HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-06-21_OB_Agenda OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO FOR REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING PURPOSES1 AGENDA Thursday, June 21, 2012 3:00 P.M. Atascadero City Hall, Conference Room #4 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: Chairperson Kelley Vice-Chairperson Lewis Board Member Patterson Board Member Weathers Board Member Jarvis Board Member Sommer Board Member Clemens APPROVAL OF AGENDA: PUBLIC COMMENT: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Board has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. The Board may take action to direct the staff 1 On January 10, 2012, the Atascadero City Council adopted Resolution No. 2012-002, electing to serve as the successor to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero for redevelopmen t purposes, and also elected to retain the housing assets and functions previously performed by the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero. to place a matter of business on a future agenda. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Public Comment, unless changed by the Board.) A. CONSENT AGENDA: 1. Oversight Board Special Meeting Draft Action Minutes – April 16, 2012  Recommendation: Board approve the Oversight Board Special Meeting Draft Action Minutes of April 16, 2012. B. BUSINESS ITEMS: 1. Approval of Administrative Budget  Recommendation: Oversight Board approve Successor Agency Administrative Budget for the periods of February 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012, and July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. 2. Amendment of Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule  Recommendation: Oversight Board amend the Approved Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period of January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34177(I)(3). 3. Adoption of Conflict of Interest Code  Recommendation: Oversight Board adopt the Draft Resolution, adopting a Conflict of Interest Code for the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero. C. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: D. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMENTS: E. ADJOURNMENT: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in an Oversight Board meeting, please contact the City Clerk’s Office at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting. ITEM NUMBER: OB A - 1 DATE: 06/21/12 Atascadero Oversight Board Draft Action Minutes 04/16/12 Page 1 of 6 SPECIAL MEETING OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO FOR REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING PURPOSES1 DRAFT ACTION MINUTES Monday, April 16, 2012 3:00 P.M. Atascadero City Hall, Conference Room #4 6907 El Camino Real Atascadero, California CALL TO ORDER: Board Member Kelley called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: Board Member Kelley asked all Board Members to introduce themselves and have the Secretary list the roll call. Present: Board Members Jarvis, Kelley, Lewis, Patterson, Sommer and Weathers Absent: Board Member Clemens Staff Present: City Manager Wade McKinney, Administrative Services Director Rachelle Rickard, and City Clerk/Assistant to the City Manager Marcia McClure Torgerson. 1 On January 10, 2012, the Atascadero City Council adopted Resolution No. 2012-002, electing to serve as the successor to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero for redevelopmen t purposes, and also elected to retain the housing assets and functions previously performed by the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero. ITEM NUMBER: OB A - 1 DATE: 06/21/12 Atascadero Oversight Board Draft Action Minutes 04/16/12 Page 2 of 6 APPROVAL OF AGENDA: MOTION: By Board Member Sommer and seconded by Board Member Lewis to approve the agenda. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll-call vote. PRESENTATIONS: 1. Introduction of Staff Staff members introduced themselves to the Board Members. 2. Oaths of Office of Board Members City Clerk Torgerson conducted the Oath of Office for the Board Members. PUBLIC COMMENT: None A. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. Office of Auditor-Controller Property Tax Division: Barbara Godwin, Property Tax Manager Audit Division: Kerry Bailey, Chief Internal Auditor Ms. Godwin and Ms. Bailey gave presentations to the Board Members summarizing the responsibilities of the Auditor-Controller’s office and the Oversight Board Members, including handouts (Exhibit A). 2. Redevelopment in Atascadero Board Member Lewis gave a summary of Atascadero’s Redevelopment Agency and the projects accomplished by the Agency. ITEM NUMBER: OB A - 1 DATE: 06/21/12 Atascadero Oversight Board Draft Action Minutes 04/16/12 Page 3 of 6 B. BUSINESS ITEMS 1. Election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero  Recommendations: Oversight Board: 1. Elect one member to serve as Chairperson and elect one member to serve as Vice Chairperson for the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero; and, 2. Adopt the Draft Resolution confirming the election of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. City Clerk/Assistant to the City Manager Torgerson asked for nominations for Chairperson. MOTION: By Board Member Lewis and seconded by Board Member Patterson to elect Board Member Kelley as Chairperson of the Oversight Board. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll-call vote. City Clerk/Assistant to the City Manager Torgerson asked for nominations for Vice Chairperson. MOTION: By Board Member Kelley and seconded by Board Member Sommer to elect Board Member Lewis as Vice Chairperson of the Oversight Board. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll-call vote. 2. Designation of Contact Person for Department of Finance Inquires  Recommendation: Oversight Board adopt the Draft Resolution designating the Administrative Services Director of the Successor Agency as the contact person for Department of Finance Inquiries regarding Oversight Board actions. City Manager McKinney gave the staff report and answered questions from the Board. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Board Member Jarvis and seconded by Vice Chairperson Lewis to adopt the Draft Resolution designating the Administrative Services Director of the Successor Agency as the contact person for Department of Finance Inquiries regarding Oversight Board actions. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll-call vote. (Resolution No. OB 2012-001) ITEM NUMBER: OB A - 1 DATE: 06/21/12 Atascadero Oversight Board Draft Action Minutes 04/16/12 Page 4 of 6 3. Consideration of a Resolution Establishing the Date, Time and Location for Meetings of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero  Recommendation: Oversight Board adopt the Draft Resolution establishing the date, time and location for meetings of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero (Oversight Board). Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk Torgerson gave the staff report and answered questions from the Board. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Lewis and seconded by Board Member Sommer to adopt the Draft Resolution establishing the date, time and location for meetings, to begin in June 2012, of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll-call vote. (OB Resolution No. 2012-002) 4. Consideration of a Resolution Adopting Bylaws and a Resolution Adopting Rules of Procedure of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero  Recommendations: Oversight Board: 1. Adopt the Draft Resolution of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero adopting Bylaws for the Oversight Board; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero adopting Rules of Procedure for the Oversight Board. Assistant to the City Manager/City Clerk Torgerson gave the staff report and answered questions from the Board. PUBLIC COMMENT: None ITEM NUMBER: OB A - 1 DATE: 06/21/12 Atascadero Oversight Board Draft Action Minutes 04/16/12 Page 5 of 6 MOTION: By Board Member Weathers and seconded by Vice Chairperson Lewis to: 1. Adopt the Draft Resolution of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero adopting Bylaws for the Oversight Board; and, 2. Adopt Draft Resolution of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero adopting Rules of Procedure for the Oversight Board. Motion passed 6:0 by a roll-call vote. (#1: Resolution No. OB 2012-003, #2: Resolution No. OB 2012-004) 5. Approval of Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules  Recommendations: Oversight Board: 1. Approve the Draft Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period of January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34177(I)(3) and; 2. Approve the Draft Recognized Obligation Paym ent Schedule for the period of July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34177(I)(3). Administrative Services Director Rickard gave the staff report and answered questions from the Board. PUBLIC COMMENT: None MOTION: By Vice Chairperson Lewis and seconded by Board Member Sommer to approve the Draft Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period of January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34177(I)(3). Motion passed 5:1 by a roll-call vote. (Jarvis opposed) MOTION: By Board Member Sommer and seconded by Vice Chairperson Lewis to approve the Draft Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period of July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34177(I)(3). Motion passed 5:1 by a roll-call vote. (Jarvis opposed) ITEM NUMBER: OB A - 1 DATE: 06/21/12 Atascadero Oversight Board Draft Action Minutes 04/16/12 Page 6 of 6 6. Legal Requirements of Board and Board Members  Recommendation: Receive oral presentation. City Clerk/Assistant to the City Manager Torgerson explained the legal requirements within the Brown Act, Political Reform Act, and Public Records Act that affect the Board and Board Members. She also distributed the Form 700s to the Board Members to be filled out and returned to her. C. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS: None D. CITY MANAGER COMMENTS: None E. ADJOURNMENT: Chairperson Kelley adjourned the meeting at 5:32 p.m. MINUTES PREPARED BY: ______________________________________ Marcia McClure Torgerson, C.M.C. City Clerk / Assistant to the City Manager Attachment: Exhibit A – Handouts from the County Auditor-Controller’s office ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 1 DATE: 06/21/12 Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Approval of Administrative Budget RECOMMENDATION: Oversight Board approve Successor Agency Administrative Budget for the periods of February 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012, and July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. DISCUSSION: ABx1 26, THE “Dissolution Act,” provides an administrative Budget for the successor agencies to carry out wind-down activities of the former redevelopment agencies and to administer the Oversight Board. The Dissolution Act requires the successor agencies to prepare an administrative budget every six months. ABx1 26 34171 (b) states: “Administrative cost allowance” means an amount that, subject to the approval of th e oversight board, is payable from property tax revenues of up to 5 percent of the property tax allocated to the successor agency for the 2011 -2012 fiscal year and up to 3 percent of the property tax allocated to the Redevelopment Obligation Retirement Fund money that is allocated to the successor agency for each fiscal year thereafter; provided, however that the amount shall not be less than two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) for any fiscal year or such lesser amount as agreed to by the successo r agency. However, the allowance amount shall exclude any administrative costs that can be paid from bond proceeds or from sources other than property tax. Because of the changes in dates for the implementation of AB x1 26, the Successor Agency is interpreting this to mean that an administrative allowance of $104,166.67 ($250,000 x 5/12) is appropriate for February 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 and that an administrative allowance of $125,000.000 ($250,000 x 6/12) is appropriate for the for July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 1 DATE: 06/21/12 The Successor Agency will use the administrative costs, such as staff time to carry out the Successor Agency and Oversight Board activities, printing and publication expenses, liability insurance, technology and website support, special legal costs, training, audit services and general overhead. ATTACHMENT: Successor Agency Proposed Administrative Allowance Budget - February 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 and July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 PROGRAM BUDGETS Successor Agency Adminsitrative Allowance FUND CODE 880 620.0000 OBJECT EXPENSE FEBRUARY - JUNE JULY - DECEMBER NUMBER CLASSIFICATION 2012 2012 OPERATIONS 6050000 Office Expense 210$ 250$ 6070000 Advertising 210 250 6100000 Computer Maintenance & Replacement 920 1,110 6200000 Insurance- Successor Agency activities 4,310 5,670 6400000 Operating Supplies 60 80 6450000 Vehicle & Equipment Operating Costs 80 100 6500000 Attorney services 8,330 10,000 6500000 Audit services - 3,660 6600000 Professional Development 830 1,000 6901050 Administrative Charges 17,700 21,520 Staff Time: 6901020 Administrative agency and board support 6,990 8,470 6901020 General management support for successor agency and oversight board 21,090 25,520 6901020 Project closeout /asset management & disposal support 13,190 15,950 6901020 Financial management support 30,280 31,860 6901020 Low/Moderate Income Housing asset maintenance support 3,730 4,560 6999999 Overage (3,760) (5,000) Total Administrative Allowance 104,170$ 125,000$ SA Administrative Budget - 1 PROGRAM BUDGETS Successor Agency Adminsitrative Allowance FUND CODE 880 620.0000 EXPENSE FEBRUARY - JUNE JULY - DECEMBER CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BASIS AMOUNT AMOUNT Office Expense Postage, printing, copying, business cards, and office supplies Estimated 210$ 250$ Advertising Public hearing notices for successor agency and oversight board items Estimated 210 250 Computer Maintenance & Replacement Allocated portion of computer, telephone and web site support costs Allocated 920 1,110 Insurance- Successor Agency activities Allocated portion of liability insurance costs. Covers successor agency activities, but does not include coverage of the Oversight Board Allocated 4,310 5,670 Operating Supplies Items needed for general successor agency and oversight board activities Estimated 60 80 Vehicle & Equipment Operating Costs Mileage reimbursement Estimated 80 100 Attorney services Attorney services for successor agency activities Estimated 8,330 10,000 Audit services Audit services and reports in accordance with bond covenants Estimated - 3,660 Professional Development Successor agency and oversight board training, books, memberships and publications Estimated 830 1,000 Administrative Charges Allocation of support services including accounts payable, receipts, general accounting, investment, personnel, managerial and legislative services, space rental and other general overhead items Allocated 17,700 21,520 Staff Time: administrative agency and board support Agendas, minutes, record retention, correspondence and coordination of meetings Allocated 6,990 8,470 Staff Time: general management support for successor agency and board Overall successor agency and oversight board management, attendance at meetings, general staff reports and research Allocated 21,090 25,520 Staff Time: Project closeout /asset management & disposal support Project closeout, oversight of sales and marketing of creekside building, creekside building management Allocated 13,190 15,950 SA Administrative Budget - 2 PROGRAM BUDGETS Successor Agency Adminsitrative Allowance FUND CODE 880 620.0000 EXPENSE FEBRUARY - JUNE JULY - DECEMBER CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION BASIS AMOUNT AMOUNT Staff Time: financial management support Preparation and documentation of ROPS, asset transfer forms, administrative budgets, & financial reports. Support and response to State Controller's office, Department of Finance, and county auditor controller's agreed upon procedures reports. Financial review of tax distributions. General financial management and reports. Allocated 30,280$ 31,860$ Staff Time: low/moderate income housing administration Annual compliance monitoring in accordance with low/moderate income housing loan documents and other general housing loan program support Allocated 3,730 4,560 Overage Budget that exceeds legislative amount of $250,000. These excess costs will be borne by the City. Plugged (3,760) (5,000) SA Administrative Budget - 3 ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 2 DATE: 06/21/12 Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Amendment of Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule RECOMMENDATION: Oversight Board amend the Approved Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule for the period of January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34177(I)(3). DISCUSSION: On December 29, 2011, the California Supreme Court delivered its decision in the California Redevelopment Association v. Matosantos case. The decision upheld AB1x 26, the Dissolution Act, and found AB1x 27, the Alternative Redevelopment Program Act, unconstitutional. AB1x 26 dissolved the Redevelopment Agency as of February 1, 2012, the new dissolution date established by the Supreme Court. On January 10, 2012, the City of Atascadero elected to become the Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero. In accordance with the dissolution legislation, the following actions were taken:  January 24, 2012- the Redevelopment Agency Board adopted a resolution amending the Enforceable Obligation Payment Schedule (EOPS) for the period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012.  March 27, 2012, the City Council in its role as Successor Agency to the Atascadero Redevelopment Agency reviewed and approved the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules (ROPs) for the periods January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 and July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 2 DATE: 06/21/12  April 16, 2012, the Oversight Board (Board) reviewed and approved the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules (ROPs) for the periods January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 and July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. AB1x 26 requires that expenditures and obligations be listed on either the EOPS (July 2011 – December 2011) or the ROPS (January 2012 and forward), depending on the timing of the expense. During the review of the ROPS, it became evident that the timing reported on three items needed adjusting. These items were listed in the EOPS July 2011 – June 2012, which formed the basis of the ROPS. However, while preparing the ROPS, staff discovered that these items really should have been reported in the December column of the EOPS, and consequently, adjusted them off the January through June ROPS. Since it is no longer possible to update the EOPS, the alternative is to update the ROPS to reflect the obligations. A description of each item and the particular circumstance surrounding it is below. These were (are) legitimate expenses and were appropriately expended. T he Oversight Board has the ability to amend the ROPS, and because an amendment of ROPS would clarify the obligations related to these thre e items, staff is recommending that the ROPS be amended for the items listed below. The amendments do not change the total obligation of the Successor Agency, nor do they change the amount to be distributed to the taxing agencies. The amendments are clarifications of existing obligations. Staff recommends that the ROPS be amended for the following items: 1. Line 71- Downtown Streetscape III G. Sosa Construction. Staff recommends amending the ROPS to reflect $3,524.40 in the January column. This is a clerical change and will not change the total obligation or the amount due during the fiscal year. This amount was actually paid by the RDA prior to January 1, 2012; however it was reflected on the EOPS as paid in January 2012. Because it is not on the EOPS for July 2011- December 2011, it needs to be reflected on the ROPS. 2. Line 74- Downtown Streetscape III Rick Engineering. Staff recommends amending the ROPS to reflect $210.00 in the January column. This is a clerical change and will not change the total obligation or the amount due during the fiscal year. This amount was actually paid by the RDA prior to January 1, 2012; however it was reflected on the EOPS as paid in January 2012. Because it is not on the EOPS for July 2011- December 2011, it needs to be reflected on the ROPS. 3. Add Line 155- 2004/2005 Redevelopment Bonds Bank of New York. Staff recommends amending the ROPS for the 2004 bond debt service payment in the amounts of $273,102.50 for the March 2012 debt service payment and $578,102.50 for the September 2012 debt service payment . This is a clerical change and will not change the total obligation . The 2004 bond covenants require that all of the tax revenues be deposited into a “Special Fund” until the ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 2 DATE: 06/21/12 amount in the Special Fund equals the debt service requirements for the calendar year. This means that as soon as the RDA received its December tax increment distribution, that an amount equal to the year’s debt service was transferred immediately to the debt service fund. Based on the understanding of the legislation at the time of preparation of the EOPS, the debt service payments were shown in the month that they were to be transferred to the fiscal agent (August and February). As further understanding of the intent of the ROPS became more clear, it was determined that the entire year’s debt service should be shown in the month of December when the bond covenant required that it be put in the Special Fund. This change in reporting was reflected when preparing the ROPS. The March & September debt service payments were not on the ROPS, since the obligation occurred in December 2011. The problem arises, because the EOPS for July-December did not reflect the full obligation of the calendar year payments. The way to correct the problem is to show the March & September debt service payments on the ROPS and show that the source of funds is reserves (the amount transferred to the Special Fund). The recommended amendments listed above are reflected on the attached are the Draft Amended Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule- January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 and the Draft Amended Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule- July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. The changes are highlighted for convenience purposes. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Amended Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule- January 1, 2012 through June 30, 2012 2. Draft Amended Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule- July 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012 Page 1 of 15 Redevelopment Tax Trust Fund Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall 30,477,075.00 RPTTF 2)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Trustee & disclosure services for life of 2010 Bonds (bond requirement) 81,000.00 RPTTF 3)2004/2005 Redevelopment Bonds2 Bank of New York Mellon Contract for bonds issued to finance priority redevelopment projects in the project area 19,267,098.78 RPTTF 4)2004/2005 Redevelopment Bonds Bank of New York Mellon Trustee & disclosure services for life of 2004/2005 RDA Bonds (bond requirement) 72,000.00 RPTTF Totals - This Page (RPTIF Funding)49,897,173.78 Totals - Pages 2 - 13 (Other Funding)104,879,960.69 Totals - Page 14 (Administrative Cost Allowance)1,104,167.00 Totals - Page 15 (Pass Thru Payments)32,342,393.92 Grand total - All Pages 188,223,695.39 0.00 1 2 Per the 2005 Bond Indenture Agreement the Agency must transfer all of the tax revenues received in any bond year to the Debt Service Fund promptly upon receipt, until such time during such bond year as the amounts on deposit in the Debt Service Fund equal the aggregate amounts required to be transferred to the trustee for the bond year. This transfer was made in December and therefore this ROPS reflects the debt service payments due March 1, 2013 and September 1, 2013 on Line 155, Page 13 of this Report. The payments will be made from the amounts set aside in the Special Fund from the December 2011 distribution. In order to smooth out transition and avoid default on bonds, it is expected that 2010 Bond reimbursement payments through 2015/2016 will be made from reserves. All future payments related to the 2010 bond reimbursement agreement will be made from the RPTTF Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation TOTAL Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jan - June 2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,750,098.89 646,236.18 3,706,960.15 3,607,252.30 2,002,817.45 2,287,572.61 14,000,937.58 0.00 20,833.33 20,833.34 20,833.33 20,833.33 20,833.34 104,166.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 363,865.50 363,865.50 1,750,098.89 667,069.51 3,727,793.49 3,628,085.63 2,023,650.78 2,672,271.45 14,468,969.75 Payable from Redevelopment Agency Tax Trust Fund Payments by Month Page 2 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 2)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero City of Atascadero Trustee & disclosure services for life of 2010 Bonds (bond requirement) 9,000.00 Other- Reserves 3)City Loan #1 entered into in 1998 City of Atascadero Contract for loan & interest for start up costs 159,828.00 Other- Reserves 4)City Loan #2 entered into in 2001 City of Atascadero Contract for revolving loan & interest for Operating Expenses 537,482.00 Other- Reserves 5)City Loan #3 entered into in 2002 City of Atascadero Contract for property purchase loan & interest left outstanding for cash flow 774,152.00 Other- Reserves 6)Loan from RDA Low/Moderate Housing Fund to RDA General Fund Low/Mod Housing Fund Repayment of Loan from RDA Low/Mod Fund for SERAF payment 1,335,322.00 Other- Reserves 7)CJPIA Retrospective Deposit CJPIA Redevelopment Agency share of risk pool losses through June 30, 2011. (Due July 1, 2013) 74,700.00 Other- Reserves 8)Property Tax Collection County of SLO 2011-2012 annual cost of collection of property tax revenues 95,520.00 Other- Reserves 9)Employee Services Part Time Employee Direct RDA employee costs for RDA through 7/1/11 37.20 Other- Reserves 10)Financial independent audit services (admin) Moss, Levy & Hartzheim, LLP Contract for independent financial audits (10/11 & 11/12 closeout) 7,755.00 Other- Reserves 11)Agency Insurance costs CJPIA/Alliant Insurance Liability insurance coverage in compliance with bond covenants 9,937.00 Other- Reserves 12)Legal Services- Administration of Agency Burke, Williams, Sorenson Contract for legal services for administration of the agency (estimate through dissolution) 6,496.50 Other- Reserves 13)Administration of Agency Charter Communications/ TW Telecom Admin- Phone & Internet expense (estimated through dissolution) 34.89 Other- Reserves 14)Administration of Agency California Redevelopment Assoc Admin- annual dues for information, training, etc. 2,670.00 Other- Reserves 15)Computer and website support for RDA City of Atascadero Admin- computer support costs through dissolution 1,280.47 Other- Reserves 16)Administrative support staff for RDA City of Atascadero Administrative direct staff support costs through dissolution 29,000.00 Other- Reserves TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 - - 382,256.25 - - - 382,256.25 - - - - - - - 500.00 500.00 500.00 155,674.00 - - 157,174.00 3,822.00 3,453.00 3,822.00 503,699.00 - - 514,796.00 5,504.00 5,149.00 5,504.00 725,327.00 - - 741,484.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 95,520.00 - 95,520.00 - - - - - - - 3,655.00 - - - - - 3,655.00 - - - - - - - 480.00 - - - - - 480.00 - 4.56 - - - - 4.56 - - - - - - - 183.33 - - - - - 183.33 4,142.86 - - - - - 4,142.86 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month Page 3 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 17)General overhead and support for RDA (general accounting, payments, council chamber use, agenda preparation, etc…) City of Atascadero Administrative overhead costs through dissolution 24,790.00 Other- Reserves 18)Colony Square Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions Colony Square, LLC Contract for required participation in maintenance of common areas for Colony Square (estimated cost is listed for 3 years, however required as long as RDA owns the lot) 30,000.00 Other- Rents 19)Maintenance of Creekside Building in accordance with lease agreement with City Various Vendors (Lease commitment to City of Atascadero) Lease Proceeds: Contract for costs associated with maintaining RDA owned building in accordance with lease agreement. (Cost listed is estimate through 6/30/13. Must maintain through sale) 31,452.92 Other- Rents 20)Lease land from City effective 07/01/09 and maintenance of RDA owned Building - Main Street Building City of Atascadero Contract/ Lease of land for RDA owned building (estimated cost listed is for one year) 1,000.00 Other- Reserves 21)Maintenance of building RDA leases to Main Street Various Vendors (Lease to Main Street) Contract for costs associated with maintaining RDA building leased to Main Street (estimated cost listed is for one year) 250.00 Other- Reserves 22)Blight Reduction and Economic Growth Contract City of Atascadero Contract with City for economic growth projects; tourism, marketing and promotion; downtown enhanced maintenance and beautification; and administration 5,621,180.00 Other- Reserves 23)Monthly Electricity PG&E Electricity for RDA installed downtown infrastructure enhancements (medians, crosswalks and ped tunnel) through January 30, 2012 1,124.14 Other- Reserves 24)Sunken Garden Extra Maintenance Supplies various vendors Supplies for enhanced maintenance of Sunken Gardens 394.25 Other- Reserves 25)Trash pickup service NCI Trash bins were placed downtown to keep the area litter free. This is the contract with a third party vendor to empty those trash cans. 1,451.25 Other- Reserves TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month 3,541.43 - - - - - 3,541.43 - - - 10,000.00 - - 10,000.00 407.91 407.91 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 6,615.82 - - - 1,000.00 - - 1,000.00 - - 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 200.00 - 142.62 147.51 - - - - 290.13 - - - - - - - - 322.50 - - - - 322.50 On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into an agreements related to Economic Development and Blight Elimination. The agreement had the Agency formally contracting with the City to complete the Economic Development and Blight Elimination Programs as set out by the Board. The validity of this agreement is called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line but rather individually by contract below for executed contracts. There is the potential that future obligations under this contract may be incurred depending on the outcome of litigation/legislation. Page 4 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 26)Downtown Landscape Maintenance Contract Martinelli Landscape Contract for maintenance of the RDA installed infrastructure enhancement; medians and Pedestrian Tunnel through 7/31/11 1,176.83 Other- Reserves 27)Downtown Landscape Maintenance Contract Gilbert's Landscape Contract for maintenance of RDA installed downtown infrastructure enhancements (medians, crosswalks and ped tunnel) through earliest termination 5,692.05 Other- Reserves 28)Clean up and maintenance of the downtown area City of Atascadero Weekly inspection/litter pickup and cleaning of downtown business area through January 2012 14,360.00 Other- Reserves 29)Fountain Maintenance Aquamark Operating costs for Downtown Fountain brought back to working order by the RDA in order to deter blight (estimated through 1/31/12) 2,205.61 Other- Reserves 30)Graffiti abatement Paul Zehner & de Cou LumberRDA Graffiti abatement program costs 116.84 Other- Reserves 31)Sunken Garden Holiday Enhancement Coast Nitelites Enhancement of Sunken Gardens Holiday Lighting to promote positive activities in the Downtown 7,200.00 Other- Reserves 32)Portable toilet service for farmers market Harvey's Honeyhuts Portable toilet service for farmers market 545.14 Other- Reserves 33)Color copies for ICSC conference Hart Impressions Marketing materials to encourage economic development in the RDA 157.65 Other- Reserves 34)Permit Fee Waiver Program City of Atascadero Approved and marketed program for reimbursement of permit fees for new businesses; costs incurred through 12/29/11 1,781.31 Other- Reserves 35)Façade Improvement Program Denny's Restaurant Approved and marketed program for reimbursement of façade improvements 2,999.00 Other- Reserves 36)Tourism Promotion- SLO Count Visitors and Conference Bureau SLO Count Visitors and Conference Bureau Tourism and marking cooperative 8,200.00 Other- Reserves 37)Tourism, Marketing and Events Services SW Martin & Associates Contract for tourism and marking services (cost through earliest termination date) 132,999.96 Other- Reserves 38)Special Events and Promotions SW Martin & Associates Savor the Central Coast 20,000.00 Other- Reserves 39)Main Street Program Atascadero Main Street Contract for downtown promotions and events (through earliest possible termination date) 28,500.00 Other- Reserves TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month - - - - - - - 931.09 1,069.60 - - - - 2,000.69 2,051.43 - - - - - 2,051.43 866.77 - - - - - 866.77 40.00 - - - - - 40.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11,083.33 - 22,166.66 11,083.33 11,083.33 - 55,416.65 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 5 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 40)Marketing tool annual payment Tools for Business Success Informational tool on web site that provides business building, planning, and management tools to help local businesses succeed. 1,140.00 Other- Reserves 41)Economic Development Staff City of Atascadero Portion of City employees time spent on Redevelopment and Economic development in the Project area, both current and future projects 98,170.00 Other- Reserves 42)Lake Park Sign & Frontage City of Atascadero Contract with City to construct the Lake Park Sign and Frontage Project 370,467.67 Other- Reserves 43)Lake Park Sign & Frontage Eikhof Design Group Design work on Lake Park Sign and Frontage Project 12,708.00 Other- Reserves 44)Lake Park Sign & Frontage various vendors Printing, advertising and geotechnical costs on Lake Park Sign and Frontage Project 1,466.63 Other- Reserves 45)Lake Park Sign & Frontage City of Atascadero City staff time for Lake Park Sign & Frontage Project- project management, inspection, etc. 1,850.47 Other- Reserves 46)Zoo Wall Improvement Project City of Atascadero Contract with City to construct the Zoo Wall Project 240,000.00 Other- Reserves 47)Redevelopment Agency General Fund accounts payable & accrued payroll at June 30, 2011 Various vendors Invoices & payroll for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until FY 2011/2012 18,890.09 Other- Reserves 48)Redevelopment Agency General Fund accounts payable & accrued payroll at January 31, 2012 Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 2/1/12, but not paid until after 1/31/12 7,500.00 Other- Reserves 49)Production of Affordable Housing City of Atascadero Contract with City to establish 24 affordable housing units 5,543,800.00 LMIHF 50)Low/Moderate Income Housing Administration Costs City of Atascadero Administration of the Low/Moderate Income Housing Program (through dissolution) 13,710.00 LMIHF 51)Redevelopment Housing Assistance Strategy Urban Futures Inc.Contract for services to analyze options for affordable housing 42,136.43 LMIHF 52)Redevelopment Agency Low Mod Housing Fund accounts payable & accrued payroll at June 30, 2011 Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until after FY 2011/2012 562.50 LMIHF TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month - - - - - - - 14,024.29 - - - - - 14,024.29 - 927.00 - 4,032.00 - - - 4,959.00 - - - - - - - 162.58 - - - - - 162.58 - - - - - - - - - 7,500.00 - - - 7,500.00 - 1,958.57 - - - - - 1,958.57 1,575.00 - 5,000.00 - - 7,421.94 13,996.94 - - - - - - - On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into an agreements related to Production of Affordable Housing Units. The agreement had the Agency formally contracting with the City to complete the Production of Affordable Housing Units. The validity of this agreement is called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line, but rather individually by contract below for executed contracts. There is the potential that future obligations under this contract may be incurred depending on the outcome of litigation/legislation. Page 6 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 53)Blight Elimination Projects Contract City of Atascadero Contract with City to construct June 2010 priority Blight Elimination Projects 8,176,820.00 Other- Reserves / Bond proceeds 54)Creek Improvements California Conservation Crew & related support invoices Removal of non-native vegetation in preparation for installation of Creek Trail in compliance with State River Parkways Grant Program. 7,293.46 Other- Reserves 55)Wayfinding Project Signs of Success Contract for design, and purchase of street signs and kiosks 47,632.00 Other- Reserves 56)Wayfinding Project Karp Land Surveys Contract for design, and purchase of street signs and kiosks 105.00 Other- Reserves 57)Wayfinding Project not yet awarded Bond Funded: Installation of Wayfinding street signs and kiosks, including PG & E charges. As yet unlet contracts for the completion of Wayfinding Project (items 56 & 57 above) 52,263.00 Other- Reserves / Bond proceeds 58)Downtown Property Purchase Hamner & Jewell Contract for property negotiation services 4,605.79 Other- Reserves 59)Downtown Property Purchase First American Title/Olsen Property Purchase of Olsen property for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge/Centennial Park Projects 125,008.00 Other- Reserves 60)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Althouse & Meade Contract for Environmental evaluation for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 11,000.00 Other- Reserves 61)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Arris Studio Architects Architectural renderings for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 6,812.47 Other- Reserves 62)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge A&T Arborists Tree plan for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 850.00 Other- Reserves 63)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Pacific Gas & Electric PG&E engineering design for electrical service for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 3,000.00 Other- Reserves 64)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge San Luis Obispo County Recorder Filing Fee to record mitigated negative declaration for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 2,094.00 Other- Reserves 65)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge North Coast Engineering Design for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 106,605.00 Other- Reserves 66)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge EDA Design Professionals Topographic Services for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 10,810.00 Other- Reserves TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month - - - - - - - - 23,816.00 - - - - - 23,816.00 - - - - - - - 41.71 - 500.00 - 9,000.00 42,763.00 52,304.71 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,689.50 - 1,863.75 - - - 3,553.25 289.35 - - - - - 289.35 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 33,468.35 - 45,279.80 - - - 78,748.15 - - 10,810.00 - - - 10,810.00 On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into an agreements related to 2010 Board prioritized projects collectively known as the Blight Elimination Projects. The agreement had the Agency formally contracting with the City to complete the Projects. The validity of this agreement is called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line, but rather individually by contract below for executed contracts. There is the potential that future obligations under this contract may be incurred depending on the outcome of litigation/legislation. Page 7 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 67)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge City of Atascadero Expenditures for City staff time for inspection, construction management and project administration. 0.00 Other- Reserves 68)Maiden Statue Placement Eikhof Design Group Preparation and placement of Maiden Statue under restoration contract 3,040.00 Bonds 69)Maiden Statue Placement various vendors Bond Funded (2005) Ancillary costs to contract with Ethos- transportation and installation of Maiden Statues 46,880.00 Bonds 70)Centennial Plaza Karp Land Surveys Centennial Plaza conceptual plans 1,187.50 Other- Reserves 71)Downtown Streetscape III Project G Sosa Construction Contract through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project in excess of ARRA grant 88,945.71 Other- Reserves 72)Downtown Streetscape III Project C3 Construction Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project. 28,947.37 Other- Reserves 73)Downtown Streetscape III Project Apodaca Paving Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project. 11,570.35 Other- Reserves 74)Downtown Streetscape III Project Rick Engineering Bond Funded (2005): Contract through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project. 14,677.21 Other- Reserves 75)Downtown Streetscape III Project City of Atascadero Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures for City staff time for inspection, construction management and project administration. 16,352.44 Other- Reserves 76)Downtown Streetscape III Project Various vendors Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project- includes testing, materials & minor design changes 11,766.38 Other- Reserves 77)Blight Elimination Projects- Fiscal Year 10/11 Expenses (accounts payable June 30, 2011) Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until after 6/30/11 12,324.25 Other- Reserves 78)Maiden Statue Restoration Ethos Bond Funded (2005): Contract for completion of restoration of historic marble statue 147,730.00 Bonds TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month 1,069.68 1,000.00 - - - - 2,069.68 - - 2,500.00 - - - 2,500.00 - - - 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 7,500.00 - - - - - - - 3,524.40 - - - - - 3,524.40 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 210.00 - - - - - 210.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19,780.00 - - 19,780.00 Page 8 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 79)Historic City Hall Project Contract and Loan Agreement City of Atascadero Bond Funded: Contracts with City to assist with repair of earthquake damage from San Simeon 12,117,863.67 Bonds 80)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Earth Systems Pacific Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for deputy inspection services 381,278.81 Bonds & Grants 81)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Earth Systems Pacific Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order for longer than expected foundation work 50,000.00 Bonds & Grants 82)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Marcor Environmental Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for demolition of penthouse areas and related hazardous materials removal 18,500.00 Bonds & Grants 83)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Rossi & Carr Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Basement Electrical and Temporary Power 1,200.00 Bonds & Grants 84)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Concrete pile work and other basement structural work construction contractor 3,447,330.25 Bonds & Grants 85)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #01- Savings due to elimination of trees (9,999.00)Bonds & Grants 86)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #02 Additional pins for pile cap 2C & PC-1A 2,932.00 Bonds & Grants 87)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded:Change Order #03 Lead Paint in Basement 22,550.00 Bonds & Grants 88)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #04 Additional pile cap depth 60,500.00 Bonds & Grants 89)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scovell Tree Surgery Bond Funded: Contract for removal of two front trees for project 5,000.00 Bonds & Grants 90)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Marcor Environmental Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for removal of underground storage tank and preliminary removal of contaminated soil 10,944.00 Bonds & Grants 91)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for repair of historical fabric / structure construction contract 10,564,669.00 Bonds & Grants 92)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1- Demo of council dais 2,933.00 Bonds & Grants TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month - 18,183.50 17,935.25 55,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 166,118.75 330.00 1,993.75 - - - - 2,323.75 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 504,648.90 172,821.38 400,000.00 293,910.57 - 344,733.02 1,716,113.87 - - (4,500.00) (4,500.00) (999.00) - (9,999.00) - 2,638.80 - - 293.20 - 2,932.00 - - 20,300.00 - 2,250.00 - 22,550.00 - - 54,450.00 - 6,050.00 - 60,500.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 676,779.99 264,054.71 700,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 3,740,834.70 2,639.70 - - - - - 2,639.70 On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into two separate agreements related to the Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project. The first agreement had the Agency formally contracting its long-time pledge of funds for the Project. The second agreement formalized the long-time agreement for bond proceeds and Redevelopment Agency reserves to fund cash flows for the Project. (A large portion of the Project is funded through reimbursement grants/funding). These validity of these agreements are called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line, but rather individually by contract/project line item below. Page 9 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 93)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2- Ceiling abatement & removal first floor 7,178.00 Bonds & Grants 94)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #3- Ceiling abatement & removal second floor 6,117.00 Bonds & Grants 95)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order #8 - gypsum board substrate in upper rotunda 26,614.00 Bonds & Grants 96)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #4- Ceiling abatement & removal third floor+ 15,663.00 Bonds & Grants 97)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #5- Repair fireproofing spalls 3,809.00 Bonds & Grants 98)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #8- lead abatement for installation of steel 68,580.00 Bonds & Grants 99)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #6- repair of unmortared brick 9,102.00 Bonds & Grants 100)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #7- removal/disposal of selected existing steel 3,630.00 Bonds & Grants 101)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Golden State Steel Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Structural Steel and Misc. Metals Construction Contract 494,300.00 Bonds & Grants 102)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Golden State Steel Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1- deletion of catwalk (48,350.00)Bonds & Grants 103)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Golden State Steel Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2- stiffener plates 2,132.00 Bonds & Grants 104)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Rough Carpentry Construction 277,920.00 Bonds & Grants 105)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Expected Change Order #1- Rafter Connection Change 2,395.00 Bonds & Grants 106)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Expected Change Order #2- Addition of Catwalk 33,622.00 Bonds & Grants 107)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond/Grant Funded: Required landscaping restoration 350,000.00 Bonds & Grants 108)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Republic Elevator Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Elevator Construction 276,320.00 Bonds & Grants 109)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Alpha Fire Sprinkler Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Fire Sprinkler Construction 259,841.00 Bonds & Grants TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month 6,460.20 - - - - - 6,460.20 5,505.30 - - - - - 5,505.30 - - - 5,990.00 11,980.00 5,982.60 23,952.60 - 14,096.70 - - - - 14,096.70 - - - 3,428.10 - - 3,428.10 - - 61,722.00 - - - 61,722.00 - - 8,191.80 - - - 8,191.80 - - 3,267.00 - - - 3,267.00 - 10,350.00 177,950.00 177,950.00 71,420.00 49,430.00 487,100.00 - - (17,406.00) (17,406.00) (8,703.00) (4,835.00) (48,350.00) - - 1,918.80 - - 213.20 2,132.00 - 14,788.30 50,000.00 87,500.00 87,500.00 6,789.20 246,577.50 - - - 2,155.50 - - 2,155.50 - - - - 18,200.00 12,059.80 30,259.80 - - - - 5,000.00 35,000.00 40,000.00 - - 24,868.80 87,040.80 - 49,737.60 161,647.20 - - 11,700.00 23,400.00 23,400.00 46,800.00 105,300.00 Page 10 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 110)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Plumbing Construction 403,000.00 Bonds & Grants 111)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1 Storm drain piping in basement 11,296.00 Bonds & Grants 112)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2 Wastewater piping in basement 25,182.00 Bonds & Grants 113)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Expected Change Order #3 Replacement of sewer and storm drain pipes floors 1- 3 207,680.00 Bonds & Grants 114)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Santa Margarita Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for HVAC Construction 849,777.00 Bonds & Grants 115)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Electrical Construction 762,457.00 Bonds & Grants 116)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Contract Amendment for Add Alternate 128,000.00 Bonds & Grants 117)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1 (deduct) MC cable sub Electrical contract (27,711.00)Bonds & Grants 118)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2 (deduct) Notifier fire alarm panel (25,456.00)Bonds & Grants 119)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #3 (deduct) Use 5 existing conduits (2,463.00)Bonds & Grants 120)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #4 Saturday premium 399.00 Bonds & Grants 121)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond/Grant Funded: Required Smoke curtain installation 50,000.00 Bonds & Grants 122)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Harvey's Honey Huts Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Rental of Portable Toilets for construction workers 20,099.80 Bonds & Grants 123)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond/Grant Funded: Construction costs for other general conditions such as barricades, striping, on-site traffic control, SWPP measures, construction trailer expenses, temporary utilities, signage, road and site repair 184,154.00 Bonds & Grants 124)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond/Grant Funded: Required sidewalk and parking lot improvement 300,000.00 Bonds & Grants 125)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond Funded: Replacement appliances, furniture and fixtures 150,000.00 Bonds & Grants 126)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Architecture and Engineering Services for Project (Phase 1 & 2) 888,437.54 Bonds & Grants TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month - - 11,636.20 9,100.00 65,300.00 65,300.00 151,336.20 - 10,166.40 - - - - 10,166.40 - - 22,663.80 - - - 22,663.80 - - 22,500.00 22,500.00 56,100.00 56,100.00 157,200.00 14,923.27 - 358,500.00 8,500.00 63,700.00 63,700.00 509,323.27 61,341.47 47,300.00 24,400.00 24,400.00 64,400.00 221,841.47 - - 9,600.00 6,400.00 6,400.00 6,400.00 28,800.00 - - (4,200.00) (2,800.00) (2,800.00) (2,669.95) (12,469.95) - - - - - (22,910.40) (22,910.40) - - - - - (2,216.70) (2,216.70) 359.10 - - - - - 359.10 - - - - - 5,000.00 5,000.00 457.36 535.36 920.00 920.00 920.00 920.00 4,672.72 976.85 9,638.02 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 34,614.87 - - - - 5,000.00 35,000.00 40,000.00 - - - - - - - 94,934.16 48,928.47 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 343,862.63 Page 11 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 127)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Architecture and Engineering Services for Project (Phase 3) 131,258.20 Bonds & Grants 128)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #1- switchgear design 15,000.00 Bonds & Grants 129)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #2- code requirements 5,400.00 Bonds & Grants 130)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #3- smoke curtain design 750.00 Bonds & Grants 131)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #4- electrical change design and fire alarm design 16,000.00 Bonds & Grants 132)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #5- exterior lighting design 11,400.00 Bonds & Grants 133)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #6- audio/visual design for Council chambers 21,900.00 Bonds & Grants 134)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #7- amended landscape design 7,000.00 Bonds & Grants 135)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Bernards Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Construction Management Services 2,495,572.78 Bonds & Grants 136)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project City of Atascadero Bond Funded: Project staff time in accordance with City practice of charging projects for direct costs for project management 104,000.00 Bonds & Grants 137)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project California Code Check Bond Funded: Contract plan checking service for Historic City Hall Earthquake Project 70,000.00 Bonds & Grants 138)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project City of Atascadero Bond Funded: Permitting (other than California Code Check) costs for project including tree removal fees 184,090.00 Bonds & Grants 139)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Millennium Consulting Bond Funded: Contract for hazardous materials testing and monitoring 62,273.71 Bonds & Grants 140)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Millennium Consulting Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order #7 for additional services- underestimated time of abatement monitoring 14,601.39 Bonds & Grants 141)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Millennium Consulting Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order #8 for additional services- underestimated time of abatement monitoring 39,535.11 Bonds & Grants TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month 13,523.53 6,668.52 7,000.00 7,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 46,192.05 - - 15,000.00 - - - 15,000.00 - - 5,400.00 - - - 5,400.00 - - 750.00 - - - 750.00 - - 6,000.00 9,000.00 1,000.00 - 16,000.00 - - 3,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 400.00 11,400.00 - - 5,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 900.00 21,900.00 - - 3,500.00 3,500.00 - - 7,000.00 214,168.85 - 295,890.79 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 870,059.64 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 4,700.00 21,200.00 4,307.50 - 10,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 17,307.50 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 21,000.00 3,183.20 7,230.50 - - 16,102.92 - 26,516.62 - 14,601.39 - - - - 14,601.39 - 24,580.81 8,000.00 5,000.00 3,000.00 (1,045.70) 39,535.11 Page 12 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 142)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond Funded: Costs for construction cleanup (does not include dumpsters and storage containers above) 64,320.00 Bonds & Grants 143)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Mid State Solid Waste Bond Funded: Contract for Rental of Trash Rolloffs 23,450.00 Bonds & Grants 144)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Atascadero Waste Alternatives Bond Funded: Contract for Storage Containers 10,125.57 Bonds & Grants 145)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond Funded: Other construction costs such as printing, site security, dust palliation, record keeping, pest control, etc. 102,981.37 Bonds & Grants 146)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond Funded: Other small construction costs 5,100.00 Bonds & Grants 147)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various construction contractors Bond Funded: Construction contingency 4,313,904.50 Bonds & Grants 148)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until after 6/30/11 715,762.52 Bonds & Grants 149)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Commitment to State of California CCHE grant match 349,125.00 Bonds 150)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Commitment to FEMA and CalEMA Obligation to receive occupancy permit on Historic City Hall Project in order to retain grant funds for City Hall Project and Temporary Relocation 21,739,149.00 Bonds 151)Bond Agreement- Use of Bond Proceeds (City Hall and Identified Blight Elimination projects per June 2010 Board meeting) Commitment to Bond Holders Remaining 2010 bond proceeds earmarked for City Hall Project & 2010 Identified Blight Elimination Projects 13,518,143.67 Bonds 152)Bond Agreement- Use of Interest on Bond Proceeds (City Hall and 2010 Identified Blight Elimination Projects) Commitment to Bond Holders Interest earned on remaining 2010 bond proceeds earmarked for City Hall Project & 2010 Identified blight Elimination Projects 107,000.00 Bonds TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month - - 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 2,000.00 - 752.43 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 3,952.43 200.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 800.00 267.81 401.31 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 2,669.12 - 5,100.00 - - - - 5,100.00 - - 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 2,000,000.00 - - - - - - - - - - - Note: This is a matching grant commitment. This obligation will be met through the Agency's contract with Diani shown on line 91, therefore no payments are shown her Note: As part of the 2010 bond indenture agreement the Agency has committed to the bond holders that it will complete certain projects collectively known as the Project. (The Project includes the Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehabilitation Project and other infrastructure projects in the Project Area). While the obligations for individual construction contracts and related construction costs are listed individually above, this line is intended to show the obligation to the bond holders to comply with the indenture agreement (section 3.03 Establishment and Application of Project Fund). Monthly payments are not shown here, but rather through line items listed above (for known contracts/construction costs) and through future line items (for future contracts necessary to fulfill this committment) Note: This is a FEMA/CAlEMA funding requirement. This obligation will be met by completing the Historic City Hall Project and occupying the facility Page 13 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 153)Bond Agreement- Use of Bond Proceeds for completion of 2005 Bond Projects Commitment to Bond Holders Remaining 2005 bond proceeds earmarked for Maiden Statue Project, Streetscape III and Wayfinding 356,128.32 Bonds 154)Bond Agreement- Use of Interest on Bond Proceeds for completion of 2005 Bond Projects Commitment to Bond Holders Future interest earned on remaining 2005 bond proceeds earmarked for Maiden Statue Project, Streetscape III and Wayfinding 1,200.00 Bonds 155)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until after 6/30/11 851,205.00 Other- Dec 2011 Tax Incremen t Totals - LMHIF 5,600,208.93$ 77,072,248.21$ Total - Other 22,207,503.55$ 104,879,960.69$ 1 In order to smooth out transition and avoid default on bonds, it is expected that 2010 Bond reimbursement payments through 2015/2016 will be made from reserves. All future payments related to the 2010 bond reimbursement agreement will be made from the RPTTF Totals - Bonds /Grants (includes both bond & grant proceeds, as it impossible to determine how much FEMA/CalEMA will pay for from each contract) Grand Total- Other Funding Sources TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 Payable from Other Revenue Sources Payments by Month - - - - 273,102.50 - - - 273,102.50 3,533.57$ -$ 5,000.00$ -$ -$ 7,421.94$ 15,955.51$ 1,629,990.69$ 634,182.10$ 2,943,123.19$ 2,198,968.97$ 1,885,714.12$ 2,235,887.67$ 11,527,866.74$ 116,574.63$ 12,054.08$ 758,836.96$ 1,408,283.33$ 117,103.33$ 44,263.00$ 2,457,115.33$ 1,750,098.89$ 646,236.18$ 3,706,960.15$ 3,607,252.30$ 2,002,817.45$ 2,287,572.61$ 14,000,937.58$ Note: As part of the 2005 bond indenture agreement the Agency has committed to the bond holders that it will complete certain projects collectively known as the Project. While the obligations for individual construction contracts and related construction costs are listed individually above, this line is intended to show the obligation to the bond holders to comply with the indenture agreement (section 3.03 Redevelopment Fund). Monthly payments are not shown here, but rather through line items listed above (for known contracts/construction costs) and through future line items (for future contracts necessary to fulfill this committment) Page 14 of 15 Administrative Allowance Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Administration of Agency various vendors Administrative expenses for successor agency in accordance with AB1X26 through June 2016 including - office expense, postage, legal notices, computer costs, phone costs, operations, professional development, direct staff time, general overhead 1,104,167.00 Admin Allowance Totals- Administrative Allowance 1,104,167.00$ TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan-June 2012 0.00 20,833.33 20,833.34 20,833.33 20,833.33 20,833.34 104,166.67 -$ 20,833.33$ 20,833.34$ 20,833.33$ 20,833.33$ 20,833.34$ 104,166.67$ Payable from the Administrative Allowance Allocation Payments by Month Page 15 of 15 Pass -Throughs and Other Obligations Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 OTHER OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (6/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Funding Source 1)County General Fund County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 6,966,552.00 RPTTF 2)Air Pollution Control District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 29,108.00 RPTTF 3)County Library County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 565,992.00 RPTTF 4)City of Atascadero County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 5,860,442.00 RPTTF 5)SLO CO Flood Control District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 109,964.00 RPTTF 6)Nacimiento Water District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 90,559.00 RPTTF 7)Atascadero Cemetery District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 326,658.00 RPTTF 8) Atascadero Unified School District (oper)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 5,258,873.00 RPTTF 9) Atascadero Unified School Dist(Ed Fac)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 6,885,696.00 RPTTF 10)Cuesta College (oper)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 870,010.00 RPTTF 11)Cuesta College (ed fac)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 960,569.00 RPTTF 12)Co School Service (oper)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 203,757.00 RPTTF 13)Co School Service (ed fac)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 879,713.00 RPTTF 14)Co School Service (ed fac)County of San Luis Obispo Basic Aid Pass Through per 33676 3,334,500.92 RPTTF Totals - Other Obligations 32,342,393.92$ Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation TOTAL January 2012 February 2012 March 2012 April 2012 May 2012 June 2012 Jan - June 2012 July 2012 - - - - - 76,505.50 76,505.50 - - - - - - 320.50 320.50 - - - - - - 6,220.00 6,220.00 - - - - - - 64,431.00 64,431.00 - - - - - - 1,213.00 1,213.00 - - - - - - 981.50 981.50 - - - - - - 3,595.00 3,595.00 - - - - - - 57,763.50 57,763.50 - - - - - - 75,640.00 75,640.00 - - - - - - 9,539.00 9,539.00 - - - - - - 10,543.50 10,543.50 - - - - - - 2,261.50 2,261.50 - - - - - - 9,640.50 9,640.50 - - - - - - 45,211.00 45,211.00 - -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 363,865.50$ 363,865.50$ -$ Pass Throughs and Other Patyments Payments by Month Pass Throughs and Other Patyments Payments by Month Page 1 of 15 Redevelopment Tax Trust Fund Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall 30,477,075.00 RPTTF 2)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Trustee & disclosure services for life of 2010 Bonds (bond requirement) 81,000.00 RPTTF 3)2004/2005 Redevelopment Bonds2 Bank of New York Mellon Contract for bonds issued to finance priority redevelopment projects in the project area 19,267,098.78 RPTTF 4)2004/2005 Redevelopment Bonds Bank of New York Mellon Trustee & disclosure services for life of 2004/2005 RDA Bonds (bond requirement) 72,000.00 RPTTF Totals - This Page (RPTIF Funding)49,897,173.78 Totals - Pages 2 - 13 (Other Funding)104,879,960.69 Totals - Page 14 (Administrative Cost Allowance)1,104,167.00 Totals - Page 15 (Pass Thru Payments)32,342,393.92 Grand total - All Pages 188,223,695.39 0.00 1 2 Per the 2005 Bond Indenture Agreement the Agency must transfer all of the tax revenues received in any bond year to the Debt Service Fund promptly upon receipt, until such time during such bond year as the amounts on deposit in the Debt Service Fund equal the aggregate amounts required to be transferred to the trustee for the bond year. This transfer was made in December and therefore this ROPS reflects the debt service payments due March 1, 2013 and September 1, 2013 on Line 155, Page 13 of this Report. The payments will be made from the amounts set aside in the Special Fund from the December 2011 distribution. In order to smooth out transition and avoid default on bonds, it is expected that 2010 Bond reimbursement payments through 2015/2016 will be made from reserves. All future payments related to the 2010 bond reimbursement agreement will be made from the RPTTF Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation TOTAL July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec July-Dec 2012 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 850,835.00 850,835.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,400.00 0.00 0.00 2,400.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,400.00 0.00 850,835.00 853,235.00 1,831,249.60 1,569,063.70 2,551,478.75 1,118,120.00 1,133,410.00 1,033,974.23 9,237,296.28 20,833.33 20,833.33 20,833.34 20,833.33 20,833.33 20,833.34 125,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,852,082.93 1,589,897.03 2,572,312.09 1,141,353.33 1,154,243.33 1,905,642.57 10,215,531.28 Payable from Redevelopment Agency Tax Trust Fund Payments by Month Page 2 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 2)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero City of Atascadero Trustee & disclosure services for life of 2010 Bonds (bond requirement) 9,000.00 Other- Reserves 3)City Loan #1 entered into in 1998 City of Atascadero Contract for loan & interest for start up costs 159,828.00 Other- Reserves 4)City Loan #2 entered into in 2001 City of Atascadero Contract for revolving loan & interest for Operating Expenses 537,482.00 Other- Reserves 5)City Loan #3 entered into in 2002 City of Atascadero Contract for property purchase loan & interest left outstanding for cash flow 774,152.00 Other- Reserves 6)Loan from RDA Low/Moderate Housing Fund to RDA General Fund Low/Mod Housing Fund Repayment of Loan from RDA Low/Mod Fund for SERAF payment 1,335,322.00 Other- Reserves 7)CJPIA Retrospective Deposit CJPIA Redevelopment Agency share of risk pool losses through June 30, 2011. (Due July 1, 2013) 74,700.00 Other- Reserves 8)Property Tax Collection County of SLO 2011-2012 annual cost of collection of property tax revenues 95,520.00 Other- Reserves 9)Employee Services Part Time Employee Direct RDA employee costs for RDA through 7/1/11 37.20 Other- Reserves 10)Financial independent audit services (admin) Moss, Levy & Hartzheim, LLP Contract for independent financial audits (10/11 & 11/12 closeout) 7,755.00 Other- Reserves 11)Agency Insurance costs CJPIA/Alliant Insurance Liability insurance coverage in compliance with bond covenants 9,937.00 Other- Reserves 12)Legal Services- Administration of Agency Burke, Williams, Sorenson Contract for legal services for administration of the agency (estimate through dissolution) 6,496.50 Other- Reserves 13)Administration of Agency Charter Communications/ TW Telecom Admin- Phone & Internet expense (estimated through dissolution) 34.89 Other- Reserves 14)Administration of Agency California Redevelopment Assoc Admin- annual dues for information, training, etc. 2,670.00 Other- Reserves 15)Computer and website support for RDA City of Atascadero Admin- computer support costs through dissolution 1,280.47 Other- Reserves 16)Administrative support staff for RDA City of Atascadero Administrative direct staff support costs through dissolution 29,000.00 Other- Reserves TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 - - 382,256.25 - - - 382,256.25 - - - 1,750.00 - - 1,750.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources Page 3 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 17)General overhead and support for RDA (general accounting, payments, council chamber use, agenda preparation, etc…) City of Atascadero Administrative overhead costs through dissolution 24,790.00 Other- Reserves 18)Colony Square Conditions, Covenants and Restrictions Colony Square, LLC Contract for required participation in maintenance of common areas for Colony Square (estimated cost is listed for 3 years, however required as long as RDA owns the lot) 30,000.00 Other- Rents 19)Maintenance of Creekside Building in accordance with lease agreement with City Various Vendors (Lease commitment to City of Atascadero) Lease Proceeds: Contract for costs associated with maintaining RDA owned building in accordance with lease agreement. (Cost listed is estimate through 6/30/13. Must maintain through sale) 31,452.92 Other- Rents 20)Lease land from City effective 07/01/09 and maintenance of RDA owned Building - Main Street Building City of Atascadero Contract/ Lease of land for RDA owned building (estimated cost listed is for one year) 1,000.00 Other- Reserves 21)Maintenance of building RDA leases to Main Street Various Vendors (Lease to Main Street) Contract for costs associated with maintaining RDA building leased to Main Street (estimated cost listed is for one year) 250.00 Other- Reserves 22)Blight Reduction and Economic Growth Contract City of Atascadero Contract with City for economic growth projects; tourism, marketing and promotion; downtown enhanced maintenance and beautification; and administration 5,621,180.00 Other- Reserves 23)Monthly Electricity PG&E Electricity for RDA installed downtown infrastructure enhancements (medians, crosswalks and ped tunnel) through January 30, 2012 1,124.14 Other- Reserves 24)Sunken Garden Extra Maintenance Supplies various vendors Supplies for enhanced maintenance of Sunken Gardens 394.25 Other- Reserves 25)Trash pickup service NCI Trash bins were placed downtown to keep the area litter free. This is the contract with a third party vendor to empty those trash cans. 1,451.25 Other- Reserves TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - - - - - - - - - - 10,000.00 - - 10,000.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 1,450.00 8,700.00 - - - - - - - 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 300.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into an agreements related to Economic Development and Blight Elimination. The agreement had the Agency formally contracting with the City to complete the Economic Development and Blight Elimination Programs as set out by the Board. The validity of this agreement is called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line but rather individually by contract below for executed contracts. There is the potential that future obligations under this contract may be incurred depending on the outcome of litigation/legislation. Page 4 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 26)Downtown Landscape Maintenance Contract Martinelli Landscape Contract for maintenance of the RDA installed infrastructure enhancement; medians and Pedestrian Tunnel through 7/31/11 1,176.83 Other- Reserves 27)Downtown Landscape Maintenance Contract Gilbert's Landscape Contract for maintenance of RDA installed downtown infrastructure enhancements (medians, crosswalks and ped tunnel) through earliest termination 5,692.05 Other- Reserves 28)Clean up and maintenance of the downtown area City of Atascadero Weekly inspection/litter pickup and cleaning of downtown business area through January 2012 14,360.00 Other- Reserves 29)Fountain Maintenance Aquamark Operating costs for Downtown Fountain brought back to working order by the RDA in order to deter blight (estimated through 1/31/12) 2,205.61 Other- Reserves 30)Graffiti abatement Paul Zehner & de Cou LumberRDA Graffiti abatement program costs 116.84 Other- Reserves 31)Sunken Garden Holiday Enhancement Coast Nitelites Enhancement of Sunken Gardens Holiday Lighting to promote positive activities in the Downtown 7,200.00 Other- Reserves 32)Portable toilet service for farmers market Harvey's Honeyhuts Portable toilet service for farmers market 545.14 Other- Reserves 33)Color copies for ICSC conference Hart Impressions Marketing materials to encourage economic development in the RDA 157.65 Other- Reserves 34)Permit Fee Waiver Program City of Atascadero Approved and marketed program for reimbursement of permit fees for new businesses; costs incurred through 12/29/11 1,781.31 Other- Reserves 35)Façade Improvement Program Denny's Restaurant Approved and marketed program for reimbursement of façade improvements 2,999.00 Other- Reserves 36)Tourism Promotion- SLO Count Visitors and Conference Bureau SLO Count Visitors and Conference Bureau Tourism and marking cooperative 8,200.00 Other- Reserves 37)Tourism, Marketing and Events Services SW Martin & Associates Contract for tourism and marking services (cost through earliest termination date) 132,999.96 Other- Reserves 38)Special Events and Promotions SW Martin & Associates Savor the Central Coast 20,000.00 Other- Reserves 39)Main Street Program Atascadero Main Street Contract for downtown promotions and events (through earliest possible termination date) 28,500.00 Other- Reserves TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 5 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 40)Marketing tool annual payment Tools for Business Success Informational tool on web site that provides business building, planning, and management tools to help local businesses succeed. 1,140.00 Other- Reserves 41)Economic Development Staff City of Atascadero Portion of City employees time spent on Redevelopment and Economic development in the Project area, both current and future projects 98,170.00 Other- Reserves 42)Lake Park Sign & Frontage City of Atascadero Contract with City to construct the Lake Park Sign and Frontage Project 370,467.67 Other- Reserves 43)Lake Park Sign & Frontage Eikhof Design Group Design work on Lake Park Sign and Frontage Project 12,708.00 Other- Reserves 44)Lake Park Sign & Frontage various vendors Printing, advertising and geotechnical costs on Lake Park Sign and Frontage Project 1,466.63 Other- Reserves 45)Lake Park Sign & Frontage City of Atascadero City staff time for Lake Park Sign & Frontage Project- project management, inspection, etc. 1,850.47 Other- Reserves 46)Zoo Wall Improvement Project City of Atascadero Contract with City to construct the Zoo Wall Project 240,000.00 Other- Reserves 47)Redevelopment Agency General Fund accounts payable & accrued payroll at June 30, 2011 Various vendors Invoices & payroll for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until FY 2011/2012 18,890.09 Other- Reserves 48)Redevelopment Agency General Fund accounts payable & accrued payroll at January 31, 2012 Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 2/1/12, but not paid until after 1/31/12 7,500.00 Other- Reserves 49)Production of Affordable Housing City of Atascadero Contract with City to establish 24 affordable housing units 5,543,800.00 LMIHF 50)Low/Moderate Income Housing Administration Costs City of Atascadero Administration of the Low/Moderate Income Housing Program (through dissolution) 13,710.00 LMIHF 51)Redevelopment Housing Assistance Strategy Urban Futures Inc.Contract for services to analyze options for affordable housing 42,136.43 LMIHF 52)Redevelopment Agency Low Mod Housing Fund accounts payable & accrued payroll at June 30, 2011 Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until after FY 2011/2012 562.50 LMIHF TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - See Items 46 & 47 Below for Actual. Also See Footnote #6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No costs or contracts have been incurred to date. See Footnote #6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into an agreements related to Production of Affordable Housing Units. The agreement had the Agency formally contracting with the City to complete the Production of Affordable Housing Units. The validity of this agreement is called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line, but rather individually by contract below for executed contracts. There is the potential that future obligations under this contract may be incurred depending on the outcome of litigation/legislation. Page 6 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 53)Blight Elimination Projects Contract City of Atascadero Contract with City to construct June 2010 priority Blight Elimination Projects 8,176,820.00 Other- Reserves / Bond proceeds 54)Creek Improvements California Conservation Crew & related support invoices Removal of non-native vegetation in preparation for installation of Creek Trail in compliance with State River Parkways Grant Program. 7,293.46 Other- Reserves 55)Wayfinding Project Signs of Success Contract for design, and purchase of street signs and kiosks 47,632.00 Other- Reserves 56)Wayfinding Project Karp Land Surveys Contract for design, and purchase of street signs and kiosks 105.00 Other- Reserves 57)Wayfinding Project not yet awarded Bond Funded: Installation of Wayfinding street signs and kiosks, including PG & E charges. As yet unlet contracts for the completion of Wayfinding Project (items 56 & 57 above) 52,263.00 Other- Reserves / Bond proceeds 58)Downtown Property Purchase Hamner & Jewell Contract for property negotiation services 4,605.79 Other- Reserves 59)Downtown Property Purchase First American Title/Olsen Property Purchase of Olsen property for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge/Centennial Park Projects 125,008.00 Other- Reserves 60)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Althouse & Meade Contract for Environmental evaluation for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 11,000.00 Other- Reserves 61)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Arris Studio Architects Architectural renderings for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 6,812.47 Other- Reserves 62)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge A&T Arborists Tree plan for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 850.00 Other- Reserves 63)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Pacific Gas & Electric PG&E engineering design for electrical service for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 3,000.00 Other- Reserves 64)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge San Luis Obispo County Recorder Filing Fee to record mitigated negative declaration for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 2,094.00 Other- Reserves 65)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge North Coast Engineering Design for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 106,605.00 Other- Reserves 66)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge EDA Design Professionals Topographic Services for Downtown Pedestrian Bridge Project 10,810.00 Other- Reserves TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into an agreements related to 2010 Board prioritized projects collectively known as the Blight Elimination Projects. The agreement had the Agency formally contracting with the City to complete the Projects. The validity of this agreement is called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line, but rather individually by contract below for executed contracts. There is the potential that future obligations under this contract may be incurred depending on the outcome of litigation/legislation. Page 7 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 67)Downtown Pedestrian Bridge City of Atascadero Expenditures for City staff time for inspection, construction management and project administration. 0.00 Other- Reserves 68)Maiden Statue Placement Eikhof Design Group Preparation and placement of Maiden Statue under restoration contract 3,040.00 Bonds 69)Maiden Statue Placement various vendors Bond Funded (2005) Ancillary costs to contract with Ethos- transportation and installation of Maiden Statues 46,880.00 Bonds 70)Centennial Plaza Karp Land Surveys Centennial Plaza conceptual plans 1,187.50 Other- Reserves 71)Downtown Streetscape III Project G Sosa Construction Contract through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project in excess of ARRA grant 88,945.71 Other- Reserves 72)Downtown Streetscape III Project C3 Construction Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project. 28,947.37 Other- Reserves 73)Downtown Streetscape III Project Apodaca Paving Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project. 11,570.35 Other- Reserves 74)Downtown Streetscape III Project Rick Engineering Bond Funded (2005): Contract through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project. 14,677.21 Other- Reserves 75)Downtown Streetscape III Project City of Atascadero Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures for City staff time for inspection, construction management and project administration. 16,352.44 Other- Reserves 76)Downtown Streetscape III Project Various vendors Bond Funded (2005): Expenditures through City for portions of underway Streetscape III Project- includes testing, materials & minor design changes 11,766.38 Other- Reserves 77)Blight Elimination Projects- Fiscal Year 10/11 Expenses (accounts payable June 30, 2011) Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until after 6/30/11 12,324.25 Other- Reserves 78)Maiden Statue Restoration Ethos Bond Funded (2005): Contract for completion of restoration of historic marble statue 147,730.00 Bonds TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 39,380.00 - - - - - 39,380.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 8 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 79)Historic City Hall Project Contract and Loan Agreement City of Atascadero Bond Funded: Contracts with City to assist with repair of earthquake damage from San Simeon 12,117,863.67 Bonds 80)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Earth Systems Pacific Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for deputy inspection services 381,278.81 Bonds & Grants 81)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Earth Systems Pacific Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order for longer than expected foundation work 50,000.00 Bonds & Grants 82)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Marcor Environmental Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for demolition of penthouse areas and related hazardous materials removal 18,500.00 Bonds & Grants 83)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Rossi & Carr Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Basement Electrical and Temporary Power 1,200.00 Bonds & Grants 84)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Concrete pile work and other basement structural work construction contractor 3,447,330.25 Bonds & Grants 85)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #01- Savings due to elimination of trees (9,999.00)Bonds & Grants 86)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #02 Additional pins for pile cap 2C & PC-1A 2,932.00 Bonds & Grants 87)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded:Change Order #03 Lead Paint in Basement 22,550.00 Bonds & Grants 88)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Wysong Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #04 Additional pile cap depth 60,500.00 Bonds & Grants 89)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scovell Tree Surgery Bond Funded: Contract for removal of two front trees for project 5,000.00 Bonds & Grants 90)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Marcor Environmental Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for removal of underground storage tank and preliminary removal of contaminated soil 10,944.00 Bonds & Grants 91)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for repair of historical fabric / structure construction contract 10,564,669.00 Bonds & Grants 92)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1- Demo of council dais 2,933.00 Bonds & Grants TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 120,000.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 700,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 700,000.00 500,000.00 4,000,000.00 - - - - - - - On January 14, 2011, the City and Agency entered into two separate agreements related to the Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project. The first agreement had the Agency formally contracting its long-time pledge of funds for the Project. The second agreement formalized the long-time agreement for bond proceeds and Redevelopment Agency reserves to fund cash flows for the Project. (A large portion of the Project is funded through reimbursement grants/funding). These validity of these agreements are called into question as part of AB26, however it is expected that this will be litigated on a statewide level. No payments are shown on this line, but rather individually by contract/project line item below. Page 9 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 93)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2- Ceiling abatement & removal first floor 7,178.00 Bonds & Grants 94)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #3- Ceiling abatement & removal second floor 6,117.00 Bonds & Grants 95)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order #8 - gypsum board substrate in upper rotunda 26,614.00 Bonds & Grants 96)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #4- Ceiling abatement & removal third floor+ 15,663.00 Bonds & Grants 97)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #5- Repair fireproofing spalls 3,809.00 Bonds & Grants 98)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #8- lead abatement for installation of steel 68,580.00 Bonds & Grants 99)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #6- repair of unmortared brick 9,102.00 Bonds & Grants 100)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #7- removal/disposal of selected existing steel 3,630.00 Bonds & Grants 101)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Golden State Steel Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Structural Steel and Misc. Metals Construction Contract 494,300.00 Bonds & Grants 102)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Golden State Steel Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1- deletion of catwalk (48,350.00)Bonds & Grants 103)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Golden State Steel Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2- stiffener plates 2,132.00 Bonds & Grants 104)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Rough Carpentry Construction 277,920.00 Bonds & Grants 105)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Expected Change Order #1- Rafter Connection Change 2,395.00 Bonds & Grants 106)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Diani Building Corp Bond/Grant Funded: Expected Change Order #2- Addition of Catwalk 33,622.00 Bonds & Grants 107)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond/Grant Funded: Required landscaping restoration 350,000.00 Bonds & Grants 108)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Republic Elevator Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Elevator Construction 276,320.00 Bonds & Grants 109)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Alpha Fire Sprinkler Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Fire Sprinkler Construction 259,841.00 Bonds & Grants TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 27,792.00 - - - - 27,792.00 - 239.50 - - - - 239.50 - 3,362.20 - - - - 3,362.20 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 210,000.00 49,737.60 - - - - 37,303.20 87,040.80 58,500.00 26,000.00 - - - 13,000.00 97,500.00 Page 10 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 110)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Plumbing Construction 403,000.00 Bonds & Grants 111)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1 Storm drain piping in basement 11,296.00 Bonds & Grants 112)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2 Wastewater piping in basement 25,182.00 Bonds & Grants 113)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Scott Murray Plumbing Bond/Grant Funded: Expected Change Order #3 Replacement of sewer and storm drain pipes floors 1- 3 207,680.00 Bonds & Grants 114)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Santa Margarita Construction Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for HVAC Construction 849,777.00 Bonds & Grants 115)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Electrical Construction 762,457.00 Bonds & Grants 116)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Contract Amendment for Add Alternate 128,000.00 Bonds & Grants 117)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #1 (deduct) MC cable sub Electrical contract (27,711.00)Bonds & Grants 118)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #2 (deduct) Notifier fire alarm panel (25,456.00)Bonds & Grants 119)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #3 (deduct) Use 5 existing conduits (2,463.00)Bonds & Grants 120)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Taft Electrical Bond/Grant Funded: Change Order #4 Saturday premium 399.00 Bonds & Grants 121)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond/Grant Funded: Required Smoke curtain installation 50,000.00 Bonds & Grants 122)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Harvey's Honey Huts Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Rental of Portable Toilets for construction workers 20,099.80 Bonds & Grants 123)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond/Grant Funded: Construction costs for other general conditions such as barricades, striping, on-site traffic control, SWPP measures, construction trailer expenses, temporary utilities, signage, road and site repair 184,154.00 Bonds & Grants 124)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond/Grant Funded: Required sidewalk and parking lot improvement 300,000.00 Bonds & Grants 125)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project not yet awarded Bond Funded: Replacement appliances, furniture and fixtures 150,000.00 Bonds & Grants 126)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Architecture and Engineering Services for Project (Phase 1 & 2) 888,437.54 Bonds & Grants TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources 65,300.00 7,300.00 - - 29,000.00 52,829.80 154,429.80 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 29,712.00 - - - - - 29,712.00 63,700.00 12,700.00 12,700.00 12,700.00 21,200.00 22,981.23 145,981.23 24,400.00 24,400.00 64,400.00 24,400.00 24,400.00 24,400.00 186,400.00 6,400.00 6,400.00 46,400.00 6,400.00 6,400.00 6,400.00 78,400.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 40,000.00 - - - - - 40,000.00 920.00 920.00 920.00 920.00 460.00 460.00 4,600.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 36,000.00 - - - - 5,000.00 35,000.00 40,000.00 - 6,750.00 13,500.00 33,750.00 33,750.00 27,000.00 114,750.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 25,000.00 225,000.00 Page 11 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 127)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Architecture and Engineering Services for Project (Phase 3) 131,258.20 Bonds & Grants 128)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #1- switchgear design 15,000.00 Bonds & Grants 129)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #2- code requirements 5,400.00 Bonds & Grants 130)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #3- smoke curtain design 750.00 Bonds & Grants 131)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #4- electrical change design and fire alarm design 16,000.00 Bonds & Grants 132)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #5- exterior lighting design 11,400.00 Bonds & Grants 133)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #6- audio/visual design for Council chambers 21,900.00 Bonds & Grants 134)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Pfeiffer Partners Bond/Grant Funded: Change order #7- amended landscape design 7,000.00 Bonds & Grants 135)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Bernards Bond/Grant Funded: Contract for Construction Management Services 2,495,572.78 Bonds & Grants 136)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project City of Atascadero Bond Funded: Project staff time in accordance with City practice of charging projects for direct costs for project management 104,000.00 Bonds & Grants 137)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project California Code Check Bond Funded: Contract plan checking service for Historic City Hall Earthquake Project 70,000.00 Bonds & Grants 138)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project City of Atascadero Bond Funded: Permitting (other than California Code Check) costs for project including tree removal fees 184,090.00 Bonds & Grants 139)Historic City Hall Repair & Rehabilitation Project Millennium Consulting Bond Funded: Contract for hazardous materials testing and monitoring 62,273.71 Bonds & Grants 140)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Millennium Consulting Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order #7 for additional services- underestimated time of abatement monitoring 14,601.39 Bonds & Grants 141)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Millennium Consulting Bond/Grant Funded: Expected change order #8 for additional services- underestimated time of abatement monitoring 39,535.11 Bonds & Grants TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 36,000.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 120,000.00 720,000.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 3,300.00 4,700.00 21,200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 6,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 21,000.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Page 12 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 142)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond Funded: Costs for construction cleanup (does not include dumpsters and storage containers above) 64,320.00 Bonds & Grants 143)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Mid State Solid Waste Bond Funded: Contract for Rental of Trash Rolloffs 23,450.00 Bonds & Grants 144)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Atascadero Waste Alternatives Bond Funded: Contract for Storage Containers 10,125.57 Bonds & Grants 145)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond Funded: Other construction costs such as printing, site security, dust palliation, record keeping, pest control, etc. 102,981.37 Bonds & Grants 146)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various contractors Bond Funded: Other small construction costs 5,100.00 Bonds & Grants 147)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project various construction contractors Bond Funded: Construction contingency 4,313,904.50 Bonds & Grants 148)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until after 6/30/11 715,762.52 Bonds & Grants 149)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Commitment to State of California CCHE grant match 349,125.00 Bonds 150)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Commitment to FEMA and CalEMA Obligation to receive occupancy permit on Historic City Hall Project in order to retain grant funds for City Hall Project and Temporary Relocation 21,739,149.00 Bonds 151)Bond Agreement- Use of Bond Proceeds (City Hall and Identified Blight Elimination projects per June 2010 Board meeting) Commitment to Bond Holders Remaining 2010 bond proceeds earmarked for City Hall Project & 2010 Identified Blight Elimination Projects 13,518,143.67 Bonds 152)Bond Agreement- Use of Interest on Bond Proceeds (City Hall and 2010 Identified Blight Elimination Projects) Commitment to Bond Holders Interest earned on remaining 2010 bond proceeds earmarked for City Hall Project & 2010 Identified blight Elimination Projects 107,000.00 Bonds TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 3,000.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 4,800.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 600.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 3,000.00 - - - - - - - 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 1,800,000.00 - - - - - - - - - - - Note: This is a matching grant commitment. This obligation will be met through the Agency's contract with Diani shown on line 91, therefore no payments are shown her Note: As part of the 2010 bond indenture agreement the Agency has committed to the bond holders that it will complete certain projects collectively known as the Project. (The Project includes the Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehabilitation Project and other infrastructure projects in the Project Area). While the obligations for individual construction contracts and related construction costs are listed individually above, this line is intended to show the obligation to the bond holders to comply with the indenture agreement (section 3.03 Establishment and Application of Project Fund). Monthly payments are not shown here, but rather through line items listed above (for known contracts/construction costs) and through future line items (for future contracts necessary to fulfill this committment) Note: This is a FEMA/CAlEMA funding requirement. This obligation will be met by completing the Historic City Hall Project and occupying the facility Page 13 of 15 Other Funding Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Reimbursement/ Bond financing agreement with City of Atascadero1 City of Atascadero Contract for funding for bonds issued to finance the completion of Agency projects including Historic City Hall Project and other capital projects in the area 2,882,643.75 Other- Reserves 153)Bond Agreement- Use of Bond Proceeds for completion of 2005 Bond Projects Commitment to Bond Holders Remaining 2005 bond proceeds earmarked for Maiden Statue Project, Streetscape III and Wayfinding 356,128.32 Bonds 154)Bond Agreement- Use of Interest on Bond Proceeds for completion of 2005 Bond Projects Commitment to Bond Holders Future interest earned on remaining 2005 bond proceeds earmarked for Maiden Statue Project, Streetscape III and Wayfinding 1,200.00 Bonds 155)Historic City Hall Earthquake Repair/Rehab Project Various vendors Invoices for goods/service received prior to 6/30/11, but not paid until after 6/30/11 851,205.00 Other- Dec 2011 Tax Incremen t Totals - LMHIF 5,600,208.93$ 77,072,248.21$ Total - Other 22,207,503.55$ 104,879,960.69$ 1 In order to smooth out transition and avoid default on bonds, it is expected that 2010 Bond reimbursement payments through 2015/2016 will be made from reserves. All future payments related to the 2010 bond reimbursement agreement will be made from the RPTTF Totals - Bonds /Grants (includes both bond & grant proceeds, as it impossible to determine how much FEMA/CalEMA will pay for from each contract) Grand Total- Other Funding Sources TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 Payments by Month Payable from Other Revenue Sources - - - - 578,102.50 - - - 578,102.50 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 1,829,749.60$ 1,567,563.70$ 1,589,620.00$ 1,104,870.00$ 1,131,910.00$ 1,032,474.23$ 8,256,187.53$ 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 961,858.75$ 13,250.00$ 1,500.00$ 1,500.00$ 981,108.75$ 1,831,249.60$ 1,569,063.70$ 2,551,478.75$ 1,118,120.00$ 1,133,410.00$ 1,033,974.23$ 9,237,296.28$ Note: As part of the 2005 bond indenture agreement the Agency has committed to the bond holders that it will complete certain projects collectively known as the Project. While the obligations for individual construction contracts and related construction costs are listed individually above, this line is intended to show the obligation to the bond holders to comply with the indenture agreement (section 3.03 Redevelopment Fund). Monthly payments are not shown here, but rather through line items listed above (for known contracts/construction costs) and through future line items (for future contracts necessary to fulfill this committment) Page 14 of 15 Administrative Allowance Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 DRAFT AMENDED RECOGNIZED OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (06/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 (*) Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation Funding Source 1)Administration of Agency various vendors Administrative expenses for successor agency in accordance with AB1X26 through June 2016 including - office expense, postage, legal notices, computer costs, phone costs, operations, professional development, direct staff time, general overhead 1,104,167.00 Admin Allowance Totals- Administrative Allowance 1,104,167.00$ TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 20,833.33 20,833.33 20,833.34 20,833.33 20,833.33 20,833.34 125,000.00 20,833.33$ 20,833.33$ 20,833.34$ 20,833.33$ 20,833.33$ 20,833.34$ 125,000.00$ Payable from the Administrative Allowance Allocation Payments by Month Page 15 of 15 Pass -Throughs and Other Obligations Name of Redevelopment Agency:Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Project Area(s)Redevelopment Project Area #1 OTHER OBLIGATION PAYMENT SCHEDULE (6/21/12) Per AB 26 - Section 34177 *** Project Name / Debt Obligation Payee Description Funding Source 1)County General Fund County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 6,966,552.00 RPTTF 2)Air Pollution Control District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 29,108.00 RPTTF 3)County Library County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 565,992.00 RPTTF 4)City of Atascadero County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 5,860,442.00 RPTTF 5)SLO CO Flood Control District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 109,964.00 RPTTF 6)Nacimiento Water District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 90,559.00 RPTTF 7)Atascadero Cemetery District County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 326,658.00 RPTTF 8) Atascadero Unified School District (oper)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 5,258,873.00 RPTTF 9) Atascadero Unified School Dist(Ed Fac)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 6,885,696.00 RPTTF 10)Cuesta College (oper)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 870,010.00 RPTTF 11)Cuesta College (ed fac)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 960,569.00 RPTTF 12)Co School Service (oper)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 203,757.00 RPTTF 13)Co School Service (ed fac)County of San Luis Obispo Statutory Pass Through per 33607.5 879,713.00 RPTTF 14)Co School Service (ed fac)County of San Luis Obispo Basic Aid Pass Through per 33676 3,334,500.92 RPTTF Totals - Other Obligations 32,342,393.92$ Total Outstanding Debt or Obligation TOTAL July 2012 August 2012 September 2012 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 July-Dec 2012 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 - - - - - - 0.00 -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ Pass Throughs and Other Patyments Payments by Month ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 3 DATE: 06/21/12 Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero Adoption of Conflict of Interest Code RECOMMENDATION: Board adopt the Draft Resolution, adopting a Conflict of Interest Code for the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero. DISCUSSION: The Political Reform Act requires every local governmental agency to adopt a Conflict of Interest Code. The Conflict of Interest Code is a document that designates the positions within an agency that make or participate in making governmental decisions which may have a material effect on any financial interest. This Conflict of Interest Code pertains only to the designated positions listed in Exhibit A. The Code further sets out, in paragraphs called disclosure categories, the specific types of investments, business positions, interest in real property and sources of income that must be reported by the designated positions. The proposed Conflict of Interest Code incorporates the basic provisions required by Government Code Section 87302 and complies with FPPC regulations. The list of designated positions contains those positions that make or participate in making governmental decisions and reflects the current staffing of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 3 DATE: 06/21/12 ALTERNATIVES: The Board is free to add positions to the Code or to suggest any other changes, so long as the changes comply with the Political Reform Act. Changing the disclosure requirements is not recommended. It is important that the current positions are accurately described. ATTACHMENT: Draft Resolution ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 3 DATE: 06/21/12 DRAFT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE WHEREAS, the Political Reform Act requires every local government agency adopt a Conflict of Interest Code and review its Conflict of Interest Code biennially (in even-numbered years) to determine if it is accurate and up-to-date, or, alternatively, that the Code must be amended; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero as follows: SECTION 1. That the Conflict of Interest Code attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A be, and hereby is, adopted as the Conflict of Interest Code for the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero. On motion by Board Member and seconded by Board Member , the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO By: ________________________________ Bob Kelley, Chairperson ATTEST: ___________________________________ Marcia McClure Torgerson, Board Secretary ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 3 DATE: 06/21/12 Exhibit A CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF ATASCADERO The Political Reform Act, Government Code Section 81000, et. seg., requires state and local government agencies to adopt and promulgate conflict of interest codes. The Fair Political Practices Commission has adopted a regulation, 2 Cal. Code of Regs. Sect ion 18730, which contains the terms of a standard conflict of interest code. It can be incorporated by reference and may be amended by the Fair Political Practices Commission after public notice and hearings to conform to amendments in the Political Reform Act. Therefore, the terms of 2 Cal. Code of Regs. Section 18730 and any amendments to it duly adopted by the Fair Political Practices Commission are hereby incorporated by reference and, along with the attached Appendix in which members and employees are designated and disclosure categories are set forth, constitute the conflict of interest code of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero. Designated employees shall file their statements with the Secretary of the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero who will make the statements available for public inspection and reproduction (Gov. Code Section 81008). Statements for all designated employees will be r etained by the Oversight Board for Successor Agency to the Community Redevelopment Agency of Atascadero. ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 3 DATE: 06/21/12 DESIGNATED EMPLOYEES AND DISCLOSURE CATEGORIES The following positions entail the making or participation in the making of decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on financial interests: Designated Position1 Disclosure Category: Board Members 1 Atascadero City Manager 1 Atascadero Administrative Services Director 1 Board Secretary 1 Consultants2 1 Members of all permanent Commissions, Boards 1 and Committees not otherwise required to file Conflict of Interest Statements 1. In the event that State law or regulations regarding the filing of Conflict of Interest Statements should be amended, this Exhibit shall be changed to include the designated position and category of each official as required by said amendment. 2. Consultants shall be included in the list of designated employees and shall disclose pursuant to the broadest disclosure category in the code subject to the following limitations. The City Manager may determine in writing that a particular consultant, although a "designated position", is hired to perform a range of duties that is limited in scope and this is not required to fully comply with the disclosure requirement described in this Section. Such written determination shall include a description of the consultant's duties and, based upon that description, a statement of the extent of disclosure requirements. The City Manager’s determination is a public record and shall be retained for public inspection by the City Clerk in the same manner and location as this Conflict of Interest Code. ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 3 DATE: 06/21/12 CATEGORIES OF REPORTABLE ECONOMIC INTERESTS Designated Persons in Category "1" Must Report: All investments, interests in real property, income, and any business entity in which the person is a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or holds any position of management. These financial interests are reportable only if located within and subject to the jurisdiction of the Agency, or if the business entity is doing business or planning to do business in an area subject to the jurisdiction of the Agency, or has done business within an area subject to the jurisdiction of the Agency at any time during the two years prior to the filing of the statement. Designated Persons in Category "2" Must Report: (1) All investments in real property located within or subject to the jurisdiction of the Agency. (2) Investments in any business entity which within the last two years has contracted or in the future foreseeably may contract with the Agency. (3) Income from any source which within the last two years has contracted or in the future foreseeably may contract with the Agency. (4) His or her status as a director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, or holder of a position of management in any business entity which within the last two years has contracted or in the future foreseeably may contract with the Agency. 82030. INCOME. (A) "Income" means (except as provided in subdivision B): A payment received, including but not limited to any salary, wage, advance, dividend, interest, rent, proceeds from any sale, gift, including any gift of food or beverage, loan, forgiveness or payment of indebtedness received by the flier, reimbursement for expenses, per diem, or contribution to an insurance or pension program paid by any person other than an employer, and including any community property interest in the income of a spouse. Income also includes an outstanding loan. Income of an individual also includes a pro rata share of any income of any business entity or trust in which the individual or spouse owns, directly, indirectly or beneficially, a 10 percent interest or greater. "Income," other than a gift, does not include income received from any source outside the jurisdiction and not doing business within the jurisdiction, not planning to do business within the having done business within the jurisdiction during the two years prior to the time any statement or other action is required under this title. ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 3 DATE: 06/21/12 (B) "Income" does not include: (1) Campaign contributions required to be reported under Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 84100). (2) Salary and reimbursement for expenses or per diem received from a state, local, or federal government agency and reimbursement for travel expenses and per diem received from a bona fide educational, academic, or charitable organization. (3) Any devise or inheritance. (4) Interest, dividends, or premiums on a time or demand deposit in a financial institution, shares in a credit union or any insurance policy, payments received under any insurance policy, or any bond or other debt instrument issued by any government or government agency. (5) Dividends, interest, or any other return on a security which is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States Government or a commodity future registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission of the United States Government, except proceeds from the sale of these securities and commodities futures. (6) Redemption of a mutual fund. (7) Alimony or child support payments. (8) Any loan or loans from a commercial lending institution which are made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to official status if: (a) Used to purchase, refinance the purchase of, or for improvements to, the principal residence of flier; or (b) The balance owed does not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). (9) Any loan from an individual's spouse, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, parent-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, uncle, aunt, or first cousin, or the spouse of any such person, provided that a loan from any such person shall be considered income if the lender is acting as an agent or intermediary for any person not covered by this paragraph. (10) Any indebtedness created as part of a retail installment or credit card transaction if made in the lender's regular course of business on terms available to members of the public without regard to official status, so long as the balance owed to the creditor does not exceed ten thousand dollars ($10,000). ITEM NUMBER: OB B - 3 DATE: 06/21/12 (11) Payments received under a defined benefit pension plan qualified under Internal Revenue Code Section 401(a). (12) Proceeds from the sale of securities registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States Government or from the sale of commodities futures registered with the Commodity Futures Trading commission of the United States Government if the flier sells the securities or the commodities futures on a stock or commodities exchange and does not know or have reason to know the identity of the purchaser.