HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-04-16_OB_AgendaSPECIAL MEETING OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO FOR REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING PURPOSES1 AGENDA Monday, April 16, 2012 3:00 P.M. Atascadero City Hall, Conference Room #4 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: County Board of Supervisor appointees: Jim Patterson, SLO County Board of Supervisor Ken Weathers, Public at Large Mayor appointees: Bob Kelley, Atascadero Mayor Jim Lewis, former Assistant Executive Director of RDA County Superintendent of Education appointee: Mary Jarvis, Assistant Superintendent, SLO County Office of Education Chancellor of California Community Colleges appointee: Toni Sommer, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Cuesta College Special district taxing entity appointee: Will Clemens, SLO County Public Works Dept. Administrator 1 On January 10, 2012, the Atascadero City Council adopted Resolution No. 2012-002, electing to serve as the successor to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero for redevelopment purposes, and also elected to retain the housing assets and functions previously performed by the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero. APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By and seconded by to approve the agenda. Motion passed 5:0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Introduction of Board Members and Staff 2. Oaths of Office of Board Members PUBLIC COMMENT: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Board has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. The Board may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Public Comment, unless changed by the Board.) A. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. Office of Auditor-Controller Property Tax Division: Barbara Godwin, Property Tax Manager Audit Division: Kerry Bailey, Chief Internal Auditor 2. Redevelopment in Atascadero B. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero  Recommendations: Oversight Board: 1. Elect one member to serve as Chairperson and elect one member to serve as Vice Chairperson for the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero; and, 2. Adopt the Draft Resolution confirming the election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. 2. Designation of Contact Person for Department of Finance Inquires  Recommendation: Oversight Board adopt the Draft Resolution designating the Administrative Services Director of the Successor Agency as the contact person for Department of Finance Inquiries regarding Oversight Board actions. 3. Consideration of a Resolution Establishing the Date, Time and Location for Meetings of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero  Recommendation: Oversight Board adopt the Draft Resolution establishing the date, time and location for meetings of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero (Oversight Board). 4. Consideration of a Resolution Adopting Bylaws and a Resolution Adopting Rules of Procedure of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero  Recommendations: Oversight Board: 1. Adopt the Draft Resolution of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero adopting Bylaws for the Oversight Board; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero adopting Rules of Procedure for the Oversight Board. 5. Approval of Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules  Recommendations: Oversight Board: 1. Approve the Draft Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period of January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34177(I)(3) and; 2. Approve the Draft Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period of July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34177(I)(3). 6. Legal Requirements of Board and Board Members  Recommendation: Receive oral presentation. C. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: D. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMENTS: E. ADJOURNMENT: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in an Oversight Board meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting. ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 1 DATE: 04/16/12 Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero RECOMMENDATIONS: Oversight Board: 1. Elect one member to serve as Chairperson and elect one member to serve as Vice Chairperson for the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero; and, 2. Adopt the Draft Resolution confirming the election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. DISCUSSION: A Chairperson for the Oversight Board must be selected to preside over the Oversight Board’s meetings. A Vice Chairperson should also be selected to preside over the meeting when the Chair is unavailable. Staff recommends that one -year terms be adopted (specified in by-laws). Recommended Voting Procedures: All actions must be taken on a majority vote of the total membership of the Board. Given that the Oversight Board will have seven (7) members, four (4) affirmative votes are needed to pass a motion. Given the lack of a Chairperson or Vice Chairperson, the Secretary will open and close nominations to the Oversight Board for the Chairperson. A vote will be taken and the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson will be elected. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 1 DATE: 04/16/12 DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A CHAIRPERSON AND VICE CHAIRPERSON WHEREAS, the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero (Oversight Board) has been established to direct the Successor Agency to take certain actions to wind down the affairs of the Redevelopment Agency in Accordance with the California Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Oversight Board desires to elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. NOW, THEREFORE, the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. The Oversight Board designates the following members to serve as Chairperson and Vice Chairperson: A. Chairperson: ____________________ B. Vice Chairperson: ____________________ SECTION 3. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero, held this 16th day of April, 2012 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero __________________________________ , Chairperson ATTEST: _______________________________________ Marcia McClure Torgerson, Secretary ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 2 DATE: 04/16/12 Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Designation of Contact Person for the Department of Finance Inquiries RECOMMENDATION: Oversight Board adopt the Draft Resolution designating the Administrative Services Director of the Successor Agency as the contact person for Department of Finance inquiries regarding Oversight Board actions. DISCUSSION: California Health & Safety Code Section 34179(f) requires that all actions taken by the Oversight Board be posted on the Successor Agency’s website for review by the California Department of Finance (“DOF”). Health & Safety Code Section 34179(h) further provides that the Oversight Board actions are not effective for three business days, pending review by the DOF. If the DOF exercises its right to review the action, then it has ten days to approve the action or return it to the Oversight Board for reconsideration. The Health & Safety Code requires the Oversight Board to formally designate an official to whom the DOF may make inquiries regarding Oversight Board actions. Staff recommends designating the Administrative Services Director of the Successor Agency as the contact person for the Oversight Board. Upon receiving an inquiry, the Administrative Services Director would then direct the inquiry to the appropriate staff person to formulate a response, and then the Administrative Services Director of the Successor Agency would forward the response to the DOF. Once the Oversight Board designates an official, staff will transmit the appropriate contact information to the Department of Finance. ATTACHMENT: Draft Resolution ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 2 DATE: 04/16/12 DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO DESIGNATING A CONTACT PERSON FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE INQUIRIES WHEREAS, the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero (Oversight Board) has been established to direct the Successor Agency to take certain actions to wind down the affairs of the Redevelopment Agency in Accordance with the California Health and Safety Code; and WHEREAS, the Oversight Board desires to designate a contact person for the Department of Finance inquiries. NOW, THEREFORE, the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. The Oversight Board designates the Administrative Services Director of the Successor Agency as the contact person for Department of Finance inquiries regarding Oversight Board actions. SECTION 2. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero, held this 16th day of April, 2012 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero __________________________________ , Chairperson ATTEST: _______________________________________ Marcia McClure Torgerson, Secretary ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 3 DATE: 04/16/12 Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Consideration of a Resolution Establishing the Date, Time and Location for Meetings of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero RECOMMENDATION: Oversight Board adopt the Draft Resolution establishing the date, time and location for meetings of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency for Atascadero (Oversight Board). BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On December 29, 2011, the California Supreme Court upheld ABx1 26, which dissolve d all redevelopment agencies in California, effective February 1, 2012. All the assets, properties, contracts, leases, and records of the former redevelopment agency were automatically transferred by operation of law to a Successor Agency on February 1, 2012. On January 10, 2012, the City of Atascadero elected to serve as the S uccessor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero for Redevelopment and Housing Purposes. The Successor Agency is then responsible for the winding down of the Agency’s obligations subject to the monitoring by and approval of an Oversight Board. Each Successor Agency will have its own Oversight Board until 2016, when all oversight boards will be consolidated into one county-wide Oversight Board. In order for the Oversight Board to review and approve actions of the S uccessor Agency, it will need to schedule a regular date, time and location for meetings. Staff is recommending that the Oversight Board meetings be held on the third Thursday of even numbered months, at 3:00 p.m., with special meetings scheduled as needed. The recommended meeting place is the City of Atascadero City Hall, Ata scadero, CA. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 3 DATE: 04/16/12 DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO, ESTABLISHING THE DATE, TIME AND LOCATION OF OVERSIGHT BOARD MEETINGS WHEREAS, the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero (Oversight Board) has met and conferred to determine a date, time and location for Oversight Board meetings. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Oversight Board, as follows: SECTION 1. The Oversight Board meetings shall be on the third Thursday of even numbered months, at 3:00 p.m., and the meetings shall be open to the public. Meetings may be adjourned by the presiding officer or by the Secretary if a quorum is not present. SECTION 2. The location of the Oversight Board meetings shall be at Atascadero City Hall, Atascadero, California. SECTION 3. Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or by four (4) board members, and notice thereof shall be provided in accordance with the Brown Act. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero, held on this the 16th day of April, 2012 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero _____________________________ , Chairperson ATTEST: ____________________________________________ Marcia McClure Torgerson, Secretary ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 4 DATE: 04/16/12 Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Consideration of a Resolution Adopting Bylaws and a Resolution Adopting Rules of Procedure of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero RECOMMENDATIONS: Oversight Board: 1. Adopt the Draft Resolution of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero, adopting Bylaws for the Oversight Board; and, 2. Adopt the Draft Resolution of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero, adopting Rules and Procedures for the Oversight Board. DISCUSSION: On February 1, 2012, all assets, properties, contracts, leases, and records of the former Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero were transferred by operation of law to the Successor Agency. An Oversight Board has been established pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34179 to assist in the close out and wind down of the dissolved redevelopment agency. Bylaws and Rules of Procedures will need to be adopted in order to facilitate the process of the meetings and establish the rules for the Oversi ght Board. Staff has prepared and attached to this report suggested Bylaws and Rules of Procedures for the Board’s consideration. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Resolution adopting Bylaws for the Oversight Board 2. Draft Resolution adopting Rules and Procedures for the Oversight Board ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 4 DATE: 04/16/12 Attachment 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO ADOPTING BYLAWS WHEREAS, the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero (Oversight Board) has been established to direct the Successor Agency to take certain actions to wind down the affairs of the Redevelopment Agency in accordance with the California Health and Safety Code; and, WHEREAS, the Oversight Board desires to adopt bylaws and regulations for the general operation of the Oversight Board, including but not limited to the designation of officers and conduct of meetings. NOW, THEREFORE, the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. The Bylaws of the Oversight Board, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A”, are hereby approved. SECTION 2. The Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Oversight Board of Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero, held this 16th day of April, 2012 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero __________________________________ , Chairperson ATTEST: _______________________________________ Marcia McClure Torgerson, Secretary ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 4 DATE: 04/16/12 Attachment 1 EXHIBIT A BYLAWS OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO ARTICLE I - THE OVERSIGHT BOARD Name of Authority The official name shall be the “Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero” (herein referred to as “Oversight Board”). Place of Meeting The office and regular place of meeting of the Oversight Board shall be at the Atascadero City Hall, 6907 El Camino Real, Ata scadero, California. The Oversight Board may hold its meetings at such other locations as the Oversight Board may from time to time designate by resolution, in the order of adjournment, or notice of call of any special meeting. Powers The Oversight Board shall be vested with all the rights, powers, duties, privileges, and immunities established by the California Health and Safety Code Sections 34179, 34180, and 34181. ARTICLE II - OFFICERS Officers and Officials The officers of the Oversight Board shall be composed of seven members. The members shall elect one of their members as the chairperson and select one of their members as the vice chairperson who shall serve one year terms. All Oversight Board Members shall be selected pursuant to the guidelines set forth in the California Health and Safety Code 34179. Other officials acting as its staff shall be the City Manager of the City of Atascadero/Successor Agency, a secretary, and such other employees of the Successor Agency and/or City of Atascadero as deemed necessary by the City Manager. ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 4 DATE: 04/16/12 Attachment 1 Chairperson The Chairperson of the Oversight Board shall preside at all meetings of the Oversight Board. Vice-Chairperson The Vice-Chairperson shall perform the duties of the Chairperson in the absence or incapacity of the Chairperson. Secretary The City Manager of the City of Atascadero/Successor Agency shall designate a person to serve as the Secretary to the Oversight Board. The Secretary shall keep the records of the Oversight Board, shall act as secretary at meetings of the Oversight Board, shall record all votes, keep a record of the proceedings of the Oversight Board in a journal of proceedings to be kept for such purpose and shall perform all duties incident to the office. The Secretary shall maintain a record of all official proceedings of the Oversight Board and its programs. In the absence of the Secretary, the City Manager shall appoint a member of the staff to act as Secretary. Vacancies When a seat of the Oversight Board becomes vacant, the position will be filled by a member appointed by the agency who originally appointed the former member. Such appointments are to take place within 60 days of the creation of the vacancy. The Governor may appoint individuals to fill a member position that remains vacant for more than 60 days. Compensation Oversight Board member shall serve without compensation or reimbursement for expenses. ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 4 DATE: 04/16/12 Attachment 2 DRAFT RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO, ADOPTING RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR MEETINGS AND RELATED FUNCTIONS, ACTIVITIES, AND REGADRDING TIMES AND LOCATION OF REGULAR MEETINGS WHEREAS, the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero (Oversight Board) has been established to direct the Successor Agency to take certain actions to wind down the affairs of the Redevelopment Agency in accordance with the California Health and Safety Code; and, WHEREAS, the Oversight Board desires to adopt rules of procedure for the general operation of the Oversight Board, including but not limited to the conduct of meetings and approval of contracts in accordance with the California Health and Safety Code. NOW, THEREFORE, the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1. The Rules of Procedure of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit “A”, are hereby approved. SECTION 2. The Oversight Board Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a special meeting of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero held this 16th day of April, 2012 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero __________________________________ , Chairperson ATTEST: _______________________________________ Marcia McClure Torgerson, Secretary ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 4 DATE: 04/16/12 Attachment 2 EXHIBIT “A” RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO ARTICLE 1 - MEETINGS Section 1. Regular Meetings Regular meetings of the Oversight Board shall be held on the third Thursday of even numbered months, at 3:00 p.m., with special meetings scheduled as needed. The meetings will be held at Atascadero City Hall, Atascadero, California, or at such other locations as the Oversight Board may from time to time designate by resolution or in the notice of call of any special meeting. In the event a day of meeting shall be a legal holiday, said meeting shall be held on the next business day unless otherwise determined by the Oversight Board. Section 2. Special Meetings The Chairperson of the Oversight Board may, when he or she deems it necessary, and shall, upon the written request of four members of the Oversight Board, call a special meeting of the Oversight Board for the purpose of transacting the business designated in the call. The means and method for call ing such special meeting shall be as set forth in the Ralph M. Brown Act, California Government Code Section 54950 et seq., as it now exists or may hereafter be amended (the “Brown Act”). Section 3. Adjourned Meetings The board members may adjourn any meeting to a time and place specified in the order of adjournment. When an order of adjournment of any meeting fails to state an hour at which the adjourned meeting is to be held, it shall be held at the hour specified for regular meetings. In adjourning any meeting, there shall be compliance with all procedures of the Brown Act. Section 4. Quorum Four (4) board members of the Oversight Board shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting its business and exercising its powers and for all other purposes. ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 4 DATE: 04/16/12 Attachment 2 Every official act of the Oversight Board shall be adopted by a majority vote except in situations where the law calls for a vote of greater than a majority. Section 5. Order of Business Agenda. The order of business of each meeting shall be as contained in the Agenda prepared by the Oversight Board Secretary. The Agenda shall be a listing by topic of the subjects which shall be taken up for consideration in the following order: Call to Order Roll Call Approval of Agenda Presentations Consent Agenda Public Comment Informational Items Business Items Board Member Comments Executive Director Comments Adjournment All resolutions shall be in writing and designated by number, reference to which shall be inscribed in the minutes and an approved copy of each resolution filed in the official book of resolutions of the Oversight Board. Preparation of Agenda: The staff of the Successor Agency shall be responsible for the preparation of the Agenda. The Oversight Board, by a majority vote, may direct a matter to be placed upon a future agenda. Delivery of Agenda: The Agenda and related staff reports will ordinarily be delivered to the board members via e-mail at least 72 hours preceding the meeting to which it pertains. The Agenda and staff reports shall also be available to the general public at the time it is delivered to the board members. Roll Call: Before proceeding with the business of the Oversight Board, the Oversight Board Secretary shall call the roll of the board members and the names of ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 4 DATE: 04/16/12 Attachment 2 those present shall be entered in the minutes. The order of roll call shall be alphabetical with the Chairperson called last. Approval of Minutes: Unless requested by a majority of the Oversight Board, minutes of the previous meeting may be approved without public reading if the Secretary has previously furnished each board member with a copy thereof. Public Comment: Pursuant to Government Code 54954.3, each agenda for a regular meeting shall provide an item entitled “Public Comment.” The purpose of such item shall be to provide an opportunity for members of the public to directly address the Oversight Board on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Oversight Board. In order to assure that the intent of Government Code 54954.3 is carried out, three (3) minutes is the amount of time allocated for each individual speaker. Consent Agenda: Items of routine nature, and non-controversial, shall be placed on the consent agenda. All items may be approved by one blank et motion upon unanimous consent. Prior to review of the consent agenda, any board member may request that any item be withdrawn from the consent agenda for separate consideration. Call to Order: The meeting of the Oversight Board shall be called to order by the Chairperson, or in his/her absence, by the Vice Chairperson. In the absence of both the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson, the meeting shall be called to order by the secretary to the Oversight Board and the Board shall select a Temporary Chairperson, who shall serve as the Chairperson for the meeting. Maintenance of Order: The Chairperson is responsible for the maintenance of order and decorum at all times. No person is allowed to spe ak who has not first been recognized by the Chairperson. All questions and remarks shall be addressed to the Chairperson. Section 6. Rules, Decorum and Order Decorum and Order - Board Members: Any board member desiring to speak shall address the Chairperson and, upon recognition by the Chairperson, shall confine himself or herself to the question under debate. A board member, once recognized, shall not be interrupted while speaking unless called to order by the Chairperson; unless a Point of Order is raised by another board member; or unless the speaker chooses to yield to questions from another board member. Any board member called to order while he or she is speaking shall cease speaking immediately until the question of order is determined. If ruled to be in order, he or she shall be permitted to proceed. If ruled to be not in order, he or she shall remain silent or shall alter his or her remarks so as to comply with rules of the Oversight Board. ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 4 DATE: 04/16/12 Attachment 2 Board members shall accord the utmost courtesy to each other, to city or Oversight Board employees, and to the public appearing before the Oversight Board and shall refrain at all times from rude and derogatory remarks, reflections as to integrity, abusive comments and statements as to motives and personalities. Any board member may move to require the Chairperson to enforce the rules and the affirmative vote of a majority of the Oversight Board shall require him or her to so act. Except where specifically authorized by Oversight Board action, no board member shall make any statement or give the appearance or indicate in any way that he or she is representing the Oversight Board. Decorum and Order - Employees: Members of the administrative staff of the Oversight Board shall observe the same rules of procedure and decorum applicable to board members. The City Manager shall ensure that all Oversight Board employees observe such decorum. Any staff members, includ ing the City Manager, desiring to address the Oversight Board or members of the public shall first be recognized by the Chairperson. All remarks shall be addressed to the Chairperson and not to any one individual board member or member of the public. Decorum and Order - Public: Members of the public attending Oversight Board meetings shall observe the same rules of order and decorum applicable to the Oversight Board. Any person making impertinent and slanderous remarks shall be removed from the room, and such persons may be barred from further audience before the Oversight Board. Unauthorized remarks from the audience, stamping of feet, whistles, yells and similar demonstrations shall not be permitted by the Chairperson. Conflict of Interest: All board members are subject to the provisions of California Law, such as Chapter 7, Title 9, of the California Government Code, relative to conflicts of interest, and to conflicts of interest codes adopted by the Oversight Board. Dissents and Protests: Any board member shall have the right to express dissent from or protest to any action of the Oversight Board and have the reason entered in the minutes. If such dissent or protest is desired to be entered in the minutes, this should be made clear by language such as, “I would like the minutes to show that I am opposed to this action for the following reasons . . . “ Rulings of Chairperson Final Unless Overruled: In presiding over Oversight Board meetings, the Chairperson shall decide all questions of interpretation of these rules, points of order or other questions of procedure requiring rulings. Any such decision or ruling shall be final unless overridden or suspended by a majority vote of the board members present and voting. ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 4 DATE: 04/16/12 Attachment 2 Section 7. Addressing the Oversight Board (a) Manner of Addressing the Oversight Board: Any member of the public desiring to address the Oversight Board shall wait to be recognized by the Chairperson. After being recognized, he/she shall state his/her name for the record. All remarks and questions shall be addressed to the Chairperson and not to any individual board member, staff member or other person. No person shall enter into any discussion without being recognized by the Chairperson. Addressing the Oversight Board After Motion Is Made: After a motion has been made, no member of the public shall address the Oversight Board without first securing permission by a majority vote of the Oversight Board. Limitations Regarding Public Comments and Reports: The making of oral communications to the Oversight Board by any member of the public during the “Public Comments” portion of the agenda shall be subject to a three (3) minute time limit. Section 8. Motions (a) Processing of Motions: When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be stated by the Chairperson before debate. A motion so stated shall not be withdrawn by the maker of the motion without the consent of the person seconding it. Motions Out of Order: The Chairperson may at any time, by majority consent of the board members, permit a board member to introduce a resolution or motion out of the regular agenda order. Motion to Adjourn: (not debatable) A motion to adjourn shall be in order at any time, except as follows: When repeated without intervening business or discussion; When made as an interruption of a board member while speaking; When discussion has been ended, and vote on a motion is pending; and, While a vote is being taken. Motion to Fix Hour of Adjournment: Such a motion shall be to set a definite time at which to adjourn and shall be debatable and shall be amendable by unanimous vote. Motion to Table: A motion to table shall be used to temporarily by-pass the subject. A motion to table shall be un-debatable and shall preclude all amendments or debate of the subject under consideration. If the motion shall prevail, the matter may be “taken from the table” at any time prior to the end of the next regular meeting. Motion to Amend: A motion to amend shall be discussed only as to the amendment. A motion to amend an amendment is possible but no additional motions to ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 4 DATE: 04/16/12 Attachment 2 further amendments may be made. Any amendment shall relate to the original motion and not introduce a different matter. Amendments shall be voted first, then the main motion as amended. Alternatively, the original maker of the main motion may agree to revise the original motion and if the second agrees to second the revised motion, the Oversight Board may vote on the main motion as revised. Section 9. Voting. Procedure (a) Voting Procedure: In acting upon every motion, the vote shall be taken by roll call. The vote on each motion shall then be entered in full upon the record. The Secretary shall call the names of all members seated for a roll call vote. Members shall respond ‘aye,’ ‘no’ or ‘abstain.’ Any action or motion of the board shall require a majority of the quorum. Any member may change his or her vote before the next order of business. Failure to Vote: A board member who abstains due to reasons of conflict shall, for purpose of the item under consideration, be considered as if absent. A board member abstaining for reasons other than conflict shall be counted as present for purposes of a quorum and such abstentions are counted with the majority. A board member who leaves the dais solely to avoid participating in a specific item shall, in absence of a conflict, be counted as if they were present but abstaining and such abstentions are also counted with the majority. Reconsideration: Any board member who voted with the majority may move a reconsideration of any action at the same meeting. If the motion to reconsider passes, then the original item may be reconsidered at that time or agendized for the next meeting which meets any applicable noticing requirements. After a motion for reconsideration has once been acted upon, no other motion for reconsideration thereof shall be made without unanimous consent of the Oversight Board. Section 9. Resolutions Resolutions Prepared In advance: Where a resolution has been prepared in advance, the procedure shall be: motion, second, discussion, vote pursuant to methods prescribed above, and result declared. It shall not be necessary to read a resolution in full or by title except to identify it. Any member may require that the resolution be read in full. Resolutions Not Prepared In Advance: Where a resolution has not been prepared in advance, the procedure shall be to instruct the City Manager to prepare a resolution for presentation at the next Oversight Board meeting. Urgency Resolutions: In matters of urgency, a resolution may be presented verbally in motion form together with instructions for written preparation for later execution. After the resolution has bee n verbally stated, the voting procedure described above shall be followed. ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 4 DATE: 04/16/12 Attachment 2 ARTICLE II - MISCELLANEOUS Section 11. Amendments to Bylaws and Rules of Procedure The Bylaws and Rules of Procedure of the Oversight Board may be amended by the Oversight Board at any regular or special meeting by a vote of the majority of the Oversight Board members, provided that no such amendment shall be adopted unless at least seven days’ written notice thereof has been previously given to all board members of the Oversight Board. Such notice shall identify the section or sections of the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure proposed to be amended. Section 12. Rules Directory To the extent not required by State laws, these rules of procedure shall be considered directory only; and compliance herewith shall not be considered mandatory or jurisdictional. ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 5 DATE: 04/16/12 Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Approval of Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules RECOMMENDATIONS: Oversight Board: 1. Approve the Draft Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period of January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34177(I)(3); and, 2. Approve the Draft Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period of July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 pursuant to Health and Safety Co de Section 34177(I)(3). DISCUSSION: On March 27, 2012, the City Council in its role as Successor Agency to the Atascadero Redevelopment Agency reviewed and approved the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules for the periods January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 and July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. These schedules are attached. On December 29, 2011, the California Supreme Court delivered its decision in the California Redevelopment Association v. Matosantos case. The decision upheld AB1x 26, the Dissolution Act, and found AB1x 27, the Alternative Redevelopment Program Act, unconstitutional. AB1x 26 dissolved the Redevelopment Agency as of February 1, 2012, the new dissolution date established by the Supreme Court. On January 10, 2012, the City of Atascadero elected to become the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero. ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 5 DATE: 04/16/12 In accordance with the dissolution legislation, on January 24, 2012, the Redevelopment Agency Board adopted a resolution approving the Enforceable Obligation Payment Schedule (EOPS) for the period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 201 2. The next step in the dissolution process was for the Successor Agency to approve the Draft Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS). This schedule lists all obligations of the former Redevelopment Agency. The list is intended to list all obligations; therefore when there are multiple obligations for the same project/funds, each obligation is listed. (For example: the Agency had an obligation to bond holders to spend bond proceeds on City Hall in accordance with the bond agreements; the Agency also had an obligation to FEMA to complete the City Hall Project and receive an occupancy permit in order to meet grant requirements; and the Agency had an obligation to contractors for City Hall. Each of these obligations can be met with the same funds, but each obligation is listed separately) The Draft ROPS also includes obligations of the Agency which AB1x26 has set forth as non-enforceable obligations. These obligations mainly include certain contracts and loans between the City of Atascadero and the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero. It is expected that the validity/enforceability of these types of contracts will either be litigated and/or legislated in the near future and may remain obligations of the former Redevelopment Agency; therefore it is prudent to include the obligations on the Draft ROPS at this time. The next step is to submit the Draft ROPS to the Oversight Board for review and approval, the State Controller and the Department of Finance. The Draft ROPS will also be submitted to the County Auditor Controller for an “audit” and certification. The dates and order of submitting the Draft ROPS to the various agencies are conflicting, however the general consensus is to work through the initial Draft ROPS (for the period Januar y 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012) as quickly as possible and submit the second draft ROPS (for the period of July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012) to the County Auditor Controller by May 11, 2012. Both the initial Draft ROPS (for the period January 1, 20 12 through June 30, 2012) and the second Draft ROPS (for the period of July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012) are attached for review and approval. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule - January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 2. Draft Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule- July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 Page 1 of 15 Redevelopment Tax Trust Fund Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall 30,477,075.00 0.00 RPTTF 2)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Trustee & disclosure services for life of 2010 Bonds (bond requirement) 81,000.00 0.00 RPTTF 3)2004/2005 Redevelopment Bonds2 Bank of New York Mellon Contract for bonds issued to finance priority redevelopment projects in the project area 20,118,303.78 851,705.00 RPTTF 4)2004/2005 Redevelopment Bonds Bank of New York Mellon Trustee & disclosure services for life of 2004/2005 RDA Bonds (bond requirement) 72,000.00 2,200.00 RPTTF Totals - This Page (RPTIF Funding)50,748,378.78 853,905.00 Totals - Pages 2 - 13 (Other Funding)104,028,755.69 19,581,794.96 Totals - Page 14 (Administrative Cost Allowance)1,104,167.00 104,166.67 Totals - Page 15 (Pass Thru Payments)32,342,393.92 729,318.83 Grand total - All Pages 188,223,695.39 21,269,185.46 0.00 1 2 Total Due During Fiscal Year 2011- 2012 Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Per the 2005 Bond Indenture Agreement the Agency must transfer all of the tax revenues received in any bond year to the Debt Service Fund promptly upon receipt, until such time during such bond year as the amounts on deposit in the Debt Service Fund equal the aggregate amounts required to be transferred to the trustee for the bond year. This ROPS reflects the debt service payments due March 1, 2013 and September 1, 2013 as due in December 2012 when the first tax increment distribution is required. This is in accordance with the bond indenture agreement which requires the funds to be deposited in the debt service fund. The debt service payments are then made from this debt service fund. The actual bond debt service schedule is attached for reference In order to smooth out transition and avoid default on bonds, it is expected that 2010 Bond reimbursement payments through 2015/2016 will be made from reserves. All future payments related to the 2010 bond reimbursement agreement will be made from the RPTTF TOTAL Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jan - June 2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,746,364.49 646,236.18 3,433,857.65 3,607,252.30 2,002,817.45 2,287,572.61 13,724,100.68 0.00 20,833.33 20,833.34 20,833.33 20,833.33 20,833.34 104,166.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 363,865.50 363,865.50 1,746,364.49 667,069.51 3,454,690.99 3,628,085.63 2,023,650.78 2,672,271.45 14,192,132.85 Payments by Month Payable from Redevelopment Agency Tax Trust Fund Page 2 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 2)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero City of Atascadero Trustee & disclosure services for life of 2010 Bonds (bond requirement) 9,000.00 1,750.00 Other- Reserves 3)City Loan #1 entered into in 1998 City of Atascadero Contract for loan & interest for start up costs 159,828.00 159,828.00 Other- Reserves 4)City Loan #2 entered into in 2001 City of Atascadero Contract for revolving loan & interest for Operating Expenses 537,482.00 537,482.00 Other- Reserves 5)City Loan #3 entered into in 2002 City of Atascadero Contract for property purchase loan & interest left outstanding for cash flow 774,152.00 774,152.00 Other- Reserves 6)Loan from RDA Low/Moderate Housing Fund to RDA General Fund Low/Mod Housing Fund Repayment of Loan from RDA Low/Mod Fund for SERAF payment 1,335,322.00 0.00 Other- Reserves 7)CJPIA Retrospective Deposit CJPIA Redevelopment Agency share of risk pool losses through June 30, 2011. (Due July 1, 2013) 74,700.00 0.00 Other- Reserves 8)Property Tax Collection County of SLO 2011-2012 annual cost of collection of property tax revenues 95,520.00 95,520.00 Other- Reserves 9)Employee Services Part Time Employee Direct RDA employee costs for RDA through 7/1/11 37.20 37.20 Other- Reserves 10)Financial independent audit services (admin) Moss, Levy & Hartzheim, LLP Contract for independent financial audits (10/11 & 11/12 closeout) 7,755.00 3,655.00 Other- Reserves 11)Agency Insurance costs CJPIA/Alliant Insurance Liability insurance coverage in compliance with bond covenants 9,937.00 9,937.00 Other- Reserves 12)Legal Services- Administration of Agency Burke, Williams, Sorenson Contract for legal services for administration of the agency (estimate through dissolution) 6,496.50 6,496.50 Other- Reserves 13)Administration of Agency Charter Communications/ TW Telecom Admin- Phone & Internet expense (estimated through dissolution) 34.89 34.89 Other- Reserves 14)Administration of Agency California Redevelopment Assoc Admin- annual dues for information, training, etc. 2,670.00 2,670.00 Other- Reserves 15)Computer and website support for RDA City of Atascadero Admin- computer support costs through dissolution 1,280.47 1,280.47 Other- Reserves 16)Administrative support staff for RDA City of Atascadero Administrative direct staff support costs through dissolution 29,000.00 29,000.00 Other- Reserves TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 - - 382,256.25 - - - 382,256.25 - - - - - - - 500.00 500.00 500.00 155,674.00 - - 157,174.00 3,822.00 3,453.00 3,822.00 503,699.00 - - 514,796.00 5,504.00 5,149.00 5,504.00 725,327.00 - - 741,484.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 95,520.00 - 95,520.00 - - - - - - - 3,655.00 - - - - - 3,655.00 - - - - - - - 480.00 - - - - - 480.00 - 4.56 - - - - 4.56 - - - - - - - 183.33 - - - - - 183.33 4,142.86 - - - - - 4,142.86 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month Page 3 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 17)General overhead and support for RDA (general accounting, payments, council chamber use, agenda preparation, etc…) City of Atascadero Administrative overhead costs through dissolution 24,790.00 24,790.00 Other- Reserves 18)Colony Square Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions Colony Square, LLC Contract for required participation in maintenance of common areas for Colony Square (estimated cost is listed for 3 years, however required as long as RDA owns the lot) 30,000.00 10,000.00 Other- Rents 19)Maintenance of Creekside Building in accordance with lease agreement with City Various Vendors (Lease commitment to City of Atascadero) Lease Proceeds: Contract for costs associated with maintaining RDA owned building in accordance with lease agreement. (Cost listed is estimate through 6/30/13. Must maintain through sale) 31,452.92 14,726.46 Other- Rents 20)Lease land from City effective 07/01/09 and maintenance of RDA owned Building - Main Street Building City of Atascadero Contract/ Lease of land for RDA owned building (estimated cost listed is for one year) 1,000.00 1,000.00 Other- Reserves 21)Maintenance of building RDA leases to Main Street Various Vendors (Lease to Main Street) Contract for costs associated with maintaining RDA building leased to Main Street (estimated cost listed is for one year) 250.00 200.00 Other- Reserves 22)Blight Reduction and Economic Growth Contract City of Atascadero Contract with City for economic growth projects; tourism, marketing and promotion; downtown enhanced maintenance and beautification; and administration 5,621,180.00 0.00 Other- Reserves 23)Monthly Electricity PG&E Electricity for RDA installed downtown infrastructure enhancements (medians, crosswalks and ped tunnel) through January 30, 2012 1,124.14 1,124.14 Other- Reserves 24)Sunken Garden Extra Maintenance Supplies various vendors Supplies for enhanced maintenance of Sunken Gardens 394.25 394.25 Other- Reserves 25)Trash pickup service NCI Trash bins were placed downtown to keep the area litter free. This is the contract with a third party vendor to empty those trash cans. 1,451.25 1,451.25 Other- Reserves TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month 3,541.43 - - - - - 3,541.43 - - - 10,000.00 - - 10,000.00 407.91 407.91 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 6,615.82 - - - 1,000.00 - - 1,000.00 - - 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 200.00 - 142.62 147.51 - - - - 290.13 - - - - - - - - 322.50 - - - - 322.50 On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into an agreements related to Economic Development and Blight Elimination. The agreement had the Agency formally contracting with the City to complete the Economic Development and Blight Elimination Programs as set out by the Board. The validity of this agreement is called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line but rather individually by contract below for executed contracts. There is the potential that future obligations under this contract may be incurred depending on the outcome of litigation/legislation. Page 4 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 26)Downtown Landscape Maintenance Contract Martinelli Landscape Contract for maintenance of the RDA installed infrastructure enhancement; medians and Pedestrian Tunnel through 7/31/11 1,176.83 1,176.83 Other- Reserves 27)Downtown Landscape Maintenance Contract Gilbert's Landscape Contract for maintenance of RDA installed downtown infrastructure enhancements (medians, crosswalks and ped tunnel) through earliest termination 5,692.05 5,692.05 Other- Reserves 28)Clean up and maintenance of the downtown area City of Atascadero Weekly inspection/litter pickup and cleaning of downtown business area through January 2012 14,360.00 14,360.00 Other- Reserves 29)Fountain Maintenance Aquamark Operating costs for Downtown Fountain brought back to working order by the RDA in order to deter blight (estimated through 1/31/12) 2,205.61 2,205.61 Other- Reserves 30)Graffiti abatement Paul Zehner & de Cou LumberRDA Graffiti abatement program costs 116.84 116.84 Other- Reserves 31)Sunken Garden Holiday Enhancement Coast Nitelites Enhancement of Sunken Gardens Holiday Lighting to promote positive activities in the Downtown 7,200.00 7,200.00 Other- Reserves 32)Portable toilet service for farmers market Harvey's Honeyhuts Portable toilet service for farmers market 545.14 545.14 Other- Reserves 33)Color copies for ICSC conference Hart Impressions Marketing materials to encourage economic development in the RDA 157.65 157.65 Other- Reserves 34)Permit Fee Waiver Program City of Atascadero Approved and marketed program for reimbursement of permit fees for new businesses; costs incurred through 12/29/11 1,781.31 1,781.31 Other- Reserves 35)Façade Improvement Program Denny's Restaurant Approved and marketed program for reimbursement of façade improvements 2,999.00 2,999.00 Other- Reserves 36)Tourism Promotion- SLO Count Visitors and Conference Bureau SLO Count Visitors and Conference Bureau Tourism and marking cooperative 8,200.00 8,200.00 Other- Reserves 37)Tourism, Marketing and Events Services SW Martin & Associates Contract for tourism and marking services (cost through earliest termination date) 132,999.96 132,999.96 Other- Reserves 38)Special Events and Promotions SW Martin & Associates Savor the Central Coast 20,000.00 20,000.00 Other- Reserves 39)Main Street Program Atascadero Main Street Contract for downtown promotions and events (through earliest possible termination date) 28,500.00 28,500.00 Other- Reserves TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month - - - - - - - 931.09 1,069.60 - - - - 2,000.69 2,051.43 - - - - - 2,051.43 866.77 - - - - - 866.77 40.00 - - - - - 40.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11,083.33 - 22,166.66 11,083.33 11,083.33 - 55,416.65 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 5 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 40)Marketing tool annual payment Tools for Business Success Informational tool on web site that provides business building, planning, and management tools to help local businesses succeed. 1,140.00 1,140.00 Other- Reserves 41)Economic Development Staff City of Atascadero Portion of City employees time spent on Redevelopment and Economic development in the Project area, both current and future projects 98,170.00 98,170.00 Other- Reserves 42)Lake Park Sign & Frontage City of Atascadero Contract with City to construct the Lake Park Sign and Frontage Project 370,467.67 0.00 Other- Reserves 43)Lake Park Sign & Frontage Eikhof Design Group Design work on Lake Park Sign and Frontage Project 12,708.00 12,708.00 Other- Reserves 44)Lake Park Sign & Frontage various vendors Printing, advertising and geotechnical costs on Lake Park Sign and Frontage Project 1,466.63 1,466.63 Other- Reserves 45)Lake Park Sign & Frontage City of Atascadero City staff time for Lake Park Sign & Frontage Project- project management, inspection, etc. 1,850.47 1,850.47 Other- Reserves 46)Zoo Wall Improvement Project City of Atascadero Contract with City to construct the Zoo Wall Project 240,000.00 0.00 Other- Reserves 47)Redevelopment Agency General Fund accounts payable & accrued payroll at June 30, 2011 Various vendors Invoices & payroll for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until FY 2011/2012 18,890.09 19,151.30 Other- Reserves 48)Redevelopment Agency General Fund accounts payable & accrued payroll at January 31, 2012 Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 2/1/12, but not paid until after 1/31/12 7,500.00 7,500.00 Other- Reserves 49)Production of Affordable Housing City of Atascadero Contract with City to establish 24 affordable housing units 5,543,800.00 0.00 LMIHF 50)Low/Moderate Income Housing Administration Costs City of Atascadero Administration of the Low/Moderate Income Housing Program (through dissolution) 13,710.00 13,710.00 LMIHF 51)Redevelopment Housing Assistance Strategy Urban Futures Inc.Contract for services to analyze options for affordable housing 42,136.43 42,136.43 LMIHF 52)Redevelopment Agency Low Mod Housing Fund accounts payable & accrued payroll at June 30, 2011 Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until after FY 2011/2012 562.50 562.50 LMIHF TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month - - - - - - - 14,024.29 - - - - - 14,024.29 - 927.00 - 4,032.00 - - - 4,959.00 - - - - - - - 162.58 - - - - - 162.58 - - - - - - - - - 7,500.00 - - - 7,500.00 - 1,958.57 - - - - - 1,958.57 1,575.00 - 5,000.00 - - 7,421.94 13,996.94 - - - - - - - On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into an agreements related to Production of Affordable Housing Units. The agreement had the Agency formally contracting with the City to complete the Production of Affordable Housing Units. The validity of this agreement is called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line, but rather individually by contract below for executed contracts. There is the potential that future obligations under this contract may be incurred depending on the outcome of litigation/legislation. Page 6 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 53)Blight Elimination Projects Contract City of Atascadero Contract with City to construct June 2010 priority Blight Elimination Projects 8,176,820.00 0.00 Other- Reserves / Bond proceeds 54)Creek Improvements California Conservation Crew & related support invoices Removal of non-native vegetation in preparation for installation of Creek Trail in compliance with State River Parkways Grant Program. 7,293.46 7,293.46 Other- Reserves 55)Wayfinding Project Signs of Success Contract for design, and purchase of street signs and kiosks 47,632.00 47,632.00 Other- Reserves 56)Wayfinding Project Karp Land Surveys Contract for design, and purchase of street signs and kiosks 105.00 105.00 Other- Reserves 57)Wayfinding Project not yet awarded Bond Funded: Installation of Wayfinding street signs and kiosks, including PG & E charges. As yet unlet contracts for the completion of Wayfinding Project (items 56 & 57 above) 52,263.00 52,304.71 Other- Reserves / Bond proceeds 58)Downtown Property Purchase Hamner & Jewell Contract for property negotiation services 4,605.79 4,605.79 Other- Reserves 59)Downtown Property Purchase First American Title/Olsen Property Purchase of Olsen property for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge/Centennial Park Projects 125,008.00 125,008.00 Other- Reserves 60)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Althouse & Meade Contract for Environmental evaluation for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 11,000.00 11,000.00 Other- Reserves 61)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Arris Studio Architects Architectural renderings for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 6,812.47 6,812.47 Other- Reserves 62)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge A&T Arborists Tree plan for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 850.00 850.00 Other- Reserves 63)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Pacific Gas & Electric PG&E engineering design for electrical service for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 3,000.00 3,000.00 Other- Reserves 64)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge San Luis Obispo County Recorder Filing Fee to record mitigated negative declaration for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 2,094.00 2,094.00 Other- Reserves 65)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge North Coast Engineering Design for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 106,605.00 106,605.00 Other- Reserves 66)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge EDA Design Professionals Topographic Services for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 10,810.00 10,810.00 Other- Reserves TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month - - - - - - - - 23,816.00 - - - - - 23,816.00 - - - - - - - 41.71 - 500.00 - 9,000.00 42,763.00 52,304.71 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,689.50 - 1,863.75 - - - 3,553.25 289.35 - - - - - 289.35 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33,468.35 - 45,279.80 - - - 78,748.15 - - 10,810.00 - - - 10,810.00 On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into an agreements related to 2010 Board prioritized projects collectively known as the Blight Elimination Projects. The agreement had the Agency formally contracting with the City to complete the Projects. The validity of this agreement is called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line, but rather individually by contract below for executed contracts. There is the potential that future obligations under this contract may be incurred depending on the outcome of litigation/legislation. Page 7 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 67)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge City of Atascadero Expenditures for City staff time for inspection, construction management and project administration. 0.00 6,606.50 Other- Reserves 68)Maiden Statue Placement Eikhof Design Group Preparation and placement of Maiden Statue under restoration contract 3,040.00 3,040.00 Bonds 69)Maiden Statue Placement various vendors Bond Funded (2005) Ancillary costs to contract with Ethos- transportation and installation of Maiden Statues 46,880.00 7,500.00 Bonds 70)Centennial Plaza Karp Land Surveys Centennial Plaza conceptual plans 1,187.50 1,187.50 Other- Reserves 71)Downtown Streetscape III Project G Sosa Construction Contract through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project in excess of ARRA grant 88,945.71 88,945.71 Other- Reserves 72)Downtown Streetscape III Project C3 Construction Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project. 28,947.37 28,947.37 Other- Reserves 73)Downtown Streetscape III Project Apodaca Paving Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project. 11,570.35 11,570.35 Other- Reserves 74)Downtown Streetscape III Project Rick Engineering Bond Funded (2005): Contract through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project. 14,677.21 14,677.21 Other- Reserves 75)Downtown Streetscape III Project City of Atascadero Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures for City staff time for inspection, construction management and project administration. 16,352.44 16,352.44 Other- Reserves 76)Downtown Streetscape III Project Various vendors Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project- includes testing, materials & minor design changes 11,766.38 11,766.38 Other- Reserves 77)Blight Elimination Projects- Fiscal Year 10/11 Expenses (accounts payable June 30, 2011) Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until after 6/30/11 12,324.25 12,324.25 Other- Reserves 78)Maiden Statue Restoration Ethos Bond Funded (2005): Contract for completion of restoration of historic marble statue 147,730.00 147,730.00 Bonds TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month 1,069.68 1,000.00 - - - - 2,069.68 - - 2,500.00 - - - 2,500.00 - - - 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 7,500.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19,780.00 - - 19,780.00 Page 8 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 79)Historic City Hall Project Contract and Loan Agreement City of Atascadero Bond Funded: Contracts with City to assist with repair of earthquake damage from San Simeon 12,117,863.67 0.00 Bonds 80)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Earth Systems Pacific Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for deputy inspection services 381,278.81 240,855.25 Bonds & Grants 81)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Earth Systems Pacific Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order for longer than expected foundation work 50,000.00 50,000.00 Bonds & Grants 82)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Marcor Environmental Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for demolition of penthouse areas and related hazardous materials removal 18,500.00 18,500.00 Bonds & Grants 83)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Rossi & Carr Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Basement Electrical and Temporary Power 1,200.00 0.00 Bonds & Grants 84)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Concrete pile work and other basement structural work construction contractor 3,447,330.25 3,447,330.25 Bonds & Grants 85)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #01- Savings due to elimination of trees (9,999.00)(9,999.00)Bonds & Grants 86)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #02 Additional pins for pile cap 2C & PC-1A 2,932.00 2,932.00 Bonds & Grants 87)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded:Change Order #03 Lead Paint in Basement 22,550.00 22,550.00 Bonds & Grants 88)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #04 Additional pile cap depth 60,500.00 60,500.00 Bonds & Grants 89)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scovell Tree Surgery Bond Funded: Contract for removal of two front trees for project 5,000.00 5,000.00 Bonds & Grants 90)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Marcor Environmental Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for removal of underground storage tank and preliminary removal of contaminated soil 10,944.00 10,944.00 Bonds & Grants 91)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for repair of historical fabric / structure construction contract 10,564,669.00 4,581,487.47 Bonds & Grants 92)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1- Demo of council dais 2,933.00 2,639.70 Bonds & Grants TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month - 18,183.50 17,935.25 55,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 166,118.75 330.00 1,993.75 - - - - 2,323.75 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 504,648.90 172,821.38 400,000.00 293,910.57 - 344,733.02 1,716,113.87 - - (4,500.00) (4,500.00) (999.00) - (9,999.00) - 2,638.80 - - 293.20 - 2,932.00 - - 20,300.00 - 2,250.00 - 22,550.00 - - 54,450.00 - 6,050.00 - 60,500.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 676,779.99 264,054.71 700,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 3,740,834.70 2,639.70 - - - - - 2,639.70 On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into two separate agreements related to the Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project. The first agreement had the Agency formally contracting its long-time pledge of funds for the Project. The second agreement formalized the long-time agreement for bond proceeds and Redevelopment Agency reserves to fund cash flows for the Project. (A large portion of the Project is funded through reimbursement grants/funding). These validity of these agreements are called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line, but rather individually by contract/project line item below. Page 9 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 93)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2- Ceiling abatement & removal first floor 7,178.00 6,460.20 Bonds & Grants 94)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #3- Ceiling abatement & removal second floor 6,117.00 5,505.30 Bonds & Grants 95)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order #8 - gypsum board substrate in upper rotunda 26,614.00 23,952.60 Bonds & Grants 96)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #4- Ceiling abatement & removal third floor+ 15,663.00 14,096.70 Bonds & Grants 97)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #5- Repair fireproofing spalls 3,809.00 3,428.10 Bonds & Grants 98)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #8- lead abatement for installation of steel 68,580.00 61,722.00 Bonds & Grants 99)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #6- repair of unmortared brick 9,102.00 8,191.80 Bonds & Grants 100)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #7- removal/disposal of selected existing steel 3,630.00 3,267.00 Bonds & Grants 101)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Golden State Steel Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Structural Steel and Misc. Metals Construction Contract 494,300.00 494,300.00 Bonds & Grants 102)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Golden State Steel Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1- deletion of catwalk (48,350.00)(48,350.00)Bonds & Grants 103)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Golden State Steel Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2- stiffener plates 2,132.00 2,132.00 Bonds & Grants 104)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Rough Carpentry Construction 277,920.00 250,128.00 Bonds & Grants 105)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Expected Change Order #1- Rafter Connection Change 2,395.00 2,155.50 Bonds & Grants 106)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Expected Change Order #2- Addition of Catwalk 33,622.00 30,259.80 Bonds & Grants 107)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond/Grant Funded: Required landscaping restoration 350,000.00 40,000.00 Bonds & Grants 108)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Republic Elevator Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Elevator Construction 276,320.00 161,647.20 Bonds & Grants 109)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Alpha Fire Sprinkler Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Fire Sprinkler Construction 259,841.00 123,361.20 Bonds & Grants TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month 6,460.20 - - - - - 6,460.20 5,505.30 - - - - - 5,505.30 - - - 5,990.00 11,980.00 5,982.60 23,952.60 - 14,096.70 - - - - 14,096.70 - - - 3,428.10 - - 3,428.10 - - 61,722.00 - - - 61,722.00 - - 8,191.80 - - - 8,191.80 - - 3,267.00 - - - 3,267.00 - 10,350.00 177,950.00 177,950.00 71,420.00 49,430.00 487,100.00 - - (17,406.00) (17,406.00) (8,703.00) (4,835.00) (48,350.00) - - 1,918.80 - - 213.20 2,132.00 - 14,788.30 50,000.00 87,500.00 87,500.00 6,789.20 246,577.50 - - - 2,155.50 - - 2,155.50 - - - - 18,200.00 12,059.80 30,259.80 - - - - 5,000.00 35,000.00 40,000.00 - - 24,868.80 87,040.80 - 49,737.60 161,647.20 - - 11,700.00 23,400.00 23,400.00 46,800.00 105,300.00 Page 10 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 110)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Plumbing Construction 403,000.00 208,270.20 Bonds & Grants 111)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1 Storm drain piping in basement 11,296.00 10,166.40 Bonds & Grants 112)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2 Wastewater piping in basement 25,182.00 22,663.80 Bonds & Grants 113)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Expected Change Order #3 Replacement of sewer and storm drain pipes floors 1- 3 207,680.00 157,200.00 Bonds & Grants 114)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Santa Margarita Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for HVAC Construction 849,777.00 618,818.07 Bonds & Grants 115)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Electrical Construction 762,457.00 427,935.21 Bonds & Grants 116)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Contract Amendment for Add Alternate 128,000.00 28,800.00 Bonds & Grants 117)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1 (deduct) MC cable sub Electrical contract (27,711.00)(24,939.90)Bonds & Grants 118)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2 (deduct) Notifier fire alarm panel (25,456.00)(22,910.40)Bonds & Grants 119)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #3 (deduct) Use 5 existing conduits (2,463.00)(2,216.70)Bonds & Grants 120)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #4 Saturday premium 399.00 359.10 Bonds & Grants 121)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond/Grant Funded: Required Smoke curtain installation 50,000.00 5,000.00 Bonds & Grants 122)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Harvey's Honey Huts Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Rental of Portable Toilets for construction workers 20,099.80 6,946.48 Bonds & Grants 123)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond/Grant Funded: Construction costs for other general conditions such as barricades, striping, on-site traffic control, SWPP measures, construction trailer expenses, temporary utilities, signage, road and site repair 184,154.00 67,286.12 Bonds & Grants 124)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond/Grant Funded: Required sidewalk and parking lot improvement 300,000.00 40,000.00 Bonds & Grants 125)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond Funded: Replacement appliances, furniture and fixtures 150,000.00 0.00 Bonds & Grants TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month - - 11,636.20 9,100.00 65,300.00 65,300.00 151,336.20 - 10,166.40 - - - - 10,166.40 - - 22,663.80 - - - 22,663.80 - - 22,500.00 22,500.00 56,100.00 56,100.00 157,200.00 14,923.27 - 358,500.00 8,500.00 63,700.00 63,700.00 509,323.27 61,341.47 47,300.00 24,400.00 24,400.00 64,400.00 221,841.47 - - 9,600.00 6,400.00 6,400.00 6,400.00 28,800.00 - - (4,200.00) (2,800.00) (2,800.00) (2,669.95) (12,469.95) - - - - - (22,910.40) (22,910.40) - - - - - (2,216.70) (2,216.70) 359.10 - - - - - 359.10 - - - - - 5,000.00 5,000.00 457.36 535.36 920.00 920.00 920.00 920.00 4,672.72 976.85 9,638.02 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 34,614.87 - - - - 5,000.00 35,000.00 40,000.00 - - - - - - - Page 11 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 126)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Architecture and Engineering Services for Project (Phase 1 & 2) 888,437.54 529,634.14 Bonds & Grants 127)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Architecture and Engineering Services for Project (Phase 3) 131,258.20 81,273.37 Bonds & Grants 128)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #1- switchgear design 15,000.00 15,000.00 Bonds & Grants 129)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #2- code requirements 5,400.00 5,400.00 Bonds & Grants 130)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #3- smoke curtain design 750.00 750.00 Bonds & Grants 131)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #4- electrical change design and fire alarm design 16,000.00 16,000.00 Bonds & Grants 132)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #5- exterior lighting design 11,400.00 11,400.00 Bonds & Grants 133)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #6- audio/visual design for Council chambers 21,900.00 21,900.00 Bonds & Grants 134)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #7- amended landscape design 7,000.00 7,000.00 Bonds & Grants 135)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Bernards Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Construction Management Services 2,495,572.78 1,181,303.12 Bonds & Grants 136)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project City of Atascadero Bond Funded: Project staff time in accordance with City practice of charging projects for direct costs for project management 104,000.00 40,100.00 Bonds & Grants 137)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project California Code Check Bond Funded: Contract plan checking service for Historic City Hall Earthquake Project 70,000.00 22,176.25 Bonds & Grants 138)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project City of Atascadero Bond Funded: Permitting (other than California Code Check) costs for project including tree removal fees 184,090.00 45,000.00 Bonds & Grants 139)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Millennium Consulting Bond Funded: Contract for hazardous materials testing and monitoring 62,273.71 62,273.71 Bonds & Grants 140)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Millennium Consulting Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order #7 for additional services- underestimated time of abatement monitoring 14,601.39 14,601.39 Bonds & Grants TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month 94,934.16 48,928.47 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 343,862.63 13,523.53 6,668.52 7,000.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 46,192.05 - - 15,000.00 - - - 15,000.00 - - 5,400.00 - - - 5,400.00 - - 750.00 - - - 750.00 - - 6,000.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 - 16,000.00 - - 3,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 400.00 11,400.00 - - 5,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 900.00 21,900.00 - - 3,500.00 3,500.00 - - 7,000.00 214,168.85 - 295,890.79 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 870,059.64 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 4,700.00 21,200.00 4,307.50 - 10,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 17,307.50 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 21,000.00 3,183.20 7,230.50 - - 16,102.92 - 26,516.62 - 14,601.39 - - - - 14,601.39 Page 12 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 141)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Millennium Consulting Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order #8 for additional services- underestimated time of abatement monitoring 39,535.11 39,535.11 Bonds & Grants 142)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond Funded: Costs for construction cleanup (does not include dumpsters and storage containers above) 64,320.00 2,000.00 Bonds & Grants 143)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Mid State Solid Waste Bond Funded: Contract for Rental of Trash Rolloffs 23,450.00 7,714.52 Bonds & Grants 144)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Atascadero Waste Alternatives Bond Funded: Contract for Storage Containers 10,125.57 1,200.00 Bonds & Grants 145)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond Funded: Other construction costs such as printing, site security, dust palliation, record keeping, pest control, etc. 102,981.37 5,155.86 Bonds & Grants 146)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond Funded: Other small construction costs 5,100.00 5,100.00 Bonds & Grants 147)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various construction contractors Bond Funded: Construction contingency 4,313,904.50 2,000,000.00 Bonds & Grants 148)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until after 6/30/11 715,762.52 715,762.52 Bonds & Grants 149)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Commitment to State of California CCHE grant match 349,125.00 0.00 Bonds 150)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Commitment to FEMA and CalEMA Obligation to receive occupancy permit on Historic City Hall Project in order to retain grant funds for City Hall Project and Temporary Relocation 21,739,149.00 0.00 Bonds 151)Bond Agreement- Use of Bond Proceeds (City Hall and Identified Blight Elimination projects per June 2010 Board meeting) Commitment to Bond Holders Remaining 2010 bond proceeds earmarked for City Hall Project & 2010 Identified Blight Elimination Projects 13,518,143.67 0.00 Bonds 152)Bond Agreement- Use of Interest on Bond Proceeds (City Hall and 2010 Identified Blight Elimination Projects) Commitment to Bond Holders Interest earned on remaining 2010 bond proceeds earmarked for City Hall Project & 2010 Identified blight Elimination Projects 107,000.00 0.00 Bonds 153)Bond Agreement- Use of Bond Proceeds for completion of 2005 Bond Projects Commitment to Bond Holders Remaining 2005 bond proceeds earmarked for Maiden Statue Project, Streetscape III and Wayfinding 356,128.32 0.00 Bonds TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month - 24,580.81 8,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 (1,045.70) 39,535.11 - - 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 2,000.00 - 752.43 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 3,952.43 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 800.00 267.81 401.31 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 2,669.12 - 5,100.00 - - - - 5,100.00 - - 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 2,000,000.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - Note: This is a matching grant commitment. This obligation will be met through the Agency's contract with Diani shown on line 91, therefore no payments are shown her Note: As part of the 2010 bond indenture agreement the Agency has committed to the bond holders that it will complete certain projects collectively known as the Project. (The Project includes the Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehabilitation Project and other infrastructure projects in the Project Area). While the obligations for individual construction contracts and related construction costs are listed individually above, this line is intended to show the obligation to the bond holders to comply with the indenture agreement (section 3.03 Establishment and Application of Project Fund). Monthly payments are not shown here, but rather through line items listed above (for known contracts/construction costs) and through future line items (for future contracts necessary to fulfill this committment) Note: As part of the 2005 bond indenture agreement the Agency has committed to the bond holders that it will complete certain projects collectively known as the Project. While the obligations for individual construction contracts and related construction costs are listed individually above, this line is intended to show the obligation to the bond holders to comply with the indenture agreement (section 3.03 Redevelopment Fund). Monthly payments are not shown here, but rather through line items listed above (for known contracts/construction costs) and through future line items (for future contracts necessary to fulfill this committment) Note: This is a FEMA/CAlEMA funding requirement. This obligation will be met by completing the Historic City Hall Project and occupying the facility Page 13 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 154)Bond Agreement- Use of Interest on Bond Proceeds for completion of 2005 Bond Projects Commitment to Bond Holders Future interest earned on remaining 2005 bond proceeds earmarked for Maiden Statue Project, Streetscape III and Wayfinding 1,200.00 0.00 Bonds Totals - LMHIF 5,600,208.93$ 56,408.93$ 77,072,248.21$ 16,146,925.44$ Total - Other 21,356,298.55$ 3,378,460.59$ #############19,581,794.96$ 1 In order to smooth out transition and avoid default on bonds, it is expected that 2010 Bond reimbursement payments through 2015/2016 will be made from reserves. All future payments related to the 2010 bond reimbursement agreement will be made from the RPTTF Totals - Bonds /Grants (includes bothe bond & grant proceeds, as it impossible to determine how much FEMA/CalEMA will pay for from each contract) Grand Total- Other Funding Sources TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month - 3,533.57$ -$ 5,000.00$ -$ -$ 7,421.94$ 15,955.51$ 1,629,990.69$ 634,182.10$ 2,943,123.19$ 2,198,968.97$ 1,885,714.12$ 2,235,887.67$ 11,527,866.74$ 112,840.23$ 12,054.08$ 485,734.46$ 1,408,283.33$ 117,103.33$ 44,263.00$ 2,180,278.43$ 1,746,364.49$ 646,236.18$ 3,433,857.65$ 3,607,252.30$ 2,002,817.45$ 2,287,572.61$ 13,724,100.68$ Note: As part of the 2005 bond indenture agreement the Agency has committed to the bond holders that it will complete certain projects collectively known as the Project. While the obligations for individual construction contracts and related construction costs are listed individually above, this line is intended to show the obligation to the bond holders to comply with the indenture agreement (section 3.03 Redevelopment Fund). Monthly payments are not shown here, but rather through line items listed above (for known contracts/construction costs) and through future line items (for future contracts necessary to fulfill this committment) Page 14 of 15 Administrative Allowance Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Total Due During Fiscal Year Funding Source 1)Administration of Agency various vendors Administrative expenses for successor agency in accordance with AB1X26 through June 2016 including - office expense, postage, legal notices, computer costs, phone costs, operations, professional development, direct staff time, general overhead 1,104,167.00 104,166.67 Admin Allowance Totals- Administrative Allowance 1,104,167.00$ 104,166.67$ TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 0.00 20,833.33 20,833.34 20,833.33 20,833.33 20,833.34 104,166.67 -$ 20,833.33$ 20,833.34$ 20,833.33$ 20,833.33$ 20,833.34$ 104,166.67$ Payable from the Administrative Allowance Allocation Payments by Month Page 15 of 15 Pass -Throughs and Other Obligations Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 OTHER OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)County General Fund County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 6,966,552.00 153,353.47 RPTTF 2)Air Pollution Control District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 29,108.00 642.43 RPTTF 3)County Library County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 565,992.00 12,467.80 RPTTF 4)City of Atascadero County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 5,860,442.00 129,146.57 RPTTF 5)SLO CO Flood Control District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 109,964.00 2,431.42 RPTTF 6)Nacimiento Water District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 90,559.00 1,967.39 RPTTF 7)Atascadero Cemetery District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 326,658.00 7,206.07 RPTTF 8) Atascadero Unified School District (oper)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 5,258,873.00 115,785.17 RPTTF 9) Atascadero Unified School Dist(Ed Fac)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 6,885,696.00 151,618.06 RPTTF 10)Cuesta College (oper)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 870,010.00 19,120.64 RPTTF 11)Cuesta College (ed fac)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 960,569.00 21,134.12 RPTTF 12)Co School Service (oper)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 203,757.00 4,533.11 RPTTF 13)Co School Service (ed fac)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 879,713.00 19,324.09 RPTTF 14)Co School Service (ed fac)County of San Luis Obispo Basic Aid Pass Through per 33676 3,334,500.92 90,588.49 RPTTF Totals - Other Obligations 32,342,393.92$ 729,318.83$ Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan - June 2012 - - - - - 76,505.50 76,505.50 - - - - - 320.50 320.50 - - - - - 6,220.00 6,220.00 - - - - - 64,431.00 64,431.00 - - - - - 1,213.00 1,213.00 - - - - - 981.50 981.50 - - - - - 3,595.00 3,595.00 - - - - - 57,763.50 57,763.50 - - - - - 75,640.00 75,640.00 - - - - - 9,539.00 9,539.00 - - - - - 10,543.50 10,543.50 - - - - - 2,261.50 2,261.50 - - - - - 9,640.50 9,640.50 - - - - - 45,211.00 45,211.00 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 363,865.50$ 363,865.50$ Pass Throughs and Other Patyments Payments by Month Page 1 of 15 Redevelopment Tax Trust Fund Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall 30,477,075.00 0.00 RPTTF 2)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Trustee & disclosure services for life of 2010 Bonds (bond requirement) 81,000.00 0.00 RPTTF 3)2004/2005 Redevelopment Bonds2 Bank of New York Mellon Contract for bonds issued to finance priority redevelopment projects in the project area 20,118,303.78 851,705.00 RPTTF 4)2004/2005 Redevelopment Bonds Bank of New York Mellon Trustee & disclosure services for life of 2004/2005 RDA Bonds (bond requirement) 72,000.00 2,200.00 RPTTF Totals - This Page (RPTIF Funding)50,748,378.78 853,905.00 Totals - Pages 2 - 13 (Other Funding)104,028,755.69 19,581,794.96 Totals - Page 14 (Administrative Cost Allowance)1,104,167.00 104,166.67 Totals - Page 15 (Pass Thru Payments)32,342,393.92 729,318.83 Grand total - All Pages 188,223,695.39 21,269,185.46 0.00 1 2 Total Due During Fiscal Year 2011- 2012 Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Per the 2005 Bond Indenture Agreement the Agency must transfer all of the tax revenues received in any bond year to the Debt Service Fund promptly upon receipt, until such time during such bond year as the amounts on deposit in the Debt Service Fund equal the aggregate amounts required to be transferred to the trustee for the bond year. This ROPS reflects the debt service payments due March 1, 2013 and September 1, 2013 as due in December 2012 when the first tax increment distribution is required. This is in accordance with the bond indenture agreement which requires the funds to be deposited in the debt service fund. The debt service payments are then made from this debt service fund. The actual bond debt service schedule is attached for reference In order to smooth out transition and avoid default on bonds, it is expected that 2010 Bond reimbursement payments through 2015/2016 will be made from reserves. All future payments related to the 2010 bond reimbursement agreement will be made from the RPTTF TOTAL July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec July-Dec 2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 850,835.00 850,835.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,400.00 0.00 0.00 2,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,400.00 0.00 850,835.00 853,235.00 1,831,249.60 1,569,063.70 1,973,376.25 1,118,120.00 1,133,410.00 1,033,974.23 8,659,193.78 20,833.33 20,833.33 20,833.34 20,833.33 20,833.33 20,833.34 125,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,852,082.93 1,589,897.03 1,994,209.59 1,141,353.33 1,154,243.33 1,905,642.57 9,637,428.78 Payable from Redevelopment Agency Tax Trust Fund Payments by Month Page 2 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 2)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero City of Atascadero Trustee & disclosure services for life of 2010 Bonds (bond requirement) 9,000.00 1,750.00 Other- Reserves 3)City Loan #1 entered into in 1998 City of Atascadero Contract for loan & interest for start up costs 159,828.00 159,828.00 Other- Reserves 4)City Loan #2 entered into in 2001 City of Atascadero Contract for revolving loan & interest for Operating Expenses 537,482.00 537,482.00 Other- Reserves 5)City Loan #3 entered into in 2002 City of Atascadero Contract for property purchase loan & interest left outstanding for cash flow 774,152.00 774,152.00 Other- Reserves 6)Loan from RDA Low/Moderate Housing Fund to RDA General Fund Low/Mod Housing Fund Repayment of Loan from RDA Low/Mod Fund for SERAF payment 1,335,322.00 0.00 Other- Reserves 7)CJPIA Retrospective Deposit CJPIA Redevelopment Agency share of risk pool losses through June 30, 2011. (Due July 1, 2013) 74,700.00 0.00 Other- Reserves 8)Property Tax Collection County of SLO 2011-2012 annual cost of collection of property tax revenues 95,520.00 95,520.00 Other- Reserves 9)Employee Services Part Time Employee Direct RDA employee costs for RDA through 7/1/11 37.20 37.20 Other- Reserves 10)Financial independent audit services (admin) Moss, Levy & Hartzheim, LLP Contract for independent financial audits (10/11 & 11/12 closeout) 7,755.00 3,655.00 Other- Reserves 11)Agency Insurance costs CJPIA/Alliant Insurance Liability insurance coverage in compliance with bond covenants 9,937.00 9,937.00 Other- Reserves 12)Legal Services- Administration of Agency Burke, Williams, Sorenson Contract for legal services for administration of the agency (estimate through dissolution) 6,496.50 6,496.50 Other- Reserves 13)Administration of Agency Charter Communications/ TW Telecom Admin- Phone & Internet expense (estimated through dissolution) 34.89 34.89 Other- Reserves 14)Administration of Agency California Redevelopment Assoc Admin- annual dues for information, training, etc. 2,670.00 2,670.00 Other- Reserves 15)Computer and website support for RDA City of Atascadero Admin- computer support costs through dissolution 1,280.47 1,280.47 Other- Reserves 16)Administrative support staff for RDA City of Atascadero Administrative direct staff support costs through dissolution 29,000.00 29,000.00 Other- Reserves TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 - - 382,256.25 - - - 382,256.25 - - - 1,750.00 - - 1,750.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources Page 3 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 17)General overhead and support for RDA (general accounting, payments, council chamber use, agenda preparation, etc…) City of Atascadero Administrative overhead costs through dissolution 24,790.00 24,790.00 Other- Reserves 18)Colony Square Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions Colony Square, LLC Contract for required participation in maintenance of common areas for Colony Square (estimated cost is listed for 3 years, however required as long as RDA owns the lot) 30,000.00 10,000.00 Other- Rents 19)Maintenance of Creekside Building in accordance with lease agreement with City Various Vendors (Lease commitment to City of Atascadero) Lease Proceeds: Contract for costs associated with maintaining RDA owned building in accordance with lease agreement. (Cost listed is estimate through 6/30/13. Must maintain through sale) 31,452.92 14,726.46 Other- Rents 20)Lease land from City effective 07/01/09 and maintenance of RDA owned Building - Main Street Building City of Atascadero Contract/ Lease of land for RDA owned building (estimated cost listed is for one year) 1,000.00 1,000.00 Other- Reserves 21)Maintenance of building RDA leases to Main Street Various Vendors (Lease to Main Street) Contract for costs associated with maintaining RDA building leased to Main Street (estimated cost listed is for one year) 250.00 200.00 Other- Reserves 22)Blight Reduction and Economic Growth Contract City of Atascadero Contract with City for economic growth projects; tourism, marketing and promotion; downtown enhanced maintenance and beautification; and administration 5,621,180.00 0.00 Other- Reserves 23)Monthly Electricity PG&E Electricity for RDA installed downtown infrastructure enhancements (medians, crosswalks and ped tunnel) through January 30, 2012 1,124.14 1,124.14 Other- Reserves 24)Sunken Garden Extra Maintenance Supplies various vendors Supplies for enhanced maintenance of Sunken Gardens 394.25 394.25 Other- Reserves 25)Trash pickup service NCI Trash bins were placed downtown to keep the area litter free. This is the contract with a third party vendor to empty those trash cans. 1,451.25 1,451.25 Other- Reserves TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - - - - - - - - - - 10,000.00 - - 10,000.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 8,700.00 - - - - - - - 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 300.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into an agreements related to Economic Development and Blight Elimination. The agreement had the Agency formally contracting with the City to complete the Economic Development and Blight Elimination Programs as set out by the Board. The validity of this agreement is called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line but rather individually by contract below for executed contracts. There is the potential that future obligations under this contract may be incurred depending on the outcome of litigation/legislation. Page 4 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 26)Downtown Landscape Maintenance Contract Martinelli Landscape Contract for maintenance of the RDA installed infrastructure enhancement; medians and Pedestrian Tunnel through 7/31/11 1,176.83 1,176.83 Other- Reserves 27)Downtown Landscape Maintenance Contract Gilbert's Landscape Contract for maintenance of RDA installed downtown infrastructure enhancements (medians, crosswalks and ped tunnel) through earliest termination 5,692.05 5,692.05 Other- Reserves 28)Clean up and maintenance of the downtown area City of Atascadero Weekly inspection/litter pickup and cleaning of downtown business area through January 2012 14,360.00 14,360.00 Other- Reserves 29)Fountain Maintenance Aquamark Operating costs for Downtown Fountain brought back to working order by the RDA in order to deter blight (estimated through 1/31/12) 2,205.61 2,205.61 Other- Reserves 30)Graffiti abatement Paul Zehner & de Cou LumberRDA Graffiti abatement program costs 116.84 116.84 Other- Reserves 31)Sunken Garden Holiday Enhancement Coast Nitelites Enhancement of Sunken Gardens Holiday Lighting to promote positive activities in the Downtown 7,200.00 7,200.00 Other- Reserves 32)Portable toilet service for farmers market Harvey's Honeyhuts Portable toilet service for farmers market 545.14 545.14 Other- Reserves 33)Color copies for ICSC conference Hart Impressions Marketing materials to encourage economic development in the RDA 157.65 157.65 Other- Reserves 34)Permit Fee Waiver Program City of Atascadero Approved and marketed program for reimbursement of permit fees for new businesses; costs incurred through 12/29/11 1,781.31 1,781.31 Other- Reserves 35)Façade Improvement Program Denny's Restaurant Approved and marketed program for reimbursement of façade improvements 2,999.00 2,999.00 Other- Reserves 36)Tourism Promotion- SLO Count Visitors and Conference Bureau SLO Count Visitors and Conference Bureau Tourism and marking cooperative 8,200.00 8,200.00 Other- Reserves 37)Tourism, Marketing and Events Services SW Martin & Associates Contract for tourism and marking services (cost through earliest termination date) 132,999.96 132,999.96 Other- Reserves 38)Special Events and Promotions SW Martin & Associates Savor the Central Coast 20,000.00 20,000.00 Other- Reserves 39)Main Street Program Atascadero Main Street Contract for downtown promotions and events (through earliest possible termination date) 28,500.00 28,500.00 Other- Reserves TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 5 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 40)Marketing tool annual payment Tools for Business Success Informational tool on web site that provides business building, planning, and management tools to help local businesses succeed. 1,140.00 1,140.00 Other- Reserves 41)Economic Development Staff City of Atascadero Portion of City employees time spent on Redevelopment and Economic development in the Project area, both current and future projects 98,170.00 98,170.00 Other- Reserves 42)Lake Park Sign & Frontage City of Atascadero Contract with City to construct the Lake Park Sign and Frontage Project 370,467.67 0.00 Other- Reserves 43)Lake Park Sign & Frontage Eikhof Design Group Design work on Lake Park Sign and Frontage Project 12,708.00 12,708.00 Other- Reserves 44)Lake Park Sign & Frontage various vendors Printing, advertising and geotechnical costs on Lake Park Sign and Frontage Project 1,466.63 1,466.63 Other- Reserves 45)Lake Park Sign & Frontage City of Atascadero City staff time for Lake Park Sign & Frontage Project- project management, inspection, etc. 1,850.47 1,850.47 Other- Reserves 46)Zoo Wall Improvement Project City of Atascadero Contract with City to construct the Zoo Wall Project 240,000.00 0.00 Other- Reserves 47)Redevelopment Agency General Fund accounts payable & accrued payroll at June 30, 2011 Various vendors Invoices & payroll for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until FY 2011/2012 18,890.09 19,151.30 Other- Reserves 48)Redevelopment Agency General Fund accounts payable & accrued payroll at January 31, 2012 Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 2/1/12, but not paid until after 1/31/12 7,500.00 7,500.00 Other- Reserves 49)Production of Affordable Housing City of Atascadero Contract with City to establish 24 affordable housing units 5,543,800.00 0.00 LMIHF 50)Low/Moderate Income Housing Administration Costs City of Atascadero Administration of the Low/Moderate Income Housing Program (through dissolution) 13,710.00 13,710.00 LMIHF 51)Redevelopment Housing Assistance Strategy Urban Futures Inc.Contract for services to analyze options for affordable housing 42,136.43 42,136.43 LMIHF 52)Redevelopment Agency Low Mod Housing Fund accounts payable & accrued payroll at June 30, 2011 Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until after FY 2011/2012 562.50 562.50 LMIHF TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - See Items 46 & 47 Below for Actual. Also See Footnote #6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No costs or contracts have been incurred to date. See Footnote #6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into an agreements related to Production of Affordable Housing Units. The agreement had the Agency formally contracting with the City to complete the Production of Affordable Housing Units. The validity of this agreement is called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line, but rather individually by contract below for executed contracts. There is the potential that future obligations under this contract may be incurred depending on the outcome of litigation/legislation. Page 6 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 53)Blight Elimination Projects Contract City of Atascadero Contract with City to construct June 2010 priority Blight Elimination Projects 8,176,820.00 0.00 Other- Reserves / Bond proceeds 54)Creek Improvements California Conservation Crew & related support invoices Removal of non-native vegetation in preparation for installation of Creek Trail in compliance with State River Parkways Grant Program. 7,293.46 7,293.46 Other- Reserves 55)Wayfinding Project Signs of Success Contract for design, and purchase of street signs and kiosks 47,632.00 47,632.00 Other- Reserves 56)Wayfinding Project Karp Land Surveys Contract for design, and purchase of street signs and kiosks 105.00 105.00 Other- Reserves 57)Wayfinding Project not yet awarded Bond Funded: Installation of Wayfinding street signs and kiosks, including PG & E charges. As yet unlet contracts for the completion of Wayfinding Project (items 56 & 57 above) 52,263.00 52,304.71 Other- Reserves / Bond proceeds 58)Downtown Property Purchase Hamner & Jewell Contract for property negotiation services 4,605.79 4,605.79 Other- Reserves 59)Downtown Property Purchase First American Title/Olsen Property Purchase of Olsen property for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge/Centennial Park Projects 125,008.00 125,008.00 Other- Reserves 60)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Althouse & Meade Contract for Environmental evaluation for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 11,000.00 11,000.00 Other- Reserves 61)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Arris Studio Architects Architectural renderings for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 6,812.47 6,812.47 Other- Reserves 62)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge A&T Arborists Tree plan for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 850.00 850.00 Other- Reserves 63)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Pacific Gas & Electric PG&E engineering design for electrical service for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 3,000.00 3,000.00 Other- Reserves 64)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge San Luis Obispo County Recorder Filing Fee to record mitigated negative declaration for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 2,094.00 2,094.00 Other- Reserves 65)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge North Coast Engineering Design for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 106,605.00 106,605.00 Other- Reserves 66)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge EDA Design Professionals Topographic Services for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 10,810.00 10,810.00 Other- Reserves TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into an agreements related to 2010 Board prioritized projects collectively known as the Blight Elimination Projects. The agreement had the Agency formally contracting with the City to complete the Projects. The validity of this agreement is called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line, but rather individually by contract below for executed contracts. There is the potential that future obligations under this contract may be incurred depending on the outcome of litigation/legislation. Page 7 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 67)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge City of Atascadero Expenditures for City staff time for inspection, construction management and project administration. 0.00 6,606.50 Other- Reserves 68)Maiden Statue Placement Eikhof Design Group Preparation and placement of Maiden Statue under restoration contract 3,040.00 3,040.00 Bonds 69)Maiden Statue Placement various vendors Bond Funded (2005) Ancillary costs to contract with Ethos- transportation and installation of Maiden Statues 46,880.00 7,500.00 Bonds 70)Centennial Plaza Karp Land Surveys Centennial Plaza conceptual plans 1,187.50 1,187.50 Other- Reserves 71)Downtown Streetscape III Project G Sosa Construction Contract through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project in excess of ARRA grant 88,945.71 88,945.71 Other- Reserves 72)Downtown Streetscape III Project C3 Construction Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project. 28,947.37 28,947.37 Other- Reserves 73)Downtown Streetscape III Project Apodaca Paving Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project. 11,570.35 11,570.35 Other- Reserves 74)Downtown Streetscape III Project Rick Engineering Bond Funded (2005): Contract through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project. 14,677.21 14,677.21 Other- Reserves 75)Downtown Streetscape III Project City of Atascadero Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures for City staff time for inspection, construction management and project administration. 16,352.44 16,352.44 Other- Reserves 76)Downtown Streetscape III Project Various vendors Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project- includes testing, materials & minor design changes 11,766.38 11,766.38 Other- Reserves 77)Blight Elimination Projects- Fiscal Year 10/11 Expenses (accounts payable June 30, 2011) Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until after 6/30/11 12,324.25 12,324.25 Other- Reserves 78)Maiden Statue Restoration Ethos Bond Funded (2005): Contract for completion of restoration of historic marble statue 147,730.00 147,730.00 Bonds TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39,380.00 - - - - - 39,380.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 8 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 79)Historic City Hall Project Contract and Loan Agreement City of Atascadero Bond Funded: Contracts with City to assist with repair of earthquake damage from San Simeon 12,117,863.67 0.00 Bonds 80)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Earth Systems Pacific Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for deputy inspection services 381,278.81 240,855.25 Bonds & Grants 81)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Earth Systems Pacific Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order for longer than expected foundation work 50,000.00 50,000.00 Bonds & Grants 82)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Marcor Environmental Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for demolition of penthouse areas and related hazardous materials removal 18,500.00 18,500.00 Bonds & Grants 83)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Rossi & Carr Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Basement Electrical and Temporary Power 1,200.00 0.00 Bonds & Grants 84)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Concrete pile work and other basement structural work construction contractor 3,447,330.25 3,447,330.25 Bonds & Grants 85)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #01- Savings due to elimination of trees (9,999.00)(9,999.00)Bonds & Grants 86)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #02 Additional pins for pile cap 2C & PC-1A 2,932.00 2,932.00 Bonds & Grants 87)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded:Change Order #03 Lead Paint in Basement 22,550.00 22,550.00 Bonds & Grants 88)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #04 Additional pile cap depth 60,500.00 60,500.00 Bonds & Grants 89)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scovell Tree Surgery Bond Funded: Contract for removal of two front trees for project 5,000.00 5,000.00 Bonds & Grants 90)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Marcor Environmental Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for removal of underground storage tank and preliminary removal of contaminated soil 10,944.00 10,944.00 Bonds & Grants 91)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for repair of historical fabric / structure construction contract 10,564,669.00 4,581,487.47 Bonds & Grants 92)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1- Demo of council dais 2,933.00 2,639.70 Bonds & Grants TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 120,000.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 700,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 500,000.00 4,000,000.00 - - - - - - - On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into two separate agreements related to the Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project. The first agreement had the Agency formally contracting its long-time pledge of funds for the Project. The second agreement formalized the long-time agreement for bond proceeds and Redevelopment Agency reserves to fund cash flows for the Project. (A large portion of the Project is funded through reimbursement grants/funding). These validity of these agreements are called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line, but rather individually by contract/project line item below. Page 9 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 93)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2- Ceiling abatement & removal first floor 7,178.00 6,460.20 Bonds & Grants 94)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #3- Ceiling abatement & removal second floor 6,117.00 5,505.30 Bonds & Grants 95)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order #8 - gypsum board substrate in upper rotunda 26,614.00 23,952.60 Bonds & Grants 96)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #4- Ceiling abatement & removal third floor+ 15,663.00 14,096.70 Bonds & Grants 97)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #5- Repair fireproofing spalls 3,809.00 3,428.10 Bonds & Grants 98)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #8- lead abatement for installation of steel 68,580.00 61,722.00 Bonds & Grants 99)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #6- repair of unmortared brick 9,102.00 8,191.80 Bonds & Grants 100)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #7- removal/disposal of selected existing steel 3,630.00 3,267.00 Bonds & Grants 101)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Golden State Steel Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Structural Steel and Misc. Metals Construction Contract 494,300.00 494,300.00 Bonds & Grants 102)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Golden State Steel Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1- deletion of catwalk (48,350.00)(48,350.00)Bonds & Grants 103)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Golden State Steel Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2- stiffener plates 2,132.00 2,132.00 Bonds & Grants 104)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Rough Carpentry Construction 277,920.00 250,128.00 Bonds & Grants 105)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Expected Change Order #1- Rafter Connection Change 2,395.00 2,155.50 Bonds & Grants 106)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Expected Change Order #2- Addition of Catwalk 33,622.00 30,259.80 Bonds & Grants 107)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond/Grant Funded: Required landscaping restoration 350,000.00 40,000.00 Bonds & Grants 108)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Republic Elevator Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Elevator Construction 276,320.00 161,647.20 Bonds & Grants 109)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Alpha Fire Sprinkler Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Fire Sprinkler Construction 259,841.00 123,361.20 Bonds & Grants TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27,792.00 - - - - 27,792.00 - 239.50 - - - - 239.50 - 3,362.20 - - - - 3,362.20 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 210,000.00 49,737.60 - - - - 37,303.20 87,040.80 58,500.00 26,000.00 - - - 13,000.00 97,500.00 Page 10 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 110)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Plumbing Construction 403,000.00 208,270.20 Bonds & Grants 111)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1 Storm drain piping in basement 11,296.00 10,166.40 Bonds & Grants 112)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2 Wastewater piping in basement 25,182.00 22,663.80 Bonds & Grants 113)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Expected Change Order #3 Replacement of sewer and storm drain pipes floors 1- 3 207,680.00 157,200.00 Bonds & Grants 114)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Santa Margarita Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for HVAC Construction 849,777.00 618,818.07 Bonds & Grants 115)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Electrical Construction 762,457.00 427,935.21 Bonds & Grants 116)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Contract Amendment for Add Alternate 128,000.00 28,800.00 Bonds & Grants 117)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1 (deduct) MC cable sub Electrical contract (27,711.00)(24,939.90)Bonds & Grants 118)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2 (deduct) Notifier fire alarm panel (25,456.00)(22,910.40)Bonds & Grants 119)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #3 (deduct) Use 5 existing conduits (2,463.00)(2,216.70)Bonds & Grants 120)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #4 Saturday premium 399.00 359.10 Bonds & Grants 121)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond/Grant Funded: Required Smoke curtain installation 50,000.00 5,000.00 Bonds & Grants 122)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Harvey's Honey Huts Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Rental of Portable Toilets for construction workers 20,099.80 6,946.48 Bonds & Grants 123)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond/Grant Funded: Construction costs for other general conditions such as barricades, striping, on-site traffic control, SWPP measures, construction trailer expenses, temporary utilities, signage, road and site repair 184,154.00 67,286.12 Bonds & Grants 124)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond/Grant Funded: Required sidewalk and parking lot improvement 300,000.00 40,000.00 Bonds & Grants 125)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond Funded: Replacement appliances, furniture and fixtures 150,000.00 0.00 Bonds & Grants TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources 65,300.00 7,300.00 - - 29,000.00 52,829.80 154,429.80 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29,712.00 - - - - - 29,712.00 63,700.00 12,700.00 12,700.00 12,700.00 21,200.00 22,981.23 145,981.23 24,400.00 24,400.00 64,400.00 24,400.00 24,400.00 24,400.00 186,400.00 6,400.00 6,400.00 46,400.00 6,400.00 6,400.00 6,400.00 78,400.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40,000.00 - - - - - 40,000.00 920.00 920.00 920.00 920.00 460.00 460.00 4,600.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 36,000.00 - - - - 5,000.00 35,000.00 40,000.00 - 6,750.00 13,500.00 33,750.00 33,750.00 27,000.00 114,750.00 Page 11 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 126)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Architecture and Engineering Services for Project (Phase 1 & 2) 888,437.54 529,634.14 Bonds & Grants 127)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Architecture and Engineering Services for Project (Phase 3) 131,258.20 81,273.37 Bonds & Grants 128)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #1- switchgear design 15,000.00 15,000.00 Bonds & Grants 129)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #2- code requirements 5,400.00 5,400.00 Bonds & Grants 130)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #3- smoke curtain design 750.00 750.00 Bonds & Grants 131)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #4- electrical change design and fire alarm design 16,000.00 16,000.00 Bonds & Grants 132)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #5- exterior lighting design 11,400.00 11,400.00 Bonds & Grants 133)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #6- audio/visual design for Council chambers 21,900.00 21,900.00 Bonds & Grants 134)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #7- amended landscape design 7,000.00 7,000.00 Bonds & Grants 135)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Bernards Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Construction Management Services 2,495,572.78 1,181,303.12 Bonds & Grants 136)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project City of Atascadero Bond Funded: Project staff time in accordance with City practice of charging projects for direct costs for project management 104,000.00 40,100.00 Bonds & Grants 137)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project California Code Check Bond Funded: Contract plan checking service for Historic City Hall Earthquake Project 70,000.00 22,176.25 Bonds & Grants 138)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project City of Atascadero Bond Funded: Permitting (other than California Code Check) costs for project including tree removal fees 184,090.00 45,000.00 Bonds & Grants 139)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Millennium Consulting Bond Funded: Contract for hazardous materials testing and monitoring 62,273.71 62,273.71 Bonds & Grants 140)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Millennium Consulting Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order #7 for additional services- underestimated time of abatement monitoring 14,601.39 14,601.39 Bonds & Grants TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 225,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 36,000.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 720,000.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 4,700.00 21,200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 6,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 21,000.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 12 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 141)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Millennium Consulting Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order #8 for additional services- underestimated time of abatement monitoring 39,535.11 39,535.11 Bonds & Grants 142)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond Funded: Costs for construction cleanup (does not include dumpsters and storage containers above) 64,320.00 2,000.00 Bonds & Grants 143)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Mid State Solid Waste Bond Funded: Contract for Rental of Trash Rolloffs 23,450.00 7,714.52 Bonds & Grants 144)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Atascadero Waste Alternatives Bond Funded: Contract for Storage Containers 10,125.57 1,200.00 Bonds & Grants 145)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond Funded: Other construction costs such as printing, site security, dust palliation, record keeping, pest control, etc. 102,981.37 5,155.86 Bonds & Grants 146)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond Funded: Other small construction costs 5,100.00 5,100.00 Bonds & Grants 147)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various construction contractors Bond Funded: Construction contingency 4,313,904.50 2,000,000.00 Bonds & Grants 148)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until after 6/30/11 715,762.52 715,762.52 Bonds & Grants 149)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Commitment to State of California CCHE grant match 349,125.00 0.00 Bonds 150)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Commitment to FEMA and CalEMA Obligation to receive occupancy permit on Historic City Hall Project in order to retain grant funds for City Hall Project and Temporary Relocation 21,739,149.00 0.00 Bonds 151)Bond Agreement- Use of Bond Proceeds (City Hall and Identified Blight Elimination projects per June 2010 Board meeting) Commitment to Bond Holders Remaining 2010 bond proceeds earmarked for City Hall Project & 2010 Identified Blight Elimination Projects 13,518,143.67 0.00 Bonds 152)Bond Agreement- Use of Interest on Bond Proceeds (City Hall and 2010 Identified Blight Elimination Projects) Commitment to Bond Holders Interest earned on remaining 2010 bond proceeds earmarked for City Hall Project & 2010 Identified blight Elimination Projects 107,000.00 0.00 Bonds TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - - - - - - - 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 3,000.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 4,800.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 600.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 3,000.00 - - - - - - - 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 1,800,000.00 - - - - - - - - - - - Note: This is a FEMA/CAlEMA funding requirement. This obligation will be met by completing the Historic City Hall Project and occupying the facility Note: This is a matching grant commitment. This obligation will be met through the Agency's contract with Diani shown on line 91, therefore no payments are shown her Note: As part of the 2010 bond indenture agreement the Agency has committed to the bond holders that it will complete certain projects collectively known as the Project. (The Project includes the Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehabilitation Project and other infrastructure projects in the Project Area). While the obligations for individual construction contracts and related construction costs are listed individually above, this line is intended to show the obligation to the bond holders to comply with the indenture agreement (section 3.03 Establishment and Application of Project Fund). Monthly payments are not shown here, but rather through line items listed above (for known contracts/construction costs) and through future line items (for future contracts necessary to fulfill this committment) Page 13 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 764,512.50 Other- Reserves 153)Bond Agreement- Use of Bond Proceeds for completion of 2005 Bond Projects Commitment to Bond Holders Remaining 2005 bond proceeds earmarked for Maiden Statue Project, Streetscape III and Wayfinding 356,128.32 0.00 Bonds 154)Bond Agreement- Use of Interest on Bond Proceeds for completion of 2005 Bond Projects Commitment to Bond Holders Future interest earned on remaining 2005 bond proceeds earmarked for Maiden Statue Project, Streetscape III and Wayfinding 1,200.00 0.00 Bonds Totals - LMHIF 5,600,208.93$ 56,408.93$ 77,072,248.21$ 16,146,925.44$ Total - Other 21,356,298.55$ 3,378,460.59$ #############19,581,794.96$ 1 In order to smooth out transition and avoid default on bonds, it is expected that 2010 Bond reimbursement payments through 2015/2016 will be made from reserves. All future payments related to the 2010 bond reimbursement agreement will be made from the RPTTF Totals - Bonds /Grants (includes bothe bond & grant proceeds, as it impossible to determine how much FEMA/CalEMA will pay for from each contract) Grand Total- Other Funding Sources TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,829,749.60$ 1,567,563.70$ 1,589,620.00$ 1,104,870.00$ 1,131,910.00$ 1,032,474.23$ 8,256,187.53$ 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 383,756.25$ 13,250.00$ 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 403,006.25$ 1,831,249.60$ 1,569,063.70$ 1,973,376.25$ 1,118,120.00$ 1,133,410.00$ 1,033,974.23$ 8,659,193.78$ Note: As part of the 2005 bond indenture agreement the Agency has committed to the bond holders that it will complete certain projects collectively known as the Project. While the obligations for individual construction contracts and related construction costs are listed individually above, this line is intended to show the obligation to the bond holders to comply with the indenture agreement (section 3.03 Redevelopment Fund). Monthly payments are not shown here, but rather through line items listed above (for known contracts/construction costs) and through future line items (for future contracts necessary to fulfill this committment) Page 14 of 15 Administrative Allowance Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Total Due During Fiscal Year Funding Source 1)Administration of Agency various vendors Administrative expenses for successor agency in accordance with AB1X26 through June 2016 including - office expense, postage, legal notices, computer costs, phone costs, operations, professional development, direct staff time, general overhead 1,104,167.00 104,166.67 Admin Allowance Totals- Administrative Allowance 1,104,167.00$ 104,166.67$ TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 20,833.33 20,833.33 20,833.34 20,833.33 20,833.33 20,833.34 125,000.00 20,833.33$ 20,833.33$ 20,833.34$ 20,833.33$ 20,833.33$ 20,833.34$ 125,000.00$ Payable from the Administrative Allowance Allocation Payments by Month Page 15 of 15 Pass -Throughs and Other Obligations Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 OTHER OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE Per AB 26 - Section 34177 Total Due During *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Fiscal Year 2011-2012 Funding Source 1)County General Fund County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 6,966,552.00 153,353.47 RPTTF 2)Air Pollution Control District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 29,108.00 642.43 RPTTF 3)County Library County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 565,992.00 12,467.80 RPTTF 4)City of Atascadero County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 5,860,442.00 129,146.57 RPTTF 5)SLO CO Flood Control District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 109,964.00 2,431.42 RPTTF 6)Nacimiento Water District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 90,559.00 1,967.39 RPTTF 7)Atascadero Cemetery District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 326,658.00 7,206.07 RPTTF 8) Atascadero Unified School District (oper)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 5,258,873.00 115,785.17 RPTTF 9) Atascadero Unified School Dist(Ed Fac)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 6,885,696.00 151,618.06 RPTTF 10)Cuesta College (oper)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 870,010.00 19,120.64 RPTTF 11)Cuesta College (ed fac)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 960,569.00 21,134.12 RPTTF 12)Co School Service (oper)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 203,757.00 4,533.11 RPTTF 13)Co School Service (ed fac)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 879,713.00 19,324.09 RPTTF 14)Co School Service (ed fac)County of San Luis Obispo Basic Aid Pass Through per 33676 3,334,500.92 90,588.49 RPTTF Totals - Other Obligations 32,342,393.92$ 729,318.83$ Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Pass Throughs and Other Patyments Payments by Month