HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Packet 092810 ARCHIVE COPY CITY CLERK 1918 R 1975 CITY OF A TASCA®ERO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tuesday, September 28, 2010 6:00 P.M. City Hall Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California REGULAR SESSION — CALL TO ORDER: 6:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Council Member Clay ROLL CALL: Mayor Fonzi Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley Council Member Beraud Council Member Clay Council Member Kelley APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Roll Call PRESENTATION: 1. Savor the Central Coast Preview 1 A. CONSENT CALENDAR: (All items on the consent calendar are considered to be routine and non-controversial by City staff and will be approved by one motion if no member of the Council or public wishes to comment or ask questions. If comment or discussion is desired by anyone, the item will be removed from the consent calendar and will be considered in the listed sequence with an opportunity for any member of the public to address the Council concerning the item before action is taken. DRAFT MINUTES: Council meeting draft minutes are listed on the Consent Calendar for approval of the minutes. Should anyone wish to request an amendment to draft minutes, the item will be removed from the Consent Calendar and their suggestion will be considered by the City Council. If anyone desires to express their opinion concerning issues included in draft minutes, they should share their opinion during the Community Forum portion of the meeting.) 1. DUI Enforcement and Awareness Program Funded through the Office of Traffic Safety ■ Fiscal Impact: Funds will be used from the General Fund and then reimbursed under the grant program. There is no City-funded match required. ■ Recommendation: Council adopt the Draft Resolution accepting the State of California Office of Traffic Safety "DUI Awareness and Enforcement Grant in the amount of $112,124. [Police] UPDATES FROM THE CITY MANAGER: (The City Manager will give an oral report on any current issues of concern to the City Council.) COMMUNITY FORUM: (This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wanting to address the Council on any matter not on this agenda and over which the Council has jurisdiction. Speakers are limited to three minutes. Please state your name for the record before making your presentation. The Council may take action to direct the staff to place a matter of business on a future agenda. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum, unless changed by the Council.) B. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None. C. MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Update on AB 811 Property Assessed Clean Energy Programs - CaliforniaFIRST (Statewide) & Atascadero SMART Energy ■ Fiscal Impact: There is no cost to the City for either program. Minimal staff time is required to maintain contact with consultants and work with the public on the programs. ■ Recommendation: No Council action required; update only. [Community Development] 2 COUNCIL ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS: (On their own initiative, Council Members may make a brief announcement or a brief report on their own activities. Council Members may ask a question for clarification, make a referral to staff or take action to have staff place a matter of business on a future agenda. The Council may take action on items listed on the Agenda.) D. COMMITTEE REPORTS: (The following represent standing committees. Informative status reports will be given, as felt necessary): Mayor Fonzi 1. Air Pollution Control District 2. County Mayors Round Table 3. Economic Vitality Corporation, Board of Directors (EVC) Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley 1. League of California Cities — Council Liaison and CITIPAC Board Member 2. SLO Council of Governments, President (SLOCOG) 3. SLO Regional Transit Authority, President (SLORTA) Council Member Beraud 1. City / Schools Committee 2. Integrated Waste Management Authority (IWMA) Council Member Clay 1. City / Schools Committee Council Member Kelley 1. Atascadero State Hospital Advisory Committee 2. Atascadero Youth Task Force 3. Homeless Services Oversight Council E. INDIVIDUAL DETERMINATION AND / OR ACTION: 1. City Council 2. City Clerk 3. City Treasurer 4. City Attorney 5. City Manager F. ADJOURNMENT: Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. Correspondence submitted at this public hearing will be distributed to the Council and available for review in the City Clerk's office. 3 I, Victoria Randall, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the September 28, 2010 Regular Session of the Atascadero City Council was posted on September 21, 2010 at the Atascadero City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review in the Customer Service Center at that location. Signed this 21St day of September, 2010, at Atascadero, California. Victoria Randall, Deputy City Clerk City of Atascadero 4 City of Atascadero WELCOME TO THE ATASCADERO CITY COUNCIL MEETING The City Council meets in regular session on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. unless there is a Community Redevelopment Agency meeting commencing at 6:00 p.m. in which event the Council meeting will commence immediately following the conclusion of the Community Redevelopment Agency meeting. Council meetings will be held at the City Hall Council Chambers, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero. Matters are considered by the Council in the order of the printed Agenda. Copies of the staff reports or other documentation relating to each item of business referred to on the Agenda are on file in the office of the City Clerk and are available for public inspection during City Hall business hours at the Front Counter of City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, and on our website, www.atascadero.org. An agenda packet is also available for public review at the Atascadero Library, 6850 Morro Road. Contracts, Resolutions and Ordinances will be allocated a number once they are approved by the City Council. The minutes of this meeting will reflect these numbers. All documents submitted by the public during Council meetings that are either read into the record or referred to in their statement will be noted in the minutes and available for review in the City Clerk's office. Council meetings are videotaped and audio recorded, and may be reviewed by the public. Copies of meeting recordings are available for a fee. Contact the City Clerk for more information (470-3400). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Manager's Office or the City Clerk's Office, both at (805) 470-3400. Notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. TO SPEAK ON SUBJECTS NOT LISTED ON THE AGENDA Under Agenda item, "COMMUNITY FORUM", the Mayor will call for anyone from the audience having business with the Council to approach the lectern and be recognized. 1. Give your name for the record (not required) 2. State the nature of your business. 3. All comments are limited to 3 minutes. 4. All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council. 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present This is the time items not on the Agenda may be brought to the Council's attention. A maximum of 30 minutes will be allowed for Community Forum (unless changed by the Council). TO SPEAK ON AGENDA ITEMS (from Title 2, Chapter 1 of the Atascadero Municipal Code) Members of the audience may speak on any item on the agenda. The Mayor will identify the subject, staff will give their report, and the Council will ask questions of staff. The Mayor will announce when the public comment period is open and will request anyone interested to address the Council regarding the matter being considered to step up to the lectern. If you wish to speak for, against or comment in any way: 1. You must approach the lectern and be recognized by the Mayor 2. Give your name (not required) 3. Make your statement 4. All comments should be made to the Mayor and Council 5. No person shall be permitted to make slanderous, profane or negative personal remarks concerning any other individual, absent or present 6. All comments limited to 3 minutes If you wish to use a computer presentation to support your comments, you must notify the City Clerks office at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. Digital presentations must be brought to the meeting on a USB drive or CD. You are required to submit to the City Clerk a printed copy of your presentation for the record. Please check in with the City Clerk before the meeting begins to announce your presence and turn in the printed copy. he Mayor will announce when the public comment period is closed, and thereafter, no further public comments will be ..eard by the Council. 5 6 ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 09/28/10 hr'a]n P -moi; 5979 Atascadero City Council Staff Report - City Manager's Office DUI Enforcement and Awareness Program Funded through the Office of Traffic Safety RECOMMENDATION: Council adopt the Draft Resolution accepting the State of California Office of Traffic Safety "DUI Awareness and Enforcement" Grant in the amount of $112,124. DISCUSSION: The Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) has awarded a competitive Grant to the City of Atascadero in the amount of $112,124 for FY 2010/2011. These funds were awarded for the continued and increased success of the Police Department's program of Enforcement and Awareness regarding Driving under the Influence (DUI). The original Grant amount requested was $72,124. OTS did award the initial amount of $72,124, and additionally awarded an unsolicited amount of $40,000 for a GIS Traffic Collision Mapping System. Upon being informed of this extra award, the Police Department's initial discussions with Public Works and Technology regarding this GIS Mapping System have been met with considerable interest. This Grant meets the relevant strategic initiatives of the Police Department's five-year Strategic Plan: • Conduct DUI checkpoint operations each fiscal year • Implement a focused enforcement program on traffic collisions • Collaborate with Public Works to address roadway engineering issues This is a fully reimbursable grant. There is no City-funded match required. 7 ITEM NUMBER: A - 1 DATE: 09/28/10 The OTS grant funds will be itemized as follows: 6 DUI Checkpoints $ 27,280 DUI Saturation Patrol 28,500 Criminal Warrant Service 8,030 Stakeouts 1,014 Travel/Training 4,000 GIS Traffic Collision Mapping Software 40,000 Preliminary Alcohol Screening PAS Devices 2,800 Printing/Duplication 500 Total Grant Amount $ 112,124 FISCAL IMPACT: Funds will be used from the General Fund and then reimbursed under the grant program. There is no City-funded match required. ALTERNATIVES: Decline the use of OTS Grant funds. Not recommended due to the significant benefit gained from the use of these funds. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Resolution 2. Select Portions of OTS Grant Application 8 Attachment 1 DRAFT RESOLUTION RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ATASCADERO, CALIFORNIA, ACCEPTING THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, OFFICE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY "DUI AWARENESS AND ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM" GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF S112,124 WHEREAS, the Office of Traffic Safety for the State of California has offered the City of Atascadero a Grant commencing in October 2010 and ending September 2011; and, WHEREAS, the City will enter an agreement with the Office of Traffic Safety for the State of California for the purpose of implementing a program to reduce the number of persons killed and injured in alcohol related crashes; and, WHEREAS, the City shall implement best practices in purchasing equipment and conducting DUI/driver's license checkpoints and DUI saturation patrols. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,by the City Council of the City of Atascadero: SECTION 1. That the City has reviewed, understood, and to the extent consistent with all the constitutional and local law requirements,agrees to the provisions contained in the Contract Grant Agreement; and, SECTION 2. That the Atascadero City Chief of Police is appointed as the grant Authorizing Official for Applicant Agency and the Atascadero City Administrative Services Director is appointed as the Fiscal or Accounting Official and are authorized to execute and submit the Grant Agreement and any necessary documents in furtherance of this Grant Program which may be necessary for the completion of the Program. On motion by Council Member and seconded by Council Member the foregoing Resolution is hereby adopted in its entirety on the following roll call vote: 9 Attachment 1 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ADOPTED: CITY OF ATASCADERO By: Roberta Fonzi, Mayor ATTEST: Marcia McClure Torgerson,C.M.C., City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Brian A. Pierik, City Attorney 10 Attachment 2 ��� A;i ` .; at�tte of California CrA N7.NUNiRER OFFICE OF T .XFFIC: S?SFETY GRANT AGREEMENT PAGE I('1-o be coinpkrf-d bw-applicant agency) 1. GPkVTTrrLE DT--IE-NFORCENIE"<I 4iND.kSi'.AaE-\TS-�+P _. 'N \IE 017 APPLIC;-Na AGExc'S •t, iJlt.-i,,,;'T PEMOD CITY OF AT ASC'DERO 1 .'s" Da -Year 3. A c.---N.c1-T'r,ITTOH.t'sDLEGRk T Fr--M: 1[l:?110 XT.A5POLICE I'IEP:A,RT_\1ENT To- 5. GR-kN.T DEscRL nox P.o,,-,de as o omen-of the zyzmtzit,%it-.'e-,dhat will€;t d ev,the p oLl D ,:at:.r i..in •,eord,. Space is Licited tc ux lines_', To:educe elle persons Idled and u jtued in alto iol iii-„ol td crashes. ”bes-practice":strategies will l coricleictecl or an o-.-erirne basis. The Burred s- ategies include DUI.'Jri-,-er's Lictn e c ieckpou-its rid DUI saturatic?d tia.rols. This ltiro ~ui7 a. 11 also develop a"Ho-Satet"program wicl conduct 'StalieouC'operaTiom,for concentrate on repeat DT-',I of:-fenders or,lira 2 ation .vho have l.ae thea license suspend ee or revoked,Cour °'.Sririgs"operation .=Ill focu;on DT-71 offenders with a susp,—rided o:revoked lri,"er Ecens.e who get Selz s d the i,ueel rafter lea=:aig cocu-t. Tlisouyh warrant sei7:ice details. the police departmeat will tar&et repea:DLII ionators xho f2iled to :ip�ptar in coiu-t or:-iolate,ircabltion. The-se s:ate`.es are designed to earn rnedki at-,erition thus enIxi 3cin?the overall de-erreut effect_ 6, FEDERAL F .'DSALLOCATEDU_'k'DERTius,vR EaiENU:`ILULNOTExCEED: j II2.1-24.00 A. GRk,TDmiC':TDR B. Ai-T:-ioR-,ziNG O FIcI:IL or AY?LICA-T Ar,:Nc,,y ti_ ,€r: Caleb Davi- P ox :iSt ; 'Ci 3 2 5C, varE: Jame-, 1lullmI1 61- (.} Tau: Traffic C)if cel. F:je: t3� ,i x;70 3251 T:7LE- C:luef d;.Police F.=�. 'Svc-')4.0-5702 aDDF—I&a: 5,_'," E1 Canlin,o R eaI DRE`.,'.:. CI Fl Ca,,n ly Nutri _',.ta"Cadec Ca 93422 Atiwadevo Ca 9,3422 E- t eclni Vit.atascadero.orc E-Nvm,. jmtilliill-'ir.ata>ea€lei,o.or- �rY s.r!tart::; C°. Ft C:4LORAiccoa:xIL4GfjFFSciu D1 OF£Ic AT-T oR:zEDToREcEIi'EP?�S IEtiS xIVE: Rachf-He RicLarcl �61 �00,3 TrrL : E:iL7.'uice Director F:ix.: (305) 1-06,_"* nD s,,: ?r�-El C ai iii:o e<1 ?uDI DESS 69C,`E'C aniii.o Fwd.'s Atascad,eic Ca 93422 Aaasc ierc Ca 9_;4 F-1LuII.: nicliatl"CIZataseadero.org Stems nPtsral Z!ar4} 0-7S-33!Rle6f,16) 11 Attachment 2 GR--�-NT,,-NL�DE EASY-DUI Overtime SCHEDULE A GR-A-N-rNo: AL11,5,4 GRA-N-T DESCRIPTION Gr,--V'\T TITLE: DT--IE,.\-EoRcE.NrE.N-T.k,,DAii-.-�RENEssProcf�-�Ni Ac.EN-cy: AT.-�,scADERO POLICE DEPARTMENT Using,local data�(nnt OTS Ruliikmgs or SNV:TRS',,, complete the table below. C ollisian T�T,- 21)06 200-1 C Glli�ions Victim f-DIUS10121, Victims colli�ians Victim 2 3 1 lqll— 7,- 98 76 86 Killed Injured Fatil KjUed P,�Ju,-ed Fnral ln�ur, Killed PU ured r-71-&PIU, 0 n MzLtrziie U S 0 8 (2,011-1.2 2;9 Please provide detailed answers to the following questions as part of tile Problem Statement: 1. Describe ctirrenT traffic unit complement(number of personnel and classifications).If applirabie. describe how the size of the traffic unir has fluctuated in the past five years and ivhy. The Alaic,adero Police Departmetnt Traffic Division is ciu-rentl-,,-staffed b-.,,-cme motor officer and a Tfaffic Strztam�who oversees,tLe Unit. -.1imately, the Traffic Di-,,-I��ion liis cf,-,�reased b-,,7 5,,Iq'o duiinz this ecol'o-alic downtum-w',licll is cleat-h-e-,-teert b-;our slatist;cs. 0-,.-ef the p-ast fhre years caur Traffic Unit luas fluc�iiaied from one o fficer in 2CJ04 to two offic er�in 2 006 and bacl,To one officer in 2009, VJe received OTS funding to pilichase two ,)ohce niotorc�,c!es lxnvever,ive hwve been uliib*.,e to staff one t:x1fic positlon'Ille to lac-k ofJunemz,Fronn 1-006, To 20051 had a dec.-ea�e in the nimlbef of DUI a-aest�,alul an o-,-er 50� increase in alcohol i-elated par-Y triffic How man-v sobrieo,checkpoints did N our department condiict ben-veen Ocrober 1,2008 and September 30',2009? (Include checkpoints from all funding sources,Le, OTSgrants or mini-grants, and department funded) C)7S Gfalit--: 0, of Chec!T- oints- 0(NotAVOID,, -points: 0(Iny ju.rsdi zaon) AVOID rh,-0,- of ChecL 0111: N'laii-Grair,�4: S0,19020:# of Checki)omts- of Departnient Funded Checkpoints: G�'Nlat OTS Funcle& �kc-�it ioliz tht past two yezus it 1-is bten,t1rough OTS' tha:tile - " hakirlilation: Tilloughout Department has been able to ffi�id DT-TI cheekpoitit-s�,Nlllich will persuiblv reirlin the sanie for the forseeable ftinlre.1, is ourposition That DUI checkpointz ir.ouf small comnlumty-, sigIllificant'll;helpdeter drivers aoin dr,-illff 11:16-er tile L'Iflucene., -1. What is the average number of DT-,-I alTeSts and vehicles imp ounded per chec kpoin t? 0 S--,Sb C-",.F DUI&�Trtinm- 12 Attachment 2 GR.,kN-T s XLIDE E.-isy-DUI overtime SCHEDULE B-PAGE 1 DETAILED BUDGET ESTL,\LALTE GRA--NT NO. AL1154 FISCAL YEAR ESMIATE "O`+T CATEGORY FFY-1 1ot'1-1201f) TOTAL COST Thru TO C;R�N T -k. PERSONNEL COSTI., OVERTL\fE DT-7-Smirancu Pzzols I.,Irram'S Pat,O:s 7_-,' y'l StaLexr-7 4.022.1,51 Category Saba-Total 564.821001 I 1 564.822.0 B.TRAVEL ENTENSE LlSt,-,�e C atezot7-Sub-Total q,t'at10.00 S4.000.00 C.CO-VERACTUAL SERVICES Nane Oh-�R,rl T)T-1 "O'Clol 54.00 13 Attachment 2 GRRy N-TS MADE E Asy—DUI C)--e►-time ScxEDL- E B-1 GKN - T No. AL1154 BL-Dc4Ei'N-. KATIti-] Page, E U UA M- T: 1 GIS Svstern S%rstein will mclude 1 ooszipatible c;onapute s needed fo:7 ne-1we<lke vvo ksta-,ions to sii e data and pro,-jrarii,�_so:ftv,-are l" enses fel laptop computers necessWar ti ,or,he operation of the system at ,vorkstrtion4., one ccinirxat.ble notebook inobile workstition needed to ccllecT data and ,:ork oa progiara a field lova ion_. sales tax- a ld other 1110difrcatio-aai. attic irr&iits. -.,.cc essor:es or auxilia; apparatus necessar to iii l e the s,steai usable-for grain purposes. OTIIERDi ECT'C.OSTS: 4 PAS I=ie ces"Cal bration Units—Predn=afv alcohol Screemrig Devices will be purchia ed to assis t officers iii eralaanced enforcement efforts related,o DT--,I. PAS c ahb ation units are used to erislrrI acctiract of the[1e1,°ice. PAnting!'Dupticatiou—Cost_ inc tine the lurk sales of piper.production,print r:g an "or e1qalicaticl1 of Inaaterrals associated l4:t:l da1l 7 grant operatiom. LNDIRECT COSTS; 'one PROGRAM INC:c MF: There will be no program, nacor=ae gentrited tion.this: graiit. 0-- -35fC.,,F D71-7-0,,Tn:le 14 Attachment 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA-OMZT OF TRAP FICISAFT-7 ACCEPT.tNCE OF CONDMONS AND CERTIFICATIONS OTS-33(Rov_09M) APP=_,t_,,-AGL-;cY Cu115 TS GUNT NumBER City-of Atascadero 4 The following attachments are included herein and constitive a part of this Grant Agreement: 1. OTS-3S-Pal=e 1 5. Schedule C-Quarterly Evaluation Data(when required) 2 Schedule A-Grant Description 6, OTS-33-Acceptance of Conditions,and Certifications 3. Schedule B-Detailed Budget T General Terms,Conditions, and Certifications Estimate for Grant Costs (OTS Grant Program Manual(GPNI),Exdiibit 6A. 4. Schedule B-1-Budget GPM available on-line at www_oTs.ca_goy) Narrative TIEKNIS AN-D CONDITIONS It is widerstood and agreed by the Grantee that grant funds received as a result of this Agreement are subject to all applicable federal and state regulations governing grants and to the following applicable controls,te=and consideration expressed in the OTS Grant Program Manual which includes but is not limited to-- RFPoRTs1 CLkiNES FoR REwBuRsENmENr 1. Quarterly Performance Reports and Reimbursement Claims must be submitted by the Grantee to the Office of Traffic,Safety(OTS)by January 30,April 30,July 30, and October 30,during each year of grant operation- The failure to timely submit complete and correct claims within sixty(60;) days of their due dates may constitute Grantees irrevocable waiver of any right to thereafter recover fr6m Grantor any part of those warned grant stasis which may thereafter be reallocated or rTverted by Grantor. 2. OTS will%,�ithhold or disallcm grant payinents.,reduce or terminate grant Rind',an&or deny future grant,finding any a Grantee fails to comply,with any applicable term or condition of this Grant Agreement or program guidelines(GYM,Chapter 3.11). This may include,but is not limited to, the fbllowing- Failure to submit acceptable and timely reimbursements claims,- Failure to submit acceptable and timely quarterly perforniance reports; Failure to submit an acceptable and timely Schedule C.Quarterly E-vatuation Data(OTS-38y-, applies only when a Schedule C bas been required) Failure to comply with requirement of the Single Audit Act(GPA1,Chapter 4.11);and 3. By October 30,"continuing"grants must submit a September 30 claim and a"Titten justification to support carrying forward the remaining grant year une.xleended funds- September 30 claims and ,.NTirten justifications,supporting the carrying fonvard of these prior year unexpended Rinds submitted after November 30 may not be,processed and the prior claim(i:e_June,30)will be considered the yea-end claim ui order to close out the federal fiscal year ending September 30- In addition-these unexpended funds will be de-obligated and allocated to new,grants. 15 Attachment 2 GRANT 46AL9154 2009 FED/FISCAL BASE YEAR 1 FEP.FJSCAL OPERATIONAL 90 X31-vi-Ct` 0&i}1�,5 ci�139 1 -09-sCr ]9i'1•i": ��i�^P!'�t9 i7-01-41 YF Atae.aderu QTR.t: QTR.2 Q15q3 QTR4 TOTAL 1 aTR2 CTR3 QTR TO GME DUI-IST-014LY GCidtDATA POINTS C 0 C Q s•.a, tyre. ',+ rims 4 22 2C, 01 C C Q C 0 C C uct',,.I r.«�r�ra nares-S1iclims. 4 2 C tit C 0 0 C 0 -i'l rJ rlr',,M r;,DR3 r 7 0 [i 3 Q C [ C. 0 t �r7 jr in vv 4tsds'ls 7 Ci 2 2 C r C C 0 e^ c759r s Fzlz ,,, si ,-r5 a u r C Q C 0 C 0 Nara.. _C2.00 C259 rxs;;ir,�.9 CoUsrogs 2 _ _ _ a C C, D C 0 @•J r T1fEG,�TA;C}'klTu EP'dTE :s4T^:MNDSEPA TE, 7iF cars Trained i19 Sianurdi:ed Fiesc:3nariely J »a'.. Rt I; a C C C+ :lest ng r=F STl `U`Df!'der'a:L£enee+Checkpoirl8 Corcnczed fr,rait Fur3s3>:r;emexman'M..t siay '1 iU 1 C Cr C G' .i,.r T'vJ_S ClEckpoill- .} jl'. '1~ f C P D C" 9 - C 7, r;5: e_rry ', U C C C C C'. 0 �s:?are,.T_sds Ac^lis•.,�res at neraa.rnts C m C 0 C 0 C C C CHI a:rrasi.s„r' 11 C 0 Q0 D r fi v Q C 0 Q C. a J 3 G C 0 C C ? rh7,',L1_ Ar__c_v.t_ane5Fz7lls C L.,n"es_3 Clle'11:119;5. �d 3,�':: i- L7 l C, C v L', _]Dusrs Larsps C+ C _191cel5ec c xe s I'CV _si=staff 5 O Cl Z C C o 0 C' C. ra c C C 0 J 00 a fy G C: DU'ba uratk£n P lrals corouc as 4Gra:rrt undei Enfcraerwir =11u iky Q CQ C' _i C, C' Q u_5:as C ,' C3 Q C C, y C 0 f l 50are,r T=sls A -rlis-arsl01 u 0 D C r a Cr 0 Cd A'TSn- ,_S.,linG.N,ra'_L:511'J..u-r s'd ,_1': C 0 G C 0 C 0 cadY S, �0 C Irl C Tr v rl ctn` ta,_ s r,ter^ ?, W,br11.vr, C C+ C C 0 J C'. iia Q fJ C _ zr G .e]Fev,tcJ r._rsL,,errsks .'lu:elsec 2"."W31 0 0 C C C, C C _;'. 0 0 (t Q 0 2 C- q A,:CSP_°.Ame_LsC-'D iar_5 u. Ts 3 < C- C C Wal C_pathsnwideCSU:attests 4t, 11 C C C 16 ITEM NUMBER: C - 1 DATE: 09/28/10 1a1s1 1979. 7 A C" Atascadero City Council Staff Report— Community Development Department Update on AS 811 Property Assessed Clean Energy Programs CaliforniaFIRST (Statewide) & Atascadero SMART Energy RECOMMENDATION: No Council action required; update only. REPORT-IN-BRIEF: This report is provided to give the Council an update on the status of Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing programs also referred to as the AB 811 program. Atascadero has been involved in the development of two PACE programs: the Statewide CaliforniaFIRST program and the Atascadero SMART Energy Program. Consultants are currently working on these programs, however, PACE programs across the nation have been put on hold due to federal financing issues. DISCUSSION: Background: Assembly Bill 811 , which was signed into law by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on July 21, 2008, allows municipal governments to provide long term financing to property owners for renewable energy installations and energy efficiency retrofits through a PACE financing program. The PACE program is meant to allow municipal governments to provide long term financing to property owners through financing districts. AB 811 is designed to eliminate the large upfront costs associated with solar and energy efficiency upgrades by creating an installment plan of regularly smaller payments. On May 26, 2009, the Atascadero City Council authorized support for the creation of a funding assessment district consistent with AB 811. On November 25, 2009 the City Manager was authorized by Council to enter into a contract with Renovate America (then PowerHouse Services) to administer the Atascadero SMART Energy program specifically for residents of Atascadero. The pilot program is set up to provide $750,000 17 ITEM NUMBER: C - 1 DATE: 09/28/10 in municipal bonds, which can fund approximately 30 properties for solar or energy efficiency retrofits. A second phase of the program with additional funds may be available to fund additional residential and commercial properties if there is community interest. On January 12, 2010, the Atascadero City Council authorized the City to join CaliforniaFIRST, the Statewide AB 811 program. The pilot counties and cities participating have been awarded $16.5 million in funds from the California Energy Commission's State Energy Program to put together the program. Analysis: Consultants for both programs (CaliforniaFIRST and the Atascadero Clean Energy Program) began work in early 2010 on formation of the financing districts and setting up funding sources for issuance of bonds for the program. The City of Atascadero intends to offer both programs to City residents as both programs can be created at no cost to the City of Atascadero. Both programs are still in development. However, it appears that there will be a few key differences between the two programs, with the primary difference being the "loading order requirement." The CaliforniaFIRST program requires that property owners do a percentage of energy efficiency improvements to the property prior to installing solar or other renewable energy power. The Atascadero SMART Energy program does not plan on including any loading order requirements, and therefore property owners may use the funds to install solar first if they chose to do so. The programs will likely differ in additional ways, such as the underwriting, loan qualifications requirements, and interest rates. A breakdown of some of the foreseeable differences can be seen below. CaliforniaFIRST v.Atascadero's SMART Energy Program CaliforniaFIRST Atascadero SMART Energy Eligible Measures Loading Order Must do energy efficiency upgrades to No loading order requirements Requirement reduce energy consumption prior to installing solar Energy Audit Non-testing audit for"Prescriptive Path" Audit recommended, but not required Requirement Test-in audit for"Performance Path" Solar Installation After 10% energy efficiency savings Immediate eligibility for solar Max/Min $75,000/$5,000 TBD Homeowner Requirements Property based yes yes debt criteria Lien to value 1:10 TBD Equity 20% TBD Property types Residential/Commercial Residential only for pilot program 18 ------------ ITEM NUMBER: C -1 DATE: 09/28/10 FHFA Stop-work PACE financing for energy efficiency improvements are designed to be repaid through special assessments added to property owner's property tax bills. The assessments are senior liens, which take precedence over an existing mortgage in the case of a foreclosure. On May 5, 2010, mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac issued a letter stating that Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac mortgage loans shall retain their first lien status. On July 6, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) codified this assertion with a follow-up letter expressing that PACE loans are in violation of FHFA standard mortgage contracts. The FHFA said that PACE loans presented "unusual and difficult risk management challenges" for lenders, servicers and mortgage securities investors in a "fragile housing finance market." Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac either own or guarantee about half of all U.S. mortgages, and therefore, this decision effectively suspended many PACE efforts across the country. FHFA's position has effectively made it impossible for residential PACE financing to move forward at this time. There has been a large response to FHFA's hold on PACE programs. In July, Attorney General Jerry Brown filed a lawsuit against the FHFA, claiming the agency's actions are severely holding back California's green economy. He also asserts that the FHFA needs to recognize PACE assessments as tax increments rather than liens. Senator Barbara Boxer and Congressman Mike Thompson have introduced legislation that would require lenders to adopt new underwriting standards that support PACE financing programs by respecting states' authority to secure assessments with a first lien. The CaliforniaFIRST program had been expected to launch in fall 2010, and the Atascadero SMART Energy program had planned to be begin accepting applications by February 2010. However, due to the lending complications that have emerged in recent months, launch dates will be delayed until the issues are worked out at the Federal level. Both programs will be highly publicized throughout the City once the issues have been resolved, and the public will receive notification when the programs are ready to accept applications. Conclusion: The City of Atascadero has been working with AB 811 consultants in the creation of two PACE programs to offer to property owners within the City limits. There will be a few key differences between the two programs, including the "loading order requirement," underwriting, loan qualifications requirements, and interest rates. PACE programs across the nation have been put on hold due to Federal financing issues. Mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have issued a letters stating PACE loans are not allowed to be senior liens, and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) followed-up by affirming that PACE loans are in violation of FHFA standard mortgage contracts. The FHFA's position has effectively made it impossible for residential PACE financing to move forward at this time. Numerous efforts are being made throughout the State and Country to move the PACE program forward. The two 19 ITEM NUMBER: C -1 DATE: 09/28/10 programs which the City of Atascadero had planned to participate in are currently on hold, but plan to restart once the issues at the Federal level have been resolved. Resources For more information regarding the CaliforniaFIRST and its implementation in San Luis Obispo County, contact: • Trevor Keith, SLO County Energy Program Coordinator: (805) 781-1431 • www.californiafirst.org For more information regarding Atascadero SMART Energy Program, contact: • Callie Taylor, City of Atascadero Associate Planner: (805) 470-3448 • www.renovateamerica.com FISCAL IMPACT: There is no cost to the City for either program. Minimal staff time is required to maintain contact with consultants and work with the public on the programs. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 — Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Letters Attachment 2 — LA Times article Attachment 3 — CaliforniaFIRST informational handout Attachment 4 — SMART Energy Program handout 20 ITEM NUMBER: C -1 DATE: 09128/10 Attachment 1: Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Letters Lender Letter LL-2010-06 May 5, 2010 TO: All Fannie Mae Single-Family Sellers and Servicers Property Assessed Clean Energy Loans Fannie Mae has received a number of questions from selter-servicers regarding government- sponsored energy loans, sometimes referred to as Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) loans- PACE loans generally have automatic first lien priority over previously recorded Tnortgages. The terms of the Fannie Maelfreddie Mac Uniform Security instruments prohibit loans that have senior lien status to a mortgage. As PACE programs progress through the experimental phase and beyond, Fannie Mae will issue additional guidance to lenders as may be needed from time to time. Fannie Mae supports energy-efficiency initiativess, and is willing to engage With federal and state agencies as they consider sustainable programs to facilitate lending for energy-efficiency home retrofits,while preserving the status of mortgage loans originated as first liens_ Questionsshould be directed to ResourcF, Centen5fanniemae.com with the subject line 'PACE." Lenders may also wish to consult with their federal regulators,. who share concerns about PACE programs. Marianne E.Sullivan Senior Vice President Single-Family Chief Risk Officer Lender Letter LL-2010--05 Page 1 21 ITEM NUMBER: C - 1 DATE: 09/28/10 Attachment 1: Fannie Mae S Freddie Mac Letters i�' `1c Industry Letter TO:Freddie Mar-Sellev'SerSicers May 5,2010 SUBJECT:First I ien Mortgage;and Energy Efficient Loans Se-, al states have recently enacted lawn that authorize localities to create new energy efficient loan programs that geneerally rely on the placement of a first pricaity lien to secure energy efficient home improi-ements. Ptogrammxs under these lags are sometimes referred to as Energy Loan Tax se t Progaaru:s or Pr crpemrem d(--lean Esaergu prog ax=,. Freddie Mae has begun to receive questions about thee new ever-- loan- grams The purpose of ibis Iudustry Letter i;to remind Seller>`SerS-icer s tLat ami energy-related lien may not be senior to any Mortgage deli-,-ered to Freddie Mac_Seller.'Serace s should determine swhed wx a state or locality in which they originate mortgages has an energy loan prograrmm,and whether a first priont) lien is permitted_ Freddie Mac will provide additional guidance in the e-;,msit that these energy loan prograim nun-e beyond the e3Ter ine t.al stage. Freddie Mae supports the goal of encoura ging responsible financing of energy,efficient and renewable energy home inxpro-tmnients. 'We cantinue to sworls,uith federal and state agencies and with Seller"Sersicers on in tia ves fox-developing workable energy retrofit pro,_-rjrr3s. CONCLUSION Please contact sow Freddie Mac representative or call(800)FF—T-DDIE if you ha-*e any quer-tions_ Seller'Serviceis may also wish to contact their federal regulators,who share concerns about energy liens. Sincere/?€, Patricia J.McClung Vice Pie-ident Offefines Nbmazement 22 ITEM NUMBER: C - I DATE: 09/28/10 Attachment 2: LA Times Article California seeks to lift federal block on energ-y-save r program J,.- nn,("t JUIV 14, 2020 By Tiffany Hsu.Los_Aiigeles Tinles California is suing the federal government to stop it from derailing pro,g,ram thatallov,-s homem,-ners to finance solar panels and other enern'-saving 1111provel-nents through their properih.tax bills. _A.ttv.Gen.Jerry Brown on Wechlesdav filed suit in federal court in Oakland against Fannie.Mae,Freddie-Mac and their regulator agency.the Federal Housing Finance Agency,-,%-hich have effectively shut dovai the financing vehicle ill California. The Property Assessed Clean Energy program,lulowilas PACE,was pioneered in Berl.eley.The program makes it affordable for honleovaiers to invest in enern- -efficiency by allowin,them to pay in installments over a decade or more. Local governments raise money through bonds.then lend it to homeowners who use it to pill,chase equipment such as solar panels.which call cost tens of thousands of dollars.The hoineowners then repay the funds through ,special assessments added to their propel t,%-bills.The assessment are senior liens,which take precedence over in existing mortgage in the case of a foreclosure. PACE has been hailed bY clean-ener.*-advocates and community leaders as a way to speed the adoption of solar and other technologies to help fight global warining.Homeowners have lauded it for making solar energpt­_;�-steins affordable and helping thein slash their energy bills.'nie Obama administration has devoted more than 815o million in:stimulus nionev to the effort natic,imide. But on Juh-6.the Federal Housing Finance Agency said that PACE loans presented"unusual and difficult rill: management challenges"for lenders,sericers and mortgage securities investors in a"fragile housing finance market." The decision effectively suspended man-,-PACE efforts across the countl7-.That's because Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac either own or guarantee about 11,11f of all U.S. mortgage.. Calling the inovea"regulator v strangulation of the states grass-roots progralu." Broivn alle-edinthesuit that the federal goverm-nent lead inischaracterized PACE fiends as"loans.'instead of"assessments"and improperly portrayed the prograin as 6olating Fannie-Mae,and Freddie lAac's standard lending procedures. The stakes are high,said Brwwn,who is the Democratic gubernatorial nominee for the fall election California could stand to loge more than s'loo million in federal stimulus money.he said. He said San Diego's idle PACE program.for example.has left more than loo newly trained 1vorkers i%ithout jobs virile clean-ener.g-,- coinpanies around the state are facing layoffs. Michael R. Pee-,--t.president of the California Public Utilities Commission.and CommissionerDian-M.Gi-ueneich sent letters to top Ob aniaadministration officials.including TreasurY Secretiry Timothy F.Gieithner.lamenting that more than S450 million in retrofit projects were in limbo in more than_­oo communities acros S the state. Thousands of local construction jobs and other positions are now at risk,as are other-state enerng-efficiency and lot income programs that had been molded to work�,ith PACE,the officials said, 23 ITEM NUMBER: C - 1 DATE: 09/28/10 Attachment 3: CaliforniaFIRST Project description I .SG � ✓�.' ,3 0 i...�.:.,..J , F a-an Luis Obispo County, ` together ,,Jth the ities of Arroyo Grande,G,-over Beach. San Luis Cb sp,-,., Atascaaeic,Morro Ba,., �• a-id Paso Robles:are offering'lie alifomiaRIRST Pru wino'rzc to local residents glsaiify for financing of energy in proven�ent W, pro,erns,Over thr next _ K1,MI z rnoriths we will bea�, � ar � r a .f FAQ" a INs p-owiding additiz)nal information to to al 3 contractors,1'io°21efJ .T7 r?'a z' r and business 4' r.eS. YOU : v car,sign up for updates ori local e per's b;yank to r California Fl RST.org. za San Luis Obispo County a-id the:articipating Cities s e connmitfed to reducing , AV- Cir€oca greenhouse gas e liissions :nd.supportinC job Cfeaioil'Nithli'.our �' i-� ..� �� �,.� conimunit,Acritical step '°� aw / Gini j ':� � �'/ k � � %a�/�./ 7 Sr r� iiia ,� p1 � � a�4m`'� 3 333 i/Y/ '/G, /i �1�`' �� t 3i �✓" �.,�fr Y�1^ to achieving these thGals is � � SX 3. �i to pruVlL7e.this tlt"lal1CIC"Ig / 9 9��y, � tlocal i. L�,� i2gd� �.✓rG vi 3 ,v,3� nig„i33 9G' �9Af �� fyrag £! toc: or to al residents t0 ws a� � � �i�” r s �as / el Air r 'b green their grope ties. � t9 � ,�an Luis Obispo Oount, Department of Planning and Building -� r'%���rf%�`°: " �,�_."• x,76 Osos Street >� x San Luis Obispo. CA �,2-1 x� aye. ta, x a �3 -r's_� �fi'•F ' Energy PrograrC Coordinator 24 ITEM NUMBER: C - 1 DATE: 09/W O 3 y coed 'aY� cu ,�`4„ i.�a� ,�. �.• iu�<�r11',��r-'Y��a�`,� i-low mum Ca a la"lev"aat ,acre sass Ea;th Da-,__ntsaR and x.t'srnn ,arcial t+3ul&= 3,.a "s anti els r,04 Ata_ a„e o Lase Pa? (N aHQ k"tlu°3'x`owart. Each horn(, as 3f(!Bret+t z, d hunwownr;rs „r. 1 -'010 1C,;-4 will need to c lculme thAr eane;rM, and}aolential sawing,,With bo,!sic EiigtE'iir WQ.tF rncitid e n*nqy efficiency efficiency most Domes can � �Szw Luis,0bispa an,A aril and rcr�r<uva�,!>r,,r.t,.,r4g}+txc�j,.=ct..,.,.rcl3,at c.rfiu ea cirn�r<l+l u_, by at 24 at ,i..son Plaza from kak waikM tri abig sy wrn' 3ra,.Wation, vvilich couit",savf"t ac,nwovvatr_ars moria"Y 11 -_ solea 5 lama PAWN incl Was wMer hnnae diaWly, he atels. 7'FL ra ip-, i,,.�„�+: 5 p.,m'B;t slope anningcrC7 frcarar„rty ov.+r7 errs can c,hora.t,rai lib/ .1':!C'3cClll9nlu!'!It(85.CJ1'g cons inierenerg center.org The size of you! lxrop tty tax n c r ase umumtom on have MM On faro r arra a C.aliforr:iaFIRS€.org depends ds on the arno in+ You I rarr0w.Icor IJUIlifi(;alibHS.A hSt Of eFt,Ji tar �rtruttrnrs an 7tie;ragfi>,neglyezrt ancy ir..m hi of .will i. aay.aiwwoo on OWwe"it'.p6or is S9100,you could pay about S&`nwntK p Waon Fw-hovi nim” have c pny the ,,ddeo sire C:.:a1i(csrniaFl l`ai`g'rpctr-arra is not The asuQssmant payment period nrarctws Ys noaspog:al:a{ahc ations_ViQ t:Ita Shea:df rv>>'(cil (ire c,i 1#gra,1rr)i cl:.� for ctls to vv+.bite at Califc ar,iAI(iSTar for more 20 yr;wT Maw furnaces, I'm m anipic,, mfoi nwtion anis w syn up No ;=rograrn nave u 2C yr.v srearr.,inly 'A'Arrunties too updates, water hcatcfs rn ghit be 10 yea r:,or less. .'he r S"'A,J if Tfiepopt,'fty i,sold of trans t+ rr tl,t4a F: tax ,Piyrnrn! obligation will�.rn�raally�c asmn d by On now rrw"er. I 25 ITEM NUMBER: C - 1 DATE: 09/28/10 Attachment 4: Atascadero Clean Energy Program description ,woo k 41 E :3 a ti c 71 Lu LL Lu y' L -- LI) (G .J - '- K( O `.`' C7 n CL — r LL U. t� C] rc 1, w a t > s E E c 04 �f* " s r v L - OWN OF . C Q a FZ v uj a Lu c ,W� .W. _ UA U 211 CL 1 N 1 `� D o LL C7 of .c T K< ai v Y m Q 6 r u, tD r h .mmom 1�"SA`.h w 'Y W a J C W gl u Ti i'.; c bf T 0 N — «, n.. ..I 26 z, SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Atascadero City Council Atascadero Parks & Recreation Commission Bicycle Transportation Plan Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Special Meeting follows the conclusion of the City Council Regular Meeting scheduled for 6:00 P.M. City Hall, Council Chambers 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, California AGENDA JOINT MEETING -- CITY COUNCIL AND PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION ROLL CALL: City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission OATH OF OFFICE: Newly appointed Parks and Recreation Commissioner, Mark Dariz, will be sworn in by City Clerk Marcia Torgerson PRESENTATION: Parks and Recreation Update 1 1. Bicycle Transportation Plan ■ Fiscal Impact: Plan development costs have been absorbed by the Community Services, Public Works and Community Development Departments. Capital Improvement costs and other costs indicated in the Bike Plan are not funded nor budgeted. The plan is not a spending initiative, and does not require the City to build any of the projects identified in the plan. The Bike Plan is a planning document that will allow the City to be eligible for a number of State and Federal funding opportunities. The City's ability to obtain grants and other outside funding sources is directly linked to having an adopted Bicycle Transportation Plan. ■ Recommendation: Council and Parks and Recreation Commission review and comment on the Draft Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan and provide direction as necessary. [Community Services] PUBLIC COMMENT: Members of the public may address the legislative bodies concerning the subject of this Special Joint Meeting, limited to three (3) minutes each. ADJOURNMENT: The City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission will adjourn to their next regularly scheduled meetings. Please note: Should anyone challenge any proposed development entitlement listed on this Agenda in court, that person may be limited to raising those issues addressed at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City Council at or prior to this public hearing. Correspondence submitted at this public hearing will be distributed to the Council and available for review in the City Clerk's office. I, Victoria Randall, Deputy City Clerk of the City of Atascadero, declare under the penalty of perjury that the foregoing agenda for the September 28, 2010 Special Joint Meeting of the Atascadero City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission was posted on September 21, 2010 at the Atascadero City Hall, 6907 EI Camino Real, Atascadero, CA 93422 and was available for public review in the Customer Service Center at that location. Signed this 21St day of September 2010, at Atascadero, California. Victoria Randall, Deputy City Clerk City of Atascadero 2 ITEM NUMBER: 1 DATE: 09/28/10 7 1979 �A�SCAn'�oi% Atascadero City Council Staff Report- Community Services Department Bicycle Transportation Pian RECOMMENDATION: City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission review and comment on the Draft Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Pian and provide direction as necessary. DISCUSSION: A "bike plan" is a formal planning document that works in coordination with the City's General Plan circulation, land use, and safety elements. It identifies policies that will aid in the continued development of a safer and more comprehensive bicycle system and provides the guidance necessary to continue to improve infrastructure, the economic environment and health of the community. Enhancing safety for cyclists is the most effective way to encourage citizens to use bicycles for transportation. The plan accounts for connections with other communities outside City boundaries as well. Additionally, a comprehensive and approved bike plan will enable the City to access major State and Federal funding for infrastructure grants. While preparation of a city-wide Bicycle Transportation Plan has not been budgeted for FY 10/11, the City Council identified preparation of a bike plan a goal in their strategic planning sessions. Therefore, City staff has been in the process of preparing the plan in-house, and with a team of dedicated volunteers. The Bike Plan Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) consists of: Dan Rivoire, San Luis Obispo Bicycle Coalition Geiska Baker, SLOCOG Callie Taylor, City of Atascadero David Athey, City of Atascadero Mike Zappas, Volunteer Len Colamarino, Volunteer Doug Marks, Volunteer Bill Wachtel, Parks and Recreation Commissioner Tom Zirk, Parks and Recreation Commissioner Jennifer Fanning, City of Atascadero Brady Cherry, City of Atascadero 3 The environmental review period is now open with a Negative Declaration for the plan having been prepared by the Community Development Department. Staff has prepared a PowerPoint presentation which will outline the specific pI n features, as well as identify priority projects to guide the City for the next 5 — 15 years. FISCAL IMPACT: Plan development costs have been absorbed by the Community Services, Public Works and Community Development Departments. Capital Improvement costs and other costs indicated in the Bike Plan are not funded nor budgeted. The plan is not a spending initiative, and does not require the City to build any of the projects identified in the plan. The Bike Plan is a planning document that will allow the City to be eligible for a number of State and Federal funding opportunities. The City's ability to obtain grants and other outside funding sources is directly linked to having an adopted Bicycle T ransportation Plan. ATTACHMENT: Attachment A — Draft Bicycle Transportation Plan 4 Attachment A jl j � �� FJ111 �: � 1 ravnacu � E� � uur��urca, x99 t I ascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan Pedaling from 2010 to 2025 I 5 Acknowledgements Atascadero City Council: Mayor Roberta Fonzi Mayor Pro-Tem Tom O'Malley Council Members Ellen Beraud Jerry Clay Bob Kelley Additional Thanks to: Atascadero Parks and Recreation Commission David Athey, City of Atascadero Brady Cherry, City of Atascadero Callie Taylor, City of Atascadero Luke Knight, City of Atascadero Jennifer Fanning, City of Atascadero Len Colamarino Doug Marks Mike Zappas Geiska Velasquez, SLO Council of Governments Dan Rivoire, San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 6 Contents 1. Pian Description .................................................................................. 4 Purpose ........................................................................................................ 4 Background .................................................................................................. 4 Advantages .......................................................................................... 6 Recommendations ....................................................................................... 6 2. Infrastructure ...................................................................................... 7 Existing Infrastructure .................................................................................. 7 Proposed Improvements .............................................................................10 ShortTerm ............................................................................................................... 11 LongTerm ................................................................................................................ 11 4. Policies .............................................................................................. 14 NewDevelopment ...................................................................................... 14 Maintenance .............................................................................................. 15 Educationand Safety .................................................................................. 16 PlanUpdates .............................................................................................. 17 1. Plan Development ............................................................................. 17 Outreach .................................................................................................... 17 Relationships to Other Plans ........................................................................18 Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 2 7 Appendices Appendix 1: BTA Requirements ...................................................................... 20 Appendix 2: Land Use, Zoning, and Community Destinations ......................... 21 Appendix 3: Funding Sources ......................................................................... 25 Appendix 4: Bicycle and Pedestrian Commuter Estimates .............................. 29 Appendix 5: Bicycle Related Crash Statistics ................................................... 30 Appendix 6: Bicycle Facilities .......................................................................... 31 Appendix 7: Bike Parking Programs ................................................................ 39 Appendix 8: Bicycle Safety Workshops ........................................................... 42 Tables Table 1: Existing Infrastructure and Associated Costs ....................................... 8 Table 1.1: Existing Bicycle Parking and Changing Facilities ................................ 9 Table 2: Proposed Infrastructure and Associated Costs .................................. 11 Table 3: Community Destinations .................................................................. 22 Table 4: Means of Transportation to Work ..................................................... 29 Figures Figure 1• Existing and Proposed Facilities 12 Figure 1.1: Facilities with Bicycle Parking and Changing Facilities ................... 13 Figure 2: Community Destinations ................................................................. 21 Figure 3: City of Atascadero Land Use Diagram ............................................... 23 Figure 4: City of Atascadero Zoning Diagram .................................................. 24 Figure 5: Bike Collision Map ........................................................................... 30 Figure 6: Class I Bikeway Specifications .......................................................... 31 Figure 7: Class II Bikeway Specifications ......................................................... 32 Figure 8: Class 111 Bikeway Specifications ........................................................ 33 Figure 9: Sharrow Symbols ............................................................................. 34 Figure 10: Bike Loop Specifications ................................................................. 35 Figure 11: Examples of Channelization ........................................................... 36 Figure 12: Examples of Channelization ........................................................... 37 Figure 13: Examples of Channelization ........................................................... 38 Figure 14: Bike Boxes ..................................................................................... 39 Figure15: Peak Rack ...................................................................................... 39 Figure16: U Rack ........................................................................................... 40 Figure 17: Bike Lockers and Cages .................................................................. 40 Figure18: Bike Station ................................................................................... 41 Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 3 1. Plan Description This section of the Bicycle Transportation Plan contains the information necessary for decision makers and citizens to understand its scope, intent, and impacts. Those seeking specific detail regarding Plan projects, policies, and development, may refer to sections 2, 3, and 4, respectively. Purpose The purpose of this Plan is to provide a blueprint for the development of a comprehensive bicycling system that facilitates bicycle transportation by community members, from children to seniors, both within the city of Atascadero, and to and from neighboring cities. The Plan also aims at enhancing opportunities for recreational bicycling, with the dual goals of encouraging recreational cycling by residents and making Atascadero an attractive destination for tourists. Adoption of the Bicycle Transportation Plan demonstrates that the City of Atascadero is committed to bicycle transportation and will make the City eligible for various federal, state and regional grants in connection cycling related projects. Beyond that, adoption of this Plan will be an important first step in establishing Atascadero as a Bicycle Friendly Community and obtaining recognition as a place where bicyclists are welcome and safe on the roads. The Bicycle Transportation Plan is not a spending initiative or program of projects. Plan approval does not require the City of Atascadero to develop or fund projects or policies included in the Plan. Background The growing interest in bicycle riding throughout the United States is evident almost everywhere. Local and national efforts such as new bike specific development plans, bicycle infrastructure, encouragement activities, Safe Routes to Schools program, and the emergence of powerful regional bike organizations indicate a transition in Americans' attitude towards cycling for transportation and recreation. The City of Atascadero is well aware of this phenomenon and, by this Plan, is continuing the process of positioning itself to participate in it and to take advantage of Atascadero's unique suitability for bicycling. The Bicycle Transportation Plan has been created through the diligent efforts of the Atascadero Parks and Recreation Commission, the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments, the San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition and citizens interested in improving the bicycling environment in Atascadero. Without the sustained efforts of the involved organizations and citizens, this Plan could not have been developed (section 4). Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 4 9 Atascadero stands poised to make major gains in increasing bicycle use, thanks to several factors: First, Atascadero already has many attributes of a bicycle-friendly community. These include being a smaller sized community with a mild climate and diverse topography, as well as having a population interested in health, environment, and livable neighborhoods. Also, recreational bicycling in and around Atascadero is already popular, which has significantly increased local bicycle ridership and the population's interest in expanding it further. Second, there is a history of good cycling and bikeway planning in neighboring cities and in San Luis Obispo County. Increasing support from the surrounding community is evidenced by the approval of bicycle master plans on the County level and in the cities of San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay, Arroyo Grande, and Paso Robles. Bicycle master plans are also currently in development in every jurisdiction in San Luis Obispo County. As more residents cycle for recreation, more commute by bicycle as well. Consequently, more community members than ever are advocating for improved bicycling conditions throughout the County. In Atascadero, and other communities in the County, residents are expressing a desire for more miles of safe bicycle lanes, bicycle boulevards, marked bike routes and off-street paths, along with more bicycle parking, and improved maintenance of existing facilities—all for the purpose of minimizing dangers for cyclists and encouraging more bicycle riding. Third, there is a political consensus favoring the encouragement of bicycling, which translates in availability of considerable funding opportunities available for bicycle transportation improvements. This is true on the state level, thanks to the 1994 California Bicycle Transportation Act, the establishment of the state Bicycle Transportation Account in 1997, the 2002 Blueprint for Bicycling and Walking, and the 2007 Complete Streets Act. Federal funding opportunities are also available, by reason of the following: • 1990 Clean Air Act, • 1991 Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA), • 1991 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Improvement Program, • 1993 Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Recreational Trails Program (RTP), • 1998 Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA21), • 2005 Safe Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: a Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU), All of the laws and programs mentioned above call for renewed commitment to bicycle travel. Already, these laws and programs are delivering over a billion dollars in bicycle, Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 5 10 trail and pedestrian projects nationwide, and thousands of miles in new bicycle lanes, sidewalks, multi-use trails and other non-motorized enhancements. Eligibility for state and federal active transportation grant programs depends on having an approved Bicycle Transportation Plan. For example: the City of Atascadero is currently ineligible for any of the $7.2 million allocated annually by the State of California's Bicycle Transportation Account, while neighboring cities with bike plans continue to get funds to provide improvements to their infrastructure. From the Bicycle Transportation Account alone, $64.8 million in funds have been allocated to cities throughout California since 2001. Advantages Growing demand for cycling facilities, maintaining its unique small-town rural character, the importance of promoting energy-efficient, non-polluting forms of transportation and establishing ALascadero as a destination for active, outdoor-oriented tourists are four important reasons for adopting a Bicycle Transportation Plan. Additionally, encouraging bicycling and walking as transportation will help obviate increasing motor vehicle traffic problems in Atascadero. This Bicycle Plan can additionally enhance the enjoyment and quality of life for the residents of Atascadero. Since walking and bicycling are some of the most popular forms of recreational activity in the United States (with 84% walking and 46% of Americans bicycling for pleasure), it can be extrapolated that at least 21,000 residents in Atascadero will occasionally walk, and close to 11,500 will bicycle, purely for pleasure. Last, but certainly not least, is the matter of safety. Improving safety for cyclists is the single most effective way to encourage people to use bicycles for transportation and recreation. Addressing concerns about safety through physical and program improvements is another major advantage of the Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan. Recommendations There are two distinct types of recommendations in the Plan: infrastructure (section 2) and Policies (section 3). Infrastructure improvements such as new bikeways or walkways are broken down between short/mid-term (1 to 5 years) and long-term (5 to 15 years). These projects are designed and packaged to be feasible and competitive for external funding sources. Policy recommendations include safety education programs, tourism marketing and guidelines for maintenance and upgrades. Implementing recommendations from the Plan will help establish Atascadero as a model community for bicycling and walking in the United States. The public has cited concerns about safety, livability, and traffic congestion of our towns and cities as the primary Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 6 impetus to implement a Plan. Along with adult commuters and recreational riders, two other groups have been identified as important beneficiaries of the Plan: senior citizens and school children. 2. Infrastructure The intention of a projects section of the plan is to provide an inventory of current bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure throughout Atascadero and propose specific new projects that, when completed, will facilitate active transportation and recreation. All future physical projects included in the Plan are broken into two primary categories: short-term (1 to 5 years) and long-term (5 to 15 years). The majority of physical projects proposed in the Plan will fall into one of three major categories of bicycle infrastructure. Each has its pros and cons, addresses the concerns of different demographics, and will promote biking in a different manner. Additional improvements to bicycle parking are also included in the projects section of the Plan. Class I Bike Path Class I. Variously called a bike path or multi- _ use trail. Provides for bicycle travel on a paved right of way completely separated from upH1CLE5 Mor;nizeo any street or highway. A�m..a.tl 14,4 Class I!Bike Lane Class II. Referred to as a bike lane. Provides a striped and stenciled lane outside the motor I OND I BME UNf tl vehicle lanes for one-way bike travel along a street or highway. Class III. Referred to as a bike route. Provides Class III Bike Route for shared use by bicycles with motor vehicles +",'o or pedestrians and is identified only by signing and stenciling. Existing Infrastructure Atascadero has already shown certain leadership in encouraging healthy active transportation choices. Infrastructure projects such as share-the-road signs, bike lanes, multi-use paths, and sidewalks exist in various locations throughout the City with special attention paid to providing safe routes to schools, destinations, and the downtown area (as indicated in Figure 3). Most projects have been funded through grants from the Transportation Enhancements program, Safe Routes to School program and the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments. Completed projects are listed in the table and figure below (Table 1, Figure 1). Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 7 12 Table 1 Existing Infrastructure and Associated Costs Table 1 Recently Completed Projects That Include New Bicycle Facilities Approx. Segment From o Type of Improvement Length (mi) Year Cost* Along the Salinas Class II Bikeway&Multi-Use River& Union north eastern Trail Prior to De Anza Trail Pacific Railroad Atascadero 3.5 2000 Class I Bikeway& Multi-Use Chalk Mountain Trail Prior to Jim Green Trail Golf Course Loop 1.3 2000 southern city Santa Barbara Prior to EI Camino Real limit Road Class II Bike Lane Segment 2.0 2000 State Highway Prior to EI Camino Real San Diego Road 41 Class II Bike Lane Segment 2.3 2000 San Jacinto San Anselmo Prior to EI Camino Real Avenue Avenue Class II Bike Lane Segment 0.3 2000 Union Pacific Olmeda Avenue/Railroad south Prior to Traffic Way Downtown of San Jacinto Class II Bike Lane 1.1 2000 Capistrano Union Pacific Prior to Avenue Railroad Downtown Class II Bike Lane 0.5 2000 Railroad Bridge EI Camino Real North ECR North ECR Constructed New Bridge 0.1 2005 Graves Creek North Bridge North Ferrocarril Ferrocarril Constructed New Bridge 0.1 2005 Santa Barbara EI Camino Real San Diego Road Road New Bike Lanes 0.5 2007 1,100,000 Constructed New Bridge with Lewis Ave Bridge East Mall Capistrano Bike Lanes and signage. 0.1 2007 $4,000,000 Added Class II Bike Lane Traffic Way Entrada Via Road Striping and Signage 0.5 2007 $600,000 Added Class II Bike Lane Traffic Way Palma North Palma South Striping and Signage 0.1 2007 $1,000,000 EI Camino Real Rosario State Route 41 Added Class II Bike Lane 0.6 2009 $1,000,000 Added Class II Bike Lane San Andres Road Navajo Road San Marcos Striping 0.3 2009 $1,000,000 Added Class II Bike Lane Striping, Widened Shoulder, Santa Rosa Road US 101 Atascadero Installed Signage. 0.3 2010 $ 550,000 Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 8 13 Table 1.1 Existing Bicycle Parking and Changing Facilities Table 1.1 Existing Bicycle Parking and Changing Facilities Location Building/`Use Type Type of Bicycle Facility Sunken gardens Public Park Bike Racks Zoo Public Facility Bike Racks Traffic Way Street/Intersection Bike Racks Paloma Creek Park Public Park and Sports Fields Bike Racks Pavilion Public Facility Bike Racks Lake Park Public Park Bike Racks Alvord Field Public Sports Fields Bike Racks Atascadero Library Public Facility Bike Racks City Hall Public Facility Bike Racks San Benito Elementary School Bike Racks San Gabriel Elementary Santa Rosa Elementary Monterey Rd Elementary Atascadero Junior High School Bike Racks, Restrooms&Showers, Changing Facilities Atascadero High School School Bike Racks, Restrooms&Showers, Changing Facilities Chalk Mountain Community School School Bike Racks Del Rio Continuation School School Bike Racks Colony Park Community Center Public Facility Bike Racks, Restrooms, Changing Facilities San Luis Park and Ride park and ride lot Bike Lockers (next to the freeway at Curbaril) Santa Barbara Park And Ride. park and ride lot Bike Lockers Rite Aid Retail Shopping Bike Racks Tastee Freeze Restaurant/Fast Food Bike Racks Jack in the Box Carl's Jr. K-man Retail (Bike Shop) Bike Racks Colony Square Movie Theater& Retail/ Bike Racks Restaurant Kennedy Fitness Private Gym Bike Racks, Restrooms&Showers, Changing Facilities Champions Private Gym Bike Racks, Restrooms&Showers, Changing Facilities Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 g 14 Proposed Improvements p p Infrastructure projects that would increase safety and access for transportation and recreational bicycle use are outlined in this subsection. Proposed improvements have been identified through community feedback at public workshops, via email and direct communication. Additional feedback from City Staff has helped identify gaps in current infrastructure and ensure that improvements are aligned with Atascadero community values and development priorities. Short-term, 1 to 5 years (Table 2.1), and Long-term, 5 to 15 years (Table 2.2), timelines break all projects in two major categories of priority. Short-term projects are those of high priority, which could be pursued immediately, and are likely to receive grant funding. Long-term projects are often associated with community expansion, future improvements to bikeway connectivity, and often require greater regional funding coordination. Streets and Highways Code Section 831.2 requires project prioritization for bike projects. All projects have been ranked, but ranking does not strictly dictate the order of construction. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 10 15 Table 2.1, 2.2 Proposed Infrastructure and Related Costs Table 2.1 Proposed Short-term improvements and AssociatedCosts Caltrans Approximate Segment From TO Classification Length(mi) Year Cost State Route 41 Striping and Eastern City $200- Signage* Western City Limits Limits Class II 6.0 1-5 612,000 EI Camino Real Class II Bike Northern City Southern City Lane Gap Closure Projects Limits Limits Class II 1.1 1-5 $2-700,000 Designated Bike Route Beginning of Bike End of Bike $200- Signage/Striping Routes Routes Class 1-III 20 1-5 1,000,000 End of EI Camino Real EI Camino Real City Limits Class 1 .5 1-5 1,000,000 North Safe Routes to School Projects Collectors/Arterials Schools Class I-III 6 1-5 $1,000,000 *Will require Caltrans Approval Table 2.2 Proposed Long-term Improvements and Associated Costs Caltrans Approx. Length Segment From To Classification (mi) Year Cost UP RR/Sycamore Rd. San Gabriel Road Trail generally follows path of creek,but will Unclassified Atascadero Creek be on public streets where necessary Multi-Use 2.7 1-10 $357,000 Stadium Park Connector Atascadero Creek StadiumPark Class I/Multi-Use 0.3 1-10 173,000 Atascadero Lake Atascadero Lake Trail Atascadero Lake (loop) Class I/Multi-Use 1.0 1-10 $71,400 Atascadero Road State Route 41 Santa Rosa Road Class 11 3.5 1-10 $262,500 Curbaril ROW— (Multi Use non-vehicular Rocky Canyon Bridge over Salinas River) Sycamore Road Class 1 0.2 1-15 1,000,000 Via Road Traffic Way Capistrano Class 11 1 1-15 500,000 Pacific Union Railroad (RWT) San Jacinto Avenue City Limits Class I/Multi-Use 2.5 1-15 $1,700,000 Pacific Union Railroad (RWT) De Anza Trail Loop Curbaril Avenue Class I/Multi-Use 1.1 1-15 $680,000 Safe Routes to School Projects (Continuation of Projects) Collectors/Arterials Schools Class 1-111 6-10 1-15 2,000,000 Cerro Alto Cuesta Ridge Trail State Route 41/ Campground & Unclassified Connection Eagle Ranch Cuesta Ridge Trail Multi-Use 1-15 Atascadero Road &Cuesta Ridge Eagle Ranch Trail San Rafael Road trail connection Class 1 1-15 Eagle Ranch/101 Eagle Ranch & Highway 101 Connection Atascadero Road underpass Class 1 1-15 Santa Rita Creek Bridge EI Camino City Limits Class 1 1-15 Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 11 16 Figure 1 Existing and Proposed Facilities �7 a c _�Vy. S' •. C5 a a P q ' eS � , t�UCs irQ�fl p • a4 d 6 AP m'yj f v > a � h tl1 m m r CITY �. ATASCADERO 13 A ; 1 i o Bike Routes Map Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 12 17 Figure 1.1 Existing and Proposed Facilities with Bicycle Parking and Changing Facilities k 14 9 E i' i , a Y F I _ Q�c4 v adlltl'n T � 9 u rQ D i n! 5: SSS q 8�.«,.,. '"•" A i 74E �C j So � S.e,'NO)"AaY 7 r CITY of ATAsCADERO a' r I m Facilities Map k j b f/5 Y f Y .3N r1 ;yi``, Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 13 18 3. Policies The overall goal of the Bicycle Transportation Plan is to make bicycling a safe and convenient alternative to driving. The policies listed below will ensure that the City continue to: • Increase safety and livability • Reduce bicyclist accidents • Mitigate traffic and parking congestion • Facilitate affordable mobility • Attract tourists • Encourage healthy transportation choices. Specifically, each policy will provide the City with a blueprint to aid in the development of a comprehensive bicycle system that facilitates active transportation by community members, from children to seniors, both within the city of Atascadero, and to and from neighboring cities. New Development Policies P1: The City shall update the Engineering Standard Specification to include bikeway improvement standards for streets and Class I pathways including surface materials, signage and striping. P2 New development projects that construct, reconstruct, or reconfigure existing roadways shall, provide bikeways as prioritized and illustrated on the Fiqure 1, wherever feasible. P3: Whenever new development is adjacent to a school, community center, or commercial center, development shall include a Class I pathways to the center/school/facility. P4: The City shall take full advantage of current regional, State, and Federal bicycle and pedestrian grant funding programs for bikeway projects. P5: The Municipal Code shall be updated to require bike racks for short term and long term bicycle parking for all commercial and multifamily residential uses with a parking ratio consistent with the California Green Building Code. P6: Parking lots, park and ride lots, and transit centers should, when feasible, provide bicycle parking for commuters. The City should work with SLOCOG and RTA to identify funds for bicycle parking. P7: The City shall work with local schools to establish enough bike parking to Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 14 19 accommodate at least 10% of the student/staff population. P8: All future annexations shall be consistent with this plan. Review of Bicycle/ Pedestrian opportunities should be considered in City review of annexation areas. P9: The Bike Plan shall be consulted when assembling and updating the Capital Improvement program. P10: The City shall eliminate gaps in bicycle routes and prioritize route continuity. P11: Local bikeway and trail projects shall be coordinated with regional projects whenever possible. P12: The City shall seek funding and coordinate with other agencies, such as SLOCOG, San Luis Obispo County and Caltrans, to establish a bicycle route connection from Atascadero to Templeton along the Salinas River. P13: The City should encourage new development to include facilities for changing and storing clothes and equipment to encourage bicycle commuting. P14: Enhance bicycle access and travel within the Downtown. Maintenance P15: All Class I, II, and III bikeways shall be constructed and maintained according to guidelines described in Appendix 6 including pavement, sign, striping and stencil upkeep, channelization at intersections that have left or right-turn lanes crossing Class II bikeways, bicycle detection systems at signals, bicycle friendly drainage grates and more. P16: The City shall ensure street sweeping maintenance is extended to include bike lanes, such that bike facilities are maintained along with the travel lanes. Bicycle and pedestrian pathways should be maintained as part of the City row maintenance efforts. - The City should encourage local cycling and service groups to aid in maintenance or bicycle and pedestrian facilities. - An "adopt a trail/lane" program could be implemented to provide recognition for all maintenance related community service efforts. - If necessary, trail maintenance programs administration may be contracted to a local organization or bicycle advocacy group. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 15 20 Education and Safety P17: The City shall install directional signage to assist community members in their effort to find streets with bicycle facilities or identify locations where there is a change in the type of facility (e.g. where a Class I ends at an intersection and a Class II start on the other side, signage shall indicate to user what courses of action are available to them). P18: The City should consider the establishment of a Rack for Plaques program where community members donate funds for the purchase of specific bike parking racks in designated locations in exchange for special recognition on those racks to assist in meeting bike parking requirements. P19: All community events where over 500 attendees are expected shall provide bike parking for at least 10% of the expected turnout. - Temporary bike parking can typically be contracted to an outside organization. Ex: Bike Valet services may be hired the San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition (SLOCBC) at a minimal cost to the event organizers. P20: The City shall work with SLO Regional Rideshare to provide Transportation Choices Programs to City employees. P21: The City should encourage safer cycling through Bicycle Education Workshops. The SLOCBC currently teaches a two part series of workshops to teach adults safe bicycle riding, provides one hour lunchtime sessions to businesses, schools and more. The School District shall be encouraged to provide bike and pedestrian safety programs at schools within City limits. The City may participate in bike rodeos or assemblies, organized walk/bike to school day events, and Safe Routes to School Activates. Collaboration with SLO Regional Rideshare, SLOCOG Safe Routes to School, SLOCBC, PTA and other organizations should be conducted to locate additional grant funding and volunteer support. P22: The City should require Bicycle Confidence Workshops (offered by SLOCBC) or another equivalent program, to all people ticketed for bicycling illegally. P23: The City should promote proper cycling to tourists by providing safe cycling information on the Conference and Visitors Bureau website and at the Chamber of Commerce Building downtown. P24: The City may work collaboratively with others to support events and programs (ex: SLO Bike Club, The Wellness Community, USA Cycling, Amgen Tour of California, American Hiking Society National Trail day) promoting biking, walking, bicycle racing, and bicycle tourism in Atascadero. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 16 21 Plan Updates P25: The Bicycle Transportation Plan shall be updated every five years. - A stakeholder group shall be established to assist City staff with the effort of updating Plan content and facilitating public input. P26: Plan update shall maximize coordination between local and regional municipalities, community organizations and the general public to include and evaluate all issues of mutual concern. P27: The City Public Works department shall regularly monitor bicycle related accident levels, and seek a significant reduction on a per capita basis over the next twenty years. P28: The Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan shall be consistent with regional plans such as the Regional Transportation Plan (2005), and local plans such as County Bikeways Plan prepared by the San Luis County Engineering Department (2005). 4. Plan Development Atascadero's Bicycle Transportation Plan has been developed during spring and summer of 2010 under the guidance of the Atascadero Parks and Recreation Commission, assisted by the Public Works department, Community Development department, and local citizens interested in increasing active transportation opportunities in Atascadero. Outreach A stakeholder group of local citizens have worked to update Atascadero's 2000 Bicycle Transportation plan with the goal of having the improved plan approved by the end of 2010. Special guidance regarding potential political hurdles, cycling encouragement programs, and infrastructure ideas has been provided by the San Luis Obispo County Bicycle Coalition. In May of 2010 the Parks and Recreation Commission, with assistance from the SLO County Bicycle Coalition, conducted a public workshop to better understand current demand for a Bike Plan, discuss its potential benefits, and receive input regarding specific projects and policies Atascadero residents care about most. Over 20 participants were present at the pubic workshop. After the workshop, the stakeholder group began moving forward with updating the content of the plan and integrating ideas for improved bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 17 22 A public hearing conducted on September 28th at a joint meeting of the Atascadero City Council and the Parks and Recreation Commission provided additional opportunities for public feedback before the completion of a Final Draft of the Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan. Relationships to Other Plans As an Element of the General Plan, the Bicycle Transportation Plan has the comprehensive scope and jurisdictional authority required to coordinate and guide the provision of all bicycle related programs, projects and facilities affecting the City of Atascadero. While many current planning efforts provide recommendations regarding one element or aspect of the bicycle networks; the task of the Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan is to ensure compatibility of all of these blueprints, while attending to planning for areas of the City not already targeted by other studies. The studies or planning efforts listed below have been reviewed and consulted, studied for consistency, and where appropriate, folded into Atascadero's Bicycle Transportation Plan: City of Atascadero General Plan (2002) The 2002 update of the General Plan addresses the planning and design of bicycle facilities in Atascadero. It makes specific recommendations meant to improve cycling conditions throughout Atascadero. Recommendations include: (a) a comprehensive network of on and off road bike routes to encourage the use of bikes for commute, recreational and other trips, (b) provide trailheads to improve access to the Salinas River and historic De Anza Trail. San Luis Obispo County Bikeways Plan (2005) The San Luis Obispo County Bikeways Plan provides the blueprint for developing a bikeway system that includes both on and off street facilities as well as support facilities and programs throughout the unincorporated County. The Plan compliments bikeway plans prepared by other jurisdictions by identifying key connections to existing or planned bikeway facilities in these jurisdictions. San Luis Obispo County Regional Transportation Plan (2005) The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) developed by the San Luis Obispo County Council of Governments (SLOCOG) outlines the vision for transportation in SLO County through the year 2025. Various goals in the RTP include bicycle and pedestrian improvements and direct communities to: create and maintain a comprehensive interconnected, inter-county bikeway, trail and pedestrian system; pursue plans to develop multi-use and Class I bikeways along appropriate costal frontages, and other major recreational areas using utility, rail, and roadway Rights-of-Way and abandoned Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 18 23 railroad right-of-way throughout the region; encourage the development of Class I Bikeways that travel through or connect to scenic areas or other recreation destinations; encourage the development of boardwalks, recreation and multi use trails, which travel through or connect scenic areas or other destinations to promote walking and equestrian travel where appropriate; and encourage new development proposals to include bike racks, lockers, showers, Bike and Ride stops and safe interconnected pedestrian paths San Luis Obispo County Clean Air Plan (2001) The SLO County Air Pollution Control District's Clean Air Plan recommends several methods and options to reduce air pollution associated with vehicle miles traveled such as: Voluntary Commute Options Program, City Transit Improvements, Regional Transit, Bicycling and Bikeway Enhancements, and Park and Ride Lots. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 19 24 Appendices Appendix 1:BTA requirements To be eligible for Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA)funds, a city or county must prepare and adopt a Bicycle Transportation Plan (BTP) that addresses items A-K in Streets and Highways Code Section 891.2. Below is the list of requirements, along with the page number on which the requirement is met. Requirement and Location A. The estimated number of existing bicycle commuters in the plan area and the estimated increase in the number of bicycle commuters resulting from implementation of the plan(p.40). B. A map and description of existing and proposed land use and settlement patterns,which shall include, but not be limited to, locations of residential neighborhoods,schools,shopping centers,public buildings,and major employment centers(p.21,22,23). C. A map and description of existing and proposed bikeways(p.12). D. A map and description of existing and proposed end-of-trip bicycle parking facilities.These shall include,but not be limited to, parking at schools,shopping centers,public buildings,and major employment centers(p.12). E. A map and description of existing and proposed bicycle transport and parking facilities for connections with and use of other transportation modes.These shall include,but not be limited to,parking facilities at transit stops,rail and transit terminals,ferry docks and landings,park and ride lots,and provisions for transporting bicyclists and bicycles on transit or rail vehicles or ferry vessels(p.12). F. A map and description of existing and proposed facilities for changing and storing clothes and equipment.These shall include, but not be limited to,lockers,restrooms,and shower facilities near bicycle parking facilities(p.12). G. A description of bicycle safety and education programs conducted in the area included within the plan, efforts by the law enforcement agency having primary traffic law enforcement responsibility in the area to enforce provisions of the Vehicle Code pertaining to bicycle operation,and the resulting effect on accidents involving bicyclists(p.44). H. A description of the extent of citizen and community involvement in development of the plan, including, but not limited to, letters of support(p.14). I. A description of how the bicycle transportation plan has been coordinated and is consistent with other local or regional transportation, air quality, or energy conservation plans, including, but not limited to, programs that provide incentives for bicycle commuting(p.15). J. A description of the projects proposed in the plan and a listing of their priorities for implementation(p.II). K. A description of past expenditures for bicycle facilities and future financial needs for projects that improve safety and convenience for bicycle commuters in the plan area(p.9,11). Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 20 25 Appendix 2:land Use,Zoning, and Community Destinations &48.9 2 Community Destinations d � i � "3 a ./q r. '�4�,..-^••>� .vF _, ��G � � r e ° CITY of ATASCADEIDX%r--J'% a 41 a o Destinaiton Map l¢pi Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 21 26 Table 3 List of Community Destinations Destination Project Type Status • San Benito Elementary Schools Complete • Monterey Rd Elementary • San Gabriel Elementary • Santa Rosa Elementary • Chalk Mountain Community School • Del Rio Continuation School • Atascadero Junior High • Atascadero High School • Los Padres National Forest Parks & Recreation Complete • Pine Mountain • Chalk Mtn Golf Course • Heilmann Grove • Atascadero Lake Park • Stadium Park • Paloma Creek Park • Heilmann Grove • Heilmann Regional Park • Colony Park Community Center • Atascadero Library • Vons & Rite Aid Center Grocery Complete • Albertson's Center Drug Store • Food-4-Less Center Retail • Spencer's Center • K-Mart Center • Adobe Plaza • Downtown Retail / Restaurants Complete • Colony Square Retail/ Restaurant Under Construction Movie Theater& Mixed Use Office & Residential • Eagle Ranch Future Hotel, Tourist Planning App. in Progress Mixed Use Development Commercial, Residential • Walmart& The Annex Future Retail Planning App. in Progress • Mission Oaks Retail Complete • West Front Mixed Use Retail/ Restaurant CUP Approved Business Park & Residential • Holiday Inn Hotel Complete • Fairfield Inn Future Hotel CUP Approved • Meridian Office Complex Medical Complete • Moresco Plaza Office Complete • Home Depot Center Retail Phase I constructed • Dove Creek Commercial Future Retail CUP Approved Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 22 27 Fipufe 3 City of Atascadero Land Use Diagram n, F h `a. J �irfAfn� q Rd � r ''` — — ;;FAQ a�•`V 1q' �� 1 fie„ r' 00�e�3' vo e �� CL ro s, 3 Y F,f '4 i .n A - a f CITY of ATAsCADERO Landuse Map m � w yah 3t` a r a {, Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 23 28 Fi"qure 4 City of Atascadero Zoning Diagram II I Y i 1 m�2 � f @ per.... s end L e �< i 4 ee � i `dgt<y `? y� .n " �'. ft6i "T ft"Ni RI a CITYofA SCADERO i, s � > ( My r� o Zoning P Ma r :Y a, N iIC d I Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 24 29 Appendix 3:Funding Sources federal Transportation IflhBflE5177etlt ACtiVitieS(TI) ■Interregional Transportation Improvement Program(ITIP-TE) ■Regional Improvement Program(STIP-TE) Transportation Enhancement (TE) activities are federally funded community-based projects to expand travel choices and enhance transportation experiences by improving cultural, historic, aesthetic and environmental aspects of transportation infrastructure. The Transportation Enhancements program was created in 1991 by Congress to offset negative effects of highway construction projects fragmenting communities and eliminating open space.SAFETEA-L0 significantly increased funds dedicated to the program through 2009. An increase is assumed with next transportation bill CLEAN-TEA The program is managed by state transportation agencies. States must set aside ten percent of its Surface Transportation Program funds for use on TE activities. SLOCOG typically programs 5%-10%of its regular STIP shares for transportation enhancement projects as well. TE projects are considered federal-aid reimbursement activities, meaning sponsors receive funding after expenditures have been made. In most cases, the federal government pays 80% of the project cost, and the project sponsor is responsible for the remaining 20%.Current regulations permit other federal funds and in-kind contributions as match.The TE funding program is directed to community-based activities, such as bicycle facilities, historic preservation, land acquisition, environmental mitigation, corridor enhancements,and scenic protection.This revenue stream is allocated to the region on a formula basis. Project Eligibility.-Federal Transportation Enhancement funds are for transportation related capital improvement projects enhancing quality-of-life, in or around transportation facilities. Projects must exceed normal transportation projects and required mitigation, and the project must be directly related to surface transportation systems. The projects should have a quality-of-life benefit with the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people.Projects must be within the following twelve categories: I. Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles 2. Provision of safety and educational activities for pedestrians and bicyclists 3. Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic/historic sites 4. Scenic or historic highway programs(including tourist and welcome centers) 5. Landscaping and other scenic beautification B. Historic preservation 7. Rehab of historic transportation facilities(including historic railroad facilities) B. Preservation of abandoned railway corridor(including conversion/use for ped/bike trails) 9. Control and removal of outdoor advertising 10. Archaeological planning and research II. Environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff and reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity 12. Establishment of transportation museums The federal criteria have been used exclusively since the California Transportation Commission(CTC)abolished the State Transportation Enhancement Activities (TEA) Program in 2002. For the State's share, districts are encouraged to add enhancements to regular transportation projects rather than create stand-alone transportation enhancement projects. Administered through SLOCOG, competitive funding is programmed during biannual STIP Programming. Safe RLIL&S to school Program(SINS) The Safe Routes to School Program(SRTS)is to increase the number of children in grades K-8 walking or biking to school by removing the barriers that currently prevent them from doing so.Barriers include lack of infrastructure or inadequate infrastructure that poses a safety hazard, or lack of outreach programs that promote walking/bicycling through education and encouragement for children, parents,and the community. Project Eligibility.•Eligible projects fall under the category of infrastructure (capital improvements), or non-infrastructure (education, encouragement, enforcement). Infrastructure projects must be located within a two-mile radius of a grade school or middle school. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 25 30 Eligible applicants include state, local and regional agencies. Non-profit organizations, federally recognized Native American Tribes, school districts, hospitals and public health departments can partner with state, local and regional agencies as their responsible applicants.Administered through Caltrans Local Assistance Competitive Federal funding cycle complete. Future funding cycle structure unknown.Additional information found at:http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/saferoutEs/saferoutes.htm highway Safety Improvement Program(HSIP) This new Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), under SAFETEA-LU,replaces the Hazard Elimination Safety Program (HES).The new program provides a transition period that allows States to fund projects that were eligible under the old HES Program until such time that an annual 5 Percent Report,describing no less than 5 percent of public roadway locations with the most severe safety needs, and a Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) have been developed and implemented by the State.The intent of HSIP is to significantly reduce public roadway fatalities and serious injuries.The emphasis will be at locations that are data and strategically driven. Pn#rtfilglhiiity.-For a project to be eligible for HSIP funds,the project must be on any public road, publicly owned bicycle,pedestrian pathway, or trail. Projects must identify a specific safety problem that can be corrected or be improved substantially. Administered through Caltrans Local Assistance. See http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/hsip.htm lRecreational Trai& The Recreational Trails Program (RTP) provides funds annually for recreational trails and trails-related projects.The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) administer the RTP. The Department's Office of Grants and Local Services administer non-motorized projects and the Department's Office of Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Division administers motorized projects.See http://www.parks.ca.gov/defauIt.asp?page_id=24324 State State Transportation Improvement Prggram These funds are not historically used for bicycle specific improvements,except in the case of STIP TE—regional 6 local projects only (see Fed TE information above) lnterregionalTransportation Improvement Program(lTIP) These funds are not historically used for bicycle specific improvements, except in the case of ITIP-TE projects.These funds are for Transportation Enhancements of Statewide significance such as the De Anza Trail,Atascadero-Templeton Connector,etc. Transportation 9eVe18p177ent,4ct(TDA) Approved by the Legislature in 1971,the Mills-Alquist-Deddeh Act or SB 325 created the Transportation Development Act(TDA).This law provides funding for transit and non-transit purposes complying with Regional Transportation Plans. TDA established the Local Transportation Fund (LTF), and the State Transit Assistance(STA) Fund. Providing certain conditions are met, counties with population under 500,000(according to the 1970 Federal census)may also use the LTF for local streets and roads,construction and maintenance. The STA funding can only be used for transportation planning and mass transportation purposes. Project Eligibility:TDA funds a wide variety of transportation programs, including planning and program activities, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, community transit services,public transportation,and bus and rail projects. State 98S Tax Subventions Also known as Highway User Tax Act (HUTA) subventions, Counties currently receive 3.23-cents of the 18-cents gas tax, equal to approximately $500 million annually.These funds are used at the jurisdictions' discretion for transportation projects, including bike facilities.Current state budget deliberations include proposals that eliminate the local share of Highway User Tax Act(HUTA,also known as Gas Tax)in FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-I1, Bicyc%Transportation Account(formerly BLA) The Bicycle Transportation Account Program (BTA) provides State funds for city and county projects that improve safety and convenience for bicycle commuters.The Bicycle Facilities Unit(BFU)in the Division of Local Assistance and the District Local Assistance Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 26 31 Engineers(OLAE)administer the BTA Program. Program thi ibi/ity.-Cities and counties are eligible to apply for BTA funds.To be eligible for BTA funds,a city or county must prepare and adopt a Bicycle Transportation Plan that complies with Streets and Highways Code Section 891.2 and has been approved by the appropriate Regional Transportation Planning Agency and Caltrans. Project Categories BTA projects may include but are not limited to, the following: ■ New bikeways serving major transportation corridors ■New bikeways removing travel barriers to potential bicycle commuting •Secure bicycle parking at employment centers,park-and-ride lots,rail and transit terminals,and ferry docks and landings ■Bicycle-carrying facilities on public transit vehicles ■Installation of traffic control devices to improve the safety and efficiency of bicycle travel ■Elimination of hazardous conditions on existing bikeways ■ Planning • Improvement and maintenance of bikeways competitive funding cycle announced in October. Additional information found at: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/bta/btawEbPagD.htm fnviroameatal Enhance m e n t and Mitigatiaa Program(fEM) The Environmental Enhancement and Mitigation program was established by the 3Legislature in 1989.It offers a total of$10 million each year for grants to local, state, and federal governmental agencies and to nonprofit organizations for projects to mitigate the environmental impacts caused by new or modified state transportation facilities. Eligible projects must be directly or indirectly related to the environmental impact of the modification of an existing transportation facility or construction of a new transportation facility.Projects funded under this program must provide environmental enhancement and mitigation over and above what is otherwise called for under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). In funding the program,an attempt is made to A-31 maintains a 40/GO North/South split between California's 45 northern and 13 southern counties.Caltrans administers the approved grant agreements,and grants are awarded in three categories: • Highway Landscape and Urban Forestry -- Projects designed improve air quality through the planting of trees and other suitable plants. •Resource Lands--Projects for the acquisition,restoration,or enhancement of watersheds,wildlife habitat,wetlands,forests,or other natural areas. ■Roadside Recreational--Projects for the acquisition and/or development of roadside recreational opportunities. Additional information at:http://resources.ca.gov/eem/ Petro%am Vialatian fscrowAccoant Grant opportunities from this fund are available through the Bicycle Facilities Unit(BFU)of Caltrans in the form of BTA grants. Office of Trak safety 6r317ts(OTs) Competitive Grants issued by the Office of Traffic Safety on a regional/local level. Search for Local grant information on the website at: http://www.ots.ca.gov/Grants/defauIt.asp Safe 17attes to school Program Assembly Bill (AB) 1475 (Soto — 1999) called for Caltrans to establish and administer a program to fund bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvements for children in grades K-12 using federal transportation funds. Senate Bill (SB) 10 was later enacted to extend the sunset date of the program from January I, 2002 to January I, 2005. Subsequently SB1087 was signed by Governor Schwarzenegger to extend the program for three more years. In 2007, AB 57 was enacted which eliminated dedicated funding and required that funds compete against other safety programs in the annual State Budget process.Project Eligibility:To be eligible for SR2S funds, the project must be located on any state highway or on any local road. Projects must correct an identified safety hazard or problem on a route that students use for trips to and from school.Up to 10 percent of the project's cost can fund a non-infrastructure component that supports the infrastructure project.Only cities and counties are eligible to compete for funds.Competitive funding cycle completed.Status of next funding cycle is unknown.Additional information at: http://www.dot.ca.gov/hq/LocalPrograms/saferoutes/saferoutes.htm Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 27 32 i LaullMoghwa/ Traffic Mitigation//mpact fees These one-time fees may be imposed on new developments to pay for fair-share improvements and facilities required to serve it or otherwise reduce the impacts of new developments in a community on a regional level.While a number of jurisdictions actively collect local impact fees,to date,regional traffic impact fees have not been pursued within the San Luis Obispo region. General Funds Jurisdictions can use General funds for bikeway improvements as outlined in their Capital Improvement Program. sales Tax l/IC/'e8se taca/Optian,Sa/estax.-This can be used to improve bikeways,this is up to the Jurisdiction to decide to do,promote, and prioritize funds from.San Luis Obispo,Pismo Beach,Grover Beach,and Morro Bay passed Local Option Sales tax measures in 2006. /?egiona/Option S.-/Es tax.Throughout California, more and more regions have turned to a more stable funding, locally-derived, source for transportation projects. Nineteen counties(representing 85% of the population) have passed voter measures to increase the local sales tax, most typically, by 0.5%.In 07/08,over $4.56 was generated for transportation purposes in these regions.Currently,these measures require a 2/3rd majority vote and the funding may only be used for projects and programs in the approved Expenditure Plan. A similar measure in the San Luis Obispo region would generate $2OM425M per year.While many of the remaining counties continue to actively and aggressively pursue a regional option sales tax,the San Luis Obispo region has not yet made any progress. fuel Tax increase A Fuel Tax increase can be implemented at a regional level and provide local funding opportunities. Washoe County in Nevada recently approved a 2-3 Cent fuel tax increase to be implemented in January 2009. CalifOrnia CleafAirAct(CC444)-lmolementatrof funds 087766) The San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District (APCD) has implemented a vehicle registration surcharge to fund various programs necessary to implement the provisions of the California Clean Air Act of 1988.These funds may be used for the funding of transportation projects and planning activities with air quality benefits, such as travel demand management, transit, and land use planning.The San Luis Obispo County APED directs the use of those funds according to its adopted Clean Air Plan. Appendix 4:Bicycle and Pedestrian Commuter Estimates The number of cyclists and pedestrians commuting to work in Atascadero as cited in this plan are based on US Census Data from 1990 (Summary Tape File 3:STF3)and 2DOO(Summary File 3:SFS). Due to the unavailability of more detailed information the City of Atascadero plans to coordinate with local government and non-profit organizations to aid with additional research regarding local transportation choices. A report regarding transportation choices and barriers to cycling and walking will be utilized in the update of the Bicycle Transportation Plan in 2015. Table 4 Means of Transportation to Work for Workers IG years and older: Each number indicates the total number of people using each form of transportation. Year Total Commuters Car,Truck,Van Bicycle Walk 1990 11411 10415 91.3% 100 D.9% 240 2.1% 2000 12056 11169 92.13% 62 D.5% 175 1.5% Change in Bicycling and Walking from 1990 to 2000: Years Total Commuters Car,Truck,Van Bicycle Walk 199D-2DOD +645 1 +5.13% +754 +1.3% 38 D.3% 65 Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 28 33 Appendix 5:Bicycle Related Crash Statistics figure 5 Bike Collision Map I i y , o CUA .. � � w eta hod '', ¢'.. 7 F� V ''yam rarr '� r , Way' _ 0a.- /f! 't F € x m C, C I ! � I R 1TY Of ATASCADERC> a J Y L Ig Bike Collisions w 2067-2005 e g CNP Bicyde Involved Ccllision Report l . w t Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 29 34 Appendix 6:Bicycle Facilities Defiflitims ofC/ass Types The following class types are consistent with Highway Design Manual specifications: Class I: Bikeways that provide a completely separated right-of-way designated for the exclusive use of bicycles and pedestrians with cross- flows by motorists minimized. Requirements are 8 feet wide with a minimum 2 feet graded on each side making a minimum of 12-foot wide area.See figu1-e 71below. fi,70T 6 Class I Bikeway Specification i a (Mira,) _ 2 (Min.) Paved Graded. -- Note: For sign clearances,see MUTCD,Figure 913-1. Class II: Bikeways that provide a restricted right-of-way designed for the exclusive or semi-exclusive use of bicycles with through travel by motor vehicles or pedestrians prohibited but with vehicle parking and cross-flows of pedestrians and motorists permitted.These are lanes striped for bicycles on streets or highways and are intended for one-way bicycle travel. Lanes provide an indication to motorists of possibility of cyclists and definition for cyclists of where to ride.These lanes provide continuity between other bicycle infrastructures. The HDM requires a minimum of 5 feet where parking stalls are marked.On a street with no gutter the bike lane should be at least 4 feet and 5 feet with a 2-foot gutter per HDM.See figure Ybelow. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 30 35 Fiqure 7 Class II Bikeway Specifications Motor Vehicle Lanes Parking Bike Bike Parking ane Lane (1)MARKED PARKING Vertcal Curb Rolled Curti ,IIY I dolor Vehicle Lan,& " 13'is retommended%,,here 113ere is substantial parking or turnover of parked cars is high(e.g.cornrnerical areas). (2) PARKING PERMITTED WITHOUT MARKED PARKING OR STALL 3tv`in. kt--•trr.,...__. S'fain lwlnta Vrhide Lanes 4'Min. Bine Bike Lane Lane kh (3)PARKING PROHIBITED iMVithout tGutt"O Gutter} ,votorVehicleL.antes AMin. 6ikp Bik<a �{ Line Lanfa (4)TYPICAL ROADWAY IN OUTLYING AREAS PARKING RESTRICTED Note:For pavement marking guidance,see the MUTCDand California Sunnlement.Sectior 90.04 Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 31 36 Class III: Bikeways that provide a right-of-way designated by signs or permanent markings and shared with pedestrians or motorists.These are usually preferred routes due to advantages over other routes such as high traffic or poor road surface. Sidewalks are not recommended for Class III bikeways.Signage options shown inqi e 9include: figure 9 Class III Bikeway Signage Specifications Figure 9B-3. Warning Signs for Bicycle Facilities L.S'noct 2 of 2) t Figure 9B-2(CA).California Regulatory Signs for Bicycle Facilities e Kf PATH BICYCLES NO MOTOk-DRIYEN ' MOTOR rYCI ES BICYCLES PUSHBUTTON Eniee�t MUST MUST FOR °B GREEN uGHT noiaalzco EXIT EXIT 4� J BICYCLES R44A(CA) R4413(CA) R44C(CA) R62C(CA) �'i BIKE LANE R81(CA) R81A(CA) R81B(CA) Bicycle Boulevard: A roadway shared with automobiles and bicycles similar to Class III although through traffic preference is given to bicyclists. Example might be pilings at cross streets that allow bicycle traffic to flow while automobile traffic is diverted. Sharrows: As noted in fipure/0,a sharrow represents a roadway shared with automobiles where there is insufficient width for a striped bike lane. SHARROWS, also known as shared lane markings, are on-street legends that reinforce the existing rules of the road. They are not separate bike lanes: a motorist can still drive over the sharrows. Motorists should expect to see and share the lane with bicyclists. Sharrows indicate to bicyclists the best place to ride in the lane sharrows are typically used in locations where the roadway width is not adequate to provide dedicated bike facilities or on downhill lanes where bicyclists might travel similar speed as motor vehicles. figure 9 Sharrow Symbols Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 32 37 r r, i L'•Pr �i1:9 i r�i �2J!t1C', ""i a,r .., F I _ J , -. i7A w 141. e I �S 7 E _ t f � r r t t t i ax, � y � Bike Lnap Lletectar.• A Bike Detector tells the signal when a motor vehicle or bicycle is waiting for the light to turn green. Bike-specific pavement markings indicate where to position the front wheel in order to change the signal. fiquPe l0 Bike loop specifications Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 33 38 250 nim (10 in) 5D mm (2 inj -*-I l l ali : I , ��-500 mm RO in) 1" FFFF I I � 1 . - 75� (3 in) I i i I _ �.._. .. i 500 r m 1.65 til H (20 in) �66 Ifs iI fl VAX I I i Oa mm (20 in) i 25 mm (I in, Grid Channelizatian: Involves how the bicycle is routed through an intersection.Because California Vehicle Code considers bicycles"vehicles"the safest way for a bicyclist to behave in traffic is similarly to a vehicle. Because of this, markings.on the road, as shown in figures//-/3 direct bicyclists into the proper lane position best for creating visibility and safety for traffic. I-1gures ll,l7,l3 Examples of Channelization Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 34 39 ped, Cros,incl Fled.crossiriy t_ANI ANL HIKI, WK.tr. 4 7yt3�c<,i patl, of rhmr,gh hicycfi t. r WKI (1) RIGHT-TURN-ONLY LANE (2) PARKING AREA BECOMES RICHT-1-URN-01\11 Y t_ANE Pari. Crw;�ing f'ecl.C:rossincl Ater tt �r IANL. dxe Typirt1I path of r yprcal parr of thl'Ough txt:yd SL through bir..ydist. 4 } nein. i IltfNt:; * ItBIM (3) OPTIONAL DOUBLE (4) RIGHT LANE BECOMES RIGHT-TURN-ONLY LANE RIGHT-TURN-ONLY LANE Note: For bicycle Ione rn irkinas, see the MUTCD and California SUDDlernerlt, Section 9C.04. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 35 40 3'. 4,. i f it-ST . w i) I, Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 36 41 a Pr r `r x i i l' 3; Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 37 42 Bike Boxes A bike box is another way to provide safety for cyclists at intersections.It provides bicyclists with additional space at the front of cars queued up at an intersection, fiqure l4 Bike Box Bike x s OAk 1�1R NARW ; a 1-51&h Appendix 7:Bike Parking Programs Short Term Bike Parking: Short-term parking includes racks on sidewalks, in parking lots, and at special events. Below are examples of racks. A "racks with plaques"program can be used to increase public bike parking at minimal cost to the City. Figure l5 Peak Rack I'L,IL d , F ¢ / Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 38 �L 43 figuI-e l6 U-rack(This rack type is NOT recommended) Y' Vii .e x' P" ii 2' Mz Long Term Bike Parking: Long-term parking includes bike lockers(on public or private property)and bike cages(private property only,such as work sites).Other long-term bike amenities include showers,changing rooms,and/or indoor bike parking.These services can be provided by an employer or can be a private enterprise such as Bike Station,a company that provides services and parking for a fee.See examples of long term parking below in diagram/photo 5-12. Figure 17 Bike lockers C Cages . ,% �f AL e � , IV x � W r v a o err� Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 39 44 fi_qu1-e l8 @ bikestation," MOW IT WORKS 30IN NOW o, MEMBERS + h Jg PRWECTS ABOUT US CONTACT SELECT YOUR _;B,Ii'tESTATION• Bikestation is working to give people clean options. Bikestauor plans, design_,, and operates b,kc-�-:ans,t center,, enabiirg bicycling and tither alternatives s to be an integral part 31l 10 of the transportation sya._n. O ,., , lil?es offer secure bicycle parking and re.ated serv,_es to make cyc sts'Eves easier. Park til station Your,bike at one of our facilities and you can be assured that Hillsboro farlybird=_ your vehicre is secure and co,,ered. If you are a potentia; Membership Pronto Bikcs�ation proiect developer, plc.asf2 click here. --Limited Time W'hethei you Eire you., b kc to oublic transportation,to v4ofk, or Offer you si icily need a safe place to ste e your b Ke for .e day, Bikes:.atioc is avai:able to setae you. It's s npic,coru,enient and afforwahle. .MC3 'to b kl ,rJ�?EltKY k1Ck! paAang hub to Many 6 3astatio<.s cifler free parking daringrneir hours rf Hillsboro operation,and paid rretnberships far 24--hour access to secure ° parking, To find more in,orniationon what rnethod of parking is BI3 .1Lt - more convenient for you,check tyre page Or your iocai B kestation for their dairy nours of operation. Mlobis Than o ratio to In addition,eac;t E3n<ce;tafior locabcin pi'ov.des unique ser'vic�es Ooari`Bike tion" ' ar,d amenities, but most Bikesta!ons or0v,0c: Hillsboro$ilce Transit Center, r S'^,tired Esc b cycle rentals; Reorgsenjing '�t,��r irr After`wr�ltive • Accesstc pr.abl7;:tr'ar,spor'tation; Xransportat ion r Co=•tion=_.i GJera.E•aq :curs; 8121/10 r Friendly and heip°ul staff, Bikestation I Trailblazers for • In:rormazic,rr,to plan your cW rr,nnRe;rips, Good Erarne Bikesration ricatronis offer bicycle repair's, bicycle and com,01u_t sales&.arlCeSS(DtieS,rcrr.,i trikes for local and tourist Nr,�w itilraskxNlran Bike Valet Parking The Bike Valet is a volunteer run bike parking service provided by the EL0 County Bicycle Coalition aimed at making it easier for people to pedal to community events, it works just like a coat check. Upon arrival, each rider is given a claim check tag matching the number allocated to their bike. Their bike is carefully parked in the secure lot for the duration of the event. When they wish to retrieve their bike they simply hand our volunteers their claim check tag and the bike is returned with ease. With over 15,000 bikes parked the Coalition's volunteers are experts at protecting your bikes. If you forget to pick it up we will lock it to a bike rack,sign feature,or in our storage space with a standard bicycle cable lack and may be subject to a storage fee. Appendix B: Bicycle Safety Workshops Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 40 45 The SLB County Bicycle Coalition has a variety of workshops designed to meet the needs of all types of community members. STREET SKILLS WORKSHOP In this workshop you will learn how to take on the road with confidence. Learn simple yet innovative techniques to ride safely, get noticed,and gain the respect of motorists.Find out the typical scenarios that usually lead to a crash and how to avoid them.Learn about your legal rights on a bike.We'll then take it on the road where you'll get to put your new techniques to immediate use, such as how to negotiate an intersection and how to take charge around all of those cars.We guarantee that after you leave this workshop you'll feel more empowered about taking on traffic.Workshop duration:4.5 hours RIDE RIGHT WORKSHOP Get more in-depth training on bicycling in traffic.Learn how a simple thing like lane positioning can make a big difference in how you are treated in auto traffic.Beyond that,we'll show you basic road mechanics like how to change a flat, adjust your brakes, and even adjust your gears.Workshop duration:5 hours BROWN BAG SEMINAR Interested in having a presentation on bicycling at your place of business, club,or community group? Our one-hour seminar is a great way to introduce bicycling to your friends or colleagues. Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan:September 2010 41 46