case No.CV 080 797, and Orders recorded December 19,2008 Approved as to content: as Instrument No.2008-062202; and November 12.2009 as Instrument No. 2009-062909 (notarize signature) Russell S.Thompson,P.E. City Engineer Approved as to form: Brian Pierik City Attorney Page 2 of 2 ITEM NUMBER: C - 1 DATE: 02/14/12 11715 F i_71 l' Isis' iil IMP i97e �ATasC"�+ui/ Atascadero City Council Staff Report — Public Works Department Energy Watch Partnership - Energy Saving Successes RECOMMENDATION: Presentation only. No action recommended. DISCUSSION: In March of 2009, the City Council adopted a Resolution authorizing the City of Atascadero to join the San Luis Obispo County Energy Watch Partnership. Through the San Luis Obispo County Energy Watch Partnership, assistance was made available to the City for improving energy efficiency at our facilities and for integrating energy efficiency practices throughout our organization. Participating in the partnership has also allowed the City to benefit from relevant programs through the Gas Company and PG&E, including the Municipal Building Energy Efficiency Retrofit program. During the past three years, City staff has aggressively pursued efforts to reduce our energy use through a variety of measures. These energy conservation measures have resulted in two consecutive years of total energy use reductions by the City at our targeted buildings. The attached chart reflects the total savings of 78,735 kilowatt hours from 2009 to 2011. Staff will conduct a brief slide show summarizing our recent successes, and a representative of the San Luis Obispo County Energy Watch Partnership will present an Energy Champion plaque to the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENT: Three-year energy use chart for targeted City buildings Attachment um of Total KWH 200 um of Total KWH 201 um ofTotak KWY 2011 Summary of Energy Use - All City Buildings 900,000 800,000 790,992 736,624 712,257 700,000 600,000 500,000 slues 3 ■Sum of Total KWH 2009 SC 400,000 ■Sum of Total KWH 2010 ■Sum of Totak KWY 2011 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 2009 2010 2011