HomeMy WebLinkAbout011411 - Agenda Packet 011411 Special Meeting NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MEETING ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL Friday, January 14, 2011 1 :30 p.m. oW City of Atascadero City Hall 6907 EI Camino Real, Conference Room #4 Atascadero, California PLANNING COMMISSION PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION INTERVIEWS AND APPOINTMENTS ROLL CALL: PUBLIC COMMENT: INTERVIEWS AND APPOINTMENTS: 1. Planning Commission ■ City Clerk recommendation: Council interview the nine candidates and select, by ballot, two citizens to serve on the Planning Commission. 2. Parks & Recreation Commission • City Clerk recommendation: Council interview the four candidates and select, by ballot, two citizens to serve on the Parks & Recreation Commission. ADJOURNMENT: The City Council will adjourn to the next Regular Session scheduled on Tuesday, January 25, 2011, at 6:00 p.m. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ) CITY OF ATASCADERO ) MARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSON, C.M.C., being fully sworn, deposes, and says: That she is the duly elected City Clerk of the City of Atascadero and that on Tuesday,January 11, 2011, she caused the above Notice to be posted on the doors of the City's Administration Building, 6907 EI Camino Real in Atascadero, California. ARCIA MCCLURE TORGERSON, C.M.C. City Clerk City of Atascadero I ITEM NUMBER: #1 & 2 DATE: 01/14/11 s Y974�_7 _60ZAis—�E�t►/, A tascadero City Council Staff Report — City Clerk At-Large Commission Appointments RECOMMENDATIONS: Council interview the nine candidates for the Planning Commission and the four candidates for the Parks & Recreation Commission, and select by ballot two citizens for each Commission. DISCUSSION: Directly Appointed Commissioners: The Atascadero Municipal Code states that directly appointed Commissioners are to be appointed by each individual City Council Member in the December following the election at which the City Council Member is elected. The directly appointed Commissioners' term is four years, the same as the Council Member that appointed them, or until the appointing Council Member vacates office. Council Member Sturtevant was elected in November 2010, and Mayor O'Malley was re-elected in November 2010. Council Member Sturtevant has appointed Len Colamarino to the Planning Commission and Jerel Saey to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Mayor O'Malley has appointed Mark Dariz to the Planning Commission and his appointment to the Parks and Recreation Commission is pending. Council Member Fonzi's Planning Commission appointment, Brian Sturtevant, was elected to the City Council in November 2010, so she will have to appoint a new Planning Commissioner. Council Member Clay's Planning Commission appointment resigned in November 2010, so he will also have to appoint a new Planning Commissioner. The persons appointed must be registered to vote and residents of the City of Atascadero. The newly appointed Commissioners will serve four year terms that will expire in December 2014. The following tables summarize the appointments mentioned above: ITEM NUMBER: #1 &2 DATE: 01/14/11 PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTED BY TERM EXPIRES 2012 TERM EXPIRES 2014 Mayor O'Malley Mark Dariz Council Member Sturtevant Len Colamarino Council Member Clay Pending Council Member Fonzi Pending PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION APPOINTED BY TERM EXPIRES 2012 TERM EXPIRES 2014 Mayor O'Malley Pending Council Member Sturtevant Jerel Sae The terms for current Commissioners who were appointed by Council Members elected in 2008 will expire in 2012. At-Large Commission Appointments. The Atascadero Municipal Code also states that the two at-large positions on the Commissions shall be appointed by a majority of the entire Council. The terms for these positions are two years, expiring on December 31 , 2012. The City Clerk has solicited applications for the two at-large positions on both Commissions from the members of the public pursuant to State Law. Nine applications for the Planning Commissions and four applications for the Parks & Recreation Commission have been received, and interview times have been established for each qualified candidate. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Municipal Code regarding Commissions 2. Interview Schedule 3. Applications 3 Attachment 1 Chapter 9 PLANNING COMMISSION 2-9.01 Creation: Composition. There is created a Planning Commission for the City which shall consist of seven(7)members mho shall not be officials or employees of the Cite,but who shall be residents of the Citi, (Ord. 101 5 2 (part)_ 1905) 2-9.02 Members: Appointment: Terms of office. The City Council shall appoint members of the Planning Corin ussion as follows: two(2)nnembers shall be appointed by a majority vote of the entire Council.Those two(2)positions shall be appointed for temis of two(2)years commencing January 1.2005 and expiring December 31,2046_Except as modified below- the remaining five(5)members shall be directly appointed by each individual City Council Member in the December following the election at which the City Council member is elected_ The tends of appointment for the directly appointed members of the Planning Commission shall be four(4)rears and expire on December 31,or until the appointing Council Member vacates office_Appointments may be made after the commencement of a tens to fill a vacancv or reuzoval,in which case tine teen of office shall be for the balance of the unexpired tenli- In the event that a member at large(appointed by a majority vote of the entire Council)resigns or is removed, the yacuuv shall be filled by a majority vote of the entire City Council.In tine event that a member directly appointed by a City Council Member resigns or is removed,the vacancy shall be filled by the individual City Council Member that made the appointment of the resigning or removed Planning Couinussion Member_All members shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council and may continue to serve after expiration of the stated teen,with the approval of the City Council,until such time as a successor is selected according to the procedures set for the above_(Ord.411 s 1_2003:Ord_327§ 2. 1997;Ord. 291 F 1, 1995:Card_200 s 1, 1990: Ord_ 101 § 2(part), 1935) 2-9.0:3 Absence from meetings. Absence of a mennber of the Planning Crnnrnission from three(3)consecutive nneetings. or from four(4) meetings during a calendar year,without formal consent of the Planning C.ounrnission noted in its official minutes,shall be reported by the Planning Director to the City Council for consideration of removal from office.(Ord_200 s=. 1990: Ord. 101 § 2(part), 1955) 2-9.04 Members: Removal from office. A nnember of tite Planning Conunission seizes at the pleasure of the City Council and may be removed from office,with or without cause.by a ma)ority vote of all the members of the City Council_(Ord_ -100 § 3. 1990:Ord. 101 ti 2(part), 1935) 2-9.05 Vacancies. A vacancy on tine Planing Commission occurring by death.resignation,removal,or any other cause before the expiration of the term of the member shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term by_ tine Council.(Ord. 101 § 2(put)_ 1985) 2-9.06 Expenses, Planning Commission members shall be entitled to remuneration for expenses in accordance Frith tine procedure approved by resolution of the Council. (Ord. 101 a 2 (pan), 1985) f 4 Attachment 1 2-9.07 Powers,duties,and functions. The powers,duties, and functions of the Planning Connmissiou shall be all those powers,duties,and functions of a Planning Conunission and Board of Zoning Adjustment as provided ill Chapters 3 and 4 of Title 7,conunencing with Section 65100 of the Government Code of the State(the Planning and Zoning Lacs),as the same may be hereafter amnended.The Planning Connnssion shall perforin such other duties and functions as may be directed or designated by the Council not inconsistent with State lays-. (Ord. 101 § Z (part)- 1955) 2-9.08 Organization. As of February I st annually,or as soon thereafter as is feasible;the Planning Conunission shall elect a chairman and a vice-chairman from among its members.The chainnan shall preside over meetings,appoint appropriate comnnittees,sigrn resolutions and direct the affairs of the Commission.In the absence of the chairman.the duties of this office shall be perfomned by the vice-chairnnan. The Conunission.shall conduct meetings pursuant to adopted rules for the transaction of business,shall keep a public record of its resolutions_ transactions,fundings,and determinations and shall hold regularly scheduled meetings in the Rotunda Room, fotuth floor,Administration Building. 6500 Patna Avenue,Atascadero,every first and third Tuesday evening at seven p.m_,and on such other clays. at such other tunes,as mass be designated in order for a special meeting_ When the day for any regular meeting of the Planning Conunission falls on a legal holiday.the meeting shall not be held on such holiday but should be field at the same hour on the nett succeeding day thereafter which is not a holiday:or at such other tinne as shall be deternuned and noticed by the Planning Conunission (Ord-291 §Z 1995:Ord 142 §2, 1956:Ord. 101 § 2(part), 1985) 2-9.09 Planning Commission: Relations to Council and staff. (a) The City Council estabhshes policies crtyWide and specifically as they relate to the duties of the Planning Conunission_The Plannune Commission is advisor to the Council except inhere the Council has delegated specific authority to the Conulnission.City staff administers the policies of the Council,forwards reconunendations of the Commission to the Council and administers Plamnun!a Conunission s actionori issues delegated to the Commission by the Council.The planning Conunission nnay reconnlend to the Council topics to be included in the City's work programn. (b) The Conunission and its members shall work through the Comnnirllt'Development Director. except for the purpose of inqui ,,in carving out the Conunission s responsibilities' (c) Commissioners shall not attempt to coerce or influence.staff in the making of appointments.the awarding of contracts,the.selection of consultants,the processing of development applications,or the gnti rang of City licenses or permits. Commissioners shall not attempt to change or interfere with the operating policies and practices of any Cite departnnent. (d) Conunissioners shall not attend internal staff nneetungs or meetings between City staff and third persons unless invited by City.staff or directed b1-Council to do so.Conunissioners may attend mneetings of private organizations that staff may attend Conunissioners may attend any public meeting of the City or any public agency.(Ord_504 2007) Attachment 1 Chapter 13 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 2-1:3.01 Established. There is created a Parks and Recreation Commission composed of seven(7)members- (Ord_252 § L 1992:Ord_ 101 §4(part), 1985) 2-13.02 Qualifications. The regular members ofthe Commission shall be qualified electors ofthe Cite. (Ord. 101 §4(pail), 1935) 2-13.0:3 Members:Appointmeut Terms of office. The City Council shall appount members ofthe Parks and Recreation Conunission as follows: two(2) members shall be appointed b-,-,i majority vote ofthe entire Council_Those two(2)positions shall be appointed for terms oftwo(2)nears commencing Januar, 1,2005 and expiring December 31,2006_Except as modified below,the remainuig five(5)members shall be directly appointed by each individual City Council Member in the December following the election at-which the City Council mernnber is elected. The terms of appointment for the directly appointed members of the Parks and Recreation Commission shall be four(4)`ears and expire on December 31,or until the appointing Council Member vacates office.Appointments may be made after the commencement of a teriin to fill a vacancy or removal. in which case the term of office shall be for the balance of the unexpired term.In the event that a member at large(apponited by a majority vote of the entire Council) resigns or is removed.the vacancy shall be filled by a majority vote of the entire Citv Council.In the event that a member directly appointed by a City Council Member resigns or is removed,the vacancy shall be filled by the uidividual Cih-Council Member that made the apponntnnent of the resignuag or iennoved Connnussion Member. All members shall:seine at the pleasure of the City Council and may continue to serve after expiration of the stated terin=with the approval ofthe City Council, until such time as a successor is selected according to the procedures set for the above.(Ord.411 § 12003: Ord. 32? § 4, 199?,Ord.292 § 1. 1995: Ord. 2S' § 1. 1995_ Ord.26S § 1. 1993 Ord 252 §2, 1992: Ord_209§ 1, 1990: Ord_101 §4(part), 1985) 2-1.3,04 Ex officio member. A member representing the school district shall be appointed by the Mavor as an ex officio member of the Conunission.The appointee shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and-without compensation.(Ord_ 101 §4 (part). 1985) 2-13.05 Absence from meetings. Absence of a member of the Commission from three(3)consecutive meetings, or from foto(4) ineeti nes during a calendar year,without fornnal consent ofthe Conunission noted in its official minutes.shall be reported by the Recreation Director to the City Council for consideration of renioval from office.(Gird_-105 § 1, 1990: Ord. 101 §4 (part)_ 1985) 2-13.06 Organization. As of February 1st annually,oras soon thereafter as is feasible,the members ofthe Commission:shall elect a chaimian and a vice-chain nan_who shall hold office for one(1)year.The chairman shall preside over meetings.appoint appropriate committees. sign resolutions. and direct the affairs of the Conunission.In the absence ofthe chaimuan,the duties of this office shall be performed by the vice-chairman. (Ord. 292 § ', 1995' Ord_ 101 §4(part), 1955) 6 Attachment 1 2-13.07 Procedure, The Commission shall adopt Arles and regulations to govern its procedures and shall set a time and place for regular meetings which will be held at least once a month_(Ord_ 101 § 4(part) 1985) 2-13.08 Quorum. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. (Ord. 101 §4(part). 1985) 2-1.3.09 Secretary:Appointment: Minutes. The City Manager shall designate a secretary-who shall maintain accurate minutes of the activities and official actions of the Connmissron If this person is a Citv employee,said person shall be compensated according)}I.(Ord. 101 §4 (part), 1985) 2-13.10 Duties and responsibilities. The duties and responsibilities of the Parks and Recreation Conunission shall be to: (a) Act in an advisory capacity to the Citv Council in all matters pertaining to parks and public recreation and to cooperate with other governmental overnental agencies and civic groups in the advancement of sound park and recreation planning and proerannuning, (b) Fornnulate policies and parks and recreation services for consideration by the City Council, (c) Meet with the City Council at least once each near to discuss policies,programs,fixture needs,or other matters requiring joint deliberations_More frequent nneetings rnav be held if deemed necessary by a detenuination of a majority of rnernbers of the Cite Council and Parks and Recreation Commnission.All such meetings shall be held in accordance with statutory requirements governing public meetings; (d) Reconnrnend to the Citv Council the development and unprovement of parks,recreational areas, facilities,programs,and recreation seri ices; (e) Make periodic survevs of parks and recreation services that exist or may be needed and ascertain the needs of the public for such sen-ices; (f) Assist in coordinating parks and recreation services'with the ptoerarns of governmental agencies and voluntary organizations, (g) Disseminate to the public unfornnation concerning the policies and functions of the Parks and Recreation Depirtnnent: (h) Advise the Director of Connnnunity Services in the development and operation of the parks and recreation programs and facilities, (i) Suggest rules and regulations governing the use of parks and recreation areas and facilities. (Ord. 25_' § 3, 1992 Ord_ 101 §4(part). 1985) 7 Attachment 1 2-13.11 Director of Coninitmity Services. Meeting attendance: Reports. The Director of Conmiumtzv Services or the Director's delegate shall attend the rneetuivs of the Parks and Recreation Commission and shall make such reports to the Commission,to the City Manager or to the Citi- Council as may be required. (Ord.252 §4, 1992: Ord_209 ti 2, 1990: Ord. 101 §4(part)_ 1985) 2-13.12 Expenses. Commission members shall be entitled to remuneration for expenses in accordance with the procedure approved by resolution of the Council. (Ord. 101 § 4(put)- 1985) 2-13.13 Parks and Recreation Conantission: Relations to Council and staff. (a) The Cite Council establishes policies cit,,,-wide and specifically as they relate to the duties of the Parks and Recreation Commission.The Parks and Recreation Connnission is advisory to the Council except inhere the Council has delegated specific authority to the Commission. City staff administers the policies of the Cit`-Council. forwards recommendations of the Commission to the Council and admninisten Parks and Recreation Commission action oft issues delegated to the Commission by the Council_The Parks and Recreation Commission may rec-ommend to the Council topics to be included in the Citv'.s work program. (b) The Commission and its members shall work through the Community Services Director,except for the purpose of inquiry% in carrying out the Connuuission's responsibilities_ (c) Commissioners shalt not attempt to coerce or itmfluence staff in the making of appointments,the awarding of contracts,the selection of consultants;the processing of dei,=elopment applications_or the granting of Cin, licenses or permits. Commissioners shall not attempt to change or interfere with the operating policies and practices of amv City department_ (d) Commissioners shall not attend internal staff meetings or meetings between Cim,staff and third persons unless invited by City staff or directed by Council to do so Commissioners may-attend meetings of private organizations that staff may attend.Con mmssionets mav°attend any public meeting of the City,or any public agency.(Ord. 544 5 4. 2007) 1 9 Attachment 2 INTERVIEW SCHEDULE COMMISSION INTERVIEWS Friday, January 14, 2011 — 1 :30 p.m. Planning Commission: 1:30 John Euphrat 1:45 Dennis Javens 2:00 Dennis Schmidt 2:15 Tom 'irk 2:30 Chuck Ward 2:45 Susan DeCarli 3:00 Harry Hamilton 3:15 Sharen Bloechl 3:30 Christian Cooper 3:45 COUNCIL VOTES 4:00 RECESS Parks & Recreation 4:15 Sharen Bloechl 4:30 Barbie Butz 4:45 Charlie Joslin 5:00 Bret Heinemann 5:15 COUNCIL VOTES 5:30 ADJOURN 10 11 Attachment 3 Please return to: RECEIVED CITY CLERK "r. 6907 EI Camino Realy Atascadero,CA 93422 ia»p, DEC 2 0 2010 CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City Minimum qualifications are subject to verification.. Please complete the Supplemental Questionnaire,which accompanies this application. APPLICATION FOR. PLANNING COMMISSION NAME. John Euphrat Email Address: aie(iesurfnetusa.com RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 8705 Balboa Road HomePhone 466-4330 Atascadero CA 93422 Work Phone: MAILING ADDRESS(if different): Are you a resident of the City of Ataseadero? Yes How Long? 30 years Are you a registered voter? Yes X No OCCUPATION Retired EMPLOYMENT-Present or last employer's name,address and phone number- Department umberDepartment of Planning and Building San Luis Obispo County Government Center 1050 Monterey Street.San Luis Obispo,CA 93408,805 781-5600 Position held and length of employment: Division Manager,Lone Range Planning and Communitv Relations, 32 years EDUCATION 1975 Bachelor of Science Degree in Natural Resources Management/Minor in Economies,Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. I 12 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application Page 2 ��j}N W Pte ' Applicant's Name RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION 30 years of community land use planning experience in San Luis Obispo County; Managed development of new community plans for Templeton San Miguel Cambria Cavuco&Avila Beach and Nipomo. INVOLVEMENT M COMMUNITY,VOLUNTEER,PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS. Atascadero Friends of the Library American Plannine Association and the American Institute of Certified Planners OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS,COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON Former Chair of the County Subdivision Review Board How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article_ Newspaper Ad _ Community Group Word of Mouth X LibraryCity Hall Place of Employment Other(specify): Please complete the following supplemental questionnaire- Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself. I hereby certify,under penalty of perjury,that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: Date: 12/17/2010 This application and supplement are"public documents"and are available for review upon request Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest, pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. 13 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application r— Page 3 Applicant's Name CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION 1 Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. I am interested in serving on the Planning Commission because this is an exciting time for the City Although the larger economy has its own set of challenges, there is significant interest and support for new building and economic development that is consistent with the City General Pian. The City has taken positive action to streamline the permit process which can make a big difference in successfully implementing the City's vision. The City has progressive plans and policies in place that will encourage new development, both in downtown and throughout the community I would like to be part of the planning process that will continue to make this a better place to live, work and play! 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? X Yes _ No 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? I am interested in working with the Planning Commission to support and encourage projects and development consistent with the City General Plan. My 30 years of experience in the planning field would help me in quickly being able to come up to speed as a new Planning Commissioner, without a lot of down time. I have experience in working with a Planning Commission, as well as experience in conducting public hearings and taking public input through being the former Chairman of the County Subdivision Review Board. I have a relatively calm demeanor, enjoy working on planning issues in an effort to reach a consensus and open minded enough to be able to consider other viewpoints objectively before reaching a decision. 4 In your view what is the function of the Planning Commission? The function of the Planning Commission is to consider development related proposals for consistency with the City General Plan,take public input on projects and to make recommendations as a group to the City Council. Although Planning staff provide the detailed analysis of proposed projects and changes to the General Plan, the Commission reviews their staff reports, considers public testimony and then work toward making an objective decision or recommendation to the City Council on larger proposals. Projects to be considered could include conditional use permits, lot splits, variances, rezonings and planning ordinance or general plan changes. 5 How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? My role would be to work with other members of the Commission to support development consistent with the City General Plan. This includes carefully considering public testimony and also looking for ways to cut out some of the bureaucracy and time delays. As rezoning applications and General Plan changes come before the Commission, I would enjoy the opportunity to worts with City staff and provide the City Council with timely and the best possible recommendations for their consideration. 14 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application "lige 4 I-OP1e—u �1 Applicants Name 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? The Commission has a number of interesting, but challenging issues to consider this year Completing the Housing Element update is a major project and continuing to encourage and support proposals for the downtown that improve its economic vitality is important. Upcoming major projects include review of the Eagle Ranch Specific Plan, Del Rio Road commercial development and consideration of altemative commercial uses for the second theatre proposal. 7 Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so,describe briefly your views about the document. Yes, in a general sense, although I am certainly not an expert. It does provide a good blueprint for development within the City over the next twenty years and was comprehensively updated in 2002. 1 appreciate that the City has strong policies that support smart growth, good downtown design and encourage economic development that will benefit the City The General Plan is organized and written in a user friendly manner, far better than ones I have worked with in other agencies. It is helpful to have the required elements all within one document and it shows good leadership to include optional sections on Economic Development and Recreation. 8 If appointed,what specific goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve? I would be interested in seeing the Commission continue its efforts to support development consistent with the City General Plan. It also would be important to be supportive of proposals that will lead to a more successful downtown and projects that will lead to more economic development within the City As most developers will tell you, time is money, so any steps we can take as a City to reduce needless delays and not waste valuable time with minutia will improve the planning process. 9 If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space provided (optional) I have the available time, knowledge and experience to be an effective Planning Commissioner and would appreciate the opportunity to participate with the other members of the Commission. I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct Signature: Date: 1 15 Please return to: DECEIVED CITY CLERK I r—A ■6907 EI Camino Real — xsl0 2014 Atascadero,CA 93422 ll f V CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please complete the Supplemental Questionnaire,which accompanies this application. APPLICATION FOR: PLANNING COlV NUSSION NA IE -be nn i s �}a t/PYL S Email Address. 6ennI'S J,:qVOn �4 RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. y�`r �4s n o °L Home Phone: o�7S Work Phone: ZZ3 3 MAILING ADDRESS(if diffcrcn0: Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? t�'S How Long? —7 Are you a registered voter? Yes t'/ No /� �J OCCUPATION e re ro .Q ! �R ' a e p r— `rel_ EMPLOYMENT-Present or lasts employer's name,address and phone number Position held and length of employment: one dei--- /S/t'�on 7�cS EDUCATION O CJ h plc )V, yCCPyrcec� CuC"4a/ok r kito P- S c4 c f) 16 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application Page Den ni-s JaLILv4S Applicant's Name RELEVANT TRAINING EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION � / r/ / C.e r-41`t-r& C bM rYl l!I?�" iHSSd C! /Dyl ky 1 hQ g e0l— h7 r Y 4 O c�L2 {l<e Tra 1'.K t 1 t'1 ce/u M r/n 4 n !h ( ti�is2 q .560hre- ,k f ice 4",112! , Long T rl ,2/4P l ]�g' eta of� ye/,;,t IJ INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER,PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS. Sopr 122 ,` h C l h e A- ,r,e rc e — 7,kl �/o vt L'Orr 1 a r_JQr carp' — 65/,iw4nc 7`Ti 1)1sa r (tp4 4 f -Tke LSC 5�?n )D -Inqr� Mee, de,— OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS,COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON / ��� ✓llSDYyl W106/ J" t- 7 7rn�P�'- � How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad,,,X- Community Group Word of Mouth Library City Hall Place of Employment Other(specify)- Please ther(specify)•Please complete the following supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: Date: t This application and supplement are"public documents"and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest, pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. 17 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application p� Page 3 !/e�i�Jr SUS nl S Applicant's Name CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION 1 Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. ! / -7 al,, 634 -14--,2 )0, /4 !n /K � 4 r 4 la 1 ere Col�eVue O'J E'r- 4-e 65�rri"'nc E )pu&pqnsint'j / 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? G Yes _No 3 What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? 4-1 o� 4 In your view what is the function of the Planning Commission? k0 W ark 0J, O S How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? e � 4e tJo r�c� �e�Sd� — eq Q� c7te �S 18 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application Page 4 Applicant's Name - 6 What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? '3 jip i�� ��o��ess -� Cxc u r w �, le S�' `/ Pe i 7 Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so describe briefly your views about the document. ': q/�-L `�r,� 1 i'c,r �1� � � �}�r`t ci/lc� .-i m DENNIS JAVENS 7405 Castano,Atascadero, CA 93422 Phone- (805)903-3213 Email.denmsjavens@alumm.calpoly edu QUALIFICATIONS ® 25+years of management experience of both people and assets. A skilled sales and marketing professional who knows how to get things done. • Builds and leads teams to improve revenue and profitability, skilled in strategic and tactical planning, budgeting, contract management, administration, staff training and development. Success in attaining long-t erm growth, the establishment of strategic alliances and business relationships. • Strong background in developing marketing programs using all forms of media including print,website, direct marketing and the internet. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Oak Shores Community Association, Lake Naciemento, California (August 2009-Present) General Manager Senior/general manager for a large 37 years old homeowners association consisting of 650 homes on Lake Nacimiento,30 west of Paso Robles. Responsible for a staff of 15 including administration,human resources, finance, code enforcement, security, architectural approval and maintenance. MY Y da to day job involves. Budget preparation and oversight Developing and monitoring the corporation's budget in order to maximize every dollar spent on assets of the corporation given an already stressed revenue source. Human Resourse Mana eg ment Responcible for all aspects of the human resources function of the Corporation. Grant research and oversight Working with local and regional organizations to determine if the corporation could qualify for and receive any grant assistances. Since we do not have enough revenue to accomplish all the necessary repairs and replacement of infrastructure of the community, we need to look for new and creative ways to fund all the necessary work that is needed in an aging community Dennis Javens R6sume Page 1 20 Facilities oversight of all corporation assets to include all buildings gates boat ramps and manna. 3emg able to prioritize the repairs and replacement of key assets is a huge challenge that requires that I make many hard decisions on a daily basis. Regulatory review and planning, The external world is changing constantly thus requiring that I keep an eye on what is going on at both the state and federal level. Being ahead of new regulations is key to keeping the corporation out of issues with regulatory groups. Board of Directors relationship management and information flow My Directors are key to the success of the corporation and need to be kept in the loop of what is happening to all the assets they oversee. Information flow is critical and necessary in our every changing environment. Developing and maintaining external and internal contacts and relationships In the course of executing the corporations goals and objectives and is very important that we have the ear of various local, regional and national politicians and business executives. Having these relationships enables us to determine the best directions for the corporation. The Merit Companies, Aliso Viejo, California (September 2003- August 2009) Town Manager,Ladera Ranch Senior/general manager for a master planned community of 8,100 homes-24,000 population in unincorporated area of Orange County, CA to develop and execute a cutting edge style of managmg a high profile,nationally known community Responsible for a staff of 30 for facilities management, administration, finance and budget,rule and code enforcement, aesthetic review and approval, customer service, event planning and program development. Manage and oversee a total of$5 million in contracts including landscape maintenance, legal,media and PR, energy management and staff development. Responsible for the development and oversight of two non-profit corporations that include a$16 million master Home Owners Association Corporation and a$2 million Community Services Corporation. Programs/Alliances Develop and implement sponsorship program with local businesses generating $100,000 annually and a corporate sponsorship program for the County regional sports park that we manage generating $170,000 per year for five years. Management of community grants program involving research, submission,tracking and implementation. Successful implementation of an alliance program with various community organizations including the YMCA,hospital/trauma center,the water district and community college. ':I,evelopment and implementation of a strategic plan on working with local county agencies to .....elude the County Board of Supervisors, Orange County Fire Authority, Orange County Sheriffs Department, Highway Patrol and EMS services. Dennis Javens R6sume Page 2 21 Board of Directors/Traming Day-to-day management and interaction with the two five-member corporation boards assisting them in strategic planning and developing of policies for managing the community Direct involvement in all marketing efforts with the community, including the community website, welcome packet, advertising,media relations and the publication of the community magazine,Roots and Wings. Oversight of large-scale community events including July 4`h, Spring Celebration, Harvest Festival, Winter Celebration and Taste of Ladera. Volunteer recruitment and training oversight. KMB Medical Marketing, Mission Viejo, California (1999- 2003) Vice President Sales and Marketing,Managing Partner Sales and marketing responsibility for a consulting firm that specialized in developing and managing purchasing contracts for medical companies and providers of medical services. Oversight of$80,000,000 in purchasing agreements. Miragen, Irvine California (1995-1999) Vice President-Sales and Marketing Sales and marketing responsibility for a start-up medical company in the biological sector of the medical industry Direct oversight of all marketing and sales efforts for the company as well as lead officer for obtaining funding from various venture capital firms. Lead all negotiations on contract with clients and potential purchasers of their products. Medecon Services, Group Purchasing Organization, Louisville, KY (1992-1995) Regional Vice President Darox Corporation, a Holding Company, San Diego, California (1989-1992) Vice President Sales and Marketing Nihon Kohden America, Inc. Irvine, California (1984-1989) Area Sales Manager Spacelabs, Inc. Chatsworth, California (1979-1984) Senior Sales Representative Orange Unified School District, Orange, California School Teacher/Principal United States Army, United States and republic of Vietnam Company Commander/Helicopter Pilot Dennis Javens Resume Page 3 22 EDUCATION California State Polytechnic College, San Luis Obispo, California Bachelor of Science Degree in Physical Education California State University, Long Beach, California Master of Arts Degree in Administration University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA Post Graduate work in Business Administration PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Cal Poly Alumni Association-Life Member Mold Coast Alumni member Phi Kappa.Psi Alumni Advisor for Phi Kappa Psi at Cal Poly Home Team Cal Poly Football Alumni California Association of Community Managers National Museum of the U S Army-Founding Sponsor South Orange County Regional Chambers of Commerce • Corporate Director • Member Government Affaus Committee • Member Legislative Action Committee • Member Communications Committee • Member Community Development Committee American Medical Marketing Association Member of Circles of Excellence The Ment Compames Strategic Driver Committee Member The Merit Companies Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association-Life Member The Alliance for Successful Communities, Co-Founder& Corporation Secretary AB 32 Advisory Council Member San Rita Ridge Association, Director,Board President Founder-Ladera Ranch Community Emergency Preparedness Academy Transportation Corridor Authority,Community Advisor Council Founder, Meeting of the Minds CERTIFICATES AND DESIGNATIONS Certified Community Association Manager Life Teaching Credential K-12 State of California California Administrative Credential for Public Schools California Community College Teaching Credential Certified Community Manager Dennis Javens Ru6sume Page 4 23 Please return to: CrrY CLERK RECEIVED 6907 El Camino Real i rira Atascadero,CA 93422 NOV 12 2010 CITY OF ATASCADERO OC7T'OF 4TASCADSRO PLANNING CONSESSION APPLICATION CLERK'S OFFICE Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being ared voter and resident of the C� murn �� City Mini qualifications are subject to verification. Please complete the Supplemental Questionnaire,which accompanies this application. APPLICATTONFOR: PLANNING COMMISSION (4-r (lArz�) NAME. O eN lq) 6 '0 r'` 127E Email Address: ( C Bch m j`G RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS DDR ADDRl I '�/J� 1 ESS ('Q ,tom r Home Phone: (1k Work Phone: MAILING ADDRESS(if differcnt): �A ` Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? How Long? Are you a registered voter? Yes_� No OCCUPATION [/A E"�0 N�A/LY�t , EMPLOYMENT-Present or iast employer's name,address and phone number- Position held and length of employment: EDUCATION L / �, / - JVP 2 24 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application Page 2 Applicant's Name RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION. �h(N O U 6� PMWII I AJl - (✓pUI PLOPMCN`1" `1"� M 06- INVOLVEMENT IN C/O)M � MUNITYVOLUNTEER, cP�R-OOFjES�SIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS ,50 I Pwh4I 5 ftlb' o OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS,COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON % c �O Lo c�2T Y WON I PV 1 I�Q&:n2 �3 6 t- 6. RAIg1 l M ctM M 1 61�1 /q xl How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth /��.� r Library City Hall Place of Employment Other(specify): , `�-�—N I t'� I— Vk r—� PLAN M 1 4�5(ONS Please complete the following supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: t Date: NO lei 6) This application and supplement are"public documents"and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised tiey may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest, pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Cleric. 25 ' City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application A J A t / 600 Page 3 -0-6 `fI Applicant's Name ' CITY OF ATASCA©ERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION 1 Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. W o Ur -rO CON--n N W M 6t�-r�-Vl C,6 A- 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of Fe'PIanning Commission? X Yes too 3 What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? 4 In your view what is the function of the Planning Commission? �U^��rfi PSG dt tri l`J5(/6'(2 vel ON 0"t 5 How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? kcqw� PPI-TI 0 � ppv-t- WHO I� efN 'ro U�6 ACJ c m %tr iAtq r) `rd VcT b�l HA Ir- Dr- T4 rtl �Lll C 619 TW41-16 t7 A- r-� tX 1 VPQ?WAI f pN61- a P- 2 G City of Atascadero ^ Punning Commission Application Page 4 Applicant's Name 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? / `fk 5 r 2 gelpc v M C1✓ Im(-( LIVO Vehq [T6 alp ` PO-- Mt2-M CF6+ paw0-110W ml.nlcrmewf", -n-fid r)� IF-(o 7-0 7 Are you familiar with the City's General Plan,and if so,describe briefly your views about the document. Vv6 T-0 P1K FA-(��ov po ANO G fgW;ff rz--►ti�,0 A-6 A- Poov MMT -roar Dov► I �� bra � Na�� or(tr-,N 6 C M ►� f0- Y 8. If appointe what spec i go s like to see the Planning Commission achieve? 9 If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself please use the following space provided (optional) I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. Signature: I Date: 10 I "`�V 12,0( 0 27 Pleave return to: CITY CLERK a ■ 6907 EI Camino Real �— i 1 Atascadero,CA 93422 CADi CITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING CONIAUSSION APPLICATION Please lyote: You most meet the minmtun qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please complete the Supplemental Questionnaire,which accompanies this application. APPLICATION FOR: PLANNING CONMSSION NAME. Tom Zirk Email Address: tomzirlc amen earL7over,com RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. 5105 !°iarco Lane Home Phone: 460-0400 Atascadero Work-Phone: 26E-1533 _ MAILING ADDRESS(if ditfe=t): Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? 'fes Flow Long? 7 years Are you a registered voter? Yes Y _ No OCCUPATION Relocation Services — Retired EMPLOYMENT-Present or last employer's name,address and phone number- During 41 ;Tears past emnlver's incldded - Pdorth American Ian (Pepsico) Smyth World-wide !Movers (Seattle), Interstate Van Lincs lrtorna-3ioilal. Position held and length of employment: 'lice—President International 10 "rears EDUCATION lini.versi.cy of 1-cniE;an - Ann Arbor 28 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application Page 2 Tom Zirk Applicant's Name RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION. `(wn ;Tears or t.ha Park Fr RPrr pati rnSl Commission,on, familiar With City staff policies and procedures Five Nears as large property management with construction experience --.(2.5 ,..,i 1 L ion r ro sect) INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY,VOLUNTEER PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS. 'i'wo terms on the San Luis Obispo County Grand Jury (wrote reports) Park & Recreations Commissicn, Atascadero rotary Club (-nterna clonal Foundation), Atascadero �Lks Lod^-e and Past salted ,u1er of San Mateu Elks (2300 members). OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS,COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON Participate) and a three year member of A Better Atascader(> How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad__ Community Group Word of Mouth X Library City Hall Place of Employment Other(specify)- Please complete the following supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. �� ff Signature: Date: �C�L,��e" 1 ' This application and supplement are"public documents"and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest, pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Cleric. 29 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application Page 3 Tom Zirk Applicant's Name CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION 1 Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. I have been a resident of Atascadero for 7 years and a property owner for 10 ,-ears During that time I have been impressed with the continuing positive growth of the city I want to be part of the ongoing positive future, And, I believe I can brim unb4asod, objective thinking to the decision making based upon projects brought before the Commission by City staff. 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? XYes —No 3, What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? I am interested in quality and good growth conducted in ai, orderly growth of the city. As a citizen of Atascadero for 7 years acid a member of the Park <° Recreations Commission for th, last 2 years I have beer, energized to get more _nvolved with City activities and feel that the Planning Commission would be the next best steN 4 In your view what is the function of the Planning Commission? The Commission functions as a citizens revie:, of the future grotieuh of the City of Atascadero. 5 How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? Tiy participation would be as an objective member with no special agenda or personal bias I am looking forward to revie,,-ing all of the inforr•ation presented by City staff and the applicant and making the best decision for the city. 30 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application Tom Zirk Page 4 Applicant's Name 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? There are 3 issues facing the Commission at this moment - .Q Developement of the downtown area B) Parking do,mtown C) Walmart 7 Are you familiar with the City's General Plan,and if so,describe briefly your views about the document. It is the blueprint for the future growth of Atascadero although as thinks change (economics) I would be open to positive chan7e if it would be in the hest interest :f the City. 8. If appointed,what speck goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve? Positive quality growth of the City of Atascadcro. 9 If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself please use the following space provided (optional). As a merrioer of the Commission i woul�, be dedicated to the tasks and devote the time and energy needed to study and thoroughly review every application. I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. Signature S;�LDate: 31 RECEIVED ply rain DEC ? C 2010 crff CcMM • M7 M cgtnino Reil &Umnderck,CA.93422 Cf TY OF ATASCADERO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE i CITY OF ATASCADERO BOARD,COMM IM &COMIMSSION APPIACATION Please Nota- You mast caret the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City, with the exception of youth represex atives who are not required to be registered voters. Minim quaSSratiom are mbjed to verification. Please fM out and attach the SappL menta Questionnabw for the advisory body'ou are applying for. APPLICATION FOR ?AKP?oji 0 Idt r 1 J Sf�h4 (Name of Commission,Board or Committee for which you;aro applying) NAM—B- cLr Einai£Address: CA qr k 0&1 d of P616 G RZODDENTIAL �S©�. C� Ccs+ -f c P Nei' ADDIMM. k�L`�. Horn..Phone: !!W-304; 2 I� ff -Cq 441 c C-_.� work Phare: (,`e!sy MAMMG ADDRESS(if&ff==* Are you a resident of the City of Atas=iao? `t{ !J How Long? �+ Are you a registered voter? Yes No OCCUPATION: E EMPL_A..,YNfl NT-Present or last employees nater,address and phone number t - G UCS A -*,6�! Position held and length of employment EDUCATION: Apt In tsd'- 7 Z� ta, 1 e /-4 G Ah Y 32 1tv of AMscadera :.Curd,Committee&Commission Application L Page 2 ��1 A L l` L)0A Appkanf s Name REI LVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICINSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION- (.) 5: M r' t✓ Car Rs in 's t c 4.5 se h oo/s. Af H *d�#A Ij"4 /P7►4,►A+ ♦e.,wl — h ,w �ttKil ,� Jet � A,�ts� I .D�YA..rt JP�W�S1f G� Ya j e..� ,1 � . PCO egad_ MAJA " da� ph IA iIM1ts - JstJ4 hft?d. _ &Afho.,I:+s l�.c.� /n/{t'fN�'�•,• rat{1k� M f-- kAa— SaD CP CA W1 owr. wit on Sj �,*i<wl e0i INVOLVEMPNT IN C0NUdUNn Y VOLUNTEER,PROFESSIONAL ANDIOR ACADEMIC ORGAN 7ATiONS: , 4 T CA,46V ae�.d�i,s �t�.Qr�h,s.•��rt✓l��w�►a�4`�• 1'�ayons,b +� ��r u 51 A C ,Lh d CCCIE d 10%� p .�lg t J4ux- awl t ,�M� .4a�► •� OTBER.CITY COMMISSIONS,COMM TT rEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON: ab a ,z4 r>rF- hr1 v-./qhs Cin /Q . n/.�9 G4iyllr� i3sicn How did you learn about this vacancy? ZCommunity Newspaper Article Newspaper Act Group Word of Mouth Library City Hall Place of Employment Other(specify): Please complete the attached supplemental quesdfonnabm Fed free to attach a resume or other i formation about yowself I hereby certify.under penalty of pa jury,that the information on this application and attachcd supplement arc true and correct Sionauue: Dat,- C, This apptimtion and supplement are"public documents"and are available for review upon request Appluaufs are advised they may be requested to Me a Statement of Economie Iotwed, pmsuaat to the Raw Political Practices regulatmns. 33 CrrY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION 1 Piease explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. ' o �S?tom � 1fy �`a h��n_�a� � �h�- f�f a.to�r+�� C c�yr► �r s�►e� c�,.�C' �° noaCltZf� AtrdQch wsr C�a�+t1l t4s tea i r G ra S ' mcsn'>:.caa.j4A-d.c+."q d Cr4 Iv►./• kn IWAbcfkn y- 0 gn < c? in.)M eh A '-4y 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? V Yes _No -�e—V eAA I 3. What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to th�e�"Pllann -iin�g Commission? :the, /v �i+viesa.�p�cad��6 ' Q s 4 141 l�t,�Vy/ I CO Aga M C&A ct g6n �•► C .f�►A L G�- l+� �'k4- he 4-he �Gw►�.n eXPo,^t&"C L. 4. In your view,what is the function of the Planning Commission? �� {�B�„LPA �i,Q j�.r� rC/k�� �D C cry i►a A,n mac.M s�`f ���1 h w I'"� , 4 u-.J- a.n d efto &/Q.j0, 6Min eLccor"danC& ws.',th K pn�� t, G d d _ '4 lfJ ` '° er ;*r"' 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? � �ta.sort ��?� u>c�+�•1 d Wa r k t,.��// r.�► r �lt a ��Y �y�i.1�►i,ff�cA�@ r"S '��AD�,t '1 �t~.I�/ 4C� X�� S ''�K.. /:f�0�'J 7GCt A r►� �" �%r N a � td , tri Ppb Qt Q O N r�Q, �fl�t/1 d )'►.bt r " 1 .- C t 1! iii D�� S►0�`kFU f A.✓k a. &-f-+1 pot Meinnch, 34 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Suppiemental Questionnaire Page 2 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? cS Qf-!zxLeo YAPJ&na ahk s,4S &t ry WI—Mr --kv9e.1or I? raj e u A,, wQ_tMdA+l jgj p►'l /. ir ,n f."'42 !IM' C, �(, ._ �j S �D,.t" C/o L'Al Q✓1 C! e- th e--/c*s 0 T .5CJ"+Q�t en u L 't c�th.v� C O w�r»w�►n�'t-�'3 7 Are you familiar with the City`s General Pian,and if so,describe briefly your views about the document V4„ he-lice JP_ f �, We/ -1-1�y qL f ,5.h n u i d r e-Lae-c-)e L -ire �"i i►� �u�'/M e_ a6d hjas .GI'Evld Wh tvn nu'f�wvc of t h.�C rrc.&4*is7%Mcej 8. Jf appointed,what specific goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve? Q*t ff- i'r� a.s,4►v t ct►n J A)&l sa,r!'� waY 7`0 j''2a✓ f1sti. -1 Ail& Q'-IJ Co1LVI411 S� a�c.t� ,� +n.se► , resolve- anY Issae5 n/a. 1w a *2 bA_RC!i(Vl an dT.n a /.+�!��'YI�G Wl�h �,fr�au•,a he102 Cr&Q4e- ;*r fli4 a-IiV a. M iwc, /AJiI !»4 aw [��1p�ntJ3 /��i.7�t✓t/ M�t7 N 56VI'v%iP,S whcu�'"bh77V Mvayt !~ The, civy to /,mpj-ova The 2tv C)" Sr T / 1h c. U►'r�,/iYy Ohe Gaw7ur-f4#- - 9. tfer -the is addrUohW infonT ation you would like to share about yourself, please use the following space Provided(op . t�roar;n /H IV&✓��vs�u.,�1 -t, ot�,Eo e�J w �V 4 u�u,v to S. r-Sera ems/ s Ye rO►'tetrFs - haeJ ojtA st,*- 3 x« --Am olid eAYR-O r1Ve-1Y vn AU'Ol,.'c 6=� /r!)Pel j,"se)R.a I Sw d �� w,w,�.., ,,�J G4d �J�'�ne�£s8�1 �fes'f—hq►,di MS(A.I "ttt 00 i t n�r;nl a� , ►,n ;n4- A 4110 t, A UdJAC J d�,�;' �1a�riecd 4�3 Yew — Ude ha -rW0 Scm4 unc4 crn9- uy�[ ala�h�� 1 hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct: Signature: Date: 7,;A C) f o 35 Please return to: RECEIVED CITY CLERK i t t s 6907 El Camino Real `_-f e is h DEC G^ n 2o lo 93422 _ CAD � U lO C'Ty OF ATASCADEFRO CITY CLERK'S OFFJ(F CITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimtun qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please complete the Supplemental Questionnaire,which accompanies this application. APPLICATION FOR: PLANNING COMMISSION NAME. SUAQ O&L Finail Address. RESIDENT 11 (� / ADDRESS. ri.�% Q ra,h a Home Phone: '""1(Q I — Si 77 / X01-07 37 f) Work Phone: MAILING ADDRESS(if different): Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero?—Ir How Long? (a(/.1K r—S Are you a registered voter? Yesn No OCCUPATION EMPLOYMENT Present or last emplover's name,address and phone number• 0-� Pq5Z�, 12.6 397 D �cr,�s� f2tr(oLe�3, Cif" g3�y lA Position held and length of employment: EDUCATION M W-4-R' D� (',tom-�, ct- �; PLS n ru`f r , Ccs E Pe It,� S �; t a S ►JUS^. c4 A4''-5► P4 t t+i-( cJ— S C�L�_—r A455 6U?-t� A-l-4-5 5-c, rep- (E-�c� T S L-0 t $� P�a-rra �Gu-c S Lill� 36 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application Page 2 Applicant's Name RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION �(7.tV�C, b-e�� 0., fdrYO�C�t'�►�'�0.-�- ��OthD� V`�.. G4� ��-.�W'CY'D"Y�-y1r�.�-p._.� t2 ttie�, -�o-t� -F(tie_ al �1 2 0 c�tet l- s . C�D i , I� _An l pan. Y t t�1�_TT'a`_`j= LL ' INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER,PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS. s , r�� ren c OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS,COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth LibraryCity Hall_v�' Place of Employment Other(specify)- Please ther(specify)Please complete the following supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: !�2 LC Date. This application and supplement are"public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to rile a Statement of Economic Interest, pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. 37 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application Page 3 Applicant's Name CITE'OE ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION 1 Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission. CL 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? Yes ,No 3 What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? P(¢¢vl�s'r,� Lim nvt�tin -) A- O.-t>1.-f- i -L R0-t-t CU-tcL ":�-��'W� 4 In your view what is the function of the Planning Commission? .o -u�bf.c3 -tomk 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? 38 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application Page 4 Applicant's Name 6. What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? l.o M ry U-V%Tt13 N LUX- OS, off a-KA( C251� -- n ,� 7 Are you familiar with the City's General Plan, and if so describe briefly your views about the document. 8 If appointed,what specific goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve? �V � I/l%U��''S , c�.noJ, -2-►�,C:�rw�� ,.�.c-oz-L-a-'-wi-�.. �C int G►�w�P .e I 9 If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself please use the following space provided(optional) b4 a-*w, 'S w-eti-�..� Irk ate- C�-V�'V-c.c�— �p �t'�-- lJ-� o�.a G� ��.¢L.v1 r�.L1-...r,�. (�w�►�i k�d7�'l.� I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. Signature-52:n� Date. 39 Please return to: CrfY CLERK 6907 El Camino Real "sia i, e- " i —e r Atascadero,CA 93422 ca►nr�j CITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING CONMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please complete the Supplemental Questionnaire,which accompanies this application. APPLICATION FOR. PLANNING COMMISSION NAME.`{ AM'LrrO') Email Address. RESIDENTIAL / ADDRESS Oct ZL( BA-,,'� Home Phone: to Iro CC �i Work Phone. MAILING ADDRESS{if different}; —C-'"CC- Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero?— l✓� How Long? 22-fQs Are you a registered voter? Yes No OCCUPATION Ci O1L EMPLOY�MEN`T-Present or last employer's name,address and phone number- f 7 `t�E ,� cats DR,,-vo CA I Position held and length of employment: P(zc.�Cs Fes- 5- -fps EDUCATION Coo-S-rA Com.-iF-(,rc, R-S CtL :Pa--f 40 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application Page 2 Applicant's Name RELEVANT TRAINING EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION q 5- .l't� 1 11:0L g o- f'�2 �Tu�'t�s r"'���c-r5 ^A, 'r4if-- t^:s - - Cmc Y 'pe- S.C. a INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER,PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS + 4� TPxF�l -- OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS,COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article X' Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth Library City Hall Place of Employment Other(specify) Please complete the following supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature. Date. bTA �l o This application and supplement are "public documents" and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest, pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. 41 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application Page 3 Applicant's Name CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION 1 Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission t JoLtp LI Ke- 'C� Vo=tJ 1? c i t FtEc op �-i;✓ its Z p r p 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? Yes _No 3 What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? t'v,-L.oc- 4 ► c�a� zitc NE p> ca uwJr�; �r-r+t c�rhtc.�'- M/Cw-t,4 r a w� E��a w���- A�1h-r••t-r J�,x. 't'r-�.s�n� rt�r ,`h�das �`� �2� � -� �L. 2 GhJ T�fzwG � �pvc*tGrj �RSPf�-'fc.� -� •7f-j� �MtS��ca �(t�,-t -� S•E�..7 �-� ot'`�.R- 49+-t�c�17t�,� l�ao� '��IL F�S�.J�� 4 In your view what is the function o=the Planning Commission? �rf� �c is Trt✓ Pstrt -r�r > cep�� 't3-ts-Cft�'• - w�iic� �JS��,Jc. Tl-1'Cr � �'R�'Jf�( l�tt,�-ry �rt�c nT�S IT �as�rs ea rTs btu s,� .u�tk-wv 5 How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? Ar - '5LK'�D CNo7 APPaa'fED) M tMBC-, ::rrt,5-L Z cep c rr'- (acJ�jLf- 'ftk!—, c,/- "A`( C xx 1cuc� ,ct t- -ro f: � 'tr� L),Z&i�5a0 cc-r j ccs �tP�- ��EDS of c utk�rty AE�T�co pa, 42 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application Page 4 Applicant's Name E What are the current issues facing the Planning Commission? �IT� Tt1f c�,�ctc.`S REct TT Tfl (-w iT -T"- /J-'AIsEg-- Y- �4 FtE-L -rte Go AA(SS(pJ(S B(GGES? i 7 Are you familiar with the Citys General Plan, and if so describe briefly your views about the document. i� 61,3eRAFLAA- � MWS, --f2T (,gPOA44� tDtsc,)-�-S PP-TwU-�k I;- LG Pik., c SouC- c,- -rft--sf N t✓LD 'f"o 'Fz- lz*) ?cam of TES ItNLEr".. 8-f 'fft ?L""3 & vie R Dae.) wt-r4 -r}�c G.'R��.X �c�R« -rr.c��5, A wt�a�S,c� 'R��c�� -ro -c-t'I✓ G p s£�►.lS 8 If appointed what specific goals would you like to see the Planning Commission achieve? f' °Pt -rfi- TA D-)-r" S ra c�L� --ro M A Le rT&P- Q4 D oc- &F-�> y:� /Ni—s 't AC¢{}�� (� 'fC�t lit ty i cnD c3� -rr►� 9 If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself please use the following space provided (optional) T\ co, N(s w iiF4 s Pel- � (�7 NaT To j7�.S16rJ ����c'T bo T APPctcA-r T cxo ea-sts,-� 'rr - r,.rri -r m- L-A-Z) P(A�yl Q- F -F_ (s i.7�-r -ro I G.Jo ST/jff— t I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. Sir .ture Date 43 n mss... CMCLERK ai w FJ caiaa Mod Abeco&^G 93CZ CM OF ATASCADERO PLANNING CONORSSION APPLICA110N )tease PIoAc You mum and tie miishnowe queMacatiaas of 6eke a reeiaaaed won and reddest of tie Cky. 1~�m� .od—c>tisas are n6ject to.eraceekw. d!leare cow0de time Srp)&--w>t Q tisia cve...lieia aocomponies alis svpsaa-- AMICATION FOR: PLANNM COA+Il1' WIONT NAME 5 — l t� � �, � �'�aru �� .- - — — AI�ES.S. 7�?G <' M- 1"-SA _ Home Phone: _� 1J If wort Mnm: MAK2C ADMI1 aux Are you a resident of the City of Atascadao7 �� How Lasa,? /G Are you a regime voter? Yes No OCCUPATION: / //1lg&2f E FWY MW-Present or last enpdoyer's nwm,address and ph ow number: Position held and loth of empioymcK: 7 EDUCATION* 'i 44 Qy of AWKafty Pbmmg Common Dion Page 2 Appbcwts Name RELEVANT TRAINING, EJQlaUE2ICE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LJCENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION: �y INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER,P* IIALaR ACADEhGC ORGANIZATIONS. V V-, OTHER CITY COMMISS OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON. How did you learn about this vacancy'! Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Ward of Mouth L wary City Hall Place of Finpkr, ww Other(specify): Pbow enVior dw '►++5 Fed five to moods a resomw or oder ur orsomown abowyowmW I hereby certify under penalty of pegury that the information on this application and attached mVpkmmd are tine and cortect. Ste; Dote_ TUB oppleattim err aupplumd am"prbic dwmm it"aid ars sraiabie for review ops APpffK+mb we ai�iaed MW7 ow be to the a stomm t of Ecoomok to ft Fair t+atilieai I'raetiers re aor. bdonmodoa wN be p ow by the(sty Cert. 45 Cly of Atawadw o Packs b Recreation Commission AppiecatiaiPaw 3 App{i an s Marne CITY OF ATASCADERD SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTONNARE PA- AND 1COMM53M 1 Rease explain why you would Ike to serue on the Parks and Region Commission. 2. Have you ever affiended a meeting off*Parks and Reavation Coffwnissi ? _Yes ZNo 3. What is k about the Parks and Resor►Commission that irNierest5 you? What qLoidies, experience and expertise would you bring to the Parks and Recreation Commission? 4. in your view,what is the hxrction of the Parks and Paaeaticn Commission? /1 Vf i%Q� V 5. tkrw would you see your role as a member of the Parks and Recreation Commission? l 46 a � �pc' S tie P�&�'Comm �_ page 4 Como'"` / issueswhat , we to ,rte- s. ! l V1 � yam. so,deso" Cog ,, Pee VW 4A and wo�dY°"�e%D See- We t� use t*Uf*V space a � , ;°�' is cettty ,Wong 47 Sharen Rund Bloechl, EDP, CM 7205 Sombrilla Av Atascadero, CA 4322-4531 Home Phone (805) 462-3489 Business Phone (408) 756-5432 Objective A challenging career in Management, or Consulting, utilizing extensive knowledge, skills and experience in the field of information sciences/data processing or User Liaison/Coordinator Summary of Qualifications. • Possess 26+years experience in data processing with responsibilities encompassing system design and implementation, technical writing and instruction, computer operation and programming -thorough knowledge and understanding of computer systems and processes • Designed, developed and installed organization's WEB pages, coordinated and conducted training of department personnel in use of such • Received award of merit for creation, development and implementation of computer production documentation department w Recognized for excellent organization skills with proven ability to research, coordinate and supervise projects from conception through installation, testing, acceptance, training, and document and procedure designing writing, editing and publishing • Developed Computer Operations training packages including formal classroom course outline and handouts, on-the-job training worksheets and Computer-Aided Instruction packages, coordinated and conducted training of department personnel • Skilled at forecasting the training requirements of the department Professional Experience SELF-EMPLOYED—Atascadero, CA Freelance Wine & Food Writer Freelance Catering—Small Events ATASCADERO MAIN STREET Office Administrator& Secretary (2001-2002) Performed basic office duties, took and published meeting minutes, designed and implemented original web site, wrote and published monthly newsletter PEACHY CANYON WINERY Tasting Room Manager (10/2000 to 8/2001) Performed basic management duties, made up work schedules, hired &fired personal, ordered supplies and merchandise received recorded arrivals, sales and performed inventory Designed and implemented original web site wrote and published monthly newsletter ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS (a division of- LOCKHEED MARTIN) Sunnyvale, CA 94089-3504 Computer Sys Analyst Senior (5/87 to 6/2000 - Retired) Data Processing, Analyst (7/86 to 5/97) Data Processor, Senior (3/82 to 7186) UNITED AIRLINES - San Francisco, CA 94128 Computer Production & Technical Procedures Specialist (11/80 to 3/82) Quality Assurance Specialist (11/77 to 11/80) Procedures &Training Specialist (1177 to 11/77) SPERRY UNIVAC -St. Paul, MN 55165 Operations Technical Specialist/Instructor (6/72 to 1177) Operations Technical Specialist/Operator(1172 to 6172) 48 SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY U.S. DEPARTMENT of AGRICULTURE Syracuse, New York (3/72 to 7/72) Minneapolis, MN (5R2 to 3/72) Supervisor Data Entry - System III Lead Operator- Data Entry VETERAN'S ADMINISTRATION ASLESEN'S RESTAURANT SUPPLY Fort Snelling, MN (5/69 to 7/72) Minneapolis, MN (10/67 to 5/69) Lead Operator- Data Entry Director of Advertising U.S. DEPARTMENT of DEFENSE ST PETER'S SCHOOL St. Paul, MN (6/67 to 10/67) North St. Paul, MN (9/66 to 6/67) GS 5 Illustrator Teacher- 2nd Grade ST LUKE'S SCHOOL POWER'S DEPARTMENT STORE St. Paul, MN (9/65 to 6/66) Minneapolis, MN (5/64 to 9/65) Teacher- 5th Grade Design Layout Artist Education California Coast University Business Management Concurrent Bachelor of 700 No Main St. Science/Masters Degree in Santa Ana, CA 92701 School of Administration University of Minnesota General Applied Studies Associate Arts Degree Minneapolis, MN 55455 March 1964 St. Joseph's Academy College Preparatory Graduated June 1961 St. Paul, MN 55116 Hobbies, Interests, Associations and Awards. United Air Lines -Award of Merit Mid-State Fair judge Home Wine Maker Competition (10yrs) Mid-State Fair judge Commercial Challenge (6yrs) Member Women Wine Society—Sisters of the Vine Women for Wine Sense Wines & Steins [former Webmaster& Secretary] Independent Grape Growers Paso Robles Association [IGGPRA] Corkpullers American Wine Society (AWS) &Atascadero Wine Society South Bay Wine Tasters Guild Women Wine Critics Board San Jose Mercury News Wine Competition Judge XPLOR International —Vice President, Bay Area Chapter (1998-1999, 1999-2000) [EDP] JTC (Joint Technology Council)—Adobe Systems Institute of Certified Professional Managers [CM] Management Association of America (Lockheed Management Association) Professional Women in National Defense (Pres 1986, VP Finance 1985) Working Woman's Seminar- LMSC Mgmt. Assn (Registration Director) Alumni Association - St. Joseph's Academy Alumni Association - University of Minnesota Wolunteer- Atascadero Chamber of Commerce—Ambassador(3yrs) Atascadero Wine Festival—Wine Committee (8yrs) Designed and implemented original web site Salinas Hospital Memorial Foundation - Cherry's Jubilee- Car Committee Pebble Beach—Concours d'Elegance—Automotive Fine Arts Society (AFAS) Support Participate regularly in community service projects 49 RECEIVE® Maw return to:CLERK CDEC 2 3 2D10 ITY " � 6907 EI Camino Real �Isla Atascadero,CA 93422 TALON; CITY OF ATASCADERO CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF ATASCADERO PLANNING CO BUSSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City Minimum Qualifications are subject to verification. Please complete the Supplemental Questionnaire,which accompanies this application. APPLICATION FOR. PLANNING COMMSSION NAME. —i 11 o Cc, Email Address: of q'IA,/V.?QJ G RESIDENTIAL f ADDRESS Home Phone: 1—is tit/ l J Ca 9 3 y 2.2 Work Phone: MAILING ADDRESS(if different;: Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero. V ^ How Long.? 40Y-5 Are you a registered voter?C Yes�— No OCCUPATION // S. —0e, �,/ EMPLOYMENT Present or fast employer's name,address and phone number• /� W S /J l..ee ,mac Position held and length of employment: EDUCATION Pi S /�;760 �lcjz C5u SG 12-96 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application / Paget Applicant's Name RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION J' INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER,PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS �y 1 Py � C o tr OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS,COMMITTEES 0 DOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON -2c c) cs�-- 2 o r U How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth Library City Hall>._— Place of Employment Other(specify) Please complete the following supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself. I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: 1 Date: /Z J This application and supplement a ' ublic documents"and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest, pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk 51 City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application Page 3 _ C r 5— N e'o e) ct Applicant's Name CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PLANNING COMMISSION 1 Please explain why you would like to serve on the Planning Commission, el 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Planning Commission? Yes _ No 3 What is it about the Planning Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Planning Commission? c? 4 in your view what is the function of the Planning Commission? / J (/ L.GyLr%vi-,c�n 3 [fes /C LT C en—� L-C 7-f I 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Planning Commission? dl�. r City of Atascadero Planning Commission Application Page 4 1-e Sia 1-? C c��'f-�'-r Applicant's Name 6. What are t-h-ee current issues facing the Planning Commission? t f'� �,��.0�%Vc--t' C;,� `Yl"�► '�-./�,, -yam (f 49 7 Are you familiar with the City s General Plan,and if so describe briefly your views about the document. y�X �Y� ��� � .yam-c.cf� �x •., 8. If appointed,what specific goadould you like to se the Planning Commission achieve? 6-7 ✓ms's y J���' `� ;�, �C� -« ` , L�¢'At> 9 If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself please use the following space provided (optional) I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. SignatureDate. ivJ1z /� ' 53 Rewe ntwa ft: MY CXXRK • SM H Cada*gad Aboadws,CA 9Mn I crn OF ATASCADERO PARKS&RELATION COMMISSION APPLICA'T'ION Mase Neta: Yea oast Ewd the�gnsusad M of being a .ales mod resiist of lb-- City, wide ear ei+aepras d yaafi repnedatira wto we oat re*ok to be .aass. M"wi�qa muk iiaas arc sab*d io "Wf caiwL PWM aeapiete tie Sapliaaeaa t Qrna nsamm wbicie aoeaaspaaim ofs apphcmw& AP'rucATim FSE: PALVXS & ' WATION CONUCSSION NAME: P 4 t`L-'Ay LJ�-d�-C !�L- Emm,Address: ADIWES T`A'L//��vJr�s" � 1�/B '�C ; �y Rom Pha,c: s ADDRESS of ate): Am you s resident of do City of Miscadero? l �' � How Imo? �Ci� X11 � Are you a registered vola? Yes / No / OCCUPATION: WL- tl2-,n / 14 &Z:-.�/fin EWLOYMENT-Present or Last employer's name,address and phone munber: Position held and lend of empioyrmt: EDUCATION: %v 54 Sharen Rund Bloechl, EDP, CM 7205 Sombrilla Av Atascadero, CA 4322-4531 Home Phone: (805) 462-3489 Business Phone (408) 756-5432 Objective A challenging career in Management, or Consulting, utilizing extensive knowledge, skills and experience in the field of information sciences/data processing or User Liaison/Coordinator Summary of Qualifications. • Possess 26+ years experience in data processing with responsibilities encompassing system design and implementation, technical writing and instruction, computer operation and programming -thorough knowledge and understanding of computer systems and processes " Designed, developed and installed organization's WEB pages, coordinated and conducted training of department personnel in use of such • Received award of merit for creation, development and implementation of computer production documentation department • Recognized for excellent organization skills with proven ability to research, coordinate and supervise projects from conception through installation, testing, acceptance, training, and document and procedure designing writing, editing and publishing • Developed Computer Operations training packages including formal classroom course outline and handouts, on-the-job training worksheets and Computer-Aided Instruction packages, coordinated and conducted training of department personnel • Skilled at forecasting the training requirements of the department Professional Experience: SELF-EMPLOYED—Atascadero, CA Freelance Wine & Food Writer Freelance Catering —Small Events ATASCADERO MAIN STREET Office Administrator& Secretary (2001-2002) Performed basic office duties, took and published meeting minutes, designed and implemented original web site, wrote and published monthly newsletter PEACHY CANYON WINERY Tasting Room Manager (10/2000 to 8/2001) Performed basic management duties, made up work schedules, hired &fired personal, ordered supplies and merchandise, received recorded arrivals, sales and performed inventory Designed and implemented original web site, wrote and published monthly newsletter ENTERPRISE INFORMATION SYSTEMS (a division of- LOCKHEED MARTIN) Sunnyvale, CA 94089-3504 Computer Sys Analyst Senior (5/97 to 6/2000 - Retired) Data Processing, Analyst (7/86 to 5197) Data Processor, Senior(3182 to 7/86) UNITED AIRLINES -San Francisco, CA 94128 Computer Production &Technical Procedures Specialist (11/80 to 3/82) Quality Assurance Specialist (11/77 to 11/80) Procedures & Training Specialist (1/77 to 11/77) SPERRY UNIVAC -St. Paul, MN 55165 Operations Technical Specialist/Instructor(6/72 to 1/77) Operations Technical Specialist/Operator (1/72 to 6/72) 55 SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY U.S. DEPARTMENT of AGRICULTURE Syracuse, New York (3/72 to 7/72) Minneapolis, MN (5/72 to 3/72) Supervisor Data Entry - System III Lead Operator- Data Entry VETERAN'S ADMINISTRATION ASLESEN'S RESTAURANT SUPPLY Fort Snelling, MN (5/69 to 7/72) Minneapolis, MN (10/67 to 5/69) Lead Operator- Data Entry Director of Advertising U.S. DEPARTMENT of DEFENSE ST PETER'S SCHOOL St. Paul, MN (6/67 to 10/67) North St. Paul, MN (9/66 to 6/67) GS 5 Illustrator Teacher- 2nd Grade ST LUKE'S SCHOOL POWER'S DEPARTMENT STORE St. Paul, MN (9/65 to 6/66) Minneapolis, MN (5/64 to 9/65) Teacher- 5th Grade Design Layout Artist Education California Coast University Business Management Concurrent Bachelor of 700 No Main St. Science/Masters Degree in Santa Ana, CA 92701 School of Administration University of Minnesota General Applied Studies Associate Arts Degree Minneapolis, MN 55455 March 1964 St. Joseph's Academy College Preparatory Graduated June 1961 St. Paul, MN 55116 Hobbies, Interests, Associations and Awards. United Air Lines-Award of Merit Mid-State Fair judge Home Wine Maker Competition (10yrs) Mid-State Fair judge Commercial Challenge (6yrs) Member- Women emberWomen Wine Society—Sisters of the Vine Women for Wine Sense Wines & Steins [former Webmaster & Secretary] Independent Grape Growers Paso Robles Association [IGGPRA] Corkpullers American Wine Society(AWS) &Atascadero Wine Society South Bay Wine Tasters Guild Women Wine Critics Board San Jose Mercury News Wine Competition Judge XPLOR International—Vice President, Bay Area Chapter (1998-1999, 1999-2000) [EDP] JTC (Joint Technology Council)—Adobe Systems Institute of Certified Professional Managers [CM] Management Association of America (Lockheed Management Association) Professional Women in National Defense (Pres 1986, VP Finance 1985) Working Woman's Seminar- LMSC Mgmt. Assn (Registration Director) Alumni Association - St. Joseph's Academy Alumni Association - University of Minnesota Volunteer- Atascadero olunteerAtascadero Chamber of Commerce—Ambassador(3yrs) Atascadero Wine Festival—Wine Committee (8yrs) Designed and implemented original web site Salinas Hospital Memorial Foundation - Cherry's Jubilee - Car Committee Pebble Beach—Concours d'Eiegance—Automotive Fine Arts Society (AFAS) Support Participate regularly in community service projects 55 57 RECEIVED Please return to: CITY CLERK 'i n ■ 6907 El Camino Real ssxa rs9se a DEC 2 8 2M Atascadero,CA 93422 CAD) / CIN OF ATASCADERQ CITY CLERK'S OFFICE CITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS & RECRE'ATION COMMISSION APPLICA'T'ION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City, with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please complete the Supplemental Questionnaire,which accompanies this application. APPLICATION FOR. PARKS & RECREATION COIvEMSSION NAME. .tJ(Ayk i e- LC 2 Email Address. loi�&i P�A RESIDENTIAL t ADDRESS �i16} 4 6tL l idl ) '_! Home Phone: �-� E - 4- _ Work Phone: r s rlQ MAILING ADDRESS(if different): Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero?_ How Long? � �i Are you a registered voter? Yes_. _ No OCCUPATION 122� k eci 11L C, it i v bt ' �fi L Orf,-let 16oC EMPLOYMENT-Present or last employer's name,address and phone number- S1 " ftlyl� 1��i�L 1, �� �L lyt btu ;� ' ��L�GHQ Position held and length of employment: EDUCATION 58 City of Atascadero Parks&Recreation Commission Application &��Page 2 �� Applicant's Name RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION 1�G [BLit �ttt�i(Uy� INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER,PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON ��-���/Gly-a��1 ��,��l�a�a rig �1►� �r.��C • � �Sf�liu���Ir r� �� -� �t(� ���� �C��a�i���� `�•u��wu ' / �������C�"ri How did you learn abou�ilt� acay. � Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of Mouth Library City Hall Place of Employment Other(specify) �X+rt IW7 ��rcc#Ur Please complete the following supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: c l'4., Date: � This application and supplement are "public documents"and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest, pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk 59 Community Involvement: Volunteer,Professional and/or Academic Organizations Atascadero Recreation Center Committee(ARCC). Charter Member and President Atascadero Youth Task Force(AY'1TF). Former Board Member and Board President Atascadero Community Link Family Resource Center .Former Board Member and Board President Zoological Society .Member,Board Member and Former Board President Atascadero Chamber of Commerce. Member,Former Board Member and Board President Ataseadero Main Street. Charter Board Member, Current Board Member and Former V.P and Board President Ataseadero Performing Arts Center Committee(APACC). Charter Board Member,Current Board President Atascadero Colony Days Committee since 1986...Current Member,Former.Board Member and Former Chairman Atascadero Wine Festival Committee. Charter Member, Current Chairman North County Women's Shelters and Resource Center .Former Board Member and Former Board President Friends of the North County Women's Shelters Fundraising Committee Atascadero Quota Club. Current Member and Former Board Member Templeton Rotary Club. Current Member and Current Board Member Assistance League of SLO County (ALSLOC). Charter Member, Charter President and Former Chapter President San Luis Obispo County Community Foundation. Founding Member,Former Board Member,Former Grant Committee Chairman SLO County Women's Legacy Fund Advisory Council. Current Member Coats for Fids of North SLO County Organizer and Chairman for 23 years in Atascadero and Paso Robles 60 City of Atascadero Parks&Recreation Commission Application �= age 3 Applicant's Name CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 1 Please explain why you would like to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission 4 ti-n l�L' wev .fie�iy,�_ _e K<s— &r&'1,_ ff .`or_dt '.165 �c2 ,-c0 z( d..�ct� to tcsyvJ l 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission? z Yes No 3 What is it about the Parks and Recreation Commission that interests you? What qualities experience and expertise would you bring to the Parks and Recreation Commission? 4 In your view,what is the function of the Parks and Recreation Commission? et J &A 5. How would you see your role as a member of the Parks and Recreation Commission? 61 62 City of Atascadero Parks&Recreation Commission Application Page 4 Applicant's Name 6. What are the current issues facing the Parks and Recreation Commission? �1� 41�I_e_ 7 Are you familiar with t e Ci General an, and if so�describe briefly your views about the document. 4�k `riJ�Jz�1t-s' eL '1.�/t C• �6 c t c ( GZ 11�t i !� J"R'1 ,, �C _ 8. If appointed, what specific goals would you like to see the Parks and Recreation Commission achieve? 9. d'Lional information prov I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. Signature: Date. -� 63 6 Please return to: / — CITY CLERK 1!0 " • 6907 El Camino Real {►eia ieie -� Atascadero,CA 9.422 ATAS�ERo,i CITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION APPLICATION Please Note: You must meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the City, with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. '.Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please complete the Supplemental Questionnaire,which accompanies this application. APPLICATION FOR. PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION NAME. C 6a rll c Email Address. C i OS/,e-S--'4 aE>Ma," coir RESIDENTIAL q work ADDRESS !o m Flo;..e /- t4 S CUd e✓o I 04 9341 a �4�Phone: �ttS — �$( 'S-O I-) MAILING ADDRESS(if different): Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? t' S How Long? SUt Ueu r-s Are you a registered voter? Yes_ No OCCUPATION _��h i G� A�n n,'t fretta r EMPLOYMENT-Present or last employer's name,address and phone number• �,taSCdC3'e!"I SivA {io,. prfa i� 0 /3oX 200 1 , A-tatSauckro, CR- Position held and length of employment: V EUn 4S C h" l DQ T i rS o-f AS 4 EDUCATION S re l v� H Fcz� 'h Cu vr; /��wt n•Sft'Kfi On Ccr{ C�c�S'+ yhlftrS f+` S r re i "V"� C�reS t� L'o�f�t 64 City of Atascadero Parks&Recreation Commission Application Page 2 Applicant's Name RELEVANT TRAINING, EXPERIENCE, CERTIFICATES OF TRAINING, LICENSES OR PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION V&-qt,SJeY4 Furse. f,4xce Ig90 L�2e�t�c�� �°Syc ut>7c jec 'c,'yn qY4- t�qo Cerin L4 �1 CA S` I�eysoti,r\e 130041 Tt Crk,tr Or,,A4 C er"44 -}ya'-"Ne r- rK F4C, Le Je rs k'o INVOLVEMENT IN COMMUNITY,VOLUNTEER,PROFESSIONAL AND/OR ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS S T+� kvnu tt .�� E /� S cz�Qe►ro e�ta��e r SOi . Z-Cws Li Y gbh CP �(JJ' l�Yv n n r h� OTHER CITY COMMISSIONS,COMMITTEES OR BOARDS PREVIOUSLY OR CURRENTLY SERVING ON n=c How did you learn about this vacancy? Newspaper Article Newspaper Ad Community Group Word of MoUL7 Library City Hall Place of Employment Other(specify) Please complete the following supplemental questionnaire. Feel free to attach a resume or other information about yourself I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the information on this application and attached supplement are true and correct. Signature: ( Date- Thus application and supplement are "public documents"and are available for review upon request. Applicants are advised they may be requested to file a Statement of Economic Interest, pursuant to the Fair Political Practices regulations. Information will be provided by the City Clerk. 65 City of Atascadero Parks&Recreation Commission Application Page 3 Applicant's Name CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 1 Please explain why you would like to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission? _Yes X No 3 What is it about the Parks and Recreation Commission that interests you? What qualities, experience and expertise would you bring to the Parks and Recreation Commission? 0-14 ;t4p 4 � ck 4 In your view what is the function of the Parks and Recreation Commission? ���..(D ,L.'ks�.�-� � ar� Co'�^'►�''„ Vtl��tk� � ���?g-rte� Ut�� .�c�: v�„� 5 How would you see your role as a member of the darks and Recreation Commission? I � c 66 City of Atascadero Parks& Recreation Commission Application �D / Page 4 044 r1i'e �1 ✓� Applicant's Name 6 What are the current issues facing the Parks and Recreation Commission? 7 Are �you familiar with the City'snGe�jneral Plan,,and if so describe briefly your views about the. document. ( -Id 8 If appointed what specific goals would you like to see the Parks and Recreation Commission achieve? j (Va� If," --�r4 -e,1A )Or-4 9 If there is additional information you would like to share about yourself please use the following space provided (optional) a -7� H I hereby certify that the foregoing information is true and correct. Signature. ��� Date //7�1 q/ Please return to: CITY CLERKr V. 6907 EI Camino Real tsia �s a>e> Atascadero,CA 93422 CAD CITY OF ATASCADERO PARKS &RECREATION CONIMISSION APPLICA'T'ION Please Note: You mast meet the minimum qualifications of being a registered voter and resident of the Cit}', with the exception of youth representatives who are not required to be registered voters. Minimum qualifications are subject to verification. Please complete the Supplemental Questionnaire,which accompanies this application. APPLICATION FOR. PARKS & RJECREATION COMMSSION NAME. Email Address: _ Ft 4 RESIDENTIAL - ADDRESS Home Phone: i, Wort:Phone- MAILING ADDRESS(if different): I ! (T;11/ Are you a resident of the City of Atascadero? I. How Long? ,, Are you a registered voter? Yes No / OCCUPATION i 1 /( EMPLOYMENT-Present or last employer's name,address and phone number• �J J l Position held and length of employment: EDUCATION 68 a City of Atascadero Parks &Recreation Commission Application Page 3 Applicant's Name CITY OF ATASCADERO SUPPLEMENTAL QUESTIONNAIRE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 1 Please explain why you would like to serve on the Parks and Recreation Commission. 2. Have you ever attended a meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission? —Yes _No 3. What is it about the Parks and Recreation Commission that interests you? What qualities experience and expertise would you bring to the Parks and Recreation Commission? t /� ✓ 'i/ 4 In your view, what is the fur)q,ti6n,df ih&'Patk6 grid/`Recreation Commission? 5. How would you see your role as a member of thg P�T;Ks and Recreation Commission? 69